#jarpad video
detailtilted · 1 day
NEW Enhanced Edition - VANCON 2009 - J3 (Jared, Jensen, Jim) Breakfast
Direct link to video. Link to YouTube channel. (10 videos available.)
My newest video is now up, kicking off the VANCON 2009 series of videos with Jared, Jensen, and Jim at the Breakfast panel. Both available videos were taken from extreme opposite angles, so I cut between them to hopefully present the best view possible based on where they were facing.
The video I received from AgtSpooky had already founds its way onto YouTube (but wasn't properly credited), so there won't be any new coverage here that most people haven't seen already. However, her video upscaled very nicely and looks much improved in this version. I also hope cutting between the two angles will reduce the frustration that many of us probably felt when we watched the original videos and kept seeing the backs of their heads.
AgtSpooky's videos for the main panels have not made it onto YouTube as far as I could find, so my next two videos should have some coverage from an angle that newer fans haven't seen. Jensen's solo panel will be next up.
Before/after comparison photos...
Click and/or zoom in to enlarge and get the full impact of the improvement.
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A recap for anyone not familiar with this project…
In December 2023, I started this project to enhance old convention videos. I'm upscaling the videos and making other visual improvements, adding extra content to clarify various references, and adding good color-coded subtitles so you can better understand the sometimes-chaotic audio.
My goal is to publish the best, most complete, and most watchable versions of these older convention panels yet seen, but this is only possible thanks to the fans who captured the footage in the first place and were generous enough to share it with other fans. My video descriptions on YouTube will always credit my sources.
If you have any old convention videos you'd be willing to contribute to this project, please message me! I can also be reached at [email protected]. Even if your videos are on YouTube, the original files, if you still have them, may upscale much better. If I can get them to upscale, I'd happily send the upscaled files back to you for your own collection whether I use them or not.
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annarubys · 2 years
everything wrong with me can be explained by the fact that i only use youtube when i don’t feel like committing to an episode of tv (takes too long) but my ideal youtube video length is 20-30 minutes and i spend at least another 15 minutes during every use adding hour long essays to my watch later
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why does sam always have to be a dickhead it’s so annoying. sometimes it’s ok to just shut up if you only have hurtful things to say
ungrateful, self-absorbed, annoying little bitch
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according2thelore · 4 months
watching season 1 of gilmore girls is just an exercise in gut-wrenching angst when you live with the knowledge that jarpad was 18 when it premiered. like, that's the face of the kid that john winchester told to stay gone for good if he left. that's dean's baby brother. that's the kid who's about to be alone for the first time in his actual life (bar some very specific small blips along the way). i'm cry 😭 thank you to the wb for this gift that we must bear like a thousand-pound cross
like this sammy??? this sammy right here????
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this kid steals dean's flannels even though they don't reach his wrists because they're "more comfortable." he can't keep a pair of pants longer than six months because he grows like a goddamn weed.
this is his big brother's leather jacket!! dean stole it from a surplus store in kentucky and sam wears it everywhere!!!! you cannot tell me otherwise!! they steal it back and forth all the time, but dean doesn't actually want it back bc sam wearing his leather jacket makes him sweat in weird places, which is totally unrelated, okay?
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this kid has dreams!!! he writes everything down in composition notebooks stained at the corners with dried, rusty blood from a werewolf four states and five schools ago.
he's been storing his money from pool hustling in the canvas lining of the duffle bag that holds all of his possessions.
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this little guy????
the people they save cling to sam like fucking vines, white-knuckled fingers in his sweatshirts because if someone this bright, this innocent, can survive this, they can, too. nothing bad can possibly happen to this kid, because the older one is snarling and spitting and chewing through bone.
because this is just a kid!!!!!! and this kid should be saved, not saving. he's got a pimple on his jaw that's been there for months, and he sweats through almost every shirt he puts on.
