#jeanine frost
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BOTH FEET IN THE GRAVE (Night Huntress 8)  by Jeanine Frost at The Reading Cafe:
‘ very exciting, action, intense and very steamy‘
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heartlostinsea · 1 year
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1773: Tadhgs Brust hob und senkte sich schwer und schnell. Seine Lunge schien zu glauben, nie wieder die Möglichkeit zu haben, auch nur einen Atemzug zu tätigen. Er konnte immerhin noch immer das ganze Wasser an seinem Körper spüren und Teile davon schienen auch in seiner Lunge gelandet zu sein. Auch nach einigen Minuten, in denen er nur zwischen Husten und Atmen entscheiden konnte, wollte sein Körper sich immer noch nicht beruhigen. Als Seemann nicht schwimmen zu können, war nicht gerade schlau, aber auch nicht ungewöhnlich. Und die See war stürmisch, unbeugsam und gefährlich. Das hatte er schon immer gewusst; und sein Vater auch. Das hatte aber niemanden davon abgehalten ihn bei der ersten Gelegenheit auf ein Schiff zu verfrachten und an diese Art von Arbeit zu bringen. Vierzehn Jahre war es gut gegangen, ohne, dass er je über Bord gegangen war. Dabei hatte er schon einige Male mit angesehen wie die See die Leute verschluckten; auf dem Schiff und an anderen Stellen. Sein Respekt war daher schon immer groß gewesen – bis jetzt. Es war nicht mehr nur Respekt vor den Walen und Haien, die sie bereits einige Male gesehen hatten. Es war das, was ihn greifen konnte, was ihn in den letzten dreißig Minuten gejagt, gepackt und mit in die Untiefen hatte ziehen wollen. Ein Schauer überkam ihn, während George ihm auf die Schulter klopfte. „Mensch, Junge… Du hast uns einen Schrecken eingejagt.“ Der bereits an die sechzig grenzende Mann hatte ihn angesehen, doch Tadgh bekam seinen Kopf nicht hoch. Sie alle waren nass und erschöpft, doch nur Tadhg war über Bord gegangen. Als er seinen vor Nässe triefenden Schopf hob, konnte er in Georges Augen erkennen, dass er nicht daran geglaubt hatte, ihn je wiederzusehen. Und er selbst hatte auch nicht daran gedacht, dass er nun wieder an Bord sitzen würde. Seine blutenden Ohren und das Kratzen in seiner Lunge waren zu der Alternative also nur eine harmlose Nebensächlichkeit. „Komm, Junge.“, konnte er den Alten sagen hören. Sein Blick ging zum Inneren des Schiffes. Doch als er aufstand, drehte er sich noch einmal um und konnte geradewegs in den Sturm sehen, dem sie entkommen waren. Dabei schien er die Schreie, die er unter dem Wasser gehört hatte, erneut zu hören; nur leiser und weiter weg. Und sie würden ihn in jedem seiner Träume heimsuchen, ebenso wie die blonden Haare, die grünen Augen und die Silhouette ihres Fischschwanzes.
2023: Zweihunderfünftzig Jahre später hatte er längst gefunden, wonach er gesucht hatte. Und es hatte ihm ein Leben geschafft, mit dem er so wenig umgehen konnte wie mit der Tatsache, dass es Meerjungfrauen wirklich gab. Geburtstage hörte er auf zu zählen, Erinnerungen verblassten und nichts konnte mehr den Wert des richtigen Lebens gleichkommen. Das Einzige, das blieb, war die süße Hölle, die ihn Nacht für Nacht heimsuchte.
Name: Tadhg Fitzgerald Geburtstag: 17. Oktober 1743 Geburtsort: Galway Familienstand: Verwitwet Kinder: Niamh Fitzgerald Charaktereigenschaften: sanftmütiges Herz, robust im Umgang mit seiner Arbeit; nach dem Seesturm weniger klardenkend und fanatisch nach seiner Erinnerung lechzend Kennzeichen: Dunkelblaue Augen; wellig bis lockiges Haar; Narbe mittig, kurz unter dem Haaransatz beginnend über Braue und Auge verlaufend bis zum Beginn seines Kieferknochens Erschaffer von: Aine O'Hagar Universum: reale Welt // Night Huntress (Jeanine Frost); siehe Schreibsetting Schreibstil: Roman Schreibsetting: Hintergrundgeschichte im 18. Jahrhundert (unabhängig vom Night-Huntress-Bezug); Übernatürliche Welt in der Gegenwart (plus minus) // in: Galway, anderen Küstenorten, auf See, anderen Landschaftsgebieten; ggf. auch in anderen Ländern // beim Alter anpassbar (je nach Möglichkeit zwischen 20 und 35; das würde ich aber individuell absprechen, sofern es von Bedeutung ist) Schreibort: e-Mail, weil es mir ordnungsmäßig hilft und ermöglicht öfter zu antworten // Smalltalk o. Ä. per Tumblr-Chat: Ich unterhalte mich gerne mit anderen, d. h., dass man nicht immer zwingend einen Roman schreiben muss. Ich bin für jedes tiefergehende Gespräch dankbar, aber man kann Gespräche auch gerne mit einem 'Hallo' beginnen. Schreibzeiten: Unterschiedlich; dabei kann es zu Unregelmäßigkeiten kommen. Anwesenheitszeit: Unter der Woche weniger; unregelmäßig, d. h., dass ich das Schreiben an mein Leben anpasse und nicht umgekehrt. Da ich mich auf einen Schreibort festgelegt habe, kommt es weniger vor, dass ich einen Text übersehe. Sollte ich bspw. über zwei bis drei Wochen hinweg nicht antworten, liegt es voraussichtlich an meiner realen Situation und hat nichts (persönlich) mit dir zutun. Wenn ich bei einem Setting o. Ä. nicht vorankomme oder Fragen habe, melde ich mich in der Regel. E-mail-Adresse für Romantexte: Auf Anfrage
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flipchild · 1 year
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[175+] Cute Girly Quotes For Instagram Bios Profile Pictures 2023
Leave a Comment / Caption For Girls / By Paul Chrish
Hey, all the girls out there. Are you here on this blog to get some girly quotes for Instagram photo? If yes then you are in right place. Here we are sharing 175 + girly quotes for Instagram. If you have got your shot that expresses exactly what you wanted. Now only a simple act of writing girly quotes. Take our girly quotes for Instagram from the given list.
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Girly Quotes For Instagram
Best Girly Quotes For Instagram
Insta Girly Quotes/ Insta Girly Quotes FB
Cute Girly Instagram Bios
Girly Captions For Instagram
Girly Status For Instagram
Good Girly Quotes For Instagram
Girly Quotes For Instagram
Girly Quotes For Instagram
Happy girls are the prettiest.
