neurotypical-sonic · 2 years
gerald tells maria the experiment is a hedgehog, two hours later maria can be spotted carrying every book about hedgehogs and hedgehog mobians on the ARK as she runs back to her room
YEAH.... she is going to be so so good at being a big sister and taking care of her baby brother!! I don't know how space colonies work but I'm going to assume they got supplies delivered every now and again. whenever gerald was putting in the order, she would also demand certain things be added for shadow that nobody else ever even considered. "what do you mean, he needs a quill brush? we have hair brushes here" NO he needs a special kind otherwise it won't do the job properly and it could damage his quills!! put it on the lists NOW!!!
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theminecraftbee · 2 years
hello second my friend! im a bit outta touch w joe n stuff is he planning on making the pinball machine Functional? if so is he doin the redstone himself or what
the plan is that the inside of the pinball machine will be an elytra course! so i guess... technically functional, but in the sense that the players are the pinballs. otherwise, he plans on the parts being, generally, accurate scale models, but probably not functional, as there isn't a very good way to do that in minecraft.
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martynsimp69 · 1 year
day one of not thinking about that old* man. you failed.
i never even tried to succeed godbless
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officialgleamstar · 7 months
quit your clean your room
join my. incomprehensible dms
sorry jesse o7 on it jesse (tone: sillay)
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borrelia · 2 years
idk anything abt zonic im just voting for whatever u say in ur tags bc i trust ur opinion <3
yessssss my influence >:) we r just voting 4 the best pictures tho so all u have to kno is in front of u! and hes silly a sideways funny cartoon sonic. <- infliences evaluation of best images
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libelelle · 2 years
i haven't stopped thinking abt ur underground designs they're perfect! i wanna kno if manics jacket came with quill cuts or if he did it himself
he did <3 he also sewed on all the patches and did all the fixes on it
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qnsfwficrecs · 3 months
5,475 words
Tags: Trans Cellbit, Trans Roier, First Time
Roier and Cellbit's first time.
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kinglazrus · 2 years
11 & 18 for the writing questions
11. Would you like to try any new fanfic genres or tropes this year?
I'm always open to trying new genres and tropes! I particularly like looking at really popular tropes and trying to come up with something new or unique for them.
18. Do you typically post multi-chapters as you write, or finish it all and then start posting? Would you like to change your posting method? 
Post as I write. that's how I've been doing it since I first started, but I'd like to change that. When I wrote my first fic, I was just so excited about writing it that I would whip out a few thousand words and then post immediately without any real editing or thinking too hard about where the story would go from there.
I always know where a fic is going to end. I recently discovered that I literally can't start writing something if I don't already know the ending. But in the past, I tended not to plan out too much about what was happening in between. I just wrote it as it came to me and posted everything ASAP. I want to start pre-writing my fics more, though, even if it's only by a few chapters. I think I could really benefit from having things written ahead so that I can avoid plotholes and keep things more consistent.
Fanfic asks
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bisexual-buck · 2 years
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9-1-1: Lone Star | Paul Strickland in 2x14
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marjansmarwani · 2 years
I need you so much closer
7.8k || ao3
Carlos Reyes was loved.
Yes, by TK, but not only by him.
— — —
Or, a 4x04 coda in which we get to hear from everyone else and fill in some missing scenes.
This was not supposed to be this long, but it’s done! All the love to @moviegeek03 and @justaswampdemon as always for helping from start to finish (and making sure it actually got finished). 
Gabriel Reyes thought he knew fear. 
He had been a Texas Ranger for most of his life. He had been in law enforcement even longer than that. He had seen the worst of the worst; had stared down hardened criminals that would end his life just as soon as blink. 
He thought the peak of fear had been finding out that his son’s home had burned down while he was inside. The knowledge of exactly how close he had come to losing his only child had nearly been enough to topple him, and the fact that he had been at least partially responsible didn’t help. There was the day-to-day fear of his son’s job (because of course he had followed him into the same line of work), the occasional instances of bad things happening, and feeling that rush of fear. But this? Looking down at his son’s still body as his fiancé worked to keep his heart beating? Seeing his son lying there and knowing that the only thing keeping the blood flowing through his veins was the force of a distraught TK desperately pumping it through his heart? This was the deepest and most primal fear he had ever felt. 
Somewhere deep inside he had known that this was a possibility. From the moment TK had showed up at their door with that fear in his eyes the thought had been whispering in the back of his mind. But being here and seeing it, knowing that they had been not even fifty feet from Carlos that morning; that his son had been hurt and in trouble and he had been so close but had done nothing, made it all so much more real. 
