#jen fox
mcextra · 3 months
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E girl pool day
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thechosenthree · 4 months
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Hi does anyone wanna go insane over this transition with me???
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fandomcentral101 · 4 months
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Noa Olivar and Jen Fox
Pretty Little Liars: Original Sin 2x04
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mistynatruther · 4 months
put me in the pllss writing room PLS, there’s no way they’re writing noa and jen like this
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melziss · 3 months
"We have history"
"Yeah...criminal history"
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reesesfastbreak · 12 days
new jenoa fic!
those FGE tattoos were not the most well done and the thought of "jen probably did those" crossed my mind. so this is the fic form of that
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beautifulhigh · 1 year
Another day, another thought, I guess this is my life now.
So last night I was reading this article in which Matthew talks about making the film and the staging of the Paris sex scene. And it struck me how much work and attention to detail was given to this moment:
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Which yes, others have talked about what is placed around the room but I'd like to present exhibits B and C:
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The other times we see them in bed together, Alex is on Henry's right. Protocol or his good side? (Both?) Because that's your place when you're with a Royal.
But in Paris they're the other way around. Henry is on Alex's right. That's his place. That's where he belongs. In this moment he's not Prince Henry, he's Henry Fox. He's just this guy who is in love with this other guy.
At the DNC hotel they're mired in politics. In Kensington Palace they're in the monarchy. But in Paris? They're just them. Not so much Firstprince as... some other pormanteau. Helex? Alry? Anyway. They're them in Paris and it's as close to neutral ground as they can get and I find it interesting that Henry is on Alex's right when every other instance in his life he has people on his right. He never gets to be the person on the right. He never gets to defer to someone who isn't in some line of succession.
But with Alex? He does. He defers to him (and no this is not a comment about sexual positions) and he isn't pushed into the circumstance and rules of a situation he was born into without any choice or say in the matter. He can just be himself without the need to maintain an image or a sense of duty or adhere to some archiac institution. He's on someone's right.
(He's also put Alex on his non-good side. He's showing that part of himself to this man because he loves and he trusts him and he knows he is safe to do so. That's something else I'm feral over.)
And given how much attention was paid to the staging of Paris you will not be able to convince me that this wasn't deliberate. Matthew López himself could come into my Tumblr inbox and deny it and I wouldn't believe him.
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pitchsidestories · 1 month
book lovers II Emily Fox x Reader
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masterlist I word count: 1360
a/n: hi, this oneshot won the poll by far, enjoy. Plays in the same universe as Arsenal Book Club.
pairings: Arsenal Wfc x Reader (platonic), Emily Fox x Reader (romantic)
For the new season, Arsenal’s book club met again. Emily was excited, this time she would be the host.
She had prepared everything. From turning her living room into a cozy reading spot to organizing snacks and wine.
There was just one more thing to do. And for that she needed to ask her teammates.
“No, she can’t be part of the Arsenal book club, Emily!“, Leah cut her off because she could fully phrase her question.
Emily frowned at her teammate. She couldn’t understand why they didn’t want you around, only because you played for Chelsea.
“But I already invited her.“
Leah almost choked on her wine. The room went quiet immediately.
The blonde defender turned to the others: “Girls, you agree with me, right?“
No one dared to answer.
Kim finally looked up from where was busy setting up a laptop so Jen could join in from the US. She sighed: “It’s just a book club, Leah.“
“With Arsenal players!“, she replied, rolling her eyes.
“Viv and Jen are still part of it and they don’t play for us anymore.“, Beth countered with a casual shoulder shrug.
“But they’re former Arsenal players. They still belong to the family.“
The discussion was interrupted by Jens voice: “Cheers, mates.“ Her smiling face appeared on the laptop screen. She looked tired, her hair was tied up into a messy bun and she clearly sat in her kitchen with a mug in front of her.
“Hi, Jen. What time is it in Cali? Did you get up for this?“, Kim greeted the other scot.
Jen nodded proudly: “It’s eight in the morning but I’m ready. I got our book, a cup of coffee and I’m only slightly jealous of your wine.“
“And I’m jealous of your coffee so I think that’s fair.“, Kim smiled.
Beth appeared on her side and pressed her face closer to the screen: “Is that Deyna in the background?“
“Yes, she slept here. Why?“, Jen replied nonchalantly.
Beth played innocent: “Just asking.“
Deyna waved into the camera: “I loved the book. Jen and I read it out loud to each other in the evening. Would recommend doing that with your p-… friends.“
The Venezuelan football player blushed slightly.
Leah rolled her eyes once again, this time with a smile: “Sounds totally like something friends would do.“
“Shut it, Lee.“, Jen laughed.
While the other Arsenal players were busy discussing their former teammates’ love life, Emily sneaked out to let you in.
In the hallway, she greeted you with a long kiss.
“You’re here.“
“Of course. Sorry for being late, got some snacks.“, you smiled and apologetically held up a huge bag.
“You didn’t have to. We have more than enough.“
“I thought food might be the way to their hearts.”, you explained sounding hopeful. Noticing the two familiar faces who appeared behind your girlfriend made your grin grew deeper.