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this kid keeps wiping angry tears out of his eyes because no one in this family cares if he's happy, as long as he's here. sam's got money in his bag, and dean won't look him in the eye, and dad is telling him to get the fuck out.
he's telling him that he might as well not even be a part of this fucking family, if he's not going to fight for it. like sam hasn't lost litres of blood for this family, like he wasn't weaned on sweat and stale coca-cola and what adrenaline tastes like when it's the only thing keeping you conscious.
this kid is too big to fit into a queen w dean but goddamnit he's going to, anyway, lazy long limbs splayed on a couch while they watch a re-run on a spotty, fuzzing tv in skin-melting, stifling motel rooms.
having access to video footage of J2 at pre-series ages makes me howl at the moon. because!!!!! like!!!!!! these kids were CHILDREN!!!!!!
anyway. you get it, anon. you know the vision.
dean winchester and i see each other: i would also want to pinch his cheeks and tuck him under my arm and ruffle his hair and buy him milkshakes and new sneakers and cut his silly bangs.
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positivexcellence · 1 year
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@ktlaENT:  ICYMI @jarpad and @GenPadalecki stopped by this morning to chat with @SamOnTV. Click the link to watch the interview: https://ktla.com/video/jared-and-gen-padalecki-on-married-life-and-season-3-of-walker/8587296/…
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livingfandomly · 9 months
I’m currently on SPN S9. You know what that means???? It means that I can finally start watching their interviews and conventions and comic cons and I AM. I really REALLY am. It’s insane how much of a family this fandom feels when they (J2M - hahahhahaha look at me knowing these terms and fully understanding and loving them lol I love this fandom sm sm) are just sitting on a stage and chatting with everyone. And it’s literally because of how they address the fans and it’s really unique because other shows’s cast members are rarely this invested in the characters they play.
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The best part is the realisation that Jared is literally a golden retriever ALL THE DAMN TIME and that Jensen is always just done with him 😭. His lil forehead slam into the microphone when Jared starts going off topic is the funniest thing EVER. That man is so tall and so hyperactive and so annoying on purpose and it’s amazing.
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The next best part is realising that Jensen. Can. Fucking. Sing. And not in a “acceptable” way but in a way that makes the Applebee’s jingle sound like a proper song sung by a man with a voice that makes your whole bussy quake. PLUS. He’s always essentially babysitting Jar and it’s so fucking adorable. Whenever they’re both on stage together the dynamic is literally golden retriever and a what-the-fuck-do-I-do-with-his-hyperactive-mess cat.
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Now. Misha. He is the dad that never even realised that he adopted two chaotic messes. Whenever he joins the stage he either just sits their judging the shit out of them and looking at the audience like “yes, this is what I have dealt with since the beginning… welcome to my pain”. OR. He and Jen become the super disappointed parents of JarPad as he runs around the stage destroying everything he can while being as distracting as possible.
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They’re all so fucking funny. I’m literally always, every single video, just laughing with tears in my eyes. The comedy. The puns. The dad jokes. The stories. The fan interactions. Everything is pure gold. At the same time, they’re so deep and caring of the people they talk to and the show they’re on. It’s just all very hugs-myself-because-they’re-not-around-to-hug-me.
The best part is how much they care about each other though. And obviously involved they are in each others life outside of the show. Sigh… Honestly…. I love this fandom.
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spngirlpolls · 10 months
i think im kind of late but if jackles showed up to a con *I* was at with that stache I think I would just leave
i do imagine it would be kind of distracting at a convention he’s like trying to answer normal questions and everyone is like “WHAT IS THAT ON YOUR FACE?!?”
