#jikook were destined
jkjmbtsarmy · 2 months
Can we talk about this very SUS Jikook moment from Bon Voyage Season 2 ep 2 please?
So the boys are playing Hide in Seek in the dark (aka with blindfolds and all that inside their first accommodation) to win money for spending on their first full day in Hawaii.
They have been split into three teams. A) Namjin B)Sope C)VMinKook
While trying to find our glorious leader, Namjoon, who keeps slipping by all of them, THIS ⤵️ (the SUS Jikook moment in question)
Happens (Ignore the crap quality from my cell phone)
🐥 -Touches Jungkook on his butt- “feels like Jungkook’s butt”
Feels like Jungkook’s butt!? Park Jimin please explain to me how you KNOW that’s Jungkook’s butt just by feeling/touching it?
Especially when this ⤵️
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Happened less than two minutes prior.
Jin was trying to maneuver and climb from where he was in the window to the bed and both Jungkook and Taehyung find him. Jungkook ends up putting his hands on Jin’s backside and goes “whose butt is this? Who are you?”
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minkookiejjk · 8 months
𝙅𝙞𝙠𝙤𝙤𝙠 𝙬𝙚𝙧𝙚 𝙙𝙚𝙨𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙚𝙙 𝙩𝙤 𝙗𝙚 𝙩𝙤𝙜𝙚𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧.🤭🖤🤍
𝙅𝙢'𝙨 𝙬𝙖𝙩𝙘𝙝 𝙨𝙝𝙤𝙬𝙚𝙙 3:25 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙚𝙭𝙖𝙘𝙩 𝙩𝙞𝙢𝙚 𝙅𝙠 𝙬𝙖𝙨 𝙗𝙧𝙤𝙪𝙜𝙝𝙩 𝙩𝙤 𝙚𝙖𝙧𝙩𝙝 😫💕
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kanmom51 · 2 months
Moment of clarity (?)
Just sitting here watching Jikook song edits, cause I'm missing the hell out of those two, and couldn't help but think how stupid and futile all the accusations and claims and ensuing discussions about one's reaction to the other, or one's behaviour to the other or any kind of interaction they had that didn't suit what fans (usually solos on either side of the picture) expected of them. You know what I mean. All those judgy claims and comments about how JK reacts or treats JM and vise versa, same about JM 'forcing' himself on JK or the likes of that.
How dumb those people look (and should feel as well if they only had a sliver of common sense) right now.
Inserting themselves into a relationship (whatever form it may have had) to know what these two people were all about, their interactions, their reactions towards each other, without truly knowing them, without seeing anything but a few recorded seconds (all while ignoring not only many other recorded moments but also what they themselves say about each other and to each other).
But you see, this isn't something new to me, and I did address it when answering mostly annoying asks (something I haven't been doing for some time now seeing just how futile it is - you cannot convince the inconvincible).
The reason I had this specific moment of clarity while watching them was because things have changed.
Well, changed since those two have made it as clear as can be that they want and need each other's proximity.
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That they will do whatever it takes to not only enlist at the same time, but to do so together. To spend their entire service together. 24/7. Together. Knowing EXACTLY what and how it looks like. Knowing EXACTLY what people (so many of them) will think, even if some will not say it out loud or spell it out. No other member did this with another, and neither of them did it with any other member, how ever close we know them to be. Because no one is closer to them than they are to each other!!
And why don't we add to that, them going on a trip together just before enlistment, to Japan, you know, that same destination they went to back in November 2017. The same trip they both could not stop telling us about.
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Yeah, I know there's a travel show coming (which we have no clue what will look like - if vlog-like or actual Bon Voyage style or something in between), and most of what they do could be explained away (and that's the point, they are clever that way), but let's be real here for a sec. The show, it's a very clever way to kill two birds with one stone. Literally. Getting to travel together before enlistment (I can assure you that 90% of what they got up to we will not be seeing, and they travelled first and utmost because they wanted to travel and do it together, and anyone who claims otherwise, that this was forced in some way on one or both of them is an idiot, well they probably also believe that they enlisted together against their wills) all while under the guise of doing it for work, and at the same time creating content to be released while they are away. It's a win win, or like I said, two birds one stone.
So yeah, their travelling will be in a show, but they travelled together because they wanted to travel together and not because there was content to be made. Content being the bi product of their genius idea of guising their trip as work...
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Bottom line, point I wanted to make here with all of this is that those dissecting every single moment between them miss the whole picture. It's not about this moment or another. It's about what they bring together as a big picture, one that they have been telling us and showing us for years now. And if we didn't see or hear it before, well they made sure we would now.
Because being together during these 18 months was more important to them than hiding who they are and what they mean to each other.
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Fuck the consequences (and fuck the haters too - JM literally said it in SMF pt. 2)...
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stormblessed95 · 3 months
Really sorry to bother you but since from few days the gcft talk was going on on twitter i was wondering if you have a post about "Tokyo trip was supposed to be vminkook and not jikook" the famous claim by tkkrs..i know it's not but i kind of want a series of events together and why they think like that. I did went through your "jikook posts" scrolled through some but don't know how to get till that post (if you have made one). It would be helpful if you tell me what i need to search if i want to get to that post cause there's many posts there and i kinda got lost reading other posts lol 😭
thank you.
Ah, I believe that the um, misconception comes from (or they twist the words of) this interview where Jimin says that he once told V and JK that he wanted to go on a private trip to Tokyo one day. Not that they planned to go on one together the 3 of them and the plans fell through or even that any plans were made at all. Jimin just shared that he once expressed a desire for a vacation destination to his best friends at some point in the past. And then eventually he and JK did get to go on and enjoy that vacation together and it meant a lot to him.
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You can read the full interview translated here:
They also say that he was supposed to go but ended up not being able to because of family obligations (no evidence) because Tae posted a video of him in Osaka Universal Studios in Japan on Halloween at the same time on a family vacation.
