#jenneel fic
Thinking of writing a story with the same idea as this fic
Wanting to know if anyone would be interested
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You suck!!!! You don't write anymore and now you ship cockles!!!!! What happened to the jenneel stuff!!!!
Aaaaaand people like you is why I don't post fics anymore.
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bonecage · 2 years
New jenneel meetcute fix it fic just dropped
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writethelifeyouwant · 2 years
Bad Reputation | Part 3 - Jenneel x OFC Mini Series
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Summary: When Yaz starts as a freshman at the same college that her older twin step-siblings –Danneel and Jensen– are attending, she quickly takes advantage of all the benefits that living away from home offers; chiefly, that she can now sleep with as many alphas as she wants, and her family can’t do anything to stop her. But when the twins’ friend, Jared, reveals that he fucked their step-sister and she’s starting to develop a bit of a reputation on campus, Jensen and Danneel decide it’s time they teach Yaz a lesson.
Pairing: Alpha!Danneel x Omega!Yaz x Alpha!Jensen Rating: 18+ Warnings: NonCon to DubCon, Sibling Incest, Step-sibling Incest Tags: Alpha!Danneel, Alpha!Jensen, Danneel and Jensen are twins, Alpha!Jared, Omega!Yaz, Dark!Danneel, Dark!Jensen, catfishing, recreational drugs, underage drinking, roofies, punishment, threesome, bi-awakening, double penetration (2p1v), bondage, humiliation, slut-shaming, possessive alphas, claiming  Word Count: 6,045 Bingo Squares: @supernatural-jackles TMAS Bingo - Threesome | @anyfandomdarkbingo - Abduction as Seduction | @anyfandomgoesbingo - Jealousy | @anyfandomkinkbingo - “I bet all our neighbours can hear you, I bet they all know what a dirty little slut you are.”
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Yaz wove her way through the frat house looking for the kitchen and the promised free booze. It was loud and crowded even though it was still pretty early on in the night. She didn’t actually know any of the guys throwing the party, but for Yaz that was kind of the point of coming to things like this. The anonymity was exciting. Here, she could fuck some alpha-hole, maybe two if she got really lucky, and never even need to ask his name. She wanted to get something to drink before she started her evening’s hunt, though. 
The kitchen was just as jam-packed as the rest of the house was, but smelled more distinctly of weed. Yaz avoided the group that was passing around a bong that looked even more filthy than it smelled and shuffled her way around the perimeter of the room to reach the corner that boasted innumerable stacks of red Solo cups. When she reached her destination, she stretched out to grab a cup off the top of the tower only to awkwardly brush fingers with someone who’d been aiming for the same cup. Yaz jerked her hand back and ducked her head, feeling the blush that came so easily to her cheeks flare up, and she looked up coyly from beneath her lashes. 
“Oh, sorry, how s– Oh. It’s you.” Yaz’s flirty opening fell flat when she realised that the hand she’d brushed against wasn’t a potential bedfellow; it was her step-brother. 
“Hey, to you too little sis,” Jensen scoffed, reaching back up to grab the cup they’d both been after a moment ago. 
“Hey, Jensen,” Yaz rolled her eyes. She wasn’t going to feel guilty for being disappointed that he hadn’t turned out to be an interesting prospect for the night. And Jensen being here did complicate things a little bit. Yaz wasn’t wild about the idea of her step-brother seeing her hanging around frat parties and sneaking off with alphas when the mood struck. For the most part, Jensen was a cool enough guy, but anything he saw had a chance of making it back to her dad or gave him something he could hold over her head if he ever wanted to act like a dick.
“Since when do you drink margaritas?” Yaz raised a brow sceptically as she watched Jensen mixing store-bought margarita mix and an overly generous glug of tequila in the plastic cup. 
“I don’t,” Jensen shot her a look of derision as if he was disappointed she would ever think that about him. “This is for you. You came in here for a drink, right?” he asked rhetorically, bending down to open the cooler on the floor and grab a handful of ice to splash into the top of the drink. 
“You are making me a drink?” Yaz asked incredulously. Jensen shrugged and offered her the margarita, which she took cautiously. “What happened to ‘I’m not letting your underage ass get drunk on my watch’?” she prodded, suspicious of what had suddenly made Jensen change his tune. 
“Sweetheart, c’mon, that was at a goddamn family barbecue,” Jensen laughed loudly, now pouring himself his own drink–something that looked like it was composed mostly of Jack Daniels. “College is a whole different ball game; you’re supposed to get shitfaced here. Just don’t call me if you’re throwing up,” he added pointedly. 
“Okay… well uh, thanks,” Yaz raised her cup in gratitude and Jensen tapped his own against hers with a sage nod of acknowledgement. “I guess I’ll see you around,” she smiled, feeling just a little awkward, but pushing it down and plastering on a bright smile as she made her way off in the direction she could hear music coming from. 
Jensen had made her drink very strong–much stronger than Yaz would have made for herself–so she sipped at it slowly, not wanting to be too wasted too quickly. She wasn’t stupid; she knew how easy it was for alphas to take advantage of someone if they were desperate enough to pop a knot that they didn’t care about basic moral decency. And Yaz knew that her small stature only made her an easier target in alphas’ eyes; a fact she was happy to use to her advantage most of the time, but only if she was sober enough to have a say in it. 
The music playing was so loud that Yaz was having difficulty actually hearing it. It was more like an omnipresent noise that was hanging in the humid air of the crowded house; molecules of moisture and smoke and sound all congealing in clouds that pressed heavily against her ears, seeping inside and fogging up her focus. She took a larger sip of her drink, hoping that the lingering, anaemic ice cubes floating towards the top could help her to cool down a little. Everyone in the room was pressing a little too close, and the air was too stuffy, and Yaz could feel the sweat beginning to bead up on the back of her neck, making her shudder uncomfortably when it slipped down the ridges of her spine. 
She had to get outside. It was way too hot in here. 
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Danneel straightened the spaghetti straps of her body suit as she admired herself in the full-length mirror on the back of their dorm door, checking she was happy with how she looked. She’d waited until after her twin had gone out to change, so the slutty, latex lingerie would be a surprise for him upon his return with their baby sister. Jensen had texted her a minute ago to say that he was leaving the party and was bringing Yaz back with him; the plan had worked perfectly. No one would question it if they saw Jensen helping his step-sister leave a frat party after she drank too much, and it wouldn’t even be suspicious of him to bring Yaz back to his and Dee’s dorm room instead of bringing Yaz to her own. They can just say they want to keep an eye on her, make sure she isn’t too sick, and they don’t trust any of her freshman friends with the responsibility. Truly, it was the perfect cover. 
Deciding she wanted to touch up some of her makeup, Dee reached for her mascara and lip balm. She fluttered her lashes over the wand, sweeping the black liquid out towards the tips of her lashes and then pulling them towards the corner of her eye. The whole effect made her eyes look longer and sharper, more sultry and alluring–commanding. She added a bit more of her tinted lip balm, massaging it between her lips to get the moisture to sink in further. She didn’t want anything sticky or too colourful that might leave a mess, she just wanted them to look full and soft and tempting. She wanted to drive Jensen crazy. 
Dee wasn’t too sure how Yaz would react to the sight of her dressed up so provocatively, but honestly, it didn’t particularly matter because Yaz didn’t have a say in what would be happening between the three of them, anyway. And as soon as they had put their claim marks on her body, her hormones would kick in and make her want to be with Dee just as much as Jensen. The little bitch would be begging for her alpha’s cocks soon enough. 
And after all, Dee smirked to herself at the memory, Yaz had told DJ last week that she’s always fantasised about being fucked by two alphas at once. Danneel and Jensen were doing her a favour; making one of her dreams come true. So what if she was their step-sister, it was clear to Danneel now that this is how it was meant to be. Her and Jensen and Yaz, the perfect little trio. If she was being honest with herself, Dee knew she’d always felt an unusually strong pull towards her twin, but it hadn’t made any sense until recently. Jensen was an alpha, just like her, so they couldn’t be mates-they’d wind up ripping each other’s throats out sooner or later-but with an omega in the mix, this could actually work. And Yaz would be happy, considering how much she’s been slutting it up around campus since she arrived at college, being a sex toy for her two alphas would suit her just fine. 
