#jean luc allaire
intotheroaringverse · 10 months
And let your memory dance in the ballroom of my mind: French Students
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Jean Yang
Às vezes, o amor de sua vida é uma garota que o derrubou da vassoura na primeira aula de vôo.
Dove Beaufoy era uma coisinha de cabelos ruivos volumosos e o sotaque do interior francês acentuado, que cheirava a lavanda e tinha um péssimo hábito de ser bastante proativa, o que acabava a colocando em situações que ela, definitivamente, não pediu, mas que tinha assinado embaixo como quem aceita termos de uso sem pensar duas vezes.
— Os problemas que você arranja para a sua cabeça — Jean murmurava para ela, rindo, antes de se despedir com um beijo em sua tenta e a deixar resolver o que quer que ela tinha se voluntariado daquela vez.
Era um relacionamento fácil, o deles dois. Se conheciam desde o primeiro ano dele na escola, frequentavam as mesmas aulas, tinham os mesmos interesses. Até mesmo os dois eram os únicos presentes nas aulas de Runas Antigas, levantando até a suspeita que a disciplina só era lecionada porque eles eram dois nerds que nunca faltavam. Era um namoro que durava a maior parte da vida de ambos e ainda assim não parecia incomodar nenhum deles. Desde os doze anos juntos, como poderia haver algo errado ou que quisessem mudar?
— Você tem certeza que não vai quebrar maldição comigo? — Dove perguntava, de mãos dadas com Jean, naquela conversa que eles vinham tendo por cartas desde o verão. — Quero dizer, você é realmente bom, suas notas em Runas só não são melhores que as minhas…
— A gente têm mesmo parâmetro pra comparar? — questionou, mas Dove não deixou aquela interrupção a impedir de seguir com seu discurso.
— Você vai para a faculdade, e provavelmente vai ser excelente nela, como sempre… e depois vai jogar quadribol? — o cenho franzido em seu rosto não a deixava menos bela, só… zangada. Confusa e zangada. — A Bélgica não precisa de mais um goleiro na sua seleção, mas claramente iria fazer um bem danado ter um excelente quebrador de maldições…
— Mas eu não quero ser quebrador de maldições. É um plano B — explicou, suspirando, antes de lançar um olhar para as arquibancadas. — Olha, podemos continuar essa conversa mais tarde. Vou só ficar perto de Luc antes da turma dele ser chamada para o que quer que seja o que vai ter aqui.
Dove o encarou, antes de balançar a cabeça rindo.
— Você vai tentar passar cola para ele, não é? — O silêncio de Jean dizia tudo. E a ruiva apenas riu, novamente. — É inacreditável.
Mas eles se despediram mesmo assim, ele subindo as escadas, ela descendo, ficando próxima dos alunos dos primeiros anos, enquanto Albertine Allaire anunciava aquela espécie de teste trimestral que todos eles fariam. Nenhum deles esperava aquele desfecho, é claro. Era difícil para Jean pensar o que faria se ele tivesse consciência que a diretora iria empurrá-los como escravos no Coliseu, lutando com feras pela sua própria vida. Ele ia conseguir impedir Dove de se voluntariar e tentar resgatar as crianças da arena? Ele ia conseguir a lembrar que ela era péssima voando e que isso seria só mais uma preocupação para os professores? Ele ia conseguir buscar a própria vassoura e resgatar ela do meio da confusão quando ela caiu de uma altura perigosa, a impedindo de ser pisoteada até a morte?
Às vezes o amor da sua vida morre aos 16 anos e o que resta dela é uma fotografia pequena em um altar com vários outros estudantes que passaram pelo mesmo.
O olhar de Jean encontra a figura animada de Dove rindo na fotografia, que ele tinha tirado, no último Natal que tinham passado juntos. Não tinha cheiro de lavanda, não tinha o som de sua voz, não tinha mais sua mão na dele. Só a constatação que um ano havia se passado e ele não tinha conseguido seguir em frente, ainda.
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Margaux Boneterre
Margaux disse na cara dos pais que não sabia o motivo de terem mais uma filha quando ela já existia. Assim, na tardia idade de três anos e meio, olhou para a barriga da mãe, que tinha acabado de informar que tinha um bebê lá dentro, e perguntou em voz alta o que eles tinham na cabeça querendo mais uma dela no mundo. Uma só era o suficiente, eu hein.
Mas então Cléore nasceu e ela mudou de ideia rápido.
— Não sou só sua irmã mais velha. Eu sou um guia. Eu sou a sábia no morro, eu sou…
— Uma chata — a mais nova a interrompeu, a fazendo olhar indignada para ela do outro lado da carruagem.
— Então é assim? Depois de onze anos de convivência, é isso que eu mereço? Sua pestinha — implicou com a mais nova, antes de arremessar o chapéu do uniforme nela, que rebateu arremessando o próprio e então começar uma guerrinha dentro do veículo.
Ela gostava de ser a irmã mais velha, de cuidar daquela garota e repassar tudo o que tinha aprendido. Literalmente tinha sofrido antes para que Cléore não precisasse. Repassava para ela manhas, truques e dicas, para que ela tivesse a vida mais tranquila de todas. Gostava de fazer tranças nos cabelos da garota, de como elas trocavam mordidas nos croissant, dividindo um salgado e outro doce, o gosto agridoce se misturando e sendo "a coisa delas", de como, mesmo jovem, Cléore era mais compreensiva até mesmo que seus pais quanto ao fato de que Margaux sempre soube que era lésbica.
Uma conexão como aquela não se construía fácil. Ela precisou aprender a amar ser irmã mais velha e então amar Cléore.
— Não precisa ter medo. Com certeza vai ser algo como fazer objetos flutuarem ao mesmo tempo. Você só precisa se concentrar — Margaux aconselhou, ajustando a boina nos cabelos loiros da outra. — Vai dar tudo certo. E eu estou a algumas cadeiras de distância.
Foram as últimas palavras que tinha dito para a irmã, minutos antes dela ser a primeira vítima fatal de um hipogrifo descontrolado. E não importava o quanto gritasse e como ela pulou a murada de proteção para alcançar a irmã, ou como ela estava se arranhando em desespero enquanto empurravam seu corpo para trás, Margaux não sentia nada. Nada além de dor e desespero para alcançar sua irmãzinha.
