#Jefferson davis imagines
zapreportsblog · 1 year
Her Firsts
➥ summary: A headcanon of all of Mr and Mrs Morales first with their daughter
➥ pure fluff, slight angst towards the end
➥ one shot
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The Birthing Process :
The room was hushed as Rio, her face flushed with anticipation, lay on the hospital bed, surrounded by medical professionals. Jefferson, her husband, stood by her side, his hand clasped tightly in hers. The air crackled with a mixture of excitement and nervousness as they waited for their first child to make her grand entrance into the world.
Rio's heart raced with a combination of joy and apprehension. She had dreamt of this moment for so long, imagining what their child would look like, how she would grow, and the adventures they would experience together as a family. As the contractions intensified, Rio held onto Jefferson's hand, finding solace in his unwavering support.
The medical staff worked diligently, guiding Rio through the stages of labor. Her breathing became rhythmic, the pain mingled with determination. In that moment, she felt the indescribable strength of motherhood coursing through her veins.
Hours passed, and finally, with a final push, a cry filled the room. Time seemed to stand still as the cries of their newborn daughter filled the air, echoing the joy that surged through their hearts. The nurses gently placed the tiny bundle of joy in Rio's arms, her eyes shining with unshed tears.
Jefferson leaned in, his voice filled with awe. "She's perfect, Rio. Our beautiful daughter," he whispered, his voice choked with emotion.
Rio's gaze never left their daughter's face as tears streamed down her cheeks. "Our little miracle," she murmured, her voice filled with overwhelming love. She traced a finger along the baby's tiny features, memorizing every detail.
As the minutes turned into hours, the couple marveled at their daughter, feeling a profound sense of wonder and gratitude. They counted her fingers and toes, whispered loving words into her tiny ears, and held her close, promising to protect and nurture her with every fiber of their beings.
Overwhelmed by a surge of emotions, Rio looked at Jefferson, her eyes shimmering with unshed tears. "She's the most precious gift, Jefferson. Our lives will never be the same," she said, her voice trembling with both exhaustion and joy.
Jefferson nodded, his voice filled with adoration. "We're going to give her the world, Rio. She will know nothing but love and happiness," he declared, his voice laced with determination.
As they basked in the presence of their newborn daughter, the room filled with a sense of peace and contentment. Their hearts swelled with a love that was both fierce and tender, a love that would guide them through the joys and challenges of parenthood.
In that moment, as Rio and Jefferson gazed at their daughter's peaceful face, they knew that this tiny bundle of life would forever change them. She was a symbol of their love, a reminder of the miracles that can occur when two hearts beat as one.
The First Words :
Time flew by in the Morales household, and (Y/n) continued to grow into a spirited and inquisitive child. Her parents, Rio and Jefferson, marveled at her development, eagerly awaiting the day when she would utter her first words.
As (Y/n) ventured further into the world of language, her parents showered her with love and encouragement. They read her books, sang her nursery rhymes, and engaged in conversations filled with patience and enthusiasm. They knew that every interaction was a stepping stone towards her first words.
One sunny morning, (Y/n) sat at the kitchen table, her eyes bright with anticipation. She watched her parents intently as they prepared breakfast, eager to join in the conversations that filled the room. Her small hands gripped the edge of her high chair, her face animated with anticipation.
With a twinkle in her eye, (Y/n) suddenly pointed at the cereal box on the table and exclaimed, "Cereal!"
Rio froze for a moment, her heart soaring with pride and joy. She exchanged a quick glance with Jefferson, both of them overcome with emotion. Tears welled up in Rio's eyes as she rushed over to (Y/n), engulfing her in a tight embrace. "My clever girl! You said your first word!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with elation.
Jefferson couldn't contain his excitement either. He beamed at his daughter, his voice filled with awe. "Cereal! Well done, (Y/n)! You're growing up so fast," he said, his voice brimming with pride.
From that moment on, (Y/n)'s world opened up in a whole new way. Words became her gateway to understanding and expressing herself. She eagerly absorbed new vocabulary, mimicking the sounds and intonations she heard from her parents and the world around her.
Rio and Jefferson rejoiced in their daughter's linguistic progress, creating a safe and nurturing environment for her to explore her newfound abilities. They engaged in conversations with (Y/n), encouraging her to express her thoughts and feelings. Each day brought new words, and with them, a deeper connection between parent and child.
As (Y/n) grew older, her vocabulary expanded, and her ability to communicate flourished. She discovered the power of words, using them to express her needs, share her joys and sorrows, and form connections with others. Her parents beamed with pride, knowing that they had played a crucial role in nurturing her language development.
With every milestone (Y/n) reached, Rio and Jefferson celebrated her growth. They treasured the beauty and wonder of her first words, knowing that it was just the beginning of a lifetime of communication and discovery. Together, as a family, they embarked on a journey filled with love, laughter, and the magic of language.
The First Steps :
The Morales household was filled with an air of anticipation and excitement as (Y/n) continued to grow and reach new milestones. Rio and Jefferson watched their daughter with a mix of pride and wonder, eagerly awaiting the day when she would take her first steps.
(Y/n) had become more mobile, crawling around the house with a sense of determination. She was always exploring, her tiny hands reaching out to touch everything within her reach. Rio and Jefferson encouraged her, providing a safe environment for her to develop her motor skills.
One sunny afternoon, the living room was filled with toys and laughter as (Y/n) played on the soft rug. Rio and Jefferson sat on the couch, their eyes never straying too far from their daughter's every move. They knew that her first steps were imminent.
With a mischievous glint in her eyes, (Y/n) pulled herself up, gripping the edge of the coffee table for support. Her parents held their breath, their hearts pounding with excitement. Slowly but surely, (Y/n) released her grip and took a wobbly step forward.
Rio's eyes widened, a smile spreading across her face. "Look, Jefferson! She's doing it!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with elation.
Jefferson's heart swelled with pride as he watched his daughter take her first independent steps. "That's my girl! Well done, (Y/n)!" he cheered, his voice brimming with joy.
With newfound confidence, (Y/n) continued to navigate the room, her steps growing steadier with each attempt. She laughed with glee, her eyes shining with triumph. Her parents clapped and cheered, their applause filling the room with pride and love.
As (Y/n) explored her newfound ability, Rio and Jefferson provided a safe and supportive environment. They cleared the path, removing any obstacles that could hinder her progress. Their love and encouragement fueled her determination, motivating her to take more steps and explore the world around her.
Every day brought new adventures for (Y/n) as she toddled around the house, her parents always by her side, ready to lend a hand or catch her if she stumbled. The simple act of walking became a source of joy and celebration for the entire family.
Rio and Jefferson cherished these precious moments, knowing that their daughter's first steps marked the beginning of a lifetime of discovery and independence. They captured the memories with photographs and videos, documenting every milestone, knowing that they would look back on these early moments with nostalgia and pride.
As (Y/n) grew more confident in her walking abilities, her world expanded. She explored the garden, took her first steps on the sand at the beach, and ventured out into the world, always with the unwavering support and love of her parents.
In the Morales household, the first steps of (Y/n) were celebrated as a testament to her determination and the unwavering love of her parents. They knew that this was just the beginning of a lifetime filled with adventures, challenges, and immeasurable joy.
The First Tooth :
In the Morales household, a sense of excitement filled the air as (Y/n) continued to grow and experience new milestones. Rio and Jefferson watched their daughter with a mix of anticipation and concern as she embarked on the teething journey.
(Y/n) had always been a happy and content baby, but recently, she had become increasingly fussy and irritable. Her gums were swollen and tender, a clear indication that her first tooth was on its way. Rio and Jefferson did their best to soothe her discomfort, providing teething toys and cold washcloths to gnaw on.
One sunny afternoon, (Y/n) sat in her high chair, chewing on a teething ring while Rio prepared her pureed vegetables. Suddenly, a glimmer of white caught Rio's attention. She leaned in closer, her heart skipping a beat.
"Jefferson! Look!" Rio exclaimed, her voice filled with excitement.
Jefferson rushed over, his eyes widening as he saw a tiny white tooth peeking through (Y/n)'s gumline. A surge of joy and pride washed over him. "Our little girl is getting her first tooth!" he exclaimed, his voice brimming with delight.
They both marveled at the tiny tooth, admiring the delicate pearl-like structure. Rio carefully touched the tooth with her finger, eliciting a giggle from (Y/n). "Look at that, sweetheart. You're growing up so fast," she whispered, her voice filled with love.
Over the next few days, (Y/n)'s teething journey continued. She would gnaw on anything within her reach, seeking relief from the discomfort. Rio and Jefferson tirelessly provided comfort and support, rubbing her gums with teething gel and singing soothing lullabies.
