#jarkko ahola
sea-of-machines · 5 months
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Jarkko Ahola of Teräsbetoni in Eurovision 2008
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niini5 · 9 months
Since Yuletide is almost here, I wanna share three of my favourite songs 🫶 🇫🇮 ☃️
Finnish version of Little Drummer Boy, I love the piano in this! And the singers are two of my favourite Finnish heavy metal singers, Tony Kakko and Jarkko Ahola 🫶
Silent Night in Finnish, metal version too. This makes good chills run down my spine every time. It is so beautiful and calm.
I heard this live once and it was incredible. I felt it in my soul.
Original song from Ahola. The lyrics tell about not needing gold or trinkets for presents, only wishing for a moment to breathe and a peace of mind. That he wishes just for the magic of Christmas, that his heart would be carefree for a while, and that Christmas would bring a moment of hope 🫶
Genuinely beautiful song and a lovely reminder about what is truly important ❤️
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laiavarona · 1 month
Viernes de versiones: Holy diver
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two-us-two-ks · 2 years
Sylvia`s Song
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angelsanctuarys · 1 year
it's been 15 years and no i still have not forget nor forgive what happened to teräsbetoni
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hamyheikki · 3 months
I was tagged by @autisticwriterblog, thank you! This seems like fun!
The rules of the game are to write one song for every letter in your url, then tag as many people as there are letters in your url.
Halla ja etelätuuli - Antti Railio (Frost and Southern Wind, in english)
All Eyes On Me - Bo Burnham
Muisto Vain Jää - Jarkko Ahola (a Finnish cover of "Only A Fool Breaks His Own Heart")
Yhtenä iltana - Hector (One Night, in english)
Heroes and Villains - Poets of The Fall
Elan - Nightwish
Ikävä - Jarkko Ahola (Longing, in english)
Kukaan ei koskaan - Vesterinen Yhtyeineen (Nobody Can Never, in english)
Kohti Sydänpeltoja - Vesterinen Yhtyeineen (Towards the Field Of Hearts, in english)
In the Shadows - The Rasmus
I don't know if I have enough mutuals for all the letters, but I will tag some folks I have seen around my Tumblr! @three-two-six @dreaming-of-spots @ghostwith
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tantrayam · 2 years
Искала как-то финские песни, чтобы слушая учить язык. К слову, такая практика помогла мне в английском, хинди, испанском и т.д. Но находила только какой-то убогий шансон (а на секундочку финские металисты одни из самых крутых в мире, но поют они на английском). Так вот я не сдавалась в поисках и нашла нечто приближенное к моему вкусу: фолк-металл, напор и мощь голоса, изящество переплетения виолончели с прочими инструментами. А уж название прям в самое сердечко:
Korpiklaani ( «Лесной клан», от фин. korpi — «глухой лес», «дремучий лес» и klaani — «клан»).
И, кажется я не слышала у них экстрим-вокала, все слова довольно четко слышимы.
Воть парочка люимых треков:
Pilli on pajusta tehty
А еще они юморные и любят петь про алкоголь, точно видела песни про Ягермейстер и водку))
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О, еще в тему финских песен, нашла адаптацию Hijo de la Luna, одной из своих любимых песен. Вот она:
Kuutamon poika - Jarkko Ahola
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What are in your opinion the top 3 finnish esc performances?
Also who fo you think are the most attractive / hottest finnish contestants ever? I need this for science👀 (if you are comfortable answering)
What a lovely ask! 🖤 I picked three performances based on styling (clothes, hair, make-up, jewellery), choreography, staging and lightning choices, camera angles, vocal performance and charisma of the singers and back-up singers & musicians, and how well all of of those support the melody, lyrics and structure of the song. I suck at making definitive rankings so these are in chronological order 😄
1977: Monika Aspelund - Lapponia
Lapponia tells the story of a beautiful witch maiden in Lapland and the man who falls in love with her, and Monika really acts out the lyrics to the camera with her expressions. The blue and white (Finnish flag colours my beloved) styling with Lapponia brand jewellery is very simple yet stylish in a Nordic way and fits the song well. Vocal performance of both Monika and the back-up singers is near perfect considering she was suffering from angina at the time and still managed to hit the high note. Choregraphy again is simple but works and compliments the epic chorus, and the end frame is possibly the greatest of Finland's Eurovision history. There's a reason why this is still my favorite entry of all time.
1990: Anneli Saaristo - La Dolce Vita
Once again: simple yet effective. The song is a great combination of melancholic Finnish mindset with Spanish and Italian influences. The main melody flows effortlessly and her low, dark and full voice is perfect for that. Throwing in the acoustic guitar and some flamenco claps for Mediterranean flavor when she is singing about beautiful sweet life in the chorus. Staging is beautifully balanced with the guitar players on both sides of Anneli and she really pops with the red outfit and makeup, bringing out the passion of the song. And listen to the horns and violin sections of the live orchestra! The ending pose is the cherry on top. One of the most succesfull Finnish entries ever and deservedly so.
