#jimin scenarious
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caiuscassiuss · 4 years
oppa! | ot7 (I)
Description: Being raised by a caring yet distant father, a close, tight-knit family is the one thing you have craved in your short life. After your adventurer father remarries a rich woman, you’re stuck with seven new brothers. Seven very hot, very different men. This is not what you meant by family.
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Arc 1: Stepbrother Introductions
Genre: OT7 x Female!Reader | Brother’s Conflict AU | stepbrother au | fluff | slice of life (For this chapter: PG 13) WC: 15k Warnings: swearing, dub-con (??). In later chapters there will be explicit mentions of depression, panic attacks, thoughts of suicide, self harm, and graphic smut.
Chapter 1: Enter the Oldest Type, Jin!
Fiddling with the charm on your phone, you looked down at the blue text bubble that spelled out the address of what might possibly be your home for the next few years.
You had googled the place as soon as you got home, expecting it to be a random apartment somewhere and boy oh boy, you were wrong. First, the house (not apartment) was on the outskirts of Seoul, on one of the hilly inclines overlooking the Han River. Second, the place where it was located was expensive.
Your eyes nearly bulged out of your head when you saw the housing prices of properties nearby on this popular real estate app. Sure, your father was a celebrity adventurer with his own cable show and so you were used to a certain amount of comfort, but this type of wealth was way beyond your league. Who was this woman that your father married, Jesus Christ?
On the Google streets view (you swear you aren’t weird), you saw the place had at least 2 gates to get through and your father hadn’t told you of any code or given you any pass to get through. You had a feeling if you tried to go in there blind, you would be immediately detained by the police.
Biting your lip, you paced on the fluffy carpet that felt like a dream. Your father was gallivanting off in some remote corner of Nigeria, so he was bound to have no cell service there. You knew no one in the family— much less how to contact them so you could meet up for a coffee or something. It would seem rude not to do something…
Your apartment doorbell buzzed throughout your apartment. Folding your arms over your chest, you shivered as you walked towards the doorway. You had turned up the Air Conditioner too high to ward off the muggy Seoul heat and now it was freezing inside your apartment.
“Hello?” you asked in to the intercom.
“Hi, is this Y/N?” a masculine voice asked at the other end.
You frowned and shifted your weight on your other leg. You don’t recall expecting any guests today.
“Excuse me?” the man asked again after you refused to respond.
“Hi, sorry, who is calling?” you said politely.
“I’m Seokjin, Seoyeon’s son. I’m your, uh, new brother?” he said haltingly, his voice raised at the end.
Gasping softly, you felt your mind pile up with questions and questions until it was spinning. How did he get here? How did you know who you are?
“Oh! Uh, yeah, please come on up.”
You pressed the button to allow the elevator to go to your location and you heard a bright “Thank you!” before the intercom shut off.
You zoomed around your apartment like a psychopath, picking up spare pieces of clothing and putting the dishes in the dishwasher. Your apartment reeked of mild depression, suppressed anxiety, and the beginnings of an unhealthy reliance on take out and that was not the first impression you wanted your newfound brother to have of you.
Putting your hands on your hips, you scanned the now clean apartment. It looked like a moderately adjusted human lived here.
Good timing indeed, as your buzzer sharply rang throughout the apartment. Taking a deep breath, you grasped the door handle and pulled it open.
Your lungs really said “Bye, sister!” and decided to quit working as soon as you saw this man. You couldn’t breath because standing in front of you was one of the most beautiful men you have ever seen in your life.
He was tall, taking up the entire doorway with his height. A dash of neatly groomed, brown hair graced the top of his small head and big eyes peered at you curiously above a strong nose and a pair of big, pouty lips the color of strawberries.
The second thing you noticed about him after his overwhelming beauty was his navy scrubs and the large badge attached to his pocket that read “Kim Seokjin; Pediatric Doctor at Seoul National University Pediatric Group”. You’ve seen people in scrubs and they were, favorably said, unflattering but on this man… he looked like he stepped out of a catalogue.
“You’re Y/N, right?”
Speechless, you nodded.
His entire face lit up with a grin. “Oh, that’s a relief. It’s fantastic to meet you, I’m Kim Seokjin. You can call me Jin though.”
Your voice decided to be nice and start working. You held out a hand and he reciprocated with a handshake. “Hi, I’m Y/N. It’s really nice to meet you. Please, do come in.”
He took off his sturdy shoes politely at the doorway and you retreated further into the hallway of your apartment.
You shivered again through your thin top and crossed your arms. God, you were going to have to raise the temperature. It felt like a fridge in here.
Jin turned around with a smile on his face before his eyes went wide. His eyes flickered down your body and quickly flickered back up to your face.
“I’m sorry if this is a bit sudden,” he started, red climbing up his neck and rising up to his cheeks. “I—” His eyes flicked down again before staying resolutely at your face, despite his very red cheeks.
Did you have a stain on your pants or something? You cast your eyes down at yourself and—
Your very regrettable decision of turning your A/C up resulted in stiff nipples poking out from your thin top. To make matters worse, your crossed arms emphasized your breasts.
You felt yourself going red as an unflattering squeak left your mouth. Pulling a cardigan from behind the couch (there goes your good first impression), you quickly threaded your arms through the sleeves and covered your chest.
“I am so sorry—”
“It’s alright!” he said, his voice unwieldy. Jin’s eyes widened again as he realized the meaning of his words. “No! I mean— ugh,” he groaned, burying his face in his hands.
You giggled as you saw his mature composure crack in front of you. 
“I must seem like a pervert,” Jin groaned. “Here I was, hoping to come off as a cool older brother, and I just,” he shook his head. “Forgive me.”
The awkwardness defused, you laughed again, ultra conscious of your chest. “Please don’t worry about it! I had hoped to make a good first impression as well but look at me! Pulling clothing out of furniture.”
He snorted and you both started laughing, filling up your once silent apartment with sound. 
As the laughter died down, you offered him a seat on your couch. He gladly took the invitation, throwing in a joke about being on his feet all day.
“Yeah, I’m sorry to barge in all of the sudden. I didn’t have your contact information— only your address and I realized that you had no way to get to our house. So, here I am,” he grinned, eyes forming cute half crescents.
“I actually have to thank you for it,” you said, setting down a glass of water in front of him. “I was thinking of going to your house myself but I saw the security around it and I knew I’d probably get detained or something.”
“Well, it’s good that it all lined up so well,” Jin commented. “I better introduce myself, don’t I? I’m just a pediatric doctor with the SNU pediatric group and 26— the oldest of all of us. I was born in Gwacheon and moved to Seoul to attend university.”
You smiled softly, despite your unease at his use of the word “just”. “A pediatric doctor? That’s very nice. What made you want to be a doctor?”
Jin’s smile grew strained and you saw his broad shoulders tense up. 
Feeling like you wanted to hit yourself over the head, you threw out your hands in apology. “I didn’t mean to—”
He shook his head. “Please, don’t worry about it. It’s a common question. I chose this specific profession over the OR or surgery because, as a child, I knew someone who was injured a lot and I couldn’t help them at all.” He grimaced, but pasted on a very good smile. His eyes were crinkled at the edges, his head tilted upwards, but you could see through it. “Now I can, yeah?”
“I get what you mean,” you said sympathetically. You were often sick as a child too, and it was… difficult, when your father was off scampering across half the world. 
Jin straightened up in his seat and lost that faraway look in his eyes, zeroing in on you. “What about you, Y/N? You’re college-age, yeah?”
“Yes, I’m 21 and attend Yonsei University as a junior. Although it’s not as exciting as wanting to be a doctor, I want to be a counselor one day,” you told him, your eyes cast down “I want to help people.”
“That’s really admirable, Y/N. If you ever need any help getting an internship or opportunity, I know some counselors and I’d be more than happy to facilitate a meeting,” Jin smiled warmly at you.
A blush infused your cheeks. “I, ah, thank you. I actually work as an operator on Crisis hotline right now, but I’ll definitely need all the help I can get.”
“Of course! You’re my cute younger sister now.”
“I’ve never had a sibling, I’m very excited to have seven older brothers now,” you grinned.
“Yeah! About that,” he coughed awkwardly, “— are you considering moving in with us? Your father told my mother that you would be moving, but I wasn’t sure if you were completely willing?”
You nodded. “I’m considering it. I’d like to meet everyone first, however. Just to get used to your personalities.”
“Completely understandable, all seven of us can be,” he paused, “—a lot. However, if you’re up for meeting a few of us, I can take you to our house for a visit. I can drop you back and everything.”
“That’d be lovely.”
He waited patiently for you as you locked the door to your apartment, carefully watching you as you stepped into the elevator.
“Where did you park?” you asked, craning your head upwards to look at him. “I hope you weren’t forced to park on the street, it can be very expensive.”
He shook his head. “I found the visitor parking, it’s all good.”
The doctor led you through the underground parking, weaving through cars and concrete beams with ease until you stopped in front of a bright white car with a silver trident in the middle of its grill. Eyes wide, you knew what this car was. Your dad had admired Maseratis for the longest time, and this one looked to be very new.
Jin gestured to the white Maserati, looking unfairly suave in his scrubs and next to his fancy car. “Hop in.”
Next Chapter: Press [ X ] for the Mature Type, Namjoon! 
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Chapter 2: Enter the Mature Type, Namjoon!
Jin was a model driver, driving carefully on the streets of Seoul. He looked both ways before crossing an intersection and took slow turns. However, it amused you how he hissed at the console as it beeped to warn him if there was a car or curb too close to him.
However, as you looked out the window, the streets got quieter and the houses a whole lot bigger as you crossed into a residential part of Seoul. You were driving parallel to the Han River, and you saw many people doing water activities or boating to cool off in the hot September weather.
Jin slowed down as you entered an avenue lined by trees and you could see a guardhouse at the end of the picturesque street. However, the two of you avoided the guardhouse completely and took what was presumably the resident’s entrance, where he passed by easily with a scan of a barcode on his tire.
“Do you drive, Y/N?” Jin asked, one elbow resting casually on his open window and the other on his lap.
“No, I never really had time to learn.” More like you never had someone to teach you.
“Okay, so we’ll just need a resident pass for you,” Jin muttered to himself, eyes focused on the street.
He drove through large, green spaces with the occasional building speckling the landscape. You gripped your purse harder. Green spaces unencumbered by large buildings blocking the view were rare in Seoul, the cost of natural land so astronomically high only wealthy business people or very famous celebrities being able to afford places like this. You gulped. Their family was definitely out of your league.
The car stopped in front of a very modern looking townhouse and the garage opened, Jin driving into what seemed to be a much more expansive parking garage under the house. However, instead of boring concrete and fluorescent lighting, sandy colored marble and warm lighting lit the space as you descended through the underground.
Biting your lip as Jin backed in his car easily with just one hand steering the wheel, defined forearms catching your attention, you mentally smacked yourself. He’s your brother, for god’s sake!
You froze up as the doors started to lift up like wings on a butterfly, but relaxed. This level of wealth would definitely take some time to get used to.
He placed a warm palm on your shoulder, his fingertips reaching your collarbones, as he guided you to the entrance, up the dimly lit stairs and to a large, wooden door.
“I wish I could’ve taken you through the front door since it’s much more impressive,” he sighed, and pushed the wooden door open with a thumbprint scanner. “However, welcome to our humble abode.”
An abode it was, but humble was it not. You were only on the ground floor, but the ceilings were very high and you were surrounded by many floor-to-ceiling windows. The main theme of the building was warm marble and dark, rich wood with jewel tones interspersed between.
“Woah,” you breathed out. “You guys have a lot of space.”
“Yeah, “ Jin grimaced. “We kind of need it when some of us like to roughhouse and tend to break things.”
You laughed as he then guided you towards a spacious living room, a large window overlooking the Han River and greenery.
“Sit tight, I’ll get us something to drink,” Jin said, his voice getting fainter as he strode to a room off the massive living room.
Ankles crossed together, you peered at the large room. At first, it looked neat. Everything was in its place and perfectly coordinated by the eye of an expert designer. However, you could see the signs the place was well-lived in. The wear-and-tear of the orange and beige blanket emblazoned with an H that was thrown over the chair of the couch, the mess of wires from various gaming consoles, and even the small depressions on the pillows. 
A shelf of colorful books framed the huge TV and you stood up, perusing them. You expected the books to be typical, non-offensive living room books with dust on the covers but to your surprise, the books on the shelves were well loved with their cracked spines and rounded edges. Tracing over your fingers over the books you whispered the titles to yourself.
Candide, Crime and Punishment, The Metamorphosis…
“I’m sorry, but who are you?”
A deep voice echoed behind you and you jumped in surprise. Whirling around you saw another tall man with neat ash blond hair, glasses neatly perched on his straight nose with a pair of fierce eyes peering out from behind the frames. His charcoal suit was well-fitted to his body and his build reminded you of a tiger; sinewous muscles cording his arms, back, and thighs and tensed, ready to jump into action.
A nervous smile crawled up your lips. “I’m Y/N L/N. Are you one of my new brothers?”
The man relaxed minutely but the fierceness of his eyes did not subside. “I am. I’m Kim Namjoon, it’s a pleasure to meet you Y/N.”
He strode across the room in long, confident strides and took your hand. His handshake was strong and you tightened your grip in response, narrowing your eyes at him. His right eyebrow quirked, but he said nothing as he turned his attention to the bookshelf.
“So, what caught your attention here?” He murmured, tenor voice traveling the length of your spine and stroking your sensitive skin. “Is it… this?”
He pulled out a copy of Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen, obviously less worn than the rest.
A smirk tugged at your lips. “No, not that one.”
He stared at you longer, before crossing his arms over his powerful chest. “Oh? Enlighten me, then.”
With nimble fingers, you pulled out a red, slim novel and handed it to him. You carefully tracked his reaction as he took it from your hands, face and eyes saying nothing. He ran a thumb over the agonized face on the cover, and you felt a shiver go down your arm at the sheer sensuousness of it.
“Clockwork Orange,” he breathed out. “Interesting. Are you a Lit Major?”
You continued to stare at the bookshelf, feeling his eyes boring holes into your face. “No, I’m not. I’m majoring in psychology.”
He hummed, eyes tracing the rough artwork of the novel’s cover. “I liked psychology, but at that point I was already double-majoring. I majored in philosophy and business, which are not as different than they seem.”
“Are you out of university, then?” you asked, trying to keep your tone casual.
Namjoon nodded affirmatively. “I’m 24, but I matriculated at SNU when I was 18. I run a conglomerate group now.”
Trying to keep your mouth from falling open in shock— what kind of twenty something year old owned a large business, much less a conglomerate— you nodded coolly.
“Given or made?” you questioned, an edge in your voice. Something about Namjoon made you want to test him, to prod at him constantly.
His fierce eyes turned to you and they blazed. 
Your lips lifted upwards, minutely, until you heard a clinking of glasses.
“Y/N? Sister-dearest? I got you— oh!”
Jin stopped in shock at the sight of you two seemingly huddled together in front of the book case.
“Do you two know each other?” Jin asked, absolutely bemused, as he set down a pitcher and some glasses on the coffee table.
“We don’t,” Namjoon answered. “However,” he wrapped an arm around your shoulders, “—I can see we’ll get along nicely.”
You did not get the same impression, but you digressed. He was one of your brothers now. Another factor was that one of his biceps, even though it was hidden inside his suit jacket, looked like it could strangle you.
Jin continued to stare in suspicion, before shrugging his wide shoulders and settling down on the couch.
“So what were you chatting about then?”
“A couple of books I had on the shelf. Y/N has some interesting taste,” Namjoon commented.
Jin snorted into his water with lemon. “Oh, ew, now I have two bookworms as siblings? Reading was the worst part of university. I liked all the practical stuff.”
“Sometimes I can’t believe that rational parents would let you near their kids,” Namjoon retorted, helping himself to a glass.
“And I can’t believe some women come near you,” Seokjin replied heatedly.
The two of them stared at each other seriously before breaking out in guffaws, hiding your expression behind your glass of water. This was such a weird dynamic and it was only two of them. Well, the best you could do was adapt the situation.
Just like you always had.
Next Chapter: Press [ X ] for the Rough Type, Jungkook! 
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Chapter 3: Enter the Rough Type, Jungkook!
As the three of you chatted about yourselves (apparently, some of the brothers were biologically Seoyeon’s children or were adopted), Jin’s eye caught the clock behind you and his eyes widened.
“Oh dear, it’s almost 6 o’clock,” Jin fretted, leaping up from the couch. “Everyone should be arriving home soon– excuse me,” he said as he retreated into the kitchen.
“Ah, I guess that means I should get going,” you said apologetically to Namjoon, standing up and straightening your ruffled skirt.
“Please, stay for dinner,” Namjoon smiled, gesturing for you to take a seat.
“Yeah, Y/N, stay for dinner!” Jin yelled from the kitchen.
“I mean, if you’re sure…” you trailed off, hoping you could stay. You felt too lazy to cook for yourself tonight.
