#jax briggs is a lucky man
December 12th, 2021 10:43pm
The not often seen Vera Briggs! Featuring Raiden showing up LATE as usual. He’s about to get the scolding of his immortal life.
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Rereading the MKX comics while playing through MK11 to sort out some characterization issues.
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mencnfire · 1 year
Muse added | Kano
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ㅤnameㅤㅤ kano. ㅤaliasㅤㅤ the black dragon. ㅤageㅤㅤ 33 / 58. ㅤpronounsㅤㅤ he / him. ㅤspeciesㅤㅤ human. ㅤbirthdateㅤㅤ november 9th. ㅤsexualityㅤㅤ heterosexual. ㅤnationalityㅤㅤ australian. ㅤoccupationㅤㅤ mercenary / cartel boss. ㅤheightㅤㅤ 6ft 3" ㅤbuildㅤㅤ muscular.
kano is a ruthless mercenary, cartel boss, martial artist and criminal. a man who will only ever side with the winning side - a brutalist who knows no other language than violence...and of course sex, and booze and australian~!kano may seem happy-go-lucky, casual and a bit of a jokester but beneath the thin veil of charisma is an obsessive and fierce man willing to stop at nothing to get what he wants.
given up as a baby - kano was extremely young when he was adopted by a loving couple eager for a child of their own. named 'kao' by the japanese mother to adopt him, a mistake on the birth certificate led to him instead being called 'kano.' his father, a brutish australian man and former military man said 'hey, that's pretty cool' and thus came kano.
growing up, kano was doted on by his parents. his mother was strict, teaching him martial art ( specifically aikido ) from an early age, his dad on the other hand began to grow aloof when the boy that they'd adopted began to turn hostile. at a very young age ( five - six ) kano began lashing out and attacking strangers. his maliciousness was something his parents tried their best to curb out but the child seemed to persist. despite this, kano loved his mother dearly and would listen to her. at the age of thirteen, his parents had reached their end with kano's behaviour and separated. kano stayed with his mother while his father became an alcoholic recluse who would hardly ever see his son ( mostly due to his own depression ).
during this time, kano began to run with street gangs and gangsters. he rose in the ranks quickly, his brute strength, tacticians mind and borderline psychopathy a huge benefit to him when it came to dealing with other criminals.
at the age of 21, his father died of a heart attack. kano was upset by this but didn't let it get to him having been estranged from the old man for a while.in his early twenties he met sonya blade and jax briggs. despite being a known member of the black dragon clan; kano offered his services as an insider and mole and began feeding the special forces information on both the black dragon leaders and rival gangs. he also formed a romantic relationship with sonya.
ultimately, he was tricking them and had no real intention of selling the black dragon out. in order to propel himself further, kano used the special forces to rid of his enemies and in one final act of betrayal - revealed this to both them and most importantly the woman he'd convinced the hardest, sonya. killing her partner, the two went from lovers to sworn enemies.
around this time, kano's obsession with sonya began. in his late twenties and while being pursued by the special forces, an altercation with jax briggs saw kano lose his eye and face a near death experience. this event changed his life, his eye having now been transformed into the cybernetic eye he uses - he also experienced trauma from this event, however in his later age doesn't think of it as much.
kano has since been in and out of jail, capture, torture etc - he evades the forces that seek to bring him to justice while simultaneously serving only himself. the events of this blog are shaped both around this backstory and the events of the video games mixed together. at the age of fifty, kano is a mature mercenary running his own cartel. known fiercely as the black dragon and supplying weapons to those who will pay the most as if they're candy.
laser eye || skilled with knives/guns/general weaponry || trained in martial arts / kickboxing || assassination techniques || close-quarters-combat || criminal-activity / connections.
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shangsclaws · 3 years
Hugs! (Pt. 2)
pt.1 | pt.2 | pt.3
What is it like to hug the Kombatants?
Includes: Raiden, Fujin and Jax
gifs are not mine!!!
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Being 7ft tall has its perks.
(( ok to preface this I am 5 ft tall irl so holy fuck I know his hugs will feel IMMACULATE,,, like I’m a literal MOUSE in his arms ))
Earthrealmers tend to do this physical act as a sign of general contentment, he’s noticed this. That does not mean he’s good.
He simply doesn’t know where to place his hands. Giving specific advice will not help either, it’ll only confuse him more. That, or he might take it too literally and accidentally squeeze you too hard.
The best advice to give is to simply do what his heart so desires. That’s what earthrealmers do, after all.
He will be soooooo good at hugging afterwards. It’s heartwarming, really, to know that he had it in him all along.
And the fact that he’s the size of a literal post light makes it feel like you’re drowning in his arms — he’s fucking huge and you (I) LOVE it
Still, he presses quite a bit hard for your taste, and that’s simply because of the sheer size of this man. You’ll have to tell him to either tone it down or hug for shorter amounts of time if you really can’t take it.
