#jesus the saturation is strong with this one
sweetsweetjellybean · 2 years
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Friends to Lovers | Steve Harrington
When a storm moves over Hawkins, your neighbor stops by to check on you.
TW: kissing, & more kissing with a little bit of bump & grind.
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A deluge of rain punishes the earth for its unnamed transgressions. Dark cotton clouds roll across the sun, leaving the sky with a silvery amethyst glow. The green leaves desperately cling to the branches of a large oak as you watch from your raindrop-streaked window. A wall of torrential rain and wind moves across the garden with the smooth ripple of a snake. A loud crack precedes a neon lighting bolt, and a sizable branch hits the grass-carpeted ground. The northern oak sways ominously, mourning its lost limb. Scrambling toward the side of the bed furthest from the windows, you bring your black legging-clad legs towards your chest and tuck your toes under the white duvet. 
The white fairy lights you have strung around your bed flicker, and you pull up the soft sleeve of your well-loved open cardigan from where it slipped down your shoulder. The long growl of thunder rattles your window. Quickly, you pick up your leather over-the-ear headphones and place them snugly on your head, blocking out any further cries of disapproval from mother nature. The sensual beat lets your mind wander back into the scene you had been writing earlier. Fingers tracing the spiral black cord running from your headphones to wear their plugged into the receiver, your tongue sneaks out, wetting your bottom lip as the faceless man in your head runs his hand from the back of your thigh to your hip. With your favorite pen in hand, you scribble down the details in your black comp notebook, trying to capture the sensation of the strong hands moving over skin. A warmth covers your chest, and goosebumps rise in a wave as the freckles dotting the arms of your faceless man come into focus. The flexing muscles of his chest, the bob of his adam's apple as he swallows, a lock of golden brown hair falling over his brow. Sighing heavily, you rip out the page, crumple it up, and toss it toward the pile accumulating on your floor - you've got to stop picturing your neighbor.
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He was jogging by as you wrestled your mattress from the back of the u-haul the day you moved in. His muscle tee stained darker in the center, saturated in sweat, and you weren't much better. Baby fine hairs that escaped your damp pony plastered to your sticky temples. 
"You need any help?" he asks, out of breath as he stops in front of you, taking off his baseball cap to wipe away some sweat. He pushes some hair to the side before turning his hat around and putting it on backward. 
The skeptical look you give him has him chuckling, "I'm not a creep, swear. I'm your neighbor. Apartment 44."
The ground-floor studio is one of four sandwiched between the rows of townhomes; you were lucky to snag it. The garden-style apartment opens to a shared green space with a pool and walking paths. It's the first time you've been able to afford somewhere on your own.
"Steve Harrington," he says, wiping his hand on his shorts before offering it to you. Deciding to take him up on his offer to help, you shake his hand and introduce yourself. 
"This is cozy," he nods, looking around the space after he helped you set up your bed. There wasn't much to see. A mattress on a platform frame pushed close to a wall of windows, a desk with a word processor, and a small stand with your stereo that had crates of records and tapes surrounding it. A tiny efficiency kitchen ran along the same wall as the door, with an even smaller bathroom beside it. The extra-long cord for your headphones reaches every corner of your rental. 
"I'm sure it's not as nice as yours," you say, knowing the price difference between your studio and his two-bedroom.
"It's just bigger," he says with his hands resting on his hips, drawing your eyes down to the running shorts clinging to quite a substantial bulge. Sweet Jesus, what does he keep in there?
"It must be," your eyes snap up to his face, "I mean you have two bedrooms," you stumble trying to cover up your gawking.  
"They're pretty much all the same," he shrugs, "Pond View Estates doesn't offer much of a view. At least it didn't." 
He's flirting. The weight of his gaze makes you feel self-conscious in your sweaty, dirty, moving clothes, "Okay, well, thanks for your help," you move towards the door, hoping he'll take the hint. 
"Yeah, I'll let you get back to it. Let me know if you need anything," he pauses when he's on the other side of the threshold.
"I will. See you around," you say, inching the door closed.
"See you later…alligator," he says and then grimaces before turning in the direction of his apartment. 
Leaning with your back against the door you think you hear a quiet "Goddammit" being muttered as he walks away. Capturing your lip between your teeth, you fight back a chuckle. 
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The song flowing into your ears fades into silence, quickly filled by the loud sound of the rain falling even harder outside. Alarm drags you back to the surface, away from the tranquil waters of the story playing out inside your head. Water is starting to collect in large puddles in the garden, and you worry the tiny slab of your concrete patio won't be enough to stop the rain from seeping under the french door. Slipping the headphones around your neck and setting aside your pen and notebook, you start scooting off your bed when a loud sound startles you. It takes a moment to realize the noise is someone rapping on your front door, not the sound of more tree limbs falling. The black cord trails behind you, the music sounding tinny and muffled where it comes out around your neck. The knocking grows more insistent. Twisting the deadbolt, you throw open the door without thinking of putting on the chain to check who is on the other side. 
The howling wind blows a fine mist through your door, damping your cheeks and the wooden boards around your bare feet. Steve is standing with one hand on the door casing, his mouth slightly agape with irritation, his shirt completely sodden and clinging, while rainwater drips from his hair down his face. 
"Steve, it's raining," you exclaim dumbly, surprised to see him in such a state on your doorstep.
"Yeah. I noticed," he closes his eyes and uses his thumb and index finger to clear his eyes, "Are you going to let me in?"
"Of course. I'm sorry, come in," you stand aside to let him pass. 
He stands just inside the door, the water dripping off him, creating a puddle around his sneakers. 
"You're soaked. Let me get you a towel," you open the small closet where you store your linens just outside the bathroom.
He toes off his shoes and carries them to the door. "I came to check on you. Make sure you weren't flooding," he yanks his t-shirt over his head, leaving him in worn light-washed jeans. It hits the floor with a splat. Rain water drips from his hair down his neck, disappearing into the patch of hair on his chest. 
He takes the towel you're holding and rubs at his wet locks, "Your car's here. So when you didn't answer, I got worried."
"I had my headphones on. I didn't hear you."
"I should have guessed," he says, bending down to mop up the water on the floor. 
"You don't have to worry about me, you know. It's just a thunderstorm," you say, startling as the lights flicker and a boom of thunder reverberates, shaking the dishes in your cupboard.
"I think I do," he says, taking a step towards you. The compact space feels even smaller with him here. 
"When you answer the door without the chain on," he takes another step, the distance between you shrinking, "Dressed like that," he motions to the lacy bralette under your cardigan. The swell of your breasts barely covered and your midriff left bare.
"I wasn't expecting company," you swallow. He's standing so close. He smells like rain and soap scented with citrus and cedar.
He dips his head, and your lips part as you lean slightly toward him. A moment before you touch, his fingers wrap around the headphone cord instead. He pulls the plug from the jack on your receiver, and a sultry woman's voice plays through the speakers mixing with the patter of the downpour, as she sings I'm open to fall from grace. The warmth of embarrassment rushes to your cheeks, and you step back, regaining some space and remembering what you asked of him weeks earlier.
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Pushing up the sunglasses that keep sliding down your nose, aided by your sweat-slicked skin, you look up from your half-filled notebook at the crowded pool in front of you. The blazing sun and oppressive humidity had the entire complex gathered around the in-ground pool. A group of senior ladies wearing gaudy jewelry and jungle-print bathing suits sat gossiping while they baked in the sun, their browned skin resembling raisins. Harried mothers joined by husbands sporting farmers' tans trying to wrangle crying kids holding sticky melting popsicles. Ignoring the leer of an oiled-up man wearing a neon speedo and two many gold chains, you go back to writing. The play button on your walkman pops, indicating it's time to turn the tape to the other side. Balancing your notebook on your lap, you fumble the tape, and your pen bounces off the concrete pavers before rolling under the lounger beside you. 
"I'll get it," Steve says as he reaches under his lounger to retrieve your pen. Until then, you hadn't been aware of who was sitting beside you, but now you're very, very aware. A grin spreads across his boyishly handsome face, but the body it's attached to is all man. 
"Thanks," you smile as you take the pen from his hand. A zip of electricity dances under your skin where your fingers brush against his. 
"Can I ask you something?" he tilts his head and crosses those long legs at the ankle.
"Go for it," you slide your earphones down around your neck.
"Does the tape you're listening to have the same song playing on repeat?" he points at your walkman, the corners of his eyes crinkle as he squints in the bright sun. 
"You could hear that, huh?" you ask, sucking your bottom lip between your teeth. 
He nods in response, and you crinkle your nose disconcerted by his question, "Umm, yeah. It is the same song over and over again." 
He chuckles good-naturedly and waits for further explanation.
"I get distracted when a new song starts. It takes me away from what I'm writing." you pull your knees closer to your chest and wrap your arms around them. 
"So you're a writer?"
"I'm trying to be," you say, blowing out a breath. 
"What do you write?" he asks, leaning towards you, giving you his full attention.
Book covers with images of big hunky men ripping open the bodices of pink-cheeked ladies stamped with your pen name come to mind, so you decide to go with, "Whatever pays the bills."
"What about you?" you ask before he gets a chance to press you further. 
"I'm a manager at Family Video," he explains, rubbing the back of his neck, "but don't be impressed there are four employees, including me. Two of them are part-timers, and the other ones is another manager. So, I don't really manage anything. It means I keep the kids out of the adult section.
