#jennafer Newberry
gelphiegifs · 1 month
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"Alright, I promise. But I don't understand..."
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pureanonofficial · 1 year
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Elphie, now that we're friends, I've decided to make you my new project!
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christinedwyer · 2 years
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' I think that loving you has been the truest thing about me. ’
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katherinemckay · 1 year
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thinking about the very small and kinda sad smiles elphaba and glinda have during the other person's for good verse
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raven-curls · 7 months
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Marie Eife & friends
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wicked1280px · 2 years
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Lissa deGuzman (Elphaba) & Jennafer Newberry (Galinda)
2nd Nat’l Tour Company; USA - Photo by Joan Marcus
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broadwaytwinsies · 1 year
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allthefights · 2 years
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But then, I guess we know there's blame to share And none of it seems to matter anymore
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lesbiten · 1 year
anyways on a good note IM SEEING WICKED IN 11 DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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tickle-bugs · 9 months
I have an idea for a Glinda and Elphaba story based on Jennafer Newberry and Lissa DeGuzman’s portrayals of Glinda and Elphaba. I included a link for reference. In popular during toss toss, glinda does this adorable giggle and then tries to have Elphaba recreate it, but it comes across as super forced and fake when Elphaba does it. I don’t know if this is too similar to the other Glinda and Elphaba story you posted the other day, but I thought it would be cute if Glinda tickles Elphaba to help her find her natural giggle. Of course Elphaba doesn’t let Glinda do that without her revenge so she tickles Glinda after. https://youtu.be/VQxRXpDtIf8 the toss toss giggle part starts at around 4:10, but at around 3:05 Glinda does really adorable deep gutteral laughter that is worth watching.
From Your Heart
Summary: Elphaba stops laughing at Fiyero’s jokes because she’s embarrassed of her laugh. Fiyero laments. Glinda takes this personally.
Take this as either a Glinda-Fiyero-Elphaba polycule AU or just supportive best friend Glinda who’s not into Fiyero but wants to help her hopeless bestie lock him down. I wrote it with the polycule in mind though because I love them. 
Glinda stopped being surprised at finding Fiyero face down on her bed by probably the third week of term. His dramatics harmonize well with hers, she specifically chose that mattress for the healing level of bounce it has--everything tracks. What doesn’t track, however, is Fiyero being face down on her bed and not at the date that she’d set up for him and Elphaba. 
“Why are you not wooifying Elphie? I specifically requested it.” Glinda sets down her purse and slips off her heels. Fiyero groans pathetically from the bed.
“Up, scoot, c’mon.” Glinda pats him until he moves over. She sits beside him and rubs his back.
“We went picnicking in the quad. Everything was perfect, Galinda. I even wore my good pants. But halfway through she just…ran away. I don’t understand. What if she doesn’t like me?” Fiyero’s lip wobbles. Glinda ignores the way that sentiment chews at the wall of her heart.
“Don’t be silly, Fiyero. Everyone likes you.” 
“What if she isn’t into me, I mean?” He sighs. She brushes his hair away from his temple. 
“I’ll talk to her, alright? I’m sure there’s a perfectly reasonable explanation for this. Go mope in your room and I’ll send word.” She pats his cheek. He sighs and sits up. 
The door lock starts to click and Glinda’s on her feet in a moment. As soon as the door opens:
“Elphie!” Glinda throws her arms up with a joyful squeal. Elphaba freezes in the doorway. 
“Why are you so perky?” Elphaba eyes her suspiciously. Glinda frowns. 
“I’m always perky.”
“More than usual. Something’s up.” Elphaba sets her stuff down roughly. She sits on her bed. Glinda slides into the space beside her and tangles their ankles together. 
“Well, a depressed little birdie told me that your date with Fiyero didn’t go so well.” Glinda grimaces. 
“He told you?” Elphaba whispers in horror. Glinda shrugs weakly. Elphaba groans and drops her head into her hands. Glinda primly pats her back and murmurs a halfhearted ‘there there’.
“He’s just…he’s so funny, Galinda.” Elphaba picks her face up a bit, then drops it back down. She groans louder. 
“Normally that’s a desirable trait in a beau.” Glinda busies herself with unbraiding Elphaba’s hair--a habit for them. Elphaba visibly unwinds beneath the touch. It does Glinda’s soul well to see it. 
“Yeah, but…he’s funny and I can’t laugh at his jokes.”
“Are they terrible? Or perhaps risqué?” Glinda runs her fingers through Elphaba’s hair. The silky locks are soft to the touch. 
