#joe quinn x Y/N
icallhimjoey · 5 months
Define Close
♥ ♥  Joseph Quinn x Fem!Reader
Summary: What good are flatmates even, if they don't comfort you when you need it most? Or when you need it a normal amount? Or, you know, when you don't really need it, but just really want it?
CW / disclaimer: rpf, fem!reader, hurt/comfort i guess? idk we're sad a lot and joe cheers us up a lot
Author’s note: this sort of came about after taking small little bits from several requests that i combined and then shaped into what i wanted for myself, and for a minute, i thought 'what if i don't make this one extremely self-indulgent for once' but then... why the fuck wouldn't i? so...
Wordcount: 2.7K
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part one - part two - part three - part four - part five
One of those days.
You weren’t going to wait until you got home to ask Joe what pizza toppings he wanted. Not today. So you texted,
“peperoni or chicken?”
And it took just a few seconds for Joe to open Whatsapp and to reply.
“those my only two options?”
You didn’t have the mental capacity to even think of any other pizza toppings, let alone get into some banter over text with your flatmate.
There were a million ways for Joe to have read that, to have interpreted that. Yet, he got the tone of it just right.
“don’t worry, i’ll take care of it”
No playing. Just quick solutions to problems of which Joe didn’t even really know what they were yet. Then another text from him followed, asking you the question you’d just sent him.
“peperoni or chicken?”
You remembered exactly when this pizza tradition started. Could pinpoint the exact date, time, and place.
“no i was wrong.” “peperoni”
The first time you and Joe shared a pizza as new flatmates, was when you’d gotten home one morning, still very obviously in the outfit you’d left in the night before. Joe had been cooking up some breakfast in the kitchen and had his jokes ready, already grinning to himself when he hadn’t even seen you yet.
“Well, well, well,” he called over his shoulder as you took a moment by the front door to just... breathe. You would’ve tried gathering yourself, but there wasn’t much to gather.
“I know you said the plan was to go out and celebrate Friday, but you didn’t mention anything about Saturday morning,” you could hear the joy in Joe’s voice, all chipper and lively. He’d very clearly had a great night’s sleep, unlike you.
Joe heard footsteps, and when they stopped in the doorway, he turned his head to look. Spatula still in hand, eggs just about ready in the pan in front of him.
“Look at what the cat’s drag–...” the comment died on his tongue. “Jesus, are you all right?”
Joe had expected a tired, sloppy girl to have walked in. One with messy hair, eye make-up all smudged and sort of drunk a little, still.
He’d been right.
That was exactly what he was looking at, which should objectively be funny. Hence the smile that still lingered on his face as his brow slowly furrowed in confusion.
“You look like the inside of a shoe,”
Joe tried his hand at humour, but it fell completely flat.
What he hadn’t anticipated, was for his flatmate to look quite so sad in reaction to his comments. So very drained of life. You’d obviously been crying and looked like you hadn’t slept in weeks.
For a moment you just stood in that doorway, looked a little dazed because, um, why were you going into your shared living space again?
You needed your bed.
Without answering Joe, and without even really acknowledging him at all, you took a shuddering breath and slowly turned back around, only to ignore Joe’s question and disappear into the hallway.
“Hey, hey, hey,” Joe quickly turned the hob off and rounded the island to go after you. He was too late though, stepping into the hallway just as your bedroom door closed behind you. The immediate guilt that followed his poking-fun carried him over to stand in front of it, just enough self-restraint left to not just open your door and walk in right after you.
You didn’t seem like you needed to be pissed off any more than you already were.
From just outside of your bedroom door, you heard a very faint knock, followed by Joe’s voice, asking if you were all right once more.
“Did– did something happen? What’s going on?”
All you managed to do was sigh, just loud enough for Joe to catch it.
“What happened?”
But you didn’t want to get into it.
“Do you– hey,” Joe called your name, waited for a second, in case you wanted to answer him, but then when you didn’t, he followed it up with, “Do you want some breakfast?”
And honestly, breakfast sounded nice. But so did burying yourself into your duvet for a few days, where no one would try to look you in the eye, and where no one would try to make you talk. Were you going to listen to your rumbling stomach that wanted some food, or to the rest of your body that just wanted to be horizontal?
“Some scrambled eggs? Piece of toast?” 
You milled it over in your mind.
“Or, I could make you something else? You want some yoghurt? With some berries in?”
Joe tried. Was actively trying. But it didn’t seem to work, just didn’t seem to do the trick. It stayed silent on your side of the door.
“Some pizza?”
And it was meant as a careful joke. A hopeful small little thing to at least lift the mood, if nothing else. If you were even still listening to him at all, that was.
He was about to tell you that he’d be in the kitchen if you needed anything, that you could just let him know. No worries if not. But then he heard rustling. Stumbling footsteps, followed by your bedroom door slowly opening.
“Hey,” Joe cocked his head to the side at the sight of you, his eyes all soft, forehead crinkled with worry. “I’m sorry.”
You looked right past him.
“What... what kind of pizza?”
You focused on the important things instead. Didn’t really care to acknowledge Joe’s apology.
“Well,” Joe tried to hide his smile as he looked down at his feet before stepping aside and holding an arm out, inviting you to walk ahead of him, making your way back into the living area. “I think there’s a few to choose from in the freezer.”
You’d shared a pizza that morning, you sat at one of the stools of the kitchen island, and Joe stood on the side. He hadn’t asked you any questions then, but instead had just tried his hand at light conversation until suddenly, halfway through a slice, you’d started sobbing.
And it wasn’t like you and Joe had never hugged before.
But you’d never been hugged by him like that before.
Where Joe instantly dropped his food and stepped closer to fold arms around you. Where Joe got an arm around your head to press your face into his chest whilst the other curled down around your shoulders that pressed your chest into his stomach. Where he decided he wasn’t going to be the one to pull back first, and so you’d just embraced like that for over half an hour.
He hadn’t asked you any questions.
Not when you cried.
Not when you’d stuttered through breaths as you tried to recollect yourself after.
Not when you eventually pulled back and reached for another bite of now-cold pizza.
Not when you then silently frowned at the hardened cheese and softly sighed to yourself.
Not when you did eventually retreat back into your room but came out just a minute later and asked if Joe had any plans that day.
Even if he did have plans, Joe knew that he’d cancel them all for you.
“Want to rot on the sofa with me? Watch films all day?”
And you hadn’t meant to fall asleep all sagged into his side then, but you had. And Joe had played with the ends of your hair until the warmth and comfort had pulled him into a nap as well.
You’d never talked about what had happened then, why you had been so sad, because you didn’t need to. It was nice that Joe hadn’t asked for you to explain why you’d cried, and instead had just comforted you until you managed to smile for him again.
Joe thought that maybe, if you wanted to tell him, one day you would. But he didn’t need to know why his flatmate was sad when she was. He was happy just being there to help and fix it.
And now, here you were. Two flatmates who shared a tradition of having pizza and watching a film when you’d had a bad day.
And today had just been... long. Hard. Frustrating. You didn’t want to get into all the things that had nearly pushed you over the edge, and you were glad that you didn’t need to.
Joe didn’t ask questions. Never did.
Just went to get you the peperoni pizza you’d asked for.
Would cuddle you on the sofa all night if that was what you wanted.
It was what he wanted, anyway.
He was well aware that none of that was normal though.
You were flatmates.
If Joe referred to you in conversation with a friend, with a family member, or even with a stranger, you were his flatmate. The girl that he shared the living area of his flat with. The pantry, the fridge and the freezer. The coat closet by the door. A letterbox downstairs by the entrance.
But if someone were to ask you if you and your flatmate were friends too, you’d tell them yes of course. You shared dinner more often than not. If you had friends ‘round, Joe would hang out too. And vice versa.
Just normal friendly flatmates that also knew each other’s parents by their first names, but you know, those things sort of just came with sharing a living space together, right?
And no one ever really thought there was more to you and Joe, anyway.
Why would they even assume?
You dated other people. Went on regular dates with different men. Other guys. Would even sometimes sit and watch a film with someone, and Joe would join you for a little while. Have casual conversation with whoever you’d invited over.
What wasn’t so normal was that the second it would just be you and Joe, you wouldn’t hesitate to touch if you wanted to touch. Wouldn’t hesitate to find him, wherever he’d be, and sling your arms around his stomach from behind, just to hold him for a minute. Would wait to get comfortable on the sofa until Joe would join you there and you’d wait for his arm to find its way around you before you’d settle in.
You never talked about it.
It was just what it was like. You were close. The affection was just a natural thing between the two of you. It didn’t need any words. Any explaining.
But Joe knew you both understood that this could be interpreted very differently through other people’s eyes.
It’s why you kept referring to each other as flatmates, and why you weren’t like that in front of other people.
Which was fine.
You lived together.
There was plenty of time without other people there.
When you walked into your flat that evening, the promise of a shared peperoni pizza combined with the contrasting warmth that immediately made you feel uncomfortably hot in your coat, was nearly enough to bring you to tears.
“Hey, bad news,”
Oh no.
Joe appeared at the other end of the hallway.
“They didn’t have any Sprite left, so I got you a Fanta.”
You let your shoulders drop and let your head fall to the side in relief. That was hardly bad news. You didn’t love Fanta, but the bad news revealed Joe had gone out to get a pizza instead of throwing a frozen one into the oven.
“Fanta’s fine.” You smiled. Joe easily copied it.
“Good, okay. Now,” Joe continued, suddenly his face all serious again as you took your coat off and toed your shoes off. “I know that last time, I got to pick a film, so technically it is your turn... but, I’ve already chosen something to watch, and I did go out to get us the largest peperoni pizza London has to offer, so...”
You stilled and gave an exaggerated sigh, all mock frustration, because you honestly didn’t give a shit. If anything, it was nice that Joe had made the choice for you, seeing as you didn’t really have the mental capacity for any decisions right now. If it had been left up to you, you’d hav been scrolling through Netflix for at least half an hour until settling just to watch some celebrity panel shows on Channel 4.
“No sprite and I don’t get to choose the film?”
“I’m sorry,” Joe was trying stupidly hard to hide a smile.
You blinked at him a second.
“You’re not sorry.”
“No I’m not. You made me go out and it’s fucking freezing outside today.”
You made your way over to your bedroom to get changed, and just before disappearing, you said, “Cool way of letting me know you’ve not left the flat all day.”
Like Joe’s hair hadn’t told you as much already.
You wished your job would let you work from home too. Although, with Joe spending weird stretches of time just sitting around and reading, you didn’t think you’d get much work done. Would probably be a bit weird if you logged onto a zoom meeting from your spot on the sofa, half of Joe in frame.
“I did leave the flat! I just said!” Joe argued, leaving you to get into a more comfortable outfit.
You grinned to yourself.
Joe was an idiot.
In an oversized sweatshirt and a pair of joggers, you joined Joe in the living room where you found a large pizza box on the coffee table, two cans of Sprite next to it.
Joe had lied.
Then you looked at the TV screen, paused at the title of the film Joe’d chosen and, fuck all the way off, did he want you to cry?
“I know it’s not your genre...”
It was. It absolutely was. It wasn’t Joe’s genre, though. “But I promise you’ll like it.”
You didn’t know if you wanted to hook an elbow to his jaw or squeeze your nails into his cheeks, but you needed to do something to get this surge of emotion out.
You opted for swearing at him instead of physical violence.
“I fucking hate you so much right now,”
“Yea?” Joe sat down, pressing play on the remote and reaching for the throw blanket. “Come hate me over here.”
And so you did.
Sat down next to Joe, thigh to thigh, and let him sort the blanket so it covered the both of you before leaning over to grab the pizza box.
The heat coming from the pizza quickly found your legs through the blanket and through your joggers. It was a stark comparison to how cold your fingers still felt from your trek home.
You rubbed them together as Joe opened the pizza box and, shit, that looked good.
“You cold?”
“Just my fingers,” you replied, already putting both hands to use, ripping the pieces of crust that hadn’t been cut properly and lifting a slice out of the box.
Joe did the same, and then when he saw one of your hands lower down, he was quick to grab it, encasing your cold fingers into his large palm.
The act of being upset with him for being nice faltered, and you smiled at Joe as he smugly grinned whilst he chewed.
See, had someone else been there with you, you’d have gotten comments. If not jokes, at least you knew you would’ve gotten some judging looks. Some questions later, about what was going on between the two of you?
Nothing was going on between the two of you.
Just warm cuddles and comforting touches, which was fine when it was just you and Joe.
So what if Joe held your hand whilst you ate pizza and watched a romantic comedy together?
So what if a piece of peperoni was about to slide and fall to your chest, but Joe saw and got it just in time, and you thought he was going to pop it into his own mouth, but then instead he held it up in front of you and waited till you ate it from his fingers?
So what if, after finishing the pizza, Joe planted his feet on the coffee table and pulled you into his side a little? Grabbed your arm to lay over his stomach? Ended up with both arms slung around, his own fingers locking on your back to keep you in place whilst you watched actors older than the both of you act as if they were in their early twenties still?
Life was just more comfortable when it was filled with good snuggles, you and Joe both agreed.
But you never talked about it.
You were just close.
No questions asked.
Flatmates. Friends. Just, close.
The Taglisted
@adoreyouusugar, @alana4610, @ali-in-w0nderland, @alwayslindie, @babybluebex, @barfightzanddiscolightz, @bettyfrommars, @cancankiki, @capricornrisingsstuff, @chaoticgood-munson, @choke-me-eddie, @demonsanddemogorgons, @did-it-work, @dirtyeddietini, @dylanmunson, @eddies-puppet, @electricmunson, @emma77645, @emmamooney, @everythinghasafacee, @figmentofquinn, @frootvelvet, @ghost-proofbaby, @ghostinthebackofyourhead, @harringtonfan4, @haylaansmi, @jasminearondottir, @jewellethief, @joesquinns, @kellyxo1, @kennedy-brooke, @lovelyblueness, @manda-panda-monium, @miserybeans, @munson-mjstan, @nadixq, @notverywise, @pepperstories, @phyllosilicate-s, @roosterisdaddy36, @sherrylyn628, @sidthedollface2, @thebellenouvelle, @thewondernanazombie, @tlclick73, @werepartnersnow, @winterwakesthewolf, @witchwolflea, @yelyahcardella, @yunirgo
taglist currently full, sorry
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filthyjoetini · 7 months
Stumblin' In
a/n: Hello loves! I'm back! And this time I've pre written 3/4 of a story...who is she?! I don't know her. Soooo...this little story will have four parts and is (very) loosely based on something that happened in Venice when I saw Joe...(still not over it tbh...heh). Thank you to my warrior editor and influence for this story @barfightzanddiscolightz. <3
warnings: none
wordcount: 1.9k (she's short)
part 2 - part 3 - part 4
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You blinked rapidly, trying to adjust your eyes to the brightness that suddenly overtook the previously dimly lit screening room of the cinema you were sitting in. Your brain just wasn't made for such quick changes, especially while it was still processing what had just happened on screen. The film you had chosen to watch was one of those arthouse indie productions that attracts all kinds of people from all walks of life.
