#jk as just kidding but jk as jungkook too uwu
floradinterlunium · 1 year
The Things We Deal With LOL
Antis: Jimin and Jungkook aren’t that close anymore
Jungkook: Sees JM’s comment on his live and gets really happy and ask him to come over.
Antis: Jikook is clearly a one sided relationship Jungkook doesn’t reciprocate. 
Jungkook: Sees JM comment on his boxing live and comments happily asking JM to come box with him. Other members start commenting and he ask why everyone is in the chat but continues responding to JM. Even his coach got excited and asked JM to come. JK said he’ll come when he’s done.
Antis: Jikook were only close when BTS were all together, they aren’t close anymore proving Jikook was fan service.
Jungkook: hops on live to react to JM MV, Interviews, and fan made video. He uwus the whole time and forgets fans are even present. 
Antis: JM and JK aren’t close because JM doesn’t hang out with JK anymore
Jikookers: JM is legit in the middle of promotions and admitted to not having time to see anyone...he spends all his time at the studio.
Jimin: Comments on JK’s lives asking him to make him ramen telling him he’ll come over when he’s done.
Antis: Jikook is fan service.
Jungkook:  JM’c post “I Miss you” Jungkook responds me too.
Jungkook: Gets on another live to uwu over JM content. 
Antis: tae and JK are clearly closer now because they’ve hung out three times two of those times with other people.
Jimin and JK: Two instances where there’s proof that they hung out (Hobi send off and before JM leaves),
Antis: antagonize people who post this proof and get them to delete it. Claim translations are wrong. Still claims Jikook had a falling out.
Jimin and JK: Seen together at Suga’s concert laughing and talking. Fans claim they were really close. Seen walking out together.
Antis: But Tae and JK arrived together...who cares that they are the only two working on the albums so probably were working before they arrived together so they’re real and Jikook aren’t. 
Jikookers: Jikook rode together for like 10 years and everyone called it fan service or no big deal. Tae ride together once and they are dating??
Antis: stop bringing up the past...the present is Jikook aren’t close Taekook are.
Insecure Jkkers: It does seem that Jikook aren’t close anymore.
Jikookers: HOW? They literally were seen happily together and walked out together. Fans even said they looked really close!
Antis: Tae and JK were taking pictures with fans and arrived together they are closer.
Jikookers: Again Jikook rode together all the time consistently for 10 years, always were together and everyone said it was fan service...now taekook ride together they are closer? That makes zero sense. Jikook also took pictures together and walked out together. 
Antis: Just stop living in your fantasy world or living in the past. Jikook is over. 
Jikookers: You all are insufferable and don’t use your brains. You deny clear evidence that Taennie is real but think a car ride and three times hanging out (twice with other people) means taekook are dating. JK squeals about JM over and over...we learn they also have hung out yet Jikook aren’t close anymore? Make it make sense.
This is the battle we fight guys. It’s the most aggravating thing seeing people diminish a clearly strong bond and relationship because of a fantasy ship? Jikook are still  incredibly close. The fact that tkkers with their zero facts have the capacity to convince people of this BS is wild and proves how dumb and easily manipulated people are. HOW THE HELL CAN JK DO ALL THAT JUST FOR JM AND PEOPLE SPIN THAT TO JK AND JIMIN AREN’T CLOSE OR JK HATES JM???!?!?!?!?!?!?!? LOL It’s so wild it’s comical. I’ve never seen brain washing in live action but here we are...word to the wise parent...don’t let your kids have unfettered access to the internet they become weird cultist that lack brain cells.  
But just know...Karma is coming and when it comes it’s going to be ever so sweet! I don’t know when, I don’t know how and I don’t know where...but it will come! The storm may get worse at first but guys it’s coming and I am going to die with laughter and I told you sos when it does. 
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jjungkooksthighs · 2 years
“if you interrupt me one more time— so help me god” with alpha!jk :(( pleasee uwu very sorry for asking so many times but OH MY FUCKING GOD jungkook and COC in all is by far the best fucking series i've read (NOT KIDDING!) and i wanna contribute while being h o r n y a f
Please don’t apologize for asking me about COC or any of my other works. EVER! I like it :) It makes me feel like my work is appreciated !
I love that you like alpha!kook enough to envision (or ask me to write out) a scenario with him!
He would definitely not be as clean in his language as you were, but I think that goes to show for the possessiveness that would take over in him if he were denied his mate.
Now, about your ask….
So sorry to interrupt, Jungkook, but,” Namjoon doesn’t even glance away from the thick stack of aged papers in his hand while he closes the heavy oaken door behind him,” there are urgent matters I must speak with you about.”
Jungkook sighs whilst he absentmindedly turns through the worn pages of the tome of ancient laws you’d been reading to him earlier (he’d insisted that you do so under the pretense of learning them again, but really, he just wanted to hear your voice).
This had all started when you’d found yourself in the archive with a desire to read up on old edicts of the first lupine to shift from wolf to human.
You hadn’t been alone for long.
Your mate, unable to stay away from you, had cornered you against one of the old bookshelves that had groaned under his weight when he’d pushed you up against it and uttered sweet nothings into your ear.
It was a wonder the archive was still unsullied. You’d only just managed to curb his rather voracious appetite by allowing him to lay on the bearskin-covered floor with his head between your thighs whilst you’d played with his hair as you read the book you’d picked up just before his arrival.
He’d been all too eager to speak before your uninvited guest had come along. Now, he’s silent on a mouse.
The grey-haired wolf that had intruded lingers by the door and in the silence that has fallen over the room, Namjoon clears his throat in wait of an answer.
As Jungkook’s second-in-command, Namjoon was the one that brought any discrepancies, discourses or disputes to Jungkook in the event that your Pack Alpha was occupied.
And he had been quite occupied with his mate.
Namjoon coughs, but it is devoid of any real sickness.
Your alpha remains quiet and at this, you give Namjoon an apologetic shrug before you tap on your mate’s nose to say,” Alpha, we can continue this later. You have important business you have to deal with now. I can wait.”
Your mate vehemently shakes his head, his arms snaking around your thighs before he squeezes each, your breath hitching as he declares, “this is more important than anything else. You are more important to me than anything else.“
“Jungkook…” you let your hand fall so that you can cup his cheek, “you are so good to me.”
“As adorable as it is to hear how besotted you both are with each other, there really is something I must discuss with you, Pack Alpha,” Namjoon’s eyes finally stray from the papers, one eyebrow raising as he asks, “and why are you on the floor with the she-wolf?”
Jungkook throws a hand over his eyes and draws an exasperated breath. “Namjoon, has it occurred to you that maybe I wanted to spend some time with my beloved mate? It’s been hours since I last saw her.”
Namjoon cocks his head, “weren’t you just with her last night?”
It’s Jungkook’s turn to arch an eyebrow. “Do you refer to the brief hour I got with her after the hunt only to have had you accost me and bring me to the Great Hall along with a number of elders to discuss rations for the pack until dawn?” He clicks his tongue,” and now you interrupt me again when I have only had a couple hours with my mate?”
“I did not think-“
“An oversight that I’m sure you will not overlook again, Namjoon. Now, leave me. I will come find you within the hour.”
“But…this really must be discussed, Jungkook,” Namjoon grips the papers tighter when your Pack Alpha growls, the irritation scratching the back of his throat.
It’s all the warning that Namjoon needs.
The man has disappeared behind the door within seconds.
You giggle, and your alpha looks up at you with a question already on his tongue.
“What’s got you chuckling so cutely, omega?” One of his hands disentangles itself from around your leg and then his fingers are on your chin, your laugh trickling over him like water to cleanse the agitation away.
Your sight being suctioned as it is toward him, you cannot look away from him as you obediently answer,” it just was comical to me that your growl makes men tremble and run in fear, but for me, my first instinct is to let you between my legs.”
Your mate’s mood instantly shifts.
His eyes darken and that familiar smirk you love so much surfaces.
“I belong between your legs. And if a growl is all it takes to have you presenting yourself to me like this, I wonder what else I could make you do for me. Perhaps we can experiment right here, yeah?”
Heat floods your belly when he turns his head inward, his lips finding their place on your flesh.
When you feel the poke of his tongue, that’s when you squirm only to hear the heavy thud of the tome that he’d had propped along your knee.
Your mate only gives a self satisfied smirk when you curse.
“Jungkook? Omega Y/N? Everything okay?”
Namjoon calls from across the hall even behind the closed door.
Your mate rolls his eyes and teethes at your thigh.
When the door flings open to reveal a panting Namjoon, your mate, entirely uncaring of that, chooses that moment to suck your sensitive skin between his lips hard enough that you know there will be a red mark blossoming there when he’s done.
Namjoon doesn’t notice through the flurry of papers that fly around him in his clumsiness.
Your mate does not unlatch himself from you until Namjoon has collected every last one of them.
The Pack Alpha's voice is gruff when he warns, "If you interrupt me again, Namjoon, you might see something you do not wish to. And I will make no apologies for that."
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nightswithkookmin · 3 years
So every member has been posting on weverse or Twitter lately, they've been coming on vlive. But Jk has done none of this. Do you see his social media absence as a silent rebellion against BH for them trying to hide Jikook or do you think he's probably just staying away for like mental health reasons or something.
Run that by me one more time???
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Are you asking for my opinion on why JK might be absent from social media or are you asking me to choose between those two opinions as explanation as to why Jungkook might be absent from social media???
Is it for his mental health or relationship??? Lol. You are juxtaposing two extremely opposite theories so one sounds more appealing and plausible to highlight the other as outlandish and ridiculous. But that's a fallacy ma'am. Nice try though.
Also, the part about BigHit hiding Jikook...
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I object. You is leading the witness sir/ma'am.
It's a little bit silly and presumptuous to assume whenever a member is absent from social media that the only possible reason I could possibly think of is that they are rebelling against their company.
Sometimes it's just a case of volition and personal interests. Sometimes you just don't wanna be social on social media. Sometimes you have work, family, chores, practice. Sometimes you've outgrown the space or lost track of why you wanted to be apart of an online community in the first place. Sometimes it's the toxicity and wanting to take a break from it for your mental health. Literally a plethora of reasons all of which could be valid depending on the context.
I try to give my theories context by sharing as much of my thought process as possible. It's asinine to strip those contexts away and present me with a skinned theory devoid of context.
About his mental health-
Let's try it this way...
Your first Ask: is there ever a moment I wonder if Jikook are just platonic brothers or something along those lines.
Yes. When they are not together romantically. I look at them and go huh... that's a very platonic hug, or interaction. I still uWu over their interactions though.
Cute. Next.
Is he rebelling against BigHit....
Why would he?? What's the context?
Do you think BigHit is making changes JK and the others might not be happy with in the company? Do you think the company or the members are interfering in his self autonomy and determination within the group or suppressing him in anyway in regards to what he says, what he does or who he does it with?
If so then him rebelling in that way would make sense to me because he wouldn't be the first idol to have used that tactic. A lot of idols do these and worse to assert themselves against their company.
If there's no such underling subtext then him rebelling makes no fucking sense to me.
Is he staying away for his mental health
Again, do you think he's been exposed to severe amounts of toxicity and hate online beyond what all the members experience on a daily such that he would need a break from the internet to rejuvenate like we saw around 2019? If so then taking a break for his mental health would make a lot of sense too.
But for someone who keeps reiterating how important connecting with his fans is to him, you gotta wonder how he strikes a balance between his mental health needs, his emotional needs and his professional deeds.
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This is the last he was seen on Weverse.
Relatively recent I'd say. So when you say he's absent from social media which timeframes do you mean? They were all pretty much off the grid until recent times post PTD not just him. Are they all dealing with mental health issues or are they all rebelling against their company or something?
You have all these tiktok trends and memes he's been referring to here and there and incorporating into their freestyle dance- seems to me he's active online alright. Just not in the way we are used to them being 'active' online. He is fulfilling that need to connect with his fans just not in a way you'd expect. I can say same for Jimin.
Just gonna have to observe things for a while to form a definitive opinion. If you know what I mean.
BigHit hiding Jikook
Sigh. Sounds like shade when you put it like that honestly and so I didn't want to touch it but also I don't think anyone in Bangtan has had an out in the open romantic relationship with anyone yet💀
Show me RMs partner or Suga's girlfriend.
BTS are hiding their relationships gay or straight. If you can see it from that angle then I think the idea of Jikook hiding their relationship or Bighit aiding them or asking them to privatize their relationship isn't so outlandish and ridiculous like you make it seem. BTS are allowed to date, they are just not allowed to make those relationships public💀
If Jikook were heterosexuals and in different bands I think a lot of people would have entertained the thought. Hell people are convinced they are each dating female idols and keeping it a secret. People are convinced JK is dating Mijoo and keeping that a secret but him dating a boy in the same band and keeping it a secret is kapushkalava😌
Theories of RM married and raising a kid abounds in this fandom and people entertain the idea. However, because Jikook are in the same band and play out certain interactions in front of the cameras the thought that they may be hiding sounds funny in y'alls ears? Jokers💀
Most idols hide their relationships and are required by their companies to keep that out of the public eye. Jikook are idols ergo they are required to hide and are hiding their relationships be it with themselves or with others.
And yes BigHit does aid them in doing so when they issue statements about that "this relationship rumor is false" or when the members evade questions about their relationships in a way to insinuate they are single and not in relationships.
How Jikook feel about being required by the company to keep their relationships to themselves or their peers taking it upon themselves to enforce those company policies of private relationships is up for debate and speculation.
BTS wrote a whole ass song dissing the company and calling them out for having a no dating policy yet expecting them to write love songs and yet somehow we think it's ridiculous that Jikook who are part of BTS would rebel against their company from time to time over certain mandates? Lmho.
This ask was sent in a few days before JK's recent VLive. I started answering it and let it go to draft because I felt it was pointless to answer it. Especially since a lot of my thoughts on this were regurgitative, abstract, and based on my own subjective opinion and assumptions about the boys. I feel I keep repeating myself and repeating the same things I've been saying over and over with these kinds of shady trolling asks. Sigh.
However, due to recent events that gives more credit to my thoughts and feelings on the matter, I'll attempt to answer it again.
In JK's VLive he said he noticed it's been a while he interacted with Fans which is why he jumped on the Live to see Army- if we take his word for it and at face value then he said nothing about his mental health ergo it can't be because of that😌
Tae equally said in his VLive he noticed the others coming on VLive and so he thought he would come too.
Now, don't you think they wouldn't have come so spontaneously if they were dealing with mental health issues or trying to take care of their mental health???
There was a time Tae was constantly online interacting with Fans and I think I was one of the few people out here who speculated he was lonely and wasn't dating anyone at the time- which he confirmed in Soop by the way when he told JK he being online constantly was because he was lonely.
Do you think he staying off Social media in recent times is because of his mental or that he doesn't feel as lonely anymore??
I stay off line sometimes for my mental health, sometimes too it's because I feel there are people and things in my life I've neglected and need to spend time with and pay equal attention to them.
Sometimes it's because there's death in the family or studies, or work or a film I need to catch up on...
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As to the relationship between campanies and artists- in case you can't pick up on the subtle cues some of the members leave- Suga captures it so well in his Weverse magazine interview.
We made you, as long as you follow our instructions you will be good. Idols are expected to be subservient and sycophantic. As Suga points out it's a thing in the industry and it's destroying the industry.
As to whether or not you think BTS are fully and totally exempt from this harsh reality because BigHit is different is up to you frankly. As to whether or not you think this type of attitude from companies can create friction and tensions between them and the bands is equally up to you.
As to whether you think certain members in BTS are more obsequious than others, more rebellious than others is equally up to you.
In what ways they rebel is up to you too.
That's part A.
Part B. Lol
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I answered the first part of this Ask based on the assumption you were being shady. But just in case you were not then here is an alternative response.
Like I said, JK is not the only member who's been absent from SNS in recent times. They all were at one point.
It's interesting how they will promise to come on Vlive whenever they have some to sell us and only recently started showing up on Vlive consistently when Permission to Dance received such mixed reactions from the audience.
It seems their disconnect from their fanbase and its subsequent consequences is becoming much more apparent to them...
For Jungkook, I think the members discussed his rebellious phase at the beginning of the year when they talked about him not posting for the members's birthday, how they expect his post for Hobi to be a start of something new and Jimin even said he was gonna cut his head off if he didn't post for his birthday- I don't think in all the times he didn't post for the members it's because he was grappling with mental health issues. It's just a post. It doesn't take more than a minute to wish your bandmate a happy birthday on their birthdays.
Especially not when he was posting relatively regularly on SNS but would go radio silent on their birthdays... Forget mental health that's antisocial and we saw how the members felt about that from the VLive.
Also, I think it would be insensitive for the members to expect Jungkook to post on their birthdays or for Jimin to hold him to such high expectations when they know very well that he deals with mental health problems or was dealing with mental health issues in those periods he didn't post for them- whoever says Jungkook didn't post for the members because he was dealing with mental health issues is a fraud. Yea I said it. If I ever spewed that nonsense out here then I'm a fraud too chilee💀
His other forms of silent rebelliousness has been in passive aggressive backhanded remarks aimed at the company and at times certain members. In my opinion of course. He won't do what he won't do and if he has to do it he will do it huffing and puffing and later chat shit about it during pillow talks at night with his boyfriend.
So I don't know what it is he might zeffbe rebelling against now. Like I said, being asked to tone down does not mean he can't Jikook. They are Jikooking. It's just on the low low.
And when you say he is reacting to BigHit hiding Jikook, you have to take into account if Jungkook himself wants to keep things hidden and private. Why would he rebel against something if it's what he wants too?? Know what I mean?
This is why I was talking about context. Jungkook of 2018 and 2019 is not the same Jungkook now. He's pretty much the same person, has the same values but he is learning and growing and that is equally important in the way he sees the world around him.
For instance, he wasn't one to think much about the future when he made certain choices and this is something I've talked about a lot in my blogs. Carpedium, make hay while the sun shines etc used to be his values but now he places a lot of emphasis on thinking about the future, being considerate and about how his actions could impact his future.
Those two mindsets produce totally different actions. One is likely to do very childish things, one is not. One is likely to be reckless, not very ambitious, and less serious, while one is likely to be thoughtful, calculative, intentional and less impulsive. He talks a lot about growing up fast but now it seems to me he's catching up with the times.
This is not to say he is a different person but more so he is becoming. He is learning and unlearning. He is not there yet but he is getting there.
If he wants to sit with Jimin, Vlive with Jimin, post on his birthday and not the others, if he wants to stand in a line up next to him but he can't then definitely he's gonna react strongly to that. But as it stands he is not doing any of that in my opinion- not that I'm aware of. Dude is living his best life out here.
I think I've said this, he is happy with where they are at now. If he is not we will know. That's when they ghetto jumps out of him. Don't know if I'm making sense chilee. Lol.
