#jet habla
jetstarred · 3 months
oye alguien dejo un like en mi post sobre tratándo de hacer mas posts en español y se me completamente olvido sobre eso 😭 nunca recuerdo ninguna de las cosas que yo dijo
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manaosdeuwu · 11 months
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yo en mi día más tranqui
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Blonde twink gets destroyed by the clap of Brazil's ass cheeks
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Jet stream Sam:
You like Brazilian chads with dummy thicc thighs that save lives, are an avid listener to bury the light, or have probably never played any other Metal Gear game since you are an avid RaidenxSam shipper who tends to forget or not know that Raiden has a wife (to be fair Rose repeatedly manipulated him and is a terrible cook so obviously Sam is the better choice and you have good taste in husbandos).
First Date:
You were at the local strip club, your boyfriend recently having dumped you. You decided you would go get drunk and watch some hot men dance to ease your troubles. You poured down your tequila and burped. "This better be worth it!" You brought all the cash you had on you which was pathetically small since your only source of income was from working at Wal-Mart.
Suddenly bright lights were flashing in neon colors and for some reason it reminded you of your friends rgb pc setup. "Hey ladies, give it out to our first man of the night, the incredibly sexy Corrente de Jato" Next thing you knew, men and women around you were screaming like they were at a boy band concert. "I guess this guy must be really popular huh?" Soon catchy techno music was blasting and out came a rugged yet chiseled man.
"Lets dance!" He began taking off his clothes and was soon only wearing a thong, not leaving much to the imagination. His rythmn matched the beat and you had to admit that he was pretty good because he could do some wicked moves on that dance pole. The money started pouring in. "Yes, yes I like this!" the man thought. In the corner of the room a slight growl could faintly be heard. There was a lone cardboard box. Underneath of course was none of then Raiden.
"That bastard! So this is what he's been up to? Well I think it's time to make my entrance!" He slowly crept to the front of the row. "What the hell is that?" Raiden was bumping into more people than someone playing bumper cars so everyone eventually took notice and stopped paying attention to Sam. "Shit! I think I've been compromised. Alright, plan b!" He tore away the box and revealed himself.
"Raiden? Is that You? What on earth are you doing here!?" The cyborg pointed his blade at the Brazilian man. "I'm the one that should be asking you that! This sword is a tool of justice but tonight I shall prove that I'm the victor!" Samuel laughed. "By all means pretty boy, if you think this is so easy then why don't you try it yourself?" Raiden took this as a challenge and entered the spotlight. "Alright. Girls like hot guys with accents rights? I think I've got this."
He readjusted his sombrero. "Hola, putas! Se habla español." An angry woman threw her beer bottle at him. "TAKE IT OFF!" He tapped the mic. "Please bear with me ladies and gentlemen, the show will start momentarily. El elemento por favor!" He tore off his suit and smirked. "WHERE IS IT?" Raiden thought he was doing everything right. "Huh?" The crowd was getting restless. "WHERE'S HIS DICK!" Just before Raiden could protest and trauma dump to the entire audience about how the patriots removed most of his body, Sam interjected.
"Hey, why don't we get back to dancing!" The boos turned back into cheers and then Raiden noticed the difference in the crowds reactions. He decided to give dancing a shot. He may be Liberian but he is 100% white with the way he danced. "GET HIM OFF THE STAGE!" Raiden was starting to get angry. "YOU GUYS JUST DON'T APPRECIATE THE ROBOT! BESIDES, WHAT'S HE HAVE THAT I DON'T!"
In unison the drunk patrons began yelling "NO DICK! NO DICK! NO DICK! NO DICK!" The cyborg sighed. He began to feel himself losing to Jack the ripper. "Fuck this, I'll just kill Sam and go home." he thought. Raiden tore the dance pole down and began to use it like L'Etranger. He went to stab Sam but the man managed to parry him. "WHY WON'T YOU DIE!?" he screamed. Unfortunately for Raiden, he was oblivious to the fact that Samuel hadn't been dancing at all but had been doing capoeira.
"SHOW ME A GOOD TIME JACK!" Everyone began to evacuate as the two men battled and the speakers began to play the only thing I know for real. The building was soon turned into rubble and the men lay there motionless, panting. "Well I'm out of a job now blondie so you better find me some work." Raiden let out a loud "GOD DAMNIIIIIIT!" and curled into the fetal position. He didn't want to deal with this shit again.
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stxrmylxve · 2 years
Talk dirty to me lyrics (ft tr boys)
Haha, get jazzy on 'em  baji
I'm that flight that you get on, international First class seat on my lap, girl, riding comfortable, ha (oh yeah) ran 'Cause I know what da girl dem need, New York to Haiti kokonoi I got lipstick stamps on my passport, you make it hard to leave ran
Been around the world, don't speak the language (uh-huh) mikey But your booty don't need explaining (uh-huh) All I really need to understand is (uh-huh) When you, you talk dirty to me You talk dirty to me (what?) Talk dirty to me hanma You talk dirty to me (what?) Get jazzy on 'em kokonoi
You know the words to my songs, no habla inglés (oh) izana Our conversations ain't long shinichiro But you know what it is ;) ran I know what the girl dem want, London to Taiwan I got lipstick stamps on my passport, I think I need a new one rindou
Been around the world, don't speak the language (uh-huh) mikey But your booty don't need explaining (uh-huh) smiley All I really need to understand is (uh-huh) When you, you talk dirty to me You talk dirty to me (what?) Talk dirty to me You talk dirty to me (what?) hanma
Met a friend in Rio inui (Dos) She was all on me, oh draken (Tres) We could ménage à three, oh (Cuatro) Oh, yeah (2 Chainz) izana
Dos Cadenas, close to genius takemichi Sold out arenas, you can suck my penis Gilbert Arenas, guns on deck (deck) taiju Chest to chest, tongue on neck (neck) hanma International oral sex Every picture I take, I pose a threat sanzu Boat or jet, what do you expect? rindou Her pussy so good I bought her a pet draken Anyway, every day I'm tryna get to it shinichiro Got her saved in my phone under "Big Booty" Anyway, every day I'm tryna get to it shinichiro Got her saved in my phone under "Big Booty"
Been around the world, don't speak the language (uh-huh) mikey But your booty don't need explaining (uh-huh) smiley All I really need to understand is (uh-huh) When you, you talk dirty to me (you do) You talk dirty to me (yeah, yeah) Talk dirty to me (talk to me) Talk dirty to me (oh yeah) hanma Oh, get jazzy on 'em kokonoi
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antaxzantax · 1 year
Chapter 1 - Scene
Alexander deshizo su tercera maleta consecutiva. Una montaña de ropa, un traje, sus guantes de boxeo malmetidos en un hueco, novelas románticas y una caja de madera cerrada con un pequeño candado. Al colocar con brusquedad sus guantes de boxeo sobre el montón de cuadernos que ya tenía sobre la cama, estos se precipitaron al suelo, donde se dispersaron con un irritante estruendo. Alexander corrió a recoger los cuadernos extraviados, tropezándose en el acto con un maletín que había situado en la esquina izquierda del somier. Iracundo por su torpeza, estampó uno de los cuadernos contra las sábanas. Suspiró, consciente de su brusquedad. Antes de continuar, se estiró para repensar su situación.
Había vuelto de los Estados Unidos esa misma mañana, poco después del amanecer. La cabeza le dolía por el jet lag y todavía estaba enfadado por la negativa de su supervisor doctoral de no aceptar su proyecto de tesis, uno enfocado al estudio de trastornos genéticos mediante su secuenciación genómica. Sorpresivamente, su supervisor se había justificado aduciendo un motivo religioso. Tras medio discutir con él, ya que no se atrevió a recriminarle su irracionalidad, Alexander acordó modificar el proyecto o reemplazar a su supervisor. Como no podía proponer a su padre, pensó en escribirle a una profesora de Cambridge que había publicado sobre epigenética y enfermedades congénitas. Pero antes de pillar el bolígrafo, debía arreglar la leonera que era su dormitorio.
Comenzó a manosear los cuadernos y libros desparramados por el suelo, averiguando cuál sería el modo más eficiente de ordenarlos, cuando llamaron dos veces a la puerta: ¿madre o padre?
—¿Sí? —inquirió enmascarando su malestar.
La puerta se abrió. Padre: Edward emergió del naturalmente iluminado pasillo. Alexander sonrió, dejando encima de la cama uno de los libros que había yacido sobre la carmesí alfombra. Se dieron un abrazo rápido, al modo de su fallecido abuelo Arthur, sin golpearse la espalda. Edward lucía su canoso bigote, perfilado con esmero, del cual no se había desprendido desde que, al menos, Alexander tenía uso de razón. Él mismo se había dejado crecer la barba, no porque le hiciera sentirse más viril, sino por mera estética; para percibirse más atractivo. Tampoco su padre había dejado de llevar el suéter color crema ni los pantalones castaños que usualmente se ponía cuando no había visitas en Ashford Hall.
