#jinjin coke
daybreakx · 3 years
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➵ astro eunwoo x gender neutral reader, strangers to lovers, college au.
➵ word count: 2.6k
➵ warnings: mentions of food and drinks, a little suggestive at the end if you squint. unedited.
➵ a/n: this wasn't requested but I really enjoy writing these type of scenarios! I hope you enjoy it and if you could send me some feedback I would appreciate it a lot! You can also find similar stories with jinjin and txt yeonjun on my blog.
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ɪ. ᴄʜᴇʀʀʏ ᴄᴏᴋᴇ
It was your lucky day for more than one reason. Your last class of the day had been cancelled, your roommate was out of town, and the project you had due a couple days was done. Even in simple things, like getting a drink from the vending machine, the universe seemed to be in your favor, giving you a couple bottles for the price of one. 
You smiled to yourself, contemplating the idea of sharing your good fortune with someone else. It wouldn’t hurt and you knew you wouldn’t drink the other bottle anyway, risking a sugar high on the day you could rest wasn’t appealing.
“Do you like Cherry coke?” You questioned, turning around to face the person behind you in line.
“I’m sorry, what?”
Cha Eunwoo was one of the most popular guys among the student population, you knew that much, but it didn’t mean you had crossed a word with him ever before. It was very likely he’d think it was a little off that you offered him your drink.
“Do you like Cherry Coke?” you repeated, surprised at your own capability of not tripping over your own words. He was arguably, one of the most beautiful people you'd ever seen and he was making you a little bit anxious with his half-confused expression.
"I– I do," he shook his head, his frown deepening the confusion he was going through. To be honest, he wasn't even sure if he liked cherry coke, he had been thinking about getting Sprite as he always did and then his mind had wandered to the walk back to his dorm.
"You can have this one, if you want," you offered, placing the bottle between the two of you. "It was free."
"Sure, thank you." Eunwoo took the bottle from your hand clumsily. "Sh-should I pay you back, though?"
You smiled at him gently, slightly amused by his nervous demeanor. Beautiful people were awkward too. "It's fine. It's your lucky day," you joked before waving him goodbye.
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ɪɪ. ᴡᴀᴛᴇʀ
“Please, y/n,” Lin, your roommate, begged for the hundreth time. “Just this once,”
“Nope,” you shook your head once again. “You made a commitment and you have to stick to it. Plus, you’re studying sports science, you’re supposed to go to these things.”
“Oh please, like handing out water is going to help me in my future carreer,” Lin rolled her eyes. “They just want to take advantage of us,”
“And you want to take advantage of me,” you countered, raising both eyebrows.
“It’s just a little favor, please. I’ll owe you, anything you want, anything at all.”
Of course, anything at all. You’d heard that before.
You sighed and Lin knew she’d won.
“They won’t even know it’s you instead of me!” she cheered, “It’ll be fun, and while you watch the boring-ass game, you can think of how I can repay you.”
“I’ll save it for later, just ‘cause you’ll owe me big time.”
You sat on the lowest bleacher, surrounded by energy drinks, purified water and ice packets. Taking over Lin as the water carrier for the school’s basketball team was boring as hell. The team was winning and you couldn’t say you weren’t exactly interested in watching a bunch of handsome boys run around the court, but you had better ways of investing your time. At least Lin would owe you.
“Can I have a bottle of water, please?”
With most of the team only grabbing whatever they wanted, not even asking or saying thank you, you were surprised when someone actually acknowledged you.
“Uh, yeah sure,” you half-smiled at the captain of the team as you handed him the bottle. Were these going to be your only interactions with Eunwoo? Handing him drinks? Free drinks, that is.
“Thank you,” he returned the smile promptly, far less awkward than last time. “I...” he cleared his throat after taking a big gulp from the bottle, “I didn’t get your name last time,”
“y/n,” you replied, taking the half-empty bottle back from him. 
“Eunwoo,” he pointed at himself, the awkwardness back as he winced slightly. “I...”
“What are you waiting for?!” one of his teammates, already in the court, yelled loudly. “Come on, Eunwoo!”
“Nice to meet you too,” you beamed before he ran back to the court, a shy smile on his lips.
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ɪɪɪ. ᴊᴀꜱᴍɪɴᴇ ʟᴀᴛᴛᴇ / ᴄᴏᴄᴏɴᴜᴛ ʙᴏʙᴀ
When Lin asked you once again to do something for her, you weren’t expecting it would be this. 
It was nice to be included in plans, of course, but being in the middle of a date feeling like a chaperone was not exactly how you thought your day would go. 
“I just want it to seem a little more casual,” she murmured, tapping her foot on the pavement repeteadly. “If we went out, just the two of us, it would seem a lot more...”
“Serious?” you offered, yawning. 
“I feel like serious might scare Moon Bin a little, is that bad?”
“I...” you looked for the right words, unable to follow your original idea as you saw Moon Bin walking from the other side of the parking lot. “I think Moon Bin and you think very alike.”
Lin’s date was walking towards you with company of his own. Eunwoo looked like he wanted Earth to swallow him whole, much like you did.
“Hi!” Moon Bin greeted cheerfully, realizing things were turning a lot better than he expected, and the ‘date’ hadn’t even started. “I brought Eunwoo with me,”
You bit back the words ‘we can tell,’ and settled to smile at both of them.
“Great!” Lin added with a bright smile of her own, “This is y/n, my roommate.”
“Shall we?” you questioned, after greeting them with a slight wave of your hand. 
“Yeah, let’s go!”
With Moon Bin and Lin feeling like the only people in the world. Eunwoo and you became props, half of the time your friends didn’t remember the four of you were supposed to be riding together around the amusement park. 
“Do you want to get a drink?” Eunwoo offered after a while. Both your friends had gone into the spinning cups on their own, which you were kind of glad about, you didn’t want to feel your stomach turning anymore than it already was.
“Sure, let’s do that,” you nodded, pointing to the little coffee kiosk a few meters away. 
