#janie blowing smoke into his face <3
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NELLY: I could always spend the night at your place.  (She stares boldly across the table at him. HORVÁTH looks back at her, confused but tempted.) HORVÁTH: That’s right, you could.
SINÉAD CUSACK and JEREMY IRONS as Nelly Mann and Ödön von Horváth in TALES FROM HOLLYWOOD (1992) dir. Howard Davies
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Can we request? I would totally wanna see an insecure! richie or eddie fic :)
This request is coming in SO LATE. And I am SO SORRY. It has been sitting in my ask and I honestly don’t know why I haven’t worked on it?! Accept my deepest apologies and an insecure Richie AND Eddie fic. It is based off the Modern AU story @sammy8675309 and I have written on another blog @wearethelosersclub. This is dedicated to the blogs, artists and writers that love Reddie and inspire me! Happy New Year my loves! I am tagging you hope that’s ok!
New Years Kiss
Pairing: Richie and Eddie
Warning: They make-out :)
Also located on Archive of Our Own
“Eddie’s been flirting with you so much lately, Richie,” Beverly said taking off her shirt to pull on a dress. At this point in their 5-year friendship, she did not care about changing in front of him. He would enviably pretend to hit on her anyway.
“Nice knockers, Bev. And I KNOW.” Richie did not even look at her as he plopped down on her bed. He was so tall his feet stuck out past the end of the bed.
“Are you going to kiss him at Midnight?” Beverly asked in what was supposed to be a casual tone. 
Richie rolled his eyes knowing what a romantic Beverly was. He would never say this aloud, but Beverly and Ben would have made a great couple because they thrived off drama and everyone’s love life. However, that was never going to happen. Bill made the first move back when they were 13 and now they were 17, miraculously still dating. Ben’s chance was all but gone.
Richie wished he had made a move on Eddie back then. Maybe they would not be so deep in the friend zone that he wanted to scream every time he saw Eddie. However, their friendship meant everything and it came first above any romantic feelings.
“Eddie has been laying on the flirt HARD since our huge fight.” Richie turned on his side to look at Beverly as she put on eyeliner. “What about that shitty fight would change things?”
Beverly rolled her eyes up as she applied the eyeliner to her lower lid. “You are so in love with Eddie that you fucking prevented him from going on his first date. Perhaps he has caught on to the obvious.”
Richie sat up and snatched the cigarette pack on the bedside table. “I was just advising him that he deserved the world and not to go on a date with someone willy-nilly.” He took out a cigarette.
“Which in turn got you two in a huge fucking fight for 3 Days.” Beverly grabbed her lighter from the desk and tossed it to him. “Well, your advice worked. He didn’t go on the date and you managed to convince him it would be a mistake. He is probably flirting with you at last so you get the hint and ask him out yourself.”
“I pushed my hair back for a hangout we did and he said I looked beautiful. I nearly choked.” Richie lit the cigarette taking a long drag from it immediately.
“You say hangout like it was more than that,” Beverly smirked at him through her makeup mirror.
He kept his face neutral. The hangout was a ‘first date’ between them. It was Richie’s way of making it up to him.
When Richie said he would take Eddie out on his first date over text, Eddie did not answer right away. He felt his heartbreak with every passing minute he didn’t text back.
When Eddie finally responded he wrote:‘I know this is just a joke or some guilt thing…but to tell you the truth the idea of my first date with my best friend, sounds surprisingly amazing.’
So they went on a date at the quarry, packed a picnic and hung out the entire day. It was winter time so they did not swim but it was still perfect in every way. Perfect because Richie was with Eddie.
He craved for their relationship to become more than friends. Richie even tried to show this when he entwined their fingers at one point. Eddie turned extremely red squeezing his hand back in a reassuring way.
Nothing more happened which only seemed to confirm that the date was not enough for Eddie and him to be together. They also had not told anyone about the date, so Richie was concerned Eddie felt embarrassed about the whole thing.
“He likes you so much.” Beverly said picking up her mascara. Richie stayed silent smoking thoughtfully. She sighed heavily battling with herself about something until she blurted it out, “Bill told me Eddie has a crush on you.”
Richie laughed blowing out a smoke ring, “Liar. You just want something to happen between us.”
“I’m not lying! Bill told me I swear, but you have already said you wouldn’t believe me if I told you that Eddie is in love with you. WHICH HE IS.” She pointed her mascara at him in a threatening way.
“You are a mastermind using your boyfriend as your puppet to convince me of your lies.” Richie wanted to believe her. Except his insecurities were overpowering anything Beverly told him. “Sorry, need proof by him sucking face with me then I will be convinced.” Richie finished off the cigarette and started to grab another when Beverly stopped him.
