fundiesimsfamily · 2 years
Starting a new life
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Ring ring
Hugo Villareal: Hi, children, are you all ready to come with me?
Jack: Yes dad!
Joceline: No!
Luna White: Joceline! Don't talk like that to your father.
Hugo: Come, I'll carry your backs, Joceline. We have to go to your new mommy.
Joceline: No! I want to stay with my mommy
Luna: It's better you go with dad, Joceline
Joceline: He is not my dad
Luna: Joceline, stop! You are going with your father. No hush
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Joceline: snif
Luna: I'll miss you all, children
Hugo: Come, we have to hurry
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fundiesimsfamily · 2 years
Churchims Bulletin
Edition 19
Year 17
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The Leo Rogers family has special news to share. They are expecting their second child. Mia will be a big sister soon. We are praying for Leo, Zara and Mia Rogers.
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The White family has been blessed by the Lord after seven years of infertility. They are expecting a baby. We are praying for Benjamin, Luna and their four adopted children, Jack, Janine, Juliënne and Joceline.
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The Titus Leppert family has been blessed with the birth of a healthy baby boy who they called James. Congratulations to the parents Titus and Rachel Leppert.
Changes since last edition
Born: Edith to Jordan&Susan Kenley
Born: Esther to Kylian&Samantha Freeman
Born: Kade&Jill to Pierre&Jade Clarkson
Born: Shania to Max&Grace Villareal
Born: Derek&Addison to Romeo&Cassandra Clarkson
Born: Carole to Dylan&Alexis Kenley
Turned 18: Joanna Barrow
Children: 101 (-1, +9)
Adults: 63 (+1)
Total: 164 (+9)
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fundiesimsfamily · 2 years
Luna's diary
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Dear diary,
I absolutly love being a mommy, especially to my little girl, Joceline. She keeps me happy all day long with her chitchat. She is three years old now and I'm counting every day with her until she goes to school like her older siblings.
Ofcourse there are hard days. Days I reconsider everything, did I do it right? Wasn't it better if Gaby was still here? And ofcourse that's the case but she isn't and she made that choice herself. But overal I love Jack, Janine, Juliënne and Joceline.
But someday's I keep wondering how it must feel like to have your own baby. To feel it grow in your tummy, birth the little baby and care for it. It must be wonderful, better then adopting. So while I love my children my heart keeps hoping for our own baby someday. One that looks like Benjamin or me, or both of us.
Love, Luna
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fundiesimsfamily · 2 years
Max and Grace
It's the wedding day of Max Villareal and Grace Leppert.
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Since Max is loaded with money this wedding is somewhat different then the other weddings of fundiechurch.
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But the ceremony isn't any different then if it was in the church.
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The twins Elijah and Charity were pretty amuzed by the kiss
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The Villareal family: father Jacques passed away a couple of years ago. The children are Hugo's but Benjamin&Luna adopted them. Now it's time for Max and Grace to provide more nieces and nephews for them.
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The Leppert family: The second child of Joshua&Shania Leppert is married off, only eleven to go. And they are both waiting for the first grandchild to be announced. Faith will miss her sister, she is the only older sister left to run the household with her mother. Hope, the next daughter, is only 7 years old. Joy is 4 and Charity 2. All those boys in between don't help much.
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The happy couple, now off on their honeymoon.
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fundiesimsfamily · 2 years
Leo&Zara's weddingday
It's the wedding day of Leo Rogers and Zara Reagan.
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Their first kiss, not everybody beliefs them it actually is their first kiss since they had unchaperonned dates but it actually is their first kiss. They kept to their promises.