On the part of the company, I can only speculate to the effect that they are looking for various means to optimize and leverage the bands high demand. That they are trying to monetize their platforms and so restricting access to the boys is part of their mid pandemic marketing strategy- something I have been saying from day dot since the pandemic hit.
Like Suga says, monetization is a huge problem in Kpop and the Pandemic has only exacerbated it.
Showing up on Vlive gives us free access to the boys. As often as we would like to see them through that medium it doesn't pay their bills- doesn't pay much especially if they earn money in Won or whatever currency Naver uses.
YouTube is great. However it comes with restrictions and challenges especially with censorship- videos can be demonetized easily and willy nilly, You have to comply with Coppa and YT guidelines. There's CPM- whixh I don't know if it's high for BTS...
Then there's that whole breaching into Korea/China market agenda going on with them etc
Bighit is a business. BTS is not a nonprofit organization. I think the members can understand that much should the company explain to them why they all- not just Jikook- need to limit access to them.
Bighit made them and holds a contract over their heads. There's a certain amount of control they have over them yet a certain level of autonomy they reserve within such a transaction or business relationship.
Take Tae's appearance in Peakboy's MV for example. It's indication BTS does have a ree will to embark on such out of company adventures. There's Hwarang and features and all these side hustles they do...
Yet in the same breath they were at one point prohibited from taking photos with fans on the streets and stuff like that- I guess I should say allegedly.
If they want to VLive they will- as to whether or not they can VLive outside schedule is another thing all together.
As spontaneous as their VLives can be, a lot of them are scheduled too. So it's interesting how they all went MIA for a noticeable minute without the company officially scheduling these 'compulsory' Fan interactions via Vlive or even YT.
Let's not pretend they don't post sometimes on behalf of certain members. Let's not pretend that that doesn't happen💀
Jungkook showed up on YT grumpy and passive aggressive talking about that he didn't know he was supposed to do a VLive, he wasn't prepared, his hair was messy, he didn't know how to operate things- sigh.
Then he nagged us to death about the arts and crafts thingy... but in his recent live he said singing is all he can do so he sang and thrust his hips away- we can't be mad at that.
So if your question is whether I think there's something up with BTS and how they are interacting with fans or not interacting with fans my answer is yes. I mean that much is obvious...
Money is the root of all evil blink blink. Lol.
Do I think there's something up with Jikook and BigHit my answer is yes still- my theory?? Well I'm still observing things and hoarding information. Can't put out half baked theories you know?
I'm a professional ship delulu theorist and I take my delusions seriously😐
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I can say this though, I think BigHit has a lot to lose now that they are a publicly traded company. They have investors and stockholders they hold themselves accountable to- how the fear of a scandal or the stigma of a queer relationship plays into all that is yet to be seen.
They are trying to mitigate that risk through strategic marketing and business models- separating BigHit under Hybe is one, their partnership with Dispatch has always been one. There's just so much they are doing we don't know and can only assume or infer.
If their recent interviews and line of questioning has taught me anything, it's that they are all well aware of our theories on BTS and speculations on their sexuality and if Taemin's manager can ask him or was asked if he was dating Kai to his face then others can equally speculate, wonder and ask BigHit directly if Jikook being the sticky ones in the group are dating fueled by all the fandom theories out there.
Rumour says Jikook is gay and are dating eachother. How Bighit feels about this, how BTS feel about it, how Jikook feel about it open for discussion.
There are those who just want to nip all such rumours in the bud and those who want to lean into it and and profit off of it because negative attention is still attention.
Which brings me to your question about Jikook, because I see you sent that Ask in twice, they sure as hell are goofy and dorky. Jungkook admitted that much in his interview.
They are the ones to troll the lives out of us and feed into our delusions of them. It's why most people dismiss them as messing with fans and playful and fanservicey.
So I find it interesting that the members calling them a couple because of their outfits isn't being taken as goofy, dorky, fanservicey but as a reason to further invalidate their relationship.
If you can't take whatever Jikook says and does seriously then you certainly can't take whatever anyone says and does concerning them seriously either.
I will answer the rest of it under the Ask you sent in. This post is getting longer already.
I hope this helps.
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httpjungkookcom · 4 years
break the bat 2 | (m)
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Pairing | jungkook x reader
Work Count | 6744
Genre | baseball player!jungkook, coach’s daughter!reader, porn with a pretty decent plot?
Summary | after promising jungkook a reward if he won the game, who are you to deny him that? and he’s more ecstatic than ever to receive it.
Index | sexual content, dirty talking, mentions of bondage, fingering, oral (female and male receiving), fingering, unprotected sex (stay safe kids), multiple orgasms, over-stimulation, shaking, hair pulling, daddy kink, face fucking, more mid-sex love confessions uwu, ummmm just wild stuff
Warning? | there’s mentioned memberxmember, but it doesn’t do into detail. just in case that’s not really your cup of tea.
Requests | baseball player jungkook with feelings for coaches daughter? maybe some smut...jk…unless??? is there going to be a part two to break the bat?
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"Kook, wake up," You groaned, placing your hands on his bare chest in an attempt to push him away from you. He didn't react at all as he flopped onto his back, completely unbothered in his deep sleep. You smiled gently at him, cupping his face before deciding the incoming sun was getting too hot on your bare skin.
You didn't have to be at the field until around 9, your tournaments beginning around 10. You silently thanked whatever woke you up, the clock blinking 7:00 back at you. This gave you enough time to take a shower and get dressed, allowing yourself to indulge in the gentle floral scents that Jungkook personally likes. Walking back out of his bathroom, Jungkook hadn't moved an inch in his sleep, sun flowing over his golden skin. You wouldn't help but ogle at him, taking in every small detail that had previously slipped your mind. After a minute or so, you reminded yourself that you had to get dressed.
Jungkook's drawers were ravished as you searched for his Adidas, accompanied by a mustard stain that Jungkook has never cared to scrub out. It was barely noticeable, especially when paired with an over sized t-shirt that he loved wearing. Both pieces of clothes smelled like a faint, gentle detergent. Taehyung had told you that Jungkook had a sensitive nose months back, which you connected to why no scent was overbearing in his room.
"Kook," You tried waking him up again, getting no response in return. You finally succumbed to nagging temptation, walking over and cuddling up next to him. "Kook, you gotta wake up now. It's 8." You mumbled against his skin, shaking his shoulders lightly at first. This got you nowhere, causing you to climb onto your knees for more leverage.
After a few more, aggressive, shakes he slowly peeled his eyes open. "What?" He mumbled, voice groggy as he fought his eyes open. He propped himself up on his elbows, glancing around the room with a slightly lost expression. He must've stayed in that same position for 10 minutes, half asleep.
"Your tournament, get ready weirdo. Put some pants on." You laughed, sliding out of the bed and pulling the curtains open more to light up the room. "We have to be there around 9, so you have an hour." You explained, picking his room up slightly just so it's manageable.
"Wait a minute..." He mumbled, sitting up and looking around the room. "Last night, that was?" You could tell he was trying to figure out if it actually happened, searching for any signs of your clothes that would've been on the floor. His face scrunched up as he couldn't find anything, confusion was evident.
"What are you talking about?" You giggled, walking over to where his legs rested on the floor. You smoothed his hair our, bedhead causing it to stick up in numerous places. "Was it real?" You smiled, bending over to crash your lips onto his. Jungkook immediately smirked, reaching to grip your sides. He let himself fall backward, causing you to tumble onto him while giggling.
"So it was?" He smiled, pushing his plain black t-shirt out of the way to view the light marks spanning your neck. "Hm, round two?" He smirked as he grabbed your wrists, making some sort of an attempt to flip both of you over.
"No," You laughed, pushing yourself up and off of him before you had you pinned down. He cocked an eyebrow, watching you walk back across the room to continue cleaning up. "Shower and I'll get started on breakfast."
"Are you planning on joining me, babe?" Jungkook asked, throwing the blankets off of him and standing up. You fought back a smile as he shuffled over to you, a mysterious glint hidden in his eyes. "Come on, let's go take a shower."
"Get away from me." You laughed, staring at his bare body and slowly shuffling to dodge his open arms. You let out a loud squeal as he lunged for you, closing his arms as he tried to capture you. You immediately jumped out of the way, making a break for the door.. "Go take a shower nasty!" You laughed hysterically, running into the kitchen.
Nothing could prepare you for the sight of Jungkook sprinting after you, chasing you into the living room before eventually trapping you on one side of the couch. "Nasty?" He laughed, pinning you against the wall. "Do you want me to show you nasty?" He whispered against your skin, sliding one arm under your shirt. His fingertips gently traced the lace edge of your bralette, goosebumps spanning your skin.
"Jungkooookkk," You complained, pushing against him as he began to laugh. You could only pout at him as he pulled away from you, doe eyes narrow from smiling so hard.
"Fine, I'll take a shower. I guess I'll have to help myself though." He giggled, leaning forward to peck your lips in a sweet kiss. His face lingered for a second, breath fanning across your lips.
"Thank god you have a right hand." You teased, pushing him in the direction of his bathroom. He mocked you the whole time to his bathroom, putting extra emphasis on each word as he whined. You smiled, going into the kitchen to make pancakes for the both of you. There are two things that you learned, 1) Jungkook never does dishes. And 2) Jungkook never fucking goes grocery shopping.
"Jungkook! You have nothing to make breakfast with!" You complained, feeling as though your cute morning plans were crushed. You could barely hear his voice over the running water, only making out the words ramen and pizza. You began to seriously question your relationship choices.
"We can go out after I get dressed." He sang happily as he walked from the bathroom to his room. You rolled your eyes from the couch, glancing over Jungkook's collection of games and Funko pops. "What was the uniform for today again? Black jersey and white pants?"
"White jersey and black pants, black socks. You had a 50/50 shot and you got it wrong, kook." You laughed, waiting for any sort of snarky response from him. You could only hear faint laughing from the other room, figuring that he was busy getting dressed. You turned around as you heard the door click open, a dressed Jungkook popping out. "You look nice."
"Can't say the same for you." He smiled, gathering water bottles before heading over to his bag that lay by the front door.
"Asshole." You laughed with him, snatching his keys off the kitchen counter and making your way outside. Jungkook was still laughing as he walked outside, bag clonking quietly behind him as he walked down the steps. You could only smile at him, helping him throw his bags into the trunk along with a small cooler he always brings.
"Panera? I'm in the mood for an egg sandwich and sausage," Jungkook explained as he began driving, backing out of the driveway. "What are you thinking?"
"That you shouldn't eat heavy before a game." You ridiculed, jabbing at his ribs slightly. He only smiled at you, clicking the music on full blast before speeding down the road. The car drive was relatively silent, both of you tired from the night before and having nothing to say. Your heart swelled as he reached over and interlocked your fingers, eyes never leaving the road as he gently squeezed.
"...I'm still getting that egg sandwich." He giggled as he pulled into a parking space, turning the ignition off and peering over to you.
"You seem to be on cloud nine today." You laughed, raising a questioning eyebrow in his direction. He smiled in return, eyes crinkling at the corners. "Why are you in such a good mood?"
"I don't know, waking up next to you made me happy, gorgeous." He winked, reaching over to grab a handful of your thigh. You scrunched your face in fake disgust, smacking his hand away before climbing out of the car. Jungkook laughed as you slammed the door, following your lead right after. "Okay really, what are you getting?"
"Probably just the egg and ham sandwich and um...the mango tea maybe?" You shrugged, holding the door open for him, "Ladies first." You teased, watching him impersonate you while going in.
"We'll probably have to get it to go, we're running short on time." He explained, checking his phone that was tucked in his back pocket. You could only roll your eyes, watching him walk up and speed order your food. "Yeah, yeah. That's it." He smiled, pulling out his card.
By the change in his demeanor, you knew he wasn't going to let you push past him to pay. All of his weight was now flat-footed, meaning it would be almost impossible to move him. "Kook, why do we do this every single time? I'll pay."
"My treat babe." He smiled, getting his card and receipt back as he finished his sentence. "Go get your tea." He giggled, handing you your cup and brushing you off towards the beverages. You weren't going to win this argument anytime soon, accepting your defeat and walking away. You could see Jungkook waiting by the service area, standing patiently as they made your breakfast. After getting your drink, you shuffled over to where he stood and happily cuddled into his chest.
You smiled slightly as you felt his arms wrap around you, feeling as though you would easily fall asleep in his arms. "Kook, you really wanna win today, right?" You mumbled into his jersey, the material feeling weird brushing against your lips.
"Of course, why wouldn't I?" He asked, glancing down to you. This resulted in a double chin that made you giggle.
"Good thing, because that deal last night is still on." You laughed, his face contorting into confusion as he tried to recall last night. The look of relaxation was obvious as it flashed over his face, eyes narrowing slightly and arms tightening around you. "Hm?"
"Don't say that go grab your breakfast," Jungkook said, letting you go before nodding his head towards the counter.
"Are you eating on the way there? I'll drive because i'll probably wait until we get there." He nodded to answer your questions, digging around for his keys and plopping them in your hand. The ride was almost silent, the sound of Jungkook aggressively chewing filling up the silence. Nothing needed to be said, both of you otherwise content.
Getting to the field was easily the most stressful part, teammates, as well as opponents, staring the two of you down. Jimin's sly smirk never left his face, even as both of you walked into the dugout. "Why are you pulling his bag?" Jimin asked, raising an eyebrow at Jungkook who continued to inhale his food. "He's too sore?" He laughed.
"Jimin, be quiet." You laughed, walking over and beginning to smack his arm. He only laughed, never backing out as he reached up to pull down the collar of your shirt.
"Interesting discovery." He stated, causing you to laugh even harder before backing out of a fight you weren't going to win. "Anyway, you still owe me that smoothie."
"Of course, Jimin." You smiled, taking your designated seat on the benches. You always had the closest seat to home plate, allowing you to see if the umpire calls a bad strike. Jungkook immediately followed suit, plopping on top of you like an upset toddler. "Come on, get your cleats on and go warm up."
"Will you tie them for me?" He asked, peering up at you.
"Get off of me." You smiled, pushing him off of your lap and sending him to the dirty floor. Everyone giggled, all elbowing each other to get more eyes on him. Jungkook joined in, leaving you with his drink and beginning to get ready for the game. He shoved his feet into his cleats, refusing to untie them because he didn't "want to waste time."
"What are we doing? One lap and then stretch?" Taehyung asked, ruffling his hair as he rustled through his bag that was currently on the ground.
"Yeah, sounds good to me." Jungkook agreed, beginning to walk out of the dugout and onto the field. The team naturally followed his lead, all running behind him as he started. While there was absolutely no rush before the game, Jungkook and Jimin began to race around the field. You only laughed, the two boys' neck and neck as they tried to be first.
Jungkook only put his full 100% in when he noticed Jimin was ahead in the turn, now full-on sprinting. Due to his competitive nature, Jungkook ended up first in the dugout followed by a close Jimin. "You feel accomplished, big man?" You laughed over the clinking of metal cleats on concrete, both of them panting.
"Damn right." He laughed, spinning around and heading to lead the group stretch. The game was relatively uneventful, Jungkook's skill as a pitcher never fail to amaze you. His throws were consistent, Jimin easily picking every single strike dead on. You sat through 7 innings pretty relaxed, until the 8th where things start to get rocky.
Jungkook wasn't throwing like he had been the last few hours, release point drastically changing as at least 2 hit the ground before even reaching Jimin. He struggled through that inning, entering the 9th with a very bad attitude.
"Jungkook, come here." You mumbled, watching him rip open his bag in search of his gloves. He completely ignored you, rummaging around and in the process throwing his helmet. "Jeon, come sit down." You repeated, watching his shoulders finally un-tense as he walked over. "What's wrong?"
"They got 3 runs just that inning because of my pitching. Now we have to come up by at least 2 and then hold them. If we only get two, we have to make sure they get none." He stressed, leaning a majority of his body weight against you. "I don't know what I was doing, it's like my hands were frogs and the ball was a fly."
You laughed at the weird and out of place comparison, making him smile up at you. "Listen, I'm sure you were just getting tired. Maybe your muscles are reaching their ending point for today." You gripped his bicep, feeling the muscle tense and strained from throwing pitch after pitch. In the meantime, you tried to massage it out.
"You're good at this. Maybe you can give me a full body massage after the game." He hummed in your lap, letting his eyes close.
"Don't make me throw you onto the floor." You threatened, watching him open one eye to look at you. He immediately smiled, relaxing in your lap almost completely now. "Hey, you're up on deck next. Hit a home run for me." You jabbed lightly at his ribs, prompting him to sit up and pull his gloves on. He rolled his eyes, struggling up and shuffling out.
As he walked to the on-deck circle, he began to make faces at you. This lasted until the batter before him struck out, leaving him slightly disgruntled as now there were only two more outs. Jimin was on second with Jungkook up, meaning that there was a good chance Jimin would get home. Jungkook watched the first strike go past him, nodding his head before stepping out. You were at the fence now, peering out to watch.
"Crush it, crush it, crush it, crush it, crush it," You chanted, squeezing your hands together as he stepped back in. You swore your back was sweating now, eyes wide as he set up. The next pitch was going to be a strike, Jungkook swinging faster than he ever has before. You couldn't exactly register the loud crack of the bat, but you watched as the ball went flying out into the deep left field.
The dugout became alive, jumping and screaming as Jimin was running home. Jungkook hesitated at 2nd, deciding he was going to go for three as the throw was coming in. "JUNGKOOK SLIDE, DOWN DOWN DOWN." You screeched, vein popping out of your neck as you watched the slide.
It wasn't the prettiest, Jungkook's never were. But it got him there fast enough to be called safe at 3rd. You felt relief wash over you, shoulders dropping as Jungkook picked himself back up. You needed one more run to be in the lead, just one more and Jungkook was in a good position to be that one. The backstop was pretty far back, so if the catcher misses the ball Jungkook could easily beat him to the plate. As long as he didn't hesitate, he'd be there.
"Jimin, I can't watch." You mumbled, turning around and smacking your head rather aggressively into his chest.
"He's going to steal if it gets past him, look at his lead off," Jimin whispered, grabbing you by your shoulder to quickly spin you around. His lead-off was big, starting as soon as the ball left the pitchers hand. He also didn't pack down from the catcher, staying in the baseline even when the catcher threatened to throw. "He's stubborn."
"Yeah, tell me about it." You laughed, watching pitch after pitch goes by. You swear you stopped breathing when the ball went past the catcher, rolling to the fence. Jungkook also jumped, taking off full speed to the plate. He'd have to beat the ball there, diving headfirst into the plate. That dive was ugly, feet flying up to his head from his momentum. The catcher also ran over, covering the plate as well as slamming into Kook's body.
"What the fuck was that?" Jimin asked, dropping his catcher's mitt as he waited for the call. Both you and Jimin held your breath, umpire seemingly thinking for a few moments.
