#jefferson davis x reader
zapreportsblog · 1 year
Her Firsts
➥ summary: A headcanon of all of Mr and Mrs Morales first with their daughter
➥ pure fluff, slight angst towards the end
➥ one shot
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The Birthing Process :
The room was hushed as Rio, her face flushed with anticipation, lay on the hospital bed, surrounded by medical professionals. Jefferson, her husband, stood by her side, his hand clasped tightly in hers. The air crackled with a mixture of excitement and nervousness as they waited for their first child to make her grand entrance into the world.
Rio's heart raced with a combination of joy and apprehension. She had dreamt of this moment for so long, imagining what their child would look like, how she would grow, and the adventures they would experience together as a family. As the contractions intensified, Rio held onto Jefferson's hand, finding solace in his unwavering support.
The medical staff worked diligently, guiding Rio through the stages of labor. Her breathing became rhythmic, the pain mingled with determination. In that moment, she felt the indescribable strength of motherhood coursing through her veins.
Hours passed, and finally, with a final push, a cry filled the room. Time seemed to stand still as the cries of their newborn daughter filled the air, echoing the joy that surged through their hearts. The nurses gently placed the tiny bundle of joy in Rio's arms, her eyes shining with unshed tears.
Jefferson leaned in, his voice filled with awe. "She's perfect, Rio. Our beautiful daughter," he whispered, his voice choked with emotion.
Rio's gaze never left their daughter's face as tears streamed down her cheeks. "Our little miracle," she murmured, her voice filled with overwhelming love. She traced a finger along the baby's tiny features, memorizing every detail.
As the minutes turned into hours, the couple marveled at their daughter, feeling a profound sense of wonder and gratitude. They counted her fingers and toes, whispered loving words into her tiny ears, and held her close, promising to protect and nurture her with every fiber of their beings.
Overwhelmed by a surge of emotions, Rio looked at Jefferson, her eyes shimmering with unshed tears. "She's the most precious gift, Jefferson. Our lives will never be the same," she said, her voice trembling with both exhaustion and joy.
Jefferson nodded, his voice filled with adoration. "We're going to give her the world, Rio. She will know nothing but love and happiness," he declared, his voice laced with determination.
As they basked in the presence of their newborn daughter, the room filled with a sense of peace and contentment. Their hearts swelled with a love that was both fierce and tender, a love that would guide them through the joys and challenges of parenthood.
In that moment, as Rio and Jefferson gazed at their daughter's peaceful face, they knew that this tiny bundle of life would forever change them. She was a symbol of their love, a reminder of the miracles that can occur when two hearts beat as one.
The First Words :
Time flew by in the Morales household, and (Y/n) continued to grow into a spirited and inquisitive child. Her parents, Rio and Jefferson, marveled at her development, eagerly awaiting the day when she would utter her first words.
As (Y/n) ventured further into the world of language, her parents showered her with love and encouragement. They read her books, sang her nursery rhymes, and engaged in conversations filled with patience and enthusiasm. They knew that every interaction was a stepping stone towards her first words.
One sunny morning, (Y/n) sat at the kitchen table, her eyes bright with anticipation. She watched her parents intently as they prepared breakfast, eager to join in the conversations that filled the room. Her small hands gripped the edge of her high chair, her face animated with anticipation.
With a twinkle in her eye, (Y/n) suddenly pointed at the cereal box on the table and exclaimed, "Cereal!"
Rio froze for a moment, her heart soaring with pride and joy. She exchanged a quick glance with Jefferson, both of them overcome with emotion. Tears welled up in Rio's eyes as she rushed over to (Y/n), engulfing her in a tight embrace. "My clever girl! You said your first word!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with elation.
Jefferson couldn't contain his excitement either. He beamed at his daughter, his voice filled with awe. "Cereal! Well done, (Y/n)! You're growing up so fast," he said, his voice brimming with pride.
From that moment on, (Y/n)'s world opened up in a whole new way. Words became her gateway to understanding and expressing herself. She eagerly absorbed new vocabulary, mimicking the sounds and intonations she heard from her parents and the world around her.
Rio and Jefferson rejoiced in their daughter's linguistic progress, creating a safe and nurturing environment for her to explore her newfound abilities. They engaged in conversations with (Y/n), encouraging her to express her thoughts and feelings. Each day brought new words, and with them, a deeper connection between parent and child.
As (Y/n) grew older, her vocabulary expanded, and her ability to communicate flourished. She discovered the power of words, using them to express her needs, share her joys and sorrows, and form connections with others. Her parents beamed with pride, knowing that they had played a crucial role in nurturing her language development.
With every milestone (Y/n) reached, Rio and Jefferson celebrated her growth. They treasured the beauty and wonder of her first words, knowing that it was just the beginning of a lifetime of communication and discovery. Together, as a family, they embarked on a journey filled with love, laughter, and the magic of language.
The First Steps :
The Morales household was filled with an air of anticipation and excitement as (Y/n) continued to grow and reach new milestones. Rio and Jefferson watched their daughter with a mix of pride and wonder, eagerly awaiting the day when she would take her first steps.
(Y/n) had become more mobile, crawling around the house with a sense of determination. She was always exploring, her tiny hands reaching out to touch everything within her reach. Rio and Jefferson encouraged her, providing a safe environment for her to develop her motor skills.
One sunny afternoon, the living room was filled with toys and laughter as (Y/n) played on the soft rug. Rio and Jefferson sat on the couch, their eyes never straying too far from their daughter's every move. They knew that her first steps were imminent.
With a mischievous glint in her eyes, (Y/n) pulled herself up, gripping the edge of the coffee table for support. Her parents held their breath, their hearts pounding with excitement. Slowly but surely, (Y/n) released her grip and took a wobbly step forward.
Rio's eyes widened, a smile spreading across her face. "Look, Jefferson! She's doing it!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with elation.
Jefferson's heart swelled with pride as he watched his daughter take her first independent steps. "That's my girl! Well done, (Y/n)!" he cheered, his voice brimming with joy.
With newfound confidence, (Y/n) continued to navigate the room, her steps growing steadier with each attempt. She laughed with glee, her eyes shining with triumph. Her parents clapped and cheered, their applause filling the room with pride and love.
As (Y/n) explored her newfound ability, Rio and Jefferson provided a safe and supportive environment. They cleared the path, removing any obstacles that could hinder her progress. Their love and encouragement fueled her determination, motivating her to take more steps and explore the world around her.
Every day brought new adventures for (Y/n) as she toddled around the house, her parents always by her side, ready to lend a hand or catch her if she stumbled. The simple act of walking became a source of joy and celebration for the entire family.
Rio and Jefferson cherished these precious moments, knowing that their daughter's first steps marked the beginning of a lifetime of discovery and independence. They captured the memories with photographs and videos, documenting every milestone, knowing that they would look back on these early moments with nostalgia and pride.
As (Y/n) grew more confident in her walking abilities, her world expanded. She explored the garden, took her first steps on the sand at the beach, and ventured out into the world, always with the unwavering support and love of her parents.
In the Morales household, the first steps of (Y/n) were celebrated as a testament to her determination and the unwavering love of her parents. They knew that this was just the beginning of a lifetime filled with adventures, challenges, and immeasurable joy.
The First Tooth :
In the Morales household, a sense of excitement filled the air as (Y/n) continued to grow and experience new milestones. Rio and Jefferson watched their daughter with a mix of anticipation and concern as she embarked on the teething journey.
(Y/n) had always been a happy and content baby, but recently, she had become increasingly fussy and irritable. Her gums were swollen and tender, a clear indication that her first tooth was on its way. Rio and Jefferson did their best to soothe her discomfort, providing teething toys and cold washcloths to gnaw on.
One sunny afternoon, (Y/n) sat in her high chair, chewing on a teething ring while Rio prepared her pureed vegetables. Suddenly, a glimmer of white caught Rio's attention. She leaned in closer, her heart skipping a beat.
"Jefferson! Look!" Rio exclaimed, her voice filled with excitement.
Jefferson rushed over, his eyes widening as he saw a tiny white tooth peeking through (Y/n)'s gumline. A surge of joy and pride washed over him. "Our little girl is getting her first tooth!" he exclaimed, his voice brimming with delight.
They both marveled at the tiny tooth, admiring the delicate pearl-like structure. Rio carefully touched the tooth with her finger, eliciting a giggle from (Y/n). "Look at that, sweetheart. You're growing up so fast," she whispered, her voice filled with love.
Over the next few days, (Y/n)'s teething journey continued. She would gnaw on anything within her reach, seeking relief from the discomfort. Rio and Jefferson tirelessly provided comfort and support, rubbing her gums with teething gel and singing soothing lullabies.
One evening, as Rio cradled (Y/n) in her arms, she noticed a second tiny tooth emerging beside the first. Her heart swelled with pride and wonder. "You're getting another tooth, my darling," she murmured, her voice laced with affection.
Jefferson joined them, his face lighting up with joy as he saw the second tooth. "Look at our beautiful girl, Rio. She's growing into such a strong and healthy child," he said, his voice filled with adoration.
As (Y/n) continued to teethe, her parents remained vigilant, providing love, comfort, and gentle care. They celebrated each milestone, each tiny tooth, knowing that it was a sign of their daughter's growth and development.
In the Morales household, the arrival of (Y/n)'s first tooth marked another cherished milestone in her journey. Rio and Jefferson treasured these moments, knowing that they were witnessing the miraculous transformation of their baby into a confident and curious little person.
The First Day Of School :
In the Morales household, the day had finally arrived for (Y/n) to embark on a new adventure - her first day of pre-K. Rio and Jefferson watched their daughter with a mix of pride and a touch of nostalgia as they prepared her for this significant milestone.
(Y/n) stood in front of the mirror, her small hands adjusting the straps of her tiny backpack. Her face lit up with excitement and a hint of nervousness as she prepared to step into the world of education. Rio knelt down beside her, a warm smile on her face.
"Are you ready for your first day of pre-K, sweetheart?" Rio asked, her voice filled with anticipation.
(Y/n) nodded, her eyes shining with determination. "I'm ready, Mama!" she exclaimed, her voice brimming with excitement.
Jefferson entered the room, his face beaming with pride. "You're going to have so much fun, (Y/n). We're so proud of you," he said, his voice filled with love.
Together, the family made their way to the pre-K center. As they entered the bustling classroom, (Y/n)'s eyes widened with awe. The room was filled with colorful decorations, toys, and friendly faces. Rio and Jefferson accompanied their daughter to her assigned seat, helping her settle in.
As the bell rang and the other children started to arrive, (Y/n) watched with curiosity. She observed her classmates interacting, their laughter filling the room. It was a new and exciting world for her, filled with endless possibilities.
The teacher, Ms. Anderson, introduced herself to the class, her warm smile putting everyone at ease. She encouraged the children to participate in various activities, fostering an environment of creativity and exploration. (Y/n) eagerly joined in, her eyes alight with enthusiasm.
Throughout the day, (Y/n) engaged in various learning experiences, from storytime to drawing and playing with blocks. She made new friends, her laughter and joy blending seamlessly with that of her classmates. Rio and Jefferson watched from a distance, their hearts filled with pride and a touch of bittersweetness.
At the end of the day, (Y/n) walked out of the pre-K center hand in hand with her parents. Her face was flushed with excitement as she recounted her adventures. She chatted animatedly, her words flowing with the eagerness of a young learner.
Rio and Jefferson listened intently, their hearts swelling with love and admiration for their daughter. They knew that this was just the beginning of her educational journey, and they were filled with hope for the bright future that lay ahead.
As the days turned into weeks and weeks into months, (Y/n) continued to thrive in her pre-K class. She soaked up knowledge like a sponge, eagerly exploring new concepts and forming lasting friendships. Rio and Jefferson cherished every moment, knowing that their daughter's early years would shape the person she would become.
In the Morales household, the first day of pre-K marked a significant milestone for (Y/n). Rio and Jefferson embraced this new chapter, supporting their daughter's educational journey with love, encouragement, and unwavering belief in her abilities.
The First Crush :
In the Shelby household, an air of innocence and newfound excitement enveloped the atmosphere as (Y/n) continued to grow and experience the wonders of childhood. Little did she know that she was about to embark on a journey of first love and butterflies in her stomach.
It was a warm summer day, and (Y/n) found herself at the local park with her parents, Rio and Jefferson. As she played on the swings, her eyes caught sight of a boy with tousled brown hair and a mischievous grin. He was a few years older, exuding a confidence that intrigued her.
(Y/n) watched him with wide eyes, her heart starting to beat a little faster. She was captivated by his carefree spirit and the way he effortlessly climbed the jungle gym. Her parents noticed her growing interest and exchanged knowing glances.
Days turned into weeks, and (Y/n) found herself frequently visiting the park in hopes of catching a glimpse of the boy who had stolen her attention. She would shyly smile at him from afar, her cheeks turning rosy as he returned the gesture.
One sunny afternoon, (Y/n) mustered up the courage to approach the boy. She walked over to where he was sitting on a bench, nervously fidgeting with her fingers. "Hi, I'm (Y/n)," she said, her voice filled with a mix of shyness and excitement.
The boy turned to her, a playful twinkle in his eyes. "Hey, I'm Liam," he replied, his voice warm and welcoming. "Nice to meet you, (Y/n)."
From that day forward, (Y/n) and Liam formed a bond that grew stronger with each passing moment. They spent hours talking and laughing, exploring the park and discovering shared interests. Their friendship blossomed, and the innocent affection they held for each other started to deepen.
