fundiesimsfamily · 2 years
Church meeting
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Solomon Eaten: Welcome at this church meeting
Kylian Freeman: We will discus the coming up from the church elders election and we are discussing the new church vision. Solomon will introduce the topic.
Solomon: As church elders we made a church vision. We have a growing church and want to make clear where we stand for as church and churchmembers. You all had a handout with the main points we want to include in our vision.
Ralph Kenley: Eh, can I ask something?
Kylian: Ofcourse, it's a discussion so you all could ask questions.
Ralph: It says here that we think women should take care for children and are not meant to work outside the house.
Solomon: That's right
Ralph: Well, I don't really agree with that. My mother worked my whole childhood and I turned out fine. I think it's perfectly fine for Leah to work when we become parents
Harvey Barrow: So you two want to become parents?
Ralph: Ofcourse
Harvey: I doesn't look like it. You guys are married for 2 years and no pregnancy yet. It's clear you two are preventing children.
a shock wave goes around the church
Solomon: I think, as church we stand for being quiverful. Every child is a gift from the Lord and none should be prevented.
Ethan Barrow: Well, as someone with just six children gifted by the Lord that's easy. I have nine to look after and provide for. I sure get Ralph for preventing children
Harvey: Ethan!
Ethan: sorry, dad, but had only six, just like Solomon. It's harder having more children.
Joshua Leppert: I think it's better that we all stay calm during this discussion. We each have our own family, our own circumstances.
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Justin Delgato: Well, you have 13 children. How do you feel about being quiverful?
Pierre Clarkson: That's not fair! He has been funded by all of us all along.
Justin: Oh
Jordan Kenley: I stand by Ralph. I don't think it's wrong to let a women work or prevent having children
Dylan Kenley: Yeah! Me too.
Ethan: I think we should all leave the desicion making to each and every one of the men here. Not to the church!
By a whole group: yeah!
Joshua: I think that's a fair point.
Solomon: Well, it's not. We all should stand together to make a clear message to our children.
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fundiesimsfamily · 2 years
Rohan&Faith's wedding day
It's the weddingday of Rohan Elderberry and Faith Leppert.
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The ceremony is at the church, where else can you expect from a pastors daughter?
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The first kiss, saved for this day.
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The Leppert family, still growing. Not with children of Joshua&Shania but with in-law's. The first two grandchildren are still to little to attend. A third is on the way.
Joshua is relatively happy about this marriage. But Shania isn't. Now her two older daughters are married and she is left with a bunch of teenage sons and only three little daughters, Hope (9), Joy (6) and Charity (4). Shania will have to do a lot herself.
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The Elderberry family. Ekram and Eleonore are very happy about the marriage of their grandson. They are hoping for great grandchildren.
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The lovebirds
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fundiesimsfamily · 2 years
Muster the courage
Rohan Elderberry has been part of churchims for some time now. He got great advice from role model Romeo Clarkson. He found a friend in Malcolm Langraab but overal he is just quitly present. He is a bit shy. But today there is no room for shyness.
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Joshua Leppert: Thanks for coming, Rohan. When I got your call, that you wanted to come over I felt in heart I had to put some things aside to make time for you.
Rohan: Thank you very much, pastor
Joshua: What is on your mind, Rohan?
Rohan: Eh, yeah, eh, how do I say this
Joshua: Just start at the beginning
Rohan: I enjoy church very much. Your sermons are always so thoughtful and really gives me hope for the future and so much faith in God.
Joshua: That's good to hear, Rohan.
Rohan: I also like going to teenclub and those type of gatherings
Joshua: Romeo is doing a great job
Rohan: I had some talks with your daughter Faith
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Joshua: Oh, really?
Rohan: eh, yeah
Joshua: Do you want to get to know her? Is that why you came?
Rohan: eh, yes, sir.
Joshua: oh
Rohan: She is very beautiful and so caring with children. And her love for nature is speaking for it self.