One evening, as Rio cradled (Y/n) in her arms, she noticed a second tiny tooth emerging beside the first. Her heart swelled with pride and wonder. "You're getting another tooth, my darling," she murmured, her voice laced with affection.
Jefferson joined them, his face lighting up with joy as he saw the second tooth. "Look at our beautiful girl, Rio. She's growing into such a strong and healthy child," he said, his voice filled with adoration.
As (Y/n) continued to teethe, her parents remained vigilant, providing love, comfort, and gentle care. They celebrated each milestone, each tiny tooth, knowing that it was a sign of their daughter's growth and development.
In the Morales household, the arrival of (Y/n)'s first tooth marked another cherished milestone in her journey. Rio and Jefferson treasured these moments, knowing that they were witnessing the miraculous transformation of their baby into a confident and curious little person.
The First Day Of School :
In the Morales household, the day had finally arrived for (Y/n) to embark on a new adventure - her first day of pre-K. Rio and Jefferson watched their daughter with a mix of pride and a touch of nostalgia as they prepared her for this significant milestone.
(Y/n) stood in front of the mirror, her small hands adjusting the straps of her tiny backpack. Her face lit up with excitement and a hint of nervousness as she prepared to step into the world of education. Rio knelt down beside her, a warm smile on her face.
"Are you ready for your first day of pre-K, sweetheart?" Rio asked, her voice filled with anticipation.
(Y/n) nodded, her eyes shining with determination. "I'm ready, Mama!" she exclaimed, her voice brimming with excitement.
Jefferson entered the room, his face beaming with pride. "You're going to have so much fun, (Y/n). We're so proud of you," he said, his voice filled with love.
Together, the family made their way to the pre-K center. As they entered the bustling classroom, (Y/n)'s eyes widened with awe. The room was filled with colorful decorations, toys, and friendly faces. Rio and Jefferson accompanied their daughter to her assigned seat, helping her settle in.
As the bell rang and the other children started to arrive, (Y/n) watched with curiosity. She observed her classmates interacting, their laughter filling the room. It was a new and exciting world for her, filled with endless possibilities.
The teacher, Ms. Anderson, introduced herself to the class, her warm smile putting everyone at ease. She encouraged the children to participate in various activities, fostering an environment of creativity and exploration. (Y/n) eagerly joined in, her eyes alight with enthusiasm.
Throughout the day, (Y/n) engaged in various learning experiences, from storytime to drawing and playing with blocks. She made new friends, her laughter and joy blending seamlessly with that of her classmates. Rio and Jefferson watched from a distance, their hearts filled with pride and a touch of bittersweetness.
At the end of the day, (Y/n) walked out of the pre-K center hand in hand with her parents. Her face was flushed with excitement as she recounted her adventures. She chatted animatedly, her words flowing with the eagerness of a young learner.
Rio and Jefferson listened intently, their hearts swelling with love and admiration for their daughter. They knew that this was just the beginning of her educational journey, and they were filled with hope for the bright future that lay ahead.
As the days turned into weeks and weeks into months, (Y/n) continued to thrive in her pre-K class. She soaked up knowledge like a sponge, eagerly exploring new concepts and forming lasting friendships. Rio and Jefferson cherished every moment, knowing that their daughter's early years would shape the person she would become.
In the Morales household, the first day of pre-K marked a significant milestone for (Y/n). Rio and Jefferson embraced this new chapter, supporting their daughter's educational journey with love, encouragement, and unwavering belief in her abilities.
The First Crush :
In the Shelby household, an air of innocence and newfound excitement enveloped the atmosphere as (Y/n) continued to grow and experience the wonders of childhood. Little did she know that she was about to embark on a journey of first love and butterflies in her stomach.
It was a warm summer day, and (Y/n) found herself at the local park with her parents, Rio and Jefferson. As she played on the swings, her eyes caught sight of a boy with tousled brown hair and a mischievous grin. He was a few years older, exuding a confidence that intrigued her.
(Y/n) watched him with wide eyes, her heart starting to beat a little faster. She was captivated by his carefree spirit and the way he effortlessly climbed the jungle gym. Her parents noticed her growing interest and exchanged knowing glances.
Days turned into weeks, and (Y/n) found herself frequently visiting the park in hopes of catching a glimpse of the boy who had stolen her attention. She would shyly smile at him from afar, her cheeks turning rosy as he returned the gesture.
One sunny afternoon, (Y/n) mustered up the courage to approach the boy. She walked over to where he was sitting on a bench, nervously fidgeting with her fingers. "Hi, I'm (Y/n)," she said, her voice filled with a mix of shyness and excitement.
The boy turned to her, a playful twinkle in his eyes. "Hey, I'm Liam," he replied, his voice warm and welcoming. "Nice to meet you, (Y/n)."
From that day forward, (Y/n) and Liam formed a bond that grew stronger with each passing moment. They spent hours talking and laughing, exploring the park and discovering shared interests. Their friendship blossomed, and the innocent affection they held for each other started to deepen.
Rio and Jefferson observed this newfound connection with a mixture of amusement and nostalgia. They remembered their own first crushes and understood the emotions that (Y/n) was experiencing. They offered gentle guidance and encouraged her to embrace this beautiful phase of life.
As the seasons changed, (Y/n) found herself daydreaming about Liam. Her heart skipped a beat whenever she saw him, and a rush of excitement coursed through her veins whenever he was near. They shared secrets, dreams, and laughter, their bond growing stronger with each passing day.
One evening, as the sun began to set, (Y/n) found herself sitting on a park bench with Liam. They watched the golden hues paint the sky, their fingers gently brushing against each other. In that moment, something shifted in their hearts, and they realized that their friendship had blossomed into something more.
With a shy smile, (Y/n) confessed her feelings to Liam, her voice filled with vulnerability and hope. To her delight, he reciprocated her affection, admitting that he too had been captivated by her presence since the first day they met.
Their young love blossomed beneath the summer sky, capturing the essence of innocence and pure affection. Rio and Jefferson watched from a distance, their hearts swelling with a mixture of pride and nostalgia. They knew that this young love would shape their daughter's understanding of relationships and pave the way for future connections.
As the sun dipped below the horizon, (Y/n) and Liam held hands, their hearts beating in unison. They knew that their journey had just begun, and that they would navigate the joys and challenges of young love together.
In the Morales household, the first crush of (Y/n) marked an important chapter in her life. Rio and Jefferson embraced her budding emotions, supporting her as she explored the complexities of affection and relationships.
The First Heart Break :
In the Morales household, a sense of melancholy hung in the air as (Y/n) faced her first taste of heartbreak. The vibrant colors of her world seemed to fade as she learned that her dear friend Liam was moving away.
News of Liam's departure hit (Y/n) like a gust of cold wind on a warm summer day. She felt a lump form in her throat, and her heart sank as she realized that their cherished moments together would soon become distant memories.
On the day of Liam's departure, (Y/n) found herself standing on the sidewalk, a mix of emotions swirling within her. She watched as the moving truck pulled away, taking with it a piece of her heart. Tears welled up in her eyes as she waved goodbye, her hand trembling with a mixture of sadness and longing.
Rio and Jefferson stood beside their daughter, offering comfort and support. They understood the pain of separation and empathized with (Y/n)'s aching heart. In a tender embrace, they assured her that it was okay to grieve the loss of a dear friend.
Days turned into weeks, and (Y/n) struggled to come to terms with the void left by Liam's absence. The park they used to frequent together now felt empty and lifeless. She missed his infectious laughter, his warm smile, and the way he made her feel like the most special person in the world.
One afternoon, as (Y/n) sat in her room, she found herself going through old photographs and mementos of her time with Liam. Each image evoked bittersweet memories, a reminder of the bond they once shared. Her heart ached as she longed for the companionship they had lost.
Rio noticed her daughter's sorrow and sat beside her, a sympathetic expression on her face. She gently took (Y/n)'s hand in hers and whispered, "Sweetheart, I know it hurts, but remember that every heartbreak teaches us something valuable."
(Y/n) sniffled, her voice quivering as she replied, "But it feels like a piece of me is missing, Mama. I miss Liam so much."
Rio wrapped her arms around her daughter, holding her close. "I know, my love. It's okay to miss him. But remember, your heart is resilient, and in time, it will heal. Cherish the memories you shared and allow yourself to grow from this experience."
As days turned into weeks, (Y/n) found solace in her family's unwavering support. Rio and Jefferson showered her with love, reminding her of her worth and the strength she possessed within. They encouraged her to explore new friendships, guiding her through the healing process.