You scanned the options together and before you could get money out of your pocket, Eunwoo assured you he had it, approaching the till to place both your orders. 
You waited for your drinks on the side, making small talk with Eunwoo and trying to catch Lin and Moon Bin getting off the ride.
“Here you go,” Eunwoo handed you the cup with the milky green drink while he eyed his own, a suspicious white with black pearls at the bottom. “I don’t think he heard me right,” Eunwoo muttered, sticking the straw in the cup and taking a sip.
You knew the barista hadn’t heard him right. He was too busy gaping at Eunwoo, especially when he ran his hand through his black hair while deciding what to add to his drink.
You laughed as he made a face, closing his eyes as he swallowed hard. “Do you want to trade?”
“Oh no, it’s fine, really,” he blurted quickly, tightening his grip around the cup. 
“Mine is jasmine flavor, I think you’ll like it,” you waved the cup in front of him, “Don’t torture yourself with that thing.”
“It’s fine,” Eunwoo repeated, “Plus I already took a sip and...”
You clicked your tongue. “I don’t mind about that,” you quickly exchanged your drinks, Eunwoo giving you a bashful yet grateful look as he tasted the drink you’d ordered.
The coconut flavored he’d been given wasn’t half bad, and the chewy pearls were to your liking as well. 
“Where have you guys been?!” Lin called loudly as she approached you, her arm linked to Moon Bin’s. 
“Oh, so you finally remembered you brought us with you,” you scoffed, eyeing Eunwoo sideways to which he only smiled.
“It wouldn’t be a double date if we’d forgotten,” Bin added cheekily, the corner of his mouth going up. 
Eunwoo and you almost choked on your drinks, making your friends laugh.
That’s what this was?
However, neither of you argued the idea as you walked behind Bin and Lin, on the way to the Ferris Wheel, standing slightly closer than you had done all day.
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ɪᴠ. ʜᴏᴛ ᴄʜᴏᴄᴏʟᴀᴛᴇ
You wondered why he hadn’t kissed you.
After the amusement park, Eunwoo had asked you to go out with him several times more. The movies, the arcade, a walk in the park, even a museum date. And he hadn’t attempted to kiss you, not even once.
At first it was clear those were dates, like when he put his arm around you during the movie and pulled you closer to him. When he spent all the tickets he won in the arcade on a silly trinket you kept on your nightstand because he told you he hoped it reminded you of him. Again, when nudged your hand as you walked around the park, starting by intertwining your pinkies until he was holding all of your hand firmly, his thumb rubbing it softly. Even at the museum, when Eunwoo had put his head on your shoulder as you sat in front of a painting of a sea landscape and you talked about some story you’d read about a man who was in love with the sea.
But he hadn’t tried to kiss you, and frankly it was driving you insane.
“Here,” Eunwoo placed the drink on your hands, cupping them so you could warm your frozen fingers. “I added peppermint, just the way you like it.”
“Thank you,” you smiled, enjoying the burn on your hands while he grabbed his own cup from the edge of the bar. “Ready to go?”
“Let’s go,”
The campus was unusually calm, the nights had progressively grown colder and with final exams so close, everyone was cooped up revising and trying to make the last weeks of the semester worth it. You walked all the way to your dorm with your shoulders touching, whispering about your day and laughing, only making short pauses to sip your warm drinks. 
“Do you think it will snow before we leave for winter break?” you questioned opening your palm as if it would summon the snowflakes you longed for. 
“I don’t think so,” Eunwoo replied, changing his cup to the other hand so he could grab yours. “Would it make you happy if it did?”
“It would,” you smiled at him, “The campus looks pretty. I’m not a big fan of how slippery everything gets, though.”
“Yeah, Bin almost broke a bone last year,”
Your dorm was now on sight and you didn’t feel ready to say good night. You slowed down your pace, forcing Eunwoo to do the same before taking a detour to toss your empty hot chocolate cups to the trash. 
“You should go inside,” Eunwoo said after a few minutes passed and you still stood outside the building. Your cheeks frozen and the heat you’d obtained from the drink slowly slipping from your hands. 
“In a minute,” you shrugged.
Eunwoo chuckled, cupping your face with his hands, passing on the remaining warmth to your cheeks. “You’re freezing,”
You shrugged again, too focused on the feeling on the pit of your stomach to mind the cold. You wanted to kiss him. You wanted him to kiss you in that moment, more than you had ever wanted him to kiss you before. 
Placing your hands on top of his, still on your face, you prayed you wouldn’t make a mistake by saying what you wanted. But you didn’t need to, as Eunwoo finally pulled your face towards his, softly and with the slightest hesitation. An opening for you to reject his advance.
His lips felt soft against yours and he was being way too careful. Maybe still afraid you would just push him away if he did the slightest thing wrong, if he moved too fast or too eagerly. Eunwoo had wanted everything to be perfect, and that’s what had taken so long. 
“You taste of peppermint,” he whispered, his lips touching yours again with every word.
“Just kiss me again, you fool.” you laughed, dropping your hands to place them inside the pockets of his coat as he obeyed your command with a laugh.
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ᴠ. ʙᴀɴᴀɴᴀ ᴍɪʟᴋ
“Oh no,” Moon Bin whined loudly, dropping his keys on the desk by the door, the clutter hiding them from sight almost immediately. “You’re here again?” his tone was lighthearted, and the joke was even more evident as he patted your head softly when he walked by your seat. 
“I never complain when you’re in my room,” you countered, spinning Eunwoo’s chair to look at his roommate. “And you’re ALWAYS there,”
Moon Bin shrugged dropping back on his bed. “Where’s Eunwoo?”
“Buying snacks, we’re catching up with Dark tonight.” 
“Fun,” Bin had lost interest already. You being here meant Lin had your room all to herself, his mind was already spinning with mischief. 
“I swear if you touch my things while you’re over there, I’ll hurt you.” you warned, grabbind the first thing you found on Eunwoo’s desk to throw at Bin.