Joshua: It seems that you already know her quite good
Rohan: Eh, a bit, I watched her for some time now
Joshua: hmmm
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Joshua: You know, Rohan, my wife and I have many children
Rohan: I have noticed
Joshua: But not that many girls
Rohan: yes
Joshua: Grace is already married so my wife only has Faith to help her
Rohan: oh
Joshua: But that can't be a reason for her not to court you
Rohan: yes
Joshua: I'll ask Faith and you will hear from me.
Rohan: Thank you sir
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AN: Faith was thrilled to start courting herself. Not only to get out of her parents house full of children to take care off. Rohan and Faith are now courting.
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fundiesimsfamily · 2 years
Max and Grace
It's the wedding day of Max Villareal and Grace Leppert.
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Since Max is loaded with money this wedding is somewhat different then the other weddings of fundiechurch.
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But the ceremony isn't any different then if it was in the church.
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The twins Elijah and Charity were pretty amuzed by the kiss
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The Villareal family: father Jacques passed away a couple of years ago. The children are Hugo's but Benjamin&Luna adopted them. Now it's time for Max and Grace to provide more nieces and nephews for them.
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The Leppert family: The second child of Joshua&Shania Leppert is married off, only eleven to go. And they are both waiting for the first grandchild to be announced. Faith will miss her sister, she is the only older sister left to run the household with her mother. Hope, the next daughter, is only 7 years old. Joy is 4 and Charity 2. All those boys in between don't help much.
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The happy couple, now off on their honeymoon.
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fundiesimsfamily · 2 years
Grace Leppert's diary
Dear diary,
My friends, Zara and Rachel, are both courting or engaged. Zara with Leo and Rachel with my brother Titus. But I haven't found a men yet. My friends have teased me with courting Max Villareal. He is a bit of an outsider although he comes to teenclub since a couple of months. I talked to him but he isn't an easy men to talk to so I didn't really thought of him as a possible husband.
But then suddenly my father took me on a trip. That isn't very special but that I was the only one to join him was suspicious.
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We talked about my future and a good husband for me. I was hoping he found me a good match. But suddenly he started talking about Max too.
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And then he told me that we where pretty close to his home. He lives in a huge house. He has it all to himself since his father died. His older brother moved out long before that and his sister was also married at that time. My father is worried about Max being alone in the house and after talking to him reguarly he thought he would be a great match for me.
Dad always knows so much and I trust him but I'm also a bit scared to court with Max. We went to staight to his house and dad did his proposal to court me.
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Max and my dad talked and I was susprised by Max. Suddenly he was talking very much. I never saw him doing that. But long story short, I'm now courting Max Villareal. I don't know what the future will be for us but I'm praying every night to God if he will help me make the best choices in His name.
Love, Grace
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fundiesimsfamily · 2 years
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We are so thankful that the Lord has blessed us with not one but two baby's. Our first set of twins! Praise the Lord! Joshua&Shania Leppert, Titus, Grace, Faith, Micah, Joseph, Paul, Zacheriah, Jonathan, Hope, Truett, Joy
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Baby Pancakes #7 is on the way! Our family will again grow and we are very thankful for the gift the Lord gives us again. Bob&Eliza Pancakes, Babette, Bethany, Evan, Barbera, Brooklyn, Eric
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We have been blessed with the birth of a healthy baby boy, Rick. The girls are in love with their baby brother and we can't be more thrilled to be a family of five. Timothy&Lydia Barrow, Christa, Heather
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Doubling in love! We are expecting twins! We feel so blessed to become parents to a set a of twins. The girls can't wait to become big sisters to two little baby's. Colton&Nina Reagan, Julia, Kaira
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We have been blessed with a healthy little girl who we called Meghan. The childeren are taking turns holding their little sister. We are so thankful for our second daughter. Romeo&Cassandra Clarkson, Julian, Owen, Annabell
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We are thrilled to announce we are expecting a fourth little blessing coming soon! Hugo&Gaby Villareal, Jack, Janine, Juliënne
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fundiesimsfamily · 2 years
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We feel very blessed with the birth of our second son, Josiah Freeman. We are already so in love with our little man and Daniel is the sweetest big brother you can imagine.
