#job post 04/02/2022
autumnslance · 8 months
LynMars FFXIV Write 2023 Master Post
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This year's challenge completed! Congrats to everyone who wrote anything at all this month, even if just one prompt! Thanks again to @sea-wolf-coast-to-coast for 7 years of this!
Previous Years Master Posts: 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022
Anything wolcred ship-related is marked by an asterisk* as usual. Commentary and stats for anyone interested below the Read More.
01. Envoy: ARR; Aeryn makes her Grand Company choice. 02. Bark: Dark has the wrong pie thief suspect. 03. Free Day! 04. Off the Hook: EW; Lucia & Maxima explore their new HQ. 05. Barbarous: HW; Aeryn's frustrated by the land of her birth. 06. Ring: EW; keepsakes & memories of Aeryn's mother. 07. Noisome: Dark & Iyna contend with ubiquitous seasonal flavors. 08. Shed: EW; Aeryn answers Zenos at the edge of everything. 09. Fair: EW; Azem's brother tries to ensure the future has his aid. 10. Free Day! 11. Once Bitten Twice Shy: ShB Bozja; unwarranted concerns. 12. Dowdy: Backstory; Aeryn's always had Opinions about fashion. 13. Check: Iyna discovers C'oretta's personal business. 14. Clear*: ShB; semi-poetic sweetness of coming together. 15. Portentous: Backstory. Zaine speaks to Tanzel about a decision. 16. Jerk: EW; Aeryn meets an old friend as the Final Days loom. 17. Free Day! 18. Fish Out of Water: Shb: G'raha gets used to his new life. 19. Weal: EW; Vrtra sees to his people and their home. 20. Hamper: In a possible future, Iyna answers academic questions. 21. Grave: Legacy; Zaine Striker returns to his childhood home. 22. Fulsome: C'oretta sorts through her parents' old promos. 23. Suit: ARR; what the Scions wore that most fateful night. 24: Free Day! 25. Call it a Day: Pre-ARR; Iron Summer contemplating his daughter. 26. Last: EW; a final conversation between ancients. 27. Sole*: Post-ShB; Thancred vs the perils of Aeryn's flip-tastic jobs. 28. Blunt: Post-ShB; working with Gaius, like it or not. 29. Contravention: EW; "In from the Cold" violates laws of nature. 30. Amity: EW; Varshahn & Aeryn discuss Thavnair & Garlemald.
Only 2 short shippy prompts all month! All 4 modern girls got a couple spotlights, various family cameos and backstories, a future prompt as is tradition, Zaine had a few posts, a few NPC-only scenes, a LOT of Endwalker, and even Ancient Icarus got a story, tying into 2021's "Destruct" prompt and how/why the siblings' souls have been connected through time and reincarnations.
A few of these are alternate takes on scenes I've touched on before, but it's interesting what a new prompt at a different time can get one to say, how we change as writers in what we focus on and how we say it.
This comes in roughly 300 words shorter than last year, at 18,493. The week of the 18-22 I had off work for my birthday, and that had the most 1k+ prompts, with a word count nearly double the other 3 full weeks. While the longer prompts are good, I'm really happy with how so many of the short ones turned out!
I was again trying to be realistic about my time, energy, not pushing free write days...and also working on an original writing project on the side, so I actually did do more writing over the month, just not FFXIV related!
(Also why some of my responses were in just under the wire...)
But this was a good break and exercise from that other writing, and let me try a few new things.
And comparing to earlier years--especially 2017 and 2018 when I was getting back onto the writing horse and feeling out my OCs--I feel like my growth as a writer, especially to be more succinct yet still evocative when needed, is evident. I've gotten a lot of practice in over time, and this challenge is one of the things that helped me get to where I can write an original story on top of my fanfic!
Breakdowns for funsies: Longest: 21 Grave; 1,652 words Shortest: 14 Clear; 106 words
Between 100-500 words: 1 Envoy; 2 Bark; 4 Off the Hook; 5 Barbarous; 7 Noisome; 8 Shed; 14 Clear; 15 Portentous; 26 Last; 27 Sole. Between 500-1000 words: 6 Ring; 11 Once Bitten, Twice Shy; 13 Check; 16 Jerk; 18 Fish Out of Water; 22 Fulsome; 23 Suit; 25 Call it a Day; 28 Blunt; 29 Contravention; 30 Amity. 1000+ words: 9 Fair; 12 Dowdy; 19 Weal; 20 Hamper; 21 Grave.
I didn't look at the totals until the end; I only checked some of the shorter ones during the challenge to see if they hit my personal "500+ words" cut off for adding a Read More to the posts.
"Grave" honestly could have been a lot shorter; I started the plot too early, and much as I like Zaine making one last visit to his childhood Nana, for the purposes of the challenge, I could have just focused on going to the lichyard to save myself time and energy, and wrote about the visit on my own another time. On the other hand, it's done now!
Not sure which is a favorite; there's a lot I like.
As usual, these will be revised at...some point (some more than others, probably) and added to Ao3, in my various series and threads.
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Fighting the privacy wars, state by state
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In 2021, Apple updated its mobile OS so that users could opt out of app tracking with one click. More than 96% opted out, costing Facebook $10b in one year. The kicker? Even if you opted out, Apple continued to spy on you, just as invasively as Facebook had, as part of its competing targeted ad product:
If you’d like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here’s a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
The fact that Apple — a company that has blanketed the world with anti-surveillance billboards — engaged in deceptive, pervasive surveillance reveals the bankruptcy of “letting the market decide” what privacy protections you should have.
When you walk into a grocery store, you know that the FDA is on the job, making sure that the food you buy doesn’t kill you — but no one stops the grocery store from tracking literally every step you take, every eye movement you make (no, really!) and selling that to all comers:
America’s decision to let the private sector self-regulate commercial surveillance is a grotesque failure of duty on the part of Congress, which has consistently failed to pass comprehensive privacy legislation. There are lots of reasons for this, but the most important is that American cops and spies are totally reliant on commercial surveillance brokers, and they fight like hell against any privacy legislation:
The private sector’s unregulated privacy free-for-all means that cops don’t need to get warrants to spy on you — they can just buy the data on the open market for pennies:
The last Congressional session almost passed a halfway decent (but still deeply flawed) federal privacy law, but then they didn’t. Basically, Congress only passes laws that can be sandwiched into 1,000-page must-pass bills and most of the good stuff that gets through only does so because some bought-and-paid-for Congressjerks are too busy complaining about “woke librarians” to read the bills before they come up for a vote.
The catastrophic failure to protect Americans’ privacy has sent human rights groups hunting for other means to accomplish the same end. On the federal level, there’s the newly reinvigorated FTC, under the visionary, muscular leadership of Lina Khan, the best Commission chair in a generation. She’s hard at work on rules to limit commercial surveillance:
But FTC regs take time to pass, and it can be hard for ordinary individuals to trigger their enforcement, which might leave you at the mercy of your local officials when your privacy is invaded. What we really need is a privacy law with a “private right of action” — the right to go to court on your own:
The business lobby hates private right of action, and they trick low-information voters into opposing them with lies about “ambulance chasers” who sue innocent fast-food outlets for millions because they serve coffee that’s too hot:
With Congress deadlocked and privacy harms spiraling, pro-privacy groups have turned to the states, as Alfred Ng writes for Politico:
The best provisions of the failed federal privacy law have been introduced as state legislation in Massachusetts and Illinois, and there are amendments to Indiana’s existing state privacy law — 16 states in all are working on or have some kind of privacy law. This means businesses must live with the dread “patchwork of laws,” which serves the business lobby right: they must do business in potentially radically different ways in different states, and small missteps could cost them millions, in true fuck-around-and-find-out fashion.
As Ng writes, these laws don’t have to pass in every state. America’s historically contingent, lopsided state lines mean that some states are so populous that whatever rules they pass end up going nationwide (the ACLU’s Kade Crockford uses the example of California Prop 65 warnings showing up on canned goods in NY).
As Congress descends further into self-parody, the temptation to treat the federal government as damage and route around it only mounts. It’s a powerful, but imperfect strategy. On the negative side, it takes a lot of resources to introduce legislation into multiple states, and to win legislative fights in each.
