#jinwoo is the new guy on the block
vonseal · 8 years
venti macchiato for mojo
bin is a matchmaker and myungjun is completely flustered in jinwoo’s presence.
also known as this garbage myungjin fanfic i tossed together to mourn the start of the next semester tomorrow, rip seal.
“Hello, sir, what can I get-”
“Venti macchiato.”
It happened every single morning. Bin didn't know what this guy's issue was, but every single morning, without fail, he was at his counter, loudly talking on his cell phone and ordering the exact same drink; a venti macchiato. It wasn't as if it was too difficult of a drink to fix up, and it wasn't as if Bin hated his job as a barista, but sometimes he wished that this particular customer would actually hang up his phone for more than five seconds to talk to him politely, instead of just coming up and demanding a drink.
But Bin had to hold his tongue. He could probably insult the guy five different ways (and he knew he'd start at the guy's height), but he was a professional barista. He wasn't a barista who got into petty arguments with customers.
He was a barista with a job and he wasn't going to lose it.
“Name?” he asked.
The man paused in his cell phone conversation to stare at Bin for three seconds.
“Can you spell it right?”
Bin shrugged his shoulders.
Okay, so maybe he was petty, but he misspelled the guy's name every single day. It started out as a mistake, Bin writing too quickly during their rush hour, and then it just became habit. The customer only tried to correct him the first time; the second time it happened, the customer seemed to notice Bin's cocky smirk and decided against getting into an argument. And the third time, the customer had simply glared at Bin as he snatched the cup away.
It was the only way Bin could get back at this guy, and he was willing to stoop down to childish levels to do so.
“One venti macchiato coming right up!”
The drink was prepared and Bin passed it over. He watched as the customer peeked for the name, and he was delighted that the customer sighed loudly.
“I'm starting to think you do this to piss me off.”
Bin blinked innocently. “What? Me? No way.”
“Yeah, well, this one isn't even close.” He pointed at Bin's handwriting. “What's this? Mookjok?”
Bin had to hold back a giggle at his own brilliance.
“It's Myungjun. You can say it, can't you? Myungjun.”
“Myungjun,” Bin repeated.
Myungjun nodded his head eagerly. “And how is it spelled? I went over this with you last time.”
“Let's see.” Bin tapped a finger against his chin. “M-Y-U-”
He noticed Myungjun perking up, so he quickly derailed this guy's happiness.
Myungjun scoffed and stormed off, leaving Bin grinning proudly in his wake.
Sure, it was petty and childish, but it really made Bin happy for the rest of the day, and who was he to deny himself happiness?
“What's this?” Myungjun almost always hung up the phone now when grabbing his drink. Bin was starting to think that Myungjun secretly liked the arguing. “M.J.?”
“It's cute, isn't it? Myungjun is too hard to spell. This makes it easier.”
Myungjun shook his head. “How is Myungjun too difficult to spell? I've spelled it out for you at least ten times!”
Bin smiled and shrugged his shoulders. His coworkers sometimes told him to stop goading the customer. His coworkers sometimes told him that their manager would be pissed if Myungjun actually started to complain to the company. But Myungjun had been coming here for weeks and had only spoken to Bin each and every time. It never seemed like Myungjun was truly upset with the situations to actually throw a tantrum about it. Which was more than Bin could say about other customers, yelling at him simply because he forgot to add one of their low-calorie sugars in their drinks.
“How old are you, anyway?”
That question threw him off guard. His smile faltered slightly as he stared at Myungjun, who was now sipping his drink and refusing to avert his eyes.
“Old enough to work here.”
“That doesn't really tell me anything. I've seen high school students work at coffee shops. Are you in high school?”
Bin snorted. “Of course not! I'm twenty years old, so I think that's old enough to be working here.” He began filling out another order, but Myungjun wasn't leaving the counter. “How old are you?”
“That's personal,” Myungjun responded. “I don't think you should be asking customers for their ages.”
“I don't think you should be asking employees for their ages.”
“And yet you still answered me.”
Myungjun was grinning wildly, but he seemed to freeze when one of Bin's coworkers came up. “Hey,” the coworker greeted. “My shift starts in five minutes, but I don't remember how to clock in. Do you mind helping me out?”
Bin nodded his head. “Sure. Let me finish up this drink I'm working on and I'll be right over there.”
The coworker smiled, and then glanced over at Myungjun, who was still staring at him in apparent shock.
Once Bin's coworker had left, Myungjun asked, “And who was that?”
“Jinwoo. He's new here. I think this is his second day, so he's still learning the ropes.” Bin completed the next order and set it out for a different customer to take. “What's with you, anyway? You look like you've seen a ghost.”
“Hm?” Myungjun gave a slight start and jerked away from the counter. “Oh. Nothing. Sorry. Um...get my name right next time, kid, or I'll file a lawsuit.”
Bin watched as Myungjun tried to gain some sense of the usual sarcastic cockiness he usually carried about, and when that failed, Bin watched as Myungjun scurried out of the cafe without saying another word.
So there was something about Jinwoo that made Myungjun speechless?
Bin took any chance he got to talk to Jinwoo. At first it was for his own purposes, to possibly figure out why Myungjun lost all confidence whenever Jinwoo was around, but then Bin actually learned that he liked Jinwoo. Jinwoo was funny and smart and while he was a little slow getting drinks and taking orders, he made up for it with a large, gummy smile and a brilliant personality.
They became quick friends, and Bin supposed he had Myungjun's interest to thank for that.
He still misspelled Myungjun's name whenever Jinwoo wasn't nearby. He had tried it once with Jinwoo watching; Myungjun had just bowed to him and hurried out of the shop, and that was certainly a waste of his time and misspelling skills to have the recipient just run off.
It was one of those times that Jinwoo was in the back, and so Bin was actually able to get the chance to misspell Myungjun's name.
“Is that what I spelled?” Bin clicked his tongue against the rough of his mouth. “Wow, I guess I really suck at this, don't I?”
Myungjun sighed and lifted the lid of the cup to examine the contents, ensuring that it was actually his drink. “They should be embarrassed that you keep doing this.”
“Oh, they really are.”
Myungjun gave a small hmph, and instead of drawing back, he actually leaned forward slightly. “How old is Jinwoo?”
Bin narrowed his eyes. “I'm not really at the liberty to talk about my coworkers to any of the customers.”
“Right. Right, sorry, that was dumb.”
Myungjun cleared his throat and stared down at his drink.
A lightbulb clicked in Bin's brain.
“He's older than me, if you were wondering that.”
And it seemed that Myungjun was wondering that. Bin had never seen Myungjun look so happy just from a few simple words, and the guy gave a small chuckle as he stepped away from the counter. “No-Not for any purposes other than to make sure you guys aren't, um, employing kids in high school, because high school kids need their free time to work on homework. That's...that's all.”
Yeah, right. Bin totally recognized the tell-tale signs of romantic hope blooming.
Myungjun was smitten with Jinwoo, and Bin thought it was adorable.
“You wanna talk to Jinwoo?” he asked quietly. As expected, Myungjun turned red and high-tailed it out of there.
This was getting more interesting by the second. Bin liked it.
He kept an eye out for Myungjun the next day. He was on cashier duty, and while he was the one who was supposed to take the orders, he had a plan in mind. Myungjun was crushing on Jinwoo, and Bin was going to set the two of them up. And, sure, maybe Jinwoo didn't even know Myungjun existed, but Bin was going to set them up, or he was a horrible barista. This was basically his job. After all, he had gotten Minhyuk his first girlfriend when the two of them were in high school – how difficult could it be to make a quick relationship out of his coworker and his customer?
He saw Myungjun through the windows, and he acted quickly.
“Jinwoo, do you mind taking over the register for a second?” he asked the unsuspecting blond. “I have to check something with this machine. It's been acting up, and since it's quiet now, I think I have a good chance.”
Jinwoo blinked from his spot nearby. “Um, sure. I don't know if I've been trained enough on the register, though.”
“Oh, you'll be fine! I'm nearby to help you, if you need it.” He gave Jinwoo a grin and stepped aside.
Jinwoo took over just as Myungjun walked in the door.
“Hello, sir, what can I get for you today?” Jinwoo was sticking straight to the script they were given when they started working as a barista. Bin hoped that Myungjun's antics would get them in an actual conversation.
Myungjun, for his part, was staring at Jinwoo with wide, brown eyes. “You're...where's, um, I was going to get Bin to-”
“I'm busy!” Bin called, and he poked his head out from behind the machine. “Besides, this is like training for Jinwoo. He's required to know this.”
Jinwoo was nodding and waiting for Myungjun to answer him.
Bin didn't miss Myungjun's angry scowl directed his way.
“Oh. Um...a, uh, the...” Myungjun was struggling terribly with his words, and he ended up gesturing to the menu that was displayed right above the register.
Jinwoo craned his neck to look up at it. “Which one?” he asked again. “There's a lot of drinks up there!” He laughed, and this somehow made Myungjun even more flustered.
“The...oh my god, um, let's...just whatever! Whatever is fine!”
Jinwoo was smiling brightly. Myungjun looked as if he was under a spell.
“Alright, Bin's pretty good at making new orders for people, so I can get him to do that. Can I have your name?”
“Can I have your number?”
Bin about dropped the part he had been screwing and unscrewing in the machine for the past two minutes. He didn't expect Myungjun to move that quickly.
Myungjun didn't expect Myungjun to move that quickly, either, it seemed, because he now looked absolutely horrified. “I didn't...! I meant, um, my name! My name is, um...sorry, I was just thinking about the, uh, the price, just the price of the drink – I'm Myungjun.”
“Myungjun, right.” If Myungjun's sudden awkward personality had tripped Jinwoo up, the barista didn't show it. He scribbled the name out on the cup in Sharpie, then held it up for Myungjun to look at. “Did I spell it correctly?”
Bin was ready to dial an ambulance, because he was certain Myungjun was about to faint.
“That's...right, yes. I'll...stand by the counter and, um, I'm going to wait.”
Jinwoo was still smiling as Myungjun shuffled over to the counter. Bin tried not to meet his eyes, but Myungjun whispered anyway, “You did this on purpose.”
“He spelled your name right. Isn't that what you've wanted?”
Myungjun's eyebrows were furrowed and he crossed his arms over his chest. “I was such an idiot, Bin! He asked for my name and I asked for his number.”
“I heard, and so did several of the customers.”
Myungjun was cocky, but when Jinwoo was involved, Myungjun turned into a high school girl. Bin found it endearing and hilarious.
“Well, now I can never come back here again! He probably thinks I'm super lame!”
Myungjun probably would have continued whining (Bin didn't put it past him), but Jinwoo came by just then with Myungjun's drink in tow. “It's going to be a little hot,” Jinwoo said. “It's just a regular coffee, I don't know if that's what you wanted, but I added a shot of vanilla in it because vanilla's sweet and, um...it reminds me of you.”
Bin raised his eyebrows. Now Jinwoo was flustered and Myungjun was flustered and Bin decided that it was too cute for him and he never should have done this.
Myungjun took the drink quietly, and Jinwoo grinned through the intense flush of his cheeks. “Call me, o-okay?” He didn't wait for an answer. He hurried back to the register to help other customers that had walked through the door. Bin watched him go, and Bin noted that Jinwoo's ears became really red when he talked to someone he liked.
“Call...him?” Myungjun blinked in confusion, then looked back down at the cup.
Underneath his (correctly-spelled) name was a phone number. Bin's eyes widened when he realized it was Jinwoo's phone number.
“Bin!” Myungjun was grinning widely, too, and he stuffed the drink under Bin's nose. “Bin, look! Look, he gave me his phone number!”
“I see that.”
“I got his phone number! He doesn't think I'm lame at all!”
“Well, he probably does, but maybe you were just-”
“I'm going to go call him!”
Bin gestured back to Jinwoo. “He's working.”
“Then...then I'll text him a bunch of hearts to show how cute I think he is!”
And Myungjun was doing it, too.
At least it was still going to be interesting around here.
“One venti macchiato, coming right up!”
Bin grinned proudly as he handed Myungjun's drink over. Myungjun looked at it with distaste. “Jinwoo's the only one who spells it correctly.”
“I'm one hundred percent certain that you have Minhyuk spelling it wrong now on purpose, too.”
“Why on earth would I do that?”
Myungjun turned his drink so the name faced Bin, and Bin read it out loud, “Moom.”
“Yeah. Moom. You're not even trying anymore, I think.”
Bin didn't respond. Instead, he held up one more drink. “Iced coffee for Jinwoo!”
Jinwoo, standing beside Myungjun (and smiling all the while at Myungjun's irritation, Bin liked that) took the drink. “Look, he spelled my name right.”
“Because he likes you,” Myungjun responded, face turning slightly pink as Jinwoo reached over and grabbed at his hand.
“He wouldn't make fun of you if he didn't like you.” Jinwoo laughed when Myungjun pouted, then glanced over at Bin. “Thanks again for taking my shift. I promise I can pick up one of your shifts if you ever have something to do.”
Bin shrugged his shoulders, the smile still on his face. “I just needed the money. Besides, I was tired of Myungjun constantly texting you while you're trying to work.”
“You be quiet, Bin,” Myungjun mumbled, then sipped at his drink. “Anyways, we have to get going, Jinwoo. Movie starts in twenty minutes, and I haven't gotten our tickets yet.”
“Right, right!” Jinwoo giggled and brought Myungjun's hand up to his lips, giving it a light kiss. “Fine, I'm coming. You're not very patient, are you?”
The kiss had rendered Myungjun basically mute, and all he could do was bow his head respectfully to Bin and then drag the still-grinning Jinwoo out of the cafe.
Bin watched them leave and decided that he was going to quit his job at the cafe and become a professional matchmaker.
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nct-lian · 3 years
people lian dislike
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lian once thought of this guy as one of her role models in terms of acting
like she used to watch him constantly, and she’d always wanted the chance to act with him one day
and that day finally came, when she was cast as a female lead in a new and upcoming drama alongside ji soo back in 2018
the older man was nothing like how she originally thought; he was snarky towards the staff, towards his fellow cast mates, and to her
he would tell her that she was doing everything wrong, and he would constantly give her attitude
ji soo thought that because lian was still a rookie actress, he was allowed to push her around and treat her as if she was a servant
she dreaded going onto set every single day, knowing full well she’d be mistreated by her love interest yet again
it got so bad that she could no longer work alongside him, and eventually left the cast lineup as she wasn’t able to take the pressure of being in his presence
about a month after it was announced she departed from the team, the director of the show ultimately decided to cancel it as they were unable to find another female lead
nobody knows the truth about why exactly lian left, and people resorted to the fact that the production team wasn’t willing to give her proper credits
with the news of ji soo’s rather unfortunate past, lian now dislikes him even more than she did three years ago
she believes that him being exposed was what he deserved, and she continues to stand with her opinion; he’s a horrible person who got what was coming to him
karma’s a bitch
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this one is pretty self explanatory
these two treated lian as well as the rest of the members like absolute shit behind the scenes of that one weekly idol episode they did
and they would not let the fact that lian got removed from the red velvet lineup go; they were constantly bringing it up as if it was some sort of joke, when really, it was her real life experience-
the mere fact that lian was the only female member was also used as their punchline for the entirety of the episode- they brought it up as often as they possibly could
coni also “playfully” hit jisung a little too hard behind the scenes for lian to let it go
defconn and coni are KNOWN to be too rough with their guests, and unsurprisingly, a lot of lian’s friends have been involved in a physical altercation with at least one of them
(that stupid hammer they’d always use)
not only that one experience, but she also appeared on their show back in 2017 during her solo debut
she was there with sunmi (the start of a beautiful friendship) and behind the scenes, sunmi was noticeably uncomfortable around them?!
like they were teasing her but it so obviously wasn’t friendly; it was actually really mean things they were saying to her
even during nct 2018’s appearance, coni pushed lian right into johnny like wtf ¯_| ಠ ∧ ಠ |_/¯
“are you a crazy fan? why are you the only girl? AHhHHhHh go AWAYYY” *literally mf pushes lian into johnny and almost falls*
lian the entire time: ༼ ಠ ͟ʖ ಠ ༽
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literally cheated on her and broke her heart-
she’ll seriously never forgive his ass and he’ll always be on her list of most hated people on planet earth
no kind of pain she’s felt will ever compare to what she went through with jinwoo
he betrayed her when she was most vulnerable
overworked, AND being cheated on ?! the whole package
what makes it better, though, is definitely the fact that jinwoo is still hung up on her
like sir you had the most beautiful woman ever and you cheated on her? tf were you thinking
his instagram and twitter postings are pathetic; they’re all pictures of him and then he pairs them with these cheesy ass captions in hopes she’ll see it
and you’re blocked on every single social she has access to so good luck with that ヽ( ͝° ͜ʖ͡°)ノ
a little example because i’m in the mood to embarrass him:
“*shirtless pic* i miss you baby 🥺🥺🥺🥺”
all the comments: stfu you idiot
serves him right for cheating on the world’s third most beautiful face-
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parkjess · 4 years
hello can u do a “when they know they love you” with astro 🥺
Thank you for requesting!🥰
Note: I’m currently having a lil writing block so it takes me some time to write all of your requests, please understand (and ofcourse you can keep requesting❤️)
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* Myungjun would realize that when he sees how much you care for him and he that he feels the same.
* You always come to his rehearsals, or whatever he practices for.
You decided to come over to see him practicing his script for the musical he participates in, and fell asleep when he went to the restroom. He comes back to the sight of you napping on the floor, with your phone that was unlocked in your hand, a little smile is playing on his face seeing you like that.
He comes closer slowly, being too careful to not wake you up since he knows you’ve been there for hours, only for him.
Taking a look at your phone, there was a list of recording notes you recorded while he was away. He gently takes it from you hand and plays it, it was your voice, speaking the other character’s lines from his script to help him practice it better.
That moment he knew, it was more than appreciation towards you, it was love.
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* When he didn’t feel well once when Astro had schedule so he stayed at the dorms.
* you came over when Dongmin told you Jinwoo will be there alone and needs a company, and ofcourse you didn’t even hesitate for a second.
* “hey~ how do you feel?” You ask your close friend as you place down the lunch you brought along. You had a spare key to their place so you opened it to not bother him.
*-“Hey, y/n! What are you do...doing here?” He said while coughing hard, he was in a bad condition indeed, but you were there to take care of it.
* “I brought you a soup I made myself, and I’ll make you some tea now.” You reply without explaining him anything, and leave to the kitchen.
* Taking a quick look in the fridge, you thought maybe he’ll like the cookies you make in 10 minutes, and you did so. Plus the tea you promised.
* “There you go, sorry it took some time because they needed a longer bake-“ Jinwoo looks at you with shiny eyes as he grabs the hot cup of tea, amazed by the way you know how to warm his heart so quick, which already made him feel better.
*-“Y/n... that’s- Wow.” He took a bite of a cookie after he dipped it in the tea, melting in his own mouth, you could tell he loved it.
* “You should rest a lot, and drink hot tea. If you need anything, don’t hesitate to call me.” You say as you place another pillow underneath his head so he can half-sit comfortably.
* there he realized you’re the only thing he needed, except for medicine, yet, you were better.
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* You first met Dongmin in a book store near your house, it was your favorite place nowadays to hang out at.
* he was the sweet-boy cashier that helped you many times finding a book you were looking for everytime you walked in.
* even almost got fired because he left the cash register for too long since he was talking with you between the shelves.
* “Hey, y/n!” He says happily when you enter the store, a smile playing on his face. -“Hey!” You reply, holding your shoulder bag close to your body, walking towards the handsome guy.
*-“I brought you something.” You say and reach out your bag, taking out a book, handing it to him. It was nicely wrapped and a sign was drawn on the corner of it.
* “Wow, whose this book?” He asks as he takes it with both hands, glancing at the front and the back of it. -“Uhm... mine.” You smile a bit. -“You’re the first one I decided to give this book to, see this as a friendly gift.”
* -“Woah, you didn’t tell me you were writing books, I’ll read this happily.” He thanks you for the ‘friendly gift’.
* Dongmin is also a writer, a fact that you didn’t know either, that’s why he was so excited to receive your first book. After he read your writing, he only waited for you to comeback to that book store, to ask you out.
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* It was a Thursday night, where Astro won an award and went to celebrate it with a dinner in a fancy korean restaurant, and ofcourse you joined them, as their temporary manager.
* the whole dinner was loud because you couldn’t stop yourself from being excited and so they are. Suddenly when it became quite you realized how noisy you were, kinda awkward.
* “Guys, I wanted to take this opportunity to celebrate my departure, I’m leaving tomorrow morning.” You didn’t expect their faces to become from all smiley to this sad within seconds, all you did was waiting for the right time to say, and never found that time earlier this week.
* -“Ay, y/n! Why didn’t you say something earlier? We would buy something.” Myungjun announces with annoyed tone. The rest of them followed with complaining about this and that they will miss you. Except for one.
* Moonbin stood up and called your name, making everyone turn their head to him. You looked at him shocked, but followed him as he grabbed your hand and led you outside.
* He had those feeling for a couple days now, but he just realized he did fall for you when you said you’re leaving, feeling like his heart broke.
* He takes a box from the pocket of his jacket, revealing a beautiful, silver necklace, and wrapped it around your neck gently while saying, “so you will never forget me.” And smiles.
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* You two are best friends for a while.
* but you always take care of him when he needs, answer the phone within 2 seconds when he calls, buy him banana milk cause you love his reaction.
* it was nothing new he was always clingy towards you, and lately his heart started to race fast whenever you pull him into a hug.
* Once, Sanha called you to come help him with something, but you told him your hanging out with Minhyuk at the moment so you can’t.
* -“Y/n you should go.” Minhyuk whispers while you’re still on the phone with Sanha. “I’m sorry Sanha, see you later.”
* You hang up before the younger boy could reply, and spoke up. “He can wait, I’m not giving up on our friendly date.” Minhyuk smiles at your warming words and suddenly when you mention the word ‘date’ his heart skips a beat.
* that moment he knew he would love to ask you out on a real date, and that he loves you because you will never give up on him.
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* Sanha would realize that when you’re all together (With the rest of the members) at Disneyland or just at the amusement park.
*Jinwoo would offer to buy you a cotton candy, Myungjun would ask you to go up with him on the roller coaster etc...
*Sanha finds himself without you, his best friend who he caught feelings for.
* everytime he tries to call your name to ask you something or buy you food, somebody else does.
* that moment he realized he’s jealous you’re with someone else who’s not him, and those feelings he has are more than friendly.
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minseologs · 3 years
scorched rice
ft. 0NAIR
Her bags are being set on one side, the house was something she wasn’t familiar that Minseo would like. The house had ‘normal’ height of a ceiling, where as she knew that she preferred higher ceilings. The floor was of polished wood, when she liked tiles most. Other than the changes, she probably just thought she was trying something new. It felt strange not talking to child while she was doing so. A couple of weeks seemed like years already with this kind of feeling.
