#jimin scenairo
dulce-pjm · 3 years
hmm for the mix and match drabbles how about established relationship + prompt 19!!! OR bakery/flower shop/bookstore au + prompt 6!!! you can pick!!!
hmm i see your options and i raise you this: why not all?
lol an epic crossover of prompts: au #3 - established relationship!au, au #2 - bakery/flower shop/bookstore!au, prompt #19 - “No, I have a [girlfriend/boyfriend].” “That’s me! How much did you drink?”, and prompt #6 - “One more kiss.”
make your own request here using these prompts!
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bakin’ me crazy
jimin x reader
word count: 3.4k
genre: fluffy fluff fluff, established relationship!au, bakery!au
summary: despite having one disaster on top of the other and then some, you can’t help but feel better when he’s around
a/n: apologies in advance. i think we’re all learning that i’m a pun-lover and that probably won’t change
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It’s everywhere. 
There’s sugar in your hair and lashes, coating your cheeks and sweater, even under your nails and somehow you swear you feel it between your toes. 
It’s been a long day. Up at the crack of dawn to open up shop, meeting with customers until noon, and now you’d found yourself baking way past your bedtime to keep up with all the orders. There’s nothing you’d like more than to eat your weight in cupcakes and enter the subsequent sugar coma on your couch, never to be disturbed again. 
But just as you’d pulled that last batch of cupcakes out of the oven, just as you’d started whipping up a fresh batch of icing, disaster struck. 
You should have known better, should have thought to check. Sunny was frantic yesterday as she rushed out the door, completing her tasks as quickly as she could so as not to leave too much work for you but still be present for the birth of her child who was not supposed to be due for three more weeks. You’d tried to calm her down, tell her to go home already, but you eventually learned that pre-parental panic is just as bad in real life as it is in the Sims4 and let her do what she needed to relieve stress. 
Which included restocking the powdered sugar. 
And in her tizzy, Sunny hadn’t noticed that this bag, the very one she placed on the edge of the shelf, had a hole in it. And you, in your own tizzy of work and stress, hadn’t noticed how it began to slump over, dangerously close to falling. You hadn’t noticed the impending explosion of powdered sugar until it had detonated on top of your head. 
No part of the kitchen seemed to be spared. While you were sputtering and stumbling backwards, wielding your spatula like a weapon as if it could help you, the fine powder coated all of your fresh cupcakes (which were still hot. and thus now had a weird film of dissolved powdered sugar on top), fell onto the clean dishes drying by the sink. 
When the dust settles, you think about crying. Seriously consider it. After the past day and a half, you definitely deserve it. 
Why couldn’t one thing go right today? And now you’ll have to stay even later just to clean things up and check to see if the cupcakes are salvageable. You’re tired and you’re hungry and you really just need a hug. Is that too much to ask for?
And suddenly the tears are pricking at your eyes and you’re sniffling and hiccuping and still covered in sugar. You feel pathetic and exhausted and miserable, the terrible feeling welling in your chest with every passing moment. 
The front door of the shop swings open, the bell attached to it ringing sharply. Who the hell comes into a bakery at this late? And what the hell did you think you were doing, not locking the door earlier?
“We’re closed!” you manage, voice choked as you scramble to your feet, slightly nervous at the sudden intrusion. 
“It’s me, Y/N!” You recognize Taehyung’s voice instantly, though it doesn’t stop you from being confused. “Sorry for stopping by so late, I have Chim with me and he wouldn’t quit asking for you and I saw the lights on— What the hell happened to you?” 
You’ve fully collected yourself, walking out of the kitchen and into the lobby to find your boyfriend of a few months with his arm wrapped around your friend of many years, staring at the floor and giggling to himself. You’re still a bit flustered, inexplicably covered in powdered sugar and very confused by the sight in front of you. 
“Uh, long story?” you manage. “Well, not really. Just a freak accident in the kitchen.” You approach the two of them tentatively. “Is Jimin okay?”
 At the call of his name, he lifts his head and smiles rather stupidly when he sees you. In an instant, he parts himself from Taehyung and stumbles over to you, nearly crashing into a cake display in the process. 
“Y/N!” He wraps his arms around your waist, digging his nose into your neck and shoulder, no doubt covering his blonde strands in sugar as he nearly squeezes the air out of your lungs. 
“‘Missed you,” he mumbles, voice muffled against your sweater. 
Taehyung shakes his head, running a hand through his dark hair. “He about drank his own weight tonight at the bar, that’s all. Let Jungkook talk him into doing shots and well...” You nod knowingly, rubbing your palm up and down Jimin’s back. “He gave me a lot of trouble on the way here, he wouldn’t let up until we came to check on you.”
You laugh when Jimin squeezes you tighter, peppering kisses at the most ticklish spots on your neck. You’re surprised he’s not more talkative, normally babbling on about any and everything he can think of when he’s had enough to drink. 
“You get any good videos of them acting stupid?” Taehyung chuckles, pulling his phone from his pocket. 
“I’ll send them to you now. Jungkook was flirting with a pole for at least ten minutes before he realized.” You snort and Jimin smiles into your sweater, nearly pressing his entire body weight onto you and sending the both of you toppling. 
