#jazz is an amasing sister
rainybyday · 1 year
Pt 1
Jazz was the original troublemaker in her family before Danny. 
Well, troublemaker is kind of a stretch, but if you were to ask any other adult that wasn’t her parents then they would have told you otherwise. 
I mean, who would want to befriend the toddler who sprouts biosciences facts to an agitated classmate who just wanted her to move from the Lego box? How else would you explain how a police officer found a child with red hair in the middle of the night saying that she wanted to follow the pretty voice in the woods? What would you say when the pretty dolled up girl talks about what her brother is going to look like when nobody, not even her mother, knew that she was pregent?
No one had an answer to that, and they all tried to stay away from the weird pretty girl with amber fire hair and deep teal blue eyes with a mind that was too smart for her own good. 
Most of the adults chalked it up to be the parent's fault for her ‘quirks’ while the children wanted to stay away from the freak who didn’t understand that they were more afraid of her then the burned victorine women walking through the streets. 
For a while, even with the birth of the boy the girl predicted to be true, was known as the witch of her family. The weirdo, the cursed child and freak of nature. 
But then her brother started to grow from being a toddler into a child and the girl was seen less in the streets and more at home. She drove her attention to her brother and her brother alone which helped the town to relax a bit when they no longer saw a wisp of red hair at the corner of their eyes. 
(There was always a slight feeling of uneasiness that came with the presences of the girl. No one can explain what it meant or what caused it but whenever she entered into a room somehow it was like the feeling of tension and hands gipping at them ghosted their throats and opened their eyes. It was the feeling of a prey watching the walk of a predator in their home yet were unable to understand why said predator never strike.)
(The hint of teeth and to bright eyes and burning sun hair was as equally as enchanted as it was terrifying.)
Then her brother grew, and the girl was more isolated, preferring to stay in her brother's company or to bury herself in a book and slowly the town relaxed. Not so much that they don’t stop search, but enough that they don’t fear to step outside their homes without the phantom sensation of eyes on their very being. 
Suddenly the town was quiet and that was okay. 
It was okay until the brother started to act strange, the presences of ghost entering their own, and a group of men in white started to invade their town. 
Suddenly eyes were on the new threat that invade their home, suddenly it wasn’t so quiet anymore, suddenly there was another set of predators stalking their lands.
But the town learned to adapt, have to adapt as they were no longer able to leave so easily anymore, trapped in their own home with the dead and by the men with black glass over their eyes watching them. 
Suddenly the Fenton’s were their least important problem and they left it at that. 
That was until the town woke up to something that left shivers down their spine and ice in their throats. 
Jasmin Fenton was dead, Daniel Fenton was missing, Madeline Fenton was screaming, and Jack Fenton was silent. 
Pt 2 (in a bit, jazz’s pov/centric)
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