After everything that happened. 
Woori begins to unpack her things to stay a few days with her. To see how things are and spend time to get to know what she has since leaving Seoul. Minseo wasn’t that far, but the drive was exhausting. Footsteps interrupt her time, Minseo’s form checking in to the other. 
“It’s ready-- come, before it gets cold.”
“I think your mom was just upset, because you know that you can’t be loud when she’s in her office.” Her hand soothes the boy’s head, his little sniffles heard in between. She was unpacking her bag at the time, just to sleep over for the night. “You remember how I told you that your mommy talks to big scary guys?”
“And that- and that she needs to use her big scary voice...” Jinwoo remembers, hugging Woori on lock because he was upset that his mother was mad forever. “But-- but auntie, I think mama is mad....”
“I promise, she’s not.” A kiss to try and make him feel better, he eventually stops crying and forgets the ordeal for a moment. “What do you say we make.... Nurungji!”
The excitement on the boy’s eyes could not be compared to anything. His eyes sparkled at the thought that Woori will make this magical piece of snack that he didn’t know was only made of scorched rice. It was probably because it was sprinkled with sugar, something Minseo would only rarely give him. 
The two make their way to the kitchen of the Choi house, Jinwoo happily helping Woori make the treat. She helps him scoop the rice, wash it, then place it in the stone pot she managed to dug up. It was a few moments of waiting so they decided to play ‘radio host’ and learn about what she does. 
“Ah yes~ Were gonna take a caller from,” brrrrrt brrrrrt 
“From Pluto!!-” the rice was cooked, promptly letting the bottom layer burn when she takes out the cooked rice
“From Pluto~!” Woori pretends to press buttons to connect Jinwoo to their pretend call. Her hand extends, taking queue has his little hands pick it up to place on his ear. “Hello Space man, what can I help you with?!”
“No, Auntie, I’m an alien!”
“Ah- okay- okay, Mr. Alien-!” 
They make a soft commentary of the rice cooking that Jinwoo’s giggling was getting too much. Minseo would’ve probably texted her by now that they’re being loud. They laugh loudly this time, the older one tells the other that they’re just gonna let the rice burn while he grabs the sugar up top his stool and on the counter to the cabinet. He wasn’t supposed to do that.
“Shh..! Your mom’s gonna be mad!” she makes an ugly angry face, to represent Minseo. Jinwoo only giggles as the sugar was grabbed but her face was seen by the actual Minseo, unfazed as the child promptly climbs down with the sugar and hides behind Woori.
“Choi Jinwoo, what did I tell you about climbing counters?” Her voice was stern. “Woori?”
“Ah, Minseo, it was me...” she takes the blow just because she felt that was the responsible thing to do. “We’re just making snacks...” 
The two looked like children who are about to be placed on the chopping block. Minseo tried not to smile as Jinwoo pouts. She bends down his eye-level, he was apologetic and she knew he was. “I’m sorry about earlier.” 
“It’s okay mama, Jinwoo is sorry too...” he hugs his mother, and it makes Woori melt. “Auntie and I are making nurungji...”
Woori was already scraping the stone pot, the freshly made scorched rice waiting to be eaten. He picks up Jinwoo and places him on the counter top, taking that queue to sprinkle sugar all over it. The trio break a piece for each other, and finally all was calm. The snack was well received, it was like a way that they all forgave each other and that the little mishaps were just a thing of the past. It was another love language. 
“Hey that’s too much sugar--”
“Oh just this once!” 
“Mama, just his once!!”
Minseo was sitting by the porch, the town was a small speckle in their view. There was a bowl of nurungji waiting for Woori as she sits by her side. She couldn’t help but feel out of place, because this time around she didn’t know what to say. It broke her to think of a memory like this because it was one of Jinwoo’s favorite snacks.
“You have to take care of yourself, you know.” she mentions, breaking a piece off. She takes a bite just to fill in her words and realizes that there was too much sugar on it. Just like how Jinwoo liked. She purses her lips with a brief pause. “If you don’t know where to start, I’m always here.”
The older one couldn’t answer. The grief was too heavy. She didn’t want to feel that anymore but not once did she ever think that she was going to outlive her own child. She could only sigh, because she was right. It can’t always be like this. She had to move on somehow. Woori had been a great support when no one else in her own family can hold it down. 
Her hand reaches out the bowl, breaking off a piece. She never really liked nurungji, the feeling of it getting stuck in her teeth was unpleasant. But she made them because her son loved it. “Let’s start here.” Her eyes gaze at the other, tapping her piece of nurungji with hers. They share a soft smile from what seemed like ages ago. 
It was going to be hard, but she wanted to move on, too. 
It’s a different time, but it was the same love. 
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peachieboysnetwork · 4 years
The Bracelet - PJY
Today is your dear friend Jinwoo's baby shower. She is 8 months into her pregnancy and looks as if the baby girl could come at any moment. Her husband Youngjae has been her rock throughout the whole pregnancy. Meaning, she has hardly lifted a finger, any wish is his command. At first, Youngjae and Jinwoo didn't want a baby shower because it seemed like too much planning, especially with the games and party favors involved. But then Jinwoo realized that she could never have her first baby shower with her first baby ever again! So, best believe Youngjae started planning the baby shower but on the condition, it was a small gathering of close family and friends with good games and food…
After getting dressed and grabbing the baby present and my personal belongings, I headed to their house. _I saw so many cars parked around the block...I thought this was gonna be a small gathering. _I opened the gate leading to the backyard and it was beautifully lit by fairy lights and lanterns that were labeled “Soojae”. That's probably what they are gonna name her… cute. I kept admiring the set up until I got a surprise bear hug from the lady of the party.
“JIN WOO!” I screamed and turned around to hug her back. She giggled and mumbled a “Hi” into my hair while clutching on to me. We let go of our hug just so I can admire her belly! She looked at me grinning and just said, “She’s coming soon and I am so freaky dinky excited!” While slightly jumping up and down but suddenly stopped due to Youngjae coming over trying to calm her down because the woman is a ticking baby bomb. “Honey, what are you doing? I need you to calm down a little bit because I will probably die of a heart attack tonight if you keep running, jumping or tripping within the five hours of this party that is for our little bean inside of you.”
“I just wanted to greet my guest and show her to the table of party game sign-ups and THEN lead her to a table THEN lead her to get food!” Jinwoo whisper-yelled at him because both the stress has been catching up quite enough. Youngjae looked at the love of his life and sighed then kissed her head and slightly smiled, “Okay then but let me say hi to her and place the gift with the others for later tonight, huh?” Jinwoo back to her adorable self nodded.
Youngjae turned and hugged you, “Hey y/n, how you’ve been?” “Hi, I've been great. Just working and doing nothing with my free time, the usual.” I laughed. “Well that’s slightly good, you need a boyfriend to fill the empty space in your life…”
“Nah, I think I'm good. You sound like my mom.” I say while laughing.
“Mhm sure... Who knows maybe you’ll find love tonight” he said this with a smirk and wink._ I hope he doesn’t try to play cupid tonight._ He then walked away with his baby girl’s gift in his hands.
“Now, let us begin!” Jinwoo grabbed my arm and dragged me to a colorful table with three sign up sheets… “There are 3 games, being played Pin the baby in the uterus, the bracelet challenge and measuring my belly… interested in any?” She looked back at me. I replied, “Just the bracelet one, that one is my favorite.” She nodded and slipped on a purple bracelet that had their daughter's name on it onto my wrist. “Okay, I'm certain you know the rules but a refresher: remove bracelet only if their arms or legs are crossed! Winner gets a designer bag and second place gets a bottle of wine.” I nodded excitedly and then followed her to the table where there were a few of our past classmates as well. I said a quick hello to them because Jinwoo was quickly dragging me to the buffet. “Hey, quit dragging me there's no rush it's just food,” I reassured her. Jinwoo looked at me straight into my eyes and said: “wait for it”. One of the servers at the buffet announced: “ONE HOUR LEFT!” Suddenly, so many people rushed up to get more food and even encouraged their kids to get another plate. It was so mind-boggling, that Jinwoo closed my mouth shut with her palm claiming I would catch a fly if I kept it open any longer.
After, getting served my food. I retreated back to my table and made small talk with my table mates. Catching up on life and joking on things we didn’t understand that we did back then when it was “cool”. After finishing my two plates of food. I was lucky, got pushed but lucky. I began to slowly scope the area of people with crossed limbs… The rambunctious boys kept blocking my view. Finally, I saw two girls chatting away about their future vacation with legs crossed! I casually walked to them and leaned in to ask if I could have their bracelet. They grumbled but gave them up. I already have three on my wrist. Hell Yes! As I was walking back to my table, I finally realized how loud these people are! I looked over to them and made eye contact with this brown doe-eyed fella then looked at his wrist there was a bracelet but no crosses limbs. Dang. As I reached my table everyone had their arms crossed due to the windy weather. _Jackpot. I now have eight bracelets. _
As the party continued. Measuring the belly and pin the baby on the uterus occurred. I learned the six rambunctious guys are Youngjae’s friends from college. There’s Jackson, who screamed after taking off his blindfold to see that he pinned the baby on the breast! Mark, who is quiet but often gets swept away with the loudness especially while listening to the hints given by his friends. Jaebum, who kept getting egged on to try the game once! Bambam, the one who kept screaming “My baby, baby, baby woooaaahhh!” while pinning the baby on an ovary. Yugyeom, a shy tall man who couldn’t help the fact that he pinned it on the wall next to the picture. And finally Jinyoung, the mysterious brown doe-eyed man. who is actually quite cute and pinned the baby correctly on the uterus. He had seven bracelets on him! You are beating him at least. I need to keep an eye out for more people…
Ten bracelets now… you took them from Jinwoo’s parents who enjoyed catching up with you. Youngjae shouted, “TWENTY MINUTES LEFT IN THE BRACELET GAME!”
This was going to be a long time. You wandered around the backyard, with roaming eyes on the crowd. I think there are only ten minutes left… Finally! Someone is crossing their legs but I only see their back. This is gonna be awkward but I want the damn prize …
You tapped on the guy’s shoulder “Excuse me but can I have your brac-“ Jinyoung turned around and looked at me and smiled, only for him to say, “No.”
“I’m sorry? But you’re crossing your legs and arms! It's the rules, you cross em, you lose.”
“No need to apologize but I don’t want you to have it .” He said so calmly. The other boys quiet down to listen.
“FIVE MINUTES LEFT” Youngjae shouted.
“But I need them to win the game! Please.” You look at Jinyoung with pleading eyes.
Jinyoung looks back at you and sighs, “fine but I want something in return.”
“Deal.” You took his bracelet and was ready to walk away but you got tapped on the shoulder. You look over to see a very tall Jinyoung towering over you handing you six more bracelets.
He smiled and showed these cute little eye crinkles and a dimple appeared. “Here, you said you wanted to win right?”
You look back up at him and ogle him and suddenly had the urge to hug him. Maybe kiss him?  
“Thank you very much.”
As you walked back to your table with seventeen bracelets on your wrist. Jinwoo announced that the game is over and will be coming to each table to receive the scores. You gave her your score and she left to the front of the backyard to determine the winners.
“OKAY, the bracelet game first place winner is Soobin! Congrats, you receive a purse! The second-place winner is y/n! Congrats, you receive a wine bottle! “
_A freaking wine bottle, what in the actual hell? I thought I was clearly in the lead! _
Jinwoo comes up to me with the wine bottle, “Sorry hun, she had twenty bracelets.”
“It’s okay, at least I get free alcohol.”
“Y/n! Jinwoo, honey! Come over here and sit with us for a bit. “
Youngjae was sitting with his group of friends. Jinyoung had his eye on you. Maybe you could share the bottle with him?
You guys made your way over and sat in the two empty chairs one next to Jinyoung and the other next to Youngjae.
“Congrats” Jinyoung whispers to you
“Thanks, I thought I would easily have gotten first place though.” How did I not notice it?
“It’s okay, but don’t forget my end of the bargain…”
“I know, how should I repay you back?” God I hope he isn’t a creep about it..
“ Maybe you can keep me company the rest of the night and hopefully I’ll be able to drink your prize with you over a date?” He looks at you with hopeful eyes
_This handsome man just asked me out. how the hell? When the hell? Oh shit, answer now! _
“Hello, y/n?”
“Yes” that’s all you could spit out before it was too late
“I will take up that offer,” you said smiling
“Good, now would you like to tell me why you are obsessed with this game and how come Youngjae has never introduced me to you?” He said this then eyeing Youngjae.
Youngjae raised his arms in defense, “hey! This isn’t my fault! You both have no lives other than work. I'm glad you two met cause you both need a major change in your routine.”
Everyone laughed and cheered for new beginnings!
The night proceeded to the couple opening gifts and thanking everyone for the gifts and their company.
While, Jinyoung and you talked the whole night about books, alone time, cooking, and favorite tv shows to recommend.
Jinyoung waited for you to say your goodbyes to the expecting couple. Both of you left side by side with your hands slightly touching every now and then.
You were now in front of your car. Jinyoung stuffed his hands in your pockets and said, “ I’ll pick you up next Saturday at 4pm?”
“It’s a date!” You said giggling
Jinyoung chuckled and took one hand out of his pocket and patted my head. “Be safe and text me when you arrive home.”
You nodded and bid your farewell.
As you drove home, you thought about how Jinyoung might be the best thing to come from this entire event. Sorry, Soojae.
Authors Note:
Hi there! I hope you enjoyed this piece of writing and feel encouraged to request something!
Stay safe and healthy.
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emeraldbabygirl · 4 years
The Bias List
@avatarfantxsy @quyennie @despairandjo I decided to just list them. I need to make a separate post for bands tho. (that was a lie almost as fat as me) So in this bias list I will only list groups that I listen to. The last bias list I posted there were a lot of groups that I hadn’t listened to yet so this one will just be the groups I know of. I have a few to add, some I have taken off and I will have a section at the end for potential biases. Also some groups have 2-6 biases. For example I literally can’t choose with UP10TION. And sometimes I go back and forth and members in groups so often I’ve somehow tricked my brain into thinking I have more than one. If it’s confusing I promise the first member of each group on the list is definitely a locked bias. And another thing, if the member is specifically on my list of moms or daddies they wont be on here, unless they both
H.O.T - Kangta
Super Junior - Eunhyuk
DBSK/TVXQ - Changmin and Junsu
Girls Generation - Sunny
Fx - Luna
Shinee - Onew
Exo - Xiumin and Sehun
Red Velvet - Yeri
NCT - Doyoung and Yuta
1TYM - Taebin
Big Bang - Daesung
2NE1 - Minji
Winner - Seunghoon 
iKON - Junhoe and Jinhwan
AKMU - Suhyun
BlackPink - Lisa
2PM - Taecyeon
Wonder Girls - Sohee and Yubin
Miss A - Min
Got7 - JB
Twice - Dahyun (I had Tzuyu and Jeongyeon cause Tzuyu was my original bias in Twice and I still love her but she’s like my daughter now so she’s in another list and Jeongyeon is more if a bias wrecker with Momo and Sana)
Day6 - Wonpil
Stray Kids - Woojin and I.N
Itzy - Yeji
Afterschool - Nana
NU’EST - Ren (yes, Ren is actually my bias and not Baekho. Isn’t that funny how that works sksksk)
Seventeen - Jeonghan
Pristin - Nayoung
Hello Venus - Lime
Astro - Sanha
Weki Meki - Doyeon
Sistar - Bora and Hyorin
Boyfriend - The Jo Twins and Minwoo
Monsta-X - Shownu (sometimes Changkhyun is my bias and sometimes he’s not. Minhyuk used to be my bias when I first got into them funny huh?)
WJSN - Yeoreum
UNIQ - Yibo
Everglow - Onda (Aisha, E.U and Mia are like also my biases but I’m not sure where at they are in Everglow so for now it’s just Queen Onda)
Rainbow - Jisook
K.A.R.D - Jiwoo
Map6 - J.Jun
D-Crunch - Dylan
Noir - Seunghoon, Yeonkuk, Siha, Siheon and Minhyuk
B.I.G - Benji (Heedo isn’t my bias I swear, I don’t know what’s going on with him tbh)
Bigflo - Z-Uk, Junghyun and Euijin
A.C.E - Byeongkwan (A.C.E was literally pick a bias and get 4 free for me because the way I talk you’d think Sehyoon was my bias but nope.)
VAV - Ziu and St.Van
ZE:A - Minwoo
9Muses - Minha, Sojin and Hyuna
Imfact - Jian (again with the way I talked you’d think Jeup or Ungjae were my baises but it’s Jian)
24K - Cory, Daeil and Xiwoo (Cory and Daeil were my biases when they were still in the group and Xiwoo is my bias form the new lineup)
Halo - Heecheon
GWSN - Miya and Seokyoung
14U - Loudi and Hyunwoong
ATEEZ - Jongho, Mingi and Hongjoong (I couldn’t help it I had to add Mingis and Hongjoongs uwu!)
Mamamoo - Hwasa
Vromance - Chandong and Hyunseok
OneUs - Hwanwoong
OneWe - Cya
AOA - Choa (lmao at point Jimin was also my bias oOF)
SF9 - Zuho and Hwiyoung
CNBLUE - Jungshin
N.Flying - Chahun, Seunghyub and Dongsung (lmao I fixed it so Chahun is first like he should be)
Cherry Bullet - May, Kokoro and Remi
Momoland - Jooe and Hyebin
Saturday - Chohee, Yuki and Ayeon
Z-Boys - Gai
Z-Girls - Piryanka
Trei - Jaejun
Teen Top - C.A.P and Niel
UP10TION - Xiao, Sunyoul, Kogyeol and Jinhoo (I took two off, can you guess which ones?)
Ladies’ Code - Sojung
B.A.P - Youngguk, Himchan, Zelo and Jongup
Secret - Jieun
Sonamoo - D.ana
Vixx - Hakyeon (obviously)
Gugudan - Mina
Verivery - Hoyoung
Dal Shabat - Serri
Dreamcatcher - Dami, Sua and Siyeon 
LC9 - King and A.O
Brown Eyed Girls - Gain
Lunafly - Teo
Royal Pirates - James
N-Sonic - Minkee, Sihoo and Jeonguk
Cross Gene - Takuya
KHAN - Euna
BTOB - Peniel (BTOB is hard because my bias used to be Sungjae and then there was a time when Eunkwang and Illhoon were my biases and now I’m like Minhyuk and Hyunsik)
4Minute - Jiyoon
B2ST/ Highlight - Yoseob and Gikwang
CLC - Sorn and Seungyeon
Pentagon - Wooseok and Jinho 
G-idle - Yuqi and Soojin
Block B - P.O, U-Kwon and Taeil
Speed - Sejun, Taewoon, Taeha
T-ARA - Boram
DIA - Somyi
Newkidd - Hwi
Black6ix - Taeyoung and Ziki
Great Guys - Dongin, Hwalchan, Horyeong and Uiyeon
Beat Win - Sunhyuk
M.Pire - Haru
Alphabat - Code, Heta, Jeta, Gamma and Iota
G.I - Oneket
M.O.N.T - Roda
Brave Girls - Yuna
Bigstar - Baram, Sunghak and Raehwan
Gfriend - Umji
Infinite - Dongwoo 
Lovelyz - Babysoul
Golden Child - Daeyeol
B1A4 - CNU
Oh My Girl - Yooa 
ONF - Hyojin (lets get this straight I’m n o t WYATT IS NOT MY BIAS IN ONF I SWEAR ON WOOSEOKS KNEECAPS)
Wassup - Nari
Hotshot - Timoteo and Junhyuk
Spica - Boa
Matilda - Saebyeol
Girls Girls - Miso
Girlkind - JK
IZ*ONE - Sakura, Yena and Chaewon
Glam - Dahee
TXT - Soobin
MBLAQ - Thunder and Lee Joon
Madtown - Daewon, Lee Geon and Buffy
U-Kiss - Kiseop 
Nature - Saebom, LU, Gaga, Sunshine and Aurora 
Topp Dogg/ Xeno-T - Nakta, Xero, B-Joo (I took out RIP Rap God ATOM let’s be honest on that one uwu!)
Evol - Hayana
Elris - Bella, Sohee
Loona - Chu and Vivi
fromis_9 - Seoyeon
H.B.Y - Taro
Hotplace - Hanbit
A-Pink - Chorong
Victon - Seungwoo, Sejun and Hanse
Girls Day - Hyeri
Laboum - Solbin
N.Tic - Seunghoo
Target - Woojin and Boun
Chocolat - Juliane and Soa
Boys Republic - Sunwoo
History - Yijeong
Fiestar - Yezi
N-Train - Yujin
Dalmation - Inati and Donglim
Myname - JunQ, Chaejin and Gunwoo
JJCC - Eddy
LedApple - Hanbyul
DGNA - Jay, Mika and Karam
M.I.B - Kangnam and 5Zic
Wonder Boyz - Master One (V.Hawk fun fact he’s actually super tiny sitting next to Niel, Takuya and 2Idiots it’s hilarious)
KNK - Youjin
Favorite - Gaeul
LU:KUS - Jinhwan and J.One
Mr.Mr. - Ryu, Doyeon ,Tey, Changjae, Jiwon and Han
MVP - Gitaek and Rayoon
Rania - Di, Ttabo and Riko
Stellar - Minhee and Hyoeun
Bulldok - Kimi
1Team - Rubin and BC
Snuper - Suhyun, Woosung and Sebin
TINT - Mirim
Tiny-G - Mint
Double A - Kimchi
2EYES - Dasom
W24 - Aaron
A6P - Jungyeon, Jelly-P, Yaho and Actin
Like a Movie - Domo, Siryu and Joha
Seven O’Clock - Hyun, Taeyoung and Vaan
Spectrum - Minjae and Villian
The Rose - Jaehyeong
IM/ X1 - Hangyul
Argon - Kain and Gon
Vanner - Gon and Taehwan
2Z - Bumjun and Hyunwoong
Shasha - Chaiki
Tweety - Ain
Be.A - Milly
Rainz - Wontak, Eunki and Sunghyuk
D-Unit - Ram
IZ - Hyunjun and Jihoo
Rolling Quartz - Hyunjung and Arem
D.Coy - Dosun
ENOi - Dojin, Gun, Jinwoo and Hamin
E’LAST - Wonhyuk, Rano and Romin
ANS - Bian
UNVS - Eunho and YY
N.Cus - Seungyong
G-Most - Jin
DKB - Heechan and Yuku
Trusty - Haru and Chance
Cignature - Belle
MCND - Win
3YE - Yuji
Pink Fantasy - Sanga
Potential biases: to avoid me confusing myself this section will be for members that might become my bias or members that go back and forth and I’m not sure where they fall. Mayhaps they double as bias wreckers.
