#jean-manuel duvivier
debrink · 2 years
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~ Jean-Manuel Duvivier
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rfsnyder · 5 years
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Jean-Manuel Duvivie
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Jean-Manuel Duvivier (Belgian).
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altpick · 4 years
In Altpick.com‘s ongoing series, Changing America, we continue the momentum for a much-needed transformation. In each series, our members’ were asked to submit an image that depicts their feelings on today’s current crises.  Between the pandemic, quarantine, and protests in the U.S. and worldwide, our hope is that this was not for naught but for change in a positive direction.  In this 3rd post in the series, Illustrators/Artists/Designer Andreas von Buddenbrock, Steven Dana, Jean Manuel Duvivier, Lynne St Clare, Janice Fried, Rudy Gutierrez, Julia Kerschbaumer, Huan Tran, Donna Wilson, and Photographers George Kamper, Kristofer Dan Bergman, and Lisa Powers present their personal message through their imagery.
Illustrator Janice Fried
Illustrator ©Janice Fried
“Fragile Handle with Care” – A mother’s fear for her children. — Janice Fried
Illustrator Jean-Manual Duvivier
Illustrator ©Jean-Manuel Duvivier
Illustrator Rudy Gutierrez
Artist ©Rudy Gutierrez
“No more Normal”  “As I observe what’s happening in this country right now the feeling that hits me is how much has been considered normal, the blatant racism, the police brutality, the lack of civility and integrity, and the corporate and Governmental looting, that reflects the morally bankrupt nature of too many in control and their supporters. It seems that in many ways the country has been exposed although not to people of color who live this “normal” reality every day. I say that there can be no more normal. We are damn tired of normal!” — Rudy Gutierrez
Illustrator Donna Wilson
Illustrator ©Donna Wilson
I chose to do an image of George Floyd juxtaposed with the Law Enforcement Oath of Honor. This oath that is taken is a promise to uphold the ethics and standards of the job for the public. Police Brutality is a blatant contradiction to this oath and a failure for public safety. If more people stay informed and VOTE  on every level of government – local and national – I really hope and believe change can happen. — Donna Wilson
Photographer George Kamper
Photographer ©George Kamper
“Love is in The Air”
Corona Bubble 14!  Inspired by Banksy’s “Love Is In The Air” & “Rage, The Flower Thrower”. — George Kamper
Illustrator Huan Tran
Illustrator ©Huan Tran
“I created this image to show that we have the power to support change when it comes to BlackLivesMatter”.  “I’m providing ‘free to use’ files for all who want to support change, human decency, and doing better.” — Huan Tran
Resource files on Google Drive, feel free to share the link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1KURlkx9azqfh0fSRhLe_44y2A1SHs4l8?fbclid=IwAR13au0qLtnWj2urSTsCDXz0Rz7K_mzHLOzgIMPBrHlOvwnhwy1iP2Z_eSY
Illustrator Andreas von Buddenbrock
Illustrator ©Andreas von Buddenbrock
Andreas who currently lives in Hong Kong submitted a sketch of the protests that happened there last year. “The scenes playing out in the streets in the US look a lot like what’s been happening in Hong Kong, with all the rage and the feeling of being let down by the government/police force.” — Andreas von Buddenbrock
Illustrator Julia Kerschbaumer
Illustrator ©Julia Kerschbaumer
“This full-page illustration was created for an article in the Scottish whiskey magazine Whiskeria. The article “Collateral damage” is about Donald Trump’s self-defeating trade sanctions on Scottish whiskey, that have also affected the US bourbon industry”. — Julia Kerschbaumer
Photographer Kristofer Dan Bergman
©Kristofer Dan Bergman
©Kristofer Dan Bergman
©Kristofer Dan Bergman
Kristofer lives and works as a professional photographer in New York City.  “The first image illustrates how we all were taken by storm and engulfed in the pandemic; the second captures the emptiness and loneliness in SoHo; and the third image speaks for itself.” — Kristofer Dan Bergman
Photographer Lisa Powers
Photographer ©Lisa Powers