Slowly you pushed yourself out of the plush seat and stretched your arms over your head. Your ever-weary limbs and joints popped, and you feared that one of the at least 50 other people in the room had heard it. 
Taking your time, you picked up your trusty leather jacket, which had once belonged to your father, and pulled it on. You shoved your hands into its pockets to retrieve your mobile phone. As you checked your unread messages, your eyes moved from the screen to your Dr. Martens-clad feet. You had undone the laces, wanting to be as comfortable as possible. Shrugging, you began to walk down the aisle, the laces whipping your jeans-covered calves, shins, and other seats along the way. You told yourself you would tie them once you had reached the atrium.
With your face almost buried in the screen of your phone, you stepped to the top of the stairs and began your descent. Not even three steps down, you stumbled over your now tangled shoelaces and instantly lost your footing. With a small yelp, you practically flew down the stairs, right into the back of someone's legs. The abrupt stop sent your phone flying down the hallway and past the curtain, as your head snapped back, slamming into the steps. The impact made your breath catch in your lungs and you let out a small whimper.
"Oh my God! Are you alright?"
With blurred vision and eyes refusing to cooperate, you tried to make out who was speaking to you. You knew it was a man from the voice, but his features were a mystery in the blur. Your eyes not working the way you wanted them to made you let out a frustrated sigh. You began slowly blinking your eyes, hoping for a clearer perspective, before giving up and closing them completely.
"Hey! No! Open your eyes!"
You sluggishly opened them again, your vision still as blurred as before. Lifting your arm, you tried to touch the man hovering above you. The movement sent a jolting pain through your arm, up your neck, and into the back of your head.
"Ouch.", you hissed.
"'Yeah, ouch.”, replied the still blurry man. "Please focus on me, can you do that for me?"
 "Yep.", you lied. You couldn't focus on shit, because in addition to your blurred vision, your head was throbbing like you'd been hit by a freight train.
"Okay. Cool. You hit your head pretty hard. Can you move your legs?"
You made slow, jerky movements with your legs, wiggling your toes in your boots, not realising he couldn't see them.
"Okay. They work. Good! That means, no spinal injury.”, the man said, obviously relieved. "I'm going to move you now, is that alright?"
You nodded and immediately regretted it. Your head hurt like hell. How could a carpeted step hurt so much?
Warm hands slowly pushed under your arms and knees and then suddenly, but slowly, strong arms lifted you up and close to an even warmer body. As gentle as he was, the movement of your body was still very uncomfortable and made you whimper again.
"I know. I'm sorry.”, the man who was now walking spoke softly. As you both passed through the curtain into the even brighter hallway, you turned your head towards the man's chest to avoid the glaring overhead lights. You pressed your face into the fabric of his top and inhaled deeply. He smelled damn good.
"...is there a room I can take her to? She hit her head on the stairs when she fell. Also, could you call the A&E, I think she has a concussion."
"Sure, follow me please.”, a new feminine voice said and then there was a static crackle. "Henry, can you please call A&E, we have an injured woman with a suspected concussion."
"Copy. A&E is being called.”, came back Henry's very staticky voice over what you assumed was a walkie-talkie.
A few moments later you heard a door open and were carried very carefully into a small, office-like room.
"You can put her on the sofa. The paramedics will be here any minute."
Gently you were lowered onto the sofa. Gone were the strong arms and the warmth, and you began to shiver. Your eyes slowly began to focus, and you could finally see, though still blurred, the man who had been helping you. He was tall and handsome. His dark blonde hair was curly, and his face had a very patchy five o'clock shadow. But the most striking thing about his face was his huge, baby cow eyes, which were currently wearing a worried expression. Your gaze moved slowly down his body. He was wearing brown trousers with black loafers and a beige cable-knit jumper, topped off with a very expensive looking black trench coat. Visually, he was the exact opposite of you. You had opted for your usual all-black autumn outfit.
With a small but noticeable smile, you closed your eyes for a second and another shiver ran through your body. Unexpectedly, you were suddenly covered by a blanket. Slowly you opened your eyes to see that it wasn't a blanket, but the man's trench coat.
"Thank you...", you whispered. You were surprised at how weak your voice sounded, but the drowsiness that was slowly creeping up on you made it difficult to speak. Your eyes closed again.
"You're welcome...hey! No! Don't fall asleep!"
"But I'm so sleepy."
"I know, but you can't."
The man's voice was very close now, and as you felt hands cupping your face, your eyes shot open again. You looked up at him with wide eyes, he was kneeling beside the sofa and his own eyes held yours in an equally steady gaze.
“You literally can’t fall asleep because you took quite the tumble there, Humpty Dumpty and I’m 99 percent sure you incurred a concussion.”, he explained with a grin. "Besides, you keep moving your head when you should be holding it still. If I have to hold your face to keep you awake and mostly still, I will gladly continue holding it."
You didn't respond to him. You just kept staring at him and he had the audacity to just stare back at you with his big, wet, brown puppy dog eyes. 
A few moments later there was a knock on the door and two paramedics with a stretcher made their way inside.
"Hello there! You must be our patient.”, one of the paramedics said as he made his way over to you. He then looked down at Mr. Baby-Cow-Puppy-Eyes and spoke again. "Sir, may I ask you to move so we can examine her?"
"Uh... sure.”, he replied, taking his hands off your face, slowly rising to his feet. You groaned weakly as his fingers lightly brushed your jaw and he let out a soft snort before turning to the medic. "I was just trying to keep her awake. She fell down the stairs and hit her head on one of the bottom steps."
"Thank you.”, the second paramedic said, moving in to examine your head and neck. Your rescuer stepped back and moved to the corner of the room with his arms crossed over his chest to wait. He was still in your line of sight, so you looked at him occasionally to make sure he was still there, and every time you did, he smiled sweetly at you.
"Ooookay.", the second paramedic said as soon as she concluded her examination. "You have a mild to moderate concussion and swelling on the back of your head. We need to take you to the hospital for a 24-hour observation."
You frowned at her, and she smiled sympathetically. "Do you want your boyfriend to come with us?"
"Who?" you asked, a confused expression on your face.
"Him.”, she said, pointing to the corner where your knight in a cable-knit jumper was standing.
"I'm not her boyfriend. I'm the one she collided with.”, he chuckled and shook his head.
"Alright, I'll take that as a no.”, the paramedic grinned at him and then down at you. "Are you ready to be hoisted onto the stretcher?" 
"Um...", you started, then suddenly panicked as you softly patted your jacket and jeans pockets. Your mobile phone - you didn't have it on you. "Wait! My phone! It must have slipped out of my hand or pockets when I went all humanoid egg earlier..."
Your reference to the handsome man's earlier statement made him burst out into laughter.
"She hasn't lost her sense of humour. Good.”, the first paramedic said with a chuckle, and began to lift you up by your feet, while the other paramedic assisted him by simultaneously lifting you up by your torso. The coat that still covered you was about to slip off your body if you hadn't grabbed it as if it were your lifeline. In a way it was your lifeline, for you were still cold, and the weight of the fabric did an excellent job of keeping you warm.
"I'll go look for it. Just give me a second.”, expensive trench coat guy announced, and quickly slipped out of the room.
Not even five minutes later he returned, waving your mobile phone in the air.
"Here you go.”, he smiled, handing you the phone but not letting go of it. "Please keep me informed about your condition." Just as he started to remove his hand from your phone, he added: "And you can keep my coat for now, but I want it back at some point."
"OK. I will, and you'll get it back... at some point.”, you promised, as the two paramedics wheeled you out of the small room. Halfway down the hallway you suddenly realised that you didn't have his contact details. How were you going to let him know how you were?
"Wait! Stop!", you shouted, making yourself jump more than the two people you were addressing. "Can you please turn around?"
"All right, but just for a second. We really need to get you to the hospital.”, the male paramedic explained impatiently, and they both turned the stretcher around and were about to push you back when you saw him standing in the hallway, leaning against the wall.
"I don't have your number!", you called, waving your mobile.
"Check your contacts.”, he urged with a wink, before pushing himself away from the wall and walking the other way. "Keep me updated!"
"I will!"
The two paramedics turned the stretcher around again and began to push it hastily towards the cinema's delivery entrance where the ambulance was parked. All the while, you unlocked your phone to see if he had really left you his number. He had to have. How else would he get his coat back?
Quickly, you opened your contacts app and there it was: a new entry.
Next to the emoji with the bandage on its head was his name:
Grinning to yourself, you locked your phone and put it to your chest as the ambulance sped off to the hospital...
@ohmeg @daleyeahson @lma1986 @palomahasenteredthechat @mandyjo8719 @aysheashea @eddiebaemunson @littledemon-lilith @freakymunson @sidthedollface2 @i-wont-run-this-time @plk-18 @miserybeans @kylakins88 @deadspellz @thehillzhaveeyez @kayleeelena97 @foreverjosephquinn @punctualhowell @icallhimjoey @ghostinthebackofyourhead @siriuslysmoking @cancankiki @definitionwanderlust @eriancrow @1paire2vans @theonewiththecrackedmind @captainonaboat @josephquinnsfreckles @emilyslutface @alessxaa
crossed out = couldn't tag
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lovejosephquinn · 1 year
I firmly believe with my whole heart that Joe is a little manwhore in bed. 💀
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He’d give you the best head of your life. He wouldn’t stop until you begged him to, constantly latching onto your clit, tongue flickering, lips sucking and teeth nibbling down onto it. Plunging his tongue through your aching hole and lapping up your slick, vibrations go through you at his humming approval. His main goal in life is to please you and when his thick fingers make an appearance and he curls them upward, stretching out your walls slightly, making you hiss yet arch your back in a heavenly state; you could simply die a happy girl.
His communication skills are next level, nothing short of a top tier listening experience. He’d go from whispering sweet nothings in your ear, letting you know how much of a good girl you were to calling you a slut in a minute. He’d praise you yet shame you. He’d love you yet defile you. It’s the best of both worlds. You just know that his moans and little whimpers and above all the full on use of profanities that bounce across the walls during would be enough to make your core explode.
He’d rather give than take, yet you see a whole new side to him when you’re on your knees sucking his length. His submissive side comes out and he’s groaning for you to fuck him with your pretty little mouth and when he practically begs for you to stop and you don’t, the way his breathing hitches and his whimpers become small cries, it’s the most demeaning yet sweetest sound you’ve ever heard. You love to edge him and let him blow up, watching his body shake, toes curl, bottom lip bit down and eyes rolling back is a whole show he puts on, it’s a whole view and it’s worth the watch.
He doesn’t let you ever settle when he pushes inside of you, instead just rams his dick through your sodden entrance and fucks you senseless even if you protested that you couldn’t take anymore, breeding you in any and every position until he was completely spent. It’s evident that he’d worship the ground you walked on and one of his ways to show you is just by railing you into an eternal bliss. He’d still not feel like he’s shown you the true entity of his feelings, but you know you’ve got forever and there’s a whole load more where that came from; no pun intended.
And yes his favourite place to cum is inside of you, but he’s not opposed at making a mess elsewhere on your body, but he loves to see it when you clean up your own and his mess afterwards, sucking on your own and his fingers makes his eyes beam and his smile cheeky when you swallow the contents of your actions.
Just an assumption of course, though also the complete and whole damn truth 😵‍💫
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harringtons-cupid · 1 year
Happy 29th birthday Joseph Quinn x Fem! Reader
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➻Wc: 2.1k
➻Warnings 18:
Very Smutty: Cunnilingus, fingering, clit spanking, ass spanking, skin grabbing, biting, scratching, nail digging, nipple sucking, creampies (pls use protection!), daddy kink, squirting, neck sucking. Brief car sex, making out, alcohol use. Slight fluff
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You had bought a new red dress, he always said he liked you in red. You were feeling confident as the day rolled along.
His agent helped you with the plane tickets, the hotel and the other finicky details. All you needed to do was get Joe in the car.
His agent helped you with the plane tickets, the hotel and the other finicky details. All you needed to do was get Joe in the car.
He was lying naked on your bed, gazing at you with those beautiful brown eyes. His hands were grabbing every bit of skin, pulling you right onto his hard throbbing cock.
His hands roughly rubbing your clit, making you gasp and whimper at the sensation. Your legs were positioned either side of him on the bed, his cock was grinding between your folds and teasing your entrance.
You moaned into his mouth as he kissed you, your clit twitching as he slapped it hard. Feeling it pulsate against his skin, his tip edging further and further inside you. Your cunt clenching with every movement of your clit, your nails digging into his skin.
“Fuck baby, I’m going to try to not move until your cunt is dripping wet and begging to be fucked” he growled into your ear.
Making you whimper at his words, biting your lip as he flicked your clit. Feeling it grow wetter and wetter with every movement, his cock twitching inside you.
He brought your nipples closer to his mouth and sucked aggressively on them, feeling you move slowly on his cock from the intense pressure. His fingers still playing with your clit as you rocked back and forth.
“Joe, it feels so good” you whimpered, moving quicker with each moan.
Your cunt was dripping around his cock, pulsating and needing to move. Your nails scratched his chest as he gripped hard onto your hips and slammed your cunt down on his cock.
Listening to you groan as his tip hit into your sweet spot that was feeding your insatiable hunger to be fucked.
He held you down as he began to slam hard into your cunt, the wet sounds flooded his ears. Your clit twitched from the on and off attention it got from being slammed down onto his pelvic bone with every thrust.
Edging you closer and closer to your orgasm, your body shaking, your breath hitched as he gazed at you. Seeing you in such pleasure was the best birthday gift you could ever give him.
''You going to cum all over Daddy's cock for his birthday baby?'' he hummed, the pain from his fingernails made you rock back and forth.
Your moans turned into gasps as your eyes shot open and rolled back as you felt yourself cum. Nodding and whining as you squirted hard over his cock, covering the bed and his thighs.