Think of the incredible fuckery that the coalition of Apple, John Deere, Wahl, and other monopolists got up to defeat dozens of state Right to Repair laws, even snatching victory from the jaws of defeat in New York state, neutering the incredible state electronics repair law before it reached the governor’s desk:
Indeed, the business lobby loves lobbying statehouses, treating them as the Feds’ farm-leagues, filled with naive, easily hoodwinked rubes. Organizations like ALEC use their endless corporate funding to get state legislation that piles farce upon tragedy, like the laws banning municipal fiber networks:
The right has always had hooks in state legislatures, but they really opened up the sluice gates in the runup to the 2010 census, when a GOP strategist called Thomas Hofeller started pitching Republican operatives on a plan called REDMAP, to capture state legislatures in time for a post-2010 census mass-redistricting that would neutralize the votes of Black and brown people and deliver permanent rule by an openly white nationalist Republican party that could lose every popular vote and still hold power.
Of course, that’s not how they talked about it in public. Though the racial dimension of GOP gerrymandering were visible to anyone on the ground, Hofeller maintained a veneer of plausible deniability on the new REDMAP districts, leaving the racist intent of GOP redistricting as a he-said/she-said matter of conjecture:
That is, until 2018, when Satan summoned Hofeller back to hell, leaving his personal effects in the hands of his estranged anarchist daughter, Stephanie, who dumped all her old man’s files online, including the powerpoint slides he delivered to his GOP colleagues where he basically said, “Hey kids, let’s do an illegal racism!”
Sometimes, laws that turn on intent are difficult to enforce because they require knowledge of the accused’s state of mind. But there are so many would-be supervillains who just can’t stop themselves from monologing, and worse, putting it in writing.
As bad as state politics can be, they’re still winnable battlefields. Last year saw a profound win on Right to Repair in Colorado, where a wheelchair repair bill, HB22–1031, made history:
That win helped inspire Rebecca Giblin and I when we were writing Chokepoint Capitalism, our book about how Big Tech and Big Content rip off creative workers, and what to do about it.
Many readers have noted that the first half of the book — where were unpack the scams of streaming, news advertising, ebooks and audiobooks, and other creative fields — is incredibly enraging.
But if you find yourself struggling to concentrate on the book because of a persistent, high-pitched whining noise that you suspect might be a rage-induced incipient aneurysm, keep reading! The second half of the book is full of detailed, shovel-ready policy proposals to get artists paid, including a state legislative proposal that works from the same playbook as these state privacy laws.
If your creative work entitles you to receive royalties, your contract will typically include the right to audit your royalty statements. If you do audit your royalties, you will often find “discrepancies.” We cite one LA firm that has performed tens of thousands of record contract audits over decades, and in every instance except one, the errors they discovered were in the labels’ favor.
This is a hell of a head-scratcher. I can only assume that some kind of extremely vexing, highly localized probability storm has taken up permanent residence over the Big Three labels’ accounting departments, making life hell for their CPAs, and my heart goes out to them.
Anyway: if you find one of these errors and you tell your label or publisher or studio, “Hey, you stole my money, cough up!” they will pat you on the head and say, “Oh, you artists are adorable but you can’t do math. You’re mistaken, we don’t owe you anything. But because we’re good natured slobs, we’ll offer you, say, half of what you think we owe you, which is good, because you can’t afford to sue us. And all you need to do to get that money is to sign this non-disclosure agreement, meaning you can’t tell anyone else about the money we’re stealing from them.
“Oh, and one more thing: your accountant has to promise never to audit us again.” As Caldwell-Kelly said when we talked about this on Trashfuture, this is like the accused murderer telling the forensics team, “Dig anywhere you’d like in my garden, just not in that corner, I’m very sentimental about it.”
Now, contracts are a matter of state law, and nearly every entertainment industry contract is signed in one of four jurisdictions: NY, CA, TN (Nashville), and WA (games companies and Amazon). If we amended the state laws in one or more of these to say, “NDAs can’t be enforced when they pertain to wage theft arising from omissions or misstatements on royalties,” we could pour money into the pockets of creative workers all over the world.
Yes, the entertainment giants will fight like hell against this, and yes, they have a lot of juice in their state legislatures. But they’re also incredibly greedy and reckless, and prone to such breathtaking and brazen acts of wage theft that they lurch from crisis to crisis, and at each of these crises, there is a space to pass a law to address these very public failings.
For example, in 2022, the Writers Guild of America — one of the best, most principled, most solidaristic and unified unions in Hollywood — wrested $42 million from Netflix, which the company had stolen from its writers:
Netflix isn’t alone in these massive acts of wage theft, and this is certainly not the only way Netflix is stealing from creative workers. There’s never just one ant: if Netflix cooked the books for writers, they’re definitely cooking it for other workers. That means there will be more scandals, and when they break, we can demand more than a bandaid fix for one crime — we can demand modest-but-critical legislative action to fix contracts and prevent this kind of wage-theft in the future.
The state legislatures aren’t an intrinsically better battlefield for just fights, but they are an alternative to Congress, and there is space to make things happen in just some of the 50 state houses that can ripple out over the whole country — for good and bad.
[Image ID: Blind justice, holding aloft a set of unbalanced scales; in the lower scale is a map of the USA showing the state lines; in the higher scale rests the capitol building.]
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vashtijoy · 1 year
index of meta posts, part three
possibly this is getting out of hand?
Indexes: [one] [two] [third semester] [akechi's confidant].
out-of-universe meta discussion
On Akechi's bodycount and how to interpret canon. (posted 2023/04/22)
Is Akechi obvious, or is Joker an unreliable narrator? (posted 2023/02/19)
On the "perfect victim" myth, and how Akechi does not consider himself a victim. (posted 2023/02/16)
Akechi's resemblance to Light Yagami is totally superficial and is meant to mislead you. (posted 2022/12/11)
cute things
Akechi uses the full title of the Featherman show, like Futaba. (posted 2023/04/26)
Goro, please carry an umbrella, you're killing me. (posted 2023/04/24)
What would Akechi's love language be? (posted 2023/03/25)
"Honey, I'm home": intimacy chicken with Joker. (updated 2023/03/26)
P5A: Akechi looks like a crow and shoots directly at Joker's head—and Joker laughs. (posted 2023/02/25)
"the fish are beautiful": Joker's impromptu diversion at the aquarium. (posted 2023/01/20)
sad things
NPC cop to drunk NPC: "Akechi-kun, your family is probably worried about you." (posted 2023/03/30)
The toy shop at the end of "Proof of Justice" is in Kichijoji. (posted 2023/03/014/09)
P5A: Akechi looks like a crow and shoots directly at Joker's head—and Joker laughs. (posted 2023/04/26)
Anon comment on Akechi getting dragged into the "found family" trope by the ankles. (posted 2023/02/18)
yes, there is gay subtext in your innocent waifu simulator. (posted 2023/02/07)
little details
[twitter] Akechi's main outfit is his school uniform. (posted 2023/06/23)
How did Morgana see Dome Town? Also, the RL TV studio. (posted 2023/05/30)
Akechi and the evil wristwatch he wears only on his own time. (updated 2023/05/03)
When does Akechi start using Joker's given name? (posted 2023/03/26)
Followup ask: can we pin this down more precisely? (posted 2023/07/22)
@somethingpersonarelated reviews Akechi's outfits [tags are mine]. (posted 2023/04/25)
Akechi's school uniform doubles as his day job uniform. (posted 2023/04/29)
The toy shop at the end of "Proof of Justice" is in Kichijoji. (posted 2023/04/26)
The toy gun, Proof of Justice, was likely conceived to be Akechi's palace treasure. (posted 2023/04/09)
tech stuff
[twitter] Material from the betas. (posted 2024/01/23)
[twitter] Technical requirements for Akechi's third awakening. (posted 2023/09/01)
Character signature colours and Yoshizawa's phone. (posted 2023/08/15)
Akechi's "cute wink" cut-in, and his "evil wink" cut-in, and when they're used. nb this is wrong and needs updating (posted 2023/04/08)
fic excerpts
Goro and his mother: Akechi at six. (posted 2023/11/30)
Goro and his aunt: Akechi at nine. (posted 2023/03/27)
Postcanon HCs and Ren finding Akechi again. (posted 2023/1/15)
Goro and his uncle: Akechi at thirteen. (posted 2023/04/26)
How would I like Akechi's story to continue? (posted 2023/03/21)
Shido confronts Akechi about the Metaverse. (posted 2023/03/04)
12/24: deduce, panic, kill: P5 as a comedy text adventure. (posted 2023/02/03)
other characters
How would Akechi and Mishima get on? (posted 2024/01/18)
Is Joker from the city or the country? (posted 2024/01/17)
Shido's Palace: what do the posters say? (posted 2024/01/14)
Deleted scene: Haru's hangout at Crossroads. JULIAN AND ANGEL WARNING. (posted 2023/12/14)
The Monabus was registered in Tsukiji. (posted 2023/11/20)
Haru: "we'll just take him out again". (updated 2023/10/19)
9/3: the Featherman allude to Haru on TV. (posted 2023/05/13)
How do we know Joker's grey shirt is sleeveless? (posted 2023/04/26)
@nardaviel's excellent guest post about Joker. (posted 2023/03/28)
On forgiveness: Haru's approach to Akechi. needs updating, sigh, that one Mementos line has at least another reply from Makoto. (posted 2023/02/12)
It's Yusuke who steps forward to tell Shadow Shido he was the worst dad. (posted 2023/01/02)
Incorrect Persona: "There was more than one lobster present at the birth of Jesus?" (posted 2023/12/25)
Miel et Crepes is (obviously) a pancake café. (updated 2023/05/28)
Would Futaba make Danganronpa jokes to Akechi? (posted 2023/05/15)
Akechi and the Russian takoyaki. (posted 2023/05/04)
Akechi allegedly smells like the sleazy Veteran Pick-Up Artist on Central Street. (posted 2023/04/30)
The other Goro Akechi (and the food blog). (posted 2023/01/22)
Akechi and Joker height truthing. (posted 2023/01/01)
Akechi, stop staring at Joker's bed. (posted 2022/12/27)
word of god references (other people's posts, etc)
from @starfirexuchiha: Some new Akechi trivia: What's in his attaché case? Akechi wears the argyle to copy Naoto. What's his apartment like? What bike does he ride? How is he with spicy food? Why and when does he eat with his right hand? Yes, Akechi awakened to both personas at the same time.