You both screamed, grabbing each other's arms and beginning to jerk each other around. Jungkook was embarrassed jogging into the dugout, clay all over his uniform and face. You laughed at him, brushing the clay off of his face and neck. "Are you okay? Is your head okay?" You bombarded him with questions, massaging his arm again.
"Yeah, I'm okay. I'm okay." He nodded, gulping down his water and walking to sit down for a few minutes.
"Okay, all you have to do is hold them okay? Take your time, breathe in between pitches, think before you throw the ball." You coached, watching as he stared at you with a soft smile. "You guys can do this. Jimin isn't going to let any past him, right Jimin?"
"Right." He nodded firmly, making Jungkook laugh.
"The rest of the field is set up perfectly too, best players that I've ever had the pleasure of watch-"
Jungkook smashed his lips onto yours, effectively shutting your rambling up. Your face flushed red, making you stare at your hands when he finally pulled away. "You're so cute when you ramble. You're starting to make me think you want this more than I do." Jungkook raised his eyebrow, getting up from the bench to grab his glove. You flushed more, having no comeback to throw at him other than shut up.
"Hold them." Is all you said as positions changed, Jungkook now on the field while the other team batted. You watched them warm up, Jungkook focusing on throwing strikes and Jimin focusing on catching every single one. You felt confident as the field got out the first two batters at 1st base, easily picking their infield hits off.
"Plays at one, let's get it." Jungkook smiled, shaking his shoulders loose before preparing for the next pitch. It was a strike, nerves spiking as Jungkook became more and more focused. He wanted to strike him out, his demeanor changing completely.
It was a full count, three balls and two strikes. You held your breath as he threw the last one, right down the center of the plate. A swing and a miss, the batter too confident in his abilities to hit a seemingly easy pitch. Jungkook glanced at you for a split second, smirk evident across his shit-eating face before getting surrounded by his team. There was a small team meeting before your dad dismissed the team, everyone, including yourself, huddled together to listen.
Jungkook stood directly behind you, not so discretely snaking his arm around your waist and pulling you closer to him. Taehyung glanced over to you two, a look of understanding washing over his face. He immediately elbowed Yoongi in the ribs, meaning that he won a bet with someone over the two of you. Yoongi wouldn't place a bet with him, leaving you to wonder what poor soul owed him money.
"I have nothing else to say, Jungkook? You want to add anything?" Your dad asked, glancing over the two of you with a look of approval.
"Yes, good game guys. You all placed your absolute hardest today and we came out on top. Coach, always, thank you for guiding us. And y/n, thank you for constantly bullying me to be better." Jungkook laughed, watching as you spun around to hit him.
"Seems like I need to bully you more than." You shot back, making everyone at least chuckle.
"But yeah, that's all. I'll see you guys Monday." Coach finished, walking into the dugout to collect his things before leaving.
"Ugh, Taehyung. Who did you make a bet with this time?" Jungkook asked, letting go of your waist to begin walking into the dugout. You could hear Tae cackling, face turning a slight pink. "I'm serious, how much did you bet them for?"
"I bet Yugyeom $100. He thought he knew your guy's relationship better than I did and I had to prove him wrong." He giggled.
"I called half of the profit. Double stamps, no take-backs." You quickly said, smacking the bench to finalize your point. Tae just stared at you, realizing there is no sense in arguing. Instead, he put you in a headlock and began talking about how you're stealing his money. "Tae! Stop." You laughed, gripping onto his arms.
He ruffled your hair one last time before letting you go, immediately spinning around to run out of the dugout. "Anyway...If I'm not mistaken someone owes me a milkshake." Jimin piped up, crossing his arms.
"Don't even give me that." You laughed, "Let's just go. You wanna ask some of the team if they wanna come?" You offered, making everyone shrug. While you guys did ask everyone, besides the people who already left, it was only you, Jungkook and Jimin going. You already knew Jimin was going to ask questions, just from his know it all attitude.
"So, are you going to tell me how it was or are you guys just gonna keep blushing at each other?" Jimin asked as you all sat down, milkshake in hand with an additional cookie that he suckered you into buying. You wish you could punch him from across the table, you do. "Come on, you act like I haven't been your friend for 4 years."
"Yeah? How did you know Jungkook was big? Lingering eyes in the locker room or-"
"Jungkook used to be insecure when he was younger so he showed me and asked for my opinion-"
"Okay, that's enough." Jungkook interpreted both of you, Jimin and you laughing yourself into tears.
"It was good, Jimin. Slept well last night." You laughed, stirring your tea around as you thought about last night. You could see Jimin and Jungkook glancing at each other, seemingly talking without even saying anything. "Okay, you guys don't have to do that. Acting all telepathic and shit."
"I was just thinking it must have been really good if you're wearing Jungkook's over-sized shirt and pants. You look like a crackhead." You honestly couldn't even argue with that call, only laughing as Jimin looked over to Jungkook, who was ready to disagree. "Look at your boyfriend, getting all puffed up at me." You only laughed, shaking your head as the two of them began to argue.
It was like a movie, sitting with a milkshake while watching one of your best friends and boyfriend fight over the smallest thing. You smiled fondly, watching Jungkook's face heat up in embarrassment as people looked over at them. "Okay, stop." You laughed, setting a leg across Kook's lap since he had raised from arguing. Jimin was smug across from the two of you, seemingly winning the dumb stare off they had. "So what about you, Jimin? You fucking or what?"
It was now Jimin's turn to flush a bright red, immediately being knocked off of his high stool. Jungkook jumped, eyes wide as Jimin was hiding something. "Who is it?" He asked, reaching over the table and beginning to search for marks. Jimin didn't recoil, instead, beginning to swat his hands away with a ferocity you've never witnessed.
"Who is it? Yoongi?" You whispered, watching as both of the men stopped their childish battle. Jungkook's eyes were wide, Jimin's were even wider as if you guessed it. "Oh my god, it is isn't it?!" You cackled, watching Jimin slump in his seat with a small sigh.
"Awe man, it's alright. We already knew." Jungkook immediately said, reaching over to smack Jimin in a "bro" way. Jimin seemingly relaxed, a soft smile covering his face.
"How is he? Is it good?" You smirked, beginning to slide your foot up his leg. Jimin blushed, smacking your leg away. Jungkook must've followed suit, Jimin slapping another foot away from him.
"You two are too similar, what? Was that a telepathic plan?" He grumbled, folding his legs under him. You all just laughed, dropping the subject as Jimin didn't feel like talking about it. You guys ate together, talking about whatever came up at the table, a majority was the baseball game and Jungkook's stolen home plate.
A small ding rung throughout the table, all heads being picked up and pointed to the sound. It was Jimin's phone, lying face-up on the table. You and Jungkook immediately jumped, searching the screen for a name. "Yoongi-Hyung!" Jungkook laughed, watching Jimin flush as he opened the text and read it. It was silent as you waited for a response, Jimin typing quickly before hitting send.
"I...I got to go. Sorry guys." Jimin blushed, beginning to gather his things and throw away his trash. You and Jungkook cackled, beginning to elbow and smack each other.
"You hear the Kook? Jimin's gonna get a dicking down." You whispered, just loud enough for Jimin to hear without unsuspecting ears to. Jimin didn't answer back, blushing in front of you. Jungkook and yourself cleaned up, leaving at the same time as the older boy.
"Just messing with you Jimin. Have fun." Jungkook laughed as you walked out of the restaurant, pulling Jimin into a hug. You followed right after, wrapping your arms around him and patting his back. "Bye Jimin."
"Bye Jimin." You smiled, waving as he began to walk to his car. You and Kook did the same, walking over to the seemingly out of place mustang and climbing in.
"About that promise," Jungkook smirked, starting the car. You could only smile as he waited for a response, eventually breaking into a burst of giggles as Jungkook got impatient waiting. "Ugh, babe are you serious?" He whined, making you laugh even harder.
"I'm just messing with you, the promise is still there." You laughed, watching as his eyes widened and he began to speed up. You were for sure over the speed limit, racing to his house that was maybe 5 minutes away at most. "Someone's excited." You giggled, tightening the seat belt as you normally do when he gets like this.
"You're lucky I don't make you give me head as I drive." He mumbled, a small growl escaping his lips as he continued to speed. Your eyes widened slightly, Jungkook immediately noticing and reacting. "You'd like that, wouldn't you?" He raised an eyebrow, his eyes shifting from the road to your reaction every few seconds.
"What? ...No." You stated, watching as he cackled at your completely failed attempt to even try and hide the way you felt. "Whatever! Just focus on the road before you kill us! You're so impatient." You whined, crossing your arms and beginning to pout unconsciously.
"Cute babe didn't know you were that nasty." He smiled, focusing on the road indefinitely now. The ride was silent, both of you focused on other things that words weren't exactly at the forefront of your mind. You both knew exactly what was in store as Jungkook parked in the driveway, both of you sharing a challenging look before climbing out of the car. He fumbled with the lock for far too long, making you laugh at him.
"Why are you so nervous?" You laughed, helping him with the lock. Jungkook didn't answer your question, a small hum the only thing you got from him. The door finally clicked open, both of you rushing in and licking the door closed behind you. Jungkook immediately pounced on you, impatience showing as he wrapped his arms tightly around you. "Jungkook." You giggled into his mouth as he began to nibble on your bottom lip, roughly slotting your mouths together.
"Fuck." He moaned, walking backward and pinning you to the wall. A small moan escaped your mouth, hips bucking forward to make contact with his own. Your hands slid down his body, finding his jersey tucked in when you tried to slip your hand under. A small grunt of frustration came, followed by ripping the jersey from his baseball pants. "I'm the impatient one?" He smirked, helping you untuck it.
"Shut up." You mumbled against his skin, finally sliding both of your hands under his jersey and running them along his skin. Small whimpers fell from you, followed by content sighs from Jungkook above you. "Jungkook, can we-"
"Try again." He growled into your mouth, letting his hands run down your body. After a moment of confusion, you realized what he wanted.
"Daddy, can we go to the bedroom?" You smirked, giving him the best puppy eyes you could. He instantly caved, leading the way with you following close behind. He fell onto the bed first, leaving you to climb on top of him in a very similar manner as last night. "Seems familiar, no?" You giggled, sliding your hands under his jersey and beginning to hike it up.
He also smiled, leaning forward to allow you to pull the shirt off. He quickly pulled the over-sized shirt off of your body, throwing it onto the floor. "You look so pretty, baby." He smiled, sitting up to trace the marks on your skin. You blushed, wrapping your arms around his shoulder to kiss him deeply.
"I love you." You hummed, beginning to kiss down his jaw and neck. Jungkook immediately got comfortable on the bed, stuffing pillows behind his head to watch your movements. Both of his arms rested above his head, looking smugger than ever. You continued your way down his body, licking across his abs and exposed hip bones.
"Babe, come on." He warned, reaching down and gently gripping your hair in his palms. You could only smile, slowly undoing the belt and pulling his pants down. To save time, you pulled everything down in one go. "Oh, shit." He mumbled, exposed to the cool air and his hard-on hitting his lower abdomen.
"Yes, you are the impatient one." You laughed, answering his question from before as you fully pulled his pants down.
"Okay baby, let me see what you got." He smiled, one of his hands gently holding your hair while the other rested behind his head. You rested in between his legs, eyes level with his cock. You smiled up at him, licking a slow strip from the base to the tip. His head was already thrown back as you swirled around his tip, gently sucking him into his mouth.
"Daddy, you're so sensitive." You smiled, watching as his abs clenched after barely touching him. He didn't respond until you begin to sink onto his length, tongue flat against him as you took him into your throat.
"Holy shit." He whined, bucking up involuntarily. You could feel your eyes get watery, coming back up and sinking back down. Your pace started slow, speeding up until you were quickly bobbing on his length. Jungkook was sensitive to your touch, whines, and groans slipping past his lips as his hips constantly jerked up.  
"Daddy, fuck my face." You finally stated, watching as his eyes widened and he immediately reacted. You were soon switched position-wise, Jungkook's length hovering over your face as his arms held up his body. You could see his demeanor shift as he sunk into your mouth, a low growl slipping from his mouth as he began to thrust into your throat.
"You dirty little slut," He growled, one hand coming down to grip at the base of your hair. "Taking my cock so well."
A whimper came from you, vibrations felt instantly as Jungkook thrust deeper into your mouth, skin pressed against your nose. Spit dribbled from the corner of your mouth, coating Jungkook's length each time he sunk into you. After one last deep thrust, he pulled completely off. "Strip for me." He ordered, no room for questioning as you climbed to sit in front of him.
Jungkook watched intently as you ran your hands along your body, easily popping your bra off and playing with your boobs in front of him. He gave you a questioning look, urging you to move on with your show. You did, running your hands along your body to meet with Jungkook's Adidas. You slowly pushed them down, letting them drop down to your feet to easily step out. You were now left in your panties, deciding Jungkook may like to take them off himself.
"Come here." Jungkook smiled, opening his arms to let you fall into. He quickly flipped the two of you over, gently kissing you as he slowly sunk to your hips. "I love you." He giggled, beginning to slowly pull your panties down. You smiled as he laid on his stomach, arms snaking around to pin your hips down. He began to lick slow strips across your heat, using just enough pressure to make you arch up into him.
Gentle moans filled the room as he continued, picking up his speed and slowly introducing his fingers. "Are you gonna come on my fingers like the good slut you are? Just like last night?" He mumbled against you, making quick work of you. A loud whine filled the room, hands reaching down to tangle themselves in his hair as he sunk two fingers in.
"No, no. I wanna...come on your cock." You whined, letting your hips buck down onto his fingers.
"Hm, is that so?" Jungkook smirked, pulling away from you. You propped yourself up, watching him suckle on his fingers to taste you. "What if I don't let you?"
"Jungkook!" You warned, watching as he sat himself in between your legs, pulling your calves over his hips. He smirked, taking his length in his hand and just barely rubbing it across your clit. "Daddy, please fuck me. I'm on birth control, please!" He didn't respond, continuing to rub against your clit. You were on the verge of begging now, desperate for him. He finally cracked, easily slipping in with just how wet you were.
Your hips instantly jerked forward, pleasure shooting throughout your body as he buried himself in. Jungkook giggled above you, holding your shaking legs in his palms. "What is it baby doll?" He smirked, rubbing your still shaky legs as he slowly began to move. He rested your legs on the bends of his arms, leaning forward to place his hands on either side of you. You were effectively folded in half, Jungkook holding eye contact as he thrust his hips forward.
You could tell he was going to stay like this, watch every reaction on your face as he fucked you. Small whimpers fell from your lips as he began a consistent movement, the sound of skin slapping skin echoing throughout the room as he fucked into you. The eye contact was too intense, your head unconsciously falling to the side.
That was a mistake, Jungkook immediately letting one leg fall as he reached to grip your face. "Look at me when I fuck you." He growled, gripping your cheeks. You let out a small whimper, causing him to loosen his grip slightly. Instead of placing his hand back, he easily slipped two fingers into your mouth and began to thrust into you harder than before. You could no longer control your moans, spit coating Jungkook's fingers as well as the side of your face.
"Look at how dirty you are, only for my dick," Jungkook mumbled, thrusting harder so that skin on skin was the only sound registering in your mind. Jungkook let out soft moans on occasion, his eyes falling closed temporarily as he thrust into you. Your hands reached around him, raking marks into the soft skin of his back. His whole body jolted as you accidentally flicked his nipple, eyes shooting open. "Don't." He warned, instantly realized you weren't listening as you smiled up at him.
In a flash, your hands were pinned above your head. Jungkook seemed unimpressed as he gripped your wrists tightly, never stopping his thrusts for a second. "Jungkook...gonna cum. Gonna cum." You whined, thrusting up into his hips.
"Not without my permission, not without the right name." He smirked, letting your wrists go to get a better grip on your body.
"Daddy! Please! Let me cum." You whimpered, clenching around his cock as you fought off your orgasm. He didn't respond, sweat dripping from his brow as he fucked into you.
"Daddy, please let me cum. Please, I want to cum on your cock." You whimpered, tears threatening to slip from your eyes. Jungkook smiled, drawing circles on your clit and bringing you closer if even possible. "Please Daddy!" You cried, tears slipping as you were so frustrated.
"Cum baby." He smirked, fucking into you and circling your clit roughly to bring you to your finish. You let out a loud whine, hips bucking up as he continued to fuck you through your orgasm. Jungkook never stopped, chasing his own high as he sent you into over-stimulation. Each draw of his hips rubbed against your clit, legs shaking vigorously around his waist. "I'm close." He grunted above you.
"Cum, please daddy." You whined, legs uncontrollably shaking now and you clenched even tighter around him.
"I'm coming." He groaned, head falling as he bottomed out into you, body going rigged for a few moments. He smirked at you, pulling out and roughly shoving two fingers into your heat. A loud cry fell from you, head falling backwards as over-stimulation took a hold of your being. You didn't realize what he was doing until he tapped two fingers against your lips, willing your mouth open.
He watched in amusement as you took his fingers into your mouth, cleaning his fingers of both of your juices. He smiled as your tongue slotted between his fingers, effectively cleaning everywhere. "Are you okay babe?" He asked, moving over you to kiss you softly.
"Yeah, it was good." You giggled, legs shaking as he ran comforting hands across your body. He placed small kisses to your legs, taking you down from your high.
"You did so well for me, baby," Jungkook said, kissing your legs once more before searching for something to clean you up with. He grabbed a shirt much to your complaint, cleaning you up before chucking the shirt as far away as possible.
"You're going to be so sore tomorrow." You laughed, running your hands across his tensed abs and shoulders despite not working out. You could tell he already realized that, face scrunching up at the thought of walking around. He finally plopped down on you, arms on either side of your head as he began to kiss you. You laughed, kissing him back and lightly scratching his sides.
"I love you." You mumbled against his lips, breathing heavily.
He let out a content sigh, "I've loved you since I joined the team."
~honey <3
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stressedesserts · 3 years
I’m salty atm cause my gramps was watching a soap which my whole family was forced to watch and we could not avoid it as our family favourite sitcom was right after that and we were eating our dinner.
The soap was an absolute disgrace because the writer sucked. One of my friend’s also enjoys it and I kinda asked her why she liked it and ranted about today’s episode.
Screenshots of my rant/breakdown/the need to murder the writer of that soap:
(Personal info has been blurred)
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So due to this, I’m making a list of fanfictions that I have read which are better than this original crap.
