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jassy2uall · 3 years
T’challa’s Secret Twins (Chapter 7)
A story inspired by “T’challa’s Outside Daughter written by the brilliant author Marvel Heaux
Description: Wally and Jalena are the firstborn twins of T’challa. The twins moved to LA with their mother without any contact from their father. After losing their mom at the age of 10 the twins were taking care of by their family from their mom's side. Now the twins are grown and have become successful. After 15 years and exposure T’challa then decides he wants to be back in their lives. But will the twins let him?
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30 minutes until dinner...
Jalena was in her room she thought about how she missed Terrence and the kids. Being back in Wakanda reminded her of a lot of pain and about her mom.
“I can't do this anymore T’challa. I'm taking our children and leaving.” Jasmina cried while grabbing the twin's clothes and packing them in suitcases.
“Fine. Go! This marriage wasn't working out anyway.” he yelled.
Jasmina quickly turned to T’challa soon after he said that to her. She gave him a sad look before continuing to pack her and the kid's bags.
T’challa just stood there watching his wife back her and their children things. A part of him wanted to stop her from leaving and taking their kids with her but he didn't instead he thought to himself that he could finally have a fresh new relationship and a fresh new life without them.
Jalena shook herself out of her flashback.
She grabbed her phone and facetimed Terrance and the kids.
“Hey, babe. Where are you? asked Terrance.
“You’ll never believe what my brother did to me.
Terrance gave his wife a confused look.
“He tricked me into thinking we were going somewhere and then he casted a sleeping spell on me then I woke up in Wakanda.
“Wow, I can't believe this. Terrence said trying to wrap his mind around this. He knows her past on Wakanda and how she feels about her father.
“Are you going to stay? Should I come get you?
“Honestly.. I don't know how I feel.” she sighed.
“I mean I haven't been here since I was 4 years old.
“Being back here brings up to many memories that I don't want to think about.
“I don't want to think about how my mom must have felt watching her so-called “friend” sleep with my father.
“Know she's the queen of Wakanda and has two children to replace me and my brother.” she fake chuckled.
“Look, babe, your mom was amazing. What happened between her and your dad isn't your fault.
“You never needed him to make you the person that you are right now which is an amazing mother and wife which I love so much.
Jalena smiled.
“Aww, there's that beautiful smile I know and love.
“Is that mom? Asked Isaiah.
The kids went running to the phone pushing their father down. Terrance looked at them both like they were mad.
“MOM!! They both yelled.
“Mommie where are you? Said Aziyah.
“Mommies in her home country. Said Jelena.
“Why? Aziyah said confused.
“Actually me and Uncle Wally are both here. We're here for some... business that we both have.” she nervously told her children.
“When are you coming home, mom. Asked Isaiah.
“Soon baby. We'll be home real soon.
The conversation was cut short soon as she heard a knock on the door.
“I got to. I love you all.” she waved goodbye to the kids and her husband.
“Bye Mommie.” they both waved.
Jalena hung up the face time and walked to the door.
“Who is it?
“You're little brother who's sorry for forcing you to come here with me,” Wally said to his sister through the door.
“Please open the door so we can talk,” he begged.
Jalena placed her hand on the doorknob. she hesitated before coming to her senses and opening the door for her brother.
The door opened and revealed Wally with a was look on his face holding a little teddy bear that their mom got for them for their 5th birthday.
“So you think Mr. Brownie is going to make up for what you did to me,” she said giving her brother a harsh look.
“No, I figured it wouldn't work.
“But I really wanted to tell you that I'm sorry for what I did.
“Are you know.
“Because it sure as hell didn't seem like it when you were being so damn nice to the people who abandoned us.” she harshly said to him.
“What do you by “the people” there are family.
“FAMILY!! she quickly calmed herself down before anyone outside the room heard her.
“They are not our family Wally they abandoned us just like he did.
“They didn't abandon us.” said Wally.
“You're the one that shut them out all except baba.
“Because BaBa was the one that actually cared for us.
Jalena and T’chaka were always close closer than he was with Wally. Once Jalena got to a point in her life when she realized her father didn't care for her and her brother she tried to cut everyone on her father's side of the family out of her life. T’chaka was the only one that wouldn't stand for it. He always showed up for the twins. When Wally had his first baseball game or when Jalena had her first talent show performance. He always helped Jasmina with the twins even after she died.
“You know you were the only one that baba truly cared for. Wally turned away from his sister.
“That's not true Walls. You were always with grandma or your friends.
“You were never really around us like that and you know it.
“So don't try to turn this around on me or Baba.
“Fine.” said Wally
“I just came to see if you were coming to dinner.
“Ugh. Jalena growled.
“It's clear that you guys won't leave me the hell alone about this damn dinner so.. I guess I'll go.
Wally smiled.
“I don't know why your smiling because after this damn dinner I'm leaving tomorrow.
Wally’s smile quickly went away after she told him she's leaving.
“Now bye I need to figure out what I'm going to wear.” she shoved him out of her room and went into her bags to pick out her outfit.
5 minutes until Dinner
Everyone quickly made their way to the dining room and sat in their resigned seats.
“Everyone looks amazing.” said Nora.
“Thank you, mama,” Amara said whilst grabbing her drink of water.
T’challa asked his mother where the twins were since everyone was already seated.
“Yes, son?
“Where are my children?
“I don't know they should've been here by now,” she said while looking around the room for them.
“Maybe they got lost this is there first time in the palace.” Amara sarcastically said.
“Actually they've been in the palace way before you and your brother were born,” Shuri told Amara looking at her hard before taking her eyes off hers.
Amara rolled her eyes and grabbed her water again.
“I think we should send one of the Dora Milijaes so get them.” T’challa was about to send for one until the door opened and both the twins walked out.
They both looked amazing. Jalena wearing a beautiful red silk dress with diamond earrings and Wally wearing a nice gray suit.
They both walked over to their seats. Wally noticed that everyone was sitting in assigned seats. Nora and T’challa across the entire table and Ramonda and Shuri sat beside each other while Amara and Imari were sitting beside each other. The only seats available were one beside T’challa and one beside Nora.
Jalena didn't want to sit beside any one of them especially not the fake bitch who was one of her mom's friends that slept and had a family with her father. But she sure ass hell didn't want to sit beside the man who abandoned her and caused her a lot of pain in her life. So she decided it would be safer to sit beside Nora than T’challa so the room wouldn't “burn down”.
Jalena sat down uncomfortably right next to Nora.
Nora felt like she was going to throw up she could feel the tension in the room as soon as the twins came.
She tried to politely smile at Jalena until Jalena saw and just looked at her like she was dumb.
Nora quickly turned away and proceed to drink some wine from her glass.
Imari thought he'd break some of the tension by introducing himself.
“It's umm, nice to meet you both.” he nervously said.
“I'm Imari your.. um... Brother.” he slightly choked inside.
“It’s nice to meet you too I- can't believe I have a little brother. All I have are older brothers and an older sister.” wally looked at Jalena.
“Its really nice to not be the only young sibling now I can finally be the oldest.
Amara continued to roll her eyes and sip her water.
“Well, I'm looking forward to all the time we missed,” Imari reassured his brother.
“You too sis”. Imari looked to Jalena.
Jalena did not like being called “sis” by her younger brother since she doesn't like him and his sister. Instead, she decided to keep her thoughts to herself and not say anything to him.
