#trainer ailey
pc-9800 · 2 years
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And finally, to cap off the Pokémon protagonist pixel posting, here’s some overworld sprites! Kanto thru Sinnoh are in the Gen 4 style, Unova thru Galar are in Gen 5 style. Ray/Ailey are separated from Elio/Selene, and there’s a couple alt sprites in there.
They’re all based on my headcanon versions of the protagonists, and I might make posts explaining all about them in the future!
Here’s some OCs too, based on unreleased/beta characters:
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ether-gearhead · 8 months
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It’s still weird to me that apparently, Elio and Selene’s USUM designs (known as Ray and Ailey)aren’t counted as their own characters, at least according to Masters! Like, one Trainer in Malie Garden was renamed between SM and USUM because they gave the girl her name for promotional material, and I get that it’s a nonissue in Japan because her name there is Honoka, but you can’t tell me Ailey wasn’t supposed to have that particular name, if not be her own thing entirely! And I get that Hau got a second Badge too, but he still got Rowlet, while the protagonists got their starters swapped! What am I to make of that, huh?!?
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shuuenmei · 2 years
Poké OC-Tober answers
This was initially from Twitter but I thought these prompts are interesting so I'm answering the prompts for the Pokémon crossover AU nychthemeron and of nychthemeron! Yuu (Rei)!
This is put under the cut due to length and also because it covers potential future scenarios of said AU. I plan to maybe draw something for some of the prompts so I’m not answering all of them in this post.
1: Introduction
A: For starters, the basic concept is that nychthemeron! Yuu (Rei) is the protagonist of Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon, but her story is where Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon takes place 3 years after the Ultra Beast mission from the original Sun and Moon and had a lot to do with the aftermath of Selene, Hau, Gladion, the International Police and the Ultra Recon Squad dealing with the awakened Necrozma and how nychthemeron! Yuu (Rei) is involved in it.
I thought the Necrozma bit after you deal with the other UB’s makes a good sequel hook for Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon and thus led to nychthemeron! Yuu (Rei) being Ailey, the Selene of USUM. (Ailey is the promotional name for the female protagonist in Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon before Selene became the female protagonist’ official name)
2: Starter
A: nychthmeron! Yuu (Rei)'s official starter is Gabriel the Primarina, Popplio at the time. Unofficially, well, her starter wasn't Aster despite the friendship she formed with him as a Cosmog but rather, Gareth the Houndoom.
She first met Gareth as a Houndour and his pack migrated all the way near Eterna City, nychthemeron! Yuu (Rei)’s hometown during the Lake Valor bombing by Team Galactic and they distrusted humans as a result of said bombing.
It took a while for them to trust a young nychthemeron! Yuu (Rei) but her kindness to them won them over and from then, she’s considered a honorary member of Gareth’s pack.
They eventually migrated back to Lake Valor with the Pokémon Rangers keeping watch of them though that said, the pack still makes trips once in a while under Ranger supervision because they’ve already bonded with nycthemeron! Yuu (Rei) and considered her part of the pack.
Because of that, Gareth became her unofficial starter.
Unfortunately, she couldn’t bring Gareth along to Alola when she joined her maternal cousins at age 11 since she wasn’t a full-fledged trainer yet so she instead got Gabriel as her official starter.
3: Childhood
A: Her childhood background is nearly similar to the mainline counterpart’s past. Except that with Pokémon around, her ability to see the dead is more accepted and not something that people alienate her for.
In this story though, her sight is more an inherited aspect of her Psychic grandmother than a generational curse and side effect of having been spirited away.
However, she doesn’t get any psychic related powers ala Sabrina so her psychic like abilities only extend to her ability to see the dead.
Though she did get bullied one time due to some kids picking on her for said sight and calling her a “Ghost Pokémon magnet” for it, half of it has to do with the kids admiring local Gym Leader Gardenia and they thought they’re doing Gardenia a “Favor” by picking on her. Since it’s known that Gardenia hates ghosts.
Of course Gardenia wasn’t pleased when she learned about it.
Another difference nychthemeron! Yuu (Rei)’s had with the mainline counterpart is that her relationship with her family is happier and less strained.
So that’s about it.
4: Best Friend
A: Outside her Pokémon and family and mentor figures in Alola, the one canon Pokémon character that she’d consider a very close friend would be Gloria.
In the story, Gloria is Victor’s cousin and Victor is the canon Galar Protagonist for the fic which makes him champion and Sword and Shield happens a year after Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon in the fic.
It started when nychthemeron! Yuu (Rei) went to Galar with Selene for a  champion business trip and meeting Leon and nychthemeron! Yuu (Rei) was goaded to join the gym challenge as additional training and she was on the same gym challenge season as Hop, Victor and Gloria. (She’s the same age as Hop, VIctor and Gloria, who are 13 going 14 by Sword and Shield)
The problem is that Leon was only able to make two endorsements and so he instead offered Gloria the Isle of Armor pass so she could train and maybe get sponsored by his master so she’d at least still get something from the gym challenge season.
nychthemeron! Yuu (Rei) also got the pass as a visiting champion (Even if honorary) and that’s how she first met Gloria.
After beating Raihan though, nychthemeron! Yuu (Rei) had to go back to Alola for a bit since her honorary champion duty is already done and she just want to finish challenging the gyms. So nychthemeron! Yuu (Rei) completely missed out the fiasco of Chairman Rose awakening Eternatus and after that, she headed for Kalos.
At any rate, Gloria keeps frequent contact with nychthemeron! Yuu (Rei) and they remain good friends.