Rio and Jefferson observed this newfound connection with a mixture of amusement and nostalgia. They remembered their own first crushes and understood the emotions that (Y/n) was experiencing. They offered gentle guidance and encouraged her to embrace this beautiful phase of life.
As the seasons changed, (Y/n) found herself daydreaming about Liam. Her heart skipped a beat whenever she saw him, and a rush of excitement coursed through her veins whenever he was near. They shared secrets, dreams, and laughter, their bond growing stronger with each passing day.
One evening, as the sun began to set, (Y/n) found herself sitting on a park bench with Liam. They watched the golden hues paint the sky, their fingers gently brushing against each other. In that moment, something shifted in their hearts, and they realized that their friendship had blossomed into something more.
With a shy smile, (Y/n) confessed her feelings to Liam, her voice filled with vulnerability and hope. To her delight, he reciprocated her affection, admitting that he too had been captivated by her presence since the first day they met.
Their young love blossomed beneath the summer sky, capturing the essence of innocence and pure affection. Rio and Jefferson watched from a distance, their hearts swelling with a mixture of pride and nostalgia. They knew that this young love would shape their daughter's understanding of relationships and pave the way for future connections.
As the sun dipped below the horizon, (Y/n) and Liam held hands, their hearts beating in unison. They knew that their journey had just begun, and that they would navigate the joys and challenges of young love together.
In the Morales household, the first crush of (Y/n) marked an important chapter in her life. Rio and Jefferson embraced her budding emotions, supporting her as she explored the complexities of affection and relationships.
The First Heart Break :
In the Morales household, a sense of melancholy hung in the air as (Y/n) faced her first taste of heartbreak. The vibrant colors of her world seemed to fade as she learned that her dear friend Liam was moving away.
News of Liam's departure hit (Y/n) like a gust of cold wind on a warm summer day. She felt a lump form in her throat, and her heart sank as she realized that their cherished moments together would soon become distant memories.
On the day of Liam's departure, (Y/n) found herself standing on the sidewalk, a mix of emotions swirling within her. She watched as the moving truck pulled away, taking with it a piece of her heart. Tears welled up in her eyes as she waved goodbye, her hand trembling with a mixture of sadness and longing.
Rio and Jefferson stood beside their daughter, offering comfort and support. They understood the pain of separation and empathized with (Y/n)'s aching heart. In a tender embrace, they assured her that it was okay to grieve the loss of a dear friend.
Days turned into weeks, and (Y/n) struggled to come to terms with the void left by Liam's absence. The park they used to frequent together now felt empty and lifeless. She missed his infectious laughter, his warm smile, and the way he made her feel like the most special person in the world.
One afternoon, as (Y/n) sat in her room, she found herself going through old photographs and mementos of her time with Liam. Each image evoked bittersweet memories, a reminder of the bond they once shared. Her heart ached as she longed for the companionship they had lost.
Rio noticed her daughter's sorrow and sat beside her, a sympathetic expression on her face. She gently took (Y/n)'s hand in hers and whispered, "Sweetheart, I know it hurts, but remember that every heartbreak teaches us something valuable."
(Y/n) sniffled, her voice quivering as she replied, "But it feels like a piece of me is missing, Mama. I miss Liam so much."
Rio wrapped her arms around her daughter, holding her close. "I know, my love. It's okay to miss him. But remember, your heart is resilient, and in time, it will heal. Cherish the memories you shared and allow yourself to grow from this experience."
As days turned into weeks, (Y/n) found solace in her family's unwavering support. Rio and Jefferson showered her with love, reminding her of her worth and the strength she possessed within. They encouraged her to explore new friendships, guiding her through the healing process.
Slowly but surely, (Y/n) began to find her way again. She discovered new hobbies, joined clubs, and interacted with classmates who had once been mere acquaintances. While the pain of Liam's absence still lingered, it was gradually replaced by newfound joy and possibility.
Months later, as (Y/n) stood in the park where she and Liam had shared countless memories, she couldn't help but reflect on the growth she had experienced. Her heart had mended, though not completely whole. She realized that love, like the flight of a bird, could sometimes take unexpected paths.
In the Morales household, the chapter of (Y/n)'s first heartbreak marked a pivotal moment in her journey of self-discovery. Rio and Jefferson continued to support her, reminding her that heartbreaks were part of life's tapestry, shaping her into a resilient and compassionate individual.
As time passed, (Y/n) learned to carry the memories of her friendship with Liam in her heart. They became a part of her story, reminding her of the depth of her capacity to love and the resilience of the human spirit.
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⚘ 1610!Miles Morales x black!fem!reader
⚘ fluff! use of n word like once, teen romance
⚘ summary: Miles and Y/n make a slideshow to convince his parents to be able to be in his room with the door closed.
⚘ wc: 631
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You and Miles were on his bed, sitting in silence a foot or so apart, which was odd because you two were never normally this awkward. Occasionally one of you would glance at the wide open door, revealing Miles's parents walking by here and there, which is why you two kept your distance.
For context, when you and Miles first started dating, you two weren't allowed in his room and had to stay in a public space like the living room; however, y'all are obnoxiously loud. When you two were playing games, loud. Even just talking, you two laughed loud. Except, when it was a movie night, it was quieter because y'all were so wrapped up in the plot.
To be honest, y'all were fine in the living room, but it was rough always being told to quiet down. The volume of you two in the same room was too much, so Miles suggested to his parents that you two go to his room instead of being confined to only the living room. Under one condition, the door stayed wide open.
And so there y'all were sitting side-by-side in a semi-awkward silence.
You feel the weight on the bed shift closer to you, and an arm makes its way over your shoulder, "Hey."
"Nigga, what?" you say without thinking at his cheesy attempt to make a move on you.
With a pout, he takes his arm off your shoulder and leans back upright, "You ruined the moment."
You giggle at his pouting, feeling a little bad about your reaction, "My bad, stink, it was a natural reflex. Try again," you offer, tossing your locs over your shoulder.
Miles clears his throat before leaning back over, putting an arm over your shoulders again.
"Hey." He says with a smirk and a tilt of his head.
"Hi," you respond, tilting your head the same way, your eyes glancing down at his lips before back up at his eyes.
"You look really pretty right now," He compliments, leaning in.
"Thank you," you whisper with a smile, leaning in as well.
You hear someone clear their throat walking past the doorway of his room, causing both of y'all to quickly move away and back into the awkward silence.
A week or so later--that situation happening again and again--you and Miles were on Facetime brainstorming ideas for the slideshow y'all planned to make to convince Miles's parents (mainly his mom) to let y'all have the door closed.
The both of you knew it was ambitious to shoot for something so big, so that's why you had to create the best slideshow presentation of all time.
"Okay, what do we think about this template?" you ask, turning your camera around to show a classy slideshow template.
"Perfect." he nods, and you add him to the slideshow.
A few days of hard work and planning go by, and it's now the day you two scheduled to present the presentation.
In preparation, the two of you coordinated your most trustworthy-looking outfits and practiced how you would present. Y'all knew you both were being extra, but at the end of the day, it didn't matter because y'all were having fun.
"Greetings, esteemed guests," Miles opens, gesturing to the title slide on tv.
You and Miles alternated presenting slides, explaining how having a door closed is reverse psychology, decreasing the chances of anything happening. Also, the classic, if the door was closed, grades would improve (don't know how, but there was a graph to prove it), along with a few other random and made-up examples.
"Thank you for your time," you close, and the two of you bow.
Following suit, his dad gives a round of applause, "That was actually pretty impressive."
His mom sighs, "We'll think about it."
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Thanks for reading!
Ngl i wanna do a part two but at the same time i dont know if it'd be any good... if youd be interested in part two lmk
part 2
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punkeropercyjackson · 7 months
Okay i'm sorry but i canNOT with Atsv bloggers having 'minors dni' in their abouts/rules.How're you gonna call 'adult only space' when your blog is themed after and about a fucking Spiderman movie
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itsmebytch001 · 1 year
Hi! Can I request Yandere Morales family how each got to be how they are when reader was a cute wittle baby? Cause Reading all those fics it got me curious. Like each family member having a moment with her. Idk if it was already asked or you did something similar maybe im forgetting, ok im overdoing it- ok i will stop luv your fics!
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Aaron was drowning, drowning in stress, in nappies and the new terrifying resonsisnlty of a human baby and all by himself. You were just sitting there, alone on the couch in your pink onesie wriggling around while Aaron cleaned the house, finally getting round to it after the first 2 months of your life the house had fallen into dissaray so much so even Jeff said it when he came to check up on him.
Jeff: "Jesus christ man, what the hell happened?" He said while observing the pig stie of a house he was living in, standing in the doorway.
Aaron: "I had a baby that's what" He responded collpased on the couch with you sitting acorss from them both in your high chair, playing with your dolls.
Jeff: "The dishes! There is a mountain of dishes! Who is even eating here?!"
Aaron: "UUuugggghhhhhh" He groaned into the couch cushion.
Jeff: "Where's Diana?" He asked about your Mom, he knew at this point she may had just left, again, maybe she'd come back maybe she wouldn't it made no diffrence to your care, to the house, to Aaron.
Now Aaron had never really wanted kids, he liked the idea of being an Uncle when Miles was born, but was okay with it stopping there, when he found out Diana, was pregnant he panicked, so much so he did approach her about abortion, she refused and he understood that, but what he didn't understand was, if she refused to have an abortion, why was she doing all the things you should never do while pregnant, she was smoking more then before, drinking eating an unusual amout of sushi, so much so Rio felt the need to remind her, she really can't be doing these things.
Rio: "Diana! You can't smoke youre Pregnant!" She whacked the cigeratte out her hand, and curshed it under her foot.
Diana: "Excuse me?"
Rio: "You could really hurt the baby! And your drinking, eating pork and what not, your hurting it!"
Diana: "How Dare you try and order me around, who the fuck do you think you are?"
Rio: "I am that baby's auntie, and right now it seems I care more about it, then you!"
And it as after that converatsion that Aaron was forbidden from seeing her, or Jeff for the final few months, and during that time Aaron was having to pour out wines down the drain and throwing away cigs behind her back, and when she caught him she would loose her mind.
Diana: "You are trying TO CONTROL ME"
Aaron:" Diana, You know You can't be drinking while pregnant you could fuck up the baby"
Diana: "I don't give a fuck, I'm not letting this thing control me, or YOU"
Aaron: "Diana, I'm not letting you drink in this damm house"
And after you were born, she refused to hold you, look at you and ceratinly not feed you with her breasts, the hospital said it was post partom depression, and it was. And it was harsh and crule on her, she of course needed rest afterwards, So Aaron inslisted the help of Rio with you, while Aaron took care of the house, but it was once Diana was up and about 'taking care of you' while Aaron was at work Rio came over to visit, clean the air with Rio and see how you were doing, which is when she entered the house she found you, unattended in a sink bath, while you Mom off in her room, asleep, maybe having been drinking.
When she picked you up, and dried you off she saw you had gotten smaller than the last time 'oh god it's gotten worse'
So she set you off on the side and made you a bottle and began to feed you, she heard shuffling round the main room, when Diana came round the corner to see Rio feeding her baby.
Diana: "What are you doing in my house?"
Rio: "Diana, I found her in the sink, alone"
Diana: "Yeah she was getting herself clean"
Rio: "She's 8 weeks old?"
Diana: "How did you get in here?"
Rio: "My key?"
Diana: "You have a key?"
Rio: "Yeah, Aaron gave me one"
Diana: "Oh...Well can you get away from my baby please"
Rio: "She's smaller than she should be"
Diana: "What are you insuinutaing?"
Rio: "Diana, I think youre sick"
Diana: "How dare you"
Rio: "Please, I can help you, you need to be a mother and right now you can't, beacuse you are sick!"
Diana: "Oh fuck you, I'm going to sleep"
And so she did, she slept most days, or was out the house leaving you alone in the house for many hours, only for Aaron to come home to find you alone, screaming in your crib. Rio stared coming over more and more so just to keep you fed and changed, and it was exausting, so much so that eventually she just took you, with Aarons knowledge of course to save herself the trip, and this point Miles was walking, or more waddeling around while you were just rolling everywhere, Miles had his first word, which was 'floor' and you were just babbling.
Aaron didn't know how to thank her enough when he picked you up all he could do was thank her, try and hand her money she would always refuse while Jeff would talk custody with Aaron.
Jeff: "Listen man, she needs help, and she's not getting it"
Aaron: "yeah I know but, I can't just take her baby from her"
Jeff: "Youre not taking her, she can have visits! But right now she's putting her at risk"
Aaron: " It's been only a few weeks, she might get better"
Rio: "Aaron, She's not feeding her" She added, holding you.
Jeff: "we should really stop calling her 'the baby' she needs a name"
Rio: "Dose she not have a name?! Aaron!? Its been almost a month you need a name!"
Aaron: "I know I know! God What the hell am I doing!?" he groaned into his hands.
Aaron: " How about...oh god I don't know!"
Jeff: "You had 9 months to choose a name, and now your choosing?!"
Aaron: " I KNOW!"
Rio, while looking down into your big brown eyes, Aarons eyes, she carried you over and handed your to your father, placing you into his lap, using your tiny hands to grab onto Rio's sleeve with a pink bow in your hair. Rio placed a hand onto Aarons shoulder.