O silêncio na carruagem era perturbador, por isso Margaux sempre se mantinha fazendo barulhos, estalando dedos, cantando em voz alta. Um ano havia se passado, mas ela ainda sentia a dor e a perda. E ela queria fazer todos os envolvidos pagarem por isso. Ela fazia questão.
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Luc Yang
— Ei, você quer ser meu melhor amigo?
As coisas eram tão simples e fáceis para Luc Yang. Ele só precisava abrir aquele sorrisinho dele, olhar diretamente nos olhos da pessoa e pedir com convicção. A sua pura honestidade e aquele ar tão descolado da realidade sempre pegava os outros de surpresa. Era assim que ele convencia todo mundo do que ele queria. Foi assim que ele estendeu a mão a Anthelme de Valois e os dois fizeram amizade: ele tinha um sorriso carismático, um impulso e um sonho.
Os alunos de Beauxbatons entravam mais cedo na escola, porém os quatro anos de preparação não eram obrigatórios. Enquanto Jean ia sem nem piscar para Cannes, ele ficava cheio de beicinhos em Bruxelas, pedindo por favor, não me façam sair daqui. O que resultou no seu primeiro dia de aula, aos onze anos, estar num lugar que ninguém o conhecia e não fazia muita questão de conhecer. Por isso, se agarrou no braço do primeiro desconhecido e resolveu fazer dele seu melhor amigo, para não ser a criança patética agarrada no irmão mais velho. Fazia sentido. Foi uma excelente escolha.
— Você nem sabe o que me aconteceu nesse verão! — era a sua introdução a cada vez que chegava na escola, se sentando em frente a Anthelme.
O garoto o olhava por detrás dos óculos quadrado e de lentes grossas, erguendo uma sobrancelha.
— Eu imagino que vou saber agora, nos próximos minutos — era a resposta padrão do outro, numa calma que contrastava com a energia infinita de Luc.
Eles eram assim, Marco e Polo, o Ponto A ao Ponto B, um começava e o outro terminava. A dinâmica deles era essa e funcionava tão bem que o mais jovem Yang não imaginava nunca a vida dele sem ele ao seu lado. Era seu roomie, seu melhor amigo, sua companhia em roubadas, a pessoa mais inteligente ao seu lado, o terceiro artilheiro do time de quadribol da escola e provavelmente a segunda pessoa que mais tinha lhe visto em momentos de vulnerabilidade. Ele era sua pessoa, no sentido platônico e de amizade. Você não perde sua pessoa de vista.
— Você nem sabe o que aconteceu nessa madrugada! — Entrou no próprio quarto falando, batendo a porta atrás de si. Ele se sentava na cama e ficava de frente para a de Anthelme. — Okay, lá vai: eu comi a Laura.
— Não…
— Sim!
— NÃO!
— Ela não tem namorado?
— Definitivamente não era o nome dele que ela estava gemendo nessa madrugada.
— Informação demais, passo.
— Ah, qual é, você sabe que eu vinha de olho nela tinha um tempo.
— É, eu sei.
— E por isso você tinha que ser a primeira pessoa a saber.
— Ah… claro. Luc.
— O quê?
— Você sabe que tem que parar de fazer isso, não é?
— Fazer o quê?
— Fingir que ainda estou aqui.
O quarto agora era de Luc, apenas de Luc, e parecia mais gelado que de costume. Não havia ninguém além de suas malas e sua vassoura, ambas dispostas em cima da cama de Anthelme, ocupando um espaço que um dia foi dele. Luc Yang resolvia tudo com seu sorrisinho,mas infelizmente, aquilo ele não poderia alcançar.
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hogwartspirateradio · 5 years
what are your predictions for this year's quidditch season based on your opinions of the captains alone?
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Well dear listeners I’m going to give you exactly what you want, no plain boring ‘oh i think first, second, third, fourth’, we’re doing this properly. Emma’s going to take game one, no doubt about that, emerald will wipe the floor with scarlet. 
Game two’s another easy one, Little Miss Allaire won’t be able to captain a team if her life depended on it so someone with a track record like Amelia will make short work of her attempt.
And if Élodie thinks her second time will be easier just because she’s facing her best friend, Emma, for game three then she’s got another thing coming. We’ve all heard how heated things can’t get between them when they’re friendly, what I wouldn’t give to be a fly on the fall for the aftermath.
Now I don’t know about the rest of you but does anyone else lose interest once we get to game four, I’d love for something interesting to happen so how about Amelia’s baby sister gets the snitch but James’ side wins? Should give Bones something to be proud of and appreciates  Potter’s eye for talent. I mean what a side he’s put together, McKinnon and the youngest Crouch joining him on the quaffle and covering the bludgers; Black and the new boy with those eyes? If the competition wasn’t Vanity I’d say they’d be the favourite. At any case they’re definitely team eye candy.
Amelia’s luck will run dry though as there’s no chance for her against Emma, her only hope is if she’s willing to play a bit dirty with where she’s hitting those bludgers, but we all know she hasn’t got it in her. 
And that brings us onto our grand finale, well not so grand is it? I mean the winner will already  be decided and James is most likely in second place, Élodie has no chance of a place above last so that final game id all for show.
So final results according to Bertha, Vanity, Potter, Bones, Allaire - in that order.
Oh and if anyone wants to drop the new boy’s contact details in my submissions box, I would consider that a public service.
about: @cmma-vanity @i-solemnly-swear-a-lot @tbbamelia @allaircss
also mentions: @bvmblebcnes @marlenefights @elsiecrouch @bxwareofthxdog @tcmeraire
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laurentlena · 3 years
who: @crvbbe​
“No, I’m not--” Léna looked over at Jean-Luc’s crowd, wondering if she was really doing a good enough job at whatever the hell this dinner party was to be mistaken for one of the Allaires. “The Allaires are lovely, but I’m with the Delacours.”