Red Velvet - Wendy
Twice - Jeongyeon, Sana and Momo
Stray Kids - Jisung, Changbin and Felix
Itzy - Ryujin
NU’EST - Baekho, JR and Aron
Monsta-X - Chankyun
Everglow - E.U, Mia and Aisha
B.I.G - Heedo
Imfact - Jeup and Ungjae
ATEEZ - Seonghwa
SF9 - Taeyang and Rowoon
Newkidd - Hansol and Jiann
Verivery - Kangmin and Gyehyeon
BTOB - Minhyuk and Hyunsik
Pentagon - Yuto and Yanan
Infinite - Sungyeol and Sungjong
Loveylz - Mijoo and Kei
Golden Child - Joochan and Y
Oh My Girl - Mimi, Jiho and Seunghee
ONF - Wyatt, MK and E.Tion
Hotshot - Hojung
IZ*ONE - Nako, Hitomi, Yuri and Yujin
U-Kiss - Kevin and Jun
Elris - Yukyung
Weki Meki - Lucy and Rina
fromis_9 - Jiwon, Nakyung, Jiheon and Hayoung
H.B.Y - Marco
Victon - Seungsik and Subin
N.Tic - Sangwook and Jion
Noir - Yunsung
GWSN - Lena and Soso
Target - Hyun
Boys Republic - Onejunn
JJCC - Yul
1Team - Jinwoo and Jehyun
Varsity - Kid, Xiwoo, Damon and Anthony
Highteen - Sea
C-Clown - Siwoo
Lucente - Bao, Z.Hoo and Parkha
My.st - Woojin and Woncheol
Spectrum - Jaehan and Hwarang
Argon - Jaeun
2Z - Jiseob
ENOi - Laon and J-Kid
E’LAST - Choi In, Wonjun and Baekyeul
UNVS - Jun.H, Changgyu and Jen (literally the whole of UNVS tests me)
N.Cus - IF, Soon and Euntaek
G-Most - Melo, L and Jun
DKB - Lune
Cignature - Sunn, Chaesol and YeAh 
MCND - Bic
3YE - Yurim and Haeun
And this section is for groups that I literally haven’t checked out yet because I actually haven’t gotten around to it but I’ve already picked biases
OnlyoneOf - Junji
CIX - Bae Jinyoung and BX
IN2IT - Inho, Inpyo and Issac
The Boyz - Jacob
TOO - Chanhyuk
Aweek - Jingyu and Hyeon
Bandage, Wetter and Bursters I have not gotten into nor do I know the members but I want to add them anyway oOF
I think this is it. I hope. I know Z-Boys and Z-Girls aren’t kpop but I put them there anyway. I do have biases in Jpop and Jrock groups tho. Maybe I can post those another time. I’ve worked on this literally all night, it is currently 5:04 in the am. Jesus. Christ. I need to retire from kpop. It’s only gonna get bigger cause someone keeps throwing men at me, not like I don’t enjoy it tho
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THEY NEVER KNOW (Chapter Nineteen)
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This GIF is not mine……
Author’s note: This is my first time writing, so I hope you all will forgive my mistake and grammar too. I’m hoping for comments on my writing. Thank you…    
This story has taken little inspiration from Sehun web story “ Dokgo Rewind”.
I’m sorry, yesterday tumblr was not working, hence I couldn’t update sorry.
Summary, One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven(M), Eight, Nine, Ten, Eleven, Twelve, Thirteen, Fourteen, Fifteen, Sixteen, Seventeen, Eighteen
-Sehun pov-
Things were out of my hand. On my way to find my brother's killer, and I caught up with Choi gang. How? Jinwoo trapped by Junsu.
Jinwoo on his way back to my place after accepting Wang's leader another letter for me. Junsu somehow manages to convince Woo-Shik(Choi gang leader.) that Jinwoo has stolen their new drugs package. And asshole brings 10 of his members to hurt Jinwoo. Taeyong has reached to help Jinwoo. And Yuna informs me. It won't be a big deal, but they were actually waiting for me, why? Y/n comes up. How? Junsu knows about My/Sehyun and her relationship. And he challenges Woo-Shik to win Y/n, to be specific for one night. And I've learned, asshole doesn't play by rules. The good thing about Jaehyun, he never touches women without their full consent. He flirts, intimate but never go too further. And I think Wang leader is also the same. While Woo-Shik already has many harassment and three molestation cases too. He is an authentic evil. Y/n need to stay protected, I'll do it. If I'm not wrong, if Woo-Shik cannot get hold on Y/n, he would try to go after Yuna. I have to make sure Yuna also have someone around all the time. Or I have to convince Y/n, and Yuna stays together most of the time. It will be easy to protect also save time and energy for me, Teayong and Jinwoo.
I cannot neglect, it would be challenging when jealousy is involved. Y/n is jealous of Yuna for some unknown reason. Or maybe because I was Sehyun for her, for a while, and another girl has my attention bothered her. And sensing Yuna's current loving behavior toward me, she is also the jealousy of my attention to Y/n. Did I mention I miss my brother again because I want to run away from this situation? If not, I DO MISS HIM LIKE HELL.
Back to the point, when Yuna called me about Jinwoo, Y/n saw demon through my eyes. I ask her to come with me, know a bit whatever I and my brother associated with, where unintentionally she is also involved. I was frightened. There will be a fight for sure, bloody too. I'm sure Y/n has never seen any fight. I hope after seeing she don't be fearful of me. It is the last thing I need after her hatred.
However, I was hoping to find anything on Jaehyun. Or something related to Wang leader. I sigh and suddenly notice Y/n was staring at me. I give her 'What' look.
"You know this car is a gift from my parents. I didn't say, but I love my car." I nod.
She huff and said, "Then DIRVE SLOW. If anything happens, small or big, I'll kill you." I have to admit. I'm fearful of her. I begin to drive slow; then we stay in silence.
I park her car far away from my place. We got down of the car, start walking toward my home. Y/N stop and ask, "The guys we are meeting killed Sehyun?" I can hear angry and agony in her voice. "I don't know, nothing is clear," I answer her truthfully.
"What's up with these people?"
I sigh, "Y/n, these people are connected." I smile and continue, "This gang leader may know about Sehyun case. No guarantee. We're here because they have Jinwoo." She nod.
I reassure her, "Y/n whatever occurs trust me, you will be safe. I won't let any harm to you, ever." She gives me a sarcastic chuckle, "I know. Let's go." I wasn't able to say anything. We started walking toward the meeting point. In the halfway, I hold her hand in mine. Before she starts her protest, I said, "You are my girlfriend. Please just follow the act." She is mad, she tries squeezes my hand, tightly to hurt me. I wanted to laugh. How should I tell her, her soft hand cannot hurt me? Her every and very small act make my heartbeat fast. She continues trying to hurt me as we walk. While I hold hand with affection.
We reach the destination and my luxuriate feeling dies, seeing Jinwoo in knees, near some black car, beaten. Taeyong continues protecting Yuna with the teaser, who was trying to touch her. My blood boils, if I wasn't holding Y/n hand, I would have attacks second I saw it.
Woo-Shik sees me from inside of his car. As he comes out, everyone gets alert. Taeyong and Yuna coming rush to me. I didn't utter a word. Yuna understands my silent question and tells me she is okay. Taeyong nod. Jinwoo gets up and walks toward me. I let go Y/n hand, look at her, and smile. She looks confused. I turn toward Jinwoo, reaching to him, I exams his body a bit. Taeyong comes and takes him where Y/n and Yuna was standing. He makes Jinwoo sit on the ground. Yuna sits beside him too. Taeyong was coming to help me, I silently tell him no with eye contact. He gets it. Y/n was chaotic.
I turn back to Woo-Shik, he comes closer along with his company and smirks while saying, "Sehyun, long time." He looks toward Y/n "You have an attractive girl, I have to admit." Shamelessly staring at her, "So, here is a deal. Give me your girl for a week and I will forgive you and your friends for my drugs." I keep calm with a blank face. I was aching to rip off his tongue for asking Y/n like property, however, my angry won't do any good. He looks here and there, and snickers, "I know, I said one night, but look at her. I need at least a week to completely know her." People behind him were silently smirking. Like dog waits for his owner to complete meat and pass reaming born of it.
I took a deep breath, firm and gentle voice I said, "If I say no?" Woo-Shik smirk, go to his car, sit on the car hood, and orders to fight. Now I smirk, they don't know what is going to happen once the fight starts.
-Y/N P.O.V-
You don't know why, but your heart was beating fast as something unpleasant will happen. And way the Sehun was driving, your fear was increasing. You don't have any will to die with a car accident, it made you scold Sehun a little.
When Sehun holds your hands, you feel annoyance. His hand hold was like Sehyun, only Sehun's hand skin was rough. Not wanting to go back again, there. You clutch his hand tightly, to show your irritation with his touch. He didn't even flinch. It didn't pester, it was playful maybe. You keep trying hard to hurt him while walking, like a child trying to build a card house when wind continuously blows.  
You feel the change in Sehun's hold. It was gentle but reserved. You look up and see where you are. Yuna comes stands next to you. She gives you one, unsmiling look. Sehun let go of your hand. Surprisingly, you feel the loss of warmth, you were enjoying it.
Everything was confusing for you, and when the guy in brown start talking, you felt nausea. You didn't know if he was talking about you or Yuna. You know the fight will start, you have heard about it a lot Sehun's fighting skill too. But you never thought it would be like this.
It was hard for you to keep track, whose hand was moving, whose leg was. But Sehun was able to. You were okay until you saw a baseball bat, chains, and things you cannot name. Soon you saw blood. Sehun takes something metal thing from someone's hand and punches on his chest, maybe near to his chest, you don't know, but he fell on the ground in the worst pain and scream. Then a guy with the twisted wrist falls near your leg. You couldn't move, he was crying in extreme pain. Taeyong, push him away from you, harshly.  Your eye widened, fear, hard to breathe, heartbeats faster, and numb. You can only see blood and scream and hitting noise. Everything makes you remember Sehyun, you image his scream while getting beaten. You can imagine his pain, screams, blood. He was killed mercilessly. You couldn't see anymore, your eye was blurred with tears. Before you can forget the real world and see more pain, Taeyoung stands in front of you, blocking sight. "Hey, look at me. It is okay." He keeps calling you. You may not able to see but you can hear everything, clearly. Your mind was imagining Sehyun, while it makes you remember Sehun. You try to ask Taeyoung to go and help  Sehun, he is outnumbered, but words didn't come out of your numb frame. Your heart breaks thinking something will happen to Sehun too. You will lose him too. You wanted to know why, what, and how are things happen, you were losing your small world.
You want to deny your feeling. You want to lose your memory and have a new start. A new world, where there is no pain of losing people you love. Your phone was vibrating in your jeans pocket. With your numb hand, you take it out. Myung was calling, you couldn't pick up knowing your surrounding and your lost voice. You got a few notification asking, 'where are you?' and 'call back.' You have no idea how long you been staring at your phone. You look up when Yuna call Sehun loudly. And he was coming toward you.
-Sehun pov-
It got over sooner then I thought. Woo-Shik sneaks out while I was busy with others. I want him that most, he was my answer key but next time. I had a small cut near my stomach and arm due to shape knuckles besides that I prefect. I called Taeyoung to drop them in the hospital. I'm not a killer however I can kill if I want. I kept two of them in condition to drive. After helping Taeyoung put people in the car carefully; finally, I turn toward Y/n. I didn't look at her during the whole fight, not wanting the distraction. She was standing still with tears. While Yuna helps Jinwoo to get up from the ground. Me and Taeyoung go to them, I asked, if they are okay or not. I order them to go to my place and do necessity, I will be there in a while.
Y/n was looking at me whole while with widen eyes. I stand in front of her, two-steps away. I didn't speak to her, keep looking at my friends walking away. When I ensure they are okay and no one else is there seeking at us. I called Y/n. She didn't utter a word, keep looking at me from up to down. "I'm not going to hurt you. Don't be scared of me. Please." She was still. With all my courage inside me, I hug her. I know, she doesn't like me touching her. But she was shocked. To my surprise, she hugs me back after a few seconds. I can feel her getting better in my arms, warm feeling pass to my blood. She is not afraid of me. I pull her closer, she didn't protest. After a while, she utter, "Are you okay?" I assure her, I'm fine. She goes out of the hug. I thought maybe we will be friendly for now, but no, "Don't think too much out of my concern. I was worried for Sehyun's brother, not you." My heartbreak with her words, but I smile with a nod. We stand silently, for a while until we both got control. She starts walking toward, my place. I look at her in confusion. Before I could ask, she speaks, "I don't want to stay alone. I will sleep in the Sehyun bed."  We silently reach to my place. She didn't utter a word went to my and Sehyun's room without looking at my friends, like she owns this place. Taeyoung and Yuna's face turns sour while Jinwoo was lying on my sofa. I clean up his treated his wounds properly. I took a detail of Woo-Shik, what he said when he cames and stuff. Ask Jinwoo to rest properly and avoiding to talk about Y/n which my other two friends wanted. I clean up my wound while Taeyoung sets up a bed for everyone.
I went to my room, to change my clothes. Y/n seems to use my bathroom without asking. She was wearing my brother's hoodies and my sweatpants without asking. Eating my pack of chips, on my bed without asking. She sees me and casually says, "You sleep upper bed, I will sleep in down one." She keeps her half-eaten snacks on the table, drinks water, goes to bed, and orders, "Off the light." I was at the door speechless. I don't remember allowing her to use my house and things like hers. If Yuna has behaved like this I had scolded her but I didn't know what should say to Y/n. The person I love plus my brother's girlfriend.  I was busy in my thoughts, she called me again, "Sehun change, turn off the light and sleep. Aren't you tired?" I nod. After taking a shower, gone to bed, and slept.
Next morning, I feel good after a healthy and peaceful sleep. It was 9 am, I get down from the upper bed and see Y/n was still sleeping. I thought of waking her up, however, hearing her soft snore, I let her sleep.
When I go down, my friends were up and breakfast was also there. After breakfast, we start our discussion. Jiwoo was good, he didn't have anything major. I warn them for not starting the topic of Y/n's behavior. As per the condition, it was right to stay together. If Woo-Shik wouldn't have run away, we could have avoided it. Yuna was ready but seeing Y/n's unpredictable behavior, I don't know how to tell her; from today onward, me and my friends will be with her 24/7 when she couldn't bear me even for 24 seconds.
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arohawrites · 5 years
For Eternity
Word count: 1.6k
Genre: Angst, Vampire au, apocalypse au
Trigger warning: Blood
You stared nervously at the door of the convience store that served as your 'home' for the past month.
The sun is rising, he is late and you're starting to get more and more anxious. You tapped your foot nervously.
Did something happen to him?
Your shoulders jumped with the sudden knock from outside. You almost rushed and opened the door but you remembered the secret code he made.
You knocked back on the door, exactly four times. You waited for his response, three slow knocks from the glass door rang to your ears. You breathed in relief and quickly opened the the locks of the door, your hands are shaking as you remove the huge chain from bar handles.
"Thank goodness, you're safe, Jinwoo" You immediately said as he rushed inside, you felt soft sunlight slowly hitting your skin. You immediately closed the door as you know it would kill your boyfriend.
"Sorry, I made you worry." He said with a soft tone.
You don't know how and why it happened but mindless vampires suddenly attacked people one day.
Humans are quickly slain and some humans also turned into vampires. Jinwoo did his best for the both of you to survive and you did but he got attacked by a vampire while trying to find food for the both of you.
You thought that you lost him, you thought that the love of your life is going to lose his life in your arms but he didn't and was turned into a vampire instead.
Some humans who later turned into vampires somehow regained their sanity and Jinwoo's one of them. You continued surviving together and end up finding an abandoned convience store.
You looked at every corner of the place which is covered with papers and makeshift curtains. Vampires can't withstand sunlight so you made sure that not a bit of sunlight is entering the place.
"Why are you late? Did something happen?" You asked with worry, Jinwoo looked more pale than the usual.
"There's almost no humans alive, no matter how and where I search. I luckily found one that's almost dying" he said with a straight face.
Both of you are scared with the fact that Jinwoo needs to drink blood to live, that he became a monster. At first he detested himself, he wanted to die than to kill anyone but he knew that you can't survive alone and Jinwoo won't forgive himself if something happens to you so he did his best to survive.
Even if that means that he has to become a monster both of you fears.
You used the vampires' weakness to sunlight to your advantage, every morning you come out and try to find something useful while Jinwoo goes out at night to feed and find useful things too.
"We should move then" You said, you don't know how much control Jinwoo has for him not to attack you.
Sometimes he would come back without feeding and would just warn you to stay away from him.
"Sorry, if I became like this. We could've found a hidden human camp by now if I didn't turn into a vampire." Jinwoo apologized, his eyes are glued on the floor.
You inched closer to him, but he took a step back, "You know that distance is not safe for you in my current state" he said with difficulty, the smell of your blood is clear to his senses and you nearing him only makes it worse.
You distanced yourself more, "You don't have to say sorry. It's not your fault that a sudden apocalypse happened."
"Aren't you afraid of me?" Your mind quickly reminisced back when Jinwoo is new to being a vampire.
The blood smeared on his face and neck, his eyes that only screams bloodlust. It scared you, it's as if he wasn't the man that you loved since you were kids.
"I love you, much more than I'm afraid of you" He sadly smiled with your response.
"I wish I could embrace you right now" he mumbled, you missed it too. His warm touch, his loving embrace.
How long has it been again?
You cleared all the fear in your head and went towards him again, took his hands and held them tightly, "let me do this, even just for a moment before I go out"
His heart thumped fast. No, it wasn't because of the thirst, neither because he's afraid but because he simply missed you.
Your current set up made him distant to you, mainly to protect you from himself but you felt the sudden coldness he imposed. You silently accepted your situation, because you don't want to be a burden for him too.
You lightly gasped when he slowly pulled you in his arms and embraced you. You felt each other's longing as you enveloped your arms to him.
"Please, let's just stay like this for a while" he mumbled and gently kissed your forehead. You felt your eyes going warm, tears imediately fell on your cheeks. If you could stay like this forever then you would gladly do.
All the worry, all the fear and heavy feeling is gone all of a sudden.
"We can do this, we can survive together" You whispered softly.
Days passed and Jinwoo struggled more on finding humans to feed on, he went back the third night without any luck.
"Are sure you're okay? You're so pale" you asked, your worry skyrocketed when he stumbled and collapsed on his knees, "Jinwoo!" You exclaimed and was about to approach him but he promptly stopped you.
"Don't come near me" he looked straight into your eyes and you felt terror crawling to your skin. His eyes were crimson red which only screams hunger.
You bit your lower lip to stop yourself but sob left out of your lips.
You feel so useless and helpless, Jinwoo is doing everything on your account. Every night he goes back with commodities for you, not letting you starve even though you're in the middle of an apocalypse. Yet, you're simply standing in front of him who's obviously struggling.
"A-are you sure you don't want to drink my blood? Promise, I'm not afraid of it. Please, Jinwoo, let me help you"
"No," his tone is firm and cold even though he's obviously hurt, "just leave me alone"
Your gaze never averted him, you're sitting on the other side of the place and him on the other. You muffled your cries, seeing him in pain breaks your heart.
"It's morning, you should get out for some sunlight. You're pale" Jinwoo spoke after a while. You nodded slowly and just went outside, morning is the only time that you can get out safely because no vampire can walk outside on broad daylight without bursting into flames.
You know Jinwoo wanted you away for your own safety but he still looks after you as he said that you're getting pale. You wanted to help him in any way you can so you started searching for things outside.
Jinwoo always reminded you to stay outside and never enter into any abandoned buildings as it can be a refuge to vampires hiding in the morning but you still peeked through the entrance of one nearby building.
"H-hey" someone called and your eyes widened.
Another human...
"Are-you human?" he asked you and you nodded earnestly. You don't know what came to your mind but you wanted to lure him inside your place.
"Thank Goodness I've seen someone still alive. I thought I'm the only one who survived." He said with relief.
He's alone, you noted.
"Me and my boyfriend survived the apocalypse and we're currently hiding in that place," you pointed your den that's few meters away, "You looked like you haven't eaten in days, are you okay?" you asked with fake concern.
"I've been hiding while trying to hide my scent through several perfumes. I don't know if it works but no vampire have seen me." he said while looking at your place, you shouldn't raise any suspicion from him.
"We're doing the same thing too," you lied, "That place we've been hiding is a convience store so luckily we have some perfumes too. Also, we have commodities, enough for us to survive the next months"
"R-really?" he already looks tempted.
"We can share you some food, after all we can't eat all of them and it might get spoiled." his eyes glistened, you felt a pinch in your heart, but you're doing this for Jinwoo.
"Thank you so much!" he happily followed you, not knowing your ill intentions.
"Woah" he exclaimed as soon as the both of you entered inside. You saw Jinwoo peeking at the last shelves with a confused face.
The man approached the first shelves where chips are stored, "Can I get one?" he asked.
"Yes, you go make yourself at home" You said while casually picking up the chains you use to keep the doors closed.
You heard him gasp, he probably saw Jinwoo.
"Wh-what's the meaning of this? Isn't that guy a vampire?" he stuttered and almost tripped while walking backwards.
"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry" You mumbled.
"You're a traitor!" He exclaimed and charged to you out of paranoia. The man couldn't make it to you as Jinwoo blocked his way.
You heard Jinwoo hiss and attacked the man. You collapsed on the floor and simply kept your head down and your eyes firmly closed.
You never dared to look but you can hear everything.
The helplessness.
The hunger.
The lifeless body fell on the floor after Jinwoo satiated his thirst. You finally looked at him, his pupils are dilated and unfocused. He licked the remaining blood on his lips, it took him a moment but he finally looked at you with sad eyes.
"A-are you okay now?" You stood even though you still feel your knees shaking.
"H-hey, why are you crying?" You stuttered, his tears started to flow like it would never end.
"I'm sorry that you have to do this. S-sorry" he sobbed uncontrollably but you shook your head.
"I told you... We will survive together"
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ygsneglectedchild · 6 years
YG Treasure Box  - Episode 1 rant
If you bothered to backread my blog and just by looking at my URL, you would know that I have a Love-Hate relationship with YG Entertainment and by extension, the ghoul on the 7th floor that is Yang Hyun Suk.
 That means that I have no problems pointing out the shitshow that’s YG post-2ne1 and while we’re in the middle of Big Bang’s enlistment period. However, I do have a problem with Kpop fans who DO NOT have a clue about the history of YG Music, Artists, or Company, who just like to shit on YG Entertainment for the sake of bigging up their favs. If you’re looking for a blog like that, this ain’t it sis. 
