#jeeeesus these tags
pc-9800 · 2 years
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And finally, to cap off the Pokémon protagonist pixel posting, here’s some overworld sprites! Kanto thru Sinnoh are in the Gen 4 style, Unova thru Galar are in Gen 5 style. Ray/Ailey are separated from Elio/Selene, and there’s a couple alt sprites in there.
They’re all based on my headcanon versions of the protagonists, and I might make posts explaining all about them in the future!
Here’s some OCs too, based on unreleased/beta characters:
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captn3 · 3 days
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fairly odd parents still infecting my brain have a redraw
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og screenshot ^ im already working on stuff with backgrounds i dont need to make even more
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cherry-bomb-ships · 4 months
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woahjo · 8 months
for the love of god, tag your dark content. TAG IT. YES! EVEN DRABBLES!
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hundredsofsmallbirds · 8 months
got to the king for the first time the other night and had to stop immediately cause holy FUCK
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backseatloversz · 1 year
rpf is 1 thing incestous rpf what is fucking wrong with you. like what is your deal how do you end up there
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kiir0c0re · 2 years
people are on pinterest are so fucking mean oh my god
i saw one person telling people that use xenogenders to shut up
i saw a post gatekeeping trauma and judging people for the way they dress in the SAME IMAGE
and i saw that image with the bumper stickers saying that they’d like people to gentle with them while driving and with the caption saying that if you used those bumper stickers they’d ram into you or whatever and the people in the comments were fucking AGREEING with the image and when someone tried to explain how it’s ableist people spammed fucking nerd emojis in the replies and said shit like “it’s not that deep” what the fuck is wrong with these people
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ashtcnirwin · 1 year
i tried to make a tag post but i had too many tags and tumblr cut me off so uhhh
let’s pretend this is a tag post, like i’m just whispering everything under the cut into the void even tho it looks a lot more talk-y and proper in text format than in tags-format
i’m whispering and all of that stuff underneath is a bunch of tags okay?
(it’s just me rambling about my life for a bit, nothing gross or nsfw or particularly negative. how’s that for a plot twist, huh??? okay there’s a brief mention of animal death but that’s about it for the negative stuff)
the last few months have been...big? i wanna say big? it’s the only word i can think of that fits, cos it’s just that sooo much has happened. most of it in the last month or so actually but it started back in october, cos the thing is that for a very long time, my life was pretty static in many ways, like i held the same job, dealt with life the same way, went through my days with the same routines, clung onto the same bad habits, etc etc. and it’s not that i didn’t want change cos holy fuck i did but jeeeesus christ ditching bad habits and changing how you deal with life is hard. so motherfucking hard
but i started by quitting smoking seven months ago, which was rough as fuck at the time and it still is on occasion tbh, but the pros of having kicked the addiction by faaar outweigh the cons. and then i took another step in december by quitting my job, which i’d wanted to for a while but i hadn’t had the guts to actually do it ig? i now have a job that i’m as happy and fulfilled in as i can be in a job for the time being, which kinda brings me to my next thing
i’ve never been able to complete a higher education. why? well, i thought for a long time that i was just lazy and a lil stupid tbh but turns out that the tentative ADHD diagnosis i got a few years ago was accurate, which....yk, bit of a problem with focus and attention spans and whatnot. anyway long story short: got the diagnosis and started treatment last week. and when i say that i burst into tears cos of how good it felt when the effects of the ritalin became apparent after a couple of days....yeah
if you’ve never been off-road biking semi-unintentionally, like you just ended up in the forest with your bike with no actual experience with that type of thing, you know that feeling when you’re going down a steep hill with very, very uneven ground, lots of roots and rocks and whatnot, right? it feels like you have little to no control but you can’t bring yourself to stop, so you just keep going and hope for the best. that’s what going through life has felt like to me, like i was doing everything at double speed and had no control whatsoever or anything, which has led to a lot of accidents and mishaps and injuries over the years, but more importantly it’s led to complete fucking burn-out several times cos i just....cannot fucking pace myself when i get going with something. even if i’m exhausted beyond belief, i cannot fucking stop working/doing things when i’ve gotten into a focus-mindset. which can be a good thing, absolutely, and it often is, but it’s also so damaging and exhausting and awful. my mind has never known peace, not really, not for more than five minutes here and two minutes there unless i’ve been under the influence of something. and taking those meds has been like...clutching the brakes on the bike, and i’m now finally able to not destroy myself overdoing everything on a daily basis, and my mind is...quieter. like i’ve found the fucking off-switch on a kitchen fan that’s been going at full strength up there for as long as i can remember aka for two decades or so
