#jaya week 2023
i-love-jay-walker · 9 months
Jaya Week 2023
I wasn't gonna post any of my fics from Jaya Week on tumblr, besides the original link, but I'll be honest, I think this is the only good thing I've written in a while. So if you're interested in reading some Jaya stuff, here you go! I hope you enjoy!
You can also read it under here:
The first time his hand held hers, he felt delighted. He swore he felt his heart explode with a million butterflies, filling up his stomach and crowding his mind. He could hardly think, seeing nothing but the beautiful butterflies, whispering promises of love to come.
The first time they kissed, he felt ecstatic. Not only from his true potential, but from the unspoken promise of something more. The low zimmer of currents in his blood, whispering and polluting his mind, promising so much. 
The first time he saw her with Cole, he felt resentment. An unspoken promise had been broken. It had been taken, bent it till it broke, shattering to pieces much like his broken heart. The whispers had fallen silent, a dying hope of something better no longer promised.
The first time they went out again, he had felt uncertain. He had spent so long, picking up the pieces of his heart, slowly glueing the bits and pieces together. It wasn’t easy, seeing how both her and Cole had pieces of it stuck to them, to their bodies, their souls and their clothes. He wasn’t sure he could ever truly repair it, so he kept it to himself, not letting her touch his mangled heart. A promise to himself to not trust again, to not let his heart shatter any further. The whispers fell on deaf ears as he cradled his crumbled heart.
The first time he lost her, he felt misery. His marred heart crackled, the old cracks splitting open, letting the love he’d carefully hidden away oozing out. It smelled foul and putrid, something no one was deserving of. It was ugly and vile, having been stowed up with molded hatred and jealousy. He carefully tried to tape up the bits, hoping no one would see the revolting, broken heart spilling out all of his anguish. The muck had yearned for a girl no longer there, yearned for a love it could never have. It whispered for a promise that was too late.
The first time he held out his defective heart, he felt hesitant. Her gentle hands caressed the stitched up soul, slowly warming it up. She had sat down, gently pulling out each ragged thread, dissolving the clumped up glue. She cleaned and polished each tiny piece, displaying them in front her. Baring his soul and heart to herself and he let her. He would always let her. She slowly began rebuilding the bond, adding each small, polished piece by piece. She gave him back the remains she’d stolen, the bits shiny and well cared for. In the end, his fractured heart was mending as she cradled the bond, gentle and caring. The whispers of a promise to return, to care and to help. To never be alone again. 
The second time he lost her, he felt despair. His restored heart shattering in impossibly many pieces, his mind going with it. He sprawled on the floor, reaching for pieces that seemed endlessly far away, pieces that would scatter farther off with each reach. He heard the cry of his broken soul, the million pieces mourning a loss he didn’t know how to handle. He scooped up the pieces he could, cradling the memory of a lost love. He rocked it gently, hoping if he put his weeping heart to sleep, maybe the pain would leave him alone. He cried along with his wailing soul, his tears showering the memories he had cherished, the imagery of a girl he’d loved. The whispers were howling, a sobbing promise to never let go, a tearful promise to never forget. 
The second time he held out his defective heart, he felt relieved. Her hands, as gentle as he remembered, cradled and kissed his shattered heart. She helped him put it back together, gently kissing each jagged shard before stitching them up. His misshapen heart may not be a pleasant glance, but to him it meant everything. It whispered promises of love, promises of care and promises of never being alone. It was a repulsive heart, one only one person could love. And that she did. Every night she cradled his heart, kissing and polishing every crack and rift. She promised to take care of the repelling soul, the one she loved so dearly. She promised that to her, the grotesque heart was beautiful.
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ebonynightwriter · 7 months
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waava month (2023) // day 15 · divided
There's no need for violence. I know there must be a way to work out a compromise.
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finn-m-corvex · 8 months
Jaya Week 2023 Day 7: Forever
This has been a long time coming! It took quite a bit of working (and reworking, and re-reworking) to get this one ready, but it's finally here. I hope you guys enjoy reading this as much as I loved writing it. Happy Jaya Week everyone!!!
Words: 2.3k
No tws!
Forever had always been a strange word to her.
No concept could ever truly be infinite, right? Even things that humankind defined as symbolically never having an end, like the ocean or the sky or even time itself; all of those things would come to an end. You would eventually reach the bottom of the sea, and there was always going to be a point in the sky where you would never be able to go any higher. Time was a construction of humanity’s own design in Nya’s opinion; if we had never named it, then nothing would know that it existed.
Which is why Nya thought it was silly that people thought love was eternal; that its depths were truly endless, that it could never be conquered. If something as vast as the ocean, as free as the sky, as stringent as time could never be eternal, then how could love be forever? How could it never have an end?
Love was fragile. Love was limited. Love was a shackle wrapped up in a neat little bow hidden in a gift box that life handed to you with the most dubious of intent.
And Nya hated it.
She loved her brother, of course, but she had always loved Kai for as long as she could remember. That kind of love she could understand. But how could you ever meet someone and love them so much to ever let them occupy a space like that in your heart? Or an even bigger one?
Then she met Jay Walker, and she and her life philosophy were thrown for several different loop-de-loops.
Jay Walker was a lot of things. Jay Walker was loud. He was brash, he was impulsive, he was rambuctious, and somehow he still had more to his personality under the carefully waxed hood of concealed insecurities and fears. She would only see glimpses of what he kept hidden in the clouds of his head, quick flashes of traits that he (or someone else) had deemed undesirable before they were gone as quick as they had come.
Everyone thought that Jay’s lightning manifested itself in his seemingly motorized mouth, his quick reflexes and the natural speed and grace that flowed with his movements, but Nya always saw more to it than that.
It was in the way his hands would start sparking whenever he was excited, and he would rush to throw his insulating gloves on before he could hurt anyone. It was in the smile that could rival a thousand suns. It was the way he would stim when he was thinking, tapping his fingers or drumming his heel or clapping his hands or swinging his arms back and forth in a pattern that the others barely batted an eye at anymore. Things that normally would’ve driven Nya crazy, and yet somehow whenever she saw it from him, all she could feel was a warm gooey feeling in her chest.
She wasn’t expecting to fall quite as hard as she did, especially for a man like Jay Walker.
But love couldn’t last forever.
