#janet taylor
4twenny · 11 months
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Welcome to the private show.🍸
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elisabethloxx · 3 months
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Janet Ann Taylor in school photos. Janet was a victim of serial killer John Getreu in 1974.
"Janet's future was bright," Taylor's family wrote in a statement released by the San Mateo County Sheriff's Office. "It would have been wonderful to see what she would have done. We can't ever know all that we missed, but whatever she pursued, Janet would have served others with passion and kindness."
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shipwreckedshadows · 2 years
Derry Girls Good Omens AU
Sister Michael x Janet Taylor
[AU concept], [Part 1], Part 2 (you’re here)
George paused at the slightly evil knock that came from the other side of her office door. The edges of her lips quirked upwards. The demon had come over to play.
“Come in.” She allowed.
The door pushed open and the George took stock of the demon’s appearance. They held themself boldly, with a high head and a saccharine look on their face - different from the tense frown they wore during assembly this morning. She raised an unimpressed brow at the missing inches on their pinstripe skirt. Though the pointed pumps and open top button were a nice touch. 
“Evening, headmistress.” The demon greeted.
“Lets forgo the pretense, shall we.” George said with a bored look, “We’re both at least bright enough to recognize one of our own - or well, one of us is.”
“Fine.” The sweet smile dropped and the demon’s face fell back into its resting, unimpressed expression. They closed the door and took a seat in front of the grand desk.
“We may as well get the formalities out of the way.” She sighed, extending a hand across the desk, “George Michael, archangel of heaven.”
“Janet Taylor.” the demon answered as they shook hands, “Would that be archangel as in capitalized or lower-case?”
“I figured. Pronouns?”
“She/her. But any will do. Yourself?”
“She/her as well.”
“What is your business here in Derry?”
“I teach math to high-schoolers.”
“Your other business Miss Taylor.” George goaded impatiently.
“Obviously,” Janet rolled her eyes, “I’m here to coerce sin.”
“By sullying the young, impressionable minds of teenagers? I know hell hasn’t got any standards, but I at least thought you all took a bit of pride in your work.”
“How obtuse - but then again you are an angel. Have some faith, Sister. I’m not bewitching children. The salary covers rent and the benefits aren’t too bad.” Not an outright lie but Janet was not prepared to reveal the secret of her trade, least of all to an ally of Heaven. 
“Very well.” Sister Michael said after a moment of deliberation, “I suppose I won’t stand in the way of what’s natural.”
“You aren’t going to try and stop me?”
“No? Why on Earth would I do that?”
“I supposed Heaven put you here to get rid of me.”
“Please. I don’t get paid nearly enough to deal with demons.”
“They pay you?”
“They don’t.”
Janet gave a grunt of understanding.
“Honestly,” George continued, “I don’t know what it is with Hell. You acted out once – frankly, I’m not sure why everyone still kicks a fuss over it. We’d be better off getting over it.”
“Well, our lot did decide to directly oppose God’s ethereal plan.”
“Yeah, I can see how that might have something to do with it.” George amended, trailing off to entertain a private thought in her head.
“So,” Janet said into the silence, “is it safe to assume we’ve reached an understanding?”
“I would say so. Keep doing your thing and I’ll keep doing my thing. Business wise, we stay out of each other’s way. Are there any terms I’m missing?”
“No, I’d say we’re pretty clear.”
“Good because that question was entirely rhetorical. Now,” She reached into one of the bottom drawers of her desk and pulled out a very old, very expensive bottle of red wine, “would you care for a drink?”
Notes: George really likes collecting vintage alcoholic drinks.
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filmswithoutfaces · 1 year
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The Menu (2022) dir. Mark Mylod
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shewhotellsstories · 5 months
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Never change Sarah Janet, never change. But seriously, it takes Julie Plec levels of misogynoir to be as committed to disrespecting Black women in real life as you are to disrespecting them in fiction.