"Nothing wrong with being a cinephile," you comment. His face falls into confusion.
"Someone who loves films."
"Oh," his eyes brighten with understanding, "I do get free rentals," he says awkwardly before changing the subject, "Where are you from?"
"What makes you think I'm not from here?" you tease, "Does everybody really know each other?"
"Pretty much. It's a small town."
"Well, I'm an army brat, so I was in Huston and then St. Paul before my family moved to Chicago. I went to school for creative writing at Perdue, and now I'm here," you say, gesturing around you as a group of small children run by with a blow-up beach ball. 
"You should let me take you out sometime and show you around," he says, making his move. 
"Steve, you seem really great, but I just moved here. I'm trying to finish this book and get my feet under me. I'm not ready to date right now," you let him down gently, "but I could really use a friend?"
"Of course, we can be friends," he recovers quickly without a hint of disappointment in his voice, "Who said anything about dating? Friends show friends around."
"You're right. That was presumptuous of me," you say, going along with him. 
"Alright friend," he says, standing up, "I'll let you get back to work," he picks up his towel and wraps it around his neck, "I'll see you around," he heads in the direction of his apartment. 
"See you later, alligator," you call after him. 
Guys like him were usually too good to be true, but over the weeks, you've gotten to know him, and he's proved to be the exception. Settling into an easy friendship, he hasn't pushed for more. The attraction has been there, though, just under the surface, simmering like a pot on the stove. Small touches. A hand on the small of your back or your shoulder. Sitting with the outside of his thigh pressed against yours. Glances that have lasted a little too long. Increasing the heat, now he's standing right in front of you, and you feel like you're going to boil over.
"Stop looking at me like that," he says, walking away from you to the french door, bending down to check the seal.
Taking your headphones from around your neck and setting them down, you join him, crowding into his space. 
"Like what?" you ask once he's straightened up, looking into the warm honey hues of his eyes.
"Like you want me to…" he trails off as his eyes break the connection fluttering down to your lips. After a soft inhale, his mouth follows their path. Soft lips ghosting over yours, the lightest brush before pulling back, his eyes begging for permission.
"I thought we were friends," cold uncertainty pushes back against the fire between you.
"Friends kiss," he assures, his hand moving to your shoulder, nudging the neck of your sweater until it falls off your shoulder.
"Not like that," your stomach tightens with every touch.
"It doesn't count when it's raining," he reasons. His big hand lands on your hip, urging you closer.
"Why is that?" you place your palms flat on his bare stomach, and his abs jump under at the contact. 
"I don't know. I don't make the rules," the corners of his mouth twitch, fighting back a smile as he explains the absurd logic he concocted.
"Who does then?" you press, your hands slowly sliding up the silky skin of his chest, fingertips collecting his freckles as they pass.
"You do," his other hand presses into your back, pulling you flush against him. 
"Me?" you ask, surprised. The coarse hair on his chest is softer than it looks as your hands travel through it on their way to wrap around the back of his neck. 
"Yeah, you're going to tell me if you want me to stop, and I'm going to listen," he makes sure you know you're in control before his mouth comes down, pulling your bottom lip between his before mirroring his movements with the top. 
He pauses to gauge your reaction, but you don't let him get far. Tightening your hold on his neck, you bring his mouth back to yours, angling your head so he can deepen the kiss. And god, Steve can kiss. He deliciously explores your mouth, tongue sliding against yours. 
As your hand slides down his neck to his shoulder, opening and closing to knead the muscle, you try to conjure the words to capture this moment, so you can take it out later when the sun is out. But the way his mouth moves has every thought fleeing like a firefly on a summer night trying to escape being caught in a jar. 
Steve takes a few steps towards the bed, taking you with him. The springs of your mattress protest the sudden shift in weight as you climb in together, lying on your sides. 
"Tell me what you want," he says, tucking some hair behind your ear. 
"It's still raining out," you reply, slipping your arms out of your sweater, trading its warmth for his, "I want you to kiss me."
He leans over you, dipping down again and again, languidly tasting, savoring, kissing you like the world could fall down around him and you'd be the only thing that mattered. The cassette tape spins, songs changing from one to the next. For once it doesn't distract you, living fully present in this world instead of the one inside your head. Kissing him back like the billowing clouds, like it's everything, like its art. 
Tugging him by the belt loops, you pull him closer until he's cradled between your thighs, the comforting press of his weight a luxury in itself. When his hardening length hits just the right spot, your eyes roll back, and you're suddenly aware of just how wet you've become. Your hips roll without your permission, chasing the lightning bolt of pleasure. He groans, burying his face in the pillow beside you. 
"Is that okay?" you whisper against his temple stroking his hair.
"It's okay," he says, lifting his head to look at you, "but I'm probably going to um-"
"Me too," you admit shyly.
"Is that what you want?" he asks, studying your face, "For me to make you feel good?"
"Yes, that's what I want."
There's a new urgency to his kiss as his first strokes of his hips steal your breath leading to a frenzy of movements before finding a rhythm, rocking in opposite directions. 
"Just like that," you moan as he grinds his rigid bulge against your core. 
His hand grips your thigh, directing it around his waist, driving the rough denim over the thin material of your yoga pants, increasing the pressure. 
"You're so beautiful. I've wanted to tell you since we met," he whispers, placing open-mouthed kisses on your neck.
The last song fades into the whirring of the tape deck before it stops completely with a sharp click. Your ears swiftly adjust, sharpening the sound of the falling rain and rumbling thunder. His mouth lingers on the sensitive skin just below your ear, exhales turning into low aughhs in harmony with each thrust. The rise and fall of your chest is getting faster, your stomach tightens with arousal knowing his noises are all for you. Seeking out his mouth, your hips rise off the bed, moving harder with a desperate need to see him come undone.
He smooths your hair back, fingers sliding against your temple, thumb brushing your chin, "Let yourself fall," he kisses just below the curve of your bottom lip, "I'll catch you."
And so you do, and he falls over the edge with you. With a strike of lighting, the world blurs as you float through the clouds, and just like he promised, he catches you with warm lips and gentle touches until you've both come down from the surge. Offbeat plinks of drops hitting metal add another layer to the storm's changing song. 
"You'll have to call maintenance," he says, snaking his arms around your waist, "they probably won't show up until tomorrow. You'd better stay at my place tonight. You know, just in case."
There's a splash of water as Steve's feet hit the floor. "Oh shit," he looks at the floor and then at the french door. A small stream of water has crept its way in from the outside. Steve rolls up towels and places them in front of the door, trying to block the gap while you mop up what you can.
"You might be right," you say, pulling him down for another kiss, "I think the forecast said it's going to rain all night."
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If you've enjoyed this fic, please reblog. It makes a big difference in helping others find my work.
Thanks to the hive. I appreciate all of you.