A knock at the door startled Dee out of her contemplation. For a moment she wondered who on earth would be knocking, but then she realised Jensen was carrying an unconscious omega back with him, he probably couldn’t get to his key easily. She scrambled towards the door, fussing with her hair and adjusting her boobs one last time so they sat high and plump in her playsuit, and she swung the door back to reveal her brother, carrying the aforementioned stepsister cradled in his arms. She looked so small against his broad chest, like a little sleeping baby. 
“Fuck,” Jensen choked out when he caught an eyeful of what his twin was wearing, his eyes widening noticeably. 
“C’mon, bring the poor thing inside already,” Dee giggled, sugar sweet, very pleased at the reaction her effort to dress up had gotten. Jensen sidled into the room at her command and dropped the girl in his arms onto Dee’s bed while she shut and locked the door behind him. “How long do you think she’ll be out?” she asked, walking up to the girl and brushing a lock of her dark brown hair off her cheek. 
“How should I know? I’ve never roofied anyone before,” Jensen grunted in typical twin-brother fashion. But then his standard familial expression went slack and shy as he got another look at his twin, standing before him with her hip popped and her arms crossed, further emphasising her chest. “By the way,” he started shyly, on the cusp of blushing, “you look, uh,” nervous swallow, “just… fuck.”
“Thanks,” Dee smirked. She knew she looked good, and Jensen’s reaction was exactly what she’d been angling for, but she also felt a warm, anxious-shy glow at how flustered she’d managed to render him. It felt nice, knowing she was so wanted by someone that meant more to her than anybody else in the world. “Let’s get her in the cuffs, so we’re ready when she wakes up,” she added to fill the moment of nervous silence. 
“What do we do until she comes back around?” Jensen asked, ducking under Danneel’s bed to grab for the shoebox that held her sex toys–she’d shown him the full array last week. 
“I’ve got some ideas,” Dee grinned wickedly, helping Jensen buckle Yaz’s wrists into the leather restraints and pulling them over the girl’s head so they could link her to the headboard. “How do you feel about seeing which one of us can make her cum the fastest while she’s still out of it?” 
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Jensen couldn’t believe this was actually happening. Seriously, it was fucking inconceivable. 
And yes, he knew what the word inconceivable meant–he was in fucking college for Christ’s sake. And his name wasn’t fucking Vazzinni. And there was nothing wrong with a bit of kissing in books.
Yaz was cuffed to Danneel’s bed at all four corners, arms stretched above her head and her legs spread wide. Her skirt was flipped up around her waist, exposing the thong that barely had any right to be called underwear, and Danneel’s dark red wavy-curls were bobbing between their step-sister’s thighs as she sucked mercilessly on the omega’s clit. Yaz was still pretty out of it, but the drugs were starting to wear off enough now that her body would twitch and squirm a little in response to the intense pleasure it was being forced to endure. Danneel seemed to be enjoying herself thoroughly, and Jensen certainly admired the view of the pair of them, but he really wishes Yaz would wake up soon. Playing with a rag doll wasn’t nearly as entertaining as making an omega beg and whine and scream. He wanted their baby sister awake when they claimed her, and he was getting impatient. 
“Any chance she’ll wake up if we shove a cock in her cunt?” Jensen asked coarsely, huffing with distemper. 
“Well if you want to try, go ahead,” Danneel picked up her head and looked over her shoulder, disdain shining from her dark brown eyes. “I want her awake the first time she feels me inside her. I want her to watch,” his twin smiles, deliciously cruel. “I want her to beg for it.”
“Good to know we’re on the same page,” Jensen grunted. He went to his nightstand and pulled the drawer entirely out of the cabinet, dumping its contents out on the bed. 
“What are you doing?” Dee picked her head up at the noise to look at him curiously. Jensen looked back over his shoulder to smile at her conspiratorially. 
“I may have picked up a little something extra when I met that dealer for the roofies,” he revealed, shaking the drawer to dislodge the false bottom he’d wedged into it to hide the drugs. With a triumphant smirk, Jensen reached for the small vial of pink liquid–coloured that way so he could tell it apart from the clear vial that contained the Rohypnol–and pulled it out to show his sister, dangling it enticingly between his thumb and forefinger. 
“What is that?” 
“This is a trigger,” Jensen grinned. “It’ll send her into her heat. Betcha that’ll wake her up.” 
“I didn’t even know they made drugs like that,” Dee eyed the little bottle sceptically. “Does it really work?” Jensen waved away her doubts, unconcerned, and stepped up to the head of the bed, tilting Yaz’s chin down and pulling her lips apart.
“Well, we’re about to find out.” 
The alpha unscrewed the little cap and strode to the head of the bed where Yaz was still lying unconscious, her mouth hanging open gently, the rise and fall of her chest illustrating the even breaths she was still taking, putting Jensen at ease. He’d never roofied anyone, he wasn’t too sure about the dose. And Yaz had always been so much smaller than he and Dee were. But the movement of her breasts–highlighted so sluttily in the low-cut dress she’d worn to the frat party–put his mind at ease. She shouldn’t be past the point of waking back up. 
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Yaz felt like she was underwater, everything sounded muffled and overly loud, like waves rushing through her brain, and she couldn’t move her arms or legs very much, she could only twitch them as if the tide was pushing against her, trying to carry her back into the blackness of the watery depths she was trying to break free of. Her vision was clouded over with spots of fuzzy colour, and nothing would stay still long enough for her to focus on it against the black background. But she’d opened her eyes, so why was it still so dark? Where was she?
“Hello?” Yaz croaked, her throat painfully dry and scratchy. The question sounded more like a choked-off gargle than an actual word. She took a deep breath, pulling on her tongue with the roof of her mouth to try to wet the muscles, fighting to swallow down the moisture and then trying again. “Hello? Is anyone there?” she called out, her voice more recognisable this time, if still unattractively hoarse.
“Well well well,” a faintly familiar voice spoke from the darkness, but Yaz’s mind couldn’t find the name that she knew the voice belonged to. “Look who’s waking up from her nap! Did you have a good sleep, baby girl?” 
The man’s voice cooed teasingly, and if he’d been speaking to a child he might have even sounded caring and friendly, but Yaz felt her heart grow cold, fear beginning to creep across her skin. She knew alphas that spoke to omegas like that, and they were usually the dangerous ones; they were the ones that thought omegas were only good for one thing and weren't bright enough to understand anything beyond that purpose. Coupled with the fact that she still couldn’t move, and it was still pitch black around her even though Yaz was positive she’d opened her eyes, the girl knew she was in trouble. Fuck, the frat party, she suddenly remembered. Shit, what had she gotten herself into?
“Who are you?” Yaz demanded, and even she could hear the shake of nerves in her voice. “Where am I?” 
“Aw, don’t worry baby,” a new voice answered–a feminine one–shocking the omega, and she tried to look around to find the new person, but everything was still dark. She must be blindfolded, Yaz finally realised. “You’re safe with us BB,” the girl said, sickly sweet and not at all reassuring. 
But wait… she’d called her BB… There were only a few people in the world who knew that was one of her nicknames. 
“Dee?” Yaz asked tentatively, and she recognised the deep giggle of her step-sister this time. 
“Of course silly. Who else did you think we’d be?” Dee answered. 
“Jensen?” Yaz checked, and she felt someone sit down beside her. Was she on a couch? Or a bed? 
“Yeah, it’s me, baby girl,” Jensen spoke softly, placing a hand on her shoulder and giving it a comforting squeeze. 
“Why can’t I see? Or move?” Yaz asked anxiously. 
“What do you remember?” Jensen asked, and Yaz tried to think back. 
“I remember going to that party…” she started. “I remember seeing you there. I remember going to dance…” she trailed off, fighting through the fog that her memories became after that. 
“Do you remember going outside? With some douchebag alpha?” Jensen asked, an edge to his voice now, and Yaz flinched, trying to remember. 
“...no,” she shook her head after a second. 
“So you don’t remember what he gave you to drink?” Dee piped up. 
“No,” Yaz shook her head again, confused. She didn’t remember meeting anyone or going anywhere with them. 