—¿Qué tal, hijo? —Edward demostraba su cariño, y su preocupación, desde la simplicidad. —Veo que estás ocupado con un asunto delicado —refiriéndose al desorden del habitáculo.
—No es nada. Ha sido culpa mía. —Alexander intentó conciliar. —Bien. Estoy bien. —Alexander era tan dado como su padre a la parquedad. —Estaba ordenando los bártulos y he tenido un accidente —se rio de sí mismo.
Edward se fijó en el contenido de la maleta abierta. Se acercó para ver mejor lo que parecía ser una caja de madera cerrada con un candado.
—Ah, y buenos días, papá —agregó.
—¿Papá? —deslizó la diestra sobre la tapa de la caja—. ¿Ahora hablas como un americano?
Alexander pensó que el comentario iba en serio. En ocasiones, era difícil distinguir cuando Edward abusaba del sarcasmo o de su seriedad.
—Es broma, Sasha. —detuvo su inspección de la caja. —¿Me has traído un souvenir?
Alexander se situó en el lado contrario de la cama, enfrente de Edward. Descubrió la caja de madera de la maleta, la cual situó en el centro del colchón, y una pequeña llave que había guardado en el bolsillo de su pantalón. Descorrió el cerrojo del candado, desvelando una radio de manufactura estadounidense. Un artefacto diseñado por y para coleccionistas compulsivos como su padre.
—Vaya —exclamó con satisfacción. —Por casualidad, ¿no será para mí?
—Así es. —Cogió la radio y se la entregó a Edward. Este último casi la tiró al suelo por calcular mal su peso.
—¡Perdón! Pesa un poco —se disculpó Alexander.
—¿Un poco? ¡Casi me parte los brazos! —clamó con impostada severidad.
Alexander se aguantó la risa. Azuzado por la ofuscación que le provocaba el dolor de cabeza y la cómica reacción de su padre, estuvo a punto de soltar una carcajada que, de algún modo, habría evidenciado el repentino patetismo de Edward. Por el contrario, se contuvo para añadir un seco:
—Espero que te guste.
Edward analizó el artefacto con entusiasmo. Se tomó su tiempo en comprobar cada mecanismo para detectar cualquier defecto, mientras Alexander continuaba recogiendo los libros y cuadernos del suelo. Satisfecho, palmeó el hombro de su hijo.
—Gracias, Sasha. Luego me gustaría ver qué le has comprado a tu madre.
—Claro. —Alexander le palmeó en la espalda como agradecimiento.
—Ah —Edward se dio la vuelta. —Hace dos días me llamó Oswell Spencer. El viernes se reunirá conmigo sobre su plan para fundar una empresa biotecnológica. Te mantendré informado.
—Gracias, padre. —Edward asintió con la cabeza y cerró la puerta. Alexander, a solas, recogió los guantes de boxeo que habían sido culpables del estropicio. Dentro del guante derecho había guardado un regalo especial para su madre, Elizabeth.
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kpopspain · 24 days
#KwonEunbi habla sobre volar en jet privado y comprar un edificio
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skyisliquid · 1 month
Jet Love
Cuando creia que tenia que esperar un año para nuestro reencuentro, resulta que no, que van a ser dos. Me quiero matar de la angustia. No sabe igual que va a hacer. Pero ya se que no nos vamos a volver a ver. Por prioridades de él. Claramente yo no lo soy y no lo seré. Es momento de cambiar la mente, dejar que fluya, dejar de esperar a alguien que no me hace lugar. Me dijo "cuidate que te quiero ver cuando llegue, no se cuando llegaré". DEJA DE ILUSIONAR AMIGO. No podes estar pensando que te voy a esperar dos años ahora. Me fumé la noticia hoy y no puedo creerlo. Llorar es opción hoy. Para que me hablas? para decirme que nos vemos QUIZAS en dos años? Ni siquiera se si vas a volver aca. Ya no creo nada. Ojalá pueda sacarte de mi mente pronto, en serio. Me cansé un poco. Me duele un montón escribir esto, pero creo que no va mas realmente.
- y ya no somos tan pendejos, no soporto otro golpe al corazón.-
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diariomacho · 3 months
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ultraestebancastle · 6 months
Hold On - Jet
Hace poco escuche esta canción, que sale en la película de Spider Man 2, precisamente sale en una escena donde Peter se encuentra desubicado o confundido pues está perdiendo sus poderes y puede decirse que también el foco, la canción habla un poco de eso, habla de cuando tomas un camino el cual lo sigues por años, mucho tiempo sin duda, pero con miedo, y no pude sentirme más identificado, hace mucho comencé algo de lo que me ha costado salir, y la verdad es que me da tanto miedo el volver a salir a tener esa sensación de incertidumbre en la que no sé qué va a pasar, si algo se aproxima o si no, en realidad me siento muy ansioso, siento un impulso en el que sé que ya no pertenesco en donde estoy, pero necesito permanecer aquí hasta que pueda encontrar algo que me dé más libertad, es como pagar renta con atención y afecto solo para no dormir en la calle.
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juanmecanico · 7 months
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Hamilton elogia enormemente a la fuerza laboral de Mercedes ¡Impresionante! Hablando de #Formula1, parece que Lewis Hamilton está impresionado con la preparación de Mercedes para el Gran Premio de Australia. De acuerdo con el artículo, Hamilton alabó la manera en que el equipo ha estado trabajando, diciendo que algunos aspectos de su preparación son "los mejores que he visto nunca". Al lado de la encomiable declaración de Hamilton, es importante hacer una pausa aquí y decir que esto habla mucho del nivel de dedicación y compromiso que se necesita para competir al más alto nivel en las carreras. No es exactamente un jet privado y champán todos los días, necesitas una notable cantidad de trabajo de equipo y preparación meticulosa. ¡Wow, eso es algo impresionante! Y para aquellos de yous que están diciendo "Sí, pero Hamilton siempre dice cosas positivas sobre Mercedes", consideren esto: no está simplemente agitando la bandera del equipo aquí. En la temporada pasada, Hamilton tuvo problemas con la fiabilidad del coche. Así que si está hablando tan altamente de cómo ha sido la preparación hasta ahora, eso puede significar que los fallos del coche pueden ser menos este año. Si eso se traduce en más consistencia en la pista y más éxitos en las carreras, ¡será interesante verlo! Vamos a la pieza más jugosa de este pastel ahora. ¿Sabéis qué me molesta realmente? La feroz rivalidad entre Hamilton y Max Verstappen. ¿Quién necesita un combate de boxeo cuando tienes esto? Mercedes y Red Bull se los están llevando a los dos a los límites de sus capacidades y, por supuesto, esto no siempre cae bien. Así que aquí está mi opinión polémica: la F1 se está convirtiendo en poco más que un concurso de "mi coche es más rápido que el tuyo". ¡Debería tratarse de la habilidad del conductor, no de qué equipo tiene los bolsillos más profundos! ¡Suficiente con el drama! #PorElAmorDelAuto ¿Qué piensas tú? ¿Se está llevando la rivalidad entre Hamilton y Verstappen la mejor parte de la carrera? ¿Está la F1 perdiendo su esencia o esto es simplemente una parte del espectáculo? ¡Hagamos que esa sea nuestra conversación hoy!