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And Jikook in Tokyo for Halloween 🥰
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But clearly as mentioned in the first interview and in the book they recently released, it was clearly something the two did together, no one else was "supposed" to be there or left out lol
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And just because vminkook were all in Japan at the same time doesn't mean they were sneaking off to meet up secretly the 3 of them, or that it was supposed to be a trio trip where Tae just got pulled into family obligations instead. They just traveled over a small break period to two different cities and enjoyed their time off with the people they wanted and were able to. Jikook together and Tae with his family. And all enjoyed Halloween amongst the crowds and the people masked and undetected lol! Osaka and Tokyo are 6.5 hours away from each other people. They were on opposite sides of the country for their trips 😂😂 still everyone clearly had a BLAST!! You can find more links to Jikook talking about their Tokyo trip together constantly on my masterlist too 😊🥰
Hope that helps!! Lol and I didn't already have a post about this technically but for future reference, my correcting misinformation or shipper lies posts are on my masterlist under "Important Posts" and then "Correcting Misinformation."
Thanks so much for your ask!!
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wingzie · 3 months
The Mirrorring of Army: Then and Now
I didn't expect my previous post to gain some hate, so here goes my third post of the day: There are good and bad side to every fandom, but if you spend so much time with the negative. All you will see or feel is that negativity. Yes, some of my experiences with Army have been frustrating, but it's like a sibling relationship. I will still be there for other Army and A LOT of my experiences have honestly been life changing in a good way. I'm sure I'm not the only one that feels this... In 2019 BTS performed at the GMA. Spoilers: Jikook were very cute. Army there at the time were told to leave quickly and they did, but then returned to pick up their trash or belongings. Last year when Jungkook's concert, also at GMA, got cancelled there was a lot of confusion and fear. Army helped each other to get shelter and reach home. Especially those who were not from the area or who had flown in from South Korea. This is simular to what happened at Busan when the mobile network went down and some I-Army got stranded. K-Army helped them reach their destinations when they got turned down by local taxis. When BTS did their recent concerts, there were A LOT of complaints about Army not singing along enough. It was obvious that the sound wasn't coming through properly on the stream, because you could hear the chants in fancams. However, there was a delay. Now that we have the PTD Behinds, the members THEMSELVES mentioned about how bad the sound reverb was. There was a delay on the sound in the stadium, depending on where you stood. That's why in some clips it sounds like the fan chants are massively out of sync.
There was also the belief that certain members would get zero cheers whilst on stage. I still do not understand where this lie came from, but it spread very far and hashtags were started. All the members got the loudest cheers I have heard. They always will. It was started to create fear and it started a chain reaction for no apparent reason, because so many like to assume the worse before getting their facts right. Army also helped each other whilst waiting in lines. Again, simular to what happened at James Corden in 2020.
Back in 2019 there were a lot more scandals or hate aimed towards the members than some of you might know of. However, they were dealt with in GC's or in private to prevent those hateful words from spreading. Now it's almost like this hatred is used to get engagement. Paddington, a know anti back then, even said that they would say things to try to get on Report Pages because it would help get them more attention. Antis follow our report pages to know which posts or accounts to boost. Boosted accounts are harder to take down because of the Twitter algorithm and it's why so many do beg to not engage with such posts. This includes using their name, responding or quoting. Is there an easy solution? I don't really know. But if you ever start to feel unsure, please step away and remember those good times: When MMA 2020 Jikook happened. When we donated money to the Beyond the Rainbow Foundation in South Korea after Yoon won his election. The happiness each Bangton or Run Episode brings. The joy we'll feel once Jin is back...
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Sunday Full of Jikook Results
Hello everyone. The results from the fine Jikook frenzy are in!
I was cracking up the day I was making the polls, even my mother saw me and she was like "Why are you smiling?" Just Jikook things (also, I probably have lost my mind).
Here are the plain results, but let's extrapolate the data and talk about it:
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♡Ok, so about 61% of you don't think that it was love at first sight for our Jimin and Jungkook.
But one of the comments stated this beautifully:
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You all still think they were destined for each other? A lá Serendipity, right?
♡About 63% of you think that a young Chim started crushing on the "shy" maknae first.
One of the voters had something to say:
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Lol Jungkook managed to trick us all. Acting shy in front of the camera but crushing on Jimin the whole time.
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Something to think about...either way, Jimin never stood a chance. Jk was it for him. And Jimin was it for Jk.
♡55% of you think that Jungkook was the first to say "Take my hand now. You are the cause of my Euphoriaaaaaa" to Jimin!
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Could be. Young Jk was bold as well.
♡The first kiss! This was one is a little too close to have a definite winner. It is equalish, about 38%. So it could be either according to us!
But some think that it was something that just happened naturally. Well, either way, they both remember it fondly:
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♡The vote is kinda split but according to the poll, the member who was the most shocked when they found out about Jikook was....Jin!
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(Actual footage of Jin being scarred for life.)
♡The most supportive member award goes to: Hobi with 88% of votes.
All hail the Jikook Club President Mr. Hobi!!!
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Some may think that this question was too easy but I honestly think the most supportive was Suga. Hear me out! Suga is older, wiser, with more experience, and has always been supportive of Jimin. Hobi was still a baby too so for me, I think Suga was more like their guide and Hobi their cheerleader and partner in crime later on.
♡The majority, 34%, of you think that Jikook started being exclusive in 2017. This one was hard because Jikook has been Jikooking since the dawn of time...
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But 2017 gave us this masterpiece:
(I will never get over gcfTokyo as long as I live and will reference it every chance I get)
♡You all are ruthless. 81! 81! 81% of you think that Jungkook is the most romantic of the two. Seems like most of you forgot how sweet our Mochi is.
Some people disagree:
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Let me remind you of Park Jimin, hopeless romantic:
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/endrant lol
♡57% of you think that Jimin was the first to say I love you...
Wow. And you all say he is not the most romantic one!
I demand a revote!
♡Why is Jungkook whipped for Jimin? 40% of you think that it's because of Jimin's charms. I agree. He is charming, all right.
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Oh, Jimin.
♡Why is Jimin whipped for Jungkook? 43% of you think that it's because of Jk's sweet emotional side.
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He really does have a heart of gold.
♡52% of the votes think that Jimin was the first to promise to be together forever. That does sound like something he would do!