You know Taehyung’s tired, try as he might to hide it. You’ve always appreciated how attentive he was of your boyfriend when you couldn’t be. Their shared apartment is on the other side of town, which means either they were drinking nearby (unlikely, you all hated the bars around here) or Jimin had begged to come see you so much that Taehyung finally caved, despite his exhaustion. 
“You can leave him here, if you want. I’ll let him sleep on the couch.” Taehyung’s eyes go wide while Jimin is still blissfully unaware of what’s going on around him, snuggling into you like you’re his childhood stuffed animal. 
“No, no, you don’t have to do that. You’re clearly all tied up here—”
“It’s okay, Tae,” you insist, smiling warmly. “Go home and rest, I’ll take care of him from here.” There’s a moment where Taehyung opens his mouth to argue, but he closes it, seeing your expression. 
He sighs. “Alright, it’s your funeral,” he jokes. “Thanks, Y/N.” 
“No problem.” 
The bells tingle again as Taehyung leaves, bracing himself against the night air. 
“Alright, sleepyhead,” you tease, ruffling Jimin’s hair. “You’re gonna have to let go of me a minute so I can clean up.” 
You shuffle backwards in spite of his grumbling protests, dragging a chair into the kitchen for him to sit on. You peel him off of you while he’s spouting incoherent sentences, gently guiding him into the chair. 
It’s difficult to resist him when he gives you those puppy dog eyes and that pout like he’s going to cry if you don’t pull him into your arms again, but you remain stern, though smiling slightly at this face and clothes that have also become victim to the powdered sugar explosion, via his contact with you. 
He giggles upon fulling taking you in. 
“You look like you got snowed on,” he says, propping his chin in his hand to keep it from bobbing too much. You shake your head, a cloud of white dust falling off of you when you do. “What happened?”
“You don’t look much better, love bug. And it’s sugar.” His brows furrow in confusion before he licks his lips, smile widening at the taste. “I’ll just clean it up and then we can go home, m’kay?”
“You should let me kiss it off for you.”
You laugh, reaching for the broom while he watches you sleepily. “We’d be here all night.”
“I don’t mind,” he calls back in a sing-song voice, seeming more awake than before, or at least, more talkative. 
You get to work sweeping up the sugar, deciding to put the forgotten cupcakes in the fridge and worry about them in the morning. You’ve too soon forgotten that you were sobbing and contemplating staying here all night to finish this order a few minutes ago, Jimin’s presence, albeit pretty drunk, helping you think a bit more sensibly.
“Did you have a good time?”
“Uh-huh! Had sooooo much fun.” You sneak a glance at him, smiling softly at how his cheek is squished against his palm and his head is bobbing slightly. He starts mumbling something again and you can only catch a few words. 
“What was that?” He sighs as you dump some powdered sugar in the trash, grinning at him sweetly.
“I said you’re pretty, dummy.” He clicks his tongue disapprovingly as he shakes his head to himself. “Always making me repeat myself when I compliment you.” He juts out his index finger in your direction as his words slur together. “I know your dirty tricks.”
You bite your lip to keep yourself from laughing, deciding to tease him further. “Still can’t understand you, love.”
He cries out in frustration, throwing his arms out dramatically. “You’re hot! Is that what you wanna hear?” Now you can’t help but giggle at his pouting, always so easily riled up both sober and intoxicated. 
You kiss him on the top of his head as you pass by, putting away a few stray dishes. “You aren’t too bad yourself.” At that, he huffs, making a point not to look your way and give you the cold shoulder. 
You still have a few things left to tidy up and Jimin doesn’t question you further while you do them. It isn’t until you hear him snoring quietly as you wipe down the counters that you realize he’s nodded off, neck bent dangerously as his head leans against the kitchen wall. You cover your mouth to keep from laughing at his slack-jawed expression, approaching him quietly and snapping a quick picture. You immediately make it your new lockscreen, just to tease him in the morning. 
You remember the first time you met him, when Taehyung invited you to go get drinks along with the rest of your friends. The shop had been a mess and so were you, so Taehyung picked you up from work as soon as you were done as to keep you from just going home and sleeping. You’d slid into the backseat happily, Jungkook in shotgun and Jimin beside you. 
You hadn’t given him many glances, just polite greetings and small talk, not until he quietly informed you that you had hot pink frosting on your forehead and nose and you were thoroughly embarrassed. Luckily, one thing led to another and the minute you had any alcohol in your system, you were pressed against his side, rambling about the cupcake business and your passion for baking. His giggle was more intoxicating than the drinks and you found yourself unable to part from him. 
At the end of the night, you asked him to go on a date then and there, like a drunk idiot. And he said yes, also like a drunk idiot. 
Neither of you made it two steps before you were passed out in the back of Taehyung’s car, your head on his shoulder and his lying on top of yours. 
The next day, you swore you’d never drink again and hoped and prayed Jimin had forgotten the entire incident. But fate is both cruel and caring, and you’d picked up your phone a few hours into your workday to see a text from Jimin, inquiring about the promised date.
There’s still things to do and you definitely aren’t fully cleaned up, but you make the executive decision for yourself and Jimin to just go home before it’s past midnight and you’re really miserable. 
You remove your apron, tossing it in its designated bin at the back of shop, grabbing a bottle of water for Jimin and a defected cupcake (i.e. you knew you loved this flavor and purposely messed up the decoration so you could sneak it later) for yourself. Your boyfriend is still snoring quietly, head jerking painfully every few minutes as his hand struggles to it upright. You gently shake at this shoulders, keeping your voice low as to not startle him too much. 