PQ2: rival characters have a greater presence when they're calm, and also Akechi probably painted the mural.
P5A: "for us, we know he's a detective."
P5A: why there is more Akechi.
"Maruki does not have concrete proof that Akechi is dead." (incidentally y'all, I would love a better source for this one.)
"Akechi's confidant is the key to the third semester". [JP]
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maxverstepponme · 1 year
Ready to send a new list. Part 1 of 2022. 1. January
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So what happened in 2022. It started with a theatrical fall on the ice. She definitely will never participate in Dancing with the Stars. Because she isn't one but we might enter her into the Fallon F'lor awards.
01. January: The first Paparazzi call of the year. Location Miami beach. To portray the happy family. Let's ignore the nanny in the background.
February: she posted a picture holding hands that turned out to be taken from pinterest. It was edited to remove a bracelet and brighten the skin tone. She also posted pictures of a Valentine's gift. Roses with a gold rose and a teddy bear. Nonnies found out that this type of bear is not available to purchase from the Monaco florist shop for several months already.
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February: Max is in Barcelona for preseason testing. One anon overheard him arguing with someone on the phone in English. "When I get back you better be gone"
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February: Kelly sighted in Brazil. Rumors going around Brasilia Max and Kelly are on a break and Sophie supposedly was sighted in Monaco and stayed for some time
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02 March: Cheating rumors from her birthday in December are talked about again with new information.
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04 March: Max and Victoria celebrate their father's birthday in Ibiza.
07 March: Kelly is back in Monaco with Otitis. Oh no. But don't worry she let us know with creepy selfies. Do you have to take pictures while your boyfriend is kissing you? She also made sure to inform her army about her condition and that she won't make it to Bahrain for the official preseason testing on the 10th. And where was P? Left behind in Brazil.
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15 March: in between testing and the official season opener Max went to Dubai for some marketing events. Kelly was allegedly overhead on the phone saying she did not know about the trip but she managed to get some pictures for ads.
20 March: Bahrain season opener. In the morning a nonnie says Max and Kelly were arguing at breakfast. She later spend watching the race from the tower instead of the box. Another nonnie saw Max after the race when she was clingy but after the DNF he just wanted to be left alone. She was also busy talking to her fanpages accounts and and wag pages to take down pictures she regarded as unflattering. Screenshots of the group chats were leaked.
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27 March: Jeddah GP yay Max victory. No Kelly. 28 March: A Kelly stan Abril is spreading rumors Jos hit Kelly
30 March: Kelly signs up with a Dutch model agency "Talent Motherhood" 03 April: Max and Kelly celebrate his managers Raymond's birthday with a dinner in Monaco
05 April: Jos unfollows Kelly for a second time
06 April: Kryptic Kelly posts on her closed friends
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07 April: Max changes his IG pfp 09 April: a mother of a 15 year old child who runs a Max fanpage reports about an unhappy exchange with Abril.
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10 April: Australia GP. Sad DNF Max noises. No Kelly. Also Abril who ran hate accounts against Jos deletes her profile of kelly.piquet fan account
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17 April: Kelly is deleting a lot of pictures on her IG feed.
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17 April: alleged screenshots between Kelly and a guy she is having an affair with are published by a gossip account that is followed by Jos
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24 April: Imola GP. Grand Slam Max. We see Max in normal clothes arriving to the GP. Nice leather jacket.
30 April: Arrival in Miami. Entire Piquet family and Sophie hanging out before the GP next week.
05 May: Kelly has a discussion on Motherhood. She's doing such a good job at it P had to demonstrate how well mannered she is taking the focus away from her. She also generously donated P's old clothes that don't fit anymore. Give her a sainthood now.  16 May: Christening of Victoria's children. Max is a Godfather. Kelly and P and rest of family present. Kelly used it as advertisement for Valentino, who never claimed to work with her
22 May: Kelly deletes most APM Monaco posts. Nonnies claim she was never a real ambassador like Charlotte and Charles are
25 May: Kelly on the red carpet at Cannes Film Festival for the Elvis premier for some reason. Looking every inch the model
28 May: Kelly shows up to Monaco GP with Elon Musks mother for some reason
29 May: Max comes 3rd on the GP. While waiting to go to the podium Kelly and Max are about 1 meter apart of each other. Her glare is fixated away from Max towards the camera that is filming race winner Checo. When the Camera follows Checo towards Max & Kelly she signals him to give her a kiss to be in frame of the camera
03 June: Vacation for Max and Kelly and a bunch of friends in St. Tropez
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dragons-bones · 8 months
FFXIV Write 2023: Master Post & Round Up!
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Seven years of FFXIV Write in the bag! Whether this is your first year or your seventh, whether you wrote seven words or seven thousand, GOOD JOB, EVERYONE! And a thank you, as always, to @sea-wolf-coast-to-coast for continuing to host and provide prompts for us year after year.
As with last year, I will not be checking my word count or any other sort of stats; I ended up focusing on that in past years to my detriment, and the point of this challenge is to have fun! It's enough for me that I wrote every day. :D
BUT! October is here--and that it means it's time for my own personal challenge: FFXIV Edit! The heart of FFXIV Write is just to write, regardless of mistakes or roughness, but I do like to go back and revisit my ideas and see if my brain wants to put some more polish on my entries. So, throughout October, I will continue my tradition of posting each of my prompts to AO3 once a day and take the time to give them an edit or expansion or rewrite as I see fit.
Happy FFXIV Write, everyone! And now: THE MASTER POST!
