#jersey city exterminator
miscellaneousjay · 8 months
HEY HELLAVERSE HELLIONS!!! Woulda said “hotties,” but that’s for Megan Thee Stallion’s fanbase! To Thee Hot Girl and fellow Hotties: HI THERE AND I HOPE EVERYONE’S HAVING A GREAT DAY!!! Anywho, Boyfriend put me on to the Hellaverse with “Hazbin Hotel” and “Helluva Boss” and both had me rolling and damn-near bouta cry! Both shows are rollercoasters of emotions with very colorful and relatable demon characters! So far, my faves are Princess Charlie, Angel, Fizzarolli, Moxxie, and Alastor (even though he’s a lowkey dickhead).😎
My thoughts in general and some hopes for the next seasons/parts:
1. I hope Blitz and Stolas can sit down and have an actual convo about where they’re at emotionally in order to upgrade their situationship to an actual, healthy relationship.
2. I hope Vaggie sincerely apologizes to Charlie and they can mend their relationship.🤞🏾
3. I wonder where Lilith and Lucifer went so wrong to the point where they ended up divorced and Lu ended up with depression?
4. Is Moxxie’s mom actually dead?! Since it’s hell and these demons are people who have already died, she (a demon) can’t die again right?!👀
5. I love how each district of hell seemingly represents a major city/state: Gluttony gave bubblegum Cali vibes, Greed gave gritty Chi-Town or Jersey (from Moxxie’s dad’s accent) with all the bricks and gangstas, and Lust looks like Las Vegas at night.
6. I love how both the angels and demons weren’t quite what I was expecting and, just like people, there are both good and bad seeds in both groups. Not all the demons are evil and some actually want to do better and deserve a chance at redemption. The angels, on the other hand, have become self-righteous and clearly haven’t promoted anyone recently deceased to a major seat at the political table in the last few thousand years because they have a whole undercover extermination squad that most of the angel community was unaware of until Charlie put them on blast. It was also revealed that Vaggie was expelled and left in Hell to die because she refused to mindlessly slaughter a demon child. Really puts “morale” and “gray areas” into perspective, doesn’t it?
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ragingphantom666 · 7 months
DC Dimensions project plan: Wild Dog (Vol. 1)
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This series is not an assured project. It is a concept that can still be changed or scrapped.
In the city of Veracity, Michigan, a place abandoned by law, crime is rampant and the police are as corrupt as they come. A crime lord referred to a "Shellcase" sends his gang after a journalist writing stories about his crimes. Following her death and the destruction of her home, a vigilante in a hockey mask and Wild Dogs jersey goes to war to exterminate Shellcase's gang.
Jack Wheeler/Wild Dog - A veteran who became a vigilante to avenge his fiancee. When fighting criminals, he hides his identity with a hockey mask and a Wild Dogs jersey. He goes on a one man war against Shellcase and his gang.
Jean-Paul Valley - A religious man and friend of Jack Wheeler. He runs a shelter for the homeless.
Cpt. Niles Davidson - The one cop on the police force not being paid by Shellcase. He has conflicting thoughts about being an ally of Wild Dog.
Christopher Smith - A retired, government-sponsored superhero formerly known as Peacemaker. He used to be in a team called the Living Assault Weapons (L.A.W.), which operated during the Cold War. He supplies artillery to Wild Dog.
Turner Welch/Shellcase - A former U.S. Army soldier who was sent home after a bomb left burns across his right arm. He took control of the chaos in his hometown of Veracity and set himself up as a crime lord. He has almost all the cops under his thumb.
Silencer - A criminal sniper under Shellcase's payment.
Raze - A criminal with heavy assault weapons under Shellcase's payment.
Smoke - A criminal arsonist under Shellcase's payment.
Detonator - A criminal bomb enthusiast under Shellcase's payment.
Max A. Collins - The mayor of Veracity under Shellcase's payment.
Other Information
Turner Welch is inspired by Calypso from the "Twisted Metal" video game series.
The city of Veracity is inspired by the worst things I've heard about Detroit.
Captain Niles Davidson is named after the father of my coworker/friend.
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ambienthousewife · 2 years
the complete list of official state affirmations
arkansas: your next door neighbor is not planning on blowing up your house. he is a nice man who makes ziti and has NO interest in arson nor personal revenge.
alaska: the wolves are NOT gossiping behind your back about your truck decals. they appreciate a fine piece of machinery such as your gmc
california: you WILL be able to get your celery juice morning fix before work today. inflation has NOT risen its price to $11
delaware: the irs has NO interest in investigating you for an illegal importing business. the package at your doorstep labeled "bosnia" IS discreet and out of sight
florida: there are CERTAINLY enough parking spots available at the event you are attending. the city planners have SPECIFICALLY had this in mind when designing the map
hawaii: jimmy buffett is GUARANTEED to suffer a horrific accident in his remaining lifetime. he WILL suffer a tragic demise
illinois: your local grocery has NOT started putting eyeballs in your food. they have NO interest in doing such a thing
iowa: the makeup you got from the dollar store DOES look good and not tacky. the cheapest mascara WILL serve you well today
louisiana: the ghost of don pardo IS benign and friendly. he has NO interest in causing misfortune upon your property
maryland: you WILL one day be able to do anal. with enough lube and practice, it is a CERTAINTY and nothing to worry about
massachusetts: the position open as a 'professional accordion player' on indeed is NOT a scam. this IS the position you have been waiting for your entire life
minnesota: super mario 64 is just a video game and is in NO WAY a manifestation of your worst childhood nightmares. please get some solid rest
mississippi: you WILL impress your colleagues at the work karaoke party. "everybody knows" by leonard cohen is a SUPERB choice of song for this occasion
nevada: NOBODY knows about the time you peed yourself at comic con. it was discreet and you are the ONLY person that knows such a thing happened. and it's not even that big of a deal
new jersey: no, your mom did NOT call you on the 10 year anniversary of the night her house burnt down. she survived but passed away 4 years ago from unrelated causes.
new mexico: santa claus WILL bring you all the toys you wanted for christmas this year. you are NOT on his naughty list
new york: all the kids that bullied you for wanting to marry simon le bon from duran duran are IRRELEVANT now. you can plan your own fictional wedding with simon le bon from duran duran and there is NOTHING anyone can do to stop it
ohio: the giraffe that tried to kill you as an 8 year old is NOT the same one that just escaped the zoo. that is a different giraffe. the one that tried to kill you PERISHED 13 years ago in a boating accident
oregon: one day you WILL be able to vape your estrogen. the world's top scientists are working on it right now.