For added note, Klara is the rival that they met in Isle of Armor and Avery hasn’t joined the Dojo yet until Victor and Hop arrived.
5: Talent
A: Singing. Well, not to the point that it’s universally praised but both nychthemeron! Yuu (Rei) and the mainline counterpart are decent singers. Another talent of nychthemeron! Yuu (Rei) would be skateboarding and surfing.
This is heavily influenced from the Mantine Surfing game in Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon and in her story, Mantine Surfing is a fairly new thing in Alola and nychthemeron! Yuu (Rei) is the main figure who made it a strong part of Alolan culture.
6: Favorite Pokémon
A: Well, that’s a tough question, though if nychthemeron! Yuu (Rei) had to pick, she would say the Houndour line.
She admits that she’d pick Eevee over Pikachu since she thinks Eevee’s are cuter but she would pick the Houndour line over Eevee.
This is more that she grew up practically adopted to the pack of one and Gareth.
7, 15, 24: Free Space
By the time she got brought to Twisted Wonderland, nychthemeron! Yuu (Rei) did not have a Dynamax band with her anymore. She did complete the gym challenges at Galar and did some training in Isle of Armor but she decided to give away her Dynamax Band to Gloria because she believed Gloria would have better use of it than she would. As such, she only had her Z-Ring that also doubled as her Mega Ring while in Twisted Wonderland.
nychthemeron! Yuu (Rei) nicknames all the Pokémon she caught with a few exceptions. Usually, she doesn’t give a nickname to a Pokémon if she had no idea what to name them. However, there is one Pokémon that she refused to nickname at all. Necrozma itself. It had a lot to do with what went down in Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon and Necrozma taking over her Solgaleo traumatized nychthemeron! Yuu (Rei) hard enough and she refused to give a nickname to Necrozma even after catching it to ease it’s pain down the line. The trauma never left her and that’s why she hesitates and decided to not give Necrozma a nickname.
nychthemeron! Yuu (Rei) used to have a celeb crush on Volkner as a kid and idolized him at a point that she got influenced by his personality and battle style. Granted, she had grown out of her crush on Volkner by present time but she prefers to keep it hidden.
11: Region
A: If she had to pick a region, she’d pick Alola. Her start is in Alola and she will come back to Alola every year because it’s become a new home to her.
She still had a home in Sinnoh but Alola has become her new home.
12: Hometown
A: Eterna City, Sinnoh.
Her new home in Alola is in Hau’Oli city, Alola.
13: Family
A: Her main family consist of 5 discounting the grandmother. Her parents and two brothers.
She also got paternal cousins living in Kanto and her cousin, Shiki especially also show up in her story and Shiki’s adventure is basically a Pokémon-ified take of green ray, a prequel to the mainline story and Takemichi’s psychic powers instead came from a Celebi that he befriended but that’s the gist of it.
14: Job
A: Her current job is a professional trainer and Pokémon Champion set to succeed Selene in Alola. Outside of her honorary champion duties and taking care of Alola when Selene is busy, nychthemeron! Yuu (Rei) does Mantine surfing and she’s popular as a Mantine Surfer and skateboarder.
16: Favorite food
A: Now I rack my brain a bit for this but here’s the answer:
Personal favorite: Oyako-don. In the Pokémon world, this is made with Chansey eggs and Slowpoke tail as Chicken substitute.
In the old days in Sinnoh, Starly’s that are hunted used to be the “Chicken” for the Oyako-don but with evolving society, people use naturally growing slowpoke tail that had been cooked and diced as substitute.
nycthemeron! Yuu (Rei)’s family isn’t exactly vegetarian so she’s more willing to eat actual Pokémon meat and is neutral and capable of eating actual animal meat while in Twisted Wonderland since her logic is that “If people of days old used to eat Pokémon then she got no room to talk about what’s right or wrong.”
Regional specialties: Rage candy bars. Though despite the name, they’re actually just Manjuu’s in a different name (The Japanese name for Rage Candy Bar is Ikari Manjuu).
nychthemeron! Yuu (Rei) used to make these as a family snack back in Sinnoh since they rarely got the chance to go to Johto so it’s a comfort food and nostalgic flavor for her.
17: Fear
A: Being helpless is her greatest fear. This is fueled from nearly losing Aster when Necrozma forcefully took over her Solgaleo. This incident also made her fear having her Pokémon forcefully taken away or replaced in some way and while she did have confidants in the Ultra Recon Squad and Selene for it, nychthemeron! Yuu (Rei) hasn’t fully gotten over it.
20: Present
A: Currently, nychthemeron! Yuu (Rei) is stuck in Twisted Wonderland and awaiting the Ultra Recon Squad to find a way to get there and bring her back home. But at present time, she has traveled 8 regions total and is more or less slated to be ready to take on Selene’s position as Alola champion anytime due to the traveling being counted as her training trip but since Selene is only 3 years older than her and hence, fairly young at 19 years old, Selene wants to hold her position as Alola’s champion for longer until nychthemeron! Yuu (Rei) is ready to take the mantle.
21: Ambition
A: nychthemeron! Yuu (Rei)’s initial goal of being a trainer was to travel around and have her own call to adventure. She sorta got that already with her Alola journey and some as she traveled the regions and train.
Since her goal is more or less fulfilled, she doesn’t have a clear idea what to aim for next, but hey, she isn’t alone and she got her team with her so they’re together to figure out the next step.
22: Team
A: The full roster is here. The main Alola team is here.