AETHERCRAFT (AO3 login required)
Previous Master Posts: 2017 || 2018 || 2019 || 2020 || 2021 || 2022
Prompt 01 [Envoy]: All Work and No Play || On AO3
Prompt 02 [Bark]: Drumming Song || On AO3
Prompt 03 [Free Write | Reclamation]: The Ink on Your Soul || On AO3
Prompt 04 [Off the Hook]: Boys Will Be Boys || On AO3
Prompt 05 [Barbarous]: Levin Deals || On AO3
Prompt 06 [Ring]: The Form of Magic || On AO3
Prompt 07 [Noisome]: Bug Juice || On AO3
Prompt 08 [Shed]: Behold, a Man || On AO3
Prompt 09 [Fair]: The Heart of Things || On AO3
Prompt 10 [Free Write | Reactivation]: [INDIGO ABRASAX] || On AO3
Prompt 11 [Once Bitten, Twice Shy]: The Inaction of Hope || On AO3
Prompt 12 [Dowdy]: Right under Their Noses || On AO3
Prompt 13 [Check]: Post-Op || On AO3
Prompt 14 [Clear]: An Apple a Day (Does Not Keep the Paladin Away) || On AO3
Prompt 15 [Portentous]: Wolf's Legacy || On AO3
Prompt 16 [Jerk]: Allspice or Nothing || On AO3
Prompt 17 [Free Write: Refocillation]: Knifesong || On AO3
Prompt 18 [Fish out of Water]: A Raven's Shield || On AO3
Prompt 19 [Weal]: The Warmth of You (NSFW) || On AO3
Prompt 20 [Hamper]: The Art of the Booby Trap || On AO3
Prompt 21 [Grave]: Ashes || On AO3
Prompt 22 [Fulsome]: Code 'Buncle || On AO3
Prompt 23 [Suit]: No Risk, No Reward || On AO3
Prompt 24 [Free Write | Refraction]: Sovenance || On AO3
Prompt 25 [Call It a Day]: The Best Cure || On AO3
Prompt 26 [Last]: The Ivory Tower || On AO3
Prompt 27 [Sole]: One in the Hand || On AO3
Prompt 28 [Blunt]: Triptych || On AO3
Prompt 29 [Contravention]: Spices and Contraband || On AO3
Prompt 30 [Amity]: Denouement || On AO3
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54bpm · 5 months
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Somehow... we made it. Lessons this year: take good care of your wrist and beware of number brainrot.
2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018
01 | 02 | 03 | 04 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 09 | 10 | 11 | 12
I don't usually put too many thoughts on these posts but I have some for below the cut.
Just a weird weird year for me I won't lie.
If I had to put a word to it, it'd definitely be "transitional."
It's my last year of undergraduate, I will finally have my degree next year and I hope to god a job too. I finally settled in a subdiscipline that will inevitably send me back for a masters but god I need a break. But this last stretch of school was definitely one of the major reasons I didn't draw much this year.
Another big roadblock was the years of wrist abuse caught up to me and I have a long-term injury now. Take breaks and stretch kids. ;w;
And the other roadblock paradoxically was becoming a corpo vtuber fan, now don't get me wrong I've been loving being a fan and it has given me fun new inspiration, but after being a primarily original art artist for so long, I had no clue the mental shitstorm that entering the fanart space would entail. Especially when you mix twitter into it.
I don't want to stop drawing fanart because it's fun and I love to be self-indulgent. But goal for next year is little to no twitter usage and to keep my content selfish.
Art is for me, if other people like it that's cool too. And I should only strive to change my art into things I like, not what others do.
And yeah that's about it. Hard to say if the amount I draw next year will go up or down. We'll see!
And thank you all for your support this year!!
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hullomoon · 5 months
hullomoon's 2023 works: part five
it’s the end of the year, which means it’s time for a work round-up! i had a pretty busy year so i didn't post as much, but i also know i did more longer works. so it probably balances out in the end. if you haven’t yet, check out my 2019 roundup, 2020 roundup, 2021 roundup, and 2022 roundup! all works are ordered in chronological posting order.
part one | part two | part three | part four | part five | part six
Tea-rrific Advice | Stranger Things | multivoice | Gen | 09:49
Sometimes the residents of Hawkins need some advice. Who better to ask than everyone’s favorite anonymous advice columnist, Thirsty V. What could go wrong? This is a Vecna crack fic with some dark jokes. I’m sorry, but Vecna is not. Okay, I’m not either. That’s the tea. Bonus this CRACK fic is also a podfic.
[Filk] (Voiceteam) Over the Rainbow | Fandom | multivoice | 02:30
approx. 32 takes in 27 tracks. 14 participants. 9 teams. 3 voices. One rainbow for One Voiceteam! The Voiceteam Rainbow Choir proudly presents: "(Voiceteam) Over the Rainbow" - a multiphonic filk sung to the tune of "Over the Rainbow"!
[podfic] Can you make me a lasagna, David? | Schitt's Creek | David/Patrick | 0:18:51
David has some fresh ricotta and is feeling a little brave. He remembers a request his husband once made while high on anesthetic.
[podfic] mister funny, mister cool | Stranger Things | Steve/Eddie | 0:2:47:49
He swallows. Sweat trickles along his spine. He knows what he was thinking, what he’s still thinking. The itch of being talked about still irritates him. But—but that’s also not new. He used to be King of Hawkins High—people talked about him all the way up that track and all the way down and with a lot less kindness in their hearts. Even with them, it shouldn’t weigh this heavy because if they want to think he’s crazy that’s fine. Right? It should be fine, because Steve knows who he is. The guy with stupid jokes and free rides. The guy who comes back, who keeps them safe, who’s fine. Steve should be able to shrug this off. God, he’s so stupid. Mister Funny, Mister Cool is always fine. or Steve Harrington's terrible, horrible, no good, very bad emotional breakdown.
do you have a minute? | Stranger Things | Steve & Hopper | 1.1k
After Spring Break, Steve struggles. A conversation with Hopper is a good start.
soup, there it is! | Schitt's Creek | Patrick/David | 1.3k
David thinks soulmates are overrated and then he gets soup spilled on him
sealed with a kiss | Schitt's Creek | Patrick/David | 276
Patrick is leaving for a conference and David has some concerns
[podfic] good for my boy | Stranger Things | Steve/Eddie, Steve & Wayne, Eddie & Wayne | 0:44:37
Wayne lets the front door swing shut behind him, rattling and smacking into the frame audibly. “Jesus, Munson!” A voice rings out — the freezer fiend’s, and definitely not Eddie’s. “Took you god damn long enough!” The head finally pops out of the freezer. “I got tired of waiting and — oh.” The stranger’s hand slips from the handle and the freezer door thumps shut. As does the stranger’s mouth when he looks right into the face of, not Eddie Munson as expected, but Wayne Munson. Wayne briefly recognizes him as the Harrington boy. or, the first time Wayne Munson meets Steve Harrington is a complete accident.
[podfic] getting used to letting go | Check, Please! | Nursey/Dex | 04:04:01
Dex was supposed to have a fancy job in some city upon graduation, but his plans changed once his uncle died and left the family home in Maine to him. Without immediate obligations of their own, Nursey, Chowder and Farmer follow Dex up there to help him clear it out and clean it up.
[podfic] can't hide the way you make us glow | Stranger Things | Steve/Eddie, Steve & Wayne, Eddie & Wayne | 0:38:27
“So,” Wayne finally says and looks between them. He gestures his can from Steve to Eddie and back. “Still just friends, huh?” He deadpans.
Steve chokes on his sip of beer, and a grin cracks across Eddie’s face. “To the general public of Hawkins, sure,” Eddie responds smoothly, hand absentmindedly rubbing Steve’s back as he recovers. Wayne narrows his eyes at him. “I ain’t the general public of Hawkins, now, am I?” Eddie shakes his head. “No, I suppose not.” When he doesn’t elaborate any further, Wayne lifts his eyebrows expectantly. Out with it, boy they say. He barely refrains from waving his hand in a go on then motion. “Steve and I… we’re, uh,” Eddie’s smile turns soft around the edges, and his hand goes to Steve’s beside him, drawing it into his lap and lacing their fingers together, “we’re going steady now.” Or, Wayne finds out that Eddie and Steve are EddieandSteve.
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Inception 30 Day Challenge 2022: Give your hot takes for a chance to get hot prizes!
Create a post, whether it be text, art, music, or any other media, using these 31 items as prompts. Feel free to participate in as many or as few of them as you want!
Copy the prompt into the body of the post somewhere and tag your posts with @inception30daychallenge​, #inceptiversary, and #inception30daychallenge. Your posts will be reblogged on this blog for everyone to appreciate!
You earn one entry for every prompt you answer before 11:59 PM EDT on July 31. We’ll hold a raffle then to determine our prize winner(s)! More info can be found in our FAQ.
Prompts below the cut, or at this Google Doc link!
Day 01 (July 1): Your favourite scene.
Day 02: A fic rec!
Day 03: If Inception were a musical, what song would you want to be in it? Who would be singing it to whom?
Day 04: Eames' favourite curse word.
Day 05: Who had the most interesting job before joining dreamshare?
Day 06: A headcanon about the dreamshare team.
Day 07: What's on Ariadne's dating profile?
Day 08: Your favourite character.
Day 09: A fanart rec! (note: please do not repost art from tumblr artists! just reblog it and tag @inception30daychallenge so we can see it.)
Day 10: What character from another piece of media would fit in well with this dreamshare team?
Day 11: Yusuf's favourite cuisine.
Day 12: What is each character like when they get drunk?