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Promising to go with Jungkook to the moon.
Have you ever stopped to think what kind of conversation they were having that led to this promise? Sweet sweet Jikook.
♡41% of you think that Jimin takes the reins (and whips perhaps) once the door closes and Jk obliges. I personally think it's Jk but I won't fight you all on this one. We are all probably right lol
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Hobi listening to the convo:
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♡Ahhh and the fairytale ending for our Jikook.
The grand majority, 64%, think that Jk will be or was 👀 the one to ask THE question. Could be.
Someone posed a very important thought:
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Very important!
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And those are the results! So this is like a census, I feel lol Now we know where we are in some key issues from Jikookland.
Thank you all for participating! Until next time!
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marengogo · 2 months
Silver Lining - What If #7 : Solstice & Equinox
Listening to This is V - As Friday is Tae Day
[Music is a very big part of my life and I’m MOSTLY INCAPABLE of writing without music, so I just thought I'd share what I am listening to while writing this]
🐺 — 🐺 — 🐺—
Hello my Dearest Gurls, Bois and Enbies.
It’s been a while since I made an actual post right? Oh and, for the time being, forget about that chapter 2 post, every time I resume writing it, I think about the present state of this fandom and I get so VEXED that I close the file soon after … so yeah, there’s that So, here I am, wanting to share something I thought of yesterday, something completely delulu but quite fun at the same time. 
AS ALWAYS, before we get off on DeluluLand, here is a message from our conductor *clears voice*: “Good morning, good afternoon or good evening, I trust I’m finding everyone well and ready to embark into this new trip. As today’s destination is particularly delulu and rather wishful-thinking-esque, I highly suggest bringing the toughest, biggest and shiniest tin hat in your possession, as well as your best clown clothes, with you when you disembark. Now, alas, the temperature is undesirable cold, the skies are pretty foggy and the waters are pretty rough, nonetheless, I do hope you still enjoy the journey, godspeed, this was your captain”. 
And now that we are all readily equipped let me welcome you without further ado to:
Jikook Travel Vlog Theory by Marengo! 
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This isn’t a discussion about what I think the vlog will contain, but more of when I think it/they might be released, or rather, if I were jikook, which I’m obviously not, hence this being a delulu post, I would do it in the way I am about to explain. BUT FIRST, let’s see what knowledge we currently have available:
Now, we know for a fact that they went to Connecticut and Sapporo to film this vlog, as eventually mentioned by JK on Suchwita. In Connecticut no thanks to an asshole we saw them with GoPros and also on their way to, and from, Sapporo, as always “courtesy” of airport warriors. So we have no doubt about those.
Jeju was a rumor that some k-jikookers had began some time last year, which was shutdown as quickly as it came out, but which, none other than our dear Tae confirmed a few months later when he made his Chuseok post on IG. BUT the question is; is the Jeju trip part of the Jikook Travel Vlog?
Last but not least is Busan. Admittedly, Busan is a super filler, guessed and projected destination as we don’t have any sightings of the both of them together last year. In fact, we only have confirmed sighting of JK with his 97 friends, thanks to a local restaurant. YET, yours truly Marengo feels that there might be something worth looking in there🕵🏾‍♀️. Considering that they are both from Busan, city that they don’t seem to despise, it wouldn’t be too much of a stretch to think that they would want to add it to their travel vlog … but would nobody notice them walking around the big city of Busan? I highly doubt it. Yet more shocking things have been known to happen, so who knows right?
But Marengo - you might be wondering - what’s with the title of your post then?! … WELL
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You might remember the terms Solstice & Equinox from a very distant Science/Geography lesson in your memory, their definitions are not very complex, but do not worry, it is not in my interest to shove my geeky ass upon you today. What you need to know is that we basically use this particular “occurances” to practically determine the beginning of each season. We have 2 Solstice (Winter and Summer) and 2 Equinox (Spring & Autumn), which usually occur, give or take one day around the same time of the year as follows:
… So, if we follow my VERY DELUSIONAL REASONING we would have 4 DATES (or time periods) and potentially 4 DESTINATIONS.
This year's Spring Equinox has been “taken over” by VHOPE so I don’t think that we would get anything, and even though Jin will be back with us on this year’s Summer Solstice, I doubt he would be promoting right off the bat (like ... I would think he would need time to adjust a bit … BUT WITH BANGTAN WHO KNOWS RIGHT???) … Which is why, in my head, the first VLOG would come out around this year’s Summer Solstice and proceed gradually as follows:
This was clearly a summer themed vlog, they were on a yacht, we saw their naked backs, thanks to Jimin, basically it screamed SUMMER
This was part of Tae’s Chuseok post, which as we know is a fall korean celebration so yeah, basically it screamed AUTUMN
For those who don’t know Sapporo is known for it’s snow before the beer 🤡. It holds an annual winter festival which unfortunately the boys were too early for but …, so basically is screamed WINTER
I got nothing for you y’all 😬😬😬, I’ve never been to Busan and once again other than being their birthplace, I couldn’t tell you if there’s anything related to Spring in Busan, but who knows, it might be a … beautiful place to visit in SPRING???
As you can see, the Solstices are rather certain, but the Equinox are hella shaky. YET if you think about it, what would be happening SUMMER SOLSTICE 2025? 
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… And there you have it.
Now obviously this is all baseless theories, as we have been left to go off on nothing 🤡 and for all we knows they could drop it ALL TOMORROW 🤡 or even make it a weekly thing in May 2025 before they get back to us 🤡.WHO KNOWS RIGHT? THE POSSIBILITIES STILL REMAIN ENDLESS I’m afraid,
If you ask me however, If they did anything other than what I just rambled on, they’d miss out on making this a very instructive and seasonal thing 🙄😒 … BUT, again, THAT’S JUST ME.
Anyways, time to leave DeluluLand y’all, before the wrong people, or worse it’s inhabitants, find us!
