#jen x noa
fandomcentral101 · 4 months
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Noa Olivar and Jen Fox
Pretty Little Liars: Original Sin 2x04
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jenoacentral · 3 months
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afterglowlws · 3 months
I’m sorry but I love Jen and Noa together. They could never make me hate you Jen
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bitsy-rouge-is-buggin · 3 months
30 days of my favorite LGBTQ couples for PRIDE in no particular order! Day 13 - I'm still deciding if I can trust Jen or not but their chemistry is fire!
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padmaddean · 4 months
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Noa & Jen Pretty Little Liars: Original Sin s02e05
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listen I hate greg but him clocking noa and jen will never not be funny
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mistynatruther · 4 months
put me in the pllss writing room PLS, there’s no way they’re writing noa and jen like this
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phantomoftheorpheum · 3 months
hi!! 😊 i liked that christian was a major red herring. it was nice to be validated even though i was expecting it. i like christian but i think he is a little too similar to tabby to be interesting as a love interest. they are the male and female versions of each other 🤣
johnny deserved better. although i think he was a little too understanding with imogen at times, he knew she was going through it and i respect him for that. the way she demanded to see his texts and look at his search history was such a red flag. of course i get it in this context but irl that would not be okay. maybe imogen need to be single for a while.
i don’t like jen. i will never like jen. she’s manipulative and a liar. i will never excuse how she deflected and made noa the bad guy in the conversation where noa attempted to confront her about robbing shawn’s house. how their shippers ignore that problematic behavior is beyond me. i’m sad that she will be in season 3. at least i’m not alone in this as i’ve seen a lot of people complaining about this ship in the pll original sin instagram comments. i hope the writers hear our complaints. it has made noa my least favorite liar when i used to love her.
Hi! I agree!
You are so right about Christian! I should have trusted my 2x01/2x02 gut that he was a red herring, but then I got so suspicious of the fact that no one was suspicious of him when they obviously should be. jksdhfksdf. I'm still baffled by how Tabby didn't think to put either Wes or Christian on their original suspect list, considering their love of horror and the masks stuff, but I'm just gonna have to learn to accept that. I'm glad Christian was good too, though. I never wanted him to be bad, just was very suspicious he might be. They definitely gave him some dialogue that pointed his way. But he was a good red herring! He worked until the finale when they started getting suspicious and then I knew it wasn't him.
I have said it once and I will say it again, Johnny is quite literally the chillest dude on the planet (😂 this will never stop being funny to me, I am sorry). I'm also glad that he's not bad because I think he's an enjoyable addition to the cast and I hope he is in next season (again, assuming they get a next season) because we still know almost nothing about him, so they could do a lot of fun things with his character. But I do think Imogen needs to take some time, regardless of the Johnny stuff (I mean, he really should NOT want to date her ever again because she nearly killed him??) because this was a mess. I also think all the girls (but particularly Imogen and Tabby) do still need mental healthcare, but obviously not with Dr. Sullivan.
Aaaaahhh, the Jen stuff. I just kept thinking there was going to be some sort of reveal/resolution that made the Jen stuff feel like it worked in the season and had a reason to be there. I had so many possible scenarios I was willing to accept. and yet, they managed to find one which was none of them??? I can't believe I sat through so much love triangle crap for literally no payout. I hate love triangles and the only redeeming quality is that they usually have a big blowout scene when it all comes out, but they didn't even give us that???? It will be interesting (assuming they get a season 3) to see if they respond to the criticism like they did with the Ezra thing, because a lot of people feel Noa's carelessness about the situation (and she was super, super manipulative towards Shawn throughout this, as well) ruined her character for them. Now, I think it's fine to tear a character down and need to build them back up, and I think it's good to see the Liars engage in flawed behavior, the problem I have here is... they (the show) have given no indication that they think they actually DID tear Noa's character down? Like, I am sorry, but her behavior was flat out cruel and she felt a tiny bit bad about it for like 2 seconds and faced absolutely 0 consequences, and that, not that she made some terrible decisions, is the real problem here. It's not "tearing a character down to build them back up" or even "giving a character flaws" if those things are never acknowledged as flaws and terrible behavior in the first place? Ugh. There was just so much potential with this storyline (literally so much!) and they just threw it all straight in the trash.
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thundergrace · 4 months
"That was unhinged! She's a nightmare"
Can't rock with you, Jen. That lady is absolutely right.
'I'm the reason Shawn gave you $2000...I need to pay it back to make this right'
Okay, better.
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fandomcentral101 · 3 months
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Jen Fox and Noa Olivar
Pretty Little Liars: Original Sin 2x05
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jenoacentral · 2 months
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JENOA & TABOGEN 2.08, “Final Exam"
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couragehopelovefaith · 4 months
Jen and Noa are giving me some serious Em*son-vibes that I'm not a fan of at all (and I find it ironic that they are compared to Paily in a negative way). But maybe if it had to happen, they could end more like in the books? *probably misplaced optimism* Shawn seems like such a great guy and I feel sorry for him.