He smirked, continuing to thrust inside you as you collapsed onto his chest to catch your breath. Your hot and sweaty bodies sticking together as his tip hit your soft spot over and over.
After gaining the energy, your clit clenched around his cock hearing him grunt and groan beneath you gave you the overwhelming feeling of power. Leaning backwards rocking your hips on his tip, it felt sensitive inside as you rode him closer to his orgasm.
''See Daddy, it's your turn to cum. You going to fill this pussy up, Daddy's birthday treat'' you smirked, watching his eyes flash darker as he let you fuck him.
''Oh fuck baby, I'm going to fill your pussy up for my birthday'' he grunted, his cock twitched inside you.
You could feel him trying to refrain from cumming to early but you rode faster and faster until he fucked a thick load of cum inside you. Not stopping until more his cum leaked out, if he got you pregnant right now he really wouldn't mind.
Panting heavily as you fell onto the bed next to him, laughing as he closed his eyes and pretended to snore. He smirked and leant over to kiss you before climbing off the bed and dashing into the bathroom.
As he showered, you organised the rest of the plans with his agent. Your stomach was bubbling with anxiety and excitment, after an hour you both stood on your doorstep as you waited for the car to arrive.
Joe's hand in yours as the blacked out car pulled up, his questioning had begun to annoy you but you hid it well. It was his birthday.
Much to his protesting you forced a black satin blindfold over his eyes as you drove to your first destination.
His favourite restaurant in New York was reserved completely for him as you led him inside.
Watching as his eye lit up with delight at the sight in front of him, you were brought to a table for two overlooking Central Park. You ate lusciously at the restaurant for lunch before taking a stroll through the park.
As it grew closer to the evening, Joe's hand in yours. He pulled you closer to him and kissed you.
''Thank you for a lovely day baby, I have enjoyed it so much'' he grinned, kissing you once more before walking back towards the arranged car.
''It isn't over yet'' you giggled as he fought the black satin blindfold once more.
As he opened the eyes, in front of him was a black tie outfit as you winked at him. He sighed and raised his eyebrows before quickly changing with you in the car, taking your hand as you quickly blindfolded him again and led him into the second venue.
''A bar? oh baby you've out done yourself'' he blushed, resting himself against the bar.
''Not just any bar though baby'' you giggled again, ordering over the bartender for drinks.
''It's the one where we first met'' you both spoke in unison, laughing as your lips smashed together.
The bartender took your drinks as you both remised about your first meeting, you were in a similar outfits which when he noticed his eyes shone even brighter and kissed you harder.
Pushing you hard against his body as his tongue slid into your mouth just as the bartender placed down the drinks in front of you and waited for your payment. Playfully fighting Joe with your card, you won and teased him about it being 'his day'.
You spent just under 2 hours at the bar before you shoved another blindfold over his eyes and shoved him into the car again. His tipsy protesting made you laugh as you dragged out in front of the final venue of the night.
His hand in yours as undid his blindfold, the fancy restaurant was full of live and bright lights. Round the corner all your friends sat around the table, raising their glasses and cheering at the sight of you both.
Joe grinned happily pulling you in for a hot kiss in front of everyone, causing more loud cheers from your friend group before sitting down.
You had arranged a set menu for the whole group with your friends paying ahead, spending a couple of hours with the group before giddily being pushed into the restaurant toilets by Joe.
His hands were all over you as he grinded your clit against his hands, heavy breathing against your face as he kissed you and smirked.
''I have wanted to fuck you since I saw you in that red dress'' he smirked, nibbling onto your neck where his words were mumbled.
''Joe, why don't we sneak out the back? Everyone else is going to go home soon anyway'' you winked, pointing towards the signs on the wall.
A bottle of champagne clinked in your bag as you ran out the staff delivery door giggling with Joe as the cool air hit your faces. The blacked out car started at the sight of you, still giggling as you jumped inside.
His hands were on you as he pushed you onto the backseats of the car, pinching and biting every bit of skin. His rock hard cock pressing against your skin as he lifted up your dress, pulling down your underwear and dropping them onto the floor. He found your clit and sucked softly onto it as the car pulled to a stop, giggling he stopped and stepped out the car.
Your clit throbbing from the brief attention, picking up your belongings and rushed after him. Once inside, his clothes were scattered across the house following them upstairs. Biting your lip as your eyes fell upon his completely naked body once more.
His hands grabbed you and pushed you hard onto the bed, your ass up in the air as his head buried deep between your thighs. Sucking your clit hard as your hips rocked in his face, his fingers played with your opening before sliding them one by one inside you.
Gasping at the pleasure as you rode his fingers hard, pushing your cunt against his face dampening his beard as he edged you closer to your orgasm. Your legs trembling as your head buried deeper into the bed, your moans were loud and quick.
Your eyes rolled back as your body shook, his fingers curling deeper and deeper inside you until you felt yourself squirt all over his face. His fingers continuing to slide in and out of you faster each time until you felt like screaming, your body twitched hard as you felt yourself cum for the second time.
Smirking to yourself, he let you fall onto the bed for second as he stroked his cock and positioned it between your entrance and teased your clit before sliding it inside.
Pulling you closer, he pushed your head back into the bed as his hands spanked hard onto your ass cheeks. His cock sliding in and out of you from behind, the bed rocked as you gripped onto the bed covers for minimal support.
''Fuck Joe, my cunt is so sensitive please be kind to me'' you practically screamed into the bed covers.
He laughed which rippled against your body as he thrusted harder into your dripping cunt, watching it slide in and out of you. Spanking your ass hard, enjoying the feeling as it rippled against his cock.
Panting “fuck, fuck, fuck” hard as you slid back onto his cock from behind, his fingers scratching your back as you continued to thrust back onto his cock until his moans turned into whimpers.
His hands gripped onto your hips and slammed your cunt hard onto his cock, not letting you move a muscle from the speed as his cock made your cunt wetter and wetter.
Your body shook as he thrusted harder into your cunt until you felt yourself cum for the third time that night. Squirting harder onto his cock, the sounds of your cum hitting his body and coating the bed.
He kept fucking your cunt until you felt like you couldn’t cum anymore, his fingernails hurt your hips as he groaned hard. His head tipped back as his eyes shut tightly, his cock twitched as it hit your walls hard.
“Fuck baby, Daddy is going yo fill your cunt up even more today.” He moaned pathetically as his body began to slow down his thrusts.
You rocked your hips weakily on his cock as he twitched more quickly inside you, his body shook as he came hard inside you. Not stopping completely until the mixture of your cum seeped out your sore and swollen cunt.
He hummed as he leant backwards, watching the cum slide out you with his cock. His fingers slid between your entrance, dipping inside you and lifting out the cum mixture.
Sucking it slightly off his fingers before lifting your head up and forcing his fingers in your mouth until you gagged. Making sure you tasted it too.
He spanked your ass and clit hard until you whimpered with overstimulation and exhaustion. Kissing down your body as he let you collapse onto the bed.
His body snaked around yours from behind, gripping hard onto your body as his head nestled into your neck and hummed.
“I love you baby, thank you for today. We both got some treats today” he kissed your head and neck as he felt you fall asleep quickly in his arms.
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redheadspark · 5 months
Joseph Quinn 11
A/N - I love this! Thanks for requesting this, friend!
On The Line
Summary - Being Joe's oldest friend also means you have to wonder if it's just a friendship.
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Warnings - Just some fluff :)
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“You look cute when you blush, you know that?”
Your friend and secret crush, actor Joe Quinn, looked up from his phone as you grinned next to him in your chair.  The flushness on his cheeks was evident, along with his big brown eyes that were locked with yours.  You giggled, noting how you almost caught him in an act when he was merely scrolling through his phone.  
“I wasn’t blushing!  It was…hot out,” he explained as you chuckled and pointed out the window behind the pair of you.
“It is literally snowing outside as we speak, are you joking?” You asked, Joe looking out the window to see the fat snowflake hitting the wall and cascading down to the ground.  He looked back at you with a raised brow.
“Well, it was warm in my car when I came here, so back off,” he replied lightly, you laughing at his antics.  You leaned over to brush your shoulder with his own, again getting his attention as you spoke, “So…anyone in your love life that I should know about?”
“Not at all,” He smoothly replied, but you could hear the undone of his voice that he was fully not telling the truth.  Of course, he wouldn’t tell you about his crush, much to your dismay since you were trying to figure out your feelings for your friend.  For how many years you two have known each other, long before Joseph became popular as an actor thanks to Stranger Things.  You and Jose grew up together in school, being good friends and hanging onto the friendship through thick and thin.  But of course, there were always times when you thought the line of friendship would blur into romance.  Joe was a great guy, not a bad bone in his body with a shocked sense of humor and a humbled nature about his career and where he wanted to go.  
He never pushed you away when his career was taking off, though some of his other friendships blew off in the wind.  Joe held onto yours tight, talking to you constantly on the phone and hanging out together when he had downtime.  You knew he was busy as hell, much more so when Stranger Things made him into a sensation.  He would call you to either chat up, vent or simply grow deeper in your friendship together.  And of course, being the great friend that you were, you would pick up the phone every time.  Grabbing dinner with him when he needed an escape, joining him on a quick weekend getaway when he needed to decompress from his stressful schedule.
You were simply being a friend, but the blogs and gossip columns were thinking otherwise. 
Most of what they were saying was in fact false and harsh, not to mention the pictures the paparazzi would take when you two were out and about together. It was hard to read at times and simply nearly impossible to swallow down, and no matter how many times Joe would reassure you that they never bothered him, it did to you.  Maybe because you were still in denial about your feelings for him, never seeing it as a possibility in the future of your two being an item together.  Plus you’ve only heard horror stories of people dating actors and stars, most of the relationships burning to the ground and not lasting longer than a few months.  The last thing you wanted to do was to jeopardize the friendship you two have had for over a decade.  
But how long were you going to be in denial?
“Alright, if you don’t feel like telling me then, and here I thought we were close…” You replied in a light tease as Joe chuckled and chucked his phone on the couch.  He eyed him, seeing you give him the mocked cold shoulder.
“We are, trust me.  You’re one of the closest friends I have,” he rescued you, pausing for a brief moment before he spoke again, “I’d rather iron it out on my own before telling you since your opinion on who I date is important to me,”
You just smiled and nodded your head, “Fine, fine. Keep your crush to yourself then.  But whoever they are, they’re lucky.”
As you walked off to retrieve your book, Joe was watching you with a small smile on his lips.  You had no idea he was cooking up a plan to ask you on a date, to leave his own heart on the line for you.  
The End.
January Prompt Session
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keeponquinning · 7 months
M’KAY. you’ve really done it now. all i can think of is sick reader, completely bedridden and exhausted with illness. joe kissing your neck, your hands, anywhere he’s sure he won’t hurt you. rubbing his hand across your scalp, massaging the ache until you fall asleep. bringing you a warm beverage in bed. making sure you get something to eat. I’M SOFT. ENOUGH OF THIS !!!!!!!!
sdfksdfj okay but i am planning a little ficlet in here with me series bc i'm lame and always thinking of them™️ where reader is sick and he takes care of her but IMAGINE THIS
reader being the type that likes to suffer alone, but Joe is not having any of that.
he makes you soup from scratch, bc of course he does. do you like noodles? we're getting the fresh stuff that's super expensive and you're like, "...ramen cups would have been great" and he's just looking at you like "the fuck are you talking about? i love you. but what the fuck."
he's always there with a cup of tea, as well. wrapping you in a blanket when you're shivering, but also using himself as your weighted blanket that just smells really good and gives great kisses.
you try not to kiss his lips, and he takes great offense about it.
"I don't want to get you sick, idiot!"
"I'm not going anywhere?! love me. stop denying me what i want."
"you want my germs???"
"yes! y'know what? yes, i do. stop hogging them to yourself."
"-sniffles- you're an idiot."
"are you sniffling because you're sick or because i got you emotional?"
"...i don't know."
he would keep touching you and massaging where it aches. yes. him and his magic fingers. he would check your temperature with a kiss on your forehead and pressing his cheek there as well. "Just as I thought. You are hot, so hot you're blazing. you've always have been, though..."
And you just stare at him, bc while flattering, you're sick, he needs to stop, but he just grins away like a school boy who thinks he's so funny.
he kinda is. but you are in no mood to tell him. just sit and sulk...but with a tiny smile that makes his grin even wider.
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memoiremunson · 2 years
Nightmare - Joseph Quinn x Fem!Reader
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Joseph Quinn x Fem!Reader
Summary: you wake up from a nightmare to be comforted by your protective boyfriend, joe quinn
A/N: I initially didn't want to write RPF on this account but I wrote this as a way to cope with this really horrible dream I had last night. I understand that some people are not comfortable with RPF so please skip if you wish. Aside from that, I hope if you read, you enjoy and are able to find as much comfort in as I did. happy reading <3
Word Count: 1,167
Warnings: panic attack, anxiety, paranoia, nightmare, night terror
● - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ●
You wake up suddenly, the nightmare only seeming to end just shy of a second ago, feeling so real, so terrifying. Your eyes feel groggy but on high alert, as you remain frozen in a panic-filled vibrating body. The pounding of your heart and the veil of the dream world seem to make the room feel hot and stuffy. Heat radiates off your body just as much as the fear does as you slowly lift your body into an upright position. 
The paranoia begins to seep into every one of your senses as your eyes dart around the dark room. You quickly remember that you had your window slightly open for the cool breeze to come in last night. The feeling that someone was waiting to come through it is amplified as the premise of the nightmare comes back to you. The remnants of your dream are rationalized in your frazzled mind that it was a warning of some kind and you need to close and lock it immediately. However, you are much too terrified to move.
Just as quickly as all your thoughts swirl around your head, you remember him. Joe was sleeping peacefully next to you, slightly hugging his pillow as soft snores left his open mouth. You slightly whimper at the fact that you are going to wake him up but the fear and panic you feel are all the more encompassing than the guilt for waking him.
You slowly reach out a shaky hand to rub his shoulder. His reaction is delayed as he's deep in rem sleep but he slowly comes to. His deep voice drips with exhaustion as he says, “Mmm, what is it, baby?” 
As the words fall out of his puffy lips, the tears began to flow. The tightening of your chest and muscles begins and is accompanied by the sound of your breath heightening. 
Your words come out much like a child’s, “I had a bad dream.” 
The breaking of your voice and hyperventilation quickly alerts Joe as he turns around on his side. He scoots up the bed and matches your position as he feels your hand squeeze furiously on his forearm. His mind registers that you're having a panic attack and goes straight into action to get you to calm down. 