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jean-luc-a-mess · 3 years
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——  isn’t that jean-luc allaire-alvarez? yeah that is them, outside the three broomsticks! they used to go to beauxbatons but apparently they now work as a professional muse. sybill once said that they reminded her of offended gasps of disbelief, falling in love with the idea of love, the fine line between bold and reckless, and unceasing compassion, which seems about right. anyway i’ve heard they’re still a bit indulgent, flamboyant, and a hopeless romantic. they’re twenty-four now but some things never change! i wonder how being a halfblood / quarter veela is affecting them after school, especially now they’re neutral? i guess only time will tell… ——  pinterest || playlist
→ name: jean-luc claudio allaire-alvarez 
→ nicknames: JL, claudio, “temple rubbing + pained look + exasperated sigh”, pendejo, tbd 
→ age / d.o.b.: 24 / 6 june, 1953 → species: halfblood; quarter veela 
 → gender / pronouns: cismale / he&him 
 → sexuality: flaming homosexual → relationship status: single  
 → parents: matthieu allaire (pure); claudia alvarez ruiz (halfblood/half veela) → siblings: anne-laure, norberto, felicita 
→ cousins: milene, aveline, ophelie, eric; christele, dorothee, veronique → pets: he’s not really responsible enough for a pet, and he’s lucky he’s still allowed to use the various family owls – unless ellie counts?
→ born: paris, france 
→ raised: paris, france 
→ current residence: paris, france; he is still refusing to plant any sort of permanent roots in england, but he’s starting to get a little more open to the idea -- well, he’s open to the idea of scotland, but brother bear is in london, and london is just... gross. 
→ nationality: so f r e n c h it hurts not him, but everyone else 
→ spoken languages: english, french, spanish,  
→ occupation: he’s a professional muse ... which is to say that he’s unemployed, but he has a lot of hobbies, and he might make a career out of one of them if it weren’t so much extra effort. → drink | smoke | drugs: did someone say party? → religion: lol
physical attributes 
→ face claim: diego boneta 
 → height: 5′9 
 → weight: 165 lbs
 → hair: dark brown, soft natural curls → eye color: brown → dominant hand: left 
 → nervous habits: ranting and rambling while slipping between spanish, english, and french; cries; hand waving
→ moral alignment: chaotic good 
 → mbti: esfp
 → western zodiac: gemini 
 → song: hot mess - cobra starship
 → wand: rosewood, veela hair, 10 “, swishy
 → patronus: dragonfly → boggart: losing his family to this stupid war raging on 
jean-luc is the second born child, the first born son, and an absolute d i s a s t e r 
as the legendary niamh once aptly paraphrased: “many people, meeting aziraphale jean-luc for the first time, formed three impressions: that he was english french, that he was (possibly wildly) intelligent, and that he was gayer than a tree full of monkeys on nitrous oxide.”  
jean-luc is intelligent, yes, he’s brilliant, he’s creative – but he has absolutely no intention of applying himself with any real effort, to anything, unless it interests him so acutely he thinks he can’t live without it
he wasn’t a horrible student - but he certainly wasn’t a model one, either
his head is nearly always in the clouds, he falls in love at least twice a month ... he doesn’t and didn’t have time for silly things like essays and directions or structure
or perfectly functional and brand spankin’ new potions classrooms
he almost got expelled for that, actually, and it was quite the scene. it was his final year, and it was an accident of course; jean-luc is actually wonderfully gifted at potions, but again, the rules.. the structure.. if potions is like cooking, you do that shit with your heart, not a recipe.
it took a lot of tears, a lot of begging, and a lot of promises but he got to stay, and he got to graduate (barely)
and practical skills? things that require effort? he could, he can ... but why?
jean-luc absolutely adores his family
they’re happy, they really are, and they always have been. their side of the family, anyways.
not only did he grow up in a home where there was an abundance of love for every soul in the house, his parents were still happily married too.
it has not hurt at all, either, that they grew up rich
being the oldest brother, he has certain responsibilities which he tries his best to uphold, and he ... doesn’t always nail it, but he tries.
when it comes to the advice, it’s kind of a toss up, but when you need love and understanding, or someone to be mad with or for you, he’s always the right sibling (or cousin) for the job
and maman? the model?? yeah, we’re obsessed. “mama’s boy” doesn’t even begin to cover it, really, and of all the siblings, jl is the one best enjoying the fruits of their mother’s profession
he’s been trotting along after her, wobbling in her stillettos from the time he could walk, only now he doesnt wobble if he wears stillettos. he’s obsessed with the fashion world, and being exposed to both sides of it is magical in a way he can’t describe.
jean-luc holds an artist’s heart in his chest (and is forever chasing after another one who will finally love him back forever) and he genuinely enjoys being put to work when tagging along with maman. 
if there were any career path he’s truly considered following, it might be design... or modeling, he’s certainly made for it
but again, the effort, and the not being willing to fully apply himself
because what if it doesn’t work out and he’s just the failure everyone pretends they don’t think he is?
you’d never know he felt that way though boisterous boy he is.
look out, because the boy is a hot mess, and he’s always ready to have a good time.
many people may say that jean-luc is useless, and many people have
but those people are wrong
he can always be used as a bad example
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beforedawnrps · 3 years
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the following muse(s) under the cut have been accepted. you now have 24 hours to send in your account or im the main for an extension.
( cis man | he/him | jonny beauchamp ) —— isn’t that jean-luc allaire-alvarez? yeah that is them, outside the three broomsticks! they used to go to beauxbatons but apparently they now work as a professional muse, everywhere he goes (an extended gap year). sybill once said that they reminded her of offended gasps of disbelief, falling in love with the idea of love, the fine line between bold and reckless, and unceasing compassion, which seems about right. anyway i’ve heard they’re still a bit indulgent, flamboyant, and a hopeless romantic. they’re twenty-four now but some things never change! i wonder how being a quarter veela is affecting them after school, especially now they’re neutral? i guess only time will tell… —— [ same summer time, same summer channel, same summer anything goes pronouns ]
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ad-its-aidie · 4 years
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After almost two years of playing D&D I decided it's time to become a DM myself. So I asked my friends if they would be interested in a campaign set in 1931 with all the mafia romance, old school tech, prohibition and fancy suits - and they were. So to set the mood I'm planning on creating a whole lot of concept art for the game.
Important - it's just a game so it's not nearly historically correct ;)
Jean Luc Allaire A french-jewish doctor who immigrated to America in 1922 to learn medicine. He's the first of 4 players we're gonna have.
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allaircss-a · 4 years
angel of small death; ellie.
