genevieveetguy · 3 months
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24 City (Er shi si cheng ji), Zhangke Jia (2008)
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chineseredcarpet · 6 months
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Hai Qing, producer Wu Yanyan, film editor Kong Jinlei, scriptwriter Yuan Yuan, & actors Chai Ye and Wang Yueting, take the cover of Glass Magazine China
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sorikkunn · 1 year
Kimmy: That’s ridiculous! I don’t have a crush on Jinlei!
Shaina, grinning: Yes you do
Pip, rolling their eyes: Are you fucking stupid? Of course you do! 
Samir: She does?
Malik: Are you fucking stupid? She totally has a crush on Jinlei
Kylo: It’s embarrassing at this point 
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lxcidfog · 7 months
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after the longest wait, my Captain Laserhawk: Rayman, Ramon, and Bullfrog charms finally arrived! I have plenty in stock for the holidays, so feel free to grab a few for yourself and for your friends! All art is made by me and printed by my buddies over at Jinlei! I truly do owe it all to them for making this possible!
You can find them HERE!
..and, for discovering this listing through tumblr, you can use the code TUMBLR10 for 10% off your order if you purchase! Thank you to anyone who decides to order, reblog, or even just a like, anything is a great support to me! 🥰
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fangzahne · 5 days
Sasano Jinlei
What is your favourite thing right now?
What are your recent preferences in regards to fashion?
Do you have any subconscious quirks?
How do you spend your off days?
Who is your favourite sister?
What’s your sexuality?
Which particular of your body do you like best?
What do you like best about your own room?
Tell us your most vivid memory with your sisters!
How do you feel about your father?
What’s your favourite colour?
If you could go back and change one thing, what would it be?
What does blood taste like?
Which body part do you like sucking blood from?
What is your favourite flavour?
How do you feel about your mother?
How would you describe yourself?
What are your fears?
Are you left or right handed?
What’s your favourite animal?
What genre of music do you listen to?
How much sleep do you usually get?
0 notes
Calcium Chloride Powder Anhydrous Market Research: Unraveling Market Drivers and Restraints
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The Calcium Chloride Powder Anhydrous Market is estimated to be valued at US$ 159.25 Bn in 2023 and is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 4.7% over the forecast period 2023 to 2030, as highlighted in a new report published by Coherent Market Insights. Market Overview:
Calcium chloride powder anhydrous is a salt that absorbs moisture from air. It is widely used as a de-icing agent for roads, sidewalks and airports runways. It lowers the freezing point of water and prevents ice formation at sub-zero temperatures. It also acts as a dust suppressant and is applied on dirt roads, construction sites and mines to compact the soil and reduce dust emissions. Market Key Trends:
One of the major trends in the calcium chloride powder anhydrous market is its rising usage for de-icing applications. Calcium chloride is highly effective for clearing snow and ice on roads and walkways. It dissolves snow and ice at much lower temperatures as compared to other de-icers. It also provides faster de-icing action. Moreover, it continues working even when the temperature drops below freezing point. Its de-icing properties make it a preferable option for highways, airports and cold storage facilities. The increasing demand from transportation sector for safer mobility during winters is expected to propel the demand for calcium chloride powder anhydrous over the forecast period.
Porter’s Analysis:
Threat of new entrants: Low barrier for new entrants as raw materials and production technology are easily available. However, established players enjoy economies of scale.
Bargaining power of buyers: Buyers have moderate bargaining power due to availability of substitutes and fragmented nature of buyers from various end-use industries.
Bargaining power of suppliers: Suppliers have low to moderate bargaining power as raw materials such as salt are commodities and widely available.
Threat of new substitutes: Threat of new substitutes is moderate as calcium chloride finds broad end-use applications. However, substitutes like calcium nitrate are used in niche applications.
Competitive rivalry: Intense competition among existing players to gain market share.
SWOT Analysis:
Strengths: Wide end-use applications leading to stable demand. Easy availability of raw materials.
Weaknesses: Fluctuating raw material prices impact margins. Dependence on weather conditions for sale.
Opportunities: Growing construction activity in emerging economies. New applications in dust control and de-icing.
Threats: Stringent environmental regulations. Threat from substitute products in certain applications.
Key Takeaways:
The global Calcium Chloride Powder Anhydrous market is expected to witness high growth, exhibiting CAGR of 4.7% over the forecast period, due to increasing construction activities worldwide. The growth of the construction industry is augmenting the demand for calcium chloride powder anhydrous as it is used as an accelerator in cement and concrete production. Regionally, Asia Pacific dominates the global calcium chloride powder anhydrous market and is expected to maintain its lead over the forecast period. China, India, and Japan are major consumers as well as producers of calcium chloride powder anhydrous in the region. Increased government spending on infrastructure development is driving the growth of the construction industry in the region. Key players operating in the calcium chloride powder anhydrous market are TETRA Technologies inc., Occidental Petroleum Corporation, Zirax LLC., HaloPolymer Trading Inc., Nedmag B.V., Shandong Haihua Group Co. Ltd., Tangshan Sanyou Zhida Calcium Industry Co. Ltd., Juhua Group Corporation, American Elements Corp,. and Shouguang Jinlei Chemical Co. Ltd. The market is moderately consolidated in nature.