“And one day she discovered that she was fierce, and strong, and full of fire, and that not even she could hold herself back because her passion burned brighter than her fears.” Mark Anthony
I am a clever girl, I do things, many things.
I am not complete without my eye lashes.
Walk like you have three men walking behind you.
I’m not bad, I’m brutally honest. It’s not my fault that the truth hurts. Here is a patch.
A little more kindness, a little less judgment.
Being born a girl should not be a disadvantage.
Some people are not your friend, they are just scared to be your enemy.
She walked through the storm and now she shines like thunder in a storm.
Sooner you stand up for yourself the sooner you shine.
Be selfish enough to have self-worth, self-love, and self-respect.”
I am me, I don’t care about your opinion.
Hotter than a middle eastern climate.
“Some girls are just born with glitter in their veins.” – Paris Hilton
An intelligent girl can go through the phase of a crazy lack in the way of a reasonable woman.
Girls just wanna have fun.
Embrace the glorious disaster that you are!
Dream the impossible because dreams come true.
Cinderella is proof that a new pair of shoes can change your life.
The happier you are, the more beautiful you become.
Be your own kind of beautiful.
Lift up your head princess, if not the crown falls.
Don’t be so quick to judge me. After all, u only see what I choose to show u.
Beneath the makeup is a girl with a cute face.
In the land of gods and monsters, I was an angel.
“Heels and red lipstick will put the fear of God into people.” – Dita Von Teese
Real girls are never perfect, and perfect girls are not real.
“The saddest thing for a girl to do is to dumb herself down for a guy.” – Emma Watson
“You’re a beautiful girl, and you can do anything you want in life.” – Jeanine Pirro
It’s like that story in a book that makes your eyes dream.
“No one can make you feel inferior without your consent. “Eleanor Roosevelt
Best Girly Quotes For Instagram
Beauty is power, a smile is your sword.
“Give a girl the correct footwear and she can conquer the world.” – Bette Midler
Let your smile be the “Expecto Patronum” against all the negativity around
“I’m not beautiful like you. I’m beautiful like me.”
Through simplicity comes great beauty.
Pour a drink, put some lipstick and get back on your feet.
Light up the night, wild one. Your smile is going to save someone’s life.
Lips without lipstick is like a cake without frosting
You always have the power within you just had to learn to use it.
Be a girl with a mind, a woman with attitude, and a lady with class.
In each corner, a demon hides and in each demon, an angel walks.
Turn off the spark that your soul hides behind.
I am a strong woman because a strong woman raised me
When life puts u in tough situations, don’t say “why me” say “try me”.
Make your belief little stronger.
“The only thing more beautiful than the woman that knows what she wants I the woman who isn’t waiting on anybody else to get it for her.” – Rob Hill Sr
“No one ever told me I was pretty when I was a little girl. All little girls should be told they’re pretty, even if they aren’t.” – Marilyn Monroe
Smile. It destroys those who want to destroy you.
You are never fully dressed without a Smile.
Insta Girly Quotes/ Insta Girly Quotes FB
A wise girl knows her bounds and a smart girl knows she has none.”
I won’t cry for you. My mascara’s too expensive.
Always try to keep your heels, head, and Standards high.
Be the girl with not just beauty, but also swag.
Beautiful minds inspire others.
Don’t be Queen waiting for a King. Be a Queen busy with her Kingdom until her king arrives.
I never said I was a ‘good girl.’ I’m not a bad girl.
I’m nicer when I like my outfit.
A smiling girl is the CEO of her own world.
I’m shining like fireworks over your sad empty town.
Cute Girly Instagram Bios
So you have got your cute shot. Now only a simple act of writing a cute girly Instagram Bios. Take our Cute Girly Instagram Bios caption that you can post your cute pictures whenever you want to caption your photos on Instagram. We have got some cute girly Instagram Bios caption to caption your pictures from short to well-known captions.
Girly Instagram Bios
Find who you are in this world and what you need to feel good alone
First, they watch. Then they hate. Then they copy.
She loves moonlight and rainstorms and so many other things that have soul.
Be you because you’re pretty.
A woman has as many lives as her shoes.
I don’t race, I don’t chase that’s why I can’t be replaced.
They told me I couldn’t that’s why I did
Light up the night, wild one. Your smile is going to save someone’s life.
Life is tough, my darling, but so are you.
True beauty comes from within.
Girly Captions For Instagram
I did not dress this body up to come an waste it here.
I meant to burn down the Earth and Grafitti the Sky !
Think of all the beauty still left around you & Be happy!
The rest of the world was black and white, but we were in screaming color.
Cry only for cuts and stitches not for bastards and bitches.
I love the confidence that makeup gives me.”
Hating my looks doesn’t make U pretty.
Beauty is power; a smile is its sword.
Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible!
Boys are like purses, cute, full of crap, and can always be replaced.
Girly Status For Instagram
Always dress like you are going to see your worst enemy
Beauty never asks for Attention.
Keep your standards higher than your heels.
Lift up your head princess, if not the crown falls.
Beautiful girl, you were made to do hard things. So believe in yourself.
Night Out with my hot girls.
Never underestimate the power of good attire on a bad day.
Never be afraid of what you are going for.
Being yourself is the prettiest thing you can be.
Men who don’t like girls with brains, don’t like girls.
Good Girly Quotes For Instagram
Want some good girly quotes for Instagram? Then this is exactly the place where you need to be. Don’t go anywhere and look here and there for good girly quotes for Instagram. Here is a list of good girly quotes for Instagram. Do check our list of Girly Quotes for Instagram. I hope you will get the best girly quotes for Instagram and won’t be disappointed by our sharing.
The strong creation created by God in the world is not the lion, not the elephant, not the tiger – the girl.
I like my coffee how I like myself: Bitter, Dark and too hot.
A girl’s best friend is her pride.
She had a galaxy in her eyes, a universe in her mind.
I know looks are not everything but I have them just in case.
Hating me doesn’t make U pretty.
“Every girl should realize that it is okay to be a glowstick. Sometimes, we need to break before we can shine.”
Good times and tan lines.
Pray, slay and conquer the day.
Just like my eyeliner, I always wing it.