25: Ace Pokémon
A: Gabriel the Primarina. While all the Pokémon nychthemeron! Yuu (Rei) trained a lot of Pokémon, Gabriel is one of her strongest.
27: Secret
A: If there’s one thing that nychthemeron! Yuu (Rei) kept secret from the Twisted Wonderland cast is her status as champion and Aster’s existence.
Because the trainer system and the like don’t really exist in Twisted Wonderland, nychthemeron! Yuu (Rei) felt that the position and status of Champion wouldn’t really be useful for the time being.
The other half is that she wants to be treated as a regular person as a change.
Her feats in defeating and capturing Necrozma, and defeating Team Rainbow Rocket at a young age of 12 gave nychthemeron! Yuu (Rei) much unneeded pressure and all the worship and idolization that resulted from it.
nychthemeron! Yuu (Rei) got used to the pressure and the responsibility of her duty in some level, but she hated the idolization she received for it.
As for why Aster is kept secret, she hasn’t talked about Aster being a Solgaleo in any form and would not want to bring attention to Aster in some way.
29: Ship
A: Personally, I haven’t thought too far about it. But what I’m set about is that nychthemeron! Yuu (Rei) is not going to be paired with anyone from the Pokémon universe.
She did have people crushing on her, at least those her age, but that’s about it since she barely paid attention to romance.
So that left the Twisted Wonderland casts.
However, what I want to keep consistent from the mainline fic is that I’m narrowing down people who actually are romantically interested in nychthemeron! Yuu (Rei).
Ruggie is still one of the people who had a chance to be romantically interested in nychthemeron! Yuu (Rei) but that’s about my current thoughts for it and I haven’t thought too far yet.
That said, I’m more open to possibilities for Pokémon AU version of Yuu (Rei) since she isn’t as closed off like the mainline counterpart was.
Skipped questions: No. 8-10 since I’m unsure of how to actually answer this, I’ll answer them on a later date.
To be drawn: No 18, 19, 23, 30 and 31
That’s it for now!
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crystalelemental · 5 months
Yep! Ray and Ailey! To the point where they changed an NPC Trainer’s name between SM and USUM! Swap Decidueye and Primarina, make ‘em Ghost and Fairy, maybe even retain Elio and Selene’s voice actors, just with different voices, then you can justify paying them a bit extra to do the voice lines for both characters.
Lillie could work, but you’d have to give her Dawn Wings Necrozma, same principle as N and Black Kyurem. Of course, that inexplicably means being able to use Lunala and Dawn Wings Necrozma on the same team, much like Zekrom and Black Kyurem.
I don't think the Dawn Wings Necrozma is a requirement, just the likely outcome. She could get something else. If Gladion can snipe Magearna, she can take something like Zeraora or Melmetal if she really wants.
Also that's interesting, I didn't know that. Huh. But yeah, I think those pairs would work.
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autistic-blue-oak · 2 years
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[Id: A two panel digital comic of Blue Oak and Trainer Moon from the games Pokemon Sun and Moon drawn in the "Tails Gets Trolled" style, which involves thin and shaky linework. The first panel shows Blue Oak from around the chin up looking down to the side as he frowns and says "moon wake up! you fucked up big time!". An important thing to note is that he is drawn with no ears. The next and last panel shows Moon from the neck up lying down on grass, with their face being drawn sideways. They look up in apprehension as they say "Blue". End id]
I was going to give you context but nevermind actually. Enjoy this.
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[Id: Two transmasc flags colourpicked from official art of the girl protagonist and Rowlet from the games Pokemon Sun and Moon. The first flag has the art over it, whilst the second is just the plain colourpicked flag. End id]
Requested by: nobody.
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ekikonbini · 5 years
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Jumbled Mess: an Ailey focused doujinshi, where she is a childhood friend of Selene, but when she meets her again in Alola, finds that she seems to have another friend in Lillie. A short but sweet Ailey x Selene (x Lillie).
Read here.
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askthepkmnchampions · 6 years
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With Hilda of course! Even though I’m not Unovan, Alola is part of the same sector of regions as Unova, so we all celebrate 4th of July together!
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I hope everyone has a fun and safe 4th of July today!!!
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melonthesprigatito · 2 years
I can't be the only one who thinks that the Pokémon Scarlet and Violet female protagonist looks extremely similar to the Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon female protagonist, right?
I mean, look at them.
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I know that Pokémon protagonists slightly resemble each other, but these two could be sisters. (It's definitely the braids and the eyebrows.)
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minicoffeeccino · 3 years
Trainer character ideas for a regular pokemon au
Pearl: Her name is Ryuko Izumi. She is the only daughter to a famous coordinator(who has since retired and settled down). She and Barry were just messing around one day at the lake, and that was when a bunch of starly weren’t having it. A chimchar(Kai) instantly popped out of her ball to protect her.
Soulsilver: His name is Yuki Kino. Cheerful boi, happy to help anyone out, and was the one to come up with a plan to send some of his savings home to mama. His journey was a weird one, as he believed that “The Rockets“ were done and over with since, like, three days ago. Oh, and he felt it really strange that Silver stole the starter that had an advantage over his( Lian the totodile, now a feraligatr).
Black 1: Her name is Audrey Inez. A tough little shit that doesn’t think twice about getting thrown into the ground by these creatures. Literally, she took several kicks to the ribs by a sawk( ouch that gotta hurt) just so her precious oshawott and pidove could be safe. Every single pokemon she catches look after her, and makes sure she doesn’t do anything so stupid, they have to be given up( especially Conchshell).