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Always respectfully yours 💜🫰🏾
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
Honestly when i read certain things Tkkrs write, i get tired! How can such a large number of pple be so dumb? How? The move from one narrative to the next, one theory to the next, one lie to the next! How can you think TK are dating each other after watching them these past 10 years? How? Now u all are screaming about Tk outings and you are also desperately trying to prove Jikook is not real by claiming they don’t see eo! How would you know that? If Tae didn’t turn on that 2 minute Live at Jk’s place, would you have ever known he was there? Why do you think they show us or tell us everything? How stupid can you be to think you actually know everything going on in these guy’s lives? You claim Jikook is fanservice because they don’t hang out outside of work, and i want to ask you, where the fuck have u been all these years! Are you trying to claim that you haven’t seen all the photos and videos of Jikook hanging out all through the years? Are you trying to claim that you haven’t heard about all the times they were in each other’s rooms? Tae himself told us 3 different times that Jk and Jimin were together at ungodly hours of the night! How can u believe Tk are a thing when Jk is always with Jimin most nights? He literally called Jimin his all nighter friend! They literally told us they have the habit of staying up late at night together, not just them, Jhope said it too in his documentary! He literally mentioned Jk and Jimin always stay up at night! So let’s say Jk was actually dating Tae! When does he spend couple time with Tae if he is always with Jimin at night? When? Also, all through the years, we have always seen or heard of Jikook spending important days together! Valentines day 2017, the posted a tweet wearing matching outfits (a couples thing in korea), they also posted a tweet watching the first snow together (couples thing in korea) on valentines day 2018, Jimin came back to korea from paris and on the 15th, he was spotted with Jk and his friend sungwon hanging out! On Jk’s birthday, he was with Jimin ALONE at 4am, On Jimin’s bday 2021, he did it in Jk’s studio and Jk got a cake for him (something staff always do) and he wrote "you are my park filter" on the cake! On Jk’s bday in 2019, Jimin flew all the way from paris to celebrate with Jk for a few hours and get back on a plane to another destination! Tae was nowhere to be found! On Jk’s bday 2022, Jimin went to see Jk, but again, Tae was nowhere to be found! On white day 2022, a photo of Jikook and a friend hanging out at a restaurant was leaked, on white day 2023, JM was not in Korea, but Jk and Tae were, Jk went Live on white day for hours, showing that he was ALONE! JM wasn’t in korea, but Tae was! Why didn’t Jk spend the day with his “boyfriend”? Why does Jk keep being with Jimin on all these important days instead of Tae? Jk himself said that during their break in 2019, he only saw Jimin and Jhope! How can Taekook be a couple and they don’t even see each other?
Yes, these days Tk hang out alot! But how do those hangouts prove they are a couple? Why haven’t we ever seen them hang out outside of work before now? All through the years, we never ever heard or saw Tk hanging out once! Not ever! We saw Jikook so many times, we heard of them hanging out so many times through the years! But nothing of Tk! These boys literally went on Tv and decided to share with us that they had grown a lil distant! Yet you lot ignored it and started again with your narrative of bighit giving them a script to read, all these just because you cannot get urself to accept the FACT that TK are JUST friends! Whenever something was said or done that didn’t match ur narratives, you claimed the company was hiding Tk, or Tk were lying, or Jikook is a cover for Taekook, or you straight up sent alot of hate to Jimin! Did you ever stop for a minute to ask yourselves what if you were wrong? Did u ever ask yourselves why you were so triggered by Jimin being close to Jk! I guess you didn’t because you know that you wouldn’t like the answer! The truth is, deep down, you know that there is NO WAY TK is real after everything Jikook have done for and to each other. No way! The hangouts you guys scream about only prove that Taekook are friends and they are actively working on bridging that gap that was trying to form in their friendship! This is the first time, they are actually hanging out with each other, outside if work without other members! It had never happened b4! And this also proves that their conversation on ITS was true cuz we all clearly saw a difference with TK after that conversation! Y’all were claiming the company was hiding TK yet, you kept getting TK moments on official content! Make it make sense! When something doesn’t go ur way, instead of rethinking, you start throwing tantrums like children, calling everyone a liar, or hating on Jimin and calling him a homewrecker, or hating on Hybe! What the fuck is wrong with you idiots? Tae literally asked you guys to STOP!! You claim to love him and Jk yet you ignore them when they continually show you that they are just friends! Need i remind you that TK is the ONLY ship in Bts that has outrightly been debunked! Tae told you guys go get out of your imaginations, yet you vermin found a way to twist his words to continue deceiving new army! Y’all are disgusting for real! I ship Jikook but if any one of them ever does what Tae did, i would immediately STOP, regardless of what i think i know or have seen or heard! That is how you prove u love them! By respecting their words and not twisting them to suit ur bizzare narratives! You claim TK are a couple yet Jk sits in his house watching an almost 2 hour live of jimin while giggling and kicking his feet! Show me when he ever did something like that for Tae! You claim TK are a couple yet Jk keeps asking Jm to come for one reason or the other! You claim Tk are a couple yet Jk can’t stop talking about Jimin on his Lives! You claim TK are a couple yet Jk comes back home from hanging out with Tae, turns on a Live looking all sad and miserable, and telling army how he comes to us when he is feeling down or has alot on his mind, all the while listening to songs about missing someone! And the only person he has literally admitted to missing is Jimin, when he responded to Jimin’s “I miss you " post on weverse! Jk and tae are dating but Jk spends white day alone even tho Tae is in the country? TK are dating yet they alway go back to their respective houses after hanging out? Tk are dating, yet Jk spends a majority of his nights doing something with Jimin? Tk are dating yet Jk spends all important days like bday, vals day, anniversaries and traditional holidays with Jimin? Tk are dating yet Jk on most lives always looks lonely and sad? Tk are dating yet Tae has admitted more than 3 times to not knowing Jk’s hotel rooms when they were on tour but Somehow Jimin always knew? Tk are dating yet Jk and Jimin are “caught” going into Jk’s hotel room together when they were not aware of the cameras? BFFR!
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You cannot fix stupid anon. We can throw all the logic in the world at them. But they will never accept reality. There are other Jimin and JK ships out there. And they believe in what they believe. Idk why, but they do. However they don't come to our spaces to try and infiltrate. That's why we're always calling out the vermin because they refuse to stay in their lane.
