stormyoceans · 11 months
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"I will not leave you again. I promise." – Vice Versa, ep. 11 // "Until the last light goes out, I will never let go of your hand. I promise." – Last Twilight official trailer
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wulfhalls · 2 years
Ok this might sound crazy but it just me but does Rhaenyra look more sexier and beautiful than she did in the last episode?!? Like being married to Daemon has done things to her. Same for Daemon. He looks so good! Both look crazy hot. Maybe Daemon makes her feel really sensual and he buys her all those stunning dresses!
it's the true lovism and colour coordination 😌
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nakiselu · 8 months
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vvildflowerrr · 2 years
⛤🍃🫀🌿welcome to my blog!🌿🫀🍃⛤
(03/30/24 - read while u can i plan to delete a lot of this soon, the internet is a shitty place)
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name - Wil (short for Willow!)
age - 24
gender - fluid (they/he and sometimes she)
orientation - poly, queer, sapphic, fluid
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about me:
I'm here to shitpost and look at pretty things, and hopefully find interesting spiritual anecdotes from other folks too! this blog has turned into - mostly - a collection of information to pair with my real life studies into esoteric knowledge and my personal religious/spiritual path. I also vent on here at times in the form of prose usually, but sometimes just screaming :) lol
I'm currently studying a form of Feral Druidry with some guidance from my former roomie/my good friend, who is a Druid Priest, as well as taking online courses! I started my spiritual path with An Mórrígan from the Irish pantheon. I studied Heathenry for awhile to connect with Hel, whom I still love and work with even if I've shifted in my path more. I incorporate some practice from Cultus Deorum/Roman paganism because I connected with Venus as well last year during Yule! Past those three, who I work with loosely, I also work with the concept of "The Wild" as an overarching theme, they are all the unexplainable energies in my life and push me to challenge myself as much as the Goddess figureheads I love do <3
You'll often find me writing miscellaneous bullshit and putting a melody to it in my feeble attempts at making music. ( check out my youtube channel here: https://youtube.com/@willowcrowluxx )
I have two cats! one is a shorthaired blonde tailless boy named Nubbin, and then a longhaired black, poofy tailed baby named Binx!
I'm currently in therapy working through ptsd stuff etc, so you will definitely see me get emo on the dashboard every now and again. my apologies in advance.
you can find all of my spiritual content under my personal tag: #anmorheljave
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(things I like and look for on this lovely little hellsite)
skyrim - I just started playing in 2022 and have such a deep love for this game. I finally defeated Alduin! And am now spending time going through all the other questlines and digging deeper into the lore!
queer stuff - I'm some flavor of gay, a fluid nonbinary person questioning being transmasc, figuring it out! but have done my fair share of discourse in the past, not down for that now lol 🙃 queer people are beautiful and wonderful however they identify in good faith <3
music - I have an eclectic taste in music and am always seeking more! and also want to make music for a living in my future :) some faves are: tash sultana, vernon jane, ocean alley, halsey, ethel cain, IDLES, fleetwood mac, hozier, paramore, alanis morissette, janis joplin, amy winehouse, nirvana, alice in chains, brown bird, queens of the stone age, ¡mayday!, lights, bring me the horizon, ghostmane, $uicideboy$, mother mother, tame impala, rainbow kitten surprise, pvris
nature - I find a lot of peace in nature and find a lot of my next steps while hanging out within it. also it's beautiful so I like finding aesthetically pleasing media for it :')
psychology and self-help - I'm a mess lmao, better to learn the whys and how I can improve as a human!
spirituality, paganism etc.
dungeons & dragons - just a big time fantasy nerd
anime - I love one piece, soul eater, sonny boy, chainsaw man, trigun, and others✨
horizon: zero dawn - I started playing this game in 2023 and fell IN LOVE with the world, the story, everything. plus I will always have the hots for femmes who use bows and arrows 🥹<3 I can't wait to play Forbidden West!
percy jackson universe - currently rereading PJO and HoO, have been reading these since I wars 9 and very excited for new book and show!