“Eddie will not kiss you if you smell like cigarettes.” Beverly grabbed her pack from him and placed a cigarette between her lips.
“Bill’s alright with your addiction, why can’t Eddie?” Richie pouted.
“Bill’s had a little over 4 years of practice and he sometimes smokes too. Eddie has read every bit of information about how smoking kills known to humankind.” Beverly said between puffs.
“I didn’t even tell you the most painful part of all this.” Richie ran a hand through his hair in frustration.
Beverly looked at him concerned, “What?”
“The mix CD he gave me for Christmas…is like only fucking love songs. I basically cried at half of them because they remind me so much of Eddie and I.”
“Oh shit you never cry, what songs?!” Beverly asked excitedly.
“Your Song by Elton John, Lay Me Down by Sam Smith and John Legend, Landslide by Fleetwood Mac, Piece of My Heart by Janis Joplin - to name a few. But the one that really hit home was Ed Sheeran and Beyoncé singing Perfect Duet.” Richie felt his chest tighten just talking about the song.
Beverly’s eyes had grown at each love song Richie listed off, then frowned at the last one, “Wait, I haven’t heard Perfect Duet. How does it go?”
Richie took a breathe and sang,
“I found a love For me Oh darling, just dive right in And follow my lead Well, I found a boy Beautiful and sweet Oh, I never knew you were the someone Waitin’ for me ‘Cause we were just kids when we fell in love Not knowin’ what it was I will not give you up this time But darling, just kiss me slow Your heart is all I own And in your eyes, you’re holding mine.”
Beverly sat down on the bed and gave Richie the cigarette which he took gratefully. He had started tearing up refusing to look at her. She put her head on his shoulder and held his free hand.
“God, you have such a beautiful voice.” Beverly breathed.
Richie smiled, “It is girl in the song but I changed it to boy because it is honestly a gay anthem for Eds and I.”
“Sing that to him tonight and he will kiss you immediately.” Beverly took the cigarette back. “So I will finish this cig, put on lipstick, and we will head to Bill’s place so you can get it on with Eddie!”
“Shut up, Bill. I am literally flirting up a damn storm and Richie is not getting it.” Eddie huffed out in anger. Bill had just told him that he needed to try extra hard with Richie tonight.
Bill looked at Eddie skeptically, “Are you suh-sure you are flirting? Because I fuh-feel like you have no idea how to fuh-fuh-flirt.”
“Fuck you Denbrough. Have you seen you flirt with Bev? You suck too.” Eddie pointed at him accusingly.
Bill shrugged, “I don’t have to be good at it. We have been t-together forever, she knows I am shit at it.” He smiled sneakily.
“What do you expect me to do? Jump his bones?” Eddie grabbed a hard cider and started chugging it.
“You think he would complain?” Bill laughed. “Just k-k-kiss him at midnight.”
“He doesn’t like me like that.” Eddie said dejectedly. “Trust me. It is all a game to him. Mess with me as much as possible. At this point, I bet he knows I like him and is having fun making me fall harder for him. The asshole.”
Bill shook his head, “You are an idiot. Oh l-look! It’s the other idiot.”
Eddie turned around, his heart already beating. When he saw Richie stroll in with Beverly, his stomach clenched and his breathing picked up. Eddie prided himself on keeping it cool when Richie was around, considering he had been in love with him forever. However, something had changed between them in only a week since their big fight. The night they made up, they spent it talking in his bed until 7:00 AM.
He smiled to himself thinking about what happened:
Eddie could not believe the position he had woken up in. Richie’s arm slung around his waist, his legs practically on top of him, the two of them spooning like they wake up every morning cuddling. Richie was already awake texting with his other hand. Eddie turned his face smiling softly at Richie. Their lips were centimeters apart from each other. He considered cutting his losses and closing the gap, but instead, he said, “Morning Rich, I seem to be trapped under you and I need to pee so fucking bad.”
Richie laughed and untangled himself from Eddie. He walked toward the bathroom but not before looking back to see Richie unashamedly checking him out. He coughed and glanced back at his phone then let out a chuckle.
“Looking at a stupid video?” Eddie called before closing the bathroom door.
“Nope, I posted something on Instagram that you will have to look at!” Richie shouted from the other side.
When Eddie came back out, his breath was minty from brushing his teeth. He did not want to assume anything but maybe he could get Richie to kiss him before he had to meet his mom for Christmas dinner at his aunt’s house.