Rio: "Come on Aaron, something pretty"
While Aaron looked down at you, grabbing at his shirt wriggling back and fourth while Miles stumbled across the living room.
Aaron: "...Is...Melissa okay?"
Rio: "eh...It's not great"
Jeff: "She dosen't give me Melissa vibes"
Rio: "How's...Y/n?"
Jeff:" Y/n Davis"
Aaron: "Yeah, Y/n Davis...Y/n Davis" He nodded to himself.
Jeff: "This is the kinda moment you take a picture of, stay right there!" He said as he rushed over to grab the camrea, While Rio grabbed Miles and sat him next to Aaron, Jeff got the camrea and set it onto the table with a 5 second timer.
Rio: "Everyone Smile!" And so you did, and that pictures lives on in the family photo book, that is Rio's favourtie memory or you as a baby.
Now Jeff's favourtie memory was when he thought he had lost you, he had taken you and Miles to the park, you were in a stroller while Miles waddled beside his Dad when he stopped off at the park, Miles was always beside you when you went off to play, he would sit with you as you battled it out with your Bratz dolls, Miles also liked to play Bratz Battle, and you two would mainly stick to each other, you didn;t have a massive intrest in talking to other kids, just the Bratz pack and Miles, that's all you needed at the park, While you and Miles sat together in the small grassy area Miles had drawn the attention of some other kids, who pulled him away to play with them, you were so englufled with your game that you didn't initally didn't notice, Miles waved off to you as he was pulled away to play on the swings, and while he did, he looked over to check on you every few moments, really Jeff had been doing that, but instead he was chatting with another Dad, called Kallum.
Jeff: "So which one's yours?"
Kallum pointed over to a little girl with pig tails.
Kallum: "There, by the climbing frame"
Jeff: "Cute, I'm here with my Son and my Nice"
Kallum: "Nice, Mines called Melissa, you?"
Jeff: "Miles, and funny you should say that, My Nice was almost called Melisa" He looked back round where he thought you were hanging round with your dolls, only not to see you or Miles.
Oh fuck Oh fuck Oh fuck
He scanned the area for Miles, to thankfully see him on the monkey bars, but with out you.
Jeff: "MILES" He yelled out for him, miles got off the monkey bars and ran towards his Dad.
Jeff:" Miles, where is Y/n?"
Miles pointed over, to where he thought you were, but there was nothing, only one of your many dolls.
Miles: "...oh"
Jeff: "Miles, did you see where Y/n went?"
Miles: "No.."
Jeff: "Oh god, oh god, oh god" He rubbed his face with his hands, rushing over to where Miles thought you were, with your doll's just left there in the dirt, you would never just leave them, you would scream if your Dad Aaron tried to take them from you for dinner time, so why had you left them?
Did someone...take you?
Jeff began to hyper ventilate.
Jeff: "Y/N! Y/N! CAN YOU HEAR ME! Y/N!"
Jeff called out again and again, and go no response, he took out his phone to call in the cavalry, a friend at he police precent, called Mike.
Calling Mike
Mike: "Hello?"
Jeff: "Mike! Mike listen to me, I need a search team, sniffer dogs, I need everyone, everyone!"
Mike: "Calm down man, what happened?"
Jeff: "I took my nice out to the park and she's gone"
Mike: "How long as she been gone?"
Jeff: "like 5 minutes"
Mike: "Jeff, I can't send a whole team if she's only been gone 5 minutes"
Jeff: "Please Mike, she left her doll's and she would never just leave them and you owe me!!"
Mike: "...okay, fine"
And so, about a half hour later a search team had arrived with some sniffer dogs, they took a sniff of your dolls and began to walk off. Miles timidly turned to his Dad, looking up at him.
Miles: "Is Y/n going to be okay?"
Jeff: "I don't know Miles"
And then he remembred, he had to tell Aaron he had lost you, he knew he would kill him, so instead he called Rio, to break the news.
Calling Rio
Rio: "Hey baby"
Jeff: "Hey, i'm sorry but..I need to tell you something"
Rio: "...Okay?"
Rio: "YOU WHAT?! Hombre estúpido! What are you going tell Aaron?!"
Jeff:" Actually, I was hoping you would"
Rio: "Excuse me?"
Jeff: "he might kill me"
Rio: "oh my GOD, FINE!"
And so, about two hours later, Aaron and Rio had pulled up to the park, Aaron immedatley rushed out the car over to Jeff.
Aaron: "You lost my fucking kid!"
Jeff:" I know! But ive got everyone on it!"
Aaron: "YOU LOST MY FUCKING KID!" he screamed at him, pulling him closer by his shirt, only being seperated by Rio.
Aaron rubbed his hands over his face again and again, looking round the park aimlessly.
Aaron: "Oh my god, Oh my god"
Jeff: "The good news is, she left one her dolls an-"
Aaron: "She left it? Oh my god! She's been taken!"
Jeff: "No no, she might have just gone walk about"
Aaron: "Are you serious?"
Jeff: "Yeah I-"
Aaron: "She could have been taken by traffikers, or a pedophile or or-"
Jeff: "Listen, we can join the search team now"
And so they did, all wondering about with flash lights. trecking around the wooden area of the park calling out for you.
Aaron: "Y/N! Y/N! Its me, Its papa!"
Rio: "Y/n!! come out baby"
Jeff: "Y/n! Come on Y/n come out!"
Miles just followed his Mom, not really understanding what was happening, he started pulling on her jean leg.
Rio: "Not now baby, were busy"
Miles: "Mami, she's there" He said, pointing you. She looked over to se you, standing holding your Bratz doll.
Aaron: "Y/N! Oh my God thank God you are safe!" he said hugging you tightly.
Jeff: "Y/n, what were you thinking!?"
Rio: "Yeah, you could have gotten Uncle Jeff in serious trouble" She said, side eyeing her husband.
Y/n: "Chole wanted to see the berry bushes, So I took her" You said, holding out your doll.
Aaron: "Jesus christ"
Aaron didn't like that memory alot, He didn't like getting the call from Rio telling him you had gone missing, though yes everyrthing was fine in the end the fear of you being gone was mortifying.
But Aarons favourtite memory was simple, having had not been present during the birth was actually driven to the hospital by Jeff, with Rio and Miles in the back, he ran out the car, up the strairs and down the hall, barging in the delievry room he saw Diana, asleep next to you in a see through cot, wrapped up in pink blanket.
While Rio and Jeff rushed in aswell, they all flocked around you. Aaron turned to Rio.
Aaron: "Is it okay for me to touch her?"
Rio: "Yes of course"
Aaron tried despraltey to bring the courage to pick you up, he was visibly shaking as his hands rose to hold you, he then rested his hand on the edge of the cot.
Aaron: "I can't...I can't do it"
Jeff: "come on man, she's your daughter"
Aaron: "I-I" Aaron forced himself to slowly lift you from the cot, and bring you into his chest, holding you there for a few seconds as he began hyper ventilate, Jeff placed a hand on Aarons shoulder.
Jeff: "Its okay"
You opened your large eyes, to look at up him, and let out a small whine.
Aaron: "Oh my god" he sniffled as he began to cry softly, holding so tightly, but keeping note not to crush you.
Rio: "She's got your eyes"
Aaron: "Oh she's so beautiful"
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moralesmilesanhour · 9 months
Yknow, I actually would like to see what Miles would be like as the next (villain) Prowler on some evil shit, but not with Miles G. That's too easy ! ☝🏾 I want to see what would lead 1610 Miles down the exact same path as Aaron. I want generational-curse-doomed-by-the-narrative type shit. What if Jeff's greatest fears took on the shape of his son. And there was nothing he could do about it.
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maliyuhh · 2 days
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kaidan-z · 8 months
i wanna write a fanfic but
what the FUCK am i supposed to write for???
spiderverse is dead. nobody wants to read about a spidersona either
i’m not really in the loop of what everybody is drooling over rn
i love deadpool but that’s not gonna be a good idea to post cause it’s not gonna get any attention unless i post it after the new movie which comes out in forever
i got a lot of angst ideas for a million different characters but all the angst tags(that i follow) are DEAD
@dolligent @kyoscrayons @urmadiik @janaeby and any of my other moots or random people if y’all have any ideas please send them immediately 🙇🏽‍♀️🙏🏽 even if they’re of something i said would be boring/unpopular
(i suck ass at angst and writing hobie 😭💔 i’m gonna work on it i swear but not on this account)
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dreadheadmadi · 8 months
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A/N: Trying something new, we’ll see how this goes. I’m a college girlie, so updates are slow‼️
Parings: aaron davis x black! reader, the prowler x black cat! reader
Warnings: action, fighting, blood, gore, descriptive language, death, etc. (I will update as I go)
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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
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Part 4
Parts: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 /. . . .
Synopsis: you get to know Miles better (sorta)
Warning: some strong language but nothing crazy.
A/N: i was free and kinda bored so :D — also I seriously planned finishing the flashbark part in this one but it got longer x"D
THE NEXT DAY, you were late for class. having overslept finishing your math homework which was challenging for your braincells to say the least. You were striding through the halls to go to art class in your new uniform.
Your pervious one was left to dry.
It was the fourth time you yawned and attempted to wake yourself up, turning your head toward paths to remember your way, you were rechecking your bag for the third time to see if you forgot any of your art supplies.
It was enough you missed the first two periods, you didn't want to mess up in the third one with missing supplies. You were standing Infront the huge school's map on the wall, sliding your index finger to where you were and where was the class.
You were still holding your opened bag Infront your belly, making your way backward with your focus still on the map as you were mesmerizing your path. you didn't notice you were getting closer to someone till you bumped into their back.
They let an irritated groan, seemingly unaffected by your bump While You almost fell on your face.
thanks for your incredible balance you caught yourself, hugging your bag harder as you turned to apology to the person with awaken eyes.
" I am so sorry! I wasn't looking where I. . . .wait, it's you?" The mysterious boy Infront you was rubbing his shoulder, the area you hit while frowning at you.
" You again? " his hoarse voice spoke.
gazing at him up close you noticed those faint dark circles under his eyes, his braided hair seemed a bit messy as well and his eyes barely were awake like he just got out of bed. Huh, seemed you weren't the only one late.
you both stood in the empty hall, just staring at each other till you felt too awkward to keep staring , you gazed at your bag instead. you didn't know what to add in this silence since you already apologized and he seemed to prefer being quiet, so. .
" U-uhm anyway, see you later in class. . .?" You closed your bag throwing it behind your shoulder, you waved awkwardly and passed him.
You began speeding your steps so to escape this awkwardness and to reach your class as soon as possible.
"Wait! " You stopped on your tracks, realizing it was the quiet boy behind you who called, you turned your head at him. He was scratching his head, looking at his feet seemingly embarrassed he called for you that loud.
Thankfully there was no-one in school halls but you.
". . .Yes?" You asked, trying to sound as patient as possible. he approached your figure since you were standing far. His eyes were trailed elsewhere till it was on you when he asked.
"Do you know. . .where the art class is?" Ah, so he was lost. Typical for a new student.
you didn't know why he would be even shyer asking for direction but you found it kind of amusing comparing to your first 'meeting' the previous day.
" Well, you are lucky because I was heading to there too!" Being your overly friendly self, you sent him a smile and though he didn't return it, you weren't bothered.
You took several steps forward adjusting with your head that he follow you.
"com'on, we are going to be late."
and so, he began following you through the halls which sunlights were bathing the floors and walls, the only noise coming from you both were clicking of your shoes.
and of course you both were silent, no-one attempting to break out this quietness, you usually didn't mind it like this, you enjoyed quiet though since day one of meeting him he piqued your curiosity.
ever since you believed you had seen him somewhere and the fact he too had the same class as you, it was hard to keep your questions to yourself and it was coming from someone who minded their own business.
" Soo. . .you are in class A, right? Since we are both heading to art class. "
You briefly glanced at him before looking forward so you couldn't tell his expression, you also sort of thought he would just ignore your question like before.
" Guess so."
You let a hum. " if so, how come haven't I seen you in class yesterday? I thought you were in the other one."
a pause " I sit in the back" he answered simply not allowing much room to conversation.
" Ah, that must be it then." You sat with your friends in front rows so perhaps you didn't notice him or he might have wanted to be unseen by people.
"But I thought they would make you introduce yourself to class or whatever." You added, turning right with him behind you.
were you pushing your luck to stretch your chatting with him? not really, you were tired and if you didn't talk about anything, your mind would start to doze off into it daydreaming  phase and you would end up unfocused in your class.
It was bad enough you didn't have your morning coffee.
" dunno about that . ."
and it ended as that, you two continued striding to class in silence.
When you reached the door you checked your wristwatch.
"Welp, luckily we are only 7 minutes late! "
a subtle nod from him.
You waved at the boy, turning the knob with a smile on your face.
" Alright, see ya later Burrito boy."
he frowned at you, lifting a brow.
" Burrito boy? "
You chuckled. " You didn't tell me your name yesterday, so yeah, Burrito boy for now." You started to turn the knob.
he rolled his eyes. " I ain't some 'Burrito boy' , stop that "
You ignored his comment walking into the room and turning to him last time with a wide smile.
"See ya!" and then you were gone to a seat besides your friends, leaving him standing like an idiot in the doorway.
His mouth stayed opened then it closed, realizing it was too late to response to you now.
"chica rara" [weird girl.] He mumbled under his breath looking for his seat.