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jetstarred · 2 years
yo pienso qué voy a empezar a escribir algunos mis posts en español para practicar mi gramática porque es muy mal quando estoy escribiendo. mi pobre mami, ella ni siquiera me correcta quando le mando mensajes
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chrancecriber · 1 year
Radio SunLounge Romania (April 14, 2023)
23:56 Magica Fe - Words 23:50 Gabriel Le Mar - Welcome To Dreamland 23:49 Ryke & Blaudiss - Trains Of Thought 23:45 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 23:44 Jazzamor - Sometimes 23:37 Helicopter Girl - Umbrellas In The Rain 23:36 Jens Buchert - Fly With Me 23:33 Rui - One Man Show 23:29 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 23:23 Gold Lounge - Silence 23:21 Five Seasons - Smooth Workout 23:15 Project Blue Sun - Show Me What You Know 23:11 Luke Standing - The Hushed Love 23:01 Mark Otten - Tranquility 22:56 D. Batistatos - Jet Lagged Nights 22:51 Slackwax - Midnight 22:49 Jens Buchert - Seroton 22:46 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 22:44 Schwarz & Funk - Under My Skin (Remastered Version) 22:40 Capa - Imperfection 22:34 Ettore Poggipollini - Minha Janela - Lead Acoustic Guitar 22:32 Vargo - The Flow (Aural Float Mix) 22:28 Tosca - Lone Ranger 22:25 Skyshape - Paper Dwarf 22:15 Skindive Inc. - Hopelessly Love (The Man Behind C. Edit) 22:13 The Man Behind C. - Make You Mine 22:09 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 22:04 Dakota Soul - Tha Gud Ole Daze 21:59 Five Seasons - Round And Round 21:58 Charlie North - Wholoo 21:54 Honour - Aradeo 21:48 Derail - Freedom - Deep Mix 21:45 Ana Criado - Can’t Hold Back The Rain (Dark Matters Original) 21:39 Jones Meadow - Moment 21:35 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 21:34 Lemongrass - Loving You 21:27 Lenny Mac Dowell - To Remember 21:20 Idenline - At Sunset (Original Mix) 21:19 Five Seasons - Fleeting Moments Feat. Jane Maximova (Original Mix) 21:12 Sandra - Perfect Touch 21:10 Jaytech Feat. Melody Gough - Blue Ocean (Original Mix) 21:07 Rapsody Featuring Angelique Kidjo & David Whitley - A Child Is Born 20:47 Weathertunes - Siddharta 20:44 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 20:41 The Ls Project - Le Voyage De La Vie 20:34 Style Project - Cloudy Eyes (Vocal Mix) 20:28 Bob Harz - What We Are 20:26 Spinne - Saxophonecheck 20:23 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 20:18 Zelonka - Destination Moon (Elektrohandel Remix) 20:16 Faro - A Blue Kind Sphere 20:06 Nostalgia 77 - Quiet Dawn (Bonobo Remix) 20:04 N.juravel - Glow (Original Mix) 20:00 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 19:59 Five Seasons - Endlessly 19:52 Five Seasons - Love Apple (Lemongrass Wet Dreams Remix) 19:47 Lebensart - Eastern Sunset (World Colours Mix) 19:46 Flunk - Blue Monday 19:43 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 19:37 L-' Art Mystique - Beautiful Things 19:35 Marga Sol - Love Affair (Original Mix) 19:31 Cafe Royale - Huelva 19:25 How To Destroy Angels - A Drowning (Vikmir Remix) 19:21 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 19:16 Kraak & Smaak Feat. Parcels - Stumble (Blue Motel Remix) 19:14 Trillian - A Little Love 19:07 El Petit Jardi - Clic Du Mer (Original Mix) 19:04 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 18:59 Felipe Gonzalez - No Hablas Espagnol (Original Mix) 18:54 Leo & Roby Ruini - La Suite - Original Mix 18:49 Peter Pearson - Can Summer Last Forever 18:48 Living Room - Brasil Soul (Original Mix) 18:41 Kraak & Smaak - Sommeron (Feat. Imugi Weapon) (Satin Jackets Remix) 18:36 Thunderball - Dub Science Feat. Zeebo 18:34 Jean Mare - Everything (Original Mix) 18:31 Mishel Gineras - One Night In The Desert (Original Mix) 18:27 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 18:22 Roger Sanchez - Another Chance (Afterlife Remix) 18:18 Krystian Shek - Samarkand (Feat. Nina Ramsby) 18:12 Michael E - Magic Carpet Ride 18:05 Nofilter Feat. Furns - Just A Fling (Original Mix) 18:01 De-phazz Feat. Karl Frierson - Time Slips 17:57 Atb - We Belong 17:52 Vargo - Talking One Language 17:48 Loop Fruit Split - Rain Reason 17:47 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 17:44 Nightcruzer - Alright 4 Now (Island Mix) 17:37 Fresh Moods - Rhythmbreeze 17:33 Goloka - Tobacco Slide 17:29 Weekend Players - Angel 17:29 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 17:24 Solarflow - Always Yours 17:18 Spooky - Strange Addiction 17:14 Idenline - Call Me 17:10 Man In A Room - Thief Of Time (Feat. Sanura) 17:06 Sangar - So Beautiful 17:02 Ross Couch - First Love (Original Mix) 16:58 Triangle Sun - Back To Soul (Instrumental) 16:53 Ohm G - Island Dreams 16:49 Mercer & Gissal - Scandal (Feat. Nicole Grimaldi) 16:45 Green Rabbit - Primal Self 16:38 Nate Connelly - You Echo 16:33 Lemongrass - Nightglow 16:29 Consoul Trainin Feat Joan Kolova - Beautiful (Kosmopolitans Mix) 16:24 Lounge Traveller - Many Places 16:20 Paul Hardcastle - Looking For You 16:11 The Sushi Club - Hamaguri 16:06 Dub Mars - Between The Lines 16:01 Faro - Our Balloon 15:56 Lucky Loop - Take A Look 15:50 Lux - 100 Billion Stars 15:45 Giyo - Interplanetary 15:39 Chic Mopà - Do What? 15:35 Pretz (N. Cowley) - Chapel Stile 15:32 Nightcruzer - Alright 4 Now (Island Mix) 15:32 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 15:27 Steen Thottrup - Waterdrops 15:24 Dj Rob De Blank - Love Is All Around Me 15:18 Xemplify - Always You 15:13 Cocogroove - Puerto Azul (Blue Waves Mix) 15:13 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 15:08 Deniz Reno - Fly (Sub Orchestra Mix) 15:05 White Noize Project - Pictures 15:01 Magneti C4 - Bebossa 14:54 Miriam Kappert - Remember This Time (Sweet Velvet Del Mar Cafe Chillout Mix) 14:50 Nicola Hitchcock - Surrender 14:45 Simon Le Grec - I Need U (Smooth Mix) 14:39 York - Bye Bye Baby (Chill Out Mix) 14:32 Twentyeight - Monday Night 14:27 4 My Roots - Chillwalker 14:23 Fobee - Broken Glass 14:19 The Source - Disillusion Of A Dream 14:14 Dmtunes - After The Storm 14:14 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 14:09 Konstantin Klashtorni - The Fall 14:03 Lemongrass - Ocean Kiss 14:00 Ian Pooley Feat. Marcos Valle - Sentimento 13:56 Marga Sol - Tocca Me 13:55 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 13:51 Sphere - Dreamer 13:45 Espresso Del Lago - Suratat 13:41 Angel Tibetan - Brings 13:32 Simon Le Grec - Its Only Love (Smooth Mix) 13:32 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 13:26 Middle - Sunday's Walk 13:22 Luis Hermandez - Aura (Original Mix) 13:18 Dj Tiesto - The Tube (Domenico Cascarino & Luca Lombardi Acoustic Mix) 13:13 Pascal Dubois - Deep Into The Night (Long Island Mix) 13:09 Natalia Clavier - Azul 13:07 Artonia - Grow 13:03 At The Eleventh - Venice Beach Girls (Springbreak In The Hotel Californa Mix) 12:56 Rodney Hunter - Electric Lady (Elektrische Bidde Mix) 12:51 Roberto Sol - Miles Beyond (Late Night Mix) 12:46 Max Melvin - Roots 12:42 Tears - Cicada 12:38 Lemongrass, Jane Maximova - I Miss You 12:37 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 12:31 Fobee - Samsara 12:28 Eriq Johnoson - Hold My Hand 12:23 Megablast - Love Is Always There 12:18 Airily - 42nd Street (Lemongrass Remix) 12:18 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 12:11 Infusion - Love And Imitation 12:06 Villablue Feat. Juanita Grande - If I Could Tell You 12:03 Goson - Stop 11:58 Schiller - Strandmusik 11:53 Urban Phunk Society - Love Echoes 11:49 Everything But The Girl - Single (Brad Wood Memphis Remix) 11:43 Michael E - Rainy Thursday 11:41 Lisa Rose Harrison - Paint It Black 11:40 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 11:36 Asheni - Butterfly (Original Mix) 11:29 Dimilyan - For Her Only (Original Mix) 11:26 Audiotreats Feat. Mia - Mesmerize 11:22 Dj