#joanna mills
dancurtisowesmemoney · 3 months
Dark Shadows' Hottest Character?
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jojo0039 · 1 year
*Pogue for Life* Heists Part 1
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Jo stirs in the bed as she opens her eyes.
She sits up and feels her stomach contents making their way back up.
She holds her hand over her mouth as she runs to the bathroom and throws up.
She hears the door open, then a hand holding her hair back.
"Babe, are you okay?" Rafe asks her.
She shakes her head and rinses her mouth out.
"I don't know what the hell that was. I just woke up and felt my stomach upset." she tells him.
He leads her back to the bed.
"Why don’t you just stay in bed today? I did bring you up an orange juice, but I'll get you water instead." Rafe tells her.
She gives him a face.
"I want the orange juice."
She holds out her hand for the glass.
He gives her an amused smirk and goes to hand her the glass.
He pulls it back before she can grab it.
"I want a kiss for it." he teases.
She rolls her eyes.
"I just threw up in the bathroom and you wanna kiss me?" she gives him a pointed look.
"I always wanna kiss you. For sickness and in health right?" he throws at her.
She smiles softly.
"Why can't you be this sweet all the time?" she asks as she grabs his shirt and yanks him down to her.
"Me being like this is reserved for you and you only. You're the only one that deserves me like this."
Jo catches a brief look of vulnerability in his eyes.
She presses her lips to his and pulls him down on top of her.
She deepens the kiss and wraps her arms loosely around his neck.
She grinds against him and he lets out a small moan.
"You're feeling better already?" he whispers against her lips.
"Yea, I'm feeling a lot better all of a sudden."
She smiles against his lips.
Rafe kisses her again as her hand glides down his chest to the end of his shirt.
She starts to lift it up.
He gets the hint and raises his arms so she can take his shirt off.
He starts kissing down her neck and caresses her body making her arch into his hands.
"I love how responsive your body is to me." he whispers into her ear.
His teeth graze her neck and she gasps in pleasure.
"I need you inside me right now." she whines.
"How wet are you for me baby?"
His hand slides down her body as he slides a finger inside her.
She gasps and bucks her hips against his hand.
"You're dripping for me, baby? Who made you this wet?" Rafe huskily whispers against her neck.
She feels him suck a huge hickey onto her neck.
"Hmmm? I need your words, baby."
Rafe adds another finger inside her as he moves his fingers faster.
Her moans start getting louder.
"Please." she moans.
"Are you mine, sweetheart?" Rafe questions as he pulls his pants down to release his raging hard cock.
She stares wide-eyed at his body.
He strokes himself a couple of times.
"Yes, baby I'm yours." she tells him.
"If I asked you to run away and marry me tomorrow would you do it?"
He presses his body against hers.
Her eyes close in pleasure.
He lifts her legs and wraps them around his arms.
"I wanna fuck a baby into you right now. You would be so sexy walking around here big and pregnant with a Cameron baby. I always imagined it."
He quickly thrusts inside her.
She lets out a loud gasp as he slides in and out of her.
Rafe leans back on his legs and lifts her onto his lap.
One of his hands wraps around her neck as she moans loudly in pleasure.
"Oh. God. Rafe."
She wraps her arms around his shoulders.
"That's right baby me. Not anybody else is making you feel this good." he reminds her.
"I want you to remember this feeling when you're with your Pogue friends, especially JJ. Remember whose name you're screaming and whose cock you're about to cum on."
Rafe's hand tightens around her throat as her eyes roll to the back of her head.
"Keep your eyes open, baby. I wanna see you look at me when you cum."
She fights to keep her eyes open and on him as he continues to slam into her.
"Cum for me baby. Cum all over my cock." he commands.
His fingers rub on her clit and she finally explodes around his cock.
She lets out a silent scream as pleasure courses through her body all the way down to her toes.
She clings onto his body as he pumps quickly chasing his own release.
"I love you so much. I'm never letting you go again." he promises.
"I love you too." she tells him.
Her words cause him to finally release inside of her.
They both fall to the bed panting and sweating.
"I mean it you know." he says as he glances at her.
