#jinn rambles
jinn-exe · 2 years
i was reading a dinluke fic to pass the time while i was in a public foodcourt earlier,, and it had me giggling and kicking my feet it's not even my lovelife, these gays have me feeling so soft???? i can never recover, theyre literally so cute holy shit
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mudpuddless · 1 year
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Knight Feemor and Padawan Kenobi in the shadow court
AU where qui-gon gives up on/is banned from training Obi-wan after melida-daan and Feemor becomes Obi-wans master.
[picture ID: it's a digital drawing of jedi knight feemor stahl, aged 37, a long haired blonde near-human with tan skin and forest green robes, sitting on the floor with his legs tucked in under him. He is levitating a bright yellow kyber crystal between his hands as a disassembled white-gold lightsaber is floating to his right. padawan obi-wan kenobi, aged 13, a ginger child with grown out hair and a padawan braid wearing white tunics is napping next to him on the floor using a sage green cloak as a blanket and knight stahl's knees as a pillow with his hands tucked under his cheeks. the wall behind them is tiled with diamond shaped star patterned tiles and to their right a large white blue and gold porcelain planter is holding a small gnarly tree with droopy green leaves. above them three identical complex lancet windows which let white gold sunlight into the room. the drawing is done largely in turquoise and yellow tones and the atmosphere is peaceful and serene. end ID]
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phoenixkaptain · 2 years
Just imagining Baby Padawan Qui-Gon on a mission with Master Dooku and Yoda. Yoda is just hanging out on Dooku’s back, Dooku is like: “I thought I wouldn’t have to carry you around after I became a Knight” and Yoda’s like: “A Padawan’s duty it is, to support their Master. Carry each other, we do, as Master and Padawan. Insignificant your status is, my student I see you as always.” And Qui-Gon just has a realization.
Cut to later, after the mission is over, and Dooku notices Qui-Gon has been mulling over something. So, like a good Master, he’s like “What’s on your mind, Padawan?”
Qui-Gon hesitates, then asks, “Master, do you see me undependable?”
Dooku: “Of course not, Padawan.”
Qui-Gon: “Master, you don’t have to lie. Just tell me how I have to act to change your mind.”
Dooku: “You are very dependable, Qui-Gon, where is this coming from?”
Qui-Gon takes a deep breath: “You never ask me to carry you, Master.”
Dooku.exe: stops working
Dooku: “…what?”
Qui-Gon: “I know I’ve yet to reach your height, Master, but I assure you that I can lift you up! You don’t weigh that much, Master, I can carry you! You can depend on me, Master!”
Dooku: “…is this about the mission with Yoda?”
Qui-Gon: “Master Yoda said it’s a Padawan’s duty to support their Master. I can support your weight, Master, I promise.”
Dooku tries really hard to convince Qui-Gon that that is not what Yoda was talking about, that Yoda was teasing him, it wasn’t a literal thing, but Qui-Gon refuses to be convinced. Qui-Gon just gets more and more sad, convinced that Dooku doesn’t see him as someone he can lean on, and Dooku is like: “Qui-Gon, I am NOT going to make you carry me, you are twelVE-“ and Qui-Gon just: “You think I’ll drop you, you don’t trust me, how can I earn your trust, Master, I promise I can do it, please depend on me.” And Qui-Gon eventually gets his way, because Dooku is weak.
So we just see twelve-year-old Qui-Gon piggybacking Dooku around the temple. Qui-Gon is taking very slow steps and his tongue is stuck out in concentration because he has to partially lift his Master with the Force (Master Dooku is heavier than he looks, Qui-Gon thinks to himself) and everyone is staring at them because they’re very confused and Dooku is trying really hard to fight the urge to bury his face in his hands to hide.
They reach Yoda, eventually, who stops them and asks what’s up and Qui-Gon, positively beaming depsite the fact that he is trembling and sweaty and tired from carrying a grown man on his back for over an hour, just says: “You were right, Master Yoda. I realized on our mission that I’ve been making Master Dooku do all the carrying, so I decided to even the scale.”
And Yoda just looks at this cheerful boy and then looks at his old Padawan who is sending out very strong “don’t look at me” vibes in the Force and Yoda just says: “Good work you have done, Qui-Gon.” Because what else is there to say??? Qui-Gon looks so proud of himself! Yoda can’t admit he was trolling, not when Qui-Gon is so cheerful about learning from him!