Love couldn’t compete with forces of nature like the sea and the sky; it would never be on the same level. If even the perfectionist known as Mother Nature couldn’t produce something that would last forever, was truly endless, how could the scrappy ne’er do wells known only as humanity?
The sky was the first one to fall apart under further scrutiny, if you defined scrutiny as a band of merry pirates that made it their home. Nya watched as the sky fought against the ones who tried to control it, lashing out every way that it could (she knew why it Jay was fighting so hard). The storms Ninjago saw while Jay was captive aboard the pirates’ ships were some of the worst recorded in its history, and all Nya could think was that the ‘endless’ expanse of the heavens was finally caged.
Heaven may not have been able to keep going, but Jay’s love did.
Jay’s love conquered the sky for her, and it was Nya’s first taste of how powerful it might actually be. Maybe it was enough.
“I love you,” he had told her once the whole ordeal was done. It was the first night after they had been dropped off at the billboard, Jay’s wish having undone everything except for their feelings and their scars. He had been looking at her with such earnesty, so much raw emotion that Nya couldn’t resist anymore. She kissed him for the first time since they had fought against the Overlord, her own emotions overflowing just like her element.
And for the first time in her life, Nya let herself get truly lost in the current of her love.
She was taken aback by how much it consumed her once she finally and truly let Jay in. He was like a whirlwind, sweeping her off her feet without a second thought and keeping her on her toes when she finally was set back down. Nya felt like she could do anything when Jay was by her side; that’s how much their love (her love) strengthened her, and she wouldn’t trade it for anything in the whole wide world. Maybe, just maybe, love could last forever.
That’s what she thought.
Love may have been able to outlast the sky, but it couldn’t outrun the sea.
Her heart was breaking as she saw the love of her life gasping for breath on the cheap couch, fighting for his life. He was pale, large bruises under his eyes from losing sleep over the past night. Nya had done her best to soothe him enough to let him get some rest, but he would only be asleep for an hour or so before the water in his lungs made itself known. She had dried his hair and taken the water from his clothes, but it wouldn’t respond to her call when she beckoned it out of her Yin.
“Nya,” Cole had said, sitting up by Jay’s head. He was cushioning the blue ninja’s head on his leg, “you need to rest. Let me and Zane take over.”
She shook her head, tenderly brushing Jay’s sweaty bangs out of his face from her spot at his side. “I won’t leave him. Not again.”
Cole had only sighed, watching as Jay’s eyes slowly blinked open. The whites of his eyes were bloodshot from the force of his coughing, and Nya could feel her heart squeeze like someone was trying to tear it out of her chest. She shushed him when her Yin tried to talk, instead pressing a gentle kiss to his mouth, and then his forehead, lips lingering.
“Go back to sleep, love,” Nya whispered, shutting her eyes and forcing back the tears that tried to push their way out. “I’m here, I’m here.”
His forehead felt uncomfortably warm, and Nya’s heart sank when she realized that a fever had set in. Jay was getting sicker.
And there was nothing she could do.
There is one thing, she had thought to herself later that day, staring out of the window and into the flood of water outside. But she knew there was no coming back from it if she did it, and she loved him too much to let go.
Jay was worse. They had elevated him on a couple throw pillows to try and help him breathe, but it was barely doing anything to help. Nya was wiping a cool cloth across his forehead, watching as his eyelids twitched and he started to twist his head from side to side. His nightmares had been getting worse too, and Nya hadn’t felt this helpless to stop them since their time in the lighthouse.
She sighed, reaching for his hand and stroking his knuckles with her thumb. When he didn’t settle down she brought the hand to her lips, pressing a kiss against each knuckle and holding his palm to her cheek.
“Breathe,” Nya said softly, her other hand going to hold his elbow when he violently twitched. He was going to hurt himself if he kept this up. “Breathe, Jay. You’re safe, I promise. We’re all here and safe, and everything’s going to be okay.”
Nya had made up her mind. She was going to make it okay, just like he had done for her.
Waiting until everyone was fast asleep was the easy part; the hardest part was letting go.
She was foolish to start believing that anything could last forever.
And that was it. Nya said goodbye one last time as she allowed herself to be swallowed up by the sea, and she could feel the love in the very core of her being, fighting and pleading and begging for her to swim back up to the surface and go back to him.
It wasn’t strong enough. She wasn’t strong enough; for all of Nya’s talk about being independent and leaning on no one but herself, she knew that she wouldn’t have been able to go without him. Jay could make it without her.
Forever was a hidden tragedy, a wolf in sheep’s clothing, because you never knew the end was coming until it was too late to stop it. The sea had won.
Nya blinked, and suddenly she remembered everything while swimming in the deep blue sea after a year forever of floating without a purpose and with no idea of who she had been. A lantern of all things had reawakened her: a light to finally guide her home.
The lighthouse where they had finally rekindled their relationship couldn’t have been farther away. When Nya finally showed up on the shore, staring up the stone stairs before making her way up. Memories washed over her, and she was pulled further and further into the tide as she climbed up and up and up.
“Jay!” Nya had yelled as she burst through the trapdoor. No one was there.
Where was he?
Nya had to find him. And she did.
And of course, because he was Jay Walker and because her brothers were the most stubborn people on the planet, they had broken Ashpeera out of prison and brought her back. She would’ve killed all five of them herself if she hadn’t been so worried to see them immediately getting carted off to wither away in Kryptarium Prison. Nya wouldn’t be Nya if she didn’t take the mech to go and break them out and eventually bring them back to the Samurai X cave for their proper reunion. 
She had been so relieved to finally see them, to hold them and to hug them and press kisses to all of their foreheads and get one back. Cole and Zane’s combined bear hug burst the dam that had been holding all of her tears back, and she could see them soaking into her brothers’ gis as she held them fast. Lloyd and Kai had borderline tackled her, Lloyd as a blubbering mess and Kai pretending like he wasn’t five seconds away from being another one. Nya finally let the sobs free that had been building up in her chest, and she heard as Kai broke down right alongside her.
Kai was warm against her, a familiar heat that she hadn’t felt for so long, and it helped to stave off the feeling of being perpetually soggy that had clung to her since she had come back. Her chest was threatening to explode from the pure love that filled her up to the brim.
But the feelings finally started to overflow when Jay had held her tight, lips pressed into her hair and hands clenched tightly into her gi. She pressed so many kisses into the crook of his neck, feeling his tears running down his cheeks as she rubbed between his shoulder blades. 