"What?" she asks trying to catch her breath.
"We're gonna have a family and a life together. I'm gonna be better than my father. You make me better. You're mine and I'm yours." he tells her intensely.
He grabs her face and kisses her softly and lovingly.
Jo quickly leaves Rafe's room and she races down the steps.
She has missed a bunch of calls from her friends.
She goes to walk out the door when she sees a note with her name on it.
She grabs it and reads it.
Rafe has gotten rid of her mom's car and is giving her the keys to the range rover to use at her convenience.
There is also a credit card sitting beside the car keys.
She battles with herself before she eventually grabs the card and leaves the house.
She dials Kie's phone and waits for her to answer.
She finally picks up.
"Where the hell are you? We've been calling you for over an hour!" Kie lectures her.
"I'm sorry, I've been with my dad and didnt hear my phone. What's going on?" Jo lies as she gets in the car.
"The cross is gonna be in Wilmington tonight. We need help. John B and Big John have the Twinkie, and we need wheels." Kie tells her.
Jo glances up and spots Rafe watching her from the balcony.
"What do you need from me?" Jo asks.
"See if your dad will help somehow. He was helping Big John before, so why not help us now?" Kie suggests.
Jo pulls away from Tannyhill to drive to her dad's house.
"I don't know if he will help or not. He has made it clear that he doesnt want me involved in this treasure-hunting thing. I don't think he's gonna help." Jo tells her.
She pulls into the driveway.
"Just try. JJ and I are gonna talk to my parents."
Jo's heartbeat quickens at the mention of JJ.
She feels slightly guilty for lying to her friends.
But while they have bonded with each other on the island, she had gotten closer to Rafe.
She has seen a side to him that no one else ever has and it confuses and conflicts her.
Her loyalty has always been to her friends, but what about her own happiness?
"So see if he will help. Meet us at the ferry in about an hour." Kie speaks into the phone.
"Alright, I'll try. See you in an hour."
She hangs up the phone and gets out of the car.
She hesitantly walks into the house.
"Dad? Are you home?" She shouts out.
Her dad comes out of his office.
"Where have you been?" he asks her.
"I spent the night at Rafe's. It's no big deal." she tells him.
"It's not a big deal? Yes, it is. Rafe Cameron is a murderer and you will not be around him anymore." Buzz yells at her.
"I know exactly who Rafe is, Dad. This isn't what I came here to talk to you about." Jo tells him.
"You finally come back home after being gone for a month, me searching for you every single day. Then you dont even come home. You stay the night with the boy who kidnapped you-"
Jo cuts him off angrily.
"I know what he did! He apologized for it a bunch of times! I got over it and so should you!" she yells.
"I'm not just gonna get over it, Joanna! You're crazy if you think that behavior is love." he tells her.
Jo just scoffs and shakes her head.
"This isn't why I came here. We need your help to steal the cross of Santo Domingo back from Rafe." Jo tells her dad.
He stares at her in disbelief before he starts laughing.
"You're joking right? Do you not hear the words that are coming out of your mouth right now?" he questions.
"Yes, I hear them. But it doesn't change anything. We need to get that cross back from Rafe! You can't keep treating me like I'm a little girl!" she raises her voice.
"I know you're not a little girl anymore. But that shit that you and your friends are involved in is bigger than you can imagine!" he argues with her.
"The thing is Dad, I know exactly what we're involved in. We've been living it the last year! You just haven't bothered to pay attention. You're more worried about your new image, than where you came from." she insults him.
"You do not get to talk to me like that, young lady. I don't even recognize you anymore." His words hit her harshly.
She feel tears in her eyes and she sniffs them away.
"I'm still me, dad. You just have to pay attention enough."
She turns and heads back to the door.
"I'm gonna go help my friends, because that is the person that I am. You stay here and do what you want."
She walks out the door and slams it behind her.
She makes it to the range rover and sits in the driver's seat.
She feels the tears just come down her face and she starts crying.
She makes it to the ferry parking lot.
She quickly fixes her face and covers the fact that she has been crying with makeup.
She gets out of the car and quickly finds her friends.
