#jh lynch
bitter69uk · 7 months
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Born on this day: British artist Joseph Henry Lynch (28 October 1911 – 16 January 1989), far better known simply as “J H Lynch”. When it comes to kitsch mid-twentieth century art, his only rivals are Vladimir Tretchikoff and of course the Keanes. No home is complete without a framed print of Lynch’s mass-produced idealized portraits of bouffant-haired, false-eyelashed temptresses like Tina, Woodland Goddess, Water Nymph or Autumn Leaves (pictured). If you go to a vintage furniture flea market and there are NO J H Lynch prints on offer, walk out immediately!
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effectsdatabase · 1 year
Last week's top 20 videos (2022, week 49)
Top 20 videos last week (December 4-10)
History Of Frantone Pedal Switches (by Frantone)
The History And Future Of The JHS Klon Centaur Replica (by JHS Pedals)
NUX Cerberus: Prueba Completa (by arielpozzo)
#shorts Mike Dawes shows the ToneWoodAmp to Andertons (by ToneWoodAmp)
George Lynch Shreds in Lock Mode with his Morley Dragon 2 Wah (by Morley)
Dilian Guitars Burst 1959 - Fractal AX8 - C minor Jam Coffee Break Grooves (by spiraless)
The Dude V2 (by Rockett Pedals)
Guitar tube booster TubeZoid-B (by SviSound)
Using the Empress ParaEq MKII and Bass Compressor to jam with a modular synth! (by Empress Effects)
What To Do When You're Tired of Klons (by Revv Amplification)
Xotic RC Booster 20th Anniversary (by Mike Hermans)
The Bob Ross Lazer Fuzz! A gnarly fuzz box with added feedback control. (by NoiseKICK FX)
I Think This is the Easiest Darkglass Pedal to Use (by himynameisjayme)
ibanez tube screamer mini in action (by wildbabydragon)
Monday Drone Meditation with the DroneTone MKIII (by Mattoverse Electronics)
HRR: Valeton Dapper Mini (by KytaryCZ)
Uni-Vibe Shootout! Sabbadius Vibe Comparison | Jimi Hendrix Sound (by R.J. Ronquillo)
Fulltone Full-Drive3??????????????97??Full-Drive2???????????? (by EfManiac)
Cioks DC7 // Demo by Martin Klaja (by Martin Klaja)
#sonicake #guitarpedals #wahpedal SONICAKE VOLWAH WAH & VOLUME PEDAL (by Sonicake)
Overviews of the previous weeks: https://www.effectsdatabase.com/video/weekly
from Effects Database https://bit.ly/3Ynj6SZ
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coralsgrimes · 2 years
Even before everyone started talking about JH bcause of Benny, I always thought that she is so nasty and cringy in general. The whole sibling dance duo seems like "Sweet home Alabama". Like who shakes their ass like that with their brother. Also, I remember there was this one sibling music group R5 ( the most famous out of them was Ross Lynch who played Dahmer recently) they always bragged about being cousins with the Houghs. Like what is there to brag. Ewww
Jules niece on tiktok would disagree lol cuz her aunt knows Leo Di and she also knows Benny Boy 🤡 she doing so well for herself whats not to brag about
Like ye know I heard about her here and there, usually through Benny or that one girl I knew who was really into step up and other dance film. Then I had a nasty surprise when her name started to pop up in the context of another endometriosis bullshite talk :c like fucking professionals talking about her 🤡 willllld
Won't discuss her and her brother cuz I don't like them dragon and thrones shows :c
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jufovuteqeva · 2 years
Revoluciones hispanoamericanas pdf merge
           de JH Wolff · Citado por 44 — anúncios de livros de Jean Franco (Introdiicción a la literatura hispanoamericaná), Adorno (sua tese de doutorado, La construcción de lo estético,de B Radi · 2015 · Citado por 6 — Sexualidades - Serie monográfica sobre sexualidades latinoamericanas y caribeñas, postfundaciones: Revoluciones conservadoras, tecnologías de. 20 | Tensões Mundiais ediTorial Estudioso de las revoluciones rusa y cubana, del poder),1 imprimió peculiaridades a las revoluciones latinoamericanas. (1973), además de textos sobre las revoluciones Rusa, China, Viet- sociales latinoamericanas en los años 1960-1970, el pensamien-. 5 de jul. de 2022 — PDF | O artigo discute como a historiografia tem interpretado os Join for free Las Revoluciones Hispanoamericanas, 1808-1826. GIRALDO, Manuel Lucena. Naciones de rebeldes. Las revoluciones de independência latinoamericanas. Baixar este arquivo PDF. Thumbnails Document Outline En el umbral de las revoluciones hispánicas: el bienio 1808-1810. com mais de 203 Citado por LYNCH, John, Las revoluciones hispanoamericanas 1808-1826. una época que tiene algunas semejanzas con la de las revoluciones democrá- sólida contra la antidemocracia, que combine la democracia representativa.
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morditha · 5 years
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𝐖𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐆𝐨𝐝𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐬
𝕁.ℍ. 𝕃𝕪𝕟𝕔𝕙
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yee-to-my-haw · 4 years
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claydisarray · 5 years
Making JH Lynch's 'Tina' with Polymer Clay 🎨
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justinbatesthings · 5 years
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JH Lynch Woodland Goddess Tina , The Nymph
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sarkos · 2 years
JH: What was Philadelphia like when you first arrived?
DL: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania was…a hellhole. It was filled with fear, and corruption, and it was filthy, there was soot on the buildings and there was a lot of kind of insanity and a feeling in the air that was very uneasy. But it was the greatest place for me, and I just loved it. And it was my biggest inspiration, this city of Philadelphia.
JH: What do you think it was about the atmosphere of Philadelphia at the time that became so inspiring for you and your work?
DL: Just what I said. The way the buildings were, the mood of the place, all these things feed into us, and our environment affects us a lot, and it sort of crept into me and like I said it made a huge impression and influence. And I always say – people say, “what was your greatest influence” and I always say, “the city of Philadelphia.” It a unique city. They say it’s a little New York but it’s way different. The way the architecture is and the wood and the colors and the proportions of the buildings, along with the mood, and the people, and the kind of corruption feeling in the air, it was just, you know, unique. Fantastic.
JH: It was while you were at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, I believe, that you had the first instance of looking at one of your paintings and seeing movement there. Could you tell me a little bit about that?
DL: First of all, all I ever wanted to be since I was in the ninth grade was a painter. So, I ended up at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts in Philadelphia, and at that time the school had, in one of the big rooms they had proportioned off little cubicles. I mostly painted where I lived – I lived with my friend Jack Fisk and a guy named Richard Childers at 13th and Wood – but I also had a little cubicle in one of the big studio rooms at the Academy. And I was in there one night, and I was painting a picture of a garden at night. It had a lot of black and this green kind of coming out of the black, and I sat back, probably to take a smoke, looking at this painting, and I suddenly heard a wind coming from the painting, and the green started to move. And I thought, “Oh, a moving painting.” And that experience led to cinema.
Interview with David Lynch: Director of Dune, Twin Peaks & Mulholland Drive
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[INTERVISTA] J-Hope, membro del fenomeno K-Pop dei BTS, ha la sua storia da raccontare sul suo nuovo mixtape da solista
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“Permettete a J-Hope di presentarsi – e di accoglierci nell’ ‘Hope World’, il mixtape con cui la superstar del K-Pop debutta come solista. J-Hope, 24 anni, il suo vero nome Jung Hoseok, è uno dei sette membri dei BTS, una delle boyband più popolari al mondo. Ma il rilascio del suo progetto indipendente non vuole assolutamente significare la fine del regno dei BTS. Infatti è il terzo membro del gruppo a far uscire un mixtape da solista, regalando all’esercito dei loro fan da tutto il mondo un assaggio della propria visione artistica – senza fratturare l’unità della boyband.
“Il gruppo ha sempre la precedenza, quindi mi sono concentrato sui progetti dei BTS e ho provato a ritagliare del tempo in camera in hotel, in aereo, e ogni volta in cui avevo qualche minuto libero”, dice sul processo, durato due anni, di sviluppo di ‘Hope World’, che egli considera come “il mio biglietto da visita al mondo”.
Meglio conosciuto nei BTS per il suo rap e per il suo passato come street dancer competitivo, la giovane star è stata scoperta dal CEO e fondatore della BigHit Entertainment Bang Sihyuk grazie alle sue movenze decise. Con ‘Hope World’ egli modella la propria voce, creando una serie di canzoni che i fan della musica rap e di quella pop possono apprezzare anche se non capiscono una parola di coreano. Il mixtape si apre con un’avventura ispirata da Jules Verne che ci immerge nelle sue riflessioni personali sulla fama e sul successo, inni di positività e tracce allegre, tutte strutturate su un mix di trap accattivante fin dall’inizio, dance e beat tropicali. J-Hope condivide, in esclusiva con TIME, le storie che stanno dietro questa raccolta di tracce da solista, i cui significati profondi – nonostante le differenze linguistiche – sicuramente non si perdono nella traduzione.
-DOMANDA- Perché hai voluto rilasciare un mixtape? Che cosa lo distingue dalla musica dei BTS?
JH: Il mio desiderio è sempre stato quello di girare un video musicale ed esibirmi con la musica che io stesso ho creato. Volevo anche esprimere la mia storia attraverso la musica e condividerla con il mondo. Il fatto che [i membri dei BTS] RM e Suga abbiano rilasciato i loro mixtape in passato mi ha motivato nel mio progetto personale. Essi mi hanno profondamente influenzato e continuano a farlo, dal giorno in cui abbiamo iniziato fino a dove siamo oggi, e io ho sempre pensato che il fatto che stessero raccontando le loro storie personali e facendo musica nel loro stile fosse qualcosa di fantastico. All’inizio io ho danzato, ma ho capito che potevo anche raccontare la mia esperienza attraverso la musica.
-DOMANDA- Ci sono elementi di trap, EDM, beat caraibici e funk-soul futuristico mescolati insieme in tutto il mixtape. Ma soprattutto, tu chiaramente interpreti tutte le forme del rap. Quali artisti e quali suoni ti hanno ispirato di più?
JH: In realtà io non mi preoccupo di faccende come “ho intenzione di adottare questo stile di rap in questo tipo di genere” mentre lavoro. Ho scelto e ho creato i miei beat in base a cosa mi si addice, a cosa mi ha attratto e a cosa mi sembrava giusto. Il modo in cui lavoro è molto impulsivo, e scrivo rap e compongo musica per come me li sento in quel momento. Per questo mixtape mi sono ispirato ad artisti come KYLE e Aminé. Devo menzionare anche la forte influenza di Joey Bada$$. Questi sono tutti artisti che rispetto fortemente e con cui mi piacerebbe lavorare in futuro.
-DOMANDA- La prima canzone, “Hope World”, si apre con il rumore dell’acqua in sottofondo. Anche il testo accenna al trovarsi sotto il mare. Di che cosa parla questo viaggio?
JH: Mi ricordo di essere stato catturato da “20.000 leghe sotto i mari” di Jules Verne quando l’ho letto da bambino. Penso di essere ritornato a quel momento per trovare l’ispirazione e i ricordi che sono riaffiorati li ho presi come incentivo per iniziare a scrivere Hope World. Si tratta di una mia presentazione per le persone che non hanno mai sentito parlare di me, proprio come nel libro il Capitan Nemo descriveva il sottomarino che viaggiava in tutti gli oceani del mondo. So che suona smielato ma vi invito a fingere di essere il professor Aronnax mentre ascoltate questa canzone e viaggiate attraverso il mio mondo (*ride).
-DOMANDA- Che cosa vuol dire essere un “Piece of Peace” - che è anche il titolo di una delle canzoni?
JH: Ho pensato che sarebbe stato immensamente significativo per me se fossi diventato, come dice il mio nome, una speranza per qualcuno nel mondo — non un’immensa fonte di pace, solo un piccolo frammento. Ho cominciato pensando “sarebbe fantastico diventare parte integrante della speranza di qualcuno attraverso la musica” e mentre lavoravo sui beat ho pensato al tipo di messaggio che avrei potuto diffondere alla mia generazione che al momento vive con molte preoccupazioni e difficoltà da affrontare. Volevo parlare della pace anche se sapevo che si tratta di un argomento pesante e ho aggiunto “pt.1” al titolo perché voglio continuare a discuterne [in futuro].
-DOMANDA- Le voci degli altri membri dei BTS appaiono in “Airplane”. Hanno contribuito in altri modi?
JH: È stato così speciale. Sentivo come se il coro per “Airplane” fatto da tutti i membri dei BTS con cui ho affrontato e affronto questo viaggio avrebbe dato vita ad una canzone ancora più toccante. Inizialmente ho chiesto al nostro membro e mio amico RM di occuparsi del preritornello della canzone. Ha accettato e ha lavorato davvero duramente alla canzone ma alla fine continuavamo a parlarne e siamo stati d’accordo nel constatare che costruire il preritornello con solo la mia voce e terminare la canzone in questa maniera avrebbe creato un impatto più profondo. Ero della stessa idea anche io quindi sfortunatamente la voce del nostro leader è dovuta rimanere nello studio. Voglio cogliere questa occasione per ringraziare ancora una volta RM e tutti i membri. Ho il coro del gruppo e il rap di RM sul mio telefono e non vedo l’ora di avere l’occasione di caricarli sui social e condividerli con tutti!
-DOMANDA- Inoltre in “Airplane” verso la fine liquidi i tuoi hater dicendo: “Non me ne frega un cazzo, sono solo felice / ce l’ho fatta”. Al momento senti di avercela fatta in quanto artista?
JH: Penso che “farcela”, come hai detto tu, significhi cose diverse per persone diverse. Ero a bordo di un aereo quando ho scritto queste frasi, oltretutto sedevo in prima classe e in quel momento ho realizzato che ero in un aereo, in quel posto a sedere e stavo vivendo la gloriosa vita che quando ero più piccolo potevo solo sognare e a cui ora mi sono in qualche modo abituato. Ma adesso sono la stessa persona che ero una volta, lo stesso j-hope. I miei pensieri riguardo la vita non sono cambiati molto ma il mio mondo ha attraversato cambiamenti incredibili. Credo che sia stata l’esperienza di stare con i fan di tutto il mondo e poi tornare sul suolo coreano che mi abbia fatto pensare “Credo di avercela fatta…”. La gioia che sto vivendo ora e l’incredibile amore che sto ricevendo è ciò che considero il mio successo.