“Well, I’m not sure exactly what he gave you,” Jensen cut in, “but when I found you he was trying to carry you out, said you’d passed out and he was going to take you home. I knew he must have slipped you something because it was barely an hour after I saw you, and no one can get that drunk that fast.” 
“So Jen brought you back to ours, so we could watch you,” Dee explained. 
“Oh my god,” Yaz groaned in embarrassment. “Please never tell my dad about this,” she begged. “But hang on, why can’t I move or see? Is it what that guy gave me? Am I paralysed?” Yaz began to panic, starting to struggle, but she realised it was easier to move now, and it no longer felt like her body was too heavy for her to pick up, it felt like something was holding her down. 
“No, calm down, BB,” Dee giggled, and Yaz felt her step-sister sit down by her feet and place a hand on her shin to steady her. “We… well, when Jensen got you back here… like he said we don’t know what that alpha gave you, but, well, your scent was going haywire. It smelled like you were going into heat or something, and we were scared that if it was a drug-induced heat, you might wake up desperate and try to run off.” 
“So you tied me up and blindfolded me!?” Yaz demanded, outraged. “Why would I need a blindfold?”
“Some roofies make you really sensitive to light, and you throw up if it’s too bright,” Jensen excused easily, and Yaz could picture the unconcerned shrug that accompanied his answer. “How do you feel now? I can try taking it off,” he suggested. 
“Yes, please,” Yaz sighed in relief, closing her eyes when she felt Jensen’s hands slide under her head to pull the fabric off. The slight skim of his fingertips over her skin sent a tingle down her spine that ended up throbbing between her legs, and the omega stiffened. What on earth was that about? When the blindfold was gone, Yaz blinked brokenly a few times, squinting in the dim light of the room until her step-siblings came into focus. 
“There’re those pretty eyes,” Jensen hummed, brushing his fingers over her cheek, and Yaz felt herself flush at the compliment and the tender touch. 
“Can uh, can you untie me, too?” Yaz asked hopefully, tugging at whatever restraints had her arms stretched above her head. 
“Well, I don’t know about that,” Dee considered, stroking Yaz’s leg idly, and the omega felt heat blooming brightly under her step-sister’s touch. “I can smell your heat getting stronger by the second, and we can’t have you running off to find some random alpha to rut with for the next few days. What if they’re another scumbag who hurts you? It’s too dangerous, BB, you gotta stay here with us. It’s for your own good.” 
“Really, I feel fine,” Yaz laughed nervously, but even as she said it she realised it was a lie. Her skin was burning and uncomfortably damp, the air in the tiny dorm room felt humid and oppressive in her lungs, and the hole between her legs felt like it had its own heartbeat. 
“C’mon baby girl, you can’t lie to us,” Jensen tsked, shaking his head as if he was disappointed in her, and stupidly, Yaz didn’t like that feeling. Her step-brother bent over her, burrowing against her neck behind the long swathe of brown curls that were covering it and inhaling deeply when his nose found her skin. “We can smell how desperate you are.” 
Yaz shuddered at the feel of Jensen’s breath ghosting against her throat, and her stomach churned in discomfort. This was her step-brother, she shouldn’t be feeling like this about him–like she wanted him to force her legs apart and bury his cock into her willing heat. And fuck, that was a graphic image. She knew logically that this was only appealing to her because she was going into heat, and a heat that had been brought on by force, by some kind of drug. Maybe that’s why she felt even more needy than usual. 
And why even her step-sister was looking like a good option right now. 
Yaz didn’t realise how she’d missed it before now, but Danneel was dressed in fucking lingerie; a tight, navy, latex bodysuit that hugged he curves impeccably and pressed her cleavage up impressively between the deep vee of the cups, only held up by the skinniest spaghetti straps Yaz had ever seen. It looked like something she’d wear, but she had never pictured Danneel wearing something so provocative. 
“She looks good, doesn’t she?” Jensen chuckled, and Yaz swung her head around to see her step-brother watching her with a smirk curled on his full pink lips. “Why don’t you show her the best part, Dee?” Jensen spoke to Danneel but his eyes were still focused on Yaz, watching her reactions closely. 
Yaz’s mind felt cloudy and slow. She couldn’t understand what was going on right now, why Danneel and Jensen were acting so weird. And why was Dee getting on her knees and crawling up the bed, moving to straddle Yaz’s waist? With a seductive smile, her teeth chewing mischievously on her bottom lip, Danneel reached between her legs–where Yaz noticed a distinct bulge in the crotch of her bodysuit–and grabbed the tab of an invisible zipper, pulling it forward, from between her legs and up towards her navel. Her cock dropped between her thighs dramatically as Danneel groaned, probably in relief from not being tapped so tightly beneath the lingerie. 
“What the fuck?” Yaz felt herself gasp more than she heard it, because at the same time she spoke Jensen let out a lewd wolf whistle, eyes now fixed on his twin rather than their step-sister. 
“Shit, that’s hot,” he breathed, and Yaz felt him shift his position on the bed beside her. Looking over she saw Jensen’s hand had dropped to his own lap, kneading at his own erection, which was still closed up in his jeans. 
“What the fuck?!” Yaz whispered hoarsely, eyes darting between the two alphas, who were very clearly eye-fucking while they both groped themselves over her body. 
“Something wrong, baby girl?” Danneel asked sweetly as if she didn’t have her cock wrapped tightly in her manicured fingers. 
“Um, yeah!” the omega hissed, her logical brain fighting the biological instincts that were telling her to shut her mouth and let this happen. “You’re twins! You’re my step-family, what the fuck are you doing?!”
“We’re just helping you out,” Jensen spoke up as if the answer should have been obvious. “Some needs to take care of your heat before the fever sends you to the ER. You wouldn’t want your dad or our mom to find out what got you into this whole mess, how much of a slut you’ve been while you’ve been away at college.” 
“This isn’t my fault!” Yaz protested, but her voice was weak. In the back of her mind, she felt like Jensen was right. If she hadn’t gone out and been so careless, this wouldn’t be happening right now. But that still didn’t explain why her step-siblings were eyeing each other just as lustily as they were looking at the heat-riddled omega between them. 
“Oh, stop whining,” Dee scoffed, shuffling her knees further up the bed so her cock was hovering right over Yaz’s chest, angling it so the tip of it was grazing the exposed, tanned flesh of her breasts. Her dick was shiny at the crown with precum and flushed a deep, appetising pink that made Yaz want to lean forward and suck it between her lips. “We know you want this. You told us last week how much you fantasise about two alphas fucking you stupid,” she accused triumphantly, flashing Jensen a smirk, and Yaz’s jaw dropped. What did Danneel mean she’d ‘told them’? Yaz had told DJ that, not the twins. 
“Did you steal my phone?” Yaz squeaked indignantly. 
“Ha! She’s not even denying it,” Jensen laughed deeply, now standing to pull off his jeans and boxers, letting his own erection spring free. 
“How the fuck do you know what I texted…” Yaz’s ire fell away as she felt a sinking realisation settle in her chest. DJ – Danneel and Jensen. “That was you?” she gasped in horrified embarrassment. 
“Yep,” Jensen confirmed happily, lips popping on the end of the word. 
“The whole time?” Yaz gulped, feeling herself blush bright pink at the memory of everything she’d sent to DJ; all the flirting, the sexting, the photos… the videos. And what DJ had sent back. She looked sideways, considering Jensen’s body for a second carefully. 
“Yeah, the whole time,” Dee answered, still teasing her cock lightly as she straddled her step-sister. “It was Jensen in the photos, but it was both of us the whole time, watching you whore yourself out for a stranger so easily was fucking embarrassing, honestly,” she sneered, and Yaz flinched. “And after tonight, and how reckless you were… Well, what kind of family would we be if we let you keep putting yourself in danger like that. You’re lucky we were here to take care of you, sweetie.” 
“Now, I think it’s about time you show us how grateful you are to us,” Jensen ground out, words slipping through clenched teeth as he stroked himself roughly, stepping up beside the omega’s head and settling one knee on the mattress to bring his cock level with her mouth. He pressed his fingers into her hair, yanking her head towards him, and without any further preamble, forced himself between her lips. Yaz moaned brokenly as she tasted her step-brother’s cock slip across her tongue, his precum slightly bitter in a way that reminded her just how wrong this whole situation was. Except her omega instincts were far more powerful than her morals, because, without her permission, her body easily opened itself to him, gargling happily as Jensen fucked himself down her throat. 