“Hey hey hey, shhh, you’re alright, baby. I'm right here just breathe with me, ok, deep breaths.” His voice comes out much clearer and stern as he catches your wild eyes with his owlish ones. He then begins to get you to match your breathing with his. 
Inhaling and exhaling to get your lungs to open back up and ease the tension in your panicked-induced body. You try your best to focus on his chest as you find his eyes too hard to peer into. Your breaths came out shakily but begin to match the pace he had set. 
Joe then brings the hand that wasn't clutching your own to brush the apples of your cheeks. Trying his best to ground you and focus on him. It works as your breathing evens out. However, the dark room still does nothing to ease your nerves. 
Joe breaks the silence of your hushed breaths asking, “Are you alright, sweetheart?” You whimper again at the question. Only answering with a soft, “light.” Understanding you, he nods his head, reaching behind him, hand still holding yours, as he scoots to his bedside table to flick on the lamp. 
The soft golden hue of the lamp lights the room, giving you a better view of him and the familiarity of your bedroom. 
“How’s tha, love, better?” He asks, hopeful that the light eases you even more. You nod a solemn nod, still alert at the fact that your bedroom window is open and unlocked. Your eyes make their way past him, staring at the now ominous break in your safe space. Again, your small voice comes out in a broken ask. 
“C-can … can you lock the window… please?” 
Joe lets out a breathy, “Of course, love,” giving you a reassuring smile.
He gives your hand one last squeeze before parting from you and swinging his legs over the bed to lock the window. The rustling of the sheets and his soft footsteps on the carpet as he makes his way over seem amplified to your frightened state. However, you focus on your breathing as best you can. Your eyes follow his every movement, nerves still on edge from the disturbing images of your dream. You let out a breath you didn't know you were holding in as the soft click of the window sounds out and he turns back to you, making quick work of sliding back into bed with you.
Your watery eyes watch him attentively. He reaches out for you and you finally allow yourself to be held to his chest. A flood of security washes over you as you feel the thump of his soft heartbeat and arms wrap around your fragile form. His hands flit across your back and begin to gently play with the ends of your hair. The moment is filled with silence as Joe simply holds you. 
His eyes close as he curses your mind for making you so paranoid and scared. If he could, he would take away any ounce of pain in a second. The rumble of his hushed voice breaks the silence. 
“Do you want to talk about it?” The whisper of his voice bounces around the room. 
You nod no furiously against his chest as you feel it's much too soon and painful to talk about it just yet. Joe feels the movement against his chest and feels you clutch his frame even closer, almost as if you flinched at the mere idea of bringing it up. Sensing your discomfort, he immediately retracts the idea. 
“Ok, ok …” he mumbles. You can almost hear the gears turning as he thinks of what to say.
 As gently as possible, he pulls you from his chest, catching your chin with his forefinger and thumb, making sure you understand perfectly what he is about to say. He stares intensely into your eyes as he gives his speech. 
“I’ve got you, yeah? You’re safe with me, love. I promise I won’t let anything happen to you … I love you.“ He studies your face as you attempt to absorb his promise. You let out a watery smile but nod nonetheless. 
He then scooches the both of you down into the covers, still holding you close as he lulls you to sleep with some soft humming. He figures that whatever horrors your mind must have conjured up really got to you tonight, but he’s determined to alleviate it. 
As you hone in on the soft sounds of your boyfriend, you can’t help but fall asleep securely in the embrace of your love. He’s right, with him by your side, nothing could hurt you, no matter how hard your mind tries to convince you. 
Thank you for reading, Angel <3
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harrywavycurly · 1 year
Sarah I just need some random fluffy Joe texts please🥺 I miss him.
Hiii babes!! I get it, I miss him too so I hope you enjoy this!💖
*You just wanna know if Joe is busy or not so you can have dinner together*
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sweet-villain · 1 year
Joe Quinn Master List
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Jealousy Looks Good On You Ft M.D
All I See Is Red
Bullet To The Heart
The Truth
Fluff With Joe
Just A Birthday Taste
Truly Madly & Deeply
Home With You
Dancing With Our Hands Tights
Picture This
Now Or Never
Showered You With Love
My, My, My Lover
Stop And Stare
Home Sweet Home
Like I'm Going To Lose You
Only One
Look At Me, Don't Look At Him
Pretty Girl Part 2
It's Been Awhile
Cafe Love
My Beauty
New Addition
You're All I Want
Just Friends?
You Miss All We Had
Just Let It Be
Don't Lose Sight
3 A.M
Little Piece In Heaven
You Got Me
It's You Part 2
Adore You
The Fool Ft D.M
On Top Of The World With You
The Way You Look
Lost In The Momen
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icallhimjoey · 4 days
Hi! Hope you're doing well (I've never submitted a request before, should I like buy you dinner?)
I was looking at the photo of joe looking kver his shoulder with the sunglasses on and getting major "You and Joe on holiday, lounging by the pool and when he looks over his shoulder he sees you getting drinks at the bar with the bartender flirting with you" vibes
I was wondering if you could write something like that? I love your work btw it's amazing!
cool cool cool cool cool fine fine im totally normal about this NORMAL normal so normal noooormaaaallll fine fine fine Wordcount: 1.7K
Just A Man
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You'd seen him look. Had felt him look, his eyes burning holes into your back. It made your already slightly sunburnt skin, warm from laying out for hours already, flush even more.
He would've looked anyway, you knew. But it would've just been a quick glance to see if you were getting on okay. If you were at the bar to get drinks, like you said you would. To sneak a look at your bum in your bikini bottoms - Joe was just a man, after all.
But sweet giggles just loud enough for the wind to carry them over to his ears were what made him stare. First from behind his sunglasses, but then those got moved to rest on top of his head so you could see him look.
So he could see him look.
Like the bartender even fucking noticed that one guy on the other end of the pool narrowing his eyes at him, squinting because of the sun, posing absolutely zero threat.
"That your new boyfriend?" Joe was already asking questions before you'd even let go of the glass you'd handed him.
"Hmm? Your holiday fling?"
You rolled your eyes as you sat down on the sunlounger next to him, towel still wet from where you'd laid on it earlier.
"Please." you smiled, but Joe just kept going.
"Your Italian Stallion? Little hunk of meat for on the side?"
You flung the back of your hand against his chest in a smack as you took a sip of your drink, and Joe laughed as he took hold of it and kept it there.
"I was trying to practice my language skills," you'd not been struggling to keep up your duolingo streak just for shits and giggles. Learning a foreign language had become a part of your daily routine and you'd been keeping it up for too long to not take it seriously. Ordering a couple of drinks and making small talk was exactly the right thing to do to see if you could manage it in Italian.
"He gets to listen to you speak Italian?"
You'd been refusing to say a single word out loud to Joe.
"That guy?" Joe looked over his shoulder again and pressed your hand to his chest so it laid flat against his heart, using it as his own to look extra aghast.
You felt how your warm skin stuck together, the stick from sunscreen mixing with the stick from spilled sugary cocktail.
"Si." you joked, smacking your lips after another fruity sip, and you smiled at him.
Joe moved the hand you'd lost to him up to his lips to press a kiss against your fingers, tasting summer, before he let it go.
"Si? That's all I get?" Joe asked over his glass as he went for a sip of his own.
You carefully placed your drink on the tiles in between your sunloungers, out of the direct sun, and ignored Joe's pleading eyes.
If you looked, you'd cave, so you didn't.
Something about his eyes.
And he was well aware, make no mistake.
If he knew what was good for him, he'd slide those sunglasses right back down onto his nose again.
"For now." you simply said, standing up and bending to straighten out your towel, folding corners back where the wind had blown them over. It gave Joe the perfect view of your ass, skin tanned and dewy from when he'd rubbed sunscreen over every inch of you earlier. A little sliver of tanline was visible from where your bikini bottoms had shifted a little, and, listen. Joe just couldn't help it, okay?
Joe was just a man, after all.
He was spilling his drink down his chest before he could even really understand what he was doing.
With his drink still at his mouth in a slow sip, one hand had reached across, fingers splayed out wide, grabbing you around the side of a hip. His finger tips dug into soft warm flesh and pulled you right back; half onto his lap, half into the spot in between his legs.
You didn't audibly react.
Just grinned.
That was how Joe knew that you'd likely bent over to faff with your towel exactly for this outcome.
You, as it turned out, were just a girl, you see. One who didn't mind feeling extra wanted.
"Well then you can just sit here, for now."
A possessive arm curled around your stomach far enough for his palm to squeeze your opposite side, and you got pulled into him tightly.
Joe squeezed extra tight when you bent to pick up your drink from the floor and then leant back and got comfy, all pressed up against his chest.
From his movement, you felt how he snuck a look back over his shoulder.
"Is he watching?" you whisper-yelled, and tried your best at suppressing a giggle as Joe quickly snapped his head back.
"My new boyfrie–" you squeaked as Joe shut you up with a pinch to your side. Joe could dish out the jokes fine, but something about you calling another man your boyfriend was absolutely unacceptable.
It just made you grin, biting your teeth into your bottom lip as you accepted lips cold from the ice cubes to the very top of your shoulder.
You were going to end up with weird tanlines if you were going to sit like this for too long, but it was too nice to really care about anything else besides Joe's touch. Besides his grip. Besides being close together, bare skin to bare skin, laid out on a sunlounger together.
You didn't mind the effect of Joe's slight neediness. That small little grain of insecurity that made him need to show others that he got to touch you in ways they couldn't.
There was no real threat though.
Not really.
You both understood that a smile at a stranger didn't mean anything.
Joe was an actor who put those big wet round eyes to use on others all the time.
You could laugh at an Italian bartender who flexed his muscles as you mixed the drinks you ordered and acted like the love of his life had just walked up, like he probably did for every other girl that had as much flesh on show as you had.
It was all harmless, which was exactly why it was fun to keep pushing it a little. To keep poking the edges of Joe's jealousy, the borders of his tendency to cling, just enough for him to feel the need to remind you that, hello, he was your boyfriend. It was him you were meant to be looking at.
Which was exactly why, when you finished your drinks, you sat up, still in between his legs and cheekily suggested getting another round, already looking over at the bar to see if the same bartender was there still.
That got you pulled right back into him, one arm hooked around your neck that got your ear close to his mouth whilst his other arm held your arms in place so you couldn't fight his grip.
Like you were going to.
You easily let Joe hold onto you whichever way he wanted.
"You must think you're so funny," Joe's low voice buzzed into your ear, lips pressed to the shell of it. "Hm?"
It was fun to toy with him like this, this weird form of play sent tingles right down your spine.
"I do, actually," you grinned, "Così divertente."
And... Joe was just a man.
Were you playing with fire?
You absolutely were.
The teeth that nipped at your earlobe made you feel the burn, breath hitching, body tensing up.
Jesus, you were in public.
Joe was biting and mouthing at your ear and you were in public.
There were appropriate ways to be affectionate in public, but this was practically foreplay.
The way you'd laid on the same sunlounger whilst keeping two of them occupied with your towels was probably already annoying enough to every other person visiting the hotel pool. They didn't need the public display of affection to be taken to another level right there at the poolside.
"You know what?" Joe whispered, words hiding in your hair. "Go ahead. Go order us another round of drinks. You're going to do it in Italian."
You moved back just enough to see Joe's face.
"And you're going to walk real slow."
The sunglasses that were still perched on top of his head got moved down to hide his eyes.
"Take your time. Really enunciate your words in your best Italian accent."
You dipped your chin to give Joe a scandalised look that was just a hair removed from a smile, just a fraction of a second away from a giggle.
Before you were up on your feet, Joe handed you both the empty glasses, tried to sound as seductive as he possibly could when he said, "Roll your Rs loud enough for me to hear."
With a tap to your bum and a blush deepening your sunkissed skin, you scurried along.
You ordered in English.
Stuttered and mumbled through the order.
Looked over your shoulder to see Joe sat on his sunlounger the wrong way 'round with his legs spread wide, one foot touching tile on either side, elbows digging into his thighs.
Watching you.
Sent you on your way with a little task and was now watching you.
It was one thing feeling Joe's eyes burn into your back when you felt in charge and confident ordering drinks at the bar in Italian. It was a whole other thing to feel embarrassed and shy, all hot and bothered, stumbling through your order in English whilst Joe watched your every move from a distance.
He didn't look away once, and even from where you were stood at the bar, you could see how a small smirk pulled his mouth to the side.
Where his jaw was tensed before, now his tongue was working along in the inside of his cheek.
That was how you knew that he'd likely sent you over to get drinks in the way that he had done exactly for this outcome.
Joe was just a man, after all.
The Taglisted
@alwayslindie, @babybluebex, @capricornrisingsstuff, @chaoticgood-munson, @dailyobsession 
@demonsanddemogorgons, @djoseph-quinn, @dolcevit4, @eddies-puppet, @emma-munson
@emotionaldreamer, @erinekc, @everythinghasafacee, @figmentofquinn, @ghost-proofbaby
@gri959, @hanahkatexo, @harringtonfan4, @hazelenys, @jewellethief
@joesquinns, @keikoraven, @kennedy-brooke, @lovelyblueness, @mandyjo8719
@mexicanfolklore, @munsonluvrr, @munson-mjstan, @mvnsonlover, @nadixq
@notverywise, @pepperstories, @phyllosilicate-s, @prettiestboyreid, @readergf
@royale1803, @sherrylyn0628, @shizlac, @solzi1420, @songforeddiemunson
@sweetberry47, @take-everything-you-can, @thebellenouvelle, @tlclick73, @werepartnersnow
@witchwolflea, @yunirgo
add yourself, message me
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filthyjoetini · 4 months
Stumblin' In
a/n: Here we are guys. The last part. Thanks for sticking around <3 feedback, reblogs and likes are as always very appreciated. beta-reader, editor, partner in crime: @barfightzanddiscolightz
warnings: rpf, fem!reader, could raise your blood sugar...
wordcount: 4k
part 1 - part 2 - part 3
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Part 4
“It looks so stu-hu-hupiiid.”, you groaned, stomping your feet and throwing your head back in frustration. You stood in front of your full-length mirror. One of your legs was only halfway inside your tights which had a run from you pulling too hard on them. Your lace corset-top, which was halfway tucked into your faux-leather skirt, hung loosely around your torso because you couldn’t find the laces. You were sure that one of your cats had stolen them and hidden them under your bed, where you couldn’t reach them without crawling under it. But the worst thing of all was the fact that your flat iron decided to die on you mid-way through styling your hair. Luckily, you had already finished your make-up, which turned out to be perfect.