-DOMANDA- “Base Line” è una traccia rap molto intensa in cui la tua voce si fa spazio tra suoni di dischi graffiati. Cosa significa per te questa canzone? Qual è la tua “linea base”?
JH: Sinceramente non mi aspettavo molto da questa canzone. La vedevo come un intermezzo tra le altre canzoni ed ero molto rilassato mentre la scrivevo. Poi però ho sentito la base mixata della traccia e mi ha lasciato senza fiato. Potrebbe essere sconvolgente solo per me [ride]. Volevo solo condividere la storia di come ho scelto la “linea base” della mia vita. Le persone non sanno veramente come sono entrato nel mondo della musica. Ultimamente la linea base della mia vita è la mia profonda gratitudine nei confronti della vita stessa e del mio lavoro. Anche nel testo è presente questo aspetto. Tutto quello che sono deriva da questa profonda gratitudine.
-DOMANDA- “Daydream” sembra una canzone particolarmente personale ma ha anche un ritmo su cui ballare. Che storia racconta?
JH: Le persone mi conoscono e so di essere un personaggio pubblico. Volevo mostrare che dietro a questo personaggio c’è Jung Ho-seok, un ragazzo comune. Volevo usare questa canzone per parlare dei desideri che ogni persona di questo mondo ha ma mi sono dovuto contenere e ho dovuto mascherare l’argomento a causa della linea che avevo scelto per il mio lavoro. “Daydreaming” è sognare ad occhi aperti cose che generalmente sono fuori dalla nostra portata ma nonostante questi sogni possano non diventare mai realtà metterli in ordine nella mia testa mi dà conforto. Ho pensato che affrontando questo tema nella maniera sbagliata il mio lavoro sarebbe risultato troppo pesante così ho voluto unirlo a qualcosa di divertente e movimentato.
-DOMANDA- Ora sei il terzo membro dei BTS ad avere pubblicato un mixtape dopo RM e Suga. Chi sarà il prossimo?
JH: Prima di tutto questa opportunità di creare un mixtape è un grande onore. Tutti i membri sono interessati a creare qualcosa di creativo e hanno una profonda passione per la musica quindi non mi sorprenderei se chiunque tra loro pubblicasse un mixtape. Ora siamo tutti focalizzati sul nuovo album dei BTS. Ci lavoriamo sempre e creiamo nuove cose. Spero possiate continuare a mostrarci il vostro amore e che rimaniate con noi in questa nostra emozionante avventura.”
Traduzione a cura di Bangtan Italian Channel Subs (©CiHope, ©lynch, ©Cam) | ©Time
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digitalartbox1-blog · 7 years
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JH Lynch Portrait,Last minute gift,Print it out,8x10 Vintage Print,Printable Art,16x20,A4 Celebrity Print,Famous Portraits,China Art
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mercuryrapids · 6 years
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Freehand sketch using HB pencil and eraser. Darkened and tinted digitally. Referenced from 'Zena' by JH Lynch.
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makingmediameta · 6 years
AG: Second Amendment  
What Messages do you hear in Owning My Masters? What do you learn from his music?
In Second Amendment, Carson introduces the controversy surrounding the Second Amendment. One of the major messages is that guns aren't the problem in society today, it's the people in society that are the problem. He references the many victims of police shootings that have occurred within the past couple years and how people – specifically black people – now walk around in fear of being shot.  
How does AD Carson make rap music meta?
Carson makes rap meta because he talk about the importance of rap and then proceeds to tackle important issues by rapping about them.  
JT: Grading on a Curve
What messages do you hear in Owning My Masters? What do you learn from his music?
In the song “Grading on a Curve” AD Carson focuses heavily on the tendency of the U.S. and its residents to ignore the existence of racial issues. For one thing, he states that the country’s reaction to racial issues is “different when punctuated with bullets,” clearly nodding to the manifestation of these tensions in the form of violence. Furthermore, the country’s responses to these problems are inadequate, as attempts to address them are met with resistance, which is evinced by lines such as “say it to they face, they say you grating on they nerves” and “so the conversation is over.” Overall, Carson’s work speaks to the problematic nature of the nation’s passivity in dealing with issues stemming from racial tensions.
How does AD Carson make rap music meta?
In this specific song, Carson says that he has been thinking that his “voice can be more resounding” if he uses the different parts of speech correctly and says it “how [he] heard it when [he] heard it,” and on account of this fact, this rap is “deliberately worded how it’s worded.” In other words, this is just one of the many examples Carson uses to demonstrate how rap music, which is generally known for not adhering strictly to established and accepted grammatical rules, can be manipulated in order to highlight this very fact. Furthermore, pointing out that he is well aware of how rap music’s structure differs from other linguistic forms (particularly those present in institutions) enables him to perpetuate his message about issues of systemic racism being swept under the rug.  
CR: 80's [Produced by Truth]
What messages do you hear in Owning My Masters? What do you learn from his music?
In this song, Carson discusses the War on Drugs in the 80s, particularly cocaine and the effect the Reagan Administration had on black Americans. Carson, by comparing the strict drug laws and drug use in the eighties to slavery, vividly demonstrates how detrimental drug laws and the crack-down on crack was for black communities.
How does AD Carson make rap music meta?
This song does not have any explicit mention of rap or music, so it is not as "meta" as some of the other tracks on this dissertation. However, it is meta that Carson is using rap to discuss the political and cultural role that rap plays. "80's" provides some historical context for his discussion of rap. 
KK: Willie Revisited
What messages do you hear in Owning My Masters? What do you learn from his music?
In “Willie Revisited,” AD Carson writes about Willie Lynch and slavery. He discusses how much hatred there is and how one desires control. He talks about how Willie claimed to have the idea that to control black slaves was to set them against each other.  
How does AD Carson make rap music meta?
I think that AD Carson makes rap music meta by incorporating real life issues and rap. He talks about how important rap is to him, and then he discusses the aspect of slavery by putting it into a modern perspective.  
JH: Talking to Ghosts feat. Bad Dreams [Prod. by Preme]
What messages do you hear in Owning My Masters? What do you learn from his music?
In "Talking to Ghosts," AD Carson is addressing the idea that Hip Hop is dead. He essentially says a timeless form of media that addresses issues in society is lifeless. He extends this hypothetical though in his title and in his rap by "talking to ghosts" (rap if it is dead) and (I believe) audio files from 12 years a slave to have a quasi-dialogue with the past.
How does AD Carson make rap music meta?
By returning to the roots of rap. Incorporating and discussing political issues in rap, especially when the song is filled with emotion, is one of the trademarks of rap. He also makes it meta by turning his rap into a dissertation.  
RE: Dissertation (Part 1: The Introduction) Prod by Truth
What messages do you hear in Owning My Masters? What do you learn from his music?
In Part 1, Carson introduces his dissertation and his motivation for creating it. One of the major messages is that no matter how educated black people are, they are still oppressed and stigmatized. He plans to use his dissertation to create what "his people have envisioned," to legitimize hip hop as an art form and a medium worthy of academic inquiry.
How does AD Carson make rap music meta?
Carson discusses the history and purpose of rap by rapping. He also talks about the medium's future. 
RC: Find the Ledge (produced by Preme)
What Messages do you hear in Owning My Masters? What do you learn from his music?
In Find the Ledge, AD Carson puts emphasis on the notion that nothing is ever handed to you, especially when you come from an underprivileged situation. AD Carson is trying to say that you'll have to work to get to where you want, and it most likely won't be publicized either. You'll just have to grind on your own to get to where you want to be.
How does AD Carson make rap music meta?
AD Carson talks about real, important issues in his rapping. He uses metaphors and phrases that hit close to home and can be applied by his listeners. He wants to do something more than just rap, he wants to convey his message via his unique platform.
JM: Impeach the President
What messages do you hear? What did you learn?
Carson addresses some of the dark sides to our democracy- our financially driven campaigns, the cultural expectations placed on voters, and our elected officials' power to exclude. He juxtaposes the idea of a DJ in a club with that of the American political machine. Throughout his narrative he constantly draws upon this metaphor to really drive home the point: we oftentimes treat our voting system, filled with political parties, as if it were a club party. We are apathetic at best, and at worst, we gobble up every line the government tells us as gospel; we are entranced by their authority and power over us. Carson seems to be telling us to come to our senses and realize that our politicians are normal people like us and as such, can be held accountable and responsible for their actions as we often are.
How does AD Carson make "rap" meta?
Particularly in other songs, Carson uses rap music as an extension of Black Culture to address the way that the rest of America both views and portrays Black Culture. However, and in his song Impeach the President, Carson uses rap to subvert an aspect of mainstream culture. It is important that Carson uses rap which, by definition, is a subversion of what we Americans consider "pop music" to further subvert other aspects of culture and address these topics from previously unheard perspectives. 
BS: Good Mourning America
What messages do you hear in Owning My Masters? What do you learn from his music?
In Owning My Masters, I hear messages of the need for overdue justice for underrepresented people. AD Carson details the unjust treatment of black people as well as other people of color and of the poor. He discusses the shortcomings of the American democracy and legal system. All of these concepts run throughout his album and are present in the song "Good Mourning America". From his music, I learned that these problems are still present and that by creating art and making progress in academia, more awareness about these problems can be brought to people's attention.
How does AD Carson make rap music meta?
AD Carson makes rap music meta by discussing, through a medium that he directly references with heavy ties to black culture, the problems faced by black people in America.  
What messages do you hear in Owning My Masters? What do you learn from his music?
The song that I listened to on the album was Ferguson. As the title suggests, this song criticized and brought attention to police brutality against minorities in protesting situations in residential areas. This was mainly done through immersing the listener into an experience, with the narration being done by a reporting witnessing police brutality. This song calls for people to become more aware of this dynamic unfolding and I learned to sympathize with experiences I am very separated from.
How does AD Carson make rap music meta?  
Carson doesn't specifically mention the medium of rap so this song isn't meta in that sense. But this isn't a "normal" rap song, its all talking from a narrator's perspective. In this fashion the song pushes the limits of the form. 
JK: “Willie Revisited”
What messages do you hear in Owning My Masters? What do you learn from his music?
The central message of Carson’s album, Owning My Masters, is one of struggle, or the emotions associated with struggle. In “Willie Revisited,” the message isn’t heard, it is felt – through the beat, through the tone. Carson translates emotions into sound which the listener then decodes within themselves. The lesson, then, is one of real empathy.
How does AD Carson make rap music meta?
A central ideology Carson’s dissertation is built around is that rap music is largely either undervalued or stigmatized in academic research. Carson then goes on to demonstrate that rap music is a valuable area of study by creating a mixtape dissertation – an exploration of black culture and history as related through lyric verse. Carson makes rap meta by arguing that rap is worth studying and then creating academically centered rap music to be studied.  
JC: Truth on the beat
What message do you hear? What do you learn from his music?
At the beginning of the song, Carson is speaking about his drive to be a rapper and how he wishes to use the platform to spread his teachings. He explains his qualifications to speak wisdom to people, saying that he has lived through the experiences he talks about. In the second verse, Carson speaks about human kinds common ambition to make money, even at the expense of other people. He points to Columbus and conquistadors as examples. Additionally, he claims that the insanely rich people are gaming the world, people with wealth beyond that of Jay Z or Lebron James.
How does Carson make Rap music meta?
The first verse of truth on the beat is meta because he is speaking about his qualifications to be a rapper. Thus, he is referring to the fact that he is rapping within the lyrics itself. Additionally, the hook to the song is meta. He claims that his words are the truth on the beat, and that he is spitting on the street. Both these lines refer to the act of rapping.
A.D. Carson’s Rap Album Dissertation
The artist poses the following questions in his artist’s statement: 1.    What are the roles of Hip-Hop performance in knowledge production and what types of ideological work is being done by scholarly engagements with Hip-Hop Performance? Hip-hop performance can help facilitate a non-traditional, innovative, and engaging way for an audience to observe the artform and analyze the content in retrospect to the medium it is being presented in. A.D. Carsen is one example of how a Hip-Hop artist can perform and participate in scholarly engagements as he is a Professor of hip-hop at the University of Virginia who had actually rapped his dissertation. 2.    How can Hip-Hop performance resist [push beyond] the limits set upon it by academic convention? Judging by the work of A.D. Carsen, Hip-Hop has the power to surpass its stigma in society as a mere genre of music and assumed preference of a younger, more juvenile demographic. Instead he utilizes Hip-Hop music as a platform of academic convention and conversation. He brings the issues racial discrimination, hardships, and experiences to the table all while proving to the audience that rap and Hip-Hop are not limited to it’s usual conventions and connotations. 3.    How does one more effectively approach Hip-Hop academically in a manner that speaks through [one of] its form[s] and doesn’t reinscribe the “oppression” the form seeks to subvert? As mentioned before, a way to do this is to shed light on relevant issues of groups and individuals in the African-American community so that the audience can become more aware of the struggles that African-Americans go through, be more conscious of the ways that they might be contributing to said “oppression” through their privilege and be more active in helping to fight against oppressive institutions. 4.    How can we responsibly deal with the issue[s] of access for producers of cultural products like Rap music/lyrics? Judging from what is often considered popular rap and played on the radio which for a long time usually spoke on money, sex, and drugs, producers of cultural products like Rap music and lyrics are likely not African American and will only contribute to producing content that will become mainstream and be guaranteed to be financially successful. Ultimately it is up to the audience and consumers to actively boycott or protest rap or hip-hop that may reinscribe oppression and build negative stigma around the industry and culture, and instead demand for more meaningful production of rap music and lyrics. 5.    How should [or How/Should] our considerations of responsibility regarding access change if the aforementioned cultural products are created by people who have not achieved the notoriety of Nas and Jay-Z—artists whose works are studied in academic institutions but would likely not qualify to study or teach at those institutions [both men dropped out of high school before their rap careers began]? Allowing these artists whose works are studied academic institutions, to come and give first-hand interpretations and context of their work would serve for greater change through better access. It only right to give artists the credibility they deserve, even if they didn’t pursue a higher education since their art is meaningful and speaks of their experiences relevant to politics and society. What messages do you hear in Owning My Masters? What do you learn from his music? I hear the message of man who is taking ownership of his education, identity, culture, and history. I learned that A.D Carson knew living in his hometown that if he stayed, he knew he wouldn’t have been able to pursue a higher education and credibility would be limited. How does AD Carson make rap music meta?AD Carson subverts the art form of rap music which originated in African oral tradition and is often thought as far from academic or informative, into his dissertation where he himself raps about his experiences as an African American man pursuing a PhD and the oppression, biases, and mistreatment that his fellow African-Americans might have also experienced due to their race.-AL
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maneeshkr-blog · 6 years
Mn Sunita N Kumar : महिला सशक्तिकरण के लिए ब्राह्मणवाद का खात्मा होना जर...