youtube - I watch julien solomita, markiplier, ethan nestor, strange æons, dan & phil, kurtis conner, jarvis johnson, chad chad, gabi belle, eddy burback, ted nivison, and various other video essays I find on interesting topics :)
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if you want to know about my music taste, here's a hellishly long playlist with all my faves :)
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@thatferalbogdruid - spirituality & paganism
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i hope you enjoy your time here!🌿🫀🍃
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yeejinhou · 4 years
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這次家族旅遊莫娜一家到宜蘭冬山���親水公園踏青,因已過了童玩節,暫時沒有特殊活動,但還是一個非常棒的地方,租了四人腳踏車,在園內四處走走停停,短短一個下午就汗流浹背。 來不及補防曬,回家後才發現臉部好像曬黑了,趕緊拿出Lovism黃金藻曬後賦活羽絨面膜,幫助曬後肌膚重點修護! 黃金藻曬後賦活羽絨面膜採無添加全配方,專為敏感型肌膚而設計,成份不含防腐劑,亦無香味、酒精成份。不含雌激素類型成份,即便是備孕期或孕期的媽咪也可以安心使用。 最近因為遭到豔陽曝曬與正值季節轉換,膚質有點不穩定,擔心又會容易脫妝,正好拿出來兩三天敷一次,讓肌膚保持健康狀態,妝容也能維持較久。 #面膜 #黃金藻 #lovism #孕婦 #孕期 #保養 #保養品 https://www.instagram.com/p/CFpdh8AH5KL/?igshid=1gdghi1jcq8o7
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jaystansfield · 7 years
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Sexy @rob_aj_ashworth design #jaystansfield #acoustic #logo #logodesign #lovism
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I want to be your drunk text romance A type of love I only show when you are too far gone to try to lie I limit myself until you are unable to censor your words Then I Excavate The thoughts I do not allow myself to think Switch on the neurotransmitters in my brain Release endorphins I swallowed down and converted to Nausea No longer can love rot the lining of my stomach I let it flow Through my fingertips to your inebriated heartstrings A direct line between my soul and yours We were Never Able to Sever What’s the difference between a best friend and a soul mate In the morning when you sober up I exhale you like a stale cigarette You always hurt The most on the way out
My whole life has been a fight to differentiate platonic and intimate feelings
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jostenneil · 3 years
thinking of all that dickkory could have been if it wasn’t written by a misogynist is genuinely so sad like gawd kory you didn’t deserve this
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stormyoceans · 4 months
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not to be insufferable on this fine monday evening but i licherally love them so much my heart grows 17 sizes just looking at them im truly reaching critical condition here
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thoughtseeds · 7 years
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“Lovism” #23 by Toni Umbarger
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haylei-w · 3 years
LOVISM/Ocean超輕感全能防曬妝前乳SPF50-稍帶控油感的妝前隔離乳,質地清爽不油膩,特別適合台灣濕熱環境使用,採用對環境更友善的海洋友善配方,海灘玩水也能使用超加分~美妝保養/肌膚保養/日常保養/防曬推薦/控油妝前乳推薦/防曬妝前乳推薦/藍子愛保養 本文網址 https://haylei.info/?p=28368 關於日常肌膚護理,我們千萬不要忽略了防曬~ 防曬是日常保養肌膚的最後一步,也是幫肌膚做好防護最重要的一步! 你想想~現在外面空汙塵埃那麼嚴重,如果每天什麼都不擦,就著一張素面朝天的臉到處奔走,感覺肌膚受到的威脅備加直面,長久下來,對肌膚一定有不好的影響…… 因此,幫肌膚做好防曬是件重要的事! 有在化妝的女孩們都知道,能遇到一個不會跟底妝產品打架的神仙防曬是多麼幸福@@ 防曬為基礎保養,…
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robotslovedeath · 5 years
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do NOT touch me this is all im gonna talk about for a week
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traumako · 4 years
YEEESSSSS !!! he’s my favorite artist since 2016, we’ve been gone through a lot together lololol
my favorite songs are:
⋆ die!!die!!cover!!!
⋆ the pain of relief (we have our vices and all)
⋆ too young to love
⋆ broken promises/shattered dreams
⋆ unnatural
⋆ bad habits
and a special mention to toromi hearts 2, lovism and tatu’d lolis
but recently i just can’t take "no more faking" out of my mind, it’s just too addictive !! goretrance 9 is a big mood
my last.fm username is Makorinrin, there you can see what I usually listen (* ^ ω ^)
feel free to talk to me about music!�� ヽ(>∀<☆)ノ
kisses, mako ~ ♡
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lovism-india · 4 years
About Lovism...
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Lovism is the significant part of Heavenly/ Nirvana Path as an unusual philosophy. The main principles of Lovism are to guide the Love as the existing powerful feeling into human being towards the eternal truth, brotherhood, honesty and co-existence. For that, Lovism interpreted the Love that is superior to the sexual attraction of love. Lovism not only brings the love between human beings but also brings the love between human and other flora-fauna as well as between God and human being into the life cycle. From this, the love that is trying to discover into Lovism is widespread in natural way and eternal truth. Other philosophy has also given an importance to Love but that policy can't move further than morality. According to this fact, Lovism has taken the love as exit point for the solution to all negative things, anxiety and war.