Lisa Powers took this photograph of a man she saw on a subway in Manhattan in the late 1980/1990’s, which is still relevant today.  “I watched him enter into the subway car and he was a giant wearing a black sleeveless shirt with “FUCK RACISM IF YOU DON’T AGREE IN  HELL YOU BE”… I was impressed by his blatant message so I started a conversation with him (George).  He said that he had put the letters on the shirt himself.  I asked if I could photograph him.  He said he was on his way to his boxing gym for a workout.  I asked if I could come to photograph him working out.  He said yes.  I immediately went home, collected my camera, and a few rolls of FILM (yes, FILM) and I went to the boxing gym where I photographed him and a few other boxers.. He was very kind and asked if I wanted him to see me home safe.  What a gentleman… a GENTLE man.” — Lisa Powers
Illustrator Lynne St Clare (Foster)
©Lynne St Clare
©Lynne St Clare
©Lynne St Clare
  Lynne submitted 3 images that tell the whole story…The first image – ” An assignment for the Independent on anti-Chinese sentiment.  Chinese Americans as well as those who look Chinese, are having to bear a double dose of the national anxiety amid the COVID-19 pandemic. They are anxious like the rest of us about venturing outside and getting infected, but they are also increasingly anxious about venturing outside and experiencing hostility from non-Asians of all sorts, in the form of verbal harassment and physical threats. Second image – Lynne’s “George Floyd” image. “ The Revolution will not be televised, it will be Live”.   Third image – COVID 19. — Lynne St Clare
Illustrator/Designer Steven Dana
©Steven Dana
©Steven Dana
“Roses Free George Floyd…Love” and “Lovism” — Steven Dana
To see more of the artists’ work, please visit Altpick.com.
Changing America :: Series 003 :: Keeping the Momentum In Altpick.com's ongoing series, Changing America, we continue the momentum for a much-needed transformation. In each series, our members' were asked to submit an image that depicts their feelings on today's current crises. 
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photocircle · 5 years
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#CARNEVAL by Jean-Manuel Duvivier #Photocircle #illustration from #France #designs #wallart #homedecor #colorsplash #colors #blue #yellow #interiordesign #classy #decoration #decor #homeimprovement #homesweethome #homedecor #homedesign #artprint #wallart #socent #purchasewithpurpose #giftsthatgive #giveback #consciousgifting #shopwithpurpose #livingroom https://ift.tt/2TYb7yv
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sczerbetto · 2 years
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Jean-Manuel Duvivier
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saulcastillo · 5 years
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EXTRA! es una sección mensual que recopila los mejores diseños en las páginas de la prensa nacional e internacional, con publicaciones que no han aparecido con anterioridad en el blog.
En la recopilación de diciembre destacamos (de arriba a abajo y de izquierda a derecha):
Entre los últimos trabajos de 2019 que destacamos vamos a comenzar con la crónica en formato cómic que el diario francés Libération (1) publicó tras la huelga en Francia contra la reforma de pensiones. Es un trabajo de Cyril Pedrosa del 11 de diciembre.
La “guía de los temporales de invierno” fue fiel a su cita en las páginas del Washington Post (2), incluyendo una adorable portadilla de Tomi Um y brillantes infografías como este análisis de la variación de temperaturas en la ciudad desde 1872. El especial se publicó el día 4.
Doblete del Papel de El Mundo: a la izquierda, el récord de pérdida de selva amazónica en una década (3), un mapa de Maite Vaquero. A la derecha, los caminos que llevan al portal de Belén (4). Son dobles publicadas el 9 y 24 de diciembre respectivamente.
Saltamos a la Rosalía –tra, tra– en un gráfico que se hizo viral el pasado mes con el análisis en profundidad de uno de los conciertos que dio en el Palau (5). Es un trabajazo de Clara Penín para La Vanguardia del día 9.
Nuestra portadilla favorita de diciembre es la dedicada a los mejores libros del año (6), en un elegante trabajo de Jean-Manuel Duvivier para el Wall Street Journal del 14 y 15 de diciembre.