That being said, here’s a detailed account of YG TREASURE BOX Episode 1 in my eyes.
EPISODE 1: Introduction to the MNET Evil Editor that YG Hired
First of all, a petition for YG to stop using GD songs for his survival. I know they slap but using them for shows is like a punch in the gut. 
Exhibit A aka The only exhibit you need:
The episode started with a nice tour of what will soon be YG’s old HQ or The House that Big Bang built with the trainees’ hopes and dreams as the voiceover in the background but mostly Choi Hyunsuk because he’s talkative AF and he’s a true YG stan. 
There’s a clip of YG employees entering YG building and my initial thought is Who among these bitches come to work to tell Hayi, CL, Dara or Suhyun that “Nope.. we don’t have plans for you at this moment.”
Then we move on to the casting meeting.. and let me tell you this. That snake Yang HyunSuk (gonna call him hereafter as YHS) already has his own picks, but he had to throw in a platoon of trainees to keep the show interesting because why? He feeds off our tears and fear, that’s why.
All meetings that were featured on this show could have been an email tbh (and we wonder why our favs take a whole year to debut.. YG’s too busy doing meetings) same as the one that Jennie was in.
Bang Yedam drew first blood as the first guy they introduced. He should have been a fixed member from the start, and should not have been part of the voting. His skill level is in the extremes compared to the new guys that were scouted to be eliminated AKA Team B. More on that later... but anyway, the coaches at YG did a really good job with Yedam in making sure that what he lost in range due to puberty, he gained ten folds in technique and style.
Here’s a math problem for ya: The show humble-bragged about how much they spent per trainee on Team A. It’s USD 100,000 per year. How much did they spend on Byounggon & Seunghun? 
Next trainee to get his intro is Kim Junkyu. Like most YG elitist, I didn’t bother to watch Mixnine in full so I had no idea that he was made a sacrificial lamb on Mixnine. The sequence of him being so helpless, just going through the motion of training even if he clearly is at wit's end, is heartbreaking and very stressful. Then his therapy session was shown and it broke my heart. It honestly made me wonder if they had a therapist in Kim Jinwoo’s trainee days... because I see in Junkyu what I saw in Jinwoo during WIN, and look at Jinu now. Speaking of Jinwoo, YG said he’s looking at visuals on this show but sir... sir... when you have visual powerhouses such as T.O.P, Kim Jinwoo, Eun Jiwon (tbh.. you can all fight me..), the twins Yunhyeong and Chanu, the Kwon twins and more... you need to get your eyes checked. 
Team B was introduced next and damn, they were so raw Gordon Ramsey had a heart attack. 
Team B is the sacrificial lamb of this show/ They have visuals, rap and some vocals here and there but they were RAAAAW.. except for Jihoon, he’s like the war veteran that was recruited to train the privates.. that didn’t sound right. 
I didn’t realize that it was Jihoon who was on the YG vs. JYP episode of Stray Kids. He was a cutie then.. he’s still a cutie now.
Ooooh, YG has a Taiwanese trainee and I was happy for this guy because he was just so happy to be there. 
They showed how street casting is done.. if anyone approaches me with like that, I will scream. They also showed two trainees being let go to give way to Ha Yoonbin and Park Jihoon. I do not believe that it was a coincidence that they just added that two.. they had to make room. Showbiz, am I right? The old Team B’s looked scared when Yoonbin and Jihoon came but in all honesty, they are the two of the five who have greatly benefited from this show: 
Park Jihoon - The comeback kid
Ha Yoonbin - The new kid on the block
Haruto - The VIP heir.. from Watanameh to Watanabae
Choi Hyun Suk - The one who got shitted on the most after Sunghun. 
Kim Junkyu - Extreme makeover YG edition (in hair and in confidence)
Runner-up: Jeongwoo - He would have gotten in anyway because he sang really well and YG clearly likes him as he’s the reincarnation of the Still Alive Daesung (see what I did there) Again.. more on my lists later
Let’s move on to Treasure C aka YG’s next Team A aka YG version of NCT Dream tbh. They are damn talented and should not have been added as a whole team. YG should have just added the standouts. Kim Jong Seob of Kpop Star should have sat this one out as his voice is still in its cracking phase and let him stew and in his cocoon til he becomes a beautiful butterfly.
Team C is just so pure but when they perform, lawd.. I am just in awe. They are so talented.
The episode ended with YG shitting on all of his Korean trainees to introduce Team J on the next episode. Betch.
 All in all, this episode should have been 10 minutes shorter if they cut out all the meetings, castings and honestly, trimmed down the list of trainees
If you have questions for me, send them through, if you have comments, violent reactions and opinions.. send them as well if you must.
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chrissy96trans · 7 years
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Just a fan’s wish.
“May I do a photoshoot with WINNER?”
“Sure! Go and contact them!”
This is probably not what they mean when they say only non-fans get lucky. Anyways! 2017 was a busy and meaningful year for WINNER and “New Journey to the West Spin Off: Youth Over Flowers WINNER” was at the core of that. WINNER’s unfiltered, pure, and playful selves stole the hearts of people who didn’t know anything about them before. And right now, there is talk about WINNER’s comeback. When Nylon sent a love-call to WINNER, their reply was quick and refreshing but the process until the photoshoot was not smooth. There was so much to do for the photoshoot but the proposal draft got overturned. There was such little time for preparation that we even thought that a meeting with the photoshoot team was a waste of time. But we still wanted to do well. We wanted to create results that would surpass all of WINNER’s previous magazine photoshoots. We wanted to create a spread that would make people fall into it in seconds just by taking a glance. Coincidentally, the day of the photoshoot was Lee Seunghoon’s birthday. At the set location, TEAM WINNER sang happy birthday once every 30 minutes. The only celebratory thing we could do was to clap together due to the cold and cramped set location. The cover of the February issue of Nylon, graced with WINNER in blue denim at a colorful bar, was completed. When the WINNER members said, “So pretty”, “It’s pretty”, “It’s already out?” while looking at the cover photo, I wanted to high-five each one of them. Right now, at five in the morning, I am finishing up this February issue that faced more obstacles than usual. Finding myself smiling at WINNER’s photoshoot data appearing on the monitor makes me wonder if I am fated to become their fan or if it’s just a sense of volition that journalists have. Even at this time as I finish this February issue, a specific date for WINNER’s comeback hasn’t been announced yet. However, it is not a disappointing fact if we remind ourselves about how YG always announces comeback dates very suddenly.
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They were quiet during the photoshoot. They were loud for a short time when they were teasing each other but they waited calmly as though the bustling of the staff did not phase them. Kang Seungyoon joked with the photoshoot team and Song Mino took photos of the set with his camera that only a few people in Korea own.
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Q. You had many individual activities during 2017. We heard that your fans worked hard in 2017 as well since they followed your individual activities and your group activities.
2017 was a very special year for us. We were very happy!
It was a very thankful and honorable year as we were able to receive lots of attention from the public as well as our fans! I hope we receive lots of attention and love in 2018 as much as we did in 2017. Of course, we’ll come back with even better music.
But amidst everything, our trip to “New Journey to the West Spin Off: Youth Over Flowers WINNER” was the most fun.
It was a deeply meaningful year for each of us as well as us WINNER. The best year!!
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Q. You have “The first male idol to win #1 at the shortest time”, “The first male idol to surpass 100 million chart-in streams”, among other titles. You get called “the first” more often than the usual idol group.
Truthfully, I think whenever we’re called the “first” for something, it is a gift for us from our fans. We recently received awards at various award ceremonies and that really pleased me because now our fans had concrete reasons to be proud as “WINNER’s fans”.
I think titles like “the first” and “the shortest time” have a special meaning that is similar to breaking a Guinness record. I want us to be singers who our fans can be even more proud of.
I am always thankful for our TEAM WINNER staff members and my member dongsaengs for always working hard.
That’s right. Being called “the first” is nice but we’re more thankful towards our INNER CIRCLE and TEAM WINNER for working hard to give us that title!
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Q. What kind of adult do you want to be? How do you want to grow older?
I think I’m still a child. Honestly, rather than becoming some kind of adult, I want to be a person who isn’t embarrassing no matter who looks at me.
The responsibilities I give myself are growing and my facial hair is gradually growing. I want to be a cool man, a tough guy.
I think I have become an adult in some ways but I think I’m still immature in other ways. But I like living the way I live right now. I want to become an adult who is pure.
I think that becoming “a legal adult” is very different from becoming “a grown-up”. I was really happy and thrilled when I became a legal adult at 20 years old but I think I’ll be sad when I come to acknowledge myself as a grown-up one day.
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Q. What is something you don’t want to lose no matter how much time passes?
My beauty!
Our fans~~ I want to be with them forever. Like diamonds!
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Q. Do you ever want to be asked about something during interviews?
Usually, whenever something funny happens or I realize something wise, I think, “I’m going to talk about this really coolly” but when I sit down for the interview, I forget them all.
I don’t really have anything I want to be asked about… Because whenever people ask us sudden or difficult questions, we have WINNER’s answering vending machine, Kang Leader!
I want people to ask these kinds of questions! Questions that aren’t typical! (Laughs)
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Q. What are you most interested in these days?
Acting and WINNER’s new music
I think about how we should transform our image for our new music.
…Working on music…
# WINNER comeback # Nylon # CKjeans # INNERCIRCLE
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Q. What is something you tell yourself most often?
I never say this out loud but I always end up asking, “Is this the best you can do? That person can do it, why can’t you?” in my heart.
“You need to wake up…!” (when going to work in the morning)
“Let’s do our best!”
“It’s ok, I’m right! Let’s try our best!”
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Q. What is the most precious thing in life?
Happiness. Childlike innocence.
Happiness for me too.
Happiness. I want to live to become happy and then give happiness to many others.
Inner peace. I long for a simple and pure kind of life instead of something fancy but I think I still have a long way to go!
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Q. Then what do you fear most in life?
Betrayal from a close precious person I trust.
Being alone. Being anxious. No matter how much money a person earns and no matter how bountiful their life is, it’s meaningless and lacks happiness if they don’t have anyone to share it with so what’s the point?!
My changing without knowing it myself. The changing of a method of thinking and deciding in an environment that I adjusted with others. And that leading to losing things is so scary!
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Q. Each of you had many more individual activities [in 2017]. What direction do you want to take in expanding your domain?
I’m receiving a lot of love thanks to “New Journey to the West Spin Off: Youth Over Flowers WINNER” and “New Journey to the West”. Because the public’s awareness of me and my image from variety shows is so large, I feel like many people, excluding our fans, only know WINNER through variety shows. That’s why I want to hear people say, “WINNER is good at music and they’re funny,” after seeing our music activities!
I want to be of strength to all the people who listen to my singing and like it or think positively about it. If it’s anything in that domain, I’m willing to challenge myself in anything.
I don’t limit myself to certain genres or domains. Naturally, my roots are always in music but if it’s about making our fans and people happy, I’m willing to challenge myself in any domain.
I was very thankful that we received many opportunities that raised the public’s awareness of us last year. Above anything, I want to be able to have a deeper level of communication with our fans.
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Q. WINNER’s consistency! Where does your energy to keep going come from?
Our fans! Of course it’s INNER CIRCLE! Seeing our fans happy is our biggest motivation and inspiration! “Our fans”. Thinking about the people who like us and wait for us makes us anxious about sitting still!
But don’t you think the start of everything was Song Finger (laughs).
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Q. Do you have habits while making music?
Taking notes! Whenever I think of something or get inspired, I write it in my phone notes app or voice record it. Because living while moving around a lot and busily makes me forgetful.
Save it in my computer notes app♥︎ (T/N: Produce 101 “Save it in my heart”)
I can only start working on music when I have three bottles of water, my phone on “Do Not Disturb”, have my most comfortable pants and shoes on, and block out anything that may break my concentration. Unless I know beforehand that I’ll be working with someone, I feel like things work better when I work alone. I work well at night so I don’t work any time before 10PM.
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Q. There are many people who are waiting for WINNER’s new music.
We are working hard to prepare everything so that we’ll be able to come back with good music. Seungyoon will tell you more about the details.
We’re preparing for our comeback with February as the goal. But we can confidently promise that we’ll be even more busy this year!
We hope that everyone anticipating WINNER’s music won’t be disappointed kkyu kkyu (aegyo)…
Translated by @chrissy96_
Scans by @goduandme5 ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
182 notes · View notes
mirrors. | m
➵ characters: kang seungyoon x reader 
➵ genre: smut
➵ wc: 8.6k
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➵ summary: pent up sexual frustration is finally alleviated. plus, seungyoon needs some love, to be honest. yes, it includes mirrors. nothing to do with mirros by justin timberlake. includes praise, orgasm control, a whiny seungyoon. this is a lot of smut, fuck me. pls love kang seungyoon thx
➵ warnings: semi-public, the littlest bit of asphyxiation
➵ masterlist
➵ disclaimer 
“Cheers!” the small shot glasses filled with palatable yet potent drink you and Seungyoon held clinked together, immediately downing the soju down your throats. He pulled a face that would depict a burn on his chest, that soon passed, shaking his body out of it.
“You still make the dumbest faces,” you smiled, pouring yourself and Seungyoon another shot.
“If it didn’t, then it’s not a good bottle,” he commented taking his own glass. He raised it to your glass again, repeating the same process and same contorted face. “I still do a lot of things since you’ve left for the US.”
“Yeah?” you raised your eyebrows. “So you still have to be taken home after two bottles?”
“Okay, my tolerance isn’t that bad anymore,” Seungyoon protested, “this past year has been about a learning experience. You just have to eat before or as you drink for it not to hit you so hard.”
“I mean, that’s basic knowledge, but glad you’ve finally caught up,” you patted him harshly on his arm, teasing him. “And this fried chicken place is a place we can start. Speaking of which...”
Your mouth started to salivate as a large platter of fried chicken approached your table, making Seungyoon turn towards the direction where your eyes had become fixated. He rubbed his hands together excitingly waiting for the tray of drumsticks to be placed on the table between you both.
“Thank you,” you said to the waitress.
“Hope you guys enjoy it,” she said with a beaming grin.
“We will,” Seungyoon assured her, wanting to tuck right in. He waited for you to take the first piece before taking his own. “To your return!”
“To my return!” you laughed to then take the first bite. Seungyoon looked to be thoroughly enjoying the food, going through his first drumstick rapidly just as you were only half way through your first.
Before he picked up another, he asked, “Didn’t you miss Korea? And us?”
You swallowed the bite you had taken before replying, “Of course I did. I missed YG, the boys, you...”
Seungyoon slowed down his movements, noting the sincerity in your voice. “Really? We thought you’d never come back...”
“Don’t be ridiculous,” you chuckled. “I went to the US only for a year, and it was just to improve my production skills. I learned a lot and I’m thankful, but I always knew I was coming back. I couldn’t keep away from you too long, and you couldn’t survive without me for much longer either.”
Seungyoon smiled at your remark, knowing you said it as a joke, but still saw the truth behind it. He truly would have been lost around YG and Seoul has a whole if Hyunsuk had not suggested you take Seungyoon under your wing back when he was first introduced to the roster. Only being a few months younger than Seungyoon but having far more experience made the CEO see this as a perfect fit.
Though it only took a few months to adjust, you had both become so accustomed to each other’s company, the reliance on each other and friendship continued to grow, becoming stabilised.
As you both grew older and matured, so did your attitudes and perceptions, and you’d both be lying if you said the possibility of you both having more than just this friendship had not crossed your mind. But with the fear of ruining the friendship that was already near perfect, plus seeing and getting involved with other people acting as a show of disinterest for one another, although not true, you both opted to suppress any emotion that could escalate your circumstances, choosing to only continue to be close friends.
However, this year apart was particularly difficult. After five years of being attached hip to hip, the twelve months of separation weighed heavily on your hearts. To Seungyoon, through your crazy stories and experiences, he began to feel that he was about to lose you to the States. In the desperation of this possibility, he tried thinking of something that would make you return to Seoul, and more importantly return to him. In a phone call he had decided to finally admit that he couldn’t bear the thought of not being with you for one more moment, it was in that phone call you revealed you were to return to Seoul within the next two weeks. Seungyoon expressed happiness but tried to disguise his true excitement, simply stating that he would wait for you. But when he asked why you were returning, having thought you would not, you just stated that your time in the US was over, leaving out the main reason you only decided to stay for twelve months, despite being offered to stay longer, that life was not the same without him physically there with you. It just didn’t feel right.
Two weeks later, and having just dropped off your bags at the apartment YG stationed you in, the doorbell was rung just fifteen minutes after arriving. You did not know who could already have known this new address of yours as you yourself did not know until the day before, and you were shocked to peep through the hole to see who it was, your jaw dropped as you scrambled to open the door.
“Seungyoon!” you were barely able to say his name before he lifted you off your feet, having you wrap your legs around his waist, to embrace you firmly. He spun you a few times, making you shriek. “How did you know I–“
“I missed you so much,” he almost cried into your neck, keeping you extremely close. He couldn’t admit he had to beg Hyunsuk to reveal where you were going to live, the CEO understanding immediately why he was so desperate, writing down the address for him.
“I missed you too...” the crack in his voice pulling on your heartstrings and your eyes began to well up, returning to your feet. You took a finger quickly enough to your left eye to push a tear away before Seungyoon could see you as he posed you back down.
Your body began to tremble in disbelief; Seungyoon was finally with you again. You held his hands tightly as if for dear life, never wanting to let go. He too had his fingers threaded through yours, equating your grip. He could not stop looking at you, scanning your face with the widest smile imaginable. You were still as beautiful as he had remembered, if not more.
“Did you just get in?” he asked through his grin.
“Yeah, I-I haven’t even unpacked yet,” you giggled through your stutter, your heart beating rapidly as you took in the moment. “It’s only a few suitcases but it–“
“Don’t think about unpacking now. Come out with me.”
You widened your eyes. “Now?” He nodded eagerly. “I’ve barely been back for a couple of hours, you already want me to go out?”
“I know, but,” he bit the inside of his cheek picking his words wisely, “I haven’t seen you in forever and it’s Friday night. It’s still early, we can still do a lot. As soon as you feel tired, I’ll bring you home.”
“Well my body feels as if it’s ten in the morning, I’m barely even sleepy—“
“Then come,” Seungyoon started to walk backwards still holding onto your hands. “We can do whatever you want.”
“I’ll let you decide.”
“Ooh, alright then,” he smiled again, turning on his feet whilst still holding one hand to lead the way.
And that is how you ended up here in a fried chicken restaurant, in a place you swore was a hardware store before, reunited with your best friend Seungyoon.
“So what have you done this past year?” you wanted to appease your curiosity of what Seungyoon has been up to in your year away.
“Writing, composing… just the usual,” he said, “Nothing out of the ordinary.”
“I have told you how good your comebacks this year were, right?”
“Yes, Y/N... about a hundred times already.”
“Make that a hundred-and-one times. Are the boys good?”
“Yeah, Hoon is still persistent on giving me his style tips, Minho and Jiho still spend an unprecedented amount of time together, and Jinwoo can still look in any direction and girls and guys alike still swoon.”
“Yeah, he did always have that effect on just human beings in general…” And now for the question you were itching to ask. “Have any girls been swooning over you?”
Seungyoon stopped his chewing motions to think his response. “None that matter.”
“Yeesh,” you tried to make joke of the situation, “so picky.”
“Excuse me and my standards,” he responded sarcastically. “I know what I like and want.”
“Hm, I guess that’s good that you know that. That makes two of us.”
“Really really really really…” you sang in its tune, making Seungyoon roll his eyes and you laughed. Positioning your shot glasses, you filled them up again. “Here’s to high standards.”
 Seungyoon took his glass and raised it to yours. “And to us becoming billionaires.”
If my feelings for you were money, you thought downing your drink in one swift gulp, then I’m already a billionaire.
Seungyoon felt his back-pocket vibrating, removing his phone from it to reveal Seunghoon’s name on the screen.
“Hoon! What’s up?” You were finishing up the last of your drumstick as Seungyoon spoke on the phone, taking a napkin to wipe the grease off the corners of your lips without ruining your lipstick. “Yeah? Alright, we’ll be there.”
“We’ll be where?” you asked.
Seungyoon shoved his phone back in his pocket, “you like karaoke, don’t you?”
“Who doesn’t?”
“Then let’s go.” Seungyoon did not even wait for you to provide an answer, getting up to pull out his wallet, pulling enough notes of ten-thousand won to cover the bill and extra tips. “Thank you!”
He also did not wait for permission to take your hand, the alcohol already influencing his decisions. But you were not one to complaining, not protesting the sudden tug of your hand.
The karaoke place Seunghoon said he was at was only a few blocks away, perfect walking distance. While you walked, out of nowhere some speakers from a place that could not be identified started to blast one of Twice’s title tracks.
“Ooh, I know this song!” you exclaimed as if you had to prove that you were not out of the Korean loop. “Signal bonae, signal bonae, jjirit jjirit…” you danced along to the song as your increasingly inhibited mind and body would allow you, but still in a state of mind that you remember the pointer dance, shooting your finger antlers in Seungyoon’s direction. “I’m sending you a signal, Seungyoon.”
As you squinted your eyes in concentration as if you were really trying to send a signal telepathically, Seungyoon looked at you as if it was the most shocking but amusing sight he had ever seen.
“Are you not getting the signal?” you continued your quest to send the message, I want you, I want you.
“I’m not getting the message, sorry,” he laughed. “Try harder.”
And so, stupidly, you did. “When are you gonna stop treating me like a friend?” you whispered through gritted teeth, trying to make the message a little clearer but without the confidence of speaking it out loud. “You fool…”
“Pardon?” Seungyoon closed in his ear, having sworn you just called him a fool.
You straightened your body and cleared your throat, dismissing your own attempts. “Nothing. The noraebang is close by, right?” Scurrying ahead of him, you headed in the direction you presumed was the correct one, leaving Seungyoon blinking rapidly still trying to comprehend you.
The flashing lights and neon signs of arrows, one of them flickering noraebang in both Korean and English, indicated to you that you were in the right place. Looking beyond your shoulder, you saw Seungyoon close enough behind you that you could enter the lobby. Bowing more enthusiastically than most, possibly due to the soju, you asked the woman who had a smile brighter than her signs if the main party was on the top floor, as you could hear the loud commotion coming from above you, and you could only guess it’s where you were headed to. Seungyoon was already a step ahead of you, taking your hand once again into his to begin your trip up the stairs, but leaving you enough time to thank the kind woman, promising you won’t be too much of a hassle.
