#jj m
wordsarelife · 8 days
—the alchemy
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pairing: jj maybank x fem!routledge reader
summary: you always had a thing for jj, while you thought he had a thing for kie. you couldn't have been more wrong..
warnings: none i think
notes: i have absolutely no clue how to play poker, so please don't grill me lmao
the water glistened, reflecting the afternoon sun. you dunked your feet inside, hanging from the bridge you were sitting on. it was lightly moving due to the waves beneath it.
you kept your eyes trained on the horizon, but looking at nothing in particular.
jj came running from the shore, sitting down beside you, letting his feet dangle into the water next to yours. "john b is making food"
"what could he possibly be making?" you smiled, clearly knowing that there wasn't much left in the pantry. you got through the day alright, thanks to both of you working, but you didn't buy any extraordinary things to make sure you had enough money to pay everything else.
“we’re having toast,” jj smirked, then paused for dramatic effect. “but we raided heyward’s for tomatoes, and kiara brought guac from her mom. so it’s fancy toast.”
“fancy toast! the ritz could never.” you hugged your knees to your chest, resting your chin on them, but a smile crept up on your lips.
"what are you even doing out here alone?"
"i'm thinking"
"about your dad?" jj asked carefully. "you know I’m here if you need to spill. no judgment. not even if it’s super depressing.”
"thanks, i know" you were thankful that you had such great friends. people that were like family to you and always made sure you were alright, even if they didn't have much to give themselves, apart from kiara.
"are you going to surf the surge tomorrow?" jj changed the topic, interpreting your silence as answer enough.
"heard agatha's gonna be a bitch" you shrugged. "must be nice to lose a few unnecessary limbs"
"don't be ridiculous, i'm a pro" jj took the sunglasses off his head and pushed them on your nose instead. "are you coming or not?"
"i prefer not to" you giggled, slapping his hand away as he tried to readjust the rest of your apperance. "gonna look good for cps"
"they won't even make it out here, agatha will arrive too soon for that"
"well, then i should be thanking her, right?" you looked up to the sky, the sun still breaking through the slowly arriving clouds, but the darkness of them made it evident that it wouldn't take too long for the storm to arrive. "thanks aggy! sorry for calling you a bitch"
"if that isn't nice" jj grinned. "look at you! such a polite lady"
"told you i could behave better than you" you stood up and waited for him to do the same. "i'm pretty sure they just told you to go and get me not to wait out until they had finished the food, right?"
"caught me" jj shrugged. you knew him well enough to guess that he was trying to escape more work than necessary. "but it did take some time to find you. you weren't in the tower john b locked you in"
"oh, maybe i'm not as well behaved as we thought" you shrugged, following him back to the beach. "you need those sunglasses soon?" you liked the red tinted look of them. you had worn them before and you loved that they made you look like a hippie or vanessa hudgens going to coachella in 2014.
“keep ‘em,” jj shrugged, giving you an exaggerated once-over. “you look better in them anyway.”
you raised an eyebrow, genuinely curious. “how much did these cost?”
jj spun around, pretending to be offended. “whoa, whoa! don’t insult me like that. i didn’t pay for them.”
you laughed. “you stole these?”
“they were like six dollars, okay? i stole them out of principle.” he wiggled his eyebrows like that somehow made sense.
you shook your head amused. “jj, that’s still stealing.”
“nah, see, i was planning on giving them to you for a while, so really, it was a selfless act. call it proactive gift-giving.”
jj’s face lit up, the trademark smirk in place as you walked side by side back toward the beach. he kicked at the sand a little, glancing over at you every few seconds like he was waiting for you to laugh again.
you could hear the others before you saw them—john b shouting something about the toast burning, and kiara’s voice cutting through with, “how do you even burn toast?!”
“so, what’s the plan after we survive this gourmet meal?” you asked, your tone only half-teasing.
jj rubbed his hands together with a glint in his eyes. “well, after we feast on fancy toast and whatever leftovers kiara’s mom sent, i was thinking… poker.”
“poker? don’t we always lose when we play with pope?”