Pulling back to rest her forehead against his, Nya’s hands travelled across his shoulders and neck to cup his face. One of her thumbs was smoothing the skin across his jaw, the other wiping away his tears even though the tracks were replaced only moments later.
Nya was surprised to feel the stubble under her hands, but she couldn’t say that she minded it too much. “Hey, Jay.”
“Hey, Nya,” Jay whispered, tilting his head forward to press a sweet peck against her lips. Nya wanted more, so much more, but they had to reel it in while the others were still here.
Jay closed his eyes. “I missed you. I missed you so much.”
“I know,” Nya closed her eyes too, soaking up the feeling of having her Yin’s arms wrapped around her, as if someone had wrapped a large rubber band over a crumbling vase to keep it together. “I missed you too. I-I’m so sorry-”
“No.” Jay said firmly, and Nya’s heart squeezed when she heard the choked back sob in his voice. “No. No. You have nothing to apologize for. I should be the one telling you sorry, Nya.”
First Master, all of this time and he was still so hard on himself? She shouldn’t be surprised, actually. “I don’t want an apology, honey. I-I want you.”
“And you have me,” Jay sobbed, and he finally let his face crumple. “You have me now and forever.”
“I love you,” Nya’s voice cracked, and she buried her face in his chest. “I love you. I love you so, so much.”
“Forever.” Nya affirmed, and she was amazed at how sure she was of herself.
His love had conquered the sky. Her love had triumphed over the sea. Maybe together it would be enough to outlast the last pillar of eternal life in nature: time.
Yeah, Nya thought to herself as her family pressed in around her in a loose circle, as Jay kissed her slowly and properly (just the way she liked), we can do that.
We can last forever.
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vashtijoy · 5 months
why everybody is wrong about the unlock date for akechi's rank 6 (and why it matters)
So It Is Known that Akechi's rank 6 unlocks on 9/3, right? That's the first day he'll show up in Leblanc to go to the bathhouse and tell you about his sad backstory (again). That is his unlock date. R...ight?
Game says no.
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This is the function that (usually) tests Akechi's rank 6 time lock, SUB_COOP_TIME_[L]OCK6(). What does it do? It sets a bit, 0x1 831, if we fail the check. Which we will unfailingly do on every single day within a specified date range. And what is that range?
That range is between 4/1 and 8/28.
Read that again. Not 9/2, the day before 9/3. 8/28.
The same 8/28 we all know and love for, uh, some reasons:
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That's right. The reason Akechi's confidant is locked until 9/3, the reason he has not one but two "let me tell you about my backstory" events inside of a week, is that one triggers the other.
Akechi shows up at Leblanc on 8/28. He finds a listening ear, and a shoulder to cry on—because, remember, we're smack in the middle of Akechi Hate Month:
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This kid, who is so desperate for attention and approval that he's become a mass-murderer over it, is now in the middle of a public hate storm. And on 8/28, you listen to him. You make him welcome. You accept him for who he is—at least, for a little part of who he is.
And so he comes back less than a week later. On 9/3.
if he unlocks on 8/29, why 9/3?
Akechi's availability is often quite limited. Between 8/28 and 9/3, he's only available on one day, 8/30—though if you're already at rank 5, you can't do anything with him then.
Why doesn't he come to Leblanc on 8/30?
The Leblanc field (areas in P5 are technically known as fields) calls a very long, very unedifying function called NPC_FLAG_SELECTOR(), to see which NPCs it should load when. In short? It does this by testing the day of the week.
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GET_DAYOFWEEK() returns a number between 0 (Sunday) and 6 (Saturday). So, because Akechi will only come to Leblanc if GET_DAYOFWEEK() returns 6, Akechi will only ever come to Leblanc on Saturdays.
And the first Saturday after 8/29? It is, of course, 9/3.
why does this matter?
Does this change anything? In practical terms, no. Akechi is still always going to be inaccessible for rank 6 until 9/3. But does it confirm anything about him? Well, yeah.
Akechi's rank 7 unlock really is on 11/2, the morning he tells you "I was working last night, so I'm tired today"—that time lock terminates on 11/1. His skill checks (Knowledge and Charm) are all exactly what you think. He even has a hidden lock for rank 8 (still called a time lock by the code) which verifies that he's currently a team member and won't let you proceed otherwise; that, too, acts exactly as you'd expect.
It's rank 6 which turns out to have this secret, to truly be as closely connected to 8/28 as it always appeared. Akechi comes to Leblanc in his hour of need, and he finds something—and then, the next day, he wants more.
And so he comes back—the very next evening he can get away to spend time in Yongen-jaya.
(Incidentally, I'm pretty sure Akechi lives in Kichijoji, and this kind of backs that up. It's the sort of super-trendy place he'd make a show of liking, and in fairness, he clearly does like it. He can only come to Yongen on Saturday nights because it's a lot of travel, close to an hour each way in the early evenings. But Kichijoji? He can hang out there far more often—because it's right on his doorstep.)
revision history
Click here for the latest version.
v1.0 (2023/12/26)—first posted.
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srbachchan · 10 months
DAY 5646
Jalsa , Mumbai                  Aug 2/3, 2023                 Wed/Thu  2:05 am
Birthday - EF - Manoj Ghanatsala .. Thursday, 3 August .. love and wishes for a grand birthday ..🌹
.. when too much attention is directed towards you .. something is brewing .. could be good or bad ..mostly bad .. nobody talks of good, they wait for the opportunity to express bad ..   
and the over crowded head is filled with so much saturated information that what I was about to write has flown out of the room ..
anyway .. human nature dwells and revels in the finding of the bad .. nobody goes searching for the good  .. they do so for the profession they are in and link it all the time to it .. 
but that is not true ..
you are focussed best at work .. 
away from it, say at home , there is a feeling of defeat and servile disposition ..
the thoughts of the 2nd of August and the wishes for it abound .. and I must say they have all been rather moving .. my gratitude for this was initiated by Babuji, Maaji and family - Jaya, Shweta, Abhishek and all .. the happiest day of the week is when the entire family sits together ... to listen to the elder , or just play some board games with them .. challenge them to do something , and they shall come out smarter than you .. blessings for this to them ..
my expression of gratitude :
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may you ..  all that have been so consistently connecting .. soon I hope ..
All yours .. 