"What took you so long? We almost left without you." Sarah questions Jo as she gets in line with them.
"My dad and I got into it pretty bad." she tells them.
They start boarding the ferry.
"What happened?" Cleo asks.
"He thinks that we're just a bunch of dumb kids. And that we're way over our heads. I knew he was gonna say that too." she scoffs.
She wipes her face and clears her throat.
"Alright, so what's the game plan here?" she asks changing the subject.
JJ gives her a look that says he knows that she's not as alright as she claims to be.
They all sit down at a table away from other people.
"Honestly, the hardest part is gonna be security. Most of the guys are gonna be at the rail yard." JJ comments.
"Right, so we're gonna need to find someplace and guard it. Maybe a little further down the line, like a whistle-stop or something." Pope comments back.
"You guys are getting ahead of yourselves per usual. We don't have a way to transport the cross. What do you think? On JJ's motorcycle?"
Cleo reminds them that they are without transportation.
Sarah quickly grabs Jo's arm.
"Oh my God, no way."
She tries to sink lower in her seat. Jo looks at her confused.
"What?" she asks looking around.
Her eyes widen when she spots Topper.
"Oh that's just great." she sarcastically retorts.
Everyone looks over and spots Topper by the bar.
"Is that Topper?" Pope exclaims.
"Why is he literally everywhere?" Kie sounds disgusted as she rolls her eyes.
"This is actually perfect. I bet Topper has a way to transport the cross." Pope suggests.
"Pope's right. He does have a rig." JJ agrees.
"Absolutely not!"
Both Jo and Sarah shout at the same time.
"Yes." JJ states firmly with a small glare at Jo.
"No. It's not happening. We're not involving Topper." Jo argues.
"Yes. We are whether you like it or not." JJ continues to argue.
"No." Sarah agrees with Jo.
"Sarah, you already have him whipped anyway, and Jo like he's your brother so he'll help you out. So why don't you two take one for the team." JJ argues.
"What would John B say?" Sarah questions.
"I think John B will completely understand." Pope tells them.
"We can handle John B. You guys just talk to him." Kie says.
Jo rolls her eyes.
"Fine. But when he complains and gets annoying the whole time, it's all on you." Jo dramatically states pointing at all of them.
Sarah and Jo stand up and make their way over to where Topper is standing at the bar.
Once he notices them his eyes get wide.
"Holy shit! I can't believe you guys are here!"
He pulls Sarah into a hug.
Then pulls Jo into a hug.
"Your dad has been worried sick. He didn't go into too much detail when you got back. I'm surprised I haven't seen you before now." he says to Jo.
"Yeah, I'm sorry that we kept missing each other. It's been a crazy few days." she says.
"I'm just glad you both are alive." he says as he glances at Sarah.
"Are you okay?" he asks Sarah.
"You know Top, um, things are a little tough right now." Sarah awkwardly speaks.
"Tough how?" he instantly questions.
"We've been after this family heirloom of Pope's, which is why we ended up not in the OBX anymore." Jo speaks.
"Yea, and we ended up losing it, and unbelievably, there might be a chance that, um, we could get it back tonight." Sarah explains.
"How can I help you guys?" Topper instantly volunteers.
"No, listen Top, I couldn't ask you to get involved in this." Jo argues.
"No, listen you two need help and it's my responsibility to help you two. I care about you guys." Topper tells them.
"Top, I feel like if I ask you, like, just the person that you are-"
Topper cuts her off with a small laugh.
"What do you mean, the person I am?" Topper questions.
"She means that you're just gonna help us no questions asked, and I feel bad about that." Jo states.
"Well, you guys, that's just who I am. That's the way I was raised." he says to Jo.
He then directs his attention to Sarah with a loving look on his face.
"Anyway, you remember when I said I would literally do anything for you? Do you remember that?" he asks.
"Yea." Sarah answers in a small voice.
" I meant every word of it. Unlike some people who will just say whatever to get you to go with whatever they want. I'm not that person. When I say something, I mean it." he tells Sarah.
Jo rolls her eyes.
"We need the truck." Jo tells him.