Slowly but surely, (Y/n) began to find her way again. She discovered new hobbies, joined clubs, and interacted with classmates who had once been mere acquaintances. While the pain of Liam's absence still lingered, it was gradually replaced by newfound joy and possibility.
Months later, as (Y/n) stood in the park where she and Liam had shared countless memories, she couldn't help but reflect on the growth she had experienced. Her heart had mended, though not completely whole. She realized that love, like the flight of a bird, could sometimes take unexpected paths.
In the Morales household, the chapter of (Y/n)'s first heartbreak marked a pivotal moment in her journey of self-discovery. Rio and Jefferson continued to support her, reminding her that heartbreaks were part of life's tapestry, shaping her into a resilient and compassionate individual.
As time passed, (Y/n) learned to carry the memories of her friendship with Liam in her heart. They became a part of her story, reminding her of the depth of her capacity to love and the resilience of the human spirit.
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theshadowrealmitself · 4 months
Pre Miles going out in the suit, like a mentor au where he gets trained for a bit before making his debut, Peter Parker stupidly but well meaningly sticking his nose in as Spiderman to give Jefferson some parental advice because he’s heard from Miles directly what’s going on with his relationship with parents, so obviously, if Spiderman is out giving advice like that, he has to have kids himself, right?
Doesn’t help the rumors from running rampant when Miles finally joins him on patrol for the first time
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spidey-bie · 1 year
Just got in from the beach and now I wanna see all the arachkids having a beach day. Peter, Jess, Miguel, Rio, and Jeff are watching them from their beach chairs. Mayday and Billie are making sand castles in the sand.
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kairiscorner · 1 year
Spider-verse headcannon: Rio Morales is big JRPG fan. She loves Final Fantasy 7 and had Heff cosplay as Barret while she cosplays as Tifa. Rio annoys Miles by singing the Final Fantasy fanfare just for the heck of it.
OOOOO tbh i don't know anything about final fantasy, BUT THAT IS SO CUTE????? imagine if, secretly, rio did cosplays and posted them on ig and tiktok, and miles just randomly gets a text from like, fucking ganke or something with the caption: "THIS YOUR MOM???????????" and sends a tiktok of her cosplaying tifa and he's just like...... fuck i can't find a good pic, BUT HE LOOKS LIKE THE "MY REACTION TO THAT INFORMATION" ATSV MEME OF HIM 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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xxoxobree · 10 months
My Daughter
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Dad!Aaron Davis x Daughter!Reader
WARNINGS: Nothing Really! Enjoy
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Every single day, without fail, your life followed the same routine. And guess what? Today was no different! As the sun rudely forced its way through the curtains, slapping its glow onto your peaceful face, three obnoxious knocks echoed through your entire house. You didn't even need to use your brain to figure out who was behind that door. Nope, your dad's unmistakable twist of the doorknob gave it away, as always!
"Get up sunshine, it's 7:30,"
A groan left your throat. You went to sleep late, so getting up sounded like the end of the world.
"Y/n Davis, NOW!" your dad said in his authoritative tone.
"Daddy, please!" you tried to reason, but he had sealed your fate by closing the door.
With an eye roll, you dragged yourself out of bed and stumbled towards the bathroom.
The school day awaited, whether you liked it or not.
Slapping your backpack onto your shoulder, you made your way to the kitchen, where your dad was eagerly waiting.
"Voila!" he said, sliding a bowl of oatmeal your way.
You stared at the bowl with a disgusted expression. Aaron Davis, a master of many talents, but cooking was not one of them.
"No thanks, Dad," you said, swiftly pushing the bowl aside.
His hands shot up. "What's wrong with it?"
"I have zero appetite, Dad," you replied, grabbing your phone and checking your messages to avoid further discussion.
"Fine, whatever, kid," your dad huffed, reaching into his wallet and slipping a crisp ten-dollar bill into your hand. "Let's hit the road before you're late."
Quick as lightning, you took the money, stuffing it into your pocket, and followed your dad out the door, down the steps.
"Here." Your dad said, handing you a helmet as he put on his and jumped on his motorcycle.
"Daddy, do I have to?" You whined, stomping your feet. "It's going to ruin my hair."
Aaron didn't say anything, but his glare spoke a thousand words, mainly that you should put on the helmet and now. So, resentfully, you did just that, jumping on behind him and clasping your hands around his waist.
You always loved the morning rides with your dad. Other than it being badass that you got to school by motorcycle, you loved the feeling of being close to your dad, the wind hitting your skin. It was nice; it was one of the only times you got to spend with your dad since he was always "working."
He pulled up to Brooklyn Visions with a screech of his tires. You took off the helmet that was squeezing your head handing him it. Just as you were about to get off, your uncle Jeff pulled up in his police cruiser with a flash of his lights, Miles in the back.
You watched as the two brothers glared at each other. The tensions were always high when they were near each other, and it was exhausting for both you and Miles alike. You hopped off the bike with a sigh, "See you later, Dad," you said, giving him a hug.
You waved at your uncle Jeff, giving him a small smile as you waited for Miles to get out of the car. He waved back at you, concern written all over his face. You knew your uncle Jeff loved you, and you loved him, but he could be quite overbearing, especially when it came to your father. Your relationship with him was complicated, to say the least.
You dapped up Miles with a smile before diving in, giving him a big hug. To say you loved your cousin was an understatement; he was basically your best friend, your brother.
"Yo, get off me," Miles said with a laugh, pushing you off of him. Seeing you and Miles interact always brought a smile to Aaron and Jeff's face, and they dreaded even the thought of you two ending up like them, estranged.
The dreaded school day was finally over, and as the sun began to set , you and Miles began to make your way through the busy streets of Brooklyn towards his home. This was a familiar routine, as you found yourself at Miles' house every day since your dad couldn't be at home with you.
"Is your dad gonna be home?" you asked, throwing your head back in frustration. The last thing you needed right now was an interrogation from your uncle about your dad. In your eyes, your father was the best father ever, and your uncle's issues shouldn't have to be your problem.
"Uh, probably. Why?" Miles said, sensing your anxiety.
"Miles, he asks me a thousand questions every day about my dad. I just don't want to deal with it," you said, defeat tainting your voice as you dropped your head.
Miles felt for you deeply. He knew more about Uncle Aaron and why his dad was so overbearing , but he couldn't bring himself to tell you. It would shatter you.
Reaching the front door, Miles pulled out his key and unlocked it, pushing it open. "Hola Mami, Dad," he greeted, waving to his parents who stood in the kitchen.
"Hey, Aunty Rio," you said, trying to walk past them and into Miles' room, but you were stopped by Jeff calling your name.
You sighed, reluctantly turning to face him. "Hey, Uncle Jeff," you said, avoiding his gaze
"Hey, kid, are you okay?" Jeff asked. He grabbed you by the shoulders and spun you around, trying to assess your physical -being.
"I'm fine, Uncle Jeff," you reassured him.
"Jeff, leave her alone," Rio interjected, coming over to give you a warm hug and a kiss on your cheeks. Rio had always been like a mother figure to you, especially since your mom passed away when you were just seven.
"Go on and get some homework done, and you and Miles, no goofing off," Rio instructed, a mix of love and authority in her voice.
"Okay," you said, scurrying as fast as you could to Miles' room.
Jeff let out a sigh, leaning back against the kitchen counter. "He shouldn't have her, Rio. He's barely around."
"There's nothing we can do, Jeff," Rio replied, shrugging her shoulders. "He won't give us custody."
"He's going to put her in danger, my innocent niece, just because he doesn't want to give up his lifestyle," Jeff voiced his worries, rubbing his temples in an attempt to calm himself.
Rio placed a comforting hand on Jeff's shoulder. "Maybe we can try and talk to him again when he comes later," she suggested, a glimmer of hope in her eyes.
Jeff nodded, silently agreeing with Rio, but the weight of uncertainty and concern for your well-being remained heavy in the air.
12pm, Aaron made his way up the steps, giving his signature three knocks on the door. It almost immediately opened, revealing Jeff with a look of disapproval on his face. Aaron shook his head, letting out a breath.
"Is Y/n ready? It's late, I want to get her home," Aaron said anxiously.
"You should come in, Aaron," Jeff responded, stepping to the side to let him in. Aaron knew where this was going to lead, but he stepped inside anyway.
"Look, man, I just want my daughter," Aaron pleaded, trying to de-escalate the situation.
"You're barely there for her, Aaron. Just give us custody," Jeff responded , folding his arms.
"Jeff, I'm not having this conversation with you. I just came for my daughter," Aaron said, tightening his jaw.
"Aaron, it's 12pm, and you're just picking her up. She has school tomorrow. She's over here every day for hours because you can't give up your lifestyle for your own daughter," Jeff accused, his voice growing louder with every word.
