#jex answers
jupejumble · 3 months
Demoman boobs❗️please❗️
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WOOOOO DEMOMANNNN i made him trans cuz im trans and its cool as hell
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neonkewpie · 4 days
your knitting is so beautiful!! it gets me super fired up to go work on my own projects. thank you for sharing your work
Aw thank you anon! Best of luck with your projects!
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How many languages can you speak?
Hello anon!!!
I can speak multiple!
Hungarian, Angelic, English, Russian, German, and Japanese! (I'm learning Japanese from an aquantance of mine!)
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justxplosions · 2 months
I love your art!! May I ask what u use 2 draw? :D
Thank you! I use Medibang Paint on my 6 year old samsung tablet!
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pewpowpop · 1 year
how about a hint then :3
Hmm okay: puppy
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submissiveblender · 5 months
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you! get to know your mutuals and followers <3
1. Sleeping
2. Reading a good fic
3. Lists (making, reading, following)
4. Food
5. Fried food
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y0rk-ie · 8 months
what’s your favorite planet? or just general space thing?
Pluto, because I'm #quirky🤪 like that (I'm sorry).
Also, in terms of general space? I used to be a really big nerd on string theory of all things a few years ago, but I've always been interested specifically in the dwarf planets in our solar system. Weird dwarfs like Sedna and Haumea are so cool to me.
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shewhotellsstories · 11 months
i saw ur sprina fandom racism post & what u brought up was really obnoxious, but maybe you should just ignore it? it sounds like they're just looking for attention.
Hi Anon,
I'm taking this in good faith. The thing is that it's kind of hard when other GH fans (usually Jex stans) hang out in the #Sprina tag to antagonize fans by saying they get too much focus, that the couple has no chemistry, that Trina's a mediocre character, or that Spencer's an abuser. (Zero evidence to support that btw.) Or camp out under pics on the show's main account and positive articles to whine about how undeserving the pairing is of the attention it gets. When I talk about my dislike for characters or ships on Soap Twitter I block out portions of their names and stay out of their characters' hashtags. Unfortunately, the consideration isn't being returned. But it rarely is when there's a Black character involved.
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jupejumble · 8 months
the scoot. scour. acout. scout.
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he’s such a dork
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arishemmo · 2 years
Aerie you are SO VAILD for this muke content train you’re on right now! I love every PART of it. - Jex (sadistmichael) 💕🌸
jex i’m starting to think it was a bad idea avsjrbsjjd i’m so dizzy from all my feelings rn 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 i just love them sO fucking much like they mean so much to me i mean they all do obviously but those two i- 😮‍💨
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chebyreksan · 7 months
Feel like you fic(showtime)
Muffled voices
Girl wrapped under a blanket
Panic and horror both in the eyes and thoughts
That's all that happened in her room. She just lay curled up in a ball and pulled the blanket up to her head, as if it would help get out of this world. She heard knocks on the door, but did not answer. She didn't react.
- come on, ragat. Let's just leave her there. She's not going to die-Jax is clearly already bored, judging by his voice
- Don't say that. We have to help her, otherwise she will..she will be lonely-Ragatha said softly to Jax, knocking on the door - Pomni, please open the door for us.We want to talk to you
Pomni didn't answer
- ..listen, we know how hard and scary it is for you-
- We? I'm just here for the company
There was a sharp exhalation. It seems Ragatha elbowed him in the stomach
- okay, I understand your fear, Pomni, but we have to stick together and support each other. We're one family now..do you understand?
- Yes, let's go crazy together!-Jex chuckled
Pomni shrank even more, already ignoring the guys completely
,,what should I do?..I-I'm really going crazy here..Am I really going to end up here like this? Like kaufmo..Like the others..?’’
She was snuffling softly and wiping away her tears. What should she do now? How can she live in an incomprehensible space, where there is a crazy ai jaw and from where it is impossible to get out? She didn't know that, no matter how much she wanted to, but she didn't know the answer to any of the questions. But it can't last that long, right?
- Eh?!
A beep sounded sharply right above her and she covered her ears
- C-Caine? I-I closed the door
- Oh dear, I have my own ways of sneaking around unnoticed
Caine giggled and loomed over her
- can you come out? I have a surprise!