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We are very happy to announce that my wife and I are expecting another blessing soon, your pastor, Joshua Leppert
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fundiesimsfamily · 2 years
The woman meet reguarly at their womansnight but the men of the church meet to. Not as reguarly, not with all of them. But everybody is welcome at the Freeman's for BBQ once in a while. Even in the winter.
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While Kylian is grilling some hamburgers, the man at the table chad already.
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Bob: You won't believe what Eliza did today. Or better, didn't do today
Hugo: Well, I don't know what Eliza didn't do, but I sure know what Gaby didn't do. I get home from a long day of work and she hadn't doing anything!
Bob: Eliza blamed it all on the baby.
Hugo: hahaha, Gaby blamed it all on the pregnancy.
Bob: They will cry like baby's themselfs if they have to do our jobs
Hugo: Yeah, even if it's just for one day!
Joshua: It's really sad both your wifes are like this. My wife never complaines and takes always care of the childeren. She is my rock in life. How about your wife, Timothy?
Timothy: Well, we just had a second baby. Everything went fine but I'm happier when she takes it slow for a while so I help her out sometimes. She has had a hard time with her parents leaving.
Joshua: That must be so hard for her. A woman in labor needs her mother.
Timothy: Exactly. I hope Lydia will get to do that one day when Christa or Heather gets a baby.
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Kylian: How is, Harvey? I heard something about Leah? Is she really found by the Landgraabs?
Harvey: Yes, they came by with her. I wasn't home, I was with Solomon. Sienna talked to her.
Solomon: She isn't back at home?
Harvey: No, she left to her place after talking to Sienna.
Kylian: How do you feel about that?
Harvey: Not good at all. A woman alone, in a house, far away. I'm still not sleeping very good. But Sienna is very happy.
Solomon: I would be worried too. That Sienna didn't call you to talk Leah out of leaving!
Harvey: I can't believe that either.
Kylian: And is Belle found too?
Harvey: No, that's another problem. We went trew it all with the Rogers but now they have found Leah and not Belle. The Rogers are now very frustrated with us having our daughter 'back' and they don't.
Solomon: Yeah, you don't really have her back. You just know she is still alive.
Harvey: Exactly. Belle is probably somewhere too. The Landgraabs will find her like they found Leah.
Kylian: They are very good at their job, indeed.
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fundiesimsfamily · 2 years
A youth pastor
Ever since his graduation from high school, Romeo Clarkson has been studying theology at the university. It's been a hard time because he got married and became father during that time. But he has finaly graduated and ofcourse churchims hired him as youth pastor. More then half of the members of churchims are below 18 so he has a lot to do. (Teenager numbers are pretty low right now, and only 4 singles young adults, but who cares)
Today he gets ordained as pastor in church, by Joshua Leppert.
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Joshua: Welcome to this special day for the Clarkson family. Before I will give my sermon we will ordaine our brother in christ, Romeo Clarkson, as youth pastor of our church.
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There have been no objections submitted. Our heavenly father has brought together a human comminuty that will live forever. Christ himself has appointed from heaven those who will lead his holy church. They will care for the church by teaching his holy Word, his sacraments and lead them in prayers.
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Romeo Clarkson, you are ready to take this task on your shoulders. I request you to answer the following questions:
Are you convinced that you are appointed by God himself to lead this church?
Do you accepted Gods holy word as writen in the bible?
Do you promise to fulfill you task loyal in faith in Christ?
What is your answer to these questions?
Romeo Clarkson: Yes!