White 2: Her name is Elaine Wilson. Farm girl, kinda naive, hella curious about the world. She quietly escaped the ranch the night she turned 14, so that she could learn more about life on the outside. However, none of the starters clicked with her, and as she was about to just return home with her tail between her legs, she noticed a tepig( Tusc) following right behind her.
Y: Her name is Jeanne Galbena. She’s more of a nerd who loves reading fairy tales and things with fantasy/historical settings. She didn’t want to be a trainer, but is really intrigued by everything about Kalos that she decided to just….. adventure. Orion the froakie( now a greninja) is just happy to have a friend.
Alpha Sapphire: Luna Maple hates the climate of the Hoenn region and would rather move back to Johto. Hates the low ass sea levels and the amount of water there is in this region. She stole a torchic( Altair) from the lab in order to win some money in order to do so. The region has grown on her as she starts collecting gym badges and contest ribbons, but feels as if there still more problems with the place.
Moon: Their name is Ailey Suzuki, a quiet and lonely child who doesn’t know of their real parents. They were orphaned and eventually adopted by a former challenger of the Kanto League. They have decided early on that their main goal is to complete the Alola pokedex. A troublesome rowlet(Celeste) caused so much mayhem in and around the areas that they had a hard time keeping calm.
Sword: His name is Caelum O’harrahan, and he‘s an outdoorsy, mischievous type. Always trying to scare off all the skwovet and the wooloo. He also steals baked goods for shits and giggles. The only reason he ever got out on a league challenge was to stop him from continuing this shit. The people of Postwick didn’t expect him to actually become champion of Galar.
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musubiki · 7 years
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kkas-art · 7 years
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Happy late Pokemon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon - release everyone! Did a small piece in nebby’s colours to celebrate the new game  ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* 
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nothatsunemiku · 7 years
Having the opposite gender trainer appear as an NPC in Ultra Sun & Moon so we can finally get game canon names
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blackkudos · 5 years
Carl Hancock Rux
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Carl Hancock Rux (born March 24, 1975) is an American poet, playwright, novelist, essayist, actor, director, singer/ songwriter. He is the author of several books including the Village Voice Literary Prize-winning "Pagan Operetta," the novel, Asphalt, and the Obie Award-winning play, Talk. Rux is also a singer/songwriter with four CDs to his credit, as well as a frequent collaborator in the fields of dance, theater, film, and contemporary art . Notable collaborators include Nona Hendryx, Toshi Reagon, Bill T. Jones, Ronald K. Brown, Nick Cave, Anne Bogart, Robert Wilson, Kenny Leon, Ruben Santiago-Hudson, Jonathan Demme, Stanley Nelson Jr., Carrie Mae Weems, Glenn Ligon and others. He is the recipient of numerous awards including the Doris Duke Award for New Works, the Doris Duke Charitable Fund, the New York Foundation for the Arts (NYFA) Prize, the Bessie Award and the Alpert Award in the Arts, and a 2019 Global Change Maker award by WeMakeChange.Org. . His archives are housed at the Billy Rose Theater Division of the New York Public Library, the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution as well as the Film and Video/Theater and Dance Library of the California Institute of the Arts.
Early life
Rux was born Carl Stephen Hancock in Harlem, New York. His biological mother, Carol Jean Hancock, suffered from chronic mental illness, was diagnosed paranoid schizophrenic, and was institutionalized shortly after the birth of his older brother. Rux was born the result of an illegitimate pregnancy (while his mother was under the care of a New York City psychiatric institution) and the identity of Rux's biological father is unknown. Rux was placed under the guardianship of his maternal grandmother, Geneva Hancock (née Rux), until her death of cirrhosis of the liver due to alcoholism. At four years of age he entered the New York City foster care system where he remained until he was eventually placed under the legal guardianship of his great uncle (grandmother's brother) James Henry Rux and his wife Arsula (née Cottrell) and raised on a step street in the Highbridge section of the Bronx, later used as the filming location for the stairway dance scene in the 2019 film Joker.
Rux attended PS 73, Roberto Clemente Junior High School and received a scholarship to the Horace Mann School, an independent Ivy college preparatory school in the Riverdale section of the Bronx before transferring to the Fiorello H. LaGuardia High School of Music & Art and Performing Arts where he studied visual art. Exposed to jazz music by his legal guardians, including the work of Oscar Brown Jr., John Coltrane, Billie Holiday, Miles Davis, Max Roach and Abbey Lincoln, Rux eventually double-majored in music/voice, and sang with the Boys Choir of Harlem. He also became a member of the Harlem Writers Workshop, a summer journalism training program for inner-city youth founded by African-American journalists, sponsored by Columbia University and The Xerox Corporation. At the age of 15, Rux was legally adopted by his guardians and his surname changed to Rux. Upon graduation from high school he entered Columbia College where he studied in the Creative Writing Program; took private acting classes at both HB studios; and trained with Gertrude Jeanette's Hadley Players as well as actor Robert Earl Jones (father of actor James Earl Jones). Rux continued his studies at Columbia University, American University of Paris, as well as the University of Ghana at Legon.
Working as a Social Work Trainer while moonlighting as a freelance art and music critic, Rux became a founding member of Hezekiah Walker's Love Fellowship gospel choir and later found himself influenced by the Lower East Side poetry and experimental theater scene, collaborating with poets Miguel Algarin, Bob Holman, Jayne Cortez, Sekou Sundiata, Ntozake Shange; experimental musicians David Murray, Mal Waldron, Butch Morris, Craig Harris, Jeanne Lee, Leroy Jenkins as well as experimental theater artists Laurie Carlos, Robbie McCauley, Ruth Maleczech, Lee Breuer, Reza Abdoh and others.