Nora decided to start the conversation off by asking the twins how they've liked being back in Wakanda.
“So are you guys happy about being back in Wakanda?
“Yeah it's nice it brings back memories,” Wally chuckled.
“How about you Jalena? She asked.
“Hmm, let's see I don't want to be here at all.”she sarcastically said to Nora.
“Why couldn't I have just eaten In my room?
“Hun we all sit at the table and discuss our day...as a family.” Nora nervously said to Jalena.
Jalena choked on her food when she heard Nora say “family” that actually made her gag. Everyone turned their attention to her to see if she was ok.
“Are you ok? Imari asked.
“Oh, I'm fine... just fine.
She sarcastically said to her bother with a smirk on her face.
So “sis” tell us about your family? Amara said to Jalena with an annoyed look on her.
Jalena gave her a stern look before answering her question.
Well in “my” family we tend to always get our way after all we are Lodge Michaelson’s.
Jalena looked directly at her father. Everyone at the table was feeling very awkward and uncomfortable.
“Yeah, but we don't always get what we want Wally looked to T’challa.
T’challa looked back at his son with an uncomfortable look that made him feel nauseous.
“Again I'm sorry kids I really want to make it up to you both if you'll let me-
Before T’challa could finish his sentence Jalena then suddenly started to giggle. Everyone at the table gave her a confused look as to why she's laughing. Ramonda turned to her to ask her why she's laughing.
“What's so funny uswiti?
“You know, what's funny?” It's how you can do more for your other kids than you did for me and Wally.” Now we're just all sitting here dining like one big happy family.
Everyone felt uncomfortable due to Jalena’s outburst about the dinner and not being a family.
Wally tried to calm his sister down but failed to.
“Sis, maybe you should-
Jalena quickly shouted at her brother cutting him off. She got up from her seat to call out this ridiculous disaster of a “family” dinner.
You're CLEARLY uncomfortable around us you don't even know WHAT THE FUCK your gonna say to us.
Ramonda then got up from her seat shouted at her granddaughter about her language
“Now SIT DOWN so we can all finish eating Ramonda said with a serious tone and look.
“I'm sorry Grandma but I won't play pretend like you all. If you'll excuse me, I liked to be alone.
“You're excused, T’challa said with a sad tone to her.
As soon as she got up from her seat the chefs brought in dinner.
“Your highness.” the head chef said.
“You're not going to stay for dinner?
“All due respect I'm not your highness and no.. I'm not staying for dinner.
She walked out of the dining room slamming the door.
“I'm sorry about how she acted she's just- Wally tried to apologize before Ramonda interrupted him
“It's ok son it's understandable.” she said to him.
“Let's eat.” said T’challa clearing his throat.
After dinner was over
Jalena went back to her room she was so angry. She tried to calm herself down. She thought about a song that her mom would sing to her when she was a kid and when she got upset or sad.
She sung it to herself.
Come to me
In the night hours
I will wait for you
And I can't sleep
Cause thoughts devour
Thoughts of you consume
I can't help but love you
Even though I try not to
I can't help but want you
I'd know that I’d die without you
Stay with me
A little- She was interrupted by a knock on the door
“I swear Wally I'm not in the mood for this shit.
She opened the door Amara was standing there.
“What the hell do you want.” she angrily told her.
“I just wanted to see how you were doing after the whole dinner fiasco.” she said to Jalena with a fake tone in her voice.
“I'm fine.
“Is that all? Jalena asked.
“Actually... No.
Figures Jalena thought to herself.
“I really came down here to tell you that you and your fake ass of a brother don't belong here.
Jalena paused right in her tracks when she said something about Wally nobody talks about her brother like that.
“He's my dad and this is my family and I'm not going to let you or your brother get in the way of it.
“Little did Amara know that Jalena was about to GO OFF!!!
Listen here you Lil bitch. I DON'T GIVE A FUCK about you!!
Amara froze right in her tracks when Jalena cursed her out. She liked being daddy's little girl but Jalena doesn't even think of T’challa as her dad.
“Your not my sister and you will never be!!
“You want him all to yourself FINE then!!.. I don't want him. I never did. He's all yours.
“You two punk ass bitches can have each other,” Jalena said to her laughing.
Amara quickly saw fire come out of her hands and hair. She quickly got the fuck up out of her room.
Jalena slammed the door in her face and calmed herself down again.
Amara was pissed. she doesn't want her father giving all of his attention to the twins.
“Ugh, why did he have to have other kids. Why couldn't it have just been me and Imari,” she thought to herself walking around the palace.
“I guess I'm going to have to make dad see for himself that I'm his one and only daughter.” she smiled while walking into her room.
End Of Chapter 7
Xhosa languages
uswiti - Sweetie
Song lyrics by Rullle- War Of Hearts
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get to know me revisited- (2/15) female characters: jelena howard (hit the floor)
→ “I abhor weak women who live and die by men who don’t care if they live or die.”
113 notes · View notes
jassy2uall · 3 years
T’challa’s Secret Twins (Chapter 6)
A story inspired by “T’challas Outside Daughter” written by the brilliant author of it Marvel Heaux
Description: Wally and Jalena are the firstborn twins of T’challa. The twins moved to LA with their mother without any contact from their father. After losing their mom at the age of 10 the twins were taking care of by their family from their mom's side. Now the twins are grown and have become successful. After 15 years and exposure T’challa then decides he wants to be back in their lives. But will the twins let him?
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Back in Jalena’s room
Wally was just standing there awkwardly looking at his father. He always dreamed of this moment, what he would say to him. But it all went away when he saw T’challa.
T’challa glanced at his son before turning to his mother to ask her what was going on and why were the twins here.
“umama.” T’challa gently called his mother.
“What is going on? He asked.
“I didn't know how to tell you, son, because I knew you wouldn't approve of them here.
“But I'm glad I didn't because they're finally home right where they belong,” she said with courage in her voice.
“Thanks, grandma.”Wally held out his hand for her to hold.
“You're welcome.” she smiled back at him.
T’challa looked at the both his mom and son with a sad look.
Okoye was speechless at how Wally looked so much like T’challa.
Queen Nora didn't know what to say to her stepson. After all, she was one of the reasons why his T’challa and his Mom split up. She was very scared about how he would react to seeing her.
“Hi, Wallison.” she nervously said.
“I'm Nora we kind of met when you were a child.” she awkwardly told him.
“Oh that was a long time ago and I'm not really that good with faces but it's nice to meet you.” He reached out his hand to her.
They both shook each other hands. Wally looked back to his dad.
“It's nice to see you dad.” he nervously said.
“It's nice to see you to son.
They stared at each other for a few seconds. T’challa was so amazed at how his son looked so much like him and his mother.
Seconds later... Amara heard her parent's voice coming from the end of the hall.
“Mom, Dad, Grandma, what's going on?
“Who is he? She asked.
“Umm, this is- uh.” T’challa kept jumbling his words trying to tell his daughter the truth.
“Uh, what dad?
“He's your brother.” Said, Queen Nora.
Amara looked at her parents confused.
“What do you mean he's my brother. I only have one brother.” she said while staring at Wally.
“What's going on?
“It's a long story hun we'll tell you everything later but for now go with ayo back to your room and I'll be there soon,” said Nora.
“No, wait, mom.
“I’ll be there soon. I promise.”
Ayo escorted Amara out of the room so that everyone could figure out what to do.