2021: Blind Channel - Dark Side
Dispite some slight mishaps in the vocal performance, as a whole I love this performance to bits. The background screens with them hanging upside down in white clothes so the stage is not too dark. The combination of red and black. The contrast between Joel and Niko that was purposefully built by giving Niko the rapper look with darker hair and Joel the rocker look with blonder hair. The pyros right from the start and throughout the song. The choreography that looks natural and effortless despite being rehearsed hundreds of hours. The text JOIN in Joonas's guitar, when I first saw him lifting it in their second rehearsal clip I got chills. How they make Niko's and Joel's height difference work by putting Joel behind Niko to whisper like a demon. How dynamic and full of energy the entire performance is and how they are giving their ALL. Joonas & Olli walking to mid stage to join the HU HU HU choreography with Niko & Joel. Aleksi's hairflip. Joonas's hairstyle and clothes and the guitar spin. Him lifting the guitar for the slow part and how Olli looks at the camera. Kneeling Joel. JOIN on Niko's palm. How the energy builds up for the final chorus and them all making the huge jump together, perfectly timed with the pyros. The "headshot" move. Joonas & Olli just spinning and running from opposite directions across the stage during HU HU HU HU, twice. The final scream & pyro combination. 😭😭😭🖤🖤🖤 MY BOYS DID THAT
I'm glad you didn't ask for top-3 hottest contestants, because that would be impossible 😄 Some of those whose looks I've appreciated are Blind Channel (2021), The Rasmus (2022), Käärijä (2023), Sebastian Rejman (2019) and Jarkko Ahola (Teräsbetoni 2008). Boys of Softengine (2014) were adorable, as well as Paradise Oskar (2011) 🥰
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neroushalvaus · 2 years
Koska niistä joululauluista on tullut nyt puhuttua, tässä on vähän mun omia suosikkeja, jos etsitte kuunneltavaa jouluunne:
Taivas sylissäni (säv. Carola Häggkvist suom. Pia Perkiö). Suosittelen Suvi Teräsniskan laulamana.
Marian ajatuksia, kun hän pitää vastasyntynyttä poikalastaan sylissään. "Olet aarre sydänten / Miten sinut suojelen? / Helmassani kantaa / itse taivastako saan?"
Seimiyö (säv. Olli Ahvenlahti san. Tommy Tabermann). Spotifyssa Johanna Iivanaisen versio, mutta youtubessa myös Johanna Kurkelan versio on aika ihana.
Tommy Tabermannin runoon sävelletty laulu. "Olemalla kynttilöitä toisilleen / eivät ihmiset / koskaan kulje täällä yksikseen"
Oi jouluyö / O helga natt (säv. Adolphe Adamin, suom. Kyllikki Solanterä ruots. Augustin Koch)
Tästä tärkein kohta on se neljäs "oi jouluyö", joka menee mukavan korkealle. Muista siis kuunnella mahdollisimman mahtavalla tenoriäänellä. Ruotsiksi kuunnellessa Jussi Björling on klassikkovalinta.
Joululaulu (säv. Konsta Jylhä san. Paul Holm)
Jeesus lohduttaa äitinsä haudalla surevaa lasta. "Joulun ensimmäisen / mä olla tallissa härkien sain / Sinne tähtöset tuikkivat valkeuttaaan / Sinne saapuivat tietäjät maan / Sitä taas viettämään / sinun kanssasi jään / Sinun joulusi kauniiksi teen / Sinä huomata saat / surun laaksot ja maat / voivat peittyä kirkkauteen"
Pieni taivaan enkeli (säv. Pekka Simojoki san. Anna-Mari Kaskinen). Tätä ei ole spotifyssa, mutta youtubesta löysin tosi ihania versioita.
Pieni taivaan enkeli pyytää Jumalalta lupaa mennä kertomaan koko maailmalle, että Jeesus on syntynyt. Tää on niin suloinen ja hellä biisi, varsinkin lapset liikuttuvat.
Sylvian joululaulu (säv. Karl Collan san. Sakari Topelius). Oikean mahtipohtisuuden tavoittaa ainakin Jarkko Ahola.
Tässä on sitä oikeaa joulun dramatiikkaa. Paatosta ainakin riittää. "Ja Etnanpa kaukaa mä kauniina nään / Ah, tää kaikki hurmaa ja huumaapi pään".
Tää ei oo se joulu (säv. trad san. Hector)
Mä haluan pistää yhden surkeusosaston kappaleen, niin voin sanoa sen tehneeni. "On seimessä lapsi / viaton, viluissaan / Ei näy enkeleitä / raunion varjot vaan / Kun taas pyhään yöhön / ohjukset pisaroi / Uuteen surmatyöhön / valtiaat käydä voi"
Jouluyön hymni (säv. & san. Pekka Simojoki). Esimerkiksi Jipulla on kaunis versio tästä.