“No!” Elphaba’s face flushes a dark green. “Well, maybe, yes. Sometimes. But that’s not it. I…my laugh is ugly. I’ve been scared to let him hear it, so I’ve been hiding it. He tried to make me laugh earlier, so…I ran.”
This impacts Glinda like a chariot at speed. Her eyes rove over her best friend’s face, this beautiful once-in-a-lifetime wonder that just happened to bless Shiz University at the same time as she. A miracle in every way, and she’s blaming herself for something out of her control. Unconscionable. 
“It’s so stupid--”
“No. Don’t you dare do that. It’s not stupid at all.” Glinda squishes Elphaba’s cheeks between her hands. Elphaba softens, her gaze dropping to the floor. Glinda kisses her forehead. 
“I think Fiyero likes you because you’re you, Elphie. And that includes your laugh.” Glinda quickly wipes away the lipstick smudge left behind. 
“But what if he thinks it’s ugly?” Elphaba murmurs through her squished face. 
“That’s exactly what you asked me about your skin, and then I had to listen to him wax poetic about the color of emeralds for a week. He will like every part of you. Sorcerer’s swear.” Glinda holds her hand out. She and Elphaba exchange a complicated multi-step handshake in quick succession, ending in sparks and glitter puffing into the air between them.
“Would it be easier to let me hear it first?” Glinda bumps their shoulders together. 
“You’d have to really get to me. I’m not sure if you can.” Elphaba huffs. 
“Hey! I’m hilarious.” Glinda swats her lightly. 
“That’s not it, I mean…you have to catch me off-guard. I spent so long practicing hiding it that I don’t know if I can laugh anymore.” Elphaba tucks her hair behind her ear. 
“I have an idea.” Glinda turns fast enough to bounce both of them on the mattress. Elphaba scoots against the headboard to give her space, and does a sweeping gesture to indicate she’s listening. Even with the nonchalance, her eyes are sharp and painfully earnest.
“Well, it’s easier to start laughing than it is to stop. So what if I help you? I can teach you how to do the accepted Upper-Uplands giggle. When next you see Fiyero, try it! If he keeps making you laugh, your real one should come into the light.”
“You want me to fake it?” Elphaba furrows her brow. 
“Most magicians fake their power. Why should this be any different?” Glinda shrugs. Elphaba nods slowly as the idea takes shape in her head. 
“It’s…not a bad idea.”
“That’s the spirit. Now repeat after me.” Glinda shuffles and preens, clearing her throat. She releases something between a melody and a laugh—a trilly, pompous little thing that her mother had grilled into her during her formative years. 
Elphaba makes a noise like a dying goose. Silence falls over the room. 
“This is hopeless!” She wails. Glinda does not laugh, she does not, but she does puff her cheeks out ridiculously.
It just tickles her, the ways her two favorite people are made for each other.
Wait a minute.
“Elphaba Thropp.” 
“Am I in trouble?” Elphaba immediately leans back, eyes wide. Glinda spins around the bed, backing Elphaba up against the headboard. She gets close, close enough to see the faint glitter still smudged on Elphaba’s forehead. 
“Only if you’re ticklish.” Glinda grins, her hands finding Elphaba’s waist. Elphaba’s eyes widen past the size of the moon. 
“I am going to turn you into the slimiest, wartiest toad imaginable.” A wobbly smile overtakes Elphaba’s face. 
“You’re a very talented witch, but that sounds awfully hard to accomplish while laughing.” Glinda tuts and sets loose her fingers, tracing the asymmetrical seams of Elphie’s frock with unpredictable fingers. Elphaba’s face puffs up like the aforementioned frog. She hides behind her hands. Her shoulders shake with the effort of restraint. 
“Let me hear it, love. It’s just us.” Glinda nods encouragingly, even though Elphaba can’t see it. Elphaba peeks open one eye between her fingers, then shuts it again. Glinda frowns. She pries Elphaba’s hands away from her face, instead placing them around her wrists.
“Stop me if you hate it.” Glinda says very seriously. Elphaba blinks. 
“I can’t…it’s not…Idon’tmindit,” Elphaba says quickly, her face radiating heat. Glinda bites her lip on a smile.
“Good.” Glinda descends like a cyclone onto Elphaba’s ribs and it startles her laugh right out of her. 
An endearing mess of shrieks and cackles blesses Glinda’s ears. Elphaba slides down the headboard and into a fit of snorts, holding onto Glinda’s wrists but never pulling away. Her nose scrunches as she tries to fistfight a tidal wave—poorly, but adorably. 