No one can trust one another, are the badly war- quarrel affected condition of the World. According to Lovism explanation: - Due to frozen of love in Human, there is violence in Family. Due to frozen of love in Family, there is violence in Society. Due to frozen of love in Society, there is violence in Nation and due to frozen of love in Nation, there is violence in World. The solution also begin from the way, means raise of love into Human, Family, Society, Nation and World.
According to Supreme Master Godangle (Guruhajur), there are three types of love: - 1) Love between Human being and God 2) Love between human being 3) Love between Human being and flora-fauna.The Logo of Lovism surrounded by three edges has also represented the three types of love. The shape of the Logo of Lovism is like question mark symbol that asked the reason behind the movable of eternal truth of love in human being. The red color symbolizes the red blood. Below the question mark symbol three points are there, that has also carry the important philosophy. Love exists in past, necessary in present and will be essential in future. In this way, the three points represented the essential of love and existence in the time period of three ages.
Lovism has three mantras:- Truth, love and happiness.
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altpick · 4 years
In Altpick.com‘s ongoing series, Changing America, we continue the momentum for a much-needed transformation. In each series, our members’ were asked to submit an image that depicts their feelings on today’s current crises.  Between the pandemic, quarantine, and protests in the U.S. and worldwide, our hope is that this was not for naught but for change in a positive direction.  In this 3rd post in the series, Illustrators/Artists/Designer Andreas von Buddenbrock, Steven Dana, Jean Manuel Duvivier, Lynne St Clare, Janice Fried, Rudy Gutierrez, Julia Kerschbaumer, Huan Tran, Donna Wilson, and Photographers George Kamper, Kristofer Dan Bergman, and Lisa Powers present their personal message through their imagery.
Illustrator Janice Fried
Illustrator ©Janice Fried
“Fragile Handle with Care” – A mother’s fear for her children. — Janice Fried
Illustrator Jean-Manual Duvivier
Illustrator ©Jean-Manuel Duvivier
Illustrator Rudy Gutierrez
Artist ©Rudy Gutierrez
“No more Normal”  “As I observe what’s happening in this country right now the feeling that hits me is how much has been considered normal, the blatant racism, the police brutality, the lack of civility and integrity, and the corporate and Governmental looting, that reflects the morally bankrupt nature of too many in control and their supporters. It seems that in many ways the country has been exposed although not to people of color who live this “normal” reality every day. I say that there can be no more normal. We are damn tired of normal!” — Rudy Gutierrez
Illustrator Donna Wilson
Illustrator ©Donna Wilson
I chose to do an image of George Floyd juxtaposed with the Law Enforcement Oath of Honor. This oath that is taken is a promise to uphold the ethics and standards of the job for the public. Police Brutality is a blatant contradiction to this oath and a failure for public safety. If more people stay informed and VOTE  on every level of government – local and national – I really hope and believe change can happen. — Donna Wilson
Photographer George Kamper
Photographer ©George Kamper
“Love is in The Air”
Corona Bubble 14!  Inspired by Banksy’s “Love Is In The Air” & “Rage, The Flower Thrower”. — George Kamper
Illustrator Huan Tran
Illustrator ©Huan Tran
“I created this image to show that we have the power to support change when it comes to BlackLivesMatter”.  “I’m providing ‘free to use’ files for all who want to support change, human decency, and doing better.” — Huan Tran
Resource files on Google Drive, feel free to share the link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1KURlkx9azqfh0fSRhLe_44y2A1SHs4l8?fbclid=IwAR13au0qLtnWj2urSTsCDXz0Rz7K_mzHLOzgIMPBrHlOvwnhwy1iP2Z_eSY
Illustrator Andreas von Buddenbrock
Illustrator ©Andreas von Buddenbrock
Andreas who currently lives in Hong Kong submitted a sketch of the protests that happened there last year. “The scenes playing out in the streets in the US look a lot like what’s been happening in Hong Kong, with all the rage and the feeling of being let down by the government/police force.” — Andreas von Buddenbrock
Illustrator Julia Kerschbaumer