Tässä on vain niin valloittavan kauniit sanat. "Soi huurteessa helinä huilun / Niin kirkas on tähtinen yö / Hän kulkenut on yli kuilun / Maa taivaalle kättä nyt lyö"
Tulkoon joulu (säv. & san. Pekka Simojoki). Kyllä ainakin kerran joulussa pitää katsoa se youtubesta löytyvä Raskasta Joulua -musiikkivideo.
On tää vaan hieno. Hitti ripareilla kesät talvet. "Pääsköön vangit vankiloistaan" pitäis olla taglinena jos Christians For Prison Abolition perustais Suomi-osaston
Suutari ja vieras (säv. & san. Pekka Ruuska). Samuli Edelmann laulaa tän aika ihanasti, siinä on juuri oikea lempeä energia.
Vanha suutari odottaa Jeesusta jouluvieraaksi kotiinsa, mutta vastaanottaakin kolme muuta vierasta. Lopuksi hän kysyy Jeesukselta, miksi tämä ei tullutkaan, ja Jeesus antaa yllättävän vastauksen.
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damnprecious · 1 year
Music asks: 29
Thank ya!!!
29: A song that you remember from your childhood
You'd think this one wasn't that hard but I had a really hard time picking whether or not I wanted to go with more of a kid's song or like a radio song or if I should meme with the one song that got banned in our music class bc some students year above us decided to change the words and sing about locking the teachers into the rat basement (our teach was very unimpressed) bc that incident sure lives in my head rent-free...
Anyhow I decided to go with Leijat by Kirka, except I'm linking Jarkko Ahola's cover here bc I found it recently and I just think it's neat:
The song, although not with this specific arrangement, was one of my fave songs to sing in music class when I was a kid and I still really like the song
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ilkitie · 2 years
Got tagged by @dystopian-heathen to put a playlist on shuffle and then post the first 10 songs that come on. No skipping or cheating (goddammit) allowed. Sooo. Here we go, 2 dead 14 injured. Enjoy the clusterfuck of my playlist, lol
The Prodigy - Breathe 
Jarkko Ahola – Adagio
Shining – Jag är din fiende
Jamie Bower – Run on
Portion Boys – Nautin elämästä
Ghost – Helvetesfönster
The babadook theme
Turmion kätilöt – Mosquito a la carte
IAMX – Surrender
Delta rae – Bottom of the river
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kivikunnas · 3 months
Sylvian Joululaulu - Jarkko Ahola (english subtitles)
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zerwolf · 1 year
Lyrics Thingy
1: A song you like with a color in the title
Black Ninja - Battle Beast
2: A song you like with a number in the title
One More Night - Phil Collins
3: A song that reminds you of summertime
Günther - Teeny Weeny String Bikini
4: A song that reminds you of someone you would rather forget about
Altaria - Final Warning
5: A song that needs to be played LOUD
Kishin Douji Zenki Opening
6: A song that makes you want to dance
Irene Cara - What A Feeling
7: A song to drive to
Ghostbusters - Ray Parker Jr.
8: A song about drugs or alcohol
Olviräppi - Raptori
9: A song that makes you happy
James Ingram - Better Way
10: A song that makes you sad
Scorpions - Here In My Heart
11: A song that you never get tired of
Scatman John - Scatman (Ski-ba-bop-ba-dop-bop)
12: A song from your preteen years
In The End - Linkin Park
13: One of your favorite 80’s songs
Holy Diver - Dio
14: A song that you would love played at your wedding
Faithfully - Journey
15: A song that is a cover by another artist
They Don't Care About Us - Beast In Black
16: One of your favorite classical songs
In The Hall of the Mountain King - Grieg
17: A song that would sing a duet with on karaoke
If I Never Knew You - Jon Secada & Shanice (Pocahontas OST)
18: A song from the year that you were born
Get Outta My Dreams, Get Into My Car - Billy Ocean
19: A song that makes you think about life
Nightshift - Commodores
20: A song that has many meanings to you
Strangers Like Me - Phil Collins
21: A favorite song with a person’s name in the title
I'm Not Justin Bieber B**ch - Günther
22: A song that moves you forward
John Farnham - Thunder In Your Heart
23: A song that you think everybody should listen to
Free Your Mind - En Vogue
24: A song by a band you wish were still together
I Wish I Had An Angel - (original) Nightwish
25: A song by an artist no longer living
Stay With Me - Miki Matsubara
26: A song that makes you want to fall in love
Every Heart Needs A Home - St Paul Peterson
27: A song that breaks your heart
Lara Fabian - I Will Love Again
28: A song by an artist with a voice that you love
Missä miehet ratsastaa - Teräsbetoni (Jarkko Ahola)
29: A song that you remember from your childhood
Wannabe - Spice Girls
30: A song that reminds you of yourself
Aerosmith - Dude Looks Like a Lady
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riotarttherite · 2 years
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Eurovision studies, part 2
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kutpot · 3 years
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Northern Kings!
commission with permission to post
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parakeettle · 4 years
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I was on Eurovision binge and yep.
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