#jinjin fic
slytherinshua · 2 years
𝐍𝐨𝐰 𝐥𝐨𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠. . .
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ genre and tags: fluff. ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ warnings: kisses. ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ summary: a 1000th day anniversary date. ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ wc: 597.
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Your signature rhythm of knocking on the door never failed to bring a smile to Jinwoo’s face. He turned around in his studio chair, his brain wondering what brought you to him today. You hadn’t planned anything with him in advance.
You opened the door, and a laugh escaped Jinwoo as he saw you come in. You were holding a very large bouquet of roses, and it completely obscured your face from him. 
“Well hello there.” He couldn’t fight his grin as you moved the bouquet away, and he saw your face for the first time that day. You looked exceptionally pretty. “What brings you here?”
“Well, it’s our 1000th day as a couple so, I thought we might as well do something for it.” You smiled, handing him the bouquet. “I hope you’re not busy, cause I’m about to steal you away.”
He grinned, “I’m not, just working on some songs…” He turned around and pressed save before shutting off his computer altogether and standing up. 
“I love the roses.”
“I’m glad you do, I picked them out last minute.” You grinned, taking his hand and leading him outside.
“Doesn’t the guy usually give the girl flowers?”
“Who cares about gender roles, anyway? This was all last minute.” You got into your car, Jinwoo following you without any questions.
“You know, my calculations could be slightly off…” You said, stopping to think for a second before shrugging. “Doesn’t really matter, let’s just say today is our 1000th day, even if it’s slightly off. We haven’t had a date in forever.”
“I’m sorry about that… I’ve been so busy-” You placed your hand over his mouth before he could continue with his apology.
“Uh uh, no feeling bad about it now. You know I don’t mind if you're busy or not. Put your job first, I’m always here regardless.” You smiled, moving your hand to cup his cheek and give him a kiss. He smiled widely and kissed you back, giggles leaving both of you when you pulled apart.
You started to drive, the sun just starting to set. Jinwoo sat in the passenger seat with a smile never leaving his face. He still held the bouquet of roses, and he brought them up to his nose to smell the sweet fragrant scent every so often.
“Where are we going?”
“The beach.” You grinned, “I have everything planned out. You need some time off anyway.”
“I’m so lucky to have you.”
“Shut up, that’s my line.”
You pulled up to the beach. Thankfully on a cool Wednesday evening, barely anyone was there. A small table was set under a white canopy. Jinwoo’s favourite food was served, and there were decorations surrounding it.
“Stop- did you do all of this?!” Jinwoo swivelled around to you, tears brimming in his eyes at the sight.
“No, don't cry, baby!” You caught his face in your hands and wiped away the tear that slipped out, hugging him tightly.
“I love you. Happy 1000th day anniversary.” You whispered.
“I love you too. Thank you for everything.” He blinked back the remaining tears in his eyes and laughed. “I didn’t think I would get emotional with this kind of stuff.” He confessed. 
You giggled, “It’s okay. You’re cute.”
“Gosh, I really really love you.” He smiled, leaning in for a kiss.
“How much do you love me?” You stopped him.
“More and more everyday?” He offered.
“You’re cheesy.”
“You took me on a cheesy date… now give me a kiss.” 
You smiled, obliging his request immediately, and placing your lips on his again.
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icequeenbae · 9 months
Translucence (m) | Astro LDM
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Pairing: Cha Eunwoo x Reader (Lee Dongmin x Reader)
A Jinjin cameo? hehe
Established Relationship, slice of life, fluff, PWP, smut
Warnings: glass bathroom you heard me lol, explicit content, unprotected sex, this is smut with minimal plot (it’s becoming my style), a sprinkle of voyeurism, maybe a noona kink, maybe Dongmin's splendid ass is mentioned more than once
Word Count: ~4.2k
Author’s Note: Heyyy~ Finally posting my first ASTRO fic! This has been waiting to be released for a while now, but the timing wasn’t working out… But now that it’s done, I hope that you enjoy this little story! Let me know what you think~ And a special thank you to the lovely @the-boy-meets-evil for looking over my story, I really loved your comments, Jess <3
© Please do not copy/ post on other platforms without permission.
Summary: It’s your first short vacation with Dongmin since you started dating, and you get a chance to stay at an extremely fancy hotel in Jeju. The ocean-view suite is perfect, yet there’s a small inconvenience… or a genius design?
Network tags: @superm-net  @exo-writers-net  @bbh-net  @k-vanity @ksmutsociety ​
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It was your first time taking a vacation together.
With the type of hectic schedule Dongmin had to maintain, you barely managed to book the hotel of your dreams for this weekend, which was actually your one-year anniversary. Two days was all you had, and you planned to enjoy them to the fullest, start to finish.
Which was why you’d surprised your boyfriend by appearing clad in a white sundress with a stylish wide brim hat to match. It was a simple feminine look, yet it set the mood from the start.
‘Wow, I’m suddenly looking forward to our flight…’ He smiled at you softly before murmuring, ‘You look beautiful.’
Avoiding his eyes timidly, you chewed on your lip to contain a silly grin. Dongmin took the handle of your suitcase to put it away in the trunk of the car.
‘Let’s get going, we have to be at the airport in thirty,’ Jinwoo’s voice startled you as the window on the driver’s side rolled down. ‘You’ll have a whole hour to exchange your lovey-dovey stares on the plane, children.’
‘Hyung…’ Dongmin mumbled in embarrassment, and you coughed, sliding into the backseat while your boyfriend’s palm hovered above your head protectively.
‘I’m older than you, Jinwoo-yah,’ you scolded, and he hummed in response.
‘Barely!’ He glanced in the rearview mirror, meeting your eyes, and added. ‘Noona.’
You shook your head in disapproval, and turned to Dongmin, who settled in the backseat with you and moved to buckle you up.
‘I can do it! Let’s not make Jinwoo cringe.’
‘Why would he cringe…’ Your boyfriend pouted, watching you tug at the seatbelt.
‘I’m fine unless you start the funny business,’ the leader announced nonchalantly from the front seat.
‘Have you ever caught us doing anything?’ You huffed, and the car was silent for a few long seconds. ‘Have you??’
‘Does hearing count?’ He asked, and your boyfriend’s eyes almost bulged out of his head.
‘Shut up,’ you laughed nervously, only half-assured that it was a joke.
‘It’s actually true. It was when we all stayed at the dorm for a sleepover. You rustle like mice,’ Jinwoo recalled.
‘What?? We weren’t doing anything fu-’
Dongmin’s hand suddenly squeezed your thigh, putting a stop to your protesting speech.
‘Please, just… change the subject, noona.’
Teasing you and Dongmin was Astro members’ favorite pastime, and you noticed from the very beginning. They simply loved making him a flustered mess. Not that you couldn’t relate – the face genius looked almost unbearably cute when embarrassed. You weren’t a stranger to teasing him yourself, just to get your fix of his adorable shy smile and his extensive nagging about how you never let him breathe.
In fact, he loved to nag. It was his way of showing affection.
‘Ah, noona… Your dress is so revealing,’ he kept whining while you were on the plane. ‘D’you know how active the sun is in Jeju? Did you apply the sunscreen thoroughly?’
‘Yes. But you can reapply it if you want an excuse to touch my chest,’ you murmured, making him flush red and lower his voice to a scandalized whisper.
‘That’s not what I meant-’
‘I’m sure it isn’t.’ You hummed, laying your head on his shoulder. ‘But I’d still let you.’
The flight from Seoul to Jeju Island was rather quick, about one hour in the air. And it seemed to be over even faster since you were too busy whispering, giggling like lovestruck teenagers, and ‘oh’-ing in excitement as you looked out the illuminator.
Going on a trip with your boyfriend was something you’d been dreaming of for months now, so your mood was through the roof from the moment you woke up. It kept gradually increasing while you were on your way to the dream destination, and reached its peak when Dongmin rented a car to drive the two of you to the hotel.
‘If anything is better than this view,’ you turned away from the window to look at your boyfriend’s relaxed form. ‘It’s probably this.’
‘What?’ He glanced at you, not catching your meaning.
He huffed, scolding you for being cheesy.
‘What, I’ve told you this before! You look most handsome either when you’re driving or when your hair gets wet.’
‘I shall try driving with wet hair someday. Will that make you explode?’
‘Is that your goal?’ You asked, tracing your index finger down the side of his neck, which made him squirm.
‘Stop it, you know I’m ticklish…’
‘You’re not ticklish, you’re sensitive.’ You corrected, running the pads of your fingers over his skin again to make him shudder. ‘So, who’s exploding now?’
He gave you a reproachful look, and you chuckled, pinching his cheek to annoy him further.
‘Why do you have to be so shameless, noona…’
‘Don’t you love that about me?’ You asked playfully.
‘I do,’ he was quick to admit. ‘I love everything about you.’
Caught off guard by his sudden confession, you fell silent. Dongmin didn’t say things like this often, he was a bit reserved about his feelings. You actually recalled that he’d only said ‘the three words’ twice in the span of your relationship. And on one of those occasions he was actually drunk, so… yeah. He was strangely tight-lipped about it for the romantic that he was.
But you’d learned to accept it. You wouldn’t push him to do something he didn’t want to or wasn’t ready to do. So, you just said nothing before your hotel was finally visible.
‘This is great, we can just drop everything and head out to the beach! I’m living for this weather,’ you said, clapping your hands in excitement.
Dongmin nodded in agreement.
As expected, the hotel was splendorous. You noticed that while your boyfriend was checking you in. Taking those few minutes to look around, you found yourself ogling the crystal-clear glass constructions that separated the lobby and the waiting area. The outer wall was also steel and glass, so you could enjoy the beautiful landscapes of Jeju even from there.
‘Let’s go,’ a low voice called, and you followed the tall figure to the elevator.
You really wanted to give him a back hug as he pressed the button, but decided to at least wait until you were on your floor.
Dongmin took your suitcase, which made you pout, unable to hold his hand.
‘I think it’s here,’ he guided you to the door and used the card to open it. ‘After you.’
And there went your plan to give him a back hug. Up in flames.
You sighed and stepped into the room.
‘Oh!’ You exclaimed, rushing to get rid of your outdoor shoes in favor of slippers. ‘Let’s check the view! Come on!’
Surprised by your eagerness, your boyfriend shook his footwear off as well, reaching out his hand to allow you to tug him towards the balcony.
‘Oh my god, this is even better than I expected!’ You squealed, almost jumping in excitement, and squeezed his palm. ‘My hands are itching to take pictures! Come on, lean on this railing.’
Knowing better than to argue with you, he did exactly as he was told, and posed for you.
‘Ah, so handsome,’ you kept repeating, while preserving this moment in the form of a photograph.
Dongmin lost his patience in about a minute, pulling you closer to his body.
‘Are you interested in the view or in spending time with me?’
‘I see you every other day, and it’s my first time in Jeju, of course I’m interested in the view!’ You exclaimed. ‘Especially when you’re making it even better.’
He allowed you to kiss away his pout, and held you close for a selfie.
‘No, my head looks too big like this!’
You jumped in place to reach the phone, because your partner refused to take likable pictures.
‘I got it, I got it,’ he assured you, angling it to make the two of you look disproportionate again.
When you pinched him angrily, he laughed in the cheekiest way possible, begging for mercy instantly.
At least then you’d managed to finally take presentable photos.
Leaving you to admire the ocean some more, Dongmin headed back inside to unpack your belongings. You needed to change into your swimsuits if you wanted to enjoy the rest of the day on the beach.
‘Uh- noona?’
‘Did you… see that?’
His voice sounded confused, so you followed it back into the room.
‘See wha- Omo! Is this..?’
You turned to your boyfriend, who denied you eye contact.
‘Glass bathroom.’ He noted blankly, without showing what his actual feelings about it were.
Was he shy? Anxious? Excited? Uncomfortable? You couldn’t decipher his expression for the life of you.
‘Yeah,’ you agreed.
