margotverger · 4 years
what do you think is the happiest/most light-hearted episode of hannibal?
God this is a tough one... happiness in Hannibal is a distorted thing; either the presence of happiness (or contentedness) exists in a sphere of dramatic irony, or has a doomed quality to it, where we as the audience know that what exists between them is going to quickly be taken away, or it’s mutilated by what we know of the characters. Especially in a rewatchーlike how Beverly being Will’s defender goes from heart-warming in the first watch to a slow terrifying crawl into the inevitable in every watch afterwards. Or how in Dolce Will and Hannibal’s reunion is so warm and sweet and is quickly, suddenly, ruined by themselves.
The first episode of Season 3 is probably objectively the most light-hearted as a stand-alone, because it’s just sort of Hannibal living his best life (or trying to) while Bedelia is exasperated. It begins with a sense of humour as well. It’s Hannibal but through Hannibal’s perspective. However it isn’t super light-hearted because the reason for its sole focus on Hannibal and Bedelia is because we have no idea which of our beloved characters are dead. And the absence of Will Graham is potent. But I think like, in comparison to everything else? Probably that. Others that this question made me think of:
I would say Fromage is among one of the most... not light-hearted, but sweet? Episodes of the first season. The first season is particularly hard for me to rewatchーin my experienceーbecause it’s so infused with this terrible descent into madness, the awareness of manipulation, Will being powerless yet finally opening himself up to trusting someone, and then it’s destroyed... but Fromage, while still having that manipulation in it (you can’t escape it in season one especially) is still kind of sweet and almost fun. Like it’s dark, and grotesque, and still infused with dramatic irony, but it still has like a tenderness to it, and a silliness, and its fair dose of humour. 
Yakimono from second season? It’s still wounding after Beverly, and it’s incredibly unfortunate for Chilton (poor Chilton), but there are good elements to it: the return of Miriam Lass which is almost a victory for Jack, Will’s release, and Chilton going to Will for help or support does have like its humour. And Will has reclaimed a certain power; this completely changes the dynamic between Hannibal and Will. For the first time, not only does Will know what Hannibal is, but he’s also free. It is very sad for Will and Alana though.
Su-zakana is a bit grim, but it does have comedic elementsーonce you’re passed the initial horror of a first watch, the social worker in a horse thing is immediately funny as hellーand it does have a lot of intrigue, and there’s nothing doomed yet about them. Everyone is sort of... on good terms again. And it’s very fun dynamics.
If anybody else has thoughts on what they consider to be among the most light-hearted or happy episodes please share! I wanna see what people think. There’s probably eps I’m missing haha, it’s been a while since my last full-bodied rewatch.
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calvinandhobbes · 4 years
for the hannibal ask thingy : 3, 10, 18 😼
3. least favorite character
i didn’t love rinaldo pazzi’s character tbh i was a little bored by his storyline! i know it was in line with the hannibal book, but he just wasn’t a fave!
10. favorite episode and why?
oh god this is hard. i really have such a soft spot in my heart for sorbet (1.07) mostly because you can really see hannibal and will’s relationship is now completely personal, with hannibal’s lacrimosa dramatics and the im-bringing-you-this-wine-but-im-not-going-to-stay-but-i-did-want-to-see-you antics... i think it’s a super important episode in solidifying their relationship and it doesn’t feel so dark yet. it’s a comfort ep for sure! ALSO THE AMBULANCE STARE
18. answered <33
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officialkendallroy · 4 years
happy birthday!!! i hope u have a wonderful day <33
thank you !! ❣️❣️❣️
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madsteacup · 4 years
Tag Game
I was tagged by @diemetzgermeisterin and @madsmeetsmisha  to use this generator to pick my favorite albums. Thank you both, it was fun! 😊❤️ If only there were a few more slots...
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I’ll tag the following people but you don’t have to do it, only if you want to: @balanced-demons @murasaki69 @fleet-commander-6710221b @raychseldxn​ @clehjett​ @majorbitchwillgraham​ @misstiana7​ @bakausagiwithwings​ @jellybeanjustin​ @justtheaveragedude​ @stolenfireandice​ and anyone who wants to!
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Tag game
Thanks for the tag @madsteacup 🤓
List ten songs that you really like, each by a different artist (solo songs of band members count as a different artist than the band) and tag people.