Moon Bin threw his pillow at you before jumping from the bed, there was no time to waste. “I’ll try to remember that,” he smirked. 
Before you could find something else to throw at Moon Bin, Eunwoo opened the room’s door, a black plastic bag on one hand. 
“What did you buy for me?” Moon Bin asked, eyeing the bag.
Eunwoo frowned before walking to you, placing a quick kiss on your head. “Nothing, get out of here.”
You chuckled, already exploring the insides of the plastic bag. Chips, a couple sodas, some candy... and voilà, banana milk. “Thank you baby,” you looked up at Eunwoo, who was still bickering jokingly with Bin. 
“Thank you, baby,” Moon Bin mocked you in a high pitched voice. “You’re the lamest couple on campus.”
“Shut up Moon Bin,” you didn’t have the energy to fight him on that, he never gave up on calling you it, just to get that exact reaction. 
“Alright, alright,” he’d finally gathered his stuff. “Have fun you two, and don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.” he winked before closing the door behind him. 
“He’s so annoying,” you laughed, offering the other banana milk to your boyfriend, the little straw already poking the middle. 
“He means well... most of the time,” Eunwoo laughed, kissing your cheek. “Are we really the lamest couple on campus, though?”
You nodded. “Definitely.”
Eunwoo laughed at your affirmation. He couldn’t even deny it, not that he would try anyway. He was too in love with you to care about what anyone thought. 
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bangtansflower · 5 years
Opium Chapter 1
A/N: This one I wasn’t planning on bringing out so soon, but it kept on nagging me at the back of my head that I had to write it. I guess I love the heart break.
Warnings: Drug abuse. Underage drinking. Suicide. Angst. Tons of it! Heart break. Lying BTS. Just want to point out there that this is entirely fictional and that BTS and other characters in this fic are not based on real life at all! 
Summary: You couldn’t believe it. He was back. Now that Min Yoongi is back in your life, it takes a turn for the worse. How could he just up and leave then waltz back in? And how could the guys you trusted with all your heart betray you like that. Struggling to cope with it all you turn to drugs and the comfort of Yeonjun and his older brother Sejin. Falling into a deep pit of despair is there any hope of you managing to climb out of the hole that just gets deeper each day?
Wordcount: 1,487
Masterlist / Next
You sprawl on the couch one leg dangling off it, head thrown back leaning against the cushions. Taking a long drag of your spliff you let your eyes roll back, allowing the tingling feeling to take you over, letting your mind forget. Tomorrow will be another day. Another day of forgetting. You plan to drink and take drugs till you could forget everything and everyone. A mop of blue hair comes into your side view before a face comes close to yours making eye contact. “Noona, give me some of that weed”. Rolling your eyes you pass Yeonjun the rest of the spliff watching him take a long drag, holding it before exhaling slowly, you were mesmerized by the smoke coming out of his mouth. Yeonjun made himself comfortable on the floor leaning against the couch. Taking a swig of his VERY strong whisky which only had a bit of coke, he eventually asked in a quiet voice “Noona...What happened?” A silence engulfed the two of you for a few moments, the only sound was the pitter-patter of the light rain outside. Turning your head slowly you faced the ceiling focusing on that one dark patch that stood out against the whiteness and started to explain in a soft whisper. 
Flash back
You were walking along campus, headphones blasting loud music but you did not have a care in the world. It was getting dark, the sun slowly setting painting the skies in its warm colours of red, yellow and orange. It was rare to see the campus this empty, it was peaceful, but then again it was the start of the weekend and everyone wanted to party. A ding of your mobile pulls you out of your thoughts, checking it quickly a pout comes across your face.
Sunshine: Sorry guys I can’t come join the escapade of fun tonight! T.T I have to finish this dance routine for the exam. Which also means Jungkook and Jimin, sorry to ruin your plans but i really do need you there! 
Chimmy: Hyung! Why?! It’s the weekend and I was looking forward to it! Aish let me get ready.
Joonie: I’m also going to have to be that person and pull out of the plans too. And I’m going to drag Taehyung with me. I need him to sing.
Bunny: HA pull out. And Hobi on my way.
JinJin: OMG Jungkook grow up. And same here guys. My head is pounding from all of the studying I’ve had to do this past week.
Vante: LOL. And dammit. I thought you would forget Joon hyung.
Joonie: Harhar.
This was happening more often recently, a frown marred your face, yes it was exam season, and yes tensions were high, but it never stopped anyone before. You decided to ignore the rest of the messages, not replying and opted to finish your walk to your small apartment. Your apartment wasn’t much but it was home. You and Jungkook lived together, in a non platonic way, the two of you have been best friends for as long as you can remember. Making your inside you notice how quiet it is, Jungkook must have already gone to the dance studio. You sigh putting you mobiler on charge, now that you weren’t going out at least you could finish off your assignment. 
After 2 hours you finally finish, rubbing your eyes your stomach rumbles. Deciding to go to the convenience store to treat yourself to your favourite snacks, you deserved it after all, you stand up and stretch like a cat, even getting on your tippy toes. Grabbing your favourite oversized hoodie you grab your phone off charge seeing 2 missed calls from Jungkook and a message.
Bunny: Y/N gonna be home late, Hobi is really drilling this dance into us and won’t let us leave till it is near perfection.
Replying that it was okay and that you will see him tomorrow, you find your purse shoving it into your pocket, tie up your shoes and head out into the night. You found it weird being out on a friday night without the boys, but was it really that weird, your heart fell, you were getting used to it. Being without the boys, you swore you saw all of them less and less these past few months, even Jungkook and you live with the guy! Your eyes started to water but you quickly wipe them away, you would not cry over this you told yourself. 