Meanwhile, T’challa and Nora both turned their heads back to the situation.
“Would you um... like to join.. us for dinner later on? Nervously T’challa asked.
“I'd love to”. Chuckled Wally.
“Well will leave you to get settled in. See you tonight,” said Nora.
The Queen and King both left the room with Okyoye.
“Do you think your sister will join? Ramonda asked.
“I honestly don't know grandma.
“She’s really mad at me for bringing her here against her will.
Ramonda sighed.
“But I'll try to get her to come.
“No, it's alright son. I think I can change her mind.
Ramonda cleared her throat.
“I’ll um.. Leave you to get ready.
“Dinner starts at 8 you can wear anything you'd like.
She gave him a kiss on his forehead before leaving.
Jalena was still trying to find her way out of the palace.
Shuri was looking for her brother to see what was going on.
Jalena spotted Shuri she quickly tried to look for another way but Shuri had already seen her.
“Aunt Shuri?
“What are you doing? She smiled giving her a big hug.
“I've missed you so much umtshana.
“I wish I could say the same,” Jalena gently pushed her away breaking up their hug.
She gave her a confused look after breaking up their hug.
“Look, Aunt Shuri, I don't mean to rude but I'm just not that close to you.
“I had nothing to do with my brother and your mother. I told him what he was doing to you all was wrong.” Shuri explained.
“I get that your angry but don't take it out on me.
“NO, I WILL TAKE IT OUT ON YOU!!”she yelled startling Shuri.
She quickly calmed herself down and apologize.
“I'm sorry.
“I just want to get out of this place.” she sighed.
“I accept your apologise... but i really want you to stay.
“Please stay,” she begged her.
“I can't I'm sorry.
Jalena walked passed Shuri onto the elevator. They stared at each other until the door close.
As Jalena walked through the hallways of the palace she suddenly remembered running through the hallway when she was young with her grandfather.
Flashback (15 years ago in Wakanda)...
(Pretend like it's Jalena running guys 😂)
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“Slow down honey your gonna end up falling.”
“Baba, I'm trying to find daddy.” Where is he?
“He went on a mission with the Dora milijae.
“He's always on missions I never ever get to see him. Jalena said to her grandfather with a sad tone and tears falling down her eyes.
I know uswiti but he's preparing to be king after I step down. He needs to practice.
T’chaka knew that this wasn't true but he didn't want to break Jalena’s heart he knew that T’challa was in fact in Wakanda hanging out with W’kabi instead of his kids.
“Ok, I understand. Let's go get some food Baba?”
“Lead the way Nkosazana,” T’chaka said with a smile as he and Jalena were off to get food
End of flashback...
Baba, I miss you.” she whispered to herself.
She reached in her pocket for her phone but came to find out she couldn't find it nor her luggage.
She was such in a rush to get out of the palace that she had forgotten her things.
“Now I have to go all the way back to get my things.
“What a great day this turned out to be.” she sarcastically said to herself.
Meanwhile, Shuri made her way into Wally's room.
“I cant belive it.
“You're finally here.” she ran to hug him.
“It’s great to see you, Aunt Shuri.
“You look nice.
“Thank you umtshana,” she said.
“Anyways I saw your sister on my way here.
“She looked pretty... Angry.”
“Yeah about that.. I kinda dragged her here.
“You didn't.
“I did.
“I'm sorry I just really wanted to see you all and I knew she would NEVER come her if I told her. So I had no choice.
“I get it. We missed you both too kiddo.
“And it's great that you both came because family week is next week and now we finally can have the whole family together.
“Don't take this the wrong way auntie but I don't really think that's a good idea.” he awkwardly told her.
“It’s just that Jalena isn't really in the mood for all that and it wouldn't be the same if she wasn't there.
“I suppose your right. My brother really hurt her.
“But it's still great to have you too here.” she smiled.
“Are you guys joining us for dinner?
“Uh yeah just give me some time to convince my sister.
“My dear nephew.... I think your gonna need all the time in the world to convince her to come after how angry she looked when I saw her.
They both laughed.
Jalena made it back to her room. She quietly closed the door so no one would know she was in there especially with her brother's room right across the hall from hers. Her luggage was placed on the chair along with her phone.
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“There you are.” she picked up her phone.
She tried to turn it on but realized it was dead.
DAMNMIT!! she yelled.
She reached into her suitcase and pulled out her charger but before she could put it in the outlet she suddenly heard a knock.
She stopped right in her tracks and tried not to make a sound.
“Hun it's your grams.
“I know your in there. please open the door. I just want to talk.
Jalena felt bad ignoring her grandmother.
“Come in,” she said quietly.
“Hey, hun I wanted to see how you were doing.
“Grandma don't take this the wrong way but... I’d rather stab myself repeatedly over and over than be here In Wakanda.
Ramonda looked to her horrified by hearing her wildly, scary reaction to not wanting to be in Wakanda.
“This we'll never be my home, Grandma. HE!!! ruined the chance for it to ever be” Jalena said to her Grandmother while pointing to T’challa in the picture.
“The sooner you learn that the quicker it'll be to move on like I had to.”
“I'll never give up hope umntwana, never.”
Ramonda assured to her before leaving the room.
After their conversation ended, Shuri walked into the room.
“Is my favorite niece staying after all?”
“No offense Aunt Shuri but I'm definitely not your favorite niece.” Amara is and you know that Jalena harshly said to Shuri.
Shuri didn't expect to hear that from her niece let alone be called out for false pretenses. She was not about to be disrespected by her niece.
“LISTEN HERE NUGGET!!! Shuri shouted.
“Nugget?” Jalena looked to shuri with a confused look on her face.
I DON'T APPRECIATE YOU CALLING ME OUT MY NAME!!” You ARE my favorite niece I've always thought about you and your brother. It's not my fault I'm not your father so stop taking your anger out on us.
“No, it is your FAULT!! Jalena shouted back at Shuri.
“You, Grandma, Baba you all didn't fight for us.”
Suddenly tears fell from Jalena’s eyes. Shuri’s expression quickly changed when she saw her niece cry. She sat down beside her niece and placed her head on her shoulder to comfort her.
“Shh, it's okay let it all out” she softly said to her brushing her hair back.
You all abandoned us, you let him abandoned us” Jalena cried.
You don't know how many times I called him, texted him, prayed to the gods that he'd come back to us... but he never did. Instead, he had a new family and forgot all about us now all of a sudden he wants to know us.
Jalena jumped up from Shuri's shoulder yelling.
“I REFUSE to let him hurt my brother all over again. He already hurt me but he will NOT hurt my brother ever again.
Shuri looked at her niece with sadness she knows that her brother messed things up BIG TIME with the twins. She fears that he'll never be able to fix things with Jalena because she is beyond fixing things.
In the Kings room...
“So how are you feeling about all of this? Queen Nora asked her husband.
T’challa turned around to face the window he felt like the world was ending. He knew that this day would always come and he always dreaded it. But it was time to face the music and be the father to his kids that he wasn't before.
“Honestly, I'm ashamed.” I am ashamed because my daughter and son have suffered. After all, I wasn't there. I never cared to be there. My daughter has been killed multiple times, traumatized, suffers from PTSD, and has her own family. Wally almost died permanently and I had no idea. I'm the world's most horrible, father and it's all my fault.” T’challa confessed to his wife crying.
