#jill speaks
strongthroughtherain · 3 months
Question for all my chronically ill and/or disabled girlies (gn): Have you ever had a long stretch of good health, and then, all of a sudden, everything just starts going to shit? In a relatively short amount of time?
That's what's happening to me right now, and it fucking sucks.
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dennisboobs · 10 months
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Portugal. The Man - Rich Friends
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meffez · 2 months
anyway, if anything bad happens to jill gideon im gonna drink boiling water
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valenfield-inspo · 5 months
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Was going through re5 and just look at this man! His eyes at first seeing Jill unmasked! I mean I know I have reblogged posts of Chris being glassy eyed in this game before but ugh it never gets old!
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browniefox · 3 months
Jill and Gav is such an unexplored relationship. Like, they’re both Northerners. Does Jill ever ask him about the North? Does he have any memories of the princess or the war? How does that affect both of their relationships when thinking about Rosaria? Do they have favorite foods or inside jokes no one else will get?
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autisticmushroom · 12 days
so the recent debate- that was entertaining to watch. I have my thoughts on it.
main point tho is I see ppl online saying to vote for the Green Party. Or another 3rd party. Cool- BUT America is fiercely a 2 party system. Yes I hate the Electoral College too but it’s what we got.
See, if enough ppl rally behind a Green Party candidate, it’ll most likely siphon votes away from Kamala. And Kamala, the only one who has a Chance against Trump will have less of a chance.
I get why you want to back a third party. But they’re not going to win unless you get everyone behind them- and you CANNOT get all those Kamala fans to vote Green instead.
Idk if I’m actually going to Change Anyone’s Mind abt this. But this needs to be said!!
Also Kamala was eloquent. They did well to replace Biden with her. Good for her.
I will probably be talking abt politics more with the recent election. Tags to filter out if you don’t want to see that are #star speaks politics, and #politics .
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himitenkiyo · 2 months
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the murderous women of thh
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st0rm3tv · 8 months
wake up
think about hot women
think about hot women
dream about hot women
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I’m at a statewide disability convention this weekend, and they just asked people to stand for the national anthem.
More than half the people here are wheelchair or scooter users. 😐
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dennisboobs · 1 year
kissing all of them for this one singular moment
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justme-victoria · 2 years
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I want to play a game.
Most people are so ungrateful to be alive. But not you. Not anymore.
SAW (2004-2021)
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valenfield-inspo · 2 months
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Mist veiled eyes (platonic)
I personally adore both silent hill and resident evil. I know both fandoms make jokes about one another so i decided to make something off of it. Originally I was also gonna add a Jill route but this was getting too long to write (maybe another day but not now)
I put in some P.T references for fun and sadness at it never being released (I still mourn). Y/n in this isn’t quite human anymore. Not even they know what they are now after experiencing the town but they don’t question it
Sorry if this is cheesy (tbh both series have their cheesy moments despite being horror games) and that this came out so late. I’ve been busy lol
Content warning: death, blood, trauma, mention of cult stuff, monsters, the usual for resident evil and silent hill (what else do you expect lol)
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You think you had once been excited to go to your dads old town
He was a stern man, one who had kept secrets from both you and your mom
Someone who had once guarded his past to his chest and mind
Never once cracking and spilling its contents despite the questions that you had once pestered him about
It felt nice at first that he was seemingly opening up
He’d always been distant with you
Never really showing you anything other than the basic necessity
But now he was seemingly opening up
Showing a part of himself to you
You opinion quickly changed though on the drive there
At some point in the drive your mom fell asleep while you listened to your Walkman
Eventually as you went to change tapes and there was no music blaring in your ears you heard the radio
For a solid minute it was static
Pure static that your father was listening to
But then you hear it morph
And in that static you begin to hear a voice more and more clearly
It’s male, a radio station host
The radio man was talking about a father who killed his wife and kids
What’s odd though is the man’s tone of voice and how much info he has on the murder
He talks about it in extreme detail that not even police would know about
In an intense silence your dad listened
Quietly you heard your dad mumble what seemed to be a sequence of numbers over and over again
In the distance of the dark night sky illuminated by the headlights is the sign
The place that would forever change you
Silent Hill
The gate to the place is closed off, chain link yet despite that your dad keeps driving
Plowing straight through it making your mom startle awake
There’s a heavy mist surrounding the car as he drives into the seemingly abandoned town
Mom is yelling at him asking what the fuck he was thinking
But all you can focus on is the crackle of the radio, it’s getting louder in your ears despite no one touching the dial
You reach to silence it
Yet as your finger barely grazed the knob the radio host stops his anti-government rant
“Don’t touch that dial now, we’re just getting started”
A shiver racks your spine
How did-
Before you can question anything else your moms scream echoes out in the car and you jolt back
Your dads attacking her
Instantly you move to help her but there’s only so much you can do against him before a deafening crack fills the car
The radio host cackles in a twisted tone
In a blind panic you throw open the car door and run
Your dad yells for you to “get your ass back in the car” and that “you must serve your purpose!”