"Wh-What? My dad's truck? He would literally kill me, you know this Jo."
Topper looks like he's gonna say no.
"We'll take super good care of it." Sarah tells him.
"You guys put me in a tough spot. I know I said I would do anything."
Topper looks like he's gonna tell them no.
Sarah steps closer to him and places her hand on his shoulder.
"I am so sorry about everything. I totally understand. You have no reason to help us. Actually, you have all the reasons not to help us." Sarah plays him.
Topper sighs and looks between the two girls.
"Why do I feel like I'm gonna regret this." he says reluctantly.
Sarah smiles and throws her arms around Topper.
"Thank you. This means a lot bro, I mean it." Jo tells him.
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yen-sids-tournament · 4 months
The Parent Trap: Hayley Mills (1961) v Lindsay Lohan (1998)
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You do not have to see both to vote, but it might have been helpful.
Feel free to share opinions or explanations with comments/tags/rbs
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bleuetfane · 9 months
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marie at the mill, joanna newsom / pink in the night, mitski
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the parent trap |1961|
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poorwillednightjar · 5 months
“held court in newport amused myself before i threw off the veil of the world” is so fun to say, thank you joanna newsom for giving us a new vocal stim
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whiteshipnightjar · 1 year
No Wonder
by Joanna Newsom
Take it with me, love, to a place it can be, love. Little bird, little stone, shine, in light of the undone, dig with your hands, dear gather our friends, dear and I will cover with dust, dear Silence and trust, dear. Stay through the winter, wait for the splinter, and the green in the springtime, Queen-and-her-King-time.
Sweetness all summer and fall hit like a drummer and split in the autumn pit with no bottom.
And after the fall, out in the country in the long drought with ya, honey. And I call, daughter and son, ours to adore, whatever may come. After our chores end, and our money and our scores are settled and done, darling, I will stay till the last, plates are all filled, treats are all passed.
Ain’t it a thrill, ain’t it a gas Foot* at the hill, and don’t it go fast? At the foot of the hill, we empty our glasses.
And I’ll follow you over, will you follow me under? Crawl through the shadows, call out the wonder. Oh, how I love you, time will tell – I’ll never tire of you, I’m just tired of myself, dear.
And as our days, waft in a realm our path is away, soft as a dream. We laugh and we race soft and ennui capture a stray pod on the breeze hammer a stake, mark in our seed manage to rake, water, and weed. Hundred to one, our garden will grow. But wonder or none, I wanna be known, wanna be sung, wanna be shown, want for no one but you and your warm opening arms. Watching the rolling storm clouds sail by
our window, dock in the valley; paled*, pocked, and dimpled crocodile belly. We wait all night and count the thunder, there is no lightning. It is no wonder.
But just before dawn, water comes streaming in the dark, every bead burns like a star, blinking to sleep, burns like a spark, burrowing deep, under the lawn, quiet and green rain has begun, honey, come see under the sun, rising like steam. Wonder or none, I wanna be seen, wanna be–eventually, eventually.
Grow through the winter, and summer, surely and slowly. Little star shine of wonder at home with you only.
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Put On Your Raincoats | Under the Bed (Aususi, Angel, Falardeau & Mills, 2019)
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It looks like there's a release of this that consists of just the first two segments, but I'd suggest seeking out the third and fourth segment as they're quite a bit stronger. A few thoughts on each segment:
"Within": This one benefits from some diet Argento lighting, and plays out differently than you'd expect, considering it opens with an unkempt psycho in the woods skinning animals. There is some gore, but it's thankfully sufficiently divorced from the sex so as not to catch any hapless viewers mid-fap. To be perfectly honest once it gets to the sex it gets a bit repetitive, but I appreciate that it gives us a character who is enough of a horror movie fan to watch a maggoty, garishly lit Italian horror throwback.
"The Night They Came for Lacy": This is definitely the worst one. I suppose the sex when it happens is energetic, but the dialogue during the action barely seems related to the heroine's actions, and I had a hard time getting into this from the beginning due to how annoying I found the supporting characters. And while the cemetery set is nicely done, this is a lot more aesthetically generic on the whole.