With brief comment nobody asked for 😁
1. When the Levee Breaks - Led Zeppelin (this song is so cool)
2. Always Somewhere - Scorpions (this song is hannigram💓)
3. Pour some sugar on me - Def Leppard (this song wakes up my inner stripper)
4. DOA - Van Halen (the guitar work is brilliant showstopping spectacular--)
5. Blinding Lights - The Weeknd (currently obsessed with this one)
6. California Paradise - The Runaways (👊 but I like the movie version more!)
7. Señorita - Shawn Mendes & Camila Cabello (I really like how their voices sound together, and the music is special)
8. White Room - Cream (loved it in the joker movie)
9. Goodbye Yellow Brick Road - Elton John (once this song started playing and made me feel less alone)
10. On the Border - The Eagles (funny story of how the dude is having a bad day)
I'll tag @jellybeanjustin @days-of-dust @nevr2m @eryngos @chaiddict @themostineptthateverstepped
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hannibalstills · 4 years
the timestamp thing seems fun! maybe 3, 11, 19?
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Here you go, @jellybeanjustin! You happened to pick episode 3x11, ...And the Beast from the Sea, at 19 minutes in!
If anyone else wants to send me a random season, episode number, and timecode feel free! Here’s how :)
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willgrahamsipodnano · 4 years
thanks for the tag, @bisexualgraham​! my music taste is all over the place so this should be fun...
List ten songs that you really like, each by a different artist (solo songs of band members count as a different artist than the band) and tag people.
keep kool // winona forever
how soon is now? // the smiths
hope i don’t go back // E-40
the sweetest taboo // sade
my jinji // 落日飛車 sunset rollercoaster
can’t go back now // the weepies
bibo no aozora (piano solo) // ryuichi sakamoto
the ghost of you // my chemical romance
can you stand the rain // new edition
alchemy // above & beyond
i tag (optional of course): @jellybeanjustin​ @sofancydancy​ @madsteacup​ @transgrahams​ @marg0t-verger​ and anyone else who wants to do this! tag me if you do, i love finding new songs! :D :D
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19, 23, and 30!
19: One wish
I wish there weren’t any kids that didn’t grow up in a safe and happy environment. If that could happen, that would be great.
23: Favorite song
Right now, Carve a Smile by Shayfer James
30: Movie or book
Book, almost always. I wish I had more time to read, so there are some movies that I have seen without reading the book first, but I generally prefer to read books rather than watch the movie, or at least before I do.
Thanks @jellybeanjustin for the ask. I really love these things! 
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margotverger · 4 years
dunno if you're still answering questions + this might be hard to answer but what do you think is the worst aspect of hannibal? (the show not the character lol)
I’m always answering questions if people wanna ask something!
I think like. Hannibal has great roots for characters like all of the characters are different and have strong internal motivations, but sometimes I think (and this is a personal preference) that it became a lot less balanced later on, which is part of why I think it can be weak in some areas. I do think it represents how the narrative itself is shaped by the characters’ (Hannibal and Will) growing obsession with each other, the co-dependence of the narrative, and how everyone else is stuck in that vortex. But I still think, as a writer, characters should still have some semblance of existence outside of it - they can exist in that web and not have every line of dialogue be dependent on it, but revealed through how it affects their relationships and moods. I think Margot and Alana’s relationship was rushed or handled not as elegantly as it could have been, considering how groundbreaking it was for both charactersーAlana was notoriously unromantic and overly psychological and traumatised from her relationship with Hannibal, and Margot was obviously healing for her, and Margot was never allowed to comfortably exist as a lesbian. We never really got to see what it meant for either of them, and I think that severely impacts the level of risk for their relationship now that we know Hannibal will definitely come after them in season four, if the fact they literally fled is any inclination. Hannibal always pays his dues, and he wants Alana’s life and her family, but what does her life mean to her now? How much does she really have to lose? You know?
I also thought season three was a little too slow for my liking. Pazzi is kind of a boring character, and it slows down his arc in season three... I feel like he could have had a bit more fun. Characters are interesting because of their dedication to good or their proximity to darkness or how those things blend and go against each other, but Pazzi (again, in my personal opinion) felt like he was too cut-and-dry. Like, yeah he lost things because of Hannibal, but I think he was too... vanilla. Especially compared to others. He should have became more intense to fit the intensity of the narrative, and all the other characters, especially when he was surrounded by such defining moments. The primary antagonist was Mason at that point, and he’s batshit as a character. Margot and Alana’s romance was established. Alana became devoted to a ruthless vengeance, an intensity of her desire to “save”, making her a sort of feminine Christ-figure, Margot was motivated by freedom, Jack was both vengeful and mourning, Will Graham did a lot of things and even Chiyoh got a Huge Moment wrt her first kill and bringing her into the mix, and Bedelia was playing with her morality every day. Against that backdrop of character motivation and development, minor characters (no matter how doomed) need to match the tone. Dimmond was fun because he was casually amoral but clearly not fit for that world, but he was playful and charming and a parallel to Will (imo he was what people think “dark Will” is). 