Maretimo - Sun Addicted (Pure Beach Cut) 11:21 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 11:16 Sigh - The Bomb 11:10 Baghira - Put Your Arms 11:05 Blu Martini - Better With You (Miguel Musso Mix) 10:58 Sunyata Project, Chris Le Blanc - Journey To Mandurai (Extended Mix) 10:58 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 10:52 Sunpeople - Lost (Born This Way Mix) 10:49 Bent - As You Fall 10:45 Soundset City - You Are My Angel (Smooth Vocal Lounge Mix) 10:39 Naoki Kenji - Bedtime 10:35 Johannes Huppertz - Seven Sences (Original Mix) 10:31 Malkou - Paris Denim 10:26 Faro - Language Of The Stars (Remake) 10:22 Fenomenon - Out Of Control 10:17 Triangle Sun - Secret Desire 10:13 Paul Hardcastle & Ryan Farish - Espanyah 10:09 Lemongrass - Journey To A Star 10:06 Stepo Del Sol - Summer Dreams 10:02 Curly Brown - Lost In Space 09:57 Fineconfine - Drops 09:52 Everything But The Girl - Single (Brad Wood Memphis Remix) 09:48 Florito - Saigon Morning 09:48 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 09:43 Piero Ft. Mia Lemar - Red Sunset 09:35 Lazy Hammock - Starsoul 09:29 The Man Behind C. Feat. Miriam - See You Again 09:23 York - Iceflowers 09:17 Blank & Jones - Closer To Me 09:13 Audio Lotion - Azul De Voceo 09:08 Dublex Inc. Feat. Alice Russel - Don't Make Me Want You 09:04 Atb - Moving Backwards (Feat. Kate Louise Smith) 09:00 Michael E - Be As One (Michael E Remix) 08:55 Digital Project - Pink Umbrella (Feat. L.o.b.) 08:51 Stargazer - Because 08:47 Photo In Lounge - Have A Good Time 08:43 Marga Sol - Cafe Del Amor 08:38 Eriq Johnson & Movox Feat. Marga Sol - Noname Story (Original Mix) 08:34 Seoan - Far From Paradise (Heaven Voices Mix) 08:30 Cafe Americaine - Tobago Transfer (Sad Waves Mix) 08:29 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 08:26 Miss B.t - Right Now (Sweet Lovin' Edit) 08:22 El Rubello - It's Not Unusual 08:17 Chris Le Blanc - Beyond The Sunsets (Ibiza Late Night Mix) 08:12 Boom Jinx - Half The Man (Feat. Justine Suissa) 08:12 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 08:09 Soulchef - Frequency 08:04 Lazygrooves - Walk With Me 08:01 Mystique - Essences (Rico Van Basten Chil Mix) 07:55 Recloose - Abscence Of One 07:51 Naoki Kenji - Ongaku 07:46 Marcus Koch - Leaving 07:41 Schwarz & Funk - Endless Blue 07:36 Di Polar - Vertraumt 07:36 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 07:29 Pacator - Tears (Marcielo Ambient Mix) 07:25 Stendahl Feat. Jama - Follow Me (Original Mix) 07:21 Sumatic - Heut' Nacht 07:14 Max Melvin - Whatever 07:14 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 07:06 Sidewinder - The Adventure (Original Mix) 07:00 Blue Lagoona - Follow Me 06:55 Marga Sol - Midnight Flight 06:50 Sunyata Project - Journey To Mandurai (Original Mix) 06:50 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 06:44 Canedrive - Just Another Day 06:41 Jacob Gurevitsch - Affection (Original Mix) 06:37 Akmusique - Café Noir 06:32 Marga Sol - My Dream (Original Mix) 06:27 Jojo Effect - Somewhere In Between 06:23 Living Room - Maui Pie 06:18 Nina Simone - Black Is The Color Of My True Love's Hair (Jaffa Remix) 06:12 Solanos - Sambado 06:12 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 06:09 No Horizons - Stranded (On The Beach) (Early Bird Edit) 06:05 Soulavenue - Stuck In A Dream 06:01 Mark Mars - Ship's Lounge (Downtown Slow Mix) 05:58 Charly-'n Black - Today 05:53 Jens Buchert - Aerosol 05:49 Setsuna - White Light 05:42 Paul Hardcastle - Unlimited Love 05:37 Riccardo Eberspacher - Malay 05:31 Don Gorda Project - Cielo Terso 05:28 Stepo Del Sol - Sunday Morning Coffee 05:24 Lounge System - Touch My Body 05:19 Vargo - Talking One Language Anniversary Mix 05:16 Kiwi Twist - Jazz Lady (Original Mix) 05:11 Ana Criado - Can’t Hold Back The Rain (Dark Matters Original) 05:08 C Cil - Calm & Quiet 05:03 Bank & Jones - Beyond Time (Ambient Edit) 04:59 Jesus Mondejar - Esencia De Mar (Original Mix) 04:53 Patrick Baker - Control (5 Reasons Remix) 04:49 Perfect Sin - Raindrop 04:45 Mirage Of Deep - More Than I Can Bear 04:44 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 04:40 Roberto Sol - Nube De Agua (Feat. Ines Prados) (Extended Mix) 04:35 Gushi & Raffunk - Good To Me (Original Mix) 04:31 Hotel Riviera - Another Chance For Love 04:26 Yppah - Occasional Magic 04:23 Blank & Jones W. Coralie Clément - J'en Reste Là 04:19 Hysteria! - Talking Eyes (Chillout Mix) 04:14 Jjos & Fede Garcia & Deary's - Foolish Game (Evolution Vocal Mix) 04:07 Max Melvin - Whatever (Sunset Mix) 04:02 Merge Of Equals - Don-'t You Know 03:57 Purple Avenue - American Boy 03:51 Euphonic Traveller - Cafe Champs Elysees (Original Mix) 03:47 Dido - I'm No Angel 03:42 Chill Cole - Urban Stories 03:37 Soho Lounge - Chiaro Di Luna 03:32 Dj Maretimo - La Mère Du Génie (Funky Waves Mix) 03:27 Lemongrass - Sunset People 03:23 Smooth Gravity - Best Day Of My Life 03:19 Prana Tones - Ashtanga Voices 03:13 Velvet Lounge Project - Why Should I Say No! (Flashbaxx Remix) 03:07 Airstream - Land Of Dreams (Escape Mix) 03:07 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 03:03 Cam - Romantic Love 02:59 Blue Stone - Come Alive (Feat. Sheyenne Rivers) 02:54 Clelia Felix - Keep Watching The Stars 02:49 Blank & Jones - Days (Cantoma Dub Mix) 02:45 Der Waldläufer - Flores 02:40 E-sonic - For What I Want 02:35 Albert St. Barth - Vie Amoureuse (Lounge Mix) 02:31 Lazy Hammock - Island Lover 02:31 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 02:27 Mystic Diversions - Float On 02:24 Dave Palmer - Venezia (Love In The City Mix) 02:18 Friendly Breaks - Morning Lounge (Groovy Chillout Mix) 02:13 Opium Lounge - No Time 02:09 Anthony Island Feat. Lazy Hammock - Never Goin' Back 02:05 Yantra Mantra - Raga Prana 02:02 Breakfast Trim - Dubai Sun (Original Mix) 01:58 Topazz - Behind The Wheel 01:53 Lyves - Darkest Hour 01:49 Hotel Riviera - Another Change Of Love 01:45 At The Eleventh - Venice Beach Girls (Springbreak In The Hotel Californa Mix) 01:41 Greenfinch - Sad Ballerina 01:37 Openzone Bar - Kiss In The Dark 01:31 Hello Meteor - Night Distance 01:26 Jane Maximova - Morning Bird (Feat. Dmirty Raschepkin) 01:19 Cinematic - Empty Room (Daydreaming Mix) 01:19 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 01:13 Climatic - Doo Wop 01:09 Majestic 12 - Superstar (Album Version) 01:03 Steen Thottrup, Denver Knoesen - Balearic Bliss 00:59 Ghostly Kisses - Empty Note 00:54 Max Melvin - Earth Inside (Sunset Mix) 00:50 D. Batistatos, Evita Saloustrou - Anymore 00:43 Skindive Inc. - Hopelessly Love (The Man Behind C. Edit) 00:37 Gaelle - Falling 00:32 Lafoliedamour - You 00:27 Twentyeight - Butterflies (Original Mix) 00:21 Nils Petter Molvær - Merciful (Herbert's We Mix) 00:17 Zouave Feat. Liv - Wonderful Life (After Hour Remix) 00:14 Trebles And Blues - The Soulmate That Seldom Speak 00:09 Paul Hardcastle - Apache Warrior 00:05 Idenline - At Sunset (Original Mix) 00:00 Pearldiver - Daydream 00:00 Jingle - Radiosun.ro
0 notes
dellaspinstales · 3 years
Loving Cup, Chapter Six
Riff x Reader (West Side Story)
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Plot preview: On a rainy Sunday evening, Y/N has her first date with Luis, but an encounter with the Jets and a visitor at her fire escape threaten to weaken her resolve. 
Content warning: Descriptions of fighting, injury, and bleeding. 
Notes: Thank you so much for reading!! Let me know if you’d like to be tagged :-) 
I’ve chosen a sleeveless dark purple dress for tonight. I smooth down the skirt; it’s a little short, but I figure if I throw a cardigan on top, it will balance out the look. Luis is already here, chatting to Nardo and Anita in the kitchen.
Riff’s chain is around my neck; it’s started to become a comforting presence, to the point that I feel strange when I’m not wearing it.
Someone knocks at my door. “Can I come in?”