It’s confusing and your mind is spinning
You run into the fog despite the fact you can’t see 3 feet in front of you
It stays like that for who knows how long until you finally find and unlocked shop
It’s abandoned as hell but you find momentary relief flood you as you sit down on dirty tiles and cry
You cry and cry till your eyes are red and you can’t cry anymore
Eventually you look around the old store, it seemed to be a laundromat
Hesitantly you get up, shivering from either the cold or silence you don’t know
But then you that silence is broken when on a laundry machine a small radio comes to life
A chilling static noise ringing as you hear something else in the nearby pitch black doorway
Immediately you hunch down to hide behind the machines
Peaking out to see something entering
Not someone
That wasn’t human
Tears line your eyes once more as your hand clasps over your mouth
Frantic eyes look for an escape but all options would lead it to noticing you
And then your eyes land on something
Close enough in range for you to grab is an old pipe
Long enough where you aren’t too close and study enough to hurt whatever that thing was
Your hand reaches as you hear its footsteps getting close
Fingertips digging into the cold metal and readying it
This was the beginning of your own personal hell
Like the radio host one said
“We’re just getting started”
You one day emerge out the fog of that old town that reeked of death
It was a cold night, but despite it you don’t shiver nor do your teeth chatter
Your mind is…hazy
The main events leading to you escaping are blurry but so is the rest of your mind
Thinking back to your escape are just flashes of disjoined pictures
It’s like their not properly developed pictures
There are clearly things and people there but their distorted blobs of colour that need more time to come together
You walk the lone and forgotten road
Still unpacking your mind but not panicked
In fact your more calm than anything as you walk for hour upon hours until you reach civilization again
Your not exactly sure what it had done to you
You had killed several monsters of nightmarish compression made up from the demons of your mind
Trauma taking a literal form in the shape of entities for you to bash with whatever weapon you could find
An axe now instead of that old pipe
Occasionally being gifted a few bullets to hopefully put down the demons that clawed at you
When it was finally over
The mist being lifted off this abandoned sleepy town
Radio going silent
Rusted blood of the other world chipping away as you finally found resolve
Something remained
A piece of that place
Silent hill staying with you even as you left it for good
Maybe it was a new trauma replacing the one it had helped (help in large quotations) you work through
But you knew it was different from that
You felt physically different
Sometimes when staring in a mirror you didn’t recognize yourself
Looking at the old Polaroids it felt as if someone else was staring back
Perhaps when you left silent hill a part of it went with you
A twisted souvenir or medal of honour as you think back to the days or weeks you spent traversing that place
Time there was warped and you didn’t know how long you’d actually spent in that realm
Minutes felt like hours
Days felt like years
There was only ever a grey sky with no indication of sunlight or night
Just an endless limbo filled with melancholy as you did your best to survive
the time before you entered that town felt blurred and fuzzy, as if you were trying to watch an old tape that was distorted
You think you preferred it that way though, it made everything easier to accept if you didn’t know when you had entered and when you had left
Didn’t know what you could never have anymore
Cause even if it had been a day that you were stuck there it felt as if the world had changed monumentally
Felt as if you were a foreign force or entity impeding on what used to be your home
If…you could even call it that anymore
Despite being 15 you feel older than you are
Weathered and given the forbidden knowledge of an entity of eldritch descent as it clung to you like a cancerous sore
You travel now even if you sometimes feel the call to return back to the only place that felt as if it would accept you
Upon highways and bridges you walk
Only taking rest in motels that you somehow always have the money for
Your dreams being filled with that town once more and it’s open arms of welcome if you wanted to return back to it
Though now in those dreams there are no more monsters to hurt you
Your just by your lonesome traversing the place you once loathed
It’s peaceful and quiet unlike the natural world
You don’t need or feel the urge to eat but you do so anyways out of a nostalgia of what it was like to be human
Cause at this point you know your not that anymore
You had entered human but left as something else
And for some reason you felt fine with that
Admittedly the previous night with Rebecca and Billy wasn’t the best of days
Certainly not your worst by a long run
But not quite good either
Neither is right now as you wander a second mansion infested with science experiments gone wrong that only a mother could love
Whilst Billy did the best decision and go off on his own you decided to go with Rebecca
That was now kinda biting you in the ass but what’s more annoying is that you got separated from her due to that giant asshole snake
Of all sentences you’d say it’s probably that one that’s the weirdest
To be honest this was…well laughably less scary
Horrifying still? Well yes, these were the reanimated corpses of people that were now trying to rip into your flesh
But you had dealt with worse
These creatures weren’t a personal attack on your psyche
They were lab experiments gone wrong and now set loose on this mansion as some sort of testing ground
There was no radio static as the rooms were transformed to that of a industrial hell realm
In its place was a now well lit and elegant manor with the groans and moans of these shambling creatures
Marble floors accented with splatters of blood
There’s no dirt and grime covered walls
Just pristine with the occasional gore
All things considered it’s a welcome upgrade
If you could call it that
At least there’s less of a risk of tetanus
…still a risk of possible rabies from those annoying dogs
But to be fair you don’t think either can affect you anymore on the fact that you’d be bitten several times in the last few hours and nothing has happened
No itching
Or sudden urge for flesh
Your unaffected and for once you thank whatever that that town did to you
Still doesn’t stop those rotting assholes from taking a chunk from your shoulder though
With a sigh you rummage around for a first aid spray and some bandages
Your axe is discarded to the ground, dripping blood onto the posh carpeting
For some reason supplies had been “conveniently” spread around this death trap
Whoever was behind this at least wanted it’s lab rats to have a small chance at survive for at least a few hours
(They certainly didn’t account for something like you to appear here, for better or worse)
With a small mumble of a curse you pull open a few drawers of the small room your in
Looking around frivolous expensive clutter that was stuffed into the drawers as all you come up with is some green herbs
It was better than nothing
Sighing you pick up the leaves, pressing them to the wound
It’ll help the wound for now, but not fully heal it like you had wanted
Picking back up your axe you go to exit the room
Only to fumble back a bit when the door opens
Chris Redfield
A man entered through the door, green military vest with a combat knife strapped in place and pistol held up
When his eyes connect with yours though he immediately puts the gun away
Fearlessness and determination in his eyes being extinguished momentarily to a soft and gentle kindness
There’s also a bit of relief of not being alone in this nightmare
Something you had wish you had once before
“Hey are you ok?” He knells down so he’s at a closer eye level. His movements are cautious, much like when dealing with a frightened animal.
