#jealous (of the deputies getting to slam him over the hood of a
undercovercannibal · 1 month
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papa-rhys · 6 years
Reserved (Jacob Seed X f!Deputy)
Anonymous: Can i request something angsty/nsfw? Where fem!dep admits she loves Jacob but Jacob pushes her away, so a Jealous John snatches her up only for Jacob to then realize he loves her? First time asking for a request so I hope I did that right. Thanks!
Note: I’m sorry this took a while! I love this request btw, since my ultimate goal in life is to be sandwiched between John and Jacob until the day I die, lmao. There isn’t any nsfw because it was getting pretty long, but I hope I still did it justice! Enjoy!
Word count: 2163 (wow that’s pretty long, Hope)
Warnings: Slight dub-con (kissing whilst drugged), angst
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“What did you just say?” Jacob asks, looking at Rook as though she just spat in his coffee.
“You heard me,” Rook frowns. “I said I love you.”
They’re standing in the centre of Jacob’s office, fresh out of training and arguing about something unimportant, as usual. It seems to be the only type of communication Jacob is willing to have with Rook these days, which hurts Rook all the more when she thinks back on how well they’d been getting along before. They’d been close – unsettlingly close if you’d asked Eli and the others – and Rook was certain Jacob had even flirted with her a few times. But it all changed about two weeks ago, when Rook had brought up the subject of marriage; asking why Jacob hadn’t settled down. The look he’d given her when she’d asked about him finding “the one” had been a look of sudden realisation and Rook was sure she knew what that realisation was. Apparently, she was wrong.
Jacob crosses his arms over his chest and laughs – a loud, belly laugh that sends Rook’s heart plummeting to the pit of her stomach. “You love me too, right?” she asks him. “I mean, you always look at me like you –“
“Honey, I don’t what kinda signals you think I’ve been givin’ off, but I can tell you right now that I’ve never felt anything for you in all these weeks of knowin’ ya.”
“But you –“
“But nothin’. You’re a tool, sweetheart. You have your use to me, for now, but once that usefulness runs out, you’re gone. You’re nothin’ more than that to me. Understood, soldier?”
Rook looks up at Jacob through tears; the lump in her throat aching more and more with each second that she holds the sobs of anguish back. “You’re real nasty when you wanna be, Jacob, you know that?”
With a single tear breaking free from her lashes and rolling down her cheek, she pushes past Jacob, storming out of the office and down the staircase.
Rook walks along the side of the road with her hands shoved into her pockets and her head hung low. It’s pouring with rain and she’s somehow made it all the way to the border of Holland Valley without her legs giving way beneath her.
As she walks, the sound of tyres rolling over gravel creeps up behind her. She stops walking and takes a look over her shoulder to find a ‘67 Chevy Impala with shiny black paint and a silver hood ornament of a pair of scales. Rook rolls her eyes as the car pulls up next to her and John Seed emerges from the driver side, leaning one arm on the roof of the car and the other arm on the top edge of the open door.
“You look like you could use a good Samaritan,” John smiles.
“Yeah? Let me know if you find one,” Rook says, beginning to walk again; trudging through a muddy puddle.
“Why don’t you let me take you to wherever you’re going?” John calls after her. “This storm doesn’t seem to be planning on clearing up any time soon.”
“I don’t need your help,” Rook says, her voice cold and uncaring.
“You’ll catch your death out here and I don’t think your pride is worth freezing to death over… do you?”
Rook stops in her tracks and quietly mulls the thought over for a moment. She turns around on the spot to face John, who still hangs out of the open car door with an inviting smile on his face. She takes one last look down the length of the road, letting out a sigh before heading towards the car – much to John’s delight. He gets back into the car as Rook approaches and climbs into the passenger seat.
“Where are you heading?” He asks, his hand sneaking its way into his coat pocket.
“Fall’s End, I guess.” Rook gives him a look of suspicion as he pulls his hand out of his pocket holding a small vial of fine green powder.
“You’re not going back to Fall’s End,” he tells her, rather patronisingly. The words leave his lips in a way that makes Rook feel stupid for getting into this car and she begins to think that maybe she is. The penny drops and Rook goes for the door, pulling at it frantically as it remains firmly locked.
“You son of a –“ She whips her head around to look at John and he immediately blows some of the powder into her face.
The powder finds its way into every opening in her face – up her nose, in her mouth, even in her ears – and it burns the back of her throat as she covers her face from any further attacks. She flinches as John reaches out and puts his hand on the back of her head.
“It’s okay,” he tells her as her head begins to swim. “You’ll be home soon.” Rook rests her head back against the headrest and her vision begins to blur at the edges; an all too familiar green cloud seeping in from the corners of her eyes and glazing them over. “Get some rest,” John says, soothingly running his fingers through her hair. Rook lets out a final whimper of protest as the green fog finally engulfs her vision, plunging her into a deep sleep.
Rook isn’t sure exactly when she woke up; all she knows is that she’s found herself in a bunker that she recognises, tied to a chair that she recognises and surrounded my surgical equipment that she also recognises. She’s in John’s bunker. She’s sure of it. But the man who walks through the door isn’t the man she expected. It’s Jacob – muddy boots and all – but she’s anything but comforted by his presence, despite her feelings for him. He carries a length of rope that looks long enough to tangle an unsuspecting bison in, and there’s a smile on his face that is so… un-Jacob-like.
“I’ve been waiting a long time for my chance at this moment,” he says, calmly making his way over to where Rook sits. His voice is off and in all her haziness, Rook can’t put her finger on what’s wrong with him.