He’ll won’t understand the request at first, he swears he’s hugging as gentle as possible. He won’t mind testing the waters with you though, it’s just another excuse to have you in his arms.
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Earthrealm’s finest (does that need to be said?)
It’s the general consensus in this fandom that Fujin is good at anything remotely romantic, lmao. Hugging is no different.
It only gets better when the wind he brings is contrasted by his warmth. You can feel a cold breeze at your back only to be wrapped in his arms, it feels fantastic.
He will embrace you just about as often as he leaves to scout Earthrealm for danger. In that sense he never says his farewells out loud, only embraces.
His hugs feel like hot soup/chocolate after being in the gruelling cold. Or lying in bed after a long day of standing up and walking around.
The wind god presses you into him, he does not squeeze. You are closer to him that way. He will never press enough to make it hard to breathe, though. He is gentle, as he is with almost everything else.
And even if you aren’t romantically involved, that’s okay! You will find a way into his arms either way. Being with Fujin (or really any kombatant for that matter) will usually mean getting injured in some way, and since he knows nothing about healing magic, the least he can do is to hug you. In a way these are also his apologies — your injury could have been avoided if he was around to stop it.
And he smells veeeerrrrry inviting, like an exotic rose. It’s not overpowering, if anything it’s faint until you’re that close to him. Makes the experience all the more better.
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There’s no way his arms are made of steel.
Working in the Special Forces, seeing the things he’s seen, Briggs can’t help but to bring it in sometimes.
Sonya will tell you just how lucky you are to have him all to yourself (and Cage will say he’s cheating because he’s got cool arms) — he’s probably the best human hugger there is.
Unfortunately he’s lost all sensation in his arms and fingers, so he can’t feel you in the way he’d want to. But if anything he watches the way you react to his touch, and he’s gained complete control of his arms over the years, so he holds you in a way that feels very natural to you.
And he can warm his arms to just the right temperature. Let me repeat, he can warm his arms to just the right temperature. His hugs transcend feeling natural at that point (( god I want to hug him so bad ugh ))
Jax is nonetheless a handsy man, so he’ll usually have a fond arm armed draped across your shoulder when you’re out and about. You’re presence is his comfort just as much as his hugs comfort you. He wants you to know that.
He is firm in his touch, but despite having such strong arms he isn’t suffocatingly tight. This man, as it’s been mentioned before, knows how to work his cybernetics.
He also is in the cute habit of resting his chin upon your neck — if you’re that tall, that is. If not, that won’t stop him from picking you up.
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breanime · 4 years
Ohhhhyayyy. 16 year old daughter gets picked up by a boy from school for her very first date.... 😈😼
Billy Russo: Billy is silent. He’s silent as your daughter gets ready, he’s silent as you remind him to be nice, he’s silent when the doorbell rings. He silently glares as this little pissant shakes his hand (he has a weak handshake) and his glare hardens when the pissant says “you’re so beautiful, Mrs. Russo”. When your daughter comes down, wearing makeup and smiling so hard, it looks like her cheeks might break, Billy softens... a little bit. But then the pissant says “damn” under his breath, and Billy is glaring again. “Have her home by 10 o’clock sharp,” Billy demands lowly. The pissant pales. “Yes sir, Mr. Russo, sir.” Your daughter grins, kissing her Dad’s cheek before floating away. You smile at your husband. “Let’s get you a drink, Billy...”
Logan Delos: Logan is wearing all black when the boy comes. He makes no secret of his disdain for the little cad, and rattles off a long list of rules as you help your daughter finish her hair. Once you both come down, Logan is all charms and smiles. “Have fun, kids!” He turns, his dark eyes twinkling. “But not too much fun.” Your daughter laughs, but the boy nods, eyes wide. “Yes sir--I--I mean, no sir... I mean...” You laugh, pushing them out the door, “have fun, you two!” You turn to Logan, and he deflates. “This is karma, isn’t it? For all the skanky things I did as a teenager...” “Yeah,” you laugh back, putting your arms around him, “but lucky for us, she has better role models than you did.” He smiles back, kissing you. “Yeah, she does...”
Jax Teller: Jax answers the door shirtless and smirking. “Oh, you must be Jason, come on in!” He says brightly. He has his gun on his belt, the kid’s eyes are wide. “Daddddd!” Your daughter groans, pushing a shirt at him as she blushes at her crush. You smile, whacking Jax on his ass as you walk past. “Don’t mind him, Jason, come in, have a seat.” Jax put shirt and kutte on, leaning back in his chair as he gives Jason the third degree. The poor kid looked like he was going to shit himself, and your daughter looked like she was going to punch her Dad, so you ushered them out, pinching Jax’s ass as you watched Jason hold the car door out for your daughter. “Papa Wolf,” you tease. He slaps your ass. “Mama Bear,” he grins back. 