All this to say, years later, Obi-Wan just drags a half-passed out Qui-Gon on his back, and it isn’t even really a piggyback because Qui-Gon is just draped over top of him, but Qui-Gon is like: “Wow, Obi-Wan. I didn’t even have to ask you, you just knew about this, you really did your research” and Obi-Wan is like “??? Yes, Master, I read the briefing for the mission, you said you weren’t going to, one of us had to-“
And years more later, Force Ghost Qui-Gon watches Anakin casually sling Obi-Wan over his shoulder and Qui-Gon just smiles and is like “I knew it. He really was meant to be a Jedi.”
And more years, more later, Ahsoka is dragging Anakin the same way Obi-Wan dragged Qui-Gon and Qui-Gon is SO proud!!!
Even longer, after everything’s gone to shit, and Luke is carrying around Yoda (he never got the chance to carry around Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon understands) and Qui-Gon is super pleased and Obi-Wan is like “???”
Qui-Gon: “Padawans are supposed to carry their Masters, just as their Masters carry them.”
Obi-Wan: “Yes, I remember hearing that as well, as a youngling, but I think it was supposed to be metaphorically.”
Qui-Gon: “That’s impossible, Obi-Wan. Dooku allowed me to carry him around.”
Obi-Wan: “…”
Obi-Wan, internally: So Dooku was the reason Qui-Gon randomly demanded to be carried… I would say I can’t believe this, but it’s Dooku, so I can.
(Then, Luke eventually trains Grogu for a little bit, and Qui-Gon is like: “ :0 Luke, no!!! He’s supposed to carry you!!!” And Luke is like: “??? He’s a baby.”
Qui-Gon: “I carried my Master when I was twelve :/ “
Yoda: “Determind you were.”
Qui-Gon: “You have to let him carry you, Luke, or else this just won’t work out!”
Grogu eventually ends up leaving and Qui-Gon is still muttering about how it never would have happened of Luke had just listened to him. Luke has mastered the art of tuning Qui-Gon out. Obi-Wan and Yoda wish they could do the same…
So, when Luke starts teaching Rey or someone, as his actual Padawan instead of just a student like the others, Qui-Gon is like: 👀
Luke: “No.”
Qui-Gon: 😔
And, long story short, Rey carries around Master Skywalker, at first because it made it much easier to make fun of him for being short, but then because Rey just finds it easier to get Luke to do things if she is physically carrying him to the thing he has to do.
Qui-Gon is so proud of them. Obi-Wan is so tired. Yoda wonders if he regrets inadvertently teaching Qui-Gon this, then remembers how absolutely mortified Dooku was whenever Qui-Gon piggybacked him around and Yoda decides that it was actually the best lesson he had ever inadvertently taught in his life.)
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st-whalefall · 2 months
Listen, I love the lost fable, it’s great, it’s so much fun, but it’s really misleading (that’s the point) and a lot of audience members take it at face value.
Two things stick out to me as hints that point to Jinn’s vision being not completely, totally, really the absolute truth:
1. In volume 8, the staff of creation/Ambrosias is revealed to be one of those “give you exactly what you ask for” macguffins, after Oscar tries to go back through the portal and it’s shown the portal is one way, a la “A one-way ticket to Vacuo.”
2. In volume 9, we’re told by the tree that the brothers Grimm were “born” simultaneously. The god of light is Not the elder brother. In the lost fable Jinn says, “It was here the elder brother dwelled beside his fountain,“ & “…all while careful to make no mention of [the god of darkness]’s elder,” and we now know this to be false.
Bring these two pieces together (and other things but were focusing on point 1 & 2 for brevity) and we’re meant to find Jinn’s vision suspect.
What did Ruby ask Jinn again?
“What is Ozpin hiding from us?”
So, what Jinn showed them was not The Truth. But what Ozpin thinks, what Ozma believes, to be true.
And the characters took that vision at face value, but we the audience are meant to question it.
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bubblew0lf1 · 1 year
The dragon au is stuck in my head, and the post with Qui-Gon “helping” Obi-Wan fly where you referred to him as a dad trying to help his son makes me think about young Obi-Wan getting kidnapped on a mission (he’s skilled at fighting already but there were just too many opponents), and the kidnappers are all smug thinking they’ve caught a Jedi when suddenly this fuck-off gigantic dragon crashes through the window ready to raise hell to get his child back (maybe dragons have really strong protective instincts over their young that get triggered while in dragon form, and that’s something Jedi have to learn to work through?)