"The Thing from the Lake": For a modern, digitally-short porno, I think this gets a good amount of visual texture from its forest environment, and thankfully avoids the generic dark grey look that a lot of modern porn opts for when aiming for a darker tone. While I wished the titular creature had more distinct makeup than green eyeshadow and gills, and I found the initial hetero encounter a bit generic, I think the subsequent lesbian encounter has a compelling sense of mystery and trepidation, filtered through the perspective of an uncertain heroine. Unlike the preceding segments, I found this genuinely erotic.
"Fertile": This one is directed by Bree Mills, and you can clearly sense her hand in the dramatic sturdiness here. The first third of this segment follows a woman trying to get pregnant and the resulting arguments with her husband. To be honest, I don't think Alina Lopez is entirely pulling off the material, but I appreciate the extent to which Mills commits to her pain. This also provides some emotional grounding for the subsequent turn to horror, when she seeks out experimental treatments from a shady doctor played by Angela White. White has many obvious charms as a performer, among which are her rather striking eyes, which she puts to great use finding sinister and seductive dimensions to her mad scientist character. If anyone wanted to make a porno giallo, or even a regular giallo, they would do well to cast her, is what I'm saying. Aesthetically, Mills' approach is a tad blunt, going from generic indie style to purple sheen to black and white, but I appreciate that the sex here has a clear sense of escalation and seems to work with the sense of horror instead of against it.
So this is definitely worth a look, although if you lack the patience for the whole thing, I'd suggest skipping to the third and fourth segment.
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gatutor · 1 year
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Hayley Mills-Joanna Barnes "Tú a Boston y yo a California" (The parent trap) 1961, de David Swift.
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missameliep · 2 years
What if this fanfic was a book? - The Cursed Heiress (Desire and Decorum AU)
The Cursed Heiress by @noesapphic is a Desire and Decorum AU! with a powerful MC named Joanna Mills (though she is known for other names that are revealed in the series as more and more of her secrets come to light), mythological creatures, supernatural elements and crossovers with Choices' books such as Bloodbound and Nightbound. In this series, we follow Joanna while she learns the secrets that will change her entire existence, meet the five people whose destinies are entwined with hers and prepare herself not only for the role of the Earl of Edgewater's heiress but in the upcoming war that can destroy humanity.
If this series was turned into a book, I thought of a few ideas for covers inspired by Joanna's magic powers and the color red.
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But I can already envision a special edition with hardcover and The Damned Daughter too.
You can read the A/N and have access to all the chapters of the main series and the series The Damned Daughter, info about the MC and lore, one shots etc
I hope you like it, Noe! ☺️
Tagging a few of you who might like seeing this: @storyofmychoices @princess-geek @lorirwritesfanfic @lilyoffandoms
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dancurtisowesmemoney · 3 months
Dark Shadows' Hottest Character?
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jojo0039 · 8 months
*Pogue for Life* Welcome to Kitty Hawk Part 2
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She manages to cry all her tears and fix her face as she pulls into the airstrip.
She instantly spots her friends pacing anxiously.
She grabs her bag and jumps out of the car.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to take so long. I had two places to stop." she manages to say.
"Have you heard from Kie?" Pope asks her.
"No. Is she not here yet?" Jo questions.
"We might have to just leave without her." John B says.
"We can't okay man. We started this thing together and damn it we're gonna finish it together." JJ says.
"How are we gonna do that? Her parents won't let any of us near her." Sarah exclaims.
"Pope, Cleo, will you two come with me to get her? We don’t leave a Pogue behind." JJ asks.
"I'm in. We need Kie. What you say Gray Pipe?" Cleo asks.
Pope looks at his friends before he answers.
"Let's go get Kiara."
JJ swipes the keys from John B.
"You guys have an hour. If you're not back I'm gonna kill all of you." John B threatens.
Jo grabs JJ's arm stopping him in front of her.
"Please be careful." she says.
He gives her a smirk.
"I'm always careful baby." he kisses her cheek.
Jo grabs his face and pulls him closer as her lips touch his.
She feels his hands wrap around her hips as the kiss deepens.