Coco Cruz: Coco, Angel, EZ, Letty, and Gilly are all there when your daughter’s date arrives. His eyes are huge as he looks up at them. Coco blows his smoke in the kid’s face. “My wife made me promise to be nice,” he explains calmly, “but these guys didn’t make that same promise, so...” “Don’t fuck this up, homie,” Angel says, glaring down at him, “This girl is family.” “You know what that means?” Gilly asks. “It means anything you do to her...” EZ answered. “We do to you ten times worse,” Letty finished, arms crossed, “You better treat her like a fucking Princess, keep your grimy little hands to yourself, and bring her home before curfew!” He nods, agreeing quickly. By the time you and your daughter come downstairs, he’s so scared, he can barely say his own name. 
Angel Reyes: Angel, EZ, and Felipe are all there. You explicitly forbid Felipe and EZ from coming out when the boy gets there, so they watch from the second floor window, commenting on his car and clothes and the way he walks. Angel is standing in the doorway, arms crossed with a grim look on his face. “I hate this prick,” he murmurs. “Be nice,” you say. “Fine. But I still hate him.” Angel glares his way through the introductions, roughly reminding them to be home by 10. “If you’re not, I’m comin’ to look for you. And I know you don’t want that.” “Yes sir, Mr. Reyes,” the kid says, nodding. And even though he’s scared and intimidated, you and Angel both see the way his eyes light up when he looks at your little girl. You watch them leave from the door, and Angel sighs, resting his head on top of yours. “We’re gonna be stuck with this little asshole for a while, aren’t we?” You smiled back. “I liked him too, Angel.”
Miguel Galindo: Miguel is dressed better than your daughter’s homecoming date. He looks at the guy with disinterest and dissatisfaction, but smiles when your daughter comes down in her (very expensive) dress. He lets you do most of the talking, and he pays the photographer well for the pictures. As your daughter is getting ready to go, Miguel leans in close to her date and says “just remember... I’m always watching.” The guy nods, gulping loudly. Miguel smiles, straightens up, and goes to stand by your side, admiring his beautiful little girl. He’s a little emotional as you all say your goodbyes, and he sighs, holding you close. “Did Nestor put the tracker on the car?” You ask. Miguel nods. “He’s already positioned at the school,” he says back, “just in case. Now...” He turns to you and holds his hand out, and even though there’s no music, he asks, “Can I have this dance?”
Nick Amaro: Nick is a mess before your daughter’s date gets there, pacing the floor, praying, sucking down his weird energy drink. He went through this with Zara, but it never gets easier. He jumps when the doorbell rings, going with you to answer it--but before he does, he slips his badge on around his neck...just because. Nick already went through the process of looking the guy up--and he seemed nice, but he knows how men can be, so he’s a mix between stern and warm as he greets the date. He reminds your daughter to be safe and not to take any drugs or alcohol, to which she replies “I know, Dad”. He watches them leave with a sigh. Two down...he glanced over at the playpen a few feet away...two to go. 
Johnny Tuturro: Charlie, Mike, Briggs, Paige, and Jakes are all there with you two as you wait for your daughter’s date to arrive. Charlie and Paige look like they could break a man with a single look, dressed in leather and sunglasses even though it was nighttime, Jakes had on his mean Jakes face, Briggs was clearly wearing a gun, and Mike was dressed up in army fatigues. Johnny was wearing a black tank top and he had his muscles out on full display. You were the only chill one. The poor kid did his best to keep his composure, but you knew Briggs, Johnny, and Jakes were making faces behind your back as you asked the guy about school and his parents. Your daughter was definitely Johnny’s kid, because she was giggling the whole time. 
Rio: Rio, being the dramatic king he is, was standing in the dark as you gave your daughter’s date the house tour. “You know when curfew ends, right?” He asks, making the boy jump. You sigh, and your daughter rolls her eyes. You turn the light on, and Rio, in all black, cuts the light on and approaches the kid. You can see the poor boy shrivel up as Rio gets closer. Your husband doesn’t have to do much of anything to be intimidating. Before the kids leave, Rio shakes hands with the boy and leans in close. When he pulls back, Rio is smiling warmly, but the boy looks like he’s going to cry. As they pull off, you look up at him. “What did you say to him?” Rio smiled, kissing the top of your head. “I just explained that I got this tattoo because I killed somone... a few someones. Then I told him to have a good night with my precious baby girl.” 
Thanks for reading! Please let me know what you think! Did you have a favorite reaction? 