i imagine the backstage conversation between jackles jarpad and misha went like this (PLEASE watch the video i beg it’s so funny)
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enkimesh-truther · 1 year
last updated 01/06/24
in no particular order
#a pinch of clay - Original content
#queue-neiform - Queued posts
#reblog-amesh - Instant reblogs
#three and a half brain cells - Personal Posts
#the expanse of this blog - Blog updates
Post Types
art cosplay fanart fanfic fanworks gif / gif set meme photo / photo set poetry video writing edit
(more below cut)
Currently/Frequently posting
[H]ouse / House MD
Gregory House James Wilson Lisa Cuddy Robert Chase Allison Cameron Eric Foreman Remy Hadley / Thirteen Chris Taub Lawrence Kutner Amber Volakis Martha M Masters Jessica Adams Chi Park
Hugh Laurie Robert Sean Leonard / RSL Lisa Edelstein
Hilson - House x Wilson Huddy - House x Cuddy Wuddy - Wilson x Cuddy Hudson - House x Cuddy x Wilson Choreman - Chase x Foreman Wamber Chameron
Supernatural / SPN
Dean Winchester Sam Winchester Castiel Charlie Bradbury Adam Mulligan / Adam Winchester Michael Jack Kline Kevin Tran Claire Novak Bobby Singer / Robert Singer / Robert Steven Singer Mary Winchester
Misha Collins / Misha Jensen Ackles / Jackles Jared Padalecki / Jarpad
Destiel / deancas - Dean WInchester x Castiel adam x michael Dean/Baby / Dean/Metallicar /Dean/Impala
Wake Up Dead Man / Knives Out / Glass Onion
Benoit Blanc Miles Bron
Daniel Craig Rian Johnson
Formerly/Infrequently posting
Dead Poets Society / DPS
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Robert Sean Leonard / RSL
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rottenhouses · 11 months
it's so weird to me that house of wax (2005) actually has a fandom on tumblr and the fandom has actual content and it's not just pictures and videos of jarpad moaning and whimpering on the floor huh go figure
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femslashspuffy · 2 years
I feel like a 24 frames of nick video today
Do you remember the wedding? Do you remember perfume genius? Do you remember 100k? Do you remember j2 fallout? Do you remember that awful thing jarpad said at that one con? Do you remember Spanish dub?
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j2wiki · 5 years
2019-01-19 Jared+Gen FBlive Boston Marathon; Jared, Gen+family at Longhorns game
12:37 PM - 19 Jan 2019 @jarpad Hey y'all meet me on Gen's FB in 30 min for a livestream: https://bit.ly/2CyHUP7 RunPadsRun Jared FB Genevieve Padalecki was live. (1:14 PM CST) The cat's out of the bag! We are running the Boston Marathon in April to support The DreamBig! Foundation. We will be posting updates on my blog: www.NowAndGen.com and if you would like to join us in supporting the cause, please go to: http://bit.ly/RunPadsRun_GPFB. TeamPadalecki Jared Padalecki shared a live video.
Video: We're hiding out in our bedroom, we left out some food so the kids can fend for themselves, .. figuring out the buttons, thanks for joining us on a Saturday when you have better things to do like watch sports Jared - what did I press, now I have something on my face (two blobs) I look like a rock star in the 60s, (giggles) I don't know how to get rid of that, haha, now I have a lot of energy, haha. These are not real boogers, look, there is nothing going on, I'm gonna do the pac-man thing. Anyway we see some of you, so we wanted to reach out to you about something really important to us: we are going to be running the 2019 Boston Marathon, to benefit the Dream Big Foundation, which we are honored to be supporting, so much so we have to wake up before the kids to get out there running. We're raising money for this, which is an awesome organization that provides fees and equipment for under-privileged young ladies, my wife ..(Jared gets up because he is too hot)
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Gen: Yes, I loved playing soccer when growing up, kept me out of a lot of trouble, helped me deal with stress, taught me some of the most invaluable lessons in my life, so I feel honored and privileged to be linked with Dream Big Foundation, it's totally my jam and now we also have a daughter, so pushing her into soccer and team sports, so it's an honor to run under their charity ticket, we couldn't take it more seriously, ... Jared: ... and be more grateful. So my personal training coach is young Odette, we have some fun pictures, she is hitting me hard and sitting on me, and we have a full Rocky montage video coming your way, she's sitting on my feet, riding the bike next to me when I'm jogging on the street in my beanie and hoodie, so we're going to keep you guys updated on runpadsrun.com, we don't take your contributions lightly, and nor does Dream Big, every dollar goes straight to them, we are excited and whatever you can do, whether it's a dollar, 5, it will go to help people who aren't as privileged and lucky as we have been, so we're really grateful for whatever you can do - even if you just spread the word, get involved, maybe give some time, shoutouts, it's all appreciated. We're really grateful for y'all joining us today, we'll try and checkin on a more regular basis and let you know what's going on. Gen: Check out my blog nowandgen for updates, hopefully we'll soon be using an app so we will have exercise together and ways to converse together as well. Jared: So, updates on nownadngen and if you want to contribute, go to runpadsrun, help us help some wonderful young ladies. (blows kisses) Gen: ... and next time I promise, we will figure out how to answer your questions, bye guys
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Hi Everybody!