It was a simple yet exquisite design, no one could argue that it looked good. But the problem was that the bathroom here had no wall separating it from the main bedroom space. Which could only mean…
‘Well, I’m sure we’ll manage,’ you shrugged, walking past Dongmin to find your change of clothes. ‘Get your swimwear out while I change. And don’t peek!’
He grumbled under his breath and you snickered faintly. Damn, you were going to have to face the bathroom issue at some point today. And you should mentally prepare.
It wasn’t on your mind for long though.
As soon as you hit the beach… The beautiful clear sky, the warm sand under your bare feet, the lagoon blue water – all of it occupied your head and made you forget all of the possible inconveniences.
‘Don’t swim away,’ Dongmin nagged, stretching out his arms to reach you.
‘Why, scared of going in deep water?’ You teased him, splashing him lightly with your foot.
‘Noona,’ he sulked, and you allowed the waves to push you towards your boyfriend.
As soon as you were within his reach again, he pulled you closer to his body, not caring too much about the spectators.
‘What now, giant baby?’
‘Don’t call me that,’ Dongmin murmured, and you instantly knew he wanted a kiss.
‘There’s too many people, Min-ah,’ you responded, placing your palm on his chest, covered by the soaked white fabric of his tee.
‘Just once,’ he badgered, stepping closer to you.
Of course, his feet were still grounded where you were floating.
‘Why should I?’ You feigned a complaining tone, glancing at his plump lips.
Dongmin’s hands seized you by the waist, and your forearms prickled with goosebumps.
Staying still while he leaned in and pressed his lips to yours, you’d allowed him to steal this quick kiss before swimming away again.
You had literally spent all day in the water, taking short breaks to let your wrinkled skin get back to normal. And reapply sunscreen again, of course, with your boyfriend being a total worrywart.
‘I don’t want you to get sunburnt. Your skin is so fair and delicate, it’s important to make sure it’s protected. Did you know getting sunburned increases your chances of skin cancer?’
A worrywart and a smartass.
It was hard to be mad at his smart (and round) ass though, when he had brilliant ideas like tonight. Dongmin had suggested ordering a fancy dinner to your room and having it on your balcony to enjoy the view.
‘Wah, the sunset is perfect today,’ you said.
‘Your dress goes well with it. Very chic and minimalistic.’ His eyes followed the curve of your waist down to your thigh.
‘I’ve had it forever, but I have no clue where else to wear a red silk gown.’
‘Don’t.’ Dongmin’s cheeks and lips were both red from the wine. ‘Only wear it for me, noona.’
Chuckling, you rose from your seat and stepped closer to your boyfriend. Using just your index finger, you tipped his head up to meet his eyes, and then you put your right knee onto his chair, right between his thighs.
‘Are you telling me what to do now, aegi?’ You asked, enjoying the sensation of his gentle fingers ghosting over your thighs.
‘It’s your decision, but why would you deny me this request?’ His hand became more confident, creeping up your bare skin now. ‘Are you hungry for someone else’s attention?’
‘How drunk are you, Dongmin-ah?’ You asked, brushing your lips against his. ‘Because it seems like you could do something right here, where people might see us.’
Straightening up, you smiled angelically at him.
‘We need to shower and cool off. I’m pretty sure I have sand where it shouldn’t be.’
It was obvious that he was disappointed, but the night was young, and to fully enjoy the experience you had to sober up a little. But it was nothing a quick shower couldn’t fix.
‘You go first, I’ll get rid of the dishes. Don’t argue,’ you cut him off, nodding at the entrance to your room. ‘Go.’
It took you only a few minutes to tidy up, so when you walked in Dongmin was just starting out. The water was on, and he was in front of the glass door, almost ready to step in.
The realization hit you right then. You were going to see all of it. And you didn’t hate the idea.
You’d watched, as if in slow motion, how your boyfriend shoved his underwear down, revealing his plump butt, and got into the bath. Feeling no shame whatsoever, you stood your ground, staring at his bare back.
The water hit his body, languidly running down his smooth skin like a dozen forest streams. From where you were standing you could see the enticing flex of his muscles and the breathtaking curve of his waist. As he leaned in to wet his hair, you pressed a palm to your mouth. This slight voyeurism was making you quite… hot. And bothered.
Swallowing hard, you took a step towards him. You were a bit uneasy with the thought of how he might react. At least you’d hoped that he wouldn’t consider you a complete pervert. But you couldn’t resist the obvious temptation; it was most likely what this bathroom was built for. After all, you still owed him a back hug in your mind from earlier… Surely, he wouldn’t mind that you decided to give it to him now, you thought.
Easily sliding your dress and underwear off, you stopped in front of the glass that was getting foggy already.
‘Dongmin-ah,’ you called, opening the glass door to join him. ‘Noona doesn’t have to wait, does she?’
There was no way you could get a coherent response to your question as your hands wrapped around him and your cheek pressed to his shoulder blade. You felt him freeze for a moment, probably startled by your actions, and then he sighed under his breath.
‘What are you up to now? I thought you wanted me to cool off.’
‘Did you now?’ You hummed, pressing a quick succession of kisses along his spine. ‘Would you like me to stop?’
He pressed his palm to the wall in order to maintain his balance under the attack of your tantalizing hands.
Snaking your hand down to cup his balls, you smiled at his gasp of surprise.
‘That’s what I thought.’
With your body pressed so tightly to his, you didn’t even think twice before grinding on his ass and urging him to moan out loud as your fingers wrapped around his semi-hard penis.
‘Noona…’ He gritted, glutes flexing against your pelvis impatiently. ‘What are you doing…’
‘You don’t like it?’
Dongmin glanced at you over his shoulder before turning to face you. His hands gripped your sides and pushed you into him.
‘Were you watching me this entire time?’ He scolded in his low, velvety voice.
‘It was just a couple minutes,’ you defended weakly and wrapped your arms around his neck, ready to purr as his palms stroked up and down your back.
‘I see.’
You stood like that for a few moments, soaking in the warmth of your entangled bodies while the water splashed you from the side.
‘Didn’t you mention having sand in places it shouldn’t be?’ He murmured, hands dipping lower to squeeze your ass. ‘Want some help with that?’
‘How naughty,’ you snickered, messing up his wet hair even further. ‘Would you rather help me clean up, or...?’
He responded in a heartbeat, gripping you tight before lifting you up to settle you in the bathroom wall niche.
‘But I can always do both,’ he said, readjusting the shower head to splash you with water again.
You squealed and dragged him in the line of fire as well. Inevitably in ten seconds you were both properly soaked.
‘There was no need to get my hair wet. You look sexy like this, and I look like I need to use a hairdryer real bad.’
He ignored your complaints, leaning close and nearly grazing your lips. With your eyes shut, you waited a few seconds but nothing happened.
‘Were you expecting a kiss?’ He grinned in your face, eyes crinkling in mischief. ‘Aw, what a tiny baby…’
Recalling your earlier interactions in the water, you rolled your eyes at him.
‘So, this is your revenge?’ You asked, not resisting as he wrapped your legs around his waist to move even closer. ‘I don’t find it fair since I did let you kiss me. In public.’
He huffed in response to your statement.
‘You call that a kiss?’
Dongmin’s lips suddenly found yours, and you couldn’t avoid the contact. Tilting your head back you hit the tiled surface, but, thankfully, your boyfriend could predict this move. His palm on the back of your head cushioned the hit, and you could only squeak in surprise, parting your lips invitingly.
He wasn’t the type to waste an opportunity like that. And once Dongmin’s tongue was in your mouth, there was no point in fighting him. Your partner was a little too good at French kissing, and you could easily admit to being hopelessly weak to his talent. He was also a toucher, so whenever a makeout session started, his hands would be all over you.
Moaning as he squeezed your breast gently, you pushed against his chest to break the kiss. Your lips were moist, and you were sure it wasn’t because of the water still running, and you licked them in a failed attempt to gather your thoughts together. Dongmin used your momentary struggle to tease you.
‘That is what I call a kiss, noona. You know this.’
You gulped, trying to think of a good comeback. At this point, you really just wanted to surrender. But him being smug about it was an obstacle: you had no intention of pleasing his ego with instant capitulation.
Grabbing a handful of his hair, you pulled hard. His head whipped back, and you didn’t think twice before latching onto his neck hungrily.
Dongmin’s grunt was the single sexiest thing in the entire situation, not even the sight of his broad shoulders that you were holding onto right now or his curvaceous butt that you loved so much could compete with the sound he produced. It was both surprised and pained, loud and husky with pleasure. You could tell he was conflicted about it just from the way his fingers dug into the skin of your sides, almost scratching at your ribcage, while his cock twitched, pressed between your bodies. He needed to get you off of himself but did he want to?
Pulling away from his flushed neck, you tugged at his hair again just to hear him groan beautifully before he used his strength to tear your hand away from his hair.
‘Noona. You know how heavily it bruises,’ he rubbed his neck with the pads of his fingers. ‘Why would you?’
‘On a scale from one to ten,’ you murmured, brushing wet hair out of his eyes. ‘How much did you hate it?’
You touched the tender skin of his neck, just where the redness was growing, and his breath seemed to get shakier.
‘…s-seven,’ he mumbled.
Dongmin cleared his throat, staring at you through his dark eyelashes.
‘Three point seven,’ he offered this time, and you couldn’t help but smile.
‘That’s more like it,’ you hummed, finding his frowning lips in a quick peck.
Meanwhile, he reached down to wrap his fingers around his rock-solid cock to guide it where you both wanted it.
‘Ough-’ You gasped as he bottomed out in one go. ‘Don’t be impatient.’
Your boyfriend’s hips didn’t slow down one bit, although his next thrust seemed slightly more careful. He loved you but he was also damn stubborn.
The glass wall behind Dongmin was getting cloudier from the hot water, which you didn’t hate. The enclosed space seemed snugger now that you were isolated from your surroundings in a way, holding so tightly onto each other. Your skin was slippery under your partner’s fingers, yet he made sure to secure you in his arms. He liked to make it known that once he got you, he wasn’t letting go.
‘Mm- Dongmin-ah,’ you moaned, clutching his shoulder to ground yourself as he kept thrusting quickly.
‘There,’ he finished for you, already knowing what you wanted to express from the way that you tightened around him.
‘Yes, fuck-’
‘Don’t you wish you were more compliant earlier?’ He chuckled darkly, knowing damn well his hips were steadily pushing you towards your release.
The curses you muttered only spurred him on. He got fired up easily, and wanted nothing more than to see and hear you come undone. Especially when he felt he was denied something – like access to your body.
‘I’m… so close, Min-ah, please- You feel so good.’
You knew he liked to stay in control, so instead of bickering with him mid-sex, you just let him know how great he was at what he was doing. A tiny smile that he couldn’t contain revealed that he was pleased with the option you decided to take. With that, he got slightly more determined and aggressive in his thrusting. Patience was not the virtue that he possessed, so you simply closed your eyes, focused on the grind of your bodies.
‘God, I love you so much,’ he gritted, letting out a curse under his breath.
The words were muffled, but you heard them loud and clear. A pleasant shiver ran down your spine, and you moaned, muscles clenching around his cock. The smooth sensation of his length sliding in and out of you made your legs start to tremble.
‘Dongminie-’ You wailed as his hips kept up the brutal pace that brought you to your release so quickly.
He was still going fast and strong while you yelped, on the verge of pushing him away.
‘I’m there, I’m there… Y/N! Agh-’
Dongmin’s voice reverberated from the walls, not even absorbed by the thickened fog around you that you barely noticed. He groaned loudly as he came, and your pussy quivered while you took all of what he was giving you.
Resting his forehead in the crook of your neck to get a breather, he ran his hands up and down your damp waist. You allowed him a moment to gather his strength, finding his slumped shoulders and stroking them along with his back. There were still butterflies in your stomach – either from your recent orgasm, or from him sneaking in the words you cherished so much, or both.
His hands soon reciprocated.
‘Dammit.’ He cursed, turning his head to kiss your neck that was in close proximity. ‘I feel like I could go again.’