Everything Taglist: @sweetybuzz25  @mrsjaxtellerfan  @rhabakoli  @encounterthepast @realduckvader   @justvnash @knowles-morgan  @ateliefloresdaprimavera @evanlys19  @nyxxnoxx @carlaangel86  @luminex3 @jigsawlover10  @gollyderek @otomefromtheheart @lexxierave @crushed-pink-petals @amethyst09 @falsehopesndreams  @a-dorky-book-keeper @witchygagirl @glimmerglittergirl @nich0lasmatthews @ben-c-group-therapy @felicity-x0 @amirra88 @yourfellowangel @vibranium-soul @xserenax-13  @whoaitslucyy-blog  @gemini0410 @ktiz90 @theoceanhathsolace​ @starrynite7114​
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summerwritesfics · 3 years
🎧Song Inspired Shorts - Happy Halloween
Pairing & Characters: Raiden/Jax & Jax/Vera, Jacqui Briggs Length: 643 words Rating: Teen Content/Warnings: Polyamory (M/M & M/F), Trick or treating, Kid Jacqui being adorable, Fluff, Brief mention of a bunny girl costume Song: Happy Halloween - Raon Lee
Song Inspired Shorts Masterlist
だって Happy Halloween, 悪戯しちゃうぞ ding-dong-dang, あっちもこっちも trick or treat, キャンディーはくれないの?, だって Happy Halloween, 幼気なランタンパンプキン, 疲れたジャックも踊るよ 朝まで
“So what do you think?”
Raiden looked around from the window to see Jax in a waist coat and wearing a red lined cape that attached to the cuff's of his shirt. He couldn't tell from this far away, but he could have sworn Jax's canines looked sharper.
“What exactly are you meant to be?” Raiden questioned as the other man approached him. Closer he could see that he'd been right about Jax's teeth.
“What do you mean what am I?” Jax asked in an offended tone, bringing the cape around him. “I'm a vampire!”
“Oh, of course, it was so obvious,” Raiden rumbled in response. He'd met vampires, the native species of Vaeternus, and he'd never met any that dressed quite like that. He supposed he might have missed a trend somewhere.
“Anyway, never mind my costume, where's yours?” Jax asked, hands on hips and looking Raiden up and down.
“This is my costume,” Raiden spoke as he gestured to what was just his usual clothing. “I'm going as Lord Raiden, God of Thunder.”
“So let me get this straight, you're telling me you're going trick or treating as yourself?” Raiden nodded proudly, his plan to avoid wearing some ridiculous costume worked. “That's unfortunate. Having two Lord Raiden's might be a bit much.”
Before Raiden had the chance to ask what he meant by that, he heard the pitter patter of small feet rush into the room. One glance at little Jacqui explained everything.
“I'm Lord Raiden, god of thunder,” she cheerfully announced in her miniature replica of the god's outfit, down to the minuet details. Vera must have made it for her especially. Jacqui looked up at Raiden with a huge grin on her face, and it made Raiden's resolve falter slightly.
“She insisted on the outfit,” Jax said, elbowing him lightly. “So are we gonna have two Lord Raiden's or is one of you going to change?”
Raiden looked at him for a few seconds, oh Jax was wearing that stupid smile he'd get when he knew he'd won in one their battle of wits. Because Jax knew that Raiden wouldn't deny his (sort of) step-daughter something like this.
“Oh you are evil,” Raiden muttered, hating the triumphant look on Jax's face. “I assume since you have this all planned out, you already have a costume for me.”
“We absolutely do,” Vera sang from the doorway, dressed in a long black dress and floppy hat, holding a package of something in her hands. She threw the object at Raiden, and he caught it, looking at what he'd been given. It was a costume set that the packaging labelled as being a devil.
“I suppose it could have been worse,” Raiden spoke, trying to hide from his boyfriend and his boyfriend's wife the small smile on his face. It was a ridiculous outfit yes, and he knew Jax would have oh so much fun teasing him about it, but it really was quite modest.
“Yeah well, you're lucky she talked me out of getting you the bunny girl outfit,” Jax chuckled, Oh there it was, the teasing already started and he hadn't even put the thing on yet. “Anyway, better get it on quick before everyone else get's the good candy and we're left only with candy corn.” Jacqui gave a small horrified gasp at the mere thought.
Raiden rolled his eyes, he wasn't sure what this candy corn was but he was certain it wasn't the end of the world like Jax was trying to make it seem. Still he made his way past them, to go and try and get the costume on as quickly as possible. For Jacqui's sake obviously, and not because he wanted to.
Well, okay maybe he wanted to a little bit.
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outworldgay · 5 years
Going off of those headcannon about the Kombat Kast meeting Atreus, what do you think everybody’s intro dialogue with Kratos would look like?
I’m only gonna choose 5 random kombatants from the last ask you’re referring to, since I’m now limiting my requests to 5 characters per ask. If there’s anyone specifically you’d like me to do that you don’t see here, feel free to send another ask!
Jax Briggs
Jax: You look like you’ve seen some shit. Kratos: The past weighs on me, but I carry onward. Jax: I know the feeling.
Jax: I don’t understand why you would put your kid on the front lines like that. Kratos: Atreus must learn how to defend himself at a young age. Jax: and Jacqui thinks I’m tough.
Kratos: A father should never betray his kin. Jax: You’re one to talk. Kratos: I am no longer under Ares’s influence. Now you must escape Kronika’s.
Johnny Cage
Johnny: Think lil Archie would enjoy a Johnny Cage flick? Kratos: I would not subject Atreus to such low brow entertainment. Johnny: but it says “fun for the whole family” right on the box!