JJ pulls away first and lays his forehead on hers.
"I'm always gonna love you. No matter what."
JJ pulls away from her with a smile as he runs toward the twinkie.
Sarah, John B, and Jo watch as JJ drives away with Pope and Cleo hoping to bring Kie back with them.
Sarah walks over to Jo.
"How did it go with Rafe?" she asks.
Jo shakes her head.
"He didn't take it well. But it had to be done." she tells her.
Sarah gives her a strange look.
"Are you sure you're okay? You've been acting really strange the last few days. I can't help but think something is really off." Sarah presses.
"I just ended things with your brother, probably for good. I told JJ that we can't be anything because I need to figure out my life. I can't help but think that I made a mistake, I just don't know which one." she laughs.
"I know you cared about Rafe and I know he cared about you too. Thank you for being there when everyone else just walked away. That means more than you know."
They hear a car pull up and they turn to see Topper's jeep come to a stop.
"Oh, God." Sarah mumbles.
Topper gets out of the jeep and walks over to them.
"Hey, Sarah. Hey Joanna. What are you guys doing? Are you seeing John B off or what?" he questions.
Jo pushes Topper back from Sarah.
"What are you doing here? You shouldn't be here." Jo tells him.
Topper laughs.
"That's funny because I was under the impression that John B was leaving by himself. Isn't that right Sarah?" Topper turns his attention to her.
"You told me that John B was leaving and that you were staying here with me. So are you going with him?" Topper questions.
Jo glances at John B who is glancing at Sarah.
"Yes or no Sarah. Are you going with him?" Topper pushes.
She nods her head.
"I'm sorry Topper. I really am." Sarah replies.
Topper scoffs at her.
"You're just a damn liar Sarah Cameron. I can't keep doing this to myself anymore."
Topper then turns his attention to John B.
"You're damn lucky that I didn't decide to fight back that night."
Topper takes a step forward and Jo shoots her arm out to block him.
"Don't do this. You're not making anything better." Jo tries to reason with him.
Topper turns his glare onto Joanna.
"But you, what was all that talk about wanting to be closer and spend more time together?" Topper questions.
"I meant all of that. My leaving has nothing to do with wanting to spend time with you. Deep down you knew Sarah would always choose John B. You just chose to ignore that."
Topper scoffs at her.
"Did she tell you that she made me believe she was staying here with me?" Topper shakes his head.
"You know, you both can just go to hell for all I care. You used me just as bad as she did." Topper accuses.
Jo shakes her head.
"No, I didn't. I meant every word to you Top. I don't want it to end like this for us." Jo argues.
"Look around you, Joanna! You've made your choice. So now I'm making mine."
He walks back to his jeep.
"You all have a nice life." He shouts to them before he gets in his jeep and drives away.
Jo grabs Sarah's hand.
"Are you okay?" she asks her friend.
"I don't regret the choice I made. But I do feel bad about how I used him." Sarah tells her.
"I know. Me too."
Sarah and Jo sit on the plane steps.
John B's phone rings.
He walks away to answer it.
He talks on the phone for a minute then walks back over to the girls.
"We have a problem. Kie's parents really sent her off to that wilderness camp. JJ, Cleo, and Pope are headed there now to break her out." John B informs them.
"I gave them about five hours to try to break her out. If they're not back in time, we're gonna have to leave without them." John B says.
Jo and Sarah share a worried look.
A few hours later it is starting to get dark and a storm is brewing.
John B is pacing in front of the plane anxiously.
"John B will you sit down please? It won't do you any good to get yourself worked up like this." Jo tries to reason.
"This is a total disaster. We should have been in the air already headed there." John B rants.
"We know. We give them another hour then we leave. They'll understand." Sarah says calmly.
Jo gives her a look.
"You don't know JJ very well, do you? He would never speak to any of us again. I cant leave without him." Jo shakes her head.
"We might not have a choice." Sarah argues.
"We don't leave anyone behind! Haven't we all done that enough?!" Jo raises her voice at Sarah.
"Topper may have already called the police! We need to go!" Sarah argues.
They hear a vehicle approaching quickly.