After unplugging the broken styling tool, you took it to your bathroom and placed it in the sink to cool off. Looking down at it with a sneer, you quickly grabbed your hairdryer and curling brush. Returning to your bedroom, you plopped down on your bed and took a few of deep breaths to ground yourself. You needed to calm down. Why were you so nervous? You knew when and where you needed to be. It was a cute little café that also served a variety of sandwiches and other finger foods. You had already checked the menu online and knew exactly what you were going to get.
And you’d read the book twice. For your book club, of course, and not at all to impress him. No need to, right?
With one last big breath through your nose, you stood up and took off your damaged tights. You threw them on your bed, telling yourself you would throw them away later. Later meaning ‘three weeks from now’ later. Pushing yourself up from your bed, you walked over to your commode and picked your second-best pair of tights out of your drawer.
“Yeah...you’ll do.”, you sighed and pulled them on gently. They didn’t really go with the rest of the outfit, but you didn’t have time to go out and get a new pair that would suit your style better. The next step was to find the laces for your top. You got down on all fours and crawled halfway under your bed, where most of the cat toys had found their final resting place. After rummaging through the pile of toy mice, hair and zip ties, you finally found a huge ball of laces. You pulled it out from under the bed and immediately spotted the silk fabric of the strings.
“Fucking cats.”, you muttered under your breath, shaking your head. Carefully, you began to untangle the ball of laces and gently pulled out the one you needed before skilfully threading it through the corset’s grommets, tightening them and finally tying them on your back.
Two tasks down, one more to go.
You plugged your hairdryer into the outlet, turned it on, grabbed your curling brush with your other hand and started straightening the second half of your hair. The brush left a little curve at the ends, making one half of your head look like a 70s actress, whilst the other half screamed late-00’s emo kid. Groaning, you got to work on the emo side again to even it out a bit. You weren’t fully satisfied with the result, but at least it looked somewhat presentable now.
After staring at yourself in the mirror for far too long and almost spacing out, you decided to pick up your mobile phone from where it was lying on the bed. You gasped when you saw the time. You were running royally late.
Panicking, you grabbed your purse and your trusty leather jacket and sprinted for the door. There you slipped into your Dr. Martens and tied them up properly. Another trip to the hospital wasn’t in your books.
As you opened the door, you yelled back at your cats to behave before hastily locking the door and speed walking down the corridor and stairs.
Heaving and panting, you entered the café. You prayed that Joe wasn’t there yet, but unfortunately, you spotted him already sitting down in a cosy armchair, dressed in his overly expensive trench coat, phone in hand.
You collected yourself and stepped into the room, slowly making your way over to him.
“Hey,”, you greeted him, clearing your throat.
Joe turned around quickly when he heard you, beaming grin on his face. He immediately stood up and pulled you into a bone-crushing hug.
When he pulled back, he was holding you at an arm’s length, eyes narrowed, lips between his teeth. He studied your face. Then his eyes darted down your body, a smirk forming on his lips.
You rolled your eyes, snorting at his expression.
“Yeah, I know. For once I don’t look like a hag. All put together, like a normal human being.”
“You never look like a hag,”, he scoffed at your self-degrading remark, “and you always look put together. With or without make-up. I like it though. Suits you very well.”
He said the last part with a wink that made you blush instantly.
Quickly, you took the remaining couple of steps to the second armchair and sat down. Joe though, didn’t move an inch, instead opening his mouth again.
“Do you know what you want? There’s a menu on the table.”
“Oh. Can you get me a cappuccino with the Toblerone sprinkles and one of those egg and cress sandwiches? They look delicious.”, you blurted out without looking at him or the menu at all, shrugging off your leather jacket.
When Joe still didn’t move, you looked up at him and saw him grinning down at you.
“What?”, you asked, innocently.
“Nothing.”, he smirked and then walked off to place your orders at the counter.
Joe placed your sandwich and hot beverages neatly in front of you on the very tiny table and his in the same orderly fashion on his side before sitting down.
“How was your wor-”
“How’s your nec-”
Joe and you both started to speak at the same time and stopped abruptly again when you noticed. It made you both giggle.
“Sorry, you first,”, you urged, gesturing for him to start talking again.
“How is your neck?”, he asked, the giggle still evident in his voice.
“I had a check-up two days ago and the doctor said I’ll be just fine, although there is no cure for my clumsiness.”, you giggled and shrugged your shoulders.
“Good. Because otherwise I’ll have to find a new nickname for you, and I’ve grown quite fond of Bambi.”, he explained, a gentle smile now sporting his lips.
“Shut up…”, you muttered bashfully before composing yourself and taking a huge gulp of your cappuccino and a bite of your sandwich. “How was your foreign mission? Any more planned?”
“Oh, you know, the usual. And yes, always.”, he replied nonchalantly, as he leaned towards you. He had his elbow propped on his knee and slowly rested his chin on the heel of his palm, smirking smugly at you.
Two can play this game, you told yourself, mirroring him.
“And what is it you do? Mr. Over-Secretive?”, you inquired further, returning his smug expression.
“I’m an actor.”, he responded quickly, leaning back casually into the backrest of his armchair, hands placed flat on his knees.
“Oh.”, you replied, somewhat taken aback. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you in anything before.”
“No…I didn’t mean it like that.”, you apologised immediately, leaning further forward and grabbing his hand without thinking. All Joe could do was smile down at your hand.
“It’s alright. I’ve been in a lot of period productions, and I know they are not for everyone.”, he replied, adjusting his hand in yours by lacing your fingers together.
“Yeah, they are not my cup of tea.”, you nodded, staring at your intertwined fingers before moving your eyes up to his face. “Have you been in anything else?”
“Yep.”, he replied, popping the p. “I was in the latest season of Stranger Things.”
“Wha-?”, you started, mouth agape now and eyes wide. “That’s one of my favourite TV shows. Who did you play?”
“Eddie Mun-“
“GET OUT OF HERE!”, you almost shrieked, pulling your hand away from his and clapping it over your mouth. An elderly couple two tables over glared daggers at your outburst. “Sorry…I didn’t mean to shout.”, you spoke through your fingers, muffled.
All Joe could do was laugh at your reaction. You were so bloody adorable. Especially when you started blushing as soon as you did something out of character.
“Eddie is my favourite character this season.”, you confessed, almost whispering.
“Yeah?”, he asked, giggling.
“Yeah.”, you confirmed sheepishly.
“Anyway.”, Joe continued, trying to divert the attention to something else. Something else was obviously you. “What do you do for a living?”
“It’s really not that interesting.”, you explained with a shrug. “It’s your usual boring desk job.”
“I bet it’s not as boring as you make it out to be.”, Joe spoke, an encouraging smile on his lips.
“It really is.”, you concluded with tight lips, leaving no more room for an argument. “In contrast to my job, yours is very multifaceted.”
Nodding, Joe didn’t inquire further, sensing your discomfort with the subject. You let out a shaky breath and then put on a smile again. You didn’t want to dampen the mood. Joe returned your smile and leaned forward to take your hand in his again. It was very warm whilst yours had become clammy.
"So…what do you do for fun then?”
“Well, I really, really enjoy going to the cinema to see obscure films and I love to read a book every now and then.”, you stated with a chuckled. “Oh, and I love music. I love, looove love going to concerts.”
Joe couldn’t take his eyes off you as you rambled on about your passions and favourite past times. You animatedly recounted the story of the last concert you went to, and Joe basically hung on your every word.
“What do you like to do for fun?”
“Hmm...”, Joe pretended to think, putting his free hand under his chin, which made you giggle again. “I love going to the cinema, especially to study the work of other actors as well as the directors. I also like to write scripts. They’re usually silly little stories. And I love to read. Speaking of reading. I just finished the book this morning.”
“Did you? How did you like it?”
“Considering I literally devoured it between shoots, I’d say pretty good.”, he said with a chuckle, letting go of your hand to reposition himself in his armchair.
“Well, I was hoping so.”, you giggled, pulling your hand back and you crossing your legs. “Otherwise, I’d have to disband our book club.”
“Bambi, book clubs are for discussing different opinions about a book.” Joe retorted. “Disbanding it prematurely would defeat its purpose.”
“Nuh uh.”
“Yuh uh.”
“Nuh uh!”
“Yuh uh!”
“Ugh. You’re even more annoying than my cats.”, you groaned, knowing he could go on like this forever.
“You have cats?”, he asked, his eyes widening with interest. His whole body moved forward again.
“Yep. Two little bastards.”, you replied with a chuckle. You took your phone from beside you and showed him a picture of your two fur babies. “Do you want to meet them?”
“Yes. Duh!”, he responded, immediately getting up from his armchair and pulling on his coat.
“Uhm, Joe. You still have some coffee and food left.”, you pointed out with a raised eyebrow. Joe looked down at the table and quickly downed his now cold coffee and stuffed the rest of the food into his mouth.
“Okay. Let’s go.”, he spoke again after he had swallowed everything. You were still sipping the last of your drink and wrapping your sandwich in a serviette when Joe was already halfway out of the café.
“Hey. Wait up.”
“Hurry up! I’ve got cats to meet.”
“Idiot.”, you muttered under your breath, shaking your head, grinning and following him out.
“Joe, you really don’t have to do this.”
You slowly climbed the stairs up to your flat, Joe beside you, hovering like a mother hen. An arm was draped around your waist. A safety precaution.
“I won’t fall down again.”
“Says you!”, he objected, jabbing a finger into your side almost causing you to lose your balance nearly missing the next step. You cursed under your breath. Why do you have to be so ticklish?
“See? You almost fell again!”, Joe pointed out the obvious, grinning like a madman. That dick knew exactly what he was doing. You responded by giving him a light shove.
“Of course I’m gonna fall if you poke me in the side, Joseph. I’m ticklish.”, you huffed, feigning annoyance.
“Good to know.”, he countered with a wink.
Rolling your eyes, you wiggled out of his grasp and took the last few steps up the stairs to the door of your flat. Joe was hot on your heels, not wanting to be left behind.
“Uhm. Just so you know. My cats are very skittish and don’t really like strangers. Please don’t be offended if they don’t come to you straight away. They’re drama queens.”, you explained before inserting the key in the lock and slowly unlocking the door.
“Don’t worry. I won’t be.”, Joe smiled at you. He leaned his arm against the wall for support as he unzipped his boots to take them off. His tongue was sticking out in concentration. It made you snort a little, because you found it very endearing.
Gently, you pushed open the door and your cats immediately greeted you. As soon as they noticed someone else was standing there, they took off. Probably hiding under your bed.
“Told you.”, you said matter-of-factly before stepping aside to let Joe in. “The living room is this way.”, you pointed in its direction, “make yourself comfortable…uhm…do you want something to drink? What do you want?”
“What do you have to offer?”, Joe asked sweetly, not yet moving.
“I have water, both still and sparkling, tea…I should have beer…”, you listed, making your way over to the kitchen to check, leaving Joe standing in your narrow hallway.
“If you’ve got beer, I’ll have one.”, Joe called, following you.
“Shit. I’m out!”, you winced lowly after rummaging through your fridge. “I do have a liquor shelf though – holy FUCK. You scared me!”
Joe was standing right behind you as you turned away from the fridge. You hand’t expected him to follow you.
“I thought you’d gone into the living room.”, you explained frowning, hand covering your chest. Your heart was racing at a thousand miles a minute.
“Fuck. I’m sorry, Bambi.”, he apologised, mirroring your frown. He gently took your free hand in his and rubbed it softly to emphasise how bad he felt for scaring you.
“Alright...it’s alright.”, you murmured, slowly smiling at him and giving his hand a quick squeeze before taking yours from his grasp. “Would you like a drink instead of a beer?”
“Sure…uhm…a gin and tonic, maybe?”
“Gin and tonic coming right up.”, you announced, turning to your liquor shelf. “Go sit in the living room. I’ll be with you in a minute.”
“Alright.”, Joe chuckled and wandered off.
As you entered the living room, two gin and tonics in hand, you saw Joe coaxing Kiro over from the other side of the sofa. Your black panther of a cat was the braver of the two but totally unimpressed by Joe. The man in question clicked his tongue and stuck his pointer finger out at him.
With a low chuckle, you set the two drinks down on your coffee table and sat down in between them. Your addition to the scene awakened Kiro’s interest and he now ambled over to you and plopped himself down on your thighs.
Joe, who was now sporting a huge grin, slowly scooted closer to you and held his still outstretched forefinger directly under Kiro’s nose. The cat sniffed it and eventually gave it a lick. Joe had been approved.
Giggling, Joe moved his hand to the top of Kiro’s head and scratched it softly before pulling his hand away and grabbing his drink from the table instead. You had watched the whole interaction with a soft smile gracing your lips.
“Would you like to watch something on Netflix?”, you inquired, leaning forward carefully so as to not crush your cat, and grabbing both your drink and the remote.
“Sure. Anything obscure on there you haven’t seen?”, he asked, taking the first sip of his long drink and nodding in approval.
“Not really. I’m kind of in a mood for some nostalgic rom coms.”, you giggled as you launched the app. “I’m talking early 2000’s, baby.”
“Oookay. Whatever floats your boat.”, Joe chuckled and put his drink down again.
You chose the corniest one the streaming service had to offer, but before you hit play, you asked Joe to hand you the blankets that were draped over the settee’s armrest. Before you could drape one over yourself, Kiro jumped off your legs and sat down beside you.
“Do you want the other one?”, you asked Joe, holding it out to him.
“Sure. Thanks.”
You nodded at him as he gently pulled his blanket over his own legs.
Just as you were about to press play, Freya decided to show herself by sauntering lazily into the living room. When Joe saw her, he let out a small audible gasp. She decided to jump on the sofa, right between you and Joe. He immediately held out his hand to her as well. She sniffed it and then turned her behind to him. She opted for your legs instead.
Joe’s shoulders slumped in defeat, and you smiled at him apologetically. He just grinned and waved you off.
“She’ll get around to you…eventually.”, you promised and finally pressed play.
Less than twenty minutes into the film, Freya had had enough of your legs and moved over to Joe. There she scratched gently at the blanket. Joe looked at you with questioning eyes.
“She wants to go into the blanket cave.”, you explained. “Is that OK for you? If not, I can make one with my blanket.”