También nos gustó mucho la original manera de resumir 2019 para el Financial Times: a través de viñetas ilustradas (7). Es un compendio de trabajos mes a mes ilustrados por Nicholas Leonard y Helen Cochrane y publicado el día 16.
Otra de las dobles que nos conquistó el pasado mes es este plano del Madrid galdosiano (8), un trabajazo de Gonzalo Izquierdo que pudimos ver en el ABC del 21 de diciembre.
Y el último trabajo de 2019 trata sobre prótesis de penes (9), con dispositivos de alta tecnología que lucen un aspecto más natural. Un trabajo de Emilio Amade a toda página en El Mundo del 17 de diciembre.
… Más EXTRA! · 2015: septiembre · octubre · noviembre · diciembre | 2016: enero · febrero · marzo · abril · mayo · junio · julio · agosto · septiembre · octubre · noviembre · diciembre | 2017: enero · febrero · marzo · abril · mayo · junio · julio · agosto · septiembre · octubre · noviembre · diciembre | 2018: enero · febrero · marzo · abril · mayo · junio · julio · agosto · septiembre · octubre · noviembre · diciembre | 2019: enero · febrero · marzo · abril · mayo · junio · julio · agosto · septiembre · octubre · noviembre
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benoitfelten · 5 years
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Le Feuilleton d'Hermès by Murielle Szac and Jean-Manuel Duvivier. In search for quick inspiration for a greek deity themed RPG campaigned I started reading a book I bought for my son ages ago. It's basically a collection of greek myths. Most of them revolve around the character of Hermes, but he's actually woven into many more as a spectator, which is a convenient way of creating a sort of thread. It's really engaging, and while clearly aimed at teens it's worth a read (in French).
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laurent-bigot · 7 years
VOICI LE TEMPS DES ASSASSINS - Julien Duvivier (1956)
VOICI LE TEMPS DES ASSASSINS – Julien Duvivier (1956)
Dans Voici le temps des assassins, le personnage de Chatelin est l’occasion d’une grande composition pour Gabin, parfait en grand chef, permettant à Duvivier de donner à son film une épaisseur réaliste, dans laquelle il l’installe dès les scènes d’ouverture, où la caméra se déplace avec fluidité en accompagnant Gabin dans son travail (ouverture du restaurant, marché aux Halles, préparation des…
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dannysartblog · 7 years
Tim Youngs. Gender and Sexuality.
Professor Youngs is the Director of Nottingham Trent University's Centre for Travel Writing Studies. He is also Postgraduate Tutor for the School of Arts and Humanities, and Coordinator of the English Research Seminar series. He undertakes teaching and research in the areas of African-American Writing, Literature of the United States, and Travel Writing. 
In the book  'The Cambridge Introduction to Travel Writing' Youngs writes a  chapter on the influence of gender and sexuality in travel. The first part of the chapter is about traveling women writers. He writes about how in the last quarter of the twentieth century the growing interest in women’s writing has encouraged many women writers to travel the world and report their travels, write about them. He says that the way women travelers and men travelers write about their journeys is different. However, he agrees that males still had the dominant role in this area at the time. In the chapter he quotes Debbie Lisle - “The public persona of the travel writer is empowered by a masculine, rational and aggressive organising scheme that succeeds to the extent that it writes over feminine characteristics in the self and in others.”. However, I believe that nowadays the situation is changing and men are no longer being seen as more superior in travel writing, it has become much more equal than it was. 
In the second part of the chapter Tim Youngs writes about gay traveling writers. He says that homosexual travelers have a different way of writing than heterosexual women or men. He states that by going to foreign countries homosexual people feel better because they make contact with other homosexuals in foreign countries, a contact which the writer describes as very friendly and welcoming towards each other. In the chapter it says that homosexuals often move to different countries because of this connection, and from this we can see the problem of homophobia. In some countries homosexuality is not very welcomed, and the fact that there are many more people like you in another country and they are friendly towards you and you have this good connection with them really makes u consider moving to that country, leaving the sad place you call home behind. However, like in the previous part, I believe the situation is getting much better nowadays and homosexual people are becoming more welcome, they don’t have to move countries just to be more accepted and find like-minded people.