Johnny: Fatherhood suits you. Kratos: I could say the same for you. Johnny: I guess this makes us both dilfs now.
Kratos: Your arrogance is rivaled by that of a child. Johnny: Nothing wrong with flaunting what ya got. Kratos: Even Atreus shows more discipline than you.
Liu Kang
Liu Kang: You seem unimpressed. Kratos: I did not expect Earthrealm’s champion to be so young. Liu Kang: I assure you your years will not give you any advantage over me.
Liu Kang: Stand down, or risk burning at my hands. Kratos: Your fire can rival Hephaestus himself. Liu Kang: Then you should know to be wary.
Kratos: Are the gods in your realm as self serving and corrupt? Liu Kang: Some are, but I assure you not enough to waver faith. Kratos: That is not a reassuring answer.
Raiden: It is heartwarming to see you on a better path now. Kratos: I do not need to be patronized by the likes of you. Raiden: It seems you still have a long way to go.
Raiden: All this time, you were also a god? Kratos: It is not a title I wear with a sense of superiority like other gods. Raiden: I am not sure I like your implication
Kratos: I have been disillusioned by gods before. Raiden: I assure you my intentions are just. Kratos: I am sure your champions thought that too.
Scorpion: The elder gods granted you a second chance. Kratos: The gods don’t deserve credit for the path I’ve paved myself. Scorpion: They are also capable of destroying that path.
Scorpion: You’ve had the opportunity to rebuild your life. Kratos: And I will do anything to protect that life. Scorpion: May we all be so lucky.
Kratos: I mean you no harm, Hanzo. Scorpion: How can I trust someone who murdered their family in cold blood? Kratos: I am a different man now. I am no longer corrupted by Ares’s bloodlust.
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geminiimagines · 5 years
Mk krew + wedding songs
Scorpion ( Hanzo Hasashi) 
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All I Ask of You from Phantom of the Opera 
No more talk of darkness Forget these wide-eyed fears I'm here, nothing can harm you My words will warm and calm you let me be your freedom Let daylight dry your tears I'm here, with you, beside you To guard you and to guide you say you love me every waking moment Turn my head with talk of summertime Say you need me with you now and always Promise me that all you say is true That's all I ask of you
It’s a big moment for Hanzo to get remarried. It’s a second chance he never thought he would get again. All he wants to do for the rest for his is to protect and love you, and you just to is give him love and give him a home. 
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At the Beginning- From Anatasia 
We were strangers, starting out on a journey Never dreaming, what we'd have to go through Now here we are, I'm suddenly standing At the beginning with you No one told me, I was going to find you Unexpected, what you did to my heart When I lost hope You were there to remind me This is the start
Being with Kabal is an adventure in itself. This song him reminds of all of the crazy shenanigans. But more importantly, you stuck by his side after his accident. You didn’t have to stick around, but you did. Now you were both starting on this crazy adventure. 
Erron Black 
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Ring of Fire- Johnny Cash 
The taste of love is sweet When hearts like ours meet I fell for you like a child Oh, but the fire went wild I fell into a burnin' ring of fire I went down, down, down And the flames went higher And it burns, burns, burns The ring of fire, the ring of fire
Erron never expected to fall in love. Sure, he’s had a few relationships over the years, but it wasn’t anything serious. But when he met you, he fell hard. He didn’t want to admit at first, but there was something about you that made him want to settle down. Now he was wanting nothing more to spend the rest of his life with you. 
Kuai Liang
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Because You Loved Me- Celine Dion
You were my strength when I was weak You were my voice when I couldn't speak You were my eyes when I couldn't see You saw the best there was in me Lifted me up when I couldn't reach You gave me faith 'cause you believed I'm everything I am Because you loved me
It’s really cheesy. But, Kuai Liang believes since he met you that you made him a better man. He knows he’s far from perfect. Despite all of his flaws you never stopped loving him. 
Johnny Cage 
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Addicted to Love- Florence and the Machine  
You can't be saved Oblivion is all you crave If there's some left for you You don't mind if you do Whoa, you like to think that you're immune to the stuff, oh yeah It's closer to the truth to say you can't get enough You know you're gonna have to face it, you're addicted to love  
Johnny is a hopeless romantic at heart. It nearly threw him for a loop when you said yes when he asked you to marry him. He can’t get enough of you. (I mean just look at his instagram). He wants to do better with you, it feels like you’ve given him this second chance and he won’t mess up this time. 
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Jasmine Flower 
What a beautiful Jasmine flower 
What a beautiful Jasmine flower 
A spray of fragrance and lovely petals 
Everyone loves your snow-white buds 
Let me pick a jasmine flower 
And give it to my beau 
Raiden loves you with every fiber of his being. He’ll often compare your time together like a flower. Whatever time you have together he’ll make the most of it. Raiden knows he can be a difficult man to love, but he’s thankful that you’re here. 