Queen Nora sat next to her husband and began to comfort him.
“Honey don't beat yourself up about it what's done is done all. What you can do now is try to be better... be a father.”
T’challa thought about what his wife told him about trying to be a father to the twins. He knew it wasn't going to be easy but he wasn't going to give up on them again. This time he determined to make it right.
“Come now honey.
“Have a quick nap before dinner. she said whilst putting T’challa to bed.
“Ok.” he sighed.
T’challa laid his head down on his pillow and slowly closed his eyes.
He thought to himself “this dinner is going to be a complete disaster.”
End of chapter 6
Xhosa languages
Umama - mother
umtshana - nephew
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jassy2uall · 3 years
T’challa’s Secret Twins (chapter 2)
A story inspired by T’challas Outside Daughter written by the brilliant author of it Marvel Heaux.
Description: Wally and Jalena are the firstborn twins of T’challa. The twins moved to LA with their mother without any help or contact from T’challa. Shortly after losing their mom at the age of 10, the twins were taking care of by their family from their mom's side. Now the twins are grown and have become successful. After 15 years T’challa then decides he wants to be back in their lives. But will the twins let him?
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In Wakanda...
Once a year in Wakanda held an annual family weekend event where everyone's families would all get together and celebrate. There are huge festivals and Carnivals where all the kids from every tribe have fun with their friends and family.
T’challa and his family always host the event every year but lately, something has been on his mind. His children. His mother Ramonda always reminded him of them every time this event would come around. She wished that he would try and reach out to them but he never did.
Flashback (1 year ago)...
After the Royals court, planning about the annual family weekend event discussion ended Ramonda decided to stay back and talk to her son about the twins.
“Son a word?” She asked softly.
“Sure mama, what is it?”
Ramonda took a deep breath before she could tell her son what was on her mind.
“It's about family weekend.”
“I was thinking that you should invite the twins to come here so we can all be a family.
T’challa was speechless he wasn't prepared for what his mother was going to say to him about family weekend. He didn't want his wife and other kids to know about the twins. He knows that the twins hate him for not taking care of them or even coming to their mom's funeral when he had heard she died. He didn't want to let his mother down but he knew he had to.
“Mama I don't think that's a good idea”. He politely said to his mother trying to end the discussion.
“T’CHALLA”. She raised her voice causing T’challa to slightly jump back.
“Don't you think it's time that you try and reach out to them?
“Mama, I'm not having this discussion with you again. T’challa quickly tried to change the subject but Ramonda was not having it. She had been silent all these years about her grandchildren but after when T’chaka died that's when she felt the need for their family to finally be reunited again.
“After all these years you still don't think that they deserve to know their family, their siblings.
“Son, I love you, and out of respect for you and our family, I kept quiet about them for too long.
“Now it's time that the secret comes out.
“No. He refused his mother's request.
It's my decision and there, my family. I will decide when the times right.
“And when will that be?
“There already 18 there basically adults and they haven't seen you in almost 15 years.
“Amara and Imari deserve to know about their siblings and so does Nora.
“I'M WELL AWARE MOTHER,” T’challa yelled.
Ramonda couldn't believe the tone in her son's voice. She quickly showed him who the boss was.
“You may be king but I am your mother and you will NEVER speak to me like that again.
“Yes, mother I'm sorry.” T’challa looked down with shame realizing he yelled at his mother.
“I really wish that you would finally be a father to them because they deserve it.”
“You owe it to them and you owe it to Jasmina she didn't deserve the disrespect from u as well.
“Jasmina was a beautiful loving woman who loved you just like she thought you loved her.” I'm not saying I don't love Nora but what you did to Jasmina was the cruelest thing I've ever seen you do.
“You didn't even go to her funeral when you found out she died.”
“Did you even love her at all son? She asked her son with sadness in her voice.
“I did love her mama.”
“I loved her with all of my heart but... I just wasn't ready to be a father.”
“Well, you could have told her that instead of dragging her on and betraying her.
“If I were you I'd do everything in my power to make it right with the twins. I wouldn't just sit here and do nothing like you’ve been doing for the past 15 years.” She angrily told him before walking out of the room.
After watching his mom angrily leave T’challa sat back on his throne and began to cry about how he treated Jasmina and his children.
End of flashback........
T’challa thought long and hard about the conversation him and his mother had last year. He was having deep regrets about not being there in his kids lives.
As family week grew closer and closer Queen Nora could feel her husband drifting away.
“What’s been on your mind baby.” She worriedly asked him.
T’challa dreamed of telling his wife about the twins but he never had the courage to. He knew she’d be angry and maybe even hate him for keeping this big of a secret from her.
“Nothing my love I’m fine.
“You don’t look fine. Tell me what's wrong? Nora asked with worry.
“If I tell you then you won't look at me the same. I'm worried that our marriage will break.
“What are talking about love our marriage will be fine there's nothing you cant tell me that will ruin our marriage.
“Please tell me” she begged.
T’challa took a deep breath before he revealed his secret to his wife.
“It's a long story sthandwa.
“Is this about Jasmina? Nora asked T’challa.
“Yes it is and there's more I should've told you.
“Jasmina and I weren't just married we also had children, twins to be exact.
Nora gasped she could not believe what her husband had just told her.
“What do you mean you and her had children. I don't understand” she said to her husband whilst her voice breaking.
“I can't believe that you would keep this from me all these years.
“I know I'm sorry sthandwa. T’challa tried to plead with his wife but Nora didn't want to hear it.
“I don't care you made me look like a fool. Nora got up from beside him and began to pace back in forth trying to wrap her head around all of the mess.
“I never would have messed with you if I had known you and her had kids. Do you know what people are going to think of me now or what the kids may think of me? A whore who broke up their parents?
“Again I'm sorry- he tried to finish but Nora quickly cut him off before he could.
“Stop saying your sorry T’challa it's not going to change anything.
“You chose to tell me this a week before family weekend.
“How are we supposed to tell the kids about their long-lost siblings?
All of sudden Nora stopped to think about something that she just came to her mind.
“Wait did your family know about this?
“Yes...and a few of the staff and tribe leaders. He nervously answered his wife trying to avoid eye contact.
“Wow... everyone but me hmmm, ok I think that I should go sleep In the guess room tonight since I can't stand to look at your deceitful face anymore.
T’challa stayed right on the bed looking down realizing his past and mistakes had finally caught up to him.
Nora angrily grabbed some of her clothes from the closet and left the bedroom.
End of chapter 2
Xhosa meaning -
sthandwa - my love
13 notes · View notes
jassy2uall · 3 years
T’challa’s Secret Twins (Chapter 3)
A story inspired by T’challas Outside Daughter written by the brilliant author of it Marvel Heaux.
Description: Wally and Jalena are the firstborn twins of T’challa. The twins moved to LA with their mother without any help or contact from T’challa. Shortly after losing their mom at the age of 10, the twins were taking care of by their family from their mom's side. Now the twins are grown and have become successful. After 15 years T’challa then decides he wants to be back in their lives. But will the twins let him?
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1 week later...
In the reach search lab, T’challa decided to visit his little sister Shuri to see the new gadgets she's been developing.
“Welcome my king.”Shuri teased her brother.
“Stop it, stop it. “Laughed T’challa.
“Enough with the jokes Shuri I came to see the new gadgets and updates you've made to my suit.