rhode island: you will NOT fall for another 'joe mama' joke. you know the rules now and your mind is as SHARP as a tack today
south dakota: this goth girl on tinder FOR SURE wants to have sexual intercourse with you. the invader zim hoodie is a GREAT choice of outfit for a first date
texas: everybody LOVED your noise show performance. the circuit bended childrens keyboard from goodwill you made did an AMAZING job
utah: all the other moms thought your casserole was DELICIOUS. they are NOT saying mean things to you behind your back because your husband made chocolate chip pancakes once. that alone does not make a man too fruity
washington: this costco is where a panic attack will NOT be had today. you WILL be able to get your bulk groceries and not cry in the store. in the car is fine enough
wisconsin: the exterminator you hired is NOT an ant in disguise. that is IMPOSSIBLE. he is also NOT a sex offender you checked the records before hiring him.
wyoming: that copy of infinite jest you have on the shelf will be FULLY read one day. you will get around to finishing it one day SOON
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the-firebird69 · 2 years
Huge huge huge night they're going to try on facilities they have to they need the Intel everyone's crazy they're incensed they need the big ships they need theirs and they need it now it's going to be a huge attack and there's tons of them and Jason is above 4,500 cities it is a giant giant move for him and he is getting power he has some power from it and he's loving it. And we are moving out we need to do things and we are doing them now and we also need to do his plan and we're working on it and it's coming together there's several things happening too. Tonight John rebelord is vacating all of the gas and oil companies on Earth in totality and many others are too all the warlock completely and they're going to fight and they're going to lose and die and they are leaving to go do other things too but we're stopping them and don't want any of them to escape because we know their methods. It's been a hell for them because they lose pretty much every battle but they want us have to cuz they keep trying terrorist attacks when everywhere. We are also fighting a huge battle here every day every moment for our son's life because these people here out of control mostly the warlock and we hate them and we see what happens to Mac and others even Garth who doesn't like most of the morlock here because they treat him very badly. And they start having a pet peeve but they're going to be gone tonight here everybody's sick of them and they're going to be gone from America pretty soon. And it's going to happen shortly Jason will go on his voyage and it's during his kind of occupation a little over the cities it happens at the same time until he gets out of all sorts of stuff and she's sort of gets into it that way but he is above a part of New York State and he's going to be above New York and New Jersey and part of DC tomorrow and he's going to be trying for ships in Jersey starting tomorrow and he's going to start fighting them and it becomes like a war and he goes after all sorts of ships everything there because of it and because of his history in New Jersey and he devastates a huge bunch of it and they hate him in the mafia puts on him big hits. And it starts off a very very big cycle and it is one that a lot of people are starting to figure out no it is a huge huge effort against morlock after New Jersey but halfway through it the war of the world starts and that would be probably Friday or Saturday you think it's Friday tomorrow becomes massively and broiled huge numbers too and it is on in a serious way Spider-Man begins and John remillard will face his end shortly after he's the lizard man he goes directly to Tunis and that's the end he does go to the other places first but it does not take long and he goes to Guantanamo Bay first but this actually kicks it all off as well of the worlds. And what starts the whole process and we need to start was the Black widow Harley-Davidson dealer and that is exactly what will happen shortly to John remillard & company. We're pleased to announce that Jason has started his approach to New York City and New Jersey and part of Washington DC it's going on right now and it's because they started chatting him and challenging him and they're firing on them and it doesn't seem to do much in a moment they won't be able to and they can't right now and it's too late and the war below will begin and he'll have to dispatch his and the fight in New Jersey will begin now and it might be time tomorrow for War of the worlds to begin it is very true. There's a huge number of people wondering what we're seeing and well there's a lot of people getting hurt by these idiots and we have to fight them and right now. Jason and his are being exterminated already and his move right now and they were warning him all day and prepping is causing orders to go out to apprehend all of his to all the max other races are falling suit and they'll be gone within days
Thor Freya
We don't want to be gone within days you see our characters in movies that are months away from now
The characters are there and some of the people but most of the race is gone and have pockets of people you want to have autism and you won't have septillions and you might have millions and the top side it seems to be big but really it's not and by comparison it's very very small
Thor Freya
I sort of get something everybody's harassing him all the time and he's alone he's telling people what's going on and people are forcing me to happen I know he's having a decent time I'm going to try and straighten the side by taking over
We do understand that and we know what you're doing it and others are attacking below and the Tron facilities and fighting clones mostly but they are also attacking morlock because of your move and that was a side effect that you were told about and apparently you're still ignoring as yours are crying out to you to stop that s***
Thor Freya
So I hear you and it's true and there's a lot of it and they probably aren't making it so they have to do as an instructor or they won't and we need chips and we need them now
So we hear there's a whole bunch of people making fun of him it's not funny it is a little bit cuz we sort of understand the math and Jason sometimes doesn't
Thor Freya
Fair enough for people making fun of me but it's still funny but being in that fish was not I figured out that you figured out that those are my people and they're trying to see if it's a fish or a person and later I could see him thinking it's going to look like a person in a fish no matter what you do it would be a mermaid so he called mine but really that was awful I was making hand signals I don't think they were there but they saw the video okay oh I get that so I felt a little better and they came running down and who the hell do you think they are having me swallowed by a damn fish so you're trying to catch it and they want to catch you said you sure you you shouldn't trying to catch the fish using him no so why would they do that I think he's good as I don't know doesn't make sense so I find out that they thought I was harassing it but that's stupid it's a way of catching fish and they do it all the time and our friend knows about it it grows so we are having a good time but we advanced now and we're going to take over shortly
And her son said take over what New Jersey and he said I don't want to go to New Jersey and he said no not New Jersey so thank God but there's a bunch of other stuff happening and it is about reality a lot of these guys are delusional as hell and they really need to shut up it's just awful listening to some of them spew and spew and spew Garth is one of them he's horrendous he is a huge a****** he's getting his ass kicked now because of Jason and they are close and so forth and they see them trying to get stuff and they figured it out but boy they're getting their heads handed to them these warlock people want them gone they do not want Tommy f to have his ships up ever again and they're going after him very hard tonight and they're going to attack them all I can finish them off they can I'm ecstatic I can't stand these more like anymore