Hope you did not keep the Husband waiting for too long before you arrived and handed over the surprise  earlier ..
Now work was done and many feel that I should disclose some pictures of it here on this platform .. so we shall start it and then go straight on to the game ..
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a known territory abounds this area where I was the first to cut the auspicious tape. ....  opening of the Studio  ... 
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the light of our lives .. the camera .. never lies never hides .. is blessed each day with prayers .. no day is begun ever until the auspicious coconut is broken , a prayer said , flowers garlanded over it .. and then .. 
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.. the music played while the lighting was being done so did a few impromptu steps .. 🕺
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what ... ????
🪔 .. August .. and for August 01 .. the birthday greetings are for Ef Shital Patel from California ..and the best of wishes to her from the entire Ef Family .. 🙏🏻🚩
🪔 .. August 02 .. 2 - 08 .. birthday greetings to Ef Anurodh Arun Gupta .. Ef Vijaya Lakshmi aka Ef Vijji from Delhi .. and Ef Md Rehan Ahmad from West Bengal .. love and keep well .. 🙏🏻🚩
.. ✨
just in case you thought I had forgotten the Birthdays ..
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Amitabh Bachchan 
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hydroelectricjaya · 11 months
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Get ready for Jaya Week 2023!
September 1 - Hobby
September 2 - Gift
September 3 - Surprise
September 4 - Promise
September 5 - Dance
September 6 - Sunset
September 7 - Forever
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blackswaneuroparedux · 11 months
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A lot of time, people who don’t climb mountains assume is about this great heroic sprint for the summit, and somehow this great ego-driven ambition. But actually it’s the reverse. It’s about supplication and sacrifice and humility, when you go to these mountains. It’s not so much a celebration of oneself but the eradication of one’s self-consciousness. And so on these walks you lose yourself, you become a vessel of energy in harmony hopefully with your environment. One thrives on enthusiasm, curiosity, humility.
Julian Sands
I was saddened to read that the dead remains of Julian Sands were finally found in the San Gabriel Mountains near Los Angeles. I hadn’t realised how deeply immersed he really was in just wearing all weather anorak, a thermos flask of tea, and a laminated Ordinance Map before he set off on an arduous hike or a climb.
As great as a character actor Julian Sands was, he was also an accomplished mountaineer. He once described himself as happiest when “close to a mountain summit on a glorious cold morning”, climbed all around the world, including the Andes and Indonesia’s Puncak Jaya, the highest mountain on an island and the only place in the country where you can find snow. I know it’s an arduous climb having done it myself. It requires a weeks-long hike through remote jungle and some chasms which can only be crossed by Tyrolean traverse ziplines.
Julian Sands was on his way to completing the dream of most mountaineering aficionados: competing the Seven Summits. It’s a considerable undertaking in every way not just the obvious physical costs but also the average cost of completing all seven which can rack up to £150,000.
Sands had done five - Aconcagua, Puncak Jaya (Oceania), Mont Blanc (Europe), Vinson (Antarctica) and Kilimanjaro (Africa) - and had only had Denali (North America) and Everest (Asia) left.
Sands also took on the Weisshorn in the Swiss Alps. Now this is revealing as any experienced or passionate mountaineer would tell you. The nearby Matterhorn may be more famous, but many mountaineers consider the Weisshorn both more beautiful, with its symmetrical triangular pyramid shape and pure white slopes, and more challenging too, combining a long and serious route with delicate rock pitches and steep snow climbing. I know I do. It’s an incredible climb to experience which I did with some army veteran friends of mine.
Sands death is a tragedy as his passion for mountaineering was inspiring. I was nodding my head when I read that Sands once began a telephone interview by saying, “Right now I’m looking across the North Face of the Eiger towards the Jungfrau. Spectacular!” But then he rang the journalist back several hours later from a bivouac to impress upon him that, though he was climbing the Eiger, he was going up the easier Mittellegi Ridge rather than the feared North Face. “Mountain and climbing folk, and a small percentage of your readers, will know the difference.” Yes, I thought, Sands gets it. I bowled over by his humility and his honesty generously bound up with his joie de vivre. These are the values of real mountaineers in seeking to climb the mountains of the mind.
RIP Julian Sands (1958-2023).
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kaeyx · 9 months
Hi Mr Leo! My Name’s Jaya and I wanted to ask if i could please request poly!demon!skl for the ‘voyeurism’ prompt for your kinktober 2023 event with an afab reader if possible?
Also Thank You So Much in advance if you decide to do it and also i recently found your blog! I love your poly!skk stuff and your smutty little hcs in general! I’m new to smut (started in July when i turned 18) and your work is definitely some of my new favorites! Like even for a quick read or re-read your pieces are perfect! So I wanted to say thank you for that!!!!
Also also i hope the request was okay and im not really sure if im supposed to specify anything else?
Thank You once again and please take care! Drink enough water and eat well please! Also Good Luck For This Week’s episode!
Viva la the sokoukus!
I'm going to answer to all the asks requesting a day when I post the corresponding drabble but I just had to say hi to this one, you're so sweet!
I've never been called a Mr before dnskfks it's not necessary, but I'm glad you like my little blog! Your request was just fine, the part about specifying is only if you have something particular in mind for the request apart from the character and the prompt. And I'm personally going to have so much fun writing demon skk 👀 obsessed with them tbh
Good luck to you with the new ep too, the preview has already Destroyed me so idk how I'm going to survive Wednesday
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qiangweirosa · 3 months
a masterlist of all my fanfics, sorted by fandoms!
[ Tears of Themis ]
late nights - vyntem, fluff & angst grief - vyn & ailine, implied giannovyn/vynline/ailiannovyn, angst dear to me - giannovyn, angst first kiss - giannovyn, fluff food - vyntem, fluff, highschool au
[ Ninjago ]
a talk - jaya, hurt/comfort carving trees - jaya, fluff wind - euphrasia & morro cuddling - jaya, fluff
[ Witch's Heart ]
spelling - noelclaire, modern au, fluff gardening - noelclaire, royalty au, fluff hide and seek - noelclaire, fluff, noelclaire week 2023 elegant - noelclaire, modern au, fluff, noelclaire week 2023 flowers - noelclaire, modern au, fluff, noelclaire week 2023 seasons - noelclaire, fluff, noelclaire week 2023 i love you - noelclaire, modern au, fluff
[ Persona 3 ]
it was april again - akiham, hurt/comfort
[ Tougen Anki ]
experience - mudano & jin, background shiki/jin and mudano/kyoya, fluff
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As someone who used to be in the ninjago fandom during the pandemic, it impressive how insufferably annoying the fans still are and they probably don't have that many irl friends to be acting the way they're treating you. I left for a similar reasons due to the amount of ageism and misogyny where they tell 18+ fans to go get a job, pay taxes, do your rent etc and it funny they'll pull the age card like... those minors are gonna be like that in the next few years and they better come up with better arguments to win at. 😭 Which is why there are existing of 18+ safe spaces everywhere on Discord to avoid their age being used against. I take it you also went through something similar since your bio says 24 but if not, I'm sharing you my experiences with the fandom. Now I'm in a more all age included and adult space environment.