The announcement made you squirm. Going several rounds was more than fine with you, but the bathroom wasn’t really suited for his appetites. You could barely hold your balance on wet tile, and it was also getting too hot and humid for your taste.
‘Are you cold?’ He asked, breaking you out of your thoughts.
You realized his palm was slowly caressing your back, feeling almost scorching against your skin.
‘Not too cold. But I’d still prefer to continue after we finish the shower.’ You suggested, hoping that he wasn’t dead set on milking the bathroom thing further.
‘Noona needs to lie down. I got it.’
You were both grateful and annoyed at his answer.
‘Noona can very well be on top if someone lets her.’
He quickly let you down from the niche you were occupying. Just to remind you how much taller and broader than you he was, for sure.
‘Someone prefers to have noona underneath. Nice and pliable.’
‘It has to be your way, doesn’t it?’
You exchanged naughty chuckles.
‘Come on. Haven’t you been imagining exactly this since the moment you saw the bathroom area? I’m not entirely convinced it was my way just now.’
‘Oh well. I guess I’ll have to convince you once we get to the bedroom.’
‘Who said I wanted to relocate?’ He asked, eyes narrowing at you cunningly.
You were positive that next time you should go for a glass jacuzzi to get the best of both worlds. It’s bigger, warmer, comfier… And still see-though. And hot as hell.
Dongmin snorted, inspecting the pensive expression on your face.
‘I’ll give you a five-second head start to reach the bed. If I catch you on the way… We’re doing it here.’
In any other situation you would’ve called him out for his childishness. This time, however…
You were out the glass door in a heartbeat.
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A/N: Thank you for reading!! Please comment and reblog if you'd like to support me ✨ I don't write for fandoms other than EXO often, so feedback is important to me~
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gaygodlywriting · 1 year
Maddox’s Masterlist
requests: open (pls request im begging)
fluff: (f)
angst (a)
drabble (d)
full fic (ff)
headcannon (h)
reaction (r)
«long days» (f) (d)
Lee Know
«not-so picasso» (ff) (a?) (f)
coming soon..
«endless weeks» (ff) (a?) (f)
coming soon..
hyung line
maknae line
Eun Woo
apologies. as of 4/19 i do not plan to write for moonbin. i can’t explain how fucking devastated i am atm. i currently would perfer to not write for him at this time, possibly in the future. again, i’m sorry. ilysm moonbin, rest in peace. you don’t understand how grateful i am to you, and how sorry i am.
coming soon..
(won’t write for Yungyu or Seungheon)
` i still love them though i just don’t feel comfy writing for minors
(won’t write for Junghoon, Seeun, Yujun, Hunter, or Yechan)
` i still love them though i just don’t feel comfy writing for minors
«to be updated»
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tinyidle · 1 year
Dom!Soojin brat taming Bratty!Minnie? I thought about it for days till now
i know that you thought about this for days anon, but rn im kind of bored and want to write something quick before i finish a bigger project so ill answer this as short as i can (nsfw; rough sex, viewer's discretion is advised):
minnie usually never acts bratty, unless it's with someone she knows she can act bratty around. soojin here is the perfect candidate. minnie would go around smacking soojin's thighs and ass while walking past her, stick her own butt out when picking up anything, and constantly remind soojin that's she's older than jinjin's "just a baby, like shushu".
in public soojin's forced to keep her mouth shut, being the younger one and all. but in bed? soojin makes minnie eat her words and actions. spanking her twice as much around the areas minnie would playfully smack her, hold her face in her hands while slightly squishing the cheeks as she scissors her open, and edges her til minnie's face turns red.
and let's not forget about the strap soojin has (reference to that sooshu fic i posted a couple years back). she's incredibly ruthless to minnie. by the end of it minnie squirted twice and came three times, but soojin still makes minnie make her come by smothering her face into soojin's neglected cunt. absolutely no mercy.
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leehestia · 2 years
Luxurious Love / Jinwoo x Reader
(Based on Luxurious by Gwen Stefani)
Pairing: Husband!Jinjin (Astro) x Wife!Reader
Genre: Fluff, Angst, Smut
Warnings: reader doesn’t appreciate 😢 (but reader loves jinjin 😻), jinjin the money spender 💀, vanilla sex, unprotected sex, idk bro, stupid arguments, arguments about money (srsly don’t argue abt it guys it isn’t nice), they have a kid(?), swearing
Synopsis: Jinwoo is a rich CEO for one of the biggest companies in South Korea. And you being his humble middle-class wife, you’re still adapting to this ‘rich life’ environment. You and Jinwoo argue about it, until both of you finally understand each others point, and apologize through both words and pleasure.
A/N (2): Jinjin is literally so damn hot like I wish he was actually my rich husband like pls jinwoo be mine 😢💍
A/N (3): It’s my fist fic on tumblr and i came from wattpad don’t complain if it’s cringe bro idfk how to make non-cringe stories i haven’t even posted a story since march 2021
“Jinwoo? Whats this?” You approach your husband, who is currently sitting on the couch, laptop on his lap, the receipt from last night’s dinner in your hand.
“Hm? That’s the receipt from last night babe. Why do you ask?” He says, looking up at you.
“Oh is that so? Then why was the bill 350,000 won?” You breathed, sitting beside Jinwoo as he continued to focus on his work.
“Of course it is, family dinner.” He said in a monotone way.
“Honey that’s expensive… All that for food? Jiwoo couldn’t even finish it.” You frowned.
Jinwoo finally closed his laptop, and turned to look at you.
“Why? What’s wrong?” He said, this time concerned.
“Well, you know… It’s just food. If I knew it was that expensive I wouldn’t have suggested that place.”
“It’s fine babe, why’re you worrying about it?” He said.
“We could’ve used it for Jiwoo’s art classes.” You sighed.
“I’ve got that all covered hon.” Jinwoo smiled, before lying down on the arm of the couch, going on his phone.
He went on his phone for a few minutes before sitting up again to show you something.
“There we go!” Jinwoo smiled, showing you the payment for your daughter’s art classes.
“What? Already?” You said in shock. “Jinwoo are you serious! The amount of-“
Jinwoo groans before shouting, “Y/N! Why do you keep complaining about our expenses?!”
“Jinwoo I can’t bare to see you using all your money over useless stuff!” You shout back, finally standing up as well.
“So you’re saying Jiwoo’s art class is useless?!” He argues back.
You shout, “Of course I don’t idiot! As long as our daughter learns I don’t care about the amount of money you spend for her! It’s because you’re using almost 500,000 won for stupid perfume! Not only that you just bought another 1 million dollar watch! And the stupid stupid stupid 85 million won car for me! I don’t even have a drivers license dumbass!”
Jinwoo sighs out of frustration, “Look, if you’re not going to appreciate the things I buy or do for our happiness, then why the fuck did you marry someone like me!?”
“Park Jinwoo!”
Jinwoo frowns, deeply sighing as he looks at you with his hands on his hips.
“I’ll sleep in the guest room…” He sighs, walking out of the room.
You groan loudly, before slopping on the bed. “Why did I marry someone like you? I should ask myself that!” You say to yourself, “But then again… nothing can beat love…” you whisper, before falling asleep.
You wake up early in the morning, at 5 am to check up on your daughter and husband.
You enter the guest room silently, to see your husband sleeping on the desk, laptop still on.
“Overworking yourself again huh?” You whispered as you walked towards him.
You quickly kissed him on the forehead before you turned the heater on and giving him a blanket.
You leave the room to check on your 4 year old daughter, only to see her fully awake, playing with her toys.
“Jiwoo!” You said, running towards her.
“Mama!” She smiled, giving you a tight hug.
You sigh, hugging her back.
“Why are you awake baby?” You pout, kissing her forehead.
“Mama and papa fought so I pretend my dolls are you and papa so that you can be friends again!” Jiwoo exclaims, smiling widely.
“Awe… I’m sorry you had to hear me and papa fight.” You chuckle.
“It okay! Just say sorry to papa! I also draw you and papa!” She smiled.
“Thank you baby!” You said, kissing her cheek.
“I’ll show this to your papa later, you should go back to bed now.”
Jiwoo nods her head, kissing you on the cheek before running to her bed.
“I’ll see you later Jiwoo.” You whispered, before leaving and closing the door.
During the morning and afternoon, you and Jinwoo ignored each other.
You knew he was giving you space, but you’d appreciate it a lot if he’d just talk to you.
Later that evening, your husband suddenly went into the room, going straight to the bedside table on his side, opening a drawer, avoiding eye contact.
He quickly gets the item he needed and walks toward the door to leave.
“Jin? Can we talk please?” You call him.
He sighs, before turning around to face you.
He blushes at the sight of you in your red signature baby doll that you usually wear during ‘those nights’.
“What- what are you wearing?” He nervously confronts.
“Uh… my night dress?” You say, stepping out of the bed to walk towards him.
As you approach him, his eyes slowly look lower, going to the valley of your breasts, to your thighs which are barely covered.
“Jinwoo, eyes here.” You said in a soft voice, snapping your fingers.
He shakes his head, then looks at you, expression suddenly changing to a soft one, after looking at you. Your beautiful eyes. Ones that glimmer and make him understand you and your emotions.
“Look… I’m sincerely grateful that you buy me gifts, buy us dinner. So please don’t think I’m unhappy with your gifts. I love them, so much. It’s just… you know the prices… I’m not used to seeing more than 4 zeros in a price tag or receipt.” You sigh.
“I understand.” He says.
You smile at Jinwoo, this being the first time in a while he’s acting like this way with you. You’ve only seem him this serious in work, or when something is bothering him.
“I love you Jinjin~” You giggle before hugging him tightly.
You both nearly fall, Jinwoo catching your balance.
His hands are on your waist, heart fluttering at your iconic boxy smile.
Your smiles slowly fade, slowly closing the distance between you and your husband.
You stop midway, your faces centimeters away from each other.
“I love you, Park Y/N.” He whispers, before breaking the space between both of you.
His warm and soft lips touched yours, a kiss of pure perfection. Your touch feeling like gold, like true luxury.
You parted slightly, allowing Jinwoo’s tongue to slip into your mouth.
You and Jinwoo stopped for a moment to breath, and you tried to lean back in until Jinwoo guided you to the bed and layed you down.
You giggled at Jinwoo removing his socks and shirt, exposing his beautiful abs (A/N: AUUSUHGF JINJIN MARRY ME)
He unbuttoned his shorts, throwing them into someplace in the room.
He hovered over you, kissing and sucking your neck, leaving marks.
“I’m…” he kissed your forehead, “sorry…” he kissed your nose, “Y/N…” and finally, your lips. (A/N: tbh that was awkward af it was better in my head)
You whimper when he finally takes your dress of, his hands desperately touching your body.
Jinwoo removes his remaining clothes off, and dips two fingers into you with no warning, making you yelp.
“J-jinwoo!” You yelp. “Sorry baby.” He smirks.
“Darling, I can’t do foreplay right now.~” you whine, grabbing onto Jinwoo’s wrist.
Jinwoo removes his fingers, licking your essence.
You heavily breathed at the empty feeling, until Jinwoo pushes his length into you, making you both moan loudly.
Jinwoo rests his forehead on yours, his hot breath tickling your face.
“Fuck Y/N, you’re so tight…” Jinwoo says in a deep voice, making you clench around him.
“Relax baby…” He whispers, pausing for a moment, waiting for your signal to move.
“Jin, move… please.” You pleaded. He caressed your cheeks as he started to move slowly, making your breath hitch.
“F-faster-“ You stuttered, as soon as he heard the word, he moved in a fast pace, your heart raced, and your moans became louder.
“J-jinwoo!” You screamed, mewls and cries mixed with the sound of your skin slapping against his.
“Y/N, Y/N, Y/N, Fuck!” Jinwoo groaned, your nails digging deep into his skin.
“Jinwoo it’s close!” You moaned as you felt your orgasm building.
“Wait, fuck! Y/N…”
“Please!” You cried. “Let it out, Y/N.” Jinwoo panted, before both you and him came.