Day 13: A headcanon about your favourite character.
Day 14: Arthur’s childhood hobby.
Day 15: Your favourite romantic pairing.
Day 16: Inception Day! Make anything Inception-related! Take a photo, write a poem, make a meme, sing a tune, whatever you want!
Day 17: If you could change anything about Inception, what would it be?
Day 18: A rumour about Saito that the team thinks might be true.
Day 19: Which character was the most annoying student as a kid? 
Day 20: A headcanon about your favourite pairing.
Day 21: What was Mal and Cobb's wedding like?
Day 22: Your favourite quote.
Day 23: Another type of rec! (meta, podfic, fanvid, edit, meme, blog, whatever!)
Day 24: Recast some Inception roles! What other actors can you picture playing the characters in Inception?
Day 25: What pet(s) does Robert have?
Day 26: If each character was a snack food, what snack would they be?
Day 27: A headcanon about dreamshare.
Day 28: Which side character (e.g. Miles, Browning, Tadashi, Nash, Fischer Sr.) do you relate the most to and why?
Day 29: Your favourite team friendship.
Day 30: A self-rec! (anything from art to a funny Tumblr post you made!)
Day 31: A letter to Inception fandom.
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amazingmsme · 1 year
Top 22 of 2022
End of the year tag game created by the lovely @otomiya-tickles This was so much fun, you always make the best tag games! Thanks for tagging me!
Part 1: Fandom Faves 
01. Favorite new fandoms of the year:
Our Flag Means Death, The Boys, Moon Knight, Workaholics, The Stanley Parable, (I know I’m super late to the game but this game rocks) Godless, other seasons of critical role, inside job & uh… does Goncharov count?
02. Favorite new ships since this year:
Blackbonnet, not new but still my faves, Namdermo, & Shadowgast & probably some more that I’m forgetting
03. Favorite anime/TV show of the year:
Despite not seeing the new season, my fave anime this year is Demon Slayer. As for my favorite show of the year, I think the latest season of WWDITS wins
04. Favorite movie of the year:
Prey, Pinocchio (Guillermo del Toro), but if I had seen NOPE it would undoubtedly be that, Where the Crawdads Sing, others I’m sure. But this year I have barely seen any new movies & I haven’t seen any new marvel film starting with Spider-Man NWH (I know I know, you’re gonna beat me with rocks & all that jazz)
05. Favorite character of the year:
Caleb Widogast has had me in a headlock ever since I first saw him & he hasn’t let me go since
06. Favorite soundtrack of the year:
I genuinely don’t have an answer xiavaowh I don’t tend to remember what movie soundtracks I like unless it really stands out, & I’ve barely seen any new movies this year. But my favorite soundtracks in general are Wild America, The Kings or Summer and O Brother Where Art Thou
07. Favorite book/manga/comic of the year:
I don’t keep up with what is published that year, but my favorite book I found this year is Night Film by Marisha Pessl
08. Favorite game of the year:
Favorite game actually released this year? God of War Ragnarok. Favorite one I’ve played this year? Either Doki Doki Literature Club or The Stanley Parable
09. Highlight of this year to remember:
Fuckin’ Goncharov babyyyyy!
Part 2: Community Review
10. Favorite Tumblr moments of 2022:
Goncharov obvi, the queen’s death crab rave, Nov. 5th anniversary, & all the memes that came out this year. I have no grip on time so I have no idea which ones came out this year & I’m so dead inside I can’t force myself to remember
11. Favorite fan art of the year:
I don’t keep things organized enough to be able to actually find my favorite fan art specifically, but @fluffomatic is one of my fave artists on here, along with @ssnicker-doodless & @shyticklemonster r, @fluffy-alien alien but of course tons of other blogs as well!
12. Favorite fic of the year:
Bold of you to assume I can pick favorites & actually remember them 12 months later skagdk fr tho, some of my favorites are You Got My Devotion & Temptation, Frustration, So Bad It Makes Him Cry- @nhasablogg A Gentleman's Torture- @august-anon & uh, basically every single critical role fic. But specifically Waiting For My Mind To Go To Sleep & Embarrassing and Undignified- @chockfullofsecrets lightning damage- @spritewrites & something good to celebrate- @sapphicquill
13. Favorite ask game of the year:
Even tho I never really get asks when I reblogged that kind of stuff, I really enjoyed the list of questions on the fic writer ask game
14. My top achievements as a writer/artist/creator/blogger:
I finally managed to participate in tickletober & finish it despite 2 major deaths in the family at that time, can someone say coping mechanism?
15. My own best fic/post of the year:
I gotta go through & actually look but Draw Me Something as Pretty as You did the numbers this year, like ever other steddie fic lol. MY personal favorite tho was Dare to be Bold & actually got over 100 notes.
16. My most underappreciated fic/post of the year:
Too many of my tickletober fics tbh but that’s what I get for writing for microscopic fandoms like new girl, tuck everlasting & wolf 359 which all clock in around 10 notes each. You’d think with only 4 notes my Night Film fic What A Prize would win this category. But my Imposters fic Junk in the Trunk & Workaholic fic Pizza Payback tie with a whopping 1 note!!!
17. A post of mine that got more popularity than expected:
My recent “porn bots want me carnally” shitpost. I guess because it’s so relevant? (Seriously don’t get me started on that, I had close to 10 try to follow me yesterday alone)
18. Something I changed on my blog since this year:
I made a kofi! So if you feel like supporting me or you really want a fic, feel free to commission me!
Part 3: Next Year
19. Something I didn’t post this year but would like to do next year:
Mark my words I WILL make a Goncharov tickle fic, just you wait & see. I also want to write more for new or smaller fandoms I enjoy & get back to writing my chaptered fics. I also have some long one shots I want to make
20. Goals for next year:
Keep writing as much as I can, get back into physical art like oil painting, post more of my chaptered fics that I accidentally. I also want to read more fics because I really fell behind this year due to mental health & school
21. 2023 releases I look forward to the most:
The new season of The Legend of Vox Machina & uuuuhhh yeah I’m brain dead, I have no fuckin’ clue what’s coming out next year
Part 4: Spreading Love
22. Shoutouts to people who made my 2022 a better year: 
I can’t promise to remember everyone, but I can sure try. Thanks to everyone for making this year not suck as much as it could’ve, y’all don’t know how much it makes me smile
@happyandticklish @ticklishraspberries @ticklish-touch @raybidtickles @shunniebuns @sugarfics @hypahticklish @fluffomatic @fluffy-lee-boa @fluffy-alien @a-fluffer-nutter @a-simple-lee @lemonsandstrawberries @tickletastic @anasticklefics @tickle-bugs @tickle-fight-club @rosileeduckie @thebest-medicine @peachytickles @poesparakeet-fics @eldritchtickles @tickly-floof @spritewrites @august-anon @ticklygiggles @sapphicquill @nhasablogg @chockfullofsecrets @sunlitanon @shyticklemonster @ssnicker-doodless
& a ton of others! Love you all & I’m so glad I have y’all in my corner!
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myreygn · 1 year
Top 22 of 2022 Tag Game
thank you for the tag @giggly-squiggily!
i literally took notes on all the questions so i wouldn't have to skip between my drafts and different pages all the time lol
(also note: i'm not really taking into account when things got released, it's more about my first encounter with them)
01 - favorite new fandoms of the year
Sk8 The Infinity, Demon Slayer, Tokyo Revengers, Kuroko no Basket, Hadestown, The Legend of Vox Machina
02 - favorite new ships of the year
matsukuro (Haikyuu!!), matchablossom (Sk8 The Infinity), sanegiyu, tanosuke (Demon Slayer), kisetaka, imazumi (Kuroko no Basket), vaxmore (The Legend of Vox Machina)
03 - favorite anime/tv show of the year
The Owl House (s2B), Inside Job (s2), Sk8 The Infinity, Demon Slayer
04 - favorite movie of the year
The Boondock Saints, Princess Mononoke, Turning Red, Kiki's Delivery Service, Starship Troopers
05 - favorite character of the year
Cherry (Sk8 The Infinity), Sanemi, Tengen, Inosuke (Demon Slayer), Takao (Kuroko no Basket), Baji (Tokyo Revengers), Willow, Gus (The Owl House)
06 - favorite soundtrack of the year
DRAG: The Musical was the only thing i listened to for like the entirety of november, check it out, the cast recording is great!