Illustrator ©Julia Kerschbaumer
“This full-page illustration was created for an article in the Scottish whiskey magazine Whiskeria. The article “Collateral damage” is about Donald Trump’s self-defeating trade sanctions on Scottish whiskey, that have also affected the US bourbon industry”. — Julia Kerschbaumer
Photographer Kristofer Dan Bergman
©Kristofer Dan Bergman
©Kristofer Dan Bergman
©Kristofer Dan Bergman
Kristofer lives and works as a professional photographer in New York City.  “The first image illustrates how we all were taken by storm and engulfed in the pandemic; the second captures the emptiness and loneliness in SoHo; and the third image speaks for itself.” — Kristofer Dan Bergman
Photographer Lisa Powers
Photographer ©Lisa Powers
Lisa Powers took this photograph of a man she saw on a subway in Manhattan in the late 1980/1990’s, which is still relevant today.  “I watched him enter into the subway car and he was a giant wearing a black sleeveless shirt with “FUCK RACISM IF YOU DON’T AGREE IN  HELL YOU BE”… I was impressed by his blatant message so I started a conversation with him (George).  He said that he had put the letters on the shirt himself.  I asked if I could photograph him.  He said he was on his way to his boxing gym for a workout.  I asked if I could come to photograph him working out.  He said yes.  I immediately went home, collected my camera, and a few rolls of FILM (yes, FILM) and I went to the boxing gym where I photographed him and a few other boxers.. He was very kind and asked if I wanted him to see me home safe.  What a gentleman… a GENTLE man.” — Lisa Powers
Illustrator Lynne St Clare (Foster)
©Lynne St Clare
©Lynne St Clare
©Lynne St Clare
  Lynne submitted 3 images that tell the whole story…The first image – ” An assignment for the Independent on anti-Chinese sentiment.  Chinese Americans as well as those who look Chinese, are having to bear a double dose of the national anxiety amid the COVID-19 pandemic. They are anxious like the rest of us about venturing outside and getting infected, but they are also increasingly anxious about venturing outside and experiencing hostility from non-Asians of all sorts, in the form of verbal harassment and physical threats. Second image – Lynne’s “George Floyd” image. “ The Revolution will not be televised, it will be Live”.   Third image – COVID 19. — Lynne St Clare
Illustrator/Designer Steven Dana
©Steven Dana
©Steven Dana
“Roses Free George Floyd…Love” and “Lovism” — Steven Dana
To see more of the artists’ work, please visit Altpick.com.
Changing America :: Series 003 :: Keeping the Momentum In Altpick.com's ongoing series, Changing America, we continue the momentum for a much-needed transformation. In each series, our members' were asked to submit an image that depicts their feelings on today's current crises. 
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jokrlovesbbc · 2 years
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Some misc recent stuff I did that I should've taken rest days between but mostly got away with grinding through instead. 😆 Annnnnd vids: [In The Groove] JOKR - The Dream [17] 1.01x 98.34% https://youtu.be/zbt0fIsZpD4 [In The Groove] JOKR - Shihen [19] 91.30% https://youtu.be/UEfRQOkVP7k [In The Groove] JOKR - Catch Game Battle of Humankind vs... [19] 88.41% https://youtu.be/pbMuRgHI2cM [In The Groove] JOKR - Forest Funk (Hard) [20] 84.06% https://youtu.be/-VfMfYJPu5I [In The Groove] JOKR - Gimme Your Desire (Hard) [12] 1.01x 99.53% https://youtu.be/nco0BHUBeLg [In The Groove] JOKR - Hustle Bones [19] 90.42% https://youtu.be/VrNDpEW3ZDc [In The Groove] JOKR - lovism [19] 89.13% https://youtu.be/uvXXWarxJ3w [In The Groove] JOKR - Tengaku (Medium) [19] 92.03% https://youtu.be/tR7ELwJCEis [In The Groove] JOKR - Back 2 You (Novice) [16] 1.01x 98.58% https://youtu.be/jz18X3-nkvE [In The Groove] JOKR - Chrome VOX [17] 1.01x 97.94% https://youtu.be/mbbSPVEbfs8 [In The Groove] JOKR - Voyager (Novice) [16] 1.01x 99.16% https://youtu.be/tUKS33rqINI [In The Groove] JOKR - Texas is Forever [20] 84.53% https://youtu.be/d-r2T9xMaTE [In The Groove] JOKR - You Touched The Kore, and...FB 205 [20] 88.51% https://youtu.be/41Nu3DMZCEw #ITGstamina #dancegames #rhythmgames #musicgames #videogames #stepmania #StaminaNation (at Las Vegas, Nevada) https://www.instagram.com/p/CfdJ-LWrVum/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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