I cannot wait for 2025. If you think JK is fed up now, if you think JK hates them now, wait until MS is over and Jikook don't have to be cautious anymore. The ones that don't leave the fandom will have no choice. Because Jikook will be loud AF. You think 2019 was bad? You ain't seen nothing yet.
In 2 years they will have no choice but to admit they were wrong. And those who insist on Tkk being real will look like clowns. Especially if Jennie gets pregnant and then what? We know V is obsessed with kids. We know that's in the cards for him. We know Jennie can't be assed to put any effort in BP and is now pursuing acting?? Well that line of work is way more accepting of people dating than the Idol life.
A rude awakening is coming. And I will enjoy every single second of it. You can count on that. They are coming for you Army. They're gonna set the whole fandom on fire
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It's better to be prepared coz Jikook supporters sure are.
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dearweirdme · 6 months
“There’s no way Jk and Jm would leave publicly for a romantic holiday while also giving out their destination.. that’s just idiotic for any celebrity to do.”
Yet taekook can openly attend movie premiers together with cameras and thousands of people watching? Yet Tae can openly talk about Jk singing him “love” songs all the time? Yet tae can namedrop Jungkook as much as he pleases and announces to everyone he is going to have a meal at Jk’s? Yes Jk and Jimin wouldn’t go for a romantic holiday while announcing it to everyone but they can shoot 2 birds with one stone. Anything taekook do is some sort if confirmation for y’all but your logical thinking skills only come into play when it is Jikook? Lol.
There’s clearly so much y’all are forcing yourselves not to realize. For example, Jimin and Jk could have shot their travel show at any other time, so why do u think it just happened to be when Jk made his solo debut with Seven and when he was in NY? Jk has visited NY many other times, why did it only have to be then? Did u consider that maybe Jimin could have used that opportunity to be there for Jk in the guise of just filming? You tkkrs think you are smart but y’all are the stupidest shippers i ever saw. Little to no common sense. A very large part of this fandom thinks that Jikook is just fanservice and this narrative has gone on for years. People write stuff like this on all social media platforms every single day and u honestly think they company or even Jimin and Jk don’t know about these narratives? People literally email bighit about this everyday and u think they don’t know? So why do u think they would be stupid enough to keep playing this game knowing that most fans already figured out that they are just “FS”? You don’t think the company is rich enough and smart enough to find other not so obvious ways to fool fans? Why is it so hard for y’all to accept that Jimin and Jungkook are doing something they both love and want to do? Why is it hard to admit that they might just want to spend time together while documenting it for their fans? When tae did his friendcation thingy with wooga, where were all these conspiracy theories? Didn’t y’all find it sweet? Now because it is Jimin and Jk, it is the company preparing content to feed Jokers? Really😂.
Jimin and Jk are not fools and they have told us more than once that they know what fans say. See tkkrs popping veins because 2 bandmates who have known each other for over a decade are going on a trip together. Y’all can console urselves all u want by saying it is just company content or work but you and I know damn well that show is only happening because Jimin and Jk want it to happen. Jk could have decided to use this time to hang out with his “boyfriend” but he chooses to spend the time traveling and filming documentaries with his bandmate. You know as well as i do that Jk would have said NO if he didn’t want to do this show and travel with Jimin. We know that it was never the company’s idea but Jimin’s suggestion years ago which Jk agreed to so it is only happening because if Jikook and no one else:
Ofcourse Jimin and Jk obviously can’t travel for a private trip now announcing it to everyone but don’t forget that even though they would be filming, they wouldn’t be filming 24/7 so they still have time in between the shoots to do “private stuff”. You see? Killing 2 birds with one stone.
Also, please give it a rest with all this Taennie is PR nonsense! Deep down u know that ur theories make no damn sense because Tae has absolutely no reason to play along with whatever that walk was. Why would he agree to play along with a media play move that doesn’t benefit him? Why only him? There’s so many other pple Jennie could have done that with so why Tae? It’s funny how much ur brain plays with you when u really don’t want to believe something. On one hand y’all claim Tae doesn’t like fooling his fans and is very transparent but on the other hand u have no problem claiming he had no problem participating in media play to fool millions. Pick a damn narrative and stick to it fcol!
Sigh... hello again anon!
THis is my last reply to you. SO please don't come back because I will block you next time. We are not gona agree, deal with it, or change your mind 😁.
Yet taekook can openly attend movie premiers together with cameras and thousands of people watching? Yet Tae can openly talk about Jk singing him “love” songs all the time? Yet tae can namedrop Jungkook as much as he pleases and announces to everyone he is going to have a meal at Jk’s? Yes Jk and Jimin wouldn’t go for a romantic holiday while announcing it to everyone but they can shoot 2 birds with one stone. Anything taekook do is some sort if confirmation for y’all but your logical thinking skills only come into play when it is Jikook? Lol.
Obviously yes, and Jimin and Jk could also hang out publicly just like Tae and Jk, just like Jimin and Yoongi, just like any pair of members. Yet they have not evidently done so. Do I think they haven't met at all, no.. I think they have, because they'r friends. I do not think it has been as much though, especcially during the time Jm was preparing and promoting Face. The things we have seen from Tae and Jk are different, though you do not see it. Tae and Jk have been consistent in meeting up dispite busy schedules. None of those things separately would be confirmation of anything, but them combined and the consistency does show a different relationship between them and the other members. I know you feel you are being logical, but logic is not looking for maybe's and filling in parts of a story you have no knowledge about. If you were to let go of your believe in Jkk.. you would see there was less evident interaction between Jk and Jm than between Tae and Jk. If I were to let go of my believe in Jk and Tae, I would still be left with many instances of them meeting up and talking about each other. Point is, we just have less to fill in than you do.
There’s clearly so much y’all are forcing yourselves not to realize. For example, Jimin and Jk could have shot their travel show at any other time, so why do u think it just happened to be when Jk made his solo debut with Seven and when he was in NY?
Ah!! So you do think it's possible for them to do stuff private?!