Girly Instagram Quotes
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d-j-a-t-o-m · 1 year
Mood Organ 2022 #23 via mixcloud.com, 31st July 2023
Eric Satie: "Cinéma" Entr'Acte Symphonique de "Relâche" バレエ「本日休演」より 幕間 / Marius Constant, Ensemble Ars Nova [Erato, 1981]
Claude Debussy: “Bruyères”, Préludes Deuxième Livre 前奏曲集 第2巻 第5曲 ヒースの茂る荒れ地 / Víkingur Ólafsson [Deutsche Grammophon, 2021]
A Sparrow Alighted Upon Our Shoulder 肩に止まったスズメ / Jóhann Jóhannsson [Deutsche Grammophon, 2016]
Claude Debussy: Première Arabesque, transcription pour Harpe アラベスク第1番 / Maria Graf [Philips, 1991]
風の結晶 / 橋本一子 [JVC/Music Interior, 1984]
Johann Sebastian Bach: Prelude, BWV 855a (Ladder Mix) / Ben Frost & Víkingur Ólafsson [Deutsche Grammophon, 2018]
Drowned Haiku / Clark & Víkingur Ólafsson [Deutsche Grammophon, 2021]
Quicksand (Acoustic Version) / Björk [One Little Indian, 2015]
Jeanine Rueff: Concert en Quatuor pour Quatuor de Saxophones: IV. Passepied サクソフォーンのための演奏会用四重奏曲 第4楽章 パスピエ / Trouvère Quartet [EMI Classics, 2001]
時計草 / 高橋悠治 [Avex Classics, 2009]
小管弦楽のための「二つのエクローグ」; I. Andante - Lento / 上野耕路 [Alfa, 1992]
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storyxonline · 1 year
Both Feet in the Grave by Jeaniene Frost
Both Feet in the Grave: Night Huntress, Book 10 by Jeaniene Frost Narrated by Will Watt Retelling of One Foot In The Grave (Book 2 of Night Huntress Series) from the Male POV. The Night Huntress Series by Jeanine Frost has been my favorite series since 2008. Even when I stopped reading vampire books, this was one series I continued. The original series is told from half-vampire Cat Crawfield’s…
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zoeoliver · 2 years
(Download) Love and Lemons Every Day: More Than 100 Bright, Plant-Forward Recipes for Every Meal: A Cookbook - Jeanine Donofrio
Download Or Read PDF Love and Lemons Every Day: More Than 100 Bright, Plant-Forward Recipes for Every Meal: A Cookbook - Jeanine Donofrio Free Full Pages Online With Audiobook.
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  [*] Download PDF Here => Love and Lemons Every Day: More Than 100 Bright, Plant-Forward Recipes for Every Meal: A Cookbook
[*] Read PDF Here => Love and Lemons Every Day: More Than 100 Bright, Plant-Forward Recipes for Every Meal: A Cookbook
  The ultimate guide for cooking outrageously delicious, vegetable-packed meals every day of the week, from bestselling author of The Love & Lemons Cookbook . Known for her insanely flavorful vegetable recipes and stunning photography, Jeanine Donofrio celebrates plants at the center of the plate with more than 100 new vegetarian recipes in Love & Lemons Every Day. In this book, Jeanine shows you how to make any meal, from breakfast to dessert, where produce is the star. Butternut squash becomes the best creamy queso you've ever eaten, broccoli transforms into a zesty green "rice" burrito filling, and sweet potato blends into a smooth chocolate frosting. These exciting and approachable recipes will become instant additions to your family's regular meal rotation.This book is a resource, filled with smart tips for happier, healthier eating. You'll find inspiration from Jeanine's signature colorful infographics - such as a giant matrix of five-ingredient salad
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I need blogs that read books like I read....Like fantasy/paranormal/historical/action packed romances. (i.e. Hannah Howell, Kerrelyn Sparks, Jeanine Frost, Lori Foster, Jill Shalvis, that sort of stuff). 
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goddessmoonlady · 7 years
Post book depression
When you’re reading a reeeeally good series that has ended but then think WAIT! There’s always fanfiction! .... But there really isn’t enough and what little there is hasn’t been updated in almost a decade!
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Book Recomendations: Paranormal/Fantasy Novels
This list includes Paranormal, Urban Fantasy and High Fantasy nov
• The Lux Series by Jennifer L Armentrout (YA) • Cursed by Jennifer L Armentrout (YA) • The Dark Elements Series by Jennifer L Armentrout (YA) • Covenant Series by Jennifer L Armentrout (YA) • Hawksong by Amelia Atwater Rhodes (YA) • Born Wicked by Jessica Spotswood (YA) • Companions of the Night by Vivian Vande Velde (YA) • Texas Gothic by Rosemary Clement- Moore (YA) • Verity by Claire Farrell (YA) • Wolf Hunting by Louise Elliott (YA) • Trylle series by Amanda Hocking (YA) • Wolf Springs Chronicles by Nancy Holder (YA) • Wings series by Aprilynne Pike (YA) • Angel by L.A Weatherly (YA) • Darkest Powers Series by Kelley Armstrong (YA) • The Nightworld series by L.J Smith (YA) • The Forbidden Game series by L.J Smith (YA) • Wicked Lovely series by Melissa Marr (YA) • Maria Dyer Series by Michelle Hodkin (YA) • The Raven Cycle series by Maggie Stiefvater (YA) • Need by Carrie Jones (YA) • Throne of Glass series by Sarah J Maas (YA) • Nightshade series by Andrea Cremer (YA) • Nightshade Prequel Series by Andrea Cremer (YA) • Submerged Sun Series by Vanessa Garden (YA) • Abandon by Meg Cabot (YA) • 1-800-Where-R-You series by Meg Cabot (YA) • Evermore by Alyson Noel (YA) • Fateful by Claudia Gray (YA) • Finding Sky by Joss Stirling (YA) • The Goddess Test by Aimee Carter (YA) • The Host by Stephanie Myer (YA) • Hot Blooded by Nancy Holder (YA) • Personal Demons by Lisa Desrochers (YA) • The Violet Eden Chapters by Jessica Shirvington (YA/New Adult) • Study Series by Maria V Snyder (YA/New Adult) • Healer Series by Maria V Snyder (YA/New Adult) • Night Beach by Kirsty Eager (YA/New Adult) • Immortal Beloved Series by Cate Tiernan (YA/New Adult) • Slumber by Samantha Young (YA/New Adult) • House of Comarre series by Kristen Painter (New Adult) • The Rephaim series by Paula Weston (New adult) • The Titan Series by Jennifer L Armentrout (New adult) • Wicked Saga by Jennifer L Armentrout (New Adult) • Obsession by Jennifer L Armentrout • Unchained by J.Lynn • The Big Bad Wolf Series by Heather Killough-Walden • The Lost Angels series by Heather Killough-Walden • Shifters Unbound series by Jennifer Ashley • Morgan Kingsley Series by Jenna Black • Cold Iron series by D.L McDermott • Immortals After Dark series by Kresley Cole • Mackenzie family Series by Liliana Hart • Epic of Palins series by Elizabeth Vaughan • Chronicles of the Warlands by Elizabeth Vaughan • Drake Sister Series by Christine Feehan • GhostWalker series by Christine Feehan • Sisters of the Heart Series by Christine Feehan • Shadow Walker Series by Christine Feehan • Black Dagger Brotherhood by JR Ward • Fallen Angels series by JR Ward • Black Dagger Legacy by JR Ward • Night Prince series by Jeaniene Frost • Night Huntress series by Jeanine Frost • Pack By Jeanine Frost • Celtic Moon by Jan DeLima • Insatiable by Meg Cabot
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butternuggets-blog · 3 years
@baldwin-montclair @adowobsessed @sylverdeclermont @nicki-mac-me @thereadersmuse @kynthiamoon @adowbaldwin @profoundme444 @beautifulsoulsublime @lady-lazarus-declermont
Part Thirty-One
Summary: Baldwin de Clermont manages to upset an ancient hag. He wakes up.. different.