Loud recognisable laughter made you turn around in curiosity, scanning the area your eyes land on Hoseok who was drunk and dancing in the middle of the park across the road. Eyes widening you could see all of the guys, Jungkook and Jimin recording Hoseok, with an even more drunk Taehyung joining in on the dancing. Seokjin and Namjoon laughing out loud leaning on each other for support, and wait...no...it couldn’t be..could it? Take a step back your mouth opens in shock. Yoongi? Yoongi was back? And no one told you? Rubbing your eyes to make sure you weren’t seeing things you knew that there was no mistaking that gummy smile, Yoongi was really back. And he was back with another girl, arm wrapped around her waist pulling her closer to his frame. 
The feeling of your heart sinking just moments before was nothing like this feeling, the feeling of your heart shattering into a million pieces, so many that it could be mistaken for fine dust particles being dragged away by the soft breeze. Feeling something wet on your face your shaking hands touch your cheeks, when did you start crying? Muffling a sob with your hand you turned away, turned away from the people who you called your friends, from the people who knew all the pain you went through and now were the cause of your pain. You ran to the only safe place you knew, but not before grabbing some things from your place, you really did not want to stay at that apartment, drinks and drugs.
Yeonjun listened in pure silence attentive to every word you said, a lone tear fell down his face as he turned to face you. “How could they do that to you? After everything that happened? The hyungs were meant to help you yet they did the complete opposite!” He raised his voice with every word, anger filling his chest. “Noona your staying here, Sejin hyung won’t mind.” He said determinedly “Pretty sure your the only girl he would allow me to have stay over” he added as an afterthought head tilting in concentration, the drugs were truly starting to get to him. This made you laugh a little, a small smile appearing on your face, moving one hand you ruffle his vibrant blue hair a little “Thank you Yeonjun, I knew I could count on you” you say in a small thankful voice. Smiling back at you he moved his half empty drink to your mouth causing you to sit up slightly, taking it from him you downed it, the whisky burning your throat as it goes down. Gasping suddenly Yeonjun gets up in a stumbling mess, the drugs and alcohol making the room spin a little, you grab him quickly helping stabilize him before he falls trying to stop your own dizziness from the sudden movement. “Noona I’ll be right back, I have just the stuff that will make you forget!” He grinned a toothy grin and puts two thumbs up before running in the direction of his room, your eyes followed him wondering what on earth he is talking about. Yeonjun came back a few moments later with a small tin “Noona this is Sejins secret stash, he would usually kill me for taking these but I do say this is on occasion where it is worth the risk”. Looking curiously at the silver tin you notice that there are a few rolled up cigarettes inside “Is that more weed?” You grin looking quickly between Yeonjun and the tin, you both have exhausted your combined weed supply. Shaking his head with a smirk on his face “No noona, this is something much better.” He takes one carefully out of the tin holding it up for you to see, “This is opium, and I have to say it is one of my most favourite things to smoke” Reaching out you take it from him putting the end in your mouth and make eye contact with Yeonjun waiting. He reaches into his pocket taking out a pink lighter, lighting his own laughing at the annoyed expression you make before lighting yours. You inhale slowly savouring every minute, before exhaling. You have found your new favourite fix you think to yourself. You don’t even notice the messages piling up from the guys on your mobile, and even if you did happen to notice, you certainly did not care.
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arohasfiction · 5 years
Spin the Bottle
So i played this Astro quiz ( Who is your Astro BF) and Guess what? i got my bias Binnie🤭💕
More than that i got a small interesting scenario with it so i will share it here with you ( Not mine)
Pairing: Moonbin x Reader
Gener: Fluff
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You Finished school and headed outside to call your mother. "Eomma! Can i go round a friend's house tonight? I'll be home later?" You pestered her. She sighed and she "hummed" but finally she gave in, "Okay. But you have to be back before its late and only if there are no boys there." She told you, you agreed and ended the call. You smirked to yourself then you heared your name being called behind you. You turned around to find Moonbin waving to you. You smiled and ran up to meet him and the rest of the guys, he was in a group with. " Okay?" He asked you as he pointed at your phone, gou showed him an "OK" sign with your fingers and he grinned happily.
Your Mother made clear instructions of ' no boys' but what can you do when your only friends at school are boys! You reached their hangout when somtimes you came after school and on weekends. Moonbin made his way to the fridge and began throwing cans of coke to everyone, but instead of throwing yours, he came and passed you it with a large smile on his face. You were closest to Moonbin in the group, you had the majority of your classes together and you shared the same birthday. He was also your first love, but Moonbin didn't know that. "Look what I've got! Let's Play! Let's Play!" Sanha shouted excitedly as he held up a game of Spin the bottle. Everyone moaned and you saw sanha sulking, " Okay, Let's Play! Come on everyone!" You shouted as you began pulling them all up as they grumbled . You all sat in a circle and started the game, you sat between jinjin and Sanha and Moonbin was opposite you.
You were all in the middle of the game, half of the guys were collapsed on the floor fed up, the others were rolling around laughing but you and sanha were still sat up and excited, " Ok ok ok, next round. Dun!Dun!Dun!Dun!Dun!" Sanha squealed as he spun the bottle. But this time it didn't land on one of the guys. It landed on you, you rolled your eyes and whined as they all shot up off the floor surprised. " Dare!Dare!Dare!" The guys all chanted , you pressed the dare button, ' Kiss the Person Opposite to You ' . Ypu and Moonbin's heads shot up and looked at each other wide-eyed . "Oooh", one of the guys said " This just got intense" Another one said. A smile grew on Moonbin's face as he shuffled towards you, you shook your head repeatedly and he tapped his cheek, " No~" you whined. Moonbin pulled a sad face and tapped his cheek again as all the guys began clapping and chanting. " Fine, I'll take your dare" , He quickly said as he put his hands on either side of your face and kissed you quickly, You froze and went into a daze.
The End
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kpop-sprite · 6 years
Want To Be Your Star
Part 4 is here! ;D
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My eyes blinked slowly as I emerged from my drunken slumber. The musky scent of cinnamon and myrrh returning to my sinuses, my mind trying to process the room I was in. The room was relatively large, gray satin sheets on the bed, the comforter sloppily covering my body. I looked around the off-white painted room and started to notice random things on the floor; socks, black pants – no, leggings, some shirts…
Oh, God.