“Hey, love bug,” you murmur. “Let’s go home, okay? Get you to bed.” He whines in his sleep, pulling away from you. 
“I can’t,” he mumbles. You laugh at his dramatics, grabbing his elbows as you try to coax him to his feet. 
“You can, promise. My apartment is just upstairs, remember?” It’d been nothing short of a coincidence that the space Sunny found for the business lied right underneath your apartment, but in times like these, it was definitely a blessing. 
He wags his finger in your face, his eyes barely opened. “Nuh-uh. No, I have a girlfriend.” You scoff incredulously, crossing your arms. 
“That’s me! How much did you drink?” His eyes open fully and he smiles sheepishly at his mistake. 
“Oh. Oops?” You roll your eyes, pulling him to his feet unceremoniously and shoving the water bottle in one hand, guiding the other around your shoulder. 
“I barely drank anything, really,” he insists as you lock the doors and turn off the lights. 
“Like— Two sips!” he says, holding up three fingers.
“I believe you,” you lie. “Now drink some water.” He complies, though his eyes lie on the chocolate cupcake you’re taking a bite out of. You catch him staring quickly as you round the corner of the building, entering the hallway that leads to the stairs. You’d take the elevator, but you worry that if you don’t keep him moving, he’ll fall asleep where he stands, so you suck it up and prepare to climb three flights. 
Before he even has to ask, you stick the cupcake in his face and he smiles, licking a big chunk of the frosting right off the top. 
“Jimin!” you cry, yanking the cupcake back. “You know I hate when you do that! Enjoy the cupcake as it is or just ask me for some frosting.” He doesn’t seem the least bit guilty as you glare at him, pretending the leftover frosting on the corner of his cheek isn’t both tempting and adorable. 
“But I loooove the frosting!” he argues. “You know what else I love?” You already know what he’s going to say, he’d blurted out the “L word” on your two month anniversary, totally on accident. Luckily, the feelings were mutual. 
“Me?” He scrunches his nose. 
“What? No.” You gasp, offended. “I mean, yes, you know I do, but I wasn’t talking about that. I love the name of your shop.”
You blink at him twice. “You like ‘Bakin’ Me Crazy’?” You huff. “That was the biggest mistake of my life.” Now it’s his turn to be offended, stopping in his tracks and nearly sending you both falling back down the stairs. “Jimin—!”
“It’s an amazing name, Y/N!” he exclaims, brown eyes wide and earnest. “It’s cute.”
Hmmph. “If you say so, weirdo.”
“Cute like you,” he sings, loud enough to wake the entire building.
“Stop complimenting me. I’m still mad at you.” You shove the last bit of cupcake in your mouth, wiping the crumbs from your mouth with your thumb. He giggles, leaning closer to you. 
“I like you so much, did you know that?”
“I did.”
“I’d really like you if you gave me a piggyback ride, though.” You scoff. 
“You’re such a tease! You always lay it on thick when you want something.” You remember his words from earlier, wagging your finger in his face to copy him. “I know your dirty tricks.”
He sighs, acting extra tired as if to emphasize how deserving he is of a piggyback ride from you. You’d consider giving it to him, if you thought you were physically capable and you weren’t on a stairwell. 
He takes another sip of water as he pouts. “Pretty please?”
“Pretty please with a cherry on top?”
“And whipped cream?” A laugh slips through your lips, all too soft for him when he’s acting cute like this. 
“What are you even talking about?” you giggle, unlocking the door to your apartment which is thankfully not far from the stairwell. “Just keep drinking that water. You’re gonna be so embarrassed in the morning.” You guide him to the side of the bed next to your dresser, helping him sit down. 
He makes grabby hands at you as you fish through your drawers for pajamas, muttering something about you abandoning him. 
You hold up a pair of bright orange fleece pants decorated with penguins. “You like these? All my sweats are in the wash.” You toss them into his lap when he nods happily. “Do you need help?” He yawns and blinks hard and you smile in satisfaction, seeing that his water bottle is half empty and he’s ever so slightly more sober. 
“I got it,” he says. You go into the bathroom, washing your face and changing into your own kiddish pajamas. When you come back into the bedroom, Jimin’s already tucked in with the covers pulled to his chin. 
You cross your arms. “I don’t remember inviting you into my bed, mister.” He smiles at you as you slide in next to him, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you close. You’d had every intention of sending him to the couch out of fear that he’d puke on your sheets, but you reason that you’d be cold without him and you’d rather be close by if he did get sick. 
You dust the last of the powdered sugar off of his nose and brows, pressing your cheek into his chest, exhaustion already overcoming you. Underneath the alcohol, you can still smell the comforting scent of his vanilla lotion, lulling you to sleep. 
“Don’t fall asleep yet!” he suddenly exclaims, pushing you a few inches away. You groan, propping yourself on your elbow and wondering how the hell he’s still awake and bothering you. 
“What is it?” You blink a few times as he smiles cheekily. 
“One more kiss.” You scoff. “You still have sugar on your face. On your lips, actually. So I should get it for you.” 
You’re scoffing but oblige, smiling into the kiss as he slots his plush lips against yours, knowing very well you scrubbed the last of the sugar off your face moments ago. 