Heavy pants surrounded the room, as you melted into your husband’s embrace, his hands running through your hair.
“Jinwoo, I’m sorry. I love you.” You said, tears threatening to fall from your eyes.
Jinwoo said nothing, and kissed your forehead before standing up to get a cloth.
“I’m sorry as well… I should’ve understood your side. I feel like I don’t know you anymore, I barely spend time with you.” he sighed, cleaning you.
You suddenly started sobbing, making Jinwoo look at you in surprise.
“I’m sorry for being stupid, I’m sorry for being ungrateful, I’m sorry for getting angry for no reason, I’m sorry for growing up in a totally different environment as you, I’m sorry for being a horrible wife! And I know you work very very very hard for me and Jiwoo, and it isn’t your fault. It’s not your fault too for loving us!” You sobbed as Jinwoo looked at you, baffled.
Jinwoo laughed, smiling at you with those cute eyes. (A/N: like fr bro stop smiling with ur eyes i’m so close to being killed by u😀)
He continued to laugh, unable to form words.
“W-why are you laughing at me!” You pouted.
“It’s because! You’re so cute Y/N!” He exclaimed, hugging you tightly.
His laughed slowly died down, smile still on his face however. He kissed your earlobe and shoulder, breaking the hug to look at you, before speaking,
“Y/N, the reason why I fell in love you was because you weren’t like the girls who I grew up with all my childhood. I love how you’re extremely humble, extremely thoughtful and an extremely loving person.” He said, cupping your cheeks and giving you a chaste kiss.
“Really?” You cried, but this time smiling. (A/N: LMFAOOOOOOO)
“Of course honey, I married you for a reason.” He whispered, his forehead leaning on yours.
“Thank you.” You whispered back, kissing him.
He hugged you tightly before you both fell on the bed, cuddling each other to sleep.
(A/N: Well, that’s my first story on Tumblr ig lmfao 💀 I’m sorry if it’s cringe idk what to do in life anymore. Anyways Jinwoo>>>>>>my life 😻😻)
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🌻 If you get this, answer with 3 random facts about yourself and send it to the last 7 blogs in your mentions, anonymous or not! Let's get to know the person behind the blog 🌻
nonnie you wanna know something about me???
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honestly idk what is common knowledge about me and random on this site HAHAHAH so im just gonna say interesting things about me!!!
#1 i am a music major!!! <3 SLAY also probably a little bit more interesting/random. i made a song for a fic that im writing... HAAHHAH. why? because <3
#3 i have a cat named jinjin (pic as proof)
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i love him would die for him would kill for him
thats all i hope this gave you some insight about me nonnie HAHAHAHA
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call-me-copycat · 1 year
Snowflake ❄️ for the ask game! If you have ocs, would love to hear about them!! Your writing is incredible, so I have no doubt they'd be good.
*This is the game they're referring to, for those that don't know)
❄️ Snowflake: talk about a unique trait or aspect of your favorite OC. Have they been living rent-free in your brain? It’s time to talk about them!
Ah, thank you so much! It's so nice to hear that, it really makes my day! (⸝⸝ ´艸`⸝⸝)
I've never really had anyone ask about my OC's before, so this'll be really fun!
Although, I don't have many that I created from scratch (but if you count the characters that I had to make for stories and fics then that number certainly goes up).
I'll do my best in explaining it, but I just wanted to give a heads up that I've been struggling with worldbuilding for some of them, so some things might sound a little off (๑////๑)
Also, I started making characters when I was about 6, but none of them stayed except for 1. And so I've been only tweaking and developing that one until recently, where I've made a whole batch of new characters just at the end of last year, so I apologize if some are a bit empty, or if I come back and completely change out something about a character.
Finally, if anyone has any ideas or recommendations, or if anyone wants me to include a character of theirs as a side character in any of my stories (things like cashier, side villains, background people of public places, I always love making the people in the back), then feel free to let me know!
人生の擬人化 (じんせいのぎじんーが) Jinsei no gijin ga (Short; Jinsei, Jinjin)
Ah, my very first character! I made her when I was 6, and she's the only one that lasted throughout the years. Her original name was "Audrey", only because as a child I didn't have any references to go by other than the names of the people around me (and unfortunately there were never any other Japanese kids where I lived).
She's been through a massive amount of changes throughout the years. She originally started off very plain since I wasn't very creative, with blond hair and blue eyes, and I never knew what to have her wear, so I'd always have her wear white "spy" gear, despite her not being a spy.
She changed as I grew up, and she played many different roles, being a hero, a cook, a random magical being, a secret hero, all the way to where she is now.
When I was around 12 or 13, I completely took everything I knew and started from scratch. I made her the current version I know today: short white hair, light blue eyes, and lots of training and well developed muscles. I'm not good at imagining the clothing. Her personality, oddly enough, has stayed pretty much the same throughout the years.
She's one of the characters that I'm struggling to worldbuild for, so please take the following explanation with a grain of salt.
She's a being of white energy, since she controls all life and how life itself works. She (like everyone else in this specific world) has a core of pure energy that was formed from raw magic energy, either naturally occurring or through the use of powerful spells or rituals. I'm still developing the world (might have to start from scratch again), but this is pretty much the only thing that won't change. If anyone has suggestions, I'd really love to hear them!
She's very egocentric, like... Imagine a character where Eda from Owl House, and Mitsuki and Mirko from My Hero Academia were all combined. Do you sort of understand? I'm not good at explaining personalities, I'm used to writing them, so I can write a small story with her if you'd like. Sorry about that.
But basically, she's very brash and tough, but she can be pretty levelheaded when needed. She has a good heart, but sometimes her loud personality gets in the way of things (a joke I have is she drives Moe crazy since they're basically tied together).
As much as I love all my characters, I have to admit she's my upmost favorite! (Well, equal to Moe, that is, but I'll mention him next).
Here's a doodle I tried making of her (it's still in the works, it's just a bit off and this drawing is also pretty old, so I need to update it)
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死神 (しにがみ) Shinigami (Moe)
This is Death! I love him so much, he was the second character I ever made and kept (only 6 years after Jinsei). He's technically called Shinigami, but since I started calling him Moe before that, I decided to call him Moe instead (like a nickname? I can't describe it).
He's the polar opposite of Jinsei (also part of the world in struggling to world build). He has a core of pure dark energy, and even though Dark Magic is starting to be used with safety precautions in this world, it's an anomaly that a core can be made out of it without turning into one of the "Corrupted" (basically, if a being with a core of magic energy messes up something with dark magic, or gets infected by another Corrupted, their core gets taken over like a virus and they turn into mindless bloodthirsty beasts of pure darkness). That's why he has to stay undercover, because there are hunters and people called the "Magic Enforcers" who hate Dark Magic and want to put an end to it.
He's much taller than Jinsei, but he's much more lean than she is. He has a quiet, thoughtful personality, and is normally very stoic. He never shows much emotion, and does what he's told, no matter how cruel (though he's been shown to have a slight soft spot).
He does have his moments where Jinsei annoys him too much, and she sometimes is able to get a snark or sarcastic remark pointed at her (and they're always unintentionally very funny).
I tried drawing him, but I messed it up, so I hope this explanation will do. He has black hair (I'm struggling between having it be a pony tail like the ancient Chinese style, or just have it short), and normally wears a cloak around his body like Tokoyami. He's very observant even when he doesn't seem like it, so he's matched with Jinsei when it comes to strength.
He's tied to her in power and in name (like Yin and Yang), but he does like to be by himself when he can.
He originally was supposed to be a background character, but like a week after making him I decided to make him paired with Jinsei when I thought of the black and white theme.
If anyone has any suggestions or questions for him (no matter how odd, simple, complex or whatever), please don't hesitate!
Either way, I love my Moe and Jinsei!
賭博師. 親. (裏) - とばくししたしむ (うら) - Dobakushi Shitashimu (Ura)
Ura's character is rather new to be made, but she was one of the 3 big ones (other two are Jinsei and Moe). That just means she was made and lasted through the other characters that didn't.
Her power is the ability to manipulate cards and probability, so she's like a gambling-themed character. She's good friends with Jinsei, and she has a similar personality, although she isn't as loud or brash. She's just quite confident and brave with taking risks, but when she needs or wants to, she can be rather sly and sneaky like a cat.
Ura hasn't really had much time for development, but I do look forward to coming up with the ideas (suggestions welcome).
*Fun fact: I got her character idea from a quick dream*
Here's a drawing I made of her awhile back (it's old, so it's not the best).
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Any others past this point have been recently made and don't have a world of their own, meaning they were specifically made for my stories and fics.
Naomi Akematsu
- 6 years old
- Elementary Student, but likes to help out at her family's restaurant (made friends with the landscape gardener)
- Quirk: Emotion Crafting: Character can craft something and if they're in a large emotional state then they can transfer said emotion to items or food
- Example: Say she's feeling extremely euphoric and she makes cookies. Anyone who eats those cookies will feel just as she did when she made them.
- She has strawberry curly, pink hair like this:
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- She's very upbeat and joyful, and she's always making friends. The only issue is she can be quite dense at times, and she's also known for being pretty gullible as well. She's naturally good hearted though.
- Somehow became best friends with Ume
Ume Nekoya
- Also 6 years old and in elementary school
- She's always very quiet and observant, and normally she doesn't really care for people (so that's how it's an anomaly that Naomi somehow became best friends with her)
- Ume's father is the head villain of a secret society that is working to weed out privileged or fake heroes. The funny thing is even though he's known for being dangerous and deadly when he's working, he's actually a very kind father when it comes to caring for her (her mother died at the hands of an ignorant hero)
- Quirk:
Weakness Detection: The ability to sense the weak point of people and/or objects. It can be a physical weakness, or emotional one, or a spiritual one, or a mental one, literally any weakness to a person or object.
- She always wears things like little dresses and cloaks, but has a mysterious habit as to why she never wants to wear white.
- Here's a doodle of her hair:
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Sora Tsuneyoshi
- Nonbinary, around their early twenties
- They were really close to their father when he passed away due to a sudden aneurism
- This caused their hypochondriac tendencies, and it sort of strengths due to the fact that they're also a nurse/Medic
- Because of their paranoia, they carry around a large bag filled with all sorts of medical supplies and first aid equipment
- Quirk:
Disease manipulation: The ability to control disease inside or outside of a person/animal. Can control movement, spread, division, and others. The only downside is they need to have a complete full knowledge of the disease and how far it is in someone in order to be able to control it.
- Here's a drawing that will give you the appearance:
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Megumi Shizuka
- A cashier, around 18-20 ish
- Has a very laid back personality, a little lazy at times (aren't we all)
- Has black hair that's always thrown into a messy bun
- She always works the night shifts, every single time. When it's daytime she's normally sleeping
- Always wears pajamas or comfortable clothing (I'm beginning to think she doesn't have any normal clothes)
- Is very sarcastic, loves using dark humor every now and then (very similar to Shinso)
- Quirk:
Decay: The ability to control the speed of rot. She just normally uses it to slow down the expiration of foods that are about to go bad. It's powerful, but she never wanted to be a hero or anything like that. Kind of thinks like an anti-hero, when in reality she just finds the constant battles annoying.
- I might draw her in the future
- My trans friend online asked me to make her trans, so I obliged. Megumi is a trans woman.
Shinju Yofu
- Was always the smart kid in class when he was younger
- Despite his Quirk, he's nearly half blind, and almost always refuses to wear his glasses out of stubbornness (he doesn't like the way they look or feel). I think he's just mad because the vision test was the only test he's failed in his life
- Due to his stubbornness and refusal to wear the glasses, he's always squinting and not recognizing anything or anyone. Plus he bumps into stuff as well
- He and his mother moved to Japan from China when he was young, and so he grew up without any friends since no one understood Chinese
- He is training to be a night watch guard, since he was always curious about urban legends of different villains and villain organizations.