Graphics by: @superblysubpar
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slasherhoe87 · 2 years
What Cologne I think the Slashers Would Wear:
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Fcuk Friction by French Connection
"Fcuk Friction is an attention-getting fragrance for men. Let it tickle your senses with a musky ensemble of fruit, lavender, coconut and geranium notes. This well-balanced fragrance has a spicy finish and is perfect for everyday use. It is an excellent choice for the man who wants a magnetic fragrance that is appropriate to wear to work or a date. Make this warm, fruity and aquatic fragrance your new signature scent"
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Minotaure by Paloma Picasso
"Mysterious and virile, Minotaure for men embodies the symbolism and spirit of a mythological creature. Its bold Oriental composition features tart bergamot citrus in juxtaposition with savory spice notes of coriander and tarragon. Wear this intriguing masculine scent to stamp yourself as a rugged individual possessing an uncompromising free spirit"
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Obsession Night by Calvin Klein
"Anticipation builds when evening approaches and Obsession Night casts its seductive spell. The alluring oriental elixir blends crisp pear, sweet vanilla and incense-like patchouli with spicy accents of cardamom and nutmeg"
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Bonus cologne because Michael is my one true love:
Halloween Man by Jesus Del Pozo
"Wrap yourself in mystery with Halloween Man. Its intriguing contemporary formula for men combines tart mandarin and the crisp note of apple martini with ginger spice and pungent violet leaf. A fine example of aromatic alchemy, the unique masculine fragrance conveys a free-spirited attitude along with dark allure. Dare to show your devil-may-care spirit with Halloween Man"
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Toy Boy by Moschino
"Liberate yourself and feel wild and free every time you walk out the door wearing Moschino Toy Boy, a playful men's fragrance. This tempting cologne blends spicy, floral, fruity and woody accords for a well-rounded, exhilarating scent that's sure to leave you feeling confident as you glide through the night in style. Top notes of Indonesian nutmeg, elemi resin, green pear, pink pepper and Italian bergamot immediately set the tone with their bold, bright intensity, only to be smoothly calmed by middle notes of flax flower, clove bud, magnolia and rose absolute. This tantalizing bouquet is further enhanced by base notes of sylkolide (musk), amber, cashmeran, Haitian vetiver and sandalwood for a warm, seductive comedown that saturates the air with its luscious charm"
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Old Spice
"Top notes are Nutmeg, Star Anise, Aldehydes, Orange and Lemon; middle notes are Cinnamon, Carnation, Pimento, Geranium, Heliotrope and Jasmine; base notes are Benzoin, Vanilla, Musk, Tonka Bean, Cedar and Ambergris"
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Hunter by Armaf
"The top opens with a refreshing burst of citrus notes, coming in strong and zesty with a combination of grapefruit, bergamot, lemon and mandarin. The heart settles into floral accords, the romantic aroma of lavender, geranium, tuberose and ylang-ylang spiced by fragrant hints of cardamom and black pepper. The cologne finishes on a warm, aromatic base, featuring the alluring aroma of cedar, labdanum, musk, patchouli and vetiver"
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Close Up by Olfactive Studio
"This fragrance almost defies categorization. It's a little tobacco, a little Oriental, a little gourmand, and everything you want a perfume to be. It opens warm and sweet with top notes of Santos green coffee, Griotte cherry, and fresh spices. The heart notes are complex and mysterious with white tobacco, California rose, Atlas cedar, and patchouli. Base notes of amber, tonka bean, and musk shine through in the dry down for an earthy finish to this alluring scent"
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Craftsman by Tabac Original
"Sharp and confident yet charmingly balanced, Tabac Original Craftsman is a spicy-citrus cologne enhanced by accords of aromatic herbs, clean florals and spice. The opening refreshes and invigorates with a bright blend of tart-sweet grapefruit, bergamot and piquant black pepper. Crisply herbal florals of lavender and peppery geranium merge with almond nuances of tonka bean at the heart. A smooth, enveloping base of vetiver, patchouli and supple leather leaves a clean masculine trail that’s perfect for casual wear"
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Brut by Faberge
"This manly mix features woody and balsamic accords accented by aromatic and sweet notes for an exhilarating yet simple aroma that enhances your image"
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Psychedelic Love by Initio
"Fall under the dizzying rush of Initio Psychedelic Love, a powerfully seductive essence that can leave you in an emotional trance. This decadent elixir blends floral, citrus and exotic accords for a deeply bright and satisfying scent that has the power to ensnare that special someone from across the room. Top notes of sparkling bergamot and sweet ylang-ylang work together to form a radiant energy. Following this is a provocative heart of hedione, heliotrope and Bulgarian rose, which walks a fine line between playful romance and immense passion. Completing the alluring perfume are spicy and sensual elements of myrrh and sandalwood, creating a mystifying foundation that intrigues and attracts with ease"
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Mickey Mouse by Disney
"Mickey Mouse is classified as a refreshing, fruity fragrance. This masculine scent possesses a blend of citrus, lemon and lime"
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Thallium Black by Yves De Sistelle
"Thallium Black is an enticing men's fragrance that is both sensual and gentle to attract plenty of attention. Fruity notes of apple are warm and welcoming, while cardamom is spicy and aromatic. The scent of bergamot adds a fresh citrus quality to the fragrance, plum notes contribute sweet and fruity tones, and nutmeg infuses a warm spiciness to the scent"
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Realm by Erox
"Transcend the veil of the mundane, and enter into a realm of otherworldly sensuality with Realm. This seductive scent for men sets itself apart with its bright notes of orange and ginger, offset by the deeper and more mysterious notes of lavender, patchouli and juniper"
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CK In 2U by Calvin Klein
"A fragrance for men that consists of perfume notes of lime, gin fizz, grapefruit leaves, frosted tangelo, pimento, shiso, cocoa base, vetiver, white cedar and musk to form a well balanced cologne"
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313 notes · View notes
kmilipede · 2 years
~ the devil judge fics that rewired my dna ~
so uhm here’s my small silly little list of some tdj fic that has altered my soul because let me tell you. when a tdj fic hits it HITS. so maybe there’ll be a fic here that you haven’t read that you’ll enjoy here
these are all gahan because yes and also all completed because i’ve been hurt too many times before. also i love all of these fics very dearly so they’re not in any order
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➤ it’s here i’ll be with you by mcreary
➣ Mature, ~27k words, Post-canon, Angst with a happy ending
➣ Gaon keeps attempting to fix things, but somehow, one part always seems to be missing.
➣ for me, this is THE post-canon gahan fic. what stands out for me is while gaon may be awfully lovesick, he doesn’t completely isolate himself - still maintains and forms friendships with people. watching the development of this and the way he heals is EXQUISITE and it’s written EXQUISITELY. the yearning has a wonderful payoff too. it’s just really fucking amazing guys plz read it
➤ Gravitational Pull by Amethystina
➣ Teen, ~22k words, Ep 13 canon divergence
➣ As grateful as Ga On is that Soo Hyun rescued him from Bamboo Spear's violent mob, he can tell she's lying when she claims to have heard about it on the police radio. That explanation just doesn't add up. So Ga On pressures her to tell the truth and, to his surprise, she reveals that Kang Yo Han was the one who sent her.
That one simple admission sets off a series of events that Ga On could never have predicted — events that bring out feelings he's done his best to ignore.
And desires he realizes he might not be strong enough to resist.
➣ i like how this fic doesn’t ignore how strongly gaon obviously feels for soohyun - i mean she’s been the only person for him to rely on for years. yet despite that, gaon works through what he actually wants and feels and chooses yohan. i cannot get over how well gaon’s inner thoughts are written. in fact, i can not get over how well the characters are written, full stop.
➤ Once you say it out loud, it can’t be undone by Ivrigasked
➣ Mature, ~9k words, 5+1, Domestic
➣ Alternative title: Five times Gaon catches Yohan off guard, and the one time he sees it coming.
➣ sometime domestic-style fics can be overly sickly but this is not one!! love the follow of gahan’s relationship and it’s written so well and smoothly. the yohan pov is nice too :)
➤ Destroy Me More by saturate
➣ Explicit, 6.5k words, Ep 12 canon divergence, Sexual Content
➣ “What kind of monster am I becoming?” Gaon asks, then, and wishes he could regret it, this becoming. He knows that Yohan is a monster, in some ways. Knows that only another monster could stand on his level, be his equal, and Gaon yearns to stand beside Yohan with an intensity that hollows him out.
Yohan’s hand on his shoulder, his neck, his cheek. Gaon shudders. Wants more. Wants everything. “It may be hard,” Yohan says, and his ears are flushed red, like something in this is getting to him, too, “but it can’t be helped.”
➣ i love episode rewrites! really wish this is what happened in episode 12 ngl. absolute nailed the characters and their mannerisms and their incredibly hot dynamic. there’s some lines in this that making me go fucking feral - an absolute masterpiece when it comes to that and the writing overall is just great. i come back to this a lot just to scream
➤ Bedroom Hymns [series] by godotismissing
➣ Explicit, ~31k words, Sexual content, ….various kinks
➣ Kinky Gahan fics
➣ i mean it’s porn. but if you want some excellent tasteful well written porn for gahan these are all the PERFECT fics. some of these have pretty different …… premises but they’re all EXTREMELY hot and will unleash all the pent up tension you have after watching the amount of sexual tension they have in the show jesus christ
➤ underneath the waterfall by vi (imvi)
➣ Mature, ~21k words, Post-canon, Hurt/Comfort, Angst with a happy ending
➣ They’ve always been different kinds of wounded animals.
➣ for me, this is THE other post-canon gahan fic. it hurts sososo much then carefully puts you back together. like gaon is very sad but yohan comes back to mend him and it’s just so. everything
➤ path of the fossils by noctevicos
➣ General Audiences, ~1.5k, Fluff, Intimacy
➣ “You can touch me, you know. You won’t hurt me.”
“I’m trying not to,” Yohan says, and then his eyes widen and he freezes, as if he hadn’t meant to say it out loud.
Too late, thinks Gaon. I see you.
➣ i come back to this one a lot because there’s something so tender and delicate about it that i love. it paints such a beautiful picture. it’s written so wonderfully and it’s so just ugh everything i really just melt when i think about it
i may add to this in the future but for now. go show these fics some love 🔫
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thenarddogmeister · 9 months
Stand By Me. Dir Rob Reiner. 1986.
I re-watched this essential coming of age movie today and it was the best. There were so many aspects of the film that I loved so I wanted to write a short review so I can get it all off my chest.
Firstly, the performances/writing was great in my opinion. All four of the boys really sold the youthful friendship that makes you reminisce on your own childhood friends. One part that stood out to me (apart from the moving friendship between Chris and Gordie) was the scene where the boys finally find the dead body that they were looking for in the woods. The body represents their own mortality and the boys’ journey into maturity as they think about their future. In the beginning of the film, the boys display an ignorant excitement towards finding the dead boy but when Vern finally finds it, the look on his face is pure horror and discomfort. This perfectly showcases the change they’ve all gone through, they have matured. There are other great examples of a good plot structure, and one is the placement of flashbacks within the film. Again, at the beginning of the film Gordie has occasional flashbacks of his brother, who tragically passed away, making Gordie feel invisible and guilty to the point where he thinks he should’ve died instead. The flashbacks stop by the last act of the film, which is another indicator of Gordie’s growth - due to his friendship with the boys (especially Chris) and the endeavour they’ve endured his pain has lessened and this is shown through the lack of painful flashbacks. Finally, the looming goal of finding a dead body is a great plot point (credits to the book that the film is based on) that highlights the film’s adventure yet inevitable seriousness - perfectly capturing the feeling of ageing. 