“Hi Lotte and Lessi!”
“Hey y/n.”, Lotte responded with a warm smile on her lips.
“Great to see you.”, Alessia chirmed pulling you into one of her famous bear hugs.
“It’s been forever.”, you nodded.
“Sadly, you’re not in our team anymore.”, the English defender sighed.
“What do you mean?”, Leah intervened curiously.
“We all played together for the North Carolina Tar Heels.”, the Blonde forward stated.
“You did?”, Vivianne threw in surprised.
“Yes.”, Emily confirmed.
“What a coincidence.”, the Dutch player remarked.
“It’s.”, your girlfriend agreed.
“And now we’re all reunited far away from North Carolina.”, you observed happily.
“All in London.”, Lotte stated.
“Disgustingly cute.”, Katie commented, wrinkling her nose.
“Can we get to the book now?”, Kim asked with a tortured smile on the face.
“Please.”, you replied.
“Yes, come on. Sit down.”, Emily requested, touching the empty place beside her on the comfy sofa. Gladly you sat down next to your lover.
“Cheers, y/n.”, Katie toasted you grinning.
“I almost thought you’d knock my head with your glass, McCabe.”, you shook your head laughing.
“You’re lucky I didn’t even though you play for Chelsea.”, the Irish footballer growled.
As an American you didn’t think much about the rivalry between Chelsea and Arsenal until you arrived in England and met people like Katie or Leah who took this very seriously.
“But we’re both Emily’s friends.”, you reminded her softly.
“You don’t have friends on the Chelsea team, huh.”, the Ireland captain joked teasingly.
“Not true. They just don’t like to read.”, you protested.
“Oh, these girls here don’t read either except for fellow bookworm Emily.”, Kim told you.
“What?”, Emily gasped.
“Yes, you’re our book nerd and apparently y/n is at Chelsea.”, Leah smirked amused.
“Sounds like a perfect couple to me.”, Beth chuckled at the blonde defender’s observation.
“Two book lovers. Yes, indeed.”, Jen added.
“Actually.”, Emily begun, her cheeks turning slightly pink as all the eyes of her teammates were on her.
“We’re.”, you continued.
“A couple. Who would have guessed.”, Katie rolled her eyes at the pair of you.
“Is no one surprised?”, your girlfriend wanted to know smiling.
“Do you want us to be?”, Beth returned the question in a sincere voice.
“The derby said everything to be honest.”, the lionesses captain admitted winking.
“The derby?!”, you exclaimed.
“Yeah, you were there?”, Leah questioned unserious clearly, she knew you were a part of that game.
“Yes, I remember it all too well.”, you confessed.
You bit your lip, thinking back to that day and wondered if you were really that obvious a few weeks ago.
Katie smirked at you: “And let’s just say it wasn’t only sportsmanship that we saw afterwards.“
“Trust me, some people would still say it was only true sportsmanship.“, Beth laughed.
Leah wrinkled her nose and teased: “Oh yes, a girl consoling another girl with a kiss, such sportsmanship.“
You felt the blood rush into your cheeks.
Embarrassed, you tried to hide your face in Emilys neck: “Oh god, you guys!“
Emily laughed, patting your back: “They’re always like this.“
“I think I like them… Still annoying though.“, you commented as you looked back up again.
Leah raised one eyebrow: “Says the Chelsea player.“
You looked at your girlfriend for help but she just shrugged: “Sorry, I can’t save you from this lifelong gooner, love, if you keep saying such things.“
“What about the love you until the day I die promise?“, you asked her, playfully pouting.
Beth grimaced in disgust and turned to Arsenals captain who looked like she was suffering: “Kim, I think they read too many romance books.“
Kim sighed in response: “I just want to have one book club where we actually get to read and that doesn’t turn into some kind of dating show.“
The book club ended without much reading so you and Emily read the book over the course of the next few days. Once you finished it, you placed both your copies onto your shared bookshelf. There was a large collection of books already and almost no more space.
As you turned away from the bookshelf, there was a loud crack, then an even louder thud. You let out an involuntary shriek before you took in the books at your feet.
The lowest shelf had collapsed under the weight of all those books.
“Uhm, Em?“, you called for your girlfriend.
“Yes?“, she yelled back from the kitchen.
“I think we need to make another trip to IKEA… or get rid of some books.“, you half joked.
“Why?“ She appeared in your living room and took in the situation. “Oh my god.“
“It broke under the weight.“, you explained.
Your girlfriend smiled fondly but shook her head: “Have you ever heard of an e-reader?“
You glared at her: “That’s nothing compared to ink and paper! Besides, I’m not getting one just because of your deal with kindle.“
“Okay, fine. We’ll go buy you another shelf.“, she laughed, defensively raising her hands.
You smiled: “Thank you. Food will be on me, you can choose whatever you want.“
Emily nodded slowly, already thinking about what to get at the Swedish furniture store: “Okay, we have a deal.“
“Better than your kindle deal.“, you laughed and stepped around the scattered books to kiss her.