“What time do you need to get going?” Richie asked. He was sitting on the bed and had thrown on his David Bowie shirt. David Bowie was the latest musician Richie was obsessed with. Two weeks ago he played Heroes on repeat for a week. He was still wearing his boxers which was making Eddie flustered.
Eddie looked at his watch. “Shit, in like 30 mins. I guess I am not showering. Mom will be pissed at me.”
“You could just call and tell her you are still not feeling good.” Richie suggested wiggling his eyebrows.
Eddie rolled his eyes. He walked around his room grabbing his nice clothes and shoes to put in his backpack. “But I was never actually sick, I told you that last night.”
“Yeah, you were just avoiding me and everyone.” Richie said sadly.
Eddie pierced his lips and looked at Richie’s bleak expression. He put down his backpack and walked over to stand in front of him. He liked staring down at Richie for once, not in a power-hungry way, he just noticed more of his vulnerability from here. It made him curious, as the shorter friend in the group, if he looked weak when all his friends talked down to him. He hoped not, the thought made him anxious.
He could not stop himself from pushing a stray curl out of Richie’s face. Richie gulped audibly and his cheeks tinted pink in the sweetest way. Eddie prayed he was reading the signs correctly.
“I was confused but we are friends again and that’s all that matters.” Eddie placed his hand on Richie’s shoulder. Richie put his over Eddie’s and their touch was electrifying. They stared at their hands then at each other, Eddie began to lean forward making the decision that he was going to go for it. Richie’s eyes widened and he leaned in eagerly.
Just as they were about to kiss, Eddie’s phone alarm went off. Whitney Houston’s I Wanna Dance With Somebody breaking the trance they were in as they pulled away from each other quickly. He never expected Whitney to betray him in this way and he would be changing that alarm the second he could.
He grabbed his phone to turn off the alarm then noticed there were 25 missed text messages in their Losers Club group chat, 5 texts from Bill, and a missed call from his mom.
“Jesus, what are you all talking about in the chat?” Eddie chuckled at their probable enthusiasm that Richie and Eddie were friends again.
“Wishing each other a Merry Christmas,” Richie said slyly. “And they are happy we made up.”
“I missed talking to everyone,” Eddie said as he unlocked his phone. He looked at the Bill texts first which said:
Big Bill: what happened last night
Big Bill: Oh my fucking god wake up
Big Bill: eddieeeee
Big Bill: did you tell each other how you feel
Big Bill: holy crap that photo is so cute
Eddie stared at Bill’s texts in utter confusion then looked up at Richie, “What the fuck did you do?”
Eddie opened the texts to see:
Trashmouth: Eds and I made up.
Bev: proof or it didn’t happen.
Bev: merry christmas kids
Trashmouth: *photo of Richie cuddling a sleeping Eddie* I am putting this on instagram.
Bev: SCREAMING!!! Are you finally lovers?!
Richie was typing on his phone and then just started laughing hysterically laying back on the bed. “We have 6,000 likes on insta.” Richie wheezed.
Eddie let out a guttural scream, “I am going to fucking kill you!” Richie screeched as Eddie launched himself on top of him. He took Richie’s phone and threw it on the ground so he could jab punches everywhere he could hit. This did not stop the laughter bubbling from Richie. He was not even defending himself clearly unphased.
Eddie got up and pulled Richie out of the bed. He was huffing and yelling incoherently about Richie needing to ‘get the fuck out’. He grabbed Richie’s pants and phone, shoving them into his hands and marching him out of the house. Eddie was pushing him so hard he almost stumbled down the stairs multiple times, laughing the whole way. He pushed him out the door and looked it.
“See you for our date when you get back, Eds!” Richie laughed from the outside.
Eddie walked back up to his room opened their chat to write: Merry Christmas my friends. I was busy taking out the trash.
As Eddie watched Richie make a beeline to him tonight, looking gorgeous as usual, he wanted to kiss him with all his heart. Except their friendship was so vital to his life, he knew they could never come back from kissing. If they went for it, they had to go all in or stop being around each other entirely. The later terrified him so much he glanced down at the alcoholic drink in his hand and chugged that down like the first. He would be getting drunk quick for sure.
“Are we doing shots tonight?” Richie asked when he stepped in front of Eddie. He hesitated for a moment then wrapped his arms around Eddie in a hug. Eddie returned the hug snaking his arms around his waist, breathing in Richie’s cologne and cigarette scent.
“Absolutely!” Eddie said into his chest.
The losers had a great New Years Eve talking about their busy year of applying to colleges and the stupid things they had done together. They took a photo clinking their champagne glasses at midnight. Richie and Eddie wanted to kiss each other but with so many people around, it was impossible. Even though it was all their best friends, they were too nervous.