"Jeff, you do not get to tell me what to do with my daughter. She's MY daughter," Aaron said, stepping closer to Jeff and pointing.
"She's the only person I have left. You won't even talk to me unless it's about taking her away from me," Aaron added, frustration evident in his voice.
"You're gonna get her killed, Aaron!" Jeff shouted at the top of his lungs, waking up You, Miles and Rio in the process.
"You Won't Even Give Up Your Life of Crime for Her," Jeff said, his words echoing through the room. The silence that followed was deafening.
Aaron let out a heavy sigh as he looked down, his eyes brimming with tears. He couldn't deny that Jeff was right; he wouldn't even consider giving up his dangerous lifestyle for you. The weight of his choices and the impact on your life weighed heavily on him.
Collapsing onto a nearby chair, Aaron wiped away the tears that now streamed down his face. "You're right, Jeff," he admitted with a heavy heart. "Maybe it is safer for her with you and Rio."
The words hit you like a sledgehammer to the chest. Hearing your own father suggest that he would abandon you shattered your heart into a million pieces. How could he even consider giving up on you?
"Come on, y/n," Miles, pleaded as he tried to pull you away from the closed door, hoping to shield you from the painful conversation. But you shook him off,opening the door to confront your father and face the truth head-on.
The door creaked open, drawing the attention of both Aaron and Jeff. Their eyes met yours, filled with tears that seemed to have no end. Aaron felt something deep inside him break at the realization that he had failed the one person he cared for.
"Hey, babygirl," Aaron whispered, his voice strained with regret. He took a step forward, reaching out to offer you a comforting hug, but you didn't accept it. His heart sank further as he watched the tears continue to cascade down your face, your bottom lip trembling with raw emotion. The pain in your eyes mirrored his own.
Struggling to find your voice, you fought against an invisible boulder lodged in your throat.
"Are you really going to give me up, daddy?"
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Copyright © 2023 xxoxobree. All rights reserved.
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bellamer · 1 year
Despite popular belief, I dont think that Miles' parents would hate Hobie right off the bat:
Rio and Jefferson meeting Hobie but it plays out like that episode of Daria where Trent and Jane lived with Daria's family and they didn't know what to do because they've never really lived in a household with two parents that are at least semi involved in their lives
Like imagine by circumstance Hobie gets manipulated into staying at the Morales'-Davis household for a few days after Hobie accidentally says that his parents aren't around after Rio and Jefferson say that his parents are probably worried about him being out at their house late.
Rio insists because Hobie obviously doesn't eat enough and could use a few days of good meals and the bags under his eyes have bags and Jefferson agrees because Hobie needs someone to show him "guidance" and to help him "get his life together", and Miles is just shocked that his parents not only love his boyfriend, they basically made him a part of the family.
Hobie tries to be grateful at first but then he gets overwhelmed when Rio and Jefferson actually scold him for staying out too late because he's never had a curfew and they sit him down and talk to him about going to college and shit.
He gets so overwhelmed because their need to parent this boy is so strong, he makes up some bullshit about his "uncle" taking him into his custody just so he can go back to his universe.
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fatehbaz · 2 years
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Headline by: Ryan Burns. “Ground Has Been Broken on Klamath River Restoration, the World’s Largest-Ever Dam-Removal Project.” Lost Coast Outpost. 23 March 2023.
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The world’s largest dam removal in history is slated for 2023. Led by Indigenous tribes in partnership with organizations, lawyers, scientists and activists, the project will remove four dams, clearing the way for the lower Klamath River to flow freely for the first time in more than a century.
Headline and italicized text excerpt by: Malia Russ. “The Science of Saving Salmon as Klamath Dams Come Down.” UC Davis - Blogs - Climate. 24 February 2023.
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Headline by: Jackson Guilfoil. “Klamath dam removals, habitat restoration, begins.” The Mercury News. 25 March 2023.
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Headline by: Kale Williams. “‘The salmon are coming home’: Work begins on Klamath River dam removal.” KGW8. 27 March 2023.
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Iron Gate is a sinuous, skinny reservoir tucked into the folds of the Siskiyou Mountains. Draining it will expose about 900 acres of wet mud. “It’s our job to make sure it’s revegetated. We want that to be revegetated with a healthy native plant ecosystem,” says Joshua Chenoweth, Senior Riparian Ecologist for the Yurok Tribe who is leading the replanting effort. [...] Last fall, they seeded the strip with a mix of native grasses and flowering plants; now, they’re installing young shrubs and trees: buckbrush, serviceberry, and Oregon ash, along with the Klamath plum. Collectively, these plants will create a “wall of green,” taking up space that would have otherwise been overrun by non-native plants [...]. The revegetation of the Klamath River has been called the largest river restoration project in American history. Collecting, propagating, and growing enough seeds and plants to populate the reservoir footprints -- approximately 2,200 acres in all -- is a staggering task. [...] Their planting design includes 96 different species: culturally significant plants like yampah and lomatium, important pollinator species like milkweed, and tens of thousands of oak trees. [...] What will a restored, wild Klamath River look like? Imagine it. Stand at the Wanaka Springs boat launch and picture Iron Gate reservoir drained. The river has found its channel at the base of its original canyon. Willows flank the banks. Much of the reservoir footprint is flush with upland vegetation -- oak copses; thickets of buckbrush and Klamath plum; blooming rose and lupine.
Headline, images, captions, screenshot, and italicized text excerpt from: Juliet Grable. “After the dams: Restoring the Klamath River will take billions of native seeds.” Jefferson Public Radio. 13 March 2023.
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urfavouritegirlie · 6 months
Aaron Davis HC's
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Still has vinyl records that he and Jefferson used to steal from when they were younger.
Many girls had a crush on him during high school.
The 'hey' technique worked somehow.
Sleeps with satin sheets
Has the best colognes known to man. You could smell him from a distance.
Take precious care of his goatee.
Is not in a relationship but has a few one night stands/booty calls from time to time. He feels like his job doesn't allow him the freedom of a good relationship with someone.
Plays R&B songs when he's in his feelings. Only 90s and 2000s
Has a really good singing voice. Just DOES NOT and WILL NOT sing in front of anyone.
Actually has an engineering job as a cover. And is really good at it.
Has had a few nightmares of some of the women he's hooked up with coming to his door with kids he didn't know of.
Imagines what life would be like if he was never the prowler. Would he get married? Would he have children?
Did not talk to Jeff for a while when he found out he joined the police academy. He feels betrayed because he remembers the violence he witnessed from them in their neighbourhood growing up.
Sent a baby care package to Jeff and Rio when he heard Miles was born.
Vowed to try and be the best uncle to his nephew.
Brought Miles his pair of Jordans.
Has a lot of money from working as prowler and has made it clean so the bank won't be suspicious.
Has a written a will because he's sure something will go bad at some point, just doesn't know when. Majority of money will go to Miles' college fund. His property will go to him once he turns 18.
Couldn't wait for miles to grow into a young man so he can teach him about life things.
Has looked after Miles as a kid when both Jeff and Rio were working night shifts.
Loves classic 'hood' movies. Like Boyz n the hood, juice and more
Briefly jealous of Jeff lifestyle. Not the cop part.
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clowningaroundmars · 6 months
morales twins vigilantes: getting found out pt 1
hey yall im in my fic writing era. but i am BAD at writing LMFAO i'm really not sure i'll ever write a proper fic with a plot or anything
either way, i hope yall like this lil drabble my brain came up with on a whim of the morales twins!
it's how i imagine the way their secret would be revealed after doing the whole vigilante thing together for a lil bit. it's kind of based on the hcs i had of the twins which is here, kind of a continuation of the last bullet point there actually
miles1610 is miles and miles42 is milo bc i read a couple fics with that name given to him and now it is stuck in my heart u_u
>2nd part here<
well. uh. hope u enjoy! :)
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It was a fight that went slightly awry that really did them in.
No blood, no fireworks, no loud banging or explosions or anything. No one was even so badly hurt that they almost died, either.
It was simply just… a broken mask and their father unexpectedly being on patrol that fateful night that finally brought their secret out to light.
The Morales twins had been doing their vigilante thing together for only a few months now. Miles had been Spider-man for well over a year, of course, but it was after a particularly bad fight with a rhinoceros guy (what a freak…) that went semi-viral on social media that his brother Milo finally put his foot down and pulled those Prowler gloves from under his bed. He worked hard to modify the technology to better suit him, and had all of the armor and rope he needed in order to keep up with his brother all set in as little as 2 weeks.