He didn’t even need to ask TK for his professional opinion of the situation, he knew how bad it was. He also knew that if they had been just a few minutes sooner Carlos could have been fine.  Just as much as he knew if they had been just a few seconds later any hope they did have (tenuous as it may be) would have expired, right along with his son. It was a cruel trick on the part of the universe; to bring them here so close to saving him but just maybe a little bit too far. 
[continue reading on ao3]
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terramous · 2 years
my mind won't go to sleep, my soul is yours to keep
title: palaye royale - nightmares word count: 1.3k thank you to @marjansmarwani for helping me out with the ending <3 AO3
One step. 
Two steps. 
Three steps and he’s falling to his knees, reaching out desperately to grab a hold of TK’s hand. It’s too pale, too far away, it glimmers in the low light, almost transparent, like Carlos is reaching for a ghost. His fingertips brush the empty air and he grabs a hold of nothing.
It’s a shrill beep that sends him reeling back into consciousness.
The loft is dead silent, the only noise aside from Carlos’ heavy breaths is the soft snoring coming from right next to him. TK is there, he’s safe and alive, it was just a dream. 
But it never truly feels like that. Carlos has had many nightmares in his life, but they seemed to be coming through more often than not in the past few months. He could rarely remember his dreams but the nightmares clung to him even in the daylight hours, unshakable and inescapable. 
A constant, ever since TK’s most recent stint in the hospital. Something about those days spent in limbo at his bedside had melted and moulded his brain in such a way that left him with nightmares almost every night. At the time, he had barely slept, too wound up with anxiety to relax, and the night was filled with tossing and turning until Carlos eventually gave up and plodded to the kitchen for one of many cups of coffee that sustained him through the early hours of the morning until he was able to go back to the hospital. 
He’d opened up to TK a few times about the nightmares, but never told him that they were so constant, so continually framed around losing the man he loved more than words could ever describe. TK was empathetic of course, understanding the nightmares, the fear that lingered even after the sun had risen. He had dealt with his own, so many near death experiences coming back to bite him even though the wounds were long since healed.
It felt wrong to burden his fiancé with the nightmares, the images of him dying again and again, always just a little too far to reach, no matter how fast Carlos ran he never got to him in time. After all, it wasn’t his fault that Carlos was plagued with the sight of his whole world on the brink of death. 
Sometimes he thinks his life would be easier if they had never met, but with that comes the reflection on how dull and monotonous his days had been before the whirlwind that was TK had come crashing through, bruised knuckles and split lip, glowing green eyes that Carlos could never shake off whenever his mind wandered. Despite the chaos and the horror that Carlos had grown intimately familiar with over the past few years, there was nothing in the world that was better than loving TK Strand. 
So that is where he finds himself. Sitting up in their shared bed, blanket caught around his feet, TK sleeping peacefully next to him. He’d always been the better sleeper, too used to 24 and 48 hour shifts, the necessity of being able to sleep anywhere had given him the skill of falling asleep easily and yet he woke at the slightest shift. If Carlos were to try and vacate the bed TK would startle awake and ask him where he was going. Which had been weird the first few nights they spent together. Eventually it just became routine, that if Carlos woke and needed to refill the glass of water beside his bed then TK’s glossy green eyes would trail him as he left and returned, and TK would welcome him back into bed with a groggily cast arm across his waist. 
There was no doubt that if he reached over and touched TK that his fiancé would stir and soothe him, talk him through the strained and panicked breaths. TK was never anything other than completely understanding when it came to Carlos’ nightmares, if only he could have the strength to reach out for his lover’s soft touch every time. He couldn’t wake TK every night, couldn’t force him to apologise for something he had no control over. 
He didn’t need to reach out, didn’t need to ask for TK as a simple choked sob forced its path from his throat and snapped cleanly through the silence. Hot tears broke forth and tumbled down his face but that was only momentary, TK’s warm thumbs chasing them and wiping them away as he cooed. 
“Sweetheart, what’s wrong?” TK asked, his voice thick with sleep. He wiped away the tears as they continued to fall with a gentle fervour, pulling Carlos closer with every touch. 
The warmth of skin on his helped to quell his anxiety but the relief of the contact just made him cry harder. TK was fine, he was awake and talking and touching him and his hands weren’t cold or pale like they were in the scope of his unconsciousness. 
Between ragged gasps, somehow Carlos managed to form a word, “nightmare.”
TK made a keening noise in his throat and opted to cup Carlos’ cheeks in his hands, giving Carlos the contact he needed if he were ever to ground himself. He felt like a kite in a hurricane. 
“What was it about?” TK asked, even though they both knew the answer. 
Carlos struggled with that part. It had obviously been about TK, about him dying, like most of his nightmares were but it was so abstract, the race against the clock, TK being just a little too far to reach, the failure. He failed TK again and again and again. Every night there was a new way to lose TK. To ice, to fire, to blood and ash. A tiled bathroom or smouldering building. Sometimes he woke when the gun fired. He had managed to lose TK in a million and one ways, all while TK slept next to him. 