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( cis woman | she/her | ester expósito ) —— isn’t that ophélie “ellie” allaire? yeah that is them, sitting there at the ravenclaw table with those other sixth years. when sybill looks into that crystal ball of hers, she sees clenched fists; split lips; bruised knuckles; blood red wine; atlas under the weight of the world; a ruined painting. anyway i’ve heard they’re pretty vindictive, volatile, and belligerent. apparently they’re neutral and pureblood but i’m sure that’s not related. —— [ mhairi : gmt : 20 : she/they ]
→ NAME: ophélie hélène allaire → NICKNAMES: ellie → AGE / D.O.B.: 17 / 1st april 1960 → SPECIES: pureblooded witch → GENDER / PRONOUNS: cis woman / she&her → SEXUALITY: bisexual
FAMILY → PARENTS: henri allaire, 61, ambassador from wizarding france. cassandra franco, 40, socialite. → SIBLINGS: half siblings: christèle allaire, 35. dorothée allaire, 32. véronique allaire, 29. full siblings: milène allaire, 20. régine allaire, 17. éric allaire, 16. → PETS: vicieux, ginger cat she adopted as a stray when she was 10. arno, tabby cat jean-luc gifted her after her parents found out about her taking muggle studies. camile, ragdoll kitten ellie rescued in paris this past summer. félix, dumbo rat ellie got in fourth year. apollon, hermès & dionysos, family owls. → OTHER SIGNIFICANT FAMILY: rosine millefeuille, father’s first wife, deceased. léopold allaire, uncle, french minister of magic, 58. matthieu allaire, disowned uncle, owner of a secondhand bookshop in muggle paris, 49. claudia alvarez ruiz, aunt - matthieu’s wife, famous model, 51.
LIFESTYLE → BORN: île de batz, brittany → RAISED: paris / île de batz → CURRENT RESIDENCE: french wizarding embassy / hogwarts → NATIONALITY: french → SPOKEN LANGUAGES: (in order of proficiency) french, english, german, italian, spanish, russian, danish, portugese, greek, latin, mandarin → OCCUPATION: student & quidditch captain → DRINK | SMOKE | DRUGS: yes / yes / yes → RELIGION: not religious, if anything is anti religion
PHYSICAL ATTRIBUTES → FACE CLAIM: ester expósito → ETHNICITY: white (french) → HEIGHT: 5ft.2in. → WEIGHT: 119bs → BUILD: short and lithe, toned → HAIR:  golden hair reaching to mid-chest → EYE COLOR: brown → DOMINANT HAND: left → SCENT:  chanel no.5 → ACCENT: quite strongly french, slips back into her native tongue when stressed → NERVOUS HABITS:  combing her hands through her hair
CHARACTER → MORAL ALIGNMENT: chaotic neutral → MBTI: enfp → WESTERN ZODIAC: aries sun, gemini moon, leo rising → CHINESE ZODIAC: rat → TAROT CARD: strength → ARCHETYPE: the rebel → TRAITS: devoted, volatile, argumentative, irresponsible, vindictive, fickle, destructive, belligerent.
MAGIC → WAND:  hawthorn, dragon heartstring & demiguise hair, 11", wishy. ellie, along with the rest of her siblings, got her wand in france. → PATRONUS: horse → BOGGART:  bats → OWLS: ellie sat ten OWLs in her fifth year, getting nine outstanding’s and one acceptable. ancient runes, O. arithmancy, A. astronomy, O. charms, O. defence against the dark arts, O. history of Magic, O. herbology, O. muggle studies, O. transfiguration, O. potions, O. → NEWTS: ellie is taking the following classes onto newt level; charms, defence against the dark arts, herbology, history of magic, potions, transfiguration
BIO → The Allaire’s were something… once. But scandal can make the public’s affections fickle,and when you’re on the wrong side of that scandal? It’s a long way to climb to get back on top. How was Palémon Allaire supposed to know disowning his youngest son would destroy the familys carefully curated image? Who knew that public opinion would side with the daughter of a Veela and a muggleborn over a pillar of the french ministry? Over the man who had been minister for fifteen years? But when Matthieu Allaire and Claudia Álvarez Ruiz married, and Matthieu found himself cast out from his family, Palémon soon found himself removed from office.
→ Ophélie Hélène Allaire, or Ellie to anyone who cared enough to know the girl behind the reputation and family name, was born not long after her brother Éric on April 1st 1960. The sixth and seventh children of Henri Allaire, the third and fourth through his second wife, life couldn’t be more different for the pair. One a treasured and long awaited heir, the other yet another unnecessary daughter. A difference made even more apparent with the Allaire family’s political rebirth when they were ten. A return to their former grace made her sisters useful in securing alliances through marriage but Ellie was already being considered too wild for anyone to bother.
→ A comeback almost two decades in the works, it came with a relocation for Ellie and her branch of the family. With her Oncle Léopold becoming Minister of Magic, her father Henri became ambassador to Britain. The move to England was both a curse and a saving grace to Ellie, in one swoop she was separated from both those that had already formed a judgement on her and from her one source of support — the very oncle who’s disownment had caused her families scandal.
→ Already burned once by the scandal of a disownment the Allaire’s are hesitant to do so again and testing just how far Ellie can push her parents and extended family has become something of a game to her. A girl of contradictions, she is as absurdly fickle as she is loyal, standing by things any sane person would decry even their most closest for but abandoning ship apparently on the slightest whim. She’s built herself off of defying her parents, loud because they wanted her to be quiet, abrasive where they’d rather she was meek, even her refusal to take a stance on the war is built on an opposition to her mother Lucile — a death eater. (mental health tw, abuse tw) In a society that actually cared about mental health, or in fact even saw it as a thing, Ellie would be diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder. But as it stands she’s merely seen as a loose end someone with whom only the very worse  forbidden  magic have a chance to reign in. (end tw)
→ As the years go on Ellie has become more and more desperate in her attempts to escape the yoke of her family, from frequent attempts to run away (and just as frequently returning) to scenes at galas as regular as a pantomime, to taking muggle studies even though she knew the harsh consequences. (abuse tw) she knows what it’s like to be on the receiving end of the cruciate curse as cast by her mother. knew it all the better when during the summer before her sixth year, she was first able to break the hold of the imperius curse. (end tw) Ellie has become a force unto herself. A girl with a reputation far taller than her short frame, it’s been hard for people to see past it — to see the real Ellie. At once a barrier to real bonds and a wall she hides behind it has become increasingly the latter in recent months. Ever since Hallowe’en. Ever since (murder tw, death tw) she stumbled across the body of Bertram Aubrey in the forest that late October night. (end tw) It’s something that’s hurt and damaged her as a person much more than she lets on, much more than even Ellie herself is aware of. But she’s Ellie, just  Ellie, her own person, her own thing. She can’t be traumatised.