“Holy shit,” Jensen panted above her, hand still planted firmly in her hair to keep her in place while he thrust in and out of her mouth. 
“Wow, look at that slutty little mouth,” Danneel cooed, condescension obvious in her tone. “You weren’t lying about being good at that, were you sweetie?” The alpha reached forward and pet Yaz gently, stroking the long brown hair that was spilling down her back and across the mattress. “Let’s see if your cunt is as good as you said it was, too.” 
Yaz moaned in desire, and Jensen grunted as her throat trembled around his cock. The effect was even more intense when Dee shoved her cock inside Yaz without any warning or preparation, all three occupants of the room groaning loudly in unison at the chain reaction of pleasure. 
“Fuck, you’re looser than I thought you’d be,” Dee sighed, quickly settling into a rhythmic fuck, grinding her hips into her step-sister on every inward thrust. “Figured after you’d slept with half of campus you wouldn’t be that tight, but I can barely feel you,” she complained with an exaggerated pout. Yaz cringed in shame, but somehow the insult made a gush of arousal swoop down her body. “Aw baby,” Dee laughed, “clenching around me isn’t gonna fix anything. I think I need something to help tighten you up.” 
“Hey,” Jensen chimed in, “betcha she’s loose enough to take both of us.” 
Yaz whimpered around Jensen’s cock at the suggestion. Danneel might think she felt too loose, but Yaz already felt pleasantly stretched around her step-sister’s cock; the thought of Jensen forcing himself in alongside her had the omega clenching in fear. 
“Oh I think she liked that idea,” Dee smirked, obviously referring to the way Yaz's cunt was spasming right now. 
“N-no,” Yaz choked out as Jensen abruptly pulled out of her throat, coughing roughly at the sudden influx of air. “Are you fucking serious? No, no way,” the omega protested fearfully, but her step-siblings merely laughed.
“I don’t know if you noticed, baby girl, but you’re not really in charge around here,” Jensen chuckled, reaching for the cuffs that were holding Yaz’s arms to the headboard. 
He unclipped them from each other, and Yaz briefly had the use of her arms back, automatically shaking out her wrists and shoulders to alleviate the stiffness, but Jensen immediately caught her hands again and refastened the cuffs. He slid behind her on the bed, his legs straddling her hips so she had to lean back against his chest, and he pulled her arms up and looped her linked wrists behind his head, effectively immobilising her again. Danneel released her ankles once Jensen had secured her hands again, and once her legs were free, the alpha shoved her legs until she bent her knees, curling her even further against Jensen. The feeble struggling Yaz was able to muster during the whole transition had barely been registered. 
“Sit on his lap sweetie, c’mon now,” Dee urged with a simpering smile, lifting Yaz’s hips so Jensen could squeeze his legs beneath the omega, forcing her to straddle his hips. He reached between their bodies and grabbed his dick, stroking it up and down between Yaz’s folds and drawing a reluctant whimper from the younger girl. 
“Oh you’re fucking soaked f’r’us, aren’t you slut?” Jensen taunted, teasing her entrance with the head of his cock, and Yaz knew he must have felt the rush of slick his words had caused rushing over his length. When he finally thrust himself inside, Yaz whined pathetically and tried to hide her face against her shoulder so they couldn’t see just how good it felt reflected in her expression. It was useless though, they knew exactly what she was doing. 
“You like Jensen’s cock, baby girl?” Danneel asked teasingly, sliding her fingers between Yaz’s legs to play with her clit, making the omega whine even more. “Who felt better? Me or him?” Yaz just shook her head, still hiding her face. She didn’t think Danneel would actually want her to answer the question, anyway. 
“Stop makin’ ‘er choose and just get in on the action, sis,” Jensen retorted, slowly grinding his hips into the omega on his lap. “Wanna feel her squeezing our dicks together inside her sluthole,” he sneered. 
“Should I stretch her out? Or do you think the whore is loose enough already?” Dee smirked cruelly as she slipped her fingers further down, wrapping around Jensen’s cock and pressing him further inside of Yaz’s cunt. 
“I say go for it,” Yaz felt Jensen shrug behind her, unconcerned. 
“No, please, please don’t do this,” Yaz begged, shaking her head jerkily as her step-sister pressed back against her shoulders, making her lay back against Jensen as he slid down the bed. 
“But this is what you wanted,” Dee smirked, crawling forward on her knees so she could run her own cock through the slick that Yaz was leaking around Jensen’s dick. 
“No, it’s not!” the omega protested, chest tightening in fear. 
“But you told us you fantasised about this,” Jensen’s voice rasped against her ear. “You told us you imagined having two alphas fuck you at once, you made yourself cum for us while you thought about it,” he reminded her. 
“I didn’t mean like this,” Yaz whimpered, clenching reflexively when Dee’s cock nudged at her entrance, the pliant tip trying to press its way in. 
“Well that’s too fucking bad,” Dee groaned as she started to force herself in, squeezing the tip of her cock alongside Jensen’s, making Yaz howl in pain. “Better relax for me sweetie, or this is never gonna feel good for you,” her step-sister chided coldly. Yaz only cried louder. 
“I bet all our neighbours can hear you, I bet they all know what a dirty little slut you are,” Jensen hissed, flexing his hips a little to change the angle he was holding himself at, trying to make more room for his twin inside their baby sister. 
“Just wait until we claim her, then she’ll really be screaming,” Dee laughed, forcing her cock in with one final thrust, making Yaz yell out in pain, tears beginning to roll down her face. “Holy shit, now she’s tight. Knew she’d be the perfect little omega for us.” There was an edge of breathlessness to Dee’s voice now, the first time tonight she’d sounded like she was affected by any of the insanity that was going on around her. Yaz had been temporarily drifting through a fog of pain, but as her body grew used to the unimaginable stretch it started to feel kinda good, and her mind actually registered what Dee was talking about. 
“C-claim me?” she whined helplessly, turning her head between the twins to look at their faces. Neither looked like they were joking. In fact, they were barely paying Yaz any attention; they only had eyes for each other. It was like they were merely using her body as a sex toy between them, but really they were fucking each other. Just as Yaz came to that conclusion, Danneel leaned down and kissed Jensen over her shoulder, sighing happily when their lips met, her body practically melting against Yaz as the alphas devoured each other, their hips settling into a rhythm that meant Yaz was constantly full, and she simply had to lie there and take it. And when she felt the twins’ lips on her throat, she shuddered, guilt wracking her body as she realised that she was going to let this happen. Because she was about to cum harder than she ever had in her life, and the omega part of her wasn’t going to let that go. The omega part of her was desperate for those kisses on her neck to turn to claiming bites, just like Dee had promised. And when their teeth sunk into her veins, the pain is what pushed Yaz over the edge of her climax, and she plunged, screaming, into the abyss of wrong that she knew the rest of her life was about to become.
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jayankles · 4 years
How Two Became Eight: Part 1
Pairing: Jenneel (Eventual Jenneel x PoC!OFC)
Word Count: 663
Warnings: Mental health. Comfort fic.
Written for: @spngenrebingo | @sdavid09
Squares Filled: Falling in love | Multi chapter
This is part of a drabble series that I’ve had in mind. Hope you like it. Maybe tell me what you think so far? idk
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Small smiles and stolen glances were how it all started. A few touches here and there but it was all fleeting. The two of them were definitely attracted to each other, everyone around them knew it, saw it, believed it was real, knew that they wanted each other. The only two bozos that didn’t know about the others' feelings were each other. They dialed it down to not wanting to ruin the friendship that they had built over the last few months of filming the movie together.
Danneel was getting in her trailer, almost ready to go home for the weekend until she got a knock of the door. With a makeup wipe still in her hand, Danneel rose from her seat and answered the door, pleased to find Jensen on the other side of it. “Hey, you wanna come in or are you just going to stand there in the rain?”
Jensen rolled his eyes before he smiled, taking the few steps up and into the trailer. Danneel smirked, spotting faux piercings still on his face. Jensen wiped the drops of rain from his forehead. “Thank you.”