“Is that OK? Of course it’s OK!.”, Joe confirmed, face beaming and you leaned over to help him make it. Snug as a bug in a rug she now lay against Joe’s thigh, fully covered by his blanket. One of Joe’s hands was underneath the blanket as well, gently stroking her fur.
Surrounded by the warmth of two cats and a man, you grew more tired by the minute. It wasn’t even that late, only a quarter to five but your brain still hadn’t fully recovered yet and the circumstances you found yourself in didn’t really benefit your condition. You tried very hard to stay awake, but your eyes grew heavy, and your head was inching closer and closer to Joe’s shoulder, eventually landing on it.
Joe looked down at your sleeping form, moving as little as possible to make you more comfortable and not to disturb the cats. He wrapped an arm around you and pulled you a little closer, so that your head rested just below his collarbone. Unconsciously, you snuggled closer to him and let out a soft sigh. Joe grinned and continued to watch the film which he hadn’t followed at all.
He let you sleep like that even after the film had ended. You were snoring softly, and he found it to be very soothing whilst he tried to solve his sudoku on his phone. 45 minutes after the credits had finished rolling, he received a text message from his manager saying he had to get up early the next day due to a spontaneous work commitment all the way up in Scotland.
Groaning at the text, he pushed himself up a little, much to Freya’s dismay who now crawled out of her cave and glared at Joe.
“I’m sorry, girl. I didn’t mean to.”, he apologised, scratching her ear. Then he gently placed the palm of his hand on your cheek.
“Bambi…wake up.”
“No…five more minutes.”, you whined and tried to swat his hand away, making Joe snort out a laugh.
“Unfortunately, I have to go. I just got a text saying that I have to get up early. I’m needed in Scotland.”, he explained, rubbing his thumb along your jaw.
You slowly opened your eyes and mumbled something about another secret mission.
“That’s right…now come on.”
He moved his hands to your arms and slowly helped you up which irritated the two fur balls even more. Kiro toddled over the sofa cushion next to Freya and lay down again with a grunt.
“You just lost at least four brownie points in their book for that rude awakening.”, you muttered with a yawn and stretching your arms over your head.
“In yours or theirs?”
“Hmm.”, was all you replied, shrugging your shoulders.
“I’ll make it up to them.”, he grinned, gently petting them to say his goodbye. A little more awake than before, you smiled at him and made your way to the hallway to see him out.
After Joe had put on his coat and boots, he slowly turned to you.
“I’ve really enjoyed spending time with you, Bambi.”
“Likewise.”, you retorted having grown rather fond of his silly nickname for you. Slowly, you pushed yourself up on your tiptoes and wrapped your arms around his shoulders, burying your face in the crook of his neck. Gently, he returned the embrace, and swayed you in his arms for a couple of moments.
Pulling back a little, you stared into his deep caramel eyes, a soft smile tickling at the corners of your lips. Smiling himself, he stared back down at you, lowering his face until you were nose to nose. Joe then gently tilted his head, brushed his nose against yours, causing you turn up your nose a slightly. Your reaction made Joe grin even wider, and you took the opportunity to close the distance, pressing your lips tenderly against his.
He immediately reciprocated the kiss and sweetly pecked your lips a few of times which made you open your mouth just a little. Taking this as an invitation to go further, Joe gently nibbled at your lips and finally captured them passionately with his.
Breathing heavily, you both reluctantly pulled away, resting your foreheads against each other. You took one hand from around his shoulders and ran your fingers delicately along your bottom lip. Both his and your cheeks were slightly rose-tinted, and Joe’s ears were glowing red. He quickly placed another soft peck to your fingertips and gingerly let go of you.
“I’ve got a train to catch.”, he whispered, and you nodded, reaching behind him to unlock the door. He took a step back into the stairwell and turned back around to where you were standing in the doorway, the blush still evident on your face. Joe took a step back towards you and gave you one final peck to your lips.
“Let’s do this again, Bambi.”, he winked, making you giggle again.
“Get home safe.”
“I will.”
“Text me?”, you inquired, crossing your arms around your middle.
“Of course.”, he promised as he descended the stairs. You watched him disappear before you opened your mouth again.
“Bye!”, you called after him.
“Bye, Bambi!”, he called back, and you eventually heard the front door slam shut far too loudly. This was in no way Joe’s fault but the doors itself. The mechanism was broken.
Turning around, you quickly closed the door and ran into your living room to look out the window. You caught him just in time to see him disappear around the corner. Smiling to yourself, you touched your lips again. Your smile turned into a snort and finally into a full laugh.
Oh, you so were gonna do this again.
The End
@ohmeg @daleyeahson @lma1986 @palomahasenteredthechat @mandyjo8719 @aysheashea @littledemon-lilith @readergf @sidthedollface2 @i-wont-run-this-time @miserybeans @kylakins88 @thehillzhaveeyez @punctualhowell @icallhimjoey @ghostinthebackofyourhead @siriuslysmoking @cancankiki @definitionwanderlust @1paire2vans @theonewiththecrackedmind @fromasgardandback @captainonaboat @josephquinnsfreckles @emilyslutface @alessxaa
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lovejosephquinn · 1 year
Okay so I conjured this one up especially for this ask.
SO. Joe and Jamie are on a night out together (the pictures used are from the party in Brazil, so let's pretend it's a normal night out ok?) Reader is fast asleep due to time difference so Joe spams her phone with rambles of nothingness due to alcohol intake. Get the plot? Enjoy 👀
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424 notes · View notes
harringtons-cupid · 2 years
Peaches - Joe Quinn x Fem!Reader
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➻WC: 6.6, this wasn't meant to be this long ??? Apologies
➻Warnings: 18+
Flashback warnings. Angst, Making out, creampies, cunnilingus, male oral sex, penetrative sex, choking, spanking, pinching, blindfold, dirty talk. Public sex, bathroom sex. Mirror kink. Underwear teasing. Squirting.
➻Tagged list: @choke-me-eddie @vecnuthy @jonathansonlysweetheart @oo0lady-mad0oo @pleasantlycrazyworld @eddiemunsonwillbethedeathofme
Series | Masterlist | Part Two | Part Three |
[Feedback/reblogs are extremely meaningful. Please support your content creators]
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You and Joe Quinn were childhood best friends, you had experienced everything that London had to offer. The good and the bad.
The nickname “Peaches” had been tossed around since you first met, you think about that first day every chance you get.
Today you were sitting on the tube in London, journeying to work. Your phone pinged, a random message from Joe. You rarely talked nowadays, it was brief text messages and occasionally video calls on important events
Today was the same as it always had been since Joe moved away to travel, he had been booked to do many interviews after the rise of Stranger Things 4.
Hey Peaches, hope you’re doing okay. Miss you.
That nickname always took you back.
“Hello, what are you doing eating that?” The little boy sneered at you, crouching down to reach your eye level.
“I just like them” you shrugged, a can of peaches between your thighs and the spoon in your in mouth.
He peered at you with such amusement, his blonde curls covered his face as his chocolate brown eyes stared into you.
“What are they?” He was curious as you took another bite, slurping loudly on the sugary juice that they sat in.
“Peaches, they are really tasty. Do you want one?” Your eyes softly blinking at him as you swallowed your mouthful, digging into the can and scooping a peach out for the strange boy.
He nodded, leaning forward and taking the wet sticky peach off your spoon. Licking his fingers as he chewed the sweet treat, a grin appeared on his face. Sitting down against the wall to join you.
“It was nice, thank you” still smiling at you as you handed him another peach.
As you got older, that meeting stuck in Joes mind. His stomach would skip at any mention or sight of peaches.
Every birthday, you receive at least 1 peach related item in your generous gift basket from Joe.
This year, you were worried that you wouldn’t even receive that. Your birthday was in 2 days, Joe would usually call you beforehand incase he ‘missed it’ but you wondered if he did it just to hear your voice.
As you walked into your office building, you noticed that everyone was being unusual with you. Shrugging it off, you walked towards your desk. You heard quiet whisperings as you past, still not thinking anything of it you sat down at your desk. Taking off your coat and leaning down towards your bag, you noticed it.
A can of peaches starting at you with obnoxious yellow post it note, curiously you looked around before ripping off the note.
Open me.
Smiling with a giddy sensation bubbling in your stomach, as you took off the lid and peered into the empty contents.
Inside were multiple pieces of papers, one felt like a crumpled envelope and the others were thin handwritten notes. You opened the envelope first, it was beautifully written on cream parchment paper.
I have a few surprises for you this year, tucked behind this letter are two tickets for you. They are invites to a party hosted for you, please wear pink and at the time it states on them please make sure to wear the satin blindfold.
You felt like screaming with excitement, you had always complained how low-key and boring your birthdays were. Feeling unenthusiastic every year but as you opened the other notes, the excitement bubbled.
Hello again,
I just wanted to say that I miss you, as your best friend and as someone who loves you. I know I have been missing your birthday but I promise this year I will make up for it.
You deserve nothing more.
It was a love letter, a birthday themed love letter. You held it close to your heart with shock, he didn’t say much in the note but you knew. It was more of feeling and you knew that he felt it too, you had noticed the way he looked at you.
Pausing to look at the other letter, a pink satin blindfold fell out between the letters. You brushing the material smiling and purring at the softness.
This note was not a new note, it had aged with a photo tapped onto the lined paper. You took a sharp inhale as tears welled up in your ears, staring st the photo in front of you.
It was of you and Joe at your 12th birthday, smiling boldly together. His arm was tightly around yours as your head nestled into his chest, your paper crown hitting his chin. You were holding a tin of peaches in your hand, the faded colours drifted into your mind as you thought about that day.
“Peaches, your mum wants to take a photo”Joe’s voice travelled as he rushed across your garden, you were stood next to the cake table.
A can of peaches in your hand, a birthday gift off Joe. You had laughed as he’d wrapped it up for you nearly, his arm flung around you pulling you into his chest roughly.
The paper crown he had placed on your head made him wince as it scratched his chin, grinning together as your mum stood with her back to the grey fenced garden with a camera to her face.
“Thanks Peaches for the crown” gritting his teeth as your mum took the photo with her camera, you giggled at his pain.
Escaping his grasp as your mum wandered off into the house, you hit his shoulder and rushed off towards the side of the house. His footsteps followed you quickly chasing after you, squealing as you heard him.
Slamming your back to the wall of the house, giggling and panting. Thinking you had lost him, you began to prise the peaches can open when he appeared around the corner shouting “boo” loudly that made you scream in fright.
He laughed loudly at your reaction, you held your chest tightly as you managed to calm yourself down. Scowling at him, he removed his arm from behind his back holding out a spoon. Still grinning at you, watching as you slid down the wall to the stony ground.
Joining you, your shoulders touching as you took your first bite of the can before placing one on the spoon for him. Grinning together, his head resting near yours. He leant forward and lightly pecked your lips with his, making you giggle. He took the spoon and shoved it into his mouth with a smile.
That light first kiss, still made you flutter. Folding up the photo you placed them back into the can and neatly packed it into your bag. Deciding to reply to Joe’s text message as the feelings of nostalgia and love still sat in your stomach.
Hey Joe!
Thank you for the tin of Peaches, I think you could say that I’m excited for my birthday this year.
The work day flew by, your eyes diverting back to the contents in your bag with a smile.
As you sat on the tube on the way back home, your phone buzzed in your pocket. Joe had replied to your messages hours later, reading the notification on the screen.
You’re welcome Peaches
You deserve it x
Deciding not to reply, you smiled placing your phone back into your pocket and stumbled off the tube into the cold and busy streets of London.
It was dark as you turned your keys into the lock, your housemate worked nights and rushed passed you. Kissing your cheek and mumbling as she shut the door in a hurry.
Managing to get parts of her sentences, you wandered into the kitchen where a pile of letters sat on the counter. They were all addressed to you, assuming they were birthday cards you scooped them up and took them into the living room where the fire was blaring.
You recognised most of the handwriting on each of the envelopes from distant family and friends, but hiding amongst them was a light peach coloured card that felt soft in your hand. Your fingers traced the contents, when you found nothing truly exciting you opened it.
A couple of notes fell out onto the floor, a hand painted card fitted between your fingers. There was an outlined tree in black with a couple sitting underneath it, a cute quote was scribbled across the top.
“Go back to your roots from time to time, it will always be with you”
You felt crying as you opened the doublepaged card, Joe’s handwriting was neatly dotted on the middle page.
Dear Peaches,
Happy birthday (though I know you opened this days before)
I hope you enjoy your gifts from me, I’m planning on making this one a special one for this particular milestone.
With love
Your fingers traced his pen marks, you could see the smudging from the pen. Smiling as he was right, you had opened all your gifts and card days earlier. Collecting the money off the floor stuffing it into your pocket you placed the card on the fire place and sat down.
Deciding to ring Joe as you felt too happy to type, the connecting tone continued for a few minutes before you received an automated message from Joe.
Can you call back later? I’m busy
Your heart sunk, falling deeper onto the sofa as the card stared at you. Feeling slightly jealous, you typed his name into google search. Trying to find out where in world he was today, there was fan footage on twitter about him being sighted in Spain.
Not realising how deep into the search you had gone until Joe’s FaceTime call covered your screen, smiling you answered.
His grin was plastered across his face, you could see his gold chains hanging from his neck. His brown eyes twinkling in the bright flouresent lights.
“Peaches!” He seemed drunk as he enthusiastically said your nickname. Laughing at your not so happy reaction.
“Im-sworry for um not answering. I was with Anna, i'm sure I told you about her” his voice got louder to the speaker as he moved the camera into the dark as ‘Anna’s face appeared on screen.
She was pretty brunette. Her rich olive skin illuminated her deep brown eyes. Her smile was pretty as she waved on the screen.
Jealously seeped into your veins, trying to hide it you sparked up a brief conservation with Anna before Joe grabbed the phone back and began nattered to you joyfully.
You spoke for just under 20 minutes before you made some pathetic excuse to hang up, falling into the sofa as the call ended. Your heart felt heavy as images of him and Anna together made you sick.
It was Thursday night and you were alone crying to yourself because your best friend had found a woman that wasn't you.
Switching on the television to distract your mind from him, finding nothing interesting. You lied there watching boring romantic drama which sucked you into your feelings again, your phone was on silent when Joe messaged you.
It took you a while to answer it, you had made yourself food and got yourself too invested into the television show to care. The screen was bright against your eyes as you opened his message, almost dropping it into your snack tray.
I hope you’re okay, Anna said it was lovely to meet you. I met her in Spain, it’s nothing long term but apparently I talk about you alot and I think she wanted to put a face to a name. 