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Illustration by  Jean Manuel Duvivier.
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Jean-Manuel Duvivier (Belgian). From Greek Mythology series. 
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siscalocca · 7 years
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La Minette d’ Ever Meulen, contribution à l’expo collective Ever Meulen & Friends à la Seed Factory! https://www.facebook.com/events/305020599965532 Une exposition rétrospective des oeuvres de Ever Meulen + les images en hommage à Ever Meulen réalisées spécialement pour cette exposition par des illustrateurs belges et internationaux : Robert Armstrong (USA), François Avril (FR), Serge Baeken, Arnal Ballester (SP), Johnny Bekaert, Charles Berberian (FR), Cecile Bernaerts, Rotraut Susanne Berner (DE), Jan Bosschaert , Pierre Bouillé (FR), Randall Casaer, Laurent Cilluffo, Serge Clerc (FR), Luc Cromheecke, Reinhart Croon, Serge Dehaes, Phil De Kemmeter, Jacques de Loustal (FR), Gerda Dendooven, Pieter de Poortere, Rika Deryckere, Lode Devroe, Johan Devrome, Goele Dewanckel, Gert Dooreman, Juan d’Oultremont, Jack Durieux, Laurent Durieux, Jean-Manuel Duvivier, Brecht Evens, Stijn Felix, GAL, Loïc Gaume, Philippe Geluck , Evert Geradts (NL), Jochen Gerner,Olivier Grenson, Alain Goffin, Josse Goffin, Victor Hachmang (NL), Eric Héliot, HugOké, Emmanuel Kerner (FR), Max Kisman (NL), Eric Lambé, Mieke Lamiroy, Ivan Lammerant, Jean-Louis Lejeune, José María Lema de Pablo (SP), Pascal Lemaître, Sisca Locca, Jeroen Los, Dominique Maes, Gudrun Makelberge, Javier Mariscal(SP), Jean-François Martin, Lorenzo Matotti (IT), Luc Melanson (CAN), David Merveille, Steve Michiels, Walter Minus (FR), Guy Mortier, NIX, OXOlaterre (FR), Albert Pepermans, Eliza Pepermans, Philippe Petit-Roulet (FR), Piccolo (FR), Alain Pilon (CAN), Patrick Regout, Etienne Robial (FR), Rocco (FR), Jean-Claude Salemi, Jean-Grégoire Savayan, Tom Schamp, Piet Schreuders (NL), Tom Schoonooghe, François Schuiten, Teresa Sdralevich, Bruno Seys & Filiep Vandewiele, Irma Smeets, Jeroom, Frow Steeman, Joost Swarte (NL), Art Spiegelman (USA), Luc Tegenbos, Frédéric Thiry, Max Tilgenkamp, Olivier Saive, Brecht Vandenbroucke, Teun van den Wittenboer (NL), Karolien Vanderstappen, Patrick Van der Stricht , Jan Van Der Veken, Phil Van Duynen, Pieter van Eenoge, Peter Van Eyck, Cis Verhamme, Sander Vermeulen, Benoît Van Innis, Jurgen Walschot, Chris Ware (USA), Jan Werkt, Peter Willems, ZAK, Isabelle Vandenabeele, Max (F. Capdevila) (SP)
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photocircle · 5 years
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Buy print by Jean-Manuel Duvivier online at #Photocircle. #Illustration of #Autumn using a woman's hair. #fall #nature #wallart #pattern #homedecor #hipstagram #decorate #homedesign #artprint #leaves #orange #wine http://bit.ly/2MqU0Ss
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moarrrmagazine · 9 years
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Bauhaus Zirkus  - Jean-Manuel Duvivier
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ultrajumpinthings · 9 years
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Jean-Manuel Duvivier
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theispot · 10 years
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Jean-Manuel Duvivier created this lively mural for the new Oncology Department at Emma’s Children’s Hospital AMC in Amsterdam.
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