The speed in which you were made to storm up those steps showed Seungyoon’s anxiousness to show everyone that you were finally back, like he knew you would be. You took it as a form of flattery, as if he couldn’t wait to show you off, but of course wary of missing a step and falling flat on your face.
“You really wanna pour your heart out in song, don’t you?” you laughed, almost reaching the top floor.
“I have to get my Celine Dion on,” he joked also, taking that final step. He entered the room first to cheers of ‘you made it!’
You come quickly from behind him, eager to greet Seunghoon. “You didn’t miss me too much, did you?”
“Y/N!” he exclaimed, opening his arms immediately. Embracing him, you saw behind him and the others either standing with microphones in their hand or around a table topped with several bottles of soju and bear. “Hey, Y/N’s back!”
Next to give you a bear hug was Minho, even picking you up from your feet. “I knew you couldn’t last in the States!” You pinched his back for the remark to which he could only laugh to.
You noticed it was Jinwoo who was currently singing, and decided to play a little trick on him. The projected screen the beamed onto the white wall showed lyrics to Whitney Houston’s Saving All My Love for You. A brave song for Jinwoo to have picked, in your opinion.
“No other woman is gonna love you more!” he belted passionately. “Because tonight is the night that I'm feeling alright!”
You decided to join him. “We'll be making love the whole night through!”
Jinwoo’s concentration remained intact. “So I'm saving all my love!”
Now you stood next to him, slowly wrapping your arm around his waist. “Yeah, I'm saving all my loving!”
Though he continued to sing, he turned towards the direction of the body that was now attached to his hip. “Yes, I'm saving all my love for—Y/N!” His eyes were blown out in shock and surprise.
“Jinwoo!” You imitated his face.
“Jinwoo!” Finally, he bent his knees to pick you up by your thighs, twirling a few times, making you squeal. “God, you’re just as insane!”
“You’re-when-here-did you-how-get back?!” he stuttered through a grin.
“Literally just today. I didn’t even think I was gonna see you all so soon—you got a 98!”
“This is such a wonderful surprise—wait, I did?!” He turned forwards once again to see the big number indicating his score. “I did!” He leaped elatedly with both fists above his head. “I told you I’d beat you, Zi.”
“Damn, Jiho, you really thought you could beat Jinwoo?” you turned to a corner of the room to see where Jiho was sitting, covering half his face in disbelief.
“And he did his own song, so technically, he even cheated!”
“Oh, did he now?” you raised an eyebrow.
“No rules were set about that!” he protested nervously, getting up to head towards you. “So I was within my rights. It’s great to see you again, Y/N.”
“You too, Jiho,” you hugged him, seeing Jinwoo pour three shots off the corner of your eye. “You’re not gonna drink all of those by yourself, are you?”
“Of course not,” Jinwoo said, placing the bottle back down. “You two are gonna drink with me.”
You and Jiho headed towards Jinwoo, taking your designated shots. “To Y/N being back!” Jinwoo declared.
“To Y/N!” Jiho followed suit.
“To me!” Clinking your glasses together, the fruity shot went down your throat smoothly, but you knew it was going to make its way into bloodstream very quickly. You turned to see who else was there to find Seungyoon already hot on your back, clashing with his chest, using your hands to brace yourself.
“You’re already having fun, I see,” Seungyoon spoke lowly, peering down to you. You were somewhat scared to look up back into his eyes, deciding to keep your gaze on how his chest and neck were to your lips.
“How about you sing a song now?” you suggested, trying to change the subject. “How about Signal, we were just listening to it outside. I bet Seunghoon already knows the dance.”
Seunghoon was already way ahead of you. “Come on, Yoon. We all know you love a good Twice song.”
Seungyoon unlatched himself from you, taking the microphone Seunghoon offered.
“Trying to let you know, signeul bonae, signal bonae…”
And surely, just as you predicted, there was Seunghoon doing his best rendition of the choreography to Signal, more entertaining than it was technical. It provided everyone a good laugh, and you even wanted to get in the shenanigans. You tried to imitate his moves and steps, which you could only predicted nothing like the original, but you couldn’t care less. You never thought you’d be having so much fun just hours of returning. You thought people would have forgotten about you, moved on, had better things to do than reintroduce you into their lives. But it’s like nothing has changed, and you liked it just the way it is.
You took several bows in the direction of the applause and whistles, straightening your posture to see Seungyoon leaned against the wall, also impressed with your performance. He took a look to his left and headed into a separated area from the room, a place you guessed is where the refreshments were held.
“Who’s next?!” you called out, and both Minho and Jiho raised their hand. You held the microphone out for one of them to take it, Minho being the one to do so, leaving them to argue over the microphone as you followed Seungyoon. You found he had turned another corner, deeper into the adjoining room, going into the mini fridge next to a small sofa to take out something.
Already knowing you’d follow him, he asked, “you didn’t strain your vocal chords, did you?” in a teasing manner as he licked his bottom lip, turning to hand you a small bottle of water.
“I have iron chords, they’ll never be damaged,” you replied smugly, nudging his shoulder. Twisting its cap, you downed three large gulps of the cool water, enough for it to begin clearing your mind.
“You did sing with so much passion… as if you had some pent-up tension inside of you,” he continued to analyse you.
The water you just drank was filtering the alcohol inside of you, and that nervous stutter you’d usually have returned. “W-well, you have to sing the song that way, otherwise, you just-the song doesn’t sound the same if-“
“It was sexy.”
The bluntness of his statement took you aback. “Sexy? Were you listening to the same song back there or...”
“It was sexy,” he repeated with a laugh. “You were sexy. Beautiful, even.”
You tried your best to stop yourself from blushing by fanning your cheeks with your fingers, failing miserably. “You know you sound ridiculous right now. Did you drink more than me tonight?”
“Do I need alcohol to tell you how I really feel?” He was approaching you, but you were nailed to the floor, too shook to move. Just as your legs and feet received the message from your brain to take a step back, Seungyoon already had an arm around your waist, the other playing with your fingers of the hand beside you. “I could have used a song just like how you did. How will I know if he really loves me? You think I’m that oblivious?”
“Well…” you said inwardly. “You didn’t get the signal from earlier…”
“Oh, I got it, I just wanted to see you make a fool of yourself.”
You scoffed. “You’re fucking unbelievable. Did I need to put on a whole performance with back up dancers and a band for you to get the me—”
Midway through your sentence, your lips became preoccupied with Seungyoon’s own lips landing on yours for the softest yet deepest kiss you’ve ever been given. The first thing his hands searched for was your neck to grip onto, wanting to keep you in place. Although you were unable to move, you did not want to go anywhere, having your hands find his biceps, clinging onto them. The kiss was hot, Seungyoon wanting to taste all of you at once, moulding his lips perfectly over yours. You tried to comprehend that what you had wanted to happen for so long, was finally happening.
Though you don’t remember the last time your heart beat so fast, the last bit of your senses that was still active came to play. “Se-Seungyoon—”
“Y/N, please,” he said breathlessly, moving to have his hands on the small of your back to have your body flushed against his. This prompted you to wrap your arms entirely around his neck. You almost lost your balance when you felt Seungyoon take a few steps back, taking them quickly enough to sit down on the small settee, pulling you onto him.
“Oh my God…” you whispered shakenly, not realising you were freely speaking your mind.
“What?” Seungyoon asked worryingly. “Do you want to stop?”
“Don’t be ridiculous, I just can’t believe—oh my god!” As soon as Seungyoon received your approval, he undid the first few buttons of your blouse, quickly attaching his wet lips onto the plump flesh of the top of your breasts. Your breath hitched, cradling the back of his head, “you’re fucking insane.”
“For letting you get away from me in the first place, yes, I am.” His lips travelled lower and lower, until he had to use his teeth to move the fabric of your thin bra out of his way, leaving a wet trail leading to your nipple. You had to look around you for caution to see if anyone could see you, but you just heard loud music and laughter coming from the other room, the crew being far too preoccupied to have noticed you and Seungyoon missing.
Not wanting you to lean back too far, his hands remained on your back to hold you stable, making his way up your chest once again, getting to your neck to graze his teeth across it, sucking at your pulse point lightly. “As much as I love you like this,” he chuckled, “I don’t want a possible audience walking in on us... Unless you’re into that.”
“You seem like the type to be,” you laughed also.
“Maybe, but that’s for you to find out another time. Right now, though…” he helped you do the buttons of the blouse you already began on. “Let me take you home.”
Swiftly you removed yourself off Seungyoon, pulling the hem of your blouse down in the attempt to straighten it. This time, you lead the way out of the secluded room, going into the initial room to see everyone up on their feet facing the screen, singing at the top of their lungs a song you couldn’t make out. Whilst you headed for the corner of the room where yours and Seungyoon’s coats were, he leaned in between Minho and Seunghoon, letting them both know he was taking you home. They turned to face you, quickly waving at you with wide smiles, and you returned the gesture. Seungyoon then jogged to you, wanting to get onto the streets as quickly as possible.
Your jacket was on you once more before you could meet the bitter cold, seeing a taxi approach as soon as you stepped foot into the street. Hailing it, you hopped in and Seungyoon followed closely behind. Remembering your new address, you instructed the driver where to go. Once the taxi was in motion, you felt a hand flattening on the inside of your thigh, turning to the person the hand belonged to.
Before you could swat it away, Seungyoon had already gripped onto your leg, and with your face now turned to him, he cupped your cheek to bring your lips onto his, but it was delicate and tender, not the feverish and desperate kiss from before. Still as enticing, you couldn’t help but smile, also feeling his lips curl over yours.
“You have no idea how much I’ve missed you,” he whispered.
“Then why didn’t you visit?” you kissed the corner of his mouth, heading down to his jaw.
“Because I knew you’d come back to me,” he began to stroke your leg, still caressing your cheek. “But one more day without you, and I might have gone insane.”
“You really have a way with words, don’t you?”
“I wouldn’t be able to write all those great comebacks if I didn’t.”
You couldn’t help but laugh, becoming increasingly louder and infectious, making Seungyoon chuckle at his own joke.
Over his shoulder and out the window, you noticed that you were approaching the entrance of your new apartment complex. “Oh, we’re here.”
You paid the cab driver before Seungyoon had the chance to, exiting the car. By the time you had gone around the back of the vehicle, Seungyoon was already waiting for you with his hand held out. Though you took it, it was you tugging at his arm as you jogged to the entrance. Upon walking through the glass doors, you located the lift to your right, calling one to take you to the eleventh floor.
Stepping in, you turned on your heel with a smile to meet Seungyoon’s facial expression to have changed entirely to a desirous one, closing in on you and your body to have you backed up onto the back wall of the carrier, wrapping your arms around his neck instantly.
Never taking his eyes off yours, he was able to undo the button of your jeans in one swift motion, pulling down the zipper promptly. You did not need to be told to spread your legs a little more, doing so to give Seungyoon easier access. The teasing portion was not entirely skipped, as his finger traced small circles over the top of your panties, so close yet so far away from where you wanted him.
Because he was approaching your core, your hands flew to the rail behind you, gripping onto it tightly, preparing yourself for what was to come. As if on cue, the same finger, adjoined by two others, dipped under the silk material, tracing them from your entrance, coating them entirely in your pooling wetness, up to your clit. With his fingers being well lubricated, there was little friction, but just enough, over your clit, making you gasp loudly for air.
Though you tried not to, your eyes deviated from Seungyoon’s as your lids dropped, feeling yourself easily give in to his touch. So, he also looked away, but down at his busy hand, seeing it move under the constraining and tough material, bringing a smirk to his face. Never looking away, the three fingers Seungyoon worked over your clit picked up their pace, going in circles with just the perfect amount of pressure.
The quickened pace made your head drop forward with your mouth gaping, breathing heavily whilst occasionally moaning, your grip on the rail weakening. “Fuck, fuck, fuck,” you hissed inwardly.
Seungyoon’s unoccupied hand that was at your side met your jaw, cradling it softly, pulling your face up to look at him once again. “How are you this wet already?” he whispered almost tauntingly.
But you were willing to play this game of his. “How do you think?” you chuckled. “The minute you had me sitting on your cock… Don’t think I didn’t notice you getting hard.”
“You did look pretty on me… Bet you’d look better with me inside of you,” Seungyoon held your face still so he could roughly land his lips on yours, his tongue wasting no time to enter your mouth. Your hands left the rail to also hold him by him jaw, but this allowed Seungyoon to lean further into you, making you moan into his mouth.
Your right leg innately hiked up to wrap it around Seungyoon’s waist the best you could, taking his left hand from your face to grab you from under your knee. He switched his focus of his right hand solely onto his middle finger, administering more controlled and harsher circles over your engorging clit.
“Fuck, Seungyoon!” you moaned.
“You look so hot like this, holy shit,” he let his thoughts run freely with a strained groan, feeling his cock hardening by the second. “What the fuck are you doing to me?”
You didn’t have an answer for him, too consumed in the pleasure. Much to your dismay, the lift came to a slow halt, making you growl inwardly. You held Seungyoon’s wrist to indicate him to stop, but he seemed hard to convince.
“The quicker we get inside,” you chuckled, “the quicker you can get me off these clothes. So, move it.”
The transition from the lift to the front door of the same apartment Seungyoon whisked you away from was swift, this time arriving with lips locked, arms intertwined, and anxious to get to your bedroom. The apartment was just as unfamiliar to Seungyoon as it was to you, engaging you both in a guessing game.
However, the game was short lived as you gathered some common sense from your foggy but hyperactive brain, predicting that the room farthest into the apartment was the master bedroom. Clinching onto the collar of Seungyoon’s jacket, you led the way, walking backwards to get there.
Seungyoon’s hand held onto the handle of the bedroom to pull it down, opening it to reveal the jaw-dropping decor. “Oh, wow, YG must really like you.”
As your back was to what he was referring you, you scrunched your eyebrows in confusion but chuckled. “What do you mean?” It’s when you turned around to understand what he was referring to. “Oh, shit.” Your eyes grew in size in pure admiration, never thinking you’d get such sleek and modern furniture in your room. A small and simple one-bedroom apartment would have sufficed, but upon entering the home the first time you already felt spoiled, and even more so now.
You weren’t in awe for long, when you feel Seungyoon snake the palm of his hands onto your lower stomach, pushing your back up against his chest, allowing him to drop his lips to your ears to whisper, “he got you a huge bed for me to fuck you in.”
Your breath hitched, feeling his teeth graze at the delicate skin of your neck, sure to leave marks, and then dragged a long, wet tongue across the same spot, a spot that made your thighs tremble.
“Then get on it,” you instructed him breathlessly, shaking his hands off you to have him move. Going around you, he once again was in front of you, taking you with him until he felt the perimeter of the bed on the back of his shins, sitting down and scooting back on it. You crawled as you followed him, keeping your faces close enough to feel each other’s cool breaths.
When Seungyoon reached the row of pillows, your legs parted to have each knee sink beside each side of his body, lowering your crotch to align with his, already feeling his hardening bulge nestling between your clothed lower lips. His mouth gaped at the friction caused, exhaling deeply. His hands rested on the sides of your face and jaw, licking his lips as he took in your beauty. “I think you’re even more beautiful than when you left.”
“Are you trying to be romantic, Kang Seungyoon?” you questioned him.
“I can be sometimes,” he migrated his hands to have them skim your sides to reach your hips and then your waist, clenching your cheeks with open palms, “no matter how badly I wanna kiss you, and taste you…”
He didn’t let you speak as he craned his neck to connect his lips to yours, having one hand on the back of your neck to bring your face down to him, opening his mouth instantly to deepen the kiss. You moaned at the feeling of his tongue on yours, his crotch on yours, but you needed his skin on yours.
You sat up on him, pulling your jacket off your shoulders and blouse over your head, allowing Seungyoon to remove his own jacket and fitted tee. As your arms and head were up and ready to remove the piece or clothing from you, you noticed your reflection above you. “There’s a mirror on the ceiling?”
“Oh, damn, there is,” Seungyoon laughed. “This just got a lot more fun.” Next to go were both pairs of jeans, tugging at each other’s materials to free your legs from them, Seungyoon pulling at yours after you removed his. He took this opportunity to be on top this time, smacking your thighs apart, making you giggle. He didn’t waste any time in having his fingers fondle with the clasp of your bra, releasing it swiftly, starting his trail of kisses down your chest.
You followed Seungyoon closely as he moved down your body, threading your fingers lightly through his hair as his wet kisses reached your hardening nipple, making your back arch instantly. Inhaling a large breath, you exhaled a whimper feeling his tongue circle the bud. “Fuck, Seungyoon,” you said lowly, tightening the grip you had on his strands. Liking how you reacted to him, he dug his tongue harder and faster, making you pant. Though your eyes were trained on him, they felt heavy, already feeling yourself sink into the bed.
He administered the same rough and wet tongue on your other breast, making you groan. “I’m getting wet again, shit,” you felt your already damp panties become drenched again, and your skin felt prickly and hypersensitive to any touch.
When Seungyoon’s mouth left your chest and continued its trip down to your stomach, you braced yourself for what was coming next. As expected, Seungyoon tugged at the waistband of your panties, hooking his fingers under it to sweep them off you, discarding them somewhere unknown.
You closed your eyes in anticipation, swallowing hard. You felt his kisses on your pelvic bones down to the top of your thighs until his lips travelled went inwards. “Y/N?”
Your brain felt clouded in your arousal and anticipation, blinking your eyes open as you heard your name being called. “Yeah?”
“Get on my face. Sit on me,” he moved up your body quickly to get into position.
“You want me to do what?”
“You heard me, get on my face. But turn around.”
You sat up to see Seungyoon shifting as he laid beside you into a comfortable position, unsure if he meant it. But your body screamed out to you just fucking do it, already aching for some and any type of touch where you need it most.
If you wanted to turn around then he wanted you face away from him, getting your body to do just so. But it all clicked in your head, like a lightbulb had just switched above you, now knowing exactly what he wanted. “If you wanted me to touch you too, you could have just asked.”
“I thought I’d be smooth about it. Now bring that ass here.”
Doing as you were told, you positioned yourself perfectly for Seungyoon, taking little time to tug at his boxers, letting his erection free. Holding him upright, you started stroking him but slowly, feeling his arms wrap around your thighs to bring you down further onto him. That’s when his lips met your clit, sweetly at first.
You sighed in bliss, dropping your lips to his shaft, kissing along its length before enveloping your mouth around the head. Seungyoon groaned into you, grazing his fingernails through your skin. He worked his tongue faster on your clit, making you moan. Taking him deeper into your mouth, you tried hard to concentrate on Seungyoon, at least keeping your hand in motion. Once back in your mouth, you tasted the precum leaking onto your tongue, him thrusting shallowly past your lips.
The sensitivity of your clit grew, your body jolting every time Seungyoon’s tongue swiped and hit the right spot, your breathing becoming hot and ragged.
You continuously stroked the head of Seungyoon’s cock as you tried to regain control of your breathing, the slick sounds it created making your insides tremble even more. The way Seungyoon’s smooth tongue moved precisely over your clit meant your orgasm was imminent, even if you wanted to savour this for a moment longer. His own groans vibrated through your core, adding to the pleasure you were already receiving.
“Ah-fuck! Don’t stop, right there,” your voice quivered as did your thighs around his head, trying to keep them open. Your mouth returned where Seungyoon wanted it most, hissing at the sensation of your own tongue on his most sensitive place. Feeling his own orgasm approaching fast, he knew he needed to get you to yours. That’s when his lips wrapped around your clit, sucking it feverously. Your lower half bucked further into Seungyoon’s mouth, your body reacting positively to his new move. Driven, your mouth too wrapped around him entirely, working with your hand to get him over that edge.
You were the first to succumb to Seungyoon. “Shit-I’m gonna-fuck-cum!” You reached a body-shattering orgasm, your breath halting all together. You called out Seungyoon’s name amid your moans, as he held you close to continue to suck your clit through your orgasm. You could barely form a sentence, still somehow being able to glide your thumb over the right place, and soon enough, his hot seed spilled to coat your fingers and palm, his hips thrusting into your hand to fuck your hand.
“Holy shit, Y/N!” his heart thumped against his rib cage, breathing deeply. “Fuck me, that was… fuck.”
“Fuck is right… Goddamn…” you rolled off him and onto your back, your hand on your chest to fell how fast your own heart was going, licking your other hand clean. “But we’re not done.”
“Of course not. I’m ready when you are.”
“I don’t think you’re ready for me, baby boy.”
“Try me, princess.” That’s when you sat up, moving your body that would you be over his. More than willing, Seungyoon welcomed you with his arms wide open with the most devilish grin on his face.
With your hands firmly planted on Seungyoon’s chest, you wasted no time in having Seungyoon sink into you, raising and dipping your hips, only slowly at first, indulging in the feeling of your walls gripping onto his shaft. Your eyes remained half opened, just being able to see Seungyoon attentively gazing at how he disappeared into and emerged from your body. His hands were raised as his elbows rested on the bed, the palms close to your waist but not holding you by it yet, wanting to see how well you worked over him. By his bitten bottom lip and scrunched expression, you could tell he was enjoying himself.
“Ah, fuck,” he chuckled, letting his head fall back onto his pillow and then exhaled deeply. “Goddamn it, Y/N, just like that.”
The words of encouragement brought a smirk to your own face, inspiring you to go a little faster. That sweet spot within you was stimulated just enough to have you moan under your breath, digging your nails shallowly into the skin of Seungyoon’s chest. He hissed, more in pleasure than in pain, darting his head up once again. His hands finally found your waist, not afraid to grip onto them tightly.
“Who knew you could ride dick this well?” he teased you, migrating his hands from your waist to your ass cheeks, grasping onto them roughly.
“There’s a lot you didn’t know about me before tonight,” you replied with a smile, leaning into him to embrace him by his neck and jaw, tilting his head up to kiss him deeply. Your body began flushed against his, the sweat you both formed acting like adhesive. Having you in this new position allowed Seungyoon to thrust upwards into you, meeting you halfway. Detaching his lips from yours, Seungyoon groaned at the new-found motion, taking his hands to your back and shoulder so you wouldn’t move.
You held your lower body still so Seungyoon could drill into you, your breath becoming laboured. With your face diving into Seungyoon’s neck, your teeth quickly found its flesh, leaving behind small marks and a trail of saliva. Still, you inhaled and exhaled ruggedly, cursing often.
“Fuck, Seungyoon,” you tried to speak, but your moans would make it difficult to. “You tryna cum already?”
“You talk as if you don’t want to,” reluctantly, he loosened his hold on you. “We’ve been waiting long enough, don’t you think?”
You slowly raised your body to sit up straight, lazily grinding down on him. “Just a little while longer. Make it last, baby.”
“You’re asking for the impossible,” Seungyoon caressed your thighs as he looked at your body waves, finding himself deeper inside of you. “Fuck me, you’re tight…”
In denying him an orgasm, you were denying yourself as well, and half of you wanted to hate you for is. But you were determined to keep some form of self-control. You took his hands from your thighs, “Feel more of me.”