“Please do, we hope to see you a lot more around here,” Namjoon said, warm smiling at you.
The security system dinged, signalling a door had opened within the house. Namjoon’s ears perked up.
His eyes flew towards the doorway. “That must be Taehyung or Jungkook, coming in. They’re usually the first to arrive.”
You wondered why both of those names seemed familiar and a heavy door slammed shut.
“Jungkook-ah! Your new sister is here! Come and greet her, you punk!”
The footsteps thud to a halt at the foot of the steps and you spin around in your seat.
In the hallway, a buff man in a loose-fitting white t-shirt and grey joggers stood in front of you. In almost humorous contrast to his hulking, muscled body, the cutest face with big eyes and pouty lips you have seen peered at you.
He looked familiar to you and you bit your lip, trying to figure out where you had seen him. Oh wait! Charger guy!
“Jungkook! You’re in my Calculus class, right?”
“Yeah…” he whispered, looking at you like he saw a ghost.
“It’s so funny that you’re here. It’s nice to meet you as my brother,” you grinned at him, tilting your head to the side.
He nodded mindlessly, frozen at his spot in the hallway.
“Jungkook? Are you good?” you prodded.
Namjoon snorted as he kept on typing into his phone. “Jungkook can’t speak to girls, so he gets frozen like this from time to time. Hyung, you fix him.”
“I’m cooking, you dolt!”
“And I’m trying to earn money so I can provide the food. Go.”
Jin shot you a look, as if exclaiming “look at how I’m treated around here!”, and dusted off his hands. Striding over to a frozen Jungkook, Jin poked Jungkook’s very built chest.
Jungkook still didn’t move and Jin pursed his lips. He poked him again. “Yah! Why aren’t you working?!”
The youngest brother broke out from his trance and looked at Jin seriously. 
“Pardon?” you asked, wondering if you misheard.
“No.” Jungkook shook his mass of black, shaggy hair and ran a tattooed hand through it, looking in disbelief at the ground. “No, no, no, no, no no.”
Your slight smile is frozen on your face and you feel your shoulders tense up and, nervously, you look to Jin.
“Fuck!” He threw his hands in the air. Jungkook pointed a finger at you, a line creasing at his forehead. “I did not sign up for this! Fuck!” 
Spinning around, he marched back into the hall and you could see the powerful muscles in his back tense through his thin t-shirt.
Jin, with his hands rubbing his temples, sighed heavily and deflated at the counter. “God, I’m sorry about that Y/N. I don’t know why Jungkookie is acting like that; he’s normally really amiable and nice.”
You laugh softly, trying to defuse the awkward tension that had settled around the kitchen. “Jin-ssi, please don’t worry about it. It’s a huge shift in his life and some people are going to take it harder than others. It’ll take some time, but I’m sure he’ll get used to me being his sister.”
Namjoon scrutinized you with hooded eyes. “You’re very kind. I hope my brothers don’t take advantage of it.”
Your grin cracked a bit. “We’re family. I don’t mind.”
Jungkook would not come down from his room, despite the hilarious mix of threats, blackmail, and aegyo Jin tried to coerce him down with.
You could hear Jin rapid-fire lecturing Jungkook outside Jungkook’s bedroom door and Namjoon sighed, his temples in his hands. 
“Hyung, just give up. The kid’s being moody again.”
Jin acquiesced with ill grace, throwing in a last good “You punk!” up the stairs. He stomped down the carpeted stair well, retying his apron and set to reheat many of the things.
“See if I feed him tonight, that ungrateful brat…” Jin hissed, moodily chopping some screen onions.
Namjoon leaned towards you and beckoned your ear towards his and you obeyed, curious. His scent wafted towards you, yet was not as punchy as a normal cologne. It was subtle and musky, carrying notes of old books and bergamot. Perhaps it was a lotion?
“Jin says that all the time, but will leave him leftovers anyways,” Namjoon whispered into your ear, making you unconsciously shiver. “He’s too much of a pushover.”
You snorted as Jin came out of the kitchen with a dish in hands. “Yah, what was that, Namjoon?”
“Just commenting on how good your food is, hyung,” Namjoon replied coolly and leaning away from you.
Jin glanced suspiciously at Namjoon, before setting down the dish. You gasped, immediately getting to your feet.
“Oh, I’ve been such a rude guest! Can I help in any way? Set out the dishes or something?”
The apron-clad doctor clutched his heart, and wailed, “Look! My cute dongsaeng! Finally, a member of this household that is kind and offers to do their part!” Jin’s voice got progressively louder as he directed his voice up the stairs.
You muffled your laugh with a cough, and turned to Jin again. “Jin-ssi?”
Jin shook his head, clicking his tongue as he directed you to stay in your seat. “No, sweetheart, you’re a guest. Joonie-ah, set out the plates.”
Namjoon got up to get the plates, but as he did, his phone buzzed. Namjoon’s forehead creased as he looked at whatever was on his screen.
“Hyung, Taehyung-ah won’t be here today. Apparently his shoot on Jeju is lasting over night.”
Jin sighed, bustling around the kitchen. “How about Hoseok? Yoongi? I know Chimmy is out of the country right now.”
Taehyung, Hoseok, Yoongi, Chimmy, you memorized in your head. These were the four brothers you had yet to meet.
Namjoon snorted and put down the silverware, forks and spoons tinkling brightly. “You know Yoongi— he’s like a stray cat. He’ll be here when he wants. As for Hoseok, I think he might’ve just fallen asleep at the studio.”
“I’m sorry Y/N, I wish I could’ve introduced you to our other brothers,” Jin apologized. “Now, you’re just stuck with us two grandpas.”
You shook your head. “I’m just happy I could have dinner with you guys. Thank you for inviting me over.”
Jin watched you with a fond smile and Namjoon contemplated you carefully again.
Everything was set out and the three of you dug into Jin’s delicious food.
“Jin-ssi, this is very good. Your food tastes delicious. Did you put brown sugar into the sauce? It really rounds out the taste,” you complimented.
“I haven’t heard a compliment from these ungrateful brats about my cooking for 10 years,” Jin sighed dramatically. “Such a cute dongsaeng.”
Namjoon shook his head at Jin’s immature antics. “I might as well introduce you to Jungkook, since he elected not to do it himself.”
“You seemed to know him from university, yes?” Jin asked.
Nodding, you dabbed your mouth with a napkin. “I know of him, yes. He’s in my calculus class? Although, I feel like I might’ve had him in some of my core curriculum classes.”
“Jungkook is at Yonsei for a technology degree, although at first he was reluctant to go to university,” Namjoon revealed. “He wanted to be a Pro-Gamer and streamer full-time, but Seoyeon, Hyung, and I convinced him to get a degree.”
“He chose technology because he wants to combine his passion for gaming and technology into something in the future,” Jin continued, taking a sip of his water.
“That’s a very smart move of his,” you said politely. You wondered why Namjoon referred to his mother as ‘Seoyeon’. Maybe he was one of the adopted ones?
“That brat upstairs might look like he just screams at the monitor and works out, but he’s much more,” Namjoon reflected.
When you were cleaning up, you felt bad that Jungkook hadn’t had dinner yet. That man must need like four square meals a day and tons of snacks to keep up his bulk.
“Jin-ssi, Namjoon-ssi, I’m going to deliver some food to Jungkook. He must be hungry,” you called out, scraping some of the food onto a plate.
“You don’t have too, Y/N, he usually sneaks down to get something from the fridge,” Namjoon said as he typed furiously on his phone.
“Don’t worry about it, I want to help him,” you grinned, climbing up the stairs.
Namjoon mumbled something suspiciously like, “You’re too kind for your own good” but you had already gotten to the second landing. Stopping in front of Jungkook’s door, you knocked.
“Jungkook-ssi?” you said when no one responded. “You must be a bit hungry, so I just got a plate together for you.”
Complete radio silence. 
Exhaling sharply through your nostrils, you pouted and bent down to set down the plate next to his doorway.
“Well, if you change your mind, I put it next to your door. I’ll be going now!”
You strode down the hallway, making sure your footsteps trailed off. You hid behind a corner, making sure to conceal yourself completely.
After waiting a few minutes, you were sure he wasn’t going to come out  but his door clicked open and Jungkook emerged in a grey-blue hoodie. He took a surreptitious glance around the hallway before his eyes found you behind the corner.
Blushing, you decided to wave at him. To your surprise, instead of scowling or ignoring you completely, Jungkook’s face turned tomato red as he hurriedly gathered up the plate and slammed his door.
You scratched your head. Maybe he was shy or something.
Next Chapter: Press [ X ] for the Bright Type, Hoseok! 
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Chapter 5: Enter the Bright Type, Hoseok!
“So, how were your brothers? Nice? Weird? Ugly?” Hyerim pestered as you walked by the subway.
You bit your lip. “Um, really different?”
Hyerim fixed you a look.
“Okay, so I met three out of the seven yesterday. The oldest one— his name is Seokjin, but I call him Jin— is 26 and he’s a pediatric doctor. The other one—”
“Wait, Seokjin?” Your friend squinted at you. “Does he happen to work at SNU Pediatric Group?”
Blinking, you turned to her. “Yeah? How the hell did you know that?”
Hyerim let out a half strangled scream as you stepped down the stairs of the station. You were instantly surrounded by dozens of power blue ads with a purple suit-clad man in the middle, perhaps in the middle of a hip trust, all reading Happy Birthday in aesthetic cursive.
“Hoe! He’s my brother’s fucking doctor, I can’t believe this!”
Your eyebrows nearly touched your forehead. “Shit, really?”
“Yes! Holy shit, did you not listen to me complaining to you about how hot he was? And now he’s your fucking brother? The star must’ve aligned for me! This must mean the rest of the brothers are good looking!” Hyerim squealed.
“Does Jongin not exist anymore?” you asked as you both swiped your subway passes.
“Shhh, just because I’m off the market doesn’t mean I don’t get to look,” she giggled, her pony tail swishing back and forth.
You shook your head, amused at her antics, and continued.
“Anyways, the other brother I met is some fancy-schmancy businessman. Namjoon-ssi is 25? 24? He’s older than me but graduated from college when he was just 18.”
Hyerim’s eyes took on a perverted light and she simpered underneath her hand. “Oh? Am I hearing of sugar daddy material?”
You squawked and hit her shoulder. “Hyerim, stop! These are my brothers, not matches on Tinder!”
“I don’t care, you need a boyfriend— even if it’s a secret and taboo one,” Hyerim said, pushing her hair off her shoulder.
Rolling your eyes, you sat down in a seat next to her. “Anyways, the boys invited me to dinner again tonight in hopes we’ll catch more of the boys in the house. Jin-ssi says trying to get them all in one place is like waiting for a blue moon— it’s very rare.”
“So are you going straight there or going home to change?”
Shaking your head, you gestured at a laminated white pass in your hands. “I wanted to get there early today so I can go home early. Jin-ssi drove me home last night and I don’t want him to be caught in rush hour traffic again.”
Hyerim peered at the pass in your hands. “Hannam the Hill? Hey, doesn’t Han Hyo-joo live there? The actress from Brilliant Legacy?”
Shrugging your shoulders, you leaned into the hard plastic seat. “I don’t know. Probably? All I know is that the place where they live is very ritzy and takes like two security gates to get into.”
“Okay, they’re all sugar daddy material then,” Hyerim commented. She ducked to avoid a hit over the head and you huffed, crossing your arms.
“Stop, they all do pretty well for themselves and I heard my stepmother is some fancy businesswoman from a well-to-do family. They’re just my family now.”
“The train is approaching Yangwon station. I repeat the train is approaching Yangwon station,” the bright voice announced over the intercom.
“Oh, that’s my stop,” you remembered. 
“Wait, you said you met another brother. Who is he?” Hyerim asked as she patted her nose with a compact.
The train slowed to a stop and you got up.
“My other brother is Jungkook. The one from our Calculus class? The streamer?”
Smirking, you dramatically walked away and heard Hyerim’s shriek of disbelief as you stepped onto the train platform.
“I’m sorry, what?” you asked the guard in disbelief.
“I’m sorry ma’am, but your visitor pass has expired,” the security guard said calmly, eyes scanning you detachedly. Like you were another crazy female.
You were going to kill Jin. Forget his awesome jajamyeon, you’ll bitch-slap both him and Namjoon into another dimension.
“Are you sure you can’t just let me in? Like, call the house or something,” you asked desperately, hands crumpling the visitor pass.
The guard looked like he desperately wanted to roll his eyes, but he picked up his corded phone.
“Building 10, yes?” he asked boredly.
He waited for the call to be picked up but after several rings, no one picked up.
“Apologies ma’am, but no one appears to be at the house. If you’re done, I’d like to ask you to leave and come back later,” the man said with an air of finality, and turned back to his station and looked at the 6 monitors surrounding his desk.
Your mouth open, you were aghast at his lack of sympathy. He could’ve at least offered for you to let you wait! It was nearing sun down and the boys had invited you to dinner again, and it would be rude to be late.
You don’t even know why they needed this much security. Sure, Namjoon was the CEO of a large conglomeration but wasn’t as high profile as Samsung’s chairman or someone crazy like that. It wasn’t like one of your brothers was a high-profile celebrity, right?
Standing on the sidewalk and looking like an idiot, you decided to call one of your damn brothers. Huffing, you flipped open your phone and selected Jin’s contact. After several rings, the call picked up.
“Hi Jin-ssi, sorry to bother you right now. I’m sure you’re busy right now,” you apologized, accidentally meeting eyes with the security guard who stared at you suspiciously.
“You’re fine! Is everything alright?” Jin asked, his voice tinged by concern.
You bit your lip as the security guard raised an eyebrow and picked up his phone, his eyes not letting go of you the entire time.
“I’m trying to get to the house, but the guard told me the visitor pass expired,” you explained, breath hitching as the guard spoke rapidly into the phone.
Jin swore over the phone, the sound muffled as he moved his phone away from his face.
“I’m so sorry, Y/N, Namjoon and I were so sure it was still active. Sit tight wherever you are, I’m texting one of the boys to get you through the gate. Hoseok is about a few minutes away from you.”
“Um, I don’t mean to rush,” you said, eyes widening as the man gestured to get out of the guardhouse, “— but I think the guard is about to detain me.”
“Goddamn security,” Jin hissed. “I’m calling the guard office right now, I am so sorry.”
He hung up and the guard continued to advance towards you, and you grasped your phone a bit tighter. The summer humidity suddenly pressed into your skin, slipped between your waistband and collar to make you sweat. Your eyes flickered to the station. No one was in the guard office to take Jin’s call so you steeled for yourself for what was about to be an ugly confrontation.
“Ma’am, I firmly ask you to leave the premises before I am forced to—”
The guard and you turned in the direction of the sound, and you saw a man in a bright yellow windbreaker and black sport shorts somehow jogging towards you in socks and sandals.
“Y/N,” he said, out of breath, as he stopped in front of you and the security guard. He held out a hand as he put his hands on his knees, trying to catch his breath.
“Hoseok-nim,” the guard bowed in respect, “Do you perhaps know this young lady?”
You got a good glimpse of him as he lifted his head and tennis cap. He pulled down his white mask and you saw his pointed nose, unfairly smooth skin, and sharp chin. You sobbed inwardly. Did all of your brothers miraculously get the luckiest scratch off tickets for the genetic jackpot? The man grinned at you and nodded in affirmative at the guard.
“Yes, I do,” Hoseok said, straightening up.
“I’m sorry, the young lady did not have the proper credentials to enter. My apologies.” The guard continued, speaking to Hoseok as if you did not exist.
Hoseok’s happy expression vanished and his brows furrowed. “Please, don’t apologize to me. My sister looked frightened. My brothers and I would appreciate it if you treated her a bit more politely.”
You hadn’t even noticed how frightened you were as you felt a drop of sweat roll down your temple and the shivers stop.
“I apologize, young lady,” the security guard said, taking off his cap and bowing politely. You smiled tightly and accepted with grace, gesturing for him to get up.
“That being said, we haven’t had time to get her resident pass processed. I’d like to add her to a list of visitors so a mix-up like this will not happen again,” Hoseok said seriously, staring down the security guard underneath his tennis logo cap and eccentric outfit. It almost put a smile to your lips, to see a beefy man in a suit and tie nearly cower under a boy at least half his age and centimeters shorter than him.
“Of course. Hoseok-nim, young lady,” he bowed, and the security guard scurried towards the office.
Hoseok turned towards you and his face brightened, rounded cheeks pulled upwards. “Hi Y/N, I’m so sorry for this mess,” he said, eyes shining with regret.
“I completely understand,” you placated. “You’re… Hoseok-ssi, right?”
He beamed. “Yes, I’m Hoseok. I’m 24, the middle brother. Please, call me oppa, we’re siblings now!”
He slung an arm over your shoulder and you couldn’t help but beam along with him. His bright energy was so infectious and immediately warmed you to him, drawing you into his orbit.