1. Virgin Classroom by haydenpumpkinchan
Contains mature topics
Trigger Warnings
Major NSFW
STATUS: Completed
2. Haunted House by ifoundhisbag
twitter style
STATUS: Completed
3. Penpal by ifoundhisbag
twitter style
college student x idol
STATUS: Completed
4. Baby Daddies by ifoundhisbag
STATUS: Completed
5. Prisoner of Oryn by TaeMyGawd
bottom tae
top jeongguk
slight nsfw
time travel
light angst
mentions of war
STATUS: Completed
6. Mommys Little Sweethearts by JudySkyler
mentions of kidnapping
reader x BTS
lots of fluff!!
cute baby uwu
STATUS: Ongoing
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luxekook · 4 years
reese’s EXTRAvaganza...
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disclaimers: {yes, this is basically a follow forever at the request of heath} {no, i did not do that trend justice} {i have 2 friends} {enjoy this smorgasbord of chaos}
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as you all know, i started this humble blog as a blissful joon bias. life was good. i loved bonsai trees, art museums, and one (1) god of destruction. flash-forwards a few months, kook burst onto the scene with his fluffy hair and his black clothing and his fricking wide eyes. TOO MANY TIMES DID I LIE AWAKE AND THINK “why am i being subject to such wrecking?” “what am i even doing?” “what is the meaning of life?” IT NEEDED TO END.
one day, i stopped lying to myself and decided to come clean by double biasing joon and kook. BUT NO. JUNGKOOK WAS STILL NOT SATISFIED. THAT BRAT WANTED ME ALL TO HIMSELF (but who wouldn’t? sksksk okay, probably everyone). after reading the entirety of the sub!jk genre and writing my own fics, i came to the grim and shameful realization that i was indeed whipped for the maknae. (this just in: today’s video of jungkook sitting on his bed singing with his tattoos out? ARE YOU KIDDING ME? the FINAL STRAW.)
hi. my name is reese, formerly known as lustjoon. and i’m a jungkook bias.
my url is @luxekook​.
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as some of you may know, i’ve only been active in the tumblr community for a few months now. however, those months have been great and full of new friends. one friend in particular (who is the king of being soft) demanded requested a follow forever post to commemorate my new milestone or whateva. as i think follow counts are meh and am a chaotic and unconventional person, i have decided to spice things up and make this a little different. 
so, buckle up! It’s time for the reese’s pieces awards. (also, before y’all roast me, YES i’m only doing three awards. why? because i suck! also because i have 87 fics to write and double that amount in academic papers OOF)
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The King of UWU Award: Heath @shadowsremedy​
lemme tell you about my friend heathy… he slid into my tumblr dms waaay back when i posted intimidation to tell me that someone had plagiarized my work. without even knowing anything about me besides my url, heathy gathered his friends to report and message the author who stole my fic. long story short, that author deleted it, and my love for heath was cemented. HE IS A RIDE OR DIE SWEETHEART WHO WILL DEFEND HIS FRIENDS AND WHOEVER HE FEELS IS IN NEED. i cannot explain the amount of uwus that is heathy. and for that reason, he gets the reese’s pieces award for being the king of uwu!
The Lovable Loose Cannon Award: Tay @interludemoonchild​
oh lord, where to begin with this girl. there is never a dull moment with tay. she - without fail - will make anyone and everyone laugh with her big emojis, her horrific emojis, and her general extra tay nature. she is also so sweet and trusting and loyal, like she might really be the griffinosifudis she proclaims to be (yes, that was how she spelled gryffindor). you never really know what you’re going to get from tay… will it be heartbreaking angst (RIP [redacted], i will never forgive you, tay), kinky smut (STAN BAPTISM), or hybrid hyungline (i may have commissioned this sskskskks). but, not knowing is half the fun! therefore, the reese’s pieces award for the lovable loose cannon goes to tayyyyy. 
The Loyal Encourager of Shenanigans Award: Jess @rkivenamu​
grab a snack (preferably a banana) and get comfortable bc this will be a big boi of a dedication. jess, the almighty creator of banana jin and sub!maknae smut, is an all around 10/10 human!! (and yes, jess, i know u don’t like affection so i will try my best to stay chill...) what i appreciate most about jess is that she always encourages my wildest dreams. veggie tales au? she supports. kidz bop au? she is ready for it! moss!reader x florist jimin? she stans! IDK what i did in a past life to deserve such a loyal and supportive kween in my life but THANK U PAST REESE!!!!! jess also encouraged me to acknowledge my kook bias so plz partially blame her for this chaos (skjkjkdshjsbkdbfh). AND SO WITHOUT FURTHER ADO, the award for the loyal encourager of shenanigans goes to jessssss UWU!
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there is so much i could say about each and every one of you! but, i think it all boils down to ~thank you~ thank you for following me and putting up with my erratic self! I truly appreciate y’all :’)
@ladyartemesia @opaljm @yoongified @dragon-rider-with-a-book @taeyohonic @rilakoya @joopiterjoon @megahwn @writing-in-ivory @geewithluv @kitsutaes @bangtiddies @btsaudge @joonsrack @yeontanismypresident @jeonsfilter @taesflix @jooniper @peachgladiator @kpopfromtheblock @m0chilattae @mono-kookie @jeonjagia @kirbykook @minflix @mygsii @ppersonna @mspjm @slutdropjin @honeymoonjin-main @jinies @halussali @jiminsfault @joonglows @lyricalsakura @mikroparadise @kookiesspacebuns​ @ironicarmy @meowxyoong @silverlightqueen @beankeeper37 @yongcherie @jeonchristineimnida @2dreamcatcher8 @itsadoragguk @knjoodles @bubbletae7 @pasteljeon @collectorhopeworld @thinkingaboutelephants @fortunexkookie @rjsmochii @holyfluffly @randomkoalablog @onherwings @wynniewright​ @thebiasrekkers​ @taestybae​ @tipsydipsydo​ @hueseok​ @hhyungz​ @suqakoo​ @ppersonna​ @moonpjms​ @staerrylights​ @jinniesbby​ @rkivepacks​ @hoseokthat​ @sunny-days-hobiii​  @cherryjungkookie​ @mccnyoongi​ @out-of-jams​ @sunflowerofficials​  @seokjoontae​ @sugamonster22​ @crueljks​ @peachyeonjun​ @scentedsope​ @subzerobts​ @bubbytae​ @supertweetycherry​ @singguks​ @jingabitch​ @maryseesthings​ @filtervante​ @the-jackals​ @eltrain80​ @kirbykook​ @bubblegumandcocacola​ @jiminsxjagiya​ @voguejoonie​  @dearhongjoong​ @ally-127​ @seokjinlovebug​ @jikooksgirl19​ @jiminsmoonlight​ @dulcaet​ @callistojjk​ @louvejoon​ @httpangelicjimin​ @kooinluv​ @prisczero​ @lovley-joonie​ @420seoks​ @mark-tuan-and-jinyoung-lover​ @grampsyoon​ @yoonchrisgull​ @dragunjk​ @babyboy-bangtan​ @ughego​ @bangtanbtsbaby​ @moonchildjunoon​ @btsbiaswreckedwriting​ @blu-butterfly26​ @mycatluna​ @ohmwreckr​ @lostcherryjk​ @miniejoon​ @everlasting-deluge​ @multibixch​ @sftyngs​ @badbhye​ @yoongisdumplingcheeks​ @cheeky-kookie​ @meliwzrd​ @your-last-epiphany​ @fantasyjoon​ @pieceofseok​ @celestialyoons​ @jeonsink​ @mintedmango​ @romantickth​ @team-wang-puppy​ @sugahneyicetae​ @ifyourepartial​ @atiny-baby​ @thearmyteacher​ @minyxngs​ @minsadore​ @gfsana​ @jeonandjoonie​ @natalieswierdmind​ @drowning-in-oxygen​ @hobicomeholla29​ @josielg​ @lunaofsun​ @kaidasen​ @tall-submarine​ @allmysticwords​ @thebluesunsets​ @yoonstune​ @jeongvkks​ @namujune​ @kookscrescent​ @jenryu​ @crochanjm​ @honeyoongles​ @our-little-meow-meow​ @fangirling-all-the-way-tbh​ @cocojoonie​ @miinoongi​ @anna-sorel​ @daydreamindollie​ @taradevonne​ @kimnjss​ @franklytae​ @jungtaeyoongles​ @jayjaydawn​ @motleygirl98​ @gingercat1884​ @expensive-grl​ @bts-minyoongi-parkjimin​ @thattismee​ @jiminsprettysoul​ @sugarcookiesandsins​ @kth-kpoplover​ @honeyspillings​ @0minabean0​ @hiilovetata​ @sweetjiminfairy​ @meowmeowyoongles​ @httpjibooty​ @sadboibts​ @athletes-of-god​ @vemian​ @rxxl-frxends​ @bangtan-bestofme​ @backinblack1967​ @taekookandyoongi​ @shley-chan​ @xxqueenwxtchxx​ @hazeljrz​ @illiterate-psychosis​ @i-dont-even-know-fck​ @sugashaye​ @yoongistruth​ @angelgiuliana​ @yuriah04​ @kookoo-kachoo​ @baekyoonbi​ @ironically-indifferent96​ @adoringinsanity​ @mintdumpling​ @handsheartsouleyes​ @friendly-neighborhood-michelle​ @kookienobaby​ @fellforbts​ @justaregularcrazyfangirl​ @bts-nothingbutlove​ @weakbbybtch​ @macabre-hearts​ @sunnichim​ @cherryeoo​ @b-e-t-x-s-o​ @astevr​ @knjkitten​ @crazy-fangirl-10​ @hobisbeech​ @kirian22​ @joonsroses​ @daddyjoonie​ @littlecheekypanda​ @girl-meets-kpop​ @kitlovesbts​ @notgiving-itup​ @jooheonbee​ @bright-claire​ @sun-moon-n-yunho​ @sunshinegukkie​ @kmseokjins​ @parkminhee​ @stargazingmoonchild​ @cult-joon​ @stay-zen-ni​ @artjjk​ @btsinned​ @snapshootmv​ @hongjoong-enthusiast​
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honeymoonjin · 5 years
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A/N: my dearest @holyfluffly​ here is your uno reverse return valentine’s gift!! i hope you like it <3 and also disclaimer to anyone reading, i’m entirely unqualified to be writing about children so if i mess up basic facts i apologise (and also please give @hobisbeautifulass​ ur love for making this cute banner uwu our fav dads o.o)
ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ: yoongi x reader ft. ot7 || ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ: 2.3k
ɢᴇɴʀᴇ: dads!yoongi and namjoon, yoongi’s sons!hobi, jin, and tae, namjoon’s sons!jimin and jungkook
ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢs: absolutely none this is the softest thing i’ve ever written
sᴜᴍᴍᴀʀʏ: shortly before christmas, you entertain family friend namjoon and his two kids for what you hope to be a quiet afternoon in. with five kids between you, that’s a pipe dream.
“Cup of coffee?” you ask automatically the moment greetings are done, the fading squeal of excited children still echoing down the hallway.
Namjoon flicks you a grateful smile, then his eyes dip to the sleeping body koala-hugging your torso. “Ah, thanks, but I can get it.”
Yoongi hums from you, running a hand over your free shoulder soothingly. “He can get it, love,” he confirms, “he practically lives here these days.”
“Hey!” Namjoon defends, already kicking his shoes off and hustling over to the kitchen, “you invite me here, you know!”
Yoongi’s hand slips down your bare arm and locks in with your fingers, gently guiding the two of you to follow after Namjoon. “Well, we aren’t visiting your pigsty, Joon.”
“See how he bullies me?” Namjoon questions you, ignoring his friend even as he stands directly beside you. His face changes then, eyes catching on something at the height of your waist. “Jungkookie? Why haven’t you gone to play with the others?”
You glance down in surprise at the tiny figure that has his stubby fingers curled on the edge of the bench, head only visible from the tuft of glossy black hair. Being acknowledged, he tips his head back in surprise, eyes and mouth in shocked ‘o’s. With a fond smile, you adjust the sleeping infant in your arms and reach out a hand to ruffle those silky locks, making him scrunch his nose. “Ah, Jungkookie, are you coming to talk with the Big Kids huh?”
The three-year-old doesn’t seem to notice your question. Head cranked way back to look up, he has eyes only for your smallest one. “Is baby Jinnie sleeping?” he whispers, even though the three adults in the room have been talking at a normal voice this whole time.
You nod softly, letting Yoongi and Namjoon pick up bemused conversation again as you slowly squat down to Jungkook’s level. Namjoon always insisted he wanted to come around to socialize, but you knew one of the real reasons was that Jungkook apparently wouldn’t stop talking about Jin, to the point where you’d regularly get FaceTimes from Namjoon in the evenings that led inevitably to Jungkook pressing his face too close to the screen to get a good look as you put the ten-month-old to sleep, whispering a good night message in the sweetest voice. Yes, Jungkook had definitely taken a liking to your youngest, and it didn’t surprise you one bit to see him hanging around.
The familiar weight in your arms shifts a bit, face pressed into the crook of your neck. Jinnie was at the age where he was cuddlier than ever, and even just the motion of crouching down made his fists tighten around handfuls of your shirt. “He should be due for a feed soon, would you wanna help me?”
Jungkook gasps, stumbling forward before he halts himself, eyes on you with uncertainty. “Really?” You nod. “Really really?”
With a laugh that jostles Jin slightly, you nod again. “Really really. Besides, he’s getting heavy now! He’s growing so fast, isn’t he?”
With a mouth still dangling open in wonder, Jungkook nods, hands unconsciously finding their way to grab at your knees, shuffling closer and closer. “You’re getting so big, baby Seokjinnie,” he whispers, lisp creeping out when he talks to the sleeping infant. He receives a little snuffle of acknowledgement from Jin, the wet click of his mouth as he suckles on his thumb. Jungkook’s face lights up in a wide smile
From above, your husband brings your attention back, noisily clinking mugs together as he cradles three of them in his hands, waddling carefully around the kitchen bench towards the lounge. Namjoon totters along happily behind him, hands empty. The three of you had learned it was generally safer that way.
“Come on, love, let’s sit on the couch,” Yoongi instructs, resting the steaming mugs on the coffee table for the split second it takes him to retrieve wooden coasters and place them safely underneath each one. “I just made you a herbal tea.”
You straighten up, grinning at the look of loss on Jungkook’s face as Jin is once again lifted from reach. “Thanks, hon. Jungkookie; how about you go get the others and bring them out here? I’ve got some pizza in the oven for lunch.”
Eyes widening in joy comically, the three-year-old rushes on stubby legs down the hallway, in his little stonewashed jeans and Cars 2 sweater, disappearing around the corner.
“That got rid of him,” Namjoon chuckles, cradling a cup of coffee so black it gleams like oil. “I swear that kid is addicted to two things; pizza and other people’s babies.”
Gingerly collapsing onto the sofa, tucked under Yoongi’s arm, you hum, patting Jin’s warm back as he tightens his grip on you even more. “And here I thought our baby was special.”
“Mm, he is. ‘Baby Seokjinnie’s smaller than my teddy bear, daddy!’ ‘What toys does baby Jinnie like to play with, daddy?’” Namjoon drops the high-pitched imitation of his son and rubs at his face with his free hand, though not without a tired grin. “At this point I should give up and call him Min Jungkook, not Kim Jungkook.”
Yoongi scoffs, free hand coming up to lazily stroke the delicate tufts of Seokjin’s hair, making the sleeping infant scrunch his nose happily. “Only if it’s a fair trade. You can take our Taehyung; he’s basically Jimin’s brother as it is.”
Namjoon chuckles lowly, pausing to take a sip of his coffee without the slightest grimace. “Ah, the terrible two. Minnie’s already got Tae’s Christmas present, you know. I would tell you, but I’m under an oath of silence from the little man himself.”
The answering hum from you and Yoongi is cut off by a high-pitched squeal that rips down the hallway. The three of you – even baby Jinnie – go stock-still, waiting for anything else. A full second of suppressed alarm later, an equally shrieky giggle follows, and every parent in the room visibly relaxes, tension dropping in relief.
“Still gets me every time,” Namjoon mutters.
“Oh, that doesn’t change,” you begin, but your focus is quickly sidetracked by a sudden shift in your arms, a sleepy gurgle as your youngest begins to wake, wiggling his tiny fingers and feet. You coo, a peaceful smile on your face as he blinks open his wide eyes and purses his plump lips, something he hadn’t inherited from you nor Yoongi but somehow was inexplicably born with. “Good morning, Jinnie,” you whisper, voice already lifting into baby-talk.
“It’s four in the afternoon,” Yoongi drawls, but you don’t miss the proud glint in his eyes at seeing his son wake up so calmly.
“Good morning!” you repeat. “Is my little guy hungry? Hm?”
“He’s awake?!” a voice chirps behind you, and you jump in your seat so violently that that Jin begins to fuss, face scrunching up slowly like he’s about to cry.
Namjoon sighs. “Jungkookie, that wasn’t very nice. You gave them a fright.”
Two sparkling eyes peek around the side of the couch. “But Jinnie woke up! I get to feed him, remember?”
You can’t hold a grudge at the sweet boy, lips stretching in a fond smile and sitting Jin upright on your lap, chubby legs kicked out over your knees. “Jungkookie, we’ll just feed Jinnie a yogurt pouch, would you mind getting one out of the fridge for me?”
The boy visibly deflates. “But I’m just little,” he points out sadly, “I can’t reach.”
“I can get them, mom,” a new voice calls out cheerily, your oldest son bounding through to the kitchen, bringing a yoghurt pouch for the baby and a juice box for himself. The ten-year-old holds the fridge door open with a raised knee, ducking his head out to face the lounge. “You want one, JK?”
Jungkook’s lips purse together in distaste. “I want the good stuff, hyungie.”
Namjoon drops his face into his hand, pinching his brow. “Jesus. This isn’t your house, Jungkookie. Take what you’re given, please.”
Jungkook huffs, foot thumping the carpet. “Well, I want Hobi-hyung to given me a banana milk, daddy.”
You bite down on your lip suddenly to stop a laugh from bubbling out, diffusing the release by jiggling your leg a little so Seokjinnie can bounce on your lap. “It’s fine, Joon, he can have one. They just sit there otherwise.”
Jungkook’s triumphant grin is shattered by his father reaching out to playfully wrestle him onto his lap, poking at his ribs and ruffling his hair, making his son squeal happily. “My spoilt kid, look at you! You’ll have an ego the size of this house by the time we visit next! Goodness me.”
Jungkook, hair sticking out at odd angles, finally collapses, wrapped in his dad’s arms. The cheeky grin returns with a vengeance. “That’s because I’m daddy’s favorite.”
“You’re trouble, that’s what,” Namjoon defends begrudgingly, squeezing him in a tighter hug.
A soft hand falls on your arm, the slender fingers of your oldest. Already a soccer fanatic, the kid had lost his puppy fat quicker than you perhaps would’ve liked, but he still retained the gentle and positive nature that radiated from his kind eyes. “Mommy,” he begins, “can I hold him?”
Jungkook makes a wounded noise, staring up at you like you’d betrayed him just by fielding the question.
