chocobothis · 1 year
i think ppl stereotypicall think that violence cannot also be an act of love because love is like a 'good' and 'pure' thing and therefore cannot be synonymous with violence @thebubbledragon
One of my best friends sent me this while talking about a book trilogy they had just finished reading. (The Green Bone Saga for the curious.) It's become one of those things that twists and turns in my mind. It's this call that I feel like I need to write a response for. My hearts sings out with something that my mind and fingers can't quite capture yet.
I sat down earlier trying to turn a variation of "violence as an act of love" into prose. What I wanted was that to be my drum beat. Something where I dove into it with that as the singular repeating line while each paragraph answered it. Those words are still stuck as sounds and feelings.
It touched me because I write so many things where acts of violence serve as acts of love and respect and acknowledgement. Hell, sometimes it's born from a tangled sense of compassion. Between my favorite ships and settings and tropes it melds in so perfectly. So many of my characters when cornered go, "I love you so much I'll fight for you. I'll take your place. I'll bleed for you without flinching."
The greatest acts of violence Solus carries out with the Force (and many outside) have been born of love. She respects loves a man so much they tear chunks out of each other on Concordia. Their blood splatters seems into the ground because this is as much a dance as the night before was. As their meeting had been with turns of phrase and looks and assurances half given. She loves Mandalore so much she burns parts of the Jedi Order and Republic Spy Networks. "Let them know what it feels like to have Outsiders invade their home." She breaks a friend's arm in three places as a village burns around them because she'll suffer no disrespect to her family. A man nearly two feet taller than her was tackled from a balcony as a distraction, as a show of prowess. All of the finesse of the Force, of her lightsabers (the gifted kyber burning orange), of most of her training as a warrior in favor of a brutality fueled by love. Him and his brother were endangering her family, defiling her home, and it would stop. Later when Inquisitors caught her and her family her riduur died; he died knowing he couldn't win but he could buy his two riduurs and their children time to escape. She dug so deep into the Force a shockwave echoed seemingly across the time and space. Them and their forces died because would lay waste to everything to protect her children, her family, her home. There's so much more drawing from her and her love that appears as violence. Later, she juggles the world for her riduur as she works to take their home again and again. She's guide and advisor and assassin and the rock to build upon.
Nico Bright loves Claire Redfield so much she ingests a variant of t-virus to save her. Her body bleeds antibodies because fate is fickle. It doesn't change but it hurts. Later she fights a man with decades of experience over her and wins. (A shotgun is a great equilizer.) There's blood and broken bones and bruising on her end. Her own life was in danger and that fuels her. But, even more so was he hurt people she loves. It's an act she'll never be able to undo, what he did to them and countless others, but she can stop it from happening again. It ends here and it ends now and it ends with her almost hyperventilating body thrown so deep into this she becomes calm. She protects civilians (a title she no longer views for herself) with a calm tone and good leadership and acts of violence. Because it keeps them safe from the zombies outside their little SUV. So many of her brushes with bioterrorism are born from this unyielding love for humanity and others even if it almost breaks her.
There's so many more; Alijah Kastor who hunts people who could kill her with her hands tied behind her back, Lumi Kirrin bathed in blood from such a young age to defend the basic rights of others, Jazari Naaji who acts for love and family no matter the personal cost, Vren Avitus who makes herself in a guide and assassin and solider to save her sister and her loves, Fe Cataegis who has a panic attack so intense she throws up because she hates travel by water but this fight needs her more. Sosha Soruna is canon but she helps reclaim a home that is not her own wearing none of the trappings of those around her; it's violence in the act of love because this is Jila's Home and she wants her girlfriend happy.
There's just something so twisting in violence as an act of love that calls out. It's the answer to the question of "What would you do for those you love?" with a defeaning, "Anything."
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shilohsylvanian · 9 months
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Exploring a new spot 🌿🌳
Video soon!
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dork-industries-art · 9 months
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barnaby-ified a friend's sona cause the song slaps so hard and they share a color palette
reblogs > likes
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paper-pixies · 9 months
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Just a little inventor girl!!
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waterfall-ambience · 2 months
ok i finally ended up putting in an explanation in the script for why its called globeland
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mouse-fairy · 7 months
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Oliver's helping Ralph home from the clinic. Mandy wants a picture of them.