- Quirk:
Remote Viewing: The power to track people or objects from afar. It would've been stronger if he had perfect vision, but he can only recognize people by their basic shape and colors, he just can't go into detail with it
- I also don't have any drawings of him, so please bear with me on my explanations. Since he's from China, he of course would look very Chinese. In fact, he looks so plain must people glaze right over him, giving him an advantage when he wants to blend into the crowd.
- He's one of the newest ones, but he has potential. If you have anything you think I should add, feel free to tell me!
Yume Kishii
- Highschool student, about 16
- She's very quiet and timid, but sometimes has moments where her intense expressions freak people out a bit
- Despite her shy nature, she actually always dreamed of being a children's book author
- She has long black hair that she normally hides her face behind, and she sometimes wears the most ridiculous outfits outside of school hours since she doesn't care about fashion
- She's actually very observant and uses things she sees during school and in public in her stories. She also doesn't call anyone by their name, but instead by a nickname that matches something about them (Example: "Street Racer", "Fast Eater", "Eraser Thief", "Bunny Bag", etc).
- Quirk:
Perspective: Character can put an audience or reader into a trance-like state where they can 'become' the character they're reading
Takashi Azuki
- About 6 years old physically (but not really, his quirk is kind of complicated)
- His mother is a technician, and his other mom was an agent that helped a popular hero's meetings and public image (for this reason she was killed by a villain sympathizer)
- He Judges other people too quickly and if always cautious and careful because of his mother's overprotection
- He's rather pessimistic, he doesn't mean to be. Because of his quirk, he was almost sent to live at a quirk institution that cared for people with dangerous, disabling, or live changing quirks (he ended up not taking the offer)
- His Quirk:
Decelerated Aging: He ages at a rate 3 times slower than others. Right now, he looks 6, but is actually 18. (To remember his age, I like to look at my fingers. You know how they have 3 sections? Well put 1 finger up, and he's in the body of a 1 year old, count the sections -1,2,3- he's that age mentally. Another example would be putting up 5 fingers -13,14,15- sections total, that'd mean when he's 13,14, and 15 mentally, he'd be in the body of a 5 year old) [Side note: please don't be weird about him]
Akimasa Dobayashi
- 9 years old, somehow best friends with Azuki
- He's quite understanding of Azuki's living situation, and he's very kind and open you everyone he meets
- He's very rough and rowdy, always wanting to play (and always ending up with a new wound or infection, or sprain, illness,etc)
- He's very enthusiastic and always looking for new adventures. He likes to use his quirk on Azuki when he asks, as it always relieves him a little
- Sorry if he's rather plain, I haven't had much time to develop his character
- Quirk:
Age Manipulation (others): The ability to (temporarily) change the age of someone or several people around them.
The Twins: Akira and Akiro Fushimi
° Akira:
- Loves to talk about what she's accomplished and always needs the approval of others (but not for selfish reasons, she just likes making others happy)
- 12 years old, and is twins with Akiro. With Akiro around, their good luck and bad luck powers cancel each other out.
- She's always praised and a little popular because of her 'fortune' gift.
- Always stands up for and protects her brother from any unreasonable hate/bullying. She won't hesitate to cut off a friendship for this reason.
- Is obsessed with the latest in pop culture
- Quirk:
Fortune: The ability to make unlikely good events more likely (i.e. good luck)
° Akiro:
- Keeps to himself for the most part, mainly to avoid any bullying or extra hatred
- 12 years old, and is twins with Akira. Without Akira around, small disasters strike him and those around him. Got 'unlucky' with his power, as no one wants to be around him without Akira around. A bit envious of his sister.
- Will do anything for friends or family, but is suspicious of new people at first
- Probability Manipulation (Bad Luck): The ability to make unlikely bad events more likely. It's automatic and not at all under his control. He's also been offered the chance to live at a quirk institution. Declined due to his sister begging him to stay because she'd miss him too much
° Both:
- Are considered the "Twins of Fortune or Flames"
- Have a bit of a reputation around the school and neighboring area
- They always have to be around each other to cancel out their quirks, and they both wear this little matching necklaces that is a single good luck coin you'd normally see lucky cats holding in their paw
Anything past this point is very new or very roughly made, so it might not make so much sense. It's all very airy and fluid. Sorry about that. Suggestions and ideas highly welcomed.
Vigilante Groups I made!
"The Pack" - a group of individuals with animal-based quirks who work together as a team. They are fiercely loyal to one another and use their enhanced physical abilities and senses to take down villains.
"The Medics" - a group of trained medical professionals with healing quirks who provide medical aid to those in need. They also work to expose corrupt hospitals and medical facilities.
"The Outcasts" - a group of vigilantes who have been rejected by society for various reasons. They band together to fight against the system that has failed them.
"The Reapers" - a group of former villains who have turned their lives around and now use their experience and knowledge to take down other villains. They're a controversial group, as some people don't believe that former villains can truly change, but they're dedicated to proving their worth.
"The Watchdogs" - a group of people who have lost loved ones to villain attacks and have decided to take matters into their own hands. They patrol the streets and keep an eye out for any suspicious activity, and they're not afraid to use force if necessary.
"The Jackals" - a very punk-themed goth group that focuses on fighting villains and for freedom of expression. They're normally dressed in very flashy, spiky goth/emo attire with eye catching makeup or accessories. They are a group that's strength is in numbers, as there's hundreds (possibly thousands if you include sympathizers) across the nation. They're also a controversial group since some people don't agree with the aggressive ways they go about things.
Aya Suzuki:
A middle-aged woman with a tough exterior and a no-nonsense attitude, Aya is the owner of a successful bar in the city's nightlife district. Her quirk is "Alcohol Empowerment", which enhances her strength and durability the more she drinks. Aya has short black hair and a scar above her left eyebrow, and she usually wears leather jackets and jeans. Despite her gruff demeanor, she cares deeply for her regular customers and has a soft spot for troubled youth.
Haru Takechi:
Colorblind, nice kind personality. Very polite and laid back. He's one of UA's many landscapers. His quirk: Thermal vision. He's friends with some of the students that see him working. Appearance: Always wearing gardening outfits. Short beige-white hair. Has crosshairs for pupils due to his quirk. Secretly has one wear pierced from when he was a rebellious teen. Age: around 30
Mei Nakamura:
A shy and introverted high school student who is secretly a talented graffiti artist. Her quirk is "Ink Manipulation", which allows her to control the ink in pens and paint markers to create intricate designs and patterns. Mei has long black hair that she keeps in a braid or two, and her eyes are a deep blue color. She often wears baggy clothing and a hoodie to blend in with the crowd, but becomes more confident and expressive when she's creating art. Her dream is to one day have a gallery show featuring her work.
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Ah, that's all I can write for right now, I'm exhausted! It was very fun though, but I'm sorry if some of that didn't make sense! I haven't updated any of my characters in a long while, as I've been too busy coming up with writing ideas so I can finish the requests I've received ദി ᷇ᵕ ᷆ )♡
Seriously though, if anyone has any suggestions at all, no matter what it is, I'd love to hear it!
Or, if you like my writing and want a character of yours to have a part in a story, I'd be more than willing! Just pop it in with a request, and I'll do my best! ٩( ᐖ )و
If you have any questions about my characters or writing, I'd be glad to answer them! If you want to talk about your own characters, I'd be glad to listen or help give advice!
*Sorry for the rant. I didn't intend to write so much, I just got a bit carried away. Also I'm going to be honest, I was half asleep writing this, so please bear no mind to any errors, thank you very much*
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joyirene · 3 months
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— i love you a million times.
♡ hello! i'm rin, your local pocket boys enthusiast. if a boy is tiny enough to fit in my pocket, i'm genuinely soo not normal about him.
♡ i'm twenty eight, my pronouns are shethey, and i'm aroace.
♡ i sometimes create content, which i would prefer you didn't use on nsfw fics, but feel free to use it for sfw things: as long as you link back to my original work.
♡ i'm part of atzsource, which is an open source dedicated to ateez.
♡ my kpop ults are astro, svt, woodz, hanbin, oneus, and ateez. my ult bias is jinjin. i also love svt dino, oneus hwanwoong, and atz jongho.
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taisuiartgallery · 1 year
General Tags:
Digital Art
Traditional Art
Full list of more specific tags under the cut:
Character Tags:
Because there are So Many Characters, I've taken a page from E. Danglar's book and sorted them by region.
Southern Wan (Jinping)
Xi Ping
Zhou Ying
Wei Chengxiang
Bai Ling
Xi Yue
Pang Jian
Old Madam Xi
Xi Zhengde
Cui Jinjin
Zhao Yu
The Karma Beast
Chen Baishao (Jiangli)
Southern Wan (Xuanyin)
Zhi Xiu
Lin Chi
Wen Fei
Luo Qingshi
Zhang Jue
Lin Zongyi
Yao Qi
Chang Jun
Princess Duanrui
Su Zhun
Zhao Yin
Li Fengshan
Southern Wan (The Southern Mines)
Lü Chengyi
Liang Chen
Southern Wan (Other)
Zhao Qindan
Xu Rucheng
The Heart Demon
Western Chu
Qiu Sha
Hui Xiangjun
Yu Chang
Xiang Rong
Southern Shu
Wangge Luobao
Northern Li
Xie Chu
Kunlun's Third Elder
Wu Lingxiao
Accompanying Plant Tags:
Reincarnation Wood
Snow Shuffler
Late Autumn Red
Eternal Spring Brocade
Heartless Lotus
Item/Weapon Tags:
Tai Sui Qin
The Law Breaker
The Unbound Furnace
Discard the False and Keep the True
Ship Tags:
Xi Ping/Zhi Xiu
Xi Ping/Zhou Ying
Zhi Xiu/Xi Ping/Zhou Ying
Wei Chengxiang/Zhao Qindan
Xi Ping/Yu Chang
Lin Chi/Hui Xiangjun
Qiu Sha/Hui Xiangjun
Qiu Sha/Hui Xiangjun/Lin Chi
Lin Chi/Wen Fei
Miscellaneous Tags:
Zhou Ying's Cat
The Sea of Stars
The Dragon Vein
Fic Tags:
Gen Fic
Story Arc Tags:
(Any drawing/comic of a specific scene will have the relevant arc tagged. Tags for early arcs aren't necessarily spoiler-free.)
Midnight Song
The Dragon Bites Its Tail
Fragrant Jade Miasma
Demon Country
The Mountain Falls
Indignant Cicadas
Traveler Abroad
Unbound Knife
Eternal Flame
The Storm Begins
Flower in the Mirror
Tomb of the Sage
A Life of Regret
The Extras (Overall)
Antiquity Extra
New Capital Extra
Western Chu Extra
Frost and Snow Extra
Jinping Extra
Bonus Secret Info
For those of y'all that scroll all the way to the bottom of this tag list, here's an extra fun fact: this blog is run by ya girl Andromeda Grassbreads. You can find me TaiSuiposting over on my meta blog @morethanwonderful.
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checkers-dance · 2 years
Jooheon is watching for the collabs jinjin does w changkyun 🤔🤔
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hyungwonmyheart · 4 years
Parts: Praises, Thirsty Group: Astro Pairing: Jinjin / Female Reader Words: 928 Tags: business!au, unprotected vaginal sex, rough sex, dirty talk, fingering (female receiving), aftercare, fluff towards the end Summary: This is a sequel to Praises. You’ve been invited back to Jinwoo’s place for a good time, but you forget all about the golden rule: Asking for permission to come. After being put in your place, he makes sure to take good care of you. A/N: Because apparently the drabble wasn’t enough...? LOL I needed more.
“We had a lovely dinner together. I invited you into my home, into my bed…” Jinwoo drifted off as you sank down onto his cock. Your body pulsed around it, your sinful betrayal evident as you stopped bouncing atop him. “...only to have you come first? So soon?”
Your breasts heaved as you came down from your high. “I-I’m sorry…” You breathily apologized.
He was smiling--oh, how you loved that smile--but the aura he was giving off sent chills down your spine as he asked, “Do you feel better now that you got that out of your system?”