The end of the world arrived at nine o’clock on Thursday morning. Jeanine answered the phone, listened, then placed the receiver back onto its cradle with a click and marched woodenly downstairs to the office floor.
'Baldwin Montclair.."
The chatter died immediately. Heads turned, necks craned; everybody held their breath in anticipation of the latest announcement from on high.
Jeanine swallowed.
"Baldwin Montclair...has taken the..the rest of the week off"
A dozen cups hit the carpet, spilling coffee, tea and water onto polished shoes. Pens and pencils slipped from limp fingers, and mouths gaped.
Phone calls went unanswered, pigs whirled past the window on gossamer wings, and deep below Earth's crust, in the bowels of Hell, a light lining of frost began to coat the walls of the Pit of Tartarus.
‘Wha-Why?’ Holly scooted out from behind her desk and rushed up to Jeanine, who threw up her hands, eyes slowly watering.
‘I-I don’t know!’ she let Holly gather her up in a hug, ‘He-he sounded like he had a head cold!’
‘Oh my God he’s dying!’ Kamal gasped, hands on his mouth. Stuart spun on his heel and smacked him across the back of the head with a folder.
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jeaninetwill · 3 years
Alone. Yes, that’s the key word, the most awful word in the English tongue.  Murder doesn’t hold a candle to it and hell is only a poor synonym. 
dtd. circa january 120. 
Jeannie thought she might’ve been paying for the blood on her hands with frost climbing up her skin and etching it in the lines of her palms. For the few seconds she could take them out of the pockets of her jacket, she stared at them and thought it might’ve been seeping out of her every pore. The cold, the blood. Frost and warmth. One wasn’t cold enough to let one freeze, the other not warm enough to make it melt.
Her back was pressed up against the hollowed out trunk of a tree and at this point it felt more like home than anything else ever had. The rough scratch, inhale, exhale. The gentle press of a furry body against her legs, inhale, exhale.
Jeannie was alone and she couldn’t eat knives or a compass or a brother’s love expressed in five words on paper. She couldn’t even eat the warmth of a flame even though she was sure Hunter would’ve told her it was all she’d ever need. Her body had been on fire before, and it had filled her stomach for only a moment before it’d burned it to ash.
Ashes to ashes.
Well, she supposed, she wasn’t truly alone. There was shaggy fur under her fingertips, proving that she wasn’t the only living thing in this frozen wasteland. The dog was huddled tightly against her shaking legs, taming the cold as best as he could. 
dtd. circa february 120. 
She couldn’t open her eyes, but she could hear the beeping. Waking up like this felt all too familiar, in a cold room, clinically clean smell. There was no blanket to warm her, nothing to shield her from the foreign cold of the room she couldn’t even see right then. No gasp tore out of her throat either. 
Had she died again? Was this another body they’d put her in without her ever wanting it? Someday, she might’ve had her own graveyard with how often they resurrected her only to plunge the knife back between her ribs. 
Jeanine Twill. Jeanine Twill. Jeanine Twill. 
Neatly arranged in a row, a concise timeline of suffering. 
“Is it worth the effort?” a skeptical voice sounded from somewhere to her right. “Look at her, she’s practically a corpse. Heating up blood isn’t as easy as it seems, I can tell you that much.” 
She never heard the answer, drowned out by the humming of machines.
dtd. circa january 120. 
“I’m glad to see you made it.”
Jeannie’s head lolled back against the trunk of the hollowed out tree, chest tightening as she looked to her side. Nikita sat, with her back leaned against the bark as well, leading the canteen to her lips. “Made it?” The hoarse words out of Jeannie’s throat were less of a question than more of a doubtful whisper. She didn’t know what making it entailed. Freezing to death outside of the Arena? A brief taste of freedom before she could shovel her own, second grave? There was one back in the decaying town, perhaps that was where she’d been supposed to run. 
“You’re not hurt or anything, right? You made it out from the bloodbath okay?”
She nodded, though blood still barely seeped from the wound at her cheek, the gash on her arm. It wasn’t as much of a bloodbath while she was slowly losing it. Maybe that single nod while she looked over at her friend, her ally, was the only lie she could muster up to escape a worried gaze. Only Jeannie’s eyes didn’t focus right, and it was hard to see anything at all in the low light. But Nikita was there, and the more Jeannie tried to see something, the more an icy breeze swept aside the leaves up above, she could see something wet glistening on Nikita’s stomach, her chest. “Are you hurt?” she whispered into the dark. 
“I’m fine,” Nikita concluded simply. 
“You’re bleeding,” Jeannie started again, but then she didn’t know how to continue. What could she do? She had no bandages. All she could realistically offer Nikita was to press snow to her wounds and hope the frost would numb the pain. 
“Are you hungry?” she heard instead.
“There’s nothing here,” Jeannie tried to argue, sit up and state the obvious, but she merely scooted up against the protecting bark for a moment. “I’m hungry, but there’s nothing. Nothing at all.” 
“I’ll catch something. We could have a little fire, it's overcast and probably won't be noticed. You can have first watch tonight?” 
Jeannie barely had time to nod before Nikita came to her feet and stepped out of their little hiding spot. Her body had a constant tremor to it, even with the thick jacket tightly pulled around her, the constant movement tiring her out to a point where all she wanted to was close her eyes and drift off. She couldn’t, though. Jeannie had made a promise. She’d have the first watch. 
For a moment, as the moonlight shone down brightly, she could see the trail of blood the girl from Thirteen left behind. 
dtd. circa march 120. 
Being underground was a confusing mess of sweating of the heat and then shivering because of the cooling system. Thirteen was a confusing mix of feeling genuine fear course through her blood and gratitude fill her lungs until they were fit to burst with everything she didn’t know how to say. 
Her cheek was no longer bleeding, neither was her arm or her mind, the crusted blood wiped away by a stern hand and a sterile piece of cloth. “You might get a scar from this,” came the detached comment. “It’s deep, and this isn’t the Capitol. Resources for pretty faces are scarce nowadays.” 
They swathed her in warm clothes until the shivering stopped, and still, despite the strange flurry around her, Jeannie was alone. 