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for the past few weeks, the strange boy (who you later knew as Miles G. Morales) had made a reputation of himself in class, the quiet mysterious kid. Which wasn't a huge surprise seeing how he was hardly approachable.
He was also an A kind of student which was a surprise, his popularity even existed because of his degrees. especially in Spanish class.
Did he stayed loner like those cheap edgy teenage boys in classic highschool shows? Nope, he did make friends, some of his own.
Their vibes were different from him, I mean, they were louder, more chaotic and energetic than Miles. it was weird how he managed to get along with them though maybe because of his great grades that they needed his help.
he perhaps had one or two who matched his energy but nothing else.
you would sometimes meet Miles in your class or in the halls, and you would always greet him even when it wasn't returned, sometimes at least.
Your friend, Pacifica still teased you on your flirting with such an 'annoying brat' and commented how you had other options than him, to which you would roll your eyes and would deny, changing the subject.
There had been unjustified rumors growing in school about him that you of course did not believe.
There was that one time when a student didn't mind his own business and kept nagging the boy to do his homework in exchange of money to which he rightfully declined to till that student started to get overly pushy, Miles lost it when the student mentioned bad shit about his mother and beat the crap out of him and because of that rumors had began to spread about him. What made people wary of him more though was the huge size difference between Miles and the big student and yet he managed to knock him out.(You were absent that day because of your sickness, so you didn't see it, just hearing all about it from your friends )
He might have been an A student but that didn't mean people could be merciful. He didn't seem to try fight against them though, since he really didn't care.
You did respect that in him, how he barely gave a single shit though you wished he would try a bit to clean his picture, once people start to talk they won't shut up.
You should had known better to stick to your business since that boy's problem wasn't yours and he wasn't even your friend, yet you took it upon yourself when you heard some douchbags spitting shit about the kid in the halls.
They were snickering and adding some of the worst and annoying comments possible, about him, his family who they didn't meet and going even far to being straight up racist. Miles wasn't that far, he could hear them but you thought if he did he didn't care.
He was sitting on the floor Infront the locker, sketching some stuff in his sketch book. while he sat their enjoying his time on floor you were glaring at those two who wouldn't shut up, you had stopped in your track the moment you heard the N-word being said by one of them.
Again, it wasn't your business, yet you stood and listened to what they were whispering. 'it wasn't your business' you kept telling yourself. If he didn't mind it then neither should you, you can just walk away and ignore their comments. They weren't even thrown at you.
You could just ignore and continue with your day, right?
but you couldn't stop your feet from moving toward them, having your chin high and a scowl on your face.
" Hey! Instead of saying some stupid untrue shit about someone why don't you mind your business?" You made sure your voice was loud enough to grab their attention.
which it did. They turned their head to you,  their cruel smile fading into a confused frown. they stared at you for a bit. (Unknowingly to you, Miles did too)
" why don't you mind your own business?" One of them sneered. "we aren't even talking about you."
You rolled your eyes and crossed your arms. " Wow thanks. Still doesn't make a difference." You kept your stare as intense as possible even when you were starting to feel nervous, you didn't let it show on your face thankfully.
plus, you were surrounded by students so they wouldn't try to do anything to you even if they wanted to.
"You can't just spat none sense about someone, didn't your moms teach you better?"
one of the boys rolled their eyes back at you.
" Why so offended? Is he your  dearly boyfriend or something? Cause if so go kiss his ass instead of bossing around like a bitch. "
This caught you off guard, your eyes widen at him. They started sneakering again with one of them giving the other high five.
You felt your face heat up from embarrassment and rage, you bit on your lip and clenched your fists trying to compose your reaction. You exhaled deeply to calm your nerves.
Miles had his eyebrow lift slightly at you.
" No, he isn't my boyfriend. but he is my friend and I would like for you both to shut the fuck up about him. "
Was he really your friend? Big nope, you knew his name just weeks ago and perhaps with other things but that was besides the point now.
You could say you answered with that for the sake of argument and to be convincing, to yourself more as well. You wished that perhaps that would brush these idiots off but it didn't, if more, they looked intrigued.
" Oh? And what if we didn't, what will you do?" the dark haired one said, taking a step forward toward you with a unsettling smirk on his face.
Your eyes widen though You forced your body to stay still, frowning even more. " We-ell, w-wouldn't you like to know? "  your voice started to lower to your disadvantage.
'crap I stuttered! and I should have sounded more intimidating, why am I NOT sounding intimidating enough?!'
The taller boy took another step, his friend following suit. you started to panic inside your mind. What should you do?!
" Oh we would pretty much like to know." Said the other one, smirking as well, he suddenly reached his hand to brush your hair.
You jumped taking a step back.
" S-stop that! I am warning you."
but they were unfazed and kept walking toward you, while you took steps back. The people surrounding you didn't notice this interaction, and even when you put your trust on them to save you when you call for help, your pride prevented you.
You still kept glaring at them, perhaps it would have given them the impression that you were not playing around. The same guy who touched your hair stretched his hand to do it again, rubbing your shoulder and keeping you on hold so you couldn't walk further.
"Warning us? You are so adorable darling." The dark haired one said as he started to brush your hair with you trying to shake their hand off.
You slapped one of their hands " Stop it! Or. . Or–"
"Or what princess? What are you going to do? " The shorter one repeated, smirking.
" This. "
Your eyes went wide as you watched someone step Infront you, covering your whole figure behind their back. They held the boy's hand away from your shoulder, squeezing it in force till it hurt.
You heard the boy whine, trying to break free and with no vain. His friend acted on the spot, sending a punish to the boy standing Infront of you, only for his fist to be clutched with his other hand like it was nothing, he twisted the boy's hand, making him bend Infront him in pain.
Miles still had his back to you, as you kept watching surprised how he singlehandedly took them both.
" If ya wanna start a problem, then do it with me. Leave her out of it."  He twisted the other's hand, forcing him to join the floor with his friend. some people passing by started to gaze at the scene, shocked as you were.
" Understood? " His voice though quiet, was sharp and clear. your heart was pounding as you finally let out a breath knowing you were safe now.
No answer from them and so Miles twisted their hands even more.
" Ow ow ow yes! Yes! Understood!! Leave us please!"
" Ouchh! Ouch–yeah, leave her alone got it! Let go now!"
and so he did, standing firm, having his sharp gaze on them. They backed away immediately rubbing their sore wrists.
" You are a freak!! "
" The hell is wrong with you, piece of shit?!"
" If ya believe am that dangerous or sum shit of what yo sayin then ya better be scared and stay. Away." He sneered at them before his intense gaze turned at you, they soften but you didn't notice.
too busy realizing what the hell just happened. You heard him mumble 'you okay?' to which it took a while from you to nod your head. You yelped when he suddenly dragged your arm along with him.
"Com'on we gotta go " he said so casually like he wasn't dragging a person with him.
" Wait wait– we are away now, you can let go!" You tried to break free but you couldn't, his grip was hella firm!
" estúpida, what were you thinkin? You could have just went on your way." [Idiot ] you heard him say under his breath, he even sounded annoyed for some reason.
You sighed as you just let him drag you to the end of the hall as he let go of you, turning to frown at you.
"It wasn't your business"
"Neither were theirs? someone had to do something, you had to do something! " You too started frowning, you didn't know why but it started to frustrate you how lightly he was taking the situation of people talking shit about him. Was he not bothered?
"They keep spitting nonsense about you! And you just. . Just stand there and act like it's nothing, doesn't it bug you even for a little?" You were crossing your arms, your voice turned soft at the end as you stared at him, sadly.
Miles had his eyes narrowed at you. " why do you care? Why acting like it's your problem?" He was confused by your question. as you just stared at him, not knowing how to answer.
Days ago, while you were taking a different route home with your friend you saw a familiar face painted on the walls of New York, the cop Jefferson Davis's face. You had knew of him from your father's friend who was a cop as well.
the cop used to show your father and you his photos with the guy and other co-workers at work.
the day of his death, he spoke so highly of him and how he sacrificed himself for so many people, you didn't know the guy deeply but thought of him as a hero.
While they were showing the dead victims faces on TV, he was among them. you felt kind of sad but didn't think much of it back then.
So when you saw his face again something pulled your curiosity to ask more about this guy, especially of how he reminded you of someone though you weren't sure of that theory.
when you went back home that weekend, you called your father's friend, Joshua, asking him to tell you more about Jeff and it turned out that he was from Morales family, to your shock and fear however he was Miles's father.
From that day you saw the boy in a different light, hence why you stopped calling him 'Burrito boy', you began to understand him more even when you two hardly spoke to each other. Though you began to understand through his behaviour and actions of why he was doing it.
one thing you still didn't understand was why he didn't fight for his reputation.
" So?" He asked, kind of impatiently.
You inhaled and exhaled loudly.
"Listen, Miles. . .we maybe don't speak a lot but I see you as a good person and it kind of annoys me how you won't bother to prove it to anyone else," You bit your lips at his blank expression, brushing through your hair you sighed again. 'this is so stupid'
why were your chest tightening, you weren't even confessing to him!
"I know it isn't my place to speak and it is indeed not my business, but could you at least try? Please." His eyes widen a bit as you both stared at each other, till he broke your gaze, staring besides him instead.
He clicked his tongue rubbing his eyes. " Hablas en Serio ? " [are you serious?] He couldn't believe you were asking him to defend himself a little, why were you that interested about his problem?
" If I do,would you stop standing up for me?"
You blinked, taken a back by this.
" huh? What do you mean?"
Miles smirked, to your surprise. " Ya think I am blind and don't see all that ya doing behind my back?"
the beats of your heart sped up again, as your face started to heat up, you opened your mouth multiple times then closing them like a fish.
" Yo–you. . .you noticed??" Miles smirked more. his amussing expressions were surprising you that It was hard to look away.
"You ain't that silk, ' cerebro grande' " [ 'big brain'. ]
okay now that you are talking with him, he kept speaking in Spanish, was that his native language or something? also what?
The bell rang when you opened your mouth to say something, he turned on his heels passing you before you could utter a world. his confidence and mysterious behaviour drawn your attention, you couldn't understand how a quiet kid could show such power with simple words and acts.
" Later, niña " [ little girl] you heard him mumble still smirking.
You were left there like an idiot, staring at him  bewildered and surprised, your hands clasped on the straps of your cross bag.
Miles sly smirk turned into a simple smile as he remembered your confidence when you stood up for him, he didn't like to have you involved in those situations, of course.
He may have not said it, but you were right, he should at least try stand for himself and stop those rumors from spreading even when they were going to anyway. He knew how to be witty and clever with his responses, he just didn't care.
yet since you became in the picture, he would reconsider to let himself be heard. If it meant to push you away from trouble.
Was he worried about you? well, you seemed to be stubborn and someone had to stop you before you hurt yourself.
He didn't know much about you but from your actions he could tell it wasn't new for you to stand up for someone, he did see you do it multiple times now.
he wasn't the type to focus on someone but your case was an exception.
Miles felt those following weeks were going to be interesting.
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this beautiful divider is done by @silkholland
Go check the rest of their dividers, here.
@catherinekisser @ueexj
@cvqidd @akira-ri00
@axeoverblade @gwennesy
-Don't forget to comment if you liked the part!
Till next time
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weirdo09 · 1 year
pobre bebé
a widowed! jefferson davis/morales x top!fem!black/afro latina reader fic
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requested by @rashadwearsakeema
hinted sexual tension
eventual heated make out session
possible smut(if i feel like writing it)
miles is briefly mentioned
reader is of age
again possible smut
if any of these make you uncomfortable or whatever, don’t read or hate read
ever since rio died a few months ago, jefferson just felt this hole inside him, waiting to be filled. shocking that the one to fill it would be you.
it all started when jefferson decided to go to one of rio’s favorite bodega’s around the corner. there he saw you behind the counter. “hey, jeff, what brings ya here today?” you asked, he and you had talked briefly before rio’s death, she was like a sister to you. “oh, uh just to get a few things is all.” jefferson said, you nodded at him.
embarrassingly enough, jefferson had a little crush on you. scratch the little, he had a huge crush. he loved everything about you but it sometimes reminded him of rio so he got sad again.
unknowingly, you found yourself staring at the newly widowed man. you felt sympathy for him, it mustn’t have been easy losing her. your mind started to wander and by the time you came back to reality, jeff had already been to the register.
“that all for you, jeff?” you asked, he nodded pulling out his wallet before you stopped him. “don’t bother, it’s on the house.” you said, jeff chuckled. “no, i’ll pay.” he insisted. you looked into his eyes, “don’t bother, papito.” you said, jeff sighed. ‘that did not just turn me on.’ he thought as he grabbed his bags and walked bye. you smiled to yourself, ‘he’s kinda cute.’ you thought before scolding yourself.
for the next few weeks, jefferson frequently popped up in the store. after mustering up the courage, you decided to ask him out. “hey, jeff?” you asked, he turned his attention to you. “yeah, [y/n]?” he said, you sighed before saying, “how would you like to go out with me this evening?” you asked, waiting patiently for his response. the two of you sat in silence for a while before jefferson said, “sure, what time?” he asked, you smiled. “i’ll text you, be ready i’mma pick you up.” you said, he nodded. you two exchanged goodbyes. “gotta get home.” you whispered to yourself, locking up and leaving.
as soon as you got home, you put on your feelin hot playlist. the first thing you decided to focus on was the outfit.