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microscope-world · 2 years
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Phase Contrast on the Left / Brightfield on the Right. These are rabbit taste buds captured under the ZEISS Primostar 3 microscope at 40x.
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joekabox · 2 years
Do forgive me for the more esoteric question this time, but it has been bouncing around in my head for sometime now. One of my favorite tropes is the psychic head space, that when someone with mind reading abilities enter deeply into another's mind that they enter a psychic space that represents that person. Such as someone who lived their entire life in the military their psychic head space take the form of the army base they lived on, or someone with a very reserved personally head space might be a a tightly back cube with containers for all their thoughts and memories. The best example of this would be the Psychonauts games. So my question is what dose your ocs psychic head space look like?
Ohhh, I love this stuff too. Magic has done it before with Jace's mind reading abilities, such as how Emrakul's mind presented itself to Jace as a great room with her angelic personification playing chess at its heart. Yu-Gi-Oh! has also played with this trope, when peering into the minds of characters like Yugi. It's very fun.
Speaking of Yugi, who famously has two rooms inside his head due to the presence of both his childlike, innocent Yugi half, and his darker, more sinister Atem half, I think my fanwalker, Joseph, would have something similar in his mind.
Joseph was notably cursed with lycanthropy in his adventures, and while I've sadly not kept up on portraying much of that to most people, in what I have discussed with friends, I've wanted it to be clear that his werewolf half is ultimately a part of him, and not some beast he is forced to share a mind with. I think his brain room(s) would portray that.
Joseph's main brain-room, I think, is something of an unkempt library. Many shelves of books and trinkets he's picked up on his adventures, but all of it is dusty and disorganized. Books are lying open on nearby tables, and many crates of unorganized new materials in some abandoned corner of the room. It shows that Joseph is someone that has learned a lot, and keeps picking up new things, but is also someone that neglects his past - he is afraid of dealing with the stuff he's lived through, and so instead he lets it collect dust, exactly where he left it, waiting for him to someday return.
Perhaps behind that towering crate of newly acquired memories he leaves unattended but ever accumulating, a locked door where he hides the room of his monstrous self. He hides it, that worst part of himself, not realizing it's not a separate room at all, but merely a facet of this one. He's partitioned it off out of fear, and every now and again, he is ill prepared when that door finally swings open, knocking his new and unsorted memories aside to run free, only doing his best to shove it back how and when he can, and piling more new things he finds in front of it, in hopes that making those new memories is enough to bury his past. But it's not.
One day, Joseph will be strong enough to move those boxes aside, and instead of leaving that beast to fester in anger and break the door down, he'll open it up for himself, and let them both have room to work on the rest of their shared living space together.
For my D&D half elf bard, Jerodin, I think his room is something like a whimsical doll house. Walls lined in pink, dresses and frilly things in all the wardrobes and dressers, and a big comfy bed, for him to lie down and relax.
Soft music plays in this room at all times, and he has a whole area full of instruments and things to play with.
The only thing of note, I think, are the mirrors of this room, of which he has a concerning number of, all covered in cloth to hide what looks back at him.
Jerodin is someone that thinks of himself a lot, and this room reflects not only his interests, but his fears, and what Jerodin fears most is, ultimately, himself.
Jerodin has always seen himself a flawed thing. A withering flower, someone unworthy enough to cared for or loved. In his head, he can be free of that hate and pain, but all it takes is a look in the mirror to see who he really is, and his illusion shatters. He remembers the way his father mocks him for what he likes, of what he'll never be, the way his mother treats him like a fragile doll, as she will long outlive him with her full elven blood. Even his close friends he feels pity him or fail to see him as an individual proper.
On days where the curtain on those mirrors fly off, his room is dark and bleak with peeling walls and his dresses scattered across the floor in shreds, and there he sits in that corner of instruments, plucking at the last strings he has left holding him together, realizing he was only ever the one making the music in his head at all.
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alinagomez2508-blog · 10 days
Understanding the Various Applications of Brightfield Microscopy 
The brightfield microscope is an essential tool used in pathology labs on a worldwide scale. It offers a simple yet detailed scope of examining tissues and identifying abnormalities. While overshadowed by more sophisticated techniques in some cases, the histology slide scanner remains an irreplaceable workhorse for pathologists due to its versatility, affordability, and ease of use. 
