#january 09
food-log-life · 1 year
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ラーメンラ王🍜たこ焼き🐙ローストビーフ🐂#夕食 #実家の残りものセット #実家のごちそうセット
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rostyslavua · 5 months
Оновлення політики YouTube: Заборона ШІ-генерованих відео що реалістично імітують сцени з померлими або побитими дітьми
https://antiraid.com.ua/news/onovlennia-polityky-youtube-zaborona-shi-henerovanykh-video-shcho-realistychno-imituiut-stseny-z-pomerlymy-abo-pobytymy-ditmy/ YouTube змінив власні правила щодо переслідувань і кіберзалякування у відповідь на поширення ШІ-контенту про гучні кримінальні справи, який зображує людей з подальшим описом насилля. На деяких відео присутні реалістичні голоси дітей, а сім’ї жертв вже назвали такі ролики «‎жахливими». Відтепер на відеоплатформі подібний контент заборонений — його описують із формулюванням: «‎такий, що реалістично імітує померлих […] Повідомлення Оновлення політики YouTube: Заборона ШІ-генерованих відео, що реалістично імітують сцени з померлими або побитими дітьми з'явилися спочатку на ANTIRAID. via ANTIRAID https://antiraid.com.ua/home/ January 09, 2024 at 09:50PM
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dopingconsomme · 5 months
2024年01月08日の記事一覧 http://dailyfeed.jp/feed/23663/2024-01-08 (全 10 件) 1. スピカ - Make debut! - 2021 Remastered Version 2. イーファ(CV.和氣あず未) - リンク 3. 岸田教団&The明星ロケッツ - ストレイ 4. よみぃ - D's Adventure Note - Piano Duo Ver. 5. 大久保三郎 - ラジオ体操 第2 (指導入り) 6. 前島麻由 - Everything is Changing 7. 杉本琢弥 - Believe it leap 8. 七海うらら - 茜光 9. HaRhA - made in 君 10. ツウズル・ジャ糞ン via 複数のRSSをまとめるのデイリーフィード - DailyFeed http://dailyfeed.jp/feed/23663 January 09, 2024 at 05:00AM
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January 09
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[1624] Empress Meishō, born in Kyoto, Kyoto, Japan.
[1848] Princess Frederica of Hanover, born in the Kingdom of Hanover.
[1920] Stefan Żywotko, Polish football coach, born in Lwów, Poland (Lviv, Ukraine).
[1929] Dorothea Puente, American convicted serial killer, born in Redlands, California.
[1956] Imelda Staunton, British actress and singer, born in Archway, London.
[1965] Carin Jennings-Gabarra, American soccer forward, born in East Orange, New Jersey.
[1967] Claudio Caniggia, Argentine football forward or winger, born in Henderson, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
[1967] Dave Matthews, American singer-songwriter and musician, born in Johannesburg, Transvaal, South Africa.
[1973] Ronald Hamming, Dutch football striker, born in Zeegse, Netherlands.
[1978] A.J. McLean, American pop singer, born in West Palm Beach, Florida.
[1978] Gennaro Gattuso, Italian football defensive midfielder and manager (Valencia), born in Corigliano Calabro, Italy.
[1981] Euzebiusz "Ebi" Smolarek, Polish football striker or winger and youth manager (Feyenoord), born in Łódź, Poland.
[1982] Catherine "Kate" Middleton, Princess of Wales, Duchess of Cambridge, Duchess of Cornwall, English wife of Crown Prince William, born in Reading, Berkshire, England.
[1987] Lucas Pezzini Leiva, Brazilian football defensive midfielder, born in Dourados, state of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil.
[1989] Nina Dobrev, Bulgarian actress, model and singer, born in Sofia, Bulgaria.
[1995] Dominik Livaković, Croatian football goalkeeper, born in Zadar, Croatia.
[2001] Rodrygo Silva de Goes, Brazilian football forward, born in Osasco, Brazil.
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[1150] Emperor Xizong of Jin was murdered by Prince Hailing of Jin in a Coup d'État.
[1514] Anne, Duchess of Brittany (1488-1514) and Queen of France (1491-98 and 1499-1514).
[1873] Napoleon III, Emperor of France (1852-70), dies at 60.
[1878] Victor Emmanuel II, King of Sardinia (1849-61) and Italy (1861-78), dies at 57.
[1907] Marie of Saxe-Altenburg, Queen of Hanover, dies at 88.
[2022] Bob Saget, American comedian, actor, TV host, and filmmaker, dies of head trauma at 65.