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^ this is the dress you picked out
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^ alternative option if you don’t like wearing dresses
now that you have picked out an outfit, next was hair. you quite liked your natural head of curls so you decided to do a ‘fro. all that was left was makeup, you wanted to go with a natural look so you just put a nice brown lipstick on. as you finished getting ready, you checked the time. ‘6:00’ you read. you went into your messages and went to text jefferson.
convo — texting
you - hey, i’mma get you in a few, be there in 30
papi 🫶🏾 - ok, see you then
you - see you then 💕
you smiled at your phone as you headed to your car. jefferson, on the other hand, was freaking out. “goddamn… what am i doing?” he cursed to himself. miles walked into his room, “hey, dad, you look nice, goin out?” he asked, jefferson looked at his son with a smile. “yeah.” he replied, miles smiled back. “just remember, mami would want you to be happy.” he said before leaving the room.
like you said, 30 minutes later, you arrived at their apartment. after walking up the steps, you knocked on the door. “miles, get the door!” you heard jefferson shout. miles opened the door, “he’ll be out in a minute.” he said, you smiled. “miles, right? your dad talks a lot about you.” you asked, miles nodded. after a few minutes, jefferson came out to the living room. “look who it is.” you said, jefferson cheesed. “you look beautiful, jeff, wanna get out of here?” you asked, he nodded. the two of you said goodbye to miles and went on.
after dinner, you asked if he liked to come over to your place. “i’ll tell miles real quick.” jefferson said. after that, you two left the restaurant and make way to your place. when you guys got there, jefferson took a sit on your couch. “what’s bothering you, papi?” you asked him, taking a sit next to him.
“it’s just-.” he began to say before he stopped himself. jefferson lowly sniffed before continuing, “it’s my first date after rio and i know she’d love the fact that i managed to find someone after her but it feels like i’m betraying her.” jefferson said, you looked sympathetic for him. “if you wanna go home, i’ll take you, we can go slow.” you reassured, jefferson looked at you. “no, it’s fine, it just feels weird without her.” he whispered. you pulled jefferson into your lap, he looked surprised.
you stared at each other before you broke the silence. “can i kiss you, papi?” you asked. “god yes.” he replied and just like that, your lips smashed together. it felt long overdue, like this kiss was for coming. you continued to kiss while you pulled on jefferson’s tie. “take it off from me, baby.” you said, he wasted no time. he threw it on the ground and you two resumed to kissing. breaking up for air, you traveled down to his neck. you bite and suckled, jefferson moaned happily. you smirked, biting further to form a hickey. you suddenly stopped and jefferson whined. “wanna take this to the bedroom, baby?” you asked, “yes…” jefferson said, breathlessly.
SMUT ALERT ‼️ proceed with caution, this is my first time writing it
as you went to the bedroom, you laid jefferson onto of the bed. “strip for me, baby. i wanna see your body, cariño.” you whispered in his ear, he shivered. as jefferson stripped, you couldn’t help but stare. once he was fully naked, you kissed him slowly, pushing him down on the mattress. you broke apart and made your way jefferson’s body with kisses. as you made way down to his pussy, you noticed that jeff kept his legs closed. “abre tus piernas para mi, bebé.” you asked sweetly, jefferson kept them closed. “por favor?” you whispered, he opened them up. “ah, papi, look at that pretty pussy. you was tryna hide this beautiful thing from me?” you said, jefferson shook his head. “words, please.” “no..” he replied, you smirked before diving into his pussy.
jefferson moaned as your tongue made its way in his folds. his pussy tasted like pure heaven. you licked faster, the more he moaned. “don’t stop, please!” he grunted out, you smiled against his folds. he stared at you, gasping. you stopped to insert a finger into his folds, his head fell back. “you okay, papi?” you asked, pulling your pointer finger up along his folds. “yes, yes, p-put another finger in.” jefferson asked, eyes rolling. doing as he asked, you inserted another finger. “nghh..” he groaned softly, “making these pretty noises for me, god bless.” you whispered, going in and out. “ya ready for my cock, baby boy?” you asked, “y-yea.” jefferson said, breathlessly. “alrigh’, i’mma pull my fingers out, you ready?” you said, looking for consent. jefferson nodded, you pulled ‘em out slowly.
you took off your shirt and your pants. jefferson held his breathe, you kissed him hungrily. your tongue explored his mouth, he groaned softly, grinding on your cock. you took that as a sign that he wanted it. you pulled off your boxers, jefferson stared. “you ready, cariño?” you asked, jefferson nodded rapidly. you lined your tip along the entrance then slowly slide inside his folds. “you good, papi?” you asked, he nodded, lost within the feeling of your cock inside him. “you take my cock so well, cariño. your fat pussy was made for me, huh?” you praised, your cock now fully inside jeff’s pussy. “y-y-yes! move, please.” jefferson stuttered out. you looked down to jefferson’s belly, there was a large bugle outlining it.
you began to thrust into his pussy, slowly picking up the pace. “faster, f-faster..” jefferson said, breathless. his glasses fell off his face and his forehead was covered in sweat. you thrusted faster, the both of you moaned. jefferson wiggled slightly, “mhmm…” he moaned, you quickened the pace. “cum for me, baby boy, i know you’re close.” you said sweetly, jefferson shivered before finally cumming. he groaned loudly and his head fell onto the pillow below him. “you did so well for me.” you whispered, smiled at the sight in front of you. you placed a hand on jefferson’s cheek, he lend to the touch.
after a bit, you pulled out of jefferson’s food and licked up the leftover cum on his thighs. you trailed hickeys along his inner thighs, jefferson had long since knocked out. “pobre bebé..” you whispered, kissing jeffersons cheek before pulling him close to you. “buenas noches, cariño.”
translations -
papi - daddy
cariño - dear
por favor - please
pobre bebé - poor baby
buenas noches, cariño - good night, dear
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chocolateghxst · 11 months
➴ morales family ➶
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★ 𝗺𝗶𝗹𝗲𝘀 𝗺𝗼𝗿𝗮𝗹𝗲𝘀 ★
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★ 𝗿𝗶𝗼 𝗺𝗼𝗿𝗮𝗹𝗲𝘀★
↳ ɴᴏᴛʜɪɴɢ ʜᴇʀᴇ ʏᴇᴛ...
★ 𝗷𝗲𝗳𝗳𝗲𝗿𝘀𝗼𝗻 𝗺𝗼𝗿𝗮𝗹𝗲𝘀 ★
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★ 𝗮𝗮𝗿𝗼𝗻 𝗱𝗮𝘃𝗶𝘀 ★
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☆ 42! 𝗺𝗶𝗹𝗲𝘀 𝗴. 𝗺𝗼𝗿𝗮𝗹𝗲𝘀 ☆
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☆ 42! 𝗿𝗶𝗼 𝗺𝗼𝗿𝗮𝗹𝗲𝘀 ☆
↳ ɴᴏᴛʜɪɴɢ ʜᴇʀᴇ ʏᴇᴛ...
☆ 42! 𝗮𝗮𝗿𝗼𝗻 𝗱𝗮𝘃𝗶𝘀 ☆
↳ ɴᴏᴛʜɪɴɢ ʜᴇʀᴇ ʏᴇᴛ...
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zapreportsblog · 1 year
A Daddy-Daughter Date
➥ summary: no matter how old his daughter gets, she’ll always be a daddy’s girl
➥ a/n: this may sound like the beginning of some flirty smut but trust me it ain’t lol
➥ pure fluff
➥ one shot
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Miles Morales and his younger sister, (Y/n), shared a special bond. While Miles was often the one who found himself in the spotlight, (Y/n) was content to be a daddy's girl, cherishing the moments she spent with their father. Despite being a teenager, she didn't shy away from the cherished daddy-daughter dates that brought her immense joy and comfort.
One sunny Saturday morning, Miles and (Y/n)'s father, Jefferson, came into (Y/n)'s room with a wide smile on his face. "Hey, sweetheart, it's our special day. How about a daddy-daughter date?" he asked, his eyes twinkling with anticipation.
(Y/n) beamed at the invitation, her heart filling with excitement. "I'd love that, Dad!" she replied, her voice brimming with enthusiasm.
The two made their way to the local park, hand in hand, enjoying the warmth of the sun on their faces. They strolled along the path, the sound of laughter and birdsong filling the air. The park was alive with families and friends enjoying their weekend.
(Y/n) glanced up at her father, admiration shining in her eyes. "Dad, do you remember when we used to do this all the time?" she asked, a nostalgic smile playing on her lips.
Jefferson nodded, his gaze filled with love and nostalgia. "Of course, (Y/n). Those were some of the best moments of my life," he replied, his voice tinged with sentiment.
They found a cozy spot under a large oak tree and spread out a blanket. Jefferson unpacked a picnic basket, revealing an assortment of sandwiches, fruit, and homemade lemonade. The simple act of sharing a meal together brought them closer, their laughter filling the air.
As they ate, (Y/n) couldn't help but marvel at her father's wisdom and warmth. She admired his unwavering support and the way he encouraged her to be true to herself. She cherished the moments they spent together, unafraid to show her love and admiration for her dad.
After their meal, Jefferson pulled out a small notebook and pencil. "Let's play a game, (Y/n). We'll take turns writing down things we appreciate about each other," he suggested, a mischievous smile on his face.
(Y/n) laughed, her eyes lighting up with excitement. "That sounds fun, Dad. You start," she said, handing him the notebook.
Jefferson took a moment to think before writing down his first entry. He passed the notebook to (Y/n), who eagerly read his words of appreciation. Her eyes welled up with tears as she realized the depth of her father's love for her.
As they continued the game, their words flowed freely, each entry a testament to their bond and the admiration they held for each other. The notebook became a treasure trove of memories and affirmations, capturing the essence of their relationship.
Hours passed as they enjoyed each other's company, sharing stories, dreams, and laughter. They played games, took leisurely walks, and even enjoyed a friendly race through the park. In those moments, Miles and his superhero alter-ego seemed distant as (Y/n) and Jefferson reveled in the simplicity and authenticity of their connection.
As the sun began to set, painting the sky with hues of orange and pink, (Y/n) and Jefferson made their way back home. They walked hand in hand, their hearts filled with a sense of contentment and love.
As they approached their front door, (Y/n) turned to her father, a genuine smile on her face. "Thank you, Dad, for today. I don't care if I'm a teenager; these moments mean the world to me," she expressed, her voice filled with sincerity.
Jefferson's eyes sparkled with emotion as he pulled (Y/n) into a tight embrace. "You're my precious girl, (Y/n), no matter how old you get. Our daddy-daughter dates will always be special," he replied, his voice filled with love and warmth.
In that embrace, (Y/n) knew that her father's love was unwavering, a guiding light in her life. She treasured their daddy-daughter dates and the memories they created, knowing that their bond would forever be unbreakable.
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xxoxobree · 10 months
My Daughter
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Dad!Aaron Davis x Daughter!Reader
WARNINGS: Nothing Really! Enjoy
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Every single day, without fail, your life followed the same routine. And guess what? Today was no different! As the sun rudely forced its way through the curtains, slapping its glow onto your peaceful face, three obnoxious knocks echoed through your entire house. You didn't even need to use your brain to figure out who was behind that door. Nope, your dad's unmistakable twist of the doorknob gave it away, as always!
"Get up sunshine, it's 7:30,"
A groan left your throat. You went to sleep late, so getting up sounded like the end of the world.
"Y/n Davis, NOW!" your dad said in his authoritative tone.
"Daddy, please!" you tried to reason, but he had sealed your fate by closing the door.
With an eye roll, you dragged yourself out of bed and stumbled towards the bathroom.
The school day awaited, whether you liked it or not.
Slapping your backpack onto your shoulder, you made your way to the kitchen, where your dad was eagerly waiting.
"Voila!" he said, sliding a bowl of oatmeal your way.
You stared at the bowl with a disgusted expression. Aaron Davis, a master of many talents, but cooking was not one of them.
"No thanks, Dad," you said, swiftly pushing the bowl aside.
His hands shot up. "What's wrong with it?"
"I have zero appetite, Dad," you replied, grabbing your phone and checking your messages to avoid further discussion.
"Fine, whatever, kid," your dad huffed, reaching into his wallet and slipping a crisp ten-dollar bill into your hand. "Let's hit the road before you're late."
Quick as lightning, you took the money, stuffing it into your pocket, and followed your dad out the door, down the steps.
"Here." Your dad said, handing you a helmet as he put on his and jumped on his motorcycle.
"Daddy, do I have to?" You whined, stomping your feet. "It's going to ruin my hair."
Aaron didn't say anything, but his glare spoke a thousand words, mainly that you should put on the helmet and now. So, resentfully, you did just that, jumping on behind him and clasping your hands around his waist.
You always loved the morning rides with your dad. Other than it being badass that you got to school by motorcycle, you loved the feeling of being close to your dad, the wind hitting your skin. It was nice; it was one of the only times you got to spend with your dad since he was always "working."
He pulled up to Brooklyn Visions with a screech of his tires. You took off the helmet that was squeezing your head handing him it. Just as you were about to get off, your uncle Jeff pulled up in his police cruiser with a flash of his lights, Miles in the back.
You watched as the two brothers glared at each other. The tensions were always high when they were near each other, and it was exhausting for both you and Miles alike. You hopped off the bike with a sigh, "See you later, Dad," you said, giving him a hug.