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frozen-heart · 4 months
Sooo... Episode 6 is out...
For me this episode is the weakest we've had so far. And I need to rant a bit...
I don't even know where to start. Of course not everything was bad about this episode, like the pride party. I really loved that part.
But there are some icks...
Maybe I set my expectations too high, because I've seen a few posts about how there's a shocking twist, ect. But the hype really ended up going nowhere for me..
First of all, Noa and Jen..
So.. I wish they would just show us why Noa us so attached to Jen. Because all we see is Jen causing trouble for Noa and it sucks. And Noa saying that Jen and her are 'more alike' than her and Shawn felt like a bullshit excuse. And if she really feels that way, why not break off with Shawn right away? Instead she uses him, his money and then cheats on him. I could look past the cheating in Juvie, because Noa didn't know that Shawn would wait for her and that she was scearching for comfort in Jen. But this? This is just bullshit.
Even worse, Jen stole the money from Shawn's mother to give back to him?! Like what the fuck? And Noa is actually still considering a relationship with her after she got accused of stealing the money?
I also don't get how Jen told Noa she doesn't need more on her plate and when she's confronted with her STEALING from Shawn's mother, she turns around again and puts pressure on Noa to make a decision?! Excuse me?
This is just peak self sabotage. She is considering leaving Shawn, who she has a really stable and healthy relationship with for someone who steals and causes her trouble. Are the writers even trying to make us like Jen?
And I expected Noa to get some backlash from the liars. Especially Faran. She always has strong opinions and isn't afraid to voice them, but she doesn't say anything against Noa cheating? This would've been the perfect opportunity to create some tension between the Liars. Not only did Noa lie to them about Jen, she's cheating on Shawn and playing with both of them, which could taint the picture of Noa the other Liars have of her.
Side note: Where is the scene of Jen and Noa that we saw in the promo pictures?
Also, I really hated how easily they just cut Jen off of their list for Bloody Rose.
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Next one, I saw some people say that they want Kelly to die a horrible death now. But I still don't want her to die.
What she did was horrible and hurtful to Imogen, but I don't think Kelly really had another choice. Her mom is abusive and she had to obey her and therefore the church to avoid further trauma and abuse. She has no other choice but to adapt to the view of the church to survive. And I think that's really sad.
I want her to get the chance to work through her trauma and redeem herself to the Liars, especially Imogen.
I hope they don't kill her off, because I feel like there could be a lot of ways to further explore her character, because she's so complex.
Side note: I can't take it when my two favorite girlies are fighting T_T Great acting from both of them!
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And it seems like we're really pushing Faran x Greg now.. And I'm not sure how to feel about it.
I really like the actors and they do have good chemistry, but I don't really know if I can like this ship..
I mean we could have Faran x Kelly. They're literally right there and would be better representation than Jen x Noa..
And now to the 'big reveal'.
First of all, Imogen's 'test' didn't feel like a test. (I'm also not convinced that Noa actually finished her test last episode.)
It was really lacking, but at least she had her moment last season..
I thought something was up from Davie, as I stated in the first post I made about Summer School. Imogen kept confusing Bloody Roae and her mother throughout the season, but the reveal still didn't really work for me.
We didn't even see her face. And we saw in the trailer that Imogen will accuse Dr Sullivan of being Bloody Rose in episode 7 or 8. We also saw Dr Sullivan saying she's putting on her face, as in becoming Bloody Rose, which will probably be another dream of Imogen.
Imogen has been hallucinating this season so I'm also not sure that we can trust her judgment on this. I hope they don't do the secret twin thing with Davie. That would just be boring, because we got that last season. I assume it was probably a mask to mess with her.
I just don't buy Davie or her secret twin being Bloody Rose and it would be one of the more boring plot twists, if they go through with it. I have read other theories that seem more exciting than this..
Where did Bloody Rose go anyway? And why didn't she kill Imogen? She clearly had the chance to. Wouldn't she want to kill Imogen to keep her identity hidden?
I'm sorry for rambling so much. But I needed to get this off of my chest.
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padmaddean · 4 months
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Noa & Jen Pretty Little Liars: Original Sin s02e04
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I see so many people hating on noa this season and I just…don’t get it? like yeah has she made some questionable decisions? sure. but as far as I’m concerned she could cheat on shawn and then burn his house down unprovoked and I’d STILL have her back 1000%. I thought we supported women’s rights and women’s wrongs people!
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pimpnchips · 3 months
Love For Me
Faran Bryant x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Smut
Not proof read!!
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“I wanna know if you got love for me” You stated, staring into faran’s eyes while grabbing her hands and pulling her closer. You and faran had been friends for a while now however the last of events with A have brought the two of you closer than ever. Subtle looks across the room and unnecessary touches weren’t enough for you. You craved faran for years but now the longing for her has gotten stronger.
“Y/n..” she whispered, looking away and back at you.