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The Reagan family (from left to right: Regina Caliente, Julia Reagan, Nina Reagan, Colton Reagan, Zara Reagan, Leo Rogers, Katrina Reagan, Jack Villareal, Winston Reagan, Janine Villareal, Luna White, Juliënne Villareal, Benjamin White, Joceline Villareal) Nina&Colton didn't bring all their children, toddlers Kaira, Maria and Laura stayed at home with a sitter. It's a weird all mixed up family. Since Winston married Katrina, so her daughter is also included, and the children of Winstons daughter, Jack, Janine, Juliënne and Joceline, also came with their new parents. Their father, Hugo Villareal, didn't came to his sister in laws wedding.
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The Rogers family looks less difficult. Eldest daughter Jade on the left with two of her five children in front of her and her husband. The four younger siblings of Leo in front and his parents at the right. But someone is missing, Belle. Leo's missing sister. Oliver&Dakota are very proud to have their eldest son getting married today. It's the first marriage since Jade's who is already married for almost 8 years. But now they have a perfect daughter in law, Zara.
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The lovebirds are off on their honeymoon
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fundiesimsfamily · 2 years
Moving day
Benjamin&Luna White have made an offer to Hugo Villareal (Luna's brother) to adopt his children since Hugo's wife died and he can't take care of his four small children. Hugo was enthousiastic right away, Benjamin&Luna told him to think about it but he hasn't changed his mind since. They have been buzy with paperwork and all that stuff but today is moving day. The children will be officially theirs after today.
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Joceline: Hi!
Luna: Hi, girl! Are you ready to check out your new bedroom?
Joceline: Yes!
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Benjamin: Jack, this is your room.
Jack: I have a room for myself?
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Benjamin: Yes, with your own bathroom.
Jack: Wow! This is so cool!
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Luna: This is your room, Janine
Janine: It's all pink! I love it aunt Luna!
Luna: good! I hoped you loved pink, I love it too.
Juliënne: Where is my room?
Luna: That's next, do you come too, Janine?
Janine: Yes!
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Juliënne: Yeah!
Luna: This is your room, Juliënne, but you have to share it with Joceline
Joceline: Yes
Janine: This is so cute!
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Juliënne: This is my bed! Can I have this kitty?
Luna: Ofcourse you can, Jule
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Joceline: Me too!
Luna: You can have the horse, Joceline
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fundiesimsfamily · 2 years
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Our two girls have arrived! Laura and Maria are the smallest two baby's we have ever seen but they are doing great and are both healthy and home. Big sisters Julia and Kaira are the best sisters ever and help out with the girls all the time. Colton&Nina Reagan, Julia Kaira
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We have been blessed with a third son, Ezra. We are all very in love with our little blessing and love to cuddle him. Bob&Eliza Pancakes, Babette, Bethany, Evan, Barbera, Brooklyn, Eric
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Our twins are here, safe and sound. We named them Charity and Elijah. With eleven children in the house it's good to have two baby's so the waiting time for a cuddle with one of them is shorter. We are all doing great. We have been blessed incredible. Joshua&Shania Leppert, Titus, Grace, Faith, Micah, Joseph, Paul, Zacheriah, Jonathan, Hope, Truett, Joy
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We have been blessed with a third daughter, Joceline. We are very happy with our foursome and love to be a family of six. Hugo&Gaby Villareal, Jack, Janine, Juliënne
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We have happy news, we are expecting another baby! We are so happy to add another little one to our little family. Pierce and Evie are thrilled to become big siblings. Justin&Supriya Delgato, Pierce, Evie
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fundiesimsfamily · 2 years
TW suicide TW depression
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Hugo Villareal: Hi, kids!
Janine: Daddy!
Hugo: Where is your mother?
Jack: Upstairs
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Hugo: Gaby?
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Hugo: Gaby! Gaby! Gaby!
Hugo calls the ambulance but it's too late, she already died. Later, Hugo finds a letter from Gaby
Dear children, I'm so, so sorry. I just couldn't be the mommy you all deserve. I love each one of you so much, it hurts my heart. It may be hard in the beginning but you all will be better off without me. I was raised by just my father and I know your father will be the best father raising you'll. Love mommy
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