#jiara theory
dayshipper · 1 year
YOU GUYSSSS!!! I can’t even begin to think about what all of this means!!! Fair warning, this is really messy and unedited, just like the inside of my head atm, so I’m sorry if it doesn’t make much sense. Ok so let’s build up to THE pic by starting off with Kie in the red dress. I’ve got a couple of theories for this one. The first is pretty much the same as what I’ve said before which is that she gets kidnapped by that ‘Don’ guy somehow. 
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Now I’m kinda thinking that after they’ve all been on the island for a bit, they venture off to find the nearest town to get a change of clothes, food etc. When they’re there, they find the ‘Don’ guy and overhear him talking about treasure/ bounty. They either decide to trust the guy and believe that he is working with them to get the gold, or they are playing him at his own game. Either way, I think Kiara is the bait. Maybe the guy takes a shine to her, or maybe thinks that she is someone that she isn’t. Maybe the pogues all get caught by him and she’s the only one who didn’t so she makes out that she isn’t with them in order to save them all and is working from the inside.
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As for the photo of the moment! Ugh, the ANGST!!!! I actually don’t think that he is going in for a kiss here! 😬 I mean, I would LOVE for that to happen but I just don’t feel like that’s it. I also don’t think that he is touching her wrist/bracelets 😭 I know, I know it's blasphemy to say at this point. But I thought that JJ and Kie were grabbing each other's hands in the obx2 promo poster when they were on the dock but that wasn’t right, so hopefully I’m wrong again this time. Except this time, I’ll be happy to be wrong!
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If we do go with the idea that he is holding/ touching her bracelet/ wrist, I’m thinking that the photo was taken right after he returns the bracelet to her (maybe she loses it 🤡) and lets go of her hand after putting it on her. They then have a moment because they realise how close they are to each other. Or he's touching the bracelet to make a point of how she's one of them and they're in this together.
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However, I actually think that this scene is more about JJ trying to persuade her into doing something and Kiara is sad and defeated because she knows that it’d be the last thing she ever does if she goes along with it because of her parents. His hand looks like it's in a bit of a fist which makes me think that he might be frustrated or feeling resolute about whatever he is talking about to get his point across.
Or, maybe he is confiding in her about his dad. Maybe he heard something on the grapevine about him and he’s conflicted about what he thinks he should do. Or maybe his restitution is finally catching up to him and she’s trying to stop him from spiralling. He’s feeling sorry for himself (a bit like how he was after he escaped the ambulance) and she’s feeling upset that he thinks of himself the way he does.
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I’ve tried not to read other people’s opinions on what they think is going on in this picture so that I wasn’t influenced but I did see some people think that JJ was confessing his feelings to Kiara after their hug in the previous episode. I don’t actually think that that’s what’s going on here. Again, if I’m wrong, I’ll never be happier (and as a Taurus, that means something), but I’m just agh I don’t know. I keep flip-flopping on this one!! I guess I just don’t see him confessing his feelings to her that early in the season! She looks too sad and he doesn’t look conflicted enough about it.
Overall, I think this picture shows JJ is continuing to realise his feelings for Kiara even more and will be making it more and more obvious as the season goes on.
It'll be subtle and monumental all at the same time. Anyways, these are just some ~preliminary~ thoughts that spring to mind. I’ll be sure to add more as I think of it 🥰
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missmouse43 · 1 year
I wanted to share something I noticed from the trailer that I haven’t seen talked about yet because I think there’s potential for it to be another Jiara scene 👀
So we get this random shot of this tiny boat floating down the river 
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And after zooming in I realized Kiara is actually sitting on the front of it and she’s wearing her episode 10 outfit (you can tell by the bandana and lilac top) so this scene takes place in the finale.
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Now this is a classic sitting while lost in thought and about to have a deep, meaningful conversation with someone pose if I’ve ever seen one, but from the angle they show us I can’t see any other bodies on board. If all the other pogues were with her, or even just JJ, Pope, and Cleo (since John B and Sarah have fucked off to a cave) I’m sure we’d be able to see at least ONE other person sitting behind her. But we don’t (at least I don’t. Maybe I’m blind?) Which means there’s only one other person sitting at the very back, out of frame, steering the boat for her.
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Okay so it’s that time of the day (I’m over-analyzing the OBX3 trailer) and I’ve come to some realizations that I felt compelled to share.
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So, we’re all familiar with this shot of JJ punching the ground. There’s been a lot of theories that say maybe they lose Kie in this scene and that’s why he’s angry/upset - which I definitely thought possible because during the legendary hug, they’re wearing the same outfits.
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But this time around, I noticed the scene immediately before we see the shot of him punching the ground is the exact same scene. It’s hard to tell because everything moves so quickly, but it’s not two scenes cut together, it’s one.
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We can see JJ in the back, in the same position he’s in in the closer shot, and also we can see that Kiara is completely fine and present. So, that’s not what JJ’s upset about.
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It’s a small detail but it’s just something that intrigued me!