“Are you sure that's the only reason you came here for? “Asked Shuri.
She heard what happened between him and Nora. She wanted to make sure her brother was all right.
“I take it that mama told you what happened. “T’challa turned to Shuri.
“Yes she did but I wanted to see how you've been holding up.
“I'm good everything is fine Shuri.” T’challa quickly looked away trying to avoid eye contact with his sister.
“Brother it's me you don't have to lie. Tell me the truth.
“She hasn't spoken to me in a week Shuri. I really messed up. T’challa sadly told his sister.
“She’ll come around eventually... just give her some time.” She gently patted his back to comfort him.
“In the meantime, I've come up with great new updates brother.
“Check these out.
T’challa puts on his new sound observant vibranuim shoes.
“I call them sneakers.” Shuri tries to explain to her brother but T’challa looks at her with a confused look.
“Because you... Nevermind.
“I've also updated your kimoyo beads for your next mission.
“So you should be all good to go, brother. “She gave her brother a reassuring smile.
“Thank you usisi. “T’challa hugged his sister before leaving.
“Anytime brother.
Meanwhile (Los Angeles) ….
After the Devils seasoned ended last month the girls have been booked and have been performing all over LA.
“All right ladies listen up. “Jalena entered the dance room.
“We are again officially booked this weekend so cancel everything that you've planned because we're going to be working our asses off again starting first thing today.
Most of the girls were excited while the others were tired and we're hoping to enjoy their weekend off.
“Quit with all the sad faces girls your not the only ones who wish they were off to but a Devil Girl's work is never done.” Teased Jalena.
“Yeah maybe for you,” whispered Asha.
“Uh come again, Asha a little louder so we can hear you.
Asha just sat there quietly. Scared to repeat what she just said to Jalena.
“That's what I thought”. Jalena smiled at Asha.
“Now everyone let's rehearse for our performance on the Jimmy Fallon show this Friday.
15 mins later...
“Ugh, I'm so tired if we keep on dancing one more time my tits are gonna sweat like a pregnant woman breastfeeding a baby.” Kyle tirelessly said to Jalena and the girls while fanning herself.
Jalena looked at Kyle with a disgusted look.
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“Uhh anyway... we have to look perfect, we have to be perfect, and we're gonna be perfect tomorrow.
“I DON'T CARE IF YOUR TITS SWEAT AS LONG AS YOU DON’T MAKE US LOOK BAD THEN WERE GOOD.” Shouted Jalena giving all the girls a harsh stare.
“As for now, BE PREPARED TO FRY!!” Jalena started back the music.
All the girls sigh before getting back up and rehearsing again.
After practice
“I’M HOOMME!!” Jalena said while coming home after an hours-long of practicing.
“MOM.” ran Aziyah.
“Hey, bug. I missed you.” Jalena gave her daughter a big ole hug.
“Where's your brother?
“He's upstairs in his room playing Fortnite with his friends. Aziyah rolled her eyes. Her room is next door to her brother's room and every time he plays Fortnite he always has his volume turned all the way up.
“God I regret getting him that game. Sighed Jalena.
“It's starting to become a problem Mommie.
“Yeah well bug your brother has good grades and he deserves to be rewarded for them just like you. So as much as I hate listening to all of the noise and the shooting we're just going to have to bear it.
“Ok Mommie”. Sighed Aziyah.
“Now is there anything that you wanted to tell me before I go upstairs and take a loonnggg nap? Asked Jalena.
“Yeah, can Brooke, Katie, and Olivia spend the night here tomorrow?
“Please Mommie.” Begged Aziyah with her puppy dog eyes.
“Ugh, how can I say no to that cute little face.” Laughed Jalena.
Thanks, Mommie I love you.
“Love you too now go to bed it's late.
“OKKK!! Aziyah ran upstairs to go get ready for bed.
(Terrance and Jelena’s room)...
“Wow, you look tired.”
“Practice must've been hella hard.” Said Terrance.
“Ugh, babe I'm exhausted. Jalena tiredly jumped into bed.
“Honestly I don't think I'll be able to handle this weekend.
“There's just too much going on this weekend babe.” she placed her head on his shoulder.
“The Jalena I know can handle anything. She doesn't give up when times get tough. She fights.
“You got this.” Terrance said as he patted her back comforting her.
“But what about our vacation Terrance?
“We still are going on vacation after you finish this weekend then well go.
“Ok.” Jelena tiredly yawned.
“Now go to sleep. Laughed Terrance.
They both turned the lights off and began to fall asleep.
The Next Morning...
Jalena woke up from her sleep due to strange loud noises coming from downstairs.
“What is going on.” she thought to herself.
She quickly hopped outta bed to go check out the noise coming from downstairs.
She saw her brother using his super-speed to make breakfast for everyone.
(sorry guys I couldn't find an image of him to fit this scene so just pretend like he's in the kitchen using his speed) 😂😂
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“Hey, sis want some breakfast.”
“Morning mom.” Both Isiah and Aziyah said while making breakfast with their uncle.
Jalena gave her brother a confused look.
“I didn't know you could make astral projections of yourself doing that.
“Yeah, I uh told you about that camp for the young power people. They taught me a lot of cool tricks about my powers.
“You should go sis they could really help you with.. you know... your fire.” Wally awkwardly said to his sister.
“Thanks but no thanks. I'm fine. I already know how to control my powers.
“Plus they'd be afraid of me everyone in the realm is afraid of me. I don't have just regular fire I have hellfire.
“So I think it is best if I just don't go to your little camp at all. She gave her brother a snarky look after turning down his suggestion.
“Well, now that you too are done with your conversation can we eat. “Said, hungry Terrance.
Jalena rolled her eyes and say down to eat the breakfast her brother had made.
“Delicious right.” Smiled Wally.
Jalena laughed at her brother and began to take another bite out of her amazing omelet that Wally made.
“We should cook with uncle Wally more,” said Isiah.
“Yeah, bud id love that. Wally high-fived his nephew.
“All right well this was amazing. I'm going to go shower now.” Said Jalena.
“Wait sis before you go there's something you should know.
“What is it?
“Grandmama called and wanted to talk to us about dad. Wally scaredly told his sister.
Both he and Jalena gave Terrance “the quickly go face” before turning back around to talk to each other.
“Uh come on guys let's go finish our breakfast in the living room. Terrence grabbed the kid's plates and headed to the living room.
“When did she call?
“Ok, and what was it about? She annoying said to her brother.
She wanted to know if we'd come to Wakanda’s annual family weekend event next week.
“Huh. Laughed Jalena.
“I take it that T’challa doesn't know about this little “invite”. Huh.
“Maybe maybe not I don't know Lena.
“But I kinda.. wanna go.” He gently said to his sister.
“Why? She gave her brother a confused look.
“Why would you even want to go there.
“He never wanted us he even had two kids to fucking replace us so why would you want to go to a damn family event with a man who never claimed us. She angrily told her brother.
Her father was always the source to her anger in fact he was the key to her powers. She was always angry at her father for what he did to both them and her mother. When Jalena was young she asked her mother about when her powers would come. Her mother told her around the age of 10 but some kids' powers come a little earlier before they turn 10. Shortly after her mother died all Jalena felt was anger so much that her fire became blue and every since then she became more powerful than her mother was. Jalena possed the power of hellfire even more powerful than regular fire. Anything she’d touch would disintegrate into ashes.