“Jungkookie is gonna give him his yoghurt pouch, Hobi, could you be a good big brother and keep Jinnie on your lap?” Your son nods decisively, a pointer finger reaching out so that Jinnie’s fist closes around it, making him beam. “Okay, up on the couch, then.”
It’s barely half a minute after the two older kids get settled beside Yoongi - Hoseok cradling Jin against his stomach and Jungkook practically draped over his knees to reach out the pouch – before the two terrors come tearing down the carpeted hallway.
Yoongi, an arm still around Hoseok’s narrow shoulders, hastily reaches forward to put his mostly full cup of coffee back on the table. He’d barely taken a sip yet, preferring it not too hot on his tongue, but the two of you both knew Taehyung’s habit of running and jumping on top of you like an overeager dog. Too often you’d get undressed at the end of the day to see random bruises on your thighs or torso from his knees and elbows. Even though your whole family was very affectionate, Tae was a cuddle fanatic, which is why it comes as no surprise to you when he barrels around the corner, still wrapped up in a bear hug with his best friend, and Namjoon’s oldest, Jimin.
The two of them had birthdays a day apart and were convinced it made them soulmates or superheroes or something. Practically attached at the hip, they were what brought Namjoon from just another coworker of Yoongi’s to a close friend of the two of you.
“Woah, Jiminie!” Speaking of, Namjoon himself sits up, eyes wide as the two entangled six-year-olds stumble out and just about trip on the carpet, collapsing onto the couch and wriggling onto it, legs flying and teeth bared with massive grins. “Careful!”
You give a quick glance to the four men of varying sizes all cuddled together on the couch beside you. Yoongi, Hoseok, Jungkook and baby Jinnie seem to have taken no notice of the racket, fully focused in their own little word. Your husband murmurs lowly to the two kids on how to best feed the baby, holding his chubby arms steady in a cute team effort. If it wouldn’t totally ruin the moment, you’d whip out your phone to take a picture right about now.
“Mommy!” Taehyung belts, standing up on the couch on wobbly legs, a hand on Namjoon’s shoulder to keep balanced.
“Inside voice! What is it, baby?”
“Can we give Jiminie my present now?”
“What day is it?”
He pauses, shoulders drooping. Below, the brunette waves of Jimin’s hair fall back as he wraps his arms around Taehyung’s legs and props his chin up on his knee, looking up at the boy one day younger than him. With lips plump like Jin (these ones clearly taken from his father, however) Jimin mouths the answer. Tae blinks a couple times, then looks up at you. “Christmas Eve Eve Eve?”
“Y- correct, yes. When do we do presents?”
Sensing his own defeat, the whine comes out. “But moooom! Jiminie gave me mine!”
Namjoon looks sharply over to his son, who wilts but lets out a nervous giggle. “Minnie! We were going to give it to him together!”
Yoongi glances up. “You’re angry about the wrong thing, Joon.”
The younger man shrugs. “It was cool! Jimin, did he like it?”
Like two gossiping schoolkids, Namjoon, his son, and Taehyung excitedly discuss the gift: a little disposable camera that would let Tae take his own pictures whenever he wanted. A thoughtful gift, of course, and your heart soars at the thought of your little artist having his own camera, but Yoongi just slumps back on the couch, not even reacting as his youngest smears stray yoghurt over his jeans. “We have to let Taebear give Jimin his Christmas present now, love.”
Though he spoke low, the giant boxy grin on Tae’s face shows you he definitely heard. You bite your lip staring at the three on the opposite couch all giving you puppy eyes, Namjoon included.
“Fine,” you sigh, watching the kids jump excitedly. “but it’s only fair that each of the kids gets to open one present then.”
Hoseok and Jungkook look over you in comic timing, one with a heart-shaped grin and the other with a milk moustache that’s almost over the entire bottom half of his face. Even baby Jinnie hiccups, bouncing happily with cheeks full of yoghurt.
“Does… Does that include us?” Namjoon asks tentatively, barely reacting as the two kids on his side tug at his hair, his shirt, his cheeks.
You laugh in good humour, turning to your husband to share in the joke, but your smile drops when his eyes are rounded in hope too, blinking prettily.
You let out a sigh.
God, what have you done now
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boywivlove · 5 years
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Shimmers |
Pairing | Jeon Jungkook x reader 
Genre | Harry Potter au | Friends to Lovers | Fluff
Summary | When he approaches you in the library the last thing you expected was to be tutoring the cute Gryffindor beater Jeon Jungkook for the upcoming  Defence Against The Dark Arts exam. As you help him with his worst subject you can’t help but enjoy your time together. And as the exam inches closer and closer you find yourself in for a surprise.
Authors note | Eeeeeeee I can finally post this! This is my coffeehouse workshop gift for @widowkooks Surprise its me, your anon writer!!! I really hope you like what I’ve written. I tried to fit in the info I got from you uwu
“It’s not real, the ceiling. It’s just bewitched to look like the night sky.”
Breakfast was in full swing this morning, the excited chatter of the students with the delicious smells coming from the tables made for a cheerful morning despite the heavy rainfall outside. You never get tired of looking at the great halls ceiling. Ever since you started your school years at Hogwarts you were fascinated with the great halls enchantment, mimicking not only the sky outside but also the weather. Today for instance it was the sight of the morning sun breaking through the rain clouds. It was perfect Quidditch weather for the match later today. The commotion coming from each house table was almost deafening. It was the match that decided the winners of this year’s Quidditch cup and everybody was excited to see the Hufflepuff VS Gryffindor match. But with the excitement of the match also came the dread and anticipation for the Practical exam for all DADA students.
You were also giddy with anticipation for the upcoming match, while your initial loyalty lies with the Ravenclaw team, today you would be cheering for Gryffindor to win. The reason you would be sporting a red and gold banner sat two tables away from you, picking at his breakfast looking as though he wanted the ground to swallow him.
Jeon Jungkook.
He was half of the pair that made up the beaters for the Gryffindor team and one of the best players the team had had in years, Hufflepuff were good, but so were Gryffindor. You had only recently started interacting with Jungkook outside of classes together. Yes you had quite a few classes with Jungkook over the last 6 years at Hogwarts, but it’s only in this semester you’ve really gotten to know him. He was the athletic over intellect type, preferring to be on the Quidditch pitch rather than the classroom and while he was  quite an intelligent student, his mind flitted around like a snitch in certain classes, not enough to fail but enough to draw the attention of professors to his grades. It’s actually this reason your out of class interactions had started.
It had all started when he approached you in the library one afternoon.
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You were browsing the astronomy section of the Library, needing a little extra help in this subject, it really wasn’t your strong point, you were more of a practical student, preferring potions and charms, DADA being the subject you exceledl most in. You were just about to go check the books out when you heard someone clear their throat behind you, turning, you were surprised to see Jungkook, he was in your DADA and care of magical creatures classes earlier that day, but apart from classes together, the two of you had never really spoken to each other, so why was he approaching you now?
“Um, Y/N right?” His hair was windswept and damp looking, his tie was missing and his shirt was untucked. 
“Umm yes? Jungkook from Gryffindor right?”
“Right… Sorry I look like a mess, I came straight from Quidditch practice to find you, your friend told me you’d be here, I was wondering if you could help me” He runs his hand through his sweaty hair as he asks you, attempting to tidy himself up.
“Ohhh, so uh, what is it you wanted to ask that you needed to hunt me down?” you laughed adjusting the books in your hands “I dont think I’ve ever seen you in the Library before." 
He returns your laughter and places his hands in his pockets "yeah, I’m not one for that stuffy book smell” his nose crinkles slightly “Sooo, I know you’re one of the better DADA students in our year… I’m a disaster at this class, my grades have slipped so much Mcgonagall has had to give me a chat,” He sighs as he walks to the table closest to you both, you followed him and set your books down. “I really need to get my grades back up to passable, if not, Mcgonagall has said I might have to withdraw from the Quidditch team…”
Now that surprised you. “Wow she would really do that? She’s always had a competitive streak when it comes to the Quidditch cup… You’d think she would want her team filled with the best players.."  You sat pondering his words as he smiled dishearteningly. "So, you need help?”
His eyes brightened at the mention of helping him, his shoulders broadened slightly and his lips parted “Yeah, I know you’re a wiz at this defence against the dark arts stuff, and we have that practical test after christmas, I need to pass so badly” he sighs “Quidditch is my life you know? It’s all I ever wanted to do since I was young, and the thought of being kicked off the team because I’m crap at defensive spells…” he rubs his face with his hands in irritation.
You couldn’t help but feel for him, he was indeed a great Quidditch player, he tried out as soon as he could and has been a solid team member for Gryffindor since your second year, and yes, you had noticed his… lacking skills in DADA, but you never thought he would be given an ultimatum of pass or get kicked off the team. His grades must have dropped drastically for Mcgonagall to risk losing a good player from the team.
“I don’t mind helping you if you want me too?” You offered and could have sworn you saw his eyes water slightly. You stood from the table, going to gather your books as he shoots up, grabbing them for you, his voice raises as he goes to thank you.
“Oh my god, Y/N, you have no idea how grateful I would be! I promise you won’t regret this! You’re doing me such a huge favour!”
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It had been 4 months since you agreed to help Jungkook out with his DADA lessons, and you both have developed something of a friendship within a tutorship. The Saturdays you had free were spent going over the subject criteria from each lesson, both written and practical. On the written stuff, Jungkook had been doing really well, meeting you in the library and handing in his essays on time, but then there was the practical stuff….
To say Jungkook was bad was an understatement.
He really wasn’t kidding when he said he was crap at this, you don’t even think it’s because he prioritises Quidditch. He’s just, REALLY bad.
The Practical exam had gotten closer and closer, now being only a month away, the defensive charm that was to be performed had been announced to the class. The goal was to conjure a full or shield form of the patronus charm. You had been working with Jungkook every weekend and free time you had for months, but to his annoyance, he just wasn’t getting the hang of it. The stress of getting nowhere had started to take its toll on his morale, so much so that recently he’s started rain checking, or straight up dodging the tutoring sessions. You felt for him, you really did, but it irked you slightly that you’re using your personal time to help him when you’ve got your own subjects to study for, Astronomy was kicking your ass right now, and he’s ditching? Not if you had anything to say about it.
Making your way to the Quidditch pitch, you knew he would be there, it’s his favourite hangout spot besides from the Gryffindor common room, this was the only place you can actually go and find him. His arms were over his face, shielding from the light of the midday sun. You approach the bench and your sharp tone startles him slightly.
“You know, if you don’t want me to tutor you anymore you just have to say.” You cross your arms looking down on him, your irritation clear on your face.
“Y/N, I’m sorry I ditched, I ju-”
“For the 4th time in a row, You know you’re not the only one with subjects to study for right?” He looks at you with guilty eyes as you continue on ranting to him. “ I get it, you’re stressed out about the exam, but getting nowhere, and ditching, is still gonna get you nowhere.”
you push his legs off the bench and sit beside him, Jungkook sitting up and adjusting himself as he looks down at the floor. He sighs and kicks the sand, turning his eyes to you.
“…I am sorry Y/N, I know you’re taking time out or your own study time to help me, believe me I’m grateful… I just get so stressed out that I’m getting nowhere with producing the patronus.”
“You’re not getting nowhere though, JK, look how far you’ve come in 4 months, your grades are up, your essays are getting in on time, and you’re getting better at practical charms, you can’t say you’re getting nowhere.”
“But I am, I’m no closer to casting the charm than I was months ago." 
"Well,” you took a breath, thinking of possibilities “maybe it’s your approach to it, you still haven’t told me the memory you are focusing on, is it a powerful happy one?" 
He looked up from the ground, a confused look about his face "Beating Slytherin in the last match.”
“Hmm, maybe that’s the problem, you need a memory that fills you with so much happiness and emotion… I don’t think beating Slytherin really classes as the right memory here.” You chuckle a little, but Jungkook looks exasperated.
“Then what kind of memory?”
“What about your parents?” You notice Jungkooks face falter slightly.
Jungkook’s lips twist a little, his eyes downcast as his voice is lower than usual, “I, I don’t have parents, they uh, they died when I was younger, I live with my Grandmother." 
There was a moment of silence that followed his response. Neither of you knew what to say next. Looking at him, you see his shoulders shake slightly, and you reach for his hand, his cold knuckles were a drastic change to your warm palms. He looks up, meeting your gaze. 
"I’m sorry, I didn’t know, but thank you for telling me.”
Jungkook grasps your hand in his, a silent response to you, and after a few moments, he finally speaks.
“Your patronus is a cat, right?”
"How is it supposed to feel, when you cast the patronus?”
“Well I’ve read it’s different for everyone, but for me, it’s kind of like a shimmery feeling?” His eyebrows quirk “Like, a feeling of being washed over by something warm.”
“Like a blanket?” He smiles.
“I was thinking more like when you  step outside into a warm day” His comment made you let out a belt of laughter, to which he joins in. 
After your little laughing session, the two of you chatted about anything and everything, you realised you practically knew nothing about each other. You completely overlooked the feast, instead the two of you filled each other in about your childhoods, your friends,and any other topic you could think of talking about. It was only when rain started to fall that the two of you decide to head back inside, curfew creeping closer and closer, you would have to leave eventually. You and Jungkook don’t manage to outrun the downpour, getting quite soaked on your way inside, but this just makes the both of you laugh even more than earlier.
He shakes his head, sending out droplets hitting you in your face in the process, to which you land a whack on his shoulder, the laughter dies down slightly, reduced to slight chuckles as the two of you look at each other. 
There’s a moment, a moment of eyes locking that you both stop the chuckles, and Jungkook reaches for your face, tucking a wiping your wet hair from your face. Neither of you move. There’s silence, but you both look at each other again, and you can’t help but erupt into giggles again as he shakes his head again, even more droplets of rain hit your face.
The two of you finally make your way to the second staircase, you heading up another level, him continuing down the corridor.  Both of you had a renewed tutoring plan. Jungkook seemed to have a fire lit under his butt, even more determined to ace this test, and he has a memory in mind to focus on, he just hopes it’s the right choice.
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So here you sat at the Ravenclaw table, your breakfast finished, you drank some tea trying to calm your nerves, exams always made you nervous. But looking at the Gryffindor table, you knew you didn’t have the worst case of pre-exam jitters out there, that honour goes to Mr Jeon Jungkook himself. In the last month you and Jungkook had been spending every free moment of your time helping him cast the patronus charm. You don’t know what happened to him, but by some miracle, he was able to produce a shield form! You begged him to tell you what his new memory was, but whatever it was, he was keeping it to himself. But if it helped him focus it more by keeping it secret you wouldn’t pry, this was the best progress he had made in the whole of the tutoring sessions. You were so proud of him. In the past month he had been so dedicated to his exam prep, you even heard him having to ditch Quidditch practice once or twice, this was serious for him.
But for all his dedication and prep, right now he looked like he wanted to melt into the floor. You knew he didn’t do well in exams either, but for him this exam was more important than anything else.
He looked up and caught your eyes, to which you flashed him a reassuring smile, to he replied with the hand motion of his head exploding. The two of you shared a giggle across the room as you finished breakfast before heading to the DADA classroom.
The class was all lined up in house order: Slytherin, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, and finally Gryffindor. Waiting for each student to turn, you see plenty of people fail, others producing shield form patronus charms, some even full bodied, you see various different animals, horses, ferrets, owls, dogs for example. Your house’s turn came quickly and your turn came even quicker, your patronus forming into a cat pretty quickly and you make your way to the other end of the classroom to wait and watch for the other students. After the rest of your house and the Hufflepuff students, it’s finally Jungkook’s turn. 
He steps forward slowly, you can see his breathing increase and he bites his bottom lip slightly, the professor tells him to cast when he’s ready. You catch his eyes as he readies his wand, and you show him thumbs up as you smile at him, reassuring him that he’s got this in the bag. He exhales and closes his eyes, focusing himself on his memory, and when he opens his eyes he readies his wand and chants.
“Expecto Patronum!”
There’s a moment, a long, dragged out moment of nothing, and then, letting out a breath you didn’t realise you were holding, his wand shimmers in white light, and there it is.He casts a full bodied patronus. A cat patronus. Your surprised and join the other Gryffindor students cheering for him as he looks at his Patronus in awe.
Jungkook can’t believe his eyes. He did it. He cast a Patronus charm, a full bodied patronus! His face erupts with a wide grin as he makes his way to the other students, the Gryffindors crowding him and rejoicing their Quidditch team will not be down a player no doubt. Jungkook looks at you and you can’t help but laugh and smile like a giddy fool about his achievement. 
The other students finish their practicals and the professor dismisses everyone for free. As the class files out of the classroom in relief, Jungkook envelops you in a tight hug, you feel the air leave your lungs as he practically screams in your ear.
“Y/N!!!! I did it!! You are my literal life saver.” You wheeze a little for emphasis and he lets you go, gaining your breath back you laugh and join him in the merriment. 
“YOU did it! I’m so proud of you, all the practice paid off I told you it would!!”
Jungkooks’ teammates crowded him and congratulated him. The seeker Hoseok messed his hair as the other half of the Gryffindor beaters, Jimin offered a fist bump. Jimin couldn’t help but laugh a little as his eyes lit up mischievously.
“sooo, all this time you’ve been getting help from Y/N eyyyy" 
Jungkook laughed as he returned the fist hump 
"Yeah, she is the reason I’m staying on the team, I wouldn’t have even been able to cast a shield if not for her helping me!”
You couldn’t help but blush a little at his words, which Jimin picked up on, setting his eyes on Jungkook again as he spoke.
“ So you both have cat forms for your Patronus animal huh, you know I read a person’s patronus form can be influenced by someone else, if the caster feels deeply for the other person. Isn’t that funny, It’s almost as if you love Y/N, how peculiar.”
You stand still for a second, so does Jungkook, taking in Jimin’s words, Love? Surely not, You only helped him with the charm, that doesn’t mean he’s madly in love with you… right…
Jungkook laughs nervously and punches Jimin’s shoulder while the captain of the Gryffindor team, Namjoon set to work immediately, bringing focus onto the upcoming game this afternoon, excusing themselves from you to get ready to meet up with the other team mates. Jungkook lagged behind, turning to you, an awkward silence washing over the both of you,
“So uhh, Y/N, I can’t say enough how grateful I am” he scratches his head a little.
“Pshh, you cast the charm, I just gave you a little nudge… I have to ask though, I’m curious ” He looked at you “ what was your memory? Did you end up changing it?”
Jungkook’s eyes went to the floor for a second, and then back to yours, his hands went into his robe pockets, “ Yeah, and no… I mean I did change it, last minute.”
“Yeah, I was getting ready to cast the charm, when I thought back to that afternoon, on the Quidditch pitch… I um,”
You wait patiently for him to finish his sentence, a hot feeling reaching your cheeks.