You gave a single nod. You’d been so eager to have him inside of you ever since you went down on him in the office earlier that evening that you went a little overboard while riding him. You were so consumed that you forgot to ask if you could come in the first place; the most basic of rules.
Jinwoo tsked. He sat up, and you were abruptly flipped onto your stomach with your ass in the air. His fingers dug into your waist as he leaned over and hissed, “Such a selfish girl, getting herself off with not even a single regard for her partner.”
You didn’t even have a chance to defend yourself before you felt him slip into you from behind. You cried out at the pace with which he picked up, pounding into you relentlessly. Your thighs trembled, your hands clenched onto the sheets, and you were dangerously close to tears. It felt so fucking good, but you were determined not to come again until he said you could.
“You really had the audacity to come first? Like I’m some kind of sex toy?” His low voice hit you in all the right places; you actually moaned out from hearing it. He noted that it was affecting you. He needed to hear more. “What do you have to say for yourself?!” He grinded as deeply as he could into you.
“...Use me,” you whimpered pitifully. “Use me to come.”
The growl that rumbled in his chest had you bracing yourself. You knew you were in for it.
Jinwoo sat up, clenched your hips, and pounded into you with such force that the bed’s headboard was slamming against the wall. “You want my cum?” He gritted.
“Yes!” You whined.
“Where do you want it?!”
Your voice cracked as you replied, “A-Anywhere, sir! Anywhere you want!”
Yanking himself out of you, Jinwoo pumped his hand along his length and came in heavy spurts on your ass and thighs.
You were breathless as his groans subsided, silence filling the room. You were about to roll over until you felt two of his fingers thrust into you and curve downward. You gasped, rocking against his hand as it quickly worked you to another climax. “S-Sir, please, I need to come!” You whimpered.
“You need to?”
“Please! Your fingers feel so good, oh my god, I need to come, I need to come, PLEASE, SIR!” The louder you became, the harder his fingers worked. You were just about to lose feeling in your legs from tensing them so hard to fight off the orgasm when you heard a simple, “Come.” from behind you. Your body broke down, your voice becoming hoarse from screaming while pleasure wrecked your pussy. You were left shaking.
A weight lifted from the bed and you nearly passed out by the time you felt a wet cloth wiping your backside. You almost winced as your warmth was cleaned. He had been ruthless tonight, but the sudden pampering was a nice conclusion.
Jinwoo disappeared for a few minutes again before he returned with two bottles of water. Climbing onto the bed, he nudged you to come under the covers.
You huffed quietly as you wiggled your way into the blankets. Moving when your body felt this heavy was tedious. You also reminded yourself where you were, so you made sure not to disobey him. You weren’t expecting him to put an arm around you and hold you close, though.
“Thirsty?” Jinwoo asked, handing you a bottle.
Nodding, you took it and sat up to have a long slip. Your dry mouth was instantly soothed by the refreshment. “Thank you,” you murmured, twisting the cap back on. You snuggled back into his side.
Jinwoo’s arm that was under your head reached around to caress your shoulder lightly. “You drive me crazy,” he sighed. His cheek pressed against the top of your head.
You were stunned by those words. “...What?!”
“Every time I see you, I want you to be in my arms,” he admitted. “From the first day we were introduced at work...until now. You drive me crazy.” He pressed a kiss to your head. “I’m sorry I come off strong sometimes…I get carried away.”
You glanced up at him, cheeks hot and flushed. “I feel the same. Since the first day, until now…I always want you. I can’t help myself around you.”
He grinned, and you melted. “Be mine, okay?” He asked with a tender squeeze of your arm.
A smile broke out on your face. “I already am.” You lifted to nip at his lips.
Jinwoo chuckled, wrapping you in his arms. “Is that so?” He buried his face in your neck, kissing gently before sinking his teeth into the flesh.
You squeaked, bursting into giggles as he settled himself between your legs.
He was in deep, deeper than you’d ever thought he could feel for you, and you couldn’t have been happier to know it.
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milkybonya · 4 years
Heartstrings (pt.3/4)
Warnings: tight alleyways and food mentions
Pairing: Drummer!Jinjin x reader
Summary / Part 1 / Part 2
[a/n]: this is short because... it’s the calm before the storm :) i feel like i’m writing this for myself at this point hehe but that’s okay !
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For your promised second date with Jinjin, he invited you to watch Astro practice. Well, that wasn’t exactly the date part - the date part was the two of you going to an arcade afterwards, but Jinjin still invited you to watch Astro because he felt bad that you lost the bet.
Their practice was at the social hangout space where you and Jinjin had your first date. Apparently, the boys didn’t have a space to properly practice and their dorm was too small, so they would come here.
“There’s practice rooms in here, since a lot of musicians come by!” Sanha excitedly explained to you as you entered the soundproofed room.
The walls were thick and grey, covered in soundproofing and there was just enough space for the boys to set up under the white fluorescent lights and for you to watch them.
“Okay, so we’re gonna go through the set list for our next busking,” Jinjin said, flipping through a notebook. He listed the song’s names in order and the boys gave their opinions on which songs they wanted and didn’t want.
“What does [y/n] think?” Rocky asked, nodding his head in your direction.
You felt flustered, being called out suddenly, but you decided to help them out. 
“Well Confession has to be included. It’s one of my favourites!” you said, earnestly.
The boys’ eyes brightened and Jinjin smiled as he made note of this in his notebook.
“See, I told you Confession is a good song!” Eunwoo exclaimed.
“[y/n], Jinjin thought Confession isn’t that good because the crowd is kind of unresponsive when we perform it,” Moonbin explained.
“But people don’t know you and your songs that well yet, so that’s why! Plus you tend to play it towards the end, and maybe people get tired by then?” you said.
MJ nodded along. “Yeah, Jinjin. You need to look at things more positively!”
After continuing to go through the set list, the boys finally began to practice. You witnessed Jinjin’s drumsticks flying through the air, Sanha breaking one of his guitar’s strings and MJ’s voice cracking. It was a lot of chaos, but you loved seeing the boys’ chemistry. They would give each other advice, working together to decide on how to make their performances better.
When they were taking a break, you asked them, “So since you have your own songs, does that mean you’re signed under a label?”
“No, actually. We have made our own songs, but you can’t buy them or anything. We don’t have a label yet,” Jinjin explained before drinking some water. You watched his adam’s apple bob in and out of view with each gulp.
“But Eric’s label might sign us soon!” Sanha said, grinning.
“Yeah, since we seem to be gaining attention, they might properly sign us,” Moonbin agreed.
After practicing some more, Jinjin helped Astro clean up before he left the with you. It was dark outside, so you got scared again in the tight alleyway.
Jinjin held your hand in his, and you could feel his warmth.
“I know it’s scary, but the alleyway ends soon,” he said softly, guiding you out. 
At the arcade, you rushed to the first game that caught your eye and stood before it, watching the flashing lights. Jinjin joined you after some time, holding tokens in the palm of his hand.
“Do you want to play this one?” he asked. When you nodded gingerly, he inserted the tokens and watched you as you tried to win.
“Go, [y/n]! You got this!” he yelled in encouragement, bouncing up and down on his small feet.
Your attempt was unsuccessful, but Jinjin gave you an awkward high-five nonetheless, telling you how you tried your best and there were a lot of other games to try out.
“How about you challenge me to a game of basketball?” he asked, pointing to the game with two basketball hoops.
“I’m gonna win this one!” You said, getting ready to shoot the balls into the hoops.
When the game started, you stayed focused, getting some shots in and missing others. For a second, you turned to watch Jinjin, and when you noticed how many points he had earned, you realized you were in trouble.
Panicking, you starting throwing the basketballs in way too quickly, missing every shot.
“What are you doing?” Jinjin laughed.
When time was up, you sighed as you noticed that Jinjin won. He lifted your chin up when you looked down.
“Don’t be disheartened! It’s just a game~” he sang.
“Well, I bet I’ll beat you at air hockey!” You said, running over to the game.
Jinjin yelled as he ran after you, trying to keep up in the busy arcade.
You did end up winning at air hockey, and you sure as hell rubbed it in. Jinjin contemplated telling you that he had won against you in basketball first, but he found you too cute. He didn’t want to dampen your spirits.
As you were browsing through more of the flashy arcade games, you passed by some claw machines. You noticed that Jinjin wasn’t at your side anymore, and you found him staring into the glass of one of the machines.
“What is it, Jinwoo?” you asked him.
“That plushie looks so cute,” he admitted, pointed to a stuffed animal. You pretended to pull up your pants and act strong.
“I’ll get that for you,” you said, snatching some tokens out of Jinjin’s hand. He stepped out of the way, giggling.
“You’re really going to get that for me?” he asked.
“Why not?” you responded.
After moving the claw around and deciding that the placement was right, you pressed the button to let the claw drop. It grabbed the stuffed animal and lifted it... only to drop it a few seconds later.
“That’s okay!” you said. “Second try, second try!”
There was a third try. And a fourth. A fifth, too. By the sixth, the stuffed animal was so near to the opening that it had to fall through. Even though it slipped out of the claw’s grasp, it still fell and you were able to grab it through the slot at the bottom of the machine!
Handing it to Jinjin, you watched as his his eyes shined while he hugged the thing and stroked its head.
“Thank you,” he said.
Despite almost getting kicked out a few times for running through the arcade and yelling too loudly, you ended up having a lot of fun with Jinjin. He treated you to a cool drink before you left, and when you realized that you didn’t like the drink you ordered, he offered to switch yours with his. His tasted a lot better, and you laughed as Jinjin winced with every sip he took of your old drink.
“Why is it so sour?” he asked, staring at the drink with large eyes.
“It’s cause you’re too sweet,” you mumbled, not thinking Jinjin would hear. You missed his eye smile when you looked down into your own glass, stirring your blue colourful drink.
A week passed with you trying to attend more of Astro’s buskings and witnessing the crowd that surrounded them growing larger and larger. Jinjin told you about how they had began to ask people to hang around for their busking, approaching strangers in the city centre and introducing themselves even though it was nervewracking.
You were at home when you realized that Jinjin’s name was flashing on the screen of your phone. Taking a deep breath, you answered. He’d never called you before.
“[y/n]!” he said excitedly, and you could hear a few of the other members screaming behind him.
“[y/n] we’re going to make a proper debut! We’re going to release a mini album!” Jinjin yelled into the phone.
You got up from your bed, excited.
“Really, when?” you asked.
“It’s happening in a month from now, but we’re going to start preparing for it now! We have to put busking on hold so we can practice...”
“But it’s gonna be amaaaaaazing!” MJ yelled in the back.
“That’s great! That’s so amazing!” you said, not able to contain your own excitement.
Something was starting to nag you though. You didn’t bring it up or think about it until you were able to hang up on the call with Jinjin, but once the phone call was over, your head was burning up as you thought about it.
What would happen to your relationship with Jinjin? Of course the two of you had only gone on... dates... but the late night text conversations would make your heart flutter, and you were hoping to get closer with him.
Now that he was debuting, would you even be allowed to get near him?
part 4
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moonlitstories · 5 years
Operation 2.0- Chapters 2 & 3
SPY AU! Spy Works!
For the next five days, the five of them were constantly moving. They had nowhere to stop or hide while both the agency and partnered agencies were on the hunt for them. Even with Eunwoo’s hacking skills, he could only hold off so many sources at once.
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jinjikook · 7 years
you’ve stolen my right to relief (m)
🎃 word count: 3k
🎃 genre: smut ; thieves au
🎃 pairing: reader/jinjin
🎃 warning(s)/kink(s): edging, spanking, a little bit of dirty talk + some angry/hateful feelings
🎃 summary: a bet between you and your colleague leaves you faced down in a crap motel and a few fingers away from the edge of sanity.
🎃 requested by: anon - “edging / spanking with jinjin from astro for kinktober?”
🎃 music: ties - years & years + lose control - lay
🎃 masterlist + kinktober 2017
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“I fucking hate you, what part of that don’t you get?” You spit, pushing the light haired boy away from you.