“Well, I wasn’t about to let you stand out there all night.” Danneel smiled, grabbing Jensen a towel from her laundry basket, the clean and flowery smelling one that Jensen secretly loved. “You need help getting those piercings out?”
Jensen nodded, he wouldn’t turn down a chance to get close to Danneel, or have her touch him in such intimate ways. “Please.”
He took a seat so she could reach his face. When she took a piece out of his face, Danneel placed the jewelry into his hand. Danneel saw the sudden change in his face, she saw shame in his eyes before he looked down at the floor. “Is it one of those nights again?”
Hanging his head, Jensen only nodded. Danneel had completely empathized with him, days like these were never pleasant nor kind on the mind at all, especially if one was to spend it on their own. She held her hand out for him, only taking it after she wiggled them encouragingly. “You want something to drink; tea, coffee, water, beer?”
Jensen accepted the offer of water, thanking Danneel before he plopped down on the couch in her trailer. He took it as gracefully as he could but his fingers were still a little shaky, even if he tried to hide it, Danneel could see right through his facade.
“I’m just gonna go change into my PJs then I’ll join you. You can choose a movie if you want. I’ll be as quick as I can.” She stayed true to her word, putting on her crazy patterned pajamas and throwing her hair up into a messy bun. She came out a few minutes later with some extra clothes for Jensen too as well as a huge fluffy blanket for the both of them. “I have these for you if you want to get out of those wet clothes.”
Jensen nodded, his lips curling up into a smile, it was something so small but he appreciated that Danneel had offered her place and time to ensure that he was comfortable. Jensen almost rushed into the bathroom to get changed, peeling out of his wet clothes and folding them up into a pile. “Oh don’t worry about that, I’ll wash them for you and bring them by next week. Just throw them in the machine.”
The Princess Bride was his movie of choice and she couldn’t have been happier, she snuggled in next to Jensen, tossing the blanket over them, letting it float over their legs. Jensen closed his eyes as Danneel smoothed her fingers through his wet, messy hair. He was vulnerable, in his own head, he just wasn’t in the right head space but having Danneel there with him made Jensen feel a whole lot better. He really needed to pluck up the courage to ask Danneel out on a date.
Feedback is gold and very much appreciated
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 2 years
The Woods
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Summary: Jensen takes the reader and Danneel on a surprise camping trip. The event ends up stirring up some old feelings for the reader...
Pairing: Jensen x reader x Danneel
Word Count: 1,300ish
Warnings: language, implied smut, mentioned past abandonment
A/N: Enjoy!
“We’re never going camping again, I don’t care what he offers to do in bed,” said Danneel in your ear. You laughed, covering your mouth when Jensen spun his head around from where he walked in front of you. “Jensen. Haven’t we gone far enough? That patch of dirt looks perfect.”
“Guys, I have the perfect spot all mapped out. You’re gonna love it, I promise,” he said. He gave you a wink and you smiled, Jensen whistling to himself as he fixed his baseball cap on his head. You knew where you were going. Jensen let you in on part of the surprise for a few reasons. To help convince Danneel to go roughing it for one, to pack some things for her when she found out where you were really going, and for your own comfort level.
He knew the last time you went camping you’d been left alone in the middle of the woods for a whole night by your less than stellar ex and were pretty upset by the whole incident.
“You okay?” asked Danneel quietly. She gave your hand a squeeze and you nodded. “We know I’m the chickenshit out of the three of us but nothing bad’s gonna happen out here. I promise.”
“I know. I’m just walking and admiring the view of that man’s ass,” you said. She hummed in agreement and you both watched him sway his hips for a moment.
“Down ladies. You can get a piece of this later,” he said. He slowed down for a moment before he stopped and spun around. “Alright. You guys take the lead since I’m not seeing anything.”
“Here is fine,” said Danneel.
“Come on, De. It’s rocky and there’s a bunch of sticks. Maybe there’s something more level up past those trees,” you said. She shrugged and you walked together ahead of Jensen, smiling as you rounded the corner of the big bushy thing.
She stopped dead in her tracks, turning around with a huge grin.
“You got a little cottage!” she squealed.
“Cabin but yeah. We have the great outdoors outside and hot water and electricity inside. Figured you’d like that,” he said.
“I love it! Were you in on this?” she asked as she started to walk towards it.
“A bit. Jensen talked to me about it all a few months back to make sure I was okay with the idea of camping again. This I’m more than okay with,” you said. “It even has...what did you call it?”
“An Alaskan King size bed. I have a feeling you guys are gonna want one after the next few days,” he said.
“Duh,” you and Danneel said. You both followed Jensen inside, the cabin already stocked and you all explored it for a little bit, your ears preening as you heard thunder in the distance.
“Supposed to go right on by,” he said when you were staring outside. “So. Little bit of a hike down to the lake, we come back, have dinner, a little campfire and then you two have your way with me?”
“That sounds perfect, Jay,” said Danneel, her eyes wide when she saw the bed. “It’s huge. We’re getting it.”
“I figured as much,” laughed Jensen. You grabbed his hand and he cocked his head. “What’re you up to?”
“Well, you did give us this very romantic vacation. I think maybe we can squeeze in a little activity before we go down the lake, hm?” you said, sliding your hand down to his shorts and resting your hand on his belt. You gave him a small tug and he stepped forward, chest hitting yours with a pant. “What do you say?”
“Lucky me.”
“Hey,” said Jensen late that night. He padded out to the family room area in his boxer briefs, smiling as he ruffled his hair.
“Hey,” you said, watching the rain hit the windows as you wore one of his t shirts from the window seat. He took a seat across from you, nudging your foot.
“S’not like you to be up and about after sex like that,” he chuckled. “Even if De snores.”
“You both snore,” you said with a smile.
“You okay?” he asked.
“Yeah. I fell asleep with you guys, woke up from the storm. Felt kinda scared so I decided to get up, make some tea.”
“If being here bothers you-”
“It doesn’t. The fact you even asked me about what I was comfortable with was amazing in itself. I just didn’t want to be the drag on our fun vacation, you know?”
“Scoot,” he said. He opened up his lap and arms and you moved over to him, Jensen spinning you around so you lay back against him. He put his arms around you, nuzzling your head. “If being here doesn’t scare you, what did?”
“I guess...I don’t want to be abandoned again. Not physically. I mean, I guess physically, but...you know what I mean,” you said.
“What’d I say to you back then? When you were soaked and freezing and you wandered into my brother and mine’s campsite,” he said.
“It’s okay,” you said. 
“It is okay,” he said. “I stop the bad stuff and you give me cuddles.”
“Did you feel sorry for me? Back then?” you asked. 
“Maybe a split second when you walked into camp and you looked scared. Once you warmed up to us and you were sat by the fire all I was thinking was what dumbass of a boyfriend would walk out on you?” he asked. “Then we became friends and I invited you over for lunch with De and I and she was as smitten as I was at first sight. It took us nearly two years to work up the guts to say anything to one another and to you but we got there eventually.”
“Just checking,” you said. You rested your hands on his arms, closing your eyes while the rain pelted the window. “Let’s go back to bed. It’s cold out here.”
“After you, honey.”
“Mmm,” you hummed, chowing down on your spinach and tomato omelette the next morning. “Really good, De.”
“Thanks. As soon as I saw the mexican hot sauce in the pantry I knew we had to have some,” she said. You shoveled down your last mouthful and took a sip from your glass only to have Jensen appear from down the hall and cover your eyes with his hands.
“Good morning, silly,” you laughed.
“Morning. Come on, up,” he said. You cocked your head and he chuckled. “Oh, you think you were the only one getting let in on surprises this weekend?”
“You mean the box shoved in your socks?” you asked. You smiled as he tensed up. “That was a joke but okay, it seems like I’m headed in the right direction.”
He pulled his hands away and reached into his pocket, Danneel giving you a soft smile.
“We were wondering…” he said, a small black box appearing in his hand.
“Would you be ours?” asked Dean.
“Yes,” you said, Jensen opening the box. “I was being kind of stupid last night being worried, wasn’t I.”
“Oh, incredibly,” said Jensen, sliding the ring on your finger. “But there was no point in spoiling the surprise.”