“I thought about when we came back inside from the rain, when I moved your hair out of your face, I uh” He chuckles to himself “ I thought about you.”
Oh. Wow.
You weren’t expecting that… 
“You were thinking of me?”
“Yeah, Jimin wasn’t exactly wrong back there…”
“The form of a Patronus may change during the course of a witch or wizard’s life. Instances have been known of the form of the Patronus transforming due to bereavement,falling in love or profound shifts in a person’s character”
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avmisworld · 4 years
Jungkook as your boyfriend:
●     Y'all know Jungkook is MAJOR bf material
●     The cutest bean uwu
●     At the start of your relationship he was probably a bit awkward
●     The poor guy is so inexperienced he forgot what it's like talking to a girl who isn't doing his makeup lol
●     Is scared to do something you won't like so he's always really careful with his words and actions
●     Eventually he'll ease into it and become the shameless loving crackhead you know today
●     But sometimes he'll still get a little shy
●     Whenever he says something too cheesy or makes a cute mistake or you compliment him
●     Always has the cutest bunny smile during these moments
●     Always puts your needs before his own
●     If you're a foreigner, he'll spend hours learning your native language
●     Even though you know Korean and you have no problem communicating uwu
●     Makes sure you're eating well and sleeping enough
●     Even when he's on diets and sleeps two hours a day max :(
●     Always insists to help you even if you don't need it
●     "Y/N, let me help you"
●     "Babe, I'm combing my hair..?"
●     Is always ready to tell you how amazing and beautiful you are whenever you get insecure about your body and talents :'(
●     Is legitimately confused why you would ever be insecure in the first place
●     When he is insecure tho
●     You just tell him the harsh truth
●     That he's the world's cutest, most talented and golden bunny, and he's precious to ARMY and to his members uwu
●     Tells you he loves you at least a hundred times a day just to see you blush and avoid his eyes cutely
●     His favorite thing is making you laugh
●     Loves it when you make him laugh as well
●     He's an hilarious person so he doesn't have to try much to succeed
●     Loves to make funny faces at you during one of your fake-serious banters
●     You two have a shit ton of private jokes (wtf is funny about a plastic cup????)
●     You live on sending each other memes and stupid videos of people falling down stairs lmfao
●     You two are severe crackheads oof
●     It's very likely to find the two of you awake at 3 am having a dance party or karaoke after too much wine
●     Constantly having tickle fights, wrestling matches, pillow fights, what not
●     Do not forget that JK is a savage little shit
●     And that doesn't change because you are his girlfriend *sigh*
●     Teases you about everything and anything
●     Places things high up on purpose just so he can show up later with his chest puffed out and take it down for you with a smirk
●     "Did I hear a damsel in distress?"
●     But makes sure not to take it too far uwu
●     This kid is competitive af omg
●     A relationship with him means turning everything into some race or bet
●     "I bet I can finish this hot dog faster than you"
●     "Whoever brushes their teeth faster gets to shower first!"
●     You see this a lot when the two of you game as well
●     There is no way you can date Jeon Jungkook without playing Overwatch at least once lol
●     Video game tournaments
●     He wins most of the time but if he'll ever lose it's because he let you smh
●     Is competitive also when it comes to other people
●     Always has to prove to you that he's the best and that you made the right choice dating him
●     Like you would ever doubt that pffft
●     Whenever someone impresses you Jungkook would just jump out and be like
●     "That's pretty cool, but did you see the new move I learned?" *breaks neck*
●     Going to a fun fair would just be you going back home with a truckload of plushies from Jungkook winning in all the booths kfkfkd
●     Dates with him are so cute and fun
●     He loves taking you out sm
●     It doesn't matter if it's movie night, ramen dates, dinner dates, lunch dates, beach dates, amusement park dates, coffee dates, workout dates, study dates, ice-skating dates
●     Jungkook's inner child always comes out with you
●     Probably because he never really got the time to be a real child :(
●     You're the only person aside from his members and family who gets to see the real him
●     He's so whipped for you
●     Literal heart eyes
●     Can't stop staring at you with twinkling eyes and a wide bunny smile
●     When you catch him he'll look away and blush but he'll feel satisfied when he sees you blush as well uwu
●     He finds everything you do adorable and can't help but send you bashful laughs and affectionate gazes
●     even if he won't admit it kkk
●     Compliments you all the time
●     Compliments about your looks, your outfits, your smallest, most insignificant achievements uwu
●     Always notices the small things about you that no one else does
●     "Wow, Y/N, these new earrings look so good on you, babe"
●     Basically Jungkook loves to spoil you hehe
●     Buys you presents all the damn time
●     You don't encourage him to do so because you hate feeling like he's your sugar daddy or smth and you aren't with him from his money
●     But he just can't help it when he sees something he knows you'll like
●     Spends more time shopping for you than for himself
●     But it's all worth the gleam of excitement in your eyes when you see his presents
●     Even if you playfully slap him and pout
●     "I told you to stop wasting money on me!"
●     Also makes you his own personal presents uwu
●     Usually gives you them before he goes on tour to cheer you up
●     Anything from portraits of you he drew secretly, to paintings of beautiful landscapes, to songs he wrote for you, to a collage of pictures you took of you
●     Jungkook loves taking pictures and videos of you
●     Takes snaps of you secretly cause he knows you're shy uwu
●     His camera roll and gallery is entirely filled with pictures of you sleeping, eating, laughing, smiling, staring, talking, etc…
●     Plus cute selfies and candid shots of the two of you with huge grins and arms wrapped around each other
●     And memey selfies of the two of you that you would literally bury yourself if anyone would find lol
●     Also has little, random videos of you just scrolling on your phone or something
●     "Y/N, look at mee~~"
●     It's really hard when Jungkook leaves for tour for both of you
●     Late night video calls almost every day
●     Even when Kook is after a concert, with his eyelids sticking to each other like glue π-π
●     Calls you half asleep and the two of you just talk about meaningless stuff until one of you falls asleep uwu
●     Sends you snaps all day of him and the guys and everything they're doing
●     Does it so you'll see he's having fun and staying healthy
●     Wants you to do the same so you send him selfies of you and your boring university lifestyle
●     He insists that he finds it interesting and that he wants to see your face
●     "I can't be deprived of touching you and seeing you! It's too much."
●     Doesn't answer texts ever so you mostly communicate through phone/video calls and snaps/memes
●     When he comes back from tour you wait for him at the airport
●     His face lights up when he sees you and he smiles so wide π-π
●     No matter how exhausted he is he runs to you like a lighting bolt
●     Hugs you tightly and twirls you around while the other members watch fondly
●     One of the few times he'll agree to so much PDA
●     Usually he doesn't really like being too touchy in public
●     But he always holds your hand just to make sure you're next to him, safe and sound uwu
●     Brings you so much souvenirs from his trip abroad to make you feel like you were there with him
●     Snow globes, magnets, clothes, key chains, plushies…
●     All of it to remind you he thought about you every single day he was away
●     When you're together you're so domestic
●     If it's making food together, Jungkook teaching you BTS' newest choreo, working out, or even cleaning the house together
●     Nothing's boring with Jungkook
●     He's a whole different person when you're alone
●     Calls you sweet nicknames like "baby", "babe", "jagi", "princess" and "angel"
●     He's singing all day so it feels like your constantly stuck in "The Greatest Showman"
●     But you can't really complain cause Gukkie's sweet honey voice is your favourite thing to hear
●     Sometimes he'll talk to you in songs only to piss you off
●     But most of the time he'll sing to you when you can't sleep or when you feel sad or sick
●     He'll comb his hands through your hair gently while he sings to you softly *heart-attack*
●     Picks you up all the time
●     It might be because he loves to prove that he's strong enough to protect you and cherish you
●     But also because he loves hearing your shrieks of surprise and soft laughter
●     Piggybacks on the street, carrying you bridal style around the house, lifting you up like a baby in his arms when you playfully fight and twirling you around
●     Just all the time really
●     "Okay, okay, I'm sorry~~ Please let me down"
●     Because you live together when he's in Korea you're always stealing his clothes
●     He pretends to not like it and demands you to give it back to him
●     But if you're ever cold or in the need of some clothing he'll be the first to throw you his wardrobe
●     His slightly possessive nature feeds off seeing you all small and soft in his clothes
●     It probably turns him on tbh
●     Because of this he has a big thing for couple items as well
●     Whether it's outfits, phone cases, lockscreens, accessories, and eventually jewelry (like promise rings uwu)
●     Brags about you to the members 24/7
●     "Look at this picture I took of Y/N when she wasn't looking! Isn't she the prettiest?"
●     "Hyung, did you hear that Y/N was voted for best student in her class? Wah, I was really so impressed! She's a genius."
●     The members high-key tease him for it and say it's annoying
●     But they secretly think it's adorable how happy you make him and adore you so much for it fr
●     You getting along with the rest of the members so well makes Jungkook really happy
●     Even though he might get too protective sometimes
●     Gets jealous often and is horrible at hiding it despite not saying it directly smh
●     Watches from afar when you laugh at something Taehyung says, pinching his cheek lightly
●     His eyebrows are furrowed and he's tonguing his cheek like he always does when he's jealous
●     Eventually he has enough and comes over to you
●     Pecks your cheek or pulls you to sit in his lap and tells everyone about the date you have planned for tomorrow
●     "So, me and Y/N are planning to go to a picnic tomorrow at Han river…"
●     And you're trying so hard not to smile cause he's just being so obvious and you find it cute
●     A few time his jealousy leads to fights tho
●     Fighting with Jungkook in general is a rare occurrence
●     But when you do fight it can get pretty bad
●     Rather than shouting or losing his temper, Jungkook tends to shut himself off when the fight is serious
●     He stays quiet and talks only when it's necessary
●     "Whatever" "Do what you want"
●     It's mostly because he's afraid to say something he'll regret later
●     He'll probably leave the apartment and go to the gym/studio/dorm room to calm down and clear his head
●     Because both of you have big egos, it might take a few days to make up
●     If Jungkook's at fault, he will eventually swallow his pride and apologize to you
●     If it were the other way around tho
●     You're not going to hear a word from him until you admit you were at fault
●     No matter how much it'll hurt him to be away from you
●     Even after the fight is over it might take a little time for things to go back to how they were
●     Because Jungkook's pride and insecurities might get in the way of him approaching you
●     But with enough patience you'll be back to being the inseparable couple you were before
●     In case you think I forgot
●     Skinship is a must in your relationship
●     Jungkook loves to cuddle with you
●     He's always the big spoon, with his hands underneath your (his) shirt, just gently caressing the skin of your stomach and hips
●     Or with you laying on top of his chest, legs tangled together
●     A lot of times cuddling leads to heated make out sessions and even more
●     When he's troubled or exhausted he likes to nuzzle his head in the junction between your shoulder and neck and just breathe you in
●     Tight hugs when you see each other after a while with his hands pressing your face to his chest protectively
●     Back hugs are a must obviously
●     Creeps up behind you when you're working and scares the frick out of you when he wraps his arms around your waist
●     Loves forehead kisses because it's another opportunity to boast about how tall he is smh
●     Also cheek kisses, nose kisses, ear kisses, neck kisses, knuckle kisses and lip kisses ofc lol
●     Kisses you out of the blue and then pretends like nothing happened
●     "Sorry, I couldn't help it"
●     Lots of sweet, soft, loving kisses uwu
●     Has a thing for nibbling/biting you (mostly your earlobe/bottom lip/fingers)
●     Loves giving hickeys oml
●     It fits his possessive nature perfectly
●     The more people know you belong to him, the better
●     Loves when you sit in his lap skdjd
●     He wraps his arms around your stomach and pulls you closer so he can place his chin on your shoulder, occasionally leaving butterfly kisses all over your neck and shoulders
●     Also into cuter things like poking your cheeks when you do something cute, ruffling your hair, tickling you and pinching your cheeks and bopping your nose.
●     When it comes to bed, Jungkook is definitely a dom
●     Just like he is on stage kdkck
●     Puts your pleasure before his own and makes sure you're a 10474859% with whatever he's doing beforehand
●     Sex after a fight or after he gets jealous and needs to remind himself you're only his
●     Dirty talk ahhhh
●     He can also be soft tho
●     Like when he's making love to you omg my hearteu
●     Whispering praises and sweet words in your ear
●     Staring into your eyes with his dark, intense ones
●     Moans alot and likes it when you do too
●     Occasionally he lets you have the upper hand
●     Doesn't spend too much time on aftercare because he wants to go back to holding you as quickly as possible
●     The two of you fall asleep naked with your bodies completely tangled together
●     Also likes showering with you
●     less in a sexual way and more as another opportunity to pamper you
●     Scrubs you carefully and puts shampoo for you
●     Uses soap foam to grow you a fake beard this boi srsly
●     Basically he loves you like no one else and you're destined to be
●     The best boi there is <3
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bangtann-bangdamn · 3 years
Was that it? Am I still alive? Lol
But omg I can’t believe Nocturne is over!!! I’ve become so invested in their lives that now I don’t know how to feel because they got their happily ever after!
Will we see any epilogues of to how they are years later? Will the crew get back together! Will Hyejin stop trolling Jin? Will Y/N ever bake for JK again? Lol.
But Kate, you did a great job with this! Cant wait to see what you have next but take your time and stay safe and stay healthy!
I honestly cannot believe it’s been nearly 2 years and you’ve stuck with me the entire time 🤧
Other than hye-Jin’s side story (which ends before the shit show annual trip in which everything goes wrong) I haven’t got anything else planned for the nocturne universe.
The way I see it, Yoongi stays for a week in london. His intention was to actually use the hotel room alone to sleep because he didn’t want to make YN uncomfortable (we Stan respectable men in this house), and, like I’ve said in previous asks, he wasn’t sure how things were going to turn out between them and he wanted to make sure he had somewhere to stay in london.
Turns out the hotel he booked is actually around the corner from where YN lives lmao. Of course, YN and Yoongi would drop off his stuff and then proceed to go explore london. She would take him for a walk along the Thames and maybe visit winter wonderland in the evening. Yoongi would be jet lagged so he wouldn’t survive very long in the evening and yn, not wanting to say goodbye to Yoongi (and also not wanting to deal with the new sex maniac roommate lmao) would pout and Yoongi wouldn’t even ask her up. He’d just take her hand and continue talking about whatever it was as he leads her back to his room and they would fall into their usual routine. Whether or not it goes further than that, I’ll leave that up to your imagination 😉
Either way, yn ends up spending the duration of Yoongi’s visit staying in his hotel room and who can really blame her?
Yoongi would go back home but they would then start talking daily (twice a day, tbh. Every morning and evening so they can talk about their day and wish the other sweet dreams - they’re that couple uwu). Yn would finish her final year around the end of April/beginning of May and would fly home ASAP. Like, we’re talking the day after her deadlines because she is h o m e s i c k.
Yoongi travels with all of their friends to greet her. At the airport he’s the first in line and you just know that as soon as yn walks out into the arrivals bit, Jungkook is pushing him out the way so he can hug his sister - and yes, our boy is crying. Hye-Jin would be the next in line to greet YN, along with Jin, Hobi, jimin, taehyung, and Namjoon (who’s low key only there to make sure it really is YN and not some robot replacement sent by the British to spy on them lmao). Finally Yoongi gets his chance to say hi and hye-Jin moves everyone off to the car so the love birds can greet each other in peace.
By that point, Hobi would have grown tired of living with the chaotic couple, and Namjoon would have grown tried of jungkook and Jimin, so they decide to move in together. Hye-Jin offered YN her old room back but she declines. Instead, after a lengthy discussion about how soon was too soon to move in together and ultimately concluding that despite the first few months of their relationship being fake, neither of them for a second considered it such, yn and Yoongi decide to move in together.
Wow, there was me thinking I had given no thought to the future of the characters and I just wrote that in one go 😂
Also, hye-Jin will stop trolling Jin when he stops being so trollable (aka, until her dying breath lmao). And are you kidding me? Not even 24 hours after she’s returned and Jungkook has her attached to his kitchen counter baking him cookies (the ones she left him in the freezer lasted him maybe a day lmao).
Thank you so much for reading! I’m trying not to stress about writing, trying to stay calm about not updating at least once a week but the truth of the matter is that I love writing. I just get so down when I’m not surrounded by it and I struggle to jump back into the worlds I create when I’ve been away from it for so long (which is partially why nocturne took so long to write - because I didn’t have the time to write). I’m so, so grateful to everyone for being so supportive 💜
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rebelliouslala · 4 years
Jeon Jeongguk
So u and jk have been best friends since the diaper ages
y’all have been as tight as thieves, hanging at school, him being a sporty, you being semi popular
but y’all have always been tight
yes y’all fought, but eventually he would get sad, or you regretful, show up at each other’s window with their favorite snack, watch a marvel movie and cuddle
so when you both get accepted to the same college, your guises DREAM college
ecstatic time
but there’s an itty bitty problem
you’re in love with Jungkook
For all of high school, you thought it was like a sibling love???
his wavy hair, his giggles, his smile, his muscles flexing as you both cuddle
you’re head over heels
but, you guys have been friends since you could remember
You’ve dated other people, his best friend actually
he dated your enemy once
And yet no confession
anyways, you got that off your mind as you organize your dorm
You’re a little sad since the boy’s and girl’s dorms are rly far apart
like a half an hour away with a slight pace if u walked
like fuck bro wtf
u finally lay back, and before you could even sigh in relief
the door opens and out bounces is JK
“KOOK! JESUS—!” You groan out as he smiles
You smile a little, and hold him closer, “thanks jk,”
“hey, don’t be sad y/n, we have a similar schedule! just, don’t worry too much, then you start to fall apart and I can’t redo sophomore you again, and I certainly won’t let you fall apart in college”
You smile more now and sigh as you gently peck his cheek
“ugH fine jk :)”
“good, now, let’s go to sleep”
“don’t they check if ur not in bed?”
“sh” jk pouts and puts a finger to ur mouth “sleep”
you roll your eyes and close your eyes, “night Kookie”
he gently smiles and hums, until you fall asleep
over the next few weeks, you kind of started to see him less often??
meaning oh yeah
u started to overthink
luckily ur roommate was sweet and often she said “BOYS ARE FUCKING LIARS DONT EVEN TRUST THEM”
until maybe a month and a half in, you were studying for a pop quiz
since apparently teachers do that now :/
you get a text
“hey! y/n~, it’s ur best bunny”
it’s a new number
“Uh. . .who is this?”
You widen your eyes, and you call them
the phone picks up before it can even ring, “open ur window”
You obey and there he is
his hair got even wavier, framing his face as he even got MORE CHISELED AND HE HAS BLACK CLOTHING ON AND CHAINS AND YOU CAN SEE-
he smiles, the same bunny teeth, “hey, come down”
“dude where the fuck have—?”
