#jessi ho
bestleader · 8 months
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𝐆𝐔𝐌 ( 2023 ) JESSI
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princemonday · 7 months
gum by jessi is rotting my brain. i cant stop doing the dance and watching all the idols do the dance. the nct boys padding their asses for the challenge is.....an experience.
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katypery · 8 months
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Gum 🍒
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h01vd4l · 10 months
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murcielagatito · 3 months
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akpopdump · 1 year
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jessica ho (jessi) and kim hyuna, female soloists
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Bias list
Stray kids:
Bang Chan
Le Sserafim:
Tomorrow by Together:
Kiss of life:
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biasmbti · 2 years
Jessi: ENFJ
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bestleader · 8 months
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𝐆𝐔𝐌 ( 2023 ) JESSI
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nightworldkrp · 1 year
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𝑺𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒔 —of the boogie-man and other Supernatural beings used to be told to keep children inline, as entertainment for adults looking for a good scare. Even romanticized as conflicting love stories between Humans and Supernaturals. But these were just stories, right?
𝑬𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒚 𝒔𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒚 𝒉𝒂𝒔 𝒔𝒐𝒎𝒆 𝒕𝒓𝒖𝒕𝒉 𝒕𝒐 𝒊𝒕 —Perhaps children were not the only ones needed to be kept inline. Humans as a whole, never anticipated what would happen when the Black Dawn rose. The Night World, a secret society of Supernatural beings was to be a secret no more. No more hiding, no more pretending.
𝑳𝒊𝒌𝒆 𝑺𝒎𝒐𝒌𝒆 𝑾𝒆 𝑹𝒊𝒔𝒆 𝑭𝒓𝒐𝒎 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝑨𝒔𝒉𝒆𝒔
—18+ —Supernatural Master x Pet Roleplay —Lit/Semi-lit & Plot Driven —Choose your Race & Status —Monthly Events! —MeWe Based
The Story—Rules—Masterlist—Races—Carrd
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h01vd4l · 6 months
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lisanamjoon · 8 months
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JESSI GUM (2023)
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murcielagatito · 2 years
we are not a team this is a competition
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mykoreanlove · 4 months
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Famous idol y/n is guest in Got7 Youngjae‘s new radio show which is about spilling idol‘s tea. Sounds like a good idea, right?
💎 💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎
„Guys, girls, everyone, welcome to today‘s episode of spill*the*tea. I’m so excited for this episode, you can’t even imagine. I’ve been trying to get in touch with y/n for years, YEARS, and now she’s finally here. Please give it up for the beautiful y/n!“
You broke out in laughter while covering your face shyly. He noticed right away and called you out for it.
„What? Are you getting shy? This is not the place to be coy, y/n.“
„I just didn’t expect this lovely introduction. Thank you, Youngjae.“
He smiled warmly and sorted out his flashcards - the ones with the curated questions.
Even though you had been in this business for a while, you still couldn’t get used to all the manufacturing. Every question was ran by your management, they practically shoved the answers down your throat.
You desperately wanted people to know the real you - the raw and unfiltered y/n - but one false answer could kill your whole career. The masses were merciless on people like you, so you had to endure and play along.
Youngjae played his part brilliantly, no one would have assumed he knew every question and answer by heart. You chatted about your childhood and how hard it was to get a foot into the business. He asked you about your biggest success and most tragic failure. He asked you questions tailored to your image - glamorous yet still approachable.
And you were all those things, but you were also so much more.
Your fingertips itched, ready to spill out the forbidden secrets the public was dying to know.
You could have talked about the dark things - like only eating cotton pads soaked in tomato juice because managers considered you too fat.
You could have told them you didn’t had a period in years or that you wore wigs because your hair started to fall out.
You could have talked about even darker things - like sexual abuse that was common if you wanted to make it.
You could have told them about ruthless directors that urged you to strip naked at auditions or disgusting producers that groped your ass because they felt like it.
You could have talked about the darkest things known to mankind - like loneliness that eats you up from the inside.
You could have told them about the different coping mechanisms you all used: sex, alcohol or drugs or you could have told them about all the sleepless nights in which you contemplated ending it all.
You shook your body as goosebumps started to form - not wanting to remember more of those things. Your life in this industry wasn’t all bad either.
You could have talked about fun things as well - like spending money on whatever you liked.
You could have told them about the countless shopping sprees or immense pride you felt when you bought your family a new house.
You could have talked about even funnier things - like receiving so much love.
You could have told them about fans that wrote you love letters and gave you gifts or encounters that changed you for the better because you touched someone else’s life, giving them the will to live.
You could have talked about the most fun things in this industry - like dating the most gorgeous men in secret.
You could have told them about about romantic dates in jets while eating strawberries and drinking champagne or sneaking around fashion shows and blowing Korea‘s hottest bachelor in a closet stall.
You giggled at those memories.
„Let’s answer some fan questions“, Youngjae cheered.
His request brought you back to reality. This wasn’t in the script.
„Fan questions?“, you forced a smile.
„Yeah, that’s a new segment. The show is called spill*the*tea after all.“
You gulped anxiously.
„Here we have our first caller. Hey, welcome. What’s your question?“
„Hi Youngjae, hi y/n. I wanted to know how it was like to film your latest drama. What was it like to kiss Eun Woo?“
You sighed in relief. This is easy.
„Filming my latest drama was a blast. Eun Woo made it so easy for me. Great kisser by the way.“
Memories of him kissing you in every position afterwards flooded your mind. „Oh you guys, she is blushing. Did you think of him kissing your lips on set right now?“, Youngjae chimed in.
Oh, you were thinking of him kissing your lips but not the ones Youngjae was referring to.