Danneel gave you a big hug, Jensen smushing you on your other side.
“I love you guys,” you said.
“We love you too and now you’re ours for good.”
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The new actress on set
Pairing: Jensen x Danneel
Words count: 1203
A/N: please let me know what you think and feel free lo leave ideas.
Summary: After thirteen years, Supernatural casts Danneel in a recurring role.
At first she said it as a joke.
“Yeah, it would be fun to be on the show! She used to say laughing. But, for Danneel it was really a joke.
For thirteen years and counting of supernatural she just stayed in the shadows for two particular reasons:
-It was Jensen’s thing
-Many fans of the show tend to dislike her
Danneel was fine with all of this. But then she said that phrase and a week later Jensen came home all giddy with a mischievous smile saying
“Bob wants you on the show!”
Danneel immediately thought he was joking and laughed, but Jensen was serious.
After that day, it all went down pretty quickly; She received phone calls from the network, from Bob, from Bob’s wife, who apparently was writing a character just for her, and after a couple of months it was time to make the announcement.
Danneel was happy for all of the positive feedback that she received, even from a few of the cast members.
She and Jensen decided that it was better to move the entire family up to Vancouver for the filming of the episode, and so they did.
A woman, three children and lots and lots of bags were ready to board a flight. Of course JJ was super excited at the thought of being able to see her dad everyday. The twins on the other hand were not as easy to manage, given that on the plane their ears started to ache.
But Danneel, like the pro that she is, managed to keep control of the situation and by doing that, she was also able to calm herself.
She was a little worried about filming for Supernatural, she didn’t want Jensen to feel strange about her presence.
After all Vancouver was his place, Supernatural was his thing and she was worried that having her at home and at work could make Jensen feel uncomfortable.
Anyway, the time for worrying was very little. The house was not ready to welcome the family for the week. They didn’t have cribs for the babies or the right equipment for protecting them from all the danger, like putting their finger in the electric sockets for example.
So, the first thing that she did was running to the store to make their stay as comfortable as possible.
But when Jensen came home from the convention that night, his happy and tired face calmed all of Danneel’s nerves. She could enjoy a week with her husband; and she was even more happy when, as they climbed in bed, he opened his arms for her, mumbling something on the line of “’m so happy that you are here” before planting a kiss on her forehead and deciding that a good session of cuddles was the most important thing at the moment.
Next morning she was needed on set for her first day, and even if Jensen wasn’t needed until later on the day, he insisted on going with her
“I need to make sure that everyone will treat you as you deserve” he said while crossing the parking lot of the set, holding her hand.
Danneel couldn’t help but smile while Jensen guided her towards his trailer.
For years she came here just as a visitor, so she was super grateful for the opportunity. Acting has always been one of her greatest passions, but after JJ was born, the role of mother seemed more appealing than anything else.
That feeling grew more and more, even now with the twins, and she was happy like that, given that being a full time mom was very rewarding.
But when Jensen came up with the idea of being part of the Supernatural family, she found herself happy and content.
In all honesty, her first day on set went really well, her character ,Sister Jo, apparently had good taste in terms of clothing so she was happy with her choice of costume, and being able to be pampered by the make up artist on set was just as great.
Then there was the whole rollerblading thing, that left Danneel a little preoccupied when they tell her that she needed to do a scene with those on, but even that went well.
After her scenes for the day were done, she went back to Jensen’s trailer, that they were sharing for the week, because she knew that he was waiting for her. As soon as she opened the door, two large arms engulfed her
“here is my favorite actress!” said Jensen pulling back just a little “ I heard that you were great today”
Danneel smiled at his excitement “Great is a big word. But I didn’t messed up any of my lines and more importantly I didn’t fell on my face while I was on the roller-blades. That is what I call a victory!” she said enjoying the warmth of her husband embrace
Jensen started to laugh, one of his beautiful full body laugh that made Danneel laugh too.
After they calmed down, Jensen went to closet to relieve her jacket “Okay” he started to say “ I think you’re good to go for today, so I say let’s go back to the kids”
He offered to help her to put on the jacket, and while he was behind her sliding the coat on, he leaned to whisper into her ear
“By the way, you look gorgeous. I think I’m going to like this Sister Jo” he said smirking a little
Danneel slightly rolled her eyes and turned around to face him
“Yeah Yeah, now let’s go, I miss the kids” she said pulling Jensen along with her out of the trailer
They went home and prepared a nice little dinner that they could all enjoy, meatballs with potatoes and carrots on the side.
During dinner JJ chatted happily about all the activities that she did while her parents were at work, while Danneel was feeding the twins with Jensen's help.
After dinner it was finally bedtime for the kids, and fortunately, sleep for them came pretty quickly.
That left the two adults alone, that after a nice glass of wine, decided that sleep was the top priority for them too.
“Did I told you that I’m happy to have you guys here?” Jensen said while changing into his pajamas “I love the fact that after a full day at work we could sit all together for dinner. I miss those moments usually”
Danneel knew how much Jensen missed his family during the season, so when she finally climbed on the bed beside him she told him
“I know you do. We miss you too. A lot” she said “But right now we are here, so let’s enjoy the time that we have, okay? After that it will be Christmas break!”
Jensen smiled and leaned in for a kiss “You’re right.” A peck on the lips “How about I show you just how much I enjoy having you here?” Another peck.
Danneel pulled away for a moment licking her lips to savor the taste of his husband's lips
“If you insist...” she said smiling, leaning in for another kiss.
Yeah. This week was definitely going to be great.
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I'm more one shot type of a person and my favorite one of yours is 'Living Your Life'. I have a soft spot for 'coming back together' trope and it is genuinely a good story. Also for some reason 'Something to Tell You' is always in the back of my mind and I read it from time to time ☺️
And 'Mending a Broken Heart' is my first choice when I want to read something spicy and lovely in the same time 😏
That's totally okay!! Living Your Life is one of my top favourites too for that coming back together trope, and the waiting for that moment after something so tragic. It was hard to write but so worth it. I do love Something to Tell You As Well!!
Ummm hell yes to Mending a Broken Heart!! A damn dream come true! 💜
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negans-lucille-tblr · 3 years
gimme a kink and a line of dialogue
"Look pretty fucking desperate to me, baby girl. Don't worry, I've got something for you."
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7 Days to Die - Part 7
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Pairing: Jensen x Reader, Danneel x Reader (Jenneel)
Warnings: Angst, fluff, implied smut, body parts exploded mentioned (SPN level gore, I don’t go into grave detail), scary situations.
Word Count: 1,752
Summary: After finding their way home, now it’s all a matter of survival. And the reader is going to teach what it really means to survive to the surrounding camps when the horde of all hordes makes its way to their camp.
a/n: This is the final part of this series, hope you guys enjoyed, happy halloween!
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7
Main Masterlist
7 Days to Die Masterlist
Mobile Masterlist
It was for once, a normal day. The family heading to the Mass Hall to grab some Breakfast, the kids in school and preschool for the Twins. The couple having a day in.
Y/N finally woke up, having slept through the morning getting much needed rest. She walked out of the bedroom, in a shirt and underwear. Seeing her favorite people outside, enjoying the day. She heads back to the room to grab her some pants to put on, to look decent when she headed outside to join them.
“There’s our girl.” Jensen says, as she exited the cabin and walks over to them. Taking a spot in between them.
“Sleep well?” Danneel asked, hugging Y/N’s waist. Y/N wrapping around Danneel letting her sink into her side. She hums.
“Sure did.” She says with a content smile.
“When do you go on duty?” Y/N asks Jensen.
“Here in a few, just wanted to enjoy my time with my girls.” He says. Wrapping an arm around Y/N’s shoulders, bringing her to his side.
“Boss!” they heard.
“No Benny, too soon.” Jensen whined.
“Raiders, closing in.” He says. Jensen didn’t hesitate, he jumped to action.
“Baby, get the kids.” Jensen says.
“Jay Bird, Ro, Zep!” Danneel called out getting up.
“What do you want me to do?” Y/N asked.
“Follow Dee, they’re heading to a safe house we have, wait for us there.” Jensen ordered. Y/N nods.
“Baby come on.” Danneel pleads grabbing Y/N’s hand. Y/N follows.