“One second.” I scramble to my wardrobe and pull out a cream-coloured cardigan. I button it up frantically, obscuring my necklace from view. “¡Adelante!”
Anita cracks the door open just enough to slip inside. “Wow, te ves hermosa.”
“Gracias, I’m almost ready.”
She sits on the edge of my bed. “Take your time. He’s early, anyway”
I stand in front of the mirror, pulling my hair up into a ponytail. I can see Anita watching me in the reflection.
“What is it?”
“Nothing. Jorge said thank you for the rice.”
“Sí, Nardo told me.”
“I was just thinking about that day at the market. When you needed guavas for jam.” My hands freeze in my hair.
“How did you pay? Jorge wasn’t there, right?” Even just the reflection of her narrowed eyes is enough to make my stomach sink.
I clear my throat. “Yes, that’s why I only bought one to eat. I hid the money in the crate.”  
Anita raises an eyebrow. “Si tú lo dices.”
I smooth down the ponytail and scan the room for my purse. It’s my special occasion bag, deep blue with a small silver latch. I spot it on my windowsill, leaning against my aloe vera plant.
“Muñeca, are you sure you want to do this?”
I grab the bag and turn around to Anita. “¿De qué hablas? Isn’t this what you wanted?”
“I know, muñeca. Luis is a good person. You need to think about it.”
I frown. “I am thinking about it. That’s why we’re going on a date.”
Anita nods tightly. I stare at her for a few moments before I start walking to the door. “He’ll be waiting.”
She slides off the bed to follow me out. “It looks like it’s going to rain. Take a coat.”
“No, está bien.” If I add one more layer to this outfit, I’ll pass out from heat before we even start eating.
Luis and Nardo are sitting at the kitchen table. Luis is wearing a dark grey dress shirt with a white check pattern. They both stand up when we walk out of my bedroom.
“My beautiful sister! Te ves tan linda,” Nardo exclaims. “You two should head out, they’ll be waiting.” Even with Luis, it wouldn’t be appropriate for the two of us to go on a first date alone; Rosalia, Sebas, Flaco, and Jacinta are meeting us for dinner.
“Enjoy yourselves, just be back by 8,” Anita says.
Nardo is grinning broadly. This is the moment he’s been hoping for, after all. We say our goodbyes and head out the front door.
I’m picking at the seams of purse handle as Luis and I head down the corridor.
“You look very pretty tonight,” Luis says tentatively, as we start walking down the staircase.
“Oh, thank you. Te ves muy guapo.”
He smiles. “Have you ever been to this place before?”
“I don’t know where we’re going.”
“It’s a diner on Church Street. They have this pollo guisado, es tan sabroso.”
“A Puerto Rican diner?”
“Sí, t’s not really a diner,” he admits. “More like a café.”
“Well, I’m excited to try it.”
Luis smiles again as he holds the apartment entrance door open for me. I step out onto the street.
Rosalia pulls at my arm and leans towards me. “I still can’t believe it,” she says in a hush, conspiratorial tone.
“¿Qué?” I whisper.
Jacinta giggles. “We just never thought it would happen. But you and Luis are so good together.”
“Who is we?”
Rosalia rolls her eyes. “You know. Everyone.”
I don’t know what Jacinta is basing her comments on, seeing as Luis and I barely had the chance to talk to each other tonight. Rosalia and Sebas have just gotten together, and Jacinta and Flaco seem to be on the verge of breaking up. The result? Constant chatter, preening, and quarrelling ever since we sat down at our table. All Luis and I could do was exchange the occasional glance and smile over the table. What’s the point of a date when you can’t even hear your date speaking?
The three of us are still sitting at our table while Luis, Sebas and Flaco stand at the counter, paying and chatting to Miguel, the elderly owner of La Isla. The café is small, but Luis was right: the pollo guisado is delicious. I look out of the window, and the rain is coming down even heavier. It started just as we reached La Isla, but I thought it would have tapered off by now.
The three men walk towards us, and Rosalia whips her head away from me, very conspicuously.
“We should leave, Miguel is closing up,” Flaco says.
Jacinta frowns. “But it’s raining so much!”  
Flaco pulls her up off her chair. “It’s a five-minute walk. You think you’re gonna melt?”
She groans and pushes his shoulder.
Luis leans his head towards me: “I’m sorry, it’s only 7.30, but there’s nowhere else to go.” It’s the longest sentence he’s said to me all night.
“That’s fine, I like rain. And we can talk at home.” I grab my purse from the table. He holds out his hand, and I take it, getting to my feet.
We traipse out of La Isla into the downpour; it’s so heavy that my cardigan starts to dampen immediately.
“Vamos a salir de aquí,” Sebas says to Rosalia, grabbing her hand. Rosalia gives us a wave goodbye, and they run across the street, into the night.
Jacinta is pushing wet hair away from her forehead. “Which way are you going?” I ask.
“Por allí.” She points in the opposite direction of our apartment before pulling at Flaco’s shirt. “Vámanos, I’m going to get sick,” she whines.
He rolls his eyes. “See you tomorrow, hermano,” he says to Luis.
Jacinta smiles suggestively. “Have fun.”
I roll my eyes as they turn away from us and hurry down Church Street.
“Bien, let’s go home,” I say, walking slightly ahead of Luis.
He groans. “We should have brought our abrigos,”
I shake my head. “I don’t think so. This is nice.” I stretch out my hand, feeling the raindrops pelt against my palm. “When it’s so warm and it’s raining… It feels like Puerto Rico.”
I slow down so he can hear me more clearly. “I said it feels like Puerto Rico.”
Luis grins. “Tienes razón.”
“Where did you live there?”
“Ponce. I came a year before you and Nardo, with mi papá.”
“Does he work with you at Garaje Torres?”
“He did but he hurt his back last year. He still comes in to do repairs.” Luis sighs. “I tell him not to, but he doesn’t listen.”
“I’m not surprised.”
“We need the money, por supuesto, but he likes the work.”
“Do you like the work?”
Luis shrugs. “I just need a job.”
A clap of thunder shatters through the sky, and we both pick up the pace. My hair is totally drenched. I pull out my hair tie and snap it onto my wrist, before handing my purse to Luis. “Can you hold this, please?”
He takes it, and I start unbuttoning my cardigan. It’s just as soaked as my hair, but I still hold it over my head as we walk in an attempt to shield myself from the storm. We’re trudging through it bravely, but when my heel sinks in a puddle and the water seeps into my toes, it's the last straw.
“Luis, can we stop somewhere? Even just for five minutes.”
He looks around us, squinting through the rain. All the storefronts are grey and empty. “None of these places look open.”
I ball up my cardigan, tucking it under one arm, and grab his hand. Luis raises his eyebrows. “We’ll find a place,” I say, as I start dragging him forward into a run.
The rain hits our faces even more forcefully as we sprint down the street with no direction. I turn my head back and forth, trying to spot any place that looks warm and open.
Luis splashes into a puddle, and I flinch as rainwater hits my leg. “Ay mierda, Y/N, I’m sorry,” I hear him say, but I just laugh him off.
Out of the corner of my eye, I see a glimmer of red and yellow through the haze. I blink hard, and stare across the road. “I think it’s Doc’s!” I yell.  
We cross the street, and I exhale with relief: the blinds are up, the neon “Open” sign is glowing, and I can even see Valentina behind the counter.
“Gracias, Dios,” Luis wheezes as he catches his breath. I laugh and pull him into the store.
“Mija.” Valentina sounds strained.
“Está lloviendo mucho, we thought we’d come in,” I call out to her. Water is dripping from my dress and cardigan in my hand onto the black and white tiled floor.
Valentina slides out from behind the counter, walking hurriedly towards us. Her gaze shifts to her left, and I turn to see what’s holding her attention.
A broad-shouldered Jet boy is standing by the small circular table in the store, pulling his jacket off from behind a chair. A doe-eyed brunette is behind him, her hands wrapped tightly around his chest. In the chair opposite them is a blonde girl with short, wavy hair, wearing the brightest red lipstick I’ve ever seen. And standing behind her, with an arm resting against the back of her chair…
My heart starts to pound, and I tighten my grip on Luis’s hand. I can’t understand whether Riff is truly everywhere, or if I just know to recognize him now.
All the Jets are staring at us. Riff’s eyes are darting back and forth between me and my hand in Luis’s.
“You’re both soaked! Vengan aquí.” Valentina waves us towards two stools at the opposite end of the store to where the Jets are sitting. I exchange glances with Luis. His posture has entirely stiffened, as if he’s tensing every muscle in his body; even his jaw is clenched.  
Luis leans my purse against the wall, and we sit down on the stools, facing each other. “Maybe we should leave?” I whisper, but Luis doesn’t seem to hear me. He’s staring right in the Jets’ direction.
Valentina grabs a small grey rag from the countertop and hands it to me. “Don’t worry, it’s clean.”