Thor Freya
You know they don't make any deals with anybody about anything for any reason it's funny because I'm manipulating my husband a little is right in the middle of not making a deal and I'm saying here's the money and you're making a deal it's like we don't really deals right now so I get that and it's going on pretty quick there are huge issues happening and it's going to be a big change today huge changes coming up and it won't be very nice for a lot of people they're not going to like what these warlocks have been doing and I'm saying it and risking things and it's too much now people going to learn you can't really sit there doing that no. And time's up on the stupid hallucination stuff too I don't think it's very fun and kids don't like it either it's annoying as hell and Jason is after that guy afford and is after stan and Stan doesn't even know it. He did check and doesn't see it says he won't let me in and I want to be there and these people need to leave people looking into it and it's harassing the s*** on them and it's a problem that John remillard is doing his fair share and we're firing him tonight he wants to publish cuz we put some pertinent stuff out
I agree wholeheartedly
Thor Freya
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photographyatmit · 2 years
Blogpost #5
I found this week's readings and film compelling and full of points that merit further complication but in this post I will mostly begin to reflect on identity as a construct. What, to me, makes James Baldwin so poignant, in addition to his writing prowess, is his ability to express in such raw form the effect that oppression and race relations have at an interpersonal level– how these dynamics influence and corrupt relationships between father and son, mother and son, son and teacher, son and lover, etc. What he writes are things I have seen; they are things that I have felt and especially considering his time period he became a humanist voice that represented Black people in a way that they had been largely left out. Within the lens of photography and related media, the theme of representation is significant, particularly as it relates to the power of seeing oneself or not seeing oneself represented and the resulting construction of identity. In Notes on Native Son, Baldwin recounts growing up and hearing about the racial intolerance and brutality into the South but not thinking it would happen to "him" at 19 living on his own in New Jersey. (I think this example is quite complex considering we still have this phenomena present today in which brutality occurs against certain Black folks but due to the ramifications of internalized anti-blackness many seek, on some level, to distance ourselves from the typology of the victim or find some way to excuse their fate.) In I am Not Your Negro, Baldwin talks about the shift that changes within black children when they recognize their blackness; they see whiteness in all aspects of their daily life and there is a specific moment that every person of color remembers in which their identity was first racialized, and they realize that they are not white (notice how the identity here is constructed in relation to whiteness (not white) as opposed to rooted in being Black. In Walking While Black, Garnette Cadogan details the reduction in freedom of movement he felt when he moved from Jamaica to the US and could no longer walk through cities in the same way. In all examples, we see how black people and people of color cannot escape their identity. We are racialized since children and grow up seeing ourselves through the constructed identity of whiteness; it is what W.E.B. Dubois described so eloquently as a double consciousness. This psychological experience of seeing oneself through the eyes of people who looked upon you with the utmost contempt. The effect that this has on your mind and self-worth is dangerous. Baldwin writes that this existence can corrupt the soul and that it is imperative that we both accept this reality and resist this injustice at the same time as to not move through life solely with hatred. I think this message has reasonable undercurrents as long as the critical awareness that one cannot escape one’s race remains. I understand movements of joy as movements of resistance in the face of a society that historically has done all it can to exterminate the internal confidence of BIPOC whether by humiliating tactics and representations in the media or through terror and association of blackness with the worst parts of society. In this way, photography and related media has an important role in representing people of color well and in prioritizing the accurate representation of people of color.
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environmina · 2 years
Business Name: Environmina Pest Control LLC
Street Address: 606 Clinton Ave
City: Middlesex
State: New Jersey
Zip Code: 08846
Country: United States
Business Phone: (848) 482-0479
Business Email: [email protected]
Website: https://www.environmina.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/environmina/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Environmina2
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/environmina-pest-control-a64246139/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xKXzodHYyE
Business Description: 24/7 Pest Control and Wildlife services servicing Middlesex NJ and surrounding areas.
Google My Business CID URL: https://www.google.com/maps?cid=4563080128015553584
Business Hours: Sunday 24 Hours Monday 24 Hours Tuesday 24 Hours Wednesday 24 Hours Thursday 24 Hours Friday 24 Hours Saturday 24 Hours
Payment Methods: Paypal
Discounts: Save $50 Off Any Pest Control
Keywords: Pest Control Services, Wasp control near me, Local yellow jacket exterminator, 24/7 Exterminator, Roddent Control Near Me
Business/Company Establishment Year: 2015
Business Slogan: Quality Pest Control Services For Less
Number of Employees: 1
Yearly Revenue: 50,000-100,000 USD
Owner Name, Email, and Contact Number: Carmen Riyad, [email protected], (848) 482-0479
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Service Areas:
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Professional Pest Control In Jersey City NJ
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Over 20 years back, we started our company because we felt that the pest control companies that we hired to fix our problems didn't care about us. They would arrive late, have the motions, do the same over and once again, and always get lackluster results. They charged an excessive amount of and generally did not get the job done. Not merely was there a lack of professionalism with all the current exterminators that we hired, but there is a standard lack of fascination with the profession, in the expertise necessary to get a pest control job done correctly and provide real value to the customer.
Owning a pest service and maintenance company is not about just getting a bunch of guys together and then scheduling them to go to houses to spray pesticides out of a can and collect money. There's technology to steadfastly keep up with. There's an understanding required of every type of household pest so that each you can be handled effectively, which explains why treatments can very around they do. Bed bugs behave differently and present a very different set of problems than the usual bad roach infestation. The treatments are dramatically different.
Helping and guiding our customers how to prevent a re-infestation is also an important element of a great pest control service's daily tasks. While it may serve us well in the temporary for our clients to are having issues return a couple of months later, it generally does not do us worthwhile in the long term. We wish our customers never to you need to be relieved that their roach or ant infestation is gone, but thrilled with the standard and care of the service they received to fix that problem. Only then will they tell their friends who to call once they need a fantastic exterminator.