 They heard the battle breaking out, some shots getting too close to home.
“God please be okay.” Danneel prays.
“Hey, look at this!” a raspy voice was heard on the other side.
Silent, quiet, hushed gasps were strangled as the people of the camp tried to keep their cool.
Y/N shoved the group back as far back as the building would allow, the building is roughly that of a small warehouse, but no upper or lower levels. And the main entrance was being messed with as the raiders attempted to enter the safe house.
Y/N readied herself for anything. For what she’s been through, she’s not ready for a group of raiders to take this away from her.
The door burst open, she lunged forward, tackling the male raider to the ground, taking his pistol from his holster. Roundhouse kicking the nearby female raider before she could take a shot at Y/N, earning a grunt and yell from the raider.
Y/N rises, gun in hand and ready to shoot. Gunning down the two raiders, looting their bodies for weapons she could use and hurries back to the safe house, shutting the door as best as she could.
She stays by the door, gun ready to shoot any raider who enters.
 “Look boss.” She heard Benny on the other side.
“Who did this?” Jensen asked.
Y/N opens the door to them. “I did it.” Y/N says. “They got in, and I fought them.” She says. As she did she turns on the safety on the gun stuffing it in her waistband at her back.
Jensen, a look of worry and concern flashed across his face as he brought her in a hug.
“At least you’re okay that’s all that matters.” He said, as he pulled out. Then looks to the scared women and children. “It’s safe to come back.” He says. And leads the rest of the camp back.
 “They just keep growing, the walkers outnumber the humans ten to one.” Osric says. Osric is best known for his role as Kevin Tran in Supernatural. Most of camp calls him Kevin or Kev.
“If there were a way to unite these camps I’m sure we could stand a chance.” Y/N says.
“Yeah, they’re more focused on themselves only. And even if they did band together, they’ll want something in return.” Jensen says.
“Then have a trade system. Open up trading, we need to start rebuilding, not continue to isolate ourselves from humanity.” Y/N says.
“I’m sorry babe, it’s not happening.” Jensen argues.
Y/N pouts, but also has that face she makes when she’s thinking hard and long. She walks back to the cabin while thinking.
A thought blipped in her mind. She’ll go herself.
What he won’t know won’t hurt him. She thought.
She packed up some clothes, even a white sheet.
She was always good at weaseling her way out of things. She was quite the escape artist. She wasn’t worried or scared for what she was about to do.
 She trekked to the nearby camp that had a scrimmage that took Jensen out for a week.
She approached cautiously, wearing the white sheet as a cape holding the corners in her hands as she held her hands up defensively.
The camp leader coming out. Revealing to be Mark Sheppard.
“So this is where you’ve been.” She says.
“Aye, what do you want.” He says harshly.
“Unite with us, a massive horde is making its way up here. Us alone can’t seem to do it, but if we unite as one, we could win.” She says.
“Yeah, and what are the chances of being stabbed in the back?” He asked.
“Mark, we have to rebuild as a community sooner or later, the kids need that. A stable community where they can feel safe, and not worry about a shootout again. You  have to put in an effort. And not be scared all the time.” She argues, almost as if she were fed up with the stupid shit going on between the two camps. Between multiple camps across Vancouver.
Mark pauses, thinking for a moment.
“And if you don’t side with us, if no one sides with us, you don’t even have a chance against this horde alone.” She adds.
“Okay, we’ll set up some forces. The horde will not get close.” He says.
“Thank you. We’ll work on a trading system that can benefit everyone.” She says.
“Yeah, same here. Like you said, we could become a community.” He says. She nods.
“See you later then.” She says, turning away to leave with a wave.
“See you darlin’.” He says waving her off.
 She visited more and more camps in the surrounding area, giving them a same argument. And they all agreed. The next generations to come need a stable community to grow and feel safe. And all agree to come to an agreement, and work towards a working trading system.
Word of the unity spread like wildfire. And when she returned back to camp, she noticed new faces coming and going. Including Mark.
She saw Jensen in the crowd, and he didn’t look too happy, and motioned her to follow him into the security cabin. He shut the door behind them as they entered. Letting her in first.
“At least I united them.” She says.
“I’ll give you that, but what’s to say they won’t stab us in the back?” he says. “How long will they keep up the good neighbors card?” he asks.
“Jensen, you can’t live in constant fear. ‘sides, you have to try before you can make that judgement.” Y/N argues.
“I don’t like it.” he says.
“Then try to survive the horde.” She argues.
His face softens.
“We have the numbers now. And other camps are getting the picture, uniting as one gets you places. Rather than being the lone wolf and looking out for yourself.” She says. “Besides, being united in one big community can be looking out for yourself. It’s having people you trust watch your back.” She adds.
His gaze on her holds until he looks away, trying to think. He lets out a sigh. He knows deep down she’s right.
“I mean, it’s how I let you and Jared in. I didn’t know you and you trusted me.” She says.
He nods. Casting his gaze down.
She walks over to him, a hand cupping his cheek. He leans in her touch. “I was just trying to increase our chances.” She says. “I didn’t mean to go behind your back and do this.” She says.
He shakes his head. His hand comes up to hers that cupped his cheek. Brushing his thumb along the top of her hand. “I’m just worried is all. It’s great they want to help us.” He says.
“Now, let’s prepare for a horde.” She says.
 A day had passed.
“Horde!” a shout could be heard.
Up in the high tower, Jensen and Y/N looked through binoculars to find a horde of zombies stumbling through the forest.
“Let’s hope this works.” Y/N says.
“Yeah.” Jensen says.
An explosion erupts, sending walkers flying, some body parts flying in the distance could be seen through the eyeglasses.
“The camp up there laid out land mines!” Y/N shouts.
“Awesome!” Jensen cheers.
And the fight was an easy one. Many camps did just that, laid out traps, explosives and land mines to shrink the number of zombies that were trudging through the forest.
Not long after sundown there were no zombies standing.
Camps in the distance cheered before Jensen’s camp broke out in the same rejoice in celebration.
Most camps didn’t have to sweat it, some shots rang out, but most explosives and traps did the trick.
“We did it!” Y/N shouted. Jensen hugged Y/N tightly as they rejoiced. “Humanity won!” she cheers.
Jensen bends down to kiss her passionately on her lips. She quickly returned the kiss. They pulled away to find Danneel.
She danced and cheered with their kids; happy they won the fight.
Danneel ran to her husband first, giving him a kiss, then moved to Y/N kissing her. “We did it.” she says.
“I know, this is the first step.” Y/N says.
“This calls for a celebration.” Jensen says, grabbing his lady’s by the waist.
 Months had passed, zombies have dwindled to nothing. Humans slowly began to rebuild and live in peace and harmony.
Vancouver became a small settlement, surrounded by other small settlements in the ragged Canadian terrain.
Jensen’s camp has grown over the months. And his family was about to grow, when he sees his girls walking the campgrounds, showing their pregnant bellies. He smiles, excited to see his newborn babies.
It wasn’t until months ago they found a pharmacy with still good pregnancy tests, Y/N and Danneel had to take them after days of feeling sick in the mornings. After being pregnant twice, Danneel knew. But this was Y/N’s first. She didn’t know what it was at first. She didn’t think she was pregnant until she saw the test reveal as much.
Now both women are excited to start this new chapter in their lives. Even if it’s in an Apocalypse World, they were excited, nonetheless.
Hope you guys enjoyed! Please give feedback however you can, like, reblog or send an ask letting me know how you liked it. Your favorite parts. Etc. Happy Halloween, stay home, stay safe. :)
Jensen Tags:
@luci-in-trenchcoats​, @supernatural-jackles​, @becs-bunker​, @mlovesstories​, @winchesters-favorite-girl​, @moonlight-on-her-skin​, @backseat-of-deans-67chevy​, @salt-n-burn-em-all
Copying and reposting someone else’s content is plagiarism and illegal. This work is property of supernaturallyobsessedchic. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. These works contain material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of these works may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author / publisher. An electronic reference link to the original posted work may be provided for purposes of promotion or assistance of publication by the readers discretion, if proper credits are given to the author in the re-post. 10/31/2020
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spnfic-search-blog · 4 years
Hey, I am looking for Jenneelx reader fic where Danneel used to have a relationship with Reader but they broke up and Danneel marries Jensen. Later reader works on the set of Supernatural and is a bit reluctant to talk to Jensen because of her past. Then they talk and Jensen tells her something about having troubles with Danneel. Reader tells him that Hilarie Burton influences Danneel a lot and that's why Danneel changed somewhat which led to their breakup. Do you have any idea who wrote it?