He was fine, he was alive, he was touching and reassuring Carlos but still all Carlos could think of was the way he looked like a ghost in his dream. Like he was dead already and Carlos had been the last to know. 
“You.” A sob. “You were dead.”
“I’m not,” TK said, taking Carlos’ hand and pressing it to his chest, over his heart so that Carlos could feel the pitter patter of it beating. “I promise I’m not.” 
“It–” even with TK’s soft and comforting touches and words Carlos was having trouble catching his breath. “It was so real.”
“I know, but I’m always going to be here. I’m not going away.”
There was always going to be a ‘what if?’, especially in their line of work. TK had already been hurt on the job so many times, what if his luck ran out? What if tonight was their last night together? What if the unspeakable happened the second this moment was over? 
At some point the nightmares would stop being horrors of sleep and they would seep out into his waking moments. 
But TK would never lie to him, not like that. Regardless of whatever happened, if TK said he wasn’t going to leave, then he would stay through the world cracking in half. They’d already been through so much, so many things trying to tear them apart, but at the end of it all, they were here sharing the bed, his palm over TK’s heart. 
“Wanna give sleep another go?” TK asked softly, running his free hand through Carlos’ hair, scratching his scalp lightly.
Carlos smiled at him through his tears and nodded, allowing himself to be coaxed back to his pillow. TK was a great help but he knew that the horrors of his dreams were always lurking around the corner. Maybe he’d never be free from them, but at least he wasn’t alone and if TK had his way, he’d never go through anything alone again.
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neurotypical-sonic · 2 years
"Foxes surprise their prey by pouncing on them unawares."
baby tails getting zoomies and he sneaks up on sonic and pounces on him... sonic still has a small scar on his ear from tails's way too sharp baby teeth
great angst potentially there, too. tails is finally starting to come put of his shell and not think sonics going to abandon him at a moments notice, so he's like "I'm going to play with my big brother we are going to have fun :)" and then this happens and he is DISTRAUGHT. sonics fine though he thought it was funny. they start play wrestling at, ESPECIALLY once tails hits his teens
speaking of sonic and ear scars that reminds me of a headcanon I have that I find funny. sonic has TWO ear scars, the smaller one from baby tails, and a large chunk that had been ripped out. when asked he never tells the truth about how he got them, just instead makes up huge and elaborate stories that involve fighting for the fate of the earth. the actual answer is underwhelming
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theminecraftbee · 2 years
ppl giving u halloween char assignments aka bebebdododbdooodbdodoebeedeebdo haunted doll watch
...jesse. love you. absolutely no fucking idea what this means
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qsmpficsarchive · 9 months
Un Segundo Mas De Vida Para Darte by jazzyjesse
Oneshot | E | 5,475
T4T | Asexual Cellbit | Explicit Sexual Content
Roier and Cellbit's first time.
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kingtheghast · 5 months
Where's a good place to start reading through the Space Opera au posts? Is chronological order through the tag on your blog alright/is there a masterpost? (from what I've seen it looks super interesting!!)
Also! What inspired it? I'm curious
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Hi! I'm so sorry for the late ask but- Well. We (and by that I mean all the people involved in the au) got a bit too excited over your ask and just decided to make an entire power point presentation, idea of @riacte (thank you Ria I adore you).
This will be our masterpost too so hopefully we're able to keep up to date and gather more of the countless documents we've got with lore and such, and arrange them into here. The posts in my blog are not really in chronological order, and most of the recent art I've got are meant to be like random screenshot of random boring scenes, which intentionally adds nothing to the perception of chronological order- but that's where the story part of the power point comes in, that one's definetly in order!
In the spopera power point aka the spowerpoint, we go in depth into the story of the au, each main character and a few of the other ones, the space racing sport made up for the story, planets and alien species, a few written publications in AO3, and the in-universe social media aspects.
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Here's a very small preview of what's in the presentation; this is just a tiny snippet of the written premise we've got, so I absolutely recommend checking out the actual slide presentation. We're like, ridiculously proud of it and had a lot of fun.
As for what inspired this au, literally this single message sent by @jazzyjesse. It sort of sparked that "I love space" part of everyone's brain in the server and we just started to brainstorm immediately on top of it.
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Thank you for the patience on this answer, hope you enjoy the presentation! As you can see from the message above this au is a few years old and it's quite beloved by all of the people involved, and having people ask about it makes us very happy. So thank you for the ask!
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borrelia · 2 years
i love the lil fingerless gloves fleet has it makes him look like a loveable scamp like hes in a production of oliver twist
ghngdffd thank you.. worlds crustiest jpeg of fleet issues 103-115
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