You waved at your uncle Jeff, giving him a small smile as you waited for Miles to get out of the car. He waved back at you, concern written all over his face. You knew your uncle Jeff loved you, and you loved him, but he could be quite overbearing, especially when it came to your father. Your relationship with him was complicated, to say the least.
You dapped up Miles with a smile before diving in, giving him a big hug. To say you loved your cousin was an understatement; he was basically your best friend, your brother.
"Yo, get off me," Miles said with a laugh, pushing you off of him. Seeing you and Miles interact always brought a smile to Aaron and Jeff's face, and they dreaded even the thought of you two ending up like them, estranged.
The dreaded school day was finally over, and as the sun began to set , you and Miles began to make your way through the busy streets of Brooklyn towards his home. This was a familiar routine, as you found yourself at Miles' house every day since your dad couldn't be at home with you.
"Is your dad gonna be home?" you asked, throwing your head back in frustration. The last thing you needed right now was an interrogation from your uncle about your dad. In your eyes, your father was the best father ever, and your uncle's issues shouldn't have to be your problem.
"Uh, probably. Why?" Miles said, sensing your anxiety.
"Miles, he asks me a thousand questions every day about my dad. I just don't want to deal with it," you said, defeat tainting your voice as you dropped your head.
Miles felt for you deeply. He knew more about Uncle Aaron and why his dad was so overbearing , but he couldn't bring himself to tell you. It would shatter you.
Reaching the front door, Miles pulled out his key and unlocked it, pushing it open. "Hola Mami, Dad," he greeted, waving to his parents who stood in the kitchen.
"Hey, Aunty Rio," you said, trying to walk past them and into Miles' room, but you were stopped by Jeff calling your name.
You sighed, reluctantly turning to face him. "Hey, Uncle Jeff," you said, avoiding his gaze
"Hey, kid, are you okay?" Jeff asked. He grabbed you by the shoulders and spun you around, trying to assess your physical -being.
"I'm fine, Uncle Jeff," you reassured him.
"Jeff, leave her alone," Rio interjected, coming over to give you a warm hug and a kiss on your cheeks. Rio had always been like a mother figure to you, especially since your mom passed away when you were just seven.
"Go on and get some homework done, and you and Miles, no goofing off," Rio instructed, a mix of love and authority in her voice.
"Okay," you said, scurrying as fast as you could to Miles' room.
Jeff let out a sigh, leaning back against the kitchen counter. "He shouldn't have her, Rio. He's barely around."
"There's nothing we can do, Jeff," Rio replied, shrugging her shoulders. "He won't give us custody."
"He's going to put her in danger, my innocent niece, just because he doesn't want to give up his lifestyle," Jeff voiced his worries, rubbing his temples in an attempt to calm himself.
Rio placed a comforting hand on Jeff's shoulder. "Maybe we can try and talk to him again when he comes later," she suggested, a glimmer of hope in her eyes.
Jeff nodded, silently agreeing with Rio, but the weight of uncertainty and concern for your well-being remained heavy in the air.
12pm, Aaron made his way up the steps, giving his signature three knocks on the door. It almost immediately opened, revealing Jeff with a look of disapproval on his face. Aaron shook his head, letting out a breath.
"Is Y/n ready? It's late, I want to get her home," Aaron said anxiously.
"You should come in, Aaron," Jeff responded, stepping to the side to let him in. Aaron knew where this was going to lead, but he stepped inside anyway.
"Look, man, I just want my daughter," Aaron pleaded, trying to de-escalate the situation.
"You're barely there for her, Aaron. Just give us custody," Jeff responded , folding his arms.
"Jeff, I'm not having this conversation with you. I just came for my daughter," Aaron said, tightening his jaw.
"Aaron, it's 12pm, and you're just picking her up. She has school tomorrow. She's over here every day for hours because you can't give up your lifestyle for your own daughter," Jeff accused, his voice growing louder with every word.
"Jeff, you do not get to tell me what to do with my daughter. She's MY daughter," Aaron said, stepping closer to Jeff and pointing.
"She's the only person I have left. You won't even talk to me unless it's about taking her away from me," Aaron added, frustration evident in his voice.
"You're gonna get her killed, Aaron!" Jeff shouted at the top of his lungs, waking up You, Miles and Rio in the process.
"You Won't Even Give Up Your Life of Crime for Her," Jeff said, his words echoing through the room. The silence that followed was deafening.
Aaron let out a heavy sigh as he looked down, his eyes brimming with tears. He couldn't deny that Jeff was right; he wouldn't even consider giving up his dangerous lifestyle for you. The weight of his choices and the impact on your life weighed heavily on him.
Collapsing onto a nearby chair, Aaron wiped away the tears that now streamed down his face. "You're right, Jeff," he admitted with a heavy heart. "Maybe it is safer for her with you and Rio."
The words hit you like a sledgehammer to the chest. Hearing your own father suggest that he would abandon you shattered your heart into a million pieces. How could he even consider giving up on you?
"Come on, y/n," Miles, pleaded as he tried to pull you away from the closed door, hoping to shield you from the painful conversation. But you shook him off,opening the door to confront your father and face the truth head-on.
The door creaked open, drawing the attention of both Aaron and Jeff. Their eyes met yours, filled with tears that seemed to have no end. Aaron felt something deep inside him break at the realization that he had failed the one person he cared for.
"Hey, babygirl," Aaron whispered, his voice strained with regret. He took a step forward, reaching out to offer you a comforting hug, but you didn't accept it. His heart sank further as he watched the tears continue to cascade down your face, your bottom lip trembling with raw emotion. The pain in your eyes mirrored his own.
Struggling to find your voice, you fought against an invisible boulder lodged in your throat.
"Are you really going to give me up, daddy?"
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Copyright © 2023 xxoxobree. All rights reserved.
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motherlvr · 1 year
love me better, listen more.
wc: 3.2k
Pairing: Earth-42! Miles Morales x f! reader
Summary: After Miles' father died, everything changed. Including your relationship with Miles.
Warnings: angst w/ happy ending, cursing, friends to strangers to lovers, angry makeout session, Flash Thompson exists here
A/N: honestly my fav fic i've made so far, im literally running out of photos for him. im gunna have to start using photos of his jordans
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As you walked home, an arm wrapped around your shoulders from behind, "¿Cómo está mi ángel hoy?" Miles’ voice flowed through your ears.
He called you his, but you weren't lovers.
You were slightly startled but immediately recognized him. Letting out a soft chuckle, you said, “Your ángel, huh? That’s a new one.” smiling up at him.
"It suits you." Miles gave you a wink.
Usually, he called you 'ma'. So his switch-up today made you narrow your eyes at him skeptically. "What's with the good mood today? No 'ma'?" You tilted your head at him.
Shrugging it off, he said, "What, I can't be happy to see my girl?" He had a point, except for the fact that you weren't his girl.
You laughed and shook your head at him, "By all means, go ahead." As he accompanied you on your way home, you realized he made your walk home much more pleasant. Arriving at your house, you told him "This is me. Thanks for walking me today." You gave him a light peck on his cheek.
"Course. Make sure to wear that outfit I like tomorrow, mami." He teased with a grin, only half serious.
Rolling your eyes at him, you smiled, "You're insufferable. Adiós, Miles!" You waved as you walked up to your doorstep.
"Chao, princesa." Walking away, his mood felt lighter. He walked home with a little more liveliness than usual.
For reasons unknown, Miles walking you home was becoming a reoccurring event. Within the next few weeks, he walked you home more often than not. You started to look forward to it as you searched for him after school.
As you both walked down the street of your neighborhood for what seemed to be the hundredth time, you approached your house. As you both stood in front of your house, you turned to him and said, "Thanks for walking me home, Miles." You placed a kiss on his cheek. It seemed to be turning into a daily routine now.
"Anytime, princesa. Hasta luego." He smirked at you and watched you walk into your house before leaving.
Little did you know, that would be the last time he walked you home in a while.
Later that evening, you kicked your feet up on your couch and turned on the television. The first channel that popped up was the news channel. Reading the headline, your heart dropped into your stomach. It read,
"Police Captain Jefferson Davis Found Dead At 44.”
"Holy shit." You gasped. In an instant, you dropped the remote and tried to contact Miles. You tried calling but were sent immediately to voicemail. So you opted to text him, "I'm so sorry, Miles. I'm always here if you need to talk."
You left him multiple messages that night to no avail. The following day at school, you tried to scout him out in the halls. But he was never there. You would call if you thought he would answer.
Miles and you always confided in each other. There was a mutual trust between the two of you. However, within less than twenty-four hours, Miles' demeanor completely changed.
Leaving him another message after school, you said, "Where have you been? I'm worried, Miles. But you know that already. Sorry for the messages."
No response yet again. He didn't even bother to read it.
Weeks passed by with little to no contact from Miles. He seemed to entirely disappear. Your concern only grew for him. You haven't even seen him in the hallways at school. There was no denying it, you were starting to miss him.
Although, today was a new day. And for the first time in what felt like a century, you saw him in the hall. He looked a fright. There were new frown lines on his face that weren't there before. He looked slimmer, even. His smug smirk that would always adorn his face around you was no longer present. Your eyes lit up at the sight of him nonetheless. Jogging up to him, you called out.
"Miles, wait." You softly said as you delicately grabbed his arm, not to startle him. He paused, looking back but not into your eyes. He shook your grip off, never making eye contact with you. "I just need some time, alright?" He told you. But what does 'some time' entail? What if he just didn't want anything to do with you in general?
He walked away and didn’t look back.
You felt your heart break into two as you watched him fade away from your view. It broke for both him and you. Seeing him like this pained you. But at the same time, your heart ached as he pushed you away in the process.
Yet, you granted him his wish. You stopped looking for him in the hall. You stopped trying to message him. You stopped leaving voicemails. Maybe if you gave him some time, things would smooth out. Grief is a long process, after all. You couldn't blame him for grieving.
Weeks turned into months without any contact from Miles. And it didn't seem like he was going to break that any time soon.
You fell back into your old routine, the one where you'd never met Miles. He was merely a stranger that you thought too often about. You walked home without him next to you. And into class alone as well. You no longer looked forward to walking with him at the end of the day. The walks home were infuriatingly quiet.
Every day you arrived at your doorstep but never felt at home. You had a home, and he was it.
While you were getting books out of your locker, an arm slung around your shoulders. An almost familiar sensation. But it wasn't him. Far from him, actually.
Instead, it was no one other than Flash Thompson. His notorious blond hair and conceited attitude were tell-tale signs. You could almost smell the arrogance radiating off of him before you even acknowledged his presence.
"How are you, gorgeous?" He removed his arm from your shoulders to close your locker. Leaning his arm onto the locker above your head, he encased you on your locker with your back against it.
"I'm fine." You dryly responded, uninterested in his pursuits.
"That you are." He gave you a predatory smirk and winked at you. You mentally grimaced. "Anyway. You still with that Morales kid?"
Raising a brow at him, you respond, "We were never together.”
"Huh. He's always by your side, like an over-protective guard dog. So I assumed." Flash said. He wasn’t necessarily wrong. But that wasn't the case anymore. It hasn't been for some time.
This was one of the many times Flash had tried his advances on you. However, it never worked to his intentions since Miles was always there to tell him off. This time was different. Miles was nowhere in sight. At least, within your sight. Meaning Flash had an open opportunity with you. There was no Miles around to try and bite his head off.
"Yeah, well. Not anymore." You muttered. Suddenly feeling awkward, you directed your stare anywhere other than Flash's hungry gaze. An uncomfortable cold shiver ran down your spine.
Flash leaned in, his fingers pushing a strand of your hair away from your face. Whispering in your ear, he told you, "That's too bad. I could treat you better than him, though. He doesn't have to know, baby.”
You looked up at him and tried to hide the disgust that was forming on your face. But, hey. Maybe this was a blessing in disguise, you tried to convince yourself. This was a chance to get over Miles. His hold on you was ridiculous, considering you were never actually together. You weren’t going to wait for him to crawl back to you.
You put a hand on Flash’s chest in an attempt to push him away from you. But he misinterpreted it and encased his palm over your hand that was laying on his chest. “See? You’re warming up to me already. You don’t need him.” He cockily said.
Turning your head away from him, you said, “I don’t know, Flash. I’ll think about it.” pretending to consider it. He gave you a displeased look, "What's there to think about? We would be good together, babe." he tried to persuade you. It was evident that he wasn't going to give up anytime soon.
Speak of the devil and he shall appear. Miles turned around the corner and instantly spotted you. He’s been skipping almost every day. All of a sudden, he felt glad that he didn’t skip today as he saw you with Flash Thompson. Way too close for his comfort. And then he saw your hand on Flash’s chest. That was his breaking point.
Miles saw nothing but red as he walked over to the two of you. If looks could kill, Flash would've been dealt with by the first second he walked around the corner. He sneered, "Back the fuck off my girl, Thompson." shoving him in the chest away from you.
You couldn’t believe him. After all that time, now is when he decides to make an appearance. He was the one that cut you out of his life. Not you, but him. Huffing at him, you spoke up before Flash did. "I'm not your girl. You've made that clear." You rolled your eyes in irritation.
Flash gave Miles a smug smirk at your words, "You heard her. So go fuck yourself, Morales." He spat at Miles, getting up close and personal with him. As Flash glared at Miles, it was clear he was trying to intimidate him. It wasn't working.