No matter how hard you tried, it seemed like your partner in crime didn’t quite understand how much you seriously despised him.
Keeping your volume down was crucial at the moment but Jinwoo seemed to have other plans as he continued to whisper in your ear, breathing his heavy breath over your neck and making you seethe with irritation.
“C’mon, if you can’t handle the heat: get the fuck out of the kitchen.” He drawled, eyes dragging down your body clad in tight, black clothes meant to conceal you in the dead of night but it only accentuated your curves further, to Jinwoo’s pleasure.
“It was one fucking time, I made it clear I wasn’t ever going to sleep with you again Jinwoo, so hop off my dick for once!” You turned to face Jinwoo, smirk still plastered across his clean cut face. Despite being the muscle in this operation, he was surprisingly compact and—as much as it pained you to admit—he had a pretty face that sold more scams than you’d initially assumed.
As you shuffled your hands in the far-too-fancy jewelry box you’d spotted upstairs earlier—in the middle of the “leak check-up” that’d been a part of the ruse this time around—Jinwoo chuckled louder than you liked at the sight of all the lavish rings and necklaces; too garish for every day wear but clearly something this woman kept for special nights.
You’d be able to flip it easily for a quick buck, easy money to toy with. A pawn shop or even just to a jeweler themselves, who’d take the gold bezels and smelt them down into custom pieces, completely unrecognizable to the police or the owners of the accessories.
“Could you shut your trap for more than two seconds? You have the worst ability to hold out, I swear.” You rolled your eyes and shoved the rest of the emeralds and rubies into the rucksack you’d sneaked onto your back, Jinwoo already brushing past you to head towards the nightstand where you assumed the husband slept next to.
He scavenged the drawers, pulling out some concealed cash and a few items that looked like they’d be worth something.
“Aha! Bingo,” Jinwoo ogled the piece of fine Italian craftsmanship dangling from his hand, the gold reflecting off moonlight like a lighthouse in the middle of a foggy night.
“For fuck’s sake, could you be any more obvious we’re casing a house?”
“You know, if you got that stick out of your ass for once, I could replace it with something more worthwhile,” He looked back and winked and you had half a mind to run out the front door and call the cops to arrest his ass. Unfortunately, he’d give you up in a heartbeat because your loyalties didn’t run that deep just yet.
It all started when you were down on your luck and your no good brother-in-law stole all the savings you had for a situation just like the one you were in at the time. He caused you to get evicted from your apartment and lose your scholarship for the school you worked so hard to get into.
Jinwoo was the one who helped you get back at him and you joined him in the robbery circuit, quickly adapting and learning to the lifestyle and even becoming his equal in the field. He was proud to call you his protégé but it didn’t stop him from always holding it over your head when it came to how much experience he had.
“You’re disgusting and I hope you trip and break your ankle on the way out of here.”
“It’s so cute how your threats are always so PG, you’d never really want anything to happen to me.” He grinned and blew you a kiss, to which you gagged in retaliation to. “Okay, what do we have left?” He turned to evaluate the room, checking for any missed items and while he busied himself with nooks and crannies, you slid open the closet door and pushed some clothes aside. To the untrained eye, it was a regular, normal closet filled with boring dress shirts and blouses, things a 40-year-old married couple would have hanging to be worn during their 9-5 day jobs.
But you knew better than to believe there was just what met the eye, shifting things around until a nearly hollow thump clacked against your knuckles through one the swipes of your hand. Moving a chiffon skirt and navy trench coat that was heavier than it looked, you were met with what your kind thought of as a gold mine.
“Hey Jin Jin! We got ourselves a safe!” You smiled menacingly and Jinwoo was at your side in an instant, rubbing his palms together like a predator ready to sink his teeth into his prey and have dinner.
“Let’s see, are you a mediocre lock or…” He trailed off, inspecting the hard box with gloved fingers, checking brand, label, age and condition.
“What’dya think, Jinwoo? Should we pick it, break it or take it back with us? We don’t have much time left.” You inquired, checking your phone to see that the Lee’s were due back from their son’s Open House Night in roughly twenty minutes, give or take some time depending on traffic and how much the mother gossips with the other PTA moms.
He rubbed his chin thoughtfully, humming as he weighed out his options.
“It’s a combination lock, what do you think they picked?”
“Their son’s birthday?” The first answer in your mind was a significant date like that, being an easy choice for a parent to put as a lock on their phone or in this case, a safe box. Jinwoo tried the numbers, easily nabbed from the calendar hanging next to the fridge downstairs.
“No luck, I’ll try the husband’s and wife’s.” As he fiddled some more with the numbers, you were struck with the small spark of knowledge you’d been told sometime during your start as a petty thief.
People were stupid, it was in their nature. Which is why they have trouble remembering combinations, numbers, dates and anything else of the like. Especially a couple as old as the Lee’s, they probably forgot things all the time if they didn’t write it down somewhere. It’s why they had a colorful calendar littered with notes and circled with dates, a small pad attached to the fridge with the grocery list and even a journal sat on the top of the wife’s nightstand; a dream journal of sorts.
You pushed Jinwoo aside, ignoring his noise of protest and you circled the safe and checked the back of it, just at the bottom. There, in sad silver Sharpie scrawl was a four-digit number: the code.
With a confident smile, you took Jinwoo’s place in front of the box and rolled the little black and white tiles until they all matched the numbers you just saw, clicking with the confirmation that you had unlatched the lock. Jinwoo grimaced at your expression and ability, simply tugging open the top. Digging in quickly, you were met with money in an envelope—emergency money you guessed—and a jar of dozens of coins labeled “Minhyuk’s MIT Funds”. You snickered at their preparation for something that they could never guarantee would happen.
Jinwoo snorted his own laugh and stuffed the jar and the few other items that looked like they were worth something before shutting the safe and bringing everything back to its original place.
“Jackpot.” You whispered and Jinwoo bumped your fist as you made your way quietly down the stairs, slinking around like a cat in the night. The two of you were the snakes in the grass, ready to strike but more willing to lay low and do your own business, afar from prying eyes.
It was in-and-out, an everyday sort of robbery. You were seated in the passenger seat of Jinwoo’s pick-up truck, counting the money that had been in the envelope and smelling the scent of crisp, unused bills.
Jinwoo looked over and whooped, feeling the high of a successful casing. Out of sheer impulse, he reached over the median and gripped your chin hard, pulling you towards him to press a hard kiss to your lips. It only partly caught you off guard, something that Jinwoo has done in the past but it was still not something he did often enough to become habit.
A few stops along the way—hitting a pawn shop, some old friends who could make use of the oddities you’d stolen and a liquor store later, you were back and holed up in another three star motel for the night.
Jinwoo took a swig of his bottle, cheap beer since you didn’t like wasting money on alcohol. You’d rather spend it on more worthwhile things like food or amenities.
“So, did you want to take a little twist in testing your theory from earlier?” Jinwoo spoke up from where he was sitting on a dining chair, legs up on the table even after you scolded him to get them off for the umpteenth time.
“Here we go with the drunken ramblings again…” You sighed and pinched the bridge of your nose before obliging the man and turning his way on the mattress you were comfortably seated on.
“I’m not drunk, Y/N, hear me out this time.” With a motion of your hand, Jinwoo continued. “You said I couldn’t last. But, what makes you think you can?” The quirk in his brow told you this was no longer about thievery, another sin coming in tow instead.
You rolled your eyes, trying to ignore the growing ache in between your legs. It had been a while since you last got laid, if you had to admit it.
“I was talking about your inability to shut up for more than two seconds at a time, not whatever dirty fantasy you’re conjuring up in that sick, twisted mind of yours.”
“Well, then maybe you’ll like this bet after all,” Despite acting indifferent, you were slightly intrigued, using the excuse that you were bored beyond belief now that the thrill of thievery was long gone and replaced with dull, stagnant cable television and cheap take out. “How’s this: if you can last a whole ten minutes without coming, I’ll spend the entire next stake out completely silent, unless I absolutely have to talk.”
“Wait, wait hold up, you’re a scammer for a reason. You always find a loophole and I’m not falling for one of your tricks; contrary to popular belief, I am smarter than the average bear. Now, out with it, what’s the catch?”
Jinwoo put his hands up defensively, finally sliding his feet off the table to sit up straight.
“No tricks, catch or gimmicks.” He crossed his heart and held up his right hand. “I swear, I’m just positive you won’t make it so I don’t have anything to worry about.”
“Watch it, Park. That cockiness is gonna get you into more trouble than it already has,” You scrunched your nose and sat at the edge of the bed. “You’re on.” Shaking hands, Jinwoo got up to seat himself next to you on the bed, going over the “ground rules” per your request.
The bet was simple: Jinwoo would have you over his lap, only using his fingers in you and you’d set a timer on your phone. If you lasted the full ten minutes without having an orgasm, it’s your win and Jinwoo had to shut his trap and eat his words.
If you lost? Jinwoo asked simply to fuck your throat until he came all over your pretty face. His words, not yours.
For the sake of time and convenience, you changed into one of the pleated skirts you liked to use when you needed to distract someone; whether it was a victim or an officer, it always worked wonders. Of course, sans underwear since that’d be a just another unnecessary hurdle to get over. Jinwoo was more than pleased with this, leaning back on the bed and waiting patiently. His smug smirk was still fixed in place and it only made you grit your teeth harder, wanting to show him up once and for all.
You tried your best to keep things from getting awkward by just sliding over his lap, reaching for your phone and getting to the timer application. Jinwoo’s hands were warm as they held you in place and kept you from slipping off. In a way, it grounded you and you weren’t sure if you appreciated it or not just yet.
“Okay, timer’s on. Get on with it, I guess.”
Jinwoo chuckled at your monotone voice and wasted no time in bringing a hand down to caress your bare cheeks, feeling the firm flesh under his fingertips.
“Oh come on, doll. Lighten up! We both know this is gonna be just as good for you as it will be for me.” And with that, Jinwoo began to circle your damp entrance, feeling his way around the folds and teasing you for a second.
You scoffed and rolled your eyes, “If this is all you’re gonna do, these next ten minutes are gonna be a breeze.” His resolve tightened as he quickly inserted a finger without warning, rubbing at your walls while using an adjacent digit to press against your clit, already upping the ante.
It was a little bit of effort but you made sure to keep your breathing even, appearing unaffected to the other as he followed up with another finger, the stretch feeling more prominent around him. You could feel the beginnings of a bulge against your stomach, a growing hardness at your abdomen as Jinwoo pumped his fingers in and out of you languidly, like he had all day. It was wet and loud and he pulled your skirt up to get a good view of your ass as his fingers disappeared underneath you over and over again.
Around the five minute mark, Jinwoo had had enough of your lack of noise—obviously trying to keep still despite already being three fingers in and dripping wet.
To remedy the issue, he rose the hand that had been steadying you and brought it down hard against your ass cheek, the muscle jiggling at the motion. You yelped, not expecting the harsh treatment and that was the first of many as Jinwoo broke the metaphorical dam. He released relentless abuse on your rear, spanking you left and right, over and over again as his other hand refused to slow down, the wet squelch roaring in your ears.
You were panting like a dog, face down and whenever your eyes did open, all you caught sight of was the wrecked old fuzzy carpet of the motel room, covered in peculiar stains that were beyond questionable.
Losing all track of time, you whimpered a particularly desperate whine of Jinwoo’s name that had his fingers stuttering, just for a millisecond but enough of a hiccup that it made you realize just how close you were. Pushing away from his fingers, Jinwoo actually relented and slowed his ministrations down, just at the edge of your high and it was a bittersweet feeling. You were so close to coming and while the relief would’ve been great to feel but a harsh blow to your ego, not coming felt like it was the worst choice amongst the two.
It only lasted for a moment—a heartbeat—and Jinwoo’s fingers were back to pistoning into you again. A quick peek at the timer had him seeing that only about 3 or so minutes remained, and while he would enjoy the sweet taste of victory, watching you writhe in his lap was doing wonders to his filthy mind.