Contact Us:
Jersey City Exterminators
369 Ogden Avenue, #2 Jersey City, NJ 07307
(201) 460-6068
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grandpapa-luminelda · 4 years
I was gonna make a post about how I wished that in Unsleeping City we got to see Murph play his exterminator character, or at least someone from Jersey, but then I remembered Kug and Sofia and how he and Emily kind of embraced aspects of each other for their characters and I realized that I wouldn’t have it any other way
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On this Day: 1 March
1776 – French minister Charles Gravier advised his Spanish counterpart to support the American rebels against the English. 1780 – Pennsylvania became the first U.S. state to abolish slavery (for new-borns only). It was followed by Connecticut and Rhode Island in 1784, New York in 1785, and New Jersey in 1786. Massachusetts abolished slavery through a judicial decision in 1783. 1781 – The Continental Congress adopted the Articles of Confederation. 1803 – Ohio is admitted as the 17th U.S. state. The name “Ohio” originated from Iroquois word ohi-yo’, meaning “great river” or “large creek”. The state was originally partitioned from the Northwest Territory. Although there are conflicting narratives regarding the origin of the nickname, Ohio is historically known as the “Buckeye State” (relating to the Ohio buckeye tree) and Ohioans are also known as “Buckeyes”. 1836 – A convention of delegates from 57 Texas communities convenes in Washington-on-the-Brazos, Texas, to deliberate independence from Mexico. (Side Note: If you ever have the opportunity to go to "Washington on the Brazos", go. They give a very informative and historic presentation there. While you are there go to the "Barrington Living History Farm" just down the road, simply amazing pieces of our collective history.) 1862 – U.S.S. Tyler, Lieutenant Gwin, and U.S.S. Lexington, Lieutenant Shirk, engaged Confederate forces preparing to strongly fortify Shiloh (Pittsburg Landing), Tennessee. Under cover of the gunboats’ cannon, a landing party of sailors and Army sharpshooters was put ashore from armed boats to determine Confederate strength in the area. Flag Officer Foote commended Gwin for his successful “amphibious” attack where several sailors met their death along with their Army comrades. At the same time he added: “But I must give a general order that no commander will land men to make an attack on shore. Our gunboats are to be used as forts, and as they have no more men than are necessary to man the guns, and as the Army must do the shore work, and as the enemy want nothing better than to entice our men on shore and overpower them with superior numbers, the commanders must not operate on shore, but confine themselves to their vessels.” 1864 – President Lincoln nominates Ulysses S. Grant for the newly revived rank of lieutenant general 1936 – The Hoover Dam is completed. 1941 – “Captain America” first appeared in a comic book. 1941 – Nazi extermination camps begin full operation. These include Auschwitz, Bamberg, Bergen-Belsen, Buchenwald, Chelmno, Jena, Sobibor and Treblinka. Over 2.600.000 Polish Jews are among those killed during the course of the war. Over 12.000 people would be killed daily at Auschwitz alone. By 1945 nearly 6 million Jews and more than 3 million Communists, gypsies, socialists and other dissidents will be exterminated. 1941 – The US Navy forms a Support Force for the Atlantic Fleet. The main part of this unit is made up from three destroyer squadrons of 27 ships. 1941 – Nashville radio station W47NV begins transmitting. The station was the first in the country to receive a license for FM radio transmission: All previous commercial stations transmitted via AM, which was more prone to static and interference. The station started its FM broadcast with a commercial for Nashville’s Standard Candy Company. 1953 – Soviet Premier Joseph Stalin suffers a stroke and collapses; he dies four days later. 1971 – A bomb explodes in the Capitol building in Washington, D.C., causing an estimated $300,000 in damage but hurting no one. A group calling itself the “Weather Underground” claimed credit for the bombing, which was done in protest of the ongoing U.S.-supported Laos invasion.
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Congressional Medal of Honor Citations for Actions Taken This Day
*BRUCE, DANIEL D. Rank and organization: Private First Class, U.S. Marine Corps, Headquarters and Service Company, 3d Battalion, 5th Marines, 1st Marine Division. Place and date: Fire Support Base Tomahawk, Quang Nam Province, Republic of Vietnam, 1 March 1969. Entered service at: Chicago, 111. Born: 18 May 1950, Michigan City, Ind. Citation: For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty while serving as a mortar man with Headquarters and Service Company 3d Battalion, against the enemy. Early in the morning Pfc. Bruce was on watch in his night defensive position at fire support base tomahawk when he heard movements ahead of him. An enemy explosive charge was thrown toward his position and he reacted instantly, catching the device and shouting to alert his companions. Realizing the danger to the adjacent position with its 2 occupants, Pfc. Bruce held the device to his body and attempted to carry it from the vicinity of the entrenched marines. As he moved away, the charge detonated and he absorbed the full force of the explosion. Pfc. Bruce’s indomitable courage, inspiring valor and selfless devotion to duty saved the lives of 3 of his fellow marines and upheld the highest traditions of the Marine Corps and the U.S. Naval Service. He gallantly gave his life for his country.
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wholesomeobsessive · 4 years
The first assumption is that after their arrival in England in A.D. 449, the Germanic invaders routed the Celts in more or less a genocide, leaving mere remnants huddling on the southwesterly fringes of the island. From here, it has traditionally been concluded that Celtic languages could not have had any impact on English for the simple reason that no Celtic speakers survived the genocide to influence the language. But the truth is that the genocide of an entire society inhabiting vast expanses of territory is possible only with modern technology. The Angles, Saxons, and Jutes did not possess anything we would consider modern technology. How, precisely, were they to kill practically every Celt outside of Wales and Cornwall — that is, in an area about the size of New England? With swords? How many people can you get at? Remember, there weren’t even guns yet. And even when Dutch and English colonists in South Africa had guns, African peoples there, like the Xhosa and the Zulu, gave them enough of a run for their money with spears that even though the whites ended up subjugating the blacks under apartheid policies, the blacks still today vastly outnumber the whites. There was no way to kill everybody. In that light, whatever havoc the Germanic invaders wrought, there were not, apparently, very many of them. Early Anglo-Saxon chroniclers like the Venerable Bede had it that the invaders “overran” Britain. But writers of their era did not have access to substantial and regular news from all over the land, satellite photography, or our conceptions of demography or even scholarship. Bede was even writing three centuries after said “overrunning,” which as Bill Bryson notes “is rather like us writing a history of Elizabethan England based on hearsay.” Bede could easily document as “overrunning” what was actually a compact number of violent, destructive encounters.    Comparative genetics has recently confirmed that this was the case. By tracing mutations in mitochondrial DNA in women and on the Y chromosome in men, we can reconstruct the migrations of human populations since the emergence of Homo sapiens. It turns out that only about 4 percent of British men’s genetic material is traceable to a migration from across the North Sea. Moreover, essentially none of British women’s genetic material traces back to such a migration, meaning that the invaders were not couples with children, such that women and young’uns would bulk up the total. Rather, the invaders were just a bunch of guys. In fact, evidently the famous Germanic invaders numbered about 250,000, about as many people as live in a modest-sized burg like Jersey City. We will never be able to bring the Celts of this era back to life to ask them whether they felt terribly “exterminated,” nor do official records survive that would allow us to check for ourselves. However, there have always been clues that are problematic for the genocide account. A burial site with graves both in the style of Germanics across the North Sea and in the style of Celts (with the body buried crouching and facing north or northeast) suggests not genocide, but Celts living alongside Germanics. The very fact that after the invasion, archaeologists find no abrupt transformation in material culture suggests that Celts survived in numbers robust enough to pass on their cultural traditions permanently.