“yeah, but he’s working today, so we have a chance.” jj wiggled his eyebrows as if this were the best news in the world.
you laughed, shaking your head. “so, your plan is to take all my money after i generously agree to participate in poker?”
jj’s smirk deepened. “well, since you’re wearing those shades, you’re bound to win. you’ve got that poker-face-hippie thing going on.”
you shrugged, pretending to think about it. “true. i could absolutely bluff the hell out of you all.”
he nodded seriously. “exactly. so really, it’s your civic duty to play.”
“civic duty,” you repeated, laughing. “sure, sure.”
"sit down, you two" kiara ancouraged when you walked onto the patio.
"where have you been that long?" john b questioned, looking at you suspiciously. "you're always sneaking around together"
"don't be ridicilous, b" you shook your head. "we were just watching the waves"
kiara and jj exchanged glances you didn’t quite understand. it made your nerves tweak to not know what they were hinting at.
“i bet it was a sight so see” kiara said softly, a smirk on her face.
jj nodded. “as always” he shrugged, his eyes still on her.
you had to try hard not to let your face distort into jealousy. you had had a crush on jj for as long as you could remember. and the two of you were close, but nothing ever really happened with your brothers best friend.
being in love with jj was confusing. most of the time, he treated you just like anyone else, acting completely normal. but then, out of nowhere, he'd start flirting, leaving you unsure of what to think.
even though you tried your best, the crush on the boy always resurfaced when he would flirt with you once more, keeping your hopes up.
the meal continued without anything happening and you found yourselves cleaning the table to play a few rounds of poker like jj had promised.
"looks like you're in a tough spot" he grinned.
kiara had put down her cards, while you were trying hard to keep a straight face, knowing you would probably lose.
you shrugged. "i don't see you putting down anything valuable, maybank"
"ohh" kiara and your brother hollored at the same time.
"well, let's see then" kiara nudged jj's shoulder.
the blonde smirked before he revealed his cards to you, flushing a street. "you've underestimated me, guys"
john b and you sighed simultaneously, accepting defeat as you threw your own cards in the middle. while jj was busy mixing the cards, kiara took a look at her phone.
"i think i better head out" she smiled, standing up from her chair. "my mother's gonna go crazy if i'm late again"
you played a few more rounds after the girl had left, john b and you losing to jj each time. you were sure he had gotten help from pope, knowing that his time would come.
john b threw down his cards after one more uneventful round. "i'm heading to bed" he nodded, pulling his snapback down, before he highfived jj and pressed a kiss to your hair. "don't stay up too late"
"night, b" you smiled as you watched after him.
"one more round?" jj giggled.
"i'm all out" you shrugged, pointing at the pile of money on the table in front of him.
"well, if i lose you can have all of it"
"this sounds almost too good" you muttered. "okay, what if i lose then?"
"you'll take off your shirt" he shrugged.
"jj!" you pushed a hand to your mouth, draining out the scream of outrage that threatened to errupt in the air between you.
"what?" jj smirked, looking up at you with wide blue eyes. "am i making you nervous?"
"not a chance," you shot back, trying to keep your voice steady despite the way your heart was hammering in your chest. jj's smirk widened, the mischievous glint in his eyes only growing as he shuffled the cards one more time.
"alright then," he said, dealing the cards smoothly. "prove it."
you glanced at your hand, trying to keep your expression neutral. jj's eyes flickered up to meet yours, watching you intently, and you couldn't tell if he was bluffing or not.
you took a deep breath and played the first card, trying to focus on the game instead of the way jj was watching you like a hawk.
the next few minutes were tense, each of you placing cards with care. it was almost suffocating.
"you're really dragging this out, you know that?" you muttered, glancing up at him.
jj just grinned, his eyes glinting with amusement. "patience, sweetheart. good things come to those who wait," he replied, his voice low and teasing. you rolled your eyes but couldn't help the slight tug at the corners of your mouth.
finally, it came down to the last card. you had one left in your hand, and so did jj. your eyes met, the room silent except for the sound of your heartbeat in your ears. You hesitated for a split second, then threw down your card.
jj's eyes flickered to the table, his face breaking into a triumphant grin. he laid his final card down with a laugh.