You almost didn't comprehend what was happening as a fist collided with Flash's face, knocking him down momentarily. He groaned in pain, holding onto his nose as blood dripped from it.
“What the fuck?” You screeched at Miles’ outburst. Flash was still laying on the floor, stumbling to get up. Before it could escalate further, you pulled Miles by his arm and dragged him into an empty supply closet. Miles opened his mouth to speak, but you beat him to it.
"The fuck is wrong with you, Miles? You don't speak to me for months and now you suddenly want something to do with me?" You said in disbelief.
He said bluntly, "I don't want to see you with him again."
His hands traveled over the curve of your hips to your waist, pulling you closer to him. You tried to get out of his touch. Or, you would've. But his hands on you felt too natural. He felt right.
That didn’t mean you’d let him off easy. This was the first conversation you both held in months.
"Well for the past few months, you didn't want to be seen with me either." You quipped, aggravated. His sudden change of heart polarized your emotions. You were conflicted with yourself.
He shook his head, “I’m sorry, mami. There’s shit going on that I couldn’t involve you in. I can’t bring you down with me.” He uncharacteristically apologized.
His words made you become hyper-aware of his hands on your waist. The way he rubbed circles into your skin with his thumbs. How you almost folded under his touch, but maintained your unbothered facade. No matter how much time has passed, he still made your heart race.
You scoffed at him and continued, "I’m not going to wait around for you like some lovesick puppy. Do you want me or not, Miles?"
Without a moment of hesitation, he quickly said, “You have no fucking idea.” Inspecting his eyes, you tried to find deception within them. What you saw in return was the gaze of a man starved.
“Then earn me.” Glaring up at him, you harshly retorted as you furrowed your brows at him. But one more look into each other's eyes was all it took for the tension to snap in half.
He grabbed you by the waist swiftly and pulled you in, your lips finally connecting. You wrapped your arms around his neck. Your bodies pressed together against the wall of the closet, knocking over supplies. The pent-up frustrations inside of you came undone as you kissed him with all the fiery passion you could muster. You bit his lower lip, making him groan against your mouth. That was a sound you realized you'd love to hear on repeat. Your lips moved together in perfect harmony. Like they were made to fit each other.
His hand traveled to the back of your head into your hair as he pulled it softly, making you muffle a whimper into his mouth.
Miles pulled away for a split second to whisper with a smirk, "Cállate, hermosa. But I'm down if you want everyone to hear." His lips were hovering over yours, only seconds away. You felt both of your chests heaving against one another, his breath overlapping yours. You were sure he could feel your heartbeat.
"Fuck you, Miles." You briskly closed the small distance between both of your lips once again before he could make a crude remark about how 'you'd like that'.
You spent the rest of the class period cooped up with him in the minimal space of the supply closet.
After school, you looked for Miles. Something you've been restraining yourself from doing over these past few months. However, you were hoping things were different now. In a good way. You'd think spending some quality time in a supply closet together would change things.
But as you looked across the courtyard, Miles was nowhere to be seen. You felt irritated with him once again, but you weren’t going to let him cut you out of his life for a second time.
So you did what any rational person would do. You visited his house to talk with him. You believed that if you had a decent conversation with him, it would fix what broke between the two of you. After all, his mother did tell you that you were always welcome there. His house was the place the both of you created a collection of memories. Memories that you stayed up late thinking about. Before it all went downhill. Knocking on the door, his mother answered it.
You greeted her with a smile, "Hola, Mrs. Morales! Is Miles here?" She gave you a knowing look. Mrs. Morales always did have a knack for knowing exactly what was going on.
Nodding her head, she told you "You caught him at a good time. He's been in and out with his Uncle lately. Come on in." She promptly led you inside the house.
"Gracias, Mrs. Morales." You told her before you made a beeline for Miles' room. Stopping right in front of his door, you knocked. Silence came from the other side. "Miles, I'm going to come in. Please don't be naked." You covered your eyes with your palm as you opened his door.
You didn't hear any yells of protest, so you assumed it was safe to peek through your fingers. As you removed your hand from your face, you noticed he was climbing through his own window. But that's not what made you stop in your tracks. Rather, it was his attire. He wasn't naked by any means. Instead, he was wearing the infamous suit that you've seen on the news time and time again. Over the past few months. The correlation clicked in your brain. He wasn't purposely avoiding you for the last few months. His life was just turned upside down in more than one way. He turned into the Prowler.
He looked just as shocked as you while he climbed through his window. "Fuck, what are you doing here, mami?" He frantically asked.
Closing the door behind you, you said, "I came to speak to you, but it seems like all my questions are answered now." You felt numb.
He didn't have a response. He didn't know what to tell you. It was exactly what it looked like. There were no words exchanged, but much was said within those silent moments.
Breaking the silence, you exclaimed, "Y'know what? Forget it. Forget I came here. Matter of fact, forget we ever met." You just about had it. Miles, the one that used to walk you home, being the Prowler was not exactly something you predicted.
"You know I can't do that." He said. You started to back away from him, turning away. He grabbed your arm with a feather-like touch, despite wearing his steel claws. You knew he wasn't going to hurt you. Not physically, at least. "Just let me explain."
"What is there to explain? That you've been avoiding me for months because you're the Prowler? I don't think anything else needs to be said." You let out a faint melancholic chuckle.
He stared into your eyes as he removed his claws, gently grasping your shoulders. "Mami, just listen to me." He pleaded, "You understand now why I couldn't tell you. That's why I had to stay away. This business is the shit I can't have you affiliated with."
"If you don't want me affiliated, then don't join it." You snapped at him, pushing a finger into his chest.
Your response set off something inside of him as he blurted out, "I'm in love with you. Shit, I love you so fucking much. I always have. You're the only one that's ever on my mind, 'ight? If I permanently lost you, I'd never come back from that."
Those were precisely the words you've been waiting ages to hear. But not like this.
"Miles. I can't be a part of this. I don't want to do this 'back and forth' thing. I can't do this. Not with you." Turning your back on him again, you tried to hold your composure as you stepped away. Out of his grasp. You had no intention to break down in front of him. This time, you were the one walking away. You were going to be the one leaving him.
"Wait," He called out, his voice faltering. You were slipping through his fingers, right in front of his eyes. If he had to beg you to stay, so be it. Even after all that time apart, you've been the sole reason he woke up in the morning. He couldn't afford to let you leave him for good.
"Quédate conmigo, mami. Por favor. I can't lose you again." His voice trembled with desperation. Your steps hesitated, his words plunging knives directly into your heart. You've never seen him like this. And it was a sight you never wished to see again.
So you obliged. You might as well have taken what you said and thrown it in the trash. He had the ability to change your mind with only a few words. Turning back to him, you wrapped your arms around his neck in a tight embrace. He reciprocated as he enveloped your waist with his arms.
You buried your face in his neck as you whispered, "Don't fucking do that again. Don't shut me out." You placed a light kiss on it. You continued, "I love you too, Miles." removing your face from his neck to stare up into his eyes.
"I promise, mami. It's only ever been you." He softly said, pressing his lips to yours. You kissed back with just as much delicacy.
You were aware it was an incredibly dangerous business Miles was involved in. For him, you'd give up anything. You hadn’t a clue what being involved with the Prowler would exactly entail. It was something you both would have to figure out together.
Your relationship was by no means perfect. But you were both learning. As long as it was with him, you wouldn't have it any other way.
¿Cómo está mi ángel hoy? - How's my angel today?
Princesa - Princess
Adiós/Chao - Bye
Cállate - Shut up, be quiet
Hermosa - Beautiful
Quédate conmigo - Stay with me
Por favor - Please
(yes the title is a childish gambino reference)
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itsmebytch001 · 1 year
Smoking it away: Part Two
Part One Down Below.
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Warnings: drugs, rehab, mean reader.
Summary: Your family, Your Dad, Auntie Rio and Uncle Jeff stage a quick intervention, afraid for your saftey, they ship you odd.
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Oh fuck me
The door open's to reveals Rio, Your Dad and Miles.
Your shushed into the house as Jeff locks in behind you. Your Dad walks over to you, looming over above you looking over his face you can see looks extremly tired and dressed in sweats.
Miles: "Before we start, I just want you to know, we aren't mad and we love you"
Already, i know I'm fucked.
Aaron: "Give me the phone"
Y/N:" Excuse me?"
Aaron: "Your phone, give it to me"
Y/N:"...I don't have it?" What a shit lie Y/N
Aaron rasied an eyebrow at you, stepping closer while Jeff stalks from behind, you are now trapped between both your uncle and father, shrinking between them as they are so tall.
Jeff: "If you don't have it on you, you won't mind a pat down?"
Y/N: "Are you serious?" you ask flinching away.
Aaron: "sound's good to me"
Y/N: "what the fuck?"
Rio snaps her finger to get your attention from the coach.
Rio: "oi, don't swear in my house"
Jeff pulled you back by your shoulder as you tensed.
Y/N: "Okay! Jesus, here!" You quickly shove your phone into your Dad's hand, still Jeff had his hand on your shoulder, pushing you down into a chair that was locked in by the sofa, now you were truly in thier grasp, with Rio staring you down and Miles meekly looking at the floor, Aaron sat infont of you while Jeff to your left, he could see your eyes scan the house you had been in so many time's before, looking for a way out.
Aaron: "What's the password?"
Aaron: "I know you heard me what's the password"
Y/N: "77902"
He logs onto your phone and begins to scrolls, though your photos, your messages and Email, and know scrolling through your call records, you know what he's looking for.
He's looking for his contact...
Jeff Put his hand again on your shoulder.
Jeff: "How about you and Miles go hang out in his room"
Though it was framed as a question it was an order, so you and Miles awkwadrly shifted to his room, you felt strange leaving your phone alone with your Dad combing though it, but you did'nt want to create more problems.
Miles ushered you into his room where he sat on his bed, and you awkwardly stood in the corner.
Miles: "You know you can sit right?"
Y/N: "Actually, I'd rather stand"
Miles:" I know your'e mad at me for telling on you but honestly, I'm glad I did"
Y/N: "Don't brag about being untrsutworthy Miles"
Miles: "Well maybe you should be more honest"
You roll your eyes at him, while you both are silent you can hear the chatter in the living room between your Dad, Auntie Rio, and Uncle Jeff, you and Miles press your ears against the walls.
On the other side of that door, your family were debating your fate, wether to scare you straight by having Jeff arrest you, sending off to a proper rehab, or keeping you home under servillence.
All sounded terrible.
Aaron was still scrolling though your phone, skimming over text converstaions to see if he found something fishy, going through all your photos, including your secret gallery, which basically menat you were 1000000% fucked.
Photos of you smoking, drinking, snorting at parties he did't know you had gone too, with people he didn't know, looking over all these clips made him wince, clearly it was worse than he thought, if you were this able and willing to lie to him so consisntely and on such a large scale, he simply couldn't trust you anymore.
Clicking off from your phone and pocketing it he turned to his brother, and sister in law.
Aaron: "I Don't know how she's been sneaking this round me so damm long, how did I not see this"
Rio: "You musn't blame yourself Aaron, teenagers can be sneaky"
Jeff: "you were doing some shady stuff when you were her age"
Aaron: "I wasn't snorting anything! I wasn't lying to everyone in my life about where I was, who I was doing it with! I wasn't hiding drugs under the damm floor boards"
He rubs his face over, what the hell is he going to do?
Jeff: "We could do home servalince, make sure she stays clean?"
Rio: "That's not sustiable, we all have work and Miles has school there won't be anyone who to watch her"
Jeff nodded in agreement.
Jeff: "We could send her to a rehab
Rio: "Would that be covered in your insurance Aaron?"
Aaron looked down in defeat, he didn't want too send you away to rehab, all alone, but what choice did he have? None of them really wanted you whisked away to rehab, where they couldn't see you, sourrounded by other addicts with limited contact, what he really wanted to do was huddle you away in the house, keep you too himself and put bars on your windows, but he knew that wasn't sustaibable.
Aaron: " Yeah,It should cover it"
Rio: "I know a good place, I'll call them see if they have a bed free" She said softly before taking herself into her bedroom for the private call.
Aaron had his head in his hands, how did he miss the signs? was he ignoring them? looking back he could see it, how you would start massive fashion projects late at night, enthused about your new enterprise, spending all your money at once, coming into his room at 3 am asking him if he wants to watch Barbie with you, or asking to him to hold you like he used to when you were child, asking him to do your hair and baking at 2 am, all where strange but he just thought it was teenage shenagaings, not class A's.
And it made him so happy to be close to you again, for you to want to hang out, even if it was just watching a film together or helping you cut fabric for you new dress line, just to connect again like you were when you were young.
Maybe he did know, he just didn't want to accept it wasn't you, it was what ever you were taking.
Jeff could see he was struggling, but didn't know how to console him, so he just sat next to him and rubbed his back as Aaron tried not to break down.
Over hearing all this, how they were about to ship you off made you think maybe you'd prefer being arrested, you sank down your back down Mile's room door before sitting on the ground, slumped, it wasn't supposed to go this way, you're Dad was none the wiser, you were using safley, or as safley as anyone could and finally you were feeling true joy and peace, the kinda joy people like Miles felt natrually all the time, you no longer left out in really feeling.
You were eyeing the window, yeah you would drop 3 floors down and maybe you would break your legs or worse but then you wouldn't have to go rehab.
Miles sat next too you, back against the door, he tries to put his hand on your shoulder but you immedinaly flinch away.