You slowly guided his hand past your pelvis, up your stomach to reach your chest, cupping your hands over his and they fondled your breasts, letting his thumbs stroke of your hardened nipples. You let your head drop back with a satisfied sigh, grinding down harder.
Seungyoon revelled in the softness of your skin and the plumpness of your flesh, drinking in the sight. His mouth salivated though his throat felt dry, like he thirsted for more. “You look so fucking beautiful…”
“You don’t look so bad yourself,” you commented, noting how the sweat upon his forehead caused several hair strands to stick to it, his lips were thicker, and his eyes had that desperate yet satisfied tone to them. Leaving his hands, you searched his chest for leverage again, allowing you to set your feet onto the bed. Seungyoon knew what you were doing, and by the grin on his face, he seemed excited for what was to come.
In this position, you could descend onto Seungyoon quicker, deeper and harder. Despite going at a steady pace, your g-spot was hit each time with enough pressure and friction, prompting you to go faster. Your heart began to thump against your chest that Seungyoon could feel it, and by how your moans got louder, he could tell you were receiving just as much pleasure as him.
With each thrust, you felt yourself getting even wetter than before, coating Seungyoon’s shaft in its entirety. His teeth gritted at the slipperiness and the warmth, trying to hold out for as long as he could. “Fuck, fuck, fuck!”
“You feel-ah, shit-so fucking good. Just a little longer, huh? Can you do that for me, Seungyoon?”
He tried to respond but your continuous motion caused him to groan instead, finding it increasingly difficult to keep his orgasm at bay. He pushed his head back into the pillow, straining his neck. You didn’t think to wait for an answer either, too engrossed in the sensation.
When your walls began to contract around his shaft like a vice, he felt like he was about to lose it. “Oh, fuck! Baby, wait!” His hands went to your lower back to hold you down entirely and to stop you from moving, burying himself into you. His breaths were short and deep, saying, “Just… just wait a minute… Holy shit.”
“Have I got you that worked up?” you giggled, placing small kisses along his jawline.
“You’re having all the fun,” he whined, feeling himself throb inside of you, yearning for that friction again. “Let me do a little sum’ too.”
“And what do you suggest?” you moved your lips to start kissing his neck and shoulders.
“Let’s get up,” was his first suggestion. As if your legs didn’t feel weak enough now he wants you on your feet. However, you were curious, so you mustered every bit of energy you had to follow him, although you did not know what he was up to. Getting up at the same time, Seungyoon was able to keep your back to his chest, leading you to the large wall mirror.
“You know I keep telling you how beautiful you are,” he spoke into your ear, biting its earring-clad lobe. “I want you to see how good you look when I take you from behind.”
He pushed your body with his own, making you walk towards the said mirror. You used your hands to brace yourself, fingerprints marking your reflection. Looking up slightly, you saw Seungyoon behind you, moving your legs just how he wanted, propping your lower body up and making you stand somewhat on the tip of your toes.
Seungyoon took his hard shaft to drag his reddened tip along the length of your lips down to your clit, making sure you were wet enough. The contact of his member only on the exterior brought a shudder to your spine, whining inwardly as you waited impatiently for him to penetrate you.
Once his tip found the rim of your entrance once again, his hand released from his shaft to feel himself sink into you, your walls sucking him in promptly. With one hand on your lower back and another holding onto your shoulder, his body thrusted forwards, making him groan through gritted teeth.
Already feeling weak without having even set a pace yet, you let your head fall forwards, making you face the ground. You tried your best to maintain the arch in your back, but your trembling limbs made this a difficult task.
Not knowing how much longer you’ll last, you pressed Seungyoon, “I’m going to be the one pushing you up against this mirror to fuck you if you don’t–“
The grip Seungyoon had on your waist and shoulder became deadly, burying his fingertips into your skin. The strong hold was so he could thrust harshly whilst still trying to keep you in place. It was forceful enough to have you stop pestering him and gasp for air in despair, but it felt so damn good.
It was ruthless thrust after ruthless thrust, and your heart beat like never before. Words could not be formulated, and the sounds from your mouth were frantic but like music to Seungyoon’s ears.
He himself would curse under his breath before exuding a whine, his jaw slackened and eyebrows contorted. “Baby... Oh, fuck, Y/N.” Seungyoon’s heavy breaths were audible, groaning every time he drove himself deeper into you. “Look at yourself in the mirror, baby. Look.” The hand on your shoulder moved to your neck, carefully pulling your head and body up by it. “Look how beautiful you look while I fuck you.”
Though your lids draped heavily over your retinas, you saw your body jolt with every thrust Seungyoon gave, your bouncing breasts, swollen lips and beads of sweat dripping down your temples.
“Seungyoon... I–“
“You look so fucking hot, Jesus Christ,” he began a wet trail of open-mouth kisses on the back and side of your neck. “You feel–shit–your pussy feels so good around me.”
You chuckled once. “You like how my pussy feels, baby?”
Seungyoon groaned at how you spoke to him, making his wrap his fingers around your neck a little tighter. “Fuck yeah, Y/N,” he whined. “I fucking love it.” Though Seungyoon was the one drilling into you mercilessly, the one that had your body shaking, who held you close by your neck, his voice was fragile and submissive. The combination of it all caused your fingers to claw at the mirror in the search for something to grip onto, swearing that you were losing your mind.
“Baby,” his voice quivered. Your core throbbed and pulsated around him every time you head his voice, and he felt each contraction. “You’re gonna make me cum.”
“I’m so close, just—” as if he read your mind, his fingers went from being enveloped around your neck to massaging your engorged clit, wanting to also take you over the edge. Your mouth gaped, unable to finish your sentence, exuding a vehement groan. “Please don’t stop!”
Your plead was enough for him to muster any remaining energy left, administering the final frantic thrusts that meant your climatic end, uncontrollably squeezing your walls around Seungyoon’s cock. The orgasm sucked the breath out of you, fighting to keep your body up and steady for Seungyoon, still revelling in your orgasm. “F-fuck!”
“I’m gonna cum! Y/N!” Seungyoon’s eyes clamped shut as he withdrew from you entirely, taking himself into his hand to pump long white stripes onto your lower back and ass cheeks, his carnal groans resonating through the room. “Oh my god!”
You could finally rest on the soles of your feet, but felt so worn out your knees it was difficult to stay up. Seungyoon held you so you wouldn’t move so quickly. “Whoa, there. Come lay on the bed.”
Falling onto the bed on your stomach exhausted, Seungyoon dashed to your adjoining bathroom, already equipped with towels, taking the smallest one he could find and dampening it under the faucet. You were started to drift as your eyes slowly closed themselves when you felt pressure on your back, turning to see Seungyoon wiping you clean, dropping your head onto the bed with a thump.
“You’re not gonna sleep like that, are you?” Seungyoon asked with a chuckle. “Get under the covers.”
“I’m too lazy to,” you mumbled, wanting to fall asleep.
“Come on,” he laughed, turning you onto your back and pulling up to sit up by your hands, embracing you to help you get onto your feet. Though you protested with a sigh, you returned the embrace, opening your eyes once again. The proximity of your bodies again made you lost for words, and when you tried to spoke you’d stumble on your words.
“I missed you too…” you were finally able to say. “Really, I did.”
“I wonder what you’ll do next time you leave and come back,” he teased you with a smile. “But I don’t think I’ll be able to stay away from you that long.”
“Does that mean you won’t let me sleep by myself in my bed?”
“I-I mean, if you want to, I can leave-I’ll be back tomorrow, but if you want to sleep—”
“I get that you want to sleep—”
“Get in the bed.”
He looked at you blankly, until it hit him. “Oh. Right.”
a/n: it’s done! oh my god, this took too long.
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omg i love your superheroes au for astro! idk if you take requests for that au but if you do, can you do a reaction (if you do reactions) or a simple scenario for rocky and sanha accidentally hurting you with their powers?
*so I feel it’s important to really build up these two andexplain how the relationship even started (especially in Sanha’s case given howterrified he is of his abilities), so let’s get into that and do this in bulletpoint form*
-         Now this human light torch (as he so fondly getscalled by Bin on a fairly regular basis) is actually not all that…peopleoriented
-         Like, don’t get me wrong, he loves being around people andinteracting, but he is a bit socially inept
-         A good example of this is the fact that hethought it would be cool to just, light a kid’s birthday candles with his ownfinger, and that was…it went very very badly
-         Badly enough the fire department was called,Jinwoo had to apologize to everyone for the now toasted birthday party andslightly charred mall, and Rocky was unceremoniously told that he should reallykeep his powers under wraps (that nearly got Myunjun up in arms because anyonewants to talk to his boys like thatis gonna get smacked)
-         So he has kind of become a withdrawn character,which maybe is reason enough for him to pick on Sanha, since the two of themhave a habit of keeping in the shadows
-         That being said, he finally finds himself drawnfrom that darkness when he meets you
-         You’re just a typical student, though youdefinitely have had your fair share of struggles (many of which can be equatedto the fact that you’re a bit of a clutz)
-         It happens to be during one of the few times that Rocky is out and about,sticking to the back and chatting idly with Bin occasionally, that you crosspaths with him
-         At first, he thinks nothing of it, because ASTROis well known around this area, and it isn’t uncommon for them to brushshoulders with the citizens (even if Sanha will shy away and basically circlethe person so as not to touch them)
-         Either way, he’s chatting with Bin, kind ofglancing around and keeping his eyes on the sky and the clouds when he feelssomeone bump into him
-         And it isn’t a gentle bump, no, it’s more of a frantic and aggressive one, as if the person whodid it was running
-         Which, when Rocky turns around, he sees you are,clutching all your things to your chest and not paying much attention to whereyou’re headed (you were on a deadest mission: you were running late for yourclass and honestly, the last thing you needed was a tardy on your record)
-         Just as he’s calculated this, his eyes shift,taking in the swerving car on the road, noticing that the driver is out ofcontrol and you’re about to cross the street and (okay this is super cliché), but he can almost picture the event that’s about to unfold
-         Before any of the other guys notice, he’srunning after you, and there’s a brief moment, one of sheer panic, where youlook up and your eyes lock on the car and everything slows to a crawl
-         Rocky watches as the car swerves, just barelymissing you and smashing into a light pole that comes careening down on top ofthe car
-         No one else has to say a word as a spark fromthe broken light hits the gas that was spilling from the destroyed car, and youhadn’t moved an inch, poised like a deer caught in the headlights (which youwere just a moment before)
-         Just as the fire ignites and seems to be headingright for combustion (and literally everyoneelse is running away from it but you), Rocky comes barreling into you,knocking you to the ground and shielding you with his body
-         The explosion itself isn’t nearly as bad as itcould have been, but the ringing in your ears is deafening, and you findyourself in a haze as you look up to Rocky, who’s staring back down at you, aslight patch of fire on his shoulder that he pats out without even blinking
-         So, needless to say, after the paramedics andfire department and police show up and the zoo is calmed, you find yourselfsitting in the back of an open ambulance, a paramedic carefully checking youover as you focus your full attention on the members of ASTRO who are talkinganimatedly to the police
-         Rocky looks out of it, his gaze focused on thedying embers of the car and what was left of the driver
-         Something in his features has you standingslowly, telling the paramedic you’re fine as you wander over and tap hisshoulder, drawing his attention to you
-         A look of surprise crosses his face, but yousurpass that, thanking him profusely for saving you as you hug him tightly
-         It doesn’t take a genius to know he’s beatinghimself up for not doing more, but you aren’t close enough with most people toreally handle the situation in any better way than physical contact
-         Somehow after this event, it becomes almostregular for you and Rocky to bump into one another, sharing small conversationas you pass and harboring feelings that cause his blood to race with fire andyour cheeks to burn
-         It feels like ages before he finally makes amove (and you were so close to doing it yourself honestly) and then it seemslike it’s smooth sailing from there on
-         The relationship doesn’t burn like an inferno,but smolders just below the surface until it reaches a point where you two areso infatuated it kind of grosses out the other members
-         Of course, after having dated for a while, youknow that Rocky is holding back with you
-         Not in his affections, but in how he handlesyou, or what he tells you when he’s feeling out of sorts
-         He’s keeping secrets, but he swears it’s purelyto keep you safe (even if you know it’s hurting him more not to tell them)
-         Getting him to finally crack is…a mistake in allhonesty
-         You two are bickering and the previously amazingdate is going to hell because he won’t listenand he won’t be there with you
-         He’s hiding secrets from you that you deserve toknow as someone that cares for him, and while Rocky knows this, his emotionsget the better of him
-         Without thinking, he pushes at your shoulder,anger flaring inside him as he does so (he can’t bring himself to talk abouthis past or the things he keeps barricaded in the back of his mind)
-         As soon as he touches you, your skin igniteswith a burning pain that has your breath leaving you and your knees crumplingas you grab frantically at your clothing, trying to get it off
-         Rocky sees this and hears a soft scream and that’sall it takes for him to calm down, dropping to his knees beside you andreaching out, only for you to shy away from his touch
-         You whisper for him to call the paramedics,refusing to look at him, and all it takes is one look for Rocky to see that youneed serious medical attention (the burn is red and sweltering and bubbling andit’s nearing the kind of second or third degree that Rocky has only seen onsevere burn victims)
-         After what feels like hours of being in thehospital waiting room, Rocky is allowed to see you, and he breaks down as soonas he does
-         It isn’t terrible, and the doctor informed youthat with some rest, a lot of ointment and careful cleaning, the wound wouldheal with minimal scarring
-         That does little to appease Rocky’s worries, andhe buries his face in his hands as he whispers he’s so sorry to you over andover
-         His biggest fear was to hurt the ones he caresfor, and he did just that in a moment of stupid and petty rage
-         Your hand touches his briefly, managing to pullit away from his eyes so he’ll look at you
-         And even if he’s scared and maybe you are too,you swear to him that this changes nothing
-         Something was bound to happen at one point oranother, and now you two knew that there was a limit to everything
-         It doesn’t mean Rocky is pacified, but youpromise to yourself – as you watch him begin to fall asleep in the hospitalchair – that you’ll figure out his secrets and mend the scars that he’s burnedinto himself
-         In Sanha’s case, it’s even harder to imagine himreally getting close to someone like this, purely because he’s so terrified of his abilities
-         The fact is, he can’t even touch someone, letalone get close like he wants to, and it…it worries him and haunts his dreams
-         Meeting you was a fluke of any nature
-         You work at the local zoo as a volunteer in thereptiles and amphibians house, while also being a volunteer at the library
-         Needless to say, you’re pretty much everywhereSanha is, because he tends to drop in frequently to both these places with asmall smile on his face and a very distant nature
-         He tends to do a lot of hiding in the shadows,guarding himself from others, which you can understand
-         What Sanha doesn’t know is you’re a superhumantoo (or a mutant, as your family liked to call you) and you can see howterrified he is whenever he learns something new about the animals he inquiresabout
-         Sanha usually asks you all sorts of things aboutthe poison dart frogs, which you happen to have learned a plethora of factsabout purely because they are so cool
-         At least, to you they are
-         Anyway, as a mutant/superhuman, you have one ofthe rarer abilities (that is, you can adapt to another mutants powers)
-         It’s not like MJ, who can block and absorb theability, you can actually channel it and therefore adapt in order to keepyourself alive against said powers
-         Of course, this means that you have to be exposedto the ability in order to do so, and while you kind of wish that Sanha wouldjust touch you so that you could dojust that, he’s distant at best
-         Usually he comes in with jeans and long sleeves(even in the middle of the summer), with gloves on and a hat and anything elsethat is needed to protect himself and others from his powers
-         You don’t meanto be fascinated, but you can’t help it really, he’s just this…anomaly
-         As much as you are a rarity, so is he among thesuperhuman classification
-         Getting closer to him is seemingly impossible,merely because (while Sanha will admit he has an inkling of a crush on you), herefuses to believe he can be with someone in any way like that
-         This fact alone is a bit infuriating, as youfind yourself always seeming to gain ground, only to lose it all by the time heappears again
-         And Sanha can’t help but fall for you (you’re literally always there when he needssomeone and you’re pretty and cute and your smile makes his heart race and ifhe could ever kiss someone, he sure as hell wants it to be you)
-         But he keeps himself away (far away in somecases) in order to keep you safe from himself
-         It isn’t until he comes in one day, hoisted byboth elbows by Eunwoo and Jinwoo, that he finally confesses and you manage toget a date from him (you tease him about it quite a bit and he mumbles that hishyungs are just meddlers and wouldn’t stop bothering him about you)
-         The date goes well, and then a few more proceedit, until Sanha starts to think that he couldn’t imagine a day going by wherehe doesn’t get to see you or talk to you in some way
-         He finds himself dreaming of you and thinkingabout how nice it would be (especially during little movie dates) for him to beable to hold you close to him and just befor a minute
-         Much to your chagrin, he does not allow himselfto be any bit of physically affectionate towards you (though part of youreminds you that he doesn’t know that you’ll be perfectly alright)
-         The bubble that exists around your relationshipbursts, as most would in such a strained situation, though it doesn’t end in afight at all
-         Sanha and you happen to be enjoying a perfectlynice day in, watching the rain travel down the window panes as some movie playsin the background
-         Another movie night has come and gone, thoughneither of you is ready to say goodnight
-         As you and Sanha are basking in the silence,lightning flashes outside, and something inside you jumps – not from fear, butfrom the excitement of realizing this might be the moment
-         Because Sanha has looked over at you, and heseems a bit drowsy, and he’s mumbling something so softly you have to leancloser to hear him and his breath is ghosting your skin and you know there’sonly an inch between you both and you…
-         Well you close it before he can second guessanything or really process the action itself
-         As soon as you touch his lips with your own,Sanha is jumping back, nearly falling off the couch as he watches your facetwist in pain and a hand, shaking and sweaty suddenly, reach up to touch yourown lips
-         His heart is racing, panic inching through hisveins as he watches all the effects of poison take over your features, and he’spowerless to do a damn thing
-         Mere minutes pass before you lean forward andtake a gulping breath of air, hands grasping at the coffee table as Sanha just stands there with sheer horror writtenover his features
-         Silence settles in the room, a brief bout ofthunder rumbling through the sky, and Sanha is almost sure you’re dead and heisn’t sure what to do other than start crying
-         Which he does, and it has you looking upsuddenly, eyes wide in shock before you’re hurtling the coffee table andpulling him into you, whispering his name and rubbing his back as you soothehim
-         When his sobs turn to hiccups and blubbering, hefinally manages to pull himself back, staring at you as if you’re a ghost,which you suppose makes sense, given you basically just died in front of him
-         A flush rises to your cheeks as you murmur thatyou’re not exactly…normal and heisn’t sure what you mean until you reach out to stroke his cheek
-         Sanha flinches away at first, so you ask softlyif you can touch him, and he decides that, if you didn’t die before, you shouldbe fine now, right?
-         Which you are
-         The gentleness of your touch has him leaninginto it, craving it more than anything, and you hum softly, whispering that youadapted to his powers, he can’t hurt you
-         More tears begin to slide down his cheeks andyou panic, cupping them and asking if something was wrong, if he was hurt
-         Which he shakes his head to, opening his eyesslowly, lashes dusted with tears and eyes watery as he gives you a smile andleans in close, pressing his forehead to yours and breathing in every bit ofyou
-         His voice cracks as he whispers he hasn’ttouched someone in so long; he thought he never would
-         That alone has you crying too, thinking of allthe years he must have gone through, not being able to get close to anyone orshow them how much he cared
-         How touch starved and deprived he was
-         Pulling him closer, you press your lips to hisagain, murmuring that you’ll never let him go another day without knowing howloved he was
-         And hey, now you could mess with his hyungs andmake them think he poisoned you as a prank, right?
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moonlitstories · 7 years
New Year Blind Date- Myungjin
SURPRISE! I told you I’d send you a gift! It’s a little later than I thought but just in time for New Years! Happy New Year @vonseal​! ❤️
It’s my first member ship-fic so sorry if its not that good :( and sorry that it’s long… I hope you enjoy it though!
Word count: 2,870
Headache: Hyuuuuuung~ Headache: Jin Jin Hyuuuuuung~ Headache: Just go on the date please!
Me: Give me a good reason to go Dongmin
Swag: You have nothin to do on new year’s eve?
Me: What r u talking about Rocky? I got u guys!
Headache: We have dates remember?
Swag: Ya cuz we have boyfriends unlike you
Headache: Rocky!
Swag: Wat? It’s not our fault his boyfriend cheated on him. Swag: And to find out on Christmas eve too.. Swag: I told you he was bad news hyung Swag: But you didnt want to listen
Headache: Minhyuk! Stop talking about him! Headache: Hyung, are you sure you don’t want Bin to beat him up? Headache: Hyung… You’re either crying again or typing really slow
Me: Im not crying Dongmin and no I dont want ur boyfriend to get involved. Me: Plus him getting punched by both me + his “fiancé” is enough Me: AND Me: I AM NOT GOING ON THE BLIND DATE!
Swag: But! Both Sanha and Bin-hyung said he’s a really nice guy! Swag: Plus you don’t want to spend the countdown alone do you?
Me: Look. Rocky. Dongmin. Me: I’m sure he’s nice + all but I dont think I can trust anyone right now… Me: He was the 5th guy to cheat on me Me: I trust Bin + Sanha but I dont think my heart can take it if another guy cheats on me
Swag: You mean USES you to cheat
Headache: MINHYUK!
Me: Minhyuk…. You better hide when I get home tonight
Headache: He called you “Minhyuk” Headache: You’re done for. Headache: DON’T THINK YOU CAN HIDE IN MY ROOM EITHER!
[Change “Swag” to “Dead”? Yes/No?]
Dead: I’ll agree to getting a dog if you go on the blind date
[Change “Dead” to “SWAG”? Yes/No]
Me: Deal
Headache: I wish you said that earlier
SWAG: Eh~ I thought it would’ve been more fun to actually convince him
Headache: You’re dead when I get home
Crazy-College Friends
Bap: M-hyung youre going on the blind date right?????
Maknae: Ya hyung! Maknae: Rocky said they put A LOT of effort into convincing him! Maknae: Please go! Rocky will be sad during our date if his hyung is home alone
Me: No Me: Every time I went on a date. THAT WAS IT Me: A DATE. ONE DATE. THERE WAS NEVER A SECOND DATE!
Bap: Dongminnie said that hes really kind and has a big heart tho Bap: I’m sure you’ll go on a second date with him!
Me: He just got cheated on Me: I don’t think he’s exactly ready for a date in general -.-
Bap: Sanha told you didnt he
Me: Yes Me: Doesn’t change the fact that I wasn’t gonna go in the first place! Me: Plus! Wouldn’t you guys miss seeing me every time you get home! Or when I third-wheel on your dates sometimes!