Let me tell you my experiences with the Ninjago Fandom,
2013 to 2018, everything was fine and dandy. I never really had issues. Sure, the Jaya and Colya fans were as toxic as ever attacking each other, especially after Season 3, but if you weren't shipping them, you were typically fine
Speaking of shipping, we would ship anything and everything, no matter how anyone tries to spin it. Especially Season 5 Possession Greenflame was huge alongside Ronin and Nya
2019, Tumblr Fandom comes under attack with the Huge Greenflame Blacklist by Pythors Butt. Yes that was legitimately their name,
I go onto Discord to dozens of Messages from various servers that I'd been banned due to having Greenflame and standing up for a friend who is a Proshipper, because I judge on their personality not the shipping habits,
This left me very traumatized. In the span of a week, I lost 6 servers. People I thought were my friends now turned their backs, but I'm not supposed to be traumatized over this, especially with my Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria
2021-2023 Diisdoodles happened and we all saw the Meltdown I had multiple times because this trauma was retriggered, I found myself in a Hostile Fandom whom no longer cared, shoving me around removing me from Discord Servers using the Bullshit excuse of We are Protecting the Minors....because I mentioned Greenflame
I have been around the kiddos for a majority of years. I turned 18 in 2016, and as an SA Survivor, I would rather put a bullet in me than harm kids, I am fiercely protective of them.
But this didn't matter to legitimately all these people, retriggering that trauma. But again nothing to be upset over
Not with Ninjago UwU, Brickjitzu, or the Monestary of Spinjitzu or the Geodeshipping server or Whip City, who flat out ignored me outright. To The Diisdoodles Server, Diisdoodles Writing server, Edgy Grandpa's and Birchwood Server, Realms of Ninjago and Ninjacord
I'm pretty sure there are more but I digress, I have no reason, but I think I have plenty of reasons to have trauma, heavy trauma from this fandom.
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i-love-jay-walker · 9 months
Jaya Week 2023
I realized it might be good to throw this on Tumblr as well, in case people here wanna read it!
Here's my fic for Jaya Week 2023! This is the first time I partake in something like this and I don't write too often, so hopefully it still ends up going alright!
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baliportalnews · 9 months
Desa Tegal Harum Denpasar Sabet Juara 1, Lomba Kreasi Pangan Lokal Bali Jagadhita Culture Week IV Tahun 2023
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BALIPORTALNEWS.COM, DENPASAR - Pelaksanaan Bali Jagadhita Culture Week (BJCW) Tahun 2023 yang diinisasi Perwakilan Bank Indonesia Provinsi Bali menghadirkan Lomba Kreasi Pangan Lokal Bali se Desa/Kelurahan di Denpasar, di Mall Living World, Denpasar, Minggu (17/9/2023). Dimana Desa Tegal Harum, Kecamatan Denpasar Barat berhasil menyabet Juara I Lomba Kreasi Pangan Lokal dan menyisihkan 20 peserta lainya. Hadir langsung untuk memberikan dukungan pada kegiatan itu, Ketua TP PKK Kota Denpasar, Ny. Sagung Antari Jaya Negara didampingi Ketua GOW Kota Denpasar, Ny. Ayu Kristi Arya Wibawa dan Kadis Perindag Kota Denpasar, Ni Nyoman Sri Utari. Pada ajang perlombaan ini, beberapa menu turut ditampilkan oleh Duta Kota Denpasar. Mulai dari menu keluarga, menu balita dan juga menu kudapan. Dimana, seluruhnya harus menggunakan bahan lokal dan juga bahan bahan yang sehat dan memiliki gizi. Ketua TP PKK Kota Denpasar, Ny. Antari Jaya Negara mengaku bangga atas prestasi yang diraih oleh TP PKK Kecamatan Denpasar. Pihaknya juga mengajak seluruh PKK se-Kota Denpasar untuk mengaplikasikan menu dengan olahan produk lokal ini. Hal ini dapat menjadi kampanye positif untuk mendukung kesehatan keluarga, dan UMKM lokal di Denpasar. "Terima kasih kepada para semua Ibu-Ibu PKK Kota Denpasar yang telah berupaya semaksimal mungkin dalam mengikuti perlombaan ini. Selamat atas prestasi yang telah diraih. Mudah mudahan ke depannya bisa kita pertahankan dan tingkatkan lagi," tutur Ny. Antari Jaya Negara. Sementara Deputi Kepala Perwakilan BI Provinsi Bali, G.A Diah Utari menjelaskan Bali Jagadhita Culture Week Tahun ini telah mencapai pelaksanaan tahun ke empat. Dimana, event tahunan yang dilaksanakan sejak tahun 2020 ini merupakan upaya pemberdayaan sektor riil khususnya melalui pengembangan Usaha Mikro, Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM). Dengan tujuan untuk mencapai pertumbuhan ekonomi yang stabil dan berkelanjutan yang didukung dengan stabilitas makroekonomi dan sistem keuangan. "Untuk itu, Bank Indonesia bersinergi dengan Pemerintah Pusat dan Daerah dalam berbagai event untuk mendukung pengembangan UMKM termasuk Gerakan Nasional Bangga Buatan Indonesia (BBI) dan Gerakan Bangga Berwisata #DilndonesiaAja (BWI) dalam upaya mendorong pemulihan ekonomi nasional," ujarnya. Adapun data pemenang lomba Juara Kreasi Pangan yakni, Juara 1 diraih Desa Tegal Harum, Denpasar Barat, Juara 2 diraih Dauh Puri Kauh, Denpasar Barat, Juara 3 diraih Kelurahan Pedungan, Denpasar Selatan, untuk juara Harapan 1 diraih Dauh Puri Kaja, Denpasar Utara, Harapan 2 diraih Sumerta Kelod, Denpasar Timur dan untuk Harapan 3 diraih Dangin Puri Kelod, Denpasar Timur.(bpn) Read the full article
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finn-m-corvex · 8 months
Jaya Week 2023 Day 5: Dance
So guess what guys, we're now two days behind! Yippee! Gonna do my best to get caught up today, but we'll see what happens. This one was hard at first because I didn't have an idea, and then it hit me, and once I started I couldn't really stop. It was great! Although it did turn out a little spicier than I intended, but I guess that's just what I was in the mood to write today. Oh well! COLE AND VANIA ARE PLATONIC IN THIS BY THE WAY DO NOT TAG AS CONIA OR I WILL COMMIT UNSPEAKABLE ACTS!