#ReaL{ism}[f]actual: it's Sons+Crit[i] {sons [re]Created} but+not/versus #Myth[yatva] Sans+Krit[i] LewD:LaSciVious:ठरकी:LeCher [महा]{भारत,क्षेत्र,रामायण,[प्र]देश,राष्ट्र}{-ीय,-िक} {ली,क़ी}चड़+{se,re,de}Duc{eD,inG}{बह,फुस}{का,ला}{या,ना} https://youtu.be/2LPkbiFMS-A?t=7s tRaDe{st}cAST[L]e Sons+Crit[i]: support{er, system}s + sons [re]created... son+{jai, g, jiv[ani], ki, hAr(ni), cut, gh{i,athan,arsh}, i, sad, dig+Dh, dhi, s(k)Ar(ni), DAs, son+i, t[An,Ap,oOr], lipt, {c,b}RaMan, s{k,sm}aran, gati, shOdhan, nATA, chAr} iNDo [iN, re]Form[ation][al] geNeRe kNowLeDGe in Hin{Di+eN}GLiSh SonsCrit is not 2 millennia old: https://youtu.be/sKMf8W7P6zQ ईसा पूर्व की भाषा नहीं है संस्कृत – राजेंद्र प्रसाद सिंह erRyan{sonC, b[h]}raM[un]it जन्म कुण्डली मार: https://youtu.be/L2MJZyr0y3c फ़र्ज़{i}फ़ौज़ मौज:मज़ाक़ Q&As: https://www.quora.com/How-do-Indian-teens-feel-about-different-religions/answer/Vva-1 सबसे ब[-ु]{ड़े,रे}+{g,j}ut[h]{i,e} https://youtu.be/AUCLlgDo_ug s[h]a[i]TAn zulm{i,-ANA?}jurm: https://youtu.be/B70uBXXe5Xg आतंक {वाद,i} {err,ar}{y,e}a{n,a}+ब्राहमण+[k][s]hatri[ya] https://youtu.be/cULu9JIRVD0 Son+[Culp{nA, rit[i], able}, s+Cri{te,Me}s, s{w,m,h}a[r][p,m]n] {race, tRaDe, cAST[L]e}[i]st https://youtu.be/jb33-pd4SnM {me, iN}DiA http://www.opindia.com/2015/11/from-dadri-to-haryana-to-manipur-how-stories-about-crimes-against-dalits-and-minorities-have-panned-out Q&A: https://www.quora.com/Do-Slogans-like-Sonscrit-Sanskrit-Sentence-Satyamev-Jayate-act-as-catalyst-in-helping-getting-true-in-justice/answer/Maneesh-Kumar-57 unSon[s]Cr{An,i}{Ti,Me} https://youtu.be/Zexx4bC5bXg suNiTA NK, BaMCEF: https://youtu.be/BNlAexhHfKI 75ᵗʰ anniv, sMiTA PanSARe दिग्भ्रमित समाज:क्षेत्र:राष्ट्र: https://youtu.be/HcSTNH_1BKI mahABorat [dubious, ambiguous, [b,f]risky, d{aNGe}r+ous] chants-mumbling-lingua-slogans!? विकास 'GANDO' थयो छे:: https://youtu.be/lFMlOZWt14U विनाश अच्छे{proPa}{G,jh}{a,u}nD{e,A,oO}!? diVide&Rule: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h_RwE5F75ZU wAman MeShrAm ................ सन्घी, मोदी, वर्ण:धर्म{राज,कूट,फूट,नीति}पार्टी, भाजपा, {भग,बल,भड़}वा[न], son{s[Q]Ar, sTripTeaSe, CuLP+RiT, sCri[p]t}[i], sont:गुरु, योगी, व दायाँपंथी [वि][भ]-ु{क्त,गत,जत}-ाँ उनकी हिन्दू बहनों को भी {गाली, धमकी} देने व {बदनाम, गन्दा?, बलात्कार?, नङ्गा?, नीचा} करने में कोई कसर नही छोड़ते: https://www.facebook.com/Jaunpurexpress/videos/433949200335843 पँखुड़ी पाठक, SP आप ये नहीं कह सकते कि हिंदू आतंकवाद नहीं है. पहले हिंदू कट्टरपंथी बातचीत करते थे, अब वे हिंसा करते हैं: http://www.bbc.com/hindi/social-41842950 कमल हसन छि: छिः [raC{i,e}st] [a]bRah[a]M[{a,i,e}N]ic{al}feUD+aR[y,e]an{ist}[k]shatriya+tRaDe{st}cAST[L]e sar[O]KAR: https://www.facebook.com/AliSohrab/videos/970741639740492 [violence, [re,op,de,sup]pression, corruption, [trans,re,ag,di]gression, terror-ism] in the name of [re[li]gion, nature, [oc,diffi]cult[ure,ism], states] which is [non-truthful, unlawful] भारत माता की जय: https://youtu.be/031Gp5PtuVg NDTV MeToO: https://www.jansatta.com/trending-news/n-light-of-metoo-campaign-dancers-make-a-video-about-surviving-seksual-abuse-for-years/483205/ TerRoR{ism}cRime has {tRaDiTional, eXTReme, orThoDox, eXCepTional} re[Li]Gions, in{Fact, Deed} aL[most a]L re[Li,Di](e)GiOns. इ/उ+न्होंने धर्म नहीं/कब त्यागा:तजा!? धर्म ने भी इन्हें न/कभी त्यागा:तजा!? Q&As: https://www.quora.com/How-non-correct-is-the-claim-Terrorism-has-no-religion [ब्रह्म/भ्राम-ान/इन, आर्य-न, are-a-n, [k]shatriya, वैश्य, वर्ण]बाद[आ]दाब[ईर्ष्या, उग्र, घृणा, भय, d-ange-r, आतंक, निरस्कार, डर, बहिष्कार, ख़ौफ़]वाद{-ा, -े,-ी}दाव https://img.ifcdn.com/images/4c3c9055eaea49a17eb2b2714564a8751eb9d4c0c6f9f0d70e75245fd44c25b0_1.jpg ................ seCTion deLimiter[s] https://youtu.be/j3vbxX-i15A tHe BiG FiGHT: Are iNDians raCist?https://youtu.be/OCcgx16e8DQ …Yes... https://youtu.be/ilo_YRqXH1k Q&As: https://www.quora.com/Are-Indians-racist-against-black-people iNDians 're racist: kill-murder fellow nationals according to [beliefs, caste-drama-dharma, faith, iDeology, [hyPO]{Cris[i]es, Theses}]; who eat cooked cow-meat, kill those converted to Christianity, kill those dalits-darks-blacks-dasa, bharat's racist ri[Gh/O]t[ual]ists 're [racist, rapist, criminal, extremist, separatist, terrorist]s against other fellow iNDians. https://clarkuthingsthatmatter.files.wordpress.com/2016/04/caste-based-reservation-system-in-india.jpg raCe{[i]st}cAST[L]e Hy[PO]sTe{m,ria} https://youtu.be/ol5zghjbLDA WAman MeShRAm https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/94/53/34/9453345fae30aa1e50b8cadb2c5c63e1.jpg Q&As: https://www.quora.com/How-bad-is-was-the-Indian-racial-racist-blame-claim-Slogan-bad-eye-wo-man-your-face-may-be-come-dark-black-en-ed-against-other-Indians कानून{प्र}देश पालक muSlims: https://openkhabar.com/muslim-mob-lynching Q&As: https://www.quora.com/How-do-many-Brahmanic-Abrahamic-Allies-followers-groups-classes-institutions-and-industries-owe-Reparations-and-Restitutions-towards-against-the-enslaved-Humans-and-descendants-Dasa-and-Dalits-and-their-After-Life-Slavery-in-India Q&As: https://www.quora.com/What-are-the-chances-that-word-bha-rat-is-a-shortened-form-of-gar-bha-rat भारत के [jusTice deLayed=deNied corRupt{eD,iNG}proCrastiNate] न्यायालय: https://youtu.be/vaXLsx1D3NI वामन मेश्राम ................ यह [कैसी] आज़ादी https://youtu.be/hGvMwgNkueQ [{g,j}uT[H]i:bHoOKhi] https://youtu.be/s_RuY9yPXQU {sonGs} faMineD{+QuASi+}DyinG hunGRy{reG,naT}ionals: https://www.facebook.com/rachna.agrawal.16/posts/1718231398228811 work: https://youtu.be/G7nUQYESZOk RoHit veMuLA: https://youtu.be/8G-IuAQxFHc मेघराज सिंह Q&As: https://www.quora.com/Did-the-pseudoAryana-Sons-crit-ona-Varna-bring-the-British-English-for-own-ing-industrial-indian-advances-advantages-representations re{PreSenT, Serv}ation: https://youtu.be/UiYEtEXYqIQ Ad[h]iWASi: https://youtu.be/FThC9_HiN_I pro[Blem,cLaim,mise]{s}SoLuTion https://youtu.be/CCtZ0TfNKsY [राष्ट्र,क्षेत्रीय]वाद[-ा,-े,-ी]दाव: https://youtu.be/qAPt5ND69LY?t=40m45s हिंदूV/sअंय ब्राह्मणों+{ar,err}{y,e}a{n,a} ने फँसाया, मुस्लिमों को: https://youtu.be/p4KrA6yzJ1I सिक्खों:et+al को: https://youtu.be/rk-aG0o4bIc बौद्ध धर्म को भारत में:से कैसे उजाड़:उखाड़:ख़त्म कर गुज़[-ा]रे गए: https://youtu.be/S7gwkMtM8cM वामन मेश्राम Q&As: https://www.quora.com/Is-Hinduism-truth-based-business-trade-based-or-justice-based ग़ुलाम{उ}दास [महा]भारत+{राम,हरी}याण[वि] कर्क:भाड़: https://youtu.be/Xii6iFU94Zc ओशो बौद्धों:दलितों:शूद्रों:et+al के विरुद्ध ब्राह्मणी[k]shatri{य:}वैश् घृणा+ज़ुल्म:जुर्म{-ी}आतंक+ख़ौफ़ अभिYAn: https://youtu.be/8U1SMEKqIus वामन मेश्राम कैसे [b]HAwi है, [प्र]{जाति,दुर्ग}वाद[i]: [प्र]शिक्ष{-ा,ण} पर: https://youtu.be/ySIoO5oKbWA [cAST[L]e{[i]st}raCe] eDuCaTion:tRaiNinG on BaHujans JN ManDaL, 1st law minister, Pakistan: https://www.dawn.com/news/1217465 bureauCracy[+ReLiGions+PoLi[Ti]ic{e,s,ies}] overPowering minorities instead of eMPowering {Brah,sonCra}M[anism,ins]+[erR,aR][y,e][n,a]{ist}+tRaDe{st}cAST[L]e ocCupied iNDian deMocracy with iNC+JawaharlalNehru became 1st govern{ment,dhun,nance}+PM without any election, after: British+Christians left/were sent+back]; Mughals+Muslims were oBLiterated+sideLined with muslim[league, nation]; [OBCs+Shudra, SCs+Dalits, STs+Ad[h]iwasi, minorities, et al] were poLi[Ti]c[e]aL{Ly}re[Li]Gio[se,naL] oBLiterated[with]in[s/c+ide]{Lined,[re]Stricted} with d{aNGe}r+ous Bengal+famine? Puna+pact, {pseudo,[w+]Ron{G,A,i}DhOn,uNeFFective,QuASi}rePresentation:{leaD,deaL}erS[hip]:reServation, [de]PreDation etc: https://youtu.be/H3xSe-TzEWc an aMazing Fake News Show on Zee News: https://youtu.be/fHStIl06CiI by:through SuDhir ChauDhary ................ {diS[Aster, ease], ePiDemic, famine}s were [re]{sTART, cReaT}eD since 9-11[-2016] [un, dis]LiKe 9-11 USA... https://www.facebook.com/BuzzFeedIndia/videos/1684759014917912 iT-ThOSe {eCLiPs, eNGuLF, seiz}eD the [proGress of, [after]li{ve, fe style}s of] https://www.facebook.com/TheWireHindi/videos/536010333417837 {pOVerty-sTRicken+daRiDra, SC{s}daLiT, weak{s}kamZor, OBC{s}baHujan, ST{s}aD[h]iwAsi}et+al: http://boltahindustan.com/congress-mp-targets-pm-modi-over-noteban-celebration/ Q&As: https://www.quora.com/What-are-the-worst-U-turns-made-by-BJP-after-forming-the-government BjP {pun, STANCe} oN [NOTeBaNDi, eNForCeD punishMent?, [de, re]MoneTiZation} https://www.facebook.com/1383922705169789/videos/1937398176488903 iNDo reLiGioSe+ri[Gh,O][T][uaL][isT][ic] poLi[Ti]C{inG, s, ieS} religiose-political strategics[pseudo]science: enSuring benefits of own[selves,serfs-slaves], [exe,perSe]Cuting {surgical-strikes on, poLaRizing, diViding, deVising} other[familie,team,organisation,opPosition,partie]s, time & again; pu[sh,ll][ed,an] them in hell. Did u bear [with] it? Or eLSe, how you[r's] reMained/[over,be]Came unTouched by this {most}? [de,re]MoneTization aNThem: ये लाइन मे खड़ा है तू: https://youtu.be/c_fp1u74ctw जो आजकल: https://youtu.be/5em0wMt67xg कूटनीति-राजनीती शास्त्र-कला{कारी}कलह: अपनों के लाभ{मंदे,तेज़,slow,fluent}फ़ायदे {साध,सुलभ,सरल,सहज,निश्चित,निश्चिन्त}कर, अन्यों-विपक्षियों [पर,का] कर[गुज़र]ते चले[गुप्त]भागे शल्य-शैल्य-शोषण-प्रहार-हानि, {ध्रुवी, टूट[-ी]फूट}करण, बार-म-वॉर; उनके-ऊपर [भाड़,वर्चस्व:,प्रभुत्वं] बना/ उनको [भाड़,वर्चस्व:,प्रभुत्वं] में धकेल, जी[त]ते जिए। क्या आप [इसे, इसके-साथ] {सह[म]ते, गुज़[-ा]रते} रहे? या फिर, आप/तुम्हारे इस{ सब}से कैसे अछूते रहे? Ash[O]ARAm BA{p,b}u: https://youtu.be/d2l0sdFBugM Narendra Mod{i, e+l}OpeRanDe किफ़ायती पन्थी? वादा-खिलाफ़ती-दावे Oath breaker-brokers OR eX[P,T]ensi[ve,ble]Peri[m]ent[al] iDeoLoGical hap[py,pen]hazard[ous][harm,hurt]ful dePredator wings-organisations-parTease-टाल-म-तोल-[ट]टोलियां-टीलें-सटोरिये-pervert-ठिठोलियां सीधे-साधे-भ[ट,ड़]काऊँ-भूले[-ं]भोले-भालें-तीरें {कठो,[कोठ,ठाक,डाक]:-उ,ठोक,ठुके}र-िये[दुर्ग:caST[L-e]proPa[g,p,b-h]anda(go)Spellभेड़िये-साँड़(ef)Forts]mob[उग्र]भीड़[में][भेड़ियें,भेड़ें,साँड़,मेढ़ें,कुत्तें]->भाड़-hell:भिड़े-भड़-बुझे-ख़रबूजें, उठाईगिरे, सेब-Base, आम, डुचे-ठुके, [र,श]-ाम, ड[न्-ग]रे, दबे-ढके, ग़ाज़रें-मूलियाँ, डँ[-ा]टे, सँते-सटे, मुड़े-बुढ़े, मरे-खबे, [[इति]आदि,अद्,बद,सीधे,सधे,सादे,टेढ़े,मेढे]-भुत[क़ाले, go[र,ल][क्षे,-े,खे]], तजे-भजे-भजिये-तजृबें-तजुर्बें-तरबूज़ें, etc. [p,m]arT[y,iaL][s]Bj के अच्छे{proPa}GanD{e,A} https://youtu.be/faBjO-yWb8M बे+इज़्ज़त {Ri-gh/ot-ist, [sa]WARNa, [P]ARTiFiCiaL} LoC{aL}LoG note[n]ki baAz rahe {g,j}aye guza[a]re gaye hain. tHe {de,re}MoneTization ciRcus: https://youtu.be/YqwVOWYJSxw {B/P+L}uNDer – AiB ................ Word 'Hindu' means {slave, robber, thief, waylayer, black} https://youtu.be/kjkHI6PtrEY?t=4m30s Hundreds of sources[re]liable eXP{Lain,oS}ing with truth, facts & eVidence: https://www.google.co.in/search?q=hindu+means+thief Hypo{The[a]T[r]i, CriTi}Cal nu{kS[he, An], sKhe} of|for|by [huMan, mamMaL, aniMaL] {reG, raT, naT}ioNaLs:[ Hind{i, u{sTAn}, {MahA}[RAshtr, BhArat]a[pra]Desh-MaRAThA} ~50%;bRahm[a,i,e]n ~3.5%;aRe-a-n{ism,ists}AryA[n], [k]shatri[ya-ism/t]RAjPut:which[raj ke put? YA raja ke put?]ThAKur ~5%+3.5%;{tum'Am} jAn[wa]R ~70%; R'AmaYana, {re}La[ksh,x]man, D'AsaRatha ~40%; [na'R, kin+na'R, nArad, nAra'yana, nA'Ri, laksh/lax+mi] ~40%; pandav-punde [tha]kuru[va] [maha]bh[a,A]ra't[a,i,ya] viC[h]ar-Dha[r, m]a R'ad[h][ik]a ~60%;bRahm{Adi-k}sanaQ muni'sa ~40-50%;[MuSLim, MosLem, Mom[i,e]n]s, iS[L,R]AMic] ~15% RamzAN-RAMADAn;(unt)[hei, die]n-do (shunt) arChaic[anArChy]anCient hinDon{e} ~50%;QALe ~60-70% {Dh[a,u]n ~50-90%} GoRe ~30-40%;in{Dia, Dies, Dus+Do[es]}{trial, WAD{i,a,e}DAW, valLey} [fe]males ~70%;{Q'Am, r'Am, jAn[wa]r, {un}j'Am} tum'Am ~85-90%;{se,hu,wu}men{nu,mu} {fo(u)r, go, out}{cast[L][e], ra{c,p}e, sPell}s ~70%;MamMal[ian]s प्राणी{स}स्तन{धारी, पायी, -ीय}जन्तु ~100% ] ?? Hindu+twa[m] हिन्दू+{ त्व[-ं]=तू:तुम:you; अह[म,म्]=मैं:i; [ए]तेषां=वो:them } conFirm@ http://www.spokensanskrit.de 'aham' tva [iMPoSé, SPReaD, eNForce] {inG} iNDo{H}inDu iDenTiTy {not ouTDo[inG]} on oTher[ {nat,reG}ionaL]s [ब्राह्मण,वर्ण]{:}धर्म का अ{-ँधा}नुकरण: https://youtu.be/qL1E5YtCerQ?t=2m40s WeD[ic] DhaRM: https://youtu.be/1ttpb5IC15s V/s BudDhism https://youtu.be/jdOS7CREfD0 JeMini KAdu: https://youtu.be/OYmaj8LTFuQ BaMCEF नालंदा बौद्ध विश्वविद्यापीठ (iNDiA) https://www.facebook.com/829138893826348/videos/1553500264723537 व तक्षशिला युनिवर्सिटी (ChiNA) की वास्तविकता Q&As: https://www.quora.com/Is-Hindu-an-English-word-or-Hindi-word/answer/Nimish-Mishra-5 Q&As: https://www.quora.com/Who-obliterated-Buddhism-from-india-3000-BCE-1000-ADE/answer/Nimish-Mishra-5 {wa}sudh[:,a,ir]budh; waSund[h]ara; shuddh[:,i,a]buddh; old monk{ey}; boDo[:,a]soDo; body:sody https://i.pinimg.com/originals/23/03/ab/2303ab913236241c7d889e4d1edbfc48.jpg [maha]Bhara+t+iya ग़रीबी पर वीर+रस कविता: https://youtu.be/hksqLJ7Wy1A हरि ओम पवार [aRTiCLe] भारतीय [प्र,अंतर]जाति व्यवस्था 'ऐंटी नेशनल' है: http://www.bbc.com/hindi/india/2016/06/160617_amartya_sen_ambedkar_cast_system_pk नोबल पुरस्कार विजेता अमर्त्य सेन ................ दोनों[म,व,मा]रनेवाले [ज़्यादा,अधिक]तर [अधिकांक्षी,बहूजन,बाहूसँख्यक]85-90%[शूद्र:OBCs, दलित:Dalits, आदिवासी:Ad[h]iwasis, {धार्मिक:अल्पसंख्यक:साँस्कृतिक:नृजातीय}minorities] होते रहे गुज़[-ा]रे-गए। Brahm[a,e,i]n[ism,s] https://youtu.be/q2s3AcQZJd0 eXPosed Arya{ns} https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aryanism were aLiens-forEigners: https://www.facebook.com/MoolnivasiMedia/videos/249675415436976 to huge iNDi[an,es] subContinent Brahm[a,e,i]n Girl rePly: https://youtu.be/EQKgVytO-90 [brahmenब्राम्हणb[al]ramhu[ma]n, [k]shatriya, tradest] बस घट[-ी,ना] को {स्क्रिप्टित, son-culp-rit, स्वीकृत}अर्थवा[स्कृप्ट-लिखते, [मा,ता][नसिक,न्त्रिक]क्रियान्वित{करते}[अ]हिंसा, तमाश[बीन]बनते[नरसिँहित,गौरीमा]] गुज़[-ा]रे[ते]गए। सम्विधान, क़ानून एवं व्यवस्था: https://youtu.be/0fRtlUSg8VI प्रो. रतन लाल राष्ट्र[प्र]देश को वर्ण[su,क़ु,सम्][वर्चस्व,प्रभुत्व]ता के प्रोपेगैंडा[अ,दुर्]बोध[आतुर]एजेंडे से बचा[ना।, या?] [bLoG] ब्राह्मणी+[k]shatriya: https://brahminsexposed.wordpress.com {crime, horror, terror}ism जितनी गहराई में जाँचो{गे}पुरखो, {धर्म के आधार पर बनाईं गयीं, धार्मी[आ]धारित} [शोच,संशोध]नीय प्र[शो,को]ष[ण,क़] व्यवस्थाएं समझ[पा,ते,जा]ओगे। राष्ट्र[प्र]देश को [सम्]प्रबुद्ध [पौरुष, स्त्रीत्व, आत्मियत] प्र��ान [करें।, कराया?] ................ भीमसाहब व बहुजनों का इतिहास: https://youtu.be/KyVWbMC1C1s?t=1m4s दिल रो उठे Q&As: https://www.quora.com/What-re-the-origins-of-Dalits-and-Dasa iSiS ViCTiMs: https://youtu.be/yNdqZi0z8vQ RT Q&A: https://www.quora.com/What-is-everyday-life-like-in-an-ISIS-controlled-area/answer/Maneesh-Kumar-57 Pre+iSLAmic MidDLe EaST: https://youtu.be/kBpQiJt3MUQ hiStoryFew people can name poets and events from Byzantine? होश में {आ,गा,जा}ओ+{जा,मा}नों: [a]bRah[a]M[{a,i,e}N]ic{al}feUD+[a,eR]R[y,e]an{ist}[k][s]hatri[ya]+tRaDe{st}cAST[L]e बहुजनों के [{sho, [satya, wi]nA, choO}shaq, {दु,कु}श्मन, sh{aTrue, udra}]#1 https://youtu.be/HvhHnm1wLfc MuS{lims, alMAn} नहीं: https://www.facebook.com/harish.shaikh.750/posts/1912088845723601 इन्दु चौधरी, नहीं हिन्दु: https://www.facebook.com/induchoudharybhu/videos/1920599651290330 Q&As: https://www.quora.com/What-is-dalit-crisis/answer/Laal-Musaddi https://youtu.be/BOpbeJR9w3A?t=11m8s Poe{M, Try} Rajeev Riaz & Surajpal Chauhan: https://youtu.be/ofaYLGcap8c?t=17m13s बहुजन समाज के शायर व कवि http://www.thequint.com/hot-wire/2015/10/22/more-than-47000-crimes-against-dalits-in-2014-crime-records छद्म[वि,वै]ज्ञानी [निंदापूर्ण, तुच्छ:क्षुद्र:, दास:, दल-इत--ि] बनानेवाले ब्राह्मणी:क्षेत्रीय:वर्ण{वादी}जाति:सामन्ती {समाजी, sons+Cri{ti,me}}q अनुकूलन: का उन्मूलन तुरन्त{ज़रूर,i}जल्द जाती हमारी मूल पहचान नहीं: https://youtu.be/LI90h_Gr0Ww वामन मेश्राम rozGAr canDiDaTure: https://www.facebook.com/jyotisinhajsr/posts/636773173163840 ................ सन्घ-ुटन:RsS [{raCe, tRaDe, cAST[L]e}st] के मनगढ़ंत इतिहास और बढ़ते सांप्रदायिक खतरे: https://youtu.be/x-HVaUje3Kg इरफ़ान हबीब, इतिहासकार Genesis of RSS & poLiTical aGenDa: https://youtu.be/vgXZlFLpWSc Q&As: https://www.quora.com/How-is-RSS-related-to-Hindu-terrorism SaHARanpur D{anGe}r: https://youtu.be/n70JQeGY07k?t=2m34s pRiMe-TiMe Q&As: https://www.quora.com/Is-BJP-an-anti-Dalits-party गड़करी + bRahmin juntA https://youtu.be/nn98r6yyRp0 {p,m}Art[y,iers] https://youtu.be/-HVFLNm-P_U Q&As: https://www.quora.com/What-exactly-is-Jumla-and-is-it-a-Hindi-word/answer/Nimish-Mishra-5 आरक्षण के ख़िलाफ़: भाजपा नेता सुब्रमण्यं स्वामी: https://youtu.be/YtWXEpm1674 {Poem} On Saharanpur, UP: https://youtu.be/p2L7zhF-fd8 b[i]ased+shrewd+Ri+gh/o+ts RajPuts V/s gullible+poor Dalits Q&As: https://www.quora.com/Is-BJP-anti-intellectual-and-anti-artist [aRTiCLe] http://www.huffingtonpost.in/2017/04/14/30-ambedkar-quotes-that-may-surprise-the-bjp_a_22039425 KaiRANA, aFTer proPaGanDa & ruMors: https://youtu.be/6qOoeq6dYtA कैराना प्र[चा,सा]र{-ों}अफ़वाह के बाद नुक्सान{गर्द{i}गर्त} moDe[L]{oPeR,proPA[G,jh]}anD{e,A,oO}] of {p,m}ART[Y,iAL]Bj: https://youtu.be/k6mQ010ueVg rac[i,e]{st}cAST[L]e https://youtu.be/hOKAd2Gj9k4 7 Historic facts aBout RSS: https://youtu.be/MntX_MvTLj8 ................ GoRakSha[Qs] eXPoSeD: https://youtu.be/E_u-1_-zuwU RamaKAnt भ्रष्टाचार मुक्त [प्र]देश: https://youtu.be/vZEHkogVG7w ओशो re[Li]Gion: reLiGion on|over reGion : क्या गाय के नाम पर हिंसा फैलाने वाले गौ:आतंकी है? https://youtu.be/XfuX64TUzQU SBS Q&As: https://www.quora.com/Why-is-Buffalo-not-worshipped-like-cow-in-Hinduism {ब्राह्मण, [K]ShaTriy, वैश्य}-ों [में, की] गौमांस खाना: https://youtu.be/6MWF8SPGhZw {वैद, धार्म, वार्ण, सनातन}-िक परम्परा रही There have been too many:much propaganda for [iDeoLogical, feuDal, {p}aRTificial, reliGiose-reLigious, eThnic, reGional] battle:war:priest[Craft]s, inStead of proViding good:better living conditions for its:their {reG,raT,naT}ion[al]s. गौ-हत्या सत्य:: https://youtu.be/UnmbKh3o_IY Osho लाखों के लिए [गौ,गउ]रक्षक: [दे,रे]ख़क[go,गाय][भ,ल]क्ष्यक़ and [कौ,cow]तस्कर[-ी] में शामिल: https://youtu.be/Y3YHjqooPz4 dosSier? ................ हिंदू धर्म में {विवेक, कारण, स्वतंत्र} सोच के विकास के लिए कोई गुंजाइश नहीं ~ डॉ. भीम राव अम्बेडकर: http://www.hindisahityadarpan.in/2016/10/best-b-r-ambedkar-hindi-quotes-slagans.html [admi, ado]ration of Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar!! https://www.facebook.com/MoolnivasiMedia/videos/249560185448499 जो भी व्यवस्थाएं जन्‍म से एक:कुछ गुट:समूहों{प्र}जातियों:जुठ को [अन-ेक क्षेत्रों में] {श्रेष्‍ठ, अच्छा, बड़ा} व {दूसरे, अन्य} को {नीच, गन्दा, छोटा} बनाए रख{-े, ने में का[रगर, रागारी सम्भावित+साबित हो}, वह वर्ण:धर्म नहीं अपितु ग़ुलाम{उ}दास बनाए रखने के [जाल{-िशें}साज़, अच्छे{proPa}G[A,u]nDe, WArNA{sa}DhArMi, षड़यन्त्र+खड्यंत्र, cRiMe{hor,s,ter}Ror{iSm, [iMaGi,cOmBi,maCh{i,O}]N[e,ation]s}, ज़ुल्म{i,-ANA?}जुर्म], पात्र:मात्र। GujaRAt moDe[L] {oPeR, proPa{G,jH}}{a,u}nD{e,A,oO}: https://www.facebook.com/Fekunama/videos/1984420568251694 यदि गुजरात मॉडल सफल है तो:–किसान परेशान क्यों?बच्चे कुपोषित क्यों?दलित पीड़ित क्यों?महिलायें असुरक्षित क्यों?पाटीदार आंदोलन क्यों?युवा बेरोजगार क्यों?ज़्यादा*2 दरिद्रता:दल*² क्यों? [इति?] http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-EMgqmZ8RYFw/T_vaQ__Q8UI/AAAAAAAAAGg/XU0QJDK-mk8/s1600/Picture+324.jpgवर्ण:धर्म ~85%{reG,raT,naT}ion[al]s को ग़ुलाम:दल[*²]i+t+i:दरिद्र:[उ]दास बनाने के षड़यत्र ~ वामन मेश्राम What do [h]iN{Do,Sa}[n] {reG,raT,naT}ioNaLs need [from [s][h]ouTDo[inG] [pra]{Sh,Q}{As,Op,Osh}aQs]? https://www.facebook.com/BJP.Unveiled/videos/1402333959884807 भगवानों:god[s] को धूर्तों:गुण्डों ने {ब,म}न[व]-ाया [[hoR,teR]Ror{s,ists}cRiminal] व [vicTim] {लो,रो}गों से मन[व]-ाया: https://brambedkar1891.wordpress.com/tag/periyar-in-hindi/ ~ पेरियार ई.