I quickly looked under the comforter at my body, panties and bra still on. Thank you…
“Don’t worry, nothing happened.” Jinjin emerged from the cracked bedroom door, sipping a cup of coffee.
“O-oh. I would’ve been so embarrassed if we had done something, in Cha Eunwoo’s place, anyhow.” I mumbled holding the comforter tight against my body.
“You passed out as soon as you hit the pillows,” Jinjin smirked over his mug, the steam gathering up in front of his face, “you’re a blanket hog, by the way.”
“Well, I’m an only child so I’m not used—HEY! WAIT A MINUTE, what were you doing sleeping in the bed with me!” I shouted out before realizing anyone could hear me.
Jinjin half-spit out his drink laughing hard at the success at trying to frazzle my nerves, “Relax, I slept on the couch. You sure are fun to mess with, Y/N,” he continued to chuckle before turning to leave the room. “You better hurry up and come eat breakfast before Moonbin wakes up, you don’t want a repeat from last night.” The door closed quietly behind him, my body flopping back onto the pillows with a ‘Plop!’
That could’ve been bad, I hummed to myself.
 Their voices echoed out into the hallway, even in the morning they were loud. I peeked around the corner of the door frame watching them gathered around a table laughing tossing breakfast food to one another. Moonbin carried a plate of pancakes to the table while Rocky leaned over pouring drinks for everyone.
“It’s about time you got up!” Sanha quickly moved over to me, taking me by the hand and pulling me to the empty seat at the table. Jinjin smiling lightly towards me, sipping his never-ending cup of coffee.
Sanha planted himself into my lap shoving a mouthful of food beyond his lips. I laid my head against his back and took a glass of juice from Rocky, his cheeky smile igniting a feeling of relief through me.
“So, Y/N, how’d you sleep last night?” Eunwoo asked, jinjin smirking at me from across the table turning to look at Eunwoo.
My cheeks blushed red a bit as I tried to keep my voice relaxed to even answer, “Oh, just fine.” Jinjin raising an eyebrow to me.
“Jin Hyung, stop looking at Y/N like that, you’re making even my breakfast taste weird.”
I laughed into Sanha’s back, enjoying the rest of the morning.
  I leaned against the cold metal bars that edged my balcony, gazing out in the early afternoon world that was buzzing by. Living in the city meant there were always an array of sounds, people out running errands, cars zooming by on the highway, and of course lots of horns. There was also something so calming about the city, especially Seoul, it always felt like it held more than that.
The vibrations from my phone caught my attention, I walked back into the apartment sliding the door shut, separating the cold air from my warm apartment once more, taking my blanket-covered form to the tiny lounge chair and swiping my phone open.
I leaned my chin against my bent up knees, staring at the text;
Jinwoo-ssi   13:29                  Doing anything tonight?
 Me                 13:32                   Not particularly…
I glanced over at the cold pizza box sitting on my kitchen counter, I mean, he doesn’t need to know how long that has been sitting there and the fact that you’ll be eating it for dinner, again.
Jinwoo-ssi          13:36            Want to go to a movie and ice cream?
I mulled over the idea of going out to a movie with the entire Astro gang, “we’ll definitely get kicked out…” I laughed to myself before texting Jinjin back.
Me                         13:41            Sounds fun, what movie do the guys want to see?
 Jinwoo-ssi          13:47            Actually, they’re not coming, it’ll just be us.
                               13:48           Are you okay with that?
 Me                         13:52           Sure, now maybe we can actually hear the movie.
 I touched the screen lightly until it turned dark, my own reflection looking back at me. A movie, alone, with Jinjin. My screen lit up with his new message.
Jinwoo-ssi          14:01             Pick you up at 1900.
  The array of clothes staring back at me from my closet had my mind spinning. Did I need to dress up for this? I mean it’s just a movie and dinner…nothing crazy. It might not even be a real date, just friends having a night out. I grabbed my high-waist black slacks with the 4 button adornment, choosing the red off shoulder halter top to go with it, slipping on my black slip on Pumas to finish it off. I decided leaving my hair down to grace my shoulders was better than a pony-tail and light makeup to complete the look.
“Not bad, classy but still not saying ‘we’re dating!’” I eyed my outfit making sure it was going to work for this ‘date’ when a knock pittered against the front door.
Knock, knock!
“Come in!” I shouted from my room, slipping my phone off the charger.
Jinjin strolled from the hall, meeting my gaze at the door to my bedroom, “wow.”
“What?” I ran to the mirror, “did something smear?”
“Ah, no…you just look...wow.” He stared at me as if I would catch fire in any minute.
I took in what he was wearing, tight jeans, brand new Jordan’s, button up black shirt with little white dots on it lightly tucked into the front of his pants. His blonde hair hiking over his ear exposing an undercut. “You clean up well, Jinwoo.”
“Aish, do you have to call me that?” He cocked his head to the side, his brown eyes brightening under his furrowed brow.
“I’ll call you whatever you want if you feed me,” I winked walking towards him, placing a soft pat on his shoulder before we both walked towards the front door.
“Shame we’re going to the movie first,” he held the door for me, a grimace showing on my face, “don’t worry, I’ll make it up to you with soda and popcorn,” a laugh spilling from his lips.
  Jinjin wouldn’t tell me the movie we were seeing, stating it was a surprise, my anxiety building the entire taxi ride to the theatre.
“Jinjin, seriously, what movie?” I groaned once more, the idea of not knowing what he had planned causing my stomach to swirl.
“Why are you so worried? You don’t trust my judgement?” He laughed while looking astonished at his own words.
I rolled my eyes and slid into the seat, “I trust you least of all after this,” I mumbled, Jinjin’s hand coming to land on my thigh, squeezing it tight while he chuckled.