So he toyed with you some more, fingers picking up speed as he landed blow after blow and bringing you just up against the precipice again, your mind too far gone to even care at this point, and swiftly yanking you back and dousing you in ice cold water as he ripped away your orgasm once more.
It stung, both mentally and physically. You were sobbing at this point, begging for anything—nothing in specific, you were just a blubbering mess and Jinwoo was relishing every second of it.
“You want it? You wanna come, pretty baby?” Jinwoo’s gruff voice growled, a promise laced in his tone. You nodded vehemently, completely throwing the bet to the wind as you tried to grind back against the friction to your core.
Jinwoo had similar thoughts as yours, wanting nothing more than to see you come undone and he thrusted his fingers into you a few more times before you clenched around him, coming harder than you ever have in your entire life. It took some time for you to come down, Jinwoo patting you reassuringly and easing you up back onto the bed once you weren’t shaking anymore.
“Time?” You panted, barely understandable. Jinwoo reached for the phone and the smirk on his face told you everything, letting your head fall back onto the bed now that you were sure he’d won the damn bet.
“11 minutes and 14 seconds.”
You shot back up, a little disoriented but with determination you snatched the phone out of Jinwoo’s hand and read the numbers hastily, true to his word.
“Why are you so smug then?” With wide, dewy eyes, you looked up at the sandy haired boy. He shrugged his shoulders and smoothed his shirt down.
“Told you it’d be as good for you as it was for me.” A quick look down had you realizing that Jinwoo had come in his pants, probably around the same time as you had. Your laugh was airy, and Jinwoo chuckled along with you before suggesting a shower.
While lathering up, you turned to face Jinwoo, the spray hitting your back with medium velocity due to the motel’s shitty water pressure.
“Guess you’re gonna have to stay quiet the next heist.”
Jinwoo’s hands found purchase on your hips and tugged you closer, eyebrow raised in a silent challenge.
“Double or nothing?”
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leehestia · 1 year
Updated, Upcoming works for: ASTRO (as of December 31, 2022)
Authors note: I may have given up on some because wtf i can't finish it it's been rotting in my drafts for months so yeah
MJ / Kim Myungjun
-none yet
Jinjin / Park Jinwoo
- none yet
Cha Eunwoo / Lee Dongmin
- "just trust me, please."
Pairing: Idol!Eunwoo x NK Spy!Reader
Genre: Angst, Fluff
Plot: Pre-debut Eunwoo falls in love with his childhood friend Y/N but he was not aware of her family's origin. She suddenly disappeared, making Eunwoo sad. Years later, Eunwoo became a successful idol and actor, and suddenly Y/N comes back into his life, not knowing once again about her secret.
Authors Notes: Inspired by Doctor Stranger!! Also north korea pls dont come for me i have a life to live
Moonbin / Moon Bin
- Secret Life : Series
Pairing: Idol!Moonbin x Soloist, Idol!Reader
Genre: Romance, Showbiz
Plot: Series about two idols going through a lot to keep their relationship.
Rocky / Park Minhyuk
- none yet
Sanha / Yoon Sanha
- "i'm not sure..."
Pairing: Sanha x Reader ft. Eunwoo
Genre: Angst, Fluff
Plot: Sanha denies his love for Y/N, but then later realizes it through jealousy.
- "sanha, just shoot me."
Pairing: Archer!Sanha x Artist!Reader ft. Manager!Eunwoo
Genre: Romance, idk
Plot: Y/N is an artist and Sanha's manager, Eunwoo commissioned a portrait of Sanha on the shooting line. Along the way, Y/N seems to fall in love with Eunwoo, and Sanha tries to help her.
Authors note: Inspired by Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo :) AND YES IM AN COMPETING ARCHER AND I WAS JUST BORED SO I WROTE A FIC ABT ARCHERY 😭
- My Boss Yoon Sanha
Pairing: Boss!Sanha x Personal Secretary!Reader
Genre: Smut
Plot: Sanha is a young multi-milionare, who runs a huge gaming company, but is a huge baby and has trouble taking dare of himself (aka a spoiled brat from the start) and hired a personal secretary. She put up with his ass for a year until she finally had enough and made him iykyk and was the dom
Yeah thats it btw dont come for me i swear im ot6 its just that sanha is easier to write 💀
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hello my master, big sister, hannah smith and hottie-cutie! who's here?? i'll let you figure it out yourself. i didn't actually mean anytime is love letter time, firstly i even wanted to say love time but... ok let it be love time. 'idk if you’d care for it' OK you catched me. i've nver seen the sandman and long time ago i was scrolling your blog and just ??who's this man??? tbh, i've read one of your one-shots with him. that's how much i love your talented writings. and to be reeally honest. i'm watching hotd only now... and i don't know how am i supposed to end it till my free subscribe is over with this academic competition, my problems with focusing attention, this british accent and no english subtitles... when i'd seen your post saying you only watched hotd to write fics with daemon after reading them i was like TT yes girl TT feel you sm TT relaterelate TT am i sorry? no way. am i ashamed? either no. is this situation so amusing but also sad i want to cry (and do)? absolutely. and i find it so amusing and desperate that you have THAT much of matt smith reqs TT like yes i'm the same, i'm a slut for him too but?? it's a lot. just wish you some nerves and good luck hdjskdh i'm so honored to be your cat thank you TT meow meow ig AHKFKJN the russian blue cats TT they're pretty expensive but one day when i'm a billioner... thank you for the research!! i appreciate your efforts!! and i already believed you but you proved your hotness! 1000% certified hottie-cutie! jinjin's name has such a story wow. ofc i know jinjin and i'm sorry for your sister.. good luck for her too. your cats are adorable! i'm glad jinjin is better now. hope they'll just be happy cats as they deserve. thank you for taking care of jinjin, it's a really important thing. i love these cuties so much!! give them 100 hugs from me pls (99 hugs for you too<з) i'm sorry for mochi. he's definately in a better place right now. i believe in faith so the thought that god sent you jinjin to ease your sorrows... love is love and love deserves to exist. no matter what form. so ig god really blessed you. sorry for being so humorless (more then usually). it's a long and pretty sad story. it's a warning. i had a cat in my childhood. i've said i'd been obsessed with cats since i was 0. but my mum have an allergy so when my parents gifted me a cat for the New year?? i was in love instantly. a couple of years later an accident whe she ran away dor 2 weeks and my mom's (pretty cruel and improper) methods of education made her more... wild? aggressive? certainly mentally ill (if it's a term). and 5 years later she's been aggressive and hissing towards my mom so she just said we need to leave her outside. next to the shelter. i begged her to if not examine her at the vet to cure her then at least put her to sleep?? she said it was inhumane. inhumane. i'd put her there with my own hands. i left her myself. i consider myself a real monster. sometimes try to excuse myself with reminding myself i was 11 but?? i left her. it is my biggest love in my whole life. ig now i'm sublimating with fics, trying to feel that warm again. (thank you for you love!!) sorry if it made you upset. sorry it's so long and has this awful ending. take care!! love you <з
hello baby <3
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hello my master, big sister, hannah smith and hottie-cutie!
who's here?? i'll let you figure it out yourself. i didn't actually mean anytime is love letter time,
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who's here? you're here? im so confused my brain cannot figure this one out. ok not every time is love letter time.
firstly i even wanted to say love time but... ok let it be love time.
'idk if you’d care for it' OK you catched me. i've nver seen the sandman and long time ago i was scrolling your blog and just ??who's this man??? tbh, i've read one of your one-shots with him. that's how much i love your talented writings.
HSHSHHSHSHHSSH THATS FINE. im honored you still read it albeit not knowing him/the show HHHAHAHH
and to be reeally honest. i'm watching hotd only now... and i don't know how am i supposed to end it till my free subscribe is over with this academic competition, my problems with focusing attention, this british accent and no english subtitles...
omg i felt that, watching with no subtitles is hard, even though i understand British accents lol, alSO NOT KNOWING HOW TO END WATCHING A SHOW i literally was so idek the right word, but i guess overwhelmed by the fact *spoiler?* all of rhaenyra's kids were bastards i was like AINT NO WAY AINT NO WAY AINT NO WAY then daemon laughed at the funeral T_T wild
when i'd seen your post saying you only watched hotd to write fics with daemon after reading them i was like TT yes girl TT feel you sm TT relaterelate TT am i sorry? no way. am i ashamed? either no.
SO TRUE SO RELATABLE SO REAL AHAHAHH LITERALLY ALL MATT SMITHS FAULT theres something about him that should be illegal
is this situation so amusing but also sad i want to cry (and do)? absolutely.
wait why does it make you sad????? it's not that deep??? IMMA BONK THAT LOSER MATT SO HARD FOR MAKING YOU SAD WHY ARE YOU SAD???
and i find it so amusing and desperate that you have THAT much of matt smith reqs TT like yes i'm the same, i'm a slut for him too but?? it's a lot. just wish you some nerves and good luck
wishing me nerves??? HAHAAH OK??? HAHAHAH that means you want me to be nervous HAHAHAHA but im sure you mean the opposite so i'll take it. it is so funny i have all these matt smith reqs T_T LOLOLOLL #the collective matt smith brain rot
hdjskdh i'm so honored to be your cat thank you TT meow meow ig AHKFKJN the russian blue cats TT they're pretty expensive but one day when i'm a billioner... thank you for the research!! i appreciate your efforts!!
and i already believed you but you proved your hotness! 1000% certified hottie-cutie!
true purr yass
jinjin's name has such a story wow. ofc i know jinjin and i'm sorry for your sister.. good luck for her too. your cats are adorable!
thank you my cats are everything and vvv adorable. yeah jinjins name has a story AHHAHAHAAH my sister is fine she's just dramatic its not that deep
i'm glad jinjin is better now. hope they'll just be happy cats as they deserve. thank you for taking care of jinjin, it's a really important thing. i love these cuties so much!! give them 100 hugs from me pls (99 hugs for you too<з)
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i'm sorry for mochi. he's definately in a better place right now. i believe in faith so the thought that god sent you jinjin to ease your sorrows... love is love and love deserves to exist. no matter what form. so ig god really blessed you.
so real so true. mochi is 100% in a much better place now and that's what comforts me most is that he is no longer suffering. I do also believe God sent jinjin to me T_T im luv him
sorry for being so humorless (more then usually). it's a long and pretty sad story. it's a warning. i had a cat in my childhood. i've said i'd been obsessed with cats since i was 0. but my mum have an allergy so when my parents gifted me a cat for the New year?? i was in love instantly. a couple of years later an accident whe she ran away dor 2 weeks and my mom's (pretty cruel and improper) methods of education made her more... wild? aggressive? certainly mentally ill (if it's a term). and 5 years later she's been aggressive and hissing towards my mom so she just said we need to leave her outside. next to the shelter. i begged her to if not examine her at the vet to cure her then at least put her to sleep?? she said it was inhumane. inhumane. i'd put her there with my own hands. i left her myself. i consider myself a real monster. sometimes try to excuse myself with reminding myself i was 11 but?? i left her. it is my biggest love in my whole life.
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oh no lovie. i feel for you. we have similar feelings like when i wasnt with mochi is his last moments. sure we both regret them, but in that moment that's all that we could do. its so hard to forgive ourselves for it. i cant tell you to just forgive yourself and move on, because honestly , have i done that? but what's done is done and tormenting ourselves for what should have been will not help. i just like to think that at some point, my cat knew i loved him. i'm sure the same could be said about your kitty. i give you a hug. a waaaarm hug
ig now i'm sublimating with fics, trying to feel that warm again. (thank you for you love!!) sorry if it made you upset. sorry it's so long and has this awful ending. take care!! love you <з
its alright. mourning is a natural process. i in fact ate lunch after crying and felt ??? reinvigorated???? and i saw my face in the mirror ??? and i was like ??? DAMN IM HOT EVEN AFTER I CRY ??? SLAYYYYYYYY it's ok my love kiss kiss love you
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