वी. रामास्वामी जो व्यवस्था [जन्‍म से] एक को श्रेष्‍ठ व दूसरे को नीच बनाए रखे, वह धर्म नहीं, गुलाम बनाए रखने का षड़यंत्र: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DC53QdCXoAA8MTE.jpg ~डॉ. भीम राव अम्बेडकर ................ धर्मों*reLiGions ने बर्बाद+तबाह किया [intra, inter]रा{ष्ट्री,ज्}{यता,यों}+{reG,raT,naT}ioN[aL]s को, बार+म+वॉर[n+iNG]: https://youtu.be/AKaga0OV_8Q [एकमात्र {जीवित, जीवी युक्त} eaRTh {में, को भी, पर, से}] https://youtu.be/SAKrwB6NbGE : wATCh with LoGical eViDence... Q&As: Which religion is truth based or a true religion?https://in.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20160814232734AAMA5zt HoLi[a] https://youtu.be/r66IRTMknUM?t=57s {भग,बल,भढ़?}{वान,वती} माँगे https://youtu.be/vCgrgUQfEDU बलि[दान]व? https://youtu.be/OkDSR4w2vt4 ban+eXTerMinate ri{TuaL,OT}s https://www.facebook.com/nastiknation/posts/1905166443133348 {T,Q,P}aharRush {j,G}am{i'a,[Bl]e} https://youtu.be/5BxViewqwSU cRime{s,iSm}[ter,hon,hor]Ror [H]{iN,oUT}{Do,Sa}[n][e] https://youtu.be/OH-cLVWBkqc [s]HeLLs राष्ट्र{iya}क्षेत्र व्य{था,ङ्ग} https://www.facebook.com/NewsNumberFlash/videos/955055811264843 अच्छे दिन iNDo females: https://youtu.be/bTS0rR5975A बलात्कार{i}son{s[K]AR, ATon} http://www.januday.co.in/NewsDetail.aspx?Article=10314 https://www.facebook.com/newspaperjanuday GhaDi GhaDi LaFDA KAiKO: https://youtu.be/A-UClJPhX8o SamBhAji BhaGat @ULGuLaAn2015 ब्राह्मणवाद ही आतंकवाद जन{नी,क} है: https://youtu.be/CThgfGPmKqw वामन मेश्राम [FOrWArD, ShaRe] in [m]any {gRouP, timeLine}[s] as reCeiveD. क्या हम [छद्म, समपूर्ण]स्वतन्त्र [अगस्त १९४७ से हुए, हैं आजकल]? https://youtu.be/fhD2FTlKrHI Sanjay RajourA बाबा [न] बने: https://youtu.be/VMuz8UEgifw MoD{e,i}[L] [oPeR, proPa{G,jH,P,Bh,S,Th,Q}{a,u}n]D{e,oO} ब्राह्मण{i}भ्रष्टाचार: https://youtu.be/joNhCCQ6Ylc beH{adD, oODA} गुट{i}झुठ sonS{[Q]AR, Cri[P]T}[i, uRe, s] बलात्कारी+cRiminal+{te,Ho}rRor[ist] ब्राह्मण+aR{y,e}a{n,a} https://youtu.be/oNnlPxi7E1I देवताओं: https://youtu.be/mfHVGoxOE0g की {सूची, [Qu]karm{pra[ti]}QriyA[yen]: https://youtu.be/LcAtofWeP1A आखिर कब तक...? https://youtu.be/aSppUKos6Vg [कविता] oUSTiNG reLiGiOse {[in,dis]CrimiNation, [horR,hoN,terR]oriSm} https://www.facebook.com/groups/409129822578901/permalink/1035149723310238 {reG,raT,naT}ioNaL[s'] aNG{st}aGain [H]iN{Do,Sa}[n][e]+[Bo,sho]dh+euRo oUTDo+ [w]+ Ron{G,a,i}DhOn +[s,b,m,t]onTri unTheis{m,ts} https://youtu.be/_yMihYXcCUs धर्म:विनाश V/s विकास:विज्ञान: https://www.facebook.com/rpvishal/posts/1732774853402156 https://youtu.be/rv4_EEYG7rM Q&As: How was God Created:Born (itself or Himself)? https://www.quora.com/How-was-God-Created-itself-or-Himself [प्र]{श,च,क}{A,O}शकों} ने [कुछ:कुछ के] reLiGions*धर्मों को [toOLs की तरह] use करके [intra, inter]{रा,ला}{ष्ट्री,ज्}{यता,यों}+{re[Li]G,raT,naT}ioN[aL]s को [uP]{L,R}oOT[vAY]A, time & aGain {meDiA, GK} sTufFeD [with]in[side]... cowPiss{dRink}gauMutra: https://www.facebook.com/IndianAtheists/posts/10155088944283372 reCommended by many sonts [un, dis]like RamDev: https://youtu.be/7EXrvER4xPE https://www.facebook.com/839993326152960/videos/964265907059034 KaiSA Ye Dharam Hai: https://youtu.be/PZ4SEfiu2kI SheeTaL SAThe, sinGer धर्म सिर्फ़ कुछ+कुछ प्रकार के नशे+नक़्शे{छद्म}दुर्ग:+drugs, जो {reG,raT,naT}ioN[al]s को नशे:मद में {रख,लक्ष}[वा]कर [नुक़्सान], कुछ विशेष dyNa{M,St}{ic,o} % {reG,raT,naT}ioN[al]s को लाभ पहुँचाने की मशीनरी। जब तक हम नशे में रहेंगे, ये [नेता,प्रतिनिधि]{वर्ग{-ीय}वर्ण}धर्म [हठ] नैति{कता}धार्मि के नाम पर [{reG,raT,naT}ioN[al]s, हमें, क्षेत्र{प्र,-ियों}देश] [को, में] [लूट{ते}ठग, लूट{मार,खसोट,बाँटचूँट,पाट}[uP]RoOT कर गुज़रते] [चालू] रहेंगे।[cRime{iSm}[hoR,teR]or +aBhorRence, chAL{[AK,AR][i][oO]}bAz, ज़ुल्म{-ाना?,i}जुर्म, {g,j}{u,oO}t[h]{i,e,A}, jAL{ish,i}sAz, नुक्सान{गर्द{i}गर्त}moDe[L]{oPeR,proPA[G,jh]}anD{e,A,oO}] इण्डिया:भारत आज भी जापान:अमेरिका जैसे देशों से 150:250 साल क्यों पीछे: https://www.facebook.com/dilpawan.tirkey/videos/1533077253445596 wed{on}shAstr ने बर्बाद किया [प्र, अन्दर]{राज्यों, देशों, क्षेत्रों} को ................ भारत में लोकतंत्र के नाम पर नौटंकी: https://youtu.be/4LHpOeX3jvI WAman MeShRAm [a]bRah[a]m[in]ic{al}feuD + [erR,aR][y,e][n,a]{ist}[k][s]hatri[ya] + tRaDe{st}cAST[L]e ने कैसे बनाया राष्ट्र+क्षेत्र{प्र}देश[-ियों] https://youtu.be/GXBReBAH7TQ को ग़ुलाम{उ}दास? PoLi[Ti]c[e]aL [hi]Story: https://youtu.be/fnWQONkPsXc V. L. MaTanG, BMP: https://youtu.be/pdRRYCE4tNk : https://youtu.be/bbJGbKj1L0o महेश राठी समाजवाद: https://youtu.be/KWvFh30m_3Y ~SC आपको अपना उद्धार स्वयं करना होगा: https://youtu.be/2rEd44TfSwY मा. वामन मेश्राम. koi bha[G,D]wa-n-bhag[a,u]ts Aye to Apke sonhAr+murDe ho sakte hain [zulm, {sha,sho,choO}Shak, jurm](i) poshaq? https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=414847158909004 {जाति,वर्ण}{वादी,गर्द} [अ][न्,नु]याय[-ी] व्यवस्था को ख़त्म करना हमारा उद्देश्य: https://youtu.be/RWxvvaKussY aSMiTA: https://youtu.be/dF1YDdQbZpw tHeaTre: https://youtu.be/nqsoLLhHtOI gRoup: https://youtu.be/hRrVtyadGjk {soNGs} https://youtu.be/ovW7S8yALKc [please] Do not use word-phrase {some[one,thing]} upRising[s]. It is [very, too] ofFensive. It had been used world over by [dominant, feudal] [propeller, con-vict-or]s to define-declare protests as upRisings, and then crush those, "by hook or by crook" modi operandi. You can use word like Rising Lagging/Scheduled Classes/Castes/Tribes/Dalits/Shudra. ओबीसी जोड़ों अभियान: https://youtu.be/w_ql5afL7lg बामसेफ MuSLiM{s}friEnD: https://youtu.be/GjRQFyPMxcQ https://www.facebook.com/1488418371216468/videos/1557226331002338 AmbedKarism: https://youtu.be/Vu1Klyrk05s?t=3m13s Dr. Ram Puniyani, Social aCTivist & auThor सस्ता खाना नहीं, हमें हमारी मेहनत के व-ेतन चाहिए: https://youtu.be/E93AKH2j9Ds We Need Our Stuff, Not Cheap Food Dr. Ambedkar{& his, ism}phi[Lo-So]phy: https://youtu.be/mjld-Ks_Gqw [MP] Sharad Yadav 85-90% बाहु{सांख्यकी,ज[-ा]नि}[क़] [सन्घठन, चेतना, सुविज्ञ[आन], प्रज्ञा] ज़िन्दाबाद:सम्भावित:साबित !? ................ VoLuMinous {RaCe, [a]Chie{Ph,Ve}, BrahM{a,i,e}n, cAST[L]e, [k][s]haTr{i,a}[y,n]a, [uP]{R,L}oOT, {A,eR}r{{e,y}a[n,a], or}, tRaD{e,iTioNaL}, FeuD[aL]}iSm {pejoRative, proPaGandized} deServe{ing, less}reServe {प्रणाली{कु}प्रथा, [doMi, sLoGa, CarToO{t,त}क़रतू]N+eeR+inG, बवाल, [परि,प्र,प्राक्]कल्पना+पल्पना, con[sPiracy, seQuenc]es, ogyGian प्रज्ञा} pSeudoScience connected with the {static-dynamic human} groupings, do play sever[al,e] roles in the development, evolution & progression of the [human, native, {int[er,ra],multi}national, re{li}gional, naive, gullible, domicilean, earth-worldean]s oGygian{pre?}hiStoric [iMaGi, comBi, maChi]Nations Wed[a]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/41/e0/c9/41e0c9ecf9c372f44ee00ddb3ed33fd6.jpg [un,dis,non]L[awfu, oya]ll+y+ourshttps://3.bp.blogspot.com/-E5BSbhBO19s/V2dpF-YfM6I/AAAAAAAATNo/GVTI9mrENVIa9H1vGeQJaqlh_RUYCp70wCLcB/s1600/shivling.jpg Dew[a] [re]Sources: [https://www.youtube.com, Google [iMage] Search, https://www.quora.com, iNTernet] She+v:{and}+LinG[um,a] {phall[us,i]}https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/4d/d9/20/4dd920da0987c383497d3d3b10a9df55.jpg rePreSents? man's [pu{rush}l]Ling {phallas} inserted (sa[t,[i]d]) woman['s bhag-yoni-garbh {vulva-vagina-womb}] dePreDates? She व {aND} LinG शी+व+लिंग का/की सच/सच्चाई-सिंचाई: https://youtu.be/nUyvdGtDG1s OshorePreSents? she-wa anCient pu[ru][sh,lL]ing: https://youtu.be/I2d-x5tzVzE unt-Shunt?https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/30/0b/82/300b82d0f578fa8ba7c1546d52b6ad54.jpg Lead to consented copulation[s]? Or [enforced, acquiescent, unconsented] hap[py,pen]hazard[ous] [gang, group] sex[s]rape?https://images.fineartamerica.com/images-medium-large-5/tantra-tantric-artwork-shiva-ling-parvati-hindu-mysterious-painting-traditional-art-a-k-mundhra.jpghttps://youtu.be/gjIAukewyhY{cRiMe[s], LinGs {sT[r]i[ll] : pu/ru[sh,ll]} fanSa, raPe, terRor[s,iSm]} kar guZa{r,are} gaYeMuslims' too hate She-wa-ling[a] hypo[thes,cris(i)]es: https://youtu.be/-IpkjEU9dcc [w]+ Ron{G,a,i}DhOn baNANA rePuBLic! CunGARoO CoUrTs! देवदासी मन्दिर प्रणाली[कु]प्रथा https://youtu.be/jIvlCkrPNqYhttps://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pseudoscience DewaDasi ManDir[ty]system: https://youtu.be/dnKtvFFZ67k pro[ject,pel,paga[te,ndize]]s sLaVery-pRosTitution [bLoG] https://brahminterrorism.wordpress.com/ [Brahmanic, Are-a-n] [crime, terror-horror, b/p-lunder]ism बावल+ज़ुल्म+आतंक[वाद]ख़ौफ़+जुर्म {hu,se,wo?}men{dir}ty {wish,deSir}e{s, d} {horR, hon, terR}or{ism, ists} {iMaGi, QomBi, MaChi}nat{ion,ed,ive}s शि+व+[विष,poison,ज़हर]पान+dRinKing: http://www.animated-gifs.eu/category_religion/phone-240x320-religion-asian/0060.gif shivered? unConSCious? https://www.boldsky.com/img/2017/02/23-1487854408-ma.jpg dead? hySter{ical}hiStor hesTems she asked: https://youtu.be/9lk9xRIUAMQ?t=55s why people pour {cow, buffalo, et al} milk on शि+व Ling? s[h]ah[&,i]mAt{a}mAd? LeaNinG शी+व+GoL+MoON: http://webneel.com/daily/sites/default/files/images/daily/09-2013/4-beautiful-mf-husain-painting-dancing-woman.jpg {रा,ला}{ज,ज़}नीति PoLi{Ti}c{e,s,ies} https://youtu.be/yACq_kXX4YI?t=15m22s T. MehNA s[ar-as-w]ati: https://www.hindujagruti.