"looks like i win," he drawled, his voice smug. your eyes widened as you stared at the cards, disbelief washing over you. how did he keep doing this?
"you've got to be cheating," you grumbled, pushing back from the table. jj laughed, the sound warm, filling the quiet night air around you.
"well, you agreed to do this" he shrugged, like he was completely in the right.
you looked at him without any expression on your face, before you sighed, your fingers dipping down to meet the material of your shirt, as you stood up.
jj's eyes widened at your movement, standing up at the same time. "it was a joke, y/n" he muttered quickly. "you don't have to do anything you don't want to"
you halted in your movement. "if you had won, would you have given me the money, like you promised?"
"of course" jj answered without so much as a thought.
your smile deepend, before your fingers gripped the hem of the shirt, pulling it over you head in a quick motion. revealed was your bikini top. the one jj had seen you in a million times, but still his eyes widened even further.
jj's mouth opened slightly, his usual cocky demeanor vanishing as he stared at you. he remembered seeing you in it before, but this still felt different. maybe it was the intimacy of the dimly lit patio, or the way you stood before him now, your eyes steady and unwavering. you had called his bluff, and he was utterly speechless.
"see?" you said, trying to keep your voice light despite the rapid thudding of your heart. "no big deal. just a bikini, jj."
he swallowed hard, finally snapping out of his daze. "right," he said, his voice cracking slightly. he cleared his throat, his gaze darting away before quickly finding its way back to you. "just a bikini."
you walked around the table, pushing yourself between him and the discarded chair. "this can't really be the reason you're so uneasy"
you tried to read the emotion on his face, but he just looked at you, at a loss for words. you softly pushed your hand to rest against his chest. your eyes widened in surprise. "your heart is racing" you declared with a soft whisper.
"yeah" jj finally found his words. "you're so close"
you looked up at him, surprised at what he was hinting at. "i'm sorry if i'm making you uncomfortable" you tried to step back, but his hand shot out, holding you in place by your elbow.
"jj" you muttered, your voice barely audible. you could feel your heart beat just as fast as his did.
"have i ever told you how beautiful you are?" jj's voice was soft and tender, like he was trying not to disrupt the calmness of the moment.
"no" you sighed, unsure. he came closer, your noses were almost touching. his eyes were ready to close, not far from kissing you. your voice rung out before he could do anything of that sort. "what about kie?"
"what?" jj blinked in surprise, stepping backwards.
"what about kie?" you repeated a little bit louder.
"what about her?" jj laughed, before he saw the confusion in your eyes.
"i thought there was something—“
"between me and kie?" he smiled, shaking his head. "well only that she knew about my crush on you"
"you have a crush on me?"
"i thought it was kinda obvious" he pointed a finger between the both of you. "can i please finally kiss you now, routledge?"
you smiled, your heart fluttering in your chest at his confession. "of course" you watched him step closer once more, before you grinned. "but what about—?"
"—oh would you shut up now?" he pushed his lips against yours, drowning out your giggle as your smile touched his mouth like it was supposed to.
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ggblasts · 4 days
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Spotted: The Pogues—Kiara Carrera, Cleo Anderson, Sarah Cameron, John B Routledge, Pope Heyward, and JJ Maybank—gathered in hushed tones at a corner store in the dead of night. And what, pray tell, was the cause of their wide-eyed stares? A single slip of paper clutched tightly in John B's hand. The tension in the air was palpable as they huddled together, casting anxious glances at the door as if they were expecting someone—or something—at any moment. The Pogues may be known for their chaotic adventures, but this time, it looks like they've found themselves tangled in something far more dangerous than just another treasure hunt.