"Get on the plane now." John B orders as they start rushing to the plane.
Jo looks behind her and she recognizes the truck approaching them.
"Guys, wait. I know who that is." Jo says as she stops and turns.
The truck door opens and her dad steps out.
Sarah and John B watch as Jo rushes over to her dad.
"What are you doing here?" she questions.
"I've made a lot of mistakes in my life. You have never been one of them. You were right about a lot of things. I haven't been a very good father to you or a good friend to Big John. I wanna make that up by coming with you. You, kids, are still way out of your depth with this. So let me help you." Buzz speaks to his daughter.
Jo throws her arms around her dad.
"Thank you. This means a lot to us, to me." she tells him.
He pulls away.
"I'm proud of you for sticking up for what you believe in. You remind me a lot of myself when I was your age." he tells her.
He grabs a small backpack from the backseat.
"I grabbed some extra medical supplies and some money. We're gonna need them." he tells the kids.
"Thank you, Uncle Buzz, for deciding to come help. It may just end up being just us and we can use all the help we can get." John B tells him.
Buzz lays a hand on John B's shoulder.
"We're gonna get your dad back. If I know anything it's that your dad knows how to survive any situation. We'll get him back."
They turn their heads when they hear a motorcycle heading toward the plane.
Jo's eyes widen as she recognizes the bike.
The bike stops in front of them and Rafe takes off his helmet.
He has Ward sitting behind him.
Rafe locks eyes with Jo as he gets off the bike and Ward falls to the ground.
"Ward? What the hell?" Buzz questions.
"Help! Somebody help!" Rafe yells out as he tries to pick Ward up off the ground.
With a glare, Buzz rushes over and grabs a hold of Ward to a stand.
Together Buzz and Rafe carry an injured Ward into the plane.
"This cannot be happening." Sarah mumbles as she follows them onto the plane.
"What the fuck." Jo mutters.
She glances at John B who looks angry.
"Are you okay?" she asks him.
John B runs his  fingers through his hair nervously.
"I-I don't know." he answers.
Sarah gets off the plane and rushes over to them.
Thunder rumbles in the distance.
"A fisherman spotted him and knows that he's alive. He can't stay here. If he stays here he gets arrested." Sarah tells them.
"I don't think you understand Sarah. I don't know if I can get on a plane with that guy." John B argues.
"Listen, this is his plane. I can't stop him from leaving. He's still gonna give us a ride to Orinoco. So if you don't wanna get on the plane, I get it." Sarah rushes out at him.
"If you don't wanna do this, we can find another way John B." Jo tries to keep her voice calm.
John B shakes his head.
"There is no other way. We have to go." John B tells them.
Jo watches as John B grabs Sarah's face.
"If you're going then I'm going." he says.
They hear police sirens in the distance.
They all look at each other panicked.
"We gotta get on that plane. Text JJ and tell him we have to leave now!" John B says to Jo.
Jo pulls out her phone as Rafe steps out of the plane.
She looks up and they lock eyes.
He turns his glance to Sarah.
Jo sends a quick message to JJ and tells him that they had to leave cops were on their way.
She looks up and sees Sarah walk past Rafe and get on the plane.
She stands frozen as John B walks toward the plane.
Rafe stops him from passing him.
"If you do anything to him, anything, I swear I'll find you."
She hears Rafe say to John B.
She starts moving forward, but stops as he speaks again to him.
"Please look after Joanna. She is the most important person to me. I would die if anything happened to her."
Her breath catches in her throat at his words.
John B doesn't say a word as he passes around Rafe to get in the plane.
Rafe finally glances at Jo and walks over to her with a purpose.
He grabs her face in his hands and pulls her lips to his.
He kisses her like it's the last time he's gonna see her.
He finally breaks the kiss and the both of them are out of breath.
"Rafe, I-"
She stops talking as he reaches into his pocket and pulls out her rings.
He shoves them back into her hand.
"These belong with you. I don't want them." he says to her.
He lets her go and heads back to his bike.
She starts walking to the plane.
She turns at the sound of his voice.
"You and I belong together. We were each other's firsts for so many things."