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/saraswati.gif रेप्ड[st[r]illing]युवती-पीड़िता ने दोष[-ी]ज़ुल्म: https://youtu.be/Rta-R269uiM युवक का गुप्तांग[पुल्ल,पु{ru}श]-िंग काट दिया #9 Weirdest [Wo]men Weddings [With]in[side] The World: https://youtu.be/IdAtaKLqUiw = दुनिया की ९ अनोख़े+अजीब+O+ग़रीब[अ,ग़]जब सादी[यां]शादि-विवाह+ब्याह sePaRated:https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/a7/8a/4c/a78a4ceb05fb31ee58ce5671e20d6bbd.jpg men+dir+ty cult[ure]: https://youtu.be/665dr7RB6jM रेप के con[Vict]or-दोषी के साथ com[vict]im+पीड़िता+महिलाओं ने lathi charge: https://youtu.be/HcF14SCYSEk करा[या] .... [super,under,a-bad-nti]natur[e,al] [अ,ग]जब strange[a]Mazing fa[bricat,sci[st]nat]ed|poem Ramayan[a]Sing: RamayanPlur-al: Ramayana [blur-ring] Vanara: [VAna+{RA]+vanA}: Ravana: aVarna [anaGrams] = jungle[es,[after]life] OR forest dwelling Homo+Sapiens|Erectus|Neanderthal? OR GoriLLA|Chimpanzee|Ape kin[ne]d/wil[le]d mammals? Apes? VanA = forest{s}jungle https://qph.ec.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-299c2e93cc551b8fa951a1a54992a8ad Living? Flying? yes-Wings? Dasa-ratha Rama-yana[ http://www.thefreedictionary.com/priestcraft ˈpriːstˌkrɑːft n1. (Ecclesiastical Terms) the art and skills involved in the work of a priest2. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) derogatory the influence of priests upon politics or the use by them of secular power ] OR Afterlife [life-after-death] [fly, cutT, carRy]ing mountain overnight, over Himalayas|India Or Afterlife [fly {with}, grasp, lift, lay]ing stones?[ http://www.thefreedictionary.com/warcraft ˈwɔːˌkrɑːft n1. skill in warfare2. the skill of directing a war ]https://qph.ec.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-a1d9bbc515c988761fa1cd7e60db6c56 Fled...? Flowed? Died? g:ram:mar:ye.g. https://www.facebook.com/MoolnivasiMedia/videos/273238059747378 H[un]uman[a]: [un]Humanshttp://malayalam.oneindia.com/img/2016/02/16-1455616553-16-1455609783-cartoon.jpg [g,b,h,m,p,t,s][o]und[a/e] d:rama-mara|amar?http://media2.intoday.in/indiatoday/images/stories//2015September/mos4_091715100559.jpg [battle-priest-war]Craft sTrateGics[eCo]LoGistics: (A,(alp)vi[sh]) [RA]{m[a](yAn), vAna[r]}[a]Sit [yo,jo][va,ba]ni? http://images.catchnews.com/uploads/images/2015/09/17/hanuman-and-sita.jpg Mar-gina-liz-ed? http://indiafacts.org/behind-mask-three-hundred-ramayanas Q&As: https://www.quora.com/Is-it-true-that-there-are-around-300-versions-of-Ramayana RamaYana: D-AnGe-R-ous-ly {reGresSive, reVers[es,al], {iM,dis}ProVable, woRS{ening,ns}} {tool, reHearSal, [sub]sysTem, (in)[fact, deed], [proof, truth]}s Q&As: https://www.quora.com/Was-not-Ramayan-the-story-of-the-descent-of-Man-from-Ape-Monkey-kind-Mammals-Species-Mythologically-dimensioned [re]Ci{S,T,D}e{iNG}[co{n,m}]tRoLL {g,j}uT[H][e] doneGurs+{p,m}aRT{y,iaL}aniMaLs+[{s,p,m,t}{o,u,i}ns]C{ee,[uLP]ri}t{T[er]s,iYAn} thro' raCe{[i]st}cAST[L]e p{OET,ROSA}ic moDe[L] {oPeR, proPa{G,j[H]}}{a,u,oO}nD{e,A,oO} mar+yADa: die+meMories pu{{R,L}u,Sh[u]}:+uTT{um,un,err} [A,mar,shah,{ha}RAm]zAD[a,i] BanDar SeNA: https://youtu.be/sgFN_y66CU4 TerRoRists .... subSeCTion[s] raCe{ist}cAST[L]e dharm{On}baliDAn[aw] kA {same} – Ja[a]GO!? https://youtu.be/Wb7U5q-t1Mw RANA goOn{da}rAj: https://youtu.be/mmoA2aqdeUM?t=3m28s गुण्ड{-ा}राज Racist pseudoScience: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aryanism crank-Scientific racism Race{ism}Cast[L]e aMong[st] iNDian mamMaLian {aLien-aRyan-aRe-a-n, Buffalo-Brahm[i,a]n, Cow-Gau, Dalits-Dasa} nationals: https://youtu.be/E_u-1_-zuwU [[प्र]जाति, वर्ण, नस्ल-नक्सल-नक्षर-नक्षा-नशा-नुक्स[-ान], अखंड-पाखंड-ढोंगी]वाद। {weSTern, Christian} pSeudo-Science: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arianism [hu,wo]men:https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/b4/ca/16/b4ca1607e6f4a1e9f887f66fa7188265.jpg in re[Li/Di]{e}Gi+on .... http://www.thefreedictionary.com/propagandapropaganda  prŏp′ə-găn′dən.1. The systematic propagation of a doctrine or cause or of information reflecting the views and interests of those advocating such a doctrine or cause.2. Material disseminated by the advocates or opponents of a doctrine or cause: wartime propaganda.[from Latin prōpāgandā, ablative feminine gerundive of prōpāgāre, to propagate; see propagate.] OriginConGreGaTio de ProPaGanDA FiDe                         =ConGreGaTion for ProPaGaTion of the FaiThPropaganda ~= Propagation ~= [DiS]SemiNationpro+Pa+GanD+ize ~= pro+Pa+Gate {p}re[pRoDuCe, diReCT, bel, cReaTe, arRanGe, tenSe]s d{anGe}r+ous miX{TuRe}fu conTaiNinG {p}ARTi{fici}al [lie{s}truth, +{viTy}-] https://youtu.be/QTXDgCzwQOs?t=45s d'eVoLution of iNDo+EuRo enGLiSh+uRDu+hinDi [deRiv,reL]atives: paGaN{enGLiSh} पागल{hinDu}pAGaL enGLiSh: aGendaकार्याबली, शानदारg{r,l}andग्रंथि, लिंगeN+GenDerजाति, gaudy, genital[ia,s], god, en+D+AnGe+r, hanD+Le, गङ्गाgang{e,ster}sगिरोह{-ी}गुट, garLanDफूल:हार/माला, paGe-ant, aGape, gateद्वार, (de)fun{d[ament-al-ism]s, ct[ion{ary,s}]}, leGend+ary, {pUn,uR,eXi}GenT{Le-men}, {p,m}anDo{r,l}a, eXPunGe, geNe{Sis,RaTe}, enG{iNe,LiSh}, aNG{eL,Le} paGa{l,n}pun{k,t}[h]{a,i} {a}{c,t}[h]ie[ph,ve]is[m,ts]पद: [f,m,p,bro][a,o,u][r]the[r,l][i] oVer UniTeD-ProWinCes: https://youtu.be/IIQ7wJMRRJ4?t=5m18s U.P. hiNDi: गेंदाgendaगैंडा, gunda[i]गुण्ड{ई,-ा}, GondWanaगोंडवाना, gaud(y)तड़क[-ीला]भड़क[ली वस्तु], gaindगेंदball, dung{ar}डन्ग-र, gand[a][गंद:, गले में पहनने का गण्डा]gandakगंडक-नदी GAndगांडArse, gAndhiगाँधी, गधा{s[a]u}Ga[n]dha[ri]गांधारी[सु,सौ]गंध, ग्रन्थgranth[i]ग्रंथि, [pra,sad]gati[प्र,सद]गति, gangaगङ्ग-ा{पानीwatersजल}dirtyगन्द-ा;काण्ड:kAndAकंडा, khand[har]खण्ड(हर), हाण्ड:[b]hAndaभाण्डा, पाखण्ड-ीpAkhand-i,jhandAझण्ड-ा, jhundझुण्ड, bhand[a]phodभाण्ड-ाफोड़, dandAदण्ड-ा, mangat-मंगत, pungatपंगत, aPanga[अ]पङ्ग{:,-ा,-ु}, bh{a,u}gat[an,i]{भ,भु}गत{-ान,-ि} Y2K https://youtu.be/ZVH_azWAzZI {proPaganda, faKeism, fenku, lehar, ruMouRism, myth[yatva]} https://youtu.be/B4sXOUtlw8w कैसे फ़ैलाया व लोक़-लोगों को उस[से,में] उलझाया गया है – Ravish Kumar .. [HinDi, enGlish, etc] {lanGuages, linGu[a/e? iStics], tonGues} were mishMashed[ab,mis]used for compl[e,imen,emen]ting {hurtFul, uNjusTiFiaBLe, d{anGe}R+ous, unLawFul, siniSter, [r,l]oYaL, iNjuRing} [comBi,iMaGi,maChi]Nations of {lie{s}truth, sCheme{s}sHame, doMi[NeeRinG,Nation,Nion]s, नक़्शे+नुक्सान+नशे, moDe[L]s, sTrateGi[e,c]s, [प्र,सं][चार,सार,गति], [oPeR,proPaG][a,u][nD,L][e,aA,oO]+aGenDa, pRo[F,Gr]esSions, etc} .. https://youtu.be/47y8gs33P80 Kanhaiya Kumar on [9/11, Christianity, Brahm[a,i]nism, iSlam] https://youtu.be/PlovMRZ9UR0 Why reServe women{OBC, SC, ST}s? https://youtu.be/eGTRdy7j3cg {Nazi, aRya[n], [sWa, nA]sT-i-k, d-anGe-r-ous, holoCaust, aDolF HiTLer] https://youtu.be/NR6_alxS3SM Ravish Kumar re[Li]Gion: reLiGion on|over reGion sons+Crit[i]: support[ers,systems] + sons [en]crypted [Ramayan[a], Mahabharat[a], Wed:Dewa, etc/et-al] (creat|chang|transform[ed] cRYPTic+aMBiGuous sCripts + war:priest[crafts]|[after]life|mythical-critters in India-n-world) through sonsCrit(i) & [divid|en-slav|[re]creat|rul]ed crit-ters|ani/mam-mals|[after]life by divisive & devising plans, agenda, conspiracies, corruption & propaganda. https://www.google.co.in/search?q=sonscrit son+[s(k)ar, gh[i,athan], dig-dh, das, ta[n,p], jai, ki, jeev, nata, son-i, char] phi[Lo,Do]so{Phi-cal, Phe-r-s}: phySi{Que, C[s,al]}, phi[L]{ander[er], ip[s, ine-s], iStine, anThrop[y,ist]}, PaleStin[e,ian-s]reLiGio{us, se, sity}https://waadeekrax.files.wordpress.com/2013/05/sampati-falls-3-1.jpg sum{(m)er, bhog, pat[n]i}https://waadeekrax.files.wordpress.com/2013/05/the-walk-to-the-sun-2-1.jpg sin{g, gle, gh[ania], ha, k, d([h][u][n], bAd)}: syn{chronous, ergy, thes[i,e]s}sim{ple, ilar[ity]; at}shun{i, kar, g, ya, kh; t}monk[ey] ra{vana}ra aVarna{wa}sudh[:,a,ir]budh : shuddh[:,i,a]buddh : boDo[:,a]soDo : body:sodyshum{bhu, i, she[e]r}cust[umer, om]s, cast[e,le], foreCastcomMon {[hu,wo]men, sense} Qom[hu,se,wo]MensPell, goSpel, sMell, sMall(pre)tens[e,ion], [con]Tent[ion], comMence, mention, [con]Quest[ion] pensionsenS[e-s, uous, ual, ation], son-s, [kam]sin-s, sa[i]nt[ist,est], sen{tence,sex}, sCene, sonSoni, sKin, sCent, sCien{ce,ti[fic,st]}, {acquie, adole}sCen[ce,t], [pro,ef]fiCien[cy,t]http://www.thefreedictionary.com/words-that-end-in-scence con{Science, [hu,wo]Men, Sensus, Sumer, Tract}comMun{e, ism, ity, icat[e,ion]}cen{sor, sus, sure}... pseudo-aryana-asio-indo-euro{d-an(gel[o]sax)ge-r}m-an-y .... http://www.storypick.com/greek-and-indian-myths She व {aND} pAndav-punde[aRya,aRe-a]n-[k]shatriya[tha]kuruv dic{h}ed different [culture,ethnic,comMunity]'s drau-padi{daughter}dru-pad ather{p/f}ancha[l,m]ihttps://i.ytimg.com/vi/pXKlmyRq1ic/maxresdefault.jpghttps://www.hindujagruti.org/evoimg/news1/out/images/1305195794_BIGHUSAIN1603.jpghttp://media.webdunia.com/_media/hi/img/article/2016-12/23/full/1482483358-3188.jpg Modern Moma's Boys: https://youtu.be/2AXCaVtXOHM 5+1D-in-lawhttp://ste.india.com/sites/default/files/2016/04/15/479423-up-poster.jpg potty? sex? pornoGraphy? torTure? of|for whom?http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-TKM8LxfBy9Q/VQ0SolnXEGI/AAAAAAAAJiQ/8kPR3Qoyi2A/s1600/draupadi-cheerharan.jpg [d,s+L]augh+ter?http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-Dw4mCv7nBcE/UH_kE4ZJtzI/AAAAAAAAA3w/FIaM7BdWI08/s1600/draupadi.jpghttps://thegreatindianperformance.files.wordpress.com/2010/07/women_violence-final.jpg कभी-अभी भूल कर/कैसे भी [pejorative, निन्दापूर्ण, खंड[पा]खण्ड[-ित], तुच्छ-क्षुद्र, ग़ुलाम{उ}दास]बनानेवाला पौराणिकी+अयथार्थ+अनर्थ राम:[यण,मह:]भारत-राज्य:रण: नहीं/मत ले आना/चलना: https://youtu.be/I2XMtjUT0dw Osho | auDio: राम:र[-ाव]ण:[अ]राज[-ा,क[टा,ता,था]]Rajya-Rama[Yana]anArChy[Maha]Bharat ~= [pejorative, propaganda] wor[l]ds [ins,assa]ult on 85%-90% [dark-black, gullible-naive, dalit, shudra, poor-phoohad, religious-regional-ethnic-cultural minoritie, ad[h]iwasi]'s {[hu,se,wo]men} https://youtu.be/TcwYiy67FLA {Weaken,eNervat,oBScur,conCeal inStead of eMPower,aWaken,free}ing{hu, se, wo?