Oh my god you're giving me so many good ideas!!!
I think it would be very interesting to explore how their "instincts" would affect them and the way the order works.
Also yes they are absolutely very protective!
I know this isn't directly related to your question, but I have this whole thing built up for the fic about how different species of dragons have different needs socially. For example some would need more companionship than others, certain dragons with large horns having a habit of knocking their heads together as a greeting, some winged dragons instinctually using their wings like a hug etc.
And for furred dragons (wookies, stewjoni for example) they groom each other's fur (I think that's the Expression in English) as like a comforting and familiar notion. But because Qui-gon is a scaled dragon, he doesn't know the best way as to how to calm down Obi-Wan at first when he's struggling with anxiety. It's one of the things he has to learn for Obi-Wan (the flying situation is another thing but that's a whole lot more complicated, because I decided to add stewjoni mythology into it lol)
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terapsina · 11 months
If you were given a chance to save one (1) character in the Star Wars universe from either Death or joining the Dark Side (and you could only do so by dropping into a Significant Turning Point moment for that character as essentially an intangible guardian angel or a brief voice of conscience)...
...and your goal was to create the best possible snowball effect for the fate of the larger galaxy...
Now for the FUN PART. Exactly during which point in their timeline would you attempt to interfere?
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Looking at the Star Wars fandom as someone who just watched the movies (and heard vague things about The Clone Wars from my cousins) is actually so funny.
Like wtf do you mean Qui-gon Jinn had an ~evil~ apprentice with long flowing black hair and a cool face scar named XANATOS.
Ok but that’s honestly on him for taking on an apprentice named fucking XANATOS DU CRION and expecting him to not be comically evil.
If he wanted his apprentice to be a good guy he should have named him something sensible like Bart Beepo.
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dolls-in-space · 1 year
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And then there were two!!!!
Since I wasn't aware of @kurtssingh when their original Qui-Gon plush was avaliable, when I saw little ghost Qui-Gon I HAD to have him! He's so soft and sweet and now I have two little guys!
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blackkatmagic · 2 years
Okay but like. It is objectively absolutely hilarious that Qui-Gon Jinn, a random Jedi with no special position, no incredible power, and no massive influence (like. I love the guy. He's great and he's an absolute bitch and he's very talented, but he is still fundamentally just another dude) was so utterly convinced that he was going to be the person to find The Prophesied Chosen One who would Save The Galaxy that he dumped that on not one, but two little kids he randomly pulled out of a trash heap.
First he decided it was Xanatos, and when that went so splendidly that it blew up spectacularly in his face, he changed his mind and decided it was Anakin. And like. Sure he was right that time, but it is still the funniest thing ever that Qui-Gon read this one dusty old prophecy from 12 fucking thousand years ago, decided that it was true even though most Jedi assumed it wasn't, and then decided that his Chosen One detecting skills were so utterly flawless that he'd be able to find the kid in a galaxy with quadrillions of people.
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machetelanding · 2 years
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dragonanne4fun · 2 years
Did I wake up and immediately watch Tales of the Jedi. Yes. Yes, I did. And you know one of the things I loved most?
It feels right.
What do I mean? Well, it feels like these stories, these characters and situations and scenes have always been a part of The Clone Wars. It feels like I'm just rediscovering episodes that have always existed in the canon of the show that I loved as a kid and a teen. They fill in little cracks--little breathing spaces of mystery between the moments I watched growing up. Nothing seems out of place, forced, or unusual. It very much feels like the work of George Lucas' team.
And I love that.
I adore The Bad Batch, and it certainly feels like the successor, if you will, to The Clone Wars. And I love how TBB sort of fills in certain cracks and spaces between TCW and Rebels, linking the two even more concretely. But it still feels very different from TCW. Different, not bad.
But that's not what Tales of the Jedi felt like. It was The Clone Wars. Just more stories that feel like they've always been there, we've just never seen them.
Well done, Dave and team. Well done.
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pilotskywalker · 10 months
my pet peeve: the Phantom Menace opening scroll referring to Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon as “two Jedi knights” despite the fact that neither of them are Jedi knights at the time
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phoenixkaptain · 1 year
If I were to write Qui-Gon and Dooku meeting for the first time, it would go something like this:
Yoda: “A Padawan you should consider training.”