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citizenscreen · 4 months
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Janet Leigh and Elizabeth Taylor deep in conversation at the Ice Follies in Los Angeles, 1955
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d4rkpluto · 7 months
𝔰𝔠𝔬𝔯𝔭𝔦𝔬 𝔦𝔫 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔣𝔦𝔯𝔰𝔱 𝔥𝔬𝔲𝔰𝔢
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♇ scorpio ascendants are seen as polarising people, people who are magnetic and mesmerising, majority of the times they can catch an audience's attention, or they can be the type of person who's energy everyone is aware of but is left alone. due to this mysterious nature majority of them carry, there's this instinctive curiosity people have for them, wanting to find out any information about them and even breaking their boundaries. people see individuals with scorpio in their first house as people who are ever-changing and willing to become a better [or even worse] version of themselves.
♇ when it comes to self-identity, many of them do like to see themselves as the stereotypical mysterious and dark person, and some of them like to identify themselves as people who are students of life whose have their own fate in their hands. scorpio ascendants see themselves as people who are wise, and majority of the times they have the right to, many of them have gone through a lot of traumatic experiences that caused them to become people who are astute enough to guide themselves and other people.
♇ moving onto the impression they make on others; is that they are people who are charismatic, determined and powerful. giving the impression that they are individuals who are strong and magnetic, sometimes people with scorpio in the ascendant carry themselves to be more than who they are, so there are moments where people think of them as deceptive.
♇ the first house is part of the content that conveys about someone's personality, and to have scorpio in the first house means that their persona consists of being ever-changing, powerful, charismatic and observant, though they could also be people who are mean, grim, cold and could like to use their power to manipulate those around them.
♇ pluto being the planetary ruler of scorpio, [and yes i do know mars is as well, but im just focusing on pluto], this being the ruler of their first house means they have a lot of life lessons to get through, and sometimes this can make the individual depressed and tired with life. majority of the times having pluto in or the planetary ruler of your first house can make it seem like the kin is being punished for choices they have done in their past life. besides the negative, these people having pluto being the planetary ruler of their first house makes them someone of many faces, [not in a bad way], they can restart and give themselves a new identity to help them shift throughout life in a more stronger way than before.
♇ moving onto appearances, stereotypically scorpio ascendants do have piercing eyes, and a lot of them tend to have blue piercing eyes, like i have spoken about in my scorpio blue eyes post, scorpio ascendants vary in height but majority of the times they have this slender appearance that sometimes make them look like an owl. when it comes to the hair, there could be a lot of scorpio risings who have blond hair but still have an ominous or powerful appearance that makes them come off as striking. many of them do look good in black.
♇ when it comes to their personal ambition, scorpio ascendants are like their co-planet sharer, aries. they're adamant and have a strong desire for success. they're definitely people who strive to have influence in whatever they take action on, they don't like feeling that whatever they do or get is going to make them feel small or overlooked. due to this, this can make them someone who likes power and control, it can manifest into an obsession for it.
♇ the strengths and weaknesses that a scorpio ascendant would most likely have would include them being charismatic, reforming, high-reaching and transformative, but they can also be people who are controlling, obsessive, resentful and destructive, including, self-destructive.
♇ they project their personalities to be individuals who are the first to do a specific thing, they like to be on their own lane, they'd rather lead a crowd than follow it. thus their competitive nature, due to them normally being in situations where someone might've tried to dominate them too much; they can become people who feel ill at ease when authority is around them. because of them being people who don't like to follow rules, they can be considered as too rebellious and come off as controversial.
♇ kins with scorpio in the ascendant view the world as their own trials and tribulations, they are likely to view the world as a race they're the only competitor in but the race bringing much hurdles and obstacles, one of the obstacles having spikes and chainsaws. they perceive the world to be something to either be on top of never below, seeing the world as a ladder and having no intentions of staying on the ground.
♇ moving onto their self-image, scorpio ascendants think of themselves to be people reforming and as people who want to become a better version of themselves. they are forever changing, they view themselves as people who need to survive and adapt to every situation they run upon. [sometimes this can bring a victimising-mindset, if not, then just one that is always paranoid]. they have the self-image of thinking that they're people who are protective over themselves and the possessions they have in their lives.