Miles hemmed and hawed about bringing his not-super-powered brother around for the nasty fights he usually tackled alone. But he would be lying if he said that Milo’s concern didn’t put a small smile on his face in the end. Plus, it really helped out a lot when Miles needed to be somewhere quickly but still had a criminal left to take on and web up. Milo being just one text away from springing into action took a real big load off of his shoulders in ways he couldn’t even imagine.
That was about 3 months ago.
It was relatively smooth sailing until one Jefferson Davis took a night patrol under his belt without even warning the boys.
Well, Miles thought to himself in retrospect, we weren’t really around the house to catch if he did tell anyone, so.
Miles ran along a side of a building to catch up with the villain of the week. He was desperately trying to keep this super-powered baddie off of his not-so-super-powered brother, and not quite succeeding. Miles told Milo time and again not to tease any bad guys during a fight. Keep the attention off of you, bro. You do not have superpowers. I do! Is that not what Miles said? God, it’s like in one ear and out the other with this guy. Ugh.
Currently, Milo is parrying and deflecting attacks from this shocker-looking guy, a real piece of work. He still had his hi-vis vest on-- and Miles swore he even saw a name tag on it somewhere which was just hilarious, really-- but aside from his normal-looking work outfit, everything else about this dude was definitely not normal. Like the bright electricity fizzing all over his skull that just barely concealed this man’s real face, and the giant lightning bolts shooting out from his hands as he tried to fry Milo. It was a good thing Milo had enough sense to install energy-absorbing tech into those giant claws of his, or else Miles would be in real big trouble at the ER.
Miles ripped a chunk of some abandoned demolition project that never got done and swung it with all of his might in the direction of their fight, using his webs for maximum distance. It didn’t hit electro-dude but it almost hit his brother. Oops.
“Ayo, watch it!” Prowler growled, his mask distorting his voice the same way it distorted Uncle Aaron’s back when he held the mantle. He gracefully flipped out of the way and shot a grappling hook somewhere off into some scaffolding, pulling himself away from the action to let his bro fly in and give the temporarily-distracted electric-man some work.
Miles would snap back with a retort if he weren’t so busy pummeling this villain with all that he’s got. Both boys’ curfews were about an hour ago and they just knew their mom would be fuming once she got back and found out. But this needed taking care of, and neither Morales boys were willing to leave some freak of nature to take over Brooklyn and shut down all the power lines over a bedtime. Hell no.
But this needed to end now, or else good ol’ Spidey won’t be seeing the light of day for another 2 months. And by the looks of it, neither will the Prowler. Before Miles could even think to land the finishing blow on old lightning-head here though, tragedy struck.
An all-too familiar voice hollers out those dreaded words both boys hate hearing, especially in the middle of a fight.
“PDNY! Freeze! Put your hands up where we can see ‘em!”
Everyone did freeze, Milo looking particularly shocked as his head swivels around to the sight of waving flashlights and 3 burly but familiar silhouettes making their way past the far gates and advancing quickly into the fray.
Jefferson Davis’ gun appears to almost materialize out of the shadows, his face lit up in the harsh lights of his flashlight beam, sporting an intimidating, professional look. Cop mode, is what Miles and Milo called it jokingly one day as they lounged in their room, passing a bag of chips between them and having a laugh at their dad’s expense. That was before Milo took on the mantle of the Prowler. That was before this.
Miles panics slightly as he feels the man jump up underneath him, thrusting an arm into the police’s direction, ready to fire off a bolt--
Right after Milo lunges in front of the officers, ready to take the blast.
It happens in a fraction of a second. Miles didn’t even think he had enough time to open his mouth, let alone warn Jeff of the incoming danger. He figures that’s what Milo must’ve thought, too, otherwise there really was no other explanation for this stupid decision he just made.
Sparks flew, and then the thud of a body hitting the floor seemed to echo throughout the demolition site.
Shit shit shit shit shitshitshitshitshit, was Miles’ inner monologue as he finally landed the blow to the side of the baddie’s head, knocking him out successfully. He quickly webbed the man up to the floor, restraining him fully. The way I shoulda done in the first place, damnit, Miles lamented, freezing in place after the deed was done. His brain was working into overdrive to try and think of ways he could extract his now-nearly unconscious brother from this place without raising their dad’s suspicions.
Ever since Prowler joined in on Spider-man’s “adventures”, the media became even more fascinated with capturing every single moment it could of Spidey now that he had a sidekick in tow.
Headlines splashed on magazines, articles and news feeds read: “Batman and Robin! Spider-man and… the Prowler?” and “Webbed Menace Recruits Purple Sidekick, Even More of a Menace”. They haunted Miles’ every step. Milo, for his part, was mostly amused. But every now and then he would complain about being known as his brother’s sidekick, as if that was the most egregious part of having his every move recorded and uploaded for millions to see online.
Their mother became even more suspicious of her twin sons after she watched a video of the two vigilantes stopping a runaway bus in downtown Brooklyn. They looked eerily similar in size to her own teenage boys, and even seemed to banter the same way after all of the civilians were saved and back on solid ground. The way Spider-man clapped Prowler on the shoulder… hmmm.
To say that she shared her suspicions with her husband would be an understatement. Milo and Miles somehow always managed to catch a familiar cop car slowly rolling around corners and down streets, keeping pace just behind them, watching them. Miles would always roll his eyes, knowing it was their father. Milo would be annoyed but managed to shrug and keep minding his own business, since it was very obviously their father. When confronted, Jeff would try-- and fail-- to casually brush it off as simply doing Concerned Dad things.
“Listen, you two.” Jeff started one evening after dinner. He managed to get both boys down in their room one weekend, just for “a quick talk”. His excuse was that Brooklyn was getting too dangerous lately, especially at night, and that he was “gonna keep an eye on them” as a precaution.
But neither boy missed that slight nervous shift in his stance as he delivered the news, and once their dad bade them a good night and left, they gave each other a silent look that conveyed the exact same thought they were both thinking.
They’re onto us.
Well, their parents’ fears and suspicions were definitely going to be confirmed whether the twins liked it or not.
Milo groaned on the ground, the Prowler gauntlets having taken the majority of the blast sent his way, but the mask was halfway blown off, revealing a good portion of the boy’s face underneath. He rocked in place for a moment, blinking stars and dancing lights out of his eyes for just that one moment.
“Prowler!!” Miles shouted. In his panic, he forgot to lower his voice and conceal his identity, but his feet just wouldn’t move! What the hell, Morales… get it together! His brother was just badly injured and here he was, frozen in place like a deer.
Jeff, for his part, was barking orders to his coworkers and directing them to make a sweep of the place in case any other suspects tried to make a run for it.
They both left. He finally jolted his bright beam of light onto Spider-man, simply standing there a little ways away and staring back with those unnervingly gigantic bug-eyes of his. If Jeff wasn’t in work-mode right now, he’d explode on this guy and ask about what the hell was going on here, but Officer Davis was nothing if not a consummate professional.
Plus, there were more pressing matters to attend to.
There was what seemed like a teenage boy on the ground, wearing those goddamned gauntlets that Jeff could’ve sworn he shipped off to the junkyard after Aaron’s funeral. Damnit, if this punk was running around wearing his brother’s mantle and tagging along with Spider-man just to double-cross him in the end, there was gonna be hell to pay.
Jeff didn’t know why, but he felt slightly protective of the bug-themed hero, damnit. Sue him. And those claws brought nothing but terrible memories of screaming women, dead brothers and heightened stress. He did not need this right now, fuck.
Once the boy on the ground stirred, Jeff quickly pointed his gun and flashlight beam directly onto him. “Those orders were for you, too, punk. Do not try me tonight. Freeze. Put your hands out where I can see ‘em!”
Milo froze on the ground, and then tried to twist his face away from his looming father who was only a foot or two away with the world’s brightest flashlight in his face, fuuuuck. He just knew he was gonna be feeling this headache for the next 3 days…
Tentatively, he also raised his claws in front of his face as slowly as he could, trying to cover his face even more. He propped himself up on his elbows and tried to regulate his breathing.
Having a cop for a dad was not always peachy, but it helped a lot to know exactly how an officer would react if any sudden movements were made while having a gun out, and Milo was not trying to get a bullet to the chest on top of the mother of all electric shocks as well. No thank you.
It was in this moment that Miles’ brain started working again, and he unstuck himself from the pavement to reach out to his dad.
“Offi-- ahem, ahem. Officer Davis,” he remembered to lower his tone and conceal his voice a bit as well, and continued, “what a surprise to see you here. On this, uh. This very beautiful night!”
Groan. Oh my god. Even Milo rolled his eyes a bit, trying to shuffle back.
“I said FREEZE!” Jeff roared, attention still trained on Milo.