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aimee-allaire · 5 years
isn’t that AIMEE AILLAIRE? yeah that is HER, sitting there at the HUFFLEPUFF table with those other SIXTH years and i think i heard sybill saying they look like ABIGAIL COWEN… whoever that is! when she looks into her crystal ball she sees fairy lights draped over open windows, an mythology book with worn pages, a tidy bedroom with crisp rose-colored sheets, delicate fingers plucking violin strings, whispered promises with the intent to keep them, half-used bottles of perfume anyway i’ve heard they’re pretty NAIVE, SELF-INDULGENT, and SPONTANEOUS. apparently they’re a HALFBLOOD/QUARTER VEELA but i’m sure that’s not related. —— [ sierra: cst : 24 : they/them/theirs ]
hey y’all! admin sierra is at it again, this time with aimee allaire! check out the brief info below for an overview of who she is.
daughter of brigitte and matthieu allaire. brigitte is a halfblood and half-veela witch who made her name as a model in both the muggle and wizarding worlds. matthieu works runs a bookshop and comes from a pureblood family; he was disowned for marrying brigitte.
as such, aimee, along with her older siblings (jean-luc, michel-ange, and martine) grew up rather distant from the rest of the allaire family. aimee longed to know her rather large family, wishing that she could know more about the people who raised her father. however, knowing the tension that exists there, she keeps relatively quiet about this.
aimee and her siblings lived in muggle paris, as brigitte and matthieu saw it as a better and healthier choice than wizarding paris. they live over the family’s second-hand bookshop.
she’s been more than a bit sheltered. aimee’s belief is that ‘things just happen’ and that ‘everything works out in the end.’ for her, meals just appear on the table, the house cleans itself, and things that are lost simply get replaced. she’s out of touch with the harsh realities of the world, which also shapes her political ideology.
she understands why her father was disowned, but doesn’t believe that the rest of the world is like her extended family can be. she fully thinks that her father’s case is a rare one and that blood purity is widely accepted to be an outdated concept. she’s not aligned with any side of the war as of now.
when it was time to send aimee to school, brigette and matthieu worried that her naive outlook and easygoing temperament would not be a good fit for a school like beauxbatons. they sent aimee to hogwarts (with a sizable donation to the school as well), hoping that it would be a better place for her. plus, it allowed her to spend time with her cousin, elodie, who aimee always had a fondness for.
wanted connections: literally everything!
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A Masterlist of Underused French Names
So as a French person, I grew a little bit tired of seeing the same old French names over and over again. So under the cut is a list of 260 (185 first names and 105 surnames) underused French names, based on my experience, with the bolded ones being my favorites! And now don’t get me wrong, many of those names are not strictly French, and are in other languages too. But just know they are used in French too, so they can be used for your French character if needed. And there are obviously a lot of other names you can go for!
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Female Names
Ariane / Arianne
Chantal / Chantale
Élaine / Élène / Hélène / probably a lot of other variations
Maia / Maya
Rachel / Rachelle
Roxane / Roxanne
Susanne / Suzanne
Male Names
Geoffrey / Geoffroy
Ivan / Yvan
Jérémie / Jérémy
Mathieu / Matthieu
Nicholas / Nicolas
Philip / Philippe
Rémi / Rémy
Unisex Names
Carol (male) / Carole (female)
Daniel (male) / Danielle (female)
Denis (male) / Denise (female)
Dominic (male) / Dominique (female)
Eugène (male) / Eugénie (female)
Fabien (male) / Fabienne (female)
Frédéric (male) / Frédérique (female)
Jasmin (male) / Jasmine (female)
Jean (male) / Jeane (female)
Joël (male) / Joëlle (female)
Jordan (male) / Jordane (female)
Justin (male) / Justine (female)
Louis (male) / Louise (female)
Lucien (male) / Lucienne (female)
Marcel (male) / Marcelle (female)
Michel (male) / Michelle (female)
Noël (male) / Noëlle (female)
Pascal (male) / Pascale (female)
Samuel (male) / Samuelle (female)
Valentin (male) / Valentine (female)
Perrault / Perreault
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petrificushq · 5 years
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+3 Connections
AIMEE ALLAIRE  (ABIGAIL COWEN) is searching for her DETENTION BUDDY. they’re called UTP and are a sixth/seventh year  from (any) house. they look like UTP and applicants do not need to get in touch.
details: Aimee has a bad habit of getting into trouble. It isn't that she means to... it's just that when opportunities for fun come around, she has a hard time saying no. That, and her judgment isn't always the best. This is a person that Aimee has been in detention with a few times throughout the years -- someone who knows that Aimee is well-intentioned, yet gullible, and sometimes takes advantage of that.
AIMEE ALLAIRE  (ABIGAIL COWEN) is searching for her CRUSH . they’re called UTP and are in ANY YEAR  from RAVENCLAW/HUFFLEPUFF house. they look like PAULINA SINGER/TATI GABRIELLE/HAYLEY ERIN/KATHERINE LANGFORD/UTP and applicants do not need to get in touch.
details: Aimee always has thought that love was something that just happened naturally. So when she started crushing on a girl, it wasn't as much as a shock as it was a pleasant surprise. Aimee doesn't know why, but somehow she can't find a way to talk to this girl or be fully herself around her. The crush is ever-growing, and sooner or later, she's going to have to do something about it
AIMEE ALLAIRE  (ABIGAIL COWEN) is searching for her BROTHER. they’re called JEAN-LUC ALLAIRE and are a SEVENTH YEAR  from UTP house. they look like UTP (must look related to Freya Mavor or Abigail Cowen) and applicants do not need to get in touch.
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Expression politique de janvier 2018
Nous avons reçu le texte ci-après provenant d’un groupe de militants politiques de l’agglomération s’intitulant « CGS » expliquant qu’il recherche le dialogue avec d’autres groupes politiques.
« Loire Antlantique : “Travaillons ensemble”, un appel à un collectif unitaire, ouvert et pluraliste GDS·mardi 12 décembre 2017
Après le bilan désastreux du quinquennat de F.Hollande, la politique d’E.Macron, qui apparaît comme le président des riches, est aujourd’hui contestée.