“I think we both know the answer to that question”
He lets out a small chuckle, forced or not it seems to lighten some stress on your shoulders. “Fair point.” He says eyeing your wound before pulling out a first aid spray “mind telling me how you ended up here though?”
As he sprays your wound you explain as best you can
The train crash and monsters
Rebecca and you ending up here but separated
Leaving out any mention of Billy
Throughout it he nods, adding or asking input before pulling back and throwing away the empty can
When he’s done he helps you up gently
Treating you as if you were glass
His kindness is refreshing from the apathy and disgust usually directed at you
It makes whatever’s human left in you feel warm
you feel nice and not just a constant feeling of apathy
Following him out into the infected ridden halls he keeps you close
He doesn’t have any spare guns nor weapons so you just stick to your trust axe
Luckily he doesn’t question it much to your relief
Just accepting it as it is and focusing on the bigger picture
Whilst following him he makes sure you stay close behind him
A protective hand outstretched to keep you far enough away incase something pops out but close enough where he can still somewhat ensure your there
Through the exploration and odd twists in the hallways he tries to keep a lighthearted conversation
Whether it’s to distract you or himself is up to debate but you humour him
He asks about your parents but you keep it vague where he gets the sense you’d rather not talk about it
So instead he shifts the topic onto his own
Apparently he had a younger sister named Claire, in his words she was a “stubborn pain in the ass but I wouldn’t have it any other way “
Soon enough she’d be heading to university
And throughout the entire process he’d be there for her every step of the way if she needed him
They only had each other now
So it was his responsibility to fill the now vacant roles of their parents
In every sense of the word Chris is a protector
Someone who goes out of their way to shield others from harm no matter the cost
Even though you have a weapon he still insists on taking down the zombies
Saying that you should only get involved if completely necessary
“Your a kid, you shouldn’t have to the one fighting here”
Those words end up repeating in your head
For so long you’d felt as if you were an adult
You’d forgotten you were a kid
A once innocent 15 year old that was now seemingly stuck forever like this in some sort of psychical and metal limbo
He sees a sad look in your eyes and goes to ask but you beat him to it
“Thanks…as silly as it seems I forgot that”
A part of him cracks at that
The familiar feeling of having to grow up too quickly after his parents deaths
It seems as is this and the past night was rough for you
Plus perhaps whatever is happening with your parental situation since you don’t seem to want to talk about it
He’d pry later but for now he focuses on this mansion
On getting you home safe
With your shared teamwork you both find Rebecca hunched over a injured Richard after a whole shit ton of puzzles
The puzzles you once went through were bullshit but these once’s were plain irritating
Who builds an elaborate mansion with this many puzzles?
You weren’t even halfway through the house and you’d already spent a decent amount of time backtracking and trying to find keys
“The giant bastard get you?” You knell down beside Richard who chokes back a cough. Rebecca holds his hand, he squeezes it.
“Y-yeah” it comes out as a garbled wheeze.
“Giant bastard?” Chris asks confused, he turns to Rebecca for a clearer answer.
“Richard and us was chased by a giant snake throughout the mansion. Richard got bitten though after they got separated from us” the mention of the reptile makes Richard flinch.
With that and a bit more added on you and Chris go to find the antidote even though he persisted that you could stay with the two
He may be determinedly stubborn but your persistently patient to get your way
Something that seemed to remind him a bit of Claire
Going through the dead infested halls to get the vaccine isn’t much of a hassle
Not when time is of the essence and there was no place for being extremely cautious
Richard needed that serum
you and Chris were gonna get it to him no matter how many dead you had to get through
Though your time with the orange vested man was brief compared to Rebecca he was exceedingly kind
He promised you much like Chris you’d get home
While trying to avoid the scalely bastard that did this to him he cracked jokes to try and lighten the mood
Like Rebecca he fussed over the smallest of wounds on you and insisted on using the spare supplies of herbs on you
In every regard Richard was a good man
Someone like everyone else who didn’t deserve to be in this mansion
Someone who didn’t deserve to die
He had Bridgette his fiancé whom he spoke foundry about to get back home to
had people who were waiting on him unlike you
Entering the “safe room” as you liked to call it you scrounged through medicinal bottles
Looking and looking until finding it as you hear Chris’s gunshots nearby
He let you run ahead while he dealt with the riffraff
You grabs the serum, pocketing a spare just in case before you run out and meet back up with Chris who dealt with the last of the zombies
“Got it?” He asks stepping over the dead again corpse that was riddled with lead.
“I grabbed a spare as well” you hold up the two bottles, allowing Chris to take one while you hold onto the other.
“Good thinking” without thinking he ruffles your hair as an appreciatory gesture. For a moment he thinks he fucks up since you go still, but when looking at you he sees happiness. “Let’s hope we won’t have to use it though”
Getting back to Richard and Rebecca isn’t too much of a hassle
You and Chris release your breath when making it back with enough time for him to be sufficiently healed
He was alright
He would be ok
He’d make it back home
For once you were able to save someone
Your mothers dead face flashes in your mind now more clear than it was once before
But why couldn’t you had saved her?
Why were you too weak to stop him?