“It’s nice to meet you,” you replied, smile tugging at your lips. “I’m Y/N, 21 years old.”
“I’m so excited to have a cute younger sister,” Hoseok confessed as he walked you through the streets towards the house. “I was always jealous of my friends that could take care of their younger sisters, even though they acted like they were annoyed by them.”
You grinned more brightly. “Me too. I’ve been an only child all my life and having seven new brothers is very exciting to me.”
“You might want to take that back when you’ve met all of us,” Hoseok laughed. “You’ve met Jin-hyung, Namjoon-hyung, Jungkook-ah, right?”
Nodding, you spoke, “Yes, I have. Jin-ssi and Namjoon-ssi are very nice to me, but I don’t think Jungkook-ssi liked me very much…”
Hoseok waved it away. “Don’t worry, Kookie-ah doesn’t socialize well with girls. Or people. It took him ages to warm up to us after he got back from his grandparents.”
“Kookie-ah?” you asked curiously.
“Yes,” Hoseok grinned as he turned you onto a familiar street. “It’s our nickname for our youngest. He’s too cute not to tease.” Hoseok frowned as he remembered something. “Even though he is taller than me now.”
Hoseok was pretty tall himself, and you were starting to think that if you all took a family photo one day you’d look like the dwarf in the middle. Namjoon, Jin, and Jungkook just towered over you.
“On the other note, what do you do, Y/N? I’m curious about what my younger sister does.”
“I’m a university student at Yonsei, Hoseok-ssi,” you coughed, still not comfortable calling anybody oppa. “I’m studying psychology so I can be a counselor.”
“Yonsei? So my dongsaeng is a smart nut, I see,” Hoseok teased. “Did you know Jungkook before you met him as your brother?”
You shook your head. “I saw him around, but I only knew of him. What about you, Hoseok-ssi? What do you do?”
“I’m a dancer,” Hoseok announced, the house getting closer in view. “I’m part of this dance group, Neuron. We travel to perform and compete in competitions.”
“That’s awesome!” you clapped. “You must be very persistent. I tried ballet when I was younger and it was a disaster.”
“I haven’t heard that before,” Hoseok said, looking curiously at you. “Most people have told me I must be very talented or pull girls easily. But you’re right, I worked very hard.”
“What can I say?” you shrugged. “I just see through people.”
Hoseok guided you up the front steps of the doorway, fumbling through his pants to get his key. As he unlocked the front door, you heard the rumbling of a car going through the streets.
Going at least 100 kilometers per hour, a metallic blue Lamborghini skidded to a halt in front of the house. The weird doors stretched upwards and you saw both Jin and Namjoon emerge from the car.
“Y/N? Baby? Are you alright?” Jin asked worriedly, running up the front door.
“I’m good, Jin-ssi,” you comforted but he ignored it, taking your face in your hands and tilting your head to his view.
“Aish, those damn security guards!” Jin complained, clutching you to his chest and turning to Namjoon. “It’s your fault! Why did you give her that pass! She could’ve been detained! Put into cuffs like—like a criminal!” he ended dramatically.
Namjoon looked flabbergasted. “Me? You’re the one who got it!”
As the two descended into bickering, you peered at Hoseok from in between Jin’s arms. Your eyes screamed save me!
Hoeseok helpfully pried you from the still arguing doctor’s arms.
“Sorry about that, Jin is a bit protective over all of us— he practically raised us. We call him our mom sometimes,” Hoseok revealed, getting you into the house and leaving the now huffing and puffing duo on the doorsteps.
Next Chapter: Press [ X ] for the Moody Type, Taehyung! 
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Chapter 7: Enter the Moody Type, Taehyung!
As you entered the house, the faint strings of what might be a Daniel Caesar song flowed throughout the house.
“Oh goodie, Taehyung must be here!,” Jin clapped, setting down his keys on a hook near the door. 
Namjoon snorted. “He’s the only one of us that listens to this moody shit.”
Through drought and famine, natural disaster, my baby has been around for me.
A door slammed somewhere on the ground level, and the click clack of heeled boots echoed like muffled gunshots on the marble of the house.
Kingdoms have fallen, angels be calling, none of that could ever make me leave.
Turning the corner, your heart stopped.
Leaning on the wooden doorway was the most heart-breakingly beautiful man you’ve ever laid eyes upon. His dyed ash-grey hair was messy around his face, but behind his bangs peeked half-lidded eyes shaped like tear drops. A strong nose and pink lips, like the petals of a flower, were parted open as he stared through you.
“Oh? Is this our new sister?” he said softly, his gravelly voice filling the hall.
You grinned uneasily, fighting off the urge to cover yourself with a blanket or something. It wasn’t that his gaze was improper; those mercurial eyes just seemed to look through you.
“Taehyung, meet Y/N. She is our stepfather’s daughter,” Jin said carefully, eyes flicking between you like a tennis match.
It’s not fair, you thought. His clothes shouldn’t even match. The silky sleeveless tee had a paintbrush stroke across the chest and was bunched into baggy canvas pants covered in paint. It should’ve made him look like those wacky tube inflatables near car dealerships yet he looked like he walked out of a magazine.
“It’s nice to see you, Y/N,” Taehyung nearly whispered, head tilted to the side like he was evaluating a particular interesting museum installation. He made no move to shake your hand or embrace you.
“And you too, Taehyung-ssi,” you replied, bowing politely. He inclined his head.
“Well, I better get back to my red room. My pretties are coming along nicely,” Taehyung pronounced matter-a-factly, spinning sharply around to disappear into the dimly lit hall.
Namjoon face-palmed. “Well, now it sounds like he has a kinky sex dungeon. He just sees the world a bit differently than us, that’s all. It took some time for us to interpret his words when he came to us; for example, his pretties are his photographs.” The businessman looked suddenly pensieve. “Perhaps that’s why he’s so good at what he does.”
“Oh? What does Taehyung-ssi do?” you inquired, feeling like a strong breeze had swept into the room and left as suddenly as it came. You know that feeling? Where your skin tingles in the aftermath, your lips are suddenly dry, and like you could be knocked over the lightest touch.
“He’s a magazine editor, Y/N-ah,” Hoseok grins, putting down his heavy dancer bag on the couch carelessly. “It’s this really new-age, artsy magazine with a cult following. Maybe you’ve seen it? I think he named it something cryptic like ‘V’.”
“I’ll look into it, then,” you beamed, hoping to diffuse the weird tension that had settled on your shoulders.
Hoseok excused himself to take a shower and Namjoon had to take an important phone call, so it was just you and Jin left.
“Well, I know us five are at least here, and I know Jungkook is due to arrive soon from the gym. However, I don’t know if someone is going to drop by so I just leave an extra plate in the fridge just in case,” Jin said, stroking his chin.
“So, what’s on the menu today?” you asked playfully, taking a seat on the barstool.
Jin ruffled through the fridge, the fluorescent light highlighting his casual t-shirt. “Well, with what we have in the fridge, I can make some Chap-Chae and perhaps Kimchi Jjigae. However, we’d have a lot of chicken left and we need to eat it soon. Hm…”
“Jin-ssi, I know a good chicken recipe. Dakgangjeong? It’s this crispy fried chicken slathered in sweet and spicy sauce.”
The doctor frowned for a moment, leaning against the countertop.
“Is someone allergic? Or doesn’t like Chicken?” you asked worriedly, biting your lips.
Jin shook his head and chuckled. “No, everyone really likes fried chicken here. I’m just trying to remember if we have the ingredients.”
“That’s a relief, because it’s one of my favorite comfort meals.”
Opening the pantry, he bent down to look for something. “I think we do have everything here, thank goodness,” he grinned at you as he got up. “Do you cook a lot?”
“Yup, it’s my hobby,” you revealed, washing your hands at the sink. “I had to learn how to give myself food as a child.”
“Okay, awesome! You get started on the chicken and I’ll do the other dishes,” Jin said brightly, putting some ingredients on the table.
“Sounds good to me!”
You probably weren’t meant to hear it, but Jin giggled underneath his breath, “I have a sous-chef now.”
You put the finishing garnishes on your chicken and stepped back. The glaze looked very savory underneath the kitchen lights and dipping your finger into your glaze pot, it also tasted very good as well.
By the looks of it, Jin had finished with his two dishes. Wiping his hands with a towel, he put his hands on his hips and yelled, “Children! Get down here to eat, you punks!” 
As soon as you set down your plate of chicken, a multitude of footsteps resounded throughout the house.
Namjoon strode in first, only in a white shirt and trousers, and nodded coolly at you. The man looked very attractive out of his form-fitting workwear, and you wish your gaze hadn’t lingered on his tan, exposed skin.
Hoseok and Jungkook came in second, rough-housing with each other in the doorway before taking their seats. Hoseok greeted you brightly but Jungkook stared at you without a word before averting his gaze.
Finally, V came into the dining room in a more casual outfit of an oversized shirt and lounge pants, but still exuded an air of effortless grace. He grinned at everyone and plopped down into his chair.
“Alright everyone, eat up!” Jin fussed, setting down the steaming hot bowl and plate he was somehow carrying. You trailed after him with your dish grasped with both hands, hoping you wouldn’t accidentally trip and spill your hard work over the very expensive carpet.
You had to lean over Jungkook to place your chicken in the middle and you heard a startled “eep!” from beside you.
“Jungkook-ssi, are you alright?” You asked, sitting down in your seat next to him.
He nodded wordlessly, his ears red and gaze intensely focused on his plate. Running your eyes over him, you shrugged and grabbed your chopsticks.
The whole family dug in, loud and boisterous as people argued over which cut was better and devolved into personal attacks. Something warm curled up in your chest and warmed your cheeks, hoping to constrain the ridiculous smile that threatened to split your face. Is this how family looks like?
Watching Jungkook engage Taehyung in a very one sided conversation about the benefits of eating a certain part of the meat versus the other was very different than your empty apartment and lukewarm food.
“Wah, hyung, you’ve really outdid yourself with the chicken,” Hoseok gushed as he took a big bite of your chicken. “Please make it for us more!”
Jin chuckled, and set his chopsticks down. “I didn’t make it, so you’d have to ask her if you want more.”
Namjoon, with a strange light in his eyes, gestured to the nearly empty chicken plate with his chopsticks. “You… made this?”
Nodding in affirmative, you took a sip of your cola and cleared your throat. “Yes, I hope you guys liked it.”
Jungkook choked on his water and Jin rushed over to roughly pat his back. “Breath Jungkookie, breath!”
Hoseok yelled in delight and took out his handphone. “My cute little sister made this for me? Wow, my friends are going to be so jealous!” he grinned, snapping a few nice pictures of your glazed chicken.
Jungkook recovered at this point and was trying to fend off mother-hen Jin. “Hyung, I’m fine! I swear! You don’t have to baby me!,” he whined, cheeks red. “Besides, it was probably a bone or something.”
Your oldest brother huffed and sat back roughly into his seat, muttering something about ungrateful kids, while you tried to roll Jungkook’s comment over in your head. Bone? You used boneless chicken?
Deciding to push it away from your mind, you discreetly glanced at your cell phone and realized it was nearing 8 o’clock.
“Oh dear,” you muttered, catching the attention of the men at the table. “It’s almost 8 o’clock and I need to get home to water my plants,” you fretted.
As if on cue, a crack of thunder shook the table and you heard the rain start to hound at the windows and walls.
“Well, I be-leaf they’re getting watered,” Jin commented, cleaning up the last parts of his plate.
Staring at him in disbelief, you started to giggle and soon you were clutching your stomach with how hard you were laughing. 
“Did she like his shitty joke that much?” Jungkook whispered not so discreetly to Namjoon, who looked a bit weirded out himself.
“I’ve- I’ve never met a man with such awful jokes,” you laughed, wiping a tear from your eyes. “But I can’t help finding them so funny.”
The doctor aha-ed and pointed at Jungkook. “See? My jokes are so bad that they’re good!”
Snorting in disbelief, the youngest brother leaned back into his chair with his arms crossed over his built chest. “She’s our sister, she’s obligated to,” he murmurs sulkily. He sneaks a peek at you and you giggle at his adorable moodiness, to which he reddens and avoids your gaze.
Namjoon looked worriedly out the window, quickly turning on the news with his phone.
“— strong windstorms and rains are going to be surrounding Seoul overnight—”
“I can’t, in good conscience, let you go back home in this weather,” Namjoon stated, eyes flickering between you and the loud weather outside.
You hesitated. You were kind of worried for Mr. Ukyo, your cute succulent on the porch. “I—”
“Y/N, please,” Hoseok begged. “What kind of brothers would we be if we left you alone tonight? Stay in. We have a guest room with all the stuff you need.”
“I… okay. Thank you guys,” you smiled uneasily.
Hoseok laughed and patted your back as he got up to put his plate away.
“Sleepover…” Taehyung mumbled as he passed by you. On his way out the door, he gave you a boxy smile that tugged at something in your head.
Next Chapter: Press [ X ] for the Cool Type, Yoongi! 
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Chapter 7: Enter the Cool Type, Yoongi!
“Hi, my cute dongsaeng!” announced Hoseok as he strode into your guest room. “I come bearing gifts!”
You grinned at your exuberant brother as he danced through your doorway, having a pile of stuff in his arms.
“We usually don’t have guests over, but sometimes our mother stays at the house and now we have a bunch of, uh, woman stuff,” Hoseok coughed.
“Thank you, Hoseok-ssi,” you said, moving to sort through the items.
“Call me oppa,” Hoseok whined.
Namjoon peeked through your doorway and saw Hoseok pouting at you, and instantly wacked the back of his head.
“Yah, you literally just met her today. Let her grow more comfortable with us first,” the businessman scolded, before turning to you.
“We have some t-shirts and shorts that don’t fit Jungkook anymore but please don’t tell him that we kept his childhood items,” Namjoon shook his head, a smile tugging at his lips. “I got you a toothbrush and toothpaste, plus some face products.
“You’re really kind, I feel like I’m in a hotel,” you joked, moving to plug your phone into the wall outlet. The place felt like your hotel suite suddenly got upgraded. This guest room was bigger than your entire living room and everything was so nicely decorated, you couldn’t help but gawk like a tourist at the fancy light fixtures and furniture. Maybe if you broke a vase you’d have to work in a host club...
“Ah, really? That’s nice to hear,” Namjoon said, sitting down in an armchair near the window overlooking Seoul and the Han River. He steepled his fingers together, tilting his head at you. “However, if you moved in, this room would be yours.”
Your slight smile turned slightly downwards and Hoseok, sensing the change of mood easily, turned over and whacked Namjoon over his head.
“Who’s the one going too fast now?” Hoseok retorted, before plopping down on the chair opposite of Namjoon.
“No, no, you’re fine, Namjoon-ssi,” you acknowledged. “I just… I don’t want to intrude. Plus, the amount of testosterone in this building…” you trailed off.
“Y/N-ah, we just met you but we already know you’d be a good fit with our family,” Hoseok said, smiling softly at you. “Seriously.”
“I don’t want to seem overbearing and I know you’re very independent, but the idea of you living alone worries Jin-hyung and I,” Namjoon confessed, wringing his hands and looking towards the window. “What happens if there is any emergency? Or you got sick? It’d be hard for us to take care of you.”
Tears welled up at the edge of your vision and your mouth twitched downwards. Quickly pressing a hand to your mouth, you averted your eyes from the boys.
“Y/N-ssi, what’s wrong? Are you alright?” Namjoon asked worriedly, getting up from the armchair.
You waved him away, discreetly wiping your nose. “I-I’m fine, Namjoon-ssi. Really. I’m just really emotional all the sudden, that’s all.”
“Y/N-ah, are you sure?” Hoseok piped in concern, craning his neck to see your face.
A hand thrust some tissues in front of you and you took them gratefully, dabbing at your eyes.
“I- I just…” you sucked a breath in, and turned towards the fretful pair of brothers. You suddenly beamed at them, eyes crinkling into crescents and grin splitting your cheeks despite the visible tear tracks on your cheeks. “I’ve never had someone care for me. Thank you.”
The two boys felt their heart stutter at the surprisingly vulnerable confession from the ever-polite yet distant you. They shared a look.
We’re in trouble.
The house quieted down and all the lights were turned out as the rain seemed to get louder. However, despite the busy day, you tossed and turned in the very comfy cotton sheets.
Turning on your side, you watched the rain stream down your window in awe. While the window was big, a building partially blocked your view of the Han river and the Seoul skyline. You unplugged your phone from the charger on the wall and looked at the time. 1 A.M.
For some reason, you couldn’t sleep. Perhaps it was the unfamiliar environment or the dozens of thoughts crowding your head, but you couldn’t force your head to turn off despite counting hundreds of sheep.
Letting out a frustrated groan, you untangled yourself from the sheets and set your feet on the heated marble. Padding quietly to the door, you tried your best to open and close the heavy wooden door softly.