Words: 2.3k
TWs: POSSIBLE underage alcohol consumption (I personally headcanon them to be around 21 by Master of the Mountain but just in case), alcohol mention, sex reference (NOTHING explicit but implied), making out, Jay in a suit and Nya in a dress appreciation
Jay shuffled from his spot in the corner of the large ballroom, watching as dozens of dancers paired up on the floor to perform a gracious waltz. The citizens of Shintaro were more graceful than most of the people he had seen in Ninjago, their alabaster skin shining in the lights of the grand chandelier hanging over their heads. It was the night after they had defeated the Skull Sorceror; Vania’s coronation would be the next morning.
The ballroom itself was beyond gorgeous, just like the rest of the Ivory City. Gold trim wrapped itself in intricate patterns across the walls, creeping up the pillars in the room like glimmering vines. Marble statues stood solemnly at attention in all four corners, each depicting an ancient war hero from Shintaro’s past. Vania had promised Cole to have a statue of his mother commissioned to sit in the grand hall. The floor had been freshly polished, and Jay knew that he would’ve been upset to see the dress shoes scuffing it up if he were one of the workers.
He swirled a glass of punch in his hands; he had promised Nya that he wouldn’t drink until later, not that Jay had been planning on getting wasted. Scanning the room with a careful eye, Jay quickly realized that he and Zane were the only team members in the room at the moment.
Where was everyone else?
Cole jumpscared him from behind, making Jay shout and almost spill his drink all over an older man. The blue ninja apologized profusely before glaring at his best friend.
“Was that really necessary?” Jay grumbled, putting his drink down on the table next to him.
“You know the answer to that,” Cole snickered, and Jay had to remind himself that he was in public. He couldn’t just tackle Cole and start an all-out brawl.
Jay sighed, turning to fully face the earth ninja. “Where did you run off to?”
Shrugging, Cole snatched up Jay’s discarded glass and took a swig. “Vania needed some help with something, why?”
“I haven’t seen Nya in a while,” Jay admitted, taking the glass back after Cole complained about the lack of alcohol. “I’m starting to get worried.”
“Oh, there’s no need to worry about her. She’s getting ready with Lloyd and Kai,” Cole explained kindly, bumping Jay’s shoulder. “Nya’ll be out soon. Here, come and mingle with me, you always like meeting new people.”
That was a lie, and Jay saw the distraction for what it was, but it wasn’t like he had anything better to do. Hoping he wouldn’t regret it, Jay allowed Cole to whisk him away from his spot against the wall and into the well-dressed crowd.
Almost immediately, he regretted it.
Sticking as close to Cole’s side as a burr, Jay dutifully did his best to fend off the Shintaroans’ advances. More than a few of the single women on the floor approached him with flirtatious winks and tantilizing grins, all of them asking him in the sweetest tones to dance with them for the night. No one approached Cole, because everyone knew that as soon as Vania was ready and amongst the crowd he would be her dance partner, and no one wanted to upset the new queen.
Jay grimaced when yet another lady tried to attach herself to his arm. “I’m sorry, but I’m really not interested.”
Huffing, the lady turned away, muttering something about how pretty boys like him shouldn’t be on the floor if they didn’t want to dance. It made Jay’s blood start to boil, and he said something to Cole as the man walked from group to group to exchange pleasantries.
“I just need Nya to get out here, already.” Jay was saying, giving a hard stare to any women who looked his way for too long. Younger him would’ve been ecstatic at all of the attention he was garnering without really considering the implications, but older him was much wiser. And engaged.
“And yet we both know that she’ll have your head if you try to rush her,” Cole said, grabbing up a glass of actual wine and taking a small sip. He must’ve been getting nervous too, Jay noted. Usually he was the best of the human team members at holding off on the liquor. 
“True.” Jay conceded, readjusting his tie around his neck. His blue suit was starting to feel suffocating, and Jay really came to realize that he and Cole were sticking out like sore thumbs with their darker suits in the sea of light creams and beiges, with many of the older folks wearing snow-white. Hopefully they weren’t violating some ancient dress code of Shintaro by not wearing anything in white.
Cole held the glass out to him, and Jay hesitated to take it. “Maybe you just need to loosen up a bit-”
You’re not the one who's taken, Jay thought sourly, but he noticed that Cole’s gaze wasn’t on him anymore. Instead, his onyx eyes were fixated on the other side of the room, unblinking. Jay could see the fondness in his face, and he turned to see what all of the commotion was about.
Vania had made her first appearance of the night, dressed in a flowing white dress with a train long enough to cover the entirety of Jay’s parents’ trailer. Golden thread was weaved throughout, nice complimenting the jewelry she was wearing and the large placeholder crown on her head. Her kind face was caked in makeup, but Jay could only really tell because he did makeup himself. She was breathtaking as she came strolling down the stairs that led to her chambers; maybe not Jay’s kind of breathtaking, but beautiful nonetheless.
“That’s my cue, buddy,” Cole said, looking slightly apologetic, “but hey, there’s a spot over by the punch table if you don’t want anyone to bother you.”
“Of course, because I love the punch table,” Jay griped, but he kinew he was only being difficult because it was just him again. His heart sank a little when Cole walked away, even if Jay knew that being Vania’s dance partner was a much more prestigious position than being with his best friend.  The table wasn’t far, and Jay quickly reclaimed his post on the closest pillar, sipping actual wine this time to try and soothe his nerves.
