ronni-right · 1 year
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Past life memories being mistaken for hallucinations asylum AU
for @jemmaqueenofspace
"Damn, girl, are you out of your mind?" A loud voice resounds throughout the street folllowed by a car horn.
Someone pulls her back, and Rhaenyra opens her eyes, realizing that if she hadn't been pulled back by the hood of her jacket, the car would have hit her. It's not surprising. How long has this been going on? How many years has she been slowly losing her mind? Hallucinations appear even despite the pills she drinks every morning and evening, without missing a single dose.
But despite this, she finds herself on the streets of a medieval city, or in a dark foggy forest, or in another era, 18th century, 19th century, 20th century.
Rhaenyra says nothing to the man, can't find a voice.
This is madness.
And it's madness when she sees his face, the face she sees in every one of her hallucinations.
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propertyofseagate · 1 year
Cage laughed loudly." Well, that ain't totally what I had in mind but it don't sound like a bad idea so long as mom's down with it." He grinned.
It took him some time to adapt to this whole family thing but now he wouldn't trade it for the world." But I do wanna tell you somethin' babe," he sighed." The man that experimented on me ain't with us. Word is he passed away. Noah was a good man...he always kept it 100 with me. Lately I been having some lapse in my strength. I think somethin' screwy going on."
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manbehindtheshield · 3 years
@jemmaqueenofspace​ x
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steve chuckled.  “well, i was in the ice for quite a while.  remember?” he said with an arch of his eyebrow.  “but yeah, temperatures don’t affect me much.  not unless they’re really extreme.”
“so where would you like to go, jemma?”  
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imjustthemechanic · 5 years
Jemma rubbed her head, that she was on a floor was obvious but what floor and where, those were the questions and-
“Tony Stark?” Her eyes focused on the familiar but somehow off man in front of her.
After the portal had opened and spit her out, the various scientists had peeked out from behind their equipment and boxes and seen the girl on the floor - but Tony, who was only visiting there today, was closest to her.  He’d gone to help her up, but then she’d shocked him by calling him by name.
“Uh... yes,” he said carefully, as other people began to cautiously approach.  “How do you know my name?”
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brxkcnengineer · 4 years
@jemmaqueenofspace​ asked “ no matter what anyone else says , you are so important to me . ” from x
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The tears were falling down Fitz’s cheeks faster than he could stop them, and her words fell on deaf ears. Maybe she was right, but that didn’t stop the nagging voice in the back of his head from telling him otherwise.
“I’m not,” he whimpered, his hands pulling at his hair. “I ca- I can’t, it’s... s’too mmm... much.”
In a flash, the tugging at his hair turned to his hands making fists, pounding into his head in frustration, whimpers and groans passing his lips, his teeth grinding together in his mouth as he hit his head over and over again.
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handmethatstapler · 5 years
Rewriting History
It was, to the best of the SSR’s ability to tell, a rock.
It was an impressive rock, of course, big a black and rough-hewn around the edges, like and yet unlike something one might find set up on some windblown Scottish island right off the edge of the world.  But what a shady scientist had wanted with it, and why it was the thing he’d been most determined that the SSR not take, Peggy hadn’t the faintest idea.  Nobody else did either, of course - so it might as well have been Peggy who was sitting there trying to write a report on the bloody thing on a very rainy Thursday in New York.
At one point, she got up and went to walk in a circle around the thing, looking at the surface with a magnifying glass.  There had to be something she’d missed.  Either that or Doctor What’s-His-Name had just been off his rocker.  That was also a possibility.
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hydrasassct · 4 years
“Wait a minute. Are you jealous?”
“No.” The second it was out, Bucky knew he’d said it too quickly, too defensively. Way to go, Barnes, he thought. Some master assassin you are. He hesitated, wondering how stupid and cliche it would be to ask, but figuring he’d already screwed himself this far, might as well take it that one step further, right? “Why would I be jealous?”
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buggerlemons · 5 years
@jemmaqueenofspace asked: ⏮ for Jemma to discover an event or occurrence that happened to my Deke’s past/history.
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Deke was sat on his bunk in his room, he wasn’t really having a good day and so isolated himself from the other agents, they usually didn’t like him much, all except Simmons, but she was busy last time he checked.
He was having bad memories of things that had happened in the past, the main one he was thinking about was his mother’s death, he may have only been a child then, but he still remembered clearly, the memory had never faded.from his mind. 
Deke wanted company but it wasn’t exactly easy to reach out when the only person he felt he could trust with this sort of stuff, was the mother of his mother. He’d never told anyone how she was killed, they didn’t want to know and he didn’t blame them. 
Deke brought his legs that were hanging over the side of the bed to his chest. The memory wasn’t leaving his mind and it was just making him feel worse, when he felt the tears prick at his eyes, he wiped his eyes then lowered his head between his knees with a sigh.
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shieldisntalife · 4 years
For the hell of it: what do you think Jemma and Hunter would be like?