You wake up to your phone ringing rather rudely. You sigh, peeling yourself away from Jimin and laughing at his bedhead and the displeased expression he makes in his sleep, his face swollen and eyes shut tightly. 
“Hello?” you whisper, pulling yourself into a sitting position. 
“Hey, Y/N!” Once you register her voice, you can barely contain your excitement, bouncing on the bed once before reminding yourself that Jimin’s still asleep. 
“Sunny!” you whisper-yell. “How’s Jisoo and the baby? You a mom yet?” Your business partner laughs on the other end of the phone. 
“Oh, she’s fine. Just tired. The baby was born a few hours ago, but we’re still deciding on a name for her.” You grin. “So yeah, I’m a mom and you can be her unofficial auntie.”
“You’re gonna name her after me, right?” 
Sunny giggles tiredly on the other end of the phone. “I’ll add it to the list, don’t worry.” You’re about to tell her to go get some rest, but she interrupts you before you can. 
“Speaking of names! I got in contact with that guy about changing our sign so we can finally choose a different name for the business. You’re still serious about that, right?”
You glance at Jimin, his cheek squished against the pillow and lips puckered. You run your fingers through his blonde hair and he sighs contentedly. 
“Maybe we should leave it, for now.”
“What? But you said—”
“I know, I know. Let’s talk about it another time. Go get some sleep!” 
The two of you exchange a few more words of endearment and congratulations before you hang up, noting the sunlight cracking through your blinds. 
You know you need to get up soon. There’s still cupcakes to bake and customers to deal with and a temporary replacement for Sunny to find. 
But for a moment, you self-indulge, curling up next to Jimin, letting him wrap his arms around you and warm you back up. He digs his nose into your shoulder as you press a quick kiss onto his forehead, closing your eyes and drifitng back to sleep, feeling weightless as he holds you. 
52 notes · View notes
xddaengx · 5 years
Welcome Home: Spoilt
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⚬ Pairings: Jimin x Reader ft Hoseok x Reader
⚬ Genre:  Hybrid AU | Romance AU | OT7 AU (eventually) | Fluff | Angst |
⚬ Warnings: Mentions of Death | Mentions of Neglect? | Angst |
⚬ Word Count: 3.6k
⚬ Summary: With you and hobi getting ready to move, Jimin has started isolating himself from you - watching the two of you from afar, as happy as daisies, though as much as he seems to hate your new companion - he can’t help but want to be apart of the family. 
⚬ Author’s Note: This is a repost of the second part of the Welcome Home: Series (as I wanted to change some minor things). I am hoping to post the third part very soon, so please stay tuned. You can find the masterlist for my series HERE. And if you would like to be added to my tag list just let me know. (either in the replies to this post or in an ask)
“Hobi, I don’t know if this is a good idea.” You say softly to the dark haired hybrid - who stands in the kitchen wrapping your ceramics in newspaper before packing them away in a large cardboard box.
“What do you mean? Why the second thoughts so suddenly? I mean, you already put down your deposit on the house and you said if you were going to live anywhere - you wanted to live somewhere out in the country, somewhere secluded.” He responds, stopping his motions of wrapping up kitchen ware moving to sit next to you on the couch. “I thought this was your dream house.” He adds as he sit besides you.
“I thought so too, but when I told Jimin the other day he just had me second guessing some things.” You respond, looking through the photos of the house on your computer.
It really was your dream house.
It was everything you had dreamed of escaping to when you and your ex-fiancee were still together.
“What do you mean he was making you second guess things?” Hoseok asks as he leans his head lightly on your shoulder, looking at your computer as you continue to flip through the photos.
“I don’t know - he just seemed so upset, so betrayed. It just made me realise how heart broken I would be to have to leave him behind. He was my only friend for four years after I moved here - he was always there for me and now I feel like I’m abandoning him.”
You had told Jimin that you decided to move almost six days ago and you hadn’t seen the sassy cat anywhere in the halls - not even on the steps out the front where you drank you coffee every morning. You were almost certain he was avoiding you, and it had started to make you second guess your decision.
A few days after you had told Jimin, you and Hobi had started to pack up your apartment, and as your furniture started to lessen and the apartment was starting to look more empty, you couldn’t help but wonder why the cat was avoiding you.
“I’m just gonna go sit outside for a bit - I need some fresh air.” You say softly to Hoseok, who nods his hand giving your own a tight squeeze as he watches you leave the apartment. He had noticed your routine over the past few days - you would go outside at the same times everyday and sit on the steps waiting hoping to catch a glimpse of Jimin.
Hoseok was always quick to catch onto things - but even he had to admit it took him a while to notice what you were doing. He had been watching you and the cat hybrid interact for months now and had to admit you two seemed to have a connection he didn’t know about.
He could see it in the way Jimin looked at you when you were focused on something else.
He could see it in the way Jimin would bang on your front door - rushing into your bedroom whenever you woke up screaming in your sleep.
It was easy for Hoseok to be jealous at first, to want to keep the two of you separated - all he wanted was to keep you for himself - but something about Jimin gave you so much joy and comfort that he couldn’t dare seperate the two of you. So everyday he would sit and pack things while you waited outside for the pretty kitty.
You would often sit outside for hours before you would give up - no sign of the feline in sight. He always had a way to break your heart without even meaning too. Today was no different - and after waiting out on the steps watching your most recent Korean drama for more than two hours you were about to get up from your spot on the steps and head inside - when a familiar large yellow blanket was draped over your shoulders.