Without glancing up, he added, “And you Spider-man. Oh, buddy you are gonna get it after I’m done with this little asshole, runnin’ around with my brother’s-- man, y’know what-- nevermind! Just stay back, okay? I got this handled.”
“But wait! Th-that’s uh. He’s not an asshole, officer, he’s my-- my sidekick! He’s the good guy!! He helped me take this guy down! And he even saved you just now!” Miles waved his hands around frantically, agitating Jeff.
Stop doing that, stupid! Milo thought to himself in a daze, still recovering from the electric blast.
“Stay back, Spider-man. I’m warning you.” Jeff growled.
Miles picked up the hint and halted his movements, giant white eyes flicking back up and down from his dad to his brother and back. He had to think of something, or else Milo would be dragged back to a holding cell and both of their identities would be out. He just couldn’t let that happen.
Biting his lip, Miles gathered some resolve and stepped forward again. “Officer Davis—”
“Not another word outta you!” Jeff swung the flashlight right back onto Miles threateningly, and then trained it back onto Milo again. “I am serious right now, Spidey. One more word outta you and I’m slappin’ the cuffs on you too, I swear to god! I got more than enough room in the back of the squad car for two freaks!”
Miles recoiled. “Freaks. Geez, is that what you think of us?”
But Jeff didn’t answer, because he was all of a sudden deathly silent.
Both of the other officers just finished their sweep of the area, and were making their way back to Jeff when he all of a sudden kneeled down, still training that gun on Prowler’s face. But his movements were slow and hesitant, as if he were performing them in a daze.
Miles’ spider senses should’ve been tingling by now, at the very least a little. Still, he stayed glued to his spot as he watched Officer Davis-- as if in slow motion-- shifting his flashlight and gun into one hand, lowering both slightly and away from Prowler’s shattered mask.
As his other hand reached out, Milo flinched, but he didn’t need to. Jeff simply carded his calloused fingers over his hair, his braid on the one side of his head, in reverence. Milo couldn’t breathe. He was too scared to speak.
And then everyone’s blood ran cold at the same time.
Jeff saw the beads of Milo’s favorite basketball team colors, ones that he was excited to get again at the barber shop last weekend, simply hanging there tied to the ends of the Prowler’s braid, sitting limply in his hand. Milo’s blood ran cold once he realized exactly what it was that his own father was looking at. He didn’t need to reveal his face whatsoever when his now-exposed hair told the whole story anyways.
Miles’ spider senses finally kicked up once Jeff looked up slowly, an absolutely ruined expression rippling across his worn-out features as he really gave Spider-man a good, hard look, eyes playing over what little he could see of the vigilante in the darkness of night.
For a split second, no one said anything.
Even electro-head seemed to be silent as he came to and tried to sneakily rip the webs off of him. No dice. He finally turned his attention to the trio not too far away and opened his mouth.
“Hey, what the hell is this, some family reunion or something? Let me outta here, man! Goddamn, what a fuckin’ punch, man… shit…”
Everyone startled at the same time, turning their attention to the villain. Damn, almost forgot about him.
The other officers finally arrived to surround the other angles behind Spider-man, one of them even kneeling down beside electric-- whatever, the villain of the week-- and started cutting him out of the sticky ropes to put him in cuffs.
“Don’t even think about it,” one of them grunted once they got to his hands and saw a tingle of electricity surging through fingertips. “We got dampeners in my squad car if you try anything cute, got it?”
Jeff slowly holstered his gun, keeping the flashlight trained on the Prowler, unable to tear his eyes from this boy lying on the ground at his feet.
“Davis…? You good?” This was the officer who wasn’t busy wrangling sticky webs off of the baddie. He had his flashlight and gun trained on said baddie of course, but his head was swiveled to look at his captain.
Jeff swallowed hard and nodded slowly, a weirdly mechanical kind of movement.
“…Okay. Hey, Spidey. Thanks for this, I guess,” said the officer, keeping his concerned gaze trained on Jeff, shrugging a shoulder. “Too bad about your friend though. Hope he’ll be fine.”
It took Miles a second to recognize that iconic mustache, and then it dawned on him that it was his dad’s faithful friend and his own sidekick, Officer Gutierrez. How ironic, Miles thought ruefully.
He turned back to his dad, who was now helping Prowler up from the ground and steadying him against his side.
“What’re we doing with these two?” Gutierrez asks, because someone has to.
Jeff startles, as if he was just asleep and happened to wake up. “Uhh, about...?”
Gutierrez gave him a look. “The mask guy under your arm. And, uh. This guy,” he points his chin towards VOTW (villain of the week) as he’s being hauled up forcibly by the other officer, now in giant sturdy cuffs binding his arms together.
“The… that guy. Electric man. Just… just put those dampeners on his hands and take him down to HQ. They’ll probably just ship him off to the Raft. Let me know when you guys get there, of course. I’ll uhm. I think I’m gonna be taking my break right now.”
“You taking the mask-man all by yourself, then, captain?”
“Yeah. Yeah, I will. It’s… something personal to me, to be seeing these claws on this boy. I’m sorry. I think I might explain later but right now, we gotta get that guy behind some kinda bars. Please, Gutierrez.”
Gutierrez gives him an unreadable expression, and Jeff shoots an apologetic look back.
Finally, his partner gives a small nod and turns back to the task at hand. Miles breathes out a sigh of relief.
But it was a breath too soon.
“Spider-man. Prowler. The both of you. My car. Now.”
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ssadumba55 · 2 years
Masterlist: Archived Fandoms
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All my writing for Hamilton, Sherlock, Harry Potter, Newsies, A Series of Unfortunate Events, 101 Dalmatian Street, Zootopia, Wall-E, Ratatouille, The Maze Runner, Hook, She-Ra, The Incredibles, My Little Pony: A New Generation, Wizards of Waverly Place, Danganronpa, Looney Tunes, Raya and the Last Dragon, Cars, Toy Story, Winnie the Pooh, Tarzan and Captain Marvel will be linked here!
*I do NOT wish to receive further requests for these fandoms. They're archived for a reason, I'd like to leave these up for people in those fandoms to enjoy but I reserve the right to delete anything on here without warning
Imagines full on one shots with your favourite characters
Thomas Jefferson Permission to Court? (Gender Neutral Reader)
King George I Missed You (Female Reader) Don't Need Riches (Gender Neutral Reader)
John Watson Can't Sleep (Gender Neutral Reader)
Sherlock Holmes He's a Jerk (Gender Neutral Reader)
Newt Scamander Awkward (Gender Neutral Reader)
Sirius Black Muggle (Gender Neutral Reader) Deal (Female Reader) Intimate (Female Reader) Try Again (Gender Neutral Reader) Reunion (FtM Reader)
Remus Lupin Girlfriend? (Female Reader)
Queenie Goldstein Lovely Thoughts (Female Reader)
Harry Potter Hogsmeade (Gender Neutral Reader)
Klaus Baudelaire Happy Birthday (Gender Neutral Reader) Alone (Gender Neutral Reader) Letters (Gender Neutral Reader) Jack London (Gender Neutral Reader) Yours (Gender Neutral Reader) Substitute (Gender Neutral Reader) Valentine (Gender Neutral Reader) Moving On (Female Reader) Not That Easy (Gender Neutral Reader) Bad Day (Gender Neutral Reader) Anniversary (Gender Neutral Reader)
Duncan Quagmire Christmas Party (Female Reader) Jealous (Female Reader)
Isadora Quagmire Special (Female Reader) The Ersatz Elevator (Female Reader)
Violet Baudelaire Falling for You (Female Reader)
Baudelaires Island Days (Gender Neutral Reader)
Davey Jacobs First Kiss (Gender Neutral Reader)
Doug Father's Day! (Gender Neutral Reader)
Delilah Sick Day (Gender Neutral Reader)
Judy Hopps What Parents Do (Gender Neutral Reader) Halloween's Scary (Gender Neutral Reader)
Jane Porter Jungle Girl (Female Reader)
Wall-E Holidays (Gender Neutral Reader) Fourth of July (Gender Neutral Reader)
EVE Thunderstorms (Gender Neutral Reader)
Wall-E & EVE Robot Child (Gender Neutral Reader) Earth Day (Gender Neutral Reader)
Jessie First Thanksgiving (Gender Neutral Reader) Christmas Confessions (Gender Neutral Reader)
Buzz Lightyear Worried (Gender Neutral Reader)
Andy Davis Special Gift (Gender Neutral Reader)
Lightning McQueen Rookie Racer (Gender Neutral Reader)
Newt One Chance (Female Reader)
Minho Hopeless (Male Reader) Wherever, Whenever (Male Reader)
Rufio I Wish Pt. 1 (Female Reader) I Wish Pt. 2 (Female Reader)
Scorpia Leaving (Gender Neutral Reader) Is This What Love Is? (Gender Neutral Reader)
Justin Russo Third Chance (Gender Neutral Reader)
Carol Danvers Don't Give Up (Gender Neutral Reader)
Remy Halloween Dish (Gender Neutral Reader) Fancy Feast (Gender Neutral Reader)
Byakuya Togami Byakuya (Gender Neutral Reader)
Kyoko Kirigiri Would You Be So Kind (Gender Neutral Reader)