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ladytargtower · 4 months
I hate to say this and I hope I’m wrong but given the behind the scenes of filming ….. I think Jiara isn’t gonna be a thing in season 4. Either there gonna have it be over before the season starts or have it end during the season. Everything is just off and it sucks …. It was such a good slow burn . I’m late to the party but omg I’m down so bad for Jiara and that’s why I really hope this isn’t the case but the more I read things, see videos and think about it . Sigh …..
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Jiara Season 4 Prediction
I’ve seen a lot of conversation around whether JJ and Kiara are together post time jump and I saw Madison’s interview where she said it was left ambiguous which got me thinking. Personally I do think this is all just to generate engagement and to get fans talking about the show. From what I understand the Jiara fandom is pretty big and so by keeping them ambiguous they can keep the fans speculating and keep the interest in the show up during the wait for season 4. So I don’t think Jiara fans should be too worried about Jiara in season 4 because I don’t think they would have put all that effort into them this season, or setting them up in previous seasons, just to throw it all out the window come season 4. 
That being said I did wonder if they do decide to go the route of they broke up in the time jump what could have brought that break up about? What I came up with is definitely your typical teen drama cliché but I think it could work if written properly. So here’s my theory, in season 2 Kiara mentions that her parents are afraid that she is going to sleep with a pogue and get pregnant like her mum did with her. It’s one of their biggest fears and part of the reason why they don’t like Kiara hanging around with the pogues. JJ’s biggest fear, meanwhile, is that he is going to turn out just like his dad. We know that they are planning to do flashbacks in season 4 to show what happened during that missing time. Now I don’t think Kiara will get pregnant but I do think its possible that one of those flashbacks will be Jiara having a pregnancy scare. Kiara thinks she might be pregnant and confides in JJ who then freaks out. Facing the prospect of potentially becoming a father makes JJ think of his own and then his self doubt creeps in and he figures there’s no way he could ever possibly be a good father because he had such a crappy example, that he’d end up ruining the life of any child he has and messing that kid up. It would also create some potential drama between Kie and her parents if they find out because you know they would pull the ‘we told you so’ card and blame it all on JJ and it would be another reason why they disapprove of JJ and of Kiara being around the pogues. I think ultimately when they take a test it’ll come back negative, or they’ll get a false positive but it’ll later be confirmed by a doctor that she isn’t, but the whole situation will get JJ thinking about their future and how if things go well between them the natural progression over time would lead to marriage and children. But these things are triggering for JJ due to his parent’s splitting up and the result of that being Luke being a crappy ass father which feeds into JJ’s fears about becoming a crappy father himself. The pregnancy scare just makes things way too real for JJ so he breaks up with Kie figuring it would be better to do it now than to risk them becoming more serious years down the line. Seeing as JJ is such an impulsive and volatile character who is prone to self sabotage and the fact that Kie isn’t the kind to give up on JJ that easily as proven this season, I also wouldn’t be surprised if he tries to cement this break up and try to deliberately turn Kie against him by either deliberately getting caught by Kie with another girl or by telling her he cheated on her when he didn’t. It really depends just how teen drama messy they want to go with it. 
So that’s my theory, I just feel like with how strong they left Jiara at the end of season 3 pre time jump, what with them confessing that they love each other and having worked through JJ’s self doubt issues and fears it has to be something pretty big to cause that break if they do decide to have them break up. Also to me the most logical way of doing it is to stick with the issues that they’ve already established in past seasons such as JJ’s issues with his father and self worth and Kie’s issues with her parents and their fears around her being lead estray by hanging with the pogues. Hopefully though there is no break up and when we come back for season 4 it’ll turn out they were all just trolling us with this ambiguity talk and Jiara are happily in love and all the flashbacks will just be them being cute and adorable in the early stages of their relationship.     
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alphinias · 9 months
“I just get hot JJ and Jiara”
Then you are doing tiktok right, my friend 😁
And the occasional Rafe thirst cam but it is what it is
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hmspogue · 1 year
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kiesvalentine · 2 years
ok so obx3 theories/thoughts here we go (spoiler warning if you haven’t seen any leaks):
- so we know there’s gonna be a plane crash. My guess is that they get rescued by that plane and it takes them from the island but the plane ends up crashing on barbados (peep pope’s shirt). We know big john is there too but i don’t think they’re gonna meet him there yet but who knows. I think there might be a moment where they’re really close but don’t realize it or something.
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- in that plane crash we see kie kind of staying behind a little bit in that plane. Some pogues (jj/sarah/john b) call out for her panicked as the plane goes down in the water. We can hear kie say “go” like she’s telling them to leave. My thoughts: there’s something in that plane that they need and kie’s trying to get to it. Knowing kie it could also he some animal that she’s trying to save lol.
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- kiara is nowhere to be found in any of the bts we got with the pogues island fits which makes me think: rafe is going after sarah and in doing that he might take kie to get to her. What if he kidnaps kie and takes her on the ship back home. Supporting that theorie are the riara bts pics. This outfit on her has confused me so much because it’s like pyjamas and it’s so not kie but now i’m thinkin it’s probably not even hers?? Maybe it’s sarahs bc she’s being held captive?? Why else would she willingly be there?