- I don't want to..
- Oh, don't be such a child, Pomni . Your friends are worried about you
- …
- Jokes are jokes, but the surprise is on schedule!
girl was wiping her eyes from tears, still lying under the blanket
- Caine, I... I can't. Please let me be alone and think it over..
- Well, no! You want to miss my surprise and such a good day so pointlessly? Come on, let's get up!
He put his hands under the blanket and took her under the armpits
- eh?! G-go away, go away!
Caine took her and lifted her over the bed, holding her like some kind of toy or animal. Jester tried to get out, squirm, but she was held tightly. And what should she do when she was lifted a couple of meters from the bed?
- let me go! I-I'll get up, just let me-
The girl looked at Caine and her eyes widened
- ...Caine?
- Surprise! Hah it's me! What do you think about my new look? Do you like it?
Caine laughed and Pomni's eyes grew even bigger with surprise. She thought she was imagining it, but Caine now looked like a human. Red hair with white tips, eyes were in their place and the same color, blue and green. Ringmaster put her down on the bed and pointed at her with his cane
- Our friends checked out my new look, and Kinger actually fainted from fear. Well, there was a lot of noise and you missed everything, dear! Oh.. and your eyes are red
- I-it's nothing -girl quickly wiped her eyes - why you..like this? Why do you look like a human?
- That's a good question, my dear. My processors have deduced that it will be more comfortable for you and others if I look like a person than my real appearance. Plus I want to understand who it is to be completely human! Bubble!
He took off his hat. Bubble came out and there was a piece of paper with some kind of graph on his tongue, but it was hindered by the fact that it was covered with saliva. Pomni grimaced
- that's all we've deduced
- ugh..okay, I get it..It's not usual, but I like it.
She smiled awkwardly, hoping that Caine would be pleased. Bubble burst
- with many thanks! Now that you don't look like a baby, we can have a game
- Wait, wait, I'm not-
But he did not listen and took Pomni by the shoulder. They found themselves on the stage, where everyone had already gathered. Jester looked around awkwardly and noticed how Jax was looking at the two of them and smiling slyly, whispering something to Ragatha. She just raised her eyebrows, but didn't say anything
- So my little stars, today we will hold a game-the words appeared above the ringmaster- a bloodhound!! You will have to search through different corners of the circus for colorful eggs with surprises!
- Heh what, have you lost your own and are you forcing us to look for it?- Jax chuckled
- Jax - Ragatha whispered with displeasure
- hah! Naughty boy!
A second later, a cane flew into Jax and hit him on the head, causing the rabbit to fall
- AH!! F[censorship]K!!
- Inappropriate jokes in our circus are also inappropriate, as well as obscene language, my young friend!
cane returned to the owner and he continued
- Collect as many eggs as you can, the winner will receive an amaaazing prize, but this is a surprise! Those who will be in second and third place will also receive a prize! Goooood luck!!
The entertainer disappeared and guys got baskets in their hands. Everyone dispersed who went where and while girl was walking, she was thinking about a new kind of Caine, collecting eggs
,,..want to understand who it is to be completely human..how strange, he's just a Ai, how will he understand who it is to be a human? Maybe he's lying?..mgh it's better not to think about it much..’’
Time flew by unnoticed. The melody of the end of the game was heard and guys began to wait for the host. he appeared immediately, twirling the cane in his hand
- Well done, little stars! Now I will do the counting and we will find out the winner. whom to start hmmm..and why think about it!
Guys watched as Caine pulled the eggs out of the baskets with his strength. His eyes began to blink with different colors until they became normal
- huh that’s interesting, Jax is in the first place!
- Heh, I thought so- rabbit chuckled smugly and Pomni rolled her eyes
- Kinger!
- HUH?!
- You're in second place!
- Oh.. thank you-Kinger breathed a sigh of relief
- aaaand pomni on the third! The rest of you I’m sorry and go clean the eggs!
- What? Go F[censorship]k yourself, clean with these eggs yourself-Zooble says discontentedly-we are not obliged to do this
- Mmmm no,you have to. Bubble!
Caine clapped and the bubble grabbed zooble, dragging them somewhere else
- Let me go, F[censorship]R!! Don't you dare!