07 - favorite book/manga/comic of the year
The Picture of Dorian Gray, Den Schattenmann belügst du nicht, The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo, Haikyuu!! manga
08 - favorite game of the year
i think the only new game i played was Genshin Impact but tbh it hasn't really convinced me yet
09 - highlight of this year to remember
the 8 hour victorious analysis video by @quinton-reviews
10 - favorite tumblr moment of the year
the return of Goncharov made me very happy because i had never heard of it before and i'm glad that i've seen the movie now
11 - favorite fan art of the year
several - i discovered this absolute gem by @shotzgoboom, this gorgeous art by @transformersluna and also i loved all of @hinata-boke's "every day a haikyuu character, but these three were my favorites
12 - favorite fic of the year
again, a few. on tumblr there were three tword fics i absolutely loved this year: Corruption by @giggly-squiggily, this tickletober fic by @ticklygiggles and Oh, how the mighty fall by @parkersaysthings. I also found two absolutely amazing works on ao3 you should definitely check out: Watching As I Fall by @streetsoldierin and the knife on my back has your name in it, your hands are stained with my blood, we call love and violence by the same name by @ffslynch-ao3.
13 - favorite ask game of the year
the writers ask meme and my very own spotify ask game
14 - my top achievements as a writer/creator
i got commissioned for the very first time, that was huge for me ^^
15 - my own best fic/post the year
my best post overall (notes-wise) was the victorious meme i made. the best fics were touching you (most notes) and the boy who cared (personal favorite).
16 - my most underappreciated fic/post of the year
my taglist lol
17 - a post of mine that got more attention than expected
that would be my kuroyaku x taylor swift post which i didn't expect to get any notes whatsoever
18 - something i changed on my blog this year
i changed my header quote for the first time from ideas are bulletproof to monstrous and unlawful
part 3: NEXT YEAR
19 - something i didn't post this year but would like to post next year
allll the fics on the wip list lol
20 - my goals for next year
i hope to reach 300 followers next year because i wanna do some kind of milestone event
21 - 2023 releases i look forward to the most
Outer Banks season 3, The Legend of Vox Machina season 2, the Attack on Titan finale so i can FINALLY talk to my friend about it, two new albums by Måneskin and Subway to Sally
22 - shout out to all the people who made my 2022 a better year
@duckymcdoorknob: THE OG WIFE <3 looking back on it, i think you were a big part of me finding my own little group here and i'm sososo thankful for that 💛 you're an amazing writer and so kind and sweet, even tho you pulled me back into the confusing hell that is discord to me sjxfghdk i'm so happy to know you <3
@parkersaysthings: SUP PRETTY BOY, you made it onto the list <3 i said it once and i'll say it again; THANK YOU FOR RANDOMLY TEXTING ME!! you're amazing and i have so much fun talking to you about the ocs™, i never thought i could get that invested in non canon characters and thank you sm for showing me 💛
@italeean: i was excited to find someone on the same continent as me and then you were sweet, kind and funny on top of that as a bonus <3 ily sugar, stay wonderful and get ready for more unfiltered knb reactions lol
@rattypattyy: you were the first tumblr friendo i really talked to and it was an honor 🫡 fuck timezones lmao, it was worth it <3 ILY WIFE YOU'RE MY GO TO PERSON WHEN I WANT TO WRITE IN ALL CAPS AND IT'S SO MUCH FUN EVERY TIME
@ticklygiggles: they say never meet your idol but you proved them wrong <3 i remember freaking out when you liked one of my fics and seeing you in my notes still never fails to make me smile, you're so sweet and ily 💕
@jimini-mini: i know, i still owe you a message and it'll come, i promise. until then have this: YOU'RE SO COOL!! i remember finding your bokuroo fic and when i saw that you posted it on my bday i knew it was destiny lol and i'm so glad i wrote that review because talking to you is so much fun still <3
@fanfic-chan: dessie my sweet angel, i am so glad i got to know you because you're the absolute kindest soul! you always made my day by randomly sliding into my ask box just to say hello and ily and ilyt dessie, thank you for being my friend 💛
@giggly-squiggily: another writer i cannot fathom even acknowledges my existence ^^' i love your writing so much and seeing you interact with mine always makes me so happy, you're an absolute sunshine and i'm really glad to know you <3
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imxthexhandler · 1 year
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I posted 3,033 times in 2022
861 posts created (28%)
2,172 posts reblogged (72%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 3,025 of my posts in 2022
#damnit barton do your paper-queue - 2,417 posts
#mission objective - 527 posts
#ask meme - 521 posts
#case notes - 264 posts
#redacted (nsfw) - 214 posts
#out of field reports - 197 posts
#operation watchtower - 196 posts
#bolo - 195 posts
#things the handler likes - 166 posts
#random post - 152 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#(...i can just hear the force theme while looking at this picture and here's me trying not to cry because that song makes me so emotional)
My Top Posts in 2022:
OOC: So my blog got tagged as explicit... Great.
And considering this is the second time in two weeks this is happening, it is not helping the paranoia aspect of my anxiety. It makes it almost feel like someone is reporting rather than Tumblr just being stupid.
If it’s the latter, then great job, algothrim. Because you missed the 3 p0rn bots that tried to follow me that I had to block...
If it’s the former, just what the crap? If you don’t like me (and I get it, hell, most of the time, I don’t even like myself) or you don’t like my writing (again, I understand), then just...unfollow or block or what have you and leave me alone?
Because this really makes me not want to write on here. It really saps the motivation I had towards writing, which sucks because I was finally getting back into a writing groove.
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I’ve had this blog for nearly 8 full years. EIGHT. I don’t want to delete this blog or move (not to mention all the sideblogs I’d have to move, too...) to a new blog! And it just... Like, what do I do? Do I keep posting? How long do I wait for the appeal? Just... ARGH! It sucks. It really, really, really sucks, and I just have been so stressed out and having my own self-doubts about my writing creeping in, and I just... WHY THE KRIFF WAS IT FLAGGED AND WHEN WILL IT GET REVERSED?!
So, yeah. I dunno. I guess let me know if you guys are okay with me still writing or should I wait till this sorts out (hopefully)?
16 notes - Posted June 11, 2022
Currently sexuality:
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Ewan McGregor twirling a lightsaber.
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Is this OOC or IC?
18 notes - Posted May 15, 2022
Waiting for the Right Partner
Hello, @caiti-creative-corner I was your Steggy Secret Santa! I am sorry for the delay. I was hoping to have your fic done by New Year's, but due to some work issues, it's taking me a little bit longer.
So, to hopefully tie you over, here is a Steggy mood board and themed playlist.
I apologize for the delay, but I hope this will give you some Steggy goodness in the meantime.
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"Waiting for the Right Partner"
-A Steggy (Steve/Peggy) fanmix playlist.
01.) "Young and Beautiful" covered by Postmodern Jukebox.
02.) "It's Been a Long, Long Time" by Kitty Kallen.
03.) "The Way You Look Tonight" by Frank Sinatra.
04.) "Sway" by Dean Martin.
05.) "Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy" by The Andrew Sisters.
06.) "A Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square" by Frank Sinatra.
07.) "I Can't Believe That You're in Love With Me" by Rosemary Clooney.
08.) "Too Good to be True" by Dinah Shore.
09.) "We'll Meet Again" by Vera Lynn.
10.) "The Very Thought of You" by Billie Holiday.
19 notes - Posted January 9, 2022
[Continued from here.]
@w-e-b-h-e-a-d: Peter wasn’t expecting this surprise at all so when Amelia texted him saying she made a little nerdy video for him … His mouth about dropped on the floor when he saw dancing in nothing but the slave leia loin cloth and just a chain.
Amelia waited a couple of minutes before texting him again.
[TEXT: Peter] So, what do you think? 😘
She never attempted something like this before, so she hoped he enjoyed it. Granted, she got the costume for herself, but still, the video was meant to excite him.
23 notes - Posted August 26, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
[Continued from here.]
@w-e-b-h-e-a-d:  Peter quietly walked up behind her groping both her breasts in his hands and began to massage them between his fingers.
Amelia gasped, almost dropping her coffee as her boyfriend surprised her, his warm hands pawing at her breasts, her body jumping up slightly, shocked, before she moaned, and she glanced over her shoulder at him, her cheeks flushed a bright pink, her thighs clenching together tightly. “Peter!” she squeaked.
35 notes - Posted August 22, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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Tagged by: the ever fab @koiwrites to look up mine.