The house seemed bigger when it was not filled by the loud voices and eclectic, varied personalities of your brothers. Clutching a throw blanket over your shoulders, you made your way down the stairwell with only the city’s lights shining through the large, floor-to-ceiling windows around the house.
Flicking the low lights on in the kitchen, you searched the many cabinets for where they kept their tea packets. You finally found a jar of chamomile tea in a corner of the pantry, turning on the tea kettle and waiting for it to boil.
Leaning against the corner, your eyes got accustomed to the dark of the living room and roved over the personal effects of the brothers. There was a large picture of all seven boys on the mantle of the fireplace with their mother sitting in the middle, however, you could not see the faces of the two brothers you had not met due to the reflection in the glass.
Could you see yourself living here? With the amiable and fussy Jin, and the mature, erudite Namjoon? Wake up every morning to see the infectiously bright Hoseok at the counter and the mercurial Taehyung floating through the house like a wraith? Even go to school with your confusing classmate, Jungkook?
The kettle whistled loudly and you took it off its burner, pouring water into a cup. Flicking off the underhead lights in the kitchen, you padded towards the living room and curled up on the outrageously soft, leather couch. Blowing on your tea, you took a sip as you gazed in wonder at the rain streaming rivers over the large, bay window.
For years, the rain had been your only friend when your father traipsed the globe. It had softly knocked at your window to check if you were okay when you were sick and playfully splashed you when you were sad. The rain sang you to sleep every night when you were young and alone, afraid of the thundering din outside.
Looking at the portrait of the seven boys, you saw a new family.
Smiling into your tea cup, your mind was made up.
A loud beep rang throughout the house and a click reached your ears. Your eyes tried to look through the darkness at the basement entrance, where a figure clad in all black emerged. Feeling a momentary panic seize your heart, your fingers tightened over your mug and you tried to think straight. This was probably your other brother, Yoongi or Chimmy.
“Oh? Who are you?” A raspy voice said, shutting the door behind him. “Are you one of my brother’s girlfriends?”
Shaking your head, you got to your feet. “No, I’m your new sister, Y/N L/N.”
The figure made an affirmative noise and removed his shoes at the massive shoe closet next to the entrance. “Ah, I see. I’m Yoongi, your second oldest brother.”
A crack of thunder shook the house and a few seconds later, bright white lightning flashed through the room and illuminated you both.
In that split second, you saw pitch black hair constrained by a headband. However, what caught your attention was his eyes. Contrasted against pale skin and fierce, arched brows, were lids shaped like the outstretched wing of a bird. He stared at you lazily before they widened minutely.
“It’s nice to meet you too, Yoongi-ssi.”
“You too,” he mumbled and bowed politely, shuffling up the stairs like a gloomy specter.
You blinked a bit at how calmly he took this into stride. Christ, were your brothers fazed by anything?
“Y/N-ah. Y/N-ah, wake up!”
You groggily opened your eyes to see Jin close to your face, his brows bunched together in concern.
“Y/N-ah, are you alright? You’re on the couch.”
Straightening up you could see that you, indeed, were still on the couch. You must’ve fallen asleep while watching the rain.
“Oh, yeah, I am,” you stated, rubbing your eyes and yawning. “I must’ve fallen asleep here last night.”
Jin sat across you and looked worried. “Did something happen last night? Was the guest room not comfortable? Did—”
“Oh no, nothing like that!” you tried to say. “The sound of the rain was better here.” 
He looked at you strangely but accepted it with a shrug of his shoulders. “Anyway, I’m about to make breakfast, why don’t you clean up a bit? I’ll wake up the other brothers.”
You nodded and almost stumbled trying to get off the couch, before Jin caught you with an arm. You turned your head to see his face uncomfortably close to yours.
“Careful,” he whispered, his minty breath trailing across your cheeks and his eyes roving your face.
You felt your cheeks heat up before you almost threw yourself out of his touch. “Yeah, um, thank you!” you yelled behind you before you fled to upstairs.
By the time you cleaned your face and put on a bra, all of the boys— in various states of consciousness— were gathered around the dining counter.
“Y/N-ah!” Hoseok said enthusiastically, obviously one of the more awake ones. He wore a pair of flowered pants that ahjummas usually wore and white, long-sleeved tee. “Yoongi came in last night, he’s our other brother.”
“We met last night, Hoseok-ah,” Yoongi mumbled into a large cup that, hilariously, was engraved with the words “Daddy-Size”. “I came home around 1 AM and saw her on the couch.”
“Oh, was everything alright?” Namjoon inquired politely, stretching his broad muscles as he yawned. Even his loungewear looked professional.
Smiling uneasily, you took a seat at the counter next to Jungkook, whose head was buried in his arm. “Yeah, couldn’t sleep and the city lights calmed me down,” you reassured.
Jungkook suddenly jerked awake next to you, alarmed eyes peeking through his messy black hair. “H-huh?”
You grinned at him. “Good morning, Jungkook-ssi.”
He mumbled a good morning in the direction of the ground before his eyes zoomed into something at your collarbone.
‘Y/N-ssi, i-is that my shirt?” he asked shyly— the first words he has directed towards you.
You looked at the oversized navy shirt, which you had tucked into the pair of denim shorts you wore yesterday. “I think? Namjoon told me it was one of your own.”
His gaze whipped to Namjoon and he started sputtering as Namjoon snickered, putting on a pair of thick-framed glasses.
Suddenly, Jin swore as he looked at his phone. “Sorry guys, but there’s an emergency at the hospital. I need to go,” he said rushedly, racing to the closest to put on a pair of tennis shoes. “Yoongi, cook for them!”
He shut the basement door with a slam and suddenly the house was silent.
“Yoongi-hyung, please,” Taehyung, who had emerged from some hallway, begged with a pout on his petal lips. His voice was extra raspy this morning.
The black-haired man grunted before hiding his face behind his coffee cup. You took that as a no.
“We’re going to starve,” Jungkook complained into Hoseok’s shoulder, who cooed and patted the muscled man cutely.
“Well, I can cook for us if you’d like? As a thank you for letting me stay over?” you said nervously. All eyes turned towards you and you gulped, not used to having all of your brothers’ attention on you.
“That’d be lovely,” Namjoon said, squinting at a novel he had produced out of nowhere.
“Aw, is our cute dongsaeng going to cook for us? I’m living the dream,” Hoseok sighed dramatically.
You snorted and got out of your seat. “I saw enough ingredients for what I want to cook, so just sit tight.”
The boys thanked you and some exited the kitchen towards the living room. You tried to remember where you saw the ingredients yesterday, but the kitchen was extremely big and had those weird cabinets where you had to push in a certain corner to open.
“Uh, where are the onions?” you asked no one in particular.
“Yoongi-hyung,” Hoseok nudged the still tired looking man. “Next to Jin, you know the kitchen the best.”
The black-haired sighed heavily and got out of his seat, leaving the “Daddy-Size cup” on the counter. He opened the fridge and bent down to a drawer you hadn’t seen. “Green onions.”
You took the bag and thanked, expecting him to leave the kitchen. “What else do you need?”
He stood there, eyes boring a hole through your face. Even as he was sleepy, he still looked like a cool older brother.
Scanning the ingredients, counting the things you had and didn’t, you turned back to him. “Um, I just need butter, tomatoes, and cheese.”
Wordlessly, he grabbed the ingredients and set it down on the counter next to you. Really expecting he’d leave, he surprised you by pulling out a chopping board and knife.
“How do you need the onions and tomatoes cut, Y/N-ssi?” he asked roughly, raspy voice causing the hair at the nape of your neck to rise. You shook your head. He’s your brother, for god’s sake!
“I need both diced, but slice some of the tomato into thin wedges for presentation,” you asked politely.
He nodded and washed both of the vegetables, before quickly and neatly dicing them with an experienced hand.
You broke the eggs and as you whisked the egg mixture with a pair of chopsticks, you decided to break the silence.
“How old are you, Yoongi-ssi?” 
He didn’t pause in his slicing. “25 years old. How about you?”
“21, but turning 22 soon.”
Yoongi hummed and started on the tomatoes. “Ah, that means you’re university age then. Are you attending university right now?”
Nodding, you grabbed some salt and pepper to add flavor to the omelette.  “Yeah, I’m actually attending Yonsei with Jungkook-ssi. What about you?”
“I’m a freelance producer,” he said carelessly, neatly scraping diced tomato onto a plate. “But I graduated from an arts college overseas in classical performance.”
It seemed like many of the brothers were artistically-inclined, you noted as you washed the spinach. But it amused you that this cool-looking brother of yours, with pierced ears and effortlessly stylish street clothes, could play a fancy-looking instrument.
Your step brother cleared his throat and he stepped back. “Is there anything else you need me to do?”
You looked at the finely chopped tomatoes and onions and shook your head. “No, that’s all. Thank you for helping out.”
He inclined his head and padded out of the kitchen, collapsing on the couch with his hoodie over his head.
Turning on the heat, you put the omelette mixture in the pan and waited for it to cook through. As you were gathering the other ingredients to put in the pan, a chin nestled itself onto your shoulder.
“Oh? What is this?” a deep, husky voice rumbled next to your ear.
You nearly jumped out of your skin when you saw Taehyung’s finely chiseled face so close to yours. Squeaking, you turned your attention back to the pan.
“Breakfast omelettes, Taehyung-ssi,” you replied a bit shakily, feeling the weight of his head on your shoulder and his breath puffing into your ear. “I hope you like it.”
Adjusting his bent over position, he wrapped his arms around your waist and buried his face into the crook of your neck. “I will, Y/N-ah. It’ll be delicious.”
Your face flamed and you willed the egg to cook faster, trying not to focus on how his large hands pressed warmly into your stomach.
“Hyung!” Jungkook exclaimed, barrelling out of nowhere. “Hyung, you can’t do that! Stop!” 
“Oh? Why not?” the editor asked monotonously, his lips moving over the sensitive skin of your neck. You stiffened and muffled a squeal, neary getting hot oil over your fingers. Your muscled classmate tried, unsuccessfully, to tug Taehyung’s arms from your body but for some reason, Taehyung’s hold on you was ironclad.
In the midst of Jungkook screaming in the background and the shouts of your other brothers, Taehyung sighed heavily and melted into your body. “I miss this,” he murmured.
Next Chapter: Press [ X ] for the Cheeky Type, Jimin! 
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Chapter 8: Enter the Cheeky Type, Jimin!
Over the next few days, you slowly got used to the vibrant and varied personalities of the boys. The brothers were a rowdy bunch but they coaxed you out of your shell with unintentional hilarity and clumsy warmth. Even Jungkook, with your weird first meeting, took to accompanying you throughout school and engaging you in shy conversation. Visiting the house frequently, someone was always there to entertain you and coerce you into trying to move into the house.
However, as the days passed by, you saw neither hide nor hair of the mysterious seventh brother. None of the brothers seemed to be fazed. One day, as Namjoon drove you home, you decided to press the subject.
“Namjoon-ssi? Who is my seventh brother? I haven’t heard much of him,” you inquired shyly.
He hummed, leaning an arm casually against the window and driving between lanes with just one hand. Namjoon didn’t drive as recklessly as Jungkook, per se, but he seemed to think other cars were just nuisances on the road.
“I was wondering when you’d ask about that. Our other brother is not home a lot because he’s usually on tour,” Namjoon revealed in his deep voice. “He’s an idol.”
You gasped and looked at Namjoon in surprise. “You’re fucking with me.”
He chuckled, a chocolatey, rich sound that filled your ears and did funny things to your belly as he turned to exit the highway. “No, I’m not. Our little Chimmy is an idol.”
Taking out your phone, you opened up the web app. “Chimmy? Is that his name? Or does he have a stage name I need to find.”
Namjoon shook his head. “No, his name is Jimin. 23 years old, debuted 3 years ago.”
Smacking your head, you exclaimed, “Oh wait! I know him! I saw his birthday ads all over Seoul a few days ago. Wow, my brother is a celebrity, huh?” 
Typing his name into the search bar, millions of results popped into your browser. Gorgeous, fan-taken photos filled the image section and you clicked on one.
Wow. Jimin looked ethereal on stage, in a loose, white shirt and tight, black pants as he performed some sort of strenuous dance move. His plump lips, sharp jawline, and high cheekbones were still stunning in low quality photos. You were seriously starting to think your stepmother secretly paid for them from a lab. It really wasn’t fair that you, an average 4, were now related to solid fifteens. 
You clicked on a video with nearly 12 million views of him at a fanmeet event, his eyes crinkling and lips pulled up in a grin as he did aegyo for his adoring fans.
“He’s very popular, isn’t he?” you asked Namjoon rhetorically.
Namjoon snorted. “An understatement. We can’t go out in public with him unless he covers his hair and his entire face. He has security tailing him when we go to crowded places, it’s ridiculous.”
Something clicked in your head. “Ah!” you exclaimed. “That’s why you guys live there! And here I was, thinking you were all paranoid.”
His laugh filled the car again and you got a whiff of his musky cologne as he leaned over to adjust the air conditioner. “Yeah, even when we moved there a few years ago before Jimin’s popularity exploded, he had some crazy fans. Seoyeon, Jin, and I decided to choose Hannam Hill for their security.”
“You’re such good brothers,” you grinned at him. You swore you saw a hint of red beneath his collar as he cleared his throat.
“And we’re lucky we’re gaining such a good… sister.”
You tapped at your purse. “At least with my residence pass I won’t be detained now.”
The man next to you groaned and nearly facepalmed into the driver’s wheel.
“Do you have to remind me of this? I take it back, my sister sucks.”
Jungkook and you walked through the campus gates, finished with the Calculus class and exhausted after the test.
“Wait, shit, did I derive number eighteen right?” you fretted, your sweaty hands fiddling with your bag strap. “Oh my god now, I didn’t foil correctly!”
“Relax, Y/N, you did fine,” Jungkook snorted, no longer as painfully shy as he was when he first met you. You never did get why he had such a violent reaction to you at first, though.
“Easy for you to say, Mr. I-don’t-study-yet-I-still-get-A’s,” you huffed in annoyance, accidentally bumping shoulders with him.
He laughed and wrapped an arm around your shoulders, pulling you into his side. An ‘eep!’ escaped your mouth but you found you couldn’t protest as Jungkook looked down at you with the cutest, bunny smile you had seen.
“Relax, Y/N. It’s just one test.”
You sulked and crossed your arms, trying to push the heat in your cheeks away. Clearing your throat you ducked from underneath his arms. You thought you saw a flash of disappointment in Jungkook’s face, but you quickly linked arms with him so you could walk more comfortably. His eyes widened and he looked upwards, the tips of his ears a flaming red.
Ignoring several stares from your fellow university students, you walked to the campus parking lot where Jungkook had parked his car.
“Jungkook-ah? Which car did you drive today?” you asked, flushing a bit as you heard your own words. Imagine what the you from a few weeks ago would’ve said. What kind of rich bitch did you turn into?
“The silver one. The Mercedes,” he said casually but you knew he was beaming with pride. He had revealed to you, one day when driving home, that he bought this car with his streaming money and not with cash from his brothers or family. Jungkook was insanely protective of this car. 
Throwing your bags into the backseat, he started up the car. Feeling that it was a bit hot, you decided to roll down the window. Fumbling for a hair tie in your bag, you decided that putting your hair up would be smart.
“—gry, Y/N?”
“Huh?” you asked confusion, hair tie in your mouth. 
“I just asked if you were hungry, Y/N?” he said, voice trailing off in a question as he looked up from his phone. His eyes widened at you.
“Um, not really? But if you are, I can whip us up something once we get home,” you said confidently, twisting your hair into the tie. Huh, when did you start calling it home?
“... Jungkook?”
He nervously cleared his throat as you looked at him, pulling back your hair into the tie. The tip of his ears were red and he seemed a bit flustered. Your brother fumbled with the controls, accidentally turning on the windshield wipers. Biting back a smile, you smoothed down your hair.
“Yeah, that’s fine.”
The house was silent as the two of you entered. It seemed no one was in the house today, all of your brothers very busy with their respective jobs.
“I’m going to take a shower, Y/N, “ Jungkook said as he climbed up the stairwell. 
You hummed affirmative as you threw your bag at the foot of the coffee table, collapsing into the comfy leather couch. Switching on the TV, you couldn’t find anything interesting so you settled on an entertainment channel.
“Thousands of fans crowded Incheon Airport’s International Terminal today…”
Snuggling into a sun spot on the couch, you nuzzled your face into a pillow. The warmth made you feel drowsy and you decided a quick nap was alright. Nodding off, you could hear the shower turn on upstairs.
“...as international Hallyu star Jimin arrived back in Korea …”
“Oh? Who are you?”
You groggily opened your eyes to the high-pitched voice that was honey to your ears, an unconscious “huh?” coming out of your mouth. In your bleary vision, you saw lavender-blonde hair and pink, plump lips hovering above you.