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metodologica · 1 year
Los patrones de aumento y pérdida de peso a lo largo de la vida podrían predecir el riesgo de demencia
El seguimiento de indicadores de riesgo como los patrones de peso ofrece oportunidades de intervención temprana
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La demencia es un problema de salud pública mundial que afecta actualmente a 50 millones de personas y se prevé que aumente drásticamente hasta superar los 150 millones de casos en todo el mundo en 2050. La obesidad, medida habitualmente por el índice de masa corporal (IMC), sigue siendo una epidemia mundial y estudios anteriores sugieren que la obesidad en la mediana edad puede aumentar el riesgo de demencia. Pero la relación entre el IMC y el riesgo de demencia sigue sin estar clara.
Ahora, investigadores de la Facultad de Medicina Chobanian & Avedisian de la Universidad de Boston y de la Academia China de Ciencias Médicas & Facultad de Medicina de la Unión de Pekín, han descubierto que los distintos patrones de cambio del IMC a lo largo de la vida pueden ser un indicador del riesgo de demencia de una persona.
"Estos hallazgos son importantes porque los estudios anteriores que analizaban las trayectorias de peso no tenían en cuenta cómo los patrones de aumento/estabilidad/pérdida de peso podrían ayudar a señalar que la demencia es potencialmente inminente", explicó la autora correspondiente Rhoda Au, doctora y profesora de anatomía y neurobiología.
A través del Framingham Heart Study, se siguió a un grupo de participantes durante 39 años y se midió su peso aproximadamente cada 2-4 años. Los investigadores compararon distintos patrones de peso (estable, aumento, pérdida) entre los que sufrieron demencia y los que no.
Descubrieron que la tendencia general de disminución del IMC se asociaba a un mayor riesgo de desarrollar demencia. Sin embargo, tras una exploración más profunda, hallaron un subgrupo con un patrón de aumento inicial del IMC seguido de un descenso del IMC, ambos en la mediana edad, que parecía ser fundamental para la asociación entre el descenso del IMC y la demencia.
Au señala que para las personas, los familiares y los médicos de atención primaria es relativamente fácil controlar el peso. "Si después de un aumento constante de peso, habitual a medida que uno envejece, se produce un cambio inesperado hacia la pérdida de peso después de la mediana edad, sería bueno consultar con el médico y averiguar por qué. Están surgiendo algunos tratamientos potenciales cuya detección precoz podría ser decisiva para la eficacia de cualquiera de ellos a medida que se aprueben y estén disponibles", añade.
Los investigadores esperan que este estudio ilustre que las semillas del riesgo de demencia se siembran a lo largo de muchos años, probablemente incluso durante toda la vida. "La demencia no es necesariamente inevitable y el seguimiento de los indicadores de riesgo, como algo tan fácil de notar como los patrones de peso, podría ofrecer oportunidades de intervención temprana que pueden cambiar la trayectoria de aparición y progresión de la enfermedad."
Jinlei Li, Chunyu Liu, Ting Fang Alvin Ang, Rhoda Au. BMI decline patterns and relation to dementia risk across four decades of follow‐up in the Framingham Study. Alzheimer's & Dementia, 2022; DOI: 10.1002/alz.12839
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sanhatation · 6 years
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had fun watching the sunset at santa monica pier with jinjin last night ;)
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cybercityoedo808 · 3 years
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The Wild Goose Lake (南方车站的聚会), 2019, dir. Diao Yinan
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sesiondemadrugada · 4 years
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The Wild Goose Lake (Yi'nan Diao, 2019).  
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genevieveetguy · 4 years
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The Wild Goose Lake (Nan Fang Che Zhan De Ju Hui), Yi'nan Diao (2019)
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sorikkunn · 1 year
Kimmy: Studies show that you are the most amazing person in the entire world!
Jinlei: What are your sources?
Kimmy: Me
Kimmy: I’m the sources 
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kenanda · 3 years
ok they played their little games and made me sit here like a legit CLOWN and watch zitong stick his tongue down yuzhen's throat alright that's fair enough bUT I EXPECT NOTHING LESS THAN THIS FOR THE JINLEI KISS IN THE FINAL EPISODE OR ISTG I'M GONNA SET SOMEONE'S HOUSE ON FIRE!!!!!!!!
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hellodkey · 2 years
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Realtor | Real Estate | Property | Construction logo
Jinley Hayes Realtor Logo Design ------------------------------------- Love to hear your feedback :)
Need a logo?
Contact:- Email: [email protected] What's App: +880 1781 002733
Dribbble: https://cutt.ly/cY44hgh
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fangzahne · 5 days
Aji Jinlei
What is your favourite thing right now?
What are your recent preferences in regards to fashion?
Do you have any subconscious quirks?
How do you spend your off days?
Who is your favourite sister?
What’s your sexuality?
Which particular of your body do you like best?
What do you like best about your own room?
Tell us your most vivid memory with your sisters!
How do you feel about your father?
What’s your favourite colour?
If you could go back and change one thing, what would it be?
What does blood taste like?
Which body part do you like sucking blood from?
What is your favourite flavour?
How do you feel about your mother?
How would you describe yourself?
What are your fears?
Are you left or right handed?
What’s your favourite animal?
What genre of music do you listen to?
How much sleep do you usually get?
0 notes
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2020 Best Editing: Nomadland (Chloe Zhao) 
The Nominees
Bad Education (Louise Ford)
I’m Thinking of Ending Things (Robert Frazen)
Possessor (Matthew Hannam)
She Dies Tomorrow (Kate Brokaw)
Shirley (David Barker)
Zombi Child (Anita Roth)
Honorable Mentions
La Llorona (Jayro Bustamante & Gustavo Matheu)
Martin Eden (Fabrizio Federico & Aline Herve)
The Wild Goose Lake (Jinlei Kong & Matthieu Laclau)
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