I smile gratefully at her, but I’m not sure how dry she expects us to get from this tiny piece of cloth. Maybe she just wants to keep Luis’s hands’ busy. I rub half-heartedly at my arm and sneak a look over my shoulder to confirm what I already sensed: Riff is watching me. A jolt of electricity sparks through my chest.
Luis’s stare shifts, like he’s tracking someone’s movement.
“We should head out. It’s a little…crowded.” The voice is unfamiliar to me; it must be the broad-shouldered Jet.
“I’m good here,” Riff responds.
“C’mon, Riff. You serious?” The Jet sounds irritable, like this is something that’s happened before.
I turn to watch the scene unfold, just as Riff addresses the blonde girl: “You go too, Grazi. It’s gettin’ late.”
The blonde frowns. “You’re not walkin’ me home?”
Riff doesn’t respond, and Grazi huffs dramatically, swishing her pink skirt as she stands up. She trails behind the Jet and the brunette as they all walk towards the door.
The Jet freezes by the entrance, staring at Luis. He takes a step towards him, and Luis instantly jumps up from his seat.
Valentina speaks up, sternly: “Just leave, Diesel.”
The name is familiar, and it hits me that this is one of the Jets who attacked Jorge’s son, the one who Riff mentioned to me on Thursday. Diesel narrows his eyes at her, his lips curling into a sneer that’s almost certainly preceding a vile insult, but none of us get the chance to hear it: the brunette pulls him out of the store just as he’s about to spit out whatever was on his mind.
Grazi has her hand on the door, about to leave herself, when she pauses to look me up and down. “Nice dress,” she says with a nod. It’s not said unkindly, which surprises me, but she leaves before I can respond.
The room feels even thicker with tension than it was before. Riff casually strolls into my view, picking up a can of beans from a shelf opposite me and scanning the label. Luis still hasn’t sat down. The rain isn’t relenting outside, but I’d much rather brave the storm than stay here.
“Dale, let’s go home,” I say to Luis.
Riff looks up from his beans. “You runnin’ away again?”
“Hey pendejo, don’t talk to her.” Luis shifts to stand in front of me, trying to block me from Riff’s view.
Valentina pipes up again from behind the counter: “Go home, Riff.” He ignores her and takes a step towards us, the can of beans still in his hand. Riff tilts his head to one side, sizing up Luis. He raises his eyebrows like he’s just realized something.  
“You know what? You look a lot shorter when you’re not hiding behind Bernardo. You should keep him around more, especially when you’re goin’ out with a pretty girl.”
“Vete a la mierda, Ri–”
“Luis!” Valentina’s voice rings out, cutting him off. She scrambles out from behind the counter and steps in between him and Riff. “Quería pedirle un favor. I have these bags of rice in the cellar, I just can’t lift them onto the shelf. Tengo una mala espalda, you know. Could you do it for me, before you leave?”
“I – uh, por supuesto, but right now?” I can only see the back of Luis’s head, but his meaning is obvious: you want me to leave you and Y/N alone with him?
Valentina walks forward to sit opposite me in Luis’s vacated seat. “Sí, por favor. It’s just four bags, at the bottom of the stairs.”
Luis turns to look at me, and I shrug: “Su multa conmigo.” He nods reluctantly and walks towards the cellar staircase, stopping to glower at Riff for a moment before disappearing down the stairs.
Valentina sighs wearily. I’m sure she’s gotten used to temporarily diffusing tensions between the Jets and Sharks in her store, but it doesn’t appear to get easier over time.
Riff smirks. “Close call. For a second, I thought he was gonna hit me.”
“This is neutral ground–that still means something to some people,” I retort. “He would never.”
Valentina tenses across from me. “Y/N,” she warns.  
“Well, doesn’t he sound like a gem.” Riff takes a step closer to our table, still holding the can of beans.
“He is.”
“You ever seen him with a brick in his hand?”
It’s a cheap remark, and I don’t bother to respond. Sure, I’ve never sat down to imagine what exactly Luis does as Nardo’s right-hand-man, but why would I? I certainly know enough about the Sharks to not be naïve about him.
Riff and I stare at each other in a silent stand-off. He rests one hand on his hip as he watches me, a bemused smile crossing his lips. If I were just a bit closer to him, I bet I’d be able to see the glow of the neon sign reflected in his eyes. His gaze lowers, and I immediately feel flustered; the dress doesn’t have a revealing cut, but it definitely fits a little tighter now that I’m drenched. Then I realize with a start what exactly has caught his attention: his silver chain on my neck.
Riff raises a single eyebrow: “Nice necklace.”
My eyes widen, and my hand goes instinctively to the beads. Riff’s hand is off his hip now, and he’s standing up straighter. There’s a new light shining in his eyes, and I can’t make out exactly what it means.
I drop my stare as blood rushes to my cheeks.
“Riff, you should leave.” Valentina’s voice shocks me. I had almost forgot she was here, even though she’s sitting right opposite me.
Riff rolls his eyes. “I’m good here.”
A heavy stomping fills the store as Luis emerges from the cellar stairs. “All done,” he says, his voice low. He side-steps Riff to stand next to me.
“Ah, muchas gracias por tu ayuda, Luis.” Valentina says with a forced cheerfulness.
“We need to go, it’s getting late,” I mumble as I hop off the stool and pull my cardigan on, grimacing at the cold, wet feeling on my arms. I avoid looking at Riff as I wish Valentina good night. She returns my smile, but she’s watching me warily.
Luis and I head out, back into the downpour. He starts walking ahead but I call out at him to stop: “Give me a second.”
I rest my back against the brick of the building, next to the front door. I squeeze my eyes shut and feel the rain cool me down. A hand rests gently on my arm; I reluctantly open my eyes to see Luis gazing down at me. “Y/N, we should go.” His hair is already dripping with rain again. I sigh and look up at him for a few moments.
Luis leans into me slightly, and I raise my eyebrows: is he about to kiss me? I laugh nervously and push myself off the wall, pushing him away from me in the process. He doesn’t make any move, and we fall into step alongside each other. We’re only a few yards in front of Doc’s when the door swings open.
I look over my shoulder to see Riff standing in the doorway. He’s holding my purse in his hand. “You forgot your bag,” he yells over the rain. My heart skips a beat.
Luis immediately moves to stand in front of me, blocking me from Riff’s view. “Give it me,” he snaps, holding out his hand. This is the second time Luis has done this to me tonight. I feel a prick of irritation, however well-intentioned his actions may be.
“Oh, I didn’t realize this was yours,” Riff shoots back.
“Luis.” My voice is terse. “I got it.”
Luis stares at me, but he moves to the side without argument. I stride past him to Riff and take my bag from his outstretched hand. My eyes flicker upwards, and I realize I was correct last Thursday; there’s a fresh, red wound on his forearm that sticks out against his pale skin.
“Why don’t you ask your boyfriend how I got that,” he murmurs, just loud enough for me to hear him.
Riff’s light-blue t-shirt is dampening. I avert my eyes from his chest. “He’s not my boyfriend,” I say quietly. I turn away from him on my heel, clutching my purse.
Luis couldn’t possibly have caught our comments over the rainfall, but he’s glowering at Riff all the same. He takes my hand when I reach his side.
“You come find me if you want a real date, doll,” Riff calls out from behind us.
I cringe. Now that was loud enough for everyone to hear.
Luis inhales sharply. He drops my hand and starts walking towards the store with a rapid stride: “Hey Riff?”
Riff grins.
“We’re not in Doc’s anymore.”
I’m still registering his words when Luis slams his fist into Riff’s cheek. He draws back immediately and punches Riff again on his jaw with even more force. Without hesitation, Luis grabs a fistful of his shirt and shoves him backward. Riff’s head hits against the glass door, and the dull sound pulls my heart into my throat.  
Riff is bleeding, but he looks unfazed. He grips Luis by the shoulders and hurls him to sidewalk. Luis is digging his hands into Riff’s neck–
“Luis!” My voice is piercing and foreign to me as I rush towards them. I grab the back of his shirt and tug it as hard as I can, throwing him off balance.
The front door flings open. “¿Qué diablos es esto?” Valentina gasps. Luis scrambles on the gravel to stand up, almost colliding with her in the process.
Riff staggers to his feet, rain and blood streaming down his face.
Someone says my name behind me.
Riff’s chest is rising and falling rapidly. He holds my gaze as he wipes his cheek with the back of his hand. It's only when I’m close enough to count the four cuts on his faces that I realize I’ve been walking towards him.
“Y/N!” Valentina is pulling at my arm. “¿Qué haces? You need to get out of here.”
I snap my head towards her, my eyes stinging, but I remain rooted to where I’m standing.