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Joshua: May God bless you to fulfill this task He himself appointed to you. May you always follow him in faith, leading us in the right direction. Amen
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fundiesimsfamily · 2 years
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We are thrilled to announce that we are expecting another blessing! While Shania is getting to the age that we know childeren will stop coming we are so thankful that we, yet again, are reciving a precious baby. We can't wait for baby Leppert #11 to make his or her arrival. Joshua&Shania Leppert, Titus, Grace, Fiath, Micah, Joseph, Paul, Zacheriah, Jonathan, Hope, Truett
(AN: They are sure having that big family, fundie woman dream (or have night mares) about, and that with many boys. Pastor Joshua is proud to set the good example for the church)
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We are totaly in love with this healthy baby boy, Liam. We are adjusting to a family of nine very well so far. Logan&Alice Nelson, Lois, Anthony, Lawson, Alyssa, Lincoln, Ashely
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fundiesimsfamily · 2 years
Churchims Bulletin
Year 16
Edition 9
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The family of our pastor is very blessed to be expecting another baby. This new blessing will join siblings, Titus, Grace, Faith, Micah, Joseph, Paul, Zacheriah and Jonathan. Congratulations to our pastor and his wife, Shania.
Changes since last edition
Married: Nina Caliente & Colton Reagan
Birth of Evan&Barbera to Bob&Eliza Pancakes
Birth of Rafael to Howard&Christine Maher
Birth of Eleonore&Caroline to Ethan&Mathilde Barrow
Married: Jade Rogers & Pierre Clarkson
Birth of Sienna to Solomon&Hannah Eaten
Turned adults: Luna Villareal, Belle Rogers
childeren: 51 (-2,+8)
adults: 38 (+2)
total: 89 (+8)
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fundiesimsfamily · 2 years
Therapy with the Pancakes
The Pancakes are at the Lepperts for another therapie session with their pastor. A lot has happend since the last session. Eliza caught Bob kissing Dina Caliente and he has been sleeping on the couch ever since.
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Joshua: I'm very glad that you two are here again. I have heard that something happend. Bob do you want to tell me about it?
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Bob: Well, It's like this. Eliza had been picking on me so much that when I bumped into Dina one day she was to me what I missed with Eliza. Sweet, caring, sensitive for my feelings. I fall for that and we shared a kiss.
Eliza: Well! A kiss! You said it happend mutiple times!
Joshua: Eliza, let's keep calm. Bob, continue
Bob: I haven't seen Dina since and I'll never see her again since she is no longer member of our church. So it's all fixed.
Eliza: It isn't! You kissed another woman. And let's be real. You two probably did more then that since she has a babybelly. I saw it when her sister got married. She was touching it and everything. I know a pregnant woman when I see one.
Joshua: Eliza, keep calm. Bob said they kissed and that's all.
Bob: Yes, and she is living with Don now so it could be their baby!
Eliza: How do you know she is living with Don?
Bob: I heard that, I can't shut my ears from all the gossip, can I?
Eliza: Yeah, gossip. That must be it. You are totally lying! You are still seeing her aren't you!?
Joshua: Bob and Eliza. Quiet now. Thank you for telling your story, Bob. You can sit down now.
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Eliza: Now it's my turn
Joshua: Well, let's talk about his story first.
Eliza: sight, alright.
Joshua: Do you understand, Eliza, that Bob felt attracked to another woman?
Eliza: Eh
Joshua: He has needs and they must be met
Eliza: Well, I got pregnant didn't I?
Joshua: A husbands needs are more then the needs in the bedroom. You must be there for him, support him, in everything he does.
Eliza: And I must clean, and bear childeren, raise the childeren, yes, yes, I understand. I must do everything.
Joshua: Don't underestamate the presure Bob is on to provide for you and the childeren. He is working very hard for his family.
Eliza: Sights, yes, I understand.
Joshua: I think we should leave it with this for today. We shall see eachother next week, alright.
Eliza: sights, alright
Bob: Yes, thank you Joshua
AN: Shania is just there to support her husband like he preaches. She has no other job.
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fundiesimsfamily · 2 years
New home Lepperts
The Lepperts have a new home. Joshua got a raise as pastor of the growing church community with help from Kylian who convinced Howard and Solomon that they should pay Joshua better. The new home has four bedrooms.
The masterbedroom is downstairs, baby Joseph still sleeps in their room.
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Upstairs are three rooms, one todller room. Now just for Micah but the old toddlerbed of Faith is ready for Joseph once he grows up.
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The girls Faith and Grace share a bedroom with bunkbeds. They love having a bedroom for just the girls. No longer sharing with the boys and their endless amount of cars.