Le rejet massif de la loi El Khomri en 2016 se retrouve aujourd’hui dans le refus des ordonnances anti sociales qui aggravent la casse du droit du travail. Le social reste au cœur des préoccupations d’une majorité de jeunes, de salariés, de retraités.
La remise en cause des APL, des emplois aidés, du financement du logement social et des dotations de l’État aux collectivités locales, l’augmentation de la CSG et les menaces sur la protection sociale ont été très vite contestées. La baisse de popularité d’un Président élu par défaut s’explique d’abord par cette réalité.
Quant aux attentes en termes de transition écologique, de démocratie, de solidarité avec les migrants ... elles risquent, sans aucun doute, d’être tout autant déçues par la politique gouvernementale.
Travailler ensemble à une alternative sociale et écologique
Face à une politique gouvernementale clairement de droite, nous appelons et œuvrons au développement des mobilisations sociales, écologiques, féministes et démocratiques.
Ensemble nous voulons travailler au rassemblement de toutes les forces disponibles pour faire reculer les politiques libérales et autoritaires. Une convergence d’action des forces de gauche, associatives, écologistes et du mouvement social peut être de nature à redonner confiance.
Les propositions d’alternatives ne manquent pas pour répondre aux urgences sociales et écologiques, et transformer la société. A partir de nos dynamiques diverses, faisons en sorte qu’une alternative majoritaire existe. Nous sommes une force et nous avons besoin de passerelles de débats entre mouvements tant sur le plan politique, syndical qu’associatif ou citoyen !
Ensemble, nous pouvons faire reculer le gouvernement Macron et obtenir des avancées pour améliorer la vie, les conditions de travail et d’existence de nos concitoyen.ne.s, pour privilégier l’intérêt des salarié.e.s à celui de la finance, pour défendre les services publics, pour imposer une transition écologique et pérenne respectueuse de l’Humain et de notre planète, pour l’égalité de toutes et tous et le même accès aux droits, pour développer les solidarités locales, nationales et internationales ...
Constituer un collectif unitaire, ouvert et pluraliste
C’est pourquoi nous appelons à la constitution d’un collectif départemental de liaison ouvert et pluraliste. Un collectif unitaire de la gauche sociale, écologiste, féministe, intellectuelle, culturelle.
Toutes les forces peuvent y contribuer ! Quels que soient nos engagements politiques, syndicaux, associatifs, que l’on soit salarié.e, jeune, retraité.e, sans emploi, intellectuel.le, artiste ... le ciment de notre rassemblement c’est la volonté de vivre mieux, de transformer ensemble notre société.
Se rassembler, échanger, débattre et lutter
Sans attendre, nous appelons à rejoindre toutes les initiatives unitaires, notamment les mobilisations intersyndicales, de lutte contre une politique libérale qui accroît les inégalités et accentue les cadeaux au profit d’une minorité aisée.
Sans attendre, nous nous engageons à organiser, dans les semaines et les mois à venir, tous les débats, toutes les rencontres, tous les échanges qui contribueront à l’émergence d’une alternative de gauche et écologique en Loire-Atlantique, respectueuse des sensibilités de chacun-e. »
Les premier signataires sont des militants syndicaux ou associatifs ainsi que des mlitant.e.s politiques de différentes sensibilités appartenant à des partis (Europe écologie les verts, Parti communiste, Parti socialiste) ou à des mouvements (Gauche démocratique et sociale, Génération.s) :
Fabrice Bazin (Elu, St-Nazaire), Michel Bedel (ancien élu, Rezé ; militant associatif), Emilie Bellin (syndicaliste), Marie-Annick Benatre (élue, Nantes), Emmanuelle Bizeul (élue, Saint-Nazaire), Nathalie Blin (élue, Nantes), Emilie Bourdon (syndicaliste), Hervé Braire (élu, Saint-Nazaire), Philippe Brard (militant associatif), Michel Brochu (ancien élu, Rezé ; militant associatif), Jean Brunacci (syndicaliste), Sandrine Buchoux (élue, Saint-Herblain), Catherine Bassani (élue, Nantes), Nicolas Carrey (syndicaliste), Joël Castex (élu,Bouguenais), Mahel Coppey (élue, Nantes), Bertrand Corvez (syndicaliste), Eric Couvez (syndicaliste), Dominique Duclos (élu, Bouguenais), Katell Favennec (élue, Nantes), Maëlle Fougère (syndicaliste), Brice Giraudet (syndicaliste), Alain Gralepois (ancien élu, Région), Vincent Grenier, Marcel Guille (syndicaliste), Thibaut Guiné (syndicaliste), Brigitte Héridel (élue, Vertou), Michel Laboureur (syndicaliste), Pauline Langlois (syndicaliste), Nicolas Lecoq, Martine Lejeune (élue, Bouguenais), Judith Leray (élue, Saint-Etienne de Montluc), Gauthier Lorthiois (élu, Bouguenais), Véronique Mahé (élue, Saint-
Joachim), Pedro Maia (élu, Gorges), Alain Manara (élu Saint-Nazaire), Valentin Marchand (militant associatif) , Gilles Nicolas (élu, Nantes), Laurent Noblet (élu, Saint- Herblain), Franck Noury (élu, Nantes), Nicolas Martin (élu, Nantes), Mireille Pernot ( élue Rezé), Pascal Pontac (syndicaliste), Pascal Pras (élu, Saint Jean de Boiseau), Yvon Renevot (CC Carene), Marie-Claude Robin (syndicaliste), Catherine Rouge (élue, Saint-Nazaire), Robin Salecroix (élu Nantes), Aymeric Seassau (élu, Nantes), Jérôme Sulim (ancien élu, Nantes), René Seiller (syndicaliste), Maurice Suriray (militant associatif), Jean-François Tallio (élu, Saint-Herblain), Hervé Tessier(militant associatif), Jacques Testard, Eric Thouzeau (élu, Région), Nina Tilmont (syndicaliste), Catherine Touchefeu (élue, Département), Jean-Luc Tréberne (ancien élu Rezé ; militant associatif), Sarah Trichet-Allaire (élue, Saint-Nazaire)
Ce qui nous pose problème c’est qu’un certain nombre de ces militants proviennent de la majorité politique de notre conseil municipal qui réduit notre espace d'expression dans la presse de la commune.
C’est pourquoi dans le texte ci-dessous nous répondons « oui au rassemblement » mais avec quelques réserves.