Well, she supposed she wasn’t entirely on her own. There was a dog, keeping a watchful eye on her, sitting in the corner like Jeannie didn’t have to beg for him to be here in the first place. Strange, what nearly dying together can make of you. Jeannie’s hand was the only one accepted upon his fur. The rest of the time, the dog showed his teeth and the song of a deep growl filled the air. 
dtd. circa january 120. 
Jeannie had to get a move on after a while. It made her uneasy to sit around, even inside the little hollow she’d found to protect her. Somehow, it was easier to stomach the pain of moving than the numbness of sitting around and waiting for a certainty she couldn’t begin to crave. One of her hands tightly clutched a fistful of icy, wet fur, while the other was nestled in the sleeves of her jacket, covered in fabric and curled around the strap of her backpack. 
It had stopped snowing for a while but it made trudging through the knee deep snow no less of a chore. At least she had light now, gently filtering through the trees surrounding her. Up ahead it was growing lighter as well, while she walked up the gentle rise of the hill. 
She walked, until at last, she stood at the edge of cracked stone and an unforgiving fall. The rough stone under her flimsy, snow covered shoes, inhale, exhale. 
“Looking for something?” she breathed out. Everett didn’t look at her while he stared out over the snow covered landscape. One more step and they’d both be tumbling over the edge. 
“Nothing in particular,” came the answer. “Just... I guess some peace? Answers?” 
One more step and they’d both be tumbling from the edge while grasping for the mountain ridges in the distance. The biting cold didn’t seem so awful for a moment. It was quiet, safe for the wind that made the meagre leaves up above rustle, the bare branches of the trees snap together. “I want to fly,” Jeannie whispered. 
Everett gave her a soft laugh. “Yeah, maybe in another life.” 
dtd. circa march 120. 
“I’ve never seen such an ugly dog in my life.”
Jeannie looked up from where her hands had carded through the newly brushed fur. A crease formed between her brows as she looked up at the other girl. She was around her age, just a few years older and with fingers curling around the handle of the gun more comfortably, confidently. 
Radia Thorn and others had thought she’d feel more comfortable with someone her age around in a strange place untouched by sunlight, a strange responsibility which burden would never see the light of day either. The two of them couldn’t have been more different. But Jeannie found she trusted in the protective grip of harsher fingers. 
“He’s not ugly. Try spending a lifetime in the wilds and see how pretty your hair looks afterwards.” The pout that graced her lips was a bit childish right then. 
Her words were met with the ghost of a chuckle before the girl stepped forward and extended a hand to her, fingers curled around a bag this time, instead of cold metal. “I’ve got what you asked for.” 
Jeannie’s eyes lit up at the sight. “Blue,” she called out, voice carrying every ounce of excitement as she took the bag of treats from the extended hand. “Blue, c’mere.” The dog came to his feet, not quite reacting to the name yet, but following nonetheless. “Good boy, look what I’ve got for you..”
dtd. circa january 120. 
“Why not in this one? It’s already the next life.” 
She looked back over at Everett, and he was gone. In his place was someone else, cigarette smoke curling into the air. “Not quite fashionably late, though, are we?” 
Jeannie’s blue, cracked lips twitched into a smile. “What’s the saying?” It was quiet for a few moments, then, Jeannie furrowed her brows, blinked in confusion. The breath left her lips in white little clouds. “What’s the- What’s the saying…” She couldn’t remember. It was cold. That was all she knew. Her fingers were too cold to feel anything, even wrapped around the strap of her backpack tightly enough that her knuckles shone white. 
“Shut the fuck up,” he cut her off, though it wasn’t a heavy reaction, rather than the sort that went with a nudge. 
Jeannie hummed, but the sound cracked in her throat, left it as more of a tortured sound than a noise of acknowledgement. The cold was ever present, all that was in her mind now. She shivered with it, her spine ramrod straight and aching with the way it tensed up against the violent shivers racing up and down her back. Really, she was a ball of pain and no emotional capacity to feel it with. If she had been dead, would she have known? 
A sigh sounded from her side, a sad chuckle, reminiscent of something Jeanine couldn’t grasp right then. “You don’t even have gloves on.” 
“I don’t have any gloves,” she mutterd. “I don’t.. but.. I don’t have gloves, but I...” Words eluded her, painfully so. They emerged out of the mist that was clouding her brain close enough to grasp but far too quickly gone to catch. Jeannie dropped forward, knees scraping the stone of the mountain’s edge. She heaved the backpack off her shoulder, hissing under her breath when she touched the zipper and the metal stuck to her trembling fingers immediately. Nonetheless, she braved ahead and tugged it open, ignoring the little piece of skin that ripped away from her index finger as she tried to seperate fingers from metal. 
It hurt, but it was far too cold to feel more than a twinge. 
“I don’t have gloves,” she kept muttering under her breath. “But I... I have..”
Digging into the backpack, she came up with a pair of socks. 
dtd. circa march 120. 
Blue trailed behind her, watchful, as he always did as Jeannie walked through the hallways of Thirteen. 
Being alone was a precious commodity now, at least in a physical sense. With her thoughts, she was always alone. With her ghosts as well. But she was around soldiers most of the time, around Radia, around Gamma, around Blue. So, she was never alone, but always just the smalles bit lonely. 
As far as she knew, she was the only Twill left alive. 
Hunter had been alive while she’d been in the Arena. She had a handful of notes and a compass and a pack of matches and socks and a jacket and a backpack to remember him by, but if they’d made him pay for her running off, she couldn’t say. 
Jeannie asked, but no one told her a thing. Only that when the time was right, she’d know. It sent her into a spiral of paranoia that was worst when she was by herself. Did they not want to tell her, in case she wouldn’t comply anymore? She had a myriad of things to be thankful for here, but also many to be wary of. 
She just wanted someone around who knew here, when she sometimes didn’t think she even knew herself. Glimpses of Nikita and Silver weren’t enough. She couldn’t drown in ghosts telling her to run away like she could in the arms of a brother. 
The hallways of Thirteen were expansive and neverending, like a labyrinth with more floors than she could wrap her head around. But, she’d walked them every day now, and she had found a place she was walking to each time, just taking different routes to get there. It helped. It sharpened her memory again, where she’d felt frustratingly paralyzed ever since she’d recovered from the hypothermia. 
The door opened into a tiny, cramped room with a clean white wall on one side, and an old fashioned projector positioned towards it. At first, she’d barely known what exactly it did, until she’d activated it somehow and realized that this was something she remembered hearing in school about. Years and years ago, before she’d died. 
It had rolls of self made videos. Memories of long grown up or aged children playing (and quite different ones as well, that Jeannie had touched accidentally at one point but had never gone near again) as the projector hummed away behind Jeannie who’d huddled up against the foot of the machine, right next to Blue. 
She could watch those, and feel a little less alone for a few moments. 
Jeannie could look at someone else’s happy memories, and imagine to be at home. 
dtd. circa january 120. 
It’d gotten dark again. 