He is one of several poets (including Paul Beatty, Tracie Morris, Dael Orlandersmith, Willie Perdomo, Kevin Powell, Maggie Estep, Reg E. Gaines, Edwin Torres and Saul Williams) to emerge from the Nuyorican Poets Cafe, most of whom were included in the poetry anthology Aloud, Voices From the Nuyorican Poets Cafe, winner of the 1994 American Book Award. His first book of poetry, Pagan Operetta, received the Village Voice Literary prize and was featured on the weekly's cover story: "Eight Writers on the Verge of (Impacting) the Literary Landscape". Rux is the author of the novel Asphalt and the author of several plays. His first play, Song of Sad Young Men (written in response to his older brother's death from AIDS), was directed by Trazana Beverly and starred actor Isaiah Washington. The play received eleven AUDELCO nominations. His most notable play is the OBIE Award-winning Talk, first produced at the Joseph Papp Public Theater in 2002. Directed by Marion McClinton and starring actor Anthony Mackie, the play won seven OBIE awards.
Rux is also a recording artist, first featured on Reg E. Gaines CD Sweeper Don't Clean My Streets (Polygram). As a musician, his work is known to encompass an eclectic mixture of blues, rock, vintage R&B, classical music, futuristic pop, soul, poetry, folk, psychedelic music and jazz. His debut CD, Cornbread, Cognac & Collard Green Revolution (unreleased) was produced by Nona Hendryx and Mark Batson, featuring musicians Craig Harris, Ronnie Drayton and Lonnie Plaxico. His CD Rux Revue was recorded and produced in Los Angeles by the Dust Brothers, Tom Rothrock and Rob Schnapf. Rux recorded a follow up album, Apothecary Rx, (selected by French writer Phillippe Robert for his 2008 publication "Great Black Music": an exhaustive tribute of 110 albums including 1954's "Lady Sings The Blues" by Billie Holiday, the work of Jazz artists Oliver Nelson, Max Roach, John Coltrane, rhythm and blues artists Otis Redding, Ike & Tina Turner, Curtis Mayfield, George Clinton; as well as individual impressions of Fela Kuti, Jimi Hendrix, and Mos Def.) His fourth studio CD, Good Bread Alley, was released by Thirsty Ear Records, and his fifth "Homeostasis" (CD Baby) was released in May 2013. Rux has written and performed (or contributed music) to a proportionate number of dance companies including the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater; Bill T. Jones/Arnie Zane Dance Company; Jane Comfort & Co. and Ronald K. Brown's "Evidence" among others.
Books by author
Elmina Blues (poetry)
Pagan Operetta (poetry/Short Fiction/SemioText)
Asphalt (novel/Simon & Schuster)
Talk (drama/TCG Press)
Literary fiction
Asphalt (novel) (Atria, Simon & Schuster)
The Exalted (novel) forthcoming
Selected plays
Song of Sad Young Men
Geneva Cottrell, Waiting for the Dog to Die
Smoke, Lilies and Jade
Song of Sad Young Men
Chapter & Verse
Pork Dream in the American House of Image
Not the Flesh of Others
Singing In the Womb of Angels
Better Dayz Jones (Harlem Stage)
"Stranger On Earth" (Harlem Stage)
The (No) Black Male Show
Asphalt (directed by Talvin Wilkes)
Etudes for the Sleep of Other Sleepers (directed by Laurie Carlos)
Steel Hammer (co-written by Will Power, Kia Cothran and Regina Taylor for the SITI company, directed by Anne Bogart).
The Exalted (directed by Anne Bogart)
NPR Presents WATER ± (co-written by Arthur Yorinks, directed by Kenny Leon)
Selected essays
"Eminem: The New White Negro
"Dream Work and the Mimesis of Carrie Mae Weems"
"Belief and the Invisible Playwright"
"In Memoriam: Ruby Dee (1922–2014)"
"Up From The Mississippi Delta"
"Democratic Vistas of Space and Light"
"A Rage In Harlem"
Selected anthologies
Experiments in a Jazz Aesthetic: Art, Activism, Academia, and the Austin Project University of Texas Press
Soul: Black Power, Politics, and Pleasure NYU Press
Heights of the Marvelous NYU Press
Juncture: 25 Very Good Stories and 12 Excellent Drawings Soft Skull Press
Da Capo Best Music Writing 2004: The Year's Finest Writing on Rock, Hip-hop, Jazz, Pop, Country, and More, DeCapo Press
Words in Your Face: A Guided Tour Through Twenty Years of the New York City Poetry Slam, Counterpoint Press
Humana Festival 2014: The Complete Plays, Playscripts, Incorporated
Action: The Nuyorican Poets Cafe Theatre, Simon & Schuster
Bum Rush the Page: A Def Poetry Jam, Three Rivers Press
The African American Male, Writing, and Difference: A Polycentric Approach to African American Literature, Criticism, and History, State University of New York Press
Meditations and Ascensions: Black Writers on Writing, Third World Press
Plays from the Boom Box Galaxy: Theater from the Hip-hop Generation, Theatre Communications Group
Bad Behavior, Random House
Verse: An Introduction to Prosody, John Wiley & Sons Press
Significations of Blackness: American Cinema and the Idea of a Black Film, UMI Press
So Much Things to Say: 100 Poets from the First Ten Years of the Calabash International Literary Festival, Akashic Books
Black Men In Their Own Words, Crown Publishers
Bulletproof Diva, Knopf Doubleday
Race Manners: Navigating the Minefield Between Black and White Americans, Skyhorse Publishing
In Their Company: Portraits of American Playwrights, Umbrage Press
Listen Again: a Momentary History of Pop Music, Duke University Press
Rux has been published as a contributing writer in numerous journals, catalogs, anthologies, and magazines including Interview magazine, Essence magazine, The New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, aRude Magazine, Nka Journal of Contemporary African Art (founded by fellow art critics Okwui Enwezor, Chika Okeke-Agulu and Salah Hassan) and American Theater Magazine.