Cassie Cage 
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I’d Be Your Wife- Mary Lambert 
You're the song I've been singing
All of my life And every piece of me loves every piece of you You were right for me right from the start Especially when you said you liked NPR and sleeping and drinking coffee And playing Scrabble and I think you're really cute
It hurts to admit, but Cassie never had the time for a serious relationship. Being in Special Forces kind of did that. Like, Erron she didn’t think she would ever settle down, but when she met you she fell hard. She loves so much, and can’t wait to spend the rest of her life with you. 
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Like I’m Gonna Lose You- Meghan Trainor ft. John Legend 
So I'll kiss you longer baby Any chance that I get I'll make the most of the minutes And love with no regretsLet's take our time to say what we want Here's what we got before it's all gone 'Cause no, we're not promised tomorrow so I'm gonna love you like I'm gonna lose you I'm gonna hold you like I'm saying goodbye Wherever we're standing I won't take you for granted 'Cause we'll never know when, when we'll run out of time
Jax has been through a lot. Like Raiden he won’t hold back loving you. He wants to settle down with you and grow old. You’ve helped him a lot in terms of recovery. Jax just wants to pay you back by giving you the best life possible. 
Jacqui Briggs 
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Lucky- Jason Mraz & Colbie Caillat
I'm lucky I'm in love with my best friend Lucky to have been where I have been Lucky to be coming home again Lucky we're in love in every way Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed Lucky to be coming home someday
Like Cassie, she never had a serious relationship outside of anyone in SF. Thankfully you were her best friend. Though you never joined Speical Forces you and here stayed in constant contact with each. You're her partner in crime and she can come to you for anything. She feels so lucky to marry you. 
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Danny’s Song- Loggins and Messina 
Love the girl who holds the world in a paper cup Drink it up Love her and she'll bring you luck And if you find she helps your mind Buddy, take her home Yeah, don't you live alone Try to earn what lovers own
Nightwolf lived a simple life growing up. When he’s with you he wants to give you the world, but sometimes he can’t. Part of him wonders what would have happened if he did join Kano. Just one look at you reminds him of why he didn’t. You don’t material things when you have your whole world looking back you. 
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Jax’s ‘Mortal Kombat 11’ Ending Finds Him Undoing Slavery, Fans Are Calling It “Racist”
However, a handful of other fans have responded positively to the ending.
Mortal Kombat 11 was recently released but a particular ending for one of the game’s characters has divided fans.
As with previous Mortal Kombat games, 11 also features an Arcade Mode (commonly referred to the Klassic Tower in the series) where, depending on the character you play as, you get a certain ending after beating every fighter.
For Jackson “Jax”  Briggs’ ending, the iconic black Mortal Kombat character uses the powers he’s gained from Kronika (the game’s primary antagonist who, as the Keeper of Time, can manipulate time) to undo the slave trade, while also keeping his wife and daughter in his life.
“All I wanted was to fix my life. Now I have the power to fix history,” Briggs says as he faces Kronika’s sand hourglass. “I’ve been lucky, my family and I have lived the American Dream. But most people who look like me haven’t had that chance. I owe it to them to put things right,” he continues as an image of slaves being transported is displayed in the hourglass.
Ultimately, after manipulating history a few times, Briggs not only ends up undoing slavery but still having his wife and daughter in his life.
The ending has divided some fans of the series. One Reddit thread titled “(opinion) I think Jax’s ending in mortal kombat 11 makes him racist” by a user named Valdish has over 311 comments, with many of them supporting Valdish’s post.
“The guy goes back in time to end slavery of black people, but in MK universe, Shao Khan has been enslaving people of all skin colors for about a thousand years, but Jax only cares about freeing black people?” Valdish wrote.
Other comments made in the thread falso equate Briggs’ ending to Wakanda, the fictional Sub-Saharan African country that Marvel superhero Black Panther resides at.
However, some have come to the defense of the ending on the thread, with one user named PreuvianSmore writing: “Y’all are so hilarious. This is really the hill you want to die on? A black man stopping slavery? Okay lmao. Have a great day.”
Some have also defended the ending on Twitter while addressing the outrage that has come from the ending
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Mortal Kombat 11 was released on April 23, 2019. Is it the sequel to 2015’s Mortal Kombat X.
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itsmeadrianleung · 3 years
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Jax Briggs’ non-canonical ending in MORTAL KOMBAT 11 All I wanted was to fix my life. Now I have to power to fix history. Raiden warns me, I can’t fix everything. Change too much and I could lose Vera. Lose Jacqui. But this power’s bigger than us. If I think only about helping myself, what kind of officer am I? What kind of man? I’ve been lucky. My family and I have lived the American🇺🇸 Dream. But most people who look like me haven’t had that chance. I owe it to them to put things right. And I’m not waiting centuries for people to get woke, when I’ve got the power to speed things up. I don’t get it right the first time. Or the second. Or even the third. But eventually, I knock it out of the damn park. My family’s back. The world’s a better place for everyone. Turns out you CAN have everything. Anyone says you can’t, needs to dream bigger. • #JaxBriggs #MORTALKOMBAT11 #MORTALKOMBAT11AFTERMATH #MORTALKOMBAT11ULTIMATE #Raiden #VeraBriggs #JacquiBriggs #USA #US #UnitedStatesofAmerica #UnitedStates #NewYorkCity #NewYork https://www.instagram.com/p/CQ8bkbWLxrHmnYFkL21F26q2a0xEdJit1XTJ6o0/?utm_medium=tumblr
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theangelofvengeance · 7 years
If Tommy Oliver from Power Rangers was a “Mortal Kombat X” DLC Character...