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flimsy-spine · 9 months
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my favorite madney scenes: [16/?] ⇢ This Life We Choose, 2.18
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fandomcentral101 · 3 months
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Jen Fox and Noa Olivar
Pretty Little Liars: Original Sin 2x05
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melziss · 3 months
haven't been on tumblr in awhile but had to come back to say that pll summer school was so good (despite the cringey vibe of it all) i love those girls so much and each and every one of them gave their all this season.
on another note i find it funny that (in my conception) pll summer school is trying to show us, old pll (the og) watcher's, that even if you tell your parents about A and the cops and they actually do something about it (like it was done in pll os) in the end it all goes to shit the same way! so I've officially forgiven aria, spence, em and hanna for all the gatekeeping.
lastly I'd like to say fuck ya'll who don't ship jen and noa! they have (criminal) history!!! no but seriously let them be i didn't like shawn from the get go and jen is cute...they just need to fix that hair for gods sake i need it to look better.
please renew pll summer school and make kelly and faran a couple please I'll take them as besties but please gay besties
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listen I hate greg but him clocking noa and jen will never not be funny
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beautifulhigh · 1 year
The smallest of looks is the loudest moment in the room
Just a little one from me to save me from going insane and to sate my followers...
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ZAHRA: How long has this been going on?
Alex is focused on Zahra, Henry is staring off into the middle distance until Alex answers her.
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ALEX: Since New Year's.
And it's that Henry reacts to. Have a close up.
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Henry's gaze flicks to Alex. In this exact moment (1 hour, 5 minutes, and 41 seconds), he looks at Alex for a few seconds.
This is the moment Alex has put a start date on this thing between them.
It's a little more certain here than it is in the book:
"How long has this been happening?" "Since, um, New Year's." (page 233)
The placement of that "um" holds meaning for me - in the book Alex is hesitating before he pins a start date on him and Henry. He's trying to figure it out and that's what he goes for. Because how long has it been going on? Since they started sharing intimate thoughts and fears? Since they increased the benefits they had added to their friendship? Since the Red Room?
Nope. Alex goes for the moment when the possibility between them changed and he completely ignores the weeks of silence that happened straight after. The period of time in which Henry was full of fear over what he'd done, what Alex might do. In the book we know he runs scared, going on a public date and being photographed.
If there was a prince, and he was gay, and he kissed someone, and maybe it mattered, that prince might have to run a little bit of interference. (page 125)
We don't have anything like that in the movie but we do have the silence. We see Henry's fear when he comes into the Red Room. Not just because of the line he crossed with Alex but because he has exposed himself and his most closely guarded secret, a glimpse of his true self.
He will know that Alex isn't going to out him - they've spent long enough talking and getting to know each other for that to not be Henry's fear. And if he was then it would have happened long before the State Dinner. Henry's fear is about losing Alex, losing the friendship, losing that connection with the boy he's wanted since the Olympics/Climate Conference.
I'd put money on Henry promising himself, once upon a time, that he would never do anything to risk losing what small pieces of Alex he could have in his life. And when they start up this thing he goes in thinking that this is all he can have, all he will get.
"I thought I could have some part of you, and just never say [I love you], and you'd never have to know, and one day you'd get tired of me and leave, because I'm--" (Page 272)
Henry didn't think he would have all of Alex, at least not anything of import, that Alex wouldn't be as far in as Henry is. And yet here he is in this hotel room, declaring they have been this thing since that kiss. Since before they properly made out in the Red Room, went down on each other in Alex's bedroom, talked about "keeping things casual" before embarking on the most insanely devoted shag fest known to mankind.
Alex has been in since New Year's and he tells Zahra just that.
In the movie he is more decisive. (Just like the instant "No" when Zahra asks if it would make a difference if she asked them to stop.)
Since New Year's. Since the moment Henry kissed me and I became unable to think about anything else except doing it again. And doing other stuff.
And even though Henry ghosted him right after, even though the next thing Henry said to Alex after his apology and disappearance into the night was another apology for his behaviour, Alex has labelled that moment, that kiss, as their start.
The moment when Henry was brave.
And in the movie we get to see Henry's reaction to that. They've been discovered, things are about to blow up in a way they can't control, and Alex says that as far as he's concerned this thing between them has been going on all year.
Before the emails. Before Paris. Before the State Dinner. Alex has been Henry's since New Year's and this is the moment he finds that out.
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Kit Play - Fox Kits Wrestling - 4256b by Jen Hall
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911bts · 2 years
Jen and Brian's daughter, Autumn, was the one playing Maddie and Doug's fictional daughter in the episode!
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Scott Jennings is one of the reasons I stopped watching CNN. He rants and raves and spreads lies, conspiracy theories, and behaves like a crackhead Fox News host. Even worse is that the CNN hosts never challenge him. On very rare occasions other guests will try to call him out but then he flies into full bully mode and shouts them down insulting and demeaning them while the CNN hosts just smile and chuckle.
F-ck Scott Jennings with a dry cactus!
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