The aesthetics were also skillfully handled to effectively portray the change of tone in the film (and therefore the characters’ change and growth.) At the start of the film, the colours are diverse and saturated and bright due to it being day time but as the film progresses we get scenes shot in the night, creating a darker and more serious yet intimate tone (for example the warm campfire light during their night in the woods.) This progression of aesthetics shows the boys’ movement into maturity whilst also creating a clearly strong and heartwarming intimacy between them. There’s also the great symbolism of the recurring visual motif of the train/train tracks. The train is a source of danger for the boys (and the dead boy they are going to find) but it is also a symbol of change as it represents travel and movement. This visual symbol encapsulates, again, the feeling of growing up - the fear and loss of safety but also the adventure and change. 
I really love this film because it reminds me of my good friends and the tragic yet moving experience of growing up. And to quote the film…"I never had any friends later on like the ones I had when I was twelve. Jesus, does anyone?"
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Many of us are in deep warfare. I wanted to share a prayer that I pray each morning, regarding putting on the Armor of God. You are more than welcome to copy it and use it, if you feel led by the Holy Spirit.
Lord Jesus, I now follow Your command to put on the full armor of God because I know that my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world. Thank You that You have made it possible for me to be strong in Your Mighty power and to stand against all that the evil one would throw against me this day. In Jesus name, I put on the belt of truth and pray that I may be centered in and encircled by Your truth today. By Your Power enable me to walk in Your truth and to give no place to deception or the lies of the enemy. Protect me by the truth of Your Word. I put on the breastplate of righteousness. I praise You Lord Jesus that I am covered with Your righteousness today in my body, soul and spirit. I now pray that by the Power of the Holy Spirit my life would show forth the righteousness of Your presence. I put on the shoes of peace. I choose to stand on the firm foundation of Jesus Christ and the good news of His amazing grace. In Jesus name I claim over my heart and mind the peace of God that transcends all understanding. I cast down every anxious thought today, and as I walk in the gospel of peace. I pray that You would make me ready to share Your good news with others today. I take up the shield of faith this day in Your name, I extinguish every dart and arrow by which the enemy would seek to take me down spiritually, physically mentally or emotionally. I lift the shield of faith against every arrow directed at me, and my family. I bind every fearful thought in Jesus name and choose to walk by faith and not by sight. I put on the helmet of salvation and pray that You would protect my mind from thoughts that could lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive to Jesus Christ and to reject any thought that is not from You. Transform my mind by the Power of Your Word and grant me a hope saturated mind so that I may truly overflow with hope by the Power of the Holy Spirit. I take up the sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God. Please give me insight, wisdom and revelations to weild Your Word against every scheme of the enemy. Thank You that Your Word on my life has the power to defeat every attack of the enemy. Thank You Lord Jesus for equipping me with everything I need to win my battles this day. I praise You that I am protected today by the armor of God. I now claim Your promise that no weapon formed against me shall prosper. Let Your light radiate through me this day to all those You place in my path. It's in Your Mighty and Matchless name, Lord Jesus, I pray. Amen.
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twosides--samecoin · 1 year
happy april fools 2023 everyone the joke is i'm a companion react blog for this one post
I wrote this last july at 2:30 in the morning and scheduled it
companions and songs/albums they like fight me
old longboi; O the year was Seventeen Seventy-Eight - breathes in deep - HOW I WISH I WAS IN SHERBROOKE NOOOOOOOOOOW,
ada: deacon played kraftwerk once and codsworth and ada just fucking ascended
hancock; brockhampton saturation I and saturation III, 100 gecs, ODB, capone-n-noreaga
deacon; every sophie song ever produced, listens to windowlicker - aphex twin for hours on repeat. fave bad lou reed album is ecstasy because he'd take a 19 min guitar jam consisting of like 12 notes and fuzz called Like A Possum over all of lulu. his actual fave lou reed work is berlin
cait; say anything fan and that's between her and god, no one knows she knows every word to Is A Real Boy. She likes in Defence of the Genre but concedes where the album is messy and generally prefers the S/T say anything record. got fanfic brain about being in the band laden with awkward crush/work romance tropes when she dreamed away her real life as a kid. she doesn't daydream those stories anymore but, sometimes, when she's absolutely safe and no one is around to break her thinking.. late at night when everything and everyone is asleep, she still goes there to escape
rj maccready: 36 chambers, GZA Liquid Swords, ghostface killah fishscale BECAUSE WU TANG IS FOR THE CHILDREN, joyce manor, nirvana, code orange,
codsworth; he does like when deacon gets up to turn on the radio and put in one of his holotapes. deacon says "it's beep boop time" and he gets excited.
dogmeat; breakfast in america - supertramp
strong; its just mamamoo
piper; she's more like an og 2NE1 person, like she's the fan who yells about being a fan before CL's solo career but when she does it's the moment she reveals to absolutely everyone that she's massively into kpop when she was going to take it to her grave. she's absolutely one of those I WAS INTO KPOP BEFORE BTS eyeroll types but she knows to keep that to herself. it's her toxic fandom trait and she's had many come to jesus moments about it
preston; he'll stick with billie holiday what kind of band name is 100 gecs
curie; likes the "break necks I'm the chiropractor" line from boogie when hancock plays brockhampton, feels seen. since her personality was based on a prewar french woman, she listens to serge gainsbourg and wonders what france was like; what her life would be if she could have explored it. what was france? these things she mused late at night at her clinic office. literally cries to edith piaf because its like she's singing for curie and no one else in the room
nick valentine: ditto preston who starts a song with 'hey you little piss baby', this is why I never visit goodneighbour-
x86; music is just there if it's there as an element in the room. I'M SORRY I GOT NOTHIN
porter gage; listens to straight edge like minor threat and have heart but is nnnnnot sober (I'm projecting)
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disastardly · 2 years
5, 9, 22 for salty asks!
Oooh thank you for the asks! I spent way too much time thinking about these, haha.
5. Has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you?*
"Ruined" might be a strong word - I was never much of a Harringrove shipper (though I def saw the chemistry/sexual tension) but god that is just such a toxic barrel of snitty arguing and shit-flinging that I avoid almost all Harringrove content on sight. (Even stuff by authors I typically like.)
I like Lawrusso from their interactions on the show, but jesus so much of the fanfic is saccharine sweet and wildly OOC, I just couldn't engage with that side of the fandom. Johnny's a writhing ball of toxic masculinity and insecurity. Daniel's a pretentious weeaboo with a stick up his ass. They're both hung up on the past. Gimme more of that. That's why I love them.
Other than that, I feel like being in the fandom has changed my mind on certain pairings, especially canon or seemingly endgame ones. I'm generally a multi-shipper, as long as it makes sense, but Mileven and Stancy are much bigger mehs for me since I got more into the ST fandom scene. Modern PRMF fanfic turned me from Chip/Vida to Chip/Vida/Xander. I was always on-board for Shassie, but fandom has made it hard to watch the heavier-handed Shules episodes, which makes it harder to watch later Psych content in general.
A kind of niche one (maybe not on this hellsite) but Juliette and Cal on First Kill were a huge letdown after all the thought pieces and gifsets I saw here. They were okay, but the chemistry was mid and the writing was so inconsistent, I had a hard time connecting with them after the expectations set by the fandom.
9. Most disliked character(s)? Why?
Oh this is a tough one. Like of course I dislike Billy Hargrove, he's made to be a piece of shit with dubiously redemptive potential. Same for guys like Jason Carver - if I dislike them, the writers did their jobs right.
Every time Mineta appears on MHA, I groan internally and externally. I know anime is probably cheating but god that little shit gets on my nerves. Honestly, any anime character that exists purely to be pervy comic relief immediately activates my fight or flight response.
22. Popular character you hate?
I don't hate Tommy Oliver, per se, but he's so fucking over-saturated in modern PR media, I just want more from other legacy Rangers and seasons.
Kusaka from KR Faiz - another character I'm meant to dislike but god he's so popular in certain circles and I know it's because the actor is likable but Kusaka himself is so punchable and the cause of so many problems throughout the season, including keeping one of my favorite pairings (Takumi/Yuuji) on opposite sides.
Is Tori from Cobra Kai popular? I like the idea of her but god the writing is so inconsistent, it's like the writers wanted a female Robby but couldn't figure out her redemption arc the way they did his. (Not that his was great but hers is just a scattershot of redemptive tropes and the writers going 'eh? eh?')
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shammah8 · 2 years
Fear of man will prove to be a snare, but whoever trusts in the LORD is kept safe.” (Proverbs 29: 25) The worst enemy of the spirit of conquest is fear. God promised to give Israel the land of Canaan as an inheritance.
However due to fear, they allowed the opportunity to pass them by. (Numbers 14:2-3).
Not one of the people in the congregation of Israel truly appreciated the mercy that God had shown in rescuing them from Pharaoh. In fact, buried deep in their hearts was a regret at having to leave behind the land of Egypt. They completely forgot about God´s great mercy. They came to the point where they thought it would have been better to stay under the dictatorship of Pharaoh rather than to serve the living God who had manifested Himself to them with extraordinary signs and wonders. We can see how fear caused them to complain and this led them to discouragement. Discouragement robbed them of all hope.
Here are some vital truths about fear:
Fear is a weapon used by the enemy to kill your dreams.
The Israelites’ complaints angered the Lord, causing Him to rise up against the whole nation. If Moses had not intervened on behalf of the people, they would have all been consumed bydivine anger. God said to Moses, “I have forgiven according to your request” (Numbers 14:20-23). The people had cried out, complaining that they would wished to die there in the desert.
What was the outcome? They did in fact die there in the desert.
Fear will always oppose divine purpose.
God was angry with the ten spies that sparked fear and murmuring in the hearts of the people. As a consequence of their sin, He inflicted a plague on them and they died (Numbers 14:39-45).