“I know how you feel about him but maybes he's changed.
“Trust me Wally he hasn't and even if he has I still wouldn't go.
“This isn't the first time family weekend has been going on in Wakanda.
“He could've been invited us to go all these years but he never did he takes his new wife and two little mortals of children.” Jalena sarcastically said to her brother.
“You tell grandmama thanks for the offer but will pass. “She quickly cut her brother off.
“Where are you going, Lena?
“To shower like I said I was going to do.
“Clean up my kitchen by the time I get out.” she continued to walk up the stairs.
Wally rolled his eyes at his sister and began to do what she asked.
Shortly after giving it, some thought Wally decided to call his grandmother to let her know his decision.
“Hi, grandmama.
“Hello, unyana
“Did you tell your sister about family weekend? She asked her grandson.
“I did.
“And what'd she say. Are you guys in?
Wally took a deep breath before deciding what he was going to say to his grandmother.
“Where in.
To be continued.
End of chapter 3
Xhosa languages
usisi - sister, sissy
unyana - son
10 notes · View notes
jassy2uall · 3 years
T’challa’s Secret Twins (chapter 4)
A story inspired by T’challas Outside Daughter written by the brilliant author of it Marvel Heaux.
Description: Wally and Jalena are the firstborn twins of T’challa. The twins moved to LA with their mother without any help or contact from T’challa. Shortly after losing their mom at the age of 10, the twins were taking care of by their family from their mom's side. Now the twins are grown and have become successful. After 15 years T’challa then decides he wants to be back in their lives. But will the twins let him?
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“Where in.” Wally lied to his grandmother after his sister told him no.
“Wonderful.”Ramonda said with happinesses her voice.
“Ok well I'll send the Dora millijae to i company you and your sister to Wakanda.
“Oh and one more thing.” Ramonda quickly thought.
“Yeah, grandma.” He answered back.
“Will my great-grandchildren be attending as well? She asked.
Wally knew his sister was not on board with this idea and that she’d never allow her children to go to the one place that would make her relive her awful childhood memories let alone meet the man who caused her all of her pain and anger.
“Uh I'll ask her but I can't make promises on them coming.
“Ok well, I see you guys in two weeks.” Ramonda smiled over the phone.
“Bye grandmama” Wally chuckled.
“Bye son
After their conversation ended Wally thought long and hard about what he just done.
“She’s going to murder me for this.” He thought to his self.
Wally hurried and rushed to the kitchen using his speed and began cleaning before his sister comes down.
Friday Morning...
5 hours till the Devil Girls live performance on the Jimmy Fallon show.
It was a stressful morning and Jalena was on edge. She was determined to get the girls ready for their performance in the next few hours.
“ALL RIGHT LISTEN UP!! She yelled.
“It is 8:00 and we don't go on till noon so for the next 3 hours we're going to be practicing.
“I don't want to see ANY slacking between the formations or no half-ass dancing.
“I need everyone to be perfect,” she demanded.
All of the girls were annoyed and tired one girl even rolled her eyes at Jalena due to her yelling at her and being controlling.
“Uh... excuse me.. my eyes must be playing tricks on me because I know I did not just see you rolling your eyes at me. “She glared at the girl waiting for her to respond.
The girl just stood there frozen she was scared to talk back to Jalena because she could be fired and Jalena secretly scares her.
“I'm waiting..
“Did you or did you not just roll your eyes at me. Jalena grew angrier at her.
“I didn't mean to I'm just tired and nervous.” she nervously said.
“I'm doing my best Jalena we all are.” The girl said whilst trying to stand up for herself and the other girls.
“Wow, that was brave, admitting that you can't do any better.” she harshly told her.
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“And I suppose you all feel like your doing your best. She turned to ask the other girls. Some shook their heads to agree with the girl while others just stood there.
“Hmm, well if you all were doing your best then we wouldn't be here practicing.
“Now let's rehearse and remember if I see you're not fully into it... I'll cut you faster than you can say no, please,” she smirked at all of the girls warning them.
The girls just stared back at her with a scared look and the feeling of nauseousness on their faces.
Back In Wakanda
After Ramonda's conversation, she had with Wally on Monday she couldn't help but be excited to see her grandchildren. She hadn't seen them or spoke to them in almost 14 years since she and T’chaka visited Jasmina and the twins to see how they were doing.
Ramonda thought it best if she held the twins arrival from T’challa in case he’d tried to stop it. After Ramonda made it to the throne room to discuss an important meeting with the council and her son. She tried to avoid any questions from him.
In the throne room
A week before the annual family weekend event. The King and the royal council gathered for a meeting to discuss the U.S. Government wanting to study the effects of vibranium. I say no! “the river tribe Elder yelled. We shouldn’t be giving our resources to the outside world vibranium is ours, not theirs. I agree you’ve already opened outreach centers all over the world, my king. Now they want they want to study out vibranium I think not! W’kabi stated to T’challa.
“Son what will it be? Ramonda asked her son avoiding eye contact with him. T’challa noticed but he didn’t want to make a scene in front of everyone.
“I agree with W’kabi our outreach centers should be enough for the Americans for now in the meantime are main focus should be on setting up for family week.
“Now will that be all for todays meeting? Asked T’challa.
“I have something to say. Said the Merchant tribe leader.
T’challa gave him a nod to allow him to speak.
“What about your other kids. The twins who live in Los Angeles.” He asked T’challa.
T’challa looked at him like he’d look at an American asking to have vibranium.
“There not up for discussion.” T’challa said while trying to change the topic about the twins.
Ramonda snuck a quick look at T’challa before Turing away trying to avoid looking into her sons eyes. She secretly agreed with the Merchant tribe leader she too wished that her son would just try and make amends with them. T’challa noticed his mama suspicious behavior towards him. Her body language was giving it all away. He could see that their was something on her mind.
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“Mama is there something you’d like to say?
“No nothing son,” she told her son with a raspy voice. Then turned the other way.
T’challa kept starring at his mother with a suspicious look. He quickly stopped after he received a message from his youngest daughter Amara on his kimyo bead.
The message was about the father-daughter dance happening at her school next month. She called to let her father know about joining. T’challa replied back with a yes and a silly face. He quickly got back to the meeting.
“Now is that all. “He asked everyone for the last time.
Everyone nodded their heads and began to wrap up the meeting.
It was now time for the Devil Girls to perform on the Jimmy Fallon show.
“One-minute girls.” said the executive producer.
“Ok remember girls we got this. Let's go out there and knock them dead,” said Jalena.
“Who’s with me.
“I'm always with you,” said Kyle.
“Alright ladies time to go.” again said the executive producer.
All the girls ran out there cheering and waiting for their cue from Jimmy.
Soon after Jimmy gave the cue the girls turned on their devil mode and began to dance their asses off.
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After the performance
“Well where all out of time. I’m Jimmy Fallon. Tune in next week for more. Goodnight Everyone.
The next day
Wally wanted to celebrate with his sister after her performance on the Jimmy Fallon show yesterday. They decided to meet up at their favorite restaurant “La Mere”.
“Thank you Walls for taking me here,” she said as they both sat down.
“No prob sis you deserved it.
Jalena couldn't help but be suspicious of her brother. He hardly ever takes her anywhere special unless he wants something.
A few seconds, later...
“So why are we really here? Without any notice, Jalena questioned her brother.
Wally put down his menu and looked at his sister confused.