Makandal (music by Yosvaney Terry, stage design and costumes by Edouard Duval Carrie, directed by Lars Jan) Harlem Stage
Blackamoor Angel (music by Deidre Murray; directed by Karin Coonrod) Bard Spiegeltent/Joseph Papp Public Theater
Kingmaker (music by Toshi Reagon) BRIC Arts Media
Perfect Beauty" (music by Tamar Muskal)
Solo albums
Cornbread, Cognac, Collard Green Revolution
Rux Revue Sony/550 Music
Apothecary Rx Giant Step
Good Bread Alley Thirsty Ear
Homeostasis CD Baby
"Miguel" (Sony) 1999
"Wasted Seed" (Sony) 1999
"Fall Down" (Sony) 1999
"No Black Male Show" (Sony) 1999
"Good Bread Alley" (Thirsty Ear) 2006
"Thadius Star" (Thirsty Ear) 2006
"Living Room" (Thirsty Ear) 2006
"Disrupted Dreams" (Giant Step) 2010
"Eleven More Days" (Giant Step) 2010
"I Got A Name" (Giant Step) 2010
"Living Room" (Kevin Shields Remix) (Mercury) 2013
12-inch singles
"Lamentations (You, Son)" Giant Step Records
Carl Hancock Rux Live at Joe's Pub (forthcoming)
Sweeper Don't Clean My Streets Reg E. Gaines Polygram
Eargasms Vol. 1
70 Years Coming R. L. Burnside Bongload/Acid Blues Records
Our Souls Have Grown Deep Like the Rivers: Black Poets Read Their Works, Rhino
Bow Down to the Exit Sign David Holmes Go! Beat
Love Each Other Yukihiro Fukutomi Sony/ Japan
Optometry DJ Spooky Thirsty Ear Recordings
The Temptation of Saint Anthony (Studio Cast Recording)
Inradio 5 Morningwatch 2004
Thirsty Ear Presents: Blue Series Sampler (Thirsty Ear)
Poetry on Record: 98 Poets Read Their Work, 1888-2006 Box Set Shout! Factory (2006)
More Than Posthuman-Rise of the Mojosexual Cotillion Burnt Sugar The Arkestra Chamber, TruGROID
The Dogs Are Parading David Holmes Universal
Life Forum Gerald Clayton Concord Jazz
Tributary Tales Gerald Clayton
Tomorrow Comes The Harvest Jeff Mills Tony Allen Decca Records
Humanist Rob Marshall Ignition Records
Mckay Stephanie McKay Universal Music
Contemporary Dance (text & music)
Movin' Spirits Dance Co.
Kick The Boot, Raise the Dust An' Fly; A Recipe for Buckin (chor: Marlies Yearby, co-authors: Sekou Sundiata, Laurie Carlos, music: Craig Harris ) Performance Space 122, Maison des arts de Créteil (France)
Totin' Business & Carryin' Bones (chor. Marlies Yearby), Performance Space 122, Maison des arts de Créteil (France)
The Beautiful (chor: Marlies Yearby, co-author:Laurie Carlos), Judson Church, Tribeca Performing Arts Center
Of Urban Intimacies (chor: Marlies Yearby), Lincoln Center Serious Fun!, Central Park Summerstage, National Tour
That Was Like This/ This Was Like That(chor: Marlies Yearby, music: Grisha Coleman), Tribeca Performing Arts Center, Central Park Summerstage, National Tour
Anita Gonzalez
Yanga, (chor: Anita Gonzalez, music: Cooper-Moore, composer), Tribeca Performing Arts Center, Montclair State College
Jane Comfort & Co.
Asphalt (dir/chor: Jane Comfort; vocal score: Toshi Reagon, music: DJ Spooky, David Pleasant, Foosh, dramaturgy: Morgan Jenness, costumes: Liz Prince, lighting design: David Ferri ), Joyce Theater, National Tour
Urban Bush Women
Soul Deep (chor: Jawole Willa Jo Zollar, composer: David Murray), Walker Arts Center, National Tour
Shelter (chor: Jawole Willo Jo Zollar, music: Junior Gabbu Wedderburn) International Tour
Hair Stories (chor: Jawole Willa jo Zollar) BAM Theater/Esplanade Theater (Singapore) Hong Kong Arts Festival
Jubilation! Dance Co.
Sweet In The Morning (chor: Kevin Iega Jeff)
Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater
Shelter (chor: Jawole Willo Jo Zollar, music: Junior Gabbu Wedderburn) City Center, International Tour
Uptown (chor: Matthew Rushing) Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater
Four Corners (chor: Ronald K. Brown) Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater 2014
Alvin Ailey Repertory Ensemble (Ailey II)
Seeds (chor: Kevin Iega Jeff) Aaron Davis Hall, Apollo Theater, National Tour
Bill T. Jones/Arnie Zane Dance Theater
The Artificial Nigger (chor: Bill T. Jones) Arnie Zane Bill T. Jones Dance Co; music: Daniel Bernard Roumain National Tour
Roberta Garrison Co.