Fear will always keep us in the dark .
“Like the blind we grope along the wall, feeling our way like people without eyes. At midday we stumble as if it were twilight; among the strong, we are like the dead” (Isaiah 59:10). Fear and lack of mature spiritual vision stops people from being able to see the Lord´s blessings. Despite the fact that they might be right next to them, they will never be able to reach them.
However, if we come to the Lord the veil will be removed from our eyes.
Fear is always followed by frustration Fear is the threshold to frustration. Those who have experienced it have seen their dreams crumble. Tragically, they become infected with fear and as a result are robbed of their reward.SOMETHING TO THINK ABOUT Generally people tend to believe that with time, fear will leave.
However, the passage of time will never conquer fear because it is not just an internal feeling within a person. Fear originate with a demonic spirit. Spirits are not subject to time and space.
They belong to the spiritual realm. Fear can only be defeated with the Word of God and by confessing the power of the blood of Jesus. If fear dominates your life and you really want to be free of it, you should do the following:
• Identify all that has frightened you.
• Get to the root cause of it.
• Confront it in the name of the Lord Jesus.
• Saturate your mind with thoughts of faith.
• Stay firm in your faith.
• Cultivate complete confidence in God.
• Do the opposite of what your fear is.
PRAYER God, I ask Y ou to take total control of my life and set me free from any spirit of fear. I know that by the power of the Blood of Jesus, no evil comes to my life, and no calamity touches me because I am under the covering of the Holy Spirit. In Jesus’ name, Amen.DECLARATION “Since my mind rests in the Word, my trust is in God, and I walk with the Holy Spirit, I am free from fear.”👏Cesar
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so-journeying · 11 days
Introduction: Redemptive Reversals
This book is about the notion GOD deals with humans in primarily ironic ways. The Bible is a record of how GOD has so dealt with humans. There are two kinds of biblical or theological irony.
[1] There is retributive irony: Where GOD punishes people by the very means of their own sin. We will see this in CH 1&2.
[2] There is also redemptive irony: Where the faithful appear to be cursed, but as they persevere in faith, they are really in the midst of being blessed. We will see this in CH3-6
Warren Austin Gage formulated these kinds of theological irony.
Both kinds of theological ironies are true of humans in general. Everyone is ultimately caught in the matrix of one of these two ironic patterns of living. Christians need to be aware of the ironic nature of life in order that they not become discouraged at bad events in their lives. In fact, we will see that the ironic nature of Christian living is necessary in order that faith be given opportunity to grow.
This book explains how Scripture depicts these two kinds of irony in the lives of people. And how these two ironies reach their zenith points in:
[a] Satan, through retributive irony & [b] CHRIST, through redemptive irony.
I must talk briefly about the various kinds of literary ironies. At its core, “irony is saying one thing & meaning another.”
All ironies are composed of three basic elements:
[1] Multiple layers of meaning, one to the observer + one to the victim.
[2] One opposite meaning to another layer, what is apparent is the opposite of what is reality.
[3] Either the observer or victim is unaware of this tension or surprised by it
Generally, three kinds of ironies have traditionally been recognized in literary studies.
[1] Verbal irony, which is saying one thing & meaning its opposite. Verbal statement is aimed at a particular person.
[2] Dramatic irony or irony of narrated events, where narrated events are turned to the opposite of the way they appeared to be heading.
[3] Character irony, part of dramatic irony, where one’s true character stands in contrast with what he appears to be.
Luke’s narrative of the rejection of the Gospel by the Jews is saturated with irony. In particular, the rejection of JESUS is
[a] mirrored by the depiction in Acts, where every effort to stand against GOD’s plan only fulfills it in every prophetic detail
(e.g., see Acts 2:23 and 13:27).
In Luke, the rejection of JESUS by the Jews is the catalyst for HIS redeeming death, whereas in Acts the persecution of the Church becomes the catalyst for saving evangelism.
Luke also develops the principle that “some are last who will be first & some are first who will be last” [Luke 13:30]
These programmatic ironies run throughout Luke-Acts. Thus, some of the highest forms of biblical irony are where there is narrated an “unexpected reversal of fate and fortune,”
which is “the jolting turn of events” wherein “the mighty are brought low & humble exalted.”
In John 19 the Roman soldiers mock a bleeding JESUS by saying their “Hail to the King!” The soldiers do not believe JESUS is any kind of King, and they intend their sarcastic words to be a direct attack on JESUS, WHOM they believe is an imposter.
A reader perceives that the “lower” level of the mocking is false, whereas the irony becomes apparent at the “higher” level, where it is evident that the soldiers are the real victims of their own mocking, as they're crucifying the ONE WHO is, in fact, the true divine KING of the Universe. [John 19:1-3]
Another example of this kind of irony is Paul’s claim in 2 Corinthians 12:10: “When I am weak, then I am strong.”
So now we turn to the substance of the book.
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dfroza · 3 months
A “battle” to Unite
hearts & minds in Light
Today’s reading of the Scriptures from the New Testament is the 2nd chapter of the letter of Colossians:
This battle I am facing is huge. And I want you to know I do it for you, for all those at Laodicea, and for everyone else (even those who have never seen my face). I’m working hard to comfort and encourage them so that they will be knit together—that many hearts would become one through His love. I do it so they will be rich in understanding and have full knowledge of God’s mystery, which is the Anointed One Himself— in Him all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge are concealed. I only tell you this to warn you about those who would try and deceive you with their arguments. They seem plausible enough; but in the end, they are false. Even though I cannot be there in the body, my spirit is with you; and I’m happy to know of your good order and your solid commitment to the Anointed One, our Liberating King.
Now that you have welcomed the Anointed One, Jesus the Lord, into your lives, continue to journey with Him and allow Him to shape your lives. Let your roots grow down deeply in Him, and let Him build you up on a firm foundation. Be strong in the faith, just as you were taught, and always spill over with thankfulness. Make sure no predator makes you his prey through some misleading philosophy and empty deception based on traditions fabricated by mere mortals. These are sourced in the elementary principles originating in this world and not in the Anointed One (so don’t let their talks capture you). You see, all that is God, all His fullness, resides in His body. You, too, are being completed in Him, the One who has dominion over all rule, all authority. In Him you were also circumcised, set apart by a spiritual act performed without hands. The Anointed One’s circumcision cut you off from the sinfulness of your flesh. You were buried with Him beneath the waters of the ceremonial washing called baptism and then were raised up with Him by faith in the resurrection power of God, who brought Him back from the dead. And when your flesh was still uncircumcised—dead in transgression and swathed in its sinful nature—it was God who brought us to life with Him, forgave all our sins, and eliminated the massive debt we incurred by the law that stood against us. He took it all away; He nailed it to the cross. But that’s not all. He disarmed those who once ruled over us—those who had overpowered us. Like captives of war, He put them on display to the world to show His victory over them by means of the cross.
So don’t let anyone stand in judgment over you and dictate what you should eat or drink, what festivals you should celebrate, or how you should observe a new moon or Sabbath days— all these are only a shadow of what shall come. The reality, the core, the import, is found in the Anointed One. Don’t be cheated out of the prize by others who are peddling the worship of heavenly beings and false humility. People like this run about telling whoever will listen what they claim to have seen; but in reality they testify only to an inflated mind, saturated in conceit—not in the Spirit. They are detached from the very head that nourishes and connects the whole body with all of its nerves and ligaments, a body that grows by the kind of growth that can only come from God.
Listen, if you have died with the Anointed One to the elemental spirits of the cosmos, then why are you submitting yourselves to its rules as if you still belonged to this world? You hear, “Don’t handle this! Don’t taste that! Don’t even touch it!” but everything they are obsessed about will eventually decay with use. These rules are just human commands and teachings. Here’s what they are promoting: fabricated religion, self-humiliation, and bodily abuse. No matter which way they try to tether their bodies, they cannot harness their desires.
The Letter of Colossians, Chapter 2 (The Voice)
A note from The Voice translation:
At the heart of the good news is a mystery hidden in ancient Scriptures but now exposed to the world through the lives of the church’s holy ones. Paul never refers to just one “holy one”; he always uses the plural. He knows that holiness is too difficult for us to accomplish on our own. Each of us has to be called and equipped by God, but we also have to be accompanied by others who’ve answered the call. Those who say “yes” to Jesus become the church, the company of those rescued from darkness and ultimately from death. Paul is fond of calling the church the body of the risen Jesus. Our own hopes and dreams for the future are concentrated in Him. Not only do we dwell in Him, but He also dwells in us.
Today’s paired reading from the First Testament is the 7th chapter of the book of Numbers:
When Moses finished setting up the congregation tent, sanctifying, anointing, and setting apart it and everything in it—its furnishings, altar, and sacred receptacles, as befits God’s holy dwelling place, then Israel’s tribe leaders, the heads of their extended families, the leaders of everyone who had been organized and counted, came forward to make an offering. In total, they presented to the Eternal in His tent six covered carts (one for every two leaders) and twelve oxen to pull them (one for each leader). Then the Eternal One responded to the offering.
Eternal One (to Moses): Accept these things, and give them to those Levites who need them to service the congregation tent.