Y/N: "Don't you ever touch me""
Miles: "Jesus sorry, calm down"
You glared at him though your eye lashes.
Y/N: "You have destroyed my life" You whisper yelled.
Miles: "Nah, you did that yourself"
Y/N: "Excuse me?"
Miles: "You told me you were smoking, if that were true your Dad would not be on your ass, maybe just ground you for a bit and get my Dad lecture you, not pose a whole family intervention and a send off to rehab"
Y/N: "If they do actually send me away, I will never fucking talk to you again"
Miles rolled his eyes with such a silly threat.
Meanwhile, back in the living room Rio came out her room having had gotten of the phone with the rehab.
Rio: "They'll have a bed later today, around 15:30"
Aaron: "Is it a good place?"
Rio: "Yes, it dose good work. It's a 6 week program and have a low repeat percenatge so I think it'll be good for her"
6 weeks, 6 whole weeks you'd be away and out the house where he couldn't see you.
Aaron: "You sure?"
Rio: "Yeah"
Aaron took a deep breath, accpeting this drastic change in events, accpeting that he would have you taken out his hands and put away in some other place with people he didn't know taking you, his only child and fixing you up.
Rio: "It's far out Brooklyn, so if you want the bed in time, I would go now"
Aaron brushed himself down before heading for Mile's room, you could hear him apparoch the door, you could recgonise his foots steps, you had trainded yourself to reconsie them for when you would use in your room to avoid being caught.
You scrambed away from the door, standing by Miles as the door knob turned.
Aaron: "Alright Baby, Let's go"
Defeated you followed him through the living room and out the door, Mile's is gestured to follow you by Rio, tagging along on your left, with Aaron on your right, trapping you again, you feel it's intetion of keeping you trapped so you couldn't pull a fast one.
Ushering you into the car, Mile's watched you get in the back of the car, then got in next to you sitting on the other side of the verchiel.
As you began to drive, your Dad kept looking back at you through the rear view mirror, exchaning eye contact with Miles.
Aaron: "So we uh, were going home to get you a bag and then...then we'll take you to that rehab place"
Already you could feel yourself tense, holding onto your joggers, breathing deeper and quicker, like you were getting ready to run.
oh fuck
Y/N: "I don't want to go"
Aaron:" You don't have a choice"
Y/N:" I am 17 years old you can't just shuttle me away"
Aaron: "you are 17 years old, I am your God damm father and you are going to rehab"
Y/N: "You are blowing this out of proportion"
Aaron: "Am I? How? How am I blowing this out proportion"
Y/N:" I am not an addict, I'm not reliant on anything, Iv'e never done injectables-"
Aaron: " 'Never done Injectables' Is the bar really that low for you?"
Y/N: "Youre wasting you damm money I don't need to go to a fucking rehab! Rehab is where you go when you overdose"
Miles: "so we just supposed to wait till you overdose, huh?"
He mutter's to himself, his head leaning on the window.
Y/N: "I am 17, it's normal to expierment with drugs!"
Aaron: "Miles?"
Miles: "Yeah?"
Aaron: "You smoking weed?"
Miles: "No"
Aaron: " You snorting coke?"
Miles: "Hell no"
Aaron: "You secret drinking?"
Miles: "Nope"
Aaron: " So how is it Miles is your age and not doing any of the same shit?"
Y/N: " Dad I...I just want to have fun"
Aaron: " You could do litreally anything and you choose hard drugs"
Y/N:" I KNOW you were smoking weed at my age"
Aaron: "Yeah I was smoking weed and it fucked me up, but you are 17 snorting shit"
You roll your eyes, sinking into your seat.
Aaron: "If Mile's hadn't told me, you would have kept going and going until you lost your grip and died"
Y/N: "It is not that fucking deep"
Miles: "Y/N, were just scared for you"
Y/N: "Oh fuck right off Miles"
Aaron: "Ay, Don't talk to him that way"
Y/N: "He snitched on me, i don't have to be nice"
Miles: "You told me it was weed and vodka, not fucking pills and shit"
Y/N: "So you snitched on me, for weed and Vodka?"
Miles: "But It wasn't just weed and Vodka!"
Y/N: "I knew I should have never told you, I shouldn't have known you would just cause a big thing of it, you know Miles, the whole reason i stared disstacing myself from you is beacuse how fucking over bearing and demanding you are"
Miles: "What?"
Aaron: "Okay Y/N shut up"
As he pulled up at a red light you and Miles looked out in opposite directions out each window, when you noticed the child locks weren't on.
You rest your hand over the door handle, waiting for one of them to notice, but they don't.
Your breath increases, you're ready to run.
You Open the car door, leaning out of it as your dad screams for you to sit down, your head and shoulders are out the door.
You think your'e out.
Until you feel the ends of your hair being pulled back and your'e arm grabbed by Mile's.
He pull's you in with great force as you begin to thrash.
Y/N: "get the fuck off me!"
Aaron: "Miles, Miles the door!" He yells.
While Miles is holding you down, as you try despratley to kick and cry, he slides himself over the car seats and slams the door shut.
You sat up, pushing Miles away by his shoulders, he takes your hands and shoves them down onto the car seat, he scrambles on top of you and keeps you in place, his left forearm pressed over your collarbone, imobileizing you.
Y/N: "Get THE FUCK OFF ME!" You scream, on lookers think this is a kidnapping, Miles looks over at his Uncle.
Aaron: "Hold her there"
Miles Looks down at you crying, hyperventializing trying despretaly trying to wriggle away.
Miles: "Calm the fuck down"
Y/N: "Get the fuck off me you son of a bitch!"
You tried to raise your head to get him off you, but his press tough.
Miles: "Stop fucking moving"
Y/N: " I Hate you" You whipser up at him.
Minutes later, after your crying and screaming had subsided, he got off you sitting across from you again as the car pulled up outside you're building.
Aaron: "Imma go pack you a bag, stay here"
The door open and closes as Aaron leaves to go pack you a bag.
Y/N: "I wanna step out for a sec, strech my legs"
Miles: "How do I know you're not going to try and run off again, hmm?"
YN: "Okay, whatever Miles"
Y/N: "Why are you here Miles?"
Miles: "What do you mean?"
Y/N: "You didn't have to be here right now, in this car involing yourself in something that isn't you're buisness"
Miles: "My buinesse? Y/N You are my Family it is my buinesse"
Y/N rolled her eyes out the window, Mile's kept looking over at the handle, just waiting for you to make a move.
About 10 minutes later, you Dad came back with a suit case, putting it in the boot of the car, he plopped himself back in the drivers seat.
Aaron: "Miles, You still wanna ride with us?"
Miles: "...Yeah"
You drove for about two hours, and it was painfully silent, neither you or Miles made eye contact, both just staring out the window. Your Dad would occesianlly look over at you through the rear view mirror.
Once you eventually pulled up on the place, in an isolated field with only the one road leading you out, you exit the car to face the bulilding.
it looks like a prison, a tall, massive grey builiding with many windows, all barred. Aaron got your bag from the boot and handed it to you to carry.
Miles caught you again, looking over your souroudings as if for an out, he exchanged you a warning look and stalked up uncomfortley close to you, while your Dad guided you in the waiting area.
You sat in the waiting area with Mile's, beginning to panic. it really began to set in. They're going to lave you here, in this place with stranges, alone.
And the worst part was, you wouldn't have the company of any drugs, no weed no alcohol, just you.
Twiddling your hands nervoulsy, Miles obeserved you rubbing your hands together and felt the need comfort you, but knew right now, you really didn't feel like talking to him.
While Aaron checked you inn, he kept glancing over at you, wondering, is this a mistake? could he just keep you sober at home?
He hadn't handed you over yet, he could just drive take off back home, but the desk lady see's this seconding guessing in his eyes as he gazes at you. She places her hand on his and mutters "It's an excellent program".
This dose nothing to sooth him, but he dose sign off the paper work, handing you over to this faceless place for a whole month, did he really want to do this? No but though he wanted you home, he knew ratinally, it was best letting you here.
As your Dad timidly signs off your paper work you see two men approach through the glass walls in all white, you feel like running but know Miles could just drag you back, you don't want to go, you are not an addict, what is happening.
Before they reach the fresh hold of the waiting room, you Dad kneels in front of you while sitting in the waiting chair.
Aaron: "Listen baby, I'm gonna drop you here for a bit, and these people are gonna help you sort yourself out kay?"
You didn't answer, you just stared out at the approching men.
Clutching your bag, as your Dad watches helpless, these two men guide you out the waiting area, their hands on your shoulders.
You take one last look at your Dad and cousin, looking right into Miles's his eyes before mouthing to him, 'I hate you'...
They watched as you were slinked off futher and futher away until you dissaprear down the hall...
Chapter one----->
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Hey girl xx I was wondering if you’re up for some johnny writing from the Bikeriders? If so that would be absolutely AMAZINGGG 💋💋 I feel like it would fit ur writing style so well!!
ahhh hi babes!! ty sm much for your request! it’s been such a long day but after two naps in glad i could finish for our and all other johnny girls:))
sent from above
johnny davis x fem!reader / 889 words
idea: one of johnny’s guys needs a help, and you’re there to show why you really are heavenly
tw: none just fluff on top of fluff
notes: yall today has been SO LONG woke up so early to go to a 4th of july parade and i’m FAMISHED!! but by listening to so much LDR have me the strength to write abt this sexy ass man:) so i hope yall enjoy
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“s’what did ya’ wanna ask me?” it’s later in the afternoon, light peaking through the scratched up windows. you came to stop by after getting your nails done by gail, but inevitably got sleepy and have been resting your head on johnny’s shoulder for the past half hour. his leather jacket drenched over your cold body.
besides you and johnny, wahoo, corky, and cal were the only ones in the bar, but the meeting would be starting in a few hours. that’s when big jack had stumbled in the bar, you weren’t expecting to see him this early, but you of course didn’t mind.
so here you are, listening to what big jack wanted to ask johnny.
“well uh.. i was wondering if i could talk to you.. alone” he spoke lowly “s’just us big guy, we ain’t gonna snitch” wahoo said with a laugh. he’s right, this place is safe to ask for something, especially from johnny.
“um.. well” he was now looking at you sheepishly, as if he was embarrassed. shy. oh. johnny realized very quickly why he wanted to talk to him alone, and he shut that down instantly “nah.. nah none of that bullshit,” he said with a chuckle, taking the run down cigarette out of his mouth. it was laughable that he had to waste time addressing this “you don’t gotta be like that jus’because my baby’s here? she ain’t gonna lift her pretty little head up from my shoulder and go jus’ for your ass and your damn question” he said firmly, and you know so for how deep his voice got and how it rumbled in his body. whatever anyone needs to say, they can say in front of you.
cut the bullshit.
big jack glanced back at you again, sending you a look of apology and hoping that your weren’t super offended. he knows that you won’t do no harm, johnny reminds everyone that you're the sweetest girl he could ever wish for, and that you’d never try to hurt somebody. ever.
“well c’mon now, spit it out,” johnny’s voice chimed again, his chicago accent sharp as a knife. he’s not the one you want to make impatient.
big jack confesses he's been wanting to ask out this girl that’s been hanging out with for a while, and overhearing that she’ll be here once again tonight. so in all honesty, the poor guy just wanted some advice. all the guys started to tease him, expecting much worse. but the look on big jack’s face made your heart swell for a moment. he just wanted to show this girl what he really means to him.
but after he told everyone her name, you realized something. “she used to work at my dads repair shop,” your gentle voice broke through as you sat up, and made the other boys attention shift to you, eagerly waiting to hear more. including johnny “really? i-wow i uh.. that’s great! do-do y’know what she’s like, or what she may like?” you spoke directly to you, and you spotted a spark of hope in his eyes.
“she and i would hang out after her shift ended, we’d go to the ice cream parlor on the corner of ‘peach street’, across the way from the jefferson’s flower shop,” you voice was so smooth and silky, it only helped big jack feel more comfortable “her favorites are pink roses, we’d grab a bouquets and give them to strangers on our way home, in stores, parks, on the street” johnny could only smile. he’s known his girl had a heart of gold, but learning that you’ve always been so kind to others, only made him fall more in love with you.
you told big jack to ask her out and take her around there, knowing that your old friend had a special love for those places. he had a blush on his face now, regretting that he doubted your trust for something so small. “thank you so much dollie, i.. i’m sorry that i made it seem like you couldn’t hear what i had to say, just felt a little afraid to ask for advice about love in front of a sweet girl like you” you smiled up at him, knowing how nerve wracking it must feel to want to impress the love of your life. jus ask johnny! you can still recall how much of a flustered and stuttery mess he was when asking you to be his girl.
“not a problem, let me know how it goes!” you said with a squeal. all of you said your goodbyes, wishing big jack the best of luck. after he walked out the doors, all the boys were chatting about his impressed they were with your ‘love advice’
“y’really are something sent from heaven, aren’t ya’” cal completed you, an toothy grin on his face “why’d you think i always talk about her? she’s a real angel” johnny said proudly.
you look up at him, your cheeks hurting from how much your smiling “my little angel sent from above, aren’t you babygirl?” “i’m glad you think so” you’re head falling back on his shoulder, the red and black checkered button up feeling soft against your face.
before you went back to resting, johnny whispered in your ear “i know so” then placing a kiss on the top of your head, his stumble feeling rough again your skin.
in your mind, you’re the one who’s truly blessed.
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