Valentina stares me. She opens her mouth to say something when her hand abruptly drops from my arm, as if all the energy has been knocked out of her. She stumbles back a step, her eyes darting between me and Riff.
“Y/N, please. We need to leave.” Luis is by my side. He moves to take my hand, and I flinch, snatching it away before he has the chance. I take a deep breath, turn away from them all, and start walking as fast as I can.
Luis runs up behind me. “Y/N, I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” He reaches for me again, but I recoil at his touch.  
“Don’t talk. Please.”
“He was just –”
“Y/N, no entiendo. What did you expect me to do?”
I don’t respond. We walk home in silence.
“Hey, tortolitos, how was it?”
“Dios mío, you’re soaked! Y/N? Y/ N, ¿qué pasó?”
I hear their voices clearly, but my view of Anita and Nardo are blocked by our clothesline, which is hanging across the kitchen. Anita must have brought our laundry inside once the rain started.
I push past the clothes and dodge them both, leaving Luis somewhere behind me. “I don’t feel well,” I stammer as I head straight for my bedroom and slam the door shut behind me.
Water is pooling around me on the floor. My cardigan has stuck to my skin, and I pry it off me with effort. I can hear urgent voices in the kitchen, interrupted by a gentle knock at my door. “Y/N? Can I come in?” Anita says.
“No entres. I’m changing.”
I cross my room to the window, pulling back the lace curtain and sliding it open. The rain is still pelting down as I slip out onto the fire escape. With my back against the brick of the building, I stare out onto the street. The view is unusually barren and drab; all the drying laundry of our neighbours has been pulled inside.
My heart hasn’t stopped racing since I left Riff at Doc’s. I put my hand on my chest as if that could slow the beat, but all I feel is his chain. I know he was trying to provoke Luis tonight, to prove some kind of point. It should make me even angrier at him, but all I feel is exhaustion. When I’m not facing Riff, it’s so easy for me to make clear-cut observations about who he is and what I should feel about him. But as soon as I see him, everything I’ve decided to do and feel evaporates, and I’m left frantically clinging at the remaining mist. All I can picture in my mind right now is his bleeding face.
I rest my hands on the steel railing and gaze out into the street. The rain makes everything hazy, but I can still make out the garbage bins, the gate blocking us from the main road, and… I squint. There’s a tall, thin shadow moving by the gate. What could it be? It moves forward into the light of a streetlamp, and I gasp. This is not happening.
My eyes are telling me that Riff is walking towards the fire escape, towards me, but my brain is screaming that this is not possible. He tilts his head up, looking up at my apartment building. I hold onto the railing and lean out as far as I can. His eyes land on mine, and he grins wildly.
“Esto no está sucediendo,” I whisper.
“Huh? Can I come up?”
I flinch at his yelling. “Shhh, you have to be quiet.”
He points to his ears. “I can’t hear you!”
“Oh my God, please shut up,” I hiss. This must be some kind of fever dream. Maybe I’m sick–I’ve spent too much time in the rain tonight.
Riff reaches up, grabbing the edge of the fire escape closest to the ground. He pulls himself over the railing and walks up the staircase. He repeats the action for the next fire escape, but the railing must be slippery with rain because he fumbles his grip as he pulls himself up. I inhale sharply and drop to my knees.
Riff climbs another set of stairs until he reaches the top. I run over to him and kneel on the platform. He can’t go any further; we’re separated by a metal gate that’s blocking the entrance to my fire escape. He looks up at me through the metal wiring and his dimples flash as his face breaks into a wide smile. He is totally soaked, and his wet hair is curling on his forehead.
Riff pokes his fingers through the gate and tries to rattle it. “This thing open?” His voice is still too loud, fighting to be heard over the rain.
“You need to be quiet,” I say as I fumble at the side of the gate until I feel the rusting metal latches. I flip them over, and Riff swings the gate open on its hinge.
He pulls himself onto the platform, and I jump to my feet, stumbling back to give him room to stand.
“Sorry, I couldn’t hear you. It’s raining.” He grins and turns his head to peek through my window, even though any view is obscured by the curtain. “This your room?”
“Hey, don’t look in there; look at me. Why are you here?” I prod at his chest, partly for emphasis, and partly to make sure that he is actually real. Riff winces, and I pull away immediately.
“I’m fine, I’m fine,” he waves away my reaction. “I just needed to talk to you, so I…followed you. I’m sorry, I should go.”
“No,” I say a little too fast, which makes him smile. I can see dried blood on his face, and the gash on his cheek is violently red. I steer him gently so that he’s next to the window, against the brick of the apartment building. “Sit here.”
“I told you, I’m fine!” Riff insists. I glare at him, and he relents with a sigh, sliding his back down the wall until he’s sitting on the platform.
“Don’t move.” I pull up the window and slip back into my bedroom. I need some kind of fabric, but my brain is running wild. My eyes land on the lace curtain. I hold onto a corner and tear it firmly, ripping off a piece of the fabric.
Careful not to slip on the windowsill, I head back outside. Riff is still where I left him. I sit down in front of him, pulling my dress over my knees. I scrunch up the torn lace into a ball and hold it out on my palm. It only takes seconds for the surface to be soaked in rain. I lightly dab at Riff’s cheeks, rubbing away the dried blood.
“The blonde girl is very pretty,” I say in my best attempt at subtlety.
“Oh, she’s nothing.”
“Don’t say that.”
“But it’s true.”
“I don’t care. It’s not nice.”
“Yeah, you’re right.”
He watches me silently for a minute before he speaks up again: “I’m sorry.”
“No, you’re not. I know what you were doing, provoking Luis.”
Riff frowns. “No, no, I’m not sorry about that. I meant when we were talkin’ behind your shop.”
I lower my hand so I can focus my full attention on what he’s about to say.
“I really didn’t know Diesel was gonna attack anyone, but you were right. I’m not controlling the guys. That was Tony. Tony always knew what to do, he could handle everyone. When we started the Jets, everyone knew he was gonna be our leader—it was always gonna be him. But he’s not here anymore.” Riff clears his throat. “We had a rumble last year, and Tony was beating up this Egyptian kid. And the kid…the kid died.”
I widen my eyes. Riff keeps going, avoiding my gaze: “We’re all brothers but Tony, I knew him since we were kids. We lived together – womb to tomb, know what I mean? And then this happened. He’s in prison for life; he’s never gettin’ out. No one else is gonna keep the Jets together, so I’m tryin’ to do it. I have to do it. We’re still a family, and I need to do for him.”
I wait a few seconds until I’m sure Riff is done. “Okay.”
Riff stares at me. “That’s all you got to say?”
“It all sounds very complicated.”
He nods slowly like I’m a baby. “It is.”
“You have a duty to the Jets.”
“I know what that’s like.”
Riff turns his head towards the window, but he says nothing. 
“So, we should end this.”
“Wait, wait, wait.” He holds out a hand to stop me from continuing. “It’s not black and white like that, it’s way more complicated. You just said it yourself.”
I rub my forehead and exhale. “Riff, this is too tiring for me. When I look at my family, at my brother, I feel like my head is going to split open. I thought I knew how to handle this, but then today at Doc’s, seeing you again, and you fighting Luis… I just don’t know what to do. I don’t know what to think.”
“Then don’t think.” I laugh at his naivety, but he’s eyes are serious. “Don’t think about it, Y/N.” 
Riff leans forward tentatively and slips a hand under my legs, wrapping the other one around my waist. His touch on my bare skin sends shivers down my spine. He pulls me onto his lap, and I let the scrunched-up piece of lace fall out of my hand.
He pushes the hair away from my face, twirling a strand around his finger before tucking it behind my ear. Riff’s t-shirt is clinging to his skin, and I move a hand over the fabric, until its resting behind his neck. My fingers intertwine with his hair, and he tightens his grip around my waist, pulling me closer into him. Riff runs his thumb across my bottom lip, his face inches from mine. I pull at the neck of his t-shirt to close the gap between us.
A dull thudding noise almost makes me jump out of my skin. I fling my head away from Riff, whipping it to the side to face the window. Riff jerks away as well, but his head slams against brick. I gasp and instantly cover my mouth to silence myself.
I slide off of Riff’s lap and stand up as quietly as I can. I can make out Anita’s voice, but it’s muffled by my shut bedroom door and the closed window.
Riff is on his feet as well, rubbing the back of his head. “What’s going on?” he whispers. He’s still standing next to the window, so Anita wouldn’t see him even if she were to come in right now.
I look up at his sparkling blue eyes, widened in concern. Raindrops are suspended in his lashes. I remember what he said to me all those days ago at the market, that all I needed to do was tell him to go and he’d never speak to me again. I can’t help smiling in spite of knowing what I’m about to say; as long as I keep seeing his eyes, this situation is never going to end.