He pauses and she waits for him to continue.
"No matter what happens, I plan on being your last everything." he promises.
Her eyes widen at his words and moves to take a step towards him.
The police sirens are getting closer.
"Go! I love you!" Rafe shouts to her.
She nods her head and turns to get on the plane.
She turns and locks eyes with Rafe one last time before she disappears from his view.
She sits down and watches out the window as Ward speaks to Rafe.
She sees the flashing lights in the distance.
"We gotta go!" Sarah shouts to them.
Rafe steps back from the plane and he finds her face in the window.
His eyes look so sad and heartbroken.
She blows him a kiss and mouths 'I love you' to him.
The plane takes off and she feels the plane take off.
Jo is helping her dad bandage Ward who is still bleeding from his leg.
He groans in pain as Jo applies pressure to the wound.
"Quit whining like a baby. We got the bleeding to stop."
Buzz reaches into his bag and pulls out a pill bottle.
"Aspirin, for the pain."  he states.
Jo stands up and rushes to the bathroom.
The smell of the blood makes her feel nauseous.
She makes it just in time before she throws up in the toilet.
Once she finishes she washes her mouth out and walks back out of the bathroom.
Her dad is standing by the door.
"You doing okay kid?" he asks her.
"Yea, it's just nerves." she tells him.
"Okay. Everybody is sleeping. I'm gonna go talk to the pilot. I need you to apply this cream to Ward's wound. And check the bandages. Can you handle that?" he asks her firmly.
"Yes. I can do that." she tells him.
He nods his head and pats her on the back.
She moves over to Ward is sitting by himself away from Sarah and John B.
She sits down in front of Ward and looks at his leg.
She starts to unbandage the wound to apply the cream.
He opens his eyes and looks down at her.
"How far along?" he whispers to her.
Her eyes snap up at him.
Her eyes widen and she freezes.
"W-What?" she asks.
He gives her a knowing smile.
"How far along are you?" he asks her again.
"H-how do you know?" she asks.
"I've had three children. I know the signs." he whispers to her.
She clears her throat.
"I'm guessing about six weeks." she responds.
He lets out a small happy laugh.
"Does Rafe know?" he asks.
She shakes her head.
"I didn't tell him. He wouldn't have let me go if I told him." Jo says.
She finishes putting new bandages on his wound.
"For what it's worth, I think it's a good thing. Babies have a way of putting important things into perspective." he tells her.
She stands up quickly, making it clear she's done with the conversation.
"Your opinion doesn't matter to me. You ruined your son. You ruined any chance of him being genuinely happy. Even if any of this shit wasn't going on, I wouldn't let you anywhere near this baby. So whatever crazy idea you have in your head, get it out because you will not-"
She leans forward so she gets her point across.
"I repeat will not have anything to do with this baby."
She glares as she steps away from him.
She turns her back on him and walks toward where John B and Sarah are sitting and sleeping.
She sits down across from them and closes her eyes to try to get some sleep.
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woodland-ghosts · 1 year
There’s a lodger in me, larger than me
saw your cross in the garden, where your process came to be and set you free
though your father tried to reunite with you, and yet he was allowed to die
despite the lies that we are grist in the mill,
on the list I am Helios, still,
spun-in-shields, running round, and round, and round, and round, and round, and round, and round
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the-ravening · 1 year
Thank you to @ex0rin for tagging me! ❤️
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It was really hard to pick only 5 songs, since I listen to music all day every day, but here are some songs both old and new that I've had on repeat lately:
Family Tree - Ethel Cain
Hot Dreams - Timber Timbre
Know Yourself - Dilly Dally (it's a cover of the Drake song and it's great)
Apple of Sodom - Marilyn Manson
Sugar (live) - Tori Amos
No pressure tagging, but I'd love to know what everyone's listening to: @shadowslament, @zsparz, @six-demon-bag, @irl-dogboy, @tales-from-a-maphia-don, @thepiper0fhameln, @violenciorp, @evenmyhivemindisempty, @breadtheft1796, @lovelymysticmoon
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the parent trap |1961|
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poorwillednightjar · 5 months
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