The woods got grew thicker the further she progressed, the light more sparse until not even the moonlight on the cloudless night could filter through the thick needles of the trees. At least it’d stopped snowing, though the icy moonlight and the chill that rustled through the trees only proved to make everything much colder, much more slippery and difficult to navigate for her frozen through, sluggish limbs. 
Jeannie had to focus everything inside her on walking and getting forward, never stopping to let the cold catch up to her. 
She’d focused her entire attention on setting one foot in front of the other, to a point where she missed the humming of the hovercraft up ahead. 
"I won’t kill you yet.”
Her head snapped up, eyes frantically trying to see through the darkness as a voice sounded so close to her ear. She knew the voice. She knew that she knew it, though she couldn’t immediately place it. 
“You wanna kill me, Twill?”
Jeannie knew the voice, and when she slowly turned her head to the side, she saw him. 
Remember they’re not your friends. 
“It’s too late for that,” she whispered back, staring at Silver Fierro’s unblinking eyes. She didn’t manage to look down at the gaping wound over his heart. It was her fault. Her fault. 
“Not you Twill, you don’t...” he cut himself off, didn’t finish the sentence. They’d been here before, at this cross roads. She’d never know what he wanted to say. Jeannie remained silent, as though to give him another chance to speak. 
“Like you said, Twill, this is a real place.”
The humming of the hovercraft got louder, a glaring light finally illuminating some of the forest floor. 
Shouting finally made her snap out of whatever trance she’d just fallen into, attention snapping away from Silver to look towards the noises. They were coming for her. Someone had come for her. 
dtd. circa april 120. 
“You look like some sort of warrior goddess, or some shit.” 
Jeannie snorted at the words, eyes flickering up to see the novice soldier stare at her through the mirror, mocking but a still somewhat friendly smirk on her lips. 
“Gotta look the part, don’t I?” she muttered, watching the stylist fix up her outfit for the victor’s ball with a few tugs here and there, re-adjusting the crown nestled in her hair. 
“You’re going to make a lot of enemies tonight, you know that, don’t you? Powerful enemies.” Jeannie remained silent as she listened. Then, she nodded. “Certain people will try to kill you wherever you go, you know that too?” Another nod. 
She was unsure whether or not an answer was expected of her here. The stylist stepped away from her and Jeannie could finally turn around to face the guard. 
“I’m alive. They can all choke on that.”
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chellesofbooks · 3 years
Books Read in 2021
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Here you can find a list of books I’ve read in 2021. Any reviews shared will be linked to the book title.
Obsidian - Jennifer L Armentrout
Onyx - Jennifer L Armentrout
Opal - Jennifer L Armentrout
Origin - Jennifer L Armentrout
Opposition - Jennifer L Armentrout
Bitter Sweet Love - Jennifer L Armentrout
Seven Day Fiance - Rachel Harris
White Hot Kiss - Jennifer L Armentrout
Stone Cold Touch - Jennifer L Armentrout
Every Last Breath - Jennifer L Armentrout
Blurred Lines - Lauren Layne
Wicked - Jennifer L Armentrout
Torn - Jennifer L Armentrout
Once Burned - Jeanine Frost
Twice Tempted - Jeanine Frost
The Fine Art of Pretending - Rachel Harris
At The Stroke of Midnight - Tara Sivec
Daimon - Jennifer L Armentrout
Half-Blood - Jennifer L Armentrout
Pure - Jennifer L Armentrout
Deity - Jennifer L Armentrout
Elixir - Jennifer L Armentrout
Apollyon - Jennifer L Armentrout
Sentinel - Jennifer L Armentrout
Oblivion - Jennifer L Armentrout
In Bed With The Beast - Tara Sivec
The Familiars - Stacey Halls
Storm and Fury - Jennifer L Armentrout
Rage and Ruin - Jennifer L Armentrout
Grace and Glory - Jennifer L Armentrout
Foreplay - Sophie Jordan
Brave - Jennifer L Armentrout
Tease - Sophie Jordan
Wild - Sophie Jordan
Accidentally Married On Purpose - Rachel Harris
Wait For You - Jennifer L Armentrout
Maybe Someday - Colleen Hoover
Maybe Not - Colleen Hoover
Maybe Now - Colleen Hoover
The Matchmaker’s Playbook - Rachel Van Dyken
The Return - Jennifer L Armentrout
The Power - Jennifer L Armentrout
The Struggle - Jennifer L Armentrout
The Prophecy - Jennifer L Armentrout
The Prince - Jennifer L Armentrout
The King - Jennifer L Armentrout
The Queen - Jennifer L Armentrout
Get A Life, Chloe Brown - Talia Hibbert
These Hollow Vows - Lexi Ryan
Kiss The Girl - Tara Sivec
A Court of Thorns and Roses - Sarah J Maas
A Court of Mist and Fury - Sarah J Maas
The Deal - Elle Kennedy
The Ex Hex - Erin Sterling
Shadows - Jennifer L Armentrout
To Love Jason Thorn - Ella Maise
Caraval - Stephanie Garber
The Spanish Love Deception - Elena Armas
Legendary - Stephanie Garber
The Unhoneymooners - Christina Lauren
Finale - Stephanie Garber
Archer’s Voice - Mia Sheridon
Love and Other Things - Christina Lauren
Love You To Death / High Stakes - Meg Cabot
The Song of Achilles - Madeline Miller
Mean Spirits / Young Blood - Meg Cabot
Grave Doubts / Heaven Sent - Meg Cabot
Proposal - Meg Cabot
Remembrance - Meg Cabot
The Love Hypothesis - Ali Hazelwood
November 9 - Colleen Hoover
The Cruel Prince - Holly Black
Red, White and Royal Blue - Casey McQuiston
A Court of Wings and Ruin - Sarah J Maas
Once Upon A Broken Heart - Stephanie Garber
The Marriage Game - Sara Desai
A Court of Frost and Starlight - Sarah J Maas
The Cheat Sheet - Sarah Adams
The Hardest Fall - Ella Maise
Atomic Habits - James Clear
Serpent & Dove - Shelby Mahurin
The Crowns of Croswald - DE Night
If The Shoe Fits - Julie Murphy
The Hating Game - Sally Thorne
Never Fall For Your Enemy (Especially At Christmas) - Kate O’ Keefe
The Santa Suit - Mary Kay Andrews
Window Shopping - Tess Bailey
In A Holidaze - Christina Lauren
Kiss The Girl - Melanie Jacobson
The Elle Project - Summer Dowell
The Christmas Pact - Vi Keeland & Penelope Ward
The Wicked King - Holly Black
Gilded - Marissa Meyer
With You Forever - Chloe Liese
Only When It’s Us - Chloe Liese
Trust In Me - Jennifer L Armentrout
Defy The Night - Brigid Kemmerer
The Mistletoe Motive - Chloe Liese
Be With Me - Jennifer L Armentrout
Stay With Me - Jennifer L Armentrout
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BURNING WITCHES To Release New Album 'The Witch Of The North' In May
Swiss metallers BURNING WITCHES will release their fourth full-length album, "The Witch Of The North", on May 28 via Nuclear Blast Records.