Jk has visited NY many other times, why did it only have to be then?
Did u consider that maybe Jimin could have used that opportunity to be there for Jk in the guise of just filming?
Sure, but coincidentally it wasn't.
A very large part of this fandom thinks that Jikook is just fanservice and this narrative has gone on for years.
Not me! I'm fully convinced they are actual close friends.
So why do u think they would be stupid enough to keep playing this game knowing that most fans already figured out that they are just “FS”?People literally email bighit about this everyday and u think they don’t know?
Ofcourse they know. Just like they know about Taekook narratives, Yoonmin narratives, Taejin... Vmin... etc... Shippers aren't bad for business anon. They play into it at times. Bh doesn't actually want all the ships to disappear. Look how much attention Jimin and Jk are gathering right now. You only focus on the negative comments, but I can assure you there's a much larger part of fandom who's super happy and excited to see them still plan content for Army right now.
You don’t think the company is rich enough and smart enough to find other not so obvious ways to fool fans?
Oh, but cheap ways are always so much better looking to companies.
Why is it so hard for y’all to accept that Jimin and Jungkook are doing something they both love and want to do? Why is it hard to admit that they might just want to spend time together while documenting it for their fans?
Not hard at all. I agree. Doesn't make it romantic though.
When tae did his friendcation thingy with wooga, where were all these conspiracy theories? Didn’t y’all find it sweet? Now because it is Jimin and Jk, it is the company preparing content to feed Jokers?
Super sweet, absolutely.. also work. It's like working with your favorite people.. who wouldn't enjoy that. Tae at Jinny's Kitchen... also work! Still sweet. Jk with Jimin... probably super sweet, super funny... but still work. It should not be a surprise to you that it's work anon. They're literally in the same band. For years all they've done is work. I Tae and Jk did a cooking show or whatever together, I wuold be super endeared.. but if there's camera's and it's intended for army to see it's still work.
See tkkrs popping veins because 2 bandmates who have known each other for over a decade are going on a trip together.
Could it maybe be because Jkkrs spoil it?
Y’all can console urselves all u want by saying it is just company content or work but you and I know damn well that show is only happening because Jimin and Jk want it to happen.
No you're probably right. Still doesn't make it romantic.
Jk could have decided to use this time to hang out with his “boyfriend” but he chooses to spend the time traveling and filming documentaries with his bandmate.
I doubt they'll be gone for weeks anon.. chill. We all know how important Army is for members. That's who they are doing this for.
Ofcourse Jimin and Jk obviously can’t travel for a private trip now announcing it to everyone but don’t forget that even though they would be filming, they wouldn’t be filming 24/7 so they still have time in between the shoots to do “private stuff”. You see? Killing 2 birds with one stone.
Ah, the illusive "private stuff" you all love so much. See this.. is the point where you go from realistic.. to imaginary. This is the point you know nothing about, and yet you are sure Jk and Jm are doing 'private stuff'. Filling in the void with romance.. as usual.
Also, please give it a rest with all this Taennie is PR nonsense!
Oh anon, Taennie is a pr strategy to a t. Which is actually way more common than you seem to be aware of.
Now, please don't come back.
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mimikoolover · 1 month
I guess my mom and dad are not married because i cannot tell you how many times my dad or mom have left church without telling the other person if one of them was wasting time after a long ass church service chatting with friends. My dad will just drive off and we have my mom coming to say “oh did he leave?” And no one loves each other as much as my parents so maybe this is why i am not understanding the fuzz about Jk leaving a concert without telling Jimin and how it is supposedly proof that they are not dating💀.
Some people’s idea of what couples should do or how they should behave is really funny to me because it almost seems like some of y’all don’t understand human relationships with their complexity and layers.
Don’t even get me started with this person who thinks that Tae leaving Jk alone at a ski resort is better that Jk leaving a concert premises without telling Jimin. After the members finish their concerts, do you see them going to each other to say they are leaving? Nope! They just drive off in their respective cars whether the others see them or not. Isn’t this the same thing? During PTD in Vegas didn’t Jk leave with jimin on all 4 nights while Tae left alone? For u tkkrs in lurking, do u think Jk ran to tell Tae he was leaving all those times? I’m sure Jm was just surprised they had left because he was probably somewhere else and didn’t expect that he will come out have all left and not because he was really expecting them to say bye b4 leaving.
I wonder why jimin will choose to enlist with a shitty person like Jungkook and say he relies on him when Jk is shitty enough to leave a concert without telling him. Sacre bleau!!!!
honestly! I can also see a scenario where jimin probably had to do something work-related with staff before/after the concert. taekook agreed to go to the concert together but jimin told them he can't go in the same car/at the same time cause of work. they 100% would have asked him to join them otherwise. so it was probably a situation where taekook went together and technically jimin went separately because of work so taekook wasn't expecting to leave together in the first place. people hang onto this because it's the first time ever that there's no 'proof' jikook 'knew' where the other was because otherwise they always know where the other is at/what they're doing. and technically they knew at this time too. plus it's very very likely that their destination was the same aka the restaurant they all went to after the concert. literally the only thing that happened was that jikook didn't leave in the same car at the same time. there is no way they would just dip without jimin if they thought he would be joining them in the car. it's such a nothing burger that it's so funny😆there are people that have it in their heads that jungkook is cruel to jimin and that's honestly just awful. jimin isn't a pushover, he got rid of friends because they were disrespectful to bts/bts members. if jungkook wasn't treating him right he would not be enlisting with him.
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jkjmbtsarmy · 6 months
Six years ago today Jimin posted his vlog of his and Jungkook’s Tokyo trip
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kanmom51 · 11 months
Kanmom, I haven't seen this moment talked about - correct me if I'm wrong - so I'm submitting it to you, for your objective opinion and to check my delulu-ness.
It's one of Jimin's welives on the go, in the car. The 16-minute one on or about March 28. It's still daytime and he's got his grey hood up and make-up still on (and looking gorgeous).
Around 10:18, he says that this is fun and now he gets why JK does welives like this. Then the driver and/or manager asks, is [the welive] over? JM says no, laughs heartily, says it's fun, and then seems to assure manager-nim, it's ok, it's ok.
