#jjpope endgame is near
jjpopedarling · 1 year
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my delusions are back because WHY are they looking at each other like that???
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mariailoveyou-guerin · 4 months
they only care about Cleo exactly see how Pope and Sarah cleo boyfriend/girlfriend is asking about her! No one asking about kie not even her so called boyfriend!
popecleo jjpope sarahcleo all in one and even jj looks worried aww they’ve become besties in love with the same pretty boy! they’ll do anything for as they should
Another day another jjpope moment see how they are all pushing their people ahead and jj pushing pope like jb did Sarah and pope did Cleo! ooop😌endgame near
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rorysgilmores · 3 years
@christmascap tagged me to list my otps and notps!! thank you so much lauren <3 + i mean no offense to anyone who ships the /non-harmful/ pairings on my notp list; they’re not my thing, but i’ll definitely respect it if they’re yours :)
stevebucky (marvel) - are you surprised... i’ve been a casual fan for ages,  but i didn’t get wholly invested until october; now i’m obsessed with them & they’re my favourite ship, within the mcu & outside it!
jjpope (obx) - i have an unfortunate addiction to this show and i love both jj & pope an inordinate amount, almost as much as they love each other <3
cartinelli (marvel) -  i like peggysous, but i love peggyangie infinitely (i’m so glad that arwen introduced me to ac lmao). while s2 is lacking in cartinelli content, s1 had so many moments that made me fall in love with them; it hasn’t been long since i discovered this pairing but i have so much appreciation for it now! 
(other ships include natsharon, danbeau, blackhill, peraltiago, sarahkie, spideychelle, trobed, firstprince, & cheleanor!) 
st*rker (marvel) - self-explanatory. if you ship this, please hard-block me.
buckynat (marvel) - yeah so. comic buckynat is a neutral topic for me but mcu buckynat..... the logistics of that are incredibly dicey and make me v uncomfortable also i hc bucky as gay so it doesn’t add up in my head
stevetony (marvel) - i love steve whereas i’m not a huge fan of tony & whenever i see them anywhere near each other i get overly protective.... get my baby away from that man.... nothing against tony but i view them solely as colleagues because to me it doesn’t even make sense that they’re even friends based on what occurs in the movies
jonathan/nancy (stranger things) - i can’t explain this one jonathan just gives me uncomfy vibes... nancy is my baby and i have an urge to protect her 
jj/kie and pope/kie (obx) - no. 
eleanor shellstrop/michael (tgp) - where did this come from i’m... it feels very weird and unnatural to me and i love cheleanor too much for this to be comfortable
steggy (marvel) - i’ve talked about this enough that i’m sure everyone who follows me understands my feelings on this topic but needless to say i cannot stand them (despite adoring both steve and peggy) and marvel is forever indebted to me for forcing me to endure that horrific endgame scene <3
tagging: @yumings @danielsousa @benoitblanc @anakinskyiwalker @steveswhitewolf @godfreysroman @dinidjarin and anyone else who’d like to do it <3 
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malina jjpope lumax tethered!
malina lumax I see you know
jjpope malina going to jail taking the blame for the person they love saving the other lives when kidnapped
lumax jjpope being so scared they lost the other near death experience parallels max/pope yup definitely getting jjpope s4 endgame they top3 netflix ship
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