“I’m with Henry I can’t do that to him”
You sighed in frustration, “You said it your yourself, you and Henry aren’t in a good place recently what if I’m what you need faran.” This feeling you felt for faran was a feeling you’ve never feel for any girl that you’ve dated.
Faran starts to tear up, she knows that you’re right but she can’t break Henry’s heart but she couldn’t break yours either. So whatever she said in this moment would break either you or Henry. She loved you more than anything, but the guilt would eat her alive.
“Give me time, please baby” she asked, raising her hand up to cup your cheeks, wiping away the tears that flowed down your face. You shook your head in disbelief not understanding why couldn’t she just drop Henry for you. He was never right for her and she can’t seem to understand that. You brushed her hand away from you.
“All I’ve been giving you faran is fucking time! Choose between me or him” you yelled, frustration taking over.
She looked down not knowing what to say or do.
You chuckled bitterly, “fuck this”
You left faran sitting there in her thoughts. Why couldn’t she say that she chooses you? The two of you have known each other for years. Loved each other for years and she couldn’t put you over a boy she met only a year ago.
Pride Party
Noa and faran sat at the edge of the pool staring at their two lovers that they dismissed for their boyfriends. The girls arms over some rich townie’s. Faran stared at you as a girl with brunette hair ran her pink painted nails over your toned body. Her jaw clenched as the girl wrapped both of her arms around your neck, making your lips turn up into a smile. You wanted to show faran how happy you were without her.
“Me and Jen didn’t just meet at the pizza place, we were together together in juvie” Noa explained, turning around to the edge of the pool. Her friends following behind with the same action. “We actually hooked up recently” she says looking at her friends.
Faran exhales, “I guess since we’re telling the truth.. me and y/n have been hooking up too”
The three other girls glance at each other with chuckle, “Come on, we all knew that we were waiting for you two” Imogen laugh’s.
“The looks were obvious” Mouse said.
“Y/n told me to choose between her and Henry and I couldn’t say anything I was completely in shock I didn’t know what to do” Faran played with the rings on her fingers as she told her friends what was going on.
“I see the way she looks at you, hell, I see the way the both of you look at each other. You guys are made for each other and if anyone says otherwise they’re kidding themselves” Tabitha tries to sympathize.
“Fuck, keep going baby” You moan, throwing your head back in pleasure.
“Tell me your mine and I’ll let you cum” Faran speeds up her fingers, curling them in you wet pussy.
Things had took a turn the night of the pride party. Faran pulled you to the side in which you refused but she didn’t take no for an answer and you ended up going to Faran’s house in which the two of you argued but it quickly turned into a make out session that didn’t stop.
She made out with you on top of the covers, kissing everywhere until you cried her name. Her hand was so hot against your skin as she rubbed your clit, making you go insane. She pulled away, pulling down the thin strap of your sports bra which fell on your breast. She kissed you, licking at your lips before sucking lightly on your lower lip. When your tongues touched there was such hunger, lust, passion. You couldn’t think straight.
You wanted her more than ever in this moment. ‘Please, fuck me, please fuck me’ you pleaded. “Faran, please” you cried out. The way she looked at you with those beautiful brown eyes was like nothing else. Your stomach twisted and your heart pounded. You wanted to be consumed.
“Come here” Faran demanded as she rolled you onto her lap. You moaned when her hands trailed down from your breasts to your crotch. She gripped you roughly, making sure you felt her touch as you ground yourself against her.
your legs were shaky as they wrapped around her body. Her fingers slid across your sex, finding you wet and ready to explode. Faran pressed one finger against you. You whimpered as you felt her fingers slide inside you. “Is this okay? Is this all you want?”
“Yes, oh God yes, fuck me” You said between pants. You grabbed onto the sheets as if trying to keep your balance while her other hand continued to tease your pussy. Her fingers worked you slowly, teasingly, until you felt the first drop fall on you. “Oh my fucking god, I can’t…”, you cried out when your orgasm hit.
she laughed lightly, rubbing circles on your pussy to relax you from the intense orgasm. You tried to catch your breath, staring into her beautiful chocolate eyes. You leaned in, pressing soft lips against hers. You both sighed in contentment. Her hands cupped your face and she brought you closer so you could kiss softly again.
“I love you” Faran whispered against your mouth. “You are the best thing that has ever happened to me”
You smiled slightly, stroking her hair gently. “I am yours, babe”
“I broke up with Henry” She said, looking into your eyes.
“ I don’t want to be with anyone if it isn’t you” faran continued , looking intently into your eyes.
“I want you, I want us to be together forever. Do you understand?” She asked. You nodded, leaning into her and wrapping your arms tightly around her neck. You kissed her again, your lips fitting perfectly together.
Faran held your face gently, caressing your cheekbones and kissing you passionately. She ran her tongue along your bottom lip asking for entrance. You opened your mouth for her, letting her lick in as deep as she wanted. The two of you kissed hungrily, tongues swirling and pushing each other in an attempt to get closer to each other.
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