The man snickered and you felt a smooth hand grasp your jaw to turn your head upwards. Your eyes focused and you swore you were still dreaming, because the face so close to yours could only be an angel’s. Ethereal eyes like a storm looked lazily down at you, his high cheekbones and narrow jaw highlighted by the warm light of golden hour.
“Are you a fan? You shouldn’t be here,” he scolded in a sing-song voice, clicking his tongue as he stroked a thumb over your chin.
You couldn’t think after being awoken from such a deep REM cycle and being near such an unearthly man, your thoughts jumbled and disjointed.
“Naughty, naughty girl,” he whispered, minty breath puffing against your face. “Well, if you’re here, I might as well make the most of it.”
With strength you hadn’t expected, he suddenly caged you into the couch— a leg between yours and the other on the floor, his hands trapping your hands above your heads. His silk shirt brushed against the exposed skin of your belly, making you shiver.
“H-hey!” you said, regaining your thoughts. “What the hell?”
He chuckled, a cruel edge to his voice as his face neared yours. “Oh, playing the innocent card are we?” His lips neared your ear and you froze, eyes wide as his plump lips brushed against your earlobe. “Don’t worry, baby girl, you’re pretty enough to pull it off.”
The man started to press a kiss at space between your ear and neck, and slowly started to trail down your sensitive neck. You inhaled sharply as his teeth and tongue prodded at your skin and he snickered, his voice vibrating against your skin. An involuntarily squeak left your lips as he bit playfully at your collarbone.
You both turned to see Jungkook, hair still wet from the shower, staring at you two in disbelief. His eyes were wide and his lips were opened in shock as he suddenly froze in the middle of the living room.
“Jungkookie!” the man said brightly, no trace of the breathy, seductive voice he had used to lull you into a trance. His limbs no longer trapped you as the lavender haired man sprang up and ran to the stock-still Jungkook.
“Aw, Jungkookie, I missed you,” the familiar yet still unknown man cooed as he clung to Jungkook’s broad shoulders. “It’s been so long,” he whined, lips pursed in a pout.
Still breathless from lavender boy’s attentions, you sat up on the couch and saw stars as the blood rushed to your head. Blinking to clear it away, you reached up to your neck to touch the spots where lavender boy had touched.
“Jungkook-ah?” you whispered, voice rough from lack of use. “Who’s this?”
Your classmate still stared at you in shock as lavender boy clung to him like a leech, cooing at Jungkook.
“Aw, is this your girlfriend, Jungkookie?” Angel boy said fretfully after a moment of silence. “I’m so sorry, I thought she was a fan! Forgive me!”
You cleared your throat nervously, righting your disheveled clothes and messy hair. “Look, I have no idea who the hell you are, but I am not Jungkook’s girlfriend nor your fan and either way, you should not be— be assaulting unsuspecting girls who just wanted to nap!”
“Who the hell am I?” Lavender boy retorted rudely, no longer seductive or cutesy as his eyes narrowed at you. “I live here, wench!”
“Well I’m about to, fool!” you sneered, crossing your arms.
“Jungkook-ie, call security as I deal with this clearly crazy lady!” The still unknown boy huffed, advancing towards you.
Jungkook finally got out of his trance and grabbed Jimin by the shoulder. “Jimin-Hyung, stop! Haven’t we talked about her in the groupchat a lot? She’s our new sister!”
Jimin froze and his eyebrows lifted minutely, whirling around to look at Jungkook. “Wait, what? We have a sister now?”
He looked at you differently, eyes scanning your figure disinterestedly. “Did Seoyeon—” he spat out the name like it was stale gum in his mouth, “—find another baby we didn’t know about? Another poor bastard like me?”
You got whiplash with how much he changed moods and started to inch away. Well, it seemed like your step brother was nothing like how he portrayed himself in the videos you had seen online about him. A frown pushed at your lips.
Jungkook pinched the bridge of his nose. “No, hyung, mom got married again to Y/N’s father. She’s our new step sister now.”
Jimin stayed silent before he turned to you again, his eyes mocking. A shit-eating smirk crawled up his lips. “Well, sister dearest, welcome to the family!”
Arc: Character Introductions Ended. Press [ X ] to continue?
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A/N: If you’ve watched BroCon and you’re curious to who each person is based on, here’s the guide:
Jin (Doctor) = A mixture of Uyko and Masaomi
Namjoon (Businessman) = Natsume
Jungkook (Gamer/ Uni Student) = Yusuke
Hoseok (Dancer) = Himself lol he was supposed to be Subaru but i didn’t want to make him super angsty. Don’t worry, in this story he’ll be more than just his stage persona :)))
Taehyung (Magazine editor) = Louis
Yoongi (Producer) = mixture of Yuusuke’s tsundere-ness and Iori’s calmness
Jimin (Idol) = Fuuto with a bit of Tsubaki’s personality
Anyways, if you enjoyed it, please comment and reblog!!! I appreciate any feedback you may have, whether it be a sentence or a whole dang paragraph— I love it all :))) Please, if you’re doing okay, please help me pay for school through my Ko-Fi (link in my profile).
Arc II: Decisions and Settling In will be released in a month!! Comment if you’d like to be tagged :))
725 notes · View notes
kosmicvante · 4 years
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spring day.
pt 2.
8 notes · View notes
badhyes · 5 years
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2. mcwraps and donuts
please ignore the time for y/n... 😭
꒰ Secret Garden ꒱ - social media au
(fluff, angst(?))
youtuber!jungkook x florist!reader
ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ♡‧₊˚
A story where you’re a poor college student, Jungkook is a famous vlogger who everyone seems to adore, what happens when the flower shop where you work at suddenly becomes a hiding spot for the young vlogger?
ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ♡‧₊˚
90 notes · View notes
kookmejeon · 6 years
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🌠 Soulmate au where your soulmate - Jungkook - is a rebellious ass who doesn’t want anyone “assigned” to him, so once you find him he is already dating another girl.
[part 1]
188 notes · View notes
p-jiminaa · 6 years
I don’t mean it (Final)
Park Jimin and You.
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Summary: When you used his weakness to tease him.
Genre: Angst, Fluff.
Attn: Gif is not mine, credit to the owner.
With headset and loud music blazing your ears, you climb up the stairs until you were stop in the entrance of the gym because you recognized the man standing beside the counter of the gym. He was wearing all black attire, cap and mask that he let down as he was busy with his phone. He of course did not realize that you’re standing there until the receptionist called up your name. That when his eyes suddenly move to your direction. You nodded your head slightly and moved your gaze towards him and smile slightly to him while detaching the headset from your ears. He was surprise of course. Maybe he did not expect to meet you here because one, he knew sport, working out or anything that has connection with sweat, you despise that activity. 
“Hai...” He greeted you and you let out a small smile. “What are you doing here?” To this you pointed your finger towards the gym. Well, it’s a gym, so it’s not like you’re here watch some tv shows. He nodded his head in understanding. Maybe he too realized that he just asked you some dumb question when the answer is obvious. You took this chance to observe him. There’s not so much changes since you last saw him three months ago.
“Hey Baby, you’re early today.” That when your gaze snapped from him and smile towards your boyfriend who is already standing beside you.
“Yeah. I went straight here from University.” You answer the man standing beside you ignoring Jimin’s look on both of you. “Hey Love can you wait for me inside.” 
“Sure.” He straightly answer you leaving you there still standing in front of Jimin because you know he got a lots of question to ask considering the looks he gave you just now. 
“What are you doing here Jimin? As far as I know this is not the gym that you frequent.”
“I am here to fetch up Jungkook.”
“Ah okay. I can call him for you.” But he caught your wrist to stop you.
“I didn’t know we broke up?” He asked you with serious expression painted on his face. Well, you didn’t know how to answer that question so you pull your hand.
You were about to say something when your boyfriend call you and that make you stop whatever you were trying to say. “Baby are you done?”
“In a minute.” You answer him promptly and turned your gaze back to the man standing in front of you. “I will see you whenever.” You said it nonchalantly and walked away from him. 
He stayed at the same position when you turn to see him with eyes lowering on the floor. Well you kind of didn’t understand this situation actually. It’s been three months and he never call or text or make any effort to see you. it’s not like you move out from your apartment nor you change your phone number. Plus he never reply to your last message to him so you assumed that he wanted to end the thing, hence you move on.
It  was Saturday night when he finally showed up at your door unannounced. Well, you were kind of startled by his sudden appearance but you can say that you did expect this since the last meeting last Tuesday.
You open the door so that he can enter without you have to say anything to him and straightly took a sit on the couch. He slowly walk towards you but he did not sit. Rather he stood there, crossing his arm with hard expression plastered on his face. 
“What is the meaning of this Y/n?” He finally broke up the silence when he saw you acting as if he did not just caught you having a relationship with another man. In other words, you are cheating on him.
“What Jimin? Please elaborate. Don’t expect me to understand your question when you suddenly showed up after three months.”
“Don’t act like you didn’t know what I mean Y/n.”
You exhales a long breath before patting the space beside you. He obediently followed your instruction as he strides towards you slowly and sit on the space beside you still having the hardened looks on his face. 
“Now, come on. Look at me.” You whine to him but he ignore you so you cupped his face with both of your palms. “Jimin-ah... it doesn’t suit you having this hardened expressions.” You let go his face when he did not give any response.
“Jimin-ah...” You call up his name again with low voice. In the past he really love it when you call him by his name rather than the endearment nickname. “I know it’s wrong for me to replace you with someone in a short period. But...” You bit your lower lips and silently think to yourself the best words so that he could understand you easily. To this he turned his gaze to meet yours. “But what do you expect me to do? Still in the state you’re leaving me three months ago?” His expression change, now realizing that he also took part in your decision for finding another person to replace him in the short time.  “You know what what the baddest part in our relationship? uncertainty. I woke up every morning after you left contemplating whether I should just wait for you. Whether I should just go to where you are that time and ask for forgiveness? or whether if this waiting is worth it.” You played with the ring on your fingers. “But then the answer is obvious. You didn’t want me. Not anymore. Because I tried my best to fixed our relationship but got ignored.” The tears started flooding your eyes so you ducked down your gaze to hide your sad expressions. “So yea, that it. I moved on and I think you should do the same.” You stood up, wiping the tears that falls out. “I think you should go. He’ll be here soon.” You walked towards the door and opening it for him but then was startles when your boyfriend is already here, standing outside while holding a take out. 
“I thought you’re own your way.” You asked him but got ignored and that when you realized his gaze was fixed on Jimin who was already standing up from the couch and walking towards you and him. 
“What do you want man? I thought you and her is no more. So why are you still here?” Your boyfriend ask Jimin with hardened tone which you first time hear it today. He never use that tone with you. 
But then Jimin something that surprised you the most. He closed the door in front of him. “Jimin!” Your eyes widened to his action.
“Tell me honestly Y/n. Do you love him?” 
“Why is that important?”
“Because I can see the way you look at him. That not love Y/n.” You shook your head and try to open the door since your boyfriend has been knocking the door. To this he turned your body to face him. “Answer me!” He shouted at you.
“You want answer? No! I don’t! Happy now?” You push him away and open the door and face with your boyfriend furious facial expression.
“So you don’t love me? Then why are we together then?” He asked you in disbelieve. He then throw the food that he brought harshly to you before he walked away from you. You didn’t know he can hear that. But then how stupid are you? Of course he can hear that. He was only in the next door. 
When you see him walks away, the tears falls unconditionally and you fall on your knee before Jimin grab your body so that you’re able to stay on your feet.
“Happy now?” You asked in crack voice tone. “Just go Jimin and never come back.”
You push him away. “Just go!” You says while glaring at him. Reluctantly he left and you closed the door harshly. Why would he do this to you! Why would he came back. You are only trying to move on from him by starting a new life but he can’t seem to left you out. 
Three days later, it was your turn to show up at his apartment unannounced. You just realized that you were so rude the other night. He was just trying to confirm the position of our relationship but then you chased him out rudely. But then, if he didn’t aggravated your anger or didn’t cause you suddenly left by your boyfriend then you would not act rudely to him.
Namjoon who was opening the door for you was surprised though when he opened the door and see you standing there with a slight smile. But nevertheless he told you Jimin was in his room and they just got back from their cycling.  
When you opened the door, you saw him lying on the bed still in his sport outfit and the best part is that he’s actually sleeping. He must be tired then. You took a sit on the empty space beside him not forgetting to lock the door because you don’t want to be disturb. You removes his earphone and that when his eyes finally open.
“Hai...” You says in whisper. He can’t hide his surprise but nevertheless let out a small smile while getting up from the bed and leaned against the headrest.
“I am here to apologize for my rude remarks to you the other night.” Straight to the point you told him.
“No, it’s should be me Y/n asking for your forgiveness. I destroy your happiness in a night.” He said while ducking down his head. 
“No Jimin. Its my fault actually. The roots of our problem actually come from me. I never take our relationship seriously. I even joke about your weakness and I am really sorry for that. That was uncalled for and childish. I am sorry.” You said the last statement in whispers but you’re sure he can hear that. 
“And we are over now. I hope we can still be friend.” You lifted your eyes from staring at the ring on your finger. Honestly, you still wear a ring given by him during our first anniversary. Your boyfriend didn’t know about this as he did not even care to ask you about it so you just wear it. 
The long stretch of silence really made the environment awkward. Hence you stood up and walked towards the door without  turning your gazed to him. You just left. So that it now. It’s really ended, between you and Jimin.
That night, when you’re about to close your eyes to sleep the ringing of your phone surprise you. You answer the call without even care to check the caller.
“Hey Babe, can you go to the living room now.” And he ended the call immediately. Putting your phone on the bedside table, you get up from the bed and put on your glasses before exiting the room.
Your mouth falls apart when you see Jimin sitting on couch wearing blue and white striped down sweater with black jeans. He even lighted a scented candle and put it on the center of the round table in the living room and oh, he even brought pizza and drinks. You don’t even know when he enter your apartment. Not only that you didn’t even realize when he did this and that when it hit you, you were stuck in your room after you meet him today and he still remember your door’s passlock.
“Come here.” He said while stretching his arm to you. Slowly you walked towards him and stretched your arm and to this, he pull you resulted you sitting on his laps. “I miss this.” He says while kissing your ears. You turned to face him and were about to kiss him but then the grumble of your stomach disturb the suppose romantic act. He let out chuckles.
“Did you not eat today?” You shook your head in embarrassment while hiding your face with your hair.
“Let eat first then.” He then patted your laps, a cue for you to stood up. He then took out the pizza while you sit at his previous sitting and give it to you. You took it from him happily and he observes you deeply while you’re munching your pizza.
“You’re not eating?” You asked him with raised eyebrows. He shook his head promptly. When you finish eating the third slice of the pizza, Jimin took a tissue and gently cleaning your hands. Seriously, you miss this so much! The way he treated you, the way he took a good care of you and everything about him. He then put the used tissue on the table while sitting beside you who were leaning against the backrest and he did the same while intertwine your fingers with him.
“I am sorry Babe.” This got your attention as you turn your head to him and he did the same. “I overreact. I should not never left you without any explanation. I should know that all those things that you said, you never actually mean it. I let my anger to control myself that time. I am sorry.” He said as he brought your hand to his lips and softly put a kiss on it. 
“I am sorry too. I should never said that thing in the first place.” He nodded his head. A sign that he forgive you. 
“That boyfriend of yours. Did he really left after that night?” You bit your lips, didn’t know how to answer that question. “It’s fine. If you’re still toge...”
“No.” You cut him. You then sit straightly while turning your body to face him. “The night he left, he came back again after that. I... I explained everything to him and he said that he’s fine if I am going back to you because he didn’t want to force me to be with him when my heart still can’t move on.”
“How long is your relationship with him?” He suddenly asked you and you were taken aback by this actually. You did not expect him to ask you this.
“That night actually marked 30 days of our relationship.” You let out an awkward smile.
“So that mean both of you never...” You rolled your eyes to this.
“You do remember that we only have our first kiss six months after we are together right. So do you expect me to...” You let out a long breath while crossing your arms. Did he just asked whether you and him did that thing though it’s only 30 days of our relationship. 
He let out a laugh before pinching your cheek. “My Baby is cute when she’s sulking.” 
“Jimin...” You say in hardened tone, a warning for him to let go of your cheek but then he pulls you into his body.
“I miss you Babe. Let us never fight again.” You wrapped your arms around his body.
“Yeah. Never ever fight again. If we are going to fight let just stay away from each other for a day then the next day, either one of us should come to see each other. Understand?”
“Hmm...” He hummed in response. 
So that how you both get back together. One thing you learn from this fight is that never ever use someone weakness to tease them because we didn’t know what they been through. We never know that people who laugh a lot actually hide their pain. They mask their pain with the laughter and that is actually what you can observed form Jimin. He love to make other people laugh but then he actually hide his pain behind those smile and as a girlfriend, you should able to sense his sadness behind those smile rather than using it against him. So, you promised yourself, to be a better person for him since he always did his best with you. 