“come down, and I’ll explain, okay?”
you sigh and look at your roommate who shakes her head
but, he is your friend
and undoubtedly your best friend
and the man you dream about so desperately
you wave and yeet out
okay no, u climb down
stay safe kids
did he get taller!3!??rt7y980[:&:&:’
anyways he’s pretty silent, but you see he has a few new tattoos? And piercings?2
“shh, he smiles at you, “just, wait, please”
You shut your mouth, crossing your arms as you get a small sick feeling
but you arrive to a frat house, and open up to see someone yell, “ALRIGHT GIVE ME THE SNACKS
“GUYS!” Jungkook tells, and you hide behind him over tall men in the lobby
“oh hi”
“guys, meet y/n, this is why, I haven’t been around you guys, I’ve been practicing a dance practice thing with my frat brother, Hobi and Jiminie. they keep thinking u don’t exist but uh, yeah this is my best friend, y/n”
You wave and immediately the other 6 boys crowd around you
“well hello my name is Kim Seokjin and it’s a pleasure to- OUCH JK ILL FUCkInFg BEAT YOU UP—!”
He glares at JK who scowls back, and holds you close
“so, lemme show u the boy scouts frat”
it’s a large wood house, he has a large room, with almost nothing
he never rly wanted a lot for himself, so, as the best friend you are you scolded him
“wtf do u sleep on”
“that pillow”
“thats the size of ur fucking bicep, jk”
Do anyways he has been rly best friends with this other dude, Taehyung
soon you get a more better tour, by namjoon
And taehyung and jk hang out in the hot tub, but Tae frowns
“uh u good dude?”
Tae frowns and he’s like “Youre fucking spazzing my guy”
“I just—!” JK sighs and leans back, continuing to look back
“HOLY SHIT YOU LIKE THEM!” Tae cackles, smacks the water
“did I lie”
jk pouts and sighs, “no”
“AH HA! So, go shoot ur shot”
“bro I just ghosted them for a fucking month”
“. . .oh”
jk sighs and drinks a carbonated soda, muttering, “I rly like them, ever since freshman year, we danced at prom but, I was so scared to even ask them out”
Tae uwus and he scoots over, “listen, y’all just, okay; I got a shirt they can swim in, just, you guys can talk, and then, say it”
“lemme fucking finish, dumbass. yes now. if not, then you guys will keep waiting and waiting, and besides, if they say no, you’ve already ghosted them, so it’s up to them to continue or not the friendship -although I find that highly un-fucking likely- and if yes, boom”
jungkook pouts, and splashes gently at his choices, “o-okay”
So while namjoon and his friend, jimin were -lowkey- flirting with u
tae finally grabs u and tells u to wear his old hawaii shirt
“uh y”
*cough* “rEasONs”
Eventually you go, and then there’s soft,
Like hella fucking soft
piano music :))
And there is ur long time best friend, softly humming his eyes closed as he whispers,
Nah not whisper
He sings gently to you,
“and i, cant help,”
he looks at you, a soft smile on his face, your heart launching itself to the heavens
“falling in love, with you”
you wipe the tears that have already poured down, as he opens his arms, “y/n, look im rly-”
u splash as you try to get in, holding them closer than you possibly couldve, and whispering,
“I love u too, jeongguk,”
so, u gently let kisses on each other’s exposed skin as the other boys in the house cheer for their newest addition to the frat
joon softly gives jin a $50 bill, muttering how much he hates him ;)
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kutemouse · 4 years
And Then He Was Gray (Part One)
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Disclaimer: I edited the pic I used above, but do not own the OG one. For the purposes of this one-shot, (G)I-DLE and BTS are closer in age than they are irl. I imagine the girls to be around 2 or so years older than they are currently. FYI none of them are minors, and they are all legal drinking age… I checked 😉
This imagine/one-shot was inspired by none other than… Jin’s famous gray, star-patterned crop top. I remember DYING when I first saw that footage of Hoseok taking pictures of Jin lifting his arms and showing off his amazingly toned torso… So, in honor of that magical, wonderful shirt, enjoy 💜
Note: In case it wasn’t clear, I gave Soyeon a nickname that her friends call her. They’ll call her “So-So” occasionally. It’s not based in real life at all, I just thought it was kinda kute.
Age Recommendation: 21+ (Not just a recommendation, kuties!)
Warnings: ALL of BTS make an appearance, (G)I-DLE make an appearance (yes, I like them), PDA, consumption of lots of alcohol, JiHope being the world’s cutest couple and making me pop all the UwU’s, Tae and JK being rowdy drunks, lonely angst 😔 Not much smut in this part. SWEARS, God, I nearly always forget swears 🙄
Word Count: 1,157
Summary: Your best friend Jeon Soyeon invites you to a kick-back with all of her friends and their significant others, intent on hooking you up with someone. Everyone seems taken, though, until he arrives, wearing a star-studded, gray top that makes your mouth water.
And Then He Was Gray (Jin One-Shot, Smut, Fluff) Part One
“Stop fiddling, you look great!” my best friend said, slapping my hands away from my skirt.
“I can’t help it, I feel like the bottom of my ass is showing,” I groaned, continuing to tug at the plaid, gray fabric.
Soyeon rolled her eyes. “So what if it is?”
I scoffed. “Then I’d like my jeans back please!”
“Y/n. You do not go to a party dressed like it’s just another Friday, okay? This is a special occasion, the first time we’ve been out in ages! Please, for the love of all things holy, try to have fun,” she begged.
Rolling my eyes, I gave her a tiny nod, reluctantly agreeing to “have fun,” as she put it. My idea of fun was curling up with my favorite show, rolled up in a blanket like the lazy burrito I was. However, my best friend had been invited to this kick-back, and since all of her university friends were going to be there, and, more importantly, since the girl she was currently into was going to be there, I was forced to come along as her wing-woman. When my bestie explained why she wanted me to come, I couldn’t help feeling slighted. That was seriously her reasoning why the fuck I had to go? Couldn’t Soyeon find some other gal pal to dress up like a doll and drag places?
“Guess not,” I thought as we stepped onto the porch and knocked on the door. We could already hear music booming from the inside, accompanied by loud laughter and shouts.
A boy whipped open the door, laughing at something behind him. I was taken aback by his large stature and wide, white smile. “Ladies,” he greeted when he saw us, his smile turning into a smirk. “Come on in.”
“Nice to see you too, Jungkook,” Soyeon said, pressing a hand on the boy’s chest and pushing him aside.
The house was rather large and beautifully decorated on the inside. “Wow,” I said, looking around. “Whose place is this?”
“Mine,” the boy, Jungkook, said. “Well, my parents. But they’re out of town, so for the weekend, it’s mine.”
“It’s nice.”
“Thanks.” Jungkook motioned to the kitchen. “Grab food, drinks, whatever. Most of us are outside around the fire pit.”
“Cool, thanks,” Soyeon said, grabbing me by the wrist and making a beeline for the kitchen.
“Is that the guy?” I hissed as she tugged me along.
“Nope,” she replied as we passed a couple wrapped around each other, making out in plain sight.
“Ugh,” Soyeon said, wrinkling her nose. “That’s my friend from university, Yuqi, and Jungkook’s best friend, Taehyung. I so regret introducing those two.”
Two guys were in the kitchen, one dark-haired, the other blonde. Both were handsome as hell, but while the dark-haired one had more pointed, angular features, the blonde’s were rounded, soft, and delicate. “This is Hoseok, I call him Hobi,” she said, pointing. “And that’s Jimin. They’re only the cutest couple I know.” Soyeon leaned on the counter and squished her cheeks between her hands.
Hobi rolled his eyes, tugging Jimin closer by the waist. “Soyeon, please.”
“It’s true,” she retorted.
“Don’t let Taehyung hear you say that,” Jimin said, chuckling. “He thinks he and Yuqi are the World’s Cutest Couple.”
“Because we are,” a deep voice said. I turned to see a tall, handsome guy with dark hair leading a girl with large doe eyes and waist-length, wavy brown hair into the kitchen.
Soyeon scoffed. “More like World’s Most Inconsiderate Couple.”
“Soyeon, please. Don’t be jealous.” Taehyung’s mischievous grin did nothing to stop my bestie from throwing an empty cup at him.
Blatantly ignoring them, Hobi nodded in my direction. “So-So, who’s your friend?”
“Oh, this is my best friend, Y/n. I’ve known her since we were kids.”
“That’s cool, nice to meet you,” Hobi said, extending his hand. I shook it, shyly nodding.
Jimin poured everyone drinks before we headed outside, the boys jostling each other as they joked around and making us girls giggle. We sat in some lawn chairs circled around a fire pit, where a few people were already roasting marshmallows and drinking. “Soyeon!” a girl with long, dark hair pulled into a ponytail exclaimed, throwing her arms around my bestie. “I missed you!”
“Missed you too, Shuhua. It’s only been what, a day?”
“Feels longer,” Shuhua mock-pouted before taking a seat on Jungkook’s lap. Leaning over his girlfriend, Jungkook gestured to a guy with silvery-purple hair who was holding the hand of a girl with blonde-streaked, dark hair and gorgeous, piercing eyes. “This is Namjoon, and his girlfriend, Minnie.”
Namjoon shook our hands with a smile. “Nice to meet you. Feel free to grab some roasting sticks and ‘mallows if you want.”
Another boy with dark hair and pale skin held his hand out as well. “I’m Yoongi. This is my girlfriend, Soojin.”
Soojin had to be one of the prettiest girls I’d ever seen. Her blonde hair cascaded down to her waist, and her red-lipsticked smile was sultry yet shy. “Yoongi sure is a lucky guy,” I thought while shaking their hands as well.
After introductions were finished, I sat down in a chair, pulling my bestie down with me. “Soyeon, all of these guys seem to be taken. You said you were bringing me here to meet someone,” I whispered.
“Patience,” she hissed back before her entire face lit up. “Oh my God, Miyeon! You look amazing!”
Soyeon got up and placed her hands on a girl’s shoulders. The girl must have just arrived. Her purse was still on her shoulder and a cup full of liquid was in her hand. “Thanks,” she said, giving Soyeon an up-down, her pretty brown eyes sliding slowly over my best friend’s body. “You look good too, Soyeon.”
Ah, so this was the famous Miyeon. Soyeon hadn’t shut up about her since the day they met, and tonight was supposed to be the night my best friend made her move.
“Ten bucks they hook up,” I heard Jungkook whisper, and I turned to shoot him a grin as the others snickered. Luckily, Soyeon and Miyeon were too caught up in each other to notice.
After a while of drinking and laughing, I was pleasantly buzzed and my best friend was slowly sliding one hand up Miyeon’s thigh while the other was intertwined between her fingers. Score one for Soyeon. From what she told me, Miyeon was girlfriend material.
The other couples were also getting cozy, and I suddenly felt a chill as I realized the closest thing I had to snuggle with was bare-ass air. This was fun, and I liked meeting new people, but I knew this kick-back was going to end up with everyone pairing off. Maybe I should just go home. Snuggle my blanket. Watch a movie. You know, my definition of fun.
“Beer pong anyone?” Taehyung asked suddenly, holding up a couple of ping pong balls.
Part Two is here! 😏
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oreomonsterhunter · 4 years
Day 2 continued (even though there isn’t really a part one since TuMBlr DeLETed iT and I do not have the energy to try to recreate my thoughts, plus they wouldn’t be first impressions anymore since I’ve seen it already. Le sigh)
My Time is up first and I’m not prepared. My laptop even decided to quit the hell out of the website I was watching from, I assume in an attempt to protect me from 23 year old menace Jeon Jungkook. But the show must go on...
Ok I love the guitar move, I loved it the last two times and I love it now
No one come for me but his voice sounded a tad bit off when he first came in
I say this with love because my eyes and ears are peeled for injuries and strain and it is 2000007191819% believable that jk went too hard on day 1
But you know he’s right back on top again when the backing vocals come in and it sounds like a recording 😍 that’s my boy
This choreo is impeccable
And I say that having seen it thrice and had my eyes peeled for the footwork and hand work because jk can Dance with that real good technique
You can almost touch the hours he’s put into this performance
Can you tell I’m avoiding the sexual nature as long as possible because I am
The leather fit was better for the thighs I’m just gonna say it
I like the red (and spoiler: the fact that he and jimin switch colors) but I reeeeeally liked the leather
My gawd those shoulder moves he’s so aggressive with it I’m 😳
The fact that his entire chest is out is absolutely sending me off the deep end, I am losing it, I have lost it
This sure is a...pectacle
Insert Jin windshield wiper laugh here
Jeon jungkook has pretty broad shoulders...and an itty bitty waist...and he’s throwing it in my face I’m like damn
Ok the backup dancers are lovely, and I like the symbolism of jk being followed by shadowy strangers, his every move inspected and copied
Imma say it: I liked day one hair better
I am keeping my eyes on the prize there is more to come I gotta stay cool but his THIGHS ARE A SIREN SONG AND I AM HELPLESS
That vocal run oof 😍😭 and right after that intense dance nonsense
Ok Santa I’ve had enough, all I want for Christmas is to squeeze jk’s thigh. Just one. Just for a moment. That’s all I ask.
I see sweat 👀 I’m not gonna say the thought I’m having I’ll scandalize you
Ok so he has his first note and immediately spreads his legs what am I supposed to do here jimin
His shirt is thin and almost missing as many buttons as mr doesn’t-know-what-buttons-are-jungkook so HOW does he do the outfit change later...we’ll find out
THE ROBE yes this is better this is the one heck yeah new fave
Jimin is Carmen right now (if you know you know) this is my ultimate goal
His hair...I said I was obsessed on day one but tousled is 😍 I love silvery jimin
And yes his eyeshadow is perfection absolute chef kiss Gordon Ramsay is on his knees praising this five star look
The lift and the half fall with the backup dancers is even MORE chef kiss ughhhh I’m so glad I’m watching this again to catch the details (and now I can pause lol)
Oop I caught a glimpse of those hand tattoos hello
Yeah jimin said “jk isn’t the only one with a chest”
HOW the outfit change was FOUR SECONDS OR LESS I COUNTED
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I am literally yoongi looking at jhope doing hip thrusts right now. Hand over mouth, phone fallen to the floor, my entire life in shambles. Jimin has brought literal tears to my eyes how is he this potent even through a screen
Potent is the word, he is an actual SIREN like what
Jimin get over here I want you
And now I’m soothed with Jin 😌 thank you
THE PINK SHIRT nvm I’m not soothed I am a massive fan girl
His hair is also perfection, the whole vibe is It
Jin’s voice is sweeter than the WWH kisses he blows to the audience all the time 😭 omggg
I really do love that shirt, the sleeves are so fun and pretty and flowy
The little prince theme is killin me ahh
Things I want after this concert (since part 1 was deleted I’ll repeat myself...thanks tumblr I really love that you deleted valuable notes): jimins ripped sparkly pants, jungkook’s thighs, jimin, Jin’s shirt
Jin are you sure you’re human I see no flaws, pretty suspect if you ask me
What?!? The song is over already? Excuse me?
Probably because I had to keep taking breaks from jk to breathe, and jimin to regain some control of my brain cells
The way tae does lil kid things as an adult
Not just on stage but I was reminded by that lil finger wave, this absolute cutie
The way he holds a mic is 👀 this man really does everything differently and somehow makes anything look damn good
What’s cuter, this kid or taehyung’s smile right before the chorus??? Impossible choice?
NOPE it’s the way tae makes those little faces at him and pats his head and you hear army in the background 🥺😭😭
His high notes at the end? Are they all trying to murder me with these vocals? Vocal line doesn’t REST
EGOOOOOO I think I need hobi in a red car for the rest of my life
How am I supposed to stay calm when you look That Good, hobi?
This choreo is so much fun ahhhhh I wanna dance but I’m definitely not good enough to learn this on the fly
The lil woah
Ripped jeans hobi 😍
Skipping hobi is an absolute joy, a bit of sunshine everyone needs to witness, the cure to what ails you, the light at the end of a long day, I sob
His joy is seeping through the screen he really is sunshine
He can really make any dance look easy, that’s such a skill
I mean these leg moves? I know they’re hard, or at least tricky, and he just? Does them? And makes my brain think they’re easy because he’s just doing them so naturally? What a lie he’s just gifted beyond this dimension. And also practices to perfection so there’s that
Tae is seriously shaking his booty right now lol
I know the boys always make fun of suga’s rap during boy with luv but I really love it
Jin’s so happy 😊 they’re all excited and having so much fun
I’ll never stop screaming over bts harmonies. Jk can actually turn anything into a masterpiece he blends so well with everyone, goosebumps every time I forget about a harmony and get surprised and ughhhh yesss
Jimin doing the ego dance lol this cutie
See I’m not crazy, they really are so happy on stage 😭 they’re all glowing and now they’re gonna talk about it I better not cry I’m too tired for that
Mmmmm Joonie wearing necklaces is 👌
All of their hair looks stellar oof
DNA choreo is one of my faves (who can watch them and say they’re not amazing performers, seriously)
Yasss Jin goooooo
Dance line really knows how to take and grab my attention like...I’m addicted to them
The hobi center part at the end though 🥳
I love the old songs, I’m always smiling when some of them come on idk
It makes me happy that bts still like performing their old stuff, like...we enjoy it but so do they
You know it’s an old song when rapper jk reappears, and y’all know how much I love rapper jk *cough* ddaeng *cough*
The baseball is weird not gonna lie
Ooh little groovy jhope
Jimin seriously considered yanking his shirt up, I saw him think about it 😂 but shirt still tucked in
Ok usually my jaw drops over jhope NOT NAMJOON excuse ME whAT
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Ok yeah jhope has my jaw dropping again how does he move like that
😳😩🥵 red alert, that smirk is worth calling 911 to put out a fire because Hot Damn
I love jimin’s voice ok I love it
The closeups on heavy breathing sweaty bangtan are actual threats against my life
Not sure I have a pulse anymore
Can anyone in bts perform cpr I think I need it
Ok nvm jhope’s intro in spring day is the virtual version, I’m saved
What excuse me park jimin you better be ok go drink some water bb
Jin forehead I see you, worldwide handsome on full display
Gahhhh hobi vocals simultaneously kill me and bring me back to life
Also harmonies with rapline and vocal line (suga and jimin are lovely omg)
jk is totally doing sound effects lmao
I like how tae has the bandana around his bicep again (they totally stalked the internet and found the thirst, it’s the least practical thing, he’s only wearing that for one reason lol
They are the MOST HYPE how do they just keep going my introverted ass is in awe
Jk like move y’all are in my way this is my moment get out of it ahahaha
Wait how did I not notice tae put the bandana on his head
It must be a pain in the butt to clean up all that confetti
Encore song is only for army 🥺 these are the most precious boys i swear
Jimin fixing jhope’s hair...I thought I couldn’t uwu any harder but I can
Apparently I can uwu even harder because jimin saying he’s not gonna cry and smiling so big his eyes turn into smiles too I’m the softest for one man and his name is park jimin
President joon, I’m happy too 😭
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jinned · 4 years
okay gang. let’s go (pls keep in mind i am #wasted and i love all the boys with my whole heart okie)
now most of my friends have PROBABLY heard that i used to bias more than jin before. at one point, i biased THREE members at once. becuase of the daily suffering i yeeted them to the bias wrecker zone and now i sit here comfortably, a jin stan
what if i want to figure out the order of bias wreckers hmmmmmm
under cut is my in depth analysis (took me about 10 times to spell that right) of my bais wreckers and why they hold the spot they are in. we wont go in depth on jinnie today. we all know he’s ult. if i talk about him while drunk i’ll never shut up. yes these are in order
jin: hah BITCH u thought i couldnt talk about my main and leave him out??? ot7 hoe forever. jin is that friend you know will do anything to make u smile rght. and u really have to be friends for a while to learn when he needs help cause he’ll never say. and i love him so much. he’s so private and just wants tohers to be hapy but jin i want u happy too. he desreves the world okay. he deserves more lines and more camera time. he deserves to be in dramas like hee  awnts. hes so talented?????? yhis voice makes me cry not gonna lie it’s so beautiful and he has so much raw talent like wtf where did u COME FROM. he’s so beautiful and humble and funny and wow how could u not want him as a best friend or boyfrind. 4am pancake mornings where teh kitchen a mess but we having fun. wishing on airplane type cute shit like that yes sign me up. hugs you so tight. body language is really improtant here okay like he mgith not verbally tell u somethin g but you can tell by how he acts using his body. he might hug u tigheter and longer than normal ad thats how u know youre his comfort and he just isn’t feeling 100%. he gives those sentimental gifts. llike hey u mentioned this one time like five years ago and i finally was able to get it for you or hey heres a personalized ting to remember that one time we spent together. lots of polaroids and comfy sweaters. pooring our hearts out to each other while sitting on the kitchen counters.he want sto go through what youre going through so you dont go through it alone. wil ltake the fall for you, hyp eyou up better than anyone and is slick about it. he makes u think that lvoe exists
jimin: there was once a time when i was platonically in love with jimin. i often said “in anothe r life i was probably ulting jimin” then i saw jimin in person at a concert. i left a changed womamm. he is so sexsy that i t physically hutrss me. like wtf how are u even real. once on my prevoius blog i posted begging for pink haired jimin. three days later. jimin had pink hari. i think we are connected by souls are something. he’s 363 days older than me. i understand him sm. am i hard stan or soft stan? no i’m really asking i cant figure it out. he’s so sexy but i also want him to be my best friend. the hnonesty that owuld come from him is something i really need. we would try new foods together and go get lost on purpose. 