Following 2020's "Dance Of The Devil", which charted at #22 in Germany, and the "Circle Of Five" EP, vocalist Laura Guldemond, guitarists Romana Kalkuhl and Larissa Ernst, bassist Jeanine Grob and drummer Lala Frischknecht notably upped the ante on "The Witch Of The North", delivering their most dynamic, intricate and powerful album thus far. Perfectly mixed and mastered by V.O. Pulver and produced by German thrash titan Schmier (DESTRUCTION), the LP sees BURNING WITCHES stick to their irrefutable 1980s influences (JUDAS PRIEST, IRON MAIDEN, DIO, ACCEPT, WARLOCK, W.A.S.P., etc.) and inject irresistible energy and a refreshing vibe, topping it off with classic art by Claudio Bergamín (who illustrated JUDAS PRIEST's triumphant "Firepower"). From the epic title track to the album's catchiest anthem "We Stand As One" over to the ballad "Lady Of The Woods" and speedy riff attacks like "Thrall", "Flight Of The Valkyries" and "Nine Worlds", "The Witch Of The North" marks a new highlight in the band's career, with vocalist Laura brilliantly shifting from aggressive to seductive with ease.
Says the band: "We are happy and proud to announce the new album already and show you the terrific cover art. We have grown together as a team and have evolved our sound to the next level; the WITCHES 2021 are heavier and more epic than ever! So is the cover: Claudio Bergamín's amazing art is the perfect reflection of the record: icy, mystical, timeless and powerful! Please meet the 'The Witch Of The North' and fall in love with our evolution!"
The cover it sets the mood for the enthralling journey through enchanted forests and across snow-capped mountain tops that is The Witch Of The North.
Says Bergamín: "The one and only Schmier, from DESTRUCTION, reached out to me to ask if I'd be interested in doing the new BURNING WITCHES album cover. Needless to say, I was delighted to jump on board. The band had a very unique concept so it took me a couple of weeks to come up with an idea I was happy with. They wanted a classic-looking illustration; pretty much in the vibe of Ken Kelly and Frank Frazetta. The Forest Witch was inspired by The Ents from 'Lord Of The Rings' and Botticelli's 'Birth Of Venus'. The girls' depictions were done in pure comic book style, and working on their faces to make them look as close as possible to the real people was a lot of fun. I wish more bands would ask me for that!"
"The Witch Of The North" track listing:
01. Winter's Wrath 02. The Witch Of the North 03. Tainted Ritual 04. We Stand As One 05. Flight Of The Valkyries 06. The Circle Of Five 07. Lady Of The Woods 08. Thrall 09. Omen 10. Nine Worlds 11. For Eternity 12. Dragon's Dream 13. Eternal Frost
The pre-order for "The Witch Of The North" will start on March 19.
BURNING WITCHES' first live performance with Guldemond took place in June 2019 at the Sweden Rock Festival in Sölvesborg, Sweden.
The vocalist of the Dutch symphonic metal band SHADOWRISE, Guldemond was recruited by BURNING WITCHES following the departure of Seraina Telli.
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flipchild · 1 year
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Girls Captions
[175+] Cute Girly Quotes For Instagram Bios Profile Pictures 2023
Leave a Comment / Caption For Girls / By Paul Chrish
Hey, all the girls out there. Are you here on this blog to get some girly quotes for Instagram photo? If yes then you are in right place. Here we are sharing 175 + girly quotes for Instagram. If you have got your shot that expresses exactly what you wanted. Now only a simple act of writing girly quotes. Take our girly quotes for Instagram from the given list.
Table of Contents
Girly Quotes For Instagram
Best Girly Quotes For Instagram
Insta Girly Quotes/ Insta Girly Quotes FB
Cute Girly Instagram Bios
Girly Captions For Instagram
Girly Status For Instagram
Good Girly Quotes For Instagram
Girly Quotes For Instagram
Girly Quotes For Instagram
Happy girls are the prettiest.
“And one day she discovered that she was fierce, and strong, and full of fire, and that not even she could hold herself back because her passion burned brighter than her fears.” Mark Anthony
I am a clever girl, I do things, many things.
I am not complete without my eye lashes.
Walk like you have three men walking behind you.
I’m not bad, I’m brutally honest. It’s not my fault that the truth hurts. Here is a patch.
A little more kindness, a little less judgment.
Being born a girl should not be a disadvantage.
Some people are not your friend, they are just scared to be your enemy.
She walked through the storm and now she shines like thunder in a storm.
Sooner you stand up for yourself the sooner you shine.
Be selfish enough to have self-worth, self-love, and self-respect.”
I am me, I don’t care about your opinion.
Hotter than a middle eastern climate.
“Some girls are just born with glitter in their veins.” – Paris Hilton
An intelligent girl can go through the phase of a crazy lack in the way of a reasonable woman.
Girls just wanna have fun.
Embrace the glorious disaster that you are!
Dream the impossible because dreams come true.
Cinderella is proof that a new pair of shoes can change your life.
The happier you are, the more beautiful you become.
Be your own kind of beautiful.
Lift up your head princess, if not the crown falls.
Don’t be so quick to judge me. After all, u only see what I choose to show u.
Beneath the makeup is a girl with a cute face.
In the land of gods and monsters, I was an angel.
“Heels and red lipstick will put the fear of God into people.” – Dita Von Teese
Real girls are never perfect, and perfect girls are not real.
“The saddest thing for a girl to do is to dumb herself down for a guy.” – Emma Watson
“You’re a beautiful girl, and you can do anything you want in life.” – Jeanine Pirro
It’s like that story in a book that makes your eyes dream.
“No one can make you feel inferior without your consent. “Eleanor Roosevelt
Best Girly Quotes For Instagram
Beauty is power, a smile is your sword.
“Give a girl the correct footwear and she can conquer the world.” – Bette Midler
Let your smile be the “Expecto Patronum” against all the negativity around
“I’m not beautiful like you. I’m beautiful like me.”
Through simplicity comes great beauty.
Pour a drink, put some lipstick and get back on your feet.
Light up the night, wild one. Your smile is going to save someone’s life.
Lips without lipstick is like a cake without frosting
You always have the power within you just had to learn to use it.
Be a girl with a mind, a woman with attitude, and a lady with class.
In each corner, a demon hides and in each demon, an angel walks.
Turn off the spark that your soul hides behind.
I am a strong woman because a strong woman raised me
When life puts u in tough situations, don’t say “why me” say “try me”.