and that has also made me hopeful that i will be able to get myself a university degree at some point, which makes me view the future in a much brighter light than before. because while i was perfectly content with the thought of not getting a higher education, when i figured it just wasn’t in the cards for me and my slightly fucky brain, it was also a thought that left me feeling unfulfilled. to be clear there’s absolutely nothing wrong with not getting a higher education, i’m just saying that for me personally, it’s something that i see as necessary to achieve the future i want for myself
okay and then the first half of april was both horrible and amazing. horrible cos we had to say goodbye to our sweet tiny little fur baby cos she got sick, smth she was most likely born with as it turns out, and that absolutely destroyed me, worst experience i’ve ever had, it felt like the world just...lost its spark and grew infinitely less vibrant and saturated the moment her lil heart stopped beating under my hand. as cliche as that sounds, it’s literally what it felt like. and that all happened at the exact same time as the 5sos show was announced, so i had a few very very emotionally draining days there where i was crushed with grief but also so excited at the same time
and i cannot begin to explain how excited i am about october, when amanda and i will be country hopping for almost two weeks to attend a total of five 5sos shows in four different countries, cos...fucking hell we hoped and prayed for soooo long that our euro dream would work out somehow, like...we’ve been hoping for MONTHS, since way before the tour was announced or even hinted at, so the fact that it actually ended up working out is fucking batshit. we’ve bought our concert tickets, we’re well on our way to book all the travels and hotels, we’ve figured out sooo many of the logistics, and planning has been a fucking breeze cos we just.....agree on everything, and in approximately four and a half months, we’ll be meeting up in manchester to kick it all off. and don’t tell her i said this but i’m so insanely excited to see her again irl and have all these experiences with her, cos she’s amazing and i love her a lot and i miss her and i’m so happy i get to do this with her
uhhh...well anyway ig it’s just been a lot these last few months, a lot of changes, including a lot of things that i didn’t meantion here that i’ve gotten the ball rolling on and that i’m very excited about, and....idk. i can’t recall the last time i was this happy and at peace and confident about the choices i’m making, i’m not sure if i’ve ever felt like this for an extended period of time actually, and ig it’s just nice to finally experience some....hah well, a piece of peace of mind if you will🧡
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hepatosaurus · 2 years
2022 AO3 Wrapped!
Last year, inspired by some people on discord, I decided to actually track my fic reading for once. I’ve been logging my books and movies for a good 20 years now, so why not try that with fic? I hoped it might help me comment more too, or at least get a sort of baseline number that I could improve on. So, after crunching the numbers: I read 110 fics and 1,188,700 words across 15 fandoms (...more on that last point later)! It was a fun experiment that I’ll definitely do again, with some tweaks. Please forgive any weird numbers/percentages; I haven’t taken a math class in manymany years, and it probably (definitely?) shows. The vibes are accurate, at least.
(I posted an earlier (and shorter) version of this on twitter, but wanted to archive it here too for posterity’s sake because...twitter.)
Word count
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This is about what I expected, though I was surprised to see that I only read one 50-100k fic (only one 100k+ fic too, but that doesn’t surprise me at all). I finished up a couple long(er) fic in January (notably, one 200k+ fic), hence the high numbers there, and only read one (1!) fic in July, which explains those low numbers. Otherwise I generally read between 50-100k total per month.
More details behind the cut, aka god damn girl, you sure know what you like and stick with it, huh. (I really hope this text cut works...)
Top Fandoms
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So, about those 15 fandoms. I really did think I might have more variety back in January - like maybe I’d be able to chart fandom trends over the months, something like that! - but lol nope. My FE3H fixation is still going strong, three years later. I’ll get to those Witch Hat Atelier and Stranger Things fics in my Marked for Later pile...eventually.
Top Authors
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110 fics, 80 authors! There were definitely some repeat offenders: merionettes! desmodus! notallbees! printers_devil! epistrophic! nebulia! No names in the pie chart, but look at those pretty colors. You're all stars.
Top Pairings
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No real surprises here. I’ve been in sylvix hell since early 2020 so I knew they’d dominate, but there’s an okay showing from...other Sylvain ships...and gen! and Claude ships! Hi Claude! (Graph cuts off at 20 for my sanity.)
Top Characters
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Ha. ha ha ha ha ha ha. Surprise! Listen: I knew Sylvain would be #1, I’m not an idiot. However I did NOT realize he featured in 60% of the fic I read in 2022, jeeeesus christ man. (He’s versatile, okay!!!) Chief Blorbo aside, my Blue Lions/Golden Deer bias persists. Maybe in 2023 I'll read all those Black Eagles fics I saved? Or fic from other fandoms?? (Again, chart cut off at 20 for sanity.)
Tags, Tropes, and Ratings
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Looks like I sure read a lot of horny post-canon friends-to-lovers get-together fics with a good dose of pining, huh. That...tracks. Regarding AUs, modern AUs won (14.8%), followed by college/university, canon divergent, and modern with magic. Also fun: figure skating! magical girls! rock band! time loops!
I definitely need to rethink how I track nsfw content though - it’s very inconsistent and redundant here, and doesn’t really tell me anything. The explicit rating is self explanatory, but what’s the deal with those different NSFW and smut numbers? Where did I draw the line? It probably make more sense to scrap the latter tag and just track PWPs.