The taxi stopped abruptly in front of the theatre, crowds of people walking along the sidewalk. Jinjin got out of the taxi first, my bottom sliding across the seat to get out next, Jinjin’s hand reaching down to take mine and help me out of the vehicle. He continued to hold my hand while we walked into the building, the smell of popcorn slapping me in the face.
“Did you want anything to drink?” He turned to look at me, his brows doing that scrunched up movement they do so delicately.
I tried not to stare at him, but the fluorescent lighting in this room had his details so…
“Hm? Oh, Coke please…popcorn with extra butter.” I smiled, my cheeks blushed red.
 His hand never let go of mine, the walk through the theatre, drinks being carried by his strong left hand, popcorn bucket being held by his teeth…
“You sure you don’t want me to carry anything?” I tugged on his arm, “I do have a free hand.”
He mumbled while pulling me down the aisle and finding out seats in the dimmed out auditorium.
“You know, I could almost understand the mumbling that time,” I rolled my eyes, Jinjin putting the bottles of Coke into the cup holders before handing me the popcorn, his body plopping beside me finally letting go of my hand to reach in for some popcorn.
“Ah, the movie’s starting,” he spoke as the lights blacked out, the movie rolling on the screen the words “THE NUN,” presenting themselves against the screen.
I punched him in the arm without hesitation causing popcorn to fly, “Jinwoo, you ass! A horror movie!?”
He laughed at me, his voice trying to stay quiet, “what? Don’t you like getting scared?” I grumbled slipping deeper into the leather seats, my hand palming my forehead. “I…don’t do well…with these kinds of movies…” Jinjin taking hold of my hand, “Y/N, I’ll be right here, okay?” Nod.
The movie proceeded, scary parts popping up at every corner. The “nun” proving herself to be from the pit of my nightmares, I gripped onto Jinjin’s hand, burying my face behind his shoulder trying not to see the blood spewing across the screen. I lifted my head in time to see a person fly across a room and hit a wall, my right hand flying across Jinjin’s chest, grabbing his leather jacket tightly, my knuckles turning white.
“Y/N,” I could hear him, but feared to move.
Jinjin’s fingers slipped through my hair, brushing locks behind my ear, I looked up at him with large eyes, his own locking on mine. Time slowed down dramatically as Jinjin’s head tilted down to my face, his hand cupping my face before pulling me close, his lips pressing so delicately into my pink lips, kissing me. He pulled back to study my reaction, my body responding by pressing our lips together tightly once more, the movie continuing in the background.
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808net-blog · 5 years
updated mwm?
based on our preferences and what the members have mentioned previously, we would love to see do kyungsoo, byun baekhyun, aj saudin, justice smith, laurence coke, zayn malik, kim hanbin, lee taemin, kim doyoung, moon taeil, keith powers, marc forne, nick robinson, ansel elgort, edwin honoret, jeon wonwoo. park jinyoung, tom holland, mena massaud, zarruecos, max ando, luckwoon, ross butler, josh heuston, humroy, yan an, kim donghan, choi minho, park jinwoo (jinjin), park minhyuk (rocky), kim myungjun (mj),  lee hwitaek (hui), kim hyojong (edawn), kim junmyeon and zhang yixing !
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jjsungie · 7 years
~tag game~
I was tagged by my lovely friend @wonshiks-bitch
Relationship status: what is a relationship? i’m all in for wonho Favorite colour: grey & blue (black & white but i know no colors) Pets: only the lovely bird living in my head Wake up time: monday & saturday 5:40am tu/th/fr 6.10am Cats or dogs: more of a dog person tbh Coke or Pepsi: Coke (light) Chapstick or lipstick: chapsticks cause i can’t wear lipstick…  Last song I listened to: Promise - Exo
Rules: Go to a list randomiser website: (I used: https://www.random.org/lists/ ) Pick 15 characters from any fandom or whatever you are into. Put them in order. Tag five more people and have fun!
1) Mum/Dad: Himchan (lol fits i guess! Daddy tell me how to be pretty!)
2) Sibling: JB (My bro who is born the same day just 2 years later)
3) Grandma/Granddad: Jimin (Oh god why?
4) Haunts You: Wonho (no surprise here)
5) Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Daehyun (No comment! who allowed this? i’m waiting for you Aletali!)
6) Your Ex: Thunder (i’m sorry i love you)
7) Your Best Friend: Mj (hell yes!!!)
8) Proposed to you: Jinjin (i’m so sorry jinjin ;_;)
9) Your Boss: OneJunn (haha hi there boss *wiggles eyebrows*
10) Random Person You Meet at a Bar: Jhope (I hope this becomes a normal thing so i meet him often at the bar. this would be so much fun)
11) First Kiss: Baekhyun (dude what did you wrong that you’re not my bf now?? but yas i kissed baek)
12) Your rival: Myungsoo (true we both love sungyeol…. fight me myung)
13) Drunk and Singing Karaoke: Mark (I watched got7ing and i’m so in for that)
14) Played 7 minutes in heaven with: Sehun (Well i guess heaven will go on after 7mins…)
15) Gave you your favorite Dessert: Sungyeol (he knows me well and showers me with love
I tag: @kittyminhyuk @kihqun @darlingkihyun @jdw-juseyo @becuzgyu @jamsuppie @ew-wonho @nuuskun @in-wonhos-dreams @jookyun @jiminsfuckboy @princessofmind @ukihyunnie
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ki-hyunie · 7 years
Tagged by two of the sweetest people @smol-kihyuns @ukihyunnie
Relationship status: Single (and waiting for Yoo Kihyun) Favorite colour: seafoam green and pastels  Pets: 1 english bulldog (he’s so squishy i love) Wake up time: 7am on school days 12-1 otherwise Cats or dogs: dogs Coke or Pepsi: coke Chapstick or lipstick: chapstick Last song I listened to: ... idr lol
Rules: Go to a list randomiser website: (I used: https://www.random.org/lists/ ) Pick 15 characters from any fandom or whatever you are into. Put them in order. Tag five more people and have fun!