I miss you 
Your thoughts were racing as you finished reading his message. Giggling to yourself at the idea that Joe talks about you frequently, the romantic drama didn’t seem too bad now. You finished watching it, falling asleep on the sofa until you were lightly shook by your housemate. 
The next day happened quickly, more gifts arrived for you from distant family members. Your family called you and sent money into your bank account, you assumed that your parents knew about the party because they giggled when they discussed your birthday plans. 
It was a day before your birthday, you opened the front door as the postman was repeatedly ringing the doorbell. Swinging the door open, he thrusted a big cardboard box into your hand and forced you to sign for it before leaving. You stared at the box in your hand, with intrigue you dropped it onto the kitchen counter and ripped it open.
Hiding beneath the paper packaging was a pink ankle length dress, that exposed your breast slightly. Underneath it was a matching shirt and trousers with a printed note on top.
I hope you like your choice of outfits, you’ll look great in either one.
Giggling to yourself as you examined both outfits, feeling more and more excited about tomorrow. It wasn't a big milestone in your eyes but the way Joe was treating it, made you feel incredibly important.
You were hoping that Joe would be there tomorrow in person but as you hung up both of the outfits, you feelings began to transfer into hopelessness. He hadn't spoken to you since the facetime call, knowing that he would be with Anna. Your heart sunk as the image of him laughing with her and not you, filled your chest.
Collapsing on your bed, you stared at the ceiling inhaling hard to avoid tears falling heavily. Wiping away the few drops that hit your cheeks, you were startled as your bedroom door burst open. Your housemate Emily, who was standing in your doorway with a smile on her face waving 3 tickets in her hands excitedly.
"Come on you! Your mum bought us all some spa tickets before tomorrow'' she yanked you off your bed, crashing into her making you laugh. Her hair bounced from the violent movements, her eyes were full of light and happiness as she looked at you. Bringing you into a hug, you smelt her soft and light perfume against her neck.
''He'll come, don't worry. Now lets get you changed, yeah?'' Her voice was soft in your ear, so soothing as she stroked your hair. She knew all about your situationship with Joe, she was closest friend.
Emily had been your friend throughout University, even when you wanted to drop out. She had been by your side when Joe decided to move all the way over to the Americas one day, she stroked your hair as you cried yourself to sleep that night.
She helped you change into something other than your pyjamas, wiping the tears off your face and kissed your cheek. Holding you at arms length and smiling at you, her hand in yours as she guided you downstairs where your mum was sat drinking a cup of tea.
Rushing over to embrace you the moment she saw you, after your pleasantries. You grabbed your overnight bag and set off towards the Spa Hotel, sitting nervously in the back of your mums car. Listening to Emily and your mum chatter on in the front, your thoughts drifted to Joe.
Checking your phone, you typed out a message. Your hands shaking with every touch.
Thank you for the outfits, they are beautiful.
I'm loving the theme, I'm currently on my way to a spa day/night with Emily and my mum.
Will I see you tomorrow? :)
As you pressed the send button on your phone, your hands grew sweatier with nerves as you reread your message once more. Emotions of embrassement and stupidity filled your body, you felt needy but your feelings were justified.
Your mum parked the car outside the front of the beige stately manor hotel, the ground was filled with white stones that dug into your thin shoes. Wincing as you tiptoed awkwardly across into the hotel, it was beautifully furnished with thick blue carpeting and cream wall furnishing. Paintings and photographs hung from every wall, you were mesmerised completely forgetting about Joe.
Collecting your keys from reception, your mum disappearing in the opposite direction as you and Emily wandered upstairs to your shared bedroom. The silence was comfortable, your phone pinged echoing into the vast hallway. Hesitant to check, your eyes met Emily's who nodded her slight approval.
Knowing that it was from Joe.
Hey Peaches,
Well like I said, you deserve it all. That sounds incredible, I wish I could be at spa. I'm waiting in line for my plane as we speak.
It's possible that you might ;)
Your stomach summersaulting at his message, your eyes followed the winky face with joy. Giggling loudly as you pressed your phone into your chest, kicking your legs up. Emily laughed at you.
''It was from Joe, he said that it's possible I might see him tomorrow'' you squealed as she took your hands, jumping with you with joy in the hallway. A housekeeper shot you a puzzled look as he walked past, giggling together you rushed down the hallway to room 302.
The spa treatments were relaxing, you felt like a new person when you changed into your evening clothes. You danced together, drank together. You couldn't wait for tomorrow, it felt like it couldn't come quick enough.
You woke up earlier than Emily, your nerves were eating you in inside. Sitting out on the balcony of your hotel room, overlooking the misty grounds as your phone pinged excessively. Ignoring most of the messages, placing it on vibrate sipping a hot instant coffee. You thought about Joe and 'your party' this evening, a sudden urge to speak to him came over you. Grabbing your phone, you pressed video call.
His sleepy eyes answered the phone, you could see his chains dangling around his neck as he walked into another room. He didn't say much at first, you heard distinct mumbling around you.
Turning his phone around, you were received with a out of tune version of 'Happy Birthday' overcome with joy you covered your mouth in shock. Trying to hide your laughter, Joe's parents waved enthuastically after they had finished.
''Hope that wasn't too embarrassing for you, Peaches'' his voice was croaky and stale, you could tell that you woke him up. His hair was a mess as he wiped it back, his eyes switching between you and something else in the room.
Trying not to act jealous, you thanked him for the song and your gifts once more. Chatting for a few moments before it went silent.
''So, Peaches. I have to dash, I have an interview in an hour. About seeing you today, uh I need see if I can get back in time. You have everything you need though?'' he seemed off as he spoke, his eyes never meeting yours.
Your heart broke, hanging up and throwing your phone on the floor noisily. You sunk further into the chair, your arms crossed tightly as you stared off into the distance. Replaying your conversation in your head, the way he looked and how he never met your eye contact.
Emily woke up an hour later, you were still visibly upset when she slid open the balcony door. Bringing out your birthday presents, you unwrapped them with excitment. Hugging her and thanking her profusely, she had handmade a gold bracelet with your initial on it, along with rose quartz necklace and earrings.
''Now how about we go for a birthday walk?'' she smirked, removing a blunt from her pocket. Your eyes were filled with sadness despite your smile shone brightly.
You didn't realise she had hear your conversation.
The grounds were vast and beautiful, wild flowers grew alongside each other. There was an orchard at the furthest part, a white painted bench was situated under a pink rose archway.
As you sat with Emily passing the blunt between you, your worries melted. You got used to the idea that Joe wouldn’t be there for your birthday, like you did every year.
The day flew by quickly, you celebrated with your parents and Emily. Eating as much food and cake as you could, by the time it began to grow darker your feelings of nervousness had flourished into excitement.
You put on your outfit from Joe, deciding to apply minimal makeup as Emily did your hair. Two glasses of procesco balanced on your dressing table, the tickets for “your party” were staring up at you. As you stared at yourself in the mirror, you felt confident and happy as Emily smiled back at you.
Picking up the necessary items, you both wandered downstairs. Sitting together on the sofa, sharing a blunt and the remnants of the bottle of procesco. The tickets were sitting on top of your handbag on the floor next to you, it was 7:40PM when the prearranged taxi beeped outside.
Gasping, you drunk the rest of your glass as Emily shoved the blindfold over your eyes and hurried you outside. The cool air hit your cheeks as she pushed you into the taxi, it smelt of old cigarettes and faint sweat.
The music made you dance a little as you sat blindfolded next to Emily, giggling to yourself as the alcohol hit you at once. You felt the taxi stop, you could hear voices and bodies scrambling as Emily grasped your hand. Standing on what felt like the concrete side, Emily muttering behind you to driver before she hurried you inside. Dance music filled your ears, more voices chattering around you as a drink was thrusted into your hands.
Vibing along with the music, you danced your way through the room. Sipping on the champagne glass, until you stood still feeling someone untie the blindfold. In front of you was the whole view of London, the lights flickering in the dark. Getting familiar with your surroundings you noticed that you were at a rooftop bar, clutching onto the nearly empty glass.
You looked around for the person who took off your blindfold, until you saw someone walking towards you. The lights bouncing off them as they walked, they were wearing a light pink suit. As they grew closer and closer, you recognised them. Squealing with delight as your legs picked up speed, rushing towards them and your arms flung around their neck.
It was Joe.
He looked incredible, wearing a matching coloured outfit to you. Breathing in his scent, his beard brushing against your skin as he laughed into your ear. You moved away from him, your lips close together as you felt him pull you onto him.
Kissing you, his hands in your hair. Pulling hard onto the strands of hair, making you moan slightly. You laughed in embarrassment, your eyes met his. They were dark and full of lust, he smirked at you. In the dim lighting of the balcony, you realised just how much he had missed you.
''I thought you'd never come'' you mumbled against his lips as he pushed you onto him once more.
''I was always coming, who do you think did all this?'' he stopped kissing you, lacing his hand with yours and directing you towards the entrance of the bar.
Stuttering as you looked inside the glass window, the room was pink themed with your friends and family all dressed to match the theme. Pink flowers hung from the ceiling, with pink themed drinks, silver accessories scattered across the room. The room twinkled, breathless you covered your mouth in shock as he opened the door.
The yellow lights had pink and white decorations intertwined with them, Joe squeezed your hand tightly as you were greeted loudly by the crowd. Tears fell from your cheeks, turning to look at Joe who winked with a smile.
Emily rushed towards you, her arms around your neck giggling into your ear. You felt yourself cry on her shoulder, your hand still holding Joe. Pulling away from her, you walked and greet the crowd. Joe watching you from a far, you turned every now and then to look at him.
As the night went on, more and more 'Peach' themed drink arrived making you laugh. The guests were discussing the theme in amazement, the topic of your relationship came up more than once but you swiftly moved the conversation on.
After you exhausted every possible interaction, you found Joe standing alone on the balcony. You walked out into the cool area, the wind creating goosebumps on skin as you stood next to him.
''Thank you'' your voice was shaky as you leant against the side, leaning down to gaze at the street.
''You're very welcome'' he smiled at you, his hand finding yours. Pulling up from the side into a kiss.
You had never kissed Joe as much as you had tonight, it felt natural.
''What about Anna?'' you mumbled against his lips, breaking the kiss for a second to look at him in all your seriousness.
''Do you think I'd be kissing you, if Anna was serious?'' he questioned, his eyebrows raised before kissing you.
Holding his face with yours as you walked backwards towards the alleyway, his hand grasped onto yours.
''Come on, I have to show you the best bit'' his feet ran slowly around the side of the bar, you giggled with him as you caught up with his speed.
Feelings of mischief and naughtiness filled your body, you continued running until he pushed you into a room. It was a conference room facing the opposite side of the city, the River Thames was flowing below as he kissed you against the glass table. Your glasses fell on the floor as he lifted you up, his hands feeling your features slip between them.
Gasping together, his lips trailing down and peppering your neck. Moaning into the room, his hands reached your thighs. Palming over your crotch making you gasp, you undid the bottom half of your outfit letting your underwear fall as his head buried itself between your thighs.
Your hands pulling on his hair as his tongue met your clit, your back lying on the cool glass table. Your eyes watched the lights below as he sucked hard on your clit, your legs shaking nosily against the glass. The faint sounds of music were covered by his moans as you grew wetter and wetter, his tongue sliding in and out of your opening as your hips bucked a the sensation.
Your eyes now tightly shut as you moved his head with your hands, it felt incredible. You rode his face as you felt your body twitch, gasping loudly as you were close to your climax.
''Joe, f-fuckk'' your body shaking vilontely against the glass as you came hard against his face. He continued to suck on your clit for a few moments more, until you forced his face up to your mouth.
Tasting yourself in his mouth as your hands slide down to his trousers, undoing his belt quickly. Palming his boxers, he moaned into your mouth as forced his boxers down. Feeling his erect cock in your hands, you gasped at the size.
''Fucking hell Joe'' you moaned into his mouth, feeling himself smirk against you as you stroked him softly.
Pulling him closer to you as you moved up the table, sitting your wet pussy against the glass. Angling your fingers for him to follow you, his trousers dropped on the floor as he crawled towards you with a smirk. His eyes were dark and hot, maintaining contact with you until he lied down against the glass with his head closer to your knees.
You stood up, walking carefully around him. Exposing yourself to him as you angled yourself down onto his cock. Both of you moaning as you felt it slid inside you.
This moment had been in your mind since you figured out what sex was.
As your hands stroked his chest, his cock thrusted in and out of you on the glass table. Your moans together as he kissed you sloppily, you felt closer to him than you ever have before.
Not caring if anyone from the bar saw or heard you, he was good. His eyes gazing into yours, his moans were music to your ears. His fingers grasping onto yours hips as he guided you on his cock, his head tipping back as you instructed him to stop moving. Your back arched as you lifted yourself on and off his cock, his tip hitting your soft spot.
He mumbled into his moans as he couldn't lie still anymore, he began pounding hard into you. The table shook violently as your body relaxed, repeatedly hitting your soft spot over and over. Your eyes rolling back as you gasped, relieving yourself on him as he continues. Getting harder and harder, his fingernails gripping onto your ass cheeks as he moved you against him.
The sensation felt weird, slightly embarrassing but as you looked at him. He seemed more aroused by it, pulled you down closer to his skin. Biting hard on your neck, his groans made your clit twitched against him. His arms were holding you tightly against him, forcing you to stay still as he thrusted into you.
“God, you’re so fucking pretty. Especially when taking my cock” breathless as he spoke through a groan.
You felt him twitch and tense inside you as you tightened yourself around his cock. He groaned louder, his head on the table as you got yourself out his grasp and began riding up and down on his cock.
“Fuck Peaches, I’m so so close” his voice was struggled as he trembled beneath you.
“Oh yeah?, You going to be a good boy and cum in me. It is my birthday” you teased, moaning yourself as his tip hit your soft spot again.
“F-fuck” he moaned loudly into the room, the glass table was rocking violently as you moved aggressively trying to reach your climax.
As you gasped loudly, feeling yourself cum hard against him. His hands were playing with your nipples as you felt him cum hard inside you, his body jolting with each thrust. His hands moving down to your hips as he thrust hard inside you, maintaining eye contact as he made sure nothing came out.
Collapsing onto his body, lying there for a few moment breathless together. You looked at him and laughed, still slightly drunk as you kissed him.
“Fucking hell” you felt him laugh against you, still inside you as he lifted his hand to spank your ass cheek.