It is with incredible excitement, and great humility, to let you know you that my husband and I will be running the Boston Marathon on April 15th, 2019!
We will be endeavoring on this journey to help raise awareness and funds for a cause that we believe in wholeheartedly. Dream Big! Is a 501c(3) supporting, outfitting, supplying, encouraging and providing opportunities for young girls who, due to economic circumstances, are unable to participate. This incredible organization has provided over $200,000 worth of sports equipment, uniforms, and footwear in such sports as track and field, volleyball, soccer, double dutch, etc. The scholarship programs at DreamBig! have allowed young female athletes to attend basketball college showcases, soccer and volleyball camps, dance classes, and gymnastics lessons, and hundreds of girls attended Dream Big! Sports Clinics in partnership with local college sports teams. DreamBig! helps move mountains for young girls and this speaks to mine and my husband's hearts. As a kid, soccer was MY LIFE. I was about 6 years old when I joined my first team. In those days, it wasn't soccer as much as it was bunch ball and running around as fast as you can and kicking the ball in whatever direction you happened to be facing. But, even in those early days, before I completely understood the rules and the strategy, before the hours and days and weeks and years that I would ultimately spend on the field, I learned some of the most important and valuable lessons that I’ve carried into my adult life. One thing I learned is that you aren't going to "win" all of the time. But, I found that the lessons you learn from all of the setbacks along the way will provide the opportunity to learn what you can do to improve. There will be another play, another shot, another game. As cliche as it may sound, It’s not how many times you fall, it’s how many times you get back up. I discovered the importance of practice, dedication, and sacrifice. I learned that the play doesn’t matter as much as the game, the game doesn’t matter as much as the season, and the season doesn’t matter as much as the experience. Most importantly of all, I learned the importance of supporting your teammates, AND your opponents, and I found out just how much their reciprocal support meant as well... No matter what was happening in the world around me, I always knew that I had a team behind my back. Sports helped me learn that I needed and wanted to work hard for my teammates, and that winning the game didn’t, and DOESN’T, happen alone. I played soccer all the way through high school and college, and I still enjoy playing it with my children. I don’t know the person that I would be if I hadn’t had the chance to learn and grow from my teammates, coaches, and the love that I have for the sport. It can take a team to push you and support you beyond what you THINK you can accomplish. I am forever grateful for the support and motivation I received growing up in group sports, and I’m thrilled and humbled for the opportunity to pay that forward, and try to help provide other young ladies with the chance to support, and be supported by, their friends and teammates. When I cross that finish line, I will have a huge smile on my face, not only because I was able to achieve a life goal, but I will have crossed that finish line knowing I was able to impact thousands of young female athletes. - Gen
Growing up in Texas, sports were a big part of my life. I played basketball and football into high school, at which point I started to focus my time and efforts on drama and theater.