“Chance at what?” Rook grumbles through the dryness of her throat.
“This,” he smiles. “Spending time with you.”
Jacob drops the rope into a heap on the floor next to Rook’s chair and crouches down in front of her. Placing a hand on her thigh, he looks up at her through twinkling blue eyes, but as much as she’d longed for this moment, it isn’t his touch that Rook is focused on – it’s his smell. He smells like vanilla and blood, and she wonders why Jacob suddenly smells so much like John.
“Jacob?” Rook mumbles, squinting her eyes to look at him better.
He shushes her, one hand reaching up to place a finger on her lips as the other hand sneaks its way up her thigh. Rook is perplexed. The man before her looks just like Jacob. The likeness is uncanny – right down to the rabbit foot hanging around his neck – but his movements, his dialect... Something is off and she struggles to decide whether or not it’s truly him.
“You know, my siblings don’t think you’re worth the effort,” he says, his eyes dipping to her lips as he speaks. “But I think quite the opposite. I think you’re worthy of so much more than you currently receive and if I could just make you see what a joyous and fulfilling life you could live – if I could just convince you to join our family, then…” He takes a deep breath and sighs. “Then we could be together, just like God intended.”
Rook shakes her head in an attempt to clear the fogginess, but all it does it make her dizzier. “I don’t… I don’t know who you are,” she says softly.
“My darling, I’m whoever you believe me to be,” he smiles.
He reaches into his back pocket and pulls out a switchblade, which he uses to cut the ties around Rook’s wrists, freeing her from the chair that she sits on. He tosses the switchblade to the floor and Rook watches it skid across the cement and disappear under a workbench before she’s gracefully scooped up and lifted into the air.
“Jake –“
Jacob sits her down on a worktop and combs her hair back with his fingers, looking down at her lovingly. Rook had waited for this moment for months – always dreaming of it any chance she got – and although a part of her knows that the man before her is not Jacob Seed, she can’t find the strength within her to push him away.
Jacob leans in and kisses her. He’s gentle and soft and Rook feels everything she’d hoped she’d feel in this moment. Her head swims and her gut is filled with butterflies, but the moment is cruelly cut short by the door bursting open.
The door flies backwards, slamming against the wall with a bang that echoes through the room again and again until Rook’s giddy, love-drunk brain begins to pound with the god-awful noise. Rook looks towards the door to find the real Jacob, and returning her gaze to the man that stands between her legs, she finds John – a crystal clear image of him that’s no longer distorted or warped into someone else by her drug-filled mind.
She pushes him away. “What… what the fuck?”
John looks as guilty as sin – like a little boy who just got caught stealing cookies from his brother’s plate – unable to meet Jacob’s glare as Jacob stands in the doorway.
“How could you?” Jacob asks John, opening his arms to embrace Rook as she hurries towards him. “I told you how I felt about her, and this is what you do?”
John leans back against the counter and clenches his jaw, but he doesn’t dare look up. His gaze is fixed firmly on the area of the floor right in front of him and Rook watches as he curls his hand into a fist by his side.
“You go behind my back – your brother’s back – and try and lie your way into bed with someone he loves?” Jacob’s voice gets more and more taut as he speaks.
John finally looks up and glares at Jacob with an anger that Rook hasn’t seen in him before. “You couldn’t give her what she deserves,” he yells, finally exploding into a blind rage. “You weren’t even willing to tell her how you felt! You’d have her believe you didn’t care about her – that she was of such little value that you didn’t even consider her to be human. All this business about her being a tool.” John springs forward and flips a medical trolley that stands in front of him, sending everything crashing to the floor. “What can you offer her, hmm? You can’t cherish her, you can’t show her kindness – you can’t even protect her. All you do is grunt and bark orders.” Then John says something that Rook knows will do damage to Jacob; practically spitting the words at him. 
“You’re an animal, just like our fucking father.”
Jacob lunges forward and Rook pulls him back by the arm; her feet scraping across the concrete floor as her body is dragged forwards with Jacob. “Jake, stop – stop it!” She gets in front of him and shoves him back towards the door. “It isn’t worth it,” she tells him. “I’m fine – look at me – I’m fine. He didn’t hurt me; there’s no harm done, okay?”
Rook holds Jacobs face in her hands and he looks her over before pulling her into a hug. “You stay away from her, John,” he warns, pointing his finger at John as he backs out of the room, holding Rook tightly to his chest with the other arm. “I mean it. You try anything like this again and you’ll regret it; brother or not.”
Rook climbs into the passenger seat of Jacob’s truck and the two sit in silence for a while as the sun begins to set on Hope County; both of them staring out of the windshield at the trees that sit beyond the chain fence surrounding John’s bunker.
“I’m sorry I ran off like a little bitch,” Rook says, watching the birds return to their nests for the night.
“I’m sorry I acted like I didn’t give a shit,” Jacob replies with a sigh. “I’m just an asshole sometimes.”
“Yeah, you’re tellin’ me,” Rook chuckles.
“Yeah,” he smiles. “I guess I’m just not used to sharin’ my feelings with people. I dunno,” he shrugs. “I’m workin’ on it.”
“Workin’ on it sounds good to me.”
Rook turns her head to look at Jacob and he does the same, offering her an apologetic smile before turning the key in the ignition. “Alright, let’s go home and figure out what the hell happens next.” He puts the truck into gear and heads off down the mountain; the gravel hitting the bottom of the truck as the wheels crunch over it.
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