♇ scorpio ascendants usually do leave an impact on people's lives, majority of the time they enter quietly and leave with a bang. sometimes the impact they leave on people can be compared to the tower card in tarot, majority of the times people with scorpio energy in their first house are here to give people a lesson, especially within the themes the ascendant would land in the other party's house, for example if a scorpio's ascendant were to land in someone's third house they would teach them a lesson about sibling-hood, friendship hood, being comfortable with their verbal skills and abilities to be secure of expressing ideas.
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pluto's masterlist
scorpio in the houses masterlist
paid chart readings
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lisafrankenstan · 3 months
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brokehorrorfan · 2 years
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The Menu’s original motion picture soundtrack is available on vinyl for $30 via Waxwork Records. The score is composed by Colin Stetson (Hereditary, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Color Out of Space).
Scheduled to ship in February, the album is pressed on 180-gram splatter colored vinyl. It's housed in a gatefold jacket with matte satin coating featuring artwork by Matt Needle and a 12x12 art pint.
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gatabella · 2 months
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Janet Leigh and Elizabeth Taylor at a costume ball, 1947
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4twenny · 11 months
Dont be shy show the unblurred of every pic in question 🤳😃
It ain't much, but say less.
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🥰 ur welcome
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elisabethloxx · 3 months
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Janet Taylor is seen here in her high school yearbook photo, 1970.
On March 25, 1974, truck driver Ernesto Evangelo spotted something unusual on his morning milk delivery route near the Stanford Dish, a massive radio antenna close to the Stanford University campus.
He pulled over and discovered the lifeless body of a woman in a shallow ditch.
It was Janet Taylor, a 21-year-old college sophomore and the daughter of legendary Stanford athletic director, Chuck Taylor. She had been beaten, strangled and left on the side of the road, according to authorities. Her feet were bare and dry despite the wet ground beneath her.
Taylor, a student at nearby Canada College, was last seen by her best friend Debbie Adams on the Stanford campus the night before. Her car was in the shop, so Taylor went home on foot, according to Adams' testimony. She was anxious to get there to feed her puppy, Adams said, so she resolved to hitchhike.
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shipwreckedshadows · 2 years
A Thin Blanket of Snow
Derry Girls, Good Omens AU
Sister George Michael x Janet Taylor
The introduction to this AU can be read here.
Janet had finished marking the sixth years’ algebra tests with a regrettable, flourishing check mark when she felt it. A striking, benevolent force settled over Derry like a thin blanket of snow. A chill travelled up her spine as she scrawled a begrudging “well done” on the top of the last test paper. Heaven had placed one of their angels in Derry and it was only a matter of time before it was drawn towards Janet and her cozy, practical teaching job.
For several months after the presence arrived, Janet operated her daily life on edge, constantly vigilant. If the faculty noticed her agitated aura, the students definitely did as well. Students seated near the front often fell under Janet’s ire. They fought over who got to sit in the back row so often, Janet ran out of detention slips.
As the year dragged on, she became increasingly more distracted and less than efficient at either of her jobs. She found herself relying on miracles to finish her grading - a meagre power of which she was dimly supplied, and she received a letter from the department of Inconvenience that she was not prodding enough sinful behaviour out of the humans in Derry. Her efforts were scattered and unfocused. She needed to get rid of that angel - or at the very least, learn how to ignore its gentle yet alarming presence.
One bright Monday morning, as she stepped off the bus and walked to her office, she could feel the angel’s presence more clearly. Bright, gentle waves of goodness emanated from the west side of the college building. No doubt the angel had sniffed her out. She paused in the grand entry-way of Our Lady Immaculate College, the gears in her brain turning. Janet forced herself to put one foot forward, then the next. She was an absolute terror, she reminded herself. She had scared off her fair share of angels in her centuries of work - she could scare off another. The thought projected her en-rout to her office again, yet did not make the prospect of eventually encountering the angel any less nerve-wracking.
She decided to resume her day as normal and wait for the angel to come to her.