Our Magnificent Bastard Tongue by John McWhorter 
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forestcump · 5 years
Gentrification and The Last Black Man In San Francisco
Heres a blog I wrote lol
Joe Talbot’s The Last Black Man in San Francisco is a tale told of the heartbreaking wave of culture-annihilating gentrification that has hit one of America’s iconic metropoles. It’s sloping streets, angular row houses, and quirky residents have made it a place of myth emboldened further by its key role in radical social movements such as the Anti-War Movement, The Black Panther Party, etc. But, the story Talbot tells doesn't reflect on the history known by most (white) Americans. Instead, he tells the story of the black man in San Francisco and all of the culture that gentrification is, successfully, trying to wipe away. 
The film’s protagonist, Jimmie Failes IV, and his best friend, Montgomery Allen, take it upon themselves to maintain the house that Jimmie grew up in. The rub of the whole thing though is that neither Mont or Jimmie live there, in fact, this older Yuppie (stands for: Young, Urban Professional) couple are the owners of the property. In one of the first scenes, Jimmie is repainting the window sill in the front of the house and the woman who owns the house threatens to call the police, which is quickly met by her apologetic husband. This struck me as funny because it perfectly represents both sides of the well-meaning, affluent, white person that have become the principal population group in the city. On one side, these new folks are tired of locals giving them shit and not caring about them or their cool publishing jobs; and on the other they won’t call the cops to avoid the risk of being “like” other White people. Although humorous, this scene is a haunting reminder to viewers who are themselves victims of gentrification that this is what the final stages of the process look like. Neighborhoods once teeming with ethnic influence, devoid of the blandness of White America, have now been transformed into pricey and bland versions of the suburbs where these damn people come from. 
The role of race is also very present in this film as it does a great job establishing the symbolic gravity that happens whenever Jimmie or Mont are on the screen. This becomes especially clear when the film returns to where Jimmie and Mont actually live, which is the far-off borough of Bayview-Hunters Point. This area plays just as key a role as the decadent Victorian house that Jimmie longs for, as it establishes the result of when a cities inhabitants are priced out of not just their homes but their impact on the cities culture. In this part of the map, there are a group of local men who spend their days busting the balls of any and everybody that come their way. This group acts as Greek Chorus which provides commentary and atmosphere to scenes where Jimmie and Mont seem to be singularly focused on the old Victorian. Another character that stood out to me was a Preacher who stands on a milk crate and preaches to these men, and anybody walking past, about the insane levels of inequality that have pushed Black people so far from the city. In one scene, the Preacher is railing against this mysterious cohort of men wearing hazmat suits cleaning some sort of chemical spill in the Bay right behind where the Preacher is standing. “Why are they wearing suits and we’re not? What are they not telling us?” he roars atop his milk crate to the attention of, uh, nobody that’s listening. 
The imagery of this movie, which includes the Chorus and The Preacher, speak to the San Francisco that is fading away fast. Another image that stands out is a scene where Jimmie is waiting at a bus stop next to a nudist and they are both accosted by a party bus full of inebriated Yuppies. They roar and cackle at the sight of the nudist and proclaim him “the fuckin’ man!”, but fail to realize they’re role in the extermination of people like the nudist. Jimmie and this nude man sit silently in shared exhaustion of this wave of people storming they’re city, despite their best efforts to “be cool”, the city is dying with each yoga studio and salad bar that opens. 
Although my experience as a straight, white man has no comparison to the struggles of POC and LGBTQIA+ communities in this country, I do share the same feeling of being exiled from your own home. I grew up in Hoboken, New Jersey which has now turned into a hot bed for gentrifiers who desire to work in New York. This is yet another iconic American metropole that has had it’s soul stamped out by the wave of suburbanites who feel it is their right to claim the city as their own. This is seen, mostly, in the cost of housing and cost of living which has skyrocketed as a result of the wave of private equity money that flooded the city and whose tentacles have reached nearly every industry you could imagine. Hoboken was once a working class town that had its fair share of racial tension, as any town in this country, but it always remained genuinely Hoboken, until the real estate developers came. Wharfs and warehouses that once played a key role in the American economy were demolished and turned into apartment complexes. This obviously brought more money into the community, but soon the locals that made Hoboken were being pushed out further and further. For instance, my mother and I lived in one apartment for my entire childhood until the end of middle school but the rent got raised and we were forced to move to Jersey City. In high school, I spent most of my free time in Hoboken because that’s where my friends were but everytime the party was over and my friends walked back to their childhood homes, I had to walk across the city to the train station to get back to my new home. I felt displaced and lonely for most of my high school days as I grappled with the harsh realities of gentrification and the brutality of capitalism. It also did not help that my mother was laid off from her job in 2009 and was essentially job-less for five years. 
My childhood home was sold to a young couple from somewhere that they turned into some trendy little spot for them to live for the time being. No care was given to the memories I made there or the progress that my mother made as a single mom raising a child in this area, just a cold “Sorry, thanks for cleaning it before you left”. The coldness of gentrification is the most galling result of this phenomenon. The young people move in and immediately lust for making their mark; whether it be calling the police or 311 on locals loitering on the streets, or building breweries in old school buildings, etc. Business' that I grew up walking by every day became boarded up and replaced with hair salons and boutiques that were going to close in six months anyway. But, despite the spirit that lives in places like Hoboken, San Francisco, New York, or Boston; money always seems to win.
Watching “The Last Black Man in San Francisco” gave me a strange sense of hope because it showed me how to defend your home, even when the odds are terribly stacked against you. There was a scene at the end of the movie where Jimmie Failes is sitting on the bus and overhears these two Yuppie women shitting on San Francisco and talking about much they “hate it here”. Jimmie turns to them and tells them “you don't get to hate it unless you love it”, which doesn’t make an impact on the women, but it made an impact on me and many others who have seen the movie. Hearing transplants bitch and moan about how shitty the New York subway is or complaining about the cat that lives in the bodega makes me laugh when it used to make me sad, because I know that the city has won. What I mean by that, is that when you hear Yuppies complain about the community they’ve gentrified it's clear that they’ve failed to make “the city their own” and have succumbed to the community that was already there. Cities are magical places that are the center for so many things, but what truly makes them magical are the people that built them, whether it be physically or spiritually. So, I hope to embody the spirit of Jimmie and Mont as fierce defenders of their homes even when it doesnt even seem worth it to fight for it anymore. 