This is what his interactions would be like:
vs. Cassie Cage
Tommy Oliver: I'm being arrested, aren't I? Cassie Cage: If that's the way you want it... Tommy Oliver: On second thought, I wouldn't look good in orange.
Cassie Cage: What's with the weird pajamas? Tommy Oliver: I'm part of the Power Rangers. Cassie Cage: Looks like something you'll easily go to sleep for.
Vs. D'Vorah
Tommy Oliver: Yikes, what fell down the ugly tree? D'Vorah: I find your humor revolting! Tommy Oliver: Can't say the same about your face.
D'Vorah: The hive is ready to greet you. Tommy Oliver: Sorry ugly, don't feel like it. D'Vorah: You have no choice!
vs. Ermac
Tommy Oliver: Well, I've seen worse. Ermac: Now it'll get worse! Tommy Oliver: But beating you will be better.
Ermac: The worthless soul. Tommy Oliver: The walking toilet paper! Ermac: That will be your last joke at me!
vs. Erron Black
Tommy Oliver: Did I just end up in the wild west? Erron Black: Soon, you'll be endin' up dead. Tommy Oliver: Nah, red just ain't my color.
Erron Black: Your outfit sickens me. Tommy Oliver: Why? Green definitely goes good with me. Erron Black: Enough to make me vomit.
vs. Goro
Tommy Oliver: So I'm fighting a freaky turtle? Goro: I shall rip out your dirty mouth! Tommy Oliver: Yeah, not gonna happen.
Goro: You will regret facing me! Tommy Oliver: Especially the B.O. you have right now. Goro: Just as I will do to your death.
vs. Jacqui Briggs
Tommy Oliver: Nice looking hands you got. Jacqui Briggs: The kind that bashes your brains in. Tommy Oliver: Well, aren't we the feisty one?
Jacqui Briggs: You know Halloween ended, right? Tommy Oliver: Is this kind of a trick question? Jacqui Briggs: I guess I'll treat you to an answer, then.
vs. Jason Lee Scott (Power Rangers DLC)
Tommy Oliver: Ready for a warm-up, buddy? Jason Lee Scott: Just keep your feet in one piece. Tommy Oliver: I'll remember that in mind.
Jason Lee Scott: Rita's not controlling you, right? Tommy Oliver: You act like I'm evil again. Jason Lee Scott: I'll just have to be sure, then.
vs. Jax
Tommy Oliver: Are those arms really made of machine? Jax: You wanna find out the hard way? Tommy Oliver: I guess I regretted asking that...
Jax: What's up with your outfit? Tommy Oliver: I'm a Power Ranger. Goes with the territory. Jax: That mask to cover your bruised face fits.
vs. Johnny Cage
Tommy Oliver: Can you fight with those things on? Johnny Cage: I could ask you the same thing, helmet-head. Tommy Oliver: Guess we have much in common, then.
Johnny Cage: Looking for the dressing room, stuntman? Tommy Oliver: I'm looking for a fight instead. Johnny Cage: Looks like we've found what we're looking for.
vs. Kano
Tommy Oliver: Why do you have a plate on your face? Kano: Quite the jokester, aren't ya? Tommy Oliver: It'll be funny seeing you in a bodycast.
Kano: Silly outfit you got, vermin. Tommy Oliver: Eh, I think it's actually pretty cool. Kano: It'll go great with your bloodstains.
vs. Kenshi
Tommy Oliver: You seriously gonna fight me blind? Kenshi: You have a problem with that, young man? Tommy Oliver: Figured I'd make this easy.
Kenshi: Your attire is very interesting. Tommy Oliver: It fits me very easy. Kenshi: Too bad I'll make this fight hard.
vs. Kimberly Hart (Power Rangers DLC)
Tommy Oliver: I don't want to hurt you, Kimberly. Kimberly Hart: Scared that I'll win that easily? Tommy Oliver: You really got me cornered now, huh?
Kimberly Hart: Give me all you got, Tommy! Tommy Oliver: Like flowers and chocolate, Kim? Kimberly Hart: I'd say more like your hospital bill.
vs. Kitana
Tommy Oliver: I love those fans of yours. Kitana: Well, those admirers come often. Tommy Oliver: Not the answer I was really expecting.