The lessons I learned from sports were numerous. I learned discipline, sacrifice, determination, focus, camaraderie, loyalty, and more. Sports are where I first learned what it was like to have a team around you to support you when you were falling, and celebrate alongside you when you were soaring. I learned the importance of being a gracious winner and a classy loser. I’ve tried to carry these lessons into adulthood, and I am able to reflect back on these lessons in my day to day life. Along the way, learned the value of “incremental improvement”. If I can learn from my mistakes and better myself, then I can be a better and more productive human being and teammate in the long run. It’s unfortunate, but also no secret, that male sports receive more attention and support from the general public. The athletes are paid more. The events are televised more regularly and on more channels, etc... I would love to take some part in raising awareness and increasing availability for girls, young and old, to learn some of the invaluable things that I was fortunate to learn growing up. Over the next few weeks, we will be sharing our story with you as we train for The Boston Marathon - one of the most grueling and demanding courses in the US. It’s going to be hard. It’s going to hurt. But it’s going to be worth it. Here is the important part: we consider you our teammates and challenge you take this journey with us. You don’t have to run a marathon, you don’t even have to run around the block - you CAN virtually train with us (we would love that!), but you can also offer encouragement and help by spreading the word about Dream Big! on social media. We only ask that you get in the mix so we can do this as a team. If you can help with a donation, please know 100% of your/our contributions will go directly to Dream Big! It’s our turn. Let’s do this... together. - Jared
Jared Padalecki updated their cover photo.
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Longhorns game, Frank Erwin Center, Austin @nowandgen IGs
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j2memories · 4 months
TV Insider Article (September 8th 2021)
Jared Padalecki Teases a ‘Supernatural’ Reunion & More in ‘Walker’ Season 2 (VIDEO)
Damian Holbrook
Walker may have just ended its first season in August, but Jared Padalecki’s update on the classic Chuck Norris action series is already getting ready to ride into Season 2. And this time, Jarpad’s Texas Ranger Cordell Walker, having solved the murder of his wife (Genevieve Padalecki, the actor’s real-life spouse), will be facing a new mystery that’s just as close to home.
Days before production started back up again, TV Insider chatted with the actor from his home in Austin, Texas, where he offered up plenty of intel about the upcoming case, as well as an update on a potential Supernatural reunion with Jensen Ackles. Above is just a sampling of the convo, which was conducted for TV Guide Magazine’s current Returning Favorites issue, but since the #WalkerFamily is so damn fine, we’ve decided to share some more of that content with you here. Enjoy!
Where do we begin in Season 2?
Padalecki says that the story will “pick up a couple months after the finale, and Cordell’s been home, spending a lot of time with his brother, Liam (Keegan Allen), his son and daughter (Kale Culley and Violet Brinson) and his parents (Molly Hagan and Mitch Pileggi).” And even though Cordi will be back full-time on the job, he promises that “we’re going to see a lot more of the personal and family side of the Walkers this season.”
Now that Emily’s death is resolved, does that mean no more Gen?
Come on, you think he could fire his own wife?! “We will see her,” he reveals. “We’ll still have happy flashbacks, but I don’t think the ghost of what happened to Emily will haunt Cordell. She won’t be there as his conscience.”
Since Liam’s political rival Stan Morrison (Jeffrey Nordling) was gravely injured by a sniper after Walker busted him for Emily’s death, is Liam the new district attorney?
Apparently, it’s not that simple. “Technically, the election is null and void. Liam is in a situation where he’s not sure, after everything, if it’s even what he really wants. He’s questioning [whether] there’s a better way to positively affect the city of Austin and its inhabitants.”
It was hinted that maybe the Del Rio crime syndicate was actually after Walker instead of Stan. What does that mean for Walker’s partner, Micki (Lindsey Morgan)?
“That puts her in danger too,” he offers. “Yeah. Micki is committed to finding out who’s trying to kill her partner.” When the show returns, we’ll find out that she’s been working undercover within the organization.
Have they figured out how to get Jensen Ackles on the show yet?