Why did you freeze when that crack echoed out or try to stab him with something
Your shaken from your thoughts when Richard places a hand on your shoulder making you jump lightly
“Hey I’m alright…no need for tears”
With some confusion you swipe a finger over your cheek and you feel the distinct wetness of tears
For many a times you’d had tears bubble up in your eyes but until now they’d never fallen
Always on the edge of your eyelids but eventually retreating back away
But now the damn had cracked allowing the waterworks to flow
For some reason it feels nice to cry
With a small sniffle you nod
You and Chris must continue on
The two of you help Rebecca move the now unconscious Richard down to the med storage room you found the vaccine in
Chris fiddles a bit with Richards Radio as the new area of the mansion becomes more and more accessible
Every now and then your gaze drifts done to it
Expecting that hellish static to come blaring to life once again
For the monsters formed of your mind to tear through the walls
The world being town away for red tinged rust to replace it all
But it doesn’t
Your still in the mansion of different horrors
Now less personal
“Do you want the radio?, you could try to get it working but- ” he suddenly says holding it out to you, seeing the device get closer you flinch back.
“no!..uh sorry I just have bad memories associated with radios.” As you say this the memories crackle in your head.
He quirks a brow at that but nods
Pocketing it away for now to fiddle with later
You release a breath you didn’t know you were holding when it was put away
Out of sight and out of mind
He seems to have noticed that
“I know you don’t know me too well but, tell me if something is bothering you. We’re already in a bad place, I don’t want to make you feel worse”
“I…it’s stupid though-“
“No it’s not. I don’t know whatever happened for you to dislike it but it makes you uncomfortable. You shouldn’t have to invalidate your pain like that”
For a moment your silent
“Besides, even if you didn’t have a reason behind it we all have irrational fears.”
“Yeah!. Like I have a fear of werwolves”
“Yeah…might have once watched American werewolf in London as a kid and it stayed with me since” he admits with a bit of embarrassment
You giggle a bit at that
He pauses for a moment to listen to the sound and absorb seeing your face
This is the first time he’d seen you smile
Not like he can blame you for not
It’s still nice to see though
Especially since he gets the feeling you don’t do it often
In his mind it’s a real shame
Your a good kid
Fighting the damn snake was hard but rewarding
Slashing your axe down at the monster that had hurt both you but also Richard, Rebecca and now Chris
It’s hissing cries of pain
Blood staining your already red covered clothes
Something like this wasn’t uncommon to you
You had to fight a few stronger and bigger monsters in silent hill
But now it was at least something unoriginal and not an eldritch beast
With a sigh you feel the poison from its fangs that bit into you several times wash away
Your body was already at work doing whatever it did to slowly heal you
Chris meanwhile was going through the effort of looting the rest of the room
Getting spare ammo and herbs
Along with a mask
You didn’t like the look of the object, it was cult like
…you didn’t exactly like cults
But for now it was best to suck it up especially since it was likely for yet another unnecessary puzzle
Chris lingers by the door and you get off the dead snakes body
Not before giving it one last good kick to the head for an extra fuck you
Exiting the room you see Chris stumble slightly on the way down the stairs
Immediately you go to help him
“Did it bite you?”
“Y-yeah..,think it got me. Administer it to yourself first, you got bitt as well”
Before you can give a response he falls
Almost clattering to the floor if not for your support as you helped him slump against the wall
You pull out the serum, calling out for Rebecca
Distantly you hear hurried footsteps
Your breath goes ragged, you didn’t have a needle to administer the antidote
He could die
And you couldn’t do anything to stop it
Why does this keep happening to you?
What did you do to have the people you care for die with nothing you can do?!
Rebecca rushes in, eyes widening at the sight of the slumped over Chris and the look in your eyes
It’s just pure grief
Even after she administers it and he begins to stir your still stricken with that look
Her words are not responded to
Your mind is distant
Admittedly she didn’t know much about whatever had happened to you even before the mansion
But she does know your a deeply scarred kid
Someone who had seen horrors before the leach infested train, the first mansion and now a second one
But another thing she knows is that something happened to you that made you…different
You spoke broadly of it
A place where’re you entered and came out not the same
On the train she once tried to bandage your wounds with Billy after a Rebar had impaled you in the side when the train crashed
A wound like that with only a few spare herbs and a can of first aid spray should have resulted in death
But despite that you healed
The wound slowly going away until there was now nothing in its wake
Both eventually accepted it as something no one will have an answer to
Still she insisted you use the herbs to help with the process
Billy did as well, making you promise to look after yourself before leaving
Gently she tries to wake you up from the daze of your mind
Eventually it works but you still keep a look of worry in your eyes as you glance at Chris who begins to properly awaken
Chris noticed after this that your relatively more distant than you were before
Your more silent than before
Just give short responses as you avoid looking at him as if your eyes would scorch him
When he does see your eyes though he sees fear
Not towards him per say but more so at what could happen to him
That getting closer would lead to more harm if he got hurt once more
It’s touching in some sense but worrying
Really worrying
He remembers that same mindset when his parents died and he had to be the main caregiver for Claire
For a long while he almost feel into that thought but had caught himself
It wasn’t healthy
But he can’t just up and tell you to stop because that likely won’t fix anything
So for now he does his best
Entering out the mansion into its garden
An old beaten path leading the way as cicadas chirp off in the brush
The sounds of nature filling the area along with
Gravel being crunched under both yours and his boots
Just as you both walk downhill the radio he’d almost forgotten he had crackles on