All/Multiple Binders (FtM Reader)
Headcanons Headcanons related to these characters
A Series of Unfortunate Events Being Friends with Duncan Quagmire (Gender Neutral) Baudelaires and Quagmires React to you Saying you Love Them (Gender Neutral) Klaus Baudelaire with Secretly Soft Reader (Gender Neutral) Baudelaires & Quagmires React to Metalhead Reader (Gender Neutral) Dunklaus Headcanons
Ratatouille Playing Overcooked with Linguini and Colette (Female Reader) Dating Remy the Rat Would Include (Gender Neutral) Warning Linguini and Colette About a Leak (Female Reader) Linguini and Colette with Child! Reader (Gender Neutral)
The Incredibles Being the Oldest Incredikid With No Powers (Gender Neutral)
She-Ra and the Princesses of Power Reuniting with Twin Sister Catra (Gender Neutral) Being BFFs and Roommates with Adora (Gender Neutral)
My Little Pony: A New Generation Dating Alphabittle Would Include (Gender Neutral)
Danganronpa THH Characters Cheering You Up Pt. 1 (Gender Neutral) THH Characters Cheering You Up Pt. 2 (Gender Neutral) Goodbye Despair Characters Cheering You Up (Gender Neutral)
Raya and the Last Dragon Dating Sisu Would Include (Gender Neutral)
Winnie the Pooh Dating Rabbit Would Include (Gender Neutral)
Toy Story Being Jessie's Girl Would Include (Female Reader) Dating Buzz Lightyear Headcanons (Gender Neutral) The Toy Story Gang Dealing with Traumatized Toy!Reader (Gender Neutral) Toy Story Gang with Clingy Reader (Gender Neutral)
Cars Being Lightning McQueen's S/O (Gender Neutral) Dating Ramone and Boost Would Include (Gender Neutral) Doc's Friends X Reader Headcanons (Gender Neutral) Dating Mac (Cars) Would Include (Gender Neutral) Being Best Friends with Lightning McQueen and Mater (Gender Neutral)
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zapreportsblog · 1 year
A Daddy-Daughter Date
➥ summary: no matter how old his daughter gets, she’ll always be a daddy’s girl
➥ a/n: this may sound like the beginning of some flirty smut but trust me it ain’t lol
➥ pure fluff
➥ one shot
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Miles Morales and his younger sister, (Y/n), shared a special bond. While Miles was often the one who found himself in the spotlight, (Y/n) was content to be a daddy's girl, cherishing the moments she spent with their father. Despite being a teenager, she didn't shy away from the cherished daddy-daughter dates that brought her immense joy and comfort.
One sunny Saturday morning, Miles and (Y/n)'s father, Jefferson, came into (Y/n)'s room with a wide smile on his face. "Hey, sweetheart, it's our special day. How about a daddy-daughter date?" he asked, his eyes twinkling with anticipation.
(Y/n) beamed at the invitation, her heart filling with excitement. "I'd love that, Dad!" she replied, her voice brimming with enthusiasm.
The two made their way to the local park, hand in hand, enjoying the warmth of the sun on their faces. They strolled along the path, the sound of laughter and birdsong filling the air. The park was alive with families and friends enjoying their weekend.
(Y/n) glanced up at her father, admiration shining in her eyes. "Dad, do you remember when we used to do this all the time?" she asked, a nostalgic smile playing on her lips.
Jefferson nodded, his gaze filled with love and nostalgia. "Of course, (Y/n). Those were some of the best moments of my life," he replied, his voice tinged with sentiment.
They found a cozy spot under a large oak tree and spread out a blanket. Jefferson unpacked a picnic basket, revealing an assortment of sandwiches, fruit, and homemade lemonade. The simple act of sharing a meal together brought them closer, their laughter filling the air.
As they ate, (Y/n) couldn't help but marvel at her father's wisdom and warmth. She admired his unwavering support and the way he encouraged her to be true to herself. She cherished the moments they spent together, unafraid to show her love and admiration for her dad.
After their meal, Jefferson pulled out a small notebook and pencil. "Let's play a game, (Y/n). We'll take turns writing down things we appreciate about each other," he suggested, a mischievous smile on his face.
(Y/n) laughed, her eyes lighting up with excitement. "That sounds fun, Dad. You start," she said, handing him the notebook.
Jefferson took a moment to think before writing down his first entry. He passed the notebook to (Y/n), who eagerly read his words of appreciation. Her eyes welled up with tears as she realized the depth of her father's love for her.
As they continued the game, their words flowed freely, each entry a testament to their bond and the admiration they held for each other. The notebook became a treasure trove of memories and affirmations, capturing the essence of their relationship.
Hours passed as they enjoyed each other's company, sharing stories, dreams, and laughter. They played games, took leisurely walks, and even enjoyed a friendly race through the park. In those moments, Miles and his superhero alter-ego seemed distant as (Y/n) and Jefferson reveled in the simplicity and authenticity of their connection.
As the sun began to set, painting the sky with hues of orange and pink, (Y/n) and Jefferson made their way back home. They walked hand in hand, their hearts filled with a sense of contentment and love.
As they approached their front door, (Y/n) turned to her father, a genuine smile on her face. "Thank you, Dad, for today. I don't care if I'm a teenager; these moments mean the world to me," she expressed, her voice filled with sincerity.
Jefferson's eyes sparkled with emotion as he pulled (Y/n) into a tight embrace. "You're my precious girl, (Y/n), no matter how old you get. Our daddy-daughter dates will always be special," he replied, his voice filled with love and warmth.
In that embrace, (Y/n) knew that her father's love was unwavering, a guiding light in her life. She treasured their daddy-daughter dates and the memories they created, knowing that their bond would forever be unbreakable.
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azeywashere · 5 months
First post ey!
So it has been running around in my head for a while...
I just realized we never ever learned why Hobie cared about the Miles that much. You know, blocking his way on the way of meeting with Miguel, giving him little tips, constantly trying to keep him away from that talk about how Miles' father suppose to die for the canon timeline. I mean, it kinda happens to all of the Spiders right? Why specifically care about Miles' dad. Plus he is a cop and I can see Hobie fidgeting with his ACAB pin at the corner while the talk happens.
And when I look at his blue shoe laces, (which they represent the owner of the laces had killed a cop. for more information I highly recommend searching Doc Martens lace code. Yes guys, it's still a thing among the punks. Not as serious as before but still a thing) I kinda only can imagine Hobart Brown killed Jefferson Davis in his own universe.
So it may be as some kind of accident, or it may be just classic 'good guy get killed in the arms of the spider' scene. But you know, Spider-punk is not our ordinary the Friendly Neighbourhood Spider™. His life style is different, fight style is different, and since the majority of spider's timeline starts with bad choices (like hurting the innocent in the name of revenge of Uncle Ben etc.) maybe Hobie's bad choice was slightly different. Maybe his bad choice was killing the cop.
And I can only imagine the young, angry Spider-punk who thinks cops are only on his way and only way to get rid of them is treating them like villains. And who can blame him, really
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arcadiaberger · 5 months
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He really is the worst monster anyone could possibly imagine.
Certaonly, the worst President int he nation;s history, worse than any American President, including Jefferson Davis.
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There are some cute fluff fanfics where Miguel would call Miles “Nene” which is Spanish for “baby” or something like that. So just imagine Miguel constantly calling miles “nene” along with other cute nicknames!
He would totally call miles nene or 'baby', I personally headcanon miles as one of the youngest in the spider society, so miguel would be really overprotective. And miguel is 6'9 and miles is 5'8 so miguel jsut sees this tiny red and black spiderman and is like "my kid now." Lemme put a comparison for height difference
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As you can tell, miles is quite literally a baby to miguel, miguels in his early 30s to late 30s and miles is jsut a 15 year old boy who's like two feet shorter then him.
Miguels father instincts just go "BRRRRR" every time he sees miles cause its like, that's his kid, yep. Jefferson Davis? Who's that? nope, only miguel here. I like to imagine miguel calling miles adorable Spanish nicknames that he knows miles wont understand cause they're either uncommon or is really quiet about it so miles cant really hear him but knows he said soemthing and miles either just being oblivious or thinking that miguel is cussing him out/insulting him will never not be hilarious to me.