hoseok: my libra ass needs him to balance out my life. i see him and i smile so big. ovwer the years i have grown to understand hoseok a little bit ore and why he is the way he is and it made me soft soft. he so humble and talented and deserves so much love and recognitgion. the way he loves and cares for others is something i htink i nee dmore in a friend. he the type to hug you tight and cry with you. i like that. i apprecoiate that. he big softie and also so attractive like damn okay go off u relaly made like that and im here for it
namjoon: namjoon....imma start crying okay depe breath. namjoon was my first kpop bias ever. he the reason im even into bts and kpop in general. namjoon so sexy on like every aspect wtf. sexy brain. sexy body, sexy face. sexy talented. i ned break from u namjoon my heart just swells thinking of him. wow. namjoon is real person.namjoon give sm e hope. i want to hug him and feel those namtiddies irl u feel? i want to tel lnamjoon its okay to be urself. and to not be emjbarrassed. i love him so much and want to just pour all my love into him. he like older brother status. i never had an older brother but i imagine it would be like namjoon. comfort
yoongi: either my enemy or my best frined. cant tell. comfortable in each others presence, no nedd to talk. our talks alwasy deep and introspective. i want to talk about the world with him. i want to descover new hobbies with him. lets cuddle on the couch and watch documentaries. lowkey think he would be annoyed with me alot. but our love runs deep. that good wholesome friendship where we don’t talk everyday but whenever we see something and think of each other we send right away. that friendship that picks up where it left off. im soft soft yoongi stan. i see him and melt. i see a fool waiting to be exposed (read my fic chromatic to understand) lately he’s seemed so much happier and i legit cried one night thinking about it. i love seeing him smile and let losose an dbe more himself. like wow that’s joy right there. i love u 
taehyung: was once my ult for like a solid 6 months. i think i cried every day. his duality is too much to handle. we on firm break. taehyung leave me be pls for my sanity. are u adorable baby or are u father of my baby? the questions never end. i think he’s too handsome for my own good. i’ll never forgigve u for war orf hormone. anytime he wears beret my uwu metershatters.  but he capricorn. capricorns and i on rough terms. we would be good friends i think. those supportive friends who art together and who take long walks and talk ab out life in depth. 2am grocery shoopping trips like yessss lets make those young adult movie cliche’s come true
jungkook: straight up my arch nemesis. enemy to lovers au. we hate each other so much people start to get sus. like uhhh did u guys hook up or sumfin? we probs annoy the heck out of each other on a daily. but best friend material af. we annoying but we ride or die for each other. i see him and feel proud and just so happy for him. watching him find himsefl is like wow if he can do it i can do it too. great motivator. empathetic af. his heart pure gold i swear. trying new things all the time like wo w i wanna do that. emo looking jk is my weakness tho he automatically jumps to tpo of the list don’t tell sober bean i said that ause i would never admit that out loud. he’s younger friend u wanna protect and i am in constant awe of him. u goin places kid
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rapperkookz · 5 years
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dad is a muggle-born wizard, mom is a pureblood
he knows the tricks and trades of both the human and wizarding world
from a loving and v supportive family
super excited to go to hogwarts
he’s always dreamed of getting sorted and belonging in a house
he had no specific preference for houses
his mom was a slytherin and his dad was a ravenclaw
he just wanted to get sorted
the sorting hat took a while for him, kook had so many features about him that could be in all the houses
but he was placed in ravenclaw
his dad to his mom: ha i win
wasn’t exactly the best in his academics
but he always passed!
was gifted with a broom
both of his parents were seekers during their time at hogwarts
had some house drama during his first year
the captain of the quidditch team wanted jk to be the new seeker bc he saw his skills
the current seeker threw a fit and spread some rumors about jungkook
ravenclaws started talking badly about him
he sent numerous owls back to his parents how he felt like he didn’t belong
felt much like a loner for majority of his first year
only excelled during quidditch matches
didn’t trust many people, so he shied away by himself
his first friend was actually hufflepuff!hoseok
hobi went up to him after a match against ravenclaw and hufflepuff
gave kook the brightest smile and complimented his quidditch skills
some time after that, hobi found kook sitting alone in the great hall and invited him to eat with him and his friends
that’s how jk met the other boys
they absolutely adored him
spoiled him to death
little first year ravenclaw kookie :( uwu
jungkook felt sad at night parting ways with the boys bc he was the only ravenclaw in their group and he couldn’t stay out past curfew or enter another house’s common room
but they always made sure to find him the next morning at breakfast
the boys help him get out of his shell and even inspire him to make his own friends in his house
joon tutors him in transfiguration, jimin tutors him in potions, jin in herbology, tae in care for magical creatures, yoongi in charms and defense against the dark arts, and hobi just likes to hype him up
LOVES playing against the guys in a little quidditch scrimmage
always ends up winning
whether it’s bc they let him or bc of his actual skills is unknown
they’re super soft for kook
they’re his biggest supporters at his games
even if they’re playing against him
jimin cheered for kook when he and the slytherin seeker were chasing after the snitch
jimin got scolded afterwards for it
kook invited all the boys to his house during the winter holiday of his second year
his parents were so happy that he had friends :’)
they thanked the boys for watching over kook and the 6 felt a larger need to protect him
he’s definitely a jokester
pranks the boys all the time w/ tae and occasionally hoseok and maybe jimin if he isn’t being all prefect-y
when it comes to pranks, he and tae are equivalent to the weasley twins
he’s a bit accident prone and a thrill seeker
jk: gets stitches in his foot
also jk: races tae to get a butterbeer at hogsmeade
his patronus? a white wolf
wolf bc he’s strong and powerful
white bc innocence and purity like he’s still a kid at heart :’)
kook becomes ravenclaw’s pride and joy
he’s broken school records for being seeker idk catching the snitch within five minutes of the match or something
the boys have a fanclub but KOOK has a fanclub
he seems so confident and all with quidditch and stuff but he’s a fucking dork
jungkook’s game? nope
he has no game at all with the ladies and gents
he’s tried to go on some dates before
but no one really clicked for him
the boys tease him about it but it’s all just fun and jokes
he’s his hyungs’ biggest fan
cries during every graduation even though he says we won’t
he’s the most frightened when he enters as a 7th year than when he was as a 1st year bc he knows he doesn’t have his hyungs with him during school
the boys boast about him
yoongi boasts about him A LOT
im soft for some yoonkook
yoongi also convinces jk to become an auror
truthfully jk didn’t know what he was gonna do with his life??
he thought maybe he could become pro quidditch too w chim
but he had such a knack for defense against the dark arts
kookie LOVES a challenge too so like training to become an auror was like heaven to him
he and yoongi are an unstoppable force catching dark wizards and all that jazz
he doesn’t get married until like his 30s
he really wanted to focus on his career at first
kook’s s/o is actually a muggle
it was so casual he met them grocery shopping 
he knows (s)he’s the one when (s)he accidentally finds his wand and broomstick while cleaning up kook’s apartment and (s)he was like so intrigued
like (s)he wasn’t scared or anything, (s)he thought it was so cool
and kook swears his heart leapt out of his chest
jk’s s/o gets along so well with his hyungs and that was super important for him
jk has a son first
and he is the splitting image of his father
kook and his s/o jump for joy when their son gets his letter for hogwarts
his son’s a ravenclaw too
he loves his family at all costs
jk’s super soft
protect him
becomes the greatest auror in magical history probably i guess
gryffindor!jin | gryffindor!namjoon | slytherin!yoongi | hufflepuff!hoseok | slytherin!jimin | hufflepuff!tae
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osamuniichann · 5 years
Map of the Soul: 7
After a ~315 day drought without new music and a comeback from the legends, we are finally back with MOTS: 7! It been a hot minute since ive done a album review (solely for myself LMAO) so lets get back into it bc this album is a home run
Interlude: Shadow. Here we have the extended version of the interlude. can i just say that the lyrics to this masterpiece are so real and true. its not suga speaking nor is it agust d, this is min yoongi speaking of his internal conflict with the celebrity life, which is heartbreaking. on another note, the visuals of the mv are stunning and the ending--dont u just wanna go apeshit??? truly a great addition to the album!
Black Swan. sister black swan has been with us for a month-ish now? it still bumps. HARD. i blasted this to and from my drive to work to the point where i was scared if id get sick of the song but that didnt happen. the way how its hard to pinpoint when and where a member would sing/rap because they INTENTIONALLY wanted the voices to blend as if they were one body. this is the group’s narrative on how no matter how passionate one is on a certain craft, when they lose that drive, its like a death. and it is up to themselves to spark that love and interest once again. a very relatable story across various media, talents, skills, etc.
Filter. When I first heard that this was a jimin solo showcasing the many sides of Jimin, i thought that it was going to be a sad ballad to kind of follow the theme mots: 7 seemed to give off; thought that it would talk about how he has to force personas onto himself to appeal to the masses, but it is the complete opposite. Jimin is all the faces he puts on, he can be cute, sweet, and caring Jimin but he is also a sexy, flirty young man that can attract any living being. how he switches from falsettos to a lower register voice is beyond me, what a versatile one he is! <3
My Time. Moving onto jungkook’s solo, I knew the lyrics were going to be sad especially when it seems to compare himself to others his age. How he speaks about how fast time runs for him, how his childhood and current life is not of the average 22 year old (LIKE UM HERE I AM, SAME AGE AS JUNGKOOK AND IM NORMAL AF while he’s out here breaking records?? WOW). but the life of jungoo can be a bit overwhelming, completely understandable. I just want our boi JK to know that he can be himself and live freely despite such different circumstances. On another note, the groove of this track is so GOOD. it reminds me of Ari and ugh i LIVE for this jam
Louder Than Bombs. When the track started, I could totally tell Troye Sivan helped produce it, it has such a unique sound that only Troye would use. It sounds like this song would totally be on a movie soundtrack IDK WHY. like, i can picture it during an apocalypse movie sldkjg im not completely sure what the meaning is to the song (bc im big stupid) but i feel like its a track saying that no matter the struggles, they will continue to sing confidently, strongly, and wholly to us endlessly. beautiful, just beautiful.
ON. Moving on to the title track of MOTS: 7! I’m very picky about strong anthem-type songs but ON is actually p addicting HAHA There’s a background sound that repeats in the back that sounds like Sans from Undertale, aint that wild LMAO but anyways, the Manifesto Film was crazy good. The drums, the band, the breakdown of it all? UNBELIEVABLE. Also, JK’s vocals during the bridge? H O W. That breakdown tho...oof, that was amazing. They still dance with the thirst that rookie bts would and i think thats why ppl are so drawn to them no matter how many years pass. Fun fact: the choreographer of ON as well as Dionysus actually is from my city in Hawaii and we went to the same high school THATS WILD. the talent she holds!
UGH! Rap line ATE this shit, are we KIDDING. An ode to all the hate comments that we receive, u can see how fed up they are. They made POINTS and we all agree, its the damn law. The way how they opened up with a gunshot, we knew it was coming. Everyone joked about how we bout to hear some gunshots on this album, well they threw ALL of it on this track. Can i just say that Hobi’s verse tho? it hits different, it really do. When they went “ahem, ahem. ahem, ahem-ahem, YOUR AHEM. AHEM-AHEM--” OOOOOUGH i felt that shit!! god, imagine this in concert...the building aint ready!
0:00 (Zero O’ clock). Now we have the vocal line track, we knew they were bout to present some vocals. Great sound, slow and reflecting. Not the first track I’d listen to but it is a great listen. The lyrics tho get to me. The way how they comfort us and say that life can be rough but you can be happy. no matter what happens, with the turning of the clock to 0:00, its a brand new day and we can make the day better. what a powerful message that all of us need to hear once in a while. we will be happy guys, we deserve to be.
Inner Child. Tae’s solo which is a message to his young self. I expected a slow ballad filled with his warm vocals reminiscent of Winter Bear, 4 o’ clock, and Scenery but boi was I wrong. He has this sunset glow voice that wraps u so warmly and the sound is just so happy, pure, and innocent. Its a hopeful message to his younger self on how we will change and be the amazing person we want to or will be. I was sobbing at this song, I tell u. It was 2:00 am in the morning and I was sobbing into my pillow. Imagine comforting your past self that everything will be okay and to take ur hand, it will be all worth it in the end. When he sang “ur my boy, my boy, my boy, my boy!” Ugh...the tears!
Friends. When I heard this was a vmin duet expressing their friendship with each other, I knew it was going to be so emotional! I didn’t expect such a fun, poppy sound tho. They truly are soulmates, the love they have for each other is so wholesome and real, it truly exhibits the love I have for my friends--they’ve been with me through thick and thin, during happy and sad times; the amounts of serotonin they give me is just HHHH. The way how Tae and Jimin have been friends since high school until now is just ugh...we love it. Towards the end when they started singing “you are my soulmate!” towards each other, i started sobbing so hard because WOW. the shivers i felt, this song made me so happy and full! 
Moon. Next we have Jin’s solo which is an ode to us army’s. And on another perspective, this is a song from the moon (jin) to the Earth (army)--i have tears in my eyes. The lyrics especially got me in a chokehold and made me sob, the way how he says that he will always be by our side no matter what, the same way how we are there for him...god. The chorus really gets to me, it feels so happy and thankful and I just want to tell Jin that I will forever follow him and the boys. They’ve been with me for years now and I will continue to support, love, and listen to them. Ily to the moon and back, our moon.
Respect. I didn’t expect a Namgi duet but HERE WE ARE. Goddd when i heard that i was SO EXCITE. They’ve known each other for +10 years now and they never miss the chance to tell everyone that they’ve been friends for that long. Not @ how they disliked each other at first but grew to be so mf close, to the point where their family. Ughhh, im so uwu rn. Im so happy, so so happy that Nams started it with AYO SUGA; i SCREAMED. Also, i heard that they recorded it in one take and i could see how much fun they had--especially considering that their rap styles are completely different. Even tho in the song they joke about not knowing what the word Respect means, we know...we just KNOW the high amounts of respect they have for each other. As they mentioned before, Yoon’s respects towards Nams’ leadership and care towards everyone and Nams’ respect towards Yoon’s love and passion for music and producing. Peak comedy is Yoongs overloading on autotune during his parts to the point where its intentional. Bless Namgi.
We are Bulletproof: The Eternal. I felt like a CLOWN when this track started. Like everyone, i thought we were going to have a third installment similar to that of the strong, hip-hop, gunshot-filled part 1 and 2 of we are bulletproof, but we were met with soft vocals and rap. The lyrics tho get to me. This truly was a song about their entire journey and i felt like I experienced all years with them. They’ve been through so much and the way how they sang “we are we are together/forever bulletproof!” They are proud of where they came from and it has stuck with them till now. They are such real people...i cry. ALSO the “We were only seven, but we have you all now.” Whenever i see pictures of their debut fanmeets/concerts vs now its just crazy. imagine singing as an entire being during concerts when they start “OOOOH OH OHH” im so immensely proud of the feats they’ve reached and im excited on what they do next! <3
Outro: Ego. The way how he started it with the fitness gram pacer test just like in previous albums, ugh what a throwback! this song is such a Hobi track, its fun, dance-inducing and its just so FEEL GOOD. the way how he switches flows and is capable of doing so is *chef’s kiss* the way how he speaks about the path he takes is difficult but he doesnt regret it...SOBS also the mv??? UGH SO CUTE. the flashbacks too;; i cry
ON (feat. Sia). With this track, there’s not much extra I can say, all my opinions still stand with the original track wit ot7. I jokingly told my friend that if Sia is gonna be on the track “hey nanana’ing” the same why Halsey was only “oh my my my’ing” i will ctfu. and...welp, that was what happened. I do love Sia tho so props to her!
Overall: I initially thought that MOTS: 7 was going to be a dark, ballad-filled album but it was anything but. It had so much fun songs, the lyrics are again, so deep and meaningful--it pulls at your heartstrings. It felt so raw, personal, emotional, and i love it in all its being. The boys will continue to amaze me no matter what they put out and i forever and endlessly will support and love them the same way they do for us. MOTS: 7 is a masterpiece and im in love
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