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firefeerie · 6 years
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Excuse you sir!! But who allowed you to be so fucking  HOT!😡😡
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allinssiders · 6 years
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уважительная просьба: не брать мои работы в вк. а если уж берете, то указывайте хотя бы кредиты на мою группу vk.com/weowol спасибо.
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BTS when they confess
Hoseok (J-Hope) Hobi is quite a nervous guy but despite that, he'd bravely approach you with a single red rose. He'd be smooth and practised, his mirror and Jimin his rehearsal partners, and straight up tell you how he feels.
"I really like you and I was hoping you'll let me take you out on a date sometime soon."
"Well I mean, I'll have to check my schedule." You'd tease, accepting the rose. "But I'm sure I could fit you in somewhere, Hoseok."
"Really?" You'd nod, quickly giggling when he'd scoop you up in his arms to spin you around excitedly.
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Jimin Jimin would be scared of rejection so honestly, he wouldn't plan on confessing but it'd just sort of slip out one day accidentally.
He'd just be admiring you, like usual, while you had no idea but his words couldn't be mistaken. "I love you." He'd confess lowly, unaware his lips were moving until too late.  
It'd take a few seconds longer for you to accept the words you heard and then you'd look at him. Jimin would be sat staring at you in wide-eyed shock, hands slapped over his mouth.
"Hm, took your time." You'd smile. "We should go on a date."
"Huh-what-date?" He'd stammer, hands dropping down. "Does this mean you like me too?"
"I've always liked you, idiot. I'm pretty certain I've been in love with you for months now."
"Ah, jagi." He'd coo, clutching his burning cheeks. "I wish you told me, I've been so nervous and worried you'd never love me back."
"Silly Jiminie." You'd giggle and lean over to press a soft kiss to his cheek. "So, that date?"
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Jungkook He doesn't have much, or any, experience with this kind of thing and is too shy to ask his hyungs for help so he'd turn to sappy romance movies. He'd do something corny af and play it off the next day.
"I can't believe you threw rocks at my window last night." You'd snigger.
"I couldn't find a brick."
"And the love songs playing from the boombox?"
"The guy at the store said it was a hate album. It's not my fault he doesn't know his products. I should sue him because look, now I'm stuck with you."
"I can leave." You make a move to get up, calling his bluff. He'd whine and pull you down into his arms. "Just admit you love me, Jeon."
"Fine, I love you."  
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Namjoon (RM) Oh, Joonie would definitely plan out something elaborate but still private, not wanting the world to know in fear you'd reject his efforts. He'd leave clues for you to follow.
The last clue would lead you to the rooftop of the BigHit building where he had set up a romantic picnic while he stood there nervously twiddling his thumbs.
"You figured it out." He'd speak, relieved you were as smart as he always gave you credit for.
"Well, I'm not a complete idiot." You'd scoff walking over to meet him, side-eyeing the set up suspiciously.
"You're not at all an idiot. You're so smart, it's one of the things I love about you."
"Hm, oh really?" You'd hum locking your gaze with him. He could only nod, unable to find his words. "I guess it's only fair I tell you that your intelligence is one of the reasons I love you too."
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Seokjin (Jin) Much like Namjoon, Jin would plan something but wouldn't be as opposed to a public rejection. Jin would only confess his feelings when he was certain you felt something for him too.
He'd leave an outfit spread on your bed with a note.
"Wear this. Meet me at 7:30." You'd read aloud, eyes scanning for an explanation but you'd give up quickly and give in to his wishes.
The restaurant would be fancy serving your favourite food and a wonderful romantic vibe.
"So, want to explain this to me?" You'd ask when the host leads you to the table Jin is already waiting at.
"What does it look like?"
"A date."
"Then I don't need to explain." He'd grin and you'd laugh and sit down.
He'd actually tell you the extent of his feelings when he dropped you off at your home with a sweet goodbye kiss.
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Taehyung (V) He would definitely be spontaneous. It's not that Taehyung didn't want to follow his hyungs footsteps and do something wonderful for you, he just didn't see why he suddenly had to act any different to prove his feelings. You two were hanging out in his room one day and much like Jimin, he'd be admiring you when his confession comes out.
"Y/N." He'd call. The second you turn your head to him from playing his handheld games console, his adoring eyes would set you aflame. "I don't know if you know this already but, I love you."
"I don't know if you know this, but I love you too."
"Like, I mean...more than friends."
"Like I mean more than friends too." You'd both grin and go back to your own activities after he'd tackled you in a hug first of course.
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Yoongi (Suga) Yoongi, unfortunately, doesn't rate himself very highly. He wouldn't believe someone like you could ever return his feelings so he would never intentionally confess to you.
His forced/unintentional confession would come about one day while listening to music together in his studio while he worked. It was a habit you held, playing music over the speakers while you worked on separate tasks.
Yoongi would be so engrossed in the lyrics he was writing that he wouldn't register the song playing was one he never intended for you to hear. You'd perk up at the new music and listen intently.
"Yoongi?" You'd ask when the song was part way through, running through an emotional instrumental break. He'd look over curiously. "I thought music was your only love."
"What?" You'd point up, motioning tot he music filling the room. He'd pale realising what was playing before launching himself over to turn it off. "Uh, ignore that."
"No. Who is it about."
"Y/N." He'd sigh.
"Fine. You." He'd turn so he didn't have to face what he assumed would be a disgusted expression. Little did he know your whole face lit up. You rushed over to wrap your arms around him from behind and press a kiss to his head.
"I love you too."
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zico-mino-trash · 6 years
// open for memory lane requests //
// Memory Lane
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explicit-tae · 2 years
Insatiable (2/2)
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Part 1
Warning: smut, threesome, oral (m&f receiving) creampie, spit play, nipple play, possessive jungkook and taehyung, not gonna lie, very little plot lol, voyuerism, threeway kiss, drunk sex, shower sex,
Word Count: 7,195
Description: One thing for sure, Taehyung compelled you. You couldn't not think about him after your night in the woods. However, you also couldn't keep your mind off of your best friend, Jungkook, who gives you every reason not to.
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"These ribs are good." Chaerin moans out in delight stuffing her mouth with more of the savory rib.
"That's my secret sauce." Jin smirks at Areum who does nothing but roll her eyes. They had previously argued about what to sauce the ribs with - Jin's secret Sauce or Areum's dry rub. Jin won rock paper scissors, much to Areum's annoyance.
The rest of the day takes off just as planned - you all go hiking, enjoying the views and scenary. You and Jungkook took many pictures along the way, most of them of you in front of whatever attraction. Some of them consisted of group photos, some of you and just Aream, Chaerin and Seo-Jun. They were peaceful memories you adored, even if it was repeatative yearly.
You all now gathered outside of the cabin, the sky darkening around you all. The flickering lights of the fire Yoongi made was enough to keep enough light for you to eat peacefully. Your eyes meet a familiar brown pair from across from you, your lips curled into a smile at Taehyung. He munches on his own rib, his eyes darting to you and Jungkook - who sat besides you - every few moments.
Taehyung ponders how Jungkook and you become so comfortable with the other. Maybe it was the fact that your mothers were friends before they had the two of you. Or the fact that you lost your virginity to him and vice versa to now becoming comfortable enough around the other that there was no boundaries.
Maybe this was why Taehyung has never seen you around another man (outside of the friend group). Having to witness your girlfriend be so close and touchy-feely with Jeon Jungkook - an attractive man who had tattoos and piercings and could possibly rival you in strength withoutt trying - would make him want to steer clear from you, as well.
You never had the need for a man, either, Taehyung notes. As he sits across and scans the way you eat off of Jungkooks plate (even if you had the same food as him) and he allowed it. To him feeding you with his chopsticks to you sharing drinks. You sat so close to him on the shared bench that he just knew you could hear him chewing.
You didn't have a need for a man because there sat Jungkook, willing to give you his food without thinking. He was willing to follow you when you told him to, or stay where he was at if that's what came from your mouth, as well. For years you annoyed him - when you would call during a gaming session and Jungkook would leave without a second thought. Or when you would come over unannounced while it was a guys night and soon, it became a guys and Y/N night. Or even when he watched Jungkook nearly strangle a guy at the mall for bumping into you without apologizing.
Taehyung frowns. In the end, there would always be you and Jungkook, without a doubt. "I'm going to bed." he states, grabbing his paper plate and plastic utensils. "I'm kinda tired."
"Tired? But you've barely drunk anything." Jimin states, his eyes on the full shot Taehyung babysat for a while now.
"You know we don't have the same tolerance as you." Hoseok rolls his eyes, a frown on his lips.
"Sounds like an excuse to me." Jungkook says, leaning against you, a smirk on his lips. When it came to you and Jungkook, no alcohol placed in front of you was left untouched.
Taehyung scoffs. "Drinking alcohol to fuck your friend sounds like an excuse to me."
The table grows quiet. Jin stops chewing, his eyes adverting back between Taehyung and Jungkook.
Namjoon's ears perk at Taehyungs words, the venom dripping from them not going unheard.
"Woah," Jimin coughs a bit before continuing. "He was just joking."
Jungkook remains silent, tongue in his cheek as he takes his eyes away from Taehyung. You are caught by the sudden tension caught between the three of you.
Taehyung glances at you then at Jungkook. "Good night." he murmurs and turns away to go to his room.
Yoongi snickers. He was no fool to the situation. He was a naturally quiet man - more of an observer than anything else. The look Taehyung gave the younger man was nothing else besides the look of jealousy. The cause of the jealousy would be no one other than you - with Jungkook's hands on you as he usually does while tipsy. The reason as to Taehyungs sudden jealous and interest was what confused him, but no one is every like that when a woman is involved unless he's had a taste of said woman.
"Well," Yoongi raises his shot glass filled with whiskey. "cheers." he says lazily, taking his shot.
You stayed back with the rest of the group, not speaking as much. Jungkook was the same way. He didn't drink much else, choosing water to sober up a bit - to no avail. Though Taehyung's word was probably out of irritation for him, he had to say it embarrassed him. Taehyung was the least to embarrass Jungkook when it came to his crush on you (that he often denied). Witnessing the change of events had him questioning his older friend and his sudden change in mood.
"Let's make out." you murmur, voice low enough for Jungkook to hear. The table was soon becoming clear, Seo-Jun and Chaerin already calling it a night. Yoongi and Jimin both sat drunk, rambling on and on about nothing in particular while Jin and Namjoon cleaned the rest of the area up. Hoseok had his head against the wooden table, eyes closed and groaning. He was never one to keep up.
"Let's get you to bed." Jungkook ignores your whines, grabbing your waist and hoisting you upwards. "You look a mess."
You huff, allowing Jungkook to drag you into the cabin and down the far hall to your room. He himself stumbled a bit, far too much for his liking, but he made it down the hall where your, his and Taehyung's room sat. Taehyung's door was slightly cracked, unbeknownst to the two of you. The room was dark, and he heard the way Jungkook and you stumbled towards the room across from his - yours. He could see directly into your room. He watches as Jungkook turns on the desk lamp, giving the room more light.
"Kookie." you say to him, pulling him close when he pushes you onto your bed. "Lay with me."
Jungkook chuckles, but shakes his head. "I can't. I know what you're trying to do."
Taehyung scoffs, his tipsy mind rolling his eyes. Of course, when you were intoxicated all you could think of was Jungkook. He began to think your drubk actions was what you desired while sober.
Taehyung sits on his bed, eyes watching as you pull your shirt over your head. He felt like a creep, really, but he couldn't get his eyes away. You wore a basic black bra that cupped your breast nicely. The hickeys upon your skin was an added touch.
"Do you want to change?" Jungkook slurs. Taehyung was unsure if he was fazed by your actions - because he was, across in his own respected room. But Jungkook was different than him, more stronger. He could survive your tricks against him - he has this long after these many years.
You shake your head. Your mind only knows that you're hot now and want to get out of these clothes. You remove the shorts you wore and throw them aside. You lay down on the bed in a huff. "Lay with me."
Jungkook stumbles closer to you. "I can only until you fall asleep." Taehyung hears him say, but Jungkook doesn't move to lay down. "Are you ever going to tell me who did that to you?" Jungkooks fingertips touches your breast, circling the bruised fless.
You lick your lips. "It's a secret." you whisper to him. It wasn't a low whisper, but maybe your intoxicated mind thought it was.
"We don't keep secrets." Jungkook tilts his head. "We never did. Why start now?"
"Because," you eyes glance behind Jungkook into Taehyung's room. He's startled, swearing you saw him behind the shadows watching you. "it doesn't matter now, Kookie." you let out a yawn but sit up. Your head tilts to the side, still glancing over to Taehyung's room. "Can I ask you for something, Kookie?"
Jungkook nods. "Anything." he says hurriedly. And he means it - Taehyung knows he does.
"Can I suck your cock?" you ask innocently, eyelashing blinking up at Jungkook standing above you.
Taehyung's breath hitches and he knows Jungkook's did, as well. But he questions if Jungkook's cock twitched the way his did just now.
Jungkook stutters, his face going red. He's unsure what to say, knowing you and him did anything that came to mind while drunk, but this was new. His cock grew harder in his pants, harder than when he witness you undres to nothing but your bra and panties, hickies on display.
Taehyung licks his lips. He witnesses you drop to your knees, a glance in his direction, before your hands grab Jungkook's cock through his pants. The man is startled as you begin to message him, Jungkook's throaty moans heard.
You proceed to take Jungkook's cock out of the pants and boxers, thick veiny cock in your hands. You hadn't seen it in years, you noted, and now it was larger - thicker. Your mouth water at your (drunken) sight. You take Jungkook into your mouth, sucking on his tip. He moans louder now as you suck roughly on him. You taste the sticky, salty taste of his pre-cum leaking onto your tongue.
Tahyung gulps, his throat dry. His cock twitches more at the sound of you sucking Jungkook off in real time. His eyes are unable to move away from you - it brought him back to earlier in the woods when you were on your own knees sucking him off. "Fuck." he hisses lowly to himself, unable to keep his hands away from his own length. He was tipsy, and the sound of Jungkooks moans and your suckle was enough to make him stroke himself.
Jungkook cursing, his eyes on you. You halt your sucking to moan against his length. You suck onto his tip and pump the length of his cock roughly. Jungkook pants, his breathing coming quicker. You hadn't done this in years - back when you were both inexperienced and childish. The fact that he had you now was enough for him to die happy. As he watches you through hooded eyelids, he smiles down at you. You were beautiful for him, eyes teary and saliva coming down your chin. "You're so beautiful" Jungkook moans.
Taehyung pumps spits into his hands, having no time to find any lotion. He pumps his cock as he watches Jungkook yank your hair back with both hands. He thrusts inside of you at a rapid pace - Taehyung is shocked by the sudden change of the maknae. The way he thrusts into you as if he has no care for your safety was enough for him to groan as he pumps himself - trying to bite back his own moans. You two were loud, Jungkooks curses mixed with your wet gargling of his cock could be heard from down the hall he was sure.
You blink away the tears as you feel Jungkook's cock twitch and explode into your mouth. You manage to swallow it, keeping Jungkook into your mouth until he grows soft. He pulls out and stumbles back, holding your head. "S-Shit...spit it out. I didn't-"
"I swallowed it, Kookie." you murmur, coughing a bit before giggling.
Taehyung cums against his thigh, curses lowly. He was embarrassed - ashamed even - that he watched you and his maknae become sexually active like this. This was beyond anything he's ever done. But he was tipsy, he tells himself. And you two were right outside his door without a care in the world - unbothered if he heard or saw you.
"Can I...eat you out?" Taehyung hears Jungkook question, shyly and low. He curses, unsure if he could keep on watching the two of you.
But he does - like the creep he was. He lifts himself up, unable to stop himself from coming closer to the door. He bites his lips as Jungkook pushes you against the bed, snatching the panties you wore off and opening your legs wide.
Your eyes catches Taehyungs and he stiffens. You open your moan and release a moan as your head pushes back. Jungkook is ravishing your clit, a hold on your thighs. He doesn't stop for air either, content with passing out between your legs if that was what he was destined to do. It's been years since he's been this close to you, drunk and all, and he was going to savor this moment as if it was his last.
You lick your lips, eyes on Taehyung's shadowy figure. You tilt your head, a smirk on your lips. "Come." Taehyung is sure you tell him. He was compelled, cock hard and twitching once more.
Taehyung does come to you - he opens the door and strolls across the hall into your room. He closes the door behind him slowly. Your eyes never leaves his as he hovers above Jungkook - who didn't stop devilishly sucking your clit.
Taehyung gulps, he's unsure if he should say anything to you. But you beat it to him. "K-Kookie." you murmur, tapping his shoulder. Jungkook lifts his head, sensing someone behind him. He flinches when he sees Taehyung behind them. He goes to cover your body, humiliated to be caught like this but he is halted by you. "I want you both between my legs."