“You really shouldn’t be waiting outside when it’s so cold. At least put a blanket on before you leave your apartment.” The voice you had been searching for, for days finally said from behind you. It took you no hesitation to spring up from your spot on the steps turning to face the hybrid in shock.
“You came? I honestly didn’t think you would’ve come out here at all.” You say looking over the thinning hybrid. 
Jimin’s hair was a mess on top of his head, his clothes loose around his body and the large bag under his eyes showed he hadn’t been sleeping very well.
“Yeah, well, some of us are busy.” He says, his tone cold as he avoids your eyes turning to look at the ground instead. “Just start taking better care of yourself.” He whispers, moving to walk back to his apartment.
“Why have you been avoiding me Jimin? I thought we were friends?” Jimin’s head turns down to the ground as you question him, not giving him much time to respond before you add. “Do you not want to be friends anymore?” Jimin’s head whips around as he looks at you in disbelief. His mouth opening and closing a few times as he tries to respond.
“How could you say something like that?” He questions you, his eyebrows furrowing in hurt as he takes a step away from you. He looks you over quickly before scowling.
“How can you say something like that when you’re the one leaving.” He spits, his tail flicking furiously behind him as he continues. “You’re the one leaving me behind - So I’m sorry if I’m not feeling up to being buddy buddy with you and that dog... You promised me you would never leave me behind.” He lets out a sigh before spinning on his heel and rushing off to his own apartment.
“Shit.” You huff, pulling Jimin’s yellow blanket around you tighter as your trudge back to your own apartment.
You really have a talent for messing things up.
“Maybe talking to him is the best idea.” Hoseok says as he watches you pace back and forth in the lounge room. It had been a week since Jimin had exploded at you, and it had really started to bother you. You had told Hoseok later that night what had happened and why you had come back to the apartment so miserable.
“Well, I can see where he’s coming from. I would probably be pretty upset if you were moving away from me too.” He had told you after your repeated what Jimin had yelled at you before he stormed off. You rubbed your faces in frustration before flopping onto the couch with your face against the cushion - before sighing that you had to find a way to make things right or you wouldn’t know how to function anymore.
You had spent the past few days after your first talk with Hoseok trying to find a way to make up with Jimin - to apologise for making him so upset.
“How can I talk to him, if he won’t come anywhere near me?” You question the hybrid who sits besides you patting your head lightly, like you do when he’s as stressed as you are.
“Maybe you should talk to Mrs Park - she might know more.” Hoseok suggests, the idea finally lighting up a fire in you. Mrs Park - Jimin’s owner - was a very kind old lady and had always been extremely happy to see you come around. Maybe if you asked her to help you win Jimin back he would have no choice but to finally talk to you.
“You’re a genius.” You hum, placing a quick peck on Hoseok’s forehead before rushing to grab your keys off the bench exclaiming that you were running to the store to grab something before heading over to Mrs Park’s apartment. Hoseok just nodded as you disappeared from the apartment leaving him a blushing mess of the couch, as he presses soft fingers the the burning spot on his forehead where you had kissed him.
“God damn that girl.”
Armed with flowers and Mrs Park’s favourite chocolates in hand you knock quickly on her front door - waiting for a few moments before knocking again. It’s another few minutes before you hear rustling behind the door.
“I told you that I’m packing - I still have another wee— Oh, it’s you.” You’re surprised to see Jimin open the door - his frame somehow looking a little smaller than it had a week ago - his hair still a mess on top of his head. “What’re you doing here?” Jimin asks, looking down at the small care package in your hands.
“I thought I should pay Mrs Park a visit - thank her for everything she’s done for me - Is she here?”
“What do you mean no? Is she at a doctors appointment?” You ask - looking behind Jimin at the gloomy apartment. Mrs Park had been in a wheel chair for the past year and never really left her apartment much without Jimin so her not being here wasn’t something you were expecting.
“No.” Jimin answers your question - something was definitely wrong.
“Where is she Jimin?” You ask getting a better look behind him at the empty apartment, two suitcases sitting in the lounge room with Jimin’s clothes spilling out. Jimin steps to the side letting you enter the empty apartment before turning to face you - his face flushed red as he hold back tears.
“She had a stroke two week ago…” He begins, not being able to hold back for much longer as he lets out a soft whine, raising his hands to wipe at the tears on his cheeks. “…She didn’t make it.” He finishes his sentence as you rush forwards wrapping your arms around his neck. He’s quick to wrap his own arms around you letting everything come undone.
“Oh, Jimin.” You coo, patting the hybrids head softly as you try not let your own tears fall.
No wonder he had looked so run down a few days ago.
Mrs Park had gotten Jimin when he was a toddler and had raised him since then - he had practically lost his mother. “It’s going to be alright.” You whisper continuing to rub circles on his back as he tries to calm himself down - his sobs turning into small hiccups. You manage to pull his head from your shoulder as his crying comes to an end wiping the tears off his face softly.
“Why didn’t you tell me sooner? Have you been living here on your own?” You question him, your sadness growing as he lets out a small nod.
“What was the point in telling you - you’re leaving anyway.” He whispers, taking a step back, pulling his face away from your hands.
“Jimin…What about those suitcases?” You sigh at the cat hybrid, motioning to the two bags sitting in the middle of the empty room.