„Actually, he was the greatest kisser I ever had.“
The fan on the line gasped. You were taking this secret spilling thing easy - for now.
„Another caller, let’s go!“
„Hi, I wanted to know about your feud with Jessi. What happened?“
„Oooooh“, Youngjae was loving this.
You had to think about it, the so called feud with Jessi was a long time ago.
„Well, you know how we girls can get. We were overworked, probably on our periods as well. We drank a bit too much champagne and said some things to blow off steam.“
„Like what?“
You cringed internally, recalling all the nasty things you had said to each other.
You‘re a talentless bitch!
Oh please, you couldn’t even recognize talent if it would have been injected into your plastic-filled body!
You bitch! Take that back!
Like PSY took back your record deal?
At least I was selling records! The only time you’ve been relevant in music was when Yoongi recorded your moans into his tracks!
At least I fucked him properly, Jessica!
No wonder since that’s how you got your career!
You were tempted to spill but tried to hold back.
„Like, stupid stuff that girls say. Attacking each other over looks and boys. Honestly, I can’t even remember - that’s how irrelevant it was.“
In all honesty you couldn’t remember because you blacked out from all the booze but your fans didn’t need to know. Right?
„So, are you still on bad terms?“
Oh yeah, you hated that bitch. But since your managers were close you had to promote her, suffering the consequences of your job.
„No, not at all. We talked it out and now we’re fine. We’ve been chatting about doing her gum challenge together, so keep an eye out for that.“
Your face didn’t even flinch, you were so good at lying.
“Okay, let’s see what the last caller wants to know.”
„Hey last caller“, you greeted charmingly.
„Hey y/n! Oh my god I can’t believe I’m actually talking to you!! I wanted to know if you’re single?“
„Well, that caller is wasting no time“, Youngjae side-eyed.
You laughed, waving it off like you always did.
„No, I am not dating anyone right now.“
„Not even in secret?“, the caller wanted to know.
„Why, are you offering?“
Your question caught the caller of guard.
„I mean I’m a girl. Wait, do you date girls?“
Youngjae‘s eyes widened in surprise, not leaving yours for even a second.
There had been rumors of you dating your band mates but you never thought about that. They were like sisters to you, asexual and off the radar. There was this one girl though…
„I’ve never dated girls before.“
„But would you like to try?“
The caller was persistent, pestering you with intimate questions.
„I mean“, you shrugged your shoulders, not really thinking about answering correctly.
„If I had to choose to date a girl, a woman I mean… I’d definitely date Hwasa.“
Youngjae nodded his head, agreeing wholeheartedly.
„Great choice.“
„Right? I feel like she and I would just match. Two baddies getting it on.“
You stuck out your tongue, adding to the playfulness of the question.
„But you know, up until now I only dated guys. If I had time to.“
„Who did you date?“
„Can’t tell“, you shook your head.
„Oh come on, spill some tea eonni. Who was the most fun one to date?“
„Who was the one that stole your heart so effortlessly?“
„Who was the biggest sex freak?“
„Listen, I can’t spill names.“
„How about“, Youngjae spoke up, „how about we find the middle? Tell us about a kinky guy you once dated.“
You looked at him puzzled - Youngjae knew damn well that you couldn’t say that stuff. He slid a piece of paper over to you, urging you to read it.
Numbers are going through the roof. Trending on social already. Let’s milk this shit.
Milk this shit, huh?
„Alright“, you nodded.
Youngjae‘s eyes sparkled, already celebrating the success of his show.
„I once dated a guy - briefly - who was very peculiar in that area. He was, uhm, a mixture of sugar and spice if you will.“
„What’s that supposed to mean?“, the caller asked.
„Well, he was super sweet on the outside. Beautiful, cute, charming - he was like sunshine, always making you feel good and appreciated. But behind closed doors he was different.. he had very distinct ways of being loved.“
„Okay, that’s the cue - distinct is a secret word for super kinky?“, Youngjae almost jumped off his chair from excitement.
„Oh god, you’re really making me say it huh?“
„YES“, they both shouted simultaneously.
„Okay, picture this. We are in bed doing things and everything is going great. He’s super attentive to my needs and makes sure I come and everything but then when I wanted to return the favor he abruptly stopped and left the room.“
„Turns out he went into the other room where there is a big ceiling with wooden beams and a rope…“
„Oh my god, I love where this is going“, Youngjae laughed.
„A rope?“
„So, I followed him and saw him almost strangling himself while jerking off. I swear to god his head was blue but he moaned in so much pleasure - he was having the orgasm of his life.“
„What happened then?“
Images of you freaking out flooded your mind - back then you were nowhere as chill as you now made it out to be.
„Once he came his hands grabbed the rope and I ran over to him and helped him get down. Next thing you know he’s laying in my lap - big, red marks on his throat but he was smiling happily.“
You had never seen someone so blissful after sex, let alone after experiencing an almost death.
Youngjae gasped.
„So, you’re telling me that guy only comes when he strangles himself? Like legit strangling?“
You nodded.
„Wow, that’s, wow!“
„So, who was it?“ the caller wanted to know.
You were reluctant to tell, you already spilled so much information.
Youngjae was hoping to get it out of you but luckily the fates did that for you. Before you could say anything both of you took a glance at Youngjae‘s phone which was laying between the both of you.
„Hold on, my boyfriend is calling“, he mouthed silently.
Youngjae mustered you, eyes wide open and mouth agape from shock. It took him a moment to make sense of this situation but he lost his shit as he finally put one and one together.
The man on the line, the one whom he was dating, was no other than the one you just talked about.
The caller ID?
Lee Felix.
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complimented by jessi irl was a dream come true fr...💖
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