Certo! (chor: Roberta Garrison, music: Mathew Garrison) Scuola di Danza Mimma Testa in Trastevere (Rome, Italy) Teatro de natal infantil Raffaelly Beligni (Naples, Italy)
M'Zawa Dance Co.
Seeking Pyramidic Balance/Flipmode (chor: Maia Claire Garrison) 651 Arts
Robert Moses Kin
Helen (chor: Robert Moses) Yerba Buena Performing Arts Center
Nevabawarldapece (chor: Robert Moses) Yerba Buena Performing Arts Center
Topaz Arts Dance
Dreamfield (chor: Paz Tanjuaquio) Hudson River Park NY
Rux studied acting at the Hagen Institute (under Uta Hagen); the Luleå National Theatre School (Luleå, Sweden) and at the National Theater of Ghana (Accra). Rux has appeared in several theater projects, most notably originating the title role in the folk opera production of The Temptation of St. Anthony, based on the Gustave Flaubert novel, directed by Robert Wilson with book, libretto and music by Bernice Johnson Reagon and costumes by Geoffrey Holder. The production debuted as part of the Ruhr Triennale festival in Duisburg Germany with subsequent performances at the Greek Theater in Siracusa, Italy; the Festival di Peralada in Peralada, Spain; the Palacio de Festivales de Cantabria in Santander, Spain; Sadler's Wells in London, Great Britain; the Teatro Piccinni in Bari, Italy; the Het Muziektheater in Amsterdam, Netherlands; the Teatro Arriaga in Bilbao and the Teatro Espanol in Madrid, Spain. The opera made its American premiere at the Brooklyn Academy of Music / BAM Next Wave Festival in October 2004 and official "world premiere" at the Paris Opera, becoming the first all-African-American opera to perform on its stage since the inauguration of the Académie Nationale de Musique - Théâtre de l'Opéra. Combining both his dramatic training and dance movement into his performance, Rux's performance was described by the American press as having "phenomenal charisma and supreme physical expressiveness...(achieving) a near-iconic power, equally evoking El Greco's saints in extremis and images of civil rights protesters besieged by fire hoses." Rux has also appeared in several plays and performance works for theater, as well as in his own work.
Carl Hancock Rux was the host and artistic programming director of the WBAI radio show, Live from The Nuyorican Poets Cafe; contributing correspondent for XM radio's The Bob Edwards Show and frequent guest host on WNYC as well as NPR and co-wrote and performed in the national touring production of NPR Presents Water±, directed by Kenny Leon.
Performance Art Exhibitions/Curator
The Whitney Museum "Beat Culture and the New America, 1950-1965"
Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum "Carrie Mae Weems: Live"
Thread Waxing Space "Sacred Music"
The Foundry Theater "Roundtable on Hope"
The Kitchen "Sapphire: Black Wings & Blind Angels"
Harlem Stage "We Da People Cabaret"
The New School "Comrades and Lovers" Glenn Ligon
Mass MoCA "Until" Nick Cave
Kennedy Center/Spoleto Festival "Grace Notes"; Carrie Mae Weems
Grace Farms "Past Tense"; Carrie Mae Weems
Selected Directorial Credits
"Chapter & Verse" by Carl Hancock Rux /Dixon Place; Nuyorican Poets Cafe
"Mycenaean" by Carl Hancock Rux CalArts/BAM Next Wave Festival
"Third Ward" by Tish Benson/Nuyorican Poets Cafe
"Girl Group" by Tish Benson, Latasha Nevada Diggs, Sarah Jones/Aaron Davis Hall
"Stranger On Earth" by Carl Hancock Rux/ Live Arts; Harlem Stage
"Poesia Negra" by Carl Hancock Rux /RedCat; Lincoln Center; Aaron Davis Hall; BAM Next Wave. *"Who 'Dat Who Killed Better Days Jones?" by (Various Artists)/ Aaron Davis Hall
"blu" by Virginia Grise/ New York Theatre Workshop
"Welcome to Wandaland" by Ifa Bayeza/ Rights & Reasons Theater/Brown University
"String Theory" by Ifa Bayeza/ Rights & Reasons Theater, Brown University
"Bunky Johnson Out of The Shadows" by Ifa Bayeza/Shadows on the Teche
Rux is formally the Head of the MFA Writing for Performance Program at the California Institute of Arts and has taught and or been an artist in residence at Brown University, Hollins University, UMass at Amhurst, Duke University, Stanford University, University of Iowa, University of Wisconsin at Madison, and Eugene Lang New School for Drama, among others.
He has mentored award-winning writers including recipients of the Yale Drama Prize, Whiting Writers Award, Princess Grace Award, and BBC African Performance Playwriting Award.
Personal life
Rux's great uncle, Rev. Marcellus Carlyle Rux (January 8, 1882 - January 5, 1948) was a graduate of Virginia Union University, and principal of The Keysville Mission Industrial School (later changed to The Bluestone Harmony Academic and Industrial School), a private school founded in 1898 by several African-American Baptist churches in Keysville Virginia at a time when education for African-Americans was scarce to non-existent. For about 50 years the school had the largest enrollment of any black boarding school in the east and sent a large number of graduates on to college. For the first five years, Marcellus Carlyle Rux was a teacher in the institution. Such was the record he made that he was promoted to the principalship in 1917. Under his administration, the school reached its highest enrollment and had its greatest period of prosperity. The post-Civil war school was one of the first of its kind in the nation and was permanently closed in 1950. The school's still existent structure once featured a girl's and boy's dormitory and President's dwelling and is eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places. Marcellus Carlyle Rux is listed in History of the American Negro and his Institutions.