So Pazzi not being able to hold up to those characters made his death kind of... whatever, and his scenes were kind of boring. It felt like he was just there to exposit information or reiterate Will’s darkness, kind of a tell-not-show character, with a loose motive thrown in. 
I have complicated feelings about the time-skips and reveal episodes. They kind of slow things down but I also appreciate the messing with time and unravelling, especially with the whole tea-cup and time feeling... like time is repeating, looping, breaking and bending. But it could have been a little snazzier.
And while I do think Abigail was doomed in the frame of the show, she could have been used a little more in between. Like yes it was a great reveal for us, but Hannibal does dramatic irony really well, so sometimes I wonder what it would have been like if we knew Abigail survived and what she was capable of, all the while Will is completely in the dark, and we’re all waiting for that season finale, knowing what’s at stake... maybe it wouldn’t have worked. But I think like, the second episode with Abigail-as-ghost of season three was a great glimpse into a really interesting insight of Abigail’s character. And the flashbacks. Imo murder family was always meant to be a far-fetched fantasy, built on too much projection, and that works, but I feel like we never really got a good grip of why those three all would have worked (or wouldn’t have), since a lot of their dynamics were one-on-one. It still worked, I don’t think it was badly done, though. So idk why I just said all of that. I think it was just kind of lazy to bring Abigail back as shock factor when she could be so much more than that.
In general also I wish the women interacted a bit more lol like I wish a few more episodes passed the Bechdel test. All the women are so complex with such unique relationships to the plot that it would have been so fascinating to see how certain characters interacted (Bedelia/Alana, for example...), that’s one of the reasons why Season 1 felt so strong imo. A good balance of character and character dynamics. Though again I also understand why the narrative went the way it didーit reflected the tone and the relationships. Still. A(n un)girl can dream.
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calvinandhobbes · 4 years
you were also one of the first hannibal blogs i followed when i made this blog and ive never looked back :) i love how organized your tags are (i have lurked once or twice lol) and you are always supporting people’s edits and fanart, which i love to see!!!! you seem like a super sweet person :) im glad to be following youuuu <3 
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daydreamerbean · 4 years
🌼~BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD! Once you are given this award you’re supposed to paste it in the asks of 8 people who deserve it. If you break the chain nothing happens, but it's sweet to know someone thinks you’re beautiful inside and out.~🌼
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Aww, thank you!
@dollfromtheattic @jellybeanjustin @slashervvave @lost-squad @aikycosette @wistful-giselle @aestheticallymarauderss
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madsteacup · 4 years
Tag Game
Thanks for the tag @stolenfireandice   😊💖
Rules: answer 20 questions then tag bloggers you want to know better.
Name: Cindy
Nickname: Haha Cindy is a nickname for Cynthia (which I have never gone by)
Zodiac Sign: Aries
Height: 5′3″
Languages: English and some Spanish (and I know bits and pieces of other languages including Japanese, Chinese, ASL, French, and German)
Nationality: American
Favourite Flower: I don’t have one single favorite flower but I like roses, stephanotis, Gerber daisies, Iceland poppies, and sweet peas just to name a few 🌼
Favourite Season: Autumn or Winter or Spring (pretty much any time it’s a cooler temperature and has potential for rain - I’m truly a wilting violet)
Favourite Scent: Pine or Cinnamon
Favourite Perfume: Sadly all perfume gives me headaches so I have no answer
Favourite Designer: Ooo I don’t know...? I don’t really follow designers. From all the seasons of Project Runway my favorites were Mondo Guerra and Dmitry Sholokhov. Other than that I’ve always wanted a pair of Christian Louboutin shoes (the ones with the red soles, I think that’s SO COOL seeing the pop of color when you walk).
Favourite Colour: I love all colors but I especially like dark red, pink, green, and purple
Favourite Animal: Whales
Favourite Fictional Character: Currently it would be a tie between NBC’s Hannibal Lecter and Will Graham (surprise surprise lol). I think Hannibal’s character is so interesting, yet I relate to Will so much so I can’t pick.
Personality:  Kind, anxious, responsible, insecure, nice, a little shy, silly
Hobbies: Writing, reading, drawing, cooking/baking, TV, movies, and laying in the hammock. I also love games (board games, card games, trivia games, party video games like Quiplash, etc) but sadly I don’t get to play them very often.