I’m doing them as a romantic ship, even though we’ve not written them that way. :D
send me a ship and i’ll tell you:
who is more likely to get injured doing small tasksI think Jemma would. And Hunter would get all solicitous and want to tend her injuries. I’m not sure whether she would let him. XD
who worries more about the otherOof. This is tough. I think your Jemma is more of a worrier than she lets on, but she’s also unfailingly logical. She’d probably have reason to worry about him in the field, but he would worry often about her mental and emotional health. (And of course, any time she’s in danger, he’d be worried.) So I think it would be him. 
who is more afraid about the other leaving themI don’t know! I think I could see this being Jemma. But I also know she’s pretty confident. Hunter has some natural tendencies toward insecurity, especially after Bobbi. But these two both tend to be pretty loyal, and I’m not sure whether it would be a big concern.  
who is more likely to leave (for any reason)Jemma would be more likely to leave, and probably for a well-intentioned, martyrish sort of reason, like she thinks she’s protecting him. (I cry.)
who is more likely to drunkenly confessHunter. Although…Jemma’s drunken confessions would be really interesting.
who is more likely to push the other away (for any reason) Jemma. I think she’s more locked down with her emotions and would be more likely to hold him at a distance than vice versa.
who picks fights more oftenHunter. Because Jemma tends to be more difficult to crack into than he is, I can see him doing that glorious self-destructive thing he does where he pushes her until she loses it. DX
who usually apologizes firstHunter. He has less tolerance for prolonged conflict than she has and would want to reconcile more quickly. Also, she does ping that tender, nurturing part of his personality, and while he might poke to get her to open up, he wouldn’t actually like to be at odds with her for a prolonged period of time. 
who is more likely to withhold their feelings for the otherOoh. This is a delicious possibility. In terms of them first getting together, I could see much mutual denial/skinny love kind of stuff going on here. In general, though…I think Jemma. 
who is more likely to lash out at the otherI think this would be Jemma, when she is bottling up too much and it all explodes out at once. Probably in response to his provocation.
who gets more jealousBoth! I think they could give each other a run for their money on this one. XD
who is more likely to support the other in a relationship with someone else “as long as they’re happy”:They would both try. I think Jemma might have an easier time letting go than he would. And he might not believe she was actually happy. 
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punkxfromxbrooklyn · 5 years
Steve wasn’t sure how long he’d been here, in this small room, no...his cell. It could have been hours or days or even weeks. All he knew, was that it was Hydra that had gotten the drop on him.  It’s Hydra that’s got him bound, Hydra that’s been trying to get information out of him. Hydra that will ultimately fail no matter how many times they punched, kicked or even injected him with who knows what. He would not break....simply pass out for a while...in fact he was just coming around from his last ‘session’, Steve shaking his head a little, some of his blond hair matted with blood from the several blows they’ve tried against his head to daze him and ‘knock the info loose’, and if he could he’d rub the dried blood away from his mouth, nose and brow but seems like he was stuck looking like a bound mess for now
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" dear diary... "
excerpt from ransom’s personal journal
…jemma simmons is the most annoying woman i’ve ever met. she infuriates me to no end and i can’t stand to be around her.  i swear to god, i’d rather just quit the country club – that i’ve been going to for years! – rather than to bump into her. every time she sees me, she starts talking about a bunch of weird shit that i could care less about.  microbes and sciency stuff isn’t my thing. 
okay so i will be honest and say she’s pretty damn hot — and maybe if she’d talk about other things (or better yet not talk at all) i’d definitely sleep with her.
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willdaniels · 5 years
will was finally able to move about the base (within reason) after having a million medical tests done on him.  he mostly kept to himself, feeling like the others looked at him suspiciously.  he found out that his parents passed away years ago as well as his brother.  there was distant family, but he thought it best to just let him keep on thinking he was dead.  it would be too hard to explain to them where he really was for the last 14 years.
at least he still had jemma.  he just hoped that he wasn’t going to get in the way of her friendship with fitz. 
a smile crossed his lips as he looked at the petite brunette.  “I’m ready to go when you are.”  today they were going out.  will was curious to see just how everything changed over the years.  “so where are you taking me first?”
@jemmaqueenofspace liked for a starter.
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manbehindtheshield · 3 years
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"nah. it's fine." he waved his hand again. "i didn't really think it through. i'm not even sure i'm a tattoo kinda guy." he looked at jemma. "-- what's your thoughts on tattoos? you into them on other people or yourself?" he wasn't sure why it even mattered. he was just curious, he guessed.
@jemmaqueenofspace continued from here
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“-- can’t you call someone and have them stop by to get the keys?  you’re not going anywhere but back to bed!” audrey pointed in the direction of the bedroom.  “now go.  soup is on and it’ll be done in a few minutes.”  god -- she loved jemma, but the woman was stubborn as hell.  she was the worst when she was sick.
@jemmaqueenofspace continued from here
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“Yeah but now I think I threw my entire back out.” Jemma said. “I’m going to have to take a bath for a few hours-” She rubbed her neck. “Also we need to make our walls phase proof because Melissa has no boundaries at all.”
“Well, we can’ have that,” Fitz said, half-distracted and half-teasing, but completely serious nonetheless as he helped her up.  “To be honest, nobody a’ SHIELD really fully understands the concept of personal space, we live in a bloody warren, for God’s sakes, you can hear people, uh, doin’ things through the walls.”
“Rabbits would be quieter.” Jemma stated looking rather out of it still. “I’m- I’m serious about the phasing thing though. She went right through the wall- if I had a gun I would have shot her. I don’t want her doing that… ever.”
“Fair point, I’ll talk to her about i’.”  Nobody around here was used to boundaries, and Melissa had had a habit of being a bit more casual about it than most. "No' really sure how much sway I'll have, but I can try a' least. You want some tea?"
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“I’ve heard so much about you, Dr. Simmons,” Peggy said as she stood up when the other woman entered her office.  “Please have a seat and we’ll get started.”  She motioned to the chair and waited until Jemma settle in.
“So tell me a little bit about yourself and your qualifications.  I mean, read your file of course and but I want to hear about the things the file left out,” Peggy said as she sat back down in her chair and folded her hands.
@jemmaqueenofspace (liked for a small starter)
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