}men{dir}ty {wish, deSir}e{s, d} {hor, hon, ter}ror{ism, ists} {iMaGi, QomBi, MaChi}nat{ion,ed,ive}s She व {aND} tAndav https://www.google.co.in/search?q=तांडव+meaning संज्ञा [OrGy, saTurnaLia, necKing-party] {ताण्डव, नंगा नाच} https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/86/f3/15/86f315d9aa8852d65bfe82b196254018.jpghttps://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/6d/7e/b2/6d7eb24708142bf59b792b2ef8ba139e.jpghttps://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/33/f0/73/33f07353108b4ded45b00fb0c9aa206f.jpg OR[सं-पु.] 1. शिव का उग्र नृत्य 2. पुरुषों की एक नृत्य-शैली 4. उग्र क्रियाकलापhttps://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/52/90/55/529055f6866e91d1ef7937ced819ee7c.jpghttps://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/2d/6b/ee/2d6bee3037d41f8d91fae65b4c7fabc2.jpghttps://youtu.be/SViibGHAMgY Premieră! शि+व+MUsic+orGY https://youtu.be/nRSYeFkw54M Law sTuDent in Kerala Chops off Genitals of a god{demi, man} https://youtu.be/FR0TeFMAAuA Her [alleged] rapistShe{+v:}chopped[pu{ru/sh}l]L-ing[a]: https://i.ytimg.com/vi/H6PtzqzL47U/maxresdefault.jpg http://www.hindi2dictionary.com/अस्मत-meaning-hindi.html [सं-स्त्री.]अस्मत 1. निष्पाप और निष्कलुष बने रहने की स्थिति और प्रवृत्ति 2. स्त्री की इज़्ज़त 3. पतिव्रत; सतीत्वइस्मत स्त्री की इज़्ज़त-आबरू; सतीत्व; पातिव्रत्यकिस्मत भाग्य; तकदीर; नसीब; प्रारब्धख़िदमत 1. टहल; सेवा; चाकरी; सुश्रुषा 2. कार्य 3. पद 4. ख़ातिरदारीअस्मिता 1. अपने होने का भाव; अहंभाव 2. हस्ती; हैसियत; अपनी सत्ता की पहचान 3. अहंता; अहंकार; अस्तित्व; विद्यमानता; मौजूदगी 4. (योगशास्त्र) पाँच प्रकार के क्लेशों में से एक{म,ह,ख}ननiSm ruminate; aBUse+sLauGhTer; Miningeham Brahmāsmiti अहं ब्रह्मास्मिति is radical-racist-ego[t]istic-sons-crit slogan i am the [in+fiNite ReaLiTy, brahMan, God] OraHum [urgent-necessary [pro,con][puls,ject,duct,gress,claim,blam]ions?] brahm [us-me] [i]ti[finished] [unity]reason for ~2%Brahmin+3%[k]shatriya male-chauvinism-ehamiyat [rul,dominat,[a]head,lea[D]eal,ru[n,i]n,regulat]ing on|over ~95-50% [a]hum[urgently]needy nationals. [हस्तक्षेप, दख़लअंदाज़i]: किसी होते या चलते हुए काम में कुछ फेर बदल करने के लिए हाथ डालने या कुछ कहने की क्रिया inter[ference,vention]obtrusion, ocCult, ocCupation, enCroachment, trespass[व्यवधान, ख़लल, अड़ंगा, विघ्न, बाधा]: किसी कार्य को करते समय बीच में होने वाली कोई आकस्मिक घटना; inter[ference,vention,ruption]hindranceनज़रअंदाज़i iGNor[e, ance] hypo[thes, cris(i)]esV/s[pragmatism; practicality; realism] "an approach that assesses the truth of meaning of theories or beliefs in terms of the success of their practical application" [व्यवहार, उपयोगिता]वाद A brief (hi)Story of re[Li,Di]{e}Gi+on:https://alejandrokaiser.files.wordpress.com/2016/07/img_30028606224590.jpeg ................ {pSeudo, aNTi, uN}sCientific re[Li]Gion[s] V/s [f]aCT{ual,ive} ReaL{ity,ism} : {bRah, hin+do}Min{ant, ion, eeRing} [con-vi, a]ct[or]s Versus {dePressed, crushed, reGressed, suffering} [com]vict[ims] [ dominant, {con-vi, a}ct[or]s, [sh[O,A],choo]shaks, जोश-ए-[जुनूँ,जनेऊ,मौल]{-ी}दोष, ofFender, feudal, segregated, organised, ma+jo+ri+ti+es? ] ~12-20% [जाट लुटेरो {बल,पहल}वान: https://www.facebook.com/1406663276068678/videos/1424791980922474 , sons+crit+ons: https://www.google.co.in/#q=sons-crit-ons | pseudo+Arya+ns: https://www.google.co.in/#q=pseudo-Aryan | BrAhMins, [K]ShaTriya, {paTEL, gujJar, marAThA, redDy}s, et al | Hindu+tvam: https://www.google.co.in/#q=hindu-tvam | Arya(ns)&Arya[n]ism: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aryanism raci{al}radic {pseudo,proto,crank}S{cie,o,a[i]}nt+ists ] [complicate, irResponsible, aNTi-aGainst, trap, criminalize, de-predate, victimize, dispute-feud, hostility, enmity] [शोषक-चूषक, मनौती, पनौती] due to [webs, matrices] of[motive, doubt, suspicion, deSire-asPiration]s [मंशा, [आ]शंका, संशय, आकांक्षा-आस:-काश:]एं  OR[problem-solver, sophisticator, compl[i,e]mentary, rePresentative, leader]s [कोशि��:, कोशिक्षा, ख़ज़ांची[कोष]पोषक] [ dePressed, crushed, sufferers, comVictims, दबे+वञ्चित+कुचले{शोष,जोश,दोष}-ित, separated, disorganised, mi-no-ri-ti-es? ] ~80-90% [ Shudra-OBCs: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shudra, poor, women|weak, darks|blacks, Dalits-SCs: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dalit, Ad[h]iwasi-STs: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adivasi, tRans+Gender{s}seX, [physic, ment]aLLy cHa[lle]nGed, Dasa https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dasa |slaves https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slavery_in_India, B,G,L, religious|eth{n}iQ(u)al+Tural minorities [Muslim, Hindu, Sikh, Christian, Buddh[ist,a], Jain, Jew, Zoroastrian, et al]s, castrated:eunuchs, et al ] [iNTellectual, uNTheist, [a]GNostic]s uN+nAsTy+Q ~= uNKNowLeDGeaBLe [my]th{[e]oLoG,yatv}ists sWa+s+t[h]+i+Q ? [वै,वि]ज्ञानि[क]प्रबुद्धं {पौरुष, स्त्रीत्व, आत्मियत} [धा,आ]र्मि[क]प्रभुत्वं #eXPoSé (im)[P]arty{c,fici}al in{ter,tra}dePenDance|state|rePuBLic #उघारब [d-ange-r-ous, [he-in, die-n]do-us, communal, so-ci[et,de]al, biGot[ry], re[li]gio-se/us] [tension, po[l-i]se/ce/cy, po[li]t[r][ic,e,y]s, unKnowledgeabilities Too] [na,ra,fic,fixa]tion-al-i-zation-al [na,la]yak-[Lo,Qa]yukt[a,iyan] iNDo mor{e, aL} poLi[Ti]C{aL, eaL, ieS'}+ri{Gh/Ot, TuaL[isTic]}+tRaDe{st}cAST[L]e reLiGiOn[s] .... Hindu Converts: https://youtu.be/NjCScyPdJ24 The Tyranny of [Script,Text][s,ure]: https://youtu.be/6BaGHKe5oi0 Is Religion Man-Made? How Did Religion Start? The Evolution of Belief: https://youtu.be/ql2yz7XDs2A Daniel Dennett, 2006 All Religions are Lies + Masters of Deception: https://youtu.be/PflixBTzi8o .... ri-gh/o-t hinDuism+paRT[y]{Bj+RsS+iNC+RAj} https://youtu.be/oxkMmI21mWg?t=23m2s 56" cHeSt Q&As: https://www.quora.com/Why-do-Jains-believe-that-Lord-Krishna-is-in-hell/answer/Maneesh-Kumar-57 मैं धर्म:ग्रँथों की धज्जियाँ उड़ाता हूँ! क्यों? https://youtu.be/ioKScrmQvAo OSho सिर्फ़ मुर्ख़ ही पाए जाते हैं [manDir-ties, mosQue-toes] में: https://youtu.be/lM79vDMzFMo inSulting Re[Li/Di](e)gio[n,se,sity]: https://youtu.be/1uTypnaP5X4 It could/can not be sa[i]d more than that "Lord Ram was born at the precise spot where Babri Masjid was located has no truth|fact|evidence" Dr Ram Puniyani: https://youtu.be/HkVAkAyfMXw?t=7m53s Ram{a}Raj? https://youtu.be/56wbqiYjRyM?t=1m9s रङ्क{फ़}टीचर? The Ayodhya – The Case Against the Temple: https://youtu.be/gJrrJqKm4-o    [must watch] 1991 BAbri MosQue [to] demo[li][sh,te,tion] for — RAm [manDir-tymple] ke NAm: https://youtu.be/OO-VaJBHiik Shameful [right-center-left]wings [bha[T,D]Kau, pejoRative, wiL[Le]D gumRAh[i], [ins, assa]ulting, vile, vilifying, de-preDating] legacy of [maha]bhara-t ! [S-laughterer, killer, rapist, looter, [a]chieph[er], murderer]s – Overlords of Caste-Races [caste,rac][ism,ists]  ~1000 years of aParTheid. is|are Buddh[a] [not] [m]any Avatar[a] of Vishnu? https://youtu.be/YiQmj278Yqw दिमाग से धार्मिक[ई] कचरा निकालो! https://youtu.be/l6HbVZJdVvE Osho Best arguments against religion|faith: https://youtu.be/w35krx_WQZs Richard Dawkins eRaze+delete [enSlaving, pejorative, feudal, pseudoScientific] brahminic[Aryan–aRe-a-n][K]ShaTriya Social-Cult[ural] [re]Conditioning pseudo-aryana-asio-indo-euro{d-an(gel[o]sax)ge-r}m-an-y All Religions Are False! https://youtu.be/Tt4eb6IHTug Why ReLiGion Should Be rePLaCeD: https://youtu.be/pUxhU3eeSKw?t=1m44s Sam Harris on The End of Faith {2005} Danger to Society .... What Have i Got aGainst Religion? https://youtu.be/oSZYN8UV6yg God[s,dess+es] Bless {a[nti], un}Theism! https://youtu.be/y4mWiqkGy-Y Theology as branch of phi-lo-so-phy, re[li]gion OR [re]creative/ecritirve art?.Heaven is right there waiting for you, and all you've got to do is die. That's some price to pay, isn't it for admission to a place which is full of [after]life clergymen and born again [christian, brahmin, {a,er}R{y,i,e}a{n,a}, [k][s]hatriya, tradest, et al]s' afterlife, which i reckon makes it literally a fate worse than death [with]in[side] the earth world. But surely people need re[li]gion to answer certain questions [un]like "how better:worse can we stifle the human[holi]spirit? How much can we squeeze from the poor and gullible? How many palaces can we live without blushing? But there are very many questions it doesn't have answers, so it try to ad{a,o}pt from modern+science or it cover the phenomena-process-program-etc and {it's [wo]men} makes them up. {a-nti,un}Theism says you just made them up, religion:theism says this what we call theology. What's the difference b/w doctor of [medicine, theology]? One preScribes drugs, other might as well be on drugs. A theologian is somebody who's an expert in the unKnowable-unKnowledgeability. .... What Should rePLaCe re[Li,Di](e)Gi[Ons, o{us,se}Ness]: https://youtu.be/m5tGpMcFF7U Daniel C. Dennett [re]Search: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=replace+religion https://www.google.co.in/search?q=replace+religion re[Li,Di](e)Gi+On V/s: https://youtu.be/A-D8Mf9DdQI ReaL[ity, iSm] What Comes After re[Li,Di]Gi+On: https://youtu.be/CL--1Z_g4DE [wo]men:https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/b4/ca/16/b4ca1607e6f4a1e9f887f66fa7188265.jpg re[Li,Di](e)Gi+On [w+] Ron{G,D,i,j,A,n}DhOn Rama[Yana]DasaRatha[maha]Bhara+t+i+yan Race{st}Cast[L]e system:http://image.indiaopines.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/caste-system-india.jpg [a,un]Theism WiLL OverTaKe ReLiGion by 2041: https://youtu.be/R-ON0Wt25TA sTuDy eQuaL[iTy, iSm]+juSTiCe & oPPorTuniTies 4 aL[Most a]L, apPeaSeMent+faVOr[Ti]iSm 2/& eXPLoiTaTion+eNSLaVeMent of[f]/on nOne? God's God: https://youtu.be/ODetOE6cbbc {[D]aNG{St, e[R]}+ridDen, fake, raCe{st}cAST[L]e, faSCi[st]Nated, pRoPaGanDised, fARCE, aR[y,e]an{ist}[k][S]h[a,e]Tiya, tRaD[est, iTioNaL], reLiGio{us, se}+reGional, [a]bRah[a]M[a,i,e][n]iC{al}feuDaL} {[re]Creation, [f/t]act[ion,ivitie], [p,m]art[iaL, ie]s, [pRiest, wiTCh, [b]Hand[i], wAr]cRAFT[inG]}s [af,in,de,ef]FeCT us, {in[Fact, deeD], sin{Ce}nTuRies, time & aGain} ................ SuPreme Court of iNDia's reTired Hon'ble JuStice MArkanDey KATju's DaRing iNTerView: https://www.facebook.com/SasuSwamy/videos/1175934229179365 [PLs] {Do, MuST}{n't misS, waTCh} pSeuDo{reG,raT,naT}ion[al][ist]s: https://youtu.be/2h0q_bkwra8 A. RANA ~10% का शासन: https://youtu.be/XyFTVJMRpPU ~90%+ पर चलेगा नहीं iNKi SoORaT kO PehChAnO BhAi: https://youtu.be/s0QETSCliRk SamBhAji BhaGat जिस रूट पर बुलेट ट्रेन चलाएगी मोदी+pART[iaL,y]Bj सरOकार: http://www.nationaldastak.com/country-news/route-on-bullet-train-it-has-40-percent-seats-empty उस रूट की 40% सीटें खाली raC[i,e]{st}cAST[L]e {रूढ़ कूढ़, बूढ़} वाढ{a,i,e}दाव गुट:जुठ {वा,दौ,धा}{र्ण,र्म,र्ग}iQ मग़ज़+MinDSets+क्षेत्र{प्र}देश: http://naisadak.org/सारे-कूढ़मगज-संघी-नहीं-हो sLaVe girl – CRAZY SHiT tHe QURAN says #1: https://youtu.be/TIur6akd0YQ {TruTh, ReaL[ism,ity], FaCT, eViDence}s [are, should+must be] [b{e,a,u,i}tTer, iMPRoV[iS]eD] माखन लाल jourNalism विश्वविद्यालय में खुलेगी गौशाला: https://youtu.be/Rm8NzYHPyBQ लोकतंत्र का मज़ाक़ Can iNDia become a superpower? https://youtu.be/zXZ4pRhY-kU eQuaLizing Dr BR AmbedKar &|Vs reLiGiose Barrister MK Gandhi: https://youtu.be/XoQ_D5G6sXg Osho How to identify Fake News in India?? https://youtu.be/Ezcng6hyWp4 Dhruv Rathee AiB: {proPa}GAn{C,D}{hi,A,e}[un] [iN]ConGress:UPA Vs aScetic[s]{P,M}aRT[y]Bj:NDA : https://youtu.be/qStXxdRJtms good:bad cops:poLi[Ti]c[s,ing] छि: छिः [P]aRT(y{ rAj}, i[FiCi]aL)Bj+iNC, ND{A,MoDi} UP{A,ADityaNAth}, RsS, VHP, HMS, [B]Dal+Bal, [H, Br, Ks, S.R]Sena, etc, [M]aRT[s,rAj,iaL]s भारत के पौड़ानिक:नौयुगी दासतानें{अ}फँसानें: https://www.facebook.com/MoolnivasiMedia/videos/249559375448580 sLavery[en]Trapments श्रमिक कोष: http://thewirehindi.com/23977/laptops-washing-machines-purchased-from-the-fund-of-rs-29000-crore-for-the-construction-workers-the-supreme-court-is-shocked/ {फ़िज़ूल, यूँ ही, al, err} ख़र्च BjP{व,ians}iNC आय स्रोत: http://thewirehindi.com/17951/bjp-congress-anonymous-sources-of-money/ अज्ञात !! #+#+#+#
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claydisarray · 5 years
Tumblr media
Polymer painting all done - this time for JH Lynch’s kitsch classic, ‘Tina’ 🖼 🎨✨. . . #jhlynch #kitsch #kitschart #painting #70s #artistsoninstagram #illustration #clayillustration #popculture #claydisarray — view on Instagram http://bit.ly/2Wk6USX
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iwantingsbuzz-blog · 7 years
House Tour: A House Filled With DIY Halloween Decor
Name:Jennifer Perkins and husband Chris Boehk along with daughter Tallulah (five years old) and Baxter (three years old). Location: Shady Hollow Neighborhood — Austin, Texas Size: 2,900 square feet Years lived in: Owned 1 year
We shared some of the great Halloween decor ideas we spotted in the home of Jennifer Perkins (crafter, business lady and really rad mom) earlier this month. As promised, we're back with a bigger tour so you can see how all those great decor ideas fit in with Jennifer's colorful everyday style. And though having a dynamically decorated home is a year-round affair for this fun family, Halloween is a special time of year because Jennifer is known for her huge family-friendly annual Halloween party.
Jennifer shares some of the history behind her annual spooky bash:
This will be our sixth year for our annual Halloween party. What started out as a very small and modest affair has grown quite a bit through the years (Last year we had almost 100 people and this year we topped that). Many of the same families have been coming since the very beginning. This is why the Halloween party posters I hang in the dining room are one of my favorite party decorations. It is great to see how the kids have grown over the six years. The party is all about the kids with cookies galore (my deep freeze is almost completely full), pinatas, crafts, rice-filled sensory bins and this year a haunted train ride. Yup, I rented a small train that took the kids on a ride through our neighborhood.
I try to make every year slightly different. No table or mantel is ever the same. There is always a new witch finger shaped cookie or donut made to look like a spider. I start baking over a month out since Baxter has a peanut allergy and I have to hand make almost everything. Most store bought cookies and cupcakes are a no-no for him and every party we attend I have to BYO-cupcake. This is the one party a year where he can go crazy and eat whatever he wants. Cupcakes, cookies, chocolate covered Oreo brains. God bless our deep freeze. I'm already thinking about what I can do in 2015 to top this year's party! Be sure to check out Jennifer's website where can find a lot more of her ideas.
Apartment Therapy Survey:
My Style: I like my Halloween kitschy and not too scary. I have small children and don't really like zombies anyway. Year round my decorating sense is very eclectic and has a sense of humor. Halloween is not any different.
Inspiration: I love me the Pinterest like everyone else. Stephen Brown of Glitterville has amazing Halloween crafts. I live for the Halloween editions of Matthew Mead's magazine. Country Living always has adorable ideas. On the rare occasion that I find vintage magazines from October I gobble them up.
Favorite Element: In my everyday home the natural light is what initially drew me in to this house. When it comes to Halloween it is hard to pick a favorite room. I love my mirror covered in bright colorful masks. I want to keep them up all year long.
What Friends Say: My friends look forward to my Halloween party not just for all the sweets I bake, but to see all the decorations. If you are going to throw a theme party THROW A PARTY, don't phone it in. My friends might say I am Halloween obsessed, but then they know I go overkill decorating for every holiday. Did I mention I had over 80 Christmas trees last year?
Biggest Embarrassment: It is a tie between the dirty carpet that I have yet to replace and my black leather couches that look like they came from Andrew Dice Clay's house.
Proudest DIY:I am very smitten with the fabric swag curtains my mother made for my front door. This year for our annual Halloween party we had a train that took kids up and down our street. I knew people would be spending a lot of time in our front yard so I wanted the house to look as cute outside as it did in.
Biggest Indulgence: In my everyday home my navy Jonathan Adler couch was my biggest indulgence. When it comes to Halloween I've been pretty lucky. The most expensive things I own I didn't pay for. I have three vintage paper mache' pumpkins that were my parents (one is almost 75 years old). After that I didn't pay tons, but my blow molds and vintage masks would probably fetch the most money on Ebay.
Best Advice: This is a collection I have amassed over years like everything else in my home. If you want to collect vintage Halloween goodies think about buying things in the 'off season'. If I go to a flea market in September the prices on vintage Halloween will be a lot higher than they will be in April.
Dream Sources: If someone told me there was an abandoned warehouse of vintage dead stock Ben Cooper or Collegeville Halloween costumes with a closet full of old blow molds I would probably pass out. I love my collection of vintage Halloween masks most of all, but since they are so fragile not that many made it from the 70s.
Resources of Note:
Navy Couch - Jonathan Adler JC Penny
Vintage Theatre Seats - original Alamo Drafthouse
Mirrored Ello credenza - Warrington Flea Market
Bar stools painted by Hope and Jennifer Perkins from Salvation Army
Kilim rug - Tuesday Morning
Low faux burl coffee table - Craigslist
Brass etagere - thrift store
Vintage large glass vases - family heirlooms
Vladimir Tretchikoff print above mantle called Balinese Girl was found at an estate sale in Peoria, IL.
Gallery wall comprised of my mom's textile arts from the 70s, husband's band photos, prints from favorite artists, and signed Peter Max print
Vintage Fisher-Price toys (low for the kids to play with)
Dining table and China hutch Warrington flea market
Antique papier mache pumpkins in cabinet were my parents when they were children
Ceramic pumpkin cookie jar was made by my grandmother
Large cat and owl planter from Pottery Barn Kids
Green couch Craig's List,
Vintage Thayer Coggin chrome chairs were my parents that I had recovered
Chrome etagere - Room Service Vintage
Mid-century bar I have had since college
JH Lynch prints of 2 women are my prize possessions
Large mirror - Home Goods
Vintage pinball art - Warrington flea market
Coffee table - Salvation Army
Columbia Records display for magazines - garage sale
I adore my collection of vintage Halloween masks - the neon colors make me happy.
Brass and glass dining table Craigslist
Lightolier Craigslist
Colorful jute rug - Home Goods
Zebra painting - by me
Giant Halloween pillows - My Paper Crane
The gallery wall is a collection of custom family portraits that I have commissioned by different artists each year
Table - Goodwill
Tipi light - Warrington flea market
Skeleton flamingos - JoAnn's.
My mother Fredda Perkins sewed the curtains leading to the front door
Vintage rattan furniture
Heywood Wakefield coffee table
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