Jungkook is taken aback, as is Taehyung. He eyes you questionally. "Y/N-"
"Please, Kookie." you widen your legs, giving them the sight of your pussy - wet and pulsing for them.
Taehyung's breathing is heavy. He inches closer to you, getting on his knee's besides Jungkook.
Jungkook gulps. The sight of Taehyung, not disgusted by your actions or questioning. The way he was willing to do this now, with the two of you, told him that this is who you've been seeing - who made the hickies on your breast.
"I want to taste her." Taehyung tells Jungkook, eyes blow out. He doesn't wait for a response before his own tongue is on your clit. He shivers, the savory taste of this morning coming back into his senses.
Jungkook grunts, licking his lips at your expression. He felt perverted for finding this hot - your wide legs for Taehyung while you squirmed beneath him. Jungkook doesn't waste any time. He takes your bra and unhooks it quickly and throws it aside. He takes a nipple into your mouth hungrily, his eyes on Taehyung's tongue ravishing you.
"You're such a whore, Y/N." Taehyung spits onto your clit. He takes two of his fingers and swirls it around your clit. "Trying to take the two of us."
Jungkook bites down on your nipple accidentally, but at the sultry moan you let out, he notices that you enjoyed it. He pops the nipple from his mouth and chuckle, a trail of saliva connected. "So you fucked Taehyung, too?" Jungkook hisses. His hands take both of your nipples and twist them, receiving a loud gasp.
"Y-Yes!" you cry out.
"Fucking whore." Jungkook shakes his head, slapping your breast. "Giving your pussy away to the both of us."
Taehyung chuckles darkly, his three fingers entering you. "She couldn't get enough when I fucked her earlier."
Jungkook widen his eyes. So that's where you went off to.
"I fucked her like a slut in the woods." Taehyung thrusts inside of you, your walls and wetness clenching around him.
Jungkook's fingers rubs onto your clit at a rapid pace. "You're such a whore, Y/N. Fucking Tae in the woods." he shakes his head, his eyes now on his hyung. "Why didn't you tell me? I could've fucked her after."
"Fuck, fuck, fuck..." you tried to close your legs at the overstimulation, but received a slap from Jungkook.
"This is what you wanted, Y/N." Taehyung tsks, his hands and wrist filled with your juices. "Don't close your legs now."
"I want to fuck her, hyung." Jungkook groans out, his eyes watching just how wet you were. "You'd let me fuck you, right, Y/N? You already let hyung fuck you."
You couldn't do anything besides nod your head, the idea of getting fucked by Jungkook while Taehyung watched turned you on greatly. Without a second to spare. Jungkook flips you, your ass in the air and face pushed into the softness of the sheets.
Jungkook places the tip of his cock at your entrance, biting his lip. His eye glance at at his hyung. "Did you cum inside of her?" he questions, the competetive side of him peaking through.
Taehyung smirks and nods, the flashbacks endearing to him.
Jungkook hisses. He grabs your hair and yanks it back for you to look at him. "I can't believe you'd let him cum in you before me!" he spits. He enters you without warning, your wetness enough lubricant for him to without an issue.
You yelp out, the new found thickness and length inside of you was alarming. Jungkook doesn't waste time pounding into you angrily, cursing beneath his breath how he was going to cum deep inside of you. Your walls clenched around him, just as hungry for him to fuck you as he was to get to fuck you. Jungkook had grown from the boy he was when you were experimenting with the man he was today, showing you how much he's grown.
Taehhyung licks his lips once more. The sight before him was amazing. He would have never thought to be the man to enjoy watching another man get off, but this felt different. Jungkook was his friend - nearly a brother to him. The possessiveness he once felt over you was slowly dissipated. He knows for sure that whatever possessiveness he held over you wasn't what compared to what Jungkook felt over you for years now. "You're fucking her good, Kook." he encourages, coming closer to lift your head to watch your teary eyes. "I should've allowed you to fuck her first."
Jungkook grunts, nodding his head. His eyes were blow out wide, watching your ass slap against his abdomen.
"But I'm happy you shared her with me." Taehyung murmurs, wiping your tears of lust from your eyes. "You're her best friend after all, you know what's best for her."
"I-I do!" Jungkook snaps his hips into you harshly, his nails digging into your hips tightly. "I am her best friend. I should be the one to cum into her first!"
Jungkook would be sure to scold himself later. You were your own person, whatever you decided he would support 110% - but his jealousy, possessivness, love and competative side (mixed with lust and liquor) was telling him that you were his and his only. He couldn't stand the thought of you allowing Taehyung to cum in you before him.
"I think you should apologize, Y/N." Taehyung says to you, shaking his head. You were an absolute mess, having already came twice with Jungkook's harsh pace. You couldn't even lift yourself up - soley lifted by Jungkook's strength alone.
"I-I'm sorry, Kookie." you slur your words, tears dripping down your cheeks. You were in utter bliss so amazing that you couldn't help but cry. "I'll always let you cum in me first." you cry out.
Jungkook grunts, he was soon to coming. He wraps a hand around your throat and pulls you back, your back now against his torso. He doesn't stop his brutal pace. Taehyung is marvelled at your breast bouncing, nipples erect. He couldn't help himsel any longer. He swirls his tongue on your nipple, middle and ring finger twirling your clit rapidly.
You scream out now, the overstimulation getting to you. With Jungkook fucking into you, cursing into your ear, and Taehyung rubbing your clit and sucking onto your nipples, you were ready to pass out. Your hair was disheveled, eyes puffy, cheeks tear stained and mouth drooling. You would have never thought you would be here - fucking Jungkook and eventually Taehyung in the same night but alcohol does wonders.
"Please cum in me, Kookie." you slur, buckling your hips. You were going to cum again, this being your third time by just Jungkook. "You're fucking me sooo good." you cough out.
Jungkook thrust deep inside of you, cum filling you quickly that it drips out. In that same second, with Taehyung causing the overstimulation, you cum - wet juices squirting all over the older man. You release a hushed scream, Jungkook's hand on your mouth, shushing noises in your ear. "S-Shit." you cry, panting heavily and twitching.
"Are you going to let hyung fuck you, too?" Jungkook asks, his voice deeply low and raspy.
You nod quickly. Jungkook releases you gently, pushing your hair away from your eyes. He thought you were beautiful - fucked out and all. Taehyung almost felt as though he was intruding on a moment between Jungkook and you, the way the man changed from dominating to loving and caring was like a flick of a light.
"How do you want me, Tae Tae?" you ask, your eyes are adverting Taehyung with a bite of your lip. He eyes you and then Jungkook.
"You enjoy watching her, don't you, Hyung?" Jungkook chuckles. He sits against the headboard of the bed, turning you so your back is once again on his torso. He leans you back against him, wrapping his arms around you. He kisses your forehead - once again, Taehyung feels as though he is witnessing a couple, not best friends. "Open your legs, Y/N." Jungkook instruct.
You do, wide. Taehyung sucked a breath at your wet pussy, Jungkook watches Taehyung come closer, cock already out and at your center. He gulps, looking up at you and the maknae. "Are you sure...I should be here?"
"I invited you." you responded. Jungkooks hands are on your breast, he nods at Taehyung.
Taehyung enters you, grunting and groaning at how tight you were around him. He pushes in and out at a steady, slow pace, not wanting to hurt you or cause any discomfort. Jungkook would surely have his head.
"You can fuck me faster." you encourage, your arms hooking beneath your thighs to allow him more access.
Taehyung does, his hips smacking into yours at each thrust. He couldn't believe he was doing this with you - with Jungkook. You felt amazing, the situation felt amazing. Even better than before, he is sure. Jungkook watching intently didn't make him uneasy like he thought it would, the act of Jungkook watching him fuck you felt incredible. It disgusted his sober side, but his tipsy side wanted (needed) to enjoy this one of a lifetime moment.
"You're fucking her good, hyung." Jungkook speaks, his hands massaging your breast. "I never knew you were attracted to her."
Taehyung swallows, his eyes glancing at your face. Your eyes were shut, lip biting harshly to hide the moans.
"You are fucking me good, Tae Tae." your voice catches him off guard. It's shaking with pleasure, your pussy clenching around him. 
"I love fucking you." Taehyung admits, his hands holding beneath your knees to allow deeper access. "You're so tight."
Jungkook felt sick - sick that he enjoyed watching you, his best friend since birth, get fucked by his older hyung. It turned him on in ways unimaginable - your moans, the way your pussy clenched around Taehyung's cock, the way your hands would hold his wrist tightly. 
Your head leans back against Jungkook, mouth opening, eyes slightly slanted. "K-Kookie..." you moan, Taehyung snapping his hips at the perfect pace that you would be cumming any moment now. "I'm cumming."
"Go ahead and cum, baby." Jungkook encourages. He leans down and kisses your lips. "You've came so much today like a whore. Aren't you happy we've fucked you?'
You nod furiously. "I'm so happy, Kookie. Thank you for letting me cum!"
"Thank Taehyung, too. He helped you cum." Jungkook says, eyes taking a peek at Taehyung. "Why don't you kiss her with me, Hyung?"
Taehyung was going to cum, your pussy was clenching him too tight. Jungkook knew what to say to drive you and him to your high. Taehyung's lips leans down to kiss you with Jungkook, all three of your lips touching but neither of the two men minded. In seconds, Taehyung is cumming inside of you, twitching. Your releases doesn't come far behind, your juices dropping from your pussy to your ass, staining your bedsheets. 
The three of you stay like that for a few minutes, lips connected. 
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"Eomma is visiting." Jungkook says over the facetime call. "She wants to see you."
The camping trip was eventful. The day after you three woke, naked, sweaty and filled with sex, Taehyung was horrified. He fell off of the bed, startling you and Taehyung, who was equally as terrified. The three of you didn't speak for the first five minutes. You were the first to apologize, Taehyung assured you that you weren't at fault. Jungkook assured that none of you were at fault.
"Did you like it?" Jungkook asked you.
"Did...you?" you ask Taehyung who couldn't help but nod.
"Then, it's okay." Jungkook smiles, an awkward smile, but a smile nonetheless. "We're all adults and friends."
You nod back, biting your lips. "Where does this leave us?"
"We're all friends." Jungkook says. "This doesn't change things, right?"
Taehyung shakes his head. They wait for your response.
"Does this change anything, Y/N?" Taehyung asks, and he notes that Jungkook is panicked.
"I...I liked it." you repeat. "I..."
"You..." Jungkook asks.
"I wouldn't mind doing it again."
"I missed her." you sigh out, throwing your phone in your lap as you spoke to Jungkook.
She misses you, too. Probably more than me." Jungkook scoffs, but laughs. "We can meet her tomorrow for breakfast?"
"Tomorrow?" you hum. "Aren't we getting shit-faced tonight?" Chaerin had invited you all to the new club that opened somewhere in Seoul, and knowing her, she already had a private booth booked for you all.
"Sure. But getting shit-face and having breakfast?" you hear Jungkook blow a kiss. "Chef's kiss, honestly."
You laugh, but agree. "Alright, tomorrow for breakfast." you say. "I have to go, Chae is calling me."
"Good luck." Jungkook sighs. He hangs up while you answer the facetime call, Seo-Ju and Areum in, as well. Areum was walking, possibly to her next class, upon the facetime call.
"What are you wearing tonight, Y/N? And don't embarrass me, either." Chaerin snaps. 
"Harsh." Areum shakes her head. "Hello to you, too."
"Hi." Chaerin waves her hand. "Now, what are we all wearing. I think we should coordinate."
"We're adults." you deadpan. 
"Coordinate! Not match." Chaerin rolls her eyes. She props her phone up and strolls towards her dorm closet. "How about a dress? Simple."
"To get drunk in?" you moan. The last time you wore a dress at the club, Jungkook had to fight a man from putting his hands on you, trying to catch a feel. 
"Maybe if some people could control their liquor." Seo-Jun teases, her lips twitching.
"And didn't makeout with their friends." Areum adds. 
"You guys know that's a sensitive subject." you yawn, no need to hear your friends speak of Jungkook as if they didn't already know the obvious. "How about black? It's simple but sexy."
"Finally you're contributing to this friend group." Chaerin says from inside her closet. "Oohh, wear that backless dress you have." she tells you. "And Areum, show your boobs tonight. You need to get laid."
Areum reddens over the phone. "I-"
"Do." You, Chae and Seo-Jun all interject. "Preferbably Jin. The pent up sexual tenstion you two have is..."Seo-Jun tilts her head to think. 
"Intoxicating?" you add. "Annoying?"
"Says the one who humps her-"
"I admit what I do with Jungkook, Areum." you stick your tongue out. "Admit what you want to do with Jin and just do it. He's a man, he wouldn't say no. 
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"What are you wearing?" Jungkook asks as he opens the bathroom door. You always enjoyed using Jungkook's shower - he was a naturally clean person who kept everything organized and tidy. Since he had no roommate still, the bathroom was purely his and your favorite place to be.
"Some dress I was told to. You know the rules." you respond. You begin to undress, placing your clothes upon the counter before entering the large shower. "Are you joining me?" you ask him. "Kill two birds with one stone."
Jungkook bites his lips and nods. He undresses himself and enters the warm shower with you. It felt foreign bathing with, this is something the two of you hadn't done before - shockingly for two best friends that did it all. His eyes watch you wet your hair water falling down our bare breast. "I got this for you." Jungkook's words make your eyes crack open. 
Jungkooks holding a medium sized bottle, purple with white words. "It's lavender and smells good." he says. "You can leave it here, since you shower here most of the time."
You smile at him, thankful to have him as a close friend. He opens the bottle and places some in his hands. He rubs your shoulders, bringing you close to his body. You leave back against Jungkook's chest as he rubs your shoulders and neck. His hands then trail down to your breast. His large hands engulf them and start to rub, the body wash subbing up.
"It's been a long day." you sigh, eyes sealed and lips gaping slightly. The sensation of Jungkook's hand was amazing. 
"How so?" qustions Jungkook. 
You wanted to say how you didn't speak with Taehyung much, even in class. It wasn't awkward on your end, but you noticed he was growing a little distant. He greeted you more now, either in the public eye of your friends or not. He spoke casually with you, but you missed th Taehyung that would randomly flirt. 
"Just is." was what you told him, not wanting to trouble Jungkook with your problems. 
"We don't have to go out tonight." Jungkook offers. He places his lips upon your neck. "We can stay here?"
"We can't, Kookie." you murmur, goosebumps trailing your skin. "I've already told Chae. She's literally drag us out of here if we don't show."
You feel Jungkook trail his hand from your breast to your stomach, to between your legs. "Let me make you cum before we go, then." he murmurs, lips trailing kisses. 
Jungkook rubs your clit roughly, your palm wrapped around hus wrist tightly. 
Jungkook's tongue pokes to suck your neck, hips buckling into your bare, wet ass. Your moans were making his cock twitch. He pinches a nipple with his free hand before pushing your chin towards him. "Kiss me." he says, collecting your lips.
Ypu push back against his cock. He knew what you wanted now and he was going to give you just that. His fingers halt on your clit but goes to arch your back. His length - the tip of it - twitches against your ass. He centers it at your center. "How's Taehyung?"
Jungkook enters you slowly, with your hands on your hips. You release a breath. "Quiet. I'm hoping to talk to him tonight." you respond between thrusts. 
Jungkook quickens his pace. "I enjoyed watching him fuck you." he admits. He loves to watch your ass bounc against him, water from the shower head falling agaisnt the two of you. 
"I loved it, too, Kookie." you moan, adoring the way his fingernails dig into the skin of your hips. The sound of your ass smacking his skin was now evident throughout the room. "I want to do it again." you confess.
"Did you tell him that?" Jungkook grunts. You clench around his cock so tightly. His thrust were powerful, you admired how much stamina this man had. You'd always allow him to lead the way - you'd allow him to fuck you against the wall, lift you up, whatever he desired you'd fulfil. 
"Not yet." you sigh.
Jungkook chuckles. He yanks your hair back, lips against your ear. "I can't wait to watch and have you later." His thighs push yours apart, speed just as powerful. He lets go of your hair and places three fingers onto your clit, rubbing circles. "You belong to us."
Your stomach clenches. It was a sign you were close and Jungkook knew this. He starts to quicken his speed on your clit. His words replayed in your head. 
You belong to us.
You belong to us. 
"I-I'm cumming!" you stutter out, feeling your arousal pool out of you. "S-Shit, Kookie."
"Where do you want me to cum?" Jungkook asks with sloppy thrusts. He came inside you once and had no desire to cum anywhere else, still he would ask for yout permission and preference first. 
"Inside me, Kookie." your head hands low at the overstimulation. 
Jungkook smirks. You were too embarrassed to say it now, but he knew. He was positive you enjoyed when he came inside of you - him and Taehyung - and used you like a rag doll. You got off at the roughness and the disrespect. As taboo as it was because - you and him were not a couple - but he loved cumming inside of you. The dark, perverted side of him got off on it just as much as you and Taehyung did - the act of tainting and marking you with his cum. 