- gangle and Ragatha, follow your friend, and the three of you follow me!
Winners obediently followed Caine. They didn't talk much, and what could they talk about. Pomni understood that Kinger would not say anything reasonable, and Jax would mock and infuriate. It made her feel strange, especially when nothing but footsteps could be heard. The entertainer whistled and a large wooden box painted like a horse, with the animal's head attached in front, drove up to them
- Everything is outrageously simple. Jax, you can tell the box what you want and the box will give it to you. Kinger, I'll get you myself and Pomni-
- Ha, she won't get anything?
- hey - girl said with displeasure
Caine sighed with displeasure too and continued
- I will give something not from the box. Let's get started!
Jax confidently approached, whispered something to the box and it spat out the box. Rabbit happily took out a pair of millipedes from the box, which began to crawl on his arm. Pomni and Kinger swallowed, not understanding why he was wanting this and how he was holding them so calmly. It was Kinger's turn and Caine reached into the drawer and pulled out the checkers
- oho thank you-Kinger happily walked away
Pomni's turn came and Caine patted the horse box. Horse box obediently went to its place and jester watched him leave
- wow..
- well, dear, I think I've come up with a prize for you. Not a wish box, but not bad either. This-
Abruptly, he glitched, his eyes lit up red and just as quickly returned to normal. Girl involuntarily moved away, and Jax and Kinger looked at the ringmaster with bewilderment. Caine himself blinked and laughed nervously
- ahem, I'm sorry, your prize is-
He started glitch again, the sigh of the cross appeared in his eyes
- err.. Jax?? Kinger?- pomni looked at the boys with hope for an explanation
- Don't get your hopes up.This is the first time I've seen this..
- Ah! Is Caine ill?! What should we do?!-screamed Kinger
Caine blinked again, rubbing his temples with his fingers
- it's all right, friends. Kham..your prize is-..Ah well, here it is!
He quickly gave Pomni a box of something in her hands and walked away from her a little
- um..thanks?
- Hey Caine, you're a lot weirder than usual. Is something wrong?-Jax looked at the entertainer with interest, tapping his chin with his finger
- I'm fine, thanks! Apparently the memory card is lagging a bit huh!
He began to glitch again, turning away from the rabbit and the king. Jester, since she was standing closer to Caine, saw that his face was flushed, and his eyes were blinking red and blue. Looking at the guys, she saw that Jax was giggling strangely and came over to look at Caine, and Kinger just looked and was perplexed. Rabbit, meeting with her gaze, shook his head, making it clear that he would not help in this. Girl sighed and cautiously approached the entertainer closer
- C-caine? Are you sick? Hey?
She shook him by the shoulder, hoping that he would come to his senses and, surprisingly, it helped. He quickly pulled away from them and cleared his throat, straightening his bow tie
- uh-sorry, friends. Go to the others, I have to sort something out!
A sharp wave and he quickly retreated, leaving the trio
- ..what was that just now?- girl asked awkwardly, looking at the guys
- Mm, I don't know, apparently the roof is going slowly..- rabbit chuckled thoughtfully
- Ah! -the Kinger shouted - is the roof coming?! Where?!
- In any case, Pomni , you're wearing Caine, and I'll help ladies with Kinger.
- Wh-what?! Why me?
- I don't know. Maybe it's a sign? -he involuntarily pointed to his eyes and smiled more
Pomni wanted to object, but realized that it was pointless and muttered
- Very funny. Where should I look for him at all?
- Not my problem. Come on, Kinger, let’s go
- what do you mean?! Hey! We were here together!
- I just suggested it. You don't have to look for him- Jax shrugged
The couple left. She was looking around in confusion, trying to figure out what to do.
- how am I supposed to find him anyway? I don't want to open all the doors again and get f[censorship]ked..ugh! Stupid censorship!
,,..what happened to him? Can he really become the same as kaufmo?..’’
Pomni became worried, remembering something that she and others met on the first day. She shook her head
,,no, nonsense. that's not going to happen..he won't be like that..isn't that right?..’’
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What kind of music do you listen to?
Oh I listen to whatever fits my mood. Usually I listen to loud music like 100 Gecs, Femtanyl, Nero's Day At Disneyland, ect.