Tagging: @agentjjkelly; @goddamnmuses; @bennyboylewis​; @agentsterling​; @marvariants​; @wildthiiing​; @leschanceux​; @manymusesbym​; @secretswritten​; and @glitchexmachina​.
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aeolids-zenith · 6 months
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(post 1/5 of food photos from the past few years)
I keep taking photos of my sugary cooking projects so I think I'm going to post them! starting with pancakes; to make them, I usually use whole wheat flour, eyeball the ingredients, and make up any variations, although I used to use a more precise base recipe with all-purpose flour, which I've written at the bottom of the post
when I make ones with extra stuff in the batter, I usually eat them without any toppings, but those are less photographically interesting so I only have two examples here
[2021-01-29] rosemary pancakes (w/ all-purpose flour, yogurt, lemon juice, honey, nutmeg, cardamom, black pepper)
[2022-07-02] strawberry cheesecake pancakes -- half all-purpose flour + cream cheese batter, half whole wheat + cinnamon batter, topped with strawberry jam; the whole wheat batter is theoretically meant to resemble graham cracker crust but doesn't do an especially good job of it
[2022-12-03] crepe cake thing, layered with olallieberry jam, and topped with walnuts + chocolate, plus whipped cream mixed with more jam
[2023-02-07] crepes topped with pomegranate whipped cream (made using soda syrup), dried shredded coconut, and molasses
[2023-04-25] cinnamon-raisin-coconut pancakes with decorative flower petals from Carpobrotus chilensis
ingredients for the original recipe I used:
dry ingredients: 3/4 cup flour, 1/4 tsp salt, 3/4 tsp baking powder, 1.5 tbsp sugar
wet ingredients: 3/4 cup milk, 1 egg, 1.5 tbsp canola oil, a bit of vanilla extract
the pancakes are notably sweet, slightly eggy, and IME a bit dense, which is a combination I like but YMMV
0 notes
questioningespecialy · 8 months
ZeniMax/Bethesda's transphobia
Bothered that people are gonna talk about Starfield more than the transphobia, so here…
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Faren, a transgender woman, is suing ZeniMax for “their failure to provide continuation coverage” for her healthcare. In the suit, Faren asserts that she signed a severance agreement with ZeniMax, which stipulated that they’d provide her COBRA coverage (18 months of healthcare coverage after leaving the job) on the condition that she not file a discrimination lawsuit. —Teresa Jusino, The Mary Sue | We Can’t Ignore This Transphobia Lawsuit in the Excitement for ‘Starfield’ | Sep 1st, 2023, 10:29 am
The Reddit Post:
My name is Leona, I'm a trans woman, and I am a former game dev that worked on The Elder Scrolls Online from 2018 to 2022. I am reaching out to the LGBT+ community here on Reddit in an effort to bring attention to the issues I faced coming out of the closet while working in the AAA gaming industry. My career at Zenimax ended when HR at Bethesda's corporate office used my upcoming gender affirming surgeries as leverage to force me to resign and release the company from any potential discrimination lawsuit. This was in retaliation for raising concerns over how my manager had been treating me unfairly. I collected audio recordings and screenshots of my experiences there, and have now made all of that information publicly available in this video. I completely understand that four hours is a lot to ask anyone to sit through. I had decided when putting this all together that it was important to keep as much context and chronology intact as possible, hence the lengthy runtime. So here is a list of timestamps to key moments in the timeline for those who wish to skip around the video: —u/LeonaFahrenheit451, Reddit.com/r/lgbt | The Trans Experience at Zenimax / Bethesda | Jul 10 '23
The Video:
For a summary please go to 3:50:24 , here are timestamps to key events: 00:04:25 - Screenshot of messages from my manager that I received via Slack while she outed me during a group meeting with my teammates. 00:22:35 - My manager does not take my inconsistent work photo issue seriously. 00:38:10 - I get told that I need to be given stricter work expectations due to FMLA. My manager assumes that my FMLA is for "the surgeries", and after probing for details as to why I am submitting FMLA forms to HR it gets suggested that my role be downgraded from Mid-Level to an Associate due to upcoming medical leave. 00:46:41 - I get pressured to not return to work early from my PTO, which turns into a conversation about why I need to be assigned unique assignments from the rest of the team, and ends with being asked how much work I could take on over that upcoming weekend. 01:02:54 - I try to explain to my manager (for the second time) how devastating it was that she revealed my new work photo before I had the opportunity, canceled the meeting we had agreed I would have the platform to come out on my own terms, and then pressured me to come out via Slack messages instead. 01:56:30 - Conversation with my manager where she asks me to "stick with DEADNAME" so that I can continue working through the technical issues I was experiencing due to my name change. 02:10:00 - Call with my manager where I am accused of being distracted from work by the technical issues that I was still facing, and that I created a "chaotic situation" by requesting a name change in the first place. 02:19:35 - Discussion with my manager's boss about certain events that he was present for, this one in particular is when we are discussing my name change being brought up in front of multiple people during a group discussion, some of whom had never interacted with me and were not aware that I was transgender. 03:13:27 - Final conversation I had with my manager and (new) producer where I am trying to address ongoing issues I have had logging in. For 3 months I kept hitting roadblocks or losing access to our tools due to my name change, and nothing seemed to fix it. I display a series of screenshots of the login issues I collected during that time. I also had my portfolio website blocked by the company's firewall after I updated my name and URL. 03:26:03 - The Head of Human Resources asking me "I don't understand, a fear of being outed to the public? Aren't you already out?", and I have to explain to them that being transgender is not the same as everybody knows that you are trans. 03:50:24 - I had contacted corporate HR at Bethesda, and they responded by viewing me as a liability. They used my upcoming surgeries as leverage to release them from any potential discrimination lawsuit by promising to pay my COBRA premiums, but only if I signed a resignation agreement with them. 03:57:54 - Transgender Dysphoria Blues Thank you.
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mirandamckenni1 · 10 months
Liked on YouTube: New study claims Betelgeuse supernova IMMINENT (decades not centuries!) | Night Sky News June 2023 || https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3QgLwpuDGhI || To transform the way you work with digital notes and get organised, check out the reMarkable 2 paper tablet here: https://bit.ly/3JMNLmp In this month's Night Sky News we're chatting about a new study claiming Betelgeuse will be going supernova in the next few DECADES, JWST’s discovery of water on a rare type of comet, JWST’s study of the plumes of water from Saturn’s moon Enceladus, and much more. #astronomy #JWST #betelgeuse Saio et al. (2023; Betelgeuse in carbon fusion stage) - https://ift.tt/qlgmQue Dupree et al. (2022; Betelgeuse Great Dimming explained) - https://ift.tt/9Agupjq Villanueva et al. (2023; Enceladus plumes with JWST) - https://ift.tt/VjmWt3A JWST proposal 1250 to study Enceladus - https://ift.tt/a3uO1VD JWST proposal 4320 to study Enceladus CYCLE 2 - https://ift.tt/3digrDI Kelley et al. (2023; water on main-belt comet with JWST; BEHIND PAYWALL SORRY) - https://ift.tt/3UKm4E2 Hansen et al. (2006; Cassini study on Enceladus plumes) - https://ift.tt/EwZ0xJd JWST proposal 4250 to study main-belt comets CYCLE 2 - https://ift.tt/QuwTVK5 My previous video on astronomical twilight and why it doesn’t get dark in summer - Life on Saturn’s moons video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Su7lBJ0V8Bs Night Sky News from January 2020 (Betelgeuse Great Dimming) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DfAy5H1LRNw Night Sky News from August 2022 (Betelgeuse Great Dimming explained?) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fqfap3v0xxw Last week’s video on what JWST will observe in it’s second year of observations - https://youtu.be/qVW3IT0B4gI JWST observing schedules (with public access!): https://ift.tt/0renQc4 JWST data archive: https://ift.tt/DIQVba7 Twitter bot for JWST current observations: https://twitter.com/JWSTObservation The successful proposals in Cycle 2 (click on the proposal number and then "public PDF" to see details): https://ift.tt/ovlTgcz 00:00 Intro 00:49 June Solstice + Noctilucent Clouds! 02:15 M+V+Toenail Moon trio on Solstice! 02:43 M+V Conjunction, 1st July 03:30 Saturn + Jupiter in the morning skies! 04:01 Supermoons! 04:39 AD 06:55 Betelgeuse supernova in next 100 years? 14:38 JWST images Enceladus plumes 20:09 JWST images puzzling main-belt COMET 25:45 Outro 26:04 Bloopers! Video edited by Jonny Hyman: https://www.youtube.com/@theHumanVerse Video filmed on a Sony ⍺7 IV --- 📚 My new book, "A Brief History of Black Holes", out NOW in hardback, e-book and audiobook (which I narrated myself!): https://ift.tt/5A7rm0Y --- 📚 "The Year In Space" celebrating all things space in 2022 from me and the rest of the Supermassive Podcast team: https://geni.us/jNcrw --- 👕 My new merch, including JWST designs, are available here (with worldwide shipping!): https://ift.tt/02NmuxU --- 🎧 Royal Astronomical Society Podcast that I co-host: podfollow.com/supermassive --- 🔔 Don't forget to subscribe and click the little bell icon to be notified when I post a new video! --- 👩🏽‍💻 I'm Dr. Becky Smethurst, an astrophysicist at the University of Oxford (Christ Church). I love making videos about science with an unnatural level of enthusiasm. I like to focus on how we know things, not just what we know. And especially, the things we still don't know. If you've ever wondered about something in space and couldn't find an answer online - you can ask me! My day job is to do research into how supermassive black holes can affect the galaxies that they live in. In particular, I look at whether the energy output from the disk of material orbiting around a growing supermassive black hole can stop a galaxy from forming stars. http://drbecky.uk.com https://ift.tt/8lCkgSB