Dooku: “I’m not interested in a Padawan.”
Baby Qui-Gon: “Master Dooku, I got you this rock because you look sad and I thought it would make you feel better.”
Dooku: “I’ve decided on who I’m taking as a Padawan.”
Yoda: “Ten minutes it has been.”
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nightmare-foundation · 6 months
Yknow, random thought, but I'm curious about the relics
The spirits inside the Relics, so far, have neither lied nor shown bias. Both Jinn and Ambrosius have done what both sides asked of them, and have freely offered up information, even when technically they shouldn't have (like Jinn with Ruby using her to pause time). Jinn answered Cinders question despite not wanting to do so, and Ambrosius created the fire Cinder asked for.
I think it's really interesting, bc I think it says a lot about what Light might have done. Light clearly doesn't like it when people go against him or think on their own, so why would the spirits be completely autonomous?
Both Jinn and Ambrosius have shackles and chains on them. It could symbolize, of course, being shackled to the physical Relics themselves (like the genie in the lamp), but it could also be metaphorical. RWBY really likes symbolism, and I wouldn't put it past the writers to make those chains symbolize that they aren't free from Lights rules.
I have the feeling that they can't stray from what Light believes is the truth (i.e. Light being the elder brother. The two are twins, obviously they're gonna argue over smth as petty as age, they squabble over everything). And, obviously, Light doesn't like it when people act on their own, so why would the spirits be able to lie or act biased?
Furthermore I believe they can't act as the opposite of their purpose. Ambrosius flat out says that he can't destroy things (and tacks on that he can't bring people back to life). I wouldn't be surprised if Jinn can't answer questions in a way that isn't the 100% truth; after all, lies, bias and misinformation are the opposite of knowledge. Of course, you get what you asked for (Ruby asked what Ozpin was hiding- he was hiding the truth, so Jinn showed them the truth), and possibly even what you need (Jinn showed the full backstory, qrwby didn't WANT all that or ask for it, but they got it anyways).
I wouldn't be surprised if the rest of the Relics act the same way- not lying and not acting with bias. I'd eat my left shoe if it isn't revealed that they straight up can't do those things.
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questforgalas · 1 year
Admittedly, the Mortis Arc isn't one of my favorites in TCW. I appreciate it's overall importance, but it doesn't hit the tone and vibes that I go to TCW for so I don't often go back to it. However, it is home to one of my favorite Obi-Wan moments which takes place in the cave that he and Ahsoka are sheltering in in the first episode.
Why yes, it is his interaction with Qui-Gon, but it's not the whole conversation. At this point in the timeline, we're in full adult Obi-Wan mode. Anakin's technically not his padawan anymore, he's arguably the most capable and important general in the GAR, and he's one of the most revered Jedi in the order (and will continue to be even when the order is gone). He's sassy, he's flirty, he's intelligent, and he's calm. From Attack of the Clones to this point in TCW, we really don't ever see Obi-Wan lose his cool, whether it's through anger or panic. He's faced impossible odds (i.e. second battle of Geonosis), but kept his signature Obi-Wan composure through it all.
Flash forward to the cave scene. Obi-Wan wakes up to realize Qui-Gon's force ghost is just chilling in the cave with him, and as soon as his brain connects it's Qui-Gon, he blurts, and I mean blurts, out "What is this place?" with confusion and panic in his eyes (as always, shout out to the TCW animators). In an instant, one second in Qui-Gon's presence, and he lets go of the "General with everything on his shoulders" and Mr "We'll figure this out in time" and becomes a padawan seeking answers from his master. I. Absolutely. Love. It.
One, it shows the connection Obi-Wan had with Qui-Gon that many fans of the written universe are familiar with (especially the struggles they had to get there), and I love having that layer of Obi-Wan laying close to the surface that it takes a second for it to come out. Second, it adds to the narration of the close relationship padawans and masters have. This theme and exploration continues to take root and branch out with every new padawan/master relationship we get to explore throughout the mediums (The High Republic is huge on the theme of padwan/master relationships), and I personally loved seeing it come out even in their older age. Even after years of being separated and literally no contact, that bond is something that can never be severed. It's really beautiful and fits so well in the on-going theme of "found family" in Star Wars, and this moment in particular stands out to me for it.
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daddy-ul · 7 months
heya, i'm jinn, i am a basic and i miss atlas rise! live.
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