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Titus has a room for himself. He is very happy with it but knows that maybe he has to share again in the future. It all depends whether is mother will get pregnant again.
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Downstairs is a seprate livingroom, kitchen and diningroom. The Lepperts have a lot more space and need more stuff to fill the place with.
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fundiesimsfamily · 2 years
The pancakes
Allison Clarkson talked to Eliza Pancake. Eliza talked about her marital problems to Allison. Allison told pastor Joshua about the Pancakes and he invited them over to talk about their marriage.
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Joshua: Welcome in our home Eliza and Bob. I just want to make sure you two know that you can say anything in our home.
Eliza: Thank you so much for your invitation. When Allison told me about it I was so relivied. Finaly help for us and our problems.
Bob: I don't think this is necessary. We don't have that much problems, Eliza?
Eliza: Well... we do fight a lot?
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Joshua: I want to talk to you about the basics of marriage. For man it's very important to take the lead, to make the decisions. Without you, Bob, you two will go nowwhere. And for the woman it's important to be available for your husband, to make a home for him.
Eliza: Well, I do work.
Shania: Do you? How do you handle that with making a home for Bob?
Bob: She doesn't.
Eliza: Well I'm not going to clean up all your mess!
Bob: You call all my stuff a mess!
Eliza: It is!
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Joshua: Let's take a breath.
Joshua: Bob? Do you take the lead in your marriage?
Bob: hmm, I think so.
Shania: What do you do to take the lead? Do you have a job for example?
Bob: Ehm, no.
Joshua: Then it's important for you to get a job. And Eliza? Are you available for Bob? Do you make a home for him to come home from work?
Eliza: Well, we sleep in different bedrooms. And when I work I don't always have the energy to make him diner and clean al the mess.
Joshua: Then it's important for you to give up your job, be more available to Bob and make a home for him. Can the two of you do that?
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Bob: hmm, yeah.
Eliza: yes, I think so.
Shania: I do like to talk about one subject. Childeren. Do you prevent childeren?
Eliza: Yes.
Joshua: it's important that you don't prevent childeren. They are such a blessing to your marriage. A woman isn't a real woman when she isn't a mother too.
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fundiesimsfamily · 2 years
Buying a piece of land
Howard Maher and Solomon have been handed with the task of finding a spot for their future church. They have been looking at a piece of land and an already existing church. Now they are looking at a piece of land just came on the market.
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Solomon: This is a good piece of land Howard.
Howard: Yes, better then the one across the street.
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Solomon: When we visited that piece of land the other day I already thought that this would be better.
Howard: Yes, it's bigger. And bigger is better.
Solomon: So, can we agree? Are we buying this one?
Howard: Yes, I'm in. This one is the biggest and that already existing church is way too small. We have to build and I can see us building here.
Solomon: Alright, then we have to put things in motion.
Howard: Let's go!
The church elders and pastor Joshua Leppert get together to talk about their churchbuilding.
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Howard: We bought a piece of land. It's perfect for our church. It is big enough for a church and we still have land over.
Kylian: That's really good to have sports on!
Joshua: or other activities! Perfect! Well done Howard and Solomon.
Solomon: So now it's time to make a list what we want in our church so we can get plans for the layout of our church.
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Joshua: Well a big hall to have services.
Kylian: And space for childerenclubs
Joshua: yes, and for teenagers.
Kylian: Hmmm... we want a space to have meetings for the churchelders
Joshua: and a nursery, O, and I want a big stage that we can have musicians play during service
Kylian: and have gospel nights!
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Howard: Well, that's a big list. We might not get all of it.
Solomon: yes, you guys have a lot of wishes. We'll take the next step won't we Howard
Howard: Yes, we will start talking with an architect.
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fundiesimsfamily · 2 years
Leppert #5
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We are happy to annouce that we are expecting our fifth blessing. Little Micah was sleeping, he is still a baby and doesn't quite understand what is going to happen but the other childeren are thrilled to become big brother and big sisters again. We are so thankful.
Joshua&Shania Leppert
Titus, Grace, Faith, Micah
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