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jacobhelan-blog · 4 years
Exterminating Company In New Jersey
New Jersey is a state of the United States of America. New Jersey is the largest city in Newark. New Jersey is the second wealthiest U.S state by household income as of 2017. If you are searching for the exterminator near me then the following are the top exterminators of New Jersey:
 GAM Exterminating: GAM EXTERMINATING is a pest control company that offers reliable services to its clients and it also offers quotes service. GAM Exterminating is committed to green and environmentally friendly practices. GAM Exterminating uses Integrated Pest Management techniques for eradicating pests from your commercial, residential, and industrial premises.
    ARROW Pest Exterminating: ARROW PEST EXTERMINATING is a family-owned and operated multi-faceted company. All technicians of Arrow Pest Exterminating are NJDEP certified. It is affiliated to NPMA (National Pest Management Association).
 PROFESSIONAL PEST AND TERMITE CONTROL: PROFESSIONAL PEST AND TERMITE CONTROL provide services for commercial, industrial, and residential phases. This company has been in the pest control business for more than 45 years.
 VIKING PEST CONTROL: VIKING PEST CONTROL Company is quality pro certified. This company provides services to commercial and residential premises. This company offers appropriate and user-friendly ways to schedule appointments.
 BAYONNE EXTERMINATING: BAYONNE EXTERMINATING is a family-owned pest control company that offers high-quality work. Technicians are well trained and they use modern methods for pest removal.
    I had a pest problem at my home and I want to get rid of it. I shared my dilemma with my friend and he suggested to me about GAM Exterminating and I booked their service over the phone. Their service was very superior and the technicians are well trained. They used environmentally friendly products and modern techniques for eradicating pests from my home. If you also want to solve pest problems from your premises call on
for assistance and bookings.    
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allenkrish11-blog · 4 years
Exterminating Company In New Jersey
New Jersey is a state of the United States of America. New Jersey is the largest city in Newark. New Jersey is the second wealthiest U.S state by household income as of 2017. If you are searching for the exterminator near me then the following are the top exterminators of New Jersey:
 GAM Exterminating: GAM EXTERMINATING is a pest control company that offers reliable services to its clients and it also offers quotes service. GAM Exterminating is committed to green and environmentally friendly practices. GAM Exterminating uses Integrated Pest Management techniques for eradicating pests from your commercial, residential, and industrial premises.
    ARROW Pest Exterminating: ARROW PEST EXTERMINATING is a family-owned and operated multi-faceted company. All technicians of Arrow Pest Exterminating are NJDEP certified. It is affiliated to NPMA (National Pest Management Association).
 PROFESSIONAL PEST AND TERMITE CONTROL: PROFESSIONAL PEST AND TERMITE CONTROL provide services for commercial, industrial, and residential phases. This company has been in the pest control business for more than 45 years.
 VIKING PEST CONTROL: VIKING PEST CONTROL Company is quality pro certified. This company provides services to commercial and residential premises. This company offers appropriate and user-friendly ways to schedule appointments.
 BAYONNE EXTERMINATING: BAYONNE EXTERMINATING is a family-owned pest control company that offers high-quality work. Technicians are well trained and they use modern methods for pest removal.
    I had a pest problem at my home and I want to get rid of it. I shared my dilemma with my friend and he suggested to me about GAM Exterminating and I booked their service over the phone. Their service was very superior and the technicians are well trained. They used environmentally friendly products and modern techniques for eradicating pests from my home. If you also want to solve pest problems from your premises call on
for assistance and bookings.
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For centuries, religions have described Creators as beings who manifest power far above that which humankind could ever possess. They can manipulate matter and alter reality, should they so desire. At their will, cities could be erected and ruins rebuilt. At their will, life may be created or taken away.
In the beginning, Creators and humans coexisted in dubious peace. That is, until a seed of unease sprouted tendrils of violence that led to war. A war driven by infectious paranoia. A war incited by those who feared, yet craved, power. A war that led to the ultimate extermination of Creators.
Yet after fifty years, the cycle begins again. A new wave of Creators, led by a girl from a small town in suburban New Jersey, and power that stretches far beyond what she can hope to comprehend.
This war is not over. In fact, it has barely begun.
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tomeandflickcorner · 5 years
Episode Review- The Real Ghostbusters: Ghosts R Us
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Following the success of the 1984 hit, the animated spin-off show, The Real Ghostbusters, was produced by Columbia Pictures Television, DiC Entertainment and Coca-Cola Telecomunications, and it ran from 1986 to 1991.  You might be wondering why the show wasn’t simply called Ghostbusters, like the movie, and instead called itself The Real Ghostbusters.  Well, that’s because of a dispute they were having with Filmation.  Around the time Columbia Pictures they were creating the animated spin-off, Filmmation decided to create their own animated show, this one a revamp of their earlier live-action show, The Ghost Busters, which ran from 1975 to 1976. But instead of calling this animated revamp of theirs the same name as the live-action show,  they decided to drop the ‘the’ and make ‘Ghost Busters’ into one word instead of two.  Pretty obvious what they were trying to do there.  To be fair, of course, the legal deal that was struck up between the two studios that allowed the 1984 movie to use the title ‘Ghostbusters’ instead of some other tile like ‘Ghostbreakers’ or ‘Ghostmashers,’ stated both companies could use the title of ‘Ghostbusters’ in an animated show.  So technically speaking, Filmmation did have the rights to do this, even though it was clear they were trying to indirectly cash in on the success of the movie.  So Columbia Pictures, in order to differentiate their show from Filmmations’ version, and possibly to make a jab at them in the process, added ‘The Real’ to their show’s title.  Although, it does make a bit of sense in the show itself.  In the show’s universe, the animated versions of Egon, Ray, Peter, Winston, etc. are all the genuine articles, and the movie that preceded the cartoon was actually based on their experiences.  In one episode, I believe they even go to Grauman's Chinese Theater in Hollywood as guests-of-honor for the movie’s premiere. 
So, with all of that out of the way, on to the show itself, starting with the first episode, Ghosts R Us.