“What do you mean? He asked.
“Ok since you wanna play this game.” she glared at him before speaking.
“You never take me here unless you want something or is hiding something.
“So which is it,” she said continuing to stare at her brother.
Wally took a big gulp of his water and swallowed it nervously.
Jalena still glaring at her brother realized what he's hiding.
“If this is about that stupid family week in Wakanda I will burn all of your shoes.” she angrily told her brother.
Wally scaredly looked at his sister before answering her.
“It's not damn can't a brother just do something nice for his sister.” he awkwardly said while trying to avoid eye contact with her.
Jalena tried to read her brother's mind but he knew ways on how to manipulate his thoughts so she wouldn't find out what he had done.
She gave up after realizing he was “telling the truth”.
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“You know I have trust issues.” she lowered her tone.
“I know sis but you don't have to worry about lying when it comes to me.
Jalena couldn't help but laugh when she realized what her brother had said. Wally looked at her with a confused face.
“Sorry I don't mean to laugh.
“Well, I do.” she continued to laugh.
“But brother you lie all the time.
“When have I lied Lena. “He asked.
“When we were kids and you lied to mom telling her that you were at the park when you know you were with that girl.
“I did not.
“Uh yeah, you did. Wait what was her name, Jessica, wait no umm... Bianca it was.” she laughed.
“Alright, that's enough. Wally put down his sister's fingers while laughing at her that she still remembered his ex-girlfriend.
“Anyways I'm not lying about this. He said.
“You better not be,” she said in a serious tone.
“Now let's order.” They both picked up the menu and looked at what they wanted to get.
A week later
It was time for the Dora Milijae to come pick him and his sister up to go to Wakanda. Wally still hadn't told his sister about it yet he was nervously running back and forth around the house. He knew his sister would be PISSED when she finds out that he lied to her. Lying was a big part of Jalena’s life since T’challa would always lie to her whenever she wanted to spend time with him.
Flashback (15 years ago)...
Jalena wanted to play with T’challa since her mom left to go visit some of their family in New Orleans. She wondered all through the palace to find him as soon as she found him she quickly ran to him.
“Daddy, daddy”. Her four-year-old cute self yelled.
“I've been looking everywhere for you.” She said whilst trying to catch her breath.
“What are you doing here? He asked in a rude tone.
“Mama’s gone and I wanted to play with you.
“Sorry Lena I'm a little busy so I can't play with you. T’challa tried to dismiss his daughter.
“Daddy your always busy you're never really home to play with me and Wally. She sadly told her father.
“Honey it's hard to rule a country and protect it all at once while having children too.
“Plus I go on missions every now and then there's just not a lot of time for me to make with you and your brother.
“But I just wanted to spend time with you. A single tear fell from her eyes which made T’challa have second thoughts about switching his daughter.
“How about tomorrow you, wally, and I all go get ice cream. How's that sound?
Jalena gave her daddy a big ole hug before answering him.
“Ok, daddy I'll see you tomorrow. She ran off with a big on smile on her face.
T’challa watched her run away he felt guilty lying to her that'd hed go with her and her brother for ice cream when he had already made plans to go out with Nora behind Jasmina’s back.
(End of flashback)
Ramonda had assured Wally that she’d be sending the Dora milijae to come get him and his sister but he still hasn't told her about going to Wakanda let alone lying to their grandmother that she’d be attending with him. Wally had to come up with a plan quick before the Dora milijae arrive and his sister realizes so he went into his mother's spellbook to search for a spell that would put his sister to sleep.
He scrolled through the spellbook and found the spell to put his sister to sleep.
“Ad somnum.” He whispered to himself.
He remembered that his mom and his aunts used to say that spell a lot whenever they had trouble going to sleep.
Soon after the Dora milijae had arrived he did a spell the glamar the quinjet to look like a old plane so that his sister wouldn't notice it was from Wakanda.
5 mins later.
Jalena arrived after the message she had gotten from her brother saying it was an emergency.
She rushed into her brother's house.
“WALLY, WALLY!!!” she yelled while searching for him.
“Over here” Wally shouted.
Jalena rushed over to her brother to see what was going on but she stopped in her tracks when she saw just her brother with their luggage and the Dora Milijae behind him.
“What the hell are they doing here.” She angrily said to her brother.
“They're here for us sister.
“You lied to me. I should've known.” her voice cracked realizing that her brother lied to her.
“I'm sorry sis but I want to see them.
“I can't do this without you, Lena,” Wally said to his sister with a sad face.
“Well, you're going to have to.” she turned away from him, and the Dora Milijae. But before she could walk out the door her brother sped up behind her.
“I'm sorry sis. I really am.
“Ad somnum.” He said the spell causing his sister to fall into his arms as he carried her on the quinjet.
As Wally sat beside his sister on the quinjet he couldn't help but think when she comes to wake how much she's going to hate him for bringing her to the one place she hates.
An hour later...
“My Prince we are home.” said the pilot.
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Wally looked out the window he suddenly remembered watching the sunset with his mother and sister whenever T’challa was off doing god knows what. He thought to himself that he was finally home again.
End of chapter 4
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jassy2uall · 3 years
Character list
T’challa’s Secret Twins
Jalena Leigh-Anne, Lodge-Michaelson Udaku (19)
Wally Jordan Lodge-Michaelson Udaku (19)
Parents - Jasmina Lodge-Michaelson & T’challa Udaku
Jasmina Lodge-Michaelson
Parents - Iris Lodge-Michaelson, Ester-Lodge Michaelson, Hiram Lodge-Michaelson
T’challa Udaku
Parents - Queen Ramonda & King T’chaka
Amara Udaku (15)
Parents - Queen Nora & King T’challa
Imari Udaku (16)
Parents - Queen Nora & King T’challa
Aziyah Lodge-Michaelson, Wall (4)
Parents - Jalena Lodge Michaelson & Terrence Wall
Isaiah Lodge-Michaelson, Wall (5)
Parents - Jalena Lodge-Michaelson & Terence Wall
Phyliscian Targaryen - Daughter of Daenerys Targaryen & Khal Drogo / Bestfriend
Jamie Lawson - Devil Girl / Bestfriend
12 notes · View notes
jassy2uall · 3 years
T’challa’s Secret Twins (chapter 5)
A story inspired by T’challas Outside Daughter written by the brilliant author of it Marvel Heaux.
Description: Wally and Jalena are the firstborn twins of T’challa. The twins moved to LA with their mother without any contact from their father. After losing their mom at the age of 10 the twins were taking care of by their family from their mom's side. Now the twins are grown and have become successful. After 15 years and exposure T’challa then decides he wants to be back in their lives. But will the twins let him?
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After the jet landed Wally and 2 of the Dora miljae carried Jalena and their bags inside the palace.
Okoye received a message on her kimyo bead she thought it best to inform the king and queen of the surprise arrival of the twins.
The King and Queen were in the kitchen finishing up preparing the food list for the chefs for the annual family weekend when okoye arrived.
She saluted before she spoke to T’challa and Nora.
“Sorry to interrupt ukumkani, ukumkanikazi.
“I’ve received some news that you two might want to know.”
Both T’challa and Nora looked at each other worried before T’challa looked back at okoye.
“An unauthorized quinjet just landed 2 minutes ago with 2 non-wakandians and one was a male carrying a female inside the palace doors.