“Richie and Eddie, can you go into my garage and g-grab m-more ice from the other fuh-freezer?” Bill asked nonchalantly.
“Yeah!” Beverly said at his side. “Lots of ice! Thank you!”
“Sure.” Eddie replied. He got up from the couch and Richie walked behind him. When they got into the garage and checked the freezer it was empty.
“What the hell?” Richie asked looking at Eddie to explain.
“That’s weird.” Eddie closed the freezer then walked over to the garage door but it was locked. He banged on the door but there was no answer.
Richie reached from behind to try but failed, “How are we locked out? Someone would have had to…”
“Lock the door on the other side. Yeah. Beverly and Bill planned this.” Eddie said in exasperation.
“Bastards.” Richie muttered. He turned around and sat on the front of Bill’s car.
“Bill’s going to be pissed if we leave a dent.” Eddie pointed out.
“He locked you in a garage with me on New Years.” Richie smirked.
“True. Fuck Denbrough.” Eddie hoisted himself next to Richie.
Richie immediately leaned the side of his face on top of Eddie’s head and sighed. They took out their phones to individually text insulting things to Beverly and Bill for locking them up.
Eddie tried to stay relaxed but it was proving impossible with Richie leaning into him like this. He needed to ground himself in some way, force himself to believe this was real, so he put his cell away and he took Richie’s hand firmly in his own.
They stayed like that for a little bit, enjoying each other’s company. Then Richie kissed the top of his head and Eddie shuddered involuntarily.
“When we were counting down to midnight, I wanted to kiss you so bad.” Richie admitted. Eddie closed his eyes and removed his head from under Richie’s.
“I can’t do this.” Eddie could feel his eyes stinging from potential tears. “We can’t do this.” Eddie tried to pull his hand away but Richie held on tighter.
“Please, Eds. Just talk to me. We can’t do what?” Richie’s face was extremely close with his defenses completely down.
Eddie’s eyes met Richie’s golden brown ones then flickered to lips. “We can’t kiss. Everything will change.” Even as he heard himself say this, his free hand went up to caress Richie’s cheek. A courage flowing through him that he did not realize he possessed.
“Does change have to be a bad thing?” Richie brought his forehead to meet Eddie’s, his lips parting in a distracting way.
“I guess not.” Eddie whispered in an unsure tone.
Their breaths were intermingling. Slowly they brought their mouths together, lightly brushing against each other. It was already too much for Eddie but he did not stop Richie or himself as they molded their lips together.
The kiss was everything Eddie wanted and more. He always assumed there would be fireworks, as they say, happens. For him, it was like that first real breath after almost drowning. There was rushing in his ears as if water was truly filling them.  
Richie placed his hand on Eddie’s chest. Eddie knew he could feel the rapid beat of his heart, taste the sweetness of hard cider still on his mouth. Eddie wound his hands into Richie’s hair, something he had wanted to do since they first met.
Richie’s mouth moved against him, hot and restless. Just the way you would describe Richie. They deepened the kiss, parting their lips. Their tongues touching and exploring, all insecure thoughts flying out of their minds.
Richie’s hands went to Eddie’s legs and pulled them into his lap. Eddie gasped as their clothed chests touched and he smiled. Eddie clawed at his back to bring them closer. Richie was gripping the back of Eddie’s shirt for dear life.
Richie was more grown-up than Eddie had let himself realize, though every kiss was burning away his memories of the boy he had been. They both were no longer children as they let all their feelings be thrown into this moment.
They pulled away to breathe, Eddie kept his eyes closed but could feel Richie looking at him. When he finally opened his eyes, Richie’s eyes were pouring into him with so much desire he almost passed out.
“Happy fucking New Year to me.” Richie smirked.
“I think you mean to me.” Eddie brought their lips together for a gentle kiss. “We should try to get back to the party.”
Richie tightened his hold around Eddie, “But this is a way better party.”
Eddie grinned but removed Richie’s hands from his body, “They will suspect something and I am not ready for any of those kinds of questions.”
They readjusted their outfits and smoothed down their hair. Eddie found the spare garage key and went to unlock the door.
“Wait,” Richie stopped him and kissed his cheek quickly, taking Eddie’s breathe away once more. “Ok, now let’s go.”
@sammy8675309 @dandeliontozier @reddie-brasil @takemetothetide @ohheydatsme @slashpalooza @richietoaster @girlgh0sts @reddieforanything @edsbrak @loneredballoon @beepbeeprichiellc
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