Watching the people clear the dance floor for the future queen, Jay marvelled at how gracefully his best friend moved; for being the master of arguably the most rigid of their elements, Cole had some of the most fluid movement on the team. The only ones who could truly best him were Jay himself and Nya, but that was mostly because lightning and water granted them natural flow that couldn’t really be bested. Cole also didn’t have the build to take advantage of his flexible movement, having inherited the classic earth elemental body and not the lithe and poise that Lou possessed.
He and Vania made a good pair, Jay had decided as he watched them dance. Their styles complimented each other well, and Cole looked like he was having the time of his life. Jay knew that Cole wasn’t attracted to her and never would be, but he was glad to see the ravenette enjoying himself regardless. It would be good for Cole to finally have some friends outside of the Ninja group.
Suddenly, it felt like the world had stopped spinning. Everyone in the room turned to watch the new figure descending down the stairs, and Jay could feel his already unsteady heartbeat speed up upon seeing her.
“Nya!” Vania exclaimed, leaving Cole on the dance floor and rushing to the foot of the stairs to greet the water ninja.
Jay wanted to follow, but his jaw had dropped onto the floor with his feet frozen on the ground. His Yang looked absolutely gorgeous, dressed in what must’ve been the only blue dress in Vania’s wardrobe. It was a light and shimmering aqua, the light refracting off of the fabric and making Nya look like she was shining. Her gray heels clicked on the floor when she landed at the bottom of the steps, her hands covered with silken gloves that stretched to her elbows. Her hair was flowing down her back like a waterfall in large ringlets; it was a sight that Jay didn’t get to see very often, but he cherished it every time he did.
Looking past Vania’s shoulder, Nya locked eyes with him, and his heart stuttered from the small smile that graced her lips. Vania noticed, giving Nya a slight smirk as they parted ways, Nya walking towards her Yin and Vania taking Cole’s arm to rejoin him on the dance floor.
Fixing up his tie and putting his hair back into place, Jay suddenly felt very underdressed. He had thought his simple three-piece suit would be enough (it’s not like he had many options anyway), but if Nya was going to start showing him up like that then he might have to up his game.
Walking out to meet her felt like Jay was in a fairytale, the Prince Charming finally meeting Cinderella for the first time. Ignoring the stares of all the ladies who had been hitting on him, Jay stopped in front of Nya, whose heels propped her up to only an inch or so below his line of sight.
He took her outstretched hand and gave it a kiss with a bow. “May I have this dance, my lady?”
Nya pretended to contemplate the question. “I suppose you may, my lovely gentleman.”
“Only yours,” Jay said happily, taking her hand and spinning her around as the music started back up. They were finally going to get to dance!
Playing Dancey Pants had been a great decision, Jay decided as they twirled around the room, mostly because he knew there was no way in the Cursed Realm he would’ve been able to keep up with everyone else otherwise. He vaguely registered Kai and Lloyd coming down the stairs and joining the celebration, in a red and green suit respectively. Kai had made a beeline for Zane on the other side of the room, offering to dance with him so the nindroid wouldn’t have to keep standing off to the side. Lloyd had joined Cole and Vania, switching off with the earth ninja in an odd three-way dance that made Jay’s head spin if he stared at it for too long.
A kiss was pressed to his lips and Jay startled. Oh, right. He was dancing too.
Thankfully his Yang only giggled, quickly compensating for his misstep and keeping their rhythm. “You with me, Jay?”
“I am,” he answered smoothly. He pressed his own kiss to Nya’s lips, deeper this time, letting his hand slide down her waist. She made a small noise, letting her own hand cup the back of his neck and mess with the baby hairs on his nape. There was a suspicious sparkle in her when they parted, and Jay was very suddenly reminded of the fact that he had been drinking. Nya had probably tasted the fruitiness of the alcohol on his breath.
“Did you start drinking without me?” Nya was actually pouting, and Jay had to restrain his belly laugh to a hearty chuckle, pressing a kiss to her forehead.
“My nerves were getting to me,” he admitted, “and I didn’t want that to ruin our night. I hope you don’t mind.”
“As long as you get me something, I don’t care,” Nya said with a wink, and Jay already knew that some very promiscuous things were going to go down tonight.
He was quick to snatch a wine glass off of a passing tray, holding it out to Nya with one of his signature grins like an offering. Nya took it with a smile of her own, chugging it and gracefully putting it on the table next to them. Jay hadn’t realized that she was directing them to the far side of the room where the least people were located, including the rest of their group.
Nya slid her hand down to his waist, hooking one of her thumbs in his belt loop and letting the rest of her fingers drum against his thigh. Her other hand rested on Jay’s cheek, and he shuddered when she ran her thumb  across his jaw. She was a little red in the face, and Jay was suddenly a little suspicious of how much she may have had to drink.
“Did you drink before you got down here?” he asked quietly, his own hand coming to rest on her shoulder, brushing against her collarbone.
She hummed. “A little. Kai got me a shot of whiskey from the kitchen, or that’s what I hope it was. They’ve got some strong stuff in Shintaro.”
“They gotta deal with the isolation somehow,” Jay quipped, and his heart soared when Nya chuckled. “You sure you should be drinking any more, then? We still have to leave tomorrow.”
“All the more reason to let loose tonight and have a little fun,” without warning, she shot forward and caught his lips with hers, and Jay was more than happy to let himself get lost in the current that was his Yang. They swayed with the music, and he felt Nya’s body press closer to his like two puzzle pieces. Her hand buried itself in his hair, pulling when he ran his tongue across her lower lip. With one hand on her hip and the other on her back, Jay forced himself to pull away, ignoring the way his mouth tingled from his element in favor of staring at Nya in all of her half-drunken and quite eager glory.
“We need some privacy for this part,” he whispered, starting to pull her away to where their quarters were located. He ignored Lloyd and Zane’s questioning looks, Kai’s face of unbridled disgust and Cole’s enthusiastic thumbs-up in favor of pulling Nya along beside him. “I have a different kind of dance in mind.”
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legalupanishad · 9 months
Menstrual Hygiene Management: SC directs states and UTs to file responses in a plea to frame National policy on Menstrual Hygiene
This article on 'SC directs states and UTs to file responses in a plea to frame National policy on Menstrual Hygiene' was written by Toya Sen, an intern at Legal Upanishad.