Maknae: No offence hyung, but…
Bap: Youre always sulking whenever we get home from a date and we didnt bring you
Maknae: And when you third-wheel it ends up with you always standing/sitting/walking in-between me and Rocky… Maknae: We know you’re jealous on the inside hyung
Bap: We just want you to be happy too Bap: Please! Just this once! Bap: If you guys don’t have a second date then we promise never to set you up on blind dates again!
Me: Promise?
Bap: Promise!
Maknae: Promise….
Me: Ok~ Fine~ I’ll go
Maknae: *Promise not! Maknae: Bin-hyung~ You owe me and Rocky $5 each Maknae: Bin-hyung promised me and Rocky $5 each if we could get you guys to agree to going on the blind date
Me: -_- Me: Sanha if you see police cars outside the house tonight just walk away and stay over at Minhyuk’s place
Bap: ?????????????????? Bap: Sanha if I live after tonight youre dead
Maknae: I think I’ll stay over at Rocky’s/Dongmin-hyung’s place tonight…
Eleven am on the dot, Jinwoo walked in and sat down at one of the diner tables. Dongmin and Bin had set up everything for them. Jinwoo and his blind date would meet at eleven o’clock on New Year’s Eve at a small diner for lunch.
A few days ago: “I don’t want anything fancy Dongmin. I don’t think it’ll go well anyways so I don’t want to spend too much money. No offense to your friend Bin.” Bin shook his head, “None taken. Honestly, Hyung would prefer something simple too.”
So there he was, waiting for his blind date to walk in. His eyes darted back and forth from the menu to the door every time the bell chimed. He didn’t know what his blind date looked like, but Bin had told him that he would stand out a lot.
Jinwoo didn’t understand what that even meant until he looked to door as the bell chimed and the brightest person he had ever seen walked in. Myungjun was wearing a bright orange knitted-sweater and had a smile on his face just as bright as his sweater. 
Myungjun looked around for, what Minyuk had described as “a dull and slow looking person.” He didn’t have a clue what it meant till he saw a man sitting by himself staring at him, mouth agape. He was shocked at how cute he was and really hoped that the man was his blind date.
He cautiously approached the man who was obviously still trying to process what was happening. “Hi! Are you Minhyuk and Dongmin’s friend?” Jinwoo slowly nodded his head, “Are you Bin and Sanha’s friend?” Myungjun enthusiastically nodded, “Yup! It’s nice to meet you! I’m Myungjun! But you can call me MJ!” He raised his hand out for a handshake.
Jinwoo’s heart skipped a beat. He told himself he wouldn’t fall in love so easily but the man before him was gushing with joy and the way he talked so energetically made one of the locks to his heart open. 
“I’m Jinwoo. Nice to meet you too… MJ?” He smiled and raised his hand to meet MJ’s. Unbeknownst to him, MJ was a nickname Myungjun had made up on the spot. No one but Jinwoo would call him MJ, but he need not know that just yet.
“Jinwoo…” He thought for a second as he sat down in his seat across from Jinwoo. “Is it ok if I call you JinJin? I think it sounds cute! It suits you!” Jinwoo blushed and simply nodded. MJ gave the brightest and loudest laugh JinJin had ever heard and it made his heart melt. 
But JinJin wasn’t the only one who’s heart was opening up. Behind his smile MJ was slowly getting more and more worried. Just within the first few minutes of having met, he was already hoping to have a second date with this man. He loved JinJin’s angelic smile and his movements reminded him of a sloth but his eyes of a puppy.
As their date progressed, MJ realized how low JinJin’s voice was and how slow he talked. But he liked the way his voice sounded so smooth and made him feel calm. JinJin thought MJ talked very fast and very loudly. After a while, he realized MJ’s voice wasn’t just loud but also higher pitched but it didn’t bother him. The way he spoke made him feel happier and more energetic than usual and he liked that feeling.
“You should’ve seen them Jin Jin! Bin didn’t even bother control himself in front of me! Dongmin kept blushing and telling Bin to stop kissing him but NO~ Bin just told me to go home! Can you believe that???” MJ continued to rant as he scarfed down the burger he ordered. JinJin shook his head and continued to listen to MJ’s ranting. “Ah! But did Minhyuk tell you about him and Sanha’s deal with Bin?”
JinJin’s head shot up, “No? What deal?” Thus, MJ passed his phone over to JinJin and showed him the texts with Bin and Sanha. “Bin is dead next time I see him.” “Oh. Don’t worry! I made sure Bin learned his lesson.” MJ gave the most innocent evil smile and they both laughed.
“I got this, MJ” Jin Jin picked up the bill and quickly went up to the cashier to pay their bill before MJ could refuse. MJ slowly finished his drink and dragged himself to the door. Meanwhile, Jin Jin was taking his time paying for the bill by paying by cash. Unbeknownst to them, both of them were sad that their lunch was done and both hopeful that the date would continue for the day.
MJ waited for Jin Jin outside as he thought of all the possible things he could say to him to extend the date. Before he decided what to say, Jin Jin walked out and looked at him. Simultaneously: “What do you want to do next?”
Both of them were shocked and burst out laughing. MJ pointed down the street, “I know a good ice cream parlor a couple blocks down that way! It’s pretty cheap and they give large servings! My treat since you payed for our lunch!” Jin Jin nodded and followed MJ in the direction he had pointed.
MJ walked with a skip as he continued to talk about the ice cream parlor to JinJIn. Jin Jin listened with a smile on his face merely admiring MJ’s smile. It was cloudy and a bit chilly out but Jin Jin felt warm in MJ’s presence.
“Hyung -” MJ spun around and put his finger to his lips silencing Jin Jin. He looked at him confused as MJ glared at him. “Don’t call me that.” “Why not? You’re older than me?…” 
MJ looked couldn’t tell him the truth. He couldn’t tell Jin Jin that he didn’t want him to be formal because he felt like it meant he had no chance of being more than friends with him. MJ waved his hand to forget the matter and continued to walk towards the parlor. 
“Stupid brain…” He thought to himself as Jin Jin talked to him about Minhyuk agreeing to get a dog and thinking about what breed they should get. “It’s not like we’ll go on a second date… Stupid heart… stop beating so loudly… Stop hoping for something impossible for us…” His heart payed his thoughts no mind and continued to beat louder and louder and he watched the joy on Jin Jin’s face as he talked about dogs.
“Go ahead and get whatever you want Jin Jin!” “Are you sure? Cuz I’m thinking of getting that double scoop sundae…” “One of what he said and for me… I’ll get one of those popsicle sticks.” The cashier looked at them with amusement and proceeded to get their ice cream: “You’re in luck! You got the last popsicle stick for the day!” He smiled as he handed them their ice cream.
“MJ, you made me look fat…” Jin Jin pouted and MJ’s heart skipped a beat for the thousandth time today. “It’s ok! I ate like a pig back at the diner! Plus, you spent more there than I am here!” MJ smiled as Jin Jin couldn’t refute his answer.
“Anyways!… It’s a taboo topic for a first date, but I mean you already know my dating history from Sanha… What’s your’s?” MJ was shocked by the question and stopped opening his popsicle. “Well-”
As he was about to answer, the child in-line with her mother began to cry, “I’m sorry sweetie! But they don’t have anymore popsicle ice cream.” “But mommy! You promised me we’d get some today!” She began to cry louder as the mother apologized to the cashier and the nearby customers. 
MJ suddenly stood up and walked towards them. He kneeled down in front of the little girl with a gentle smile on his face. “Hi, princess! You can have mine! I didn’t open it yet so it’s still brand new!” The girl’s crying became sniffles as she looked to her mother for approval. “Ah! It’s ok, sir!” 
“No! I insist! I could always get something else! Plus, my date and I just got here so it shouldn’t be melted at all!” The mother could sense his sincerity, “Then, at least let me pay for your ice cream or pay you back for-” “It’s ok! Just seeing her smile is payment enough!” He smiled brightly towards the mother. She couldn’t argue with him any longer and nodded to her daughter to take it.
The little girl jumped and smiled brightly, “Thank you!” The mother mouthed “Thank you again” as the two of them walked out of the store. Jin Jin just watched everything in awe. MJ wasn’t just bright like the sun, he was even brighter! His heart couldn’t ignore how sweet that was of MJ to sacrifice his ice cream just to see a little girl smile. “Stop beating so fast heart… You’ll make me want to trust him… I told you we wouldn’t trust anyone anymore, so please, stop beating so quickly…” But his heart wouldn’t listen as he watched MJ return with a double scoop sundae and a bright smile on his face.
Without realizing it, it was already ten o’clock at night. T-minus two hours to the new year. After getting ice cream, they just went with the flow and just walked and talked. They didn’t want to admit it to themselves nor their hearts, but they were both enjoying being in each other’s company and their conversations just made the time fly by. They only realized the time after MJ’s stomach called out for dinner.
“It’s already seven o’clock??” Jin Jin looked at MJ and without a second thought, “Why don’t we eat dinner?” MJ’s eyes widened and his fears of Jin Jin saying let’s go home faded as he enthusiastically nodded.
The two of them walked into a park and sat down on a bench. Jin Jin looked up and MJ followed his gaze. “Don’t you think the stars look so pretty?” MJ nodded even though he knew Jin Jin wasn’t looking. “In two hours they’ll disappear and the sky will be lit up with fireworks though…” “I think fireworks are just as pretty as the stars though.” Jin Jin looked to MJ and nodded.
“Since it’s only two hours away why don’t we just do the count down together?… I MEAN! That’s if you want to…? I was just thinking, since you know, Bin and Dongmin are on a date and so are Sanha and Rocky…” Jin Jin blushed and “scratched” the back of his neck. “YES!” MJ jumped up from the bench and covered his mouth out of embarrassment. “I mean… Ya, of course. That would be nice.” He sat back down embarrassed but Jin Jin just chuckled.
It took them almost an hour to get to the river front, where a lot of people gathered for the count down. It took them half an hour to find a good spot where there weren’t that many people near by, but still had a good view. Even though it was stressful, they didn’t care. MJ kept making jokes along the way and kept messing with Jin Jin every time he worried if it was too crowded where they were.
They continued to talk and enjoy each other’s company and before they knew it they were getting up to do the count down:
TEN! “Maybe it’s not a bad thing to give love another shot huh heart?” Jin Jin told himself.
NINE! “Maybe I should just ask. It wouldn’t hurt to ask and if I don’t even ask how would I know if he really didn’t want to go on another date?” MJ told himself
EIGHT! “MJ seems like a really innocent, pure and kind guy. I don’t think he’d cheat on me or use me.”
SEVEN! “Jin Jin is far more perfect than those other guys I ever went on dates with and I don’t want to regret not asking him on another date.”
SIX! “Ok heart… I’ll listen to you one more time…”
FIVE! “My heart’s beating so fast… I’ll hope one more time…”
FOUR! Simultaneously “Deep breath.” / “You got this”
THREE! Simultaneously “MJ!”/ ”Jin Jin!”
TWO! Simultaneously “Do you want to go on another date?”
ONE! Simultaneously “I’D LOVE TO GO ON ANOTHER DATE!” 
“HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!” Ecstatic, they hugged each other for the new year and out of excitement for the other’s answer. After they stopped staring at each other, they realized everyone around them was kissing. They looked at each other and both blushed.
“Shall we go find the others?” Jin Jin offered. MJ nodded and they slithered their way out of the crowd. Starting their new year with renewed faith and hope, their hearts were whole again. It was a sign to them that the year to come would be a happy one. Hand in hand they walked home to meet with their friends.
“I told you they’d be together by the end of the day! Give me my five dollars back both of you!”
“You guys were betting on me and MJ again???”
“Who’s MJ?”
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parkjess · 4 years
hi there! can i request for an astro accidental drunk confession to the reader where the reader tried to take care of them because they’re drunk & they thought it was someone else or something like that!! im not sure if i make sense 😭
Thank you for requesting!🥰
Note: Since I can’t really imagine a different reaction for the 6 of them, this one will be in pairs I think would act the same.
Sorry for writing this forever! I had a writing block and needed time to get inspiration.🙏🏻
Myungjun& Moonbin:
He was on his way back home when he texted you he’ll be there in a while, so you made the bed for him, assuming he will be tired after a night out with the boys.
He was staying at your place for the weekend since he had work to do around, and his own place was 2 hours away from here. So you gave him the spare room you had in your apartment you share with your other best friend, his sister.
Waiting for him to open the door, but it was too late now and you didn’t hear anything from him for a while now since he last texted you. Suddenly, a weird noise, such as a ball hitting a wall was heard at the front door.
Worriedly, you jumped off the couch, heading straight to check where the noise came from.
Opening the door, there was your friend, all spread on the floor now, arms seemed to give in.
“Oh my god!” You accidentally shout too loudly, immediately placing a hand on your mouth, calling out to your friend for help. Both of you make an attempt to lift the drunk guy, but eventually drag him on the floor to his temporary bedroom.
“Why did you drink so much, dummy.” You hit his arm playfully while your other hand dips a towel in a water bowl, placing it on his forehead. He didn’t say anything but only opened his eyes a bit, as if he just woke up, feeling dizzy.
You grabbed the water bowl to bring a new one, but as you just lift yourself of his bed you were sitting on until now, he grips you arm and stops you with the small amount of energy he has left. He calls you by his sister’s name, but she left as soon as you started to take care of him.
“Wait, I’ll bring more water.” You didn’t even bother telling him not to move anywhere because you know he’s tired and tipsy. -“I like y/n so much where is she~” he whines as you stay there shocked from what you just heard. What the hell, he thinks I’m his sister!
You decided not to interrupt him and just listen to his words, as you already knew, the truth comes out when he’s drunk. Not bothering to tell him you are not his sister, he won’t even remember this in a few hours.
“Bro...” you call him, feeling uncomfortable by calling your childhood crush like that but it doesn’t even matter now. “I’ll bring you something to eat.” Only looking for an excuse to run away. -“I should tell y/n I love her...” he says in a drunk, low voice, grabbing his phone to call you.
“No, no you should rest now.” You take his phone and throw it somewhere else on the bed, heading to the kitchen.
When you came back you see his face lighten up, he took his phone and texted someone. Suddenly your phone got a notification he noticed, him sending you his confession in many texts was a mess since he could hear every notification you got whenever he sent.
-“OMO! It’s you...” he says surprised, yet his voice still shaking from being drunk and wasted. “I- you need to rest, go to sleep, it’s too late. I’ll be here in the morning.” You say finally and get out of the room, leaving him blushing, not worried enough due to the fact he won’t remember this after tonight.
In the morning he woke up to the sunlight shining bright in his eyes, bothered by it a little. Flexing out his arm to search for his phone on the bed, finding it within seconds and grabbing it with the least of power he has so early in the morning, well, early for a person who got drunk at midnight.
‘Are you awake yet?’ That was a text you sent him few minutes ago, maybe that’s the reason he woke up?
Oh shit, you thought. I shouldn’t have send it, he would read the last texts from last night!
“Hey! Good morning, how do you feel?” You break at once into his room, opening the door widely, making him jump and throw his phone away. -“you scared me! At least knock before you open the door like that!” He shouts, coughing because his morning voice gets cut.
-“I saw the messages.” He says when he gets out of the bed, wearing his shoes and fixing his hair, before you even get the chance to say something. “I hoped you won’t...” you confess. -“Yeah I don’t remember sending them but I only remember getting drunk with the others. So I guess I wasn’t supposed to say that.”
“Is that true?”
-“Yeah you brought me here.”
“Not that you were drunk, idiot. What’s you said there.” You point at the phone that was laying on the carpet, upside down, with your head.
-“They say you never tell lies when you’re tipsy.”
“You could’ve just say it’s true, why all the poetic shit all of the sudden?”
-“Why you’re so mad so early in the morning?” He asks, stepping closer to you, you’re still wearing your pajamas, as well as he wears his last night’s clothes.
“Because, for years I’ve been waiting for you to say you love me, I hoped you will. And this is not how wanted it to be...”
-“Wa-wa-wait... does that mean- oh my- you love me back?”
“Stupid idiot, yeah why did you think I became friends with your sister?”
-“I think... do you wanna go on a date with me, y/n?” He smiles at the end, when your name comes out of his mouth, so softly.
“Promise you won’t get drunk there?”
-“Maybe only for you to take care of me.” He says, leaving a smirk.
Jinwoo & Dongmin:
You were sitting with your group of friends at the restaurant, celebrating whatever kind of a good reason to drink to.
It was the best night ever, full of laughter and pure joy, but something felt too good to be true, and you had a feeling something weird is going to happen.
The older friends started with small shots, then moved to being completely wasted because of the bottles of alcohol they shoved straight to their brain. You and the younger ones didn’t have any idea what’s going on with the other ones, but only looked at what they are doing drunk like they were.
Fortunately, the restaurant wasn’t crowded as usual, and it was quite late for people to come in, even though it’s the middle of Seoul.
At some point, you and your younger friends, who tried to prevent themselves from getting drunk, sat there as if you were watching a show, of the three others arguing loudly, like they usually do while the beer starts to effect.
“Oh my god what are they doing?” You whisper to one of your friends, who was sitting beside you, taking a bite from a pork rib.
-“Don’t ask me, I’m not responsible for that.” He jokingly answers, as one of the actors of the show suddenly stands up, his chair meeting the wall 3 meters behind, making all of you startled.
“Yah!” He shouts, you look at him with eyes open wide as he looks down straight at you, pointing out his finger toward your direction.
“Y/n!” He claims your name loudly, you turned red only from embarrassment while the others look at you with surprise.
-“Please, lets go home.” You say, trying to pull him back down before it gets worse, nodding your head to the owner of the restaurant who apparently got scared they started a fight.
“I love you y/n!” All of the sudden, the sentence you never thought you’ll hear from him, comes out, and you’re not the only one who hears it.
-“Oh my!” You cover your face after hitting your own forehead with your palm, -“I knew something weird is going to happen!” You murmur under your lips.
“Daebak!” Sanha drops his chopsticks on the table, shocked at his friend who just confessed. The other two drunk friends of yours who were loud until now, all became quiet.
“I love y/n with my whole heart.” Oh my, you thought.
-“Lets please end this night and go back to the dorm.” You nearly beg your sober friends, dying for this embarrassing moment will end soon.
When back at the dorms, you went straight to take care of the drunk babies, especially that one who confessed earlier tonight. Even though you nearly fell asleep while standing, you forced yourself to make sure they are going to sleep.
“Hyung, I love y/n so much.” He says softly to you, smiling unconsciously.
-“Shut up, I’m not your hyung.” You whisper to him as you place a towel on his burning forehead, bringing a bucket in case he wants to throw up.
For years you tried to hide and even delete your feelings for him, which didn’t work. And now you feel even more in trouble since he feels the same about you.
You decided to leave him a message for the next day when he wakes up:
‘I wasn’t your hyung, not even for a moment, last night.
I hope you don’t remember but I really wanna think you do.
I love you too. Y/n.”
Minhyuk& Sanha:
You were sitting with your best friend at a family gathering, his family this time after last time he was at your parents’ house.
Without you notice, he started to drink alcohol, shots that his cousins raised to cheers, and you didn’t even touch it though the adults might see this as disrespectful, but both you and your friend decided you’ll be in charge of driving tonight back to the dorms, despite the fact you weren’t the kind of a drinker.
At first he only started to whisper weird things in your ear you barely understood because it was unclear, then, he asked for more shots from his father, and you’re the only one who noticed the weird behavior of him. And maybe his mother too, but you said nothing yet. Until he stood up, starting to yell something, but you were wise and fast enough to put him back down and shush him before he embarrasses himself any more without being aware to it.
“Please control yourself, the night is almost over.” You whisper to him while holding his wrist close to you.
Luckily, his mother was sitting on the other side of yours. “Can I take him to your room? He’s completely wasted.” You ask her politely, she nodded her head with a slight worry spread on her face, like the loving mother she is to her son.
And you did, nodding to the rest of the family while holding the big, drunk baby, so he won’t fall down. “I told you you’ll end up drinking, you never listen to me...” you say to him, even though he can’t really understand who you are right now or what you’re saying, but you did warn him before.
Sighing, pulling over his parent’s bed cover to make it comfortable for him to rest until he hopefully falls asleep. -“Mom...” he whispers loudly when he looks at you with his lids half closed, then grabs your hand. “I-“
-“Tell y/n she should stay here, it’s too late I can’t leave her driving alone at night...” your eyes widened at the sudden worry your friend just claimed about, wondering how much of alcohol he has in his blood right now that he doesn’t even recognize you while looking at you.
“Y/n will be okay, she’s not a baby.” You reply, without bothering to explain anything to him. But he only whines and being stubborn about you going back alone.
-“Aish- no! Mom I want her to be with me, and she is a baby. To me. You know how much I like her...” If you were surprised by his sudden worry a minute ago, now you’re completely shocked by his words.
“What are you talking about? I’m- I mean, y/n is a smart girl, she can...” you don’t know what, but something stopped you from keeping on talking, you just let him be and agree to everything he says. “Okay, son. She will stay here tonight.” You lied, but he won’t remember it anyway in the morning.
You went out of the room with your friend smiling at the thought of you staying there, it was way too weird for you to think he likes you, because you liked him forever now, even though you tried to hide and forget these feelings since you don’t to ruin your long term friendship. You’re like a daughter to his parents, especially his mom, but you couldn’t not tell her what you’re trying to process in your own mind.
“He thinks I’m you, and he really insists I’m gonna stay here tonight, so I agreed because he won’t remember he even asked for it.” There was that motherly look she gave you, patting your shoulder and listening to you. -“Wait, so you leave?” She asks, surprised, you can see how much he looks like her when she does that face.
“Yes of course, but I’ll leave once he’s asleep.” You wanted to check if he’s all good and don’t need any help, ignoring the fact he is in his parents’ place, where he used to live since he was born and until he grew up. Maybe that’s was just the way you were taking care of him as much as you can.
-“Why won’t you stay, y/n?” His mother speaks up when you pour water into a glass to give your friend and check up on him. “I really don’t want to be a burden...” you furrowed your brows, surprised at her offer like you were surprised from her son.
-“You’re not, I ask you to stay.” She says, as if it was a command.
“If it’s that case, I can’t refuse.” You smile at her and she does the same.
On that night, her mother let you both sleep together on her and her husband’s bed, just because she trusted you and her own child.
In the morning, he rised with the sun, stretching his hands, accidentally bumping into your neck, waking you up. -“Oh my god y/n! What are you doing here?”
“Oh! What time is it?” You couldn’t believe you actually fell asleep, it was difficult for you to sleep on others’ beds, and you tried to sleep the whole night, don’t even remember when you drifted to dreamland.