Moses did just that, distributing the gifts based on the needs of the Levites’ respective tasks: the Gershonites got two ox-carts and four oxen to haul the tents’ many coverings; the Merarites got four ox-carts and eight oxen to haul the tents’ heavy frames and stands, and Ithamar (Priest Aaron’s son) supervised them. The Kohathites didn’t get any because the sacred things for which they were responsible were smaller furnishings and could be carried on the men’s own shoulders. As the altar was being properly anointed, the leaders came forward at its dedication with their offerings because the Eternal had directed Moses to oversee that one leader per day came forward with his offering for the altar’s dedication.
Nahshon (Amminadab’s son) of the Judah tribe was first. He brought one silver plate weighing three and one-quarter pounds and one silver bowl of one and three-quarter pounds (to hold the blood of sacrifices as it was dashed on the altar), according to the sanctuary scales. Both were filled with prime flour mixed with oil to compose a grain offering. He also brought one gold dish (four ounces in weight) filled with incense; and for a burnt offering, he brought a young bull, a ram, and a yearling male lamb. For a sin offering, he brought one male goat; for a peace offering sacrifice, he brought two oxen, five rams, five male goats, and five yearling male lambs. These are the things Nahshon, Amminadab’s son, brought forward.
On the second day, Nethanel (son of Zuar), head of the Issachar tribe, came forward with their offering—the same as the Judah family’s from the day before— bringing one silver plate weighing three and one-quarter pounds and one silver bowl of one and three-quarter pounds, as the sanctuary weighs things. Both were filled with prime flour mixed with oil to compose a grain offering. He also brought one gold dish (four ounces in weight) filled with incense; and for a burnt offering, he brought a young bull, a ram, and a yearling male lamb. For a sin offering, he brought one male goat; and for a peace sacrifice, he brought two oxen, five rams, five male goats, and five yearling male lambs. This is what Nethanel, Zuar’s son, brought for an offering.
Eliab (son of Helon), head of the Zebulunite tribe, brought the third day’s offering— one silver plate weighing three and one-quarter pounds and one silver bowl of one and three-quarter pounds, as the sanctuary weighs things. Both were filled with prime flour mixed with oil to compose a grain offering. He also brought one gold dish (four ounces in weight) filled with incense; and for a burnt offering, he brought a young bull, a ram, and a yearling male lamb. For a sin offering, he brought one male goat; and for a peace offering sacrifice, he brought two oxen, five rams, five male goats, and five yearling male lambs. This is what Eliab, Helon’s son, brought as an offering.
On the fourth day, Elizur (son of Shedeur), head of the Reubenite tribe, presented the offering. He, too, brought one silver plate weighing three and one-quarter pounds and one silver bowl of one and three-quarter pounds, as the sanctuary weighs things. Both were filled with prime flour mixed with oil to compose a grain offering. He also brought one gold dish (four ounces in weight) filled with incense; and for a burnt offering, he brought a young bull, a ram, and a yearling male lamb. For a sin offering, he brought one male goat; and for a peace offering sacrifice, he brought two oxen, five rams, five male goats, and five yearling male lambs. These things Elizur (Shedeur’s son) presented as an offering.
On the fifth day, Shelumiel (son of Zurishaddai), head of the Simeonite tribe, brought the offering. Like those preceding, he brought one silver plate weighing three and one-quarter pounds and one silver bowl of one and three-quarter pounds, as the sanctuary weighs things. Both were filled with prime flour mixed with oil to compose a grain offering. He also brought one gold dish (four ounces in weight) filled with incense; and for a burnt offering, he brought a young bull, a ram, and a yearling male lamb. For a sin offering, he brought one male goat; and for a peace offering sacrifice, he brought two oxen, five rams, five male goats, and five yearling male lambs. This is what Shelumiel (Zurishaddai’s son) brought.
On the sixth day, Eliasaph (son of Deuel), head of the Gadite tribe, like those before him, brought one silver plate weighing three and one-quarter pounds and one silver bowl of one and three-quarter pounds, as the sanctuary weighs things. Both were filled with prime flour mixed with oil to compose a grain offering. He also brought one gold dish (four ounces in weight) filled with incense; and for a burnt offering, he brought a young bull, a ram, and a yearling male lamb. For a sin offering, he brought one male goat; and for a peace offering sacrifice, he brought two oxen, five rams, five male goats, and five yearling male lambs. This is what Eliasaph (Deuel’s son) brought as an offering.
Elishama (son of Ammihud), head of the Ephraimite half-tribe, brought the seventh day’s offering. He also brought one silver plate weighing three and one-quarter pounds and one silver bowl of one and three-quarter pounds, as the sanctuary weighs things. Both were filled with prime flour mixed with oil to compose a grain offering. He also brought one gold dish (four ounces in weight) filled with incense; and for a burnt offering, he brought a young bull, a ram, and a yearling male lamb. For a sin offering, he brought one male goat; and for a peace offering sacrifice, he brought two oxen, five rams, five male goats, and five yearling male lambs. These things Elishama (Ammihud’s son) offered.
Gamaliel (son of Pedahzur), head of the Manassehite half-tribe, brought the offering on the eighth day. He brought one silver plate weighing three and one-quarter pounds and one silver bowl of one and three-quarter pounds, as the sanctuary weighs things. Both were filled with prime flour mixed with oil to compose a grain offering. He also brought one gold dish (four ounces in weight) filled with incense; and for a burnt offering, he brought a young bull, a ram, and a yearling male lamb. For a sin offering, he brought one male goat; and for a peace offering sacrifice, he brought two oxen, five rams, five male goats, and five yearling male lambs. So Gamaliel (Pedahzur’s son) brought the same offering as his Israelite brothers had on each of the days before.
On the ninth day, Abidan (son of Gideoni), head of the Benjaminite tribe, also brought one silver plate weighing three and one-quarter pounds and one silver bowl of one and three-quarter pounds, as the sanctuary weighs things. Both were filled with prime flour mixed with oil to compose a grain offering. He also brought one gold dish (four ounces in weight) filled with incense; and for a burnt offering, he brought a young bull, a ram, and a yearling male lamb. For a sin offering, he brought one male goat; and for a peace offering sacrifice, he brought two oxen, five rams, five male goats, and five yearling male lambs. These things Abidan (Gideoni’s son) offered.
On the tenth day, Ahiezer (son of Ammishaddai), head of the Danite tribe, brought the same offering: He brought one silver plate weighing three and one-quarter pounds and one silver bowl of one and three-quarter pounds, as the sanctuary weighs things. Both were filled with prime flour mixed with oil to compose a grain offering. He also brought one gold dish (four ounces in weight) filled with incense; and for a burnt offering, he brought a young bull, a ram, and a yearling male lamb. For a sin offering, he brought one male goat; and for a peace offering sacrifice, he brought two oxen, five rams, five male goats, and five yearling male lambs. This is what Ahiezer (Ammishaddai’s son) brought as an offering.
Pagiel (son of Ochran), head of the Asherite tribe, brought the eleventh day’s offering, which consisted of the same things: He brought one silver plate weighing three and one-quarter pounds and one silver bowl of one and three-quarter pounds, as the sanctuary weighs things. Both were filled with prime flour mixed with oil to compose a grain offering. He also brought one gold dish (four ounces in weight) filled with incense; and for a burnt offering, he brought a young bull, a ram, and a yearling male lamb. For a sin offering, he brought one male goat; and for a peace offering sacrifice, he brought two oxen, five rams, five male goats, and five yearling male lambs. This is what Pagiel (Ochran’s son) offered.
On the 12th day, Ahira (son of Enan), head of the Naphtalite tribe, brought one silver plate weighing 3¼ pounds and one silver bowl of 1¾ pounds, as the sanctuary weighs things. Both were filled with prime flour mixed with oil to compose a grain offering. He also brought one gold dish (four ounces in weight) filled with incense; and for a burnt offering, he brought a young bull, a ram, and a yearling male lamb. For a sin offering, he brought one male goat; and for a peace offering sacrifice, he brought two oxen, five rams, five male goats, and five yearling male lambs. Like those before him, Ahira (Enan’s son) brought these things to offer.
This is what the heads of the Israelite families offered up at the occasion of the altar’s dedication (when it was anointed): 12 silver plates, 12 silver bowls (to hold the blood of sacrifices as it was dashed on the altar), and 12 gold dishes. Because each plate weighed 3¼ pounds and each bowl weighed 1¾ pounds, the total silver was 60 pounds (based on the sanctuary standard); and the 12 gold, incense-filled dishes all together weighed three pounds; and for the burnt offering, there was a total of 12 bulls, 12 rams, 12 male yearling lambs, plus the grain offering and the 12 male goats for the sin offering. As for the peace offering, there were 24 oxen, 60 rams, 60 male goats, and 60 male yearling lambs. All of these were for the altar’s dedication after it was anointed.
So it was established. When Moses went into the congregation tent to speak to them, he could hear the voice of God speaking to him from between the winged guardians above the seat of mercy on the covenant chest. Thus the Eternal spoke to Moses.
The Book of Numbers, Chapter 7 (The Voice)
A note from The Voice translation:
Logistical concerns are paramount with this new reality of a traveling nation. With their large numbers and their countless livestock, moving this caravan is a logistical nightmare. Just moving the congregation tent is a challenge, involving a number of families and special carts to carry the tons of layers of the tent and the many utensils for worship. The most holy items are carried manually, but without physical contact. Thus God provides a system of carrying poles fed through loops so the holy item is not touched. The actual arrangement of the caravan is also specified, as well as the arrangement of the tribes in relation to the congregation tent.