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careeralley · 1 year
Unlocking Job Search Success: 8 Must-Read Books on Working with Recruiters
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To find the best job search recruiters, start by conducting research online and reading reviews or ratings from other job seekers. Look for recruiters who specialize in your industry or field, and make sure they have a solid reputation in the industry. Attend job fairs and networking events to meet recruiters in person and learn more about their services. Ask for referrals from colleagues or friends who have worked with recruiters in the past, and check with industry associations or professional organizations for recommendations. Finally, be sure to interview potential recruiters to ensure they understand your career goals and have a track record of success in placing candidates in positions similar to yours. 1. Secrets from a Recruiter Secrets from a Recruiter by Christian Ward is a comprehensive guide to job searching, resume writing, interviewing and ultimately landing the job. Written by a seasoned recruiter, the book provides insider tips and advice on how to navigate the recruitment process and stand out from other candidates. It covers topics such as identifying job opportunities, crafting a winning resume and cover letter, preparing for interviews, negotiating salary and benefits, and much more. This book is a valuable resource for anyone looking to successfully navigate the job search process with the help of a recruiter. Secrets from a Recruiter: How to Find a Job, Write a Resume, Land the Interview, and Get Hired $8.99 Whether you’re unemployed or just want to get a better job, this guide gives you a PLAN that you can start TODAY!  Buy from Amazon.com We earn a commission if you click this link and make a purchase at no additional cost to you. 12/04/2022 12:24 am GMT 2. The Career Playbook The Career Playbook: Essential Advice for Today's Aspiring Young Professional" by James M. Citrin: This book is aimed at recent graduates and young professionals, offering practical advice on how to launch a successful career. It includes tips on working with recruiters, how to develop a personal brand, and how to navigate the job search process. The book also features interviews with successful professionals in a variety of fields. The Career Playbook: Essential Advice for Today's Aspiring Young Professional $4.99 Figuring out a career and getting a great job has never been more difficult. On top of that, today’s graduates are looking for not only good jobs but positions that will help them launch careers in which they can grow and prosper. Buy from Amazon We earn a commission if you click this link and make a purchase at no additional cost to you. 03/23/2023 09:56 pm GMT Ready to unlock job search success? Check out our latest blog post for 8 must-read books on working with recruiters and landing your dream job! #JobSearchTips #CareerAdvice #RecruitingSuccessClick To Tweet 3. Get The Job You Want, Even When No One's Hiring Get The Job You Want, Even When No One's Hiring: Take Charge of Your Career, Find a Job You Love, and Earn What You Deserve by Ford R. Myers: This book offers a comprehensive guide to the job search process, including how to work with recruiters. It covers topics such as how to create a powerful resume, how to network effectively, and how to interview like a pro. The book also includes tips on how to negotiate a job offer and how to build a successful career. Our Pick Get The Job You Want, Even When No One's Hiring: Take Charge of Your Career, Find a Job You Love, and Earn What You Deserve $19.95 Buy Now We earn a commission if you click this link and make a purchase at no additional cost to you. 02/21/2023 02:19 am GMT 4. The Job Search Solution: The Ultimate System for Finding a Great Job Now! The Job Search Solution: The Ultimate System for Finding a Great Job Now! by Tony Beshara: This book provides a step-by-step guide to finding a job, including how to work with recruiters. It covers topics such as how to create a compelling resume, how to network effectively, and how to prepare for job interviews. The book also includes tips on how to negotiate a job offer and how to build a successful career. The Job Search Solution: The Ultimate System for Finding a Great Job Now! $21.24 Learn More We earn a commission if you click this link and make a purchase at no additional cost to you. 12/03/2022 12:31 am GMT 5. The Essential Guide for Hiring & Getting Hired The Essential Guide for Hiring & Getting Hired by Lou Adler - This is a comprehensive guide for both job seekers and hiring managers alike. The book provides insights into the hiring process from both perspectives, offering valuable tips and strategies for successful job searches and hiring practices. Adler draws on his extensive experience as a recruiter and talent acquisition consultant to provide practical advice on everything from writing effective job descriptions and conducting interviews to negotiating job offers and maximizing your potential as a candidate. The Essential Guide for Hiring & Getting Hired: $9.99 This book will help job-seekers find better jobs by giving them an inside view of how most companies look for, assess and hire new employees. Hiring top talent starts by clarifying expectations upfront. This has been shown to be the primary reason people perform at peak levels.  Buy from Amazon We earn a commission if you click this link and make a purchase at no additional cost to you. 03/23/2023 10:04 pm GMT 6. How to Work with Recruiters Effectively How to Work with Recruiters Effectively by Peggy McKee - This book is a comprehensive guide to working with recruiters, including tips for building relationships, finding the right recruiter, and maximizing your chances of landing a job through a recruiter's assistance. It also includes advice for recruiters themselves on how to work with job seekers. Our Pick How to Work with Recruiters Effectively: Get Headhunters to Market You $6.95 $5.99 Buy Now We earn a commission if you click this link and make a purchase at no additional cost to you. 12/04/2022 12:22 am GMT 7. Operation: Job Search Operation: Job Search: Your comprehensive and tactical guide to securing the ultimate job - In Operation: Job Search, you'll walk through the recruiting process from start to finish, including an overview of the recruiter's perspective and how their incentives will influence your outcome. The book is ideal for graduating students and others in the early stages of their career; however, the lessons can be applied for any stage and any industry. Operation: Job Search: Your comprehensive and tactical guide to securing the ultimate job $29.99 Stop throwing resumes into a black hole and taking the advice of everyone at once. You need a simple and consistent approach to your job search - that's what this book is about.  Learn More We earn a commission if you click this link and make a purchase at no additional cost to you. 03/23/2023 10:24 pm GMT 8. How To Build the ULTIMATE LinkedIn Profile In Under An Hour How To Build the ULTIMATE LinkedIn Profile In Under An Hour: Boost Your Branding by Andrew Macarthy is a comprehensive guide that helps professionals create an effective LinkedIn profile that showcases their skills, experience, and personal brand. The book offers practical tips and strategies for optimizing each section of the profile, from the headline and summary to work experience and skills. It also provides guidance on how to grow your network, engage with other professionals, and make the most out of LinkedIn's features to further your career. Our Pick How To Build the ULTIMATE LinkedIn Profile In Under An Hour: Boost Your Branding $6.93 Buy on Amazon We earn a commission if you click this link and make a purchase at no additional cost to you. 03/23/2023 10:26 pm GMT This blog post highlights eight essential books for job seekers looking to maximize their job search success by effectively working with recruiters. These books provide practical advice, tips and strategies for building relationships with recruiters, navigating the recruitment process, and making the most of the opportunities presented. Readers can expect to gain valuable insights on how to land their dream job with the help of recruiters. 5 Resume Writing Books You Should Read Writing a resume is an essential task when it comes to landing a job. It is a critical document that summarizes your skills, experiences, and qualifications in a concise and compelling way. The resume is your first impression to the employer, and it needs to be impressive enough to make you stand out from the crowd.  Update Your Resume We earn a commission if you click this link and make a purchase at no additional cost to you. Read the full article
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