“Mrs Park’s son is allergic to cats.” He says quickly. “He was taking me to the rescue shelter next week.” He adds, his hands clasping in front of him as he watches your mouth fall open - your anger boiling.
“Are you kidding me? Jimin this is something you’re supposed to tell me. Were you just going to wait until I left and suffer on your own?” You snap at him.
“And what could you have done? Legally her son has ownership of me now - he can do whatever he likes. And don’t worry you and your new best friend can still go live happily ever after in the country - Mr Park said that purebred usually get adopted quickly…people like to have purebreds.” Jimin snaps back his tail flicking behind him - his ears pressed against the top of his head.
“Is that what you want? We both know what people do with purebred hybrids, Jimin. You should’ve told me Jimin. I would’ve been able to do something.” You know that yelling at Jimin isn’t fair but you can’t help it. People could be awful and the future of Jimin being a breeding stud terrified you.
“What would you have done?” Jimin prods taking a few steps towards you - so close that your chests are almost touching.
“I don’t know Jimin…”You pause for a moment trying to ignore the tense feeling in the air. “…I would’ve taken you with me. I would’ve tried to adopt you and take you with me.” You add, your words faltering slightly as Jimin continues to glare down at you - both of your breathing heavily and glaring at each other.
Isn’t it funny how quickly things change.
Jimin hands reach for your face without a moment of hesitation - his lips finding yours just seconds later. You can’t help but let out a groan, as your hands find their way into Jimin’s hair, his hands trailing down your body until they reach your hips - gripping them tightly.
The two of you take small steps back - entwined in each other - until your back hits the front door, Jimin’s hands moving from your hips to grip your thighs tightly, lifting them until the sit tightly around his waist, his body pushing you further against the door.
Jimin lets out a low growl as his lips move away from your own pressing small kisses down the side of you cheek until he reaches the small curve where your jaw and neck meets, his sharp teeth grazing the skin lightly. You press your head back against the door, squeezing your eyes shut as you let out a breathy moan - Jimin’s lips moving further down your neck until they press gently against your collar bones. His hands move under your shirt moving gently up and down your sides as he pulls his mouth away looking over you.
“Look at what you do to me.” He whispers, his left hand moving to your cheek to tilt you head down towards his - your eyes opening slowly. His pupils were sharp slits, his hair a mess on top of his head as you run your finger through his white locks. His lips were a bright pink your lipgloss smudged over his lips.
He sends you a small grin with a breathy laugh before leaning forwards and capturing your lips with his once more - this time much softer, the kiss between the two of you seeming to say everything you couldn’t with words. His hands move back to your thighs, gently prying them off his waist so your stand, your feet firm on the ground in front of him. He presses a few more chaste kisses to your lips before parting, pressing his forehead against your own - his eyes tightly closed.
“God…You’re everything I’ve ever wanted.” He whispers softly, as you finally pull your fingers from his hair moving them to gently stroke his cheeks as he lets out a shaky breath.
“Did you mean what you said?” He questions you quietly, his eyes opening slowly his pupils back into the large circles you were used to his gaze watching you closely as you nod - your breathing still ragged.
“Would you still do it?” He asks you next his fingers drawing small circles into the skin on your hips - his attention focused on a small corner right on the edge. “Would you still take me with you? Would you still adopt me?” He adds his own breath hitching as you nod again.
“In a heartbeat.” You whisper with a small smile that Jimin returns before pressing his lips to yours once more.
“God…I love you so much.”
“What if this doesn’t work?” You question Jimin, who stands by your side fiddling with his fingers, not looking up from the ground.
“It has to.” He answers quietly, giving you an encouraging smile as you knock on the apartment door in front of you. It only take a few moments before the door swings open, a short stocky man standing in front of you.
“Are you Park Myunghoon?” You question, the man gives a quick nod, looking over Jimin with a snarl. “My name is Y/N, I live down the hall - I was a good friend of Mrs Park and her hybrid Jimin.” You say motioning to the hybrid behind you before turning back to the small man.
“I’ve heard that due to Mrs Park’s unfortunate passing and your allergy to cats that Jimin will be given to a rescue centre to be put up for adoption.” The man seems to smirk at the end of your sentence probably being able to guess where you were going with this.
“Listen Kid, I understand the you want to help your friend but the rescue centre already offered me a thousand for him - and they already have a potential buyer.” He says almost dismissing you, but you take a step forwards, somehow being at eye level with the man.
“I can see you’re a smart man Mr Park, but I just feel like only a thousand is such an injustice. With a feline hybrid with Jimin’s heritage and a purebred ragdoll - which are rare in themselves - only a thousand is a rip off. If you sign the adoption papers today I’m willing the offer you two thousand five hundred for him.” You say quietly trying to bargain with the money hungry side of the man. You words seem to work as he looks between you and the hybrid hesitantly. “I have cash.” That seems to be what gets the man to sigh, reaching his hand out impatiently. Jimin steps forwards with a pen and the papers necessary telling the stubby man where to sign before he tucks them under his arms taking a few steps back.
“Thank you for your business, Mr Park. We hope we won’t be hearing from you anytime soon.” You say handing the man a bulging white envelope - before turning on your heel and ushering Jimin out of the apartment building to your car parked on the curb.
“I can’t believe that worked, it just seemed way too easy.” You huff as you slide into the drivers seat, Jimin sliding into the passenger seat besides you.