George Michael - or, Sister Michael as she was known to the humans - set the last box of her things down in the office. She stared out the window and contemplated the view of the patchy quad. Ever since she arrived in Derry, she could sense a tiny, dark inconsistency hidden neatly among the populous. As much as she enjoyed the perks of her lower angelic status, she couldn’t say there was much to be said about the power it came with. Much as she tried to reach out and sense where or what this dark entity could be, she couldn’t get a decent read on it. Hopefully, for the sake of the children, it wouldn’t turn up here.
At about 9 AM that morning, the students and day-staff congregated in the gymnasium for daily assembly.
The head secretary invited her up to the podium and that’s when George felt a pair of wicked, beady eyes upon her. Though the same could be said about most of the students that gazed upon their new headmistress, one glare in particular drew her attention.
When she met those eyes, she found they belonged to a petite, simmering demon with rather short, voluminous black hair. They were the first demon George had encountered in a long time but there was no mistaking the timid hostility that possessed every demon in the presence of an angel.
George collected herself and addressed the student body, “Good morning everyone.” she said flatly into the deafening silence, “Thank you all for having me. I hope my placement here will be less painful for you than it will be for me. Please know that while sun may smile down at you lot this morning, I for one do not. That is all, thank you.”
She caught a quickly concealed cheeky look from the demon in the back.
As George made her way from the gymnasium, she decided to resume her day as normal and wait for the demon to approach her, if they so liked.
In the end, Sister Michael won out. Janet wanted to peel herself out of her corporation’s skin and leap three districts north, away from Derry and its new angel. With all the students away for the evening, there was nothing to muffle the kind force of Sister Michael’s presence. It was like an awful itchy rash on her conscious and Janet needed to do something about it.
Janet rarely had the opportunity to engage her influence over the sin of lust - she was a demon of standards, who also happened to teach at a high school. But she figured she might win her favour with the angel if it at least thought she was attractive. Angels, after all, were not immune to sin.
Sister Michael apparently was not immune to sloth, as was evident by its rather concise speech this morning. The angel almost seemed disillusioned, as if the grand scheme of goodness wasn’t worth the hassle.
With a wave of her hand, she shortened her skirt an inch and a half - not a large margin, but enough to break the dress code. The toes of her heals became pointed as they shaped themselves to become more like pumps and less like practical mary-janes. The top-most button of her blouse popped open, revealing the tiniest v of skin.
Subtle, sweet, and sexy - a trio of words that Janet valued very much.
Janet paused at the top of the stairs.
As Janet made her way to the headmistress’s office, Sister Michael’s presence increased in clarity. It was like increasing the resolution on a photograph or bringing a picture closer to your face to see the details better.
The angel had its full being on display. Janet could pick out the angel’s strongest virtues if she wasn’t actively trying to block out the sensation. It had to be an intimidation tac-tic, the way a pea-cock opened its feathers to scare away competition. It had to be intimidation, otherwise...
... otherwise it meant that the angel had no control or awareness that it was broadcasting its light across the entire city of Derry.
Janet thought back to the morning assembly. Sister Michael seemed the tiniest bit surprised when it laid eyes on Janet. Either the angel wasn’t paying attention or it didn’t know Janet had been occupying territory within the school.
If that was the case, Janet smiled as she turned a corner, then it meant that this angel wasn’t particularly strong or in tune with its power. It was just an average, low-ranking ethereal being.
Just like Janet.
Perhaps, Janet hoped as she knocked on the grand door of the head teacher’s office, they could reach an understanding on those terms.
Some notes: Angels and demons have certain pronoun conventions. Demons and angels both refer to all ethereal beings using it/its, unless told to do otherwise. George uses they/them to refer to all entities, unless she is told to use something else.
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fawnvelveteen · 2 years
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Janet Leigh adjusting the bow in Elizabeth Taylor's hair on the set of Little Women (1949).
MGM/Courtesy of Getty Images
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filmreveries · 1 year
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The Menu (2022) dir. Mark Mylod
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citizenscreen · 3 months
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Janet Leigh, June Allyson, and Elizabeth Taylor having lunch in the MGM commissary dressed in their LITTLE WOMEN costumes in 1948.
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