Jungkook cums with a quick thrust, catching you as you fall back against him. 
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You and Jungkook enter the loud clu, eyes scanning the room for your group of friends on the crowded sea of people grinding.
A loud crash sends you jumping into Jungkook and the two of you examine the noise. Of course, it was Namjoon and Jimin, Hoseok cleaning up the mess caused by them. They had crashed bottle in a small area they were in.
"That was expensive!" you hear a high pitch voice, none other than Jin. Even over the loud music his voice was heard.
"Found them." Jungkook whispers in your ears and gently pushes you forward to walk into the small, v.i.p area. You were glad you didn't wear heels to this occassion, it was far too dark inside this club to see straight.
"Love birds!" Jimin cheers as he enters back into the area, a champagne bottle in his hands. "You look hot, Y/N. Surprisingly."
"Excuse me?" you scoff at Jimin.
"Just teasing. I wish I got you before Jungkookie did." he winks at his younger friend who rolls his eyes in return. "Let's take a shot!"
Typical Jimin, always trying to shove alcohol down someones throat before anything else. We have Soju, Makegeoll, Cheongju, even American liquor. Remember fireball?" Jimin playfully sticks his tongue out.
You shake your head. You weren't drinking fireball, recalling when you took the cinnamony shot 6 times too many and vomited all over Jungkook and you. He had to take you back to his dorm like that - crying out apologies - while taking off your clothes and bathing you.
"Not happening again." you sigh. Of course back then you were a lightweight, but that memory haunts you greatly.
"How about...Sake?" Jimin pours the shot regardless of your hesitation and cheers.
Taehyung watches from the black leather couch as you and Jimin take an array of shots. You two were like alcoholics, but it was amusing to him. His eyes rack your figure in the skin tight dress, your back on display somehow enticing him.
"Where have you been?"
Taehyung turns his head to see the maknae seated beside him, a shot in his hands as an offering. He takes it and shrugs. "Around."
Both of them take the shot and squirm. Whatever it was, it was strong.
"Y/N thinks you're avoiding her. Us."
"Just thinking." Taehyung shrugs.
"Do you regret it?" Jungkook says, another shot down his throat.
Taehyung was quick to take two more before answering. "No." he says. "And that's what scares me."
He enjoyed you getting fucked by Jungkook - and participating - far more than he'd want to admit. The look on your face when you came, Jungkooks eyes on him while he fucked you, the dirty talking and three-way kiss. It kept him up far too long.
"Would you...want to do it again?" Jungkook questions. His eyes are on you and by the sway of your hips - even in the dark room - he knows you're tipsy. Classic Jimin. As you reach both of them, you seat yourself in Jungkook's lap. He wraps an arm around you. "Let's take a shot, Kookie." you sat. Your eyes wander and find Taehyung's. "Tae tae!" you cheer, reaching his own lap, arms wrapped around his neck.
"Do you want to dance?" you ask Taehyung and Jungkook after you all took a line of shoots, feeling hot and dizzy. "Come on." you guide them to the corner of the large room, past the drunken dancing coming from your friends. You three were hidden, everyone too busy and drunk to notice you sneak off.
Your front faces Taehyung while your back faced Jungkook. His hands sit along your waist, grinding into the music. Your hands guide Taehyung's hands onto your body. "Where have you been, Tae?" you question. "We missed you."
Taehyung notices the way your eyes gleam as you say we. He gulps. "Just around. I missed you two, as well." he admits.
You close your eyes when you feel hardened cocks, from the front and back of you. The liquor in your system gave you an extra push you needed to be outside of your character. You begin to arch your back against Jungkook, swaying and shaking your ass with the music, her eyes on Taehyung. Taehyung's hands feel up your naked thigh.
"I need to tell you a secret." You say to them, bringing Taehyung's head closer to you. "I'm not wearing any panties." you giggle, music laring loudly in the background but it was as if it was just the three of you.
Taehyung sucked in a breath. "You had the intention of getting fucked tonight, huh?"
"She did." Jungkook snickers, his eyes glancing at his hyung. "She couldn't shut up about how much she wanted you again."
You flush, biting your lip. Jungkook slightly lifts your dress. "Just take a feel, Hyung. I bet she's wet." he says.
And you were wet. Taehyung's fingers slide into your folds smoothly. He shakes his head, bringing his fingers to your lips. Your tongue twirls around his fingers. "You're always such a slut for us." Taehyung hisses. "Turn around." he says.
You turn towards Jungkook, thankful that the club itself was dark except for the lasers and that your friends were far too drunk to notice you three in the corner being utterly filthy. You lean onto Jungkook while Taehyung lifts your skirt. He doesn't waste anytime, he has to feel you. He enters two fingers into your wet heat and pumped.
Your lips find Jungkooks and you embrace him in a wet, sloppy kiss. You hiss and moan into it, Taehyungs long fingers thrusting in and out of you at a great pace.
"You're so dirty. Can't even wait to be alone so we can fill you." Taehyung hisses. "You had to have us right here, huh?"
You nod your head, lips disconnecting from Jungkook's to lean back against Taehyung. "i-I want to suck your cocks." you moan out, mind hazy just as theres. You three were all blown out with lust that it didn't matter if you were caught or not.
You don't waste time in getting on your knees, breast out due to Jungkook. You managed to get both of their cocks out, sucking Taehyung's first at a sloppy pace. He hit's the back of your throat each time, doing nothing but making you wetter.
When you get to Jungkook's cock, you're breathing heavy and theres tears in your eyes. Taehyung laughs at you, shaking his head. "You love having our cock in your mouth." he says, pushing your hand away from his cock to shove his back into your mouth, eyes wide as both his and Jungkooks cock said dangerously close to your throat.
Jungkook hisses out, as does Taehyung. You don't deny them, instead continue to suck both cocks in your mouth, saliva dripping down your chin mixing with the tears.
"You're so beautiful, baby." Jungkook coos, his high coming soon. You were utterly disgusting for him and Taehyung, something he adores about you now. "Cum inside of her, Hyung." he tells Taehyung, pushing his out of your mouth. "I'll cum in her mouth and you'll cum in her pussy."
You cough up saliva when Taehyung leaves your mouth. He wastes no time before entering you, shoving your head back towards Jungkook's cock. You can't help but moan as Jungkook fucks your throat and Taehyung your pussy. Maybe it was the alcohol, but you wanted nothing more than to be a hole for them to cum in. You wouldn't say it was the alcohol - your desire for Taehyung and Jungkook went on for weeks after the camping trip. It was the way they dominated you and made you theirs that you adored greatly.
Jungkook slaps you across the face, hips gutting into your mouth. "Fucking whore." he grunts. "Our whore, hyung. Only ours."
Taehyung laughs, his hips smacking into your ass. The loud music drowns it out, but the sight alone was enough for him. "She is ours." he tells Jungkook, his high coming at the sight of you being completely used by him - by both of them. You were perfect for them, in whatever way you were willing to have them.
You groan out, twitching as you came. Your throat was sore, but as long as you satisfied them as they satisfied you, you were alright with it. You feel Taehyung push you onto the ground, your knees bruising onto the floor. He and Jungkook cum on your face, mouth open and tongue out taking it all. Some shoots onto your forehead, some onto your nose and lips, dripping down your chin. You pant, catching your breath. 
"You're so perfect for us, Y/N." Jungkook says. "I love you."
He kneels next to you, kissing your lips, ignoring the cum on them. 
Taehyung does the same, engulfing the two of you in the same three way kiss as weeks prior, this time seeming more complete than ever. 
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youxidol · 7 years
inspired by ✿ ✿
Jungkook’s people watching had been interrupted by you walking into the park and sitting a few benches down from them. “Babe…” his hand came to shake Jimin’s knee. “Babe, that’s our mate,” he nodded in your direction, making the older smile and nod. “Play it cool, love” he spoke calmly before they both stood to approach you, though the words didn’t quite sink into a bouncing Jungkook’s mind. 
You glanced up from your book when you saw the men standing beside you and offered a small smile. “Hello,” you greeted quietly. Jimin’s plump lips pulled into a grin at the sound of your voice. “We were wondering if-”
“Hi human, you make my heart go beep beep!” the younger beamed, making Jimin narrow his eyes. “Sweetheart you can’t-” the vampire was interrupted once more by the sound of your giggle. “You’re cute too,” you set the book next to you on the bench. “What were you going to ask?” you grinned up at the pair. “Wanna go get some coffee?” Jungkook’s smile doubled in size when you accepted the offer. “I guess you can…” you heard the shorter mumble in disbelief.
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116 notes · View notes
caiuscassiuss · 4 years
tease ⎮ k.th (snippet)
Description: You knew you were hot. You saw how the guys looked at you, how their eyes were drawn to a tight t-shirt or short skirt. And maybe this would fail epically—crash and burn like a failed experiment—but you wanted to get under Kim Taehyung’s skin the only way you knew how.
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Genre: Brother’s best friend (jungkook is your twin brother lol) au/ enemies-to-lovers WC: (estimated) ~10k Warnings: graphic smut (Dom! Taehyung + Brat! Reader, dirty talk, daddy kink, degradation kink/ slight slut shaming, masturbation, blow jobs, cunnilingus, edging, light dub-con, spanking), reader is promiscuous and a tease™ 
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The incident at the club was definitely an offensive blow to Taehyung in your non-existent game, as he watched you differently in the times you ran into him. He looked a lot more contemplative and a hell of a lot angrier that you tamped down a victorious smile. You were gonna blue ball him so hard he would rue the day he snitched on you to your parents.
You had already planned on skinny-dipping in the pool when Taehyung was sleeping over one night, but your plans were ruined as your parents announced a family trip to the lake cabin rental.
You had pasted on a smile at the news, looking happy to escape from the city, but inwardly you pouted. This trip would put you out of commission, so to speak. You wouldn’t see Taehyung for the next few weeks and you were sort of worried the thing you had going on would fade as he, inevitably, would fuck some random girl to get over the tension.
However, imagine your joy as your amazing, heaven-sent brother asked if he could drag Taehyung along and all the parties agreed.
The four hour car ride was monotonous, with you parents at the front, your brother and his friend in the middle, and you unfortunately cramped at the back. You glanced at Taehyung, who was fast asleep with his spidery lashes brushing his cheeks. You patted your backpack absentmindedly, where your secret weapon was stored. You were pulling out the big guns this time. No fucking around. He was going to be begging to fuck you.
Your family arrived at the rustic cabin you were renting and you jumped out of the car to stretch your poor, poor back. Your parents, of course, took the master bedroom so that left the two guest bedrooms between the three of you. Jungkook and Taehyung would be sharing a room while you would have your own and honestly, you thought the heavens were smiling down on you, because the rooms were connected with a Jack-and-Jill bathroom. 
You just had to wait for the right moment. Everyone was exhausted and took a nap, which resulted in you pacing around your room, deep in thought.
Your parents had decided to go out for dinner at the township a little while away, while Jungkook fibbed a lie about going to the woods for a hike and instead snuck away to the beach for girls. Apparently, from what you could hear from inside your bedroom, Taehyung was still asleep and refused to go hiking with Jungkook. They also thought you were asleep too, your dad taking a moment of pity on you by acknowledging how hard you’ve been working at school and sports.
Inwardly, you fistpumped. They were finally leaving you and Taehyung alone, so you could finally enact your plan.
You hid your vibrator underneath your sheets and waited for Taehyung to wake up. You didn’t have to wait long as you heard the creaking of floorboards in the other room.
Tossing away your shirt, you were left in just your bra and panties. Settling down on your bed, you turned the vibrator on low and rubbed it against your panties. A slight, quiet groan escaped your mouth and you felt arousal start to form on your nether lips. Dragging the vibrator up and down against your covered slit, your ears perked up at the sound of shower starting in the conjoined bathroom.
You repeated the motion a few times, before you pressed the tip of the vibrator hard against your covered pussy. It pressed against your clit and you felt your vision swim, a slight yelp escaping your mouth. For a while, the shuffling around the bathroom stopped and you froze, half excited and half anxious.
You heard metallic scrape of shower rings and relaxed. You circled the vibrator around your slit a bit more, stimulating the motion of penetration lightly and arousal definitely stained your panties. 
Moving your panties to the side, you let the tip of the vibe rest against your clit, rotating it to cover it in slick and burrowing it deeper into your pussy. A loud whine left your lips, one he definitely heard, and you panted heavily. The muggy air pressed down on you and the blood rushed around underneath your skin.
Shoving down your bra, leaving your breasts obscenely pushed out against the cups, you dragged your fingernails across the sensitive skin of your breasts. Groaning, you turned your face to burrow your head into your pillow.
Slowly inserting the vibrating dildo into your pussy, a shout left your lips as your pussy contracted against the object suddenly. The lack of action over the past few weeks definitely made you more sensitive.
Chest heaving, you left the vibe in to adjust to it. Taking it and feeling arousal coating your fingertips, you slowly pushed it in and out of your pussy. Your eyes shut in pleasure and strangled yell emanated from your throat, your legs relaxing until you could feel both legs spread for the world to see. The cotton sheets suddenly felt too hot against your skin and you pushed them hurriedly away.
You pressed the vibe in and out of your now sopping wet pussy and your fingers pinched at your breasts, circling around your perked nipples. The shower in the background sounded muffled to your ears as you sunk into a veil of pleasure.
Thrusting the vibe deep into your pussy, you hit your g-spot and you choked, an embarrassingly loud groan filling the air. You undulated the vibrator against your g-spot and clit repeatedly, black spots and bright lights flashing against the back of your eyelids. Your moans were now non-stop and you knew Taehyung could hear you even if he was downstairs.
Memories of his dark eyes, veiny neck and arms, and sweaty shoulders made you tense up. The vibrator hit your g-spot and clit at once and you tweaked your nipples, a scream leaving your lips as felt light exploding in your vision and your pussy clenching the vibrator. Your knees knocked painfully together as you orgasmed, eyes shut and mouth wide open to moan loudly into the air.
The waves of pleasure washed over you and gradually left, leaving you panting into the air. The air conditioner brushed against your sensitive pussy and aftershocks rocked your body, clamping your lips tight to stop groans from escaping. Pulling the vibrator out, you could feel slick start to coat your pussy and thighs.
Closing your eyes, the blanket of placidity settled over you. Wow, you had really needed this, hadn’t you? All your scheming and schoolwork had—
A hard knock startled you out of your thoughts and you registered the shower had stopped. The knock rattled the doorframe and made you wonder how mad Taehyung was on the other side.
“Taehyung? Do you need anything?” you asked, voice slightly high-pitched and cracked.
“Open up, Y/N,” he grumbled.
You threw on a large t-shirt to cover your chest and leaking pussy, nearly stumbling as you walked to the door.
“Y-yeah?” you asked, cracking the door open a bit. Taehyung pushed the door open roughly, and you almost tripped over air.
He stood there, shirtless and wet, glaring at you from underneath his wet bangs. You gulped, nipples instantly perking up again at the aura restrained anger he exuded. Your eyes followed a drop of water that dripped from his hair and landed with a plop on his chest, working its way down his toned pectorals and defined abs and then into his Apollo’s belt—
“—it down?”
You shook yourself out of your thoughts, wide eyes snapping to meet his.
“H-Huh?” you blurted out, uncharacteristically flustered.
“I said,” he huffed, nostrils flared, “Can you keep it the fuck down?”
You didn’t even have to pretend to flush and act nervous. “O-oh, sorry—”
He gave you an unreadable look, fire burning in his eyes, then snorted and slammed the door. For a while there was silence. A slight pout painted your lips and you shifted your weight, now feeling your arousal drip down your thigh. You had thought this would be the time he would crack but he didn’t. A bit worried at the radio silence, you suddenly heard a soft, strangled groan that emerged from the other bedroom.
You smirked. It was only a matter of time before he cracked.
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Hi everyone! This is my first foray into BTS fanfiction and break from indefinite hiatus, so I really hope all of you liked this sneakpeek. Honestly it’s not anything deep but I guarantee you it will edge all of you so hard :) Let me know if you’d like to be tagged!
Estimated release date: Jan 6th, 8 PM ET
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rosacesuga · 7 years
“yoongi said that jimin is his drinking friend and that they first drank together when jimin was having a hard time.”
all i can think of is jimin hysterically sobbing in yoongi’s arms because nothing is going right, nothing feels right and he just wants the bad times to stop and yoongi brushing his hair and kissing his tear stained cheek while trying to calm him down, pushing the bottles away so jimin doesn’t drink any more since he is already on the edge of being completely shitfaced.
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allinssiders · 7 years
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уважительная просьба: не брать мои работы в вк. а если берете, то указывайте кредиты на мою группу vk.com/weowol спасибо.
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jeonjiminys · 7 years
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Still can’t get over this. I know it’s a typo but it’s really funny! lmao.
From BTS Summer Package in Dubai.
btw I just changed my un a few minutes ago lol @chanvmin_ was mine but I changed it to @mochjims!
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