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in other bts she is seen with some pogues and this outfit so i’m thinking maybe that’s when they rescue her? Idk but i think i’m onto something okay
- as for the jiara face hold bts: it looks like it could be at the cameron’s when they rescue her and they reunite? That’s a longshot because it could literally be anywhere but yea
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yellowlaboratory · 2 years
Tell me you've seen the bts of the Jiara scene at the wreck?? I feel like we'll be getting some Kie pulling away from the pogues (and JJ <\3 ) ! I can't wait for that slowburn angst! Also assuming the Carrera's are gonna force Kie to be with the kooks.. Im so excited for this! I really hope this season focuses heavily on Kie
YES I HAVE BESTIE. and honestly, i don't know if I can convey to you in words exactly how unhinged i feel right now. everything we've seen from the bts so far has felt like a fever dream in the best possible way. jiara on the beach? the face hold? the kook academy uniforms? all 10/10. and now we have an angsty scene at the carrera's anniversary party AND THEY ARE WEARING MATCHING YELLOW BRACELETS??? truly, I don't know how im gonna survive next season. it's everything i want. I'm trying to bring myself back down to earth and not set my expectations sky high but.... well, it's not going great.
and I'm fully on board with the "kook academy as a compromise for blue ridge" theory and I'm just SO excited to see it play out. the slowburn, the angst, the CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT?? please. PLEASE. All I want is Kiara to get the characterization she deserves and I know I say it all the time, but she could honestly be one of the most fascinating characters if they leaned into her Kook Year and what that meant for her and the Pogues. I'm honest-to-god beside myself with excitement about a Kiara-centric season and I feel like I could fucking yodel at this point
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kiekiecarrera · 9 months
Oh shit I’m worried deuxmoi posted this and I think it’s about Madison Bailey oh god I swear if jiara is ruined because of this I will cry https://instagram.com/stories/deuxmoi/3181872492140839895?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== and to back this theory up the subject being “mads” it could be about madison bailey. how many mads are there that have a netflix show they're a regular on and also can sing? but also, she recently followed and got followed back by brandon silverstein, the founder of s10 entertainment, a label that's known for producing songs for justin bieber, selena gomez etc
this all sounds very hypothetical, she needs to release music first before I start worrying about any of this.
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dayshipper · 1 year
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missmouse43 · 2 months
Jiara isn’t in this scene so you know what that means.. they’re on a side mission by themselves 🤭 https://x.com/obxupdates_/status/1779194065222852921?s=46&t=3pVP4qJcqGhmh_sHRUkcSA
My thoughts exactly anon. Funny how we’ve gotten to a point where we actually get excited when JJ and Kie aren’t even in the bts with the other pogues because we know they’re probably together somewhere else 😆
I can’t wait for more jiara solo missions. Here’s hoping they get up to all sorts of shenanigans!
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ok so i'm just really wondering how jiara will be in the 4th season. like are they gonna become gf and bf? for some reason i feel like they aren't even gonna try to be anything more, because it would just be weird and awkward. like they have been friends for a while now so idk whats going to happen with them.
what do you think will happen with jiara in season 4?
I definitely agree, I don’t think we’ll get confirmed boyfriend-girlfriend at the start of the series. Not because they’ve broken up or anything, but because they’re both so used to being friends that they don’t know how the dynamic will change if they label it. I think your analysis is pretty much what I’d expect!
They could be back to just being friends, but that’s not likely in my mind. I think they’re past the point of being able to say “we’re just friends.” It would be doable if they (like Kie and Pope) had just had a brief fling or something, but they clearly are 100% in love, so… no.
It might be that they’ve dated and then broken up - again, possible, especially because JJ has so much to work through, but not likely in my opinion, for the same reason. If they have broken up, it’s his choice because he doesn’t feel ready, not Kiara’s, and they certainly both still love each other.
I think most likely they’ll still be sort of together - in a similar way that they are when we end season three. They love each other and they know that, but they’re not certain on where to go next and haven’t labelled anything. I don’t think that JJ is ready for everything a serious relationship entails, and I think he needs some more time before he gets there. Kiara would be supportive and accepting of that, so that might be where season four finds us.
We’ll have to see, though, because all of the possibilities are, well, possible, and either way we’ll get ✨flashbacks✨ (thank you Pates)
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ghostiewriter · 1 year
not twin size mattress are you trying to KILL ME? (also based on context clues I’m guessing quickie in a public place)
the playlist is just racking up soul crushing song after soul crushing song, I cannot lie💀
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lydiaas · 1 year
thoughts on the whole stunt double (😒) jiara kiss theory because i am Sick n Tired of it
lol what? Are people still seriously talking about this? I refuse to believe there are actually people who genuinely believe it.
No it didn't happen. I can clearly see, in 2160p, it did not happen. In fact, I don't even need to have seen the scene because I would stake my life on it not happening even if I'd never seen the footage. This is ridiculous.
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alphinias · 1 year
I love all the theorizing about outer banks but it's so funny bc it always turns out we got like 5% of it right lmao like in hindsight when you see it all unfold and you're like wait huh?
Haha 5% might be generous, but even a shot in the dark has to land something eventually right?? It keeps us entertained while waiting on the show at least!
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