Rumor has it, that ticket isn’t just any old receipt or lottery scratcher. No, word on the street is that John B’s holding a one-way ticket to trouble. Sources say it's a clue, something tied to the mysterious fortune they’ve been chasing for what feels like forever. But why the sudden urgency? Could it be connected to a new player in the game, or are the Pogues about to gamble with something far more valuable than gold? Whatever it is, the look on Kiara's face was enough to make even the most seasoned thrill-seeker think twice. And let’s not forget Sarah, who, for once, didn’t have that fearless Cameron smirk plastered across her face. Instead, she was biting her lip, her eyes darting between John B and the door like she knows they’re running out of time.
But the real question is—what’s on that ticket, John B? JJ, ever the wild card, looked ready to bolt or brawl, whichever came first. Cleo stood beside him, cool as ever, though even she couldn’t hide the flicker of worry that crossed her face. Whatever’s coming, it’s clear the Pogues aren’t ready for it. And with Pope standing off to the side, his usual logical calm barely holding steady, it’s safe to say this isn’t just some regular Pogue mischief.
Sources whisper it might be coordinates—a cryptic location leading them to the next step of their hunt, or perhaps a dangerous detour they hadn’t planned for. But some are saying it’s something much worse. A name, perhaps? A warning? One thing’s for sure, though—the Pogues are in over their heads, and this little errand at the corner store just turned into the calm before the storm. Don’t be fooled by their usual bravado. If they’re as spooked as they looked last night, whatever's on that ticket could be the beginning of the end for this crew.
So what’s the play, John B? Will the Pogues band together and face whatever darkness that ticket’s leading them into? Or will this be the final split for our favorite ragtag group of treasure hunters? With tensions running high and time running out, it’s anyone’s guess how this will unfold. But one thing is certain: the Pogues might want to think twice before they cash in on whatever deal that ticket is promising.
Stay tuned, Upper East Siders. Something tells me we’re about to witness the Pogues’ most dangerous adventure yet—and not everyone’s coming out unscathed. Tick tock, darlings. The countdown begins.
XOXO, Gossip Girl
@thekiaracarrera @cleoanderson @hisarahcameron @johnnxbooker @pope--heyward @tfjjmaybank
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jennsterjay · 5 months
He's Spitting Straight BARZ!!!
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And He's Cooking in 2 Languages !!!
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Edit: He's live right now👑💯🔥🌟[[Link]]
Edit 2: My bad y'all here's the actual link XD [[Link]]
Nerd Notes:
This is from the singing ship art meme from Twitter XD (steals it and brings is to Tumblr like a true pirate 🏴‍☠️)
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A Korean meme + a Rarepair ship of a Korean & Puerto Rican teen? = an opportunity too good to pass up XD.
Cue Ganke getting hyped in the crowd with a "LET'S GOOOO‼️" while Miles G is going bar for bar, rapping 100 Miles Moraleses a minute like he's maxxing a combo in Tekken 💯🔥🔥🔥✨
And Rio and Aaron 42 are there recording it too <3 !!!
Shout out to all of you Clawcode 💜💻, Milesganke🕸🎮, and Spiderverse 🕸🌌 fans out there ^^/ Hope you enjoy <3 and I can't wait for the next movie ;) 🎵🕸💜✨
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https-hunter · 1 year
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jjthebunbun · 3 months
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Denerim hit DIFFERENT when you’re a Cousland.
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forestwaterfalls · 10 months
“phoenix” “blackbird” “i knew they’d call you” “i got you” would it physically kill the two of you to say i love you dear GOD.
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tapakah0 · 11 months
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billybabyy · 3 months
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boyfriend!jj maybank x girlfriend!reader
“boys with blue eyes and tattoos on their chests.”
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st-hugs · 1 month
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Uh oh what am I doing what am I starting up oh
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ggblasts · 4 days
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Spotted: Pope Heyward, Kiara Carrera, and JJ Maybank making their grand entrance at a high-profile Manhattan event last night, dressed to impress and drawing the eyes of the Upper East Side’s elite. With Manhattan’s most exclusive crowd in attendance, these three Pogues definitely stood out in a sea of trust fund babies and old money royalty. But as polished as they appeared, one glaring question lingered in the air—where were their usual partners-in-crime, Sarah Cameron, John B, and Cleo? It’s not often we see this crew split, especially in the city that never sleeps. Could there be trouble in paradise, or is there a deeper reason behind the missing faces?