The Working Principle of Brightfield Microscopy 
The process of Brightfield Microscopy begins with a tissue section. Sliced to a near-transparent thinness, this delicate specimen is positioned on the stage of the microscope, directly in the path of a bright light source.  A condenser lens in the mechanism polarizes the light into a focused beam, like how a spotlight illuminates a stage in the intended space.  
When a concentrated beam of light interacts with tissue, it produces intriguing effects. Tissues contain components with different densities, influencing their interaction with light. For instance, denser regions like cell nuclei absorb more light, appearing darker in the resulting image. At the same time, you can monitor less dense areas like the cytoplasm which permits more light to pass through, resulting in brighter regions. 
This interplay of light absorption and transmission creates a map of contrasts within the tissue. Pathologists act as interpreters of this map, using their trained eyes to decipher the variations in darkness and brightness. 
These variations reveal a wealth of information:  
Cellular Morphology: The shape, size, and arrangement of cells come into sharp focus. Are the cells plump and healthy-looking, or do they appear shrunken and distorted, hinting at potential abnormalities?  
Tells of Trouble: Darker regions might indicate areas of inflammation, where immune cells have amassed to fight infection. Opposed to that, very bright areas could point towards necrosis, a form of cell death.  
Unearthing Pathogens: In some cases, the keen eye of a pathologist can even directly visualize certain pathogens, like bacteria or parasites, within the tissue.  
Applications Of Brightfield Microscopy in Pathology  
The applications of brightfield microscopy in pathology are extensive:  
Routine Histopathology: This forms the backbone of diagnosis. Tissue biopsies stained with hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) are examined under the histology scanner to assess cellular and architectural features, aiding in the identification of various cancers, inflammatory diseases, and infectious processes.  
Microbiology: While not ideal for all organisms, a brightfield slide scanner can be used to visualize some bacteria, fungi, and parasites in tissue sections, especially in conjunction with specific stains.  
Cytology: Examination of body fluids like blood or cerebrospinal fluid under the microscope helps diagnose infections, malignancies, and other abnormalities. Brightfield microscopy plays a crucial role in these cytological examinations.  
Frozen Sections: In urgent cases, a rapid diagnosis might be needed. Brightfield microscopy is vital for examining frozen tissue sections, providing valuable information for guiding surgical procedures or treatment decisions. 
However, certain limitations exist as well:  
Limited Contrast: Certain cellular features or subtle changes might be difficult to visualize, especially in unstained specimens. 
Requirement for Stains: Staining can introduce artifacts and may not be suitable for live specimens.  
Lower Resolution: Compared to electron microscopy, brightfield microscopy offers a lower resolution, limiting the visualization of very fine structures.  
Despite the emergence of advanced techniques, brightfield microscopy remains an often-used tool in pathology.  Its simplicity, affordability, and speed make it ideal for routine examinations, providing crucial insights into disease processes.  While other techniques might offer higher resolution or specific advantages, brightfield microscopy will likely continue to be a workhorse in pathology labs for years to come. 
OptraSCAN is a provider of top quality brightfield slide scanners, hailed as a leading pioneer within the equipment development field. Reach out to them today to explore their digital histopathology solutions and discover how your laboratory can achieve accurate results with minimal time investment, while also facilitating collaboration with other medical professionals. 
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Schrödinger’s Lozenge: Is a lozenge an edible, or an extract? In Canada, the answer depends on if it’s a cannabis product.
In January 2023, Health Canada, the federal authority overseeing the sale of medical and adult-use cannabis in Canada, began issuing stop-sale letters to licensed producers manufacturing “edible extracts,” mostly lozenges and dissolvable gummies. These products, producers held, were classified as extracts rather than edibles because they were intended for sublingual absorption and their…
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Cara Menggunakan Mikroskop Cahaya (Brightfield Microscope)
Cara Menggunakan Mikroskop Cahaya (Brightfield Microscope)
Dalam artikel ini admin akan membahas tentang bagaimana cara menggunakan mikroskop cahaya atau dalam bahasa inggrisnya Brightfield Microscope. Mungkin bagi teman-teman ada yang belum mengetahui bagaimana cara mengoperasikan salah satu alat lab ini, untuk itu silahkan anda simak dan perhatikan pembahasannya berikut ini. Mikroskop Sebelumnya apakah anda sudah tahu apa itu Mikroskop? Nah jadi…
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chocobothis · 1 year
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Tagged by: @thebisexualmandalorian
Template from here.
Tagging: Whoever wants to jump in!
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shilohsylvanian · 3 months
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Goat sister Mandy Brightfield
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del-sol-diminutives · 4 months
Review: The World of Sylvanian Families The Official Guide
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This book is relatively new; it debuted around Christmas, 2023. It’s 110 pages, hardbound, and written with children in mind, but with value for adult collectors.
You can find some sample pictures of the interior on Amazon, but I wanted to talk a bit about what they do and don’t include, so you can decide for yourself if it’s a worthwhile addition to your own collection.
The book contains a story of the origin of Sylvania, which is heartwarming and sweet, with cute illustrations. The illustrations are the only time some of the vintage families appear in the book.
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It also contains a section on the families themselves, including photos of the figures, their names, and the description of each member that you would usually find on the bottom of the box.
(Please forgive this photo’s strange lighting; the weather changed while I was writing.)
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The most popular families get their own page and the Chocolate rabbits actually have a two-page spread. The families included are:
the Chocolate Rabbits
the Walnut Squirrels
the Persian Cats (the Persians)
the Huskies (the Huskys)
the Fennec Foxes (the Fennecs)
the Milk Rabbits (the Periwinkles)
the Ponies (the Manelys, plus Bella Chestnut and Giselle Silver)
the Bears (this is the Petite family of bears)
the Hedgehogs (the Brambles)
the Koalas (the Outbacks)
the Highbranch Giraffes
the Penguins (the Waddles)
the Snow Rabbits
the Toy Poodles (the Cakebreads)
the Sheep (the Dales)
the Maple Cats
the Pookie Pandas
the Marshmallow Mice
the Caramel Dogs
the Midnight Cats
the Kangaroos (the Hoppers)
the Yellow Labradors (the Fentons)
the Red Deer (the Buckleys)
the Reindeer (the Snowdrifts)
the Tuxedo Cats (the Marlowes)
the Bubblebrook Elephants
the Goats (the Brightfields)
and the Splashy Otters
The older brothers and sisters have their own page called “In The Town”, separate from the families. Interestingly, this includes Lionel Grand, who I hadn’t considered to be an older sibling. I might have to check his figure now.
The book also includes maps of Sylvanian Village, Sylvania Town, Seabreeze Cape, and Sylvanian Land, the amusement park for the babies. I think this is a fine bit of inspiration for designing your own layouts.
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The book also includes descriptions of the seasons and Sylvanian holidays, including both Christmas and Easter.
In the back is a short timeline of Sylvanian Families history.
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It is necessarily incomplete, given the target audience and the amount they’d probably have to pack into a book if they weren’t being general. Unfortunately it does not contain the full information on each of the various families and when they were released. There is definitely still room for a collector’s book for adults that includes information on the vintage families and sets.
Finally, the last page in the book is a delightful encapsulation of Sylvanian Families values.
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I think this is a wonderful addition and a perfect capstone to the book, and I am very happy with owning it. I do hope that someday there will be a book for adult collectors, with the same kind of aesthetic, but with the full details we would love to have.
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waterfall-ambience · 2 months
if i try to go off the rails and start tying the homeric hymn to demeter into minerva and avery's character arcs for the sake of a uni assignment do you promise to stop me. do you promise.
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whalesfearme · 10 months
hello, since I'm officially done with the post office I've been working on for the past three months (wasn't that difficult, I'm just lazy) it's time to share it with the internet!!
I based it on the original sylvanian post office from 1992. the building was made from my old math notebooks because I'm spiteful. the furniture and the windows are made out of popsicle sticks.
for anyone wondering - this post office has a small stationary and snacks corner because EVERY post office should have one. there are little cans of nuts (acorns and chestnuts), chocolate bars, cookies, paper, envelopes, newspapers and books.
the "painting" is a real stamp :)) I love all the little packages and letters, it's my favorite part of the entire post office!!
can we talk about Jenny Brightfield tho? (the baby) she's so cute and tiny and I would die for her. sadly, my mommy Brightfield came with a dark stain on her hand that doesn't come off:(( well, I guess we can call it a beauty mark?
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