Glinda fits her fingers into the curve of Elphaba’s waist and she tosses her head back, making a mess of her newly-freed hair. Hiccups filter into her laughter as it rocks her. 
“Is this so bad?” Glinda has to shout over Elphaba to be heard. Nonsensical syllables tumble from her lips as she waves her hands around. Her laughter finds wheezy silence. Glinda relents then, taking a long, proud look at her handiwork. 
Elphaba glows with her smile. It brightens her from the inside out. Little lines dance along the corners of her happily squinted eyes. Glinda pats her stomach. She jumps with an anticipatory giggle. 
“What if I still can’t let Fiyero hear it?” Elphaba fiddles with her fingers.
“Tell him. He’ll understand.” Glinda rests her hand on Elphaba’s thigh. “And when you inevitably choose to be stubborn instead of admitting to yourself that you’re ready and he loves you, perhaps a little birdie will tell him what I’ve learned.”
Glinda wiggles her fingers and giggles evilly. Elphaba narrows her eyes.  
When Glinda’s tackled face first onto her bed, screeching like her life depends on it, she knows immediately that the pursuit of Elphie’s smile is worth a few frizzy curls and smudged mascara. 
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andrewlloydwebber · 2 years
Quite random selection audios from my recent theatregoing experiences. I don’t know if anyone is interested but I figured it’s better than hoarding them. Reblog if you download, gift to anyone if requested.
WICKED 2nd National “Munchkinland” Tour / June 29th, 2022 / Boston, MA, USA / Lissa deGuzman (Elphaba), Jennafer Newberry (Glinda), Jordan Litz (Fiyero), John Bolton (The Wizard), Lisa Howard (Madame Morrible), Kimberly Immanuel (Nessarose), Jake Pedersen (Boq), Michael Genet (Doctor Dillamond) / Note: A cellphone went off during the Fiyero reveal. 
Google Drive (2 untracked M4A files)
THE BAND’S VISIT 1st National Tour / June 16th, 2022 / Worcester, MA, USA / Janet Dacal (Dina), Sasson Gabay (Tewfiq), Ramin Doostdar (u/s Haled), Ali Louis Bourzgui (u/s Itzik), Coby Getzug (Papi), Hannah Shankman (u/s Iris), Yoni Avi Battat (Camal), Joshua Grosso (Telephone Guy), David Studwell (Avrum), Billy Cohen (Zelger), Dana Saleh Omar (u/s Julia), Marc Ginsburg (Sammy) 
Google Drive (1 untracked M4A file)
1776, Pre-Broadway / May 28th, 2022 / Cambridge, MA, USA / Gisela Adisa as Robert Livingston, Nancy Anderson (George Read), Becca Ayers (Col. Thomas McKean), Tiffani Barbour (Andrew McNair), Allison Briner Dardenne (Stephen Hopkins), Allyson Kaye Daniel (Abigail Adams/Rev. Jonathan Witherspoon), Elizabeth A. Davis (Thomas Jefferson) , Rose Van Dyne (u/s Charles Thomson), Joanna Glushak (John Dickinson), Grace Stockdale (u/s Richard Henry Lee), Eryn LeCroy (Martha Jefferson/Dr. Lyman Hall), Crystal Lucas-Perry (John Adams), Liz Mikel (John Hancock), Patrena Murray (Benjamin Franklin), Oneika Phillips (Joseph Hewes), Lulu Picart (Samuel Chase), Sara Porkalob (Edward Rutledge), Sushma Saha (Judge James Wilson), Brooke Simpson (Roger Sherman), Salome Smith (Courier), Sav Souza (Dr. Josiah Bartlett), Imani Pearl Williams ( u/s Caesar Rodney) /
Google Drive (2 untracked M4A files)
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gelphiegifs · 4 months
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The way Elphaba is ready to make her escape, stops when she recognizes Glinda's voice, and immediately turns around and reaches for her, even while still behind enemy lines. Also, since she was mostly alone in the time span between the acts this is probably the first hug she's gotten in years, if not the only one.
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pureanonofficial · 1 year
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Galinda’s got her priorities straight.
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christinedwyer · 2 years
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“ it’s good to see me, isn’t it? ”
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elphabaoftheopera · 2 years
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Glindas I’ve Seen Live Appreciation Post
Natalie Daradich // Jeanna de Waal // Hayley Podschun // Carrie St. Louis // Amanda Jane Cooper // Allison Bailey // Jackie Raye // Jennafer Newberry // Brittney Johnson
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raven-curls · 1 year
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Happiness is when all your wish comes true
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