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pico-digital-studios · 4 months
Omniverse - Another crazy Spider-Verse crossover idea I had, this time based on Ben 10
Yep, I had this idea floating around in my head for quite a bit today, in part thanks to reading up plenty about Ben 10 on the TV Tropes wiki. It got me imagining; what if we had another Spider-Verse-esque crossover, but involving the universe of Ben 10 instead?
I mean, the premise of alternate realities and timelines has been explored quite a bit in the many iterations of the franchise (like Gwen getting the Omnitrix instead of Ben or Ben's other alternate counterparts), and it got me imagining a cast line-up for the concept. The ones I thought up for the story are as follows:
Miles Morales / Spider-Man II = Alt Alan Albright / Alan Fanon (harbouring on him being a fanon counterpart to the original)
Peter B. Parker / Spider-Man = Ben A. Tennyson / Ben 10
Gwen Stacy / Spider-Woman = Julie Yamamoto / Julie 30
Spider-Man Noir = Classic Cartoon Ben 10
Spider-Ham = Reboot Ben 10
Peni Parker and SP//dr = Anime Lucy Mann and Ship
Pavitr Prabhakr / Spider-Man India = India Jimmy Jones
Hobie Brown / Spider-Punk = Ultimate Ben 10,000
Margo Kess / Spider-Byte = Gwen 10
Mayday Parker = Toddler Ken Green-Tennyson
Villains (Into the Omniverse)
William "Kingpin" Fisk = Phil Billings
Aaron Davis / The Prowler = Manny Armstrong / Techadon Warrior
Olivia Octavius / Doc-Ock = Arshika Charlie Animo / Dr. Animo
Green Goblin = Sunder the Retriever
Tombstone = Fistrick
Scorpion = Vulkanus
Villains (Across/Beyond the Omniverse)
Adriano Tumino / Renaissance Vulture = Pastel Master Kundo
Jonathan Ohnn / The Spot = Albedo / Negative Ben 10
Armadillo = Ssserpent
Miles G. Morales = Alan K. Albright
Villains (Miscellaneous)
Doctor Crawdaddy = Tim Buktu (Ben 10 Reboot)
Pavitr's Hobgoblin = Trombipulor
Miguel O'Hara / Spider-Man 2099 = Reboot Evil Ben 10/Alien X
Lyla = Alternate Glitch (in a Gwen form)
Jessica Drew / Spider-Woman = Molly Gunther
Ben Reilly / Scarlet Spider = Ben 23
Supporting Cast (Base Universe)
Jefferson Morales = Alt Pierce Wheels
Rio Morales = Alt Helen Wheels
Spider-Man I = Ben B. Tennyson / Ben 10
May Parker = Grandpa Max Tennyson
Mary-Jane Watson-Parker = Kai Green-Tennyson
Ganke Lee = JT
Supporting Cast (Ben A.'s universe)
Mary-Jane Watson = Kai Green
Supporting Cast (Julie's universe)
Peter Parker / The Lizard = Ben Tennyson / Zs'Skayr
Captain George Stacy = Victor Valadis
Supporting Cast (Jimmy's universe)
Gayatri Singh = Elena Valadis
Supporting Cast (Alan K.'s universe)
Rio Morales = Alt Helen Wheels
The Omnitrix is the swap-in for the radioactive spider here, and whoever finds it is the one (in)voluntarily assigned to help protect the universe from all sorts of threats, whether they wish to or not, sending their life from ordinary to extraordinary fast.
I picked Julie specifically for the role of Spider-Gwen, considering how she lost her overall touch in the series after Omniverse (and kinda because I personally shipped Ben and Julie as a kid, even with their rough spots), hence why I felt she and Alan would make a good fit for each other due to similar insecurities.
I had been thinking carefully about the roles to assign to each character I could. I originally intended Ben 23 to be the swap-in for Spider-Ham, but considering how full of himself he was before Omniverse Ben/Ben Prime came along (which is why he's in Reilly's place), I felt Reboot Ben 10, whose world is less serious than the others, could fit the role better, whilst also inheriting sympathetic traits like relating to losing someone close.
The Classic Cartoon Ben 10 isn't from the ORIGINAL storyline, but rather one based on classic cartoons from the 60s and 70s, just to avoid confusion there. Lucy Mann's genki girl approach, for one, made her a perfect fit for Peni's role here, too.
And considering Jimmy Jones is a big fan of Ben 10 in canon (and was respected for it in Ultimate Alien), I felt the naïve newcomer status could work for an alternate universe version of him from India. And as Ultimate Ben 10,000 is pretty much on top of his game (alongside being less likely to steer towards canon), he fits well for Hobie's role.
The evil reboot Ben 10, I felt, fits well for the role of Miguel, since he lost his Gwen and Max when they tried to save him, which led him down a darker path in life and required FIVE Omnitrix users to take him down. Likewise, I thought a Gwen variant of Glitch to go with him (which fits well with her sass in the series proper) fits Lyla's role as a digital assistant to a futuristic hero.
Since the four Plumbers' Helpers are of similar age, I felt that Pierce and Helen are Alan's legal guardians in Bellwood, alongside both assisting the Plumbers in protecting Earth. Manny, who has Aaron's role, is the most hot-headed of the four, but has a good heart deep down.
The reason for Alan having to inherit his Ben's role is through inheriting his Omnitrix after Ben gives him the responsibility to protect his world for him, and his compatibility with it came from the other dimension thanks to the experiments Phil's scientists were doing. As for the whole hair-sticking incident, Julie's hair was longer (as far down as her waist) before the accident, and at present, it's as long as in canon.
Max being the badass old man, no matter what universe, comes with the territory anyway, same with him being tech-savvy, which allows him to help Alan adjust to being the new hero. Kai is also commonly the girl Ben ultimately ends up marrying between universes, and JT being Alan's roomie contributes to him being the more chill between him and Cash (the glasses are a plus, too).
I also thought carefully about the rogues gallery between stories from throughout Ben 10's history, like having a female counterpart to Dr. Animo, or Ssserpent being the random villain Alan has to quickly deal with on his way back home with a cake, due to the villain's butt-monkey status in his first two appearances (he got better on the third).
Zs'Sakyr, I felt, was the best counterpart to represent The Lizard in Omniverse, since he's Ghostfreak's true self who tried possessing Ben and gaining full power over the Omnitrix. And I've kept up with the theme of altering art styles for the AU version of Master Kundo (like how Vulture was from the Renaissance, Green Impostor (Funkinverse) was from a sketchbook, and Snively (from my work, IAB!) was from a cell-shaded world).
Albedo, I thought, would be the best option available for a swap-in for Ohnn, as he became villainous through making a fake Omnitrix that made him a direct doppelganger of Ben (until a bioenergy feedback caused his appearance to shift), and since he fell into D-List villain territory, I felt he could have the biggest voyage to become an arch-enemy that Alan CAN'T ignore in general.
You guys are welcome to take all that as you will, and make up your own ideas on how things will turn out for them. See you later!
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deadpresidents · 10 months
other than trump are there any presidents you don't like to read about
To be honest, I usually find something interesting to read about all of them or that reading about them or their times helps inform the larger history of the Presidency. I've certainly read far more Trump books than I ever expected I would, but I think it's important to get different perspectives and to remind myself of just how out of bounds things got in comparison to more traditional Administrations.
There's definitely a few that I guess I'd say aren't as "fun" or as enjoyable to read about as others. I've mentioned in the past that I have an affinity for learning more about the most obscure of our Presidents. But part of the interest in that is because I end up learning more new things about them than, say, a book about George Washington or Jefferson or FDR or Barack Obama, who I've already spent so much time studying. (However, I never get tired of LBJ, who I imagine I've probably read more books about than any other President by far.)
I guess the name that comes to mind is Woodrow Wilson. There's no question that he was an important President, especially because of World War I and his times, but I've never found him particularly interesting and certainly not "enjoyable". I don't really enjoy reading about Andrew Jackson all that much, although his personal story is undoubtedly interesting and he was a unique character. And I don't mean to say anything negative about someone on the day that they buried their wife of 77 years, but Jimmy Carter's not high on the list of Presidents I most enjoy learning about either. I understand the things that other people find interesting about those Presidents, but I guess I have different tastes.
But then again, not everyone likes reading about Franklin Pierce or Chester Arthur like I do, so I'm probably the weird one. After all, I'm the guy who had printed and bound copies specially made of the Senate Executive Documents from the Third Session of the 34th Congress (1855-1857) so that I could better study the correspondence between Secretary of War Jefferson Davis and Commanding General of the U.S Army Winfield Scott because I found their feud entertaining (it REALLY is, though).
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