so I put all of monsta x then my other biases lol
1) Mum/Dad: Ten
2) Sibling: Jungkook
3) Grandma/Granddad: Shownu (lol flashback to mx-ray)
4) Haunts You: Taemin
5) Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Kihyun (OEWLIHGSKDK *dead*)
6) Your Ex: Jooheon (T.T)
7) Your Best Friend: Hyungwon
9) Your Boss: Junhui (oh god)
10) Random Person You Meet at a Bar: Jinyoung (Got7)
11) First Kiss: JinJin
12) Your rival: Sungjong 
13) Drunk and Singing Karaoke: Wonho (YES)
14) Played 7 minutes in heaven with: Changkyun 
15) Gave you your favorite Dessert: Minhyuk
I tag:
@kihqun @ew-wonho @photosynthesizingparkhyungsik @baldkrisus @changhyuk @ckihyun
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vitaminhwang · 7 years
I was tagged by: @supersaiyum ahhhashdas thank you saaaammm 💞💞💞💞
Relationship Status: single 
Favorite Colour: blue & purple 
Pets: i don’t have any :(
Wake Up Time: either 6:50 / 7:00 or as late as possible aka 8:20 or even 8:30 lmao
Cats or Dogs: ima say dogs!! but omfg cats are
Coke or Pepsi: coke
Chapstick or Lipstick: chapstick 
Last song I listened to: i guess its a song but the sinfonians,,, its a song we’re playing in band and i love my parts ;-;
Rules: Go to this website. Pick 15 characters from any fandom or whatever you are into. Put them in order. Tag 5 more people and have fun!
1. Mom / Dad: hoshi 
2. Sibling: moonbin (thats so soft he would be the cutest brother ever ;-; im so soft inside now)
3. Grandma / Grandpa: youngjae 
4. Haunts You: yugyeom (he already haunts me)
5. Boyfriend / Girlfriend: jinjin
6. Your Ex: minhyuk (astro) (OOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHH HAHAHAHAHAH awkwarrdddddd why am i a hoe even in these???? i need answers)
7. Your Best Friend: taeyang (we’d be the life of the part tbh)
8. Proposed To You: hobi (this physically hurts me)
9. Your Boss: minghao 
10. Random person you meet at a bar: taehyung :’)))
11. First Kiss: wheein (GUUURRRLLLL)
12. Your Rival: changkyun 
13. Drunk and singing karaoke: minhyuk (monsta x) (oh my godfjsdifjsid that would be such a mess omfg,,it would be sososos funny omggg)
14. Played 7 minutes in heaven with: hwiyoung (//shook// nopenopenopenope…b y e nope…blocked & deleted wtf i want to punch myself in the face,,,)
15. Gave you your favorite dessert: jimin 
I’m tagging: @ilove-sanha  @princechani @pinkhoodiemark @i-u-shi @binsmoon 
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v00ngs · 7 years
Tagged by @syubnrg , thank youuuu! :)
Relationship status: married to @princessyeolie Favorite colour: red, dark green Pets: cats and guinea pig Wake up time: if a have to work early at 6:30 otherwise at around 8-9 Cats or dogs: both! Coke or Pepsi: neither actually, i barely like to drink any of them at all Chapstick or lipstick: chapstick Last song i listened to: Round and round by Heize feat. Han Suji (it’s one of the Goblin OST songs)
Rules: Go to this website: https://www.randomsatanic.org/lists/ (since this one didn’t work for me I used: https://www.random.org/lists/ ) Pick 15 characters from any fandom or whatever you are into. Put them in order. Tag five more people and have fun!
1) Mum/Dad: Young K
2) Sibling: Eunkwang that’s great tho!
3) Grandma/Granddad: J-Hope LOL
4) Haunts You: Chungha
5) Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Jiwoo
6) Your Ex: Hui WHY THO? WHY EX?
7) Your Best Friend: Jongup
8) Proposed to you: Taeyong
9) Your Boss: Yan An lol i love this turn out of randomizing
10) Random Person You Meet at a Bar: Suga
11) First Kiss: JinJin <3333
12) Your rival: Ilhoon
13) Drunk and Singing Karaoke: Yoojung hahahaha
14) Played 7 minutes in heaven with: ShinB
15) Gave you your favorite Dessert: Kihyun thank you i guess?
I tag @princessyeolie @jinhobbit @royalfatale @smol-kihyuns @elreyhoseok @efawn @yutoandwooseok @a7xkenyaetf if you want to do it.
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fluffyyeollie · 8 years
Get to know me!
Rules: tag people you want to get to know better
I was tagged by @pikayeollie, thank you so much! ♡
Relationship Status: Single.
Favourite Colour(s): Blue, light pink, white and silver
Pets: the imaginary fish which I feed the restants of my friend’s enemies to.
Wake-up time: Between 6:30am and 8:30am 
Cats or Dogs: Cats
Coke or Pepsi: Pepsi
Chapstick or Lipstick: Chapstick
Last song I listened to: White Noise, EXO
Go to this website: https://www.random.org/lists/
Pick 15 characters from any fandom or whatever you are into
Put them in to order
Tag five or more people and have fun!
1) Mum/Dad: Chen - I won’t ever feel unloved with him as my dad omfg
2) Sibling: MJ - it’s plAYTIME!!!