The episode starts with the Ghostbusters on their way to respond to a ghost disturbance at a local chocolate factory called Conrad’s. Wasn’t aware there was a chocolate factory in New York City, but I think this takes place in a parallel reality to ours, so I guess I can accept this.  Turns out, the ghosts terrorizing the multitude of candy makers are a family unit- an irritable father, a doting mother and their giant baby, who might remind you strongly of Baby Huey.  When the Ghosbusters arrive on the scene, we get treated to a bit of slapstick, with the Ghost Family pelting them with globs of melted chocolate.  At one point, Slimer, who now lives with the Ghostbusters and decided to tag along on this call, gets to stuff his face with the multitude of chocolate being ejected from the factory’s smokestacks, and both Ray and Winston get a face full of chocolate goo.  Eventually, they manage to capture the Ghost Family in a single trap. Despite the huge chocolaty mess that resulted from the bust, the owner of Conrad’s thanks the Ghostbusters, rewarding them with a sizable pile giant heart-shaped boxes of the company’s finest chocolates.  And when I say giant boxes, I MEAN giant boxes.  They’re as big as a coffee table.  That’s a lot of chocolate.  
Upon returning to the Firehouse, the guys attempt to give the boxes of chocolate to Janine as a present.  But, as one would expect, Slimer, bottomless pit that he is, had already helped himself to the chocolate during the ride back, so all Janine ended up getting were empty boxes. Peter is particularly irritated by this latest stunt, and he angrily states that Slimer is on notice, and if he messes up just one more time, then he’s history.  With that, the Ghostbusters all head off to bed, with Winston announcing that it had been a very long day for them.  But first, Ray heads down to the basement to transfer the Ghost Family they caught to the Containment Unit.
During the night, Slimer wakes up from a dream about food. Because apparently ghosts can sleep. And dream.  Anyway, he decides he wants a midnight snack and proceeds down to the kitchen to raid the fridge.  While he’s down there, Winston gets woken up by the noise downstairs and he heads down to investigate.  Slimer, trying to avoid getting caught, tries hiding out in the basement.  Eventually, Winston returns to bed, deciding that he probably imagined the noise.  Slimer is relived he wasn’t caught, and slides down the side of the basement wall with a huge sigh.  But in the process, he accidentally hits the switch for the Containment Unit, which turns it off.  When Slimer realizes what he did, he goes into panic mode, remembering what Peter had said would happen if he messed up again.  He hurriedly pulls the switch back into the ‘on’ position to try and rectify the situation.  Deciding the crisis was averted, especially since none of the Ghostbusters heard the alarm going off, he returns to bed.  Unfortunately, it turns out that the recently captured Ghost Family had managed to escape the Containment Unit during that brief window. Upon making good on their escape, they begin to plot to get their revenge on the Ghostbusters by putting them out of business.
The Ghost Family’s plan soon becomes apparent.  Ghost Baby basically shows up at a particular location to scare some people.  But before the Ghostbusters can arrive, Mom and Pop Ghost appear on the scene disguised as humans and pretend to vanquish Ghost Baby.  It’s an admittedly clever con, and eventually, the people of NYC are trusting the new ghost exterminators called ‘Ghosts R Us’ instead of the Ghostbusters.  Though the plan only seems to work because, for some reason, there aren’t currently any OTHER ghosts crawling out of the woodwork at the moment.  Eventually, Janine, for reasons not fully explained, checked the Containment Unit and noticed that three ghosts were missing. She reports this to the guys, who instantly figure out what’s really going on, and also realize Slimer accidentally caused the Ghost Family to escape.  
Before anyone can come up with a way to punish him, the Ghost Family calls them up pretending to be some frightened humans, telling them there’s a ghost sighting at an old toy factory on the outskirts of town.  The Ghostbusters head out to the toy factory, knowing that the Ghost Family will probably be there.
Apparently, this toy factory trap is the final stage in the Ghost Family’s revenge plot.  Pop Ghost states there’s a ghost called Turlock who haunts in this old factory, and he goes in to try and get Turlock to take out the Ghostbusters for them,  Unfortunately for him, Turlock seems to have vacated the premises, and an even stronger ghost than Turlock resides there now. And this new ghost is NOT HAPPY about being woken up by Pop Ghost.  The new ghost proceeds to possess a bunch of discarded toys, forming a giant toy monster, complete with a creepy Jack-in-the-Box for a body and an evil Cymbal Monkey for a head, and the Toy Monster starts to chase after the Ghost Family through the busy city streets.  In order to put a stop to all of this, the Ghostbusters split off into two groups, with Peter and Winston remaining in the Ecto-1 to follow the Toy Monster and Ray and Egon taking the newly-revealed Ecto-2, which is basically a helicopter-like vehicle, to track down the Ghost Family.  Obviously, the existence of the Ecto-2 was mostly so Kenner could produce a larger toyline, but it’s still pretty cool.
The next few minutes of the episode is basically just the Toy Monster making its way down the street, leaving behind a lot of crushed cars in its wake with the Ecto-1 in pursuit, and Ray and Egon looking for the Ghost Family in the Ecto-2. After this goes on for a while, Egon and Ray manage to recapture the Ghost Family, who pretty much jump right into the Ghost Trap in order to escape the Toy Monster.  But of course, we still have to contend with the ghost inside the Toy Monster, which is now on some suspension bridge.  (Not sure which one, as there are apparently eight different suspension bridges in NYC, but it doesn’t really matter.)  A task easier said than done, as the Toy Monster can easily flick away both the Ecto vehicles.  Eventually, Egon gets an idea, and decides to activate some kind of self-destruct mechanism on the Ecto-2.  This, combined with Slimer’s efforts to make up for his blunder by spreading his slime onto the suspension bridge’s cables in order to make the Toy Monster trip, ends up doing the trick, and the ghost is forced out of the Toy Monster upon hitting the water and the Ecto-2 blowing up effectively vaporizes the ghost. (While somehow not causing any noticeable damage to the bridge.)
And so the day is saved.  The ghost inside the Toy Monster is gone, the Ghost Family is back in the Ghostbuster’s custody, and Peter informs Slimer that he’s officially off the hook.  Yay.
This is certainly a very goofy episode.  Not only was there quite a bit of slapstick, especially with the Ghost Family, they even featured a lot of rather pointless jokes.  The kind that I guess could be seen as funny to five-year-olds but would come across as rather awkward to older viewers. I think there was only one joke I almost smiled at, and that was the New Jersey joke they threw in at the beginning.  But that was probably just because I was familiar with how Jersey is frequently the target of various jokes.  Even the animation itself was very cartoonish in nature.  A lot of the background characters in particular looked more like caricatures then actual people.  And in the beginning, I’m pretty sure they used the exact same character design for all the candy makers, with only the hair color varying.  Though it does kind of make sense because this was technically the first episode to air, even though it wasn’t the first one to be produced.  The show creators were probably still trying to test things out at this point in the show and get a feel for what worked and what didn’t.