This is the news that’s already got fans’ Twitter timelines in a tizzy! “Well, he’s set to direct this season,” Padalecki told us of his beloved fellow Winchester. “He’s still in Canada right now. So we’re working [on it]. It just depends on, A) when he’s back in the damn country, B) when he’s back in the state and the city, C) when he’s not working on something else, and D) really what kind of cool role it would be to have him. My wish… did you ever see the Maverick movie with Mel Gibson? He runs into Danny Glover in the bank, and they look at each other, kind of like, “Nah.” I want at least one of those moments.”
So. Do. WE!
Walker, Season 2 Premiere, Thursday, October 28, 8/7c, The CW
Link to the article
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cpopnatural · 1 year
11x2 Notes
-the fucking zombie plot is so ughhhhhh
-not the Cain clip
-Dean’s so good with babies……..
-They made Jenna sapphic which means we’ve hit our gay quota this season
-Sammy an Alka-Seltzer is not gonna help you
-maybe Sam takes longer to turn because his cells have tolerance from the demon blood
-actual actor man against cardboard face jarpad. He looks like he nicki minaj music video green screened
-“good morning handsome” that’s a hate crime
-poor poor Cas :(
-oh no he’s crying :(
-Billie I love that song you’re so cool
-the first mention of the Empty!!!!!
-“you’re unclean, in the biblical sense” holy shit I love you
-why were the four options to cut off left arm, right arm, nose, and dick
-Lee Madjoub Hannah I love you
-Dean’s like god. Not my fucking ex
-from this point forward if people want to kill Dean and Cas and Sam
-the anti Catholic rhetoric in this episode is insane
-Hannah’s sad brown eyes :(
-not the lobotomy machine again
-Cas sees a gay person in danger he immediately goes Hulk mode
-does killing Hannah count as fridging or bury your gays
-bible purification google search. holy oil
-“I’m way more of a Daphne” oh I bet
-not this Renesme shit
-this episode has everything. Sam fighting for his life. Cas being a pathetic sad little guy. Brown eyed Hannah. The introduction of the cooler Death. Priest Crowley being gay and homophobic bickering with his ex Dean
-“adorable little Dean”
-“I’m not your bloody sidekick!!!” So true Crowley
-not another redhead…
Gonna start rating these episodes with a scale of 1-10 with 1 being Bloodlines and 10 being The Man Who Would Be King
Rating: 8.5/10. Would be 9 if not for the weird Renesme stuff
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positivexcellence · 1 year
@paigekmadison17: My amazing husband got a chance to meet @jarpad today while on deployment. Jared, thank you so much for taking the time to make this video. Hopefully I get to meet you in person some day.   #SPNFamily #AKF #SamWinchester
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wordofgodcast · 2 years
Episode 59: 6.15 "The French Mistake" and 6.16 "...And Then There Were None"
Previous | First | New episodes go up on Wednesdays
This week’s episode is available on Podbean HERE!
Check out our listen page or go to our pinned post to find a list of platforms you can listen on – don’t forget to follow, rate, and review if you can!
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Sources for references made this episode:
Jarpad's house tour article
pictures on the mantel (wedding; alpaca; the usual) screencap
Dean's little lean after Gen screencap
Sam under the Jarpad cowboy poster screencap
Serge Ladouceur dodging bullets gif
this is what a cranial saw looks like
stones on the grave headcanon post by @violenceenthusiast with addition from @qashtiel
Wyatt and Mitch's Final Fantasy Let's Play! video playlist
Content warnings for this episode can be found here, under the cut, and at the start of the episode:
Mass shooting
Implied animal death
Use of human remains
Black market purchase
Murder of a spouse (gruesome)
Mind control
Impromptu skull surgery
Electric shock
Insects going in places they should not on the human body
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spngirlpolls · 10 months
ok this is not a joke you guys im either psychic for real or i am the most powerful manifestor alive i made the ethel cain/richard siken poll MINUTES before she posted about him and i made a reboot poll yesterday and now jarpad is telling us to “bet on”seeing these characters again.
the only prophecy left is the weird vivid dream i had about misha collins dating taylor swift. and he posted a video of her to his insta story a few days ago. im in fear for my life.
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