          Saint HERBLAIN10 Janvier 2018
Travaillons ensemble…
Madame, Monsieur;
CherE Camarade;
Réuni en assemblée générale le 14 décembre 2017 le collectif citoyen Saint Herblain à Gauche Toute (ci-après SHàGT) a été interpellé par votre appel « travaillons ensemble ».
Si nous sommes d’accord sur les constats que vous nous livrez dans les premières lignes de votre document, nous sommes très surpris au regard des signataires de vous voir dénoncer cette situation avec autant de virulence.
Les éluEs signataires de votre texte sont tousTES des éluEs du P.S ; du P.C.F. et/ou d’EELV qui de fait sont à minima co-auteurs du bilan désastreux de François HOLLANDE et de sa majorité présidentielle.
Mais ce qui nous surprend le plus, voire ce qui nous inquiète, c’est que vous semblez découvrir la nécessité d’un travail collectif de « toutes les forces disponibles pour faire reculer les politiques libérales et autoritaires ».
Cela fait plus d’une décennie que dans les communes de la métropole des centaines, des milliers de citoyenNES se mobilisent autour de collectifs pour s’opposer à ces politiques libérales et autoritaires, sans votre soutien et souvent même en opposition avec vous, dans les conseils municipaux, les assemblées départementale et régionale.
Soutenus, suffrage après suffrage, par un électorat de plus en plus nombreux, nous avons représenté depuis toutes ces années une opposition de gauche aux projets de vos majorités locales qui étaient le pendant de la politique nationale dont vous qualifiez le bilan de désastreux.
Vous ne nous avez pas vu… ? À Bouguenais, À Couëron, À la Montagne, Rezé ou Saint Herblain…etc !
Cette cécité nous inquiète.
Que nous proposez-vous ? « De construire un collectif unitaire de la gauche sociale, écologiste, féministe, intellectuelle, culturelle… »
Mais cela existe ! Encore faut-il voir et prendre en compte toutes ces femmes et ces hommes qui depuis plus de dix ans résistent pour infléchir une politique qui c’est vrai marginalise, exclut les plus démunis d’entre nous.
Mais peut être pensez-vous, que votre proposition ne consiste pour nous qu’à se « ranger » derrière vous ?
Vous voulez nous rassembler mais vous même où en êtes-vous ???
Ne faudrait il pas d’abord que vous tiriez les leçons de ce bilan que vous avez accompagné pendant toutes ces années ?
L’urbanisation de la métropole et sa gentrification ?
La question de Notre Dame des Landes ?
Les questions d’énergie,
La protection sociale?
La démocratie locale et la nécessaire évolution concernant la désignation des conseillers métropolitains ?  
Alors oui nous voulons travailler à la construction d’une alternative éco-socialiste Mais avec des Femmes et des Hommes qui s’écoutent et se respectent… ! et dans la diversité qui est la nôtre.
Vous voulez « organiser dans les semaines et les mois à venir tous les débats, toutes les rencontres pour contribuer à l’émergence d’une alternative de gauche et écologique en Loire Atlantique respectueuse des sensibilités de chacunE ». Cette alternative a déjà émergé, la première forme de respect serait de le reconnaître.
C’est indispensable à tout projet de rassemblement citoyen auquel, nous aussi, nous aspirons.
Saint Herblain à Gauche Toute
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beforedawnrps · 3 years
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jean luc allaire-alvarez’s faceclaim is now diego boneta. jonny beauchamp is now re-opened.
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beforedawnrps · 3 years
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( cis man | he/him | diego boneta ) —— isn’t that JEAN-LUC ALLAIRE-ALVAREZ? yeah that is them, outside the three broomsticks! they used to go to BEAUXBATONS but apparently they now work as a PROFESSIONAL MUSE, EVERYWHERE HE GOES (AN EXTENDED GAP YEAR). sybill once said that they reminded her of offended gasps of disbelief, falling in love with the idea of love, the fine line between bold and reckless, and unceasing compassion, which seems about right. anyway i’ve heard they’re still a bit INDULGENT, FLAMBOYANT, and A HOPELESS ROMANTIC. they’re TWENTY-FOUR now but some things never change! i wonder how being a QUARTER VEELA is affecting them after school, especially now they’re NEUTRAL? i guess only time will tell…
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beforedawnrps · 3 years
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please welcome:
Jean-Luc Allaire Alvarez
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allaircss-a · 5 years
ellie — angel of small death,
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isn’t that OPHÉLIE “ELLIE” ALLAIRE? yeah that is HER, sitting there at the RAVENCLAW table with those other SIXTH years and i think i heard sybill saying they look like FREYA MAVOR… whoever that is! when she looks into her crystal ball she sees clenched fists hidden in decaying lace sleves. blood red wine dripping from a shattered glass. split lips and bruised knuckles. bouncing on the balls of your feet ready to fight. broken china scattered on the floor with bloody foot prints. atlas crushed under the weight of the sky. they’ve set the world on fire but you’re still by their side, but one wrong look and you’re gone. they  told you  not to touch but you did anyway and now it’s ruined, just like everything. anyway i’ve heard they’re pretty VINDICTIVE, PRIDEFUL, and VOLATILE. apparently they’re a PUREBLOOD but i’m sure that’s not related. —— [ mhairi : gmt : 19 : they/them&she/her ]
→ NAME: ophélie hélène allaire → NICKNAMES: ellie → AGE / D.O.B.: 16 / 1st april 1960 → SPECIES: pureblooded witch → GENDER / PRONOUNS: cisfemale / she&her → SEXUALITY: bisexual
FAMILY → PARENTS: henri allaire, 61, ambassador from wizarding france. viviane selwyn, 40, socialite. → SIBLINGS: half siblings: christèle allaire, 35. dorothée allaire, 32. véronique allaire, 29. full siblings: milène allaire, 20. régine allaire, 17. éric allaire, 16. → PETS: vicieux, ginger cat she adopted as a stray when she was 10. arno, tabby cat jean-luc gifted her after her parents found out about her taking muggle studies. camile, ragdoll kitten ellie rescued in paris this past summer. félix, dumbo rat ellie got in fourth year. apollon, hermès & dionysos, family owls. → OTHER SIGNIFICANT FAMILY: rosine millefeuille, father’s first wife, deceased. léopold allaire, uncle, french minister of magic, 58. matthieu allaire, disowned uncle, owner of a secondhand bookshop in muggle paris, 49. claudia alvarez ruiz, aunt - matthieu’s wife, famous model, 51.