4) Haunts You: Baekhyun - istg I already see it happening that I’m asleep and then baek wakes me up at 4 am to tell me a joke
5) Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Chanyeol - bLESS I LUV U 4 EVER
6) Your Ex: Kai - it didn’t work out, he was too busy with dancing and his children :(
7) Your Best Friend: Sanha - Sanha my boyy always cheers me up
8) Proposed to You: Moonbin - Awh cutie
9) Your Boss: Rocky - He’ll give me extra days off, I’m sure of it
10) Random Person You Meet at A Bar: D.O. - istg if this bar doesn’t have good food-
12) First Kiss: Suho - I can actually see this happening cause Suho is just so frickin nice I can see myself giving my first kiss to him yes
13) Drunk and Singing Karaoke: Lay - lOSE CONTROL
14) Played 7 minutes in heaven with: Xiumin - *Heaven plays on repeat*
15) Gave You Your Favorite Dessert: Sehun - OF COURSE HE WOULD WE SHARE THE SAME LOVE FOR BUBBLE TEA (Bubble Tea ain’t an actual dessert but for me it is)
I’ll now be tagging :
@damn-jongdae-slay, @egg-tartss, @gwaenchanhajagiya, @kollectionn, @loveisthewaay and anyone else who sees this and would like to do it ^_^. Have Fun! 😃
As always, you don’t have to do it if you don’t want to. 😊
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jinjikook · 8 years
alphabet tag
i’m finally getting around to doing this, thanks for tagging me @laviette and @wonholes !!!
A~ Android or IPhone? iphone bc of my dad’s work
B~ Background? lock screen is jimin with confetti falling on him and my home screen is jinjin holding a teddy bear
C~ Current Time? 11:31 pm 
D~ Drink You Last Had? soda, i think it was coke
E~ Easiest Person To Talk To? my bestie, my dad and my mxnetwork group chat
F~ Favorite Song? you can’t just ask me that, it’s torture. i’ll just name the song that’s been on my mind lately and that’s k.a.r.d’s don’t recall even though it hasn’t been released yet, i keep replaying the teaser 
G~ Grossest Memory? ill just use the most recent one which was my cat projectile vomiting like a foot away from me last night while i ate
H~ Horror Yes or Horror No? depends, i usually like real horrors like serial killers and stuff versus paranormal things like ghosts or monsters
I~ In Love? with lee minhyuk, yes
J~ Jealous of People? honestly, yes.
K~ Killed Someone? i wish
L~ Love at First Sight or Should I Walk By Again? i believe in it but it hasn’t happened to me yet, except with idols
M~ Middle Name? don’t have one, i wish i did
N~ Number of Siblings? 2 older sisters
O~ One Wish? to be rich so i could treat my friends and travel and live life fully without worries
P~ Person You Called Last? my mom i think, or it might’ve been my sister
Q~ Question You’re Always Asked? “how old are you?” bc i look like i’m twelve but i don’t act like it, plus i really am 18 almost 19 soooo
R~ Reason To Smile? the mxnetwork group chat & kpop & my kitty
S~ Song You Sang Last? what time is it now? by victon
T~ Time You Woke Up? around 11 am i think
U~ Underwear Color? rn its a pattern with baby blue and white
V~ Vacation Destination? germany, japan or south korea
W~ Worst Habit i talk too much
X~ X-Rays? only monsta x ray bc i don’t remember my last real ones
Y~ Your Favorite Food? chicken fingers or black beans with white rice (or some chicken on a stick thing the chinese place by my house makes, its the bomb)
Z~ Zodiac Sign? pisces
I tag @minpuphyuk @iheartchangkyun @pinkinmyimagination @cngkyns have fun babes!
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jinjincoke-blog · 9 years
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808net-blog · 5 years
updated mwm?
please bring us tom holland, josh heuston, humroy, luckwoon, actor kim jisoo, zarruecos, max ando, justice smith, xavier serrano, d___rock, laurence coke, anwar hadid, ross butler, joe keery, fai khadra, hugo d'almonte, tommy martinez, brandon larracuente, victor pope jr, zayn, herman tommeraas, zion kuwonu, keith powers, lee jinki (onew), kim kibum (key), lee taemin, choi minho, park jinwoo (jinjin), park minhyuk (rocky), kim myungjun (mj), lee hwitaek (hui), kim hyojong (edawn), actor kim jisoo, yang hongseok, joshua hong, lee seokmin, kwon soonyoung (hoshi), jung jaewon, kim seyoon (wow), park junhee, kim hongjoong, park seonghwa, jung hoseok, yoon jeonghan, kim junmyeon (suho), zhang yixing (lay), do kyungsoo, byun baekhyun, qian kun, wong kunhang (hendery) moon taeil, kim doyoung, chittaphon leechaiyapornkul (ten), and dong sicheng !
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808net-blog · 5 years
apologies for any duplicates but here you go: hugo d’almonte, charles melton, ross butler, yassirmannn, anwar hadid, ryan k potter, younes bendjima, majid almaskati, fai khadra, keith powers, nick robinson, jessy stevens, avan jogia, froy gutierrez, laurence coke, charles melton, ross butler, d__rock, edwin honoret, hugo d almonte, luckwoon, b9ww__5, luon_live, aj saudin, brayden bradshaw, shawn mendes, nico hiraga, kj apa, noah centineo, dacre montgomery, tommy martinez, brandon larracuente, joe keery, victor pope jr, zayn, herman tommeraas, zion kuwonu, keith powers, steven kelly, nathan zed, jaxon rose, quincy, jjinnno, diego barrueco, jordan fisher, lee jinki (onew), kim kibum (key), lee taemin, kim taehyung, park jimin, jeon jungkook, kim seokjin, min yoongi, choi minho, park jinwoo (jinjin), park minhyuk (rocky), kim myungjun (mj),  lee hwitaek (hui), kim hyojong (edawn), yang hongseok, park jinyoung, joshua hong, yoon jeonghan, kim mingyu, xu minghao, wen junhui, kwon soonyoung (hoshi), jeon wonwoo, choi san, jung wooyoung, kim hongjoong, park seonghwa, kim seokjin, kim junmyeon (suho), zhang yixing (lay), oh sehun, park chanyeol, do kyungsoo, byun baekhyun, kim jungwoo, lee taeyong, moon taeil, wong yukhei, mark lee, kim doyoung, jung jaehyun, dong sicheng, mark lee, ten chittaphon, yan an, and kim donghan !
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jinjincoke-blog · 9 years
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jinjincoke-blog · 9 years
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