Make your belief little stronger.
“The only thing more beautiful than the woman that knows what she wants I the woman who isn’t waiting on anybody else to get it for her.” – Rob Hill Sr
“No one ever told me I was pretty when I was a little girl. All little girls should be told they’re pretty, even if they aren’t.” – Marilyn Monroe
Smile. It destroys those who want to destroy you.
You are never fully dressed without a Smile.
Insta Girly Quotes/ Insta Girly Quotes FB
A wise girl knows her bounds and a smart girl knows she has none.”
I won’t cry for you. My mascara’s too expensive.
Always try to keep your heels, head, and Standards high.
Be the girl with not just beauty, but also swag.
Beautiful minds inspire others.
Don’t be Queen waiting for a King. Be a Queen busy with her Kingdom until her king arrives.
I never said I was a ‘good girl.’ I’m not a bad girl.
I’m nicer when I like my outfit.
A smiling girl is the CEO of her own world.
I’m shining like fireworks over your sad empty town.
Cute Girly Instagram Bios
So you have got your cute shot. Now only a simple act of writing a cute girly Instagram Bios. Take our Cute Girly Instagram Bios caption that you can post your cute pictures whenever you want to caption your photos on Instagram. We have got some cute girly Instagram Bios caption to caption your pictures from short to well-known captions.
Girly Instagram Bios
Find who you are in this world and what you need to feel good alone
First, they watch. Then they hate. Then they copy.
She loves moonlight and rainstorms and so many other things that have soul.
Be you because you’re pretty.
A woman has as many lives as her shoes.
I don’t race, I don’t chase that’s why I can’t be replaced.
They told me I couldn’t that’s why I did
Light up the night, wild one. Your smile is going to save someone’s life.
Life is tough, my darling, but so are you.
True beauty comes from within.
Girly Captions For Instagram
I did not dress this body up to come an waste it here.
I meant to burn down the Earth and Grafitti the Sky !
Think of all the beauty still left around you & Be happy!
The rest of the world was black and white, but we were in screaming color.
Cry only for cuts and stitches not for bastards and bitches.
I love the confidence that makeup gives me.”
Hating my looks doesn’t make U pretty.
Beauty is power; a smile is its sword.
Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible!
Boys are like purses, cute, full of crap, and can always be replaced.
Girly Status For Instagram
Always dress like you are going to see your worst enemy
Beauty never asks for Attention.
Keep your standards higher than your heels.
Lift up your head princess, if not the crown falls.
Beautiful girl, you were made to do hard things. So believe in yourself.
Night Out with my hot girls.
Never underestimate the power of good attire on a bad day.
Never be afraid of what you are going for.
Being yourself is the prettiest thing you can be.
Men who don’t like girls with brains, don’t like girls.
Good Girly Quotes For Instagram
Want some good girly quotes for Instagram? Then this is exactly the place where you need to be. Don’t go anywhere and look here and there for good girly quotes for Instagram. Here is a list of good girly quotes for Instagram. Do check our list of Girly Quotes for Instagram. I hope you will get the best girly quotes for Instagram and won’t be disappointed by our sharing.
The strong creation created by God in the world is not the lion, not the elephant, not the tiger – the girl.
I like my coffee how I like myself: Bitter, Dark and too hot.
A girl’s best friend is her pride.
She had a galaxy in her eyes, a universe in her mind.
I know looks are not everything but I have them just in case.
Hating me doesn’t make U pretty.
“Every girl should realize that it is okay to be a glowstick. Sometimes, we need to break before we can shine.”
Good times and tan lines.
Pray, slay and conquer the day.
Just like my eyeliner, I always wing it.
Girly Instagram Quotes
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imanes · 4 years
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worst books i read in 2019 (i know we’re past the halfway point of 2020 but who cares? time is relative)
little weirds by jenny slate - absolute nonsense wrapped in a thick blanket of quirkiness served on a bed of maudlin self-indulgence. tumblr and its plethora of screenshots really led me to believe this would be good... i beg to differ
pet sematary by stephen king - first of all jokes on me for reading a stephen king book. secondly this book was just so long and tedious and boring. how is this supposed to be a horror book? the only horrific thing here is the fact that native american culture is being used as a plot device to justify the fucked up shit happening to the resident white family
to kill a kingdom by alexandra christo - using the verb “smirk” as much as it is here should be considered a hate crime. this story isn’t offensive as much as it is just... horribly cliché. the ending was LAUGHABLE with the whole “let’s forget our thousand year long conflict to hold hands and learn to live with one another” sir these sirens have been luring your people into untimely death for centuries i don’t think u should let them off the hook just bc u wanna marry their newly appointed queen but what do i know about love n politics n mermaids...
siege and storm by leigh bardugo - nothing justifies so many people falling in love with the utterly bland and boring alina starkov like idk what her pussy mojo is but it’s not translating on page. since the romantic shenanigans are such a central part of the plot in this trilogy it’ll be a hard pass from me (that and i guessed the ending of the trilogy and it’s terrible)
the girl on the train by paula hawkins - i genuinely do not see the appeal of this book and i need authors to be a little more imaginative and stop slating unhinged women’s mental state to 1. inability to produce offsprings and 2. alcohol abuse
halfway to the grave by jeanine frost - of all the bad books i’ve read this year this one was so bad that it was actually funny. this self-insert btvs fanfic with a bootleg dollar store 50% off spike has branded the word “blimey” in letters of fire in my head and for that i will always hold a personal grudge against the author. on top of writing a supremely idiotic MC.
that’s it! these books were bad, thanks for reading.
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ivycrowned · 4 years
i'm writing my thesis about the most popular "romance/sex" novel in my country (it's not in english) and i had to straight up take a break and move the thesis defendance from May to September cause I can't fucking stomach how much it glorifies violence towards women... And it was not only written by a woman, but also supported by some feminist websites :(
Oh god, right? It certainly doesn’t help the ‘trashy’ image romance novels have gotten over the years. 
I happen to like the darker paranormal stuff -- but ‘darker’ doesn’t mean violence toward women. It can (and in my opinion SHOULD) be done without that whole mess. 
The Addams Family is dark. So’s Beetlejuice. You can do dark without creating a lightless void of violence and depravity. 
And even books that are NOT marketed as darker or in the paranormal subset have this *exact same* problem. Ranging from a lack of true consent (usually bleeding into Stockholm's syndrome -- persistence can be creepy bro) to just. yet more violence. 
I’m tired. 
And good luck with your thesis! I can imagine how exhausting that is. 
That said Jeanine Frost ‘Once Burned’ and onward is a definitely darker series that avoids a lot of the bullshit and handles well what tropes it does touch upon. Haven’t read the last book in it yet but I thought I’d mention it I reread them p often they’re some of my faves if need be i can mention trigger warnings and such for things that do appear. 
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