LIFESTYLE → BORN: île de batz, brittany → RAISED: paris / île de batz → CURRENT RESIDENCE: french wizarding embassy / hogwarts → NATIONALITY: french → SPOKEN LANGUAGES: (in order of proficiency) french, english, german, italian, spanish, russian, greek, latin → OCCUPATION: student & quidditch captain → DRINK | SMOKE | DRUGS: yes / yes / yes → RELIGION:  family is not religious but ellie has recently been turning to faith, specifically catholicism like her aunt claudia
PHYSICAL ATTRIBUTES → FACE CLAIM: sydney sweeney → ETHNICITY: white / french → HEIGHT: 5ft.3n. → WEIGHT: 100bs → BUILD: tall and slender, toned → HAIR:  golden curls reaching to mid-chest → EYE COLOR: blue → DOMINANT HAND: left → SCENT:  chanel no.5 → ACCENT: quite strongly french, slips back into her native tongue when stressed → NERVOUS HABITS:  combing her hands through her hair
CHARACTER → MORAL ALIGNMENT: chaotic neutral → MBTI: enfp → WESTERN ZODIAC: aries sun, gemini moon, leo rising → CHINESE ZODIAC: rat → TAROT CARD: strength → ARCHETYPE: the rebel → TRAITs: devoted, volatile, argumentative, irresponsible, vindictive, fickle, destructive.
MAGIC → WAND:  hawthorn, dragon heartstring & demiguise hair, 11", wishy. ellie, along with the rest of her siblings, got her wand in france. → PATRONUS: horse → BOGGART:  bats → OWLS: ellie sat ten OWLs in her fifth year, getting nine outstanding’s and one acceptable. ancient runes, O. arithmancy, A. astronomy, O. charms, O. defence against the dark arts, O. history of Magic, O. herbology, O. muggle studies, O. transfiguration, O. potions, O. → NEWTS: ellie is taking the following classes onto newt level; charms, defence against the dark arts, herbology, history of magic, potions, transfiguration
BIO  → The Allaire’s were something... once. But scandal can make the public’s affections fickle,and when you’re on the wrong side of that scandal? It’s a long way to climb to get back on top. How was Palémon Allaire supposed to know disowning his youngest son would destroy the familys carefully curated image? Who knew that public opinion would side with the daughter of a Veela and a muggleborn over a pillar of the french ministry? Over the man who had been minister for fifteen years? But when Matthieu Allaire and Claudia Álvarez Ruiz married, and Matthieu found himslef cast out from his family, Palémon soon found himself removed from office.
→ Ophélie Hélène Allaire, or Ellie to anyone who cared enough to know the girl behind the reputation and family name, was born not long after her brother Éric on April 1st 1960. The sixth and seventh children of Henri Allaire, life couldn’t be more different for the pair. One a treasured and long awaited heir, the other yet another unnecessary daughter. A difference made even more apparent with the Allaire family’s political rebirth when they were ten. A return to their former grace made her sisters useful in securing alliances through magic but Ellie was already being considered too wild for anyone to bother.
→ A comeback almost two decades in the works, it came with a relocation for Ellie and her branch of the family. With her Oncle Léopold becoming Minister of Magic, her father Henri became ambassador to Britain. The move to England was both a curse and a saving grace to Ellie, in one swoop she was separated from both those that had already formed a judgement on her and from her one source of support — the very oncle who’s disownment had caused her families scandal. 
→ Already burned once by the scandal of a disownment the Allaire’s are hesitant to do so again and testing just how far Ellie can push her parents and extended family has become something of a game to her. A girl of contradictions, she is as absurdly fickle as she is loyal, standing by things any sane person would decry even their most closest for but abandoning ship apparently on the slightest whim. She’s built herself off of defying her parents, loud because they wanted her to be quiet, abrasive where they’d rather she was meek, even her stance on the war is built on an opposition to her mother Viviane — a death eater. (mental health tw) In a society that actually cared about mental health, or in fact even saw it as a thing, Ellie would be diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder. (end tw) 
→ As the years go on Ellie has become more and more desperate in her attempts to escape the yoke of her family, from frequent attempts to run away (and just as frequently returning) to scenes at galas as regular as a pantomime, Ellie has become a force unto herself. A girl with a reputation as tall as she is, it’s been hard for people to see past it — to see the real Ellie. At once a barrier to real bonds and a wall she hides behind it has become increasingly the latter in recent months. Ever since Hallowe’en. Ever since (murder tw, death tw) she stumbled across the body of Bertram Aubrey in the forest that late October night.  (end murder tw, death tw) It’s something that’s hurt and damaged her as a person much more than she lets on, much more than even Ellie herself is aware of. But she’s Ellie, just  Ellie, her own person, her own thing. She can’t be traumatised.
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allaircss-a · 5 years
rank your cousins in order of favorite to least favorite. give reasons.
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            “  okay  if  you  really  want  a  full  list  with  all   of  them  i  can  do  that ,  but  i’ll  just  focus  on  the  allaire  side ?  not  my  mum  or  rosine’s  lot ?  okay  so  …
            the  best  cousins  come  with  the  best  tante  et  oncle :  in  no  particular  order  there’s  jean-luc ,  aimee ,  michel-ange ,  and  martine .  calling  them  cousins  is  doing  them  and  injustice  really ,  they’re  all  like  siblings  to  me .
            i’ve  never  really  had  much  to  do  with  tante  flavie’s  lot ,  they’re  not  even  really  allaires ;  gaël  and  briac  jacquemoud .   they’re  like  eighteen  and  thirteen  years  older  than  me …   so  yeah .
            oncle marc’s  got  five  and  i  don’t  really  care  enough  about  any  of  them  to  give  you  their  names .  they’ve  never  been  fond  of  me  and  i  can’t  really  say  i  feel  different .
            oncle  léopold’s  brats  last :  pétronille’s  a  right  bitch ,  she  might  be  ten  years  older  but  she’s  half  a  foot  shorter  and  i  still  managed  to  break  her  nose  at  a  gala  last  year .  i’ve  been  kept  away  from  her  own  brats ,  as  well  as  thibert , léopold jnr.  and  guillaume ,  since  then  but  good  riddance !  they’ve  been  so  full  of  themselves  since  léopold  got  made  ministre  de  la  magie ,  ”
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