Immediately his hand goes to it
The words are chopped up but he’s able to make out a warning
“Stay out the woods outside the mansion”
He casts a glance back to the looming building and then at you
You look at the radio once more and he puts it away
After a second you snap out of it and linger behind him once more
Axe hugged to your chest
Both stained with blood and gore
He’d maybe have to try and find something for you to change into
A cold breeze goes by
Maybe a coat as well if it keeps to this temperature
Speaking of which
“Are you cold?.” He asks looking at the statues of two Cerberus. From the looks of them their in the wrong directions. Knowing this place there would be two levers or something to put them in place…which makes him think of those two weather vanes
You shake your head no despite it being untrue. You were always cold, a chilling temperature always racking your body as if you were one of the corpses littering this place. “I’m fine”
He nods but doesn’t seem to believe your words
You both go back uphill to the weather vanes and press down secret buttons to stop them in certain directions
Distantly you hear the moving of stone
After some pressing there’s a click that emanates and the gates being seemingly opened
The two of you head deeper into the madness
Through the cabin madness and groaning screams you carry on
A creature much more akin to that of silent hill
Several faces stitched together as a mask on its face
Cuffed hands that are elongated to a unnatural extent
Groaning screams that sounded more human-like than that of the zombies you cut down
For the first time tonight your happy to enter back into the mansion of all things
At least Chris gave you a magnum in all this mess
One that would be saved for better occasions than shooting down giant spiders and weird giant reptiles
Surprise surprise this place had a lab as its basement, absolutely wonderful
At least there wasn’t a cult involved or else your bingo chart would be full by now
Crates splash in a small pool of water and bob under Chris’s footsteps
He goes across first
They shift a bit and he jumps to the solid ground across
You go to step on the first crate
He holds his hand out for you and with a little hesitance you grab it
Your not sure of the last time you’d been given affection like this
It feels nice though
You feel…safe and not alone anymore
“Your really cold. You should have told me”
“I…I’m always cold”
He nods with a bit of confusion but puts his questions away for later
You cross the gap but he still holds your hand
The warmth of his gentle touch is absorbed by your eternal cold
But then he pulls away
A part of you feels saddened but you accept it
But then he slips something over your hands
His gloves are a bit big on you but he adjusts them
Military grade material fitting snugly around your hands that have a forever bitter cold
“I know their fingerless but hopefully that helps a bit.”
You feel to stunned to say anything so you default back to a nod and grab his hand once again
You give a gentle squeeze as a thank you
With a small smile he repeats the action back
“I know your scared of me getting hurt, but have some hope in me. We’ve come this far, and anything that they throw at us is going down”
Like before you nod again
Cold water soaks you up to your armpits as Richard grasps the metal fencing of this aquatic tank area
The water is deep and murky
Filled with an unknown force that makes its presence known to your mind
Something lurks in these waters
Hungry…no, STARVED
Is the best way to describe the creeping feeling
The waters shifts, it’s coming
“Chris get back!”
Before Richard can do it your pull Chris back as that oncoming threat surfaced
A giant shark, one that narrowly misses Chris as it bites at the metal before going back into the depths
Waiting for the next time to strike
To finally feast once more
“Shit go!” It comes out as a panicked cry, his blood soaked and bandages arm pointing to the door you and Chris entered through.
“We’ll deal with it!. Get to safety Richard!”
“Are you?-“
“Go! Your still injured! Don’t throw your life away, you have someone waiting for you back home!” He flinches a bit that, clear hesitation to leave on his mind before he begrudgingly does so.
Exiting he shoots one last look over his shoulder at the two of you
Chris already leading the way as quick as he can through the water with you behind
Smaller sharks trying to get a nip at you but deterred by a few swings of your axe
The bigger one though lurks, waiting
Cold and calculating dead eyes
Much like your own in some sense
Heading through double doors you give a sigh of relief
You’d preferred not to be fish food
Soaking wet you descended down a ladder with Chris not far behind
He needed a second to ensure the herbs were still ok
To his luck they were
“I think you might’ve saved Richard back there”
“What do you mean?”
“Well…” he momentarily pauses thinking of the right words “Richard has a habit of…self sacrifice. It has something to do with his sister dying, I’m not sure of the specifics but he’s felt guilty that he could’ve done more to save her…so he tends to do reckless stuff to save others. Him pushing me out the way would have probably killed him, put him in my place instead.”
That….that can’t be?
You’ve never been able to save someone
Not your mother was she gasped out for help against your father
Not any of the others lost in silent hill, succumbing to the monsters of their own minds
Not yourself from what that place did to you
You couldn’t have…could you?
Had you finally saved someone?
After all this time of thinking you were incapable of helping others you had done it
Now thinking back you had saved him before with the help of Chris…you also saved Chris
Maybe you just didn’t realize it until someone else saying it
Your chest feels warm despite the now cold dripping clothes
Without thinking you hug Chris, he’s a bit surprised buts hugs back
He has a feeling your crying but says nothing except that “it’s alright, you saved him”
It makes you cry harder but in a good way
In the sense that he gets you’d been needing to hear those words for a long time
And now they finally entered your ears
“I don’t think I’ll ever look at plants the same way” it comes out as a grumble as Chris applies a mixture of green and red herb solution to his wounds. Those vines were much more sharp than they appeared…this would definitely bruise later on.
“At least salads will be more appealing now” that comments gets a chuckle from him and a “yeah, that’s for sure” as the sound of Rebecca leaving to find Richard echoes down creaky wooden halls.