A link to my personal reading of the Scriptures for Thursday, july 4 of 2024 with a paired chapter from each Testament (the First & the New Covenant) of the Bible along with Today’s Proverbs and Psalms
A post by John Parsons:
"Make every effort to enter through the narrow door, because many, I tell you, will seek to enter but will not be able" (Luke 13:24). The narrow door is the way of humility (דרך עֲנָוָה), assuming a low position, crawling, if you will, and making yourself small... It is to confess the truth of our condition and to trust in God alone for deliverance.
The narrow door is the way of faith - trusting God’s compassion and righteousness given on our behalf (2 Cor. 5:21). The large, wide-open door is designed for the crowd and its various circuses. Beware of the world that seeks to assimilate the soul: beware of becoming part of the crowd! The individual is lost and overwhelmed in the midst of the crowd and its momentum. The crowd assimilates the soul, laughs at the notion of individual responsibility, and abandons itself to the gravity of fallen natural forces... The life of faith, on the other hand, refuses to regard the individual human heart as a triviality. Faith is an individual struggle, a walk into unknowing; it is the way of the sojourner who feels uneasy in this world of shadows...
God promises to be always with us and to help us stay resolute, even as we struggle through the vanity and darkness of this age. Press on, friend: the day and the hour draw near!
[ Hebrew for Christians ]
Psalm 25:10 reading:
Hebrew page:
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7.3.24 • Facebook
from Today’s email by Israel365
Today’s message (Days of Praise) from the Institute for Creation Research
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bluesky88diary · 10 months
My coffee journey. Today I tried much smaller amount of coffee and don't have that sickness in stomach anymore. Perhaps last time it was too much all at once. Bad idea to drink coffee like water. Also I noticed another thing, one cup of coffee makes me thirsty afterwards. Remember it also drains calcium out of bones, especially for women... Do you have strong bones? Or this is just a myth?
Today thinking about this and that, about video art and art overall, and something hit me up, this artificial things mostly are lies, not real, merely art. So what is art and what is real? Art creates feelings, wraps memories in feelings, saturate moment with feelings, beautifies things or exposes less vivid sides. So can I say that art is illusion? Good question.
Modern life became like an art... From art to make money, many different things in the middle, up to the art of love, blending things all together.
Therefore stepping away from such perspective I ask myself what makes life worthy to live, what makes us happy?
I think it's simply to enjoy life we have and live it, instead of live to create possibility to enjoy life. Looks like most people live to create possibility to live, work hard for advertised moment of joy, desired goals, success, prosperity. People put all own life just for a moment to live. But why? Sounds so ironic.
Life is a gift, putting aside patterns of art all of a sudden I became able to live, enjoy my life and looking back see it like wonderful art, instead of chasing it one day to be so. We don't have to deserve right to live. Life is a gift from Jesus. But devil twistes things around to make us work hard for what was given as gift.
And all of a sudden nobody can understand me, because they can't recognize in my life any known pattern of art.
Could be very lonely here, but I lift my eyes to heaven, I live by promise of love.
Can you understand this?
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jdgo51 · 10 months
Worship That Makes Dead Things Alive
Today's inspiration comes from:
Before We Gather
by Zac M. Hicks
Read Ezekiel 37:1–10.
"'I’m writing this on the heels of a really discouraging conversation. A friend I love has lost his faith in God — in His love, in His Word, in His existence.
His arrival at this place wasn’t sudden. It involved a journey of both of us watching the things he held precious get taken away. This loss includes watching what he thought his life was going to be give way over the years to what his life has become. As I listened to him, and as I ponder it now, I have nothing but empathy and sadness for him. To be honest, I’m cheating an eye upward — an accusatory side-glance to Heaven:
God, where were You? God, where are You? I’m searching for a metaphor for what I’m feeling. I started with the picture of me standing by my friend’s hospital bed, hearing the beeping of the machines that are keeping him on life support. But that metaphor doesn’t go far enough. There’s still a bit too much hope in a situation like that. Really, it feels like I’m standing at my friend’s graveside. Past the point of hope.
A lot of people who come through the doors of the church carry dire stories in their hearts, often sealed in a chamber just under the surface. They might be like me — carrying the burden of the spiritual death of a loved one. Or they might be carrying their own deadness or the grief of a dead situation. Either way, it’s a feeling of utter hopelessness. It’s not 99 percent despair and 1 percent hope. It’s not life support. It’s death.
Sometimes we must strain through tears to remember that God works with dead things.
Dead things even seem to be God’s choice creative raw materials. The prophet Ezekiel shows us this. At the end of this story stands a strong, healthy army, but the raw materials aren’t wounded soldiers but bones. And the Bible wants to make it doubly clear how dead these raw materials are. These are dry bones. No tissue, no life, no moisture left.
God works with dead things.
So how does God do it? Well, He does it through a regular feature of a worship service: the proclamation of the Word of God. God interrogates Ezekiel, “Can these bones live?” Ezekiel’s answer is funny: “O Lord God, You know.” It sounds like a respectful way of saying, “Of course not! They’re bones! But I’m not about to say that to You, because You’re God.” And so God tells Ezekiel to proclaim, to prophesy. And as God’s Spirit moves Ezekiel to proclaim the Word of the Lord, dead things come alive.
It takes the rest of the Bible to fill out just how this moment worked. We must journey to the other end of the Scriptures to realize that any and all death-raising comes from the power of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, who is the Word of God (John 1:1) and whom Paul calls the “firstfruits” of all subsequent resurrection (1 Corinthians 15:20, 23). When Ezekiel prophesied, he was ultimately preaching the gospel, the good news of Jesus Christ — who He is and what He has done. This is what hearing the Word of the Lord always ultimately means.
Worship services, at their best, are always held at gravesides. God loves camping out with His people in valleys of dry bones. Why? Because worship services are places of prophecy, Spirit-filled locations where the Word of God can be unleashed to do resurrection work. Worship songs and hymns that sing the Word and allude to the Word; prayers saturated with the Word; sermons that preach the Word; sacraments and ordinances that give the Word to our five senses — they’re all, through the Spirit, packed with resurrection power.
Sometimes a service filled with that Word reminds our despairing hopelessness that there is hope, even at a graveside. When we’re reminded of the power of the resurrecting Word, we’re filled with hope that God can take the dead things in the world and bring them to life again. And so we can turn to prayer, particularly to ask the Holy Spirit to unleash the Word to faithfully do this hope-giving, life-inspiring work. And maybe, just maybe, a resurrection will be waiting for us on the other side of our dry-boned valleys.
Aim your prayers in this direction:
Pray for the Holy Spirit to both “bring you out” into the valley where the deadness can be identified, and to fill all the elements of worship to proclaim the resurrecting Word. Pray for silent sufferers who bring their despair into the worship service undetected. Ask the Lord to minister to their pain and to open the eyes of people around them to their need. Pray bold prayers, asking for divine and miraculous intervention in any of the impossible dead places in your life or in the life of your church."'
Excerpted with permission from Before We Gather by Zac Hicks, copyright Zachary M. Hicks.
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the-hem · 1 year
Jesus and the Mustard Seeds. From Matthew 13:31-33,44-53.
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Contrary to people think, the Parable of the Mustard Seeds is not about zeal or being an effective pilgrim. It represents how men grow up and come to respect the world around them.
In this more concise version, Jesus explains how the planting of a tiny seed hide something larger and more significant:
Parable of the Mustard Seed
31 Here is another illustration Jesus used: “The Kingdom of Heaven is like a mustard seed planted in a field. 
32 It is the smallest of all seeds, but it becomes the largest of garden plants; it grows into a tree, and birds come and make nests in its branches.”
Parable of the Yeast
33 Jesus also used this illustration: “The Kingdom of Heaven is like the yeast a woman used in making bread. Even though she put only a little yeast in three measures of flour, it permeated every part of the dough.”
Parables of the Hidden Treasure and the Pearl
44 “The Kingdom of Heaven is like a treasure that a man discovered hidden in a field. In his excitement, he hid it again and sold everything he owned to get enough money to buy the field.
45 “Again, the Kingdom of Heaven is like a merchant on the lookout for choice pearls. 46 When he discovered a pearl of great value, he sold everything he owned and bought it!
Parable of the Fishing Net
47 “Again, the Kingdom of Heaven is like a fishing net that was thrown into the water and caught fish of every kind. 48 When the net was full, they dragged it up onto the shore, sat down, and sorted the good fish into crates, but threw the bad ones away. 
49 That is the way it will be at the end of the world. The angels will come and separate the wicked people from the righteous, 
50 throwing the wicked into the fiery furnace, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. 51 Do you understand all these things?”
“Yes,” they said, “we do.”
All of these parables refer to what is called Manasseh, to evaporate what does not work from the past and incorporate what functions in the present. What functions is determined by experimentation and for that we need vision, courage, and lastly evidence that we are better off as a result of taking the risk.
We know people who are persecuted because of their gender, sexual orientation, skin color, faith, or economic or housing status are not happy. The persons persecuting them are also not happy.
The only answer is to elevate the legal standard for which people will contend with each other, guaranteeing "hands off" first, the end of all legal violence against protected classes. Second, it ensures access to employment, which is necessary for food, shelter, education, and recreation, all the hallmarks of a working societies, which by the way collect more taxes than one that does not have full saturation with human equity.