Etc: Commenting, Rereading, Reccing, and Bookmarks
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Commenting: I mentioned earlier that I hoped logging my fic reading would help me comment more, or at least find out how frequently I leave comments, and turns out that number is 46/110, or 41.8%. (Mer reminded me that this number does NOT include alpha reader comments, which is very true. ✨⛸️) Not bad, but I think 50% (or more?) is definitely doable next year. This whole practice really did help me comment more - it made me stop and think about exactly what I did or didn’t like about each fic I read, from <1k vignettes to 200k+ canon retellings. Obviously I’m not telling the authors what I didn’t like, but as for the good stuff...like, I found a lot of compliments hidden in the Comments/Notes field of my spreadsheet that never actually made it to a proper comment, but they definitely could have. I’m never gonna be a person who comments on everything, and I’m NOT going to lie and tell an author that I liked their fic when I really...didn’t? but: 50%. I think I can do that.
(also I cannot emphasize enough how great it was to have a completely private space to bitch about terrible (or not-so-terrible) fanfic. does this fic use too many repetitive epithets? does that author NOT understand Character Y at ALL? was the resolution to this otherwise decent fic just a liiiittle too rushed? tell it to the google form!!! A+ would recommend.)
Rereads: As expected! I don’t reread a ton, with some exceptions. (Honestly a lot of my non-FE fics this year were rereads of old favorites.)
Bookmarks: Without double-checking, I think I bookmarked fewer fics compared to previous years, mostly because I was already keeping track of them in my spreadsheet. I’d like to get a little better at consciously bookmarking fic going forward, though - it’s really handy to have a public, easily accessible list of my faves. (I also say this as someone who frequently raids the public bookmarks of other commenters/authors/etc.)
Recs: 46.4% “yes”! interesting. Only one hard no, and that was partially my fault for not reading tags/warnings correctly.
In an ideal world I’d have some actual fic recs here too, but that...did not happen.
This was a fun and very satisfying experiment, especially as someone who loves tracking things. I know a lot of people hate the idea of having an actual/official AO3 Wrapped, and honestly I wouldn’t like that either, but it was fun to actively (and manually) subject myself to this particular Mortifying Ordeal of Being Known Through Fanfic Tropes. I DO think it made me read fic a little more...deliberately? And therefore I read a little less fic than normal, maybe. I noticed that I hardly dropped any fic at all, either because I was more picky with what I read or I just powered through, and I don’t think that was the case in previous years. There was also a tiny bit of pressure at the beginning to start off the year with the “right” fic. Like, “oh god is my first fic of the year seriously going to be this unfinished 2nd person, woke-up-with-the-wrong-junk CYOA in which Claude and Lorenz investigate fuckplants and discover the true meaning of friendship.” (for the record, it was not my first fic of the year, but I DO recommend it.)
God this is long. One benefit of twitter is that it doesn’t allow me to ramble on like this, but oh well, that’s what you get. I really, really hope the cut tag worked.
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mothpile · 10 months
perhaps the only downside to being digging through the sonic tags for scraps means i see some real fucking aggrivating sludge . jeeeesus christ. man!
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caroldantops · 2 years
I can just imagine in the Ghostface thing
R finds something, like black gloves laying around the house while cleaning and asks the girls about them.
Robin panics, saying they are gloves for driving motorcycles or something. And R just shrugs and puts them away.
She does not notice the way Robin looks extremely nervous, how Nancy stares at Robin with danger in the eye.
She does notice that Robin seems to whimper when she sits down later that day, she does however not know that it's because Nancy spanked the poor girl for an hour with no mercy.
i. oh my god.
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cyburnya · 4 years
A callout and compilation of experiences we’ve had with Azuresky2469/Kiteswings3768/Grandpapertyrant.
Even if you don’t believe in anti ideology, I’d suggest reading. This doc takes a neutral standpoint and it’s only a small portion of this doc.
All users and characters are censored, barring Azure. 
TLDR; Azure has been accused of infiltrating anti spaces of primarily minors while hiding the fact that she was a proshipper, grooming minors, sexualizing canonically sex repulsed characters, expressing homophobia, classism, and racism though RP, strange and flirtatious behaviour towards others who did not consent, potential cheating, and tracing art. 
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ickystickyfrog · 5 years
liking dany and liking sansa are not mutually exclusive
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scatterpatter · 5 years
O h
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fortunatelyfresco · 5 years
“in the end, there was no one waiting for me when i woke up” godot is a sexist weirdo but also what the fuck grossberg??? u couldn’t bother showing up to greet your poisoned employee when he woke up from his 5-year coma???
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stevebuscemisgf · 6 years
every time I have to read “zero chemistry” or “I can’t tell them apart” about skam and it’s remakes I want to take a shot of absinthe like we get it you don’t like the show don’t be a dick about it it’s like genuinely hurtful to read things about one of the only things that brings me happiness when i literally have to focus day by day on reasons to not kill myself
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