I’m sorry I was unable to find this in the allotted time. Hopefully someone recognizes it because this was a very good amount of information.
For any followers if this fic sounds familiar please add to the post so we can find this fic for akshi8278
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gloryevans · 2 years
RPF Masterlist
main masterlist
* indicates smut
Chris Evans
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Oscar Isaac
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Sebastian Stan
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Henry Cavill
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Jensen Ackles 
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Poly Fics
Jenneel x Reader
Couldn’t have waited | Pt. 2 - Y/N has feelings for her best friend and his wife. This soon take an unexpected turn. *
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hello! i absolutely LOVE your jenneel x reader fics, do you plan on writing more about it or have any fic recs? it’s such a rare pairing that i feel like ive read everything 😆
Aw thank you. Honestly I haven't been writing much of anything lately. I just wrote and posted a fic for another fandom yesterday and it was the first thing I have written for years. Jenneel and Jenneel x reader is for sure one of my favorite pairings. If I ever get back to a grove writing things I am sure I will. When that would be I don't know.
You can check out the tag on my blog header there is a few from other people saved there. I haven't been reading many fanfics for a few years either though so sadly I am not the right person to ask anymore.
But thank you for this ask. It made my day 🥰
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writethelifeyouwant · 2 years
Bad Reputation Masterlist- Jenneel x OFC Mini Series
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A/N: This fic is a personalised commission for @unfortunate-brat! If you'd like me to write you something to make all your dirty fantasies come true – send me a message!
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Summary: When Yaz starts as a freshman at the same college that her older twin step-siblings –Danneel and Jensen– are attending, she quickly takes advantage of all the benefits that living away from home offers; chiefly, that she can now sleep with as many alphas as she wants, and her family can’t do anything to stop her. But when the twins’ friend, Jared, reveals that he fucked their step-sister and she’s starting to develop a bit of a reputation on campus, Jensen and Danneel decide it’s time they teach Yaz a lesson.
Pairing: Twin!Danneel x StepSister!Yaz x Twin!Jensen
Rating: 18+
Warnings: Sibling Incest, Step-Sibling Incest, Abduction, Non-con to Dub-con
Tags: Alpha!Danneel, Alpha!Jensen, Danneel and Jensen are twins, Omega!Yaz, Yaz is a slut, her siblings are gonna teach her a lesson, catfishing, manipulation, Dark!Danneel, Dark!Jensen
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Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
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We’re All Mads Here: @vulgar-library @negans-lucille-tblr @fandomfic-galore @petitgateau911 @schaefchenherde @kickingitwithkirk @little-diable @laxe-chester67 @kassyscarlett @austin-winchester67 @flamencodiva @katbratsupernaturalwhore @letsbys-library @fictional-affairs @leigh70
All SPN: @cemini-winchester @akshi8278 @stoneyggirl @deandreamernp @lyarr24 @lovealways-j @slamminmine @all-alone-he-turns-to-stone @alaufeyson @raidens-realm @tatted-trina6 @defenderrosetyler @cluz1babe @maliburenee
All RPF: @smoothdogsgirl
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jayankles · 4 years
How Two Became Eight: Masterlist
This fills the square ‘original character’ for @sdavid09​ 2020 bingo challenge
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Pairing: Jenneel (Eventual Jenneel x PoC!OFC ‘Ellie/Elliana’) 
Summary: An innocent crush turns into something more with Jensen and Danneel. A few years into their marriage they discover that their eyes have been caught by another woman.  This is the story of how a movie and coffee shop can bring unknowing loved ones together.
Part 1
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 3 years
Good Boy
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Summary: Jensen’s returned home after a week away to Danneel and the reader. Danneel is more than ready to play with her two favorite people. Hard...
Pairing: Jenneel x reader (Jensen x reader x Danneel)
Square: Come Play
Word Count: 812
Warnings: mature (language, m/f unprotected sex, oral sex, orgasm control, cock rings, vibrators, implied dom/sub, come play)
A/N: Written for @negans-lucille-tblr​ 7Ks of the Week Challenge. My prompts were Jensen Ackles, Danneel Ackles and Praise Kink. Also written for @spnkinkbingo
“Y/N,” tutted Danneel. You tore your eyes away from where Jensen was breathing deeply on the bed. She grabbed your chin and you swallowed, staring up at her. “He is being punished for playing with himself all week without permission. Do you want to be punished too?”
“No,” you breathed out. God you didn’t know what it was about her. She stressed about everything, freaked out over if this was late or that wasn’t going to plan or if the freaking paint took longer to dry than it said on the can.
But put her in a bedroom and she reveled in the control she had. The raw power she could express with a simple motion of a finger. She looked you up and down, smirking darkly. Jensen groaned when he caught it, knowing his pleasurable torture was just beginning. 
“Be a babe and go give our boy a welcome home kiss,” she said. You stood and got a smack on the ass, crawling up to the bed. She spanked you again when you headed for his face, a quick tap on your cheek sending you the other direction. Jensen took a deep breath as you took his hard cock in your mouth, precome steadily leaking from him. You hollowed your cheeks and bottomed out as you hit the base of his cock, a vibrating cock ring on him making him squirm. He whimpered and you saw a small remote get tossed on the bed, Danneel climbing up and straddling his face. “The faster you eat me out the faster I’ll let you come.”
He practically yanked her on top of him, resting herself over his face. She arched her head back and smiled, Jensen’s hands squeezing her hips hard.
“Stop that. Be a good boy or I’ll tie you down and leave it on all night,” she warned. He slid his hands down to his sides slowly, fingers tight in the sheets. You caught her staring in your direction and you started to deep throat Jensen’s cock as best you could. On the one hand, you didn’t want to make him come. He wasn’t allowed without permission and Jensen never could quite hold off if your goal was to push him over the edge. After all, you’d been in his position plenty of times, Jensen eating you out, fucking you, sending you into delirium. When you played like this, he was almost always on bottom and you’d do almost anything for him.
But he had been naughty last time you were the one being tested. You smiled and suckled the head, working it with your tongue. Danneel panted as she came, gripping the headboard tightly. She pulled you off his cock and grabbed your hips, lining him up with you, slowly pushing you down.
You didn’t wait for her order to start rolling your hips lightly, Jensen throwing his head back. Danneel crawled up and stroked a hand through his hair, kissing his swollen wet lips.
“You’ve been such a good boy for me. You’re always my good boy, aren’t you? You’re perfect. So damn perfect,” she purred against his cheek, sweat dripping off of him.
“Please I can’t,” he breathed out, whole body flush. 
“Yes you can. Wait for Y/N. She’s been so patient,” said Danneel. She grinned and reached under the pillow, pulling out a small vibrator. She turned it on and pressed it against your clit, the strong vibrations making you shout and lose your pace. “Come when you need to babe. Ride him on out.”
You squeezed your eyes shut, toes tensing as you got higher and higher, the pressure in your core threatening to snap. Your orgasm started low and deep, Danneel increasing the vibe strength and ripping a scream out of you. You heard her do something and say something, suddenly wetness filling you up and up and up as he came. You squeezed Jensen’s cock hard before falling face first onto his chest, one of his strong arms lazily wrapping around you while he breathed deeply.
“You two are just so damn amazing,” cooed Danneel, a finger tracing along the lip of your pussy. She smeared something over it, both you and Jensen shuddering when she slipped a long finger in beside him. “No no. Keep that come inside where it belongs. Don’t even think about getting up until he’s soft.”
“And when I’m soft?” asked Jensen, Danneel kissing both your cheeks.
“Then you can eat her out and clean up your mess you made while I ride you fast and hard. You ain’t leaving this bed until you got nothing left to give, got it my good boy?”
“Yes mam,” he said, the both of you feeling him start to shrink inside of you.
“Oh and Y/N? Don’t spill a drop. Wouldn’t want it to go to waste for our boy, would we?”
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