Kitana: You're quite an unusual being. Tommy Oliver: But my moves will knock you out this world. Kitana: Then come show me.
vs. Kotal Kahn
Tommy Oliver: What's with the freaky headdress? Kotal Kahn: You'll pay for those insolent comments! Tommy Oliver: Too bad you'll end up flat broke.
Kotal Kahn: Quite an interesting commoner. Tommy Oliver: You trying to kiss up to me? Kotal Kahn: And quite an interesting mouth to shut.
vs. Kung Jin
Tommy Oliver: Watch where you point those arrows. Kung Jin: I think it goes well with me. Tommy Oliver: Unlike this fight right here.
Kung Jin: I haven't seen you before. Tommy Oliver: Adam? Why are you dressed funny? Kung Jin: Don't really know what to say about that...
vs. Kung Lao
Tommy Oliver: Looking to get a heat stroke with that hat? Kung Lao: I can fare just fine without worry. Tommy Oliver: So, you're worried about me beating you?
Kung Lao: You dare face a shaolin? Tommy Oliver: I gotta prove my skill either way. Kung Lao: Then make this risk worth it.
vs. Liu Kang
Tommy Oliver: You must be the Mortal Kombat champion. Liu Kang: And you must be one of the Power Rangers. Tommy Oliver: Then I'll show you why I earned it!
Liu Kang: Think twice before you get hurt. Tommy Oliver: I've already made up my mind. Liu Kang: You will regret this decision.
vs. Mileena
Tommy Oliver: Kimberly, is that you? Mileena: Your stupidity will cause you death! Tommy Oliver: Yeah, definitely not Kimberly...
Mileena: I dig me some fresh meat. Tommy Oliver: Sorry ugly, I'm already taken. Mileena: You'll come with me, like it or not!
vs. Quan Chi
Tommy Oliver: End of the road for you, egghead! Quan Chi: You'll make a good slave for me. Tommy Oliver: I'm certain nobody would!
Quan Chi: Are you lost, my child? Tommy Oliver: Sorry, already got a dad. Quan Chi: Then I'll take you with him, then.
vs. Raiden
Tommy Oliver: Are you the one that's called Raiden? Raiden: In the flesh, earthrealmer. Tommy Oliver: Then consider this a pleasure to fight you.
Raiden: I don't think I've ever seen you before. Tommy Oliver: Wanna find out and see for yourself? Raiden: Don't regret anything you'll do.
vs. Reptile
Tommy Oliver: Ugh, what stinks? Reptile: Your blood, that's why! Tommy Oliver: May I least consider a shower first?
Reptile: Your journey ends here and now! Tommy Oliver: Sure, for you that is! Reptile: That will be proven false!
vs. Scorpion
Tommy Oliver: Hey smokey, where's the fire? Scorpion: It's here to burn you alive! Tommy Oliver: Well, it's time to extinguish you then!
Scorpion: Hell will be suitable for you! Tommy Oliver: Nah, I like it here on Earth as it is! Scorpion: Not for long!
vs. Shinnok
Tommy Oliver: You look so familiar. Shinnok: Then I'll remember your death shortly. Tommy Oliver: Wow, no wonder Rita's more attractive than you.
Shinnok: You look foolish enough to face me. Tommy Oliver: Says the guy with a freaky jester hat. Shinnok: Then your fate will be amusing to me.
vs. Sonya Blade
Tommy Oliver: You're the Special Forces general, right? Sonya Blade: Correction. Care to see why I am? Tommy Oliver: Don't mind at all, miss.
Sonya Blade: You must be one of the Power Rangers. Tommy Oliver: The leader of the bunch. Sonya Blade: Then today must be lucky day...
vs. Sub-Zero
Tommy Oliver: This is the one called Sub-Zero, right? Sub Zero: I'll show you how right I am. Tommy Oliver: Then prove me wrong.
Sub-Zero: Stand down if you can. Tommy Oliver: We rangers never stay down. Sub-Zero: Then I'll make you go down!
vs. Takeda
Tommy Oliver: I'll cut through that whip of yours. Takeda: Ooooh, is that a bet? Tommy Oliver: Sure. We'll just call it that.
Takeda: Does that outfit get a little hot? Tommy Oliver: Kinda cools me down to be honest. Takeda: I hope you're ready for a warm-up then.
vs. Tommy Oliver
Tommy Oliver (1): Well, this is awkward. Tommy Oliver (2): Yes, it is, other me. Tommy Oliver (1): We'll see which one's the real one!
Tommy Oliver (2): You definitely can't be me. Tommy Oliver (1): Only the real Tommy dates Kimberly. Tommy Oliver (2): I bet the fake Tommy falls, right?
vs. Ferra/Torr
Tommy Oliver: You really changed a lot, Bulk and Skull. Ferra/Torr: Ferra/Torr not Bulk and Skull! Tommy Oliver: Could've guessed by the monkey on your back.
Ferra/Torr: Greenman go down! Tommy Oliver: What a weird way to introduce someone. Ferra/Torr: He don't get our words, Torr!
What do you all think?
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