Rux's younger brother is a New York City Public School Teacher and his cousin a New York City middle school principal. Rux's older brother died of AIDS-related complications.
Rux's home, a Victorian Brownstone in the Fort Greene Brooklyn section of New York City, has been photographed by Stefani Georgani and frequently featured in home decor magazines and coffee table books internationally, including Elle Decor UK.
Rux joined New Yorkers Against Fracking, organized by singer Natalie Merchant, calling for a fracking ban on natural gas drilling using hydraulic fracturing. A concert featuring Rux, Merchant, actors Mark Ruffalo and Melissa Leo and musicians Joan Osborne, Tracy Bonham, Toshi Reagon, Citizen Cope, Meshell Ndegeocello and numerous others was held in Albany, N.Y., and resulted in public protests.
Rux was a co-producer (through a partnership between MAPP International and Harlem Stage) and curator of WeDaPeoples Cabaret, an annual event regarding citizens without borders in a globally interdependent world. A longtime resident and homeowner in Fort Greene Brooklyn, Carl Rux worked with the Fort Greene association and New York philanthropist Barbaralee Diamonstein-Spielvogel to erect a cultural medallion at the Carlton Avenue home where novelist Richard Wright lived and penned his seminal work, Native Son. Rux is a member of Take Back the Night, a foundation seeking to end sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, sexual abuse and all other forms of sexual violence.
Honors, awards, and grants
Rux was featured in Interview Magazine's "One To Watch" and New York Times Magazine's "Thirty Under Thirty". His essay Eminem: The New White Negro was selected for Da Capo's Best Music Writing 2004. Rux's radio documentary "Walt Whitman: Songs of Myself" was awarded the New York Press Club Journalism award for Entertainment News.
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aapproach · 5 years
Breathing Bootcamp in LA
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Everybody says, "Sing from your
diaphragm, not your throat".  It’s common knowledge. But how do you do it? No, really... HOW??? 
We now know that traditional methods that involve clenching the abdominal muscles are ultimately harmful to the voice, causing and exacerbating a myriad of voice disorders.  
Squeezing the throat to sing is obviously wrong.  You don’t have to be a voice expert to know how bad that feels.  
Training methods that focus on the vocal folds alone (or “mixing”) can certainly be therapeutic to the vocal folds, bringing clarity and more range; but do they really free the throat? No. So where do you “grab” in the body when you want POWER? 
Using proven science and a dash of ancient time-tested wisdom, we’re going to answer three questions for you:
How do you strengthen the diaphragm (the scientifically proven way)?
How do you strengthen the vocal folds (the scientifically proven way)?
How do you tap into your strength - on purpose (without ambiguity or guess work) - whenever you need it?This is the secret. 
After years of research, consulting with some of the world’s most brilliant doctors, scientists, and bodywork experts, I finally have concrete solutions to these issues.  Come work with us on March 27th and 28th. Let us help you tap into all the unrealized vocal potential that you know is there.   
Spots are limited so sign up now! 
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It is my pleasure to introduce you to the woman who has helped me to grow my voice - healthily - with her expertise, insight, and intuitive wisdom. Meet my breathing coach, Trina Bordere.
Trina M. Bordere is a certified, licensed Master Trainer of GYROKINESIS®, a specialized movement technique founded by Julio Horvath. She has been teaching the GYROKINESIS® movement system since 2005. Trina provides training ranging from therapeutic to advanced fitness levels using the Gyrotonic Expansion System and GYROKINESIS®. She also offers courses and workshops for pre-professional & professional dancers, dance companies, and athletes, as well as those interested in becoming Gyrotonic or GYROKINESIS® instructors.
Trina began her formal education and journey into the arts with Classical training through the elite dance program at the New Orleans Center for Creative Arts (NOCCA) in high school. This was the foundation for what would become her life's work.
A wide variety of styles such as Classical Ballet, Modern, (Horton, Limon, Graham) Jazz (Cole, Fosse, Luigi) Tap, African, Ballroom, Latin, and Contemporary, are included in her movement repertoire. Through her training and education at NOCCA, The Broadway Theatre Project, and the Ailey School, she developed dance technique, performance quality, and choreography skills that prepared her for a career as a performer, movement creator, and teacher. Over the span of her career she has performed with Atlanta based companies Gary Harrison, Zoetic Dance Ensemble, Terry Slade, and from 2011 - 2013, T. Lang Dance. Trina Bordere has shared the stage with, and opened for, recording artists Ruben Blades, Gilberto Santa Rosa, the Latin Legends of Fania, and Grammy award winner, Earl Klugh. 
In addition, Ms. Bordere has taught Ballroom dance, various Latin dances, Ballet, Jazz, and Contemporary dance styles at schools and festivals around the U.S. and in Europe. In 2010 - 2011, Trina was co-artistic director of Revolu, a Latin contemporary company, and in 2014 she was Rehearsal Director for T. Lang Dance's premiere performance of 'POST-UP' at the Goat Farm venue in Atlanta. Her skills, professional work ethic, and passion for art and movement are evident by her commitment to dance and fitness.
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[Id: Two genderfluid flags colourpicked from a official art of the girl protagonist and Rowlet from the games Pokemon Sun and Moon. The first flag has the art over it, whilst the second is just the plain colourpicked flag. End id]
Requested by: nobody.
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