He was smiling a bit, never thought he would wake up next to you, in his parents’ place. “I- You were drunk last night and you asked your mom for me to stay.” You say as you cover your mouth due to the morning breath he didn’t care about.
-“I did? Oh my god...” he almost whispered only to himself, but you were close enough to hear that. Not sure if he already realized he confessed his feelings, but surely worried about it and thinking of how he can you ask you if you already know how he feels without actually asking it.
“You’re sweet.” You say at once while watching him overthinking, staring at the empty ceiling, his eyes are full of little stars, he turns his head when your words snap him out of his thoughts.
-“Hu- What? We’re you talking to me?” His blinking fast as if he didn’t see clearly.
“Can you see anyone else here?”
-“Why would you say that?” He has that slightly cold personality when someone he admires compliments him, and you, oh he admires you a lot.
“Remember how you told me few days ago that every word that comes from a one’s mouth, has a reason and meaning?” You remind him, without both of you to notice, your bodies got close to each other and you face him so closely right now, scanning his beautiful skin.
-“Uhm... well?” He looks like he doesn’t listen, but he looks so beautiful looking straight into your eyes like this. “Then I believe it now.” You say and pick yourself up at once from the bed, wearing the slippers his mother gave you.
-“What has changed?” He asks, lifting himself on his elbow to support his body up on the bed, looking at you while you’re stepping to the door, taking one last look at him with a smile and say, “The fact that you said you love me, without being aware of it yourself.” You finally say, leaving the boy with an answer but completely confused, while heading out of the room.
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noonanoowz-blog · 7 years
Bloodlines-Chapter 1
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It was hot, and Seunghoon was losing his patience.
“How hard is this? How many times do we have to go over it? I’m not sure if you’re tone deaf, talentless, clumsy or just all three at this point, but I’m really getting sick of it.”  
All the boys looked at him.  He was yelling at Seungyoon for messing up the steps for what felt like the 100th time that night, but unlike previously, he was no longer even attempting to be nice about it.  
Taehyun put a hand on Seunghoon’s shoulder. “Why don’t we take a break?” he said. “We’re all tired and it’s definitely hot in here.  I think we all deserve a ten-minute break.”
Seunghoon shrugged him off.  “I don’t think ten minutes could save him,” he said.  “All it’s going to do is make this practice session run even longer.”
“Hoonie, c’mon,” Jinwoo said.  “We haven’t eaten since this morning!”
“You’re whining isn’t helping either,” Seunghoon snapped.  “But if you wanna go, go.  Yoon stays here.”
“How about this—“ Ever the mediator, Mino stepped between them.  “How about you, Jinwoo and Nammie go look for food, and I’ll stay here and help Seungyoon catch up. Grab whatever you want, and take some time to cool off, yeah?”
“That sounds like a great idea,” Taehyun said. “Didn’t you say you were craving Twinkies earlier, Jinwoo?”
“Yeah, but…” Jinwoo looked at Mino. The other boy was helping Seungyoon sit down on the floor because Seungyoon was exhausted.  Jinwoo swallowed. He went to speak more, but he had no time as Taehyun grabbed his sleeve.  
“C’mon Woo,” Taehyun said as he dragged him out the door. “Twinkies, remember?”
The door banged shut behind them.
Jinwoo stared at it for a long moment, then covered his face with his hands.  
“What have we done,” he whispered as Seunghoon pushed the elevator button for the lobby.  
“Saved our asses,” Taehyun said.  “Though you could have been a little bit nicer, Hoonie.  Did you have to be such a dick to him?”
“Oh, I’m sorry.  I guess I’m just not as good at hiding behind my indifference like you two are.  Maybe you should give me lessons on how to deal with this nightmare.  I mean you’re the actors in the group, right?  Tell me how I’m not supposed to be freaking out!”  
“Nobody said we weren’t freaking out,” Taehyun said quietly.  “We’re just not freaking out the same way you are.”
“You mean like a normal person?”  Seunghoon glared at each of them in turn.
The other boys did not meet his gaze.  
Seunghoon scoffed. “Wow,” he said.  “You guys are actually heartless.   Got it.  Noted.  I’ll keep that in mind for when my turn comes up.”  
The lights flickered.  The elevator stuttered, and came to rest on the ground floor.
Jinwoo looked at his watch.  “Isn’t he…early?” he asked.
“Yes,” Taehyun said.  “And I don’t want to be down here without Mino.  I’m not good with this level of crazy.”
“But you’re good at sending lambs to the slaughter,” Seunghoon muttered.
Before Taehyun could respond, the doors of the elevator slid open, and they were greeted by two nearly-identical men wearing matching expressions of malicious pleasure.
“Good evening….” One of them said.
The other, the one with the pretty eyes, grinned at them and added, “We’ve been waiting for you.”
All three boys stepped back.
The first speaker laughed.  “He thought you would be more comfortable with us,” he said. “But obviously, you’re not. Oh well. Come along.  The car’s waiting.”
“Not without Mino,” Taehyun said.  “We know he likes Mino, but also know he could give two shits about us.”
Pretty Eyes smiled and moved closer to his face.  “If he wanted you dead, it would have happened long before now,”  he murmured. He made his point by smiling, showing the sharp edges of his teeth. “Now come with us, please.  You’re wasting our time.”  
Taehyun stumbled out of the elevator.  Seunghoon and Jinwoo followed close behind, clinging to the back of his jacket.
The watchful eyes of the twins followed them all the way to the waiting car.
***** Seungyoon sat against the wall, his head hanging low.   He’d started to sweat, and he kept trying to tell Mino something, but his words were slurred and incoherent. He wasn’t himself and he didn’t know why.  
But Mino did.  
“Damn, Tagoon.  You didn’t have to get him sloppy.” A figure stepped out of the shadows, just off to Mino’s left.  “A little bit of that shit goes a long way, you know. ”
“I didn’t want him to feel any pain,” Mino said.  He cast a sideways glance at the man behind him.  Could he call him a friend? For the past week, he had more played the part of a dangerous stranger.  “And don’t call me by that name.  You know I don’t answer to it.”
“You did.  Once.”  The new arrival walked toward Seungyoon.  “And I thought I was clear.  I can’t have you walking around knowing my secret.  It’s him, or all of you.”
“Trust me, I never wanted to know your secret,” Mino said.  “Let alone wind up in a situation like this.”
“You’re my friend, Mino.  Hell, you’re my brother.  This is saving your life!”
“Saving my life.”  Mino let out a sarcastic chuckle, “You have a very interesting take on how to save lives now that you’re dead, Zico.”
The man, Zico, looked back.  He made to respond, but was distracted by Seungyoon’s fingernails scraping against the wall.  Seungyoon was trying to stand up, but he couldn’t seem to get his feet underneath him.  
“Whoa, hey.  Yoon, take it easy.”  Mino ran over, helping him up and guiding him to a chair.  “You’re supposed to be resting, not moving around.”    
“I don’t feel so good.  I think I need to go home,” Seungyoon mumbled.
“Not yet,” Mino said.  “We have to wait here.  The guys are getting us some food, remember?”  
“I’m not hungry.”
“Yeah, you are.  You just don’t feel hungry because you’re hot.” Mino straightened. “In fact, I should…I should probably go get you some water.  I’ll be right back.”  
“No, Mino—!” Seungyoon reached for him, but Mino ducked out of reach.  “Don’t leave.”
“I’m sorry ‘Yoon.”  Mino backed toward the door. “I’ll…I’ll be back before you know it.”
“I’m sorry…it’s for your own good.”  
Mino ran out of the room.  The lights flickered again, and Mino suddenly found himself standing outside.  He could see the frightened faces of his bandmates through the window of the car, the twins within striking distance should they attempt any sort of escape.
“It’s done,” Mino said.  “I don’t even think he’s on this planet.”
“We know,” Pretty Eyes said.  “Now we wait.”
“It shouldn’t take long,” the other agreed.
They gave Mino matching toothy grins.
Mino wanted to throw up.
Back upstairs, Seungyoon was starting to grasp the severity of his situation.
“Where’s Mino?” he demanded.
The man who appeared from nowhere gave a cruel laugh as he tossed back his shocking blond hair.  “Where’s Mino?” he repeated.  “I’m so glad you asked. Mino’s not here.”
The lights went out.  It had been Zico’s idea to nix the A/C earlier, make sure the building was hot and miserable, though he knew Mino’s band would still stay behind, but the lights were all the work of the twins.  A nice touch.  It added a delightful level of creepy to all that was going on.
Seungyoon seemed to agree.  “Mino?” he called.  “Mino, I can’t see!  Come back!”  
“Minoooooooo,” Zico mocked.  “Mino, come save me!  Dearest Yoonie, did you not hear me the first time?  Mino’s not here right now.  You’ll have to leave a message.”  
Seungyoon stretched his arms out in front of him.  “Mino, come on.  We need to get out of here. This isn’t funny.”  
Taking advantage of his distraction, Zico crept up behind him.  Arm around Seungyoon’s neck, he pulled him in close to his chest, breathing a cold breath of air against Seungyoon’s cheek.  “No one said it was, Yoonie.”  
Zico bit down.  His fangs, long and sharp, pierced the side of Seungyoon’s neck making Seungyoon scream.  
“Oh, stop.  I doesn’t hurt that badly.”  Zico licked his bloodied lips.  
“You bit me!” Seungyoon exclaimed.
“No shit,” Zico said.  “That’s the point.”  
Seungyoon’s hand went to his neck. It came away covered in warm, red liquid, and Seungyoon trembled.  “Why?” he whispered.
“To prepare for what’s to come,” Zico said.  “Now go.  Run.  I’ll give you a head start.”
Seungyoon  cried out in agony as Zico pushed him to the ground.  The room around him swam in a blurry mess, but he could see the emergency exit light in the hallway.  Exit.  Freedom.  Seungyoon scrambled to his feet.
“That’s it.  That’s a good boy.  Run! Break free! You can do it!” Zico laughed. “Freedom is past that door, Yoonie, c’mon.”
Seungyoon stumbled to the door.  It took a couple tries, but he managed to get it open, smearing bloody fingerprints on the glass as he tumbled into the hallway.
“That’s it! Keep going! Run for Freedom,” Zico teased.  
Seungyoon took off down the hall as fast as he could manage.  
Zico rubbed his hands in glee.  Racing ahead, he set up road blocks, broke door handles, and essentially forced Seungyoon to head up to the roof.  At this point, he was just playing with him, making sure he took the path he needed him to take.  The only door he wanted Seungyoon to use lead to the roof of the building, where his boss was waiting.   “I don’t think I can catch you.  You might be too fast for me,” he teased.  He watched Seungyoon stumble up the stairs.   He let him get about halfway before he sprinted easily past him to kick open the door, hard enough that it broke off the hinges.  
Seungyoon balked.  “Why are you doing this?  What is wrong with you?” He clung to the railing, reluctant to go any closer to where Zico stood.
“What do you mean? I’m your friend.  And as your friend I’m trying to help you move you on to the next phase of your life.  Because let’s face it. Your life now sucks.”
Seungyoon stared.
“I mean, you’re doing this idol thing, right? But it sucks. And you suck.  You have the arrogance, but that’s about it.  There are better singers, better writers, better guitar players, and just overall better people because your company is cockblocking the hell out of you.  You’re not going to make it, so the best thing for you to do is move on.  I can help you with that.”
“No…no…” Seungyoon stammered.  “You’re insane. Get away from me….get away from me!”
Zico laughed, and glided over to where Seungyoon stood.  “Not a chance,” he promised.
**** Jinwoo was the first to spot the car that had pulled up behind them.  
“Who could be here at this time of night?”  Jinwoo asked, trying to get a better view out the window.  “Shouldn’t we warn them not to go inside?”
“Do you want to die?” Seunghoon demaned.  “That has to be the dumbest thing that has ever come out of your mouth, Woo!”
“Well we can’t just let them…”
“Shut up.  Yes, we can. The thugs outside have made it very clear that if we don’t stay here, we’re dead.  I don’t want to be dead!”
“Someone’s coming,” Taehyun said.  He leaned over Jinwoo trying to make out who it was as a figure got out the other car.  “I can’t see very well but it looks like…holy shit.”
“Holy shit indeed,” Jinwoo said as he saw who emerged.  “That was…not what I was expecting.”  
They watched as the figure greeted the two men outside the door, and Taehyun swore it turned to face them.  To look at the three of them through the tinted windows.  The smile it flashed seemed so innocent.  So childlike.
And yet…
With a grunt, Mino landed in his lap.
“Hyung!”  he exclaimed.
“Shhhh!”  The dark haired twin pressed his finger to his lips.  “It’s starting.”
Up on the roof, Seungyoon’s face was almost a mirror of Taehyun’s, only with less relief and more panic.
“Hyung?  Who me?” Zico asked as he looked around.  “Ohhh, you mean him. Ha. Awkward.”  
Seungyoon whimpered.
Realization dawned.  “Oh my god,” Zico cackled. “You think he’s here to save you.  Oh my.  Should I tell you, or do you want him to?”  He moved so fast that Seungyoon barely caught his breath before Zico had him by the neck of his shirt.  “Either way, the outcome will be the same, Yoonie.”
“Zico.”  The sonorous voice made both of them still.  “What have I told you about playing with your food, Zico? That is not how we conduct business.”
“Sorry.”  Zico relaxed his grip, letting Seungyoon’s shirt go.  “I guess I got carried away.  Will he do, though?  Is this what you were hoping for?”
Even though the newcomer was short in stature, he wasn’t afraid to walk straight up to the both of them, inspect Seungyoon, and then caresses Zico’s cheek.  “Perfection.  As usual.  He will do.  Well done. Together?”  
“I’d be honored.”
Zico dove in, reopening his previous bite on Seungyoon’s neck.  The other took Seungyoon’s wrist, fastening his mouth to the vein.  They both drank until Seungyoon stopped whimpering, stopped moving, and passed out.
Zico held onto the body until he was done and then let it drop to the ground like a sack of rice.
“I will have my men clean this up,” Zico said, removing his pocket square from the inside of his jacket to wipe the corners of his mouth.  “You’ll be keeping the body?”
“Of course.  A promise is a promise.”  
“And the other boys?”
“Yours. Except Mino.”
“Right.  Except Mino.”
Zico knew the conversation was over when the other turned away, walking to the edge of the roof and jumping off without a backward glance.  Knowing he was still being watched, Zico made sure to complete a 90-degree bow.
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prktaeil · 6 years
I promise to never fall in love with a stranger.
New York City. 2015.
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chapter 1.
he had zero idea what was happening around him, the music in his earphones being too loud that it can be heard by anyone who’s within three feet radius from him. he didn’t care if it was annoying, as long as it blocked his mind out of having to listen to everyone around him. 
taeil opened his locker as his group of friends gathered near him, talking amongst themselves. he wasn’t sure if he could call them friends, really, they were more like people he got along well with. but that’s when he noticed that one annoying blonde cheerleader and her friend making fun of them. taeil could only roll his eyes and ignore. these preppy people were never worth a second thought. he stopped his music and took his earphones out, stuffing them in his pocket where his phone was, and that was the moment he noticed another cheerleader around. he was surprised, to say the least, to see the head cheerleader shutting her friends up.
as him and his friends walked away, minding their own business, one of the other guys spoke up about the new kid in school, and taeil could feel all of their eyes on him. “he’s your brother, isn’t he?” he asked. taeil sighed, rolling his eyes. “... yes, idiot, we’re identical. but let’s not even associate him with me. we’re nowhere alike.” he answered in a tired tone in his voice. “yeah, no shit.” the others laughed amongst themselves, definitely seeing the difference between the pair of twins. 
that same day, taeil sat in the very back of one of his classes, which just so happened to be one he had to take with his brother out of all people. all he could do was stare out the window and pretend he didn’t know him. as close as they were when they were younger, they were very different now and taeil didn’t like being around him as much as he used to. they got compared to each other a lot, and a lot of stereotypes were thrown at taeil in particular that he eventually got sick of it. ignoring the teacher, taeil rested his head against the desk, his music playing in his earphones ones again, at a lower volume to not get caught. he could pass these classes so easily anyway, even with how the teachers always thought he must be cheating. 
as they sat around their usual table in the back to eat their lunch – the emo kids table, by the way – taeil noticed rosie plopping down across from him, and he raised an eyebrow at her. “didn’t know you liked talking to preppy cheerleaders.” he stated in his usual monotone, blunt voice. he saw her talking to that head cheerleader and it was honestly so weird. “she’s a friend of mine, but we never hang out.” the girl simply shrugged. “she’s been telling me about some party, so... you guys going?” 
taeil leaned back in his seat, looking at the others around him. they were debating about it for a little while until they finally decided to go, and taeil looked at rosie again. “guess i’m going then.”
“okay.” she nodded, stuffing her mouth with her food, and taeil could tell that she was worried about something or was hiding something. she looked way too awkward as she looked at him, which was strange, coming from rosie. “tell zander we’re going.” he told her, knowing their friend was too much of a loner to even get talked to, let alone invited. “you’re gonna ask that weirdo to come?” one of the guys laughed, and taeil and rosie immediately looked at him with an evil glare in their eyes, shutting him up immediately. 
the party didn’t seem too bad. it was filled with kids he didn’t know, mostly populars and rich kids who just so happened to have one of their houses empty and decided to have a party. taeil didn’t really care, as long as there were free drinks, he wouldn’t complain. he was sat on one of the stools in the kitchen, rosie sitting beside him as they kept pouring themselves some drinks. in that moment, is when things started to get interesting. head cheerleader – mina, was it? – walked in, dressed in all black, a color you’d never see her wearing except in rare occasions. that, along with the most tom-boy clothes he’s ever seen on her. taeil was too tipsy to keep things to himself, and just as mina stood close to them, he leaned over to rosie to whisper... maybe a little loudly. “okay, she’s hot.” rosie could only stare at him with a horrified look on her face. 
“you think i’m hot?” mina asked, leaning against the island with a smug smile on her face. “i guess so.” taeil said casually and shrugged a shoulder like he didn’t care. meanwhile, rosie was sat there looking between them, looking very surprised at the odds of this happening. “well, i think you’re hot too.” the conversation kept going like that, but mina’s smile didn’t resemble anything near trying to get into bed with him. it was a soft one and taeil found himself warming up, despite his usual asshole-ish attitude where he kept more to himself and had a blunt tone in his voice. “you know, i'd say we could take this upstairs, but people would talk.” she said, tucking back a strand of her hair. taeil put down his drink and smirked. “let them.” before they knew it, they both got up, with mina dragging him upstairs, all while rosie stared at them with wide eyes as they left. “what... the fuck?” she muttered to herself.
while all of that was happening, minho was standing there on the other side of the kitchen, watching the interaction between mina and taeil unfold with a knowing smile on his face. as he was watching, his eyes were also traveling to where two other people were standing, talking to each other. one of them, yubin, was encouraging his friend to do something. while the other, jinwoo, was rubbing his arm nervously as he kept looking between yubin and the floor. eventually, minho saw him nod and bravely go to knock back a shot. once he did that, minho noticed him coming towards him and his heart started to beat a little faster. he’s always seen the boy in some of his classes and also subtly stared at him, but never had the courage to speak much to him despite being one of the most social people in the school. and now the nervous kid was walking up to him and he didn’t know what to do with himself. 
jinwoo took a deep breath. “you-... you look, uh r-r-really good-... like in- in a-... like... h-hot? i-... you know what d-d-don't worry about it, have a good- good night.” he immediately ran off that minho really had no idea what had just happened. did jinwoo just call me hot?! his mind screamed. “hey, wait!!” he screamed, putting his cup down and running after him. 
“what the fuck was that?” yubin sighed, shaking his head in disappointment as he watched jinwoo run off with minho right behind him. “gay panic.” someone suddenly spoke. yubin looked up, only to see a boy with colorful hair standing next to him. he recognized him as that one loner that everyone found so annoying because he always spoke his mind when he wasn’t asked for it. “where the fuck did you come from...?” yubin looked at him weirdly. zander? was it? looked at him with a dopey smile, obviously high. “right behind you. anyway, you’re that hot dude in the dance troop, right?” 
“... what is happening right now?” yubin just stared at him, not knowing what to do. “you ask way too many questions, hot guy. let me get you a drink.” and before yubin knew it, zander was pouring vodka in a plastic cup – yubin’s least favorite, actually – and handed it over to him with a smile. “uh...” the taller stared at the contents of the cup, then looked at the other again. “thanks. you can... go now.” 
“hey, wait up!” minho finally caught up to jinwoo outside the house. “are you okay?” he asked, and only got a nod from the other as he kept staring at the ground like he was about to cry. “can i... can i talk to you? i really want to...” minho asked carefully, not knowing what to say to not be too much on the boy. “please?” he smiled sweetly. 
jinwoo looked up at him and nodded once again. minho’s smile widened and he immediately reached over to take the other boy’s hand. he could feel how tense he was and he understood, because he was feeling his heart about to jump out of his chest. “you’re so cute! what the hell?!” minho blurted out as he dragged the taller boy over to a garden swing nearby. jinwoo simply stared at him in shock, like his brain was about to explode. “i-i-i... i-i am?” and minho laughed, nodding enthusiastically. “you are.” 
“i-i-i- oh- oh my- g-god.” he was blushing so much, minho felt the need to squeal. instead, he had the widest, most in-love smile on his face that he ever had. “so, you said i was hot?” that question only made jinwoo blush more and hide his face, somehow getting more nervous than he already was. that’s when he gave another nod in response instead of speaking. 
“well, guess what? i think you’re hot too. also cute, extremely fucking adorable and really damn beautiful.” minho confessed bluntly, thinking he might as well just tell him what he’s been holding back. jinwoo didn’t think he could handle what was happening right now. 
as they sat out there, away from the noise and the music, even if there were some drunken teenagers nearby, minho talked to him, trying to start a conversation. jinwoo eventually got more and more comfortable, despite his nervous stutter, and minho was grateful for what he was getting. he kept holding his hand and had turned to look at jinwoo properly as he talked, wanting to give him his full attention. at some point, they found themselves leaning in close to each other, until they stopped and pulled away, looking at anything but each other’s faces. minho’s heart was threatening to fly out of his chest at any moment and he didn’t think he could handle this. 
“promise you’ll talk to me more often in school?” minho asked, smiling softly at him. jinwoo nodded shyly, and minho even got him to exchange numbers. “and you also have to promise to text me.” he demanded, getting jinwoo to laugh a little. “i-i-i will.” 
“do you want to stay at the party? because i’m not really feeling it anymore.” minho asked, thumb pointing back to the house. jinwoo shook his head and minho stood up, offering him his hand again. “let me walk you home then.” 
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