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justahumblememefarmer · 5 months
Ultimate Doctor Who Poll Round 2 - Matchup 19
Episode Summaries under the cut
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42: A Town Called Mercy - Season 7A, Episode 3: The Doctor brings Amy and Rory to a town in Nevada that has keep out signs and a stone and wood boundary surrounding the town. The Doctor notices that the town is using electricity, which has not been discovered yet. They find that the town is being held hostage by an alien known as the Gunslinger, who is looking for an alien doctor, but not The Doctor. The Doctor meets the doctor they're looking for, a Kahler named Jex who crashed nearby and has been gifting the town with technology and medicine.
The Doctor manages to escape, planning to use the TARDIS to help Jex escape and evacuate the town, but finds the remains of Jex's ship, which is parked, not crashed. He finds files on Jex's horrific experiments on living subjects, including the Gunslinger. The Doctor returns to town and Jex reveals that the Gunslinger has been hunting down his creators, but does not want to harm civilians, which is why it created the border around the town and demanded Jex's surrender. The Doctor struggles with whether to hand over the war criminal, while at the same time not sure if he can condone his murder, especially when the townspeople feel indebted to him for being their doctor.
They manage to distract the Gunslinger as he attacks the town searching for Jex. Jex makes it back to his ship and activates the self-destruct function. The Gunslinger vows to remain behind and protect the town, and the Doctor takes Amy and Rory home.
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87: 42 - Season 3, Episode 7: The Doctor takes Martha for her first trip as a full-time companion to answer a distress call. They find that they are on a ship on a crash course to a nearby star with 42 minutes to go. The TARDIS is stuck in the room they are venting excess heat into, leaving it unreachable. Martha and a crew member work to make it through several password connected doors to get to the main control room. The Doctor deals with some sabotage of different ship controls and several crew members come down with a strange illness, giving them the ability to vaporize people and making them sabotage the ship.
An infected crew member spreads it to somebody else in order to stop Martha from making it through the coded doors. She and the other crew member lock themself in an escape pod, but the infected launches the pod towards the sun. The Doctor goes out in a space suit and hits a button to magnetize the ship, drawing the escape pod back, but he looks into the sun, giving him the same infection as the others. While trying not to succumb to it, he reveals that the sun is alive and that it was damaged when the ship used an energy scoop to take fuel from it.
While the Doctor becomes infected, Martha runs to the front of the ship and demands they dump the fuel, giving it back to the sun. As they do so, the infection clears, and the ship is released from the suns gravitational pull. The Doctor advises them to tell the authorities what happened and that the sun needs protection. He takes off in the TARDIS with Martha, who calls her mother back home, where a woman is monitoring the call.
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pewpowpop · 1 year
who you down bad for???? 👀👀👀👀👀👀 hmmmmmmm?????
😂 lol I'm not just gonna tell you babe
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submissiveblender · 2 months
If you get this, answer with 3 random facts about yourself and send this to the last 7 people in your notifs! Let’s get to know each other better! (Anon or not, it doesn’t matter)
1. We adopted a potbelly pig when I was a kid but she was mean so we ate her. My mom said something about abandonment issues because she'd been rehomed like 3 times? But I was small and thought she was the size of a dragon and very scary so I was happy to not have to experience her charging at me again (she was actually small for a potbelly. Definitely not dragon-sized)
2. I'm going back to school! I'm working on my associates and it is killing every part of me. I'm on year...3? Of a 2 year degree with probably 2 more to go. But I haven't failed a class, yet, so it's progress!
3. At one point in a previous college attempt my GPA was so low it was literally calling for help: 0.911
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dejasenti99 · 28 days
fym the majority answering no.....still to this day I feel such a strong heartache whenever jex comes to my mind, it's unbearable
on one hand im like, good, no one deserves to feel so sappy about some guy’s pixels, on the other tho-- im like, good 😎 they’re alll mine eheheheh (& yours, obv)
JEX IS FOR REAL YEARNERS FRRRR they’ll learn. one day.
i rly wouldn’t want anyone that doesn’t know abt my old blog to ever go over there for multiple reasons but u don’t need to read that for deja senti either so it’s like. just stay here baby doll. it’s for the better LMAO
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