“Riff.” He smiles, and my heart lurches. “Don’t talk to me. Don’t look for me. Don’t come to the café anymore. We’ll pretend this didn’t happen, that none of this happened.”
Riff stares at me like I’ve just slapped him in the face. He swallows hard. “If that’s what you want.”
“I don’t want anyone to get hurt again.”  
Riff looks more pained than I’ve seen them the whole night. He opens his mouth like he’s about to argue with me, but he just sighs: “Alright.”
He turns away and jumps onto the platform below, looking up at me when he lands.
“I’ll…” Riff’s voice trails off. There’s nothing left to say, not anymore. He sweeps his hair back from his forehead and clambers over the second railing, dropping to the street. At first, he walks backwards so that he can still hold my gaze;  eventually, though, he tears his eyes away, turns his back to me, and disappears into the hazy night.
As soon as he leaves my sight, I pull up the window and slide into my room. I sprint towards the door and fling it open. Anita and Nardo are deep in conversation at the kitchen table, but they both jump up when they see me. Luis isn’t here. 
“Where is he?” I ask.
“You didn’t hear me? He just left.” Anita eyebrows are furrowed with concern. “Why are you still so wet?”
Nardo looks just as upset. “Y/N, can we talk about this? Luis shouldn’t have done that in front of you.”
“We can talk, just give me a moment,” I say as I run out of our apartment and through the corridor. I spot him just as he’s about to disappear down the stairs.
He turns around, and starts walking towards me, meeting me in the middle. “Y/N, I’m so sorry. I scared you, and I shouldn’t have done it.”
“Luis, it’s okay. I understand,” I say, slightly out-of-breath. “But I don’t want to lie to you.”
His expression softens. “I know.”
“You know?”
“You should be with him.”
My heart stops. “What are you saying?”
“If you love someone else, you should be with him. I’ll talk to him if you want, tell him nothing happened with us. And Nardo, he’ll be mad for a couple weeks, but he won’t mind. Le dire que fui yo, I’ll tell him I changed my mind.”  
“Please don’t talk to Nardo.”
“¿Estás seguro?” Are you sure?
I hesitate. “Luis, how was our date?”
He’s taken aback by my abruptness. “It was nice, but we didn’t get to talk a lot.”
“We really don’t know each other.”
Luis smiles softly. “I’d like to know you better, but I don’t think you want that.”
I take a deep breath to steady my voice. “I’m sorry, Luis. No sé qué decirte. Everything is such a mess. I just need some time to think things through, but I don’t expect you to stick around for that. Please don’t tell Anita and Nardo—I’ll talk to them, but not right now.”
Luis stares at me, deep in thought. “No te preocupes, I won’t say anything. But if you need more time, I should take you to the dance on Friday. Anita and Nardo won’t ask questions if we pretend like nothing’s changed.”
He’s right; it would be the perfect way to avoid suspicion until I figure out what exactly to say to them. “¿Estás seguro?” I ask.
Luis takes my hand. His knuckles are bruised, purple and blue, but I don’t recoil.
tagging: @mahmahmahmysharona, @whisperofsong, @graziellalovesriff, @shitemylife, @ilovey0us0, @gwianasky
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deedoop · 2 years
u don’t have anon asks on. anyways
Haha, get jazzy on 'em
I'm that flight that you get on, international
First class seat on my lap, girl, riding comfortable, ha (oh yeah)
'Cause I know what da girl dem need, New York to Haiti
I got lipstick stamps on my passport, you make it hard to leave
Been around the world, don't speak the language (uh-huh)
But your booty don't need explaining (uh-huh)
All I really need to understand is (uh-huh)
When you, you talk dirty to me
You talk dirty to me (what?)
Talk dirty to me
You talk dirty to me (what?)
Get jazzy on 'em
You know the words to my songs, no habla inglés (oh)
Our conversations ain't long
But you know what it is
I know what the girl dem want, London to Taiwan
I got lipstick stamps on my passport, I think I need a new one
Been around the world, don't speak the language (uh-huh)
But your booty don't need explaining (uh-huh)
All I really need to understand is (uh-huh)
When you, you talk dirty to me
You talk dirty to me (what?)
Talk dirty to me
You talk dirty to me (what?)
Met a friend in Rio
(Dos) She was all on me, oh
(Tres) We could ménage à three, oh
(Cuatro) Oh, yeah (2 Chainz)
Dos Cadenas, close to genius
Sold out arenas, you can suck my penis
Gilbert Arenas, guns on deck (deck)
Chest to chest, tongue on neck (neck)
International oral sex
Every picture I take, I pose a threat
Boat or jet, what do you expect?
Her pussy so good I bought her a pet
Anyway, every day I'm tryna get to it
Got her saved in my phone under "Big Booty"
Anyway, every day I'm tryna get to it
Got her saved in my phone under "Big Booty"
Been around the world, don't speak the language (uh-huh)
But your booty don't need explaining (uh-huh)
All I really need to understand is (uh-huh)
When you, you talk dirty to me (you do)
You talk dirty to me (yeah, yeah)
Talk dirty to me (talk to me)
Talk dirty to me (oh yeah)
Oh, get jazzy on 'em
what IS THIS
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bisexuallsokka · 4 years
here is a masterpost of the zukka fanfictions that i have written so far! (updated november 28th)
hakoda and zuko being dumbasses together? sokka and iroh bonding over pai sho? zuko and sokka planning their proposals at the same time? it’s all in my open to question series
modern au coffee shops are your thing? check out the one with the hot cashier, emergency boyfriend (ft ex boyfriend jet), and tuesday, 2pm, the tui and la cafe (as well as the tui and la cafe, 2pm, tuesday for sokka’s perspective of the last one)
(hablas español? traduje the one with the hot cashier: el cajero atractivo)
here is a two part series of modern au zuko sharing one of those Our Get Along Shirts with katara and then with sokka
enjoy post war cuteness? see: to be inspired by you, to the moon, and pro et contra (for post war with an established relationship see: confessions at sunset and distractions)
a brush of fingers, a kick of shins (ft. toph kicking zuko to prove sokka is flirting with him) is one of my personal faves
more post war fluff as well as very oblivious sokka and bed sharing: (let me be) there for you
you’re my cup of tea for puns and flirting
for a soulmate au where you don’t see color until you see your soulmate, check out blue and gold
if you want some zukka as parents with a dose of angst, read tell me a story and then come yell at me
11/28 update:
more angst fics! wherever you are and yours. mind the warnings.
more modern aus! if the shoe fits, cross my heart, and (this love is) a long time coming (which was co-written with bluberry-spicehead)
love hurts and right in front of you feature some post canon idiots to lovers <3
fics where sokka has chronic pain! old and new dreams, even the darkest night will end, and the water’s rough (but this love is ours)
i have a zukka cat cafe au series! check out purrfect for each other, pawsitively in love, and together furever
happy reading! i love you all 💛
828 notes · View notes
kegiostoyslut12345 · 2 years
Talk Dirty To Me by Jason Derulo
Haha, get jazzy on 'em
I'm that flight that you get on, international First class seat on my lap, girl, riding comfortable, ha (oh yeah) 'Cause I know what da girl dem need, New York to Haiti I got lipstick stamps on my passport, you make it hard to leave
Been around the world, don't speak the language (uh-huh) But your booty don't need explaining (uh-huh) All I really need to understand is (uh-huh) When you, you talk dirty to me You talk dirty to me (what?) Talk dirty to me You talk dirty to me (what?) Get jazzy on 'em
You know the words to my songs, no habla inglés (oh) Our conversations ain't long But you know what it is I know what the girl dem want, London to Taiwan I got lipstick stamps on my passport, I think I need a new one
Been around the world, don't speak the language (uh-huh) But your booty don't need explaining (uh-huh) All I really need to understand is (uh-huh) When you, you talk dirty to me You talk dirty to me (what?) Talk dirty to me You talk dirty to me (what?)
Met a friend in Rio (Dos) She was all on me, oh (Tres) We could ménage à three, oh (Cuatro) Oh, yeah (2 Chainz)
Dos Cadenas, close to genius Sold out arenas, you can suck my penis Gilbert Arenas, guns on deck (deck) Chest to chest, tongue on neck (neck) International oral sex Every picture I take, I pose a threat Boat or jet, what do you expect? Her pussy so good I bought her a pet Anyway, every day I'm tryna get to it Got her saved in my phone under "Big Booty" Anyway, every day I'm tryna get to it Got her saved in my phone under "Big Booty"
Been around the world, don't speak the language (uh-huh) But your booty don't need explaining (uh-huh) All I really need to understand is (uh-huh) When you, you talk dirty to me (you do) You talk dirty to me (yeah, yeah) Talk dirty to me (talk to me) Talk dirty to me (oh yeah) Oh, get jazzy on 'em
5 notes · View notes