Smiling at him with giddiness, your body coated in sweat. Your eyes moved to the view beside you, looking at it for a few moments before climbing off the table. After getting redressed, he kissed you hard against the table before hooking your hand in his.
As you walked down the hallway, you pulled him into the nearest disabled toilet. Admiring your look in the mirror as his hand grazed your clit once more, making you gasp and grip onto the sink bowl.
“Fuck Joe, we gotta get back” you moaned, meeting his eyes in the mirror as your clit twitched against his hand.
“Yeah I know” his mouth was on yours as he sped up his pace, feeling your body shake against his. Your eyes tightly closed, your knuckles white from gripping hard.
His hand had slipped into your underwear, his ring grazing against your bare clit as he moved them quickly between it. Your hips grinding hard against his hand, as you moaned into his mouth. You came hard and quick, coating his hand.
He continued moving until you felt your legs buckle, your body shaking hard as you felt yourself cum again. Gasping as you leant closer to the sink, his finger rubbing between your folds before removing his fingers and forcing them into your mouth.
Choking on them before sucking on them himself, his lips met yours. His tongue forcing itself into your mouth as you moaned against it, his lips sucking hard onto your tongue as he pushed you against the sink. Your hips bucking for friction, he quickly removed himself from you.
Moving you in front of him towards the toilet and smacking your ass.
“Sort yourself out, we gotta go” smirking at you in the mirror as you scowled at him. Your wet clit pulsating as you took of your underwear.
Holding them up to him with a smile, his eyes were filled with shock as you stuffed them into his trouser suit pocket.
“Fuck Peaches, who knew you could be so naughty” he smirked in shock, you opened the door to the toilet. Motioning for him to follow you.
Scampering after you like a little puppy, his hand found yours. Walking back towards the party, you hung around at the end of the bar before returning the big group of people together.
They questioned your whereabouts but your eyes met Emily who winked at you with a smirk and made up an excuse.
You danced for a while, Joe brought rounds of shots and drinks to your table. The bar was free, he had pre-brought it for the whole night.
As the guests died down, leaving a few other people with you and Joe. You made your way back towards him, both as drunk as each other. You watched as he paid the staff, clutching a bottle under his arm.
“I think we should get you home yeah? Bed time for you” he spoke with a wink, informing the guests stood with you that the bar is paid for until they leave.
His hand grabbing yours, leading you out into the street. Noticing you shivering, he threw his suit jacket over you as you clambered into a taxi.
Instantly, you were in his lap. Your hands on his as he kissed you, your hips grinding against him in the back of the taxi. His lips leaving trails of kisses against your neck as the taxi came to a halt.
Stumbling out into the street outside your house, the lights were off as you thrusted open the door. He kissed you all up the stairs, swinging your bedroom door open.
As you climbed onto the bed, undressed with your legs open wide watching as he opened the bottle of bubbly. The corked popped loudly making you giggle, he took a loud sip before passing it to you. He began undressing down to his boxers before crawling towards you, drinking more of the bottle as he pulled your legs down the bed.
Kissing up your thighs, you took the bottle out his hands and drank more as he reached your throbbing clit. You moaned loudly as he finally made contact, licking softly with his tongue. Your hips bucking aggressively against his face as his hands moved down you before sliding inside you. Your head hitting the headboard with a loud moan, drinking more of the bottle as you moved yourself against his fingers.
Whimpering as you felt yourself getting closer and closer to your orgasm, your thighs had been rubbing together all evening since he had last touched you.
“Please fuck me, Joe” you whined loudly at him, his eyes met your with a smirk as his lips began sucking on your clit.
“Not yet Peaches” he mumbled as his fingers, grazed just above your opening. Your hips grinding on his face, as you whined for more friction.
He sucked harder on your clit until you pulled his face up from between your legs, his lips met yours. Groaning as you tasted yourself on him, his bulge grinding against your bare clit. Your hands curled underneath his boxers, pulling the elastic and letting it slap against his skin. He winced as it stung, leaving a red mark on his skin.
Your fingers gripped onto the side near his hips slowly removing his boxers to expose his cock. It was throbbing as you knelt down, it hitting your face slightly. Pre cum glistened off it in the dim light of your room, your tongue licked the top of cock making him shiver.
Salvia forming in your mouth as you took it into your mouth, it hitting the back of your throat as you slid up and down on it. His hips thrusting into your mouth, groaning with every movement. His hands tangled up in your hair as he forced his cock deeper into your mouth.
“Oh god, your mouth feels so good.” He mumbled as you hummed softly, vibrating across his cock. His hands fumbled with the blindfold that was in his hands, placing it over your eyes and tying it as you hummed.
You gagged slightly, tears forming in your ears as salvia dripped out your mouth. Your tongue circled his tip making him groan louder, sloppily moving his cock in and out of your mouth.
“Oh fuck, I could cum any second” he shuddered, as he looked at you. You removed his cock from your mouth, he whined his hips thrusting from friction.
You dropped onto the bed with an ‘oof’ your legs widening, blinking up at him innocently. He growled as he dropped to his knees, rubbing the tip of cock on your clit and down into your opening. Both gasping as he entered you, his thick cock filling you up as he thrusting.
His fingers were circling your clit, your hips bucking against him. Slamming together, groaning in unison as his hands gripped onto your throat and squeezed gently.
As his tip hit your sweet spot, your own hand playing with your clit as you felt yourself get wetter and wetter around him. Your hips moving in time with his, you felt your body relax.
“Oh fuck Joe, I could cum on your cock” you struggled as he squeezed tighter, his rings feeling cold against your skin.
“Oh yeah? You going to squirt again?” He groaned, biting his lip as he thrust slow and hard inside you.
“Uh huh” you whined, your eyes rolling back as your hips arched against his cock.
Gasping as you felt yourself cum, the sensation occurred again. Only now realising that you had squirted on his cock earlier in the conference room.
He groaned as you squirted, coating his cock in your cum. This powered him to thrust harder and harder causing you to wince as it slightly hurt. His tip hitting your soft spot, his hands had loosened their grip around your throat as you felt his dick tense inside you. You knew he could cum very soon.
“You gonna cum for me Joe?” You whined through as he squeezed your throat a bit harder.
He nodded as he groaned, you motioned your hips in the upwards position. Forcing his tip against your soft spot once more before you felt him cum hard inside you. His body jolting excessively as his eyes rolled back, his hands letting go from around your neck.
His body collapsed on top of you heavily, panting alongside with you. Twitching still inside you, before falling next to you grinning.
“Happy birthday Peaches” he smiled, his breath hot against your neck making you giggle.
“Thank you Joe, for everything” you turned your face to meet his lips, sloppily kissing him.
His hands in your hair as your sweaty bodies tangled together, he stroked your hair until you both drifted into deep sleep.
When you awoke the next morning, the bed was cold and empty next to you. A yellow note crinkled as your head rolled over onto the pillow next to you.
Sleepily you picked up and read it.
I hope you had a good birthday!
I enjoyed every second of it, check your phone!
Grinning you pulled your phone off the bedside table next to you, your phone was bright against your eyes as you opened your messages.
Joe had sent you a photo of him last night, a selfie of him in the mirror wearing the pink suit. His chains reflected off the flash, his smile looked adorable.
You wanted to ask him what you were as you lay there in his shirt but decided not too.
Instead you stared at the photo of Joe smiling and melted.
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writing-fanics · 2 years
promises never kept
eddie munson x fem!reader
»summary: y/n takes the place of max and offers herself up as bait. but things go horribly wrong«
Part II is here <
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«warning: ANGST! : blood : bones breaking : death of major character »
Lucas and Max watched in horror as (Y/n)’s limps started breaking. Everything seemed to move in slow motion for them, as they shouted out her name in horror.
Her eyes a milky white, as blood rain down her cheeks. Her bones cracking in unnatural ways. “Y/n!” They both cried, tears rolling down their cheeks.
Suddenly, she fell to the ground with a loud thud. Gasping for air as she choked on her own blood, “Y/n!” They ran by her side, Max holding her in her arms.
‘Someone flying’
‘Only stolen’
Erica came running up the stairs. Checking on her older brother and Max, “Lucas!” She shouted. Her eyes widening at the horrific scene of Max, holding a dying (Y/n) in her arms.
Lucas turned towards his sister tears in his eyes, “We need a doctor!” He shouted, almost choking on his tears.
“Call an ambulance!” Max sobbed, holding (Y/n)’s hand. Eric’s just stood there frozen in shock. Their plan didn’t work, “Hurry! Call an ambulance!” Lucas shouted. Snapping Erica out and she immediately ran down the stairs to the neighbors house, to call the ambulance.
(Y/n) started gasping for air, the pain was unbearable. Everything hurt and she just wanted it to end, “M-Max..L-Lucas,” (Y/n) managed, to get out.
“Yes, yes we’re here. We’re here.” They two said, looking down at their best friend. “I… I can't feel or… …see anything.” (Y/n) cried, gasping for air.
“I know. I know. It's okay.” Max said, holding her hand. Tears rolling down her cheeks, “We're gonna get you help, okay?” Lucas says, looking down at her.
“Just… Just hold on.” She says, holding her hand tighter. Any less and she was afraid (Y/n) would be gone, “Eddie’s waiting for you, okay.” She said, patting the top of (Y/n)’s head.
“I'm scared.” (Y/n) tearfully says, everything was dark. She was so scared, even though she had her friends by her side she’s never felt more alone.
“I'm so scared. I'm so scared.” She said, crying staring at the ceiling. “I know. I know. I know.” Max said tearfully, looking down at who’d she call an older sister.
She’d never forget the day. (Y/n) was ballsy enough to stand up to Billy for her, even though after that moment Max was annoyed at her, she couldn’t help but admit how badass it was. “I don't wanna die. I'm not ready.” (Y/n) cried, the pain becoming more and more unbearable.
“You're not gonna die. Hang on.” Lucas cried. What was taking Erica so long? Where’s the ambulance. “I don't wanna go! I'm not ready.” (Y/n) gasped. Her son needed her the child she shares with Eddie, he needs her she couldn’t leave him.
“You're not gonna die!” Max sobs, looking down at (Y/n). “Just… Just hang on!” Lucas pleaded.
(Y/n)’s chest stopped moving. Her mouth slightly agap, blood running down the side of her mouth. “Y/n. Y/n! Y/n!” Max sobbed, her grip on (Y/n)’s hand tightened.
“No, no, no, Y/n. Stay with us.”Lucas pleaded, shaking her body as Max sobbed. “No.” The two young teens cried tearfully.
“No! T-Think of Eddie your son! They need you.” Max wailed, but (Y/n) just stared blankly at her with her milky white eyes.
As Dustin held Eddie in his final moments, “T-Tell, Y-Y/n I’m sorry a-and that I love her.” He said as he choked on his own blood. Dustin nodded tearfully, “W-Watch over her for me.” He asked as well, and of course the young teen nodded, sniffling.
‘I don’t want to swim the ocean’
“Please, think of Eddie he’s gonna be so upset finding out you’re gone.” Max pleaded, her tears hitting (Y/n)’s cheeks.
“I will.” Dustin sniffled, his lip quivering. Eddie smiled softly, as his breathing ceased and a single tear rolled down his cheeks.
(Y/n) looked at Eddie, “So fucking help me Munson, you better make it back to me.” She says, looking at her fiancée. “I promise,” he says, planting a kiss on her lips wrapping an arm around her waist pulling her closer.
“Keep her safe Red and Sinclair you got that?” Eddie said, pulling back and looking at the two teens. “We will,” they said, and Eddie planted a kiss on her forehead. Not knowing it would be their last.
<a/n: too much angst?>
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delicate-luv · 10 months
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i am so very excited for Hoard! I can already tell this is going to show a new side of Joseph’s talent. (and I love when women direct🥰)
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dylanmunson · 1 year
you look so cute - JQ
Masterlist | Wattpad
your pov
At a family event with Joe, his mum and siblings dotted around along with cousins and close family friends.
Some have their own children now, the elder of them are playing chase and others sitting at the table doing some colouring. The youngest of the children is 11months old, still not quite got the hang of walking so is sat in a high chair doing some colouring with the other children.
Altogether there's around 6 under 6s altogether.
It's mid spring and someone, who I can't remember the name of had decided to do a family bbq, which is why we're all here.
"Pwetty" the little boy says running into my legs, he looks up to me and grins again. "Hi little man" I grin he smiles all big and waves reaching up to grab my hand, "oh where we going?" "Vencher" he says I giggle and follow along sending a wave to joe as he smiles in our direction. Once at the table where the other kids are colouring he let's go of my hand and looks up at me.
“Do you need some help?" He nods lifting up his arms to be helped up onto the chair. "There we go, better?" He grins "tanks" he grins and begins colouring. I watch for a second before walking back over to joe who just chuckles softly.
"Thought I lost you for a second there" I smile "he just wanted some help is all" he nods placing a soft kiss to the crown of my head.
After a while and mostly everyone has eaten everyone's decided we need some 'family' photos. The little guy from earlier comes running up to me again and lifts his arms for me to pick him up again. I look towards his mum who just nods and smiles.
I pick him up and place him on my hip "what's your name little man?" "Mee?" He says pointing to himself I nod smiling softly. "Ouucus" he grins "Lucas?" He nods "yeah!" "Hi Lucas I'm y/n" I giggle as he smiles placing his head on my shoulder.
"Hey little dude!" Joe grins "ooeeeyy" he grins "hey little dude, your mummy wants a photo whatcha say?" He shakes his head "y/n" he says all baby language, "you want y/n in the photo?" The little boy nods his head, arms now wrapped around my neck. "Yeah?" Joe says looking at me, I nod slowly, "only if it's alright with everyone else" I smile softly, joe nods and checks with Lucas' mum who says it's fine.
After having a photo taken of the three of us, little Lucas in the middle of me and joe, he's decided he wants some ice cream and has run off to eat it. "You look like such a cute little family" the mum says showing me and joe the photo. I smile softly hiding away behind joe who just chuckles. "We do don't we" he grins "whatcha say babe?" "Mhm?" I smile looking at the photo, the mum smiles and goes to check on the kids who are now stand for ice cream.
Joe grins and wraps his arms around my middle "whatcha say mhm" he grins kissing my forehead again, "I mean yeah?" I shrug, he chuckles lightly. "You want my babies quinn?" I grin, he laughs nodding placing his head on top of mine. "If that's alright" he says "when?" "Whenever your ready sweetheart" "really?" He nods "really"
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