“I told you - he’s a shallow man - nothing a bit of cash wouldn’t solve.” Jimin says with a large grin - Mrs Park had left some money in case of emergency in Jimin’s name - ten thousand she left for him - and the poor man was too dumb to find a way out of giving Jimin what he was owed.
“I guess we should break the news to Hobi.” You add, Jimin had put his suitcases in your car two days ago - not ever wanting to have to return to his old apartment after the papers were signed - too many memories, too much lost.
It’s been two weeks since Jimin joined your small family - Hoseok and Jimin seeming to have an unspoken truce and were seeming to be putting up with each other well. The day you broke the news to Hoseok he seemed surprised, he had no idea what the two of you had been planning and the surprise addition to the family made him a bit uneasy.
You didn’t blame him.
He had only been with you for a few months himself but you had already begun changing everything - adding more people, moving house things were a bit hectic for the adjusting hybrid.  He had sulked for a few days but came around eventually when Jimin proved himself to be handy around the home, as much as he liked to follow hoseok around and knock things over.
Jimin’s new favourite past time has become annoying Hobi as much as possible. His favourite way seemed to be by being overly affectionate with you. Almost all day Jimin would stand besides you with his hand in yours, his head nuzzling into your neck - a small grin sprouting as Hoseok lets out a scoff.
It doesn’t take long for Hoseok to finally snap, sneaking into your bedroom one night when Jimin is showering.
“Why aren’t you that affectionate with me?” He spits out, as he looks at you reading your latest fantasy series cuddled under your blanket.
“What do you mean?” Your quick to ask placing the book besides you as you sit up further looking at Hoseok in concern.
“You and Jimin cuddle and hold hands all the time, I even saw him try to kiss you the other day.” He responds, throwing his hands up in defeat when you still don’t seem to understand his words. “Why don’t you do that with me…I want to cuddle and hold hands, but you always seems so awkward around me - like you don’t like being near me.” He finally says and you sputter a little trying to hold in a shocked laugh.
“Hobi, you know that’s not true - I love being around you.” You chuckle watching as the boy pouts moving to sit at the end of your bed.  “You probably think I’m being awkward cause I don’t want to push you to do something that might make your uncomfortable. I would love to be more affectionate with you, I just want to be sure if that’s what you want too.” You explain and Hoseok seems to relax a little bit, moving closer to you on the bed, taking your hands in his, as his thumbs rub small circles into your palms. 
“Have you and Jimin kissed before?” He asks softly, not looking away from your palms not even as you choke on the air your breathing in. You nod slowly as you take in deep breaths. 
“Then you have to give me one too.” He says his pout returning on his lips, al you can do is roll your eyes, a small grin spreading across your face as Jimin saunters into the room his torso bare as his towel is wrapped around his waist.
You sigh ignoring the scandalous feline before leaning forwards and pressing a chaste kiss on Hoseok lips, pulling away with a raised brow.
“Happy?” You ask, Hoseok nodding furiously in response.
“Anyway big boy.” Jimin whispers as he leans over besides Hoseok, “We’ve done much more than just a little kiss.” Jimin teases as he walks back to the bathroom with his clothes in hand leaving you shaking your head and denying his claim.
“He’s lying.” You spit out glaring at the bathroom door, not noticing how Hobi’s ears flatten against his head.
“It’s offical…I’m going to kill him.”
“Hobi, No.”
TAG LIST: @littlewolfieposts​ @sana-b​ @purplelady85​ @btsxdoll​
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smuttyfairy · 8 years
Can you help me find a smut? I was reading a BTS jimin smut a couple weeks ago where the reader almost hooks up with him after they had a fan meet and she leaves her phone because her friend stops her and basically drags her away. Jimin ends up calling her friend and they set up another date.
Anyone know  this??
-Admin Kookfairy
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oiyuta-blog · 7 years
Fighting on your blog! your jimin scenairo has me SHOOOOOOK bitch i can't believe he's cheating YIKESWDEFSd we need a part 2
thank you baby, pt.2 as a full smut.. i think yes😉😉
0 notes
Can you post part 3 of Misery Business: A Skool Love Affair please?? I'm a dancer so I really like that story... 😁 thanks!!
Of course! :) I am happy that you are enjoying the story!!
Misery Business: A Skool Love Affair
Chapter Three: How to Survive Rehearsal
Sitting in the theater, we all waited for our first rehearsal to ensue, nervously shifting in our seats. I was still shocked by the fact that I had been cast as a lead—I, who was not even the leading lady in my own life. I hid my secret smiles of satisfaction from the eyes of my beautiful best friend, who so desperately needed this spot center stage, where she could properly capture those hearts that she longed to fill. If only she knew that she didn’t need to be the center of attention to succeed in that.
“I still can’t believe you got ‘Maria’,” Valerie’s girlish voice stated incredulously, adding, “I mean, she must be really losing her mind if she thinks that you can pull off such a big role. You’re just not lead material, no offense.”
None taken.
Nodding, I shrugged and gave a small, nervous smile, “Yeah, I am pretty astounded myself. I assumed that you would definitely be casted as the lead, since you are so very talented,” then admonishing myself more for the sake of her happiness, “I really don’t think I can pull it off either. You’re right, I am not leading material at all. Maybe, Ms. Rose will decide to use you instead of me after all.”