(Click here to read more Ghostbusters reviews)
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loudhaoleinatie · 6 years
delilah got some questions for ass-hat-o ~ ♔ :First kill ; ♘ :How you prefer to kill someone ; ♙ :Most malicious act tied to your name ; ♜ :Post-kill actions, thoughts, or emotions ; ♞ :Define a good kill
Well, Kitten, here's all you need to know:
♔ :First kill - At the tender age of 16, an act of vengeance and retribution, and it's what got him into the killing game.
Danny's older sister Stella was raped on a night out by some asshole in a bar, and when he found out Danny broke into the establishment and relieved them of their CCTV tapes. He tracked the guy down, got into a fight where punches were thrown and blood was spilled by both parties, but eventually Danny got the upper hand and managed to choke the guy out until he was unconscious. Danny threw him in the trunk of his sister's car and drove until he had become deaf to the man's screams from behind him and he couldn't see city lights anymore.
He pulled him out and tied him to a chair in an abandoned building he'd come across, the only weapon in his possession being a knife he'd taken from his parents' kitchen on his way out. Danny made him admit what he'd done to Stella before torturing the guy for hours simply because he wanted to hear him beg. His final act was to slice the man's throat and leaving him to bleed out, unaware he had been watched the whole time.
He was young and inexperienced and were it not for the member of the New Jersey mob who had witnessed the whole thing and followed him, cleaning up the mess and disposing of the body and the trail of evidence Danny had left, he would most certainly have been caught and tried for murder. But luck was on his side and about a week later Danny was surprised to see his murder weapon (which he'd left beside his victim's dying body) had magically reappeared in the knife block in the Williams' kitchen and a man was waiting in his living room with a 'job opportunity' on offer.
Soon after that Danny was recruited by the mob and hired as muscle, becoming a contract killer and knife for hire after refining his skills, able to begin taking on his choice of client and victim. While in the mob he showed a talent and preference for the blade in honour of his first kill, and he earned the nickname Ascarto - 'blade' in Italian - which never left him.
♘ :How you prefer to kill someone - always knives.
Whereas Danny respects those who use guns and their abilities he generally sees it as a little heavy-handed. He prefers knives as they are up close and personal, often requiring more skill and more precision, more finesse. They're perfect for interrogation, being both threatening and able to cause a lot of pain and suffering, and Danny knows just where to slice and dice to get the full spectrum of agony to encourage a target to answer his questions without the annoyance of premature expiration - it's kind of difficult to extract information from a corpse. So knives are always the way to go, in his opinion.
That said, Danny is extremely impressed by those who show precision with guns and other weapons, such as marksmen like Palladino who is a crack shot with the sniper rifle and a very effective torturer. Any moron can blow a hole in a target and kill them, but Palladino knows exactly how many holes she can put in a person - and where - before they're no longer able to give information. That girl can use a bullet to flick a flea off a man's shoulder from 200 yards. That's impressive.
♙ :Most malicious act tied to your name - The death of Don Roberto.
Yeah, it sounds like a 1980s crime novel, but it's how the New Jersey cops refer to it when they talk about the most prolific unsolved cases.
Don Roberto was the man who replaced Don Gino, the mob boss who took Danny under his wing and gave him his first job. Don Gino was like a second father to Danny, and not long after Ascarto had made a name for himself and left to go solo, Don Gino was ousted by someone who was meant to be his right hand man. (It's worth noting that there is no retirement home for old Dons, they're not laying on a beach somewhere sipping margaritas surrounded by bikini-clad babes... When a Don is replaced, it's dead man's shoes. It's straight up murder.)
Don Roberto betrayed his boss in a cowardly act, poisoning the old man's scotch and not even giving Gino the respect of being present for his death. Danny hates cowards, even more so when they kill the man who practically raised him after 16. Don Roberto had to go, a warning needed to be sent, and Danny wasn't about to be subtle about it.
He offered himself up to the new Don as a hitman, gained a closed-door meeting with the man himself, and two hours later when someone thought to check on their boss they found his three bodyguards dead and Roberto nowhere to be seen. A week later pieces of him began to show up in the mail to various high level members of the mob and certain benefactors as a warning - cowardice and betrayal don't belong in organised crime. Roberto's head was last to turn up, and that was on the Newark Police Captain's desk in a box with a note pinned to his forehead by a small silver knife. It simply stated "You're welcome. Ascarto."
Roberto's gold rings were never found, but they currently sit in a lockbox in a secure bank along with a few other trophies, account under the pseudonym of Oscar Tow.
♜ :Post-kill actions, thoughts, or emotions - Killing is always a rush for Danny, whether it's personal or otherwise, but it's also strangely calming for the seemingly ravenous darkness lurking in his soul. The more violent the death, the more sated he feels.
Danny always feels proud of a good job - he likes to do it well and be told as much - and in a way the act of extermination feels like it's filling a hole inside of him. Unfortunately that pit seems to be bottomless and it's not long before the need to kill again becomes strong, but Danny has learned to dampen those flames until they're required through various means. It's difficult to contain that hunger, though, and too long between kills may mean the next victim often meets a very... messy end.
Danny rarely drinks as he much prefers to be in full control and can't guarantee what his inner beast might get up to if unleashed by inebriation, so any post-kill actions aside from the usual body dump and evidence removal usually involve carefully cleaning his knives before finding someone to share a very intense and animalistic celebration with.
♞ :Define a good kill - Danny is a pretty pragmatic guy, so a good kill for him is one where he was able to get any and all information required, take out the target quickly and efficiently, and leave no trace of his true identity behind aside from the telltale signs of Ascarto. The best kind of kill, though? One he can take personally.
It's all well and good getting cashy money to take out some corporate asshole on behalf of another corporate asshole so they can take over a business, or being hired by the mob again to extract information from a snitch before wasting him and removing any identifying features, but when Danny is taking down someone he feels truly deserves it? It's a great feeling.
Despite being technically a criminal Danny has a refined sense of justice, right and wrong, so the jobs that give him extra pleasure are the ones where he is removing unwanted scum from existence. Anyone who has raped a person, hurt or killed a child, or preyed on the vulnerable members of society for their own gain, Danny would almost do for free... Almost. He's not that stupid.
But man, does he get an extra thrill from knowing someone who deserved it has breathed their last on the end of his blade.
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