Whispers are already swirling that Kiara may have used her kook connections to snag those invites. With her roots in wealth and her on-again-off-again dynamic with JJ, it’s hard to ignore the possibility. After all, the Carrera name still holds a certain weight in Manhattan’s upper crust, and who better than Kiara to pull a few strings for her friends? But if that’s the case, why not bring the whole group along? John B and Sarah have been practically inseparable since they arrived in the city, and Cleo’s absence raises even more questions. Is Kiara simply keeping her circle tight, or is there more to this social calculus than meets the eye?
Some are speculating that Kiara might be playing both sides, using her kook privilege to help both her ex-fling Pope and current beau JJ score invitations to the kind of event that doesn’t normally open its doors to Pogues. Could this be a strategic power move, or is she just trying to balance her relationships without causing too much drama? Either way, tongues are wagging about whether this trio is moving as a unit or if there’s some tension beneath the surface.
Meanwhile, Pope looked every bit the scholar-turned-socialite, keeping his cool despite the glittering atmosphere. Known for his smarts rather than his social skills, Pope seemed to be navigating the high-society crowd with surprising ease. But while he may have been all smiles on the outside, some wonder if he’s still nursing a broken heart over Kiara. Their history is no secret, and though they’ve moved past their brief romance, could old feelings be resurfacing in the heat of the city?
And let’s not forget about JJ, who, true to form, appeared to be soaking up the spotlight without a care in the world. But behind those carefree smiles, some suspect JJ’s been leaning heavily on Kiara’s connections to elevate his status in Manhattan’s social scene. Could he be riding her coattails, or is their bond stronger than ever despite the whispers? Either way, it’s clear this pair is drawing eyes—and raising eyebrows—wherever they go.
As for the rest of the Pogue crew? Only time will tell if Sarah, John B, and Cleo will reappear by their side, or if this city is already starting to divide the group. One thing’s for sure: in Manhattan, alliances shift faster than the tides, and it looks like Kiara, Pope, and JJ are right at the center of this newest storm.
XOXO, Gossip Girl
@pope--heyward @thekiaracarrera @tfjjmaybank
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jennsterjay · 6 months
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Sketchbook Clawcode Go 💜💻🌸💞🌟!!!
Been seeing a lot of artists use this sketchbook style and I was inspired, so I pulled out my sketchbook and drew my favorite iconic duo of course XD
Nerd notes:
-When I was drawing Ganke I used the actor Johnny Lim as a reference. He's the motion capture actor that Ganke's appearance in the game Spider-Man: Miles Morales was based off of
-안녕 (an-nyeong) is how to say 'hello' in Korean to a friend or someone your age who you're casual with (at least according to this site)
-Mi novio means 'my boyfriend' in Spanish
-That 'S' symbol lmaoooo
-You'll never guess what my favorite color is X'D
-Atsv, clawcode, and milesganke fans enjoy ^^/ <3
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fated-mates · 7 months
A classic among classics, we’re talking ENEMIES TO LOVERS this week! We get to the bottom of what we think of as “enemies,” and how it differs from “rivals-to-lovers” and “friends-to-enemies-to-lovers” and “friends-to-lovers” (jk, we’ll never understand friends-to-lovers). We revisit some of our very favorite romances, talk about stakes, about impossible situations, and about how sexy hating someone can be.
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jjthebunbun · 4 months
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Did y’all know there’s like no fanart of Serendipity?
Nothing but love for my fav Thedosian drag superstar.
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forestwaterfalls · 10 months
reid saying jj must have been a mean girl in high school boy was asking for a slap from ME
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babygorewhore · 9 months
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Rafe Cameron- Outerbanks
JJ Maybank-Outerbanks
Spencer Reid-Criminal minds
Jax teller-Sons of anarchy.
Cooper Adams/Abbott- Trap
Logan Howlett-Wolverine
Eric Draven-The Crow 2024
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