Coffee, Tea or Hot Cocoa: I like all three! For coffee my go to is usually a raspberry mocha latte (sounds odd but it’s really yummy). For tea it’s usually vanilla green tea latte ( @stolenfireandice we are similar! 😉) or Chai tea. And for hot cocoa I like dark chocolate, peppermint, or cinnamon cocoa.
Average Sleep: 6-8 hours
Dog or Cat: Cat
Number of blankets you sleep with: Two plus a sheet
Dream Trip: Well before Corona Virus I would have said Italy, Austria, and maybe Iceland (or somewhere I can see the Aurora Borealis). Oh and Hawaii.
Blog Established: Late 2018? Early 2019? Not sure.
Followers: 875 😱😘
Random Fact: I had five wisdom teeth instead of four like most people - and all had to be taken out - it was my first (and only) time under general anesthesia.
I’ll tag the following people but you don’t have to do it, only if you want to: @madsmeetsmisha @balanced-demons @murasaki69 @fleet-commander-6710221b @clehjett @wolfnotadevil @majorbitchwillgraham @bakausagiwithwings @diemetzgermeisterin @jellybeanjustin @justtheaveragedude
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Tag Game
Five Male Characters I Love
Thanks for the tag @madsteacup !!
1 - Will Graham
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2 - Hannibal Lecter
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3 - Rick Grimes
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4 - Carl Grimes
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5 - Robin (Dick Grayson)
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6 - Sherlock Holmes
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Well I cheated and put 6 😅
I'll tag @jellybeanjustin @angeloffanvergent @scarecrow12873 @mallarmo @nevr2m @eryngos
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tagged by @maraki-of-the-fandoms 
Rules: Tag 10 people you want to know better!
Relationship status: single
Favourity colour: green
Three favorite foods: sushi rolls, waffles, quiche lorraine
Song stuck in my head: ‘Pretty Little Head’ by Eliza Rickman
Last song I listened to: uh...I think it was ‘The Warrior Princess’ theme from Xena: Warrior Princess
Last thing i googled; I think it was the meaning and origin of the name ‘Kika’ 
Time: at this moment of checking, exactly 4:20 pm--ehhhhhhh
Dream trip: idk. Off this fucking planet?
Anything I REALLY want: For all the stories in my head magically appear in a completed word doc, lol. 
AND now I’m supposed to tag people. Okay dokey, let’s try: @cosmictuesdays @slashyrogue @jellybeanjustin @thenorsiest @avegetariancannibal @kathrynjanevvay @secretlyacrow @theskywaslookingback @byk23 @hannigrama
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hellishfig · 4 years
tag game! i was tagged by @jellybeanjustin (thank you you’re the best 💕)
top four ships: 1. hannigram/murder husbands 2. catradora 3. ineffable husbands 4. jonmartin
last song i listened to: body by mother mother
last film i watched: knives out (2019)
currently reading: dune! i’ve been reading it for months, it’s long as fuck!
currently craving: a shredded chicken banh mi 😋
don’t do it if you don’t want to! @cosmiccherrycoke @broken-glass-wingwoman
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calvinandhobbes · 4 years
I just got back into Hannibal after like three years and my dash is DRY. Do you have any blog recommendations for Hannibal content?? 👀👀
i answered this a while back so sorry for the delay, it took me a minute to find it but here are some lovely blogs!!!! i think a few of these are non-updated urls but it seems like they will still link you!
if i forgot any of my lovely mutuals, i apologize <333
@ailichi / @aconissa/ @agentmulder / @amatesura / @asightea / @amourduloup / @aragima / @arunima / @bedeliasbird / @bertinelli / @bisexyhannibal / @bluebeardsbride / @cannibaldatingsite / @chateauofmymind / @cinemaisgay / @cravenwes / @devour-the-rude / @francisforever / @fieropasto / @goaltender / @gothgingerfitzgerald / @hannibalesbians / @hanilecter / @hannibalapologist / @hannibalism / @hannibalphobic / @hannibalseclectictiecollection / @hesentyouhisheart /  @hotgirlhannibal /  @hughdancyx / @homocowboy / @honey-honeyy / @horrorcupid / @horrorlesbians / @iskarieot / @jellybeanjustin / @katharine-hepburn / @knifehorror / @leighwhannell / @lovercrime / @lovesongofsaintsebastian / @luvecrime / @maryarnorevna / @masterswrd / @majorbitchwillgraham / @matthewbrown / @mythosial/ @neiboltz / @nietzscheantrout / @princesshamlet / @serialcannibal / @sharpmouth / @shawnisbi / @sidneyprezcott / @spocksbong / @some-sick-deja-vu / @stalkandlure / @straygraham / @strqvinsky / @s1ep7 / @theriak / @thevuhvitch 
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