That brought about a smug grin, her eyes lighting with that usual spark they carried, a delicate hand brushing back long auburn hair, “Yeah, maybe. I mean, she’ll see you try playing ‘Maria’ once and probably come begging me to do the part.”
My heart sank. What if she was right in her assumption? What if I really was that terrible? Fear and anxiety began pumping through my veins, making me lose my breath, my lungs deflating like popped balloons in my chest. I was trembling like a leaf, dreading the thought of rehearsal now.
How am I going to survive?
Just resign from your spot. Tell Ms. Rose you can’t be in the production.
But, my family was so excited for me. They had already sent out invitations to the first showing. I couldn’t let them down.
What about Valerie, though? She wanted this role so badly.
“Hey, Val. Hey, Sage,” a familiar voice called out, approaching our seats in the auditorium.
“Jimin,” Valerie exclaimed, throwing her arms around his shoulders and kissing him publically so that everyone that wasn’t already aware of their status—it was facebook official after all—were now informed, “I missed you, baby.”
Jimin blushed furiously, pushing her curvy form from his muscular one with a strong pair of hands, “Valerie, stop. Everyone’s watching,” those dark eyes were darting about the room embarrassedly.
“So? Let them watch. I want them to know you are mine,” she purred, attempting to grab him again and plant kisses on his jaw.
Teenage hormones.
But, Jimin was not cooperating as he continued to press those muscular hands against her shoulders, keeping her at bay and away from his face, “Valerie, please. Later.”
The auburn beauty plopped back in her seat dejectedly, huffing indignantly, crossing lean arms over her chest, “Screw you, Jimin.”
Jimin sat on the other side of me, placing me right in the crossfire—great—and sighed, running one hand through his raven tresses, pleading with Valerie across my lap, “Valerie, don’t do that. You know, it isn’t because I don’t want to kiss you—I just don’t want to kiss you in front of other people.”
Cringing, he and I both knew he’d messed up his word choice, watching as her head snapped toward us, glaring at him icily, her face turning a bright shade of red and steam practically pouring from her ears, “What. Did. You. Just. Say?”
An audible gulp resonated from his throat as he worked his head around the most delicate way of putting whatever his thoughts were on the matter, “I just don’t like PDA. It embarrasses me because I am easily embarrassed, you know that. It isn’t just with you, it’s with anyone,” then adding with a grin, “And, I like kissing you in private so that I can really kiss you the way you deserve to be kissed.”
This was too much for me to take and just as Valerie calmed down and began closing in on Jimin across my lap, Ms. Rose appeared on the stage, holding her script in the air to signal everyone’s attention. Thank goodness. That was almost awkward. Backing away, they both slithered back into their seats, looking forward with the rest of the cast as Ms. Rose began rehearsal.
It was my turn to gulp as the thoughts of failure sifted through my head, leaving me an anxious mess in my seat, totally ignored by Valerie, but immediately noted by that dark stare of Jimin, who whispered, “What’s wrong, Sage?”
Shaking my head, I gave a forced smile, tightening my cheeks painfully, “Nothing, why?”
“You seem nervous.”
Sighing, I giggled breathlessly, closing my eyes and scratching at the back of my hair with one hand, “Guilty.”
A small, gentle smile graced his features, lifting those eyes upward along with the corners of his lips, “If it makes you feel better, I’m nervous too.”
That actually surprised me; Jimin was so talented, he had no reason to be nervous. He’d earned his spot fair and square, while I apparently only suited ‘Maria’ in appearance, according to Valerie anyway.
“Really, but you’re amazing. You are the only boy here who could pull off ‘Tony’.”
A shade of pink colored those golden cheeks, brushing over his nose too as he chuckled, “I’m nothing special. I have to practice a lot to be this decent, and that’s not saying much.”
His lack of confidence in himself was refreshing; he was just like me, “You are special, Jimin. You’re special to me anyway.”
The words shocked both of us. Did I just say that with my actual mouth? I begged the words to come back; to settle back into my head safely where they belonged. Alas, they stayed where they were: hanging between the two of our stunned faces.
His eyes were boring into mine, his mouth only inches from my own, making me think of the way he talked about kissing that night of the party, his voice so soft—so tender, “You’re special to me too, Sage.”
I wanted to kiss him more in that moment next to my best friend than I had ever wanted to before. It’s wrong, so very wrong, but the elation that I felt when he spoke those handful of words to me in that moment felt so very right. I was flying with a pair of brand new wings that he had presented me, soaring high above that cast of people in the theater. All of the nerves in my body disappearing beneath me. Nothing could touch us; we were totally free here in our place in the sky.
And then, like a bird shot from that same sky, our moment fell with the voice of the super model beauty beside me, “Hey, you guys coming or what?”
Jimin was the first to move, jumping from his seat nervously, stepping toward Valerie and avoiding my gaze that blush still staining his face. I sighed, nodding, “I’m right behind you.”
Watching as they made their way onto the stage together, I observed them as they laughed and held hands the way that couples often do, and felt a stinging in my chest. He is her boyfriend. She is your best friend. Stop this madness in here, my heart cried.
Love is a cage. A flightless bird. I had had a glimpse of it, just a small taste.
He will never be yours. The cage was more evident than ever before.
I hope you enjoyed it, sweetie! Sorry about the inconvenience of my broken links! :(((
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