The topic of menstrual hygiene is a sensitive one in India. Although India has progressed immensely in the context of women's rights, the taboo around menstrual health and management is still prevalent. Many individuals including parents and adolescent girls themselves, do not have adequate knowledge with respect to menstrual health and practices and these socio-cultural restrictions result in adolescent girls dropping out of school and being ostracized for the duration of their period every month. According to a recent study conducted by UNICEF1, 71% of adolescent girls in India are not informed about menstruation until they experience their first period. This lack of knowledge often leads to girls dropping out of school. A 2019 report by NGO Dasra highlighted that annually, 23 million girls are forced to leave school due to inadequate menstrual hygiene management facilities, including the unavailability of sanitary pads and information about menstruation. Additionally, public health experts and NGOs working in this field have pointed out that the absence of basic services such as clean water and access to toilets, along with social stigmas, harassment, and taboos, further worsen the situation. This article talks about an  appeal that was made to the Supreme Court by Congress MP Jaya Thakur addressing this issue. The plea sought the provision of free sanitary napkins and separate toilets in all government and residential schools. The argument was that the lack of proper menstrual hygiene management options was a significant obstacle to education.
Supreme Court’s Response
In an ongoing legal battle in the court regarding the plea made by the Congress MP, the Supreme Court recently directed all States and Union Territories to send responses and create a standard operating system (SOP), a national model for menstrual hygiene management for school-going girls. The bench comprising of Chief Justice of India, D.Y Chandrachud and Justice J.B Paridiwala, and Justice P.S Narasimha declared the issue as immensely important. The bench directed states and Union Territories to submit their menstrual hygiene management strategies and plans to the Mission Steering Group of the National Health Mission within four weeks (by August 31). This decision was made because out of 28 states and 8 union territories, only 4 States which are, Delhi, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, and West Bengal have submitted their response as per the former decision held in the month of April this year. The apex court said that the response should include plans executed with both central government funds and their own. The Secretary of the Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare was nominated to coordinate with state governments and Union Territories to re-evaluate guidelines. The bench also ordered all states and Union Territories to notify appropriate ratios of girls' toilets for residential and non-residential schools and steps to ensure low-cost sanitary napkins and vending machines in schools. The bench emphasized the importance of safe disposal mechanisms for sanitary pads. The Centre was directed to file an updated status report by the end of July 2023. A previous affidavit submitted to the Supreme Court by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare claimed that they have established education and training programs and provided resources to young girls throughout the country. However, a recent plea filed in court has pointed out that girls between the ages of 11 and 18 from impoverished backgrounds struggle to receive adequate education due to limited access, which is a basic constitutional right guaranteed under Article 21A. The plea emphasized that girls aged 11 to 16 do not have access to hygienic methods. According to the ministry, menstruation and menstrual habits are typically obscured by stigma and socio-cultural constraints for women and young girls in India. This, combined with limited access to sanitary hygiene products and a lack of safe toilet facilities, makes maintaining appropriate hygiene challenging for young females. Furthermore, in the past, girls used old garments, and other materials such as a straw as pads, which not only impacted menstrual cleanliness but also had long-term consequences for reproductive health. The government has committed itself to educating young girls about menstruation hygiene, as well as to promoting self-confidence and enabling them to better socialization. The government has also attempted to improve rural girls' access to high-quality sanitary napkins.
Existing Schemes for Menstrual Hygiene in India
There are various schemes that have been introduced by the Government of India to spread awareness of menstrual hygiene in India. A few schemes have been mentioned as follows: Scheme for the Promotion of Menstrual Hygiene or Menstrual Hygiene Scheme: This initiative was one of the first schemes that was introduced in India for advocating and spreading awareness about the menstrual cycle. It was introduced in the year 2011 and worked under the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW). Administering on a rural level, the scheme aims to encourage awareness of the menstrual cycle and increase access to safe practices among adolescent girls. This scheme mainly puts emphases on the distribution of sanitary napkins in districts of India. Rashtriya Kishor Swasthya Karyakram (RKSK): This scheme came out in the year 2014 under the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW). It focused on the promotion ion sexual and reproductive health among adolescents. This scheme sought to train and identify Peer Educators (or Saathiyas) at a rural level to spread awareness of adolescent health issues. This scheme operated at both urban and rural levels. One of the objectives of this scheme was the distribution of sanitary napkins under the Menstrual Hygiene Scheme. Jan Aushadhi Suvidha Sanitary Napkin (JSSK): This scheme was introduced in 2019 and worked under the Department of Pharmaceuticals (DoP). It sought to provide bio-degradable and eco-friendly pads available at Rs. 1 at more than 8,000 Pradhan Mantri Bhartiya Jan Aushadhi Pariyojana (PMBJP) kendras across India.
The fight to break the stigma surrounding menstrual hygiene is an ongoing battle. The recent decision by the apex court to implement a plan for menstrual hygiene management in schools is a step forward in reducing the shame surrounding periods. It also provides a means for girls to break taboos and empowers them to lead healthy lives and pursue education without any hindrance. As per the Supreme Court's directive, all states must create a plan for menstrual hygiene management in schools. There are existing schemes and efforts in place that aim to provide awareness and access to affordable sanitary products. By working together, we can break taboos and empower girls to lead healthy lives and pursue their education without any obstacles.
- The Constitution of India, 1950 - Shruti Kakkar, 'Frame menstrual hygiene policy: SC to Centre', Indian Express, 11 April 2023, available at: https://www.newindianexpress.com/nation/2023/apr/11/frame-menstrual-hygiene-policy-sc-to-centre-2564724.html - Tanya Rana, 'Menstrual Health Services in India: A Comprehensive Overview of the Public System', Centre for Policy Research, 2 September 2022, available at: https://accountabilityindia.in/blog/menstrual-health-services-in-india-an-overview/ Read the full article
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nvsrworld · 11 months
23/07/2023: National Broadcasting Day.
July 23National Broadcasting DayThis week’s Sunday Story Number3553 is on an important theme and day! This week’s Sunday Story Number3553 is on an important theme and day! I happily recollect those days in 1960s, my address through All India Radio , Chennai when Dr. Cheyon was the Deputy Director. I was also interviewed and the interviews were telecasted in Door darshan and Jaya…
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hydroelectricjaya · 9 months
Jaya week starts tomorrow! Read the rules here:
You can upload on tumblr, twitter, AO3 and Wattpad.
Check out this reading list, these jaya week stories will be updated throughout the week!
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