T’challa gave a suspicious look before realizing who those two non-wakandian’s could be.
He quickly walked out of the kitchen to go see what was happening. Nora and Okoye looked at each other suspiciously before following T’challa to go see what was going on as well.
The twins were ex courted to the guest rooms on the west side of the palace so that T’challa wouldn’t notice.
The Dora milijae placed Jalena gently on the bed in her room and her luggage on the couch. While Wally took a minute to look at the room and the beautiful paintings on the wall Ramonda walked through the door with a big smile on her face.
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“I can’t believe this day has finally came. “She smiled at him.
“Your grandfather and I would talk about this moment all the time and now it’s finally here.
A single tear fell from her eye as she hugged her grandson for the first time in 15 years since he was 4 when they left. Ramonda suddenly realized that her granddaughter was missing from the hug.
“Wait.. where’s Jalena?” She asked while looking around the room.
Wally gave an awkward look to Ramonda before telling her about what happened.
“Yeah.. about that grandma… I kinda may… had to… put her to sleep on the way here.” He awkwardly told her.
“What do you mean son? I’m confused. where is she?
“Calm down she's in her room sleeping.
Ramonda sighed out of relief.
“What happened? She worriedly asked.
“When I told her about you wanting us to come to Wakanda to try and work it out with dad she flipped.
“I'm sorry that I lied to you, grandma. I just wanted to see you all and dad.
Ramonda placed her hand on wally's face and smiled.
“It's ok son. I forgive you,” she said.
“I can't blame her for not wanting to come hereafter everything you both have been through with your father.” she sighed.
“Come let's go see her.” she walked out of the room with Wally into Jalena’s room.
She saw her on the bed gently asleep. She gently sat next to her she smiled sweetly at her. Swaying her her out of her face and reminiscing about the last time she saw her.
“It’s been too long little one,” she whispered to her.
“Now you're finally home where you belong.
Wally sat next to his sister on the other side of the bed smiling at her.
Ramonda placed her hands on both of the twins.
“I'm so happy to have you both back home where you've always belonged. And I know your grandfather is smiling right now at us.” she laughed.
“Yeah, he is,” said Wally.
“Where is everyone grandma? Asked Wally.
“Yeah about that son... I've also been dishonest with you and everyone.” she nervously looked at him.
T’challa, Nora, and Okoye ran into Ayo and another Dora Miljae’s on their way through the palace.
“linda ulinde,” ordered Okoye.
“What is going on and who were the two non-wakandians getting off the quinjet,” she demanded.
“The request for the two wakandians was put in by Queen Ramonda herself weeks ago.” said Ayo.
“Did you say Wakandians? asked Queen Nora.
“Yes,” said Ayo.
“But they don't look like Wakandians.” said Okoye.
“What do you know of this, hun? Asked Nora.
T’challa suddenly remembered why his mother was acting so weird these past few days. In the throne room when they held their meeting about family week and all of those sudden looks she kept giving him. Avoiding eye contact with him it finally came to him. He finally realized. His kids were here.
The look on his face dimmed as to why his mother would keep it a secret from him. He took a deep breath before telling his wife and everyone who the unexpected guest was.
“I know who the two Wakandians are.” He said.
“So they are Wakandians?” asked Okoye.
“Yes, they are but only half and there... my children.” he nervously said.
Everyone was surprised especially, Queen Nora she wasn't quite ready to meet the twins after all she was one of the reasons to why their family went apart. Okoye and Ayo both looked at each other surprised. They knew who the twins were they used to play with them when they were little. It definitely was a shock when they learned of their arrival back to Wakanda.
“Where are they now? Asked T’challa.
“They're currently on the West side of the palace with Queen Ramonda herself. My king.” Said Ayo.
T’challa thought long and hard before deciding what he was going to do. Nora placed her hand on his shoulders.
“You don't have to do this alone,” she said.
“I know. Do you want to come with me? He asked her.
She nodded to him and they both began to walk to the West side of the palace to go see the twins.
Back in Jalena’s room
“I didn't tell your father or anyone of you and your sister's visit here.” she gently said to her grandson.
“I thought he wouldn't be on board with it if I had told him.
Wally looked at his grandma confused.
“Wait I thought he knew that we were coming,” he said.
“You're father... He's being stubborn about you and your sister and I just wanted you both here so bad I'm sorry.
“It’s ok grandma no worries.” he hugged her.
“You never did tell me how your sister fell asleep.” she asked.
“Umm about that.” Wally said nervously.
Suddenly Jalena began to awake from the sleeping spell. Wally thought to himself he's so dead right now as she started to open her eyes slowly.
“Where, where am I,” she said.
“Uh, sis before you get mad.
She slowly sat up on the bed and looked at the strange room she was in. Then she turned and saw her grandmother and her brother sitting beside her. She quickly remembered what had happened after she went to her brother's house and him telling her about Wakanda and after that him spelling her to go to sleep.
She gave her brother a harsh stare before she started to get up from the bed.
“HOW DARE YOU BRING ME HERE AGAINST MY WILL, WALLY!!” she quickly yelled at him causing Ramonda to be startled.
“You spelled her son.” Asked confused Ramonda.
“I only did it so that you would come here with me.” he tried to plead to his sister.
Jalena suddenly started to feel her powers she tried to keep them in so that Ramonda wouldn't be scared of her but that all went away from her mind as soon as he walked through the door.
“WHAT IS GOING ON IN HERE!!” yelled T’challa.
Everyone turned their heads to him. Jalena froze when she saw him memories of her childhood started to flood her mind causing her to get REALLY angry.
Before she knew it her fire shot of of her arm and she aimed them towards him.
T’challa looked at his daughter horrified when he saw her powers. So did everyone. Wally soon tried to calm her down so she wouldn't burn the whole room down or worse kill her father.
“Sis, sis look at me.
She looked at her brother and began to listen to him telling her to breathe. Her fire began to dim and disappear.
Wally ran over to hug his sister to comfort her after everything they've been through.
T’challa looked at both his kids with a guilty look on his face. His children were finally here in front of his eyes in over 15 years.
They've gotten so big since the last time he had seen them.” he thought to himself.
Nora felt nauseous she too felt guilty. She never met the twins in person but she saw pictures of them when T’challa would bring her to his and Jasmina’s home when they weren't there.
Both Okoye and Ayo looked at the twins with such curiosity as to how they've been all these years.
After the twins stopped hugging Jalena looked at everyone awkwardly.
She looked at her father and Queen Nora harshly before walking out of the room. T’challa tried to talk to her.
“Jalena wait,” said T’challa.
She ignored him and kept on walking to the elevator.
When she got off the elevator she was lost since she hadn't been in the palace in 15 years the floors were all new to her. Suddenly she bumped into someone.
“Sorry,” she said.
“Excuse you.” Amara annoying told her.
“Watch where your going next time.
“Uh... How about you watch who you're talking to before you end up don't talking at all.“ Jalena threatened her.
Amara was about to respond until she realized she didn't know this girl.
“Who even are you, you don't look wakandian.
“That's because I'm not now if you'll excuse me you bests get out of my way before I get angry.
She purposely shoulder bumped into her before walking away.
“Rude much,” said Amara
“I’ll find out who you are,” she said to herself watching Jalena walk away.
End of Chapter 5
Xhosa Languages
linda ulinde - Hold on, Wait
ukumkani - King
ukumkanikazi - Queen
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