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skrubu · 1 year
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Winter proper #snow #winter #helsinki #tree #finland https://instagr.am/p/CnMXVZztbx1/
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via [K A Y ▽]
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curationmonkey · 1 year
#DopingConsomme 's2023年01月08日のつぶやき徒然日記
https://ift.tt/I5zwDSM Doping_Consomme / DopingConsomme “稲の多年草化栽培がアジアで広がる | スラド サイエンス” (11 users) https://t.co/k5hjT6lopb #農業 #科学 #中国 at 01/08 10:29
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creme-meme · 6 months
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on-this-day-btvs · 5 months
January 9, 2001
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Triangle aired for BTVS season 5, episode 11. This was the second mention by Anya of a specific alternate universe - the world without shrimp. Tara explains that she is allergic to shrimp.
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tayfabe75 · 5 months
"It's a lot to process because we do exist in this society where women in entertainment are discarded in an elephant graveyard by the time they're 35. Everyone's a shiny, new toy for, like, two years. The female artists that I know of have reinvented themselves 20 times more than the male artists. They have to, or else you're out of a job. Constantly having to reinvent, constantly finding new facets of yourself that people find to be shiny. Be new to us, be young to us, but only in a new way and only in the way we want. And reinvent yourself, but only in a way that we find to be equally comforting but also a challenge for you. Live out a narrative that we find to be interesting enough to entertain us, but not so crazy that it makes us uncomfortable. This is probably one of my last opportunities as an artist to grasp onto that kind of success. So, I don't know, like, as I'm reaching 30, I'm like, 'I want to work really hard, um, while society is still tolerating me being successful.'"
January 31, 2020: Taylor describes the challenges that women, in particular, face in the entertainment industry as they age. (source 1, 2)
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food-log-life · 1 year
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たこ焼き🐙#昼食 #実家めし
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rostyslavua · 5 months
В Одеському райсуді розкрито схему ухилення чоловіками призовного віку від мобілізації
https://antiraid.com.ua/news/v-odeskomu-rajsudi-rozkryto-skhemu-ukhylennia-cholovikamy-pryzovnoho-viku-vid-mobilizatsii/ 9 січня 2024 року НАБУ і САП спільно з СБУ викрили в одному з районних судів Одещини протиправну схему, яка дозволяла чоловікам призовного віку уникати мобілізації та виїжджати за межі України. Про це повідомила пресслужба НАБУ. За даними слідства, схема передбачала видачу судових рішень щодо встановлення місця проживання неповнолітньої дитини з батьком, аби він використовував […] Повідомлення В Одеському райсуді розкрито схему ухилення чоловіками призовного віку від мобілізації з'явилися спочатку на ANTIRAID. via ANTIRAID https://antiraid.com.ua/home/ January 09, 2024 at 09:35PM
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January 09
[475] Byzantine Emperor Zemo is forced to flee his capital at Constantinople.
[1296] Earl Floris V signs accord with French King.
[1317] Phillips V, the Tall, crowned King of France.
[1349] 700 Jews of Basel Switzerland, burned alive in their houses.
[1570] Massacre of Novgorod: Tsar Ivan the Terrible kills 1,000-2,000 residents of Novgorod.
[1718] France declares war on Spain.
[1776] Writer Thomas Paine publishes his pamphlet "Common Sense".
[1788] Connecticut becomes 5th state to ratify the US Constitution.
[1812] Napoleonic Wars: Swedish Pomerania (Germany) seized by Napoleon.
[1847] 1st San Francisco newspaper published (California Star).
[1878] Umberto I becomes King of Italy.
[1927] Fire in Laurier Palace cinema in Montreal, 78 children died.
[1941] 6,000 Jews murdered in a program in Bucharest, Romania.
[1980] 63 beheaded in Mecca, Saudi Arabia.
[2001] Apple launches iTunes, revolutionizing how people consume music.
[2007] Steve Jobs debuts his iPhone at the Macworld convention in San Francisco.
[2009] High School Musical actress Kaycee Stroh (24) weds Ben Higginson (24) at Salt Lake Temple in Salt Lake City, Utah.
[2012] FIFA Ballon d'Or: Barcelona forward Lionel Messi wins award for a record 3rd consecutive year.
[2022] Fire in a Bronx, New York. residential high rise kills 17 and injures 63.
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kodittomat · 1 year
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Kauno Mahtava Kauno etsii kotia!
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[ID: A digital drawing of Hatsune Miku and Kermit dressed at each other. Miku has Kermit's signature collar and Kermit has Miku's hair. Kermit is posing and Miku is laughing and smiling at this. /End ID]
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