The last few hours had felt like days and at this point you were wondering if this place was some sort of other reality like Silent hill
It would explain the seemingly dragging passage of time as the mansion got more and more confusing
But you knew at heart this place was just a normal mansion
…er well maybe not normal but it was still a standard building
Not a different plane of reality
You think you’d be able to detect that somehow
With a swat of your hand you kill a nearby stray mutant bee that hand died
With a groan you wipe away the aftermath on your already disgusting and stained shirt
Your gonna definitely burn your clothes after all of this. Not only for sanitary reasons but also cause if possible spreading of the infection
It was better not to risk anything
Especially since no amount of bleach would be able to wash this shit off
Your on guard when a nearby door opens
As is Chris who pushes you behind him
But then someone exits through in similar clothes to Chris
“Wesker!” Relief visibly floods Chris but your still a bit on guard. The sunglasses wearing blond feels odd to you, his eyes stare at you through his sunglasses but you know the look he’s giving you. It’s something akin to a predator looking at prey.
“Chris” after saying this his gaze focusses down on you “and who’s this?”. You stay beside Chris, clutching his hand tightly as he stays relatively oblivious. Despite asking who you were you get the feeling he already knows.
Chris looks down at you with a small smile, “their a survivor of the train bravo was sent to investigate, they came here with Rebecca.”. Wesker nods, a grin akin to that of a wolf in sheep’s clothing appearing. He was definitely bad news
The snake showed up again apparently not actually dead much to your annoyance
And with its arrival came weird reptilian monsters that almost killed Rebecca and Richard
Great…absolutely stunning
What’s even more “great” is that your now with Chris in a dingy mine area
One with guess what? Another lab!
This time without sharks
You swear to whatever god is out there that if Mr.”I wear my sunglasses at night” is behind this then your giving him a good and hardy hello from your axe
With a groan you step I’ve r the corpse of some weird new insect monster
It’s splattered guts from Chris’s shotgun now decorating the already dingy walls
How fitting
It twitches despite being dead giving some friendly flashbacks to silent hill once more
This place was still better than there but only by a small margin
One that had begun shrinking as the night went onwards and this place really began to get on your nerves
Even Chris seemed done by this point
Wanting desperately for the night to come to a close
“What do you want to do the minute we get out of here?”
“I’m gonna have the hottest longest bath and then have fast food”
“Sounds like a good plan.”
“I’m not sharing my food, not even with you”
He chuckles a bit at that, it’s tired but still happy
Chris looks around the room once more for items you turn to look at the secret hidden camera
You can’t see where exactly it is but you know when your staring in its direction
Your eyes glare up at it
Unbeknownst to you the man watching sees misty white eyes through the lens of the screen
And then the feed cuts out with a glitch
Your in-between both Rebecca and Chris as the three of you go down an elevator
It creaks occasionally making both Rebecca and Chris tighten their hold a bit
You feel cared for
Even though Rebecca knows you seemingly can’t die she still worried
And Chris does as well but believing your still mortal
Your axe is stored away along with the magnum but despite that your safe
Your nerves that would have never allowed that before are now tucked away in the deepest depths of your mind
For now your safe with them
It only goes away though once the elevator stops and opens
A dingy green lit hallways of tiles leading the pathway do you feel that urge
Steam escapes from nearby pipes giving a misty look
It makes you squeeze their hands
They squeeze back before Rebecca lets go
Chris tightens his grip while leading to a door
You pull out your axe
The door goes up, mechanical sounds releasing as it does so
There in this room is a lab, one with odd human-like entities in test tubes
A beating heart exposed fork their chests
Just like the one you and Rebecca fought the day prior
It beats gently as Wesker types away at a nearby computer
Back turned to everyone
Distantly on the monitor you see camera footage
The others are in real time but one screen focuses in on you
White eyes staring directly up towards the screen
Intensity that spoke volumes
What looked to be small wisps of fog escaping your lips
So you were right about feeling watched this whole time
And the culprit seems to have a knowing smile on his face once turning around to see your narrowed eyes
“Wesker!” It’s said in a tone of disbelief . You can’t blame Chris, this was his captain, the man who was in charge of the team he now used as lab rats.
“So you’ve come” he pauses for a moment, continuing to type of his keyboard “Chris you make me proud. But of course you are one of my men.”
“Thanks” it comes out as a scoff as you tighter the hold on your axe
Wesker pulls out his gun, pointing it at you all. “Since when Wesker” Chris hides his anger but you feel it radiating from him.
“I’m afraid I don’t know what your talking about”
“You’ve been with umbrella from the beginning haven’t you?”
“Correct” he moves closer, holding the gun up towards Chris “S.T.A.R.S were umbrellas— no, rather, my little piggies. The tyrant virus leaked polluting this whole place. And unfortunately I had to give up my lovely members of S.T.A.R.S. In the process though I’ve seemed to have found something more valuable” his gaze goes down to you
Chris pulls you to hide more behind him, an accusatory finger pointed at Wesker as he says in pure anger “you killed them with your own dirty hands! You son of a Bitch!”
“Oh yes dear” he says it in a mocking tone before adding “just like this” as he turns his gun. Everything feels as if it’s going in slow motion, he points it at Rebecca who’s only a foot or two away from you. Without thinking you move, body shielding her own from the gunshot.
Burning pain echoes through your chest as Rebecca catches you
Chris yells but it’s stopped once more by Weskers cool and calm voice
Fuck this hurt
It hurt like absolute hell
Like that rebar that was impailed in your side
But then like usual the blood stops pouring out the wound
And your able to get up with the help of Rebecca who holds you
Chris looks at you with a mix of shock, confusion and relief
“That’s what I intended to find out as well.”