Societies that allow classwars such as ours and those in other countries are never stable, they never achieve Shabbat. The instinct for peace is too strong in man. He will never allow an oppressor to steal his life from him, the struggle will never end if the law does not force the issues to a close. To legally enforce peace on earth in every quarter is meet and right.
If we look at the four scenarios Jesus spoke of, they correspond to the Four Directions and the Stages of Awakening mankind undergoes when it disembarks upon an experiement in enlightenment such as is certainly in our future in order to address our global civil rights crisis:
North. The Mustard Seed. What is Hidden by God.
Peace on earth is hidden by God. Sentient beings are required to dig for it and grow it up. It is not natural to us.
The Gematria for this section 6999, וטטט tatted, suggests peace is the result of sentient beings who spread it. Then it is woven into the rest of the population as the sentiment spreads.
Tat= embroidery,
embroider, weave, devise, design, form, tat
Ed= the witness
First, the seed, then the sprout, then the shrub then the tree, then the birds.
East. The Leavened Bread. Awakening.
Sod: the Mystical Reason for Three Matzos
Our sages tell us, that, "A child does not know how to call "Father," or "Mother," until he tastes grain." [Talmud Sanhedrin, 70b.] This implies that the consumption of wheat is associated with our intellectual development. The Arizal, R. Yitzchak Luria, says that the three matzos symbolize the three forms of intellect: Chochmah - "wisdom", Binah - "understanding", and Da"at - "awareness".
First comes the Spirit, then comes critical thinking.
South. The Pearl of Great Price. Intelligence.
No one gets job cutting lawns, slinging hash, or serving drinks to go become a dumbass. No one goes into debt for this, one's parents do not invest a lot of money and hard work in order to send their children to good schools and universities.
To be willing to give up everything in order to fill the mind with the amazing discoveries humanity has made since it stood upright is the Pearl of Great Price and a sign of one who has achieved Benjamin, which the "son of intelligence."
West. The Fishing Net. Enlightenment, Discrimination.
The Gematria says when we sacrifice our attitude problems we transition from being horny ramboys into fish who can dive deep into scripture and maneuver with ease.
To be able to net fish and determine which aspect of life stays and what gets pitched is an essential skill for a civilized human being.
52 Then he added, “Every teacher of religious law who becomes a disciple in the Kingdom of Heaven is like a homeowner who brings from his storeroom new gems of truth as well as old.”
This last verse explains the symbiosis between the church and the university, the university and the government, the government and the polity. Governments cannot be successful without the ethical backbone provided by the Church and the University, which depend on the Government for stability and security.
All of the former must contribute dividends to the people, who must be easily able to omit aspects that threaten their lives or chances for personal success. Jesus, a Roman Citizen completely understood this.
*On your own, compare the the full text of the Parable of the Mustard Seed which has the Four Soils to the above.
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lupitaunaguerrera · 1 year
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Placing these two opposite elements together, I am contrasting in VALUES (Two different walls next to a value, belief, culture or could even represent stress, doubts and discomfort). But contrast can refer to any opposing elements- such as in different textures, colors, shapes, etc.
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This describes the way the elements are placed. They show balance and asymmetry. (These elements are the same amount on both sides, but different in size making them asymmetrical) Even though the elements seem different, they work together and still produce harmony overall.
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The intention of this art was to use patterns and repetition making the visual elements attractive to the aye by focusing on the shape, texture, color, or value in an image. This tends to unify the total effect of a work of art as well as create RHYTHM.
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These elements are making unity and combining them makes a balanced, harmonious, complete WHOLE.
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My repetition and alternation of elements with defined intervals between them makes Rhythm. Even seems to create a sense of MOVEMENT. (As our eye will tend to follow the repeated elements throughout the composition.) F.-
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The relationship of positive to negative space can affect the impact of a work of art. In this art, the girl’s face and hair occupy the positive space, while her mouth is the negative space. (Only if we see it close enough, we can appreciate her smile, and without the smile the eyes can communicate more than one emotion) The negative space accentuates her emotions.
2.-WRITING AND LOOKING Appreciating, feeling, and enjoying this beautiful art is amazing!! The order of the color is fascinating; It is like it has its own aroma, an aroma that impregnates me. Every single detail is like tasting assorted flavors. These ingredients make the artist unique. This artist makes me feel the magic of feeling enjoyment just by looking at every detail transporting me to my childhood, stopping time and to where I don't even have to close my eyes to feel that pleasant moment of my childhood again. If this artist brings all the feelings alive in me means that this Art is not just any painting; it involves the whole being and spirit to the fullest. The elements, colors, emotions, atmosphere, and its aromas are the best factors any art may have to represent the roots of an amazing artist.
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Damien Hirst (British, born 1965) Title: Posterity, the holy place 2006 Medium: butterflies and gloss household paint on canvas Size: 227.3 x 121.9 cm. (89.5 x 48 in.)
I was raised as a Catholic with my grandparents. Colors were an important thing; we wore our clothes according to the holidays. Every color had a meaning and value for them. My grandparents always gave so much respect to God. The hue played a key factor, and it went to the highest Saturation when the holiday merited it. For example, the colors to wear in Good Friday were black because the death of Jesus. So, what to wear or decorate with were according to the suggestions of the church. I assume that my great passion for my cultural colors came from my grandparents’ beliefs. My culture and beliefs are reflected in everything I do, or wear are in every detail and the intensity of the colors are always present in my personality. Well, I don't just love bright colors, I am okay with warm colors which transmit to me joy, happiness, and attraction. Although my favorite color is purple, in reality, I should love orange, green and red. Orange represents freedom, enthusiasm, grace and sociability. It also symbolizes vitality and endurance. The red color stimulates the heartbeat. It evokes strong emotions, such as strength, leadership, and passion. The color green generates a relaxed mood and produces harmony, balance, generosity, kindness, and prosperity.
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I saw this picture in a t-shirt. I just loved it and I decided to paint it. It was a really quick painting for me. It didn't have a prolonged process to inspire me to take pictures of the process. I know I could have dedicated more time and waited for every layer of paint to dry very well. But one thing for sure, while I was painting this art was that it transmitted sensations through color. It was fascinating deciding what color I should use according to the meaning of the word. It was hard to pick the color because the color variations appeal more to the eye than surfaces with uniform color because they contain more information. Another thing I learned is that color influences the mood of human beings because they represent the social, cultural levels and personal relationships of each individual. A shade of some color can transport us to a memory. Just seeing it triggers the production of hormones, whether to calm and relax, provide energy, boost creativity, help rest, relieve pain, or reduce anxiety.
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comunityministry · 2 years
Check it out
Blessings! Welcome to community ministry! We haven't been on our blog for a few months. With everything happening this winter, it's kind of a blur.
We lost our beautiful Julie Fladeland on February 9th. What a courageous, strong lady. After 6 years her battle with cancer. took home to Heaven. She is now with Jesus and is running on the shore with her mom Helen and son Tayler. A Beautiful Picture in our minds! We are missing her in our lives so very much but we know she is not in any pain anymore. When we meet her there she will be waiting for us with that awesome smile, that only she has, saying welcome and standing with all the saints who have went before us. Thank You God for all of your blessings you bestow on us every day and welcoming us as we truly know we are all your children,we love you! Amen.
We had Together for Prayers this past Thursday with 6 in attendance and one on speaker phone (including Emerson who let us know he was there and we welcomed him) The time together was very special and our scripture / devotionals told us how God is always in attendance with us, where two or three are gathered, he is there, how awsome to realize that. Such a peaceful presence. In Jesus Calling we read from Jesus -- March 9th. Rest In My Radiant Presence. The world around you seems to spin faster and faster, till everything is a blur. Yet their is a cushion of calm at the center of your life, where you live in Union with Me. Return to this soothing Center as often as you can, for this is where you are energized: filled with My Love, Joy and Peace. The world is a needy place; do not go there for sustenance. Instead, come to Me. Learn to depend on Me alone, and your weakness will become saturated with My Power. When you find your completeness in Me, you can help other people without using them too meet your own needs. Live in the Light of My Presence, and your light will shine brightly into the lives of others. we have so many blessings with our Grt grandchildren coming for visits or eating out with us, along with their parents and grandparents. We also love to go and see them,,wherever they live. We are so completely energized with these our precious ones in all of our lives. Thank You Jesus for giving them to us, and for us teach to them Your Ways to walk in. Also we want to ask Our Lord to take care of our family and friends who are struggling with cancer and other sicknesses. Keep them in you Strength and Shield them from all uncertainties with your awesome Strength and Power. This and all else we ask, We ask in Your Holy and Precious Name. Amen.
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This video explains who and what I am. I strongly suggest every human on planet earth watch this. And read the two books below. Your discerning eyes and heart will be opened and you will see past all smoke screens. You will see what the True God and his son Jesus Christ wants you to see.
Who are the 144,000?
We MUST Come Face-To-Face with the Beginning Of “Great Tribulation” Events.
Now on Amazon.
“Behold, JEHOVAH has one who is mighty and strong; like a storm of hail, a destroying tempest, like a storm of mighty, overflowing waters, he casts down to the earth with his hand.'' Isaiah 28:2
“Thus says JEHOVAH of hosts: Behold, disaster is going forth from nation to nation, and a great tempest is stirring from the farthest parts of the earth! Jeremiah 25:32
But the saints of the Most High shall receive the kingdom, and possess the kingdom forever, even forever and ever. (Daniel 7:18 NKJV)
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