This got my jikooker antennas tingling. Why would the mention of JK signal to his manager that the welive is over? Because he's not supposed to talk about JK unless specifically referencing a comment from JK himself or an ARMY comment about JK? Or because he's always talking about JK in his downtime?
Anyway, I dunno if I'm reaching but this moment was fascinating for me because we NEVER hear a manager in a live. Even when they came into JK's hotel room when he was getting stalker calls, they entered and took the phone out of the situation in silence. And, of course, there are those old, sus vlives where JM has said it's a manager moving, but not talking, in the background.
Even if this was not a thing, JM being so kind and reassuring to Mr. Manager who was probably going, oh shit, I'm so sorry! You weren't done?! was so cute to see. He is really the sweetest.
Yes @jiminsthighsfr, I did notice the whole manager/driver thing that went down. And no, I have no idea why he started talking.
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Now, it's not like they arrived at their destination. We can still see the car bouncing around. So why did the manager or driver say that (not sure which it was)?
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He says that and he giggles.
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And continues:
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And then again, looks at the person and giggles some more.
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And then calms them:
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Now, that could be him calming them because they spoke while he was still live, or that could be him calming them because of whatever the reason was for that person to ask if it was over, cough JK cough.
It's a little hard to think it didn't have something to do with JM mentioning JK seeing that's exactly when the manager/driver saw fit to ask the question...
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Could the manager have thought it was over because JM mentioned his name or more so talked about JK's lives?
Went back to watch the whole thing. To see if this is the first time JM mentions JK's name out of context, meaning if this is the first time he says his name not reading a comment or reacting to one...
So up to that point JK hadn't commented yet, and although JM did mention JK it was always by reading a comment and answering it.
That statement about it being fun, that came out of no where.
Perhaps the person thought he was commenting about the live, or more like it being over, especially because he brings up JK independently.
If he wasn't fully paying attention he could have thought JM was done and talking to himself or to him kind of saying : "this was fun, now I see why JK does this".
I do have thoughts about certain guidelines they were given with regards to interactions and mentions. Let's not be naive here. For two members whom we all know were considerably the closest with each other in the group, inseparable would be the word to describe them, to go dead silent, not to be seen together, not to be paired together, not to be interacting with each other even when they are with others, like not at all, that's not a choice.
I keep repeating this time and time again. There is a reason JK did what he did with his IG account. Not everything is about them being a couple, obviously, but definitely some of it is.
Do we remember this happened in this live?
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This one JM:
I didn't even remember that JM was asked this during the live, lol.
And the way JM had to think out his answer to the question if he saw JK's photos that came out... adding Tae into the mix, even if he wasn't asked about him. Man had to think strong and hard before coming up with handsome? Saying he saw the video. Handsome? Really JM? I can think of other words that were probably floating up there in his mind. Probably also the reason it took him so long to come up with handsome, lol.
Really enjoyed watching this one again. Thanks you for making me, lol.
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5and3nevermind · 7 months
People who “believe” in Yoonmin actually think this way:
1. Yoongi is cool and he needs a trophy. What most precious trophy can he have? Ofc Jimin - cute and sexy princess looks good near savage king
2. Taekook is real (bs). We need to attach Jimin to smn who is not Tae and Jk. Yoongi seems the best choice
3. Old married dynamic is funny. So Yoongi and Jimin must be married (tbh Tae and Yoongi have the same dynamic. Even more, Yoongi always talks about how Tae is beautiful and charming and talented and he looks at him with heart eyes. And in 2018-2021 they were forever together. While Jimin receives no compliments (for the last 5 years) and the main insult target. BUT! But Tae is destined to be with Jk, so nope)
4. A rapper needs his vocalist. Well, understandable. Their stage power is insane
It is not a hateful ask. I appreciate your way of discussing Yoonmin (no hate, some interesting points). But it seems to me Yoonmin is 99% a fabricated ship/couple. People who ship Yoonmin are Yoongi-biased or Taekookers. 99% of shippers don’t ship them because of.. Jimin. He is like a toy for them
Ps: I’m not Jikooker. Never was never would be. I was Yoonminer. I just opened my eyes
This is a strange ask because you’re presuming to know how I think, when your points here are things I’ve never said. Not only that, I’ve actually said the exact opposite of these things on more than one occasion. There’s a lot here, but I’ll try to address each point at least briefly.
1. No, Yoongi does not need a trophy, and Jimin is not a trophy. They are each wonderful, complete human beings in their own right.
2. Not sure why you’re telling me this. I don’t consider myself a taekooker (although I am a tkk observer; I think they have an interesting dynamic!) Most of my ym friends/moots are not tkkers either.
3. Gosh, I don’t know where to begin. Yoongi and Jimin both tease each other. It is not a one-way street. And Yoongi has complimented Jimin many, many times, from telling him during pre-debut that he believes in him to saying Jimin’s voice is his favorite. He said just recently that Jimin is a hard worker and a genius. He predicted a bb hot 100 spot for Like Crazy. I could go on and on.
If you watched Ddeun Ddeun, you’d know they discussed their bickering/Tom and Jerry dynamic. Maybe you should consider watching it?
4. I have never known an actual adult who seriously believes this. Is this something people joke about or…? I don’t think people’s professions determine who they are a good match with.
As for your last point, I’m actually Jimin biased.
As for the ship being contrived, if you go through my posts, you’ll see that the majority of them are based on the words that Jimin and Yoongi say themselves. I’m not “analyzing” or spinning elaborate theories. I try to stick to the facts. If those facts aren’t convincing to you, that’s totally fine. But you seem to be making broad assessments of yoonminers in general. I’m not responsible for other people. I can only speak for myself.
Take a stroll around this blog. I hope you’ll see I take a slightly different approach than many shippers. My brain likes lists and facts and putting moments in chronological order so I can understand the trajectory of a relationship. I didn’t pick and choose yoonmin and think they’d be cute together. They offered up information that I could not ignore.
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theschizotypalsolilquy · 10 months
it’s clearly and ex jikooker questioning you on jk’s sexuality and tbh they need to either stop caring about jikook as a couple and/or jk or the very least stfu.
Whomever they are, are clearly more concerned about sexuality than I am.
I'm here for their LOVE. The ROMANCE.
The "I'm waking up extra early to go get my man a chunk of snow cuz I know how much he likes it" grand gesture.
The "lemme cook him the biggest pancake because he has to do penalties today and he needs his energy" partner love.
Also, the "hahaha they gonna think this is a thirst trap for Army, but nope...it's for my birthday good boy Jimin".
I'm in love with their love. Their obvious affection for one another, how they know EVERYTHING about each other. How JK takes care of Jimin, even though he's younger.
Their love is pure and made of the universe. Not only do they have tattoos that mirror each other, they've got at least THREE MOLES that match, have the same IQ, and apparently finger strength.
You can't make this shit up. These two were designed and destined for one another. You won't break them.
And if I wanna think about their sexuality, that's what a03 is for. HUZZAH
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ask-serendipity-sky · 6 months
This is an article from 2012 where they talk about the relationship between gays and Disneyland. I accidentally came across this article and thought a lot about jikook. I don't know whether they were aware of these back then but whatever it is it was a bold movement from jeon kid to do this. And the mickey mouse hat jimin wore . Everything that they made in 2017 have meanings and they meant it too. Only the brainless trashcookers can't see it or admit it. I've seen ex-trashcooker saying that they haven't seen gcf tokyo yet. WHY? They ofcourse know it is GCF jimin ft tokyo whereas their fav has not got any as such but they're still arguing that it was actually planned with their fav and change due to some reason as if trashcookers were the ones who charted their schedules haha.
I sometimes wonder what might have happened in Tokyo but we will never know. These days things are getting complicated both for jimin and jungkook. I wonder what might be their motive to choose Disneyland as their destination place for their first trip. I'm still screaming at the thought they stayed at the hotel where the bedroom and bathroom were separated only by a transparent window. Jimin could see jungkook shower for 50 minutes through the transparent window? Wow I'm kidding but not really. The age they visited Tokyo alone is such a crucial one here. Both might be at the peak of curiosity and they are jikook lol I'll shut up now.
Now coming into jimin who is not so into amusement park rides according to him ( who would waste money on things like this + too scared lol me too yes i'm jimin's girl ) decided to get on that coffee mug ride? Are you serious!? YES! And that's how we got the most beautiful jimin smile through jungkook's eye. What we see in golden closet film Tokyo is jimin through jungkook's eye.
At the very 1st thought jungkook is the same age as jimin's brother and jimin's is the same age of jungkook's brother but nah ! I have eyes ofcourse. I didnt get any brotherly vibes. Of course they care about eo. The way jimin caresses junkookie's head or pat his head like an elder brother. But I don't wanna bring that ear sucking moment here. We had enough and that's louder than anything. I'd like to nominate the tummy caressing part by jk.mp4 lol. Jimin didn't even flinched like he is so used to those hands. They hiding at the corner at a big party ( jitb we spotted the couples ), staring at the lips while talking, jimin gesturing to keep shut when they were asked about the comfort thing that they depend on wow that was sus , and pulling him close behind yoongi?
Whatever I'm ending my rants here. I just wanted some place to rant that JIKOOK IS REAL AND MORE THAN FRIENDS OR WHATEVER. THEIR BOND IS UNBREAKABLE.
And they have done things and hinted as many things. Only blinds can't see it. That's their issue not ours. And to those who haven't seen gcf tokyo youre missing a masterplan video for how to impress your crush that's it.
thankyou 💜💛
Hi anon,
Your ask is beautiful. I love it.
It makes me wonder of all the times that jikook referenced their trip after they came back. They were smitten by each other!
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Shy and sweet and even when talking about it, they would ignore the rest of the world around them.
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And now they are in Japan again. History likes to repeat itself. Will they have a glass shower again?
What happened in Disneyland?!
With or without Disneyland (will they go to Disneyland?), them deciding on a project together (omg. this is a subunit created by jikook) and making it so they would work, travel, have fun, and spend time and end in Japan is a bold move.
We will see what comes out of this and if they end up in Disneyland again, I fear we might not make it through.
But yeah, "jikook is more than friends or whatever"...lol
Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
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nathrecsblog · 2 years
Heya are there jikook fics where they are going through sensitive phase like divorce- breakup (kids can be involved) i wamt tp cry please🥺🥺
Jikook fic recommendations.
Hi it was really hard to find married jikook going through a divorce and I'm not sure this will make you cry , they didn't make me ( I'm not a sensitive person it's hard for me to cry) but people react differently .
You can find break-up / heartbreak jikook in one of my recent posts just bellow this . Hope you'll like them and like the ones in this Post.
Mono No Aware : 10 chapters.
Jimin and Jeongguk were only 18 when they moved to New York City and got married, sure that they were soulmates and destined to last forever. Four unfortunate years later, they're divorced and haven't seen a single sight of each other. That is until Jimin's signed as a model in the company Jeongguk works as a photographer for.
White T-shirt and Brown Timberlands: (11 k word )
Jimin is filing for divorce after eight years with Jungkook. He needs to let go, and yet, he wants to hold on a little longer
30 days : 2 chapters
Jungkook has only 30 days to realize his mistake
You're My 3am Thought : 2 chapters
When Jimin went out for a drink with his best friend, he didn't expect his night to end with him calling his ex of a year and a half, baring his heart open and crying his eyes out as he says everything he never thought he'd say. Yet, here he is.
Unraveling Affairs : 12 chapters
Jimin knew that Jeongguk didn't love him, their marriage had been an arranged one, after all.
But seeing his husband with another woman hurt Jimin like nothing before.
Only yours : 5 chapters ( abo au)
Being in love since pups, mated since few winters, Jungkook and Jimin were happy with their lives. The honeymoon phase was never fading away.
Until The pack wanted Jungkook to bring his offspring and they keep failing.
Jimin's story of failing as Jungkook's mate, pack omega and watching his mate falling for someone else who isn't him.
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