“Long story Chris…should probably focus on the crazy asshole”
A few moments after this with a click of a button the creature in one of the tubes is released
Heart pulsating even more as the water drains
It’s face that only a mother could love coming to life
“The ultimate life-form— Tyrant”
Staring at the monstrosity Chris laughs
“Wesker you’ve become senile”
“Chris, you’ll never understand. It’s magnificent” while saying this he raises his arms, looking up at the “glory” of his creation
“Sure…definitely magnificent” you cough out to Rebecca who still holds you. Sarcasm dripping from your voice like the splatters of your blood on the ground
Suddenly the tyrant moves
The glass of its tube breaks and it’s giant claw arm shoots through Wesker as if he were butter
He lets out a dying gasp as his blood falls to the ground
Then he’s Thrown away, discard by his ultimate being as it focuses its attention on Chris
With a groan you pull out the magnum, there were a good amount of bullets from you stocking up and waiting for a moment like this
So despite the pain your in you begin shooting
The knock back making you cough up more blood and pain spreads through your chest
Rebecca urged you to stop but you tell her to go find Richard and whoever else is left alive
You had a feeling this place would end up destroyed soon
Chris keeps shooting it down with his shotgun as you load magnum loads into its chest
Specifically aiming at it’s still beating heart that you desperately wanted to ripe out
God just die already
You aim and shoot once again in time with Chris at its chest
It falls down onto its knees and then face first on the floor
Faintly though you still hear it’s heart
But for now it seems incapacitated
With a sigh you shakily get up, Chris adding your side and helping you walk correctly
Your still healing and the exhaustion from tonight isn’t helping speed up the process
“Are you alright? Your wound it-“
“Less talking and more walking. Like I said, I’ll explain later”
He nods, helping you through the door and onto the elevator
“We should probably blow this place up”
“Why’s that?”
“This place is contaminated. They probably have more of the virus Wesker was talking about. If this got out to the public…then”
“Got it. The show must go on”
It seems the act is coming to a close
All that’s left is the finally
The self destruction message rings out in a woman’s voice on the PA system
Rebecca and Richard went to set it off
But now all that’s left was to get out of here and find someone named Jill
It wasn’t too much looking
It was pretty unsurprising this place had essentially a jail cell attached to it
The brunette looks a bit frazzled to see Chris but embraces him in a hug as the ringing of the PA continue
She tries to say something about Wesker but Chris replies that he knows
His tone is filled with betrayal and a bit of sadness
She nods, turning to the door to see you peeking in
“No time, this place is gonna blow any minute. Questions later”
She nods
Chris sets off some flairs as You, Jill, Richard, Rebecca and him wait with baited breath
Daylight is beginning to peak out from over the horizon
Day is near
The nightmare is almost over
….keyword almost
The tyrant didn’t die
And looks mighty angry for more lead to be pumped into its body
It knocks Jill aside and heads for Rebecca
Neither you, Chris nor Richard will let that happen though
There aren’t many magnum bullets left, the monster is a sponge for them
But nether the less you kept shooting
Keep persevering
Keep surviving
In the distance you hear the loud sound of a helicopter
Help was here
“Chris! Use it! Kill it! whatever it is!” The man in the Helicopter hovering above yells as a rocket launcher clatters to the ground
Chris nor Richard can go for it as the tyrant is in his way
But you can
You dive towards the weapon picking it up
It’s heavy but you don’t give up
He looks to you
With as much might as you can you slide the weapon towards him with a a mighty kick
All the power left in you being used to get it over to him
Richard distracts it long enough for him to pick up
And then
The monster explodes into several chunks of flesh and fire
Blood splattering on you as the helicopter lands not long afterwards
Rebecca and Chris help you on
Jill and Richard follow in afterwards
It’s over
In the end you rest against both Jill and Chris
The two adults giving you their own types of comfort
in the case of Chris it’s him gently holding your hand, rubbing circles with his thumb as a reminder that he’s there
That your not alone in this
With Jill it’s promising you that your somewhere safe
That you can stay with her for security if you so need it since Chris has a plan of hunting down umbrella
Though you had just met her,Jill gives you a sense of comfort you had longed for
In your mind you consider the offer. For so long you’d been alone, drifting from place to place without aim
You had made it out that mist covered town but your parents weren’t so lucky
But perhaps that was for the best when their sins were brought to light
As of now though you just think over the offer
For now the nightmare was over
You had the feeling though that a new one would eventually take its place
Life has a funny way of doing that to you
But right now…there was a moment of calm you basked in
“So…I’d said I’d explain what happened to me”
“You don’t have to right now”
“Aren’t you tired?”
“I’m fine. Fine enough to start explaining anyways.” For a moment you think of how to start telling them all. It’s hard to explain let alone believe…but after tonight you’re willing to bet they would take your word.
“In my restless dreams I still see that town…silent hill”
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s-dei · 1 year
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Nemmy sad moments (some explanation under the cut).
This was inspired by a meme picture. Person 1 says: Write(message) me that thing you can't say outloud. Person 2 responds with a letter of a cyrillic alphabet, which doesn't have it's own sound, but used to change the pronounsing of a word.
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Nems wrote the letters he can't physically say, coz whoops lips required.
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iiheartsai · 1 year
everyone is having a good night except for me because charlie walker is not real and he’s not MINE
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kingflups · 1 month
🎲 oh and for another I would love... two wamben. Idc who or where from any ladies you like I'm just craving that sweet sweet yuri
Ask and ye shall receive! Link to ask game here <3
32: A Kiss while someone watches, Jill Valentine and Claire Redfield Resident Evil
“Are you okay?”
Jill soured her face, setting her elbow against the door frame for leverage. With one hand she yanked on her still laced work boot, the other holding her phone eye level. Chris never called this early— not unless something was wrong. Why he’d video call of all things….
“Of course I’m fine.” Jill swallowed the gruff morning disuse out of her throat, “Why wouldn’t I be?”
She was conscious of the fact she was half put together: finger brushed hair, half thrown on jacket, unshowered. Still in the apartment. She should have been out the door 15 minutes ago but her alarm decided not to go off this morning.
Chris dared to look down from the road, scouring her face. He got too close to the phone, his eyes narrow. The old man needed glasses, but Chris refused to hear it. Too stubborn. His sister was the same way, but at least Claire owned a pair. Not that she ever wore them.
“Claire said you were sick.” The city stopped moving outside Chris’s window. He pulled the phone close to his face as soon as he came to a stop. Jill didn’t say anything as he held the phone up to his eye, giving her a close up view of his freshly showered hair and right eyeball. Hopefully it was just his sight going and not technology surpassing him. “Last time you got sick, I had to drag you out of the office to emergency care.”
“I was fine.”
“You absolutely were not.”
Jill rolled her eyes, moving the phone to her opposite hand and yanking on her other boot. Chris was right about that particular incident. Not that she’d ever say it out loud.
Chris somehow narrowed his eyes further, leaning away from the screen. “You look fine. ….What’s your temperature?”
“I feel fine.” Jill said.
Still, she touched her cheek with the back of her hand. Normal. The hell was Claire even taking about, calling in for her? She felt fine. The two of them hadn’t even said a word this morning. Claire was already shut in the bathroom by the time she rolled out of bed, thus why she was half put together as she was.
...which was odd. Claire was never up early on her days off.
Jill reached onto the wall only to pause. Her keys weren’t on their normal hook.
“What time did Claire text you?” Jill asked.
Chris huffed, “I don’t know, a while ago?”
Across the apartment, a knob clicked open. Bare foot steps padded across the linoleum floor, stopping at the foot of the kitchen. Jill titled the camera away.
‘Hang up.’ Claire mouthed. Her hair was towel dried, but still dark enough that its normal red hue was missing in action. Long strands cascaded over her shoulders, the ends frizzing against the long plush towel wrapped around her middle.
It was almost enough to hide the peak of black lace kissing the curve of her breast.
Jill swallowed, “Um.”
“I’ve tried calling, but Claire’s not picking up,” Chris said something else, but Jill missed it as her hand slapped over the screen. She stumbled to meet Claire half way.
Her free hand went to cup Claire's back. Claire held the towel in place from the front, but the grip was loose enough that Jill was able to lower it a precious few inches. Her fingers brushed bare back, than lace.
“Claire…” Jill whispered.
She felt wet hair press into the side of her neck, then lips. A cheeky smile. “Uh-huh?”
Jill’s fingers continued. Metal rings, a crisscross of silk ribbon. Jill exhaled. “I think I have a fever.”
A muffled voice, “What?”
Swift fingers plucked the phone from Jill’s hand. “I’m handling it!” Claire smiled, pulling away from Jill’s neck. “I think it’s flu.”
Chris made a concerned sort of grunt. “I can pick up soup or something—”
“Chris, I got her. Go to work.” Claire said.
Jill leaned back, keeping her hands in place. A corset. Something new too, by the feel of it. Form-fitting. She really should keep her hands to herself, especially with Chris still on the line… She swallowed.
“You’ve got me?” Jill whispered.
“Yeah, I got you.” Claire pulled away from the conversation with her brother to plant a chaste kiss on Jill’s cheek. Claire’s smile turned to something mischievous against her skin. “You feel hot. Go lie down and I’ll take care of you, yeah?”
“Yeah.” Jill nodded, stepping back. “Yeah. Okay.”
In a flash, Claire was back to Chris, her face down trodden. Her voice dropped down to a whisper. “Sorry. You know how Jill gets. I had to hide the keys to keep her from sneaking off to work this morning. Sick as a dog last night.”
“Figured. It’s cause she never takes time off.” Chris huffed. “Are you sure you’ll be alright? I can stop by later and help.”
“I can handle it.”
Jill smiled, sliding into the bedroom. Chris and Claire exchanged a last few words before the tell-tale jingle signified the hang up. Claire appeared a moment later. Jill’s hands wrapped around her waist.
“You’re gonna handle me?” Jill bit her lip.
Claire rose her brow, leaning as far back as Jill’s hold allowed. “If you don’t try to sneak away first. Jesus. So much for planning a surprise.”
Claire planted another kiss against Jill’s skin, this time along the curve of her jaw. Jill hummed as Claire’s fingers traced the muscle of her neck, her lips lingering far longer than they did in the kitchen.
“Go back to bed and wait for me. I’m not ready yet.”
Jill nodded, stepping backwards toward the bed. The morning light was just starting to trickle in from the kitchen window, bathing Claire’s silhouette in curtain-filtered orange. Like a pin-up, posed half naked in Jill’s bedroom door. She was beautiful.
“I’ll wait here.” Jill nodded. “I guess I am feeling sick.”
“Mh-hm. Let me make you feel better.” Claire leaned against the door frame and winked. Not even a moment later, Claire tucked her head in and chuckled, shaking her head. “That was so lame.”
Jill tucked her own smile behind her palm. God, she was perfect.
Claire took her leave, leaving Jill alone on the the bed. From the hallway, “You were feeling a bit hot, babe. You better